How to distinguish love from sympathy? What is the difference between real love from other feelings: psychology

IN this material We will look at the difference between love and love.

Love, sympathy or love, and sometimes just passion are those feelings who are familiar to each of us. Well, so we are arranged - we will definitely pull to another personality and we will always have a desire to be attached to someone. Love and love, as well as friendship and affection go pair. Yes, they are so nearby and go legs in the leg that many of us confuse them or do not even know about the presence of any feeling.

How love to distinguish from a sense of love: comparison, signs, psychology, test

Love and love are very closely connected, they are similar and cannot exist without each other. More precisely, how to say, love will not arise without sympathy and previous love. After all, time is necessary for love. Therefore, these feelings are often confused. Perhaps this is due to the fact that each of us wishes to gain the most real love. By the way, much more depends on the nature. There are such personalities who fall in love every week in a new partner. Naturally, B. this case We are talking about love.

What are the signs of love. All familiar hormone riots are familiar, butterflies in the stomach, the feeling of the hill - all this is the side of the emotional aspect of love.

  • As they say, "love at first sight" is a myth. You can only love. So she will find you surprise. And we, unfortunately, can not choose to whom and when it happens.
  • Love begins in humans like flu. Yes exactly. Some scientists even attribute to this feeling the status of the disease. In love with a person, there are mood swings, pressure jumps and insomnia, and some even headaches.
  • The desire is always and more to be next to the person liked. Yes, now the conversation goes precisely about those "random" meetings.
  • Lovely want to communicate, talk, act and learn about each other every day something new. And most importantly, not boredom and monotony.
  • But the in love person often feels absentmaking, confusion in thoughts (from this and the delusional first speeches are obtained). And what only rapid acts pushes love. If you look at your life in the past, I am still ashamed for myself. Yes, this item more refers to adolescents, but the in love person is subject to them at any age.
  • But how do you want to put yourself in the best quality and light. That is, a man in love, as if it makes it clear that it was he who is the same.

Important: Love is more selfish, because a person in such a state, first of all, thinks about himself. He wants to watch, touch and be close to him to be good. A man in love is rarely wondering, and what is the second half. Even if such thoughts arise (purely because of common sense), on the scales, always outweigh personal Interests and benefits.

  • In Passara, you can not be 100% confident (no, for example, girls often have thoughts about future wedding and children), and the external data (smile, eyes, gait) can cause feelings.
  • By the way, the shortcomings of each other, which we may not be accepted, are beginning to manifest. Some even have time to make a family or create civil marriage. And then, the whole bouquet of discontent flourished.
  • If you can't be near, then look for a look. Yes, the in love with a person as often (almost constant) will look for his passion with his eyes. Therefore, so often lovers are encountered through her eyes.
  • And even when we start talking to a cute man, the voice of the voice involuntarily softens and becomes quieter.

But love already has a little other characteristics:

  • The first thing I would like to allocate is time. Love does not arise quickly and spontaneously. For her you need time and work on yourself (both partners). But in the duration of such a feeling, you can be confident for many years.
  • We mentioned that the person's in love sense cause only external data, and the disadvantages can wildly annoy. That in a state of love of a person, we perceive the way it is. That is, he is not like an eye or dear gifts, and just for what he is, he is the best and only.
  • No one should no longer be. That is, a person becomes everything for you. It goes, for example, a girl and looks at cute guy, and about myself thinks: "The jacket is beautiful, it would be necessary to buy my husband!". You do not pay attention to others and do not notice them even positive qualities.
  • No, with friends or relatives communication is supported. Even more than in the period of love. It is meant that no one else causes such a sympathy.
  • You can just get silent with your loved one. Yes, loving people Could be communicated, like a look or on a telepathic level. And with such a person you feel calm, safely and cozy. After all, you are in place.
  • In love, there are no thoughts about separation (divorce). Even in the period of quarrels (they happen to everyone - this is also natural and normal process) A loving person understands that they will come up, will find a compromise and will live on. And how else! After all, now they have become the halves of one whole.
  • By the way, there are no "mine" or "yours", but it comes to "ours". Moreover, both partners appear not only common interestsBut even general habits and even character traits are a bit become similar.
  • The main thing is that there is always work on yourself. Both partners. This can also be attributed to the feeling of forgiveness. Yes, you always need to promote the problem and search for a compromise.

Important: A loving person always concerns the state of his halves. That is, he thinks not about his benefit or convenience, and so that the beloved was good and comfortable.

Now we will touch on the psychological side.


  1. We all want to continue their genus. So laid by nature and not only in man, but also in any living creature on the planet. Therefore, it appears such a feeling like love. Therefore, one thing can be said - the human body itself encourages a feeling of love.
  2. By the way, not rare love is deceptive. The person attracted external data, and everything else has already made the mind and imagination. And then, when you have to deal with reality, we are disappointed. In other words, we are idealizing the partner.
  3. Under the influence of hormones, a person rises, becomes joyful and cheerful. Moreover, the feeling of love is also reflected in our luck. After all, the positive personality is going much higher than the rest. Therefore, love is even useful for our body.
  4. And it is impossible not to affect such aspect as parents. No, now it will be not about love of parents and children. Probably, many have heard that we are at an unconscious level to partners choose such a person who is similar (if parents are connected positive moments) Or, on the contrary, the opposite (when parents are associated with negative memories) with our parents.

Now let's talk about love:

  1. Love arises over the years - this is a fact. But there are some kinds of love, for example, maternal or fraternal, and there is love to the neighbor, to a homeland or work. And, of course, there is love sex, that is, between a man and a woman, between spouses.
  2. Love is still often confused with a sense of attachment or fear of loneliness. But about it a little later. I just wanted to say a few words about love - loving will not suppress the partner or create it inappropriate living conditions, and he will not try to assert themselves with any means.
  3. And it is impossible not to note the stages of love. Yes, they exist:
    • Sympathy or love is a period when the hormones are dancing waltz, and in front of pink glasses.
    • The oversaturation or turning point is the period when all the flaws begin to be seen. Moreover, the glasses are removed, and these partner habits really do not like us. And he (or she) does not want to refuse them or change.
    • Denial or desire to quit arises after pink glasses. It is difficult to find a compromise, a partner has many complaints, and he himself does nothing for his own relationship (and so thinks each of the partners). And then the thoughts arise that the ideal option There will be parting. Unfortunately, this is the most long period And most couples ends with a rupture of relationships.
    • The beginning or the birth of love occurs when the partners dared to stay together and begin to work on themselves. Repeat again, do not confuse with hopelessness or sense of affection. In love in the first place concern and tenderness for a loved one.
    • AND true loveAs the final stage. Unfortunately, only mature partners who really knew and joy can be achieved. With love, friendship, passion, interest and independence. Of course, partners should be able to get in a team, be responsible and devotees friend Friend.

To finally install the final verdict, we offer you a small test:

  1. Pay attention to your appearance.
    • A man in love is good and tries to attract attention to him as much as possible. On the cheeks of the blush, shine in the eyes, and on the face smile.
    • Love does not like loud and screaming outfits. It is generally more imperceptible, and the changes in the appearance are insignificant.
  2. Character and conversations.
    • During the period of love, we try to visit more often next to your chosen, and conversations can only be about him. I constantly torment the questions: "Do I like me?", "Is it good?", "Did my outfit noticed?".
    • In love is a desire to make your half only better, so that he was good. And not only, the surrounding happiness and help fall.
  3. What emotions overwhelm.
    • Racing and mood swings - this is what is characteristic of love. Crying due to the fact that I did not call on time, or did not meet on the first change, and then at the sight of the passion it all changes with a loud laugh and an elevated mood.
    • Weak place of lovers are looks. There are no more jumps (then quietly, loudly), feelings are more stable and calm.
  4. And what is the difference between behaviors.
    • With love, some can redheate abruptly, others are shut down or, on the contrary, they start loudly and trustly communicate. And there are cases when the shye representatives simply run away.
    • In love, everything is different - with a native (in love he becomes so) feel easily and ease. There is no desire, no need to show themselves on the other, unnatural side.

How love to distinguish from a sense of affection: comparison, signs, psychology, test

We above indicated the symptoms and signs of such a feeling as love. Therefore, I will not re-deepen. Let's talk about affection, which is also often confused with love. Love more relates to schoolchildren and adolescents, but the attachment is more characteristic of those partners who managed to live together.

  • In general, attachment is a feeling of intimacy that is based on sympathy or the same love. As can be seen, all these feelings are very closely interrelated.
  • In a pair, where attachment is present, always one gives, and the second gets. That is, one loves, and the second substitutes a cheek.
  • The attacks of jealousy also relate more to affection. The desire to control and fully personally enjoy the partner speaks at all love. Therefore appears excessive control. In love I have a place for trust!
  • Fear. An important indicatorbecause a tied person is afraid of losing a partner. Moreover, more material qualities are worried. From here and excessive attention.
  • Also, it is worth noting that partners are not developed as personalities. That is, loving people can develop not only together, each can have their own hobby or hobby.
  • And also, attachment, like love, is based on external qualities.
  • And also talk about distances. The attachment may first introduce in longing, and then, on the contrary, cause a feeling of lightness and freedom.

Therefore, you can easily pass a small test:

  1. Again Please note that you like in a partner
  2. What do you feel in a week break
  3. You put your interests higher than the partner. Or vice versa?
  4. Now remember the shortcomings of the partner and about their attitude to them.

Answer just honestly, and the conclusion can be made from the signs described above.

How love to distinguish from a sense of passion: comparison, signs, psychology, test

Kamasutra interprets love in his own way. Each person has three attractions: mind, soul and body. In the first case, respect is born, in the second - friendship, in the third - desire (she is the same passion). Love is the totality of all three qualities together. We will not walk around for a long time and repeat, so we will immediately move towards passion.

  • Again, it is based only on physical sympathy.
  • She flashes like a fire in the forest. But also quickly and goes out.
  • Passion often makes you solve any conflict bed. Please note how you solve your conflicts. In love there is always a place for calm conversations, the passion also overshadow the mind.
  • A loving person will never insult his partner, the passion allows the bitch and rudeness to the second half.
  • AND important criterion! Passion may relate to several. Love is monoga (we already mentioned above).

If we talk about the test, it is enough to answer questions from the previous point. Answer honestly and quickly, and also remember (we have already mentioned) aspects such as conflict solutions and flirting on the side.

How love to distinguish from feeling hobbies: comparison, signs, psychology, test

To distinguish the feeling of hobbies from love, and understand what feeling it overfits you, it is enough to just give answers to the following questions. The feeling of passion is very much similar to love, but it can even be called the initial stage.

  • Naturally, answer honestly, which attracts in a partner. The passion can only be called a few points. And only external or physical aspects.
  • How often and with what duration is of interest. Passion It is so fleeting (yes, love and then in this matter more constant) that a person very quickly switches to another object. More, a person goes out very quickly. He is engaged in other affairs, only when reminding can remember his passion.

  • Again the topic as conflicts are solved. With passion, it is clear, all roads lead to bed, but the attraction is expressed too emotional perception. Yes, a person begins to react very acute to any comments. And any quarrel turns into a world-class conflict.
  • And do you care with your second half. This item is playing important role. Yes, love arises gradually and, naturally, people will learn in detail each other. The hobby is egoistic and is directed only to personal benefit.
  • And it should be noted such an aspect - a terrestrial or above-ground feeling. The fact is that with the passion, only earthly needs are interested, which are expressed by thoughts, pleasures and banal actions. Love does not have obstacles, and in love with the first place there is mental intimacy.

How love to distinguish from a feeling of friendship: comparison, signs, psychology, test

It is said that there is never a feeling of friendship between a man and a woman. We will not be too delved to this question, because it is a "patient" and an eternal topic for disputes. Perhaps friendship has someone in love. Or maybe a sense of sympathy from someone, on the contrary, destroy friendship in several years. We will consider an example when there is only spiritual intimacy (that is, friendship) or the desire of the body (love) appears.

  1. How do you behave. If you easily and naturally, you are not afraid to put yourself from a ridiculous side, then there is only friendship between you. No, in love, too, no one is experiencing stresses, but it comes over the years. Communication passes to another level, and it differs from all other, friendly relations.
  2. Jealousy in friendship should not be places. You can easily communicate with a friend's passion (girlfriend) or simply you can discuss the person you like. And no negative. That is, a person does not specifically want to put a passion in the bad light. Of course, if this really does not require circumstances.
  3. Care. No, friends also take care of each other, but they are doing this in love differently. You will not be able to assume that the beloved person snacks suck or harmful food (or drove a lot of alcohol), but a friend will sit down for such a meal with you.
  4. Analyze the time to apologize. How often do you remember the friend, and think about the one with whom and what it does. Friends do not have such a question. They live their lives.
  5. And how do you feel about criticizing a friend in your address. As a rule, a loving person wishes himself to show with best side. Of course, talking about deep love is still early, but here is her initial stage Will not listen to you to listen to reproaches or even comic bug into your address. The words of a friend are perceived easier, moreover, you even together can laugh at them.

Of course, you can endlessly consider examples of love and friendship, but in order to understand your feelings, quite the above five points.

How love to distinguish from feeling that a person just likes: comparison, signs, psychology, test

We will not walk around and about. Since we reviewed several options, simple sympathy Similar to conventional love or hobby. The only difference is that many representatives can like us. One person who likes beautiful eyesAnd the other is a smile, and the third one is joking well. But! All of them have and negative sidesthat we immediately notice.

  • That is, just a sympathetic person we highlight only one or two qualities that we like.
  • And it is necessarily either external data, or just some kind of behavior manner.
  • There is no desire to be constantly near. You may have your own life, and I remember about Passia only if necessary.
  • With a person liked, we always feel embarrassed and awkwardness.
  • And the sympathy can very quickly fade, and in general it is characterized by its impermanence. There is someone who has a painful eyes, and will switch attention to it.

What is the difference between real love from other feelings: psychology

We indicated what the main features of each of the senses and how to recognize them. Therefore, we will not repeat, but simply summarize the information.

  • Love is a feeling that arises gradually and after a certain time.
  • Man love to common pictureYes, for his soul (as often they say). No, external data is also important, but not put in the first place.
  • Love includes both friendship and passion, and spiritual proximity.
  • Love does not idealize like other feelings. The person is perceived with all the advantages and minuses. And they love for being just there and nearby.
  • Love does not require constant presence (like love), control (as attachment), and at a distance or after time it does not pass and does not go out (as a passion).

  • In love, always put their half higher than their hobbies, amenities and even happiness. More precisely, a loving person is that the partner is good.
  • You can have our own entertainment, hobbies and even different friends. But it does not become a reason for jealousy and conflicts on this soil. This is love.
  • Others do not forget to pay attention either. Everyone has enough time, and attention, and even particles of your happiness. Others feelings are simply looped on one person until they go out. Or will not turn into something more and higher.
  • And once again we will touch on the topic of conflicts. Love quarrels with time become rare. Yes, the reason for this is the fact that the partner is perceived entirely and completely, and with all the shortcomings. Moreover, it is also easier to solve them. Talks pass calmer, and the compromise finds easier.

Can love be love without love?

No, he can not. All of these stages of sympathy must necessarily go through the in love. Moreover, love also requires friendship and mutual respect. The fact is that nature is all thoughtful to the smallest detail.

  • If it were not for hormones and euphoria of feelings of love, then no couple lived together for more than a week.
    • Recall that conflicts are normal. After all, two people become on the scales different people. If everyone does not start adjusting the scales for its part, they will continue to outweigh and fluctuate.
  • Next turns on the habit. Yes, its role is also important. It is not necessary to live in a habit or attachment, just at that turning point, when I want to quit everything and run away, slows down just - affection.

  • And only then, when you pass "Seven Circles family problems"Learn to put up and take a partner as it is, then it will begin to land love.
  • And then for its development, you need to constantly work on yourself and your relationship.

How many love and love lasts and can love go to love?

They say "Love lasts 3 years." This is true, and incorrectly simultaneously. This is a period of love. When the butterflies are disappeared, and you start to look at the world with a sober look. By the way, for some this period develops in different ways - from 6 months to 4 years. Love is for a long time naming and does not have a certain time. They say that she is eternal. Yes, love can really last all life.

Love and Love: Parable

There is a very informative, instructive and touching parable. The essence of the parable is that love will forgive and serpt a lot, except indifference.

Existence without love is deprived of meaning. Even if people argue that they do not need love at all, the reality is somewhat different. This is just a protective reaction of a person who has never come across a big feeling and knows what it is. Each person wants to be loved, but the desire to meet the soul mate often leads to a planning result. Hoping to find your happiness, people can confuse ordinary sympathy with real love.

A lot of films are shot about love, countless books are written, but no one still knows how to correctly recognize this feeling. Unsuccessful experience can lead to disappointment in life. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary shocks, you need to be able to soberly assess the situation.

Main differences

Men and women constantly confuse so important concepts like love and sympathy. At first glance, these feelings are very similar, but in reality they are very different from each other. In order to build a strong and fruitful relationship, you must first understand your senses to the partner. Awareness can come too late. The main rule in this not an easy business It is that love and sympathy are very similar, but they must follow each other, and not exist together.

Relationship between a man and a woman begins with sympathy. It is the natural beginning of any relationship. It is this spark that makes lovers to turn over each other, gives partner ideal qualities, even in the case of their absence. Blinded by feelings woman can just not notice negative qualities Selected one. It also concerns men. Euphoria from sympathy is speedy, sooner or later it will pass. After its disappearance, it becomes clear whether serious feelings appeared.

How then will explain love at first sight? Psychologists believe that this is not at all love, but just a strong sympathy with an obsessive character. A person amazes you to the depths of the soul, depriving peace and completely occupying your thoughts. But this will not always be, and call it wrong with love. For the occurrence of love must pass more time.

Unlike the sympathy, love is selective. In love, a person assesses the quality of the partner and decides whether he can accept his shortcomings as they are. Sympathy does not see negative qualitiesFully idealizing flaws. It passes, and you stay in a light bewilderment, without understanding how you could like such a person.

Several ways

Once B. not an easy situation, you can use the following methodsTo sort out your feelings. Before making a serious step and open your feelings, you need to look at what is happening on the other side. To do not an easy choice Any simple tips will help.

  • Do you want to make a person nice? It may seem stupid, but in reality a person always wants to see a smile on her beloved. The desire to make a partner is pleasant and please an unexpected surprisewithout demanding nothing in return, it can be one of the main signs serious feelings. If you do not want to spend time on such nonsense, it is worth seriously thinking.
  • What do you feel when you see a chosen one? If you are overwhelmed unlimited happiness And heat at the form of an object of sympathy, then perhaps this is true love.
  • Do you consider a joint future? Think away whether you can imagine a partner as a husband or wife. See if your common children, life and joint Life? In fact, it is very important, because it is similar things that determine the real senses of man. If a man or woman absolutely does not attract you as a partner for a further future, then you should forget about such relationships and try to find something else.
  • Are you interested in together? You need to think about what exactly attracts you in the estimated sweetheart. In case of sympathy, it can only be external data, while love involves more serious reasons.

Happy final

Correcting the situation, you can avoid broken hopes and disappointments. Often, alleged love may be sympathy or to paint into strong friendship. However, it should be remembered that excessive caution can also lead to negative consequences. In heart matters, you should trust only yourself and not listen to the opinion of others.

You should not be afraid to make a mistake, the main thing is to always give a report to your own actions. Sympathy - It is light The feeling that may appear suddenly and in the same way disappear. And love is something else that is not given to every person. Only listening to her heart, you can find out the true nature of your feelings.

The emergence of new I. strong feelings to opposing semi He plays a man, gives him strength and joy. But at the same time, it can bring a lot of pain and suffering. In order to avoid unnecessary disappointments, it should be understood in their feelings, instead of denying their appearance.

Recognize real love is not always easy. To do this, you need to hold honest self-analysis and show zeal to understand your feelings and understand the sympathies of your chosen one.

    Show all

    Love or love?

    Before you fully plunge into romantic relationshipIt is necessary to deal with three main faces:

    • sympathy;
    • love;
    • love.

    Understanding these moments will help avoid mistakes and over time to gain real happiness.

    Love can very often confuse with love. Both of these concepts imply romantic feelings. However, their foundation is different. If love closes his eyes to shortcomings and keeps only on an external and superficial foundation, then love knows about strong and weaknesses Partner, she is constantly growing and growing, no matter what.

    To decide, you need to explore 10 distinctions of love from love.

    How to distinguish love from affection

    What do you like in man?

    The enthusiastic person pays the most attention to the physical data - beautiful Figure, cute face, sports physique etc. Although there is nothing wrong with to look at beautiful people, But the appearance is only a beautiful wrapper, in which there is no appropriate filling. Having become acquainted with a person more attractive appearanceSympathy can easily pass, and thoughts will already be occupied by a new acquaintance.

    In contrast to sympathy genuine love Interested in the identity of a loved one. Physical attraction is present, but it only complements the personal characteristics and attractive qualities Partner.

    How to get rid of love

    Assessment of advantages

    With love, a person pays attention to only some qualities of the elect. He closes his eyes to shortcomings and exaggerates the strengths.

    But when you truly love a person, you know about all its shortcomings, take them and try to focus more on his actions, strengths and admire them.

    What is the difference between love from love

    Immutability in feelings

    For love is not characterized by constancy. Therefore, the feelings of a man or a woman can glow, then subsided for some period. The reason is that it is a superficial feeling. It does not have deep roots that constantly heated interest in person.

    Men's love does not calm down. Thoughts about your beloved, the desire to constantly see a person, to be near and hear her voice is not let go for one day. If the passionate person can easily be transferred to the separation, then at present feelings, it becomes unbearable pain.

    How did the feelings affect the person?

    Psychology notes that fleeting hobby Another person leads to disorganization. A person becomes scattered, relaxed, ceases to think. In addition, love encourages spontaneous and rapid actions.

    Deep feelings Always create. They encourage loving develop, improve, work on their qualities, give a tide of new forces and energy, with which mountains can be collapsed.

    Important elements of love

    Analysis of the main components of this love will help to distinguish love from love.

    Based on deep and genuine feelings lie:

    • frankness, trust and understanding;
    • fidelity;
    • passion.

    In sympathy there is only physical attraction and loyalty, but no open communication and mutual understanding. Love includes passion and frankness, but if the partners do not make efforts to overcome the difficulties, to preserve loyalty to each other, then over time it will pass.

    The basis of feelings

    To find out whether this love is true, you should think about what purpose is being pursued in the desire to have a loved one. If a girl believes that the guy will be able to make her happy, will provide her and thinks only about his interests, then this is a passion, but not love.

    Genuine love is characterized by the fact that it is not looking for its own benefit. Love encourages disinterestedly, faithfully cares about the interests of another and do everything possible for his happiness.

    Opinion of others

    An important check of on true feelings is the opinion of loved ones about the elect. The enthusiastic person is inclined to idealize the other, not paying attention to serious disadvantages. Friends or relatives may not approve the choices, because they really look at things and see dangerous signals.

    When a girl loves truly, then parents and friends do not come against such relationships. They will see the same good qualities And the actions for which she loved the man will be able to make sure that she knows about his shortcomings and is ready to put up with them all his life.

    Time - the best sense indicator

    Distance is the best opportunity to determine and test your feelings. Sympathy is kept only on physical appeal. If people are just passionate about each other, then under the influence of time and distance, interest in man disappears and relationships end.

    To fully forget the man, a woman in love is enough for 1-3 months. Then she is visited by the thoughts on the futility of relationships, and she begins to pay attention to cute guys.

    Unlike intense deep feelings, nothing can interfere. For those who truly love each other, the thread of love is only stronger, despite thousands of kilometers and years of parting. Lovers will find opportunities to maintain their relationships, because they will not be able to exist without each other. No other person of the opposite sex can replace and fill the emptiness in the heart.

    Therefore, to the upcoming separation you need to relate calmly and not worry. If the feeling is only a fleeting passion and it will not endure the test, it is better to find out in advance.

    How often do breaster arise?

    For attraction are characteristic frequent quarrels and romantic reconciliation. They may occur due to any trifles or imaginary insults, jealousy.

    When you love a person, disagreements become less frequent and large-scale. Everyone learns to settle conflicts, openly and honestly discuss the problems.

    Phase love

    To deal with their feelings, you need to consider the Love Phases, through which each person passes:

    • infant phase - concentrated only on the satisfaction of their needs;
    • parental love - feelings for parents;
    • phase of friendly love - the appearance of friends, the desire to communicate with other people, be a member of society;
    • phase youth of Love - manifestation of interest in the opposite sex, the formation of personality and life principles;
    • mature love - a person sees not only an appearance, but also inner world The other, ceases to show egoistic qualities and thinks about the interests of the chosen.

    True love is a dynamic phenomenon. It requires constant return, compromises and efforts. Deep feelings take their beginning with the desire to give the joy to another and readiness to sacrifice.

So, how to understand, 💍 love 💍 or sympathy? In fact, this question is really complicated. It is not easy to understand and take it correct solution. Love sometimes makes weird things with us. But, sometimes, sympathy can be too strong. How to determine, love is or not. And if it is a sympathy, whether it is worth letting her grow into something more. How to understand what kind of feelings arose and what will they lead to?

In fact, everything is not so difficult, as it might seem at first glance. Love sometimes arises from sympathy, and we do not even understand when it happened. It happens that a person seems like a friend. He is pleasant, mil, reliable. With this person want to be there, but there is no sexual attraction. For the time being, until time. And then everything suddenly changes. Man unexpectedly ceases to be for a girl just pleasant friend. He is beautiful, interesting, he can help and protect. It is felt in it male start. But, if a woman sees all this, can really be the feeling of love?

Of course not. In fact, between our feelings are very a fine line. Sometimes, we ourselves do not realize when it overgrow. Probably, it can be understood that we are experiencing if you ask such a serious question: can I live without him? And you do not need to allow yourself to answer: perhaps. If a woman understands that he can let a man let go, he is a friend for her, brother, a pretty man. Love is when there is a feeling that without a person to live is really impossible. No matter how it would not want. Even if you let such a person, it's all the same, sooner or later, you start thinking about it, dream and wish to meet. Moreover, these desires are not only Platonic. And you should not be afraid of such a reaction to your object of love. It is absolutely normal because, experiencing strong emotional feelings Love to man, we begin to desire him and nothing can be done with it.

Probably, sympathy can also be accompanied by similar feelings. But the difference is that when sympathy, these feelings are easy to stop and forgotten. When love comes to person, no matter how he wanted, he is too for a long time Just can not forget about someone and wishes this person, no matter how much you want to stop.

What else can we talk about sympathy? Sympathy is most likely more friendship. Testing him to a person, we start looking for a friend, comrade, brother. If we see that he does not feel love to us, then we relate to this enough calmly. Of course, it happens slightly unpleasant, but, in any case, such a feeling quickly passes. But when it comes to love, then the deviation and rejection of feelings annoying, angry and offended. Man wants his feelings not only understood, but also accepted. When this does not happen, he begins to worry, fall into depression and closed into himself for a long time. There are cases when people, on the contrary, begin to flush emotions on everyone around. But, no matter how it was, it is worth noting that a person who is experiencing love will be very worried and nervous if his love is not accepted.

Loving people differ from simply sympathetic that they are really ready for a lot for the object of their love. This also applies to his personal qualities and character, as well as appearance. If a loving person sees that something beloved does not like something, he will try to change himself to be appreciated and understood.

Well, when these changes lead to the fact that the person becomes really better, more beautiful and smarter. But often there are those cases when, for the sake of love, people go to completely meaningless actions. They change themselves and do not understand that these changes only lead to destruction. Yes, love does not always create. Sometimes she can destroy, and so much that it is later too difficult to return everything back and remind a person about who he was originally and what lived.

But, nevertheless, it is such a feeling that is called the present. For whom we sympathize, a person will never try to change himself in the root, become an adult, smarter and brave. You can simulate this situation in different ways. But the essence will always be alone. Love from sympathy is characterized by the fact that for the sake of love we are ready to go to the end. But with a sympathy, everything is a little different. Yes, for a pretty man, we can try to make a lot of enough. But, nevertheless, when we understand that we do something wrong or simply do not cope, then quite just throw your idea and begin to live as they lived on. But a loving person may not stop even when everyone says that his behavior is almost inadequate.

Love and sympathy are those feelings that have one root. But at the same time they develop very differently. Of course, not all people can quickly and adequately determine what it feels. But, often, many need to understand what he feels and how to live on. In fact, no matter how much we say about theory and reasoned about logic, everything can be understood only in the case when we dare to listen to your heart and intuition. If you do not forbid yourself to feel or, on the contrary, do not make feel more than in our heart, it is easy to determine which emotions we test. When there is only sympathy, a person will never fall asleep and wake up with the thought of this man. He will never cry only from the thought that he has hurt a person and does not know how to fix this situation. In fact, love has a lot of diverse privacy. But, nevertheless, she is real. We just love everything in different ways. And if, looking at someone, we understand that we just can not without this person, so that there is no, even the end of the world, it means that this is love.

Love. Very short but such meaningful word. How many emotions and feelings it brings. For everyone, it is its own and carries its special memories, which may become joyful or not very. Love for mother, native people - this is all familiar feeling. This is when from being near close people on the soul becomes warm and light. Good when there are loving people who are capable of supporting you in difficult moment. It does not matter what position in society you do or, for example, what your appearance is, because your existence already brings them happiness. They are also glad to freely find with you. And you, in turn, it is nice to know that these people are simply there and they are fine.

With the present love all otherwise. This topic can be arguing with hours, and then weeks. Not surprising that this wonderful feeling Pusks people to mindless actions, sometimes beautiful and terrifying. Many poets and writers challenge and attract love throughout many centuries. After all, there is not a single person who has not experienced this feeling. Each it is familiar and anyone can give him its definition.

What could be great love? This feeling arises from nowhere and cannot be suppressed or forced to call it. And therefore it is so hard to endure unrequited lovebecause it is not hiding anywhere. Love is unpredictable. It arises unexpectedly, which is not waiting for her at all.

Favorite man, reciprocity, trust, a strong family. For most, these are the main components of the successful, existing love. Everyone dreams that love arose once and for life. But not always the first experience is successful, because people are able to make mistakes. And you should not stop, no matter how hurts. It is worth falling in love again and again, until you find your cherished love. After all, without taking any attempts, you will not be happy.

But this love is not always able to be called. Sometimes we often confuse fleeting love with love, we believe that "here he is, the man of my whole life." But it is not necessary to self-deprive, create an illusion you need. What is generally such "love"? This is exactly the feeling when a person carries only appearance or any other exterior sign. Only a kind. During love, you close your eyes on the real qualities of a person, perhaps he does not even attract you in general. But, alas, it is not so important for you, because one trait eclipsed the overall impression. To some extent the in love person behaves like an egoist, sees only him required qualities. Love is not limited to a purely physical impulse, it is accompanied by the desire of rapprochement with the object of love. But moreover, it does not affect us deeply sincere. Inside does not light up such a reverent light. It is also very not permanent feeling, at times it covers you with your head, and sometimes it practically disappears. Most often, the feeling of love also quickly passes, as flashes. But it may well happen so that love will turn into a more valuable high feelingFor example, in love. The main thing must not be forgotten to look like a better person and understand what he really is.

In turn, it is necessary not to confuse such two feelings like an attraction and sympathy. What is it really? But here the answer is not unequivocal. Interpretations of values \u200b\u200bare different, but in general, they carry the same meaning. The attraction is an unrequited feeling for someone, but unrequitution does not cause so many negative emotional experienceshow much, for example, in love. Sympathy is a feeling, during which someone is pleasant to you, like a person. This feeling is absolutely different from love and love. The attraction can be a consequence of love. During her, a person is experiencing an insurmountable need of a subject, the desire to find a beloved person nearby.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you can love with all your heart and soul, to surrender completely. Because only true love It is capable of becoming pleasant to both halves. Love and be loved!!!