Emergency weaning from breastfeeding. Weaning a baby from the breast correctly: methods, rules, myths and what not to do. Weaning from breastfeeding: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Weaning can be called a complete rejection of breastfeeding, but let's agree that we will call it not only a complete, but also a partial transition to another type of nutrition. This will be correct, because the baby will still have to rebuild in each case.

How to know that the "X hour" has come

Growing up a child is an individual process, and the milestones along this path are rather arbitrary. Moreover, this applies to the moment of weaning the baby from the breast. There are practically no laws and regulations here. Everyone in the definition of this stage relies on their own considerations. Some feel that the "age has come", other mothers are guided by the baby's peers, the third want to finally do the restoration of the figure. Today, many pediatricians recommend breastfeeding your baby as long as there is milk. So try to pay less attention to what other people do and say. Let your most important guideline be your own child and his choice. Some children themselves refuse to breastfeed, but these are very few. According to the WHO recommendations, both for the mother and for the baby, it is physiological to continue breastfeeding up to 1.5-2 years. For the first 6 months of life, babies should be exclusively breastfed whenever possible. One of the causes of weaning, fortunately rare, can be emergency situation - sudden illness and/or hospitalization of the mother. Diseases in which breastfeeding is contraindicated include: purulent mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland), active form tuberculosis, syphilis, others severe infections(scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc.), oncological diseases, as well as diseases of cardio-vascular system, liver and kidneys in the stage of decompensation, when their structure and function are irreversibly impaired, diabetes. With these diseases, breastfeeding is prohibited due to the risk of passing hazardous substances to the child with mother's milk. At serious illnesses toxins and / or pathogenic microbes accumulate in the mother's body. In addition, as a rule, such diseases require the use of potent drugs that can penetrate into breast milk and get into the body of the crumbs. If the mother's illness promises to be short-lived, and the child less than a year, and even more so for six months, it makes sense to save milk with the help of regular hand expression or a breast pump in order to continue feeding after recovery.

How to tune in to the process

First of all, prepare yourself psychologically. Whatever your motivations for not breastfeeding, accept the need for it as a fact. There is no need to feel sorry for the "poor baby" who is forcibly "deprived of her mother." It is not necessary to imagine yourself in the role of "mother-viper". Any of your hesitation will be sensitively caught by the baby and will not only complicate and slow down the process of weaning, but will generally cast doubt on its feasibility. Psychologists and educators know from experience that any significant changes in life (weaning, starting kindergarten, etc.) are much easier for children whose parents are confident in the need for this step. So, if you yourself are not yet sure whether to stop breastfeeding, it is better not to try. You will only irritate your soul in vain and upset the little one. So be determined first. Try to treat the baby, who will have a difficult moment, not with pity, but with understanding and respect. Yes, " transition period"may promise tears and whims, but do not treat them tragically. They always accompany important changes in the life of a child, and are not only an indicator of the suffering of a baby. Show with all your appearance that you understand the feelings of the crumbs and share them, but do not follow their lead. Babies are known to be terrible tricksters. One has only to give up the slack once - and the child will instantly take advantage of the "gap". So take heart - and do not change horses at the crossing.

Immediately or gradually?

Someone may decide to stop breastfeeding at once, immediately offering the baby milk substitutes. In fairness, it must be said that many children endure such a transition quite calmly and do not express any discontent. Others will prefer to gradually reduce the number of feedings. On the one hand, this option will enable the child to rebuild in stages, but on the other hand, it may turn out to be more difficult for the baby. As much as one would like, it is difficult to give unequivocal advice. Perhaps we can recommend a try: if the baby reacts favorably to replacing first one feeding, after a day or two - another, then we can say that a gradual option has come up to you. Thus, you will reduce the number of feedings to zero or bring them to an acceptable number. If the child will painfully perceive each replacement of the breast with a bottle or drinker, you will have to resort to a more decisive option. It can cause violent protests, but the period of adaptation will end sooner.

And what in return?

Weaning means switching to a different type of food. What food should be replaced mother's milk? It all depends on the age of the crumbs, on the one hand, and the state of his health, on the other. If the child is not yet six months old, milk can only be replaced adapted milk formulas for healthy babies and special medical- for children with various problems. In the latter case, of course, only a doctor can prescribe them. After six months, if the child is healthy, you can switch to partially adapted formulas or, even better, on adapted mixtures for children from 6 to 12 months. After 8 months, in the absence of contraindications and negative reactions, kefir can be introduced into the diet. Usually kids drink it willingly, but still undesirable. fermented milk products give more than half of the diet: it is quite difficult for children's kidneys to remove acidic metabolic products. At any stage infancy the formula is valid: half of the food is fresh (say, an adapted milk mixture), the other half is sour-milk. Mixtures can be alternated both during each feeding (at the beginning of feeding, when the baby is hungry, offer the one that he loves less, by the end of the feeding - the one that he prefers), and during the day. After 8-9 months, whole cow's milk can be introduced into the diet of the crumbs, unless, of course, the baby is allergic to it. A baby under 7-8 months old will most likely prefer to switch to a bottle, older children can immediately learn to drink from a sippy cup or even from a cup.

Little tricks

  1. If your baby reacts negatively to your attempt to offer him a bottle, ask someone close to feed the baby for you. It is quite possible that in "foreign" hands he will treat this with great approval. This fully applies to night feedings if you do not plan to save them. Moreover, associations with sleep are usually more persistent, and deviation from them can be taken more seriously. Let dad or grandmother better approach the baby: not smelling your milk, the little one will rather agree to taste the mixture from the bottle.
  2. To introduce the crumbs to the unfamiliar taste of the mixture, you can first treat him with a spoon.
  3. For some babies great importance feeding takes place. It is possible that in a setting that he does not associate with breastfeeding (for example, in another room), he will be more sympathetic to the bottle.
  4. If a baby stubbornly demands a breast, refusing a bottle, nothing will help you except your own perseverance. Cunning. Give him the opportunity to refuse this time, but when he is hungry enough again, he is likely to perceive the "mom surrogate" less hostile.
  5. The child at this moment, more than ever, needs your good relations and caresses: he needs to make sure that he is weaned only from the breast, and not from his mother in general. For example, at night, when your child begins to scream, trying to convince you to give up your own inhibitions, you can rock him in your arms, walk around the room with him and sing a lullaby, even if you usually do not rock him before bed. The stage is therefore considered new, which requires the abandonment of the old established rules. You can try to switch the baby's attention to something else: interest him with flashlights visible in the window or headlights of night cars. The main thing is not to let him get hung up on his own negative emotions.
  6. Weaning a baby who receives a breast only in the evening and at night does not fundamentally differ from another weaning (see paragraphs 1 and 5), that is, it is better if someone else comes up to the child with a bottle at night. If the baby stubbornly refuses, be persistent, while trying to distract the baby with something (look at the flashlights, etc.).
If the baby is already more than a year, perhaps, it makes no sense to transfer it to night feedings with a mixture. If you finally decide to wean him, then it is better to accustom him immediately and sleep all night without waking up for "snacks". At this age, night feedings are no longer needed from the point of view of physiology, but rather remain as a habit associated with stereotypes of sleep and falling asleep. If there is at least some sense (psychological) in them when breastfeeding, then when they refuse breastfeeding it is advisable to completely wean the baby from them, so he will learn to sleep better at night and will eat more actively during the day.

A few words about mom

When you wean a baby, it also takes time for your own body to adjust and stop producing milk. It is almost impossible to predict how this period will pass for you. There is some dependence: the less the mother had problems during the start of breastfeeding, that is, the better her individual physiological mechanisms, the easier it will be to reverse the process. If you have settled on a gradual weaning, your mammary glands will also gradually get used to the reduced "load" and will begin to slow down the process of milk production. The chest will be tight at first. Try to find golden mean: on the one hand, an increase in pressure in the terminal sections of the glands most effectively inhibits the further production of milk, on the other hand, it is also not worth bringing the matter to serious engorgement. Pump little by little to relieve yourself of severe discomfort, but not completely. If the milk is completely removed, the body will perceive this as a signal to further develop it. Some mothers, with tension and soreness of the breast, prefer to give it to the baby. This certainly helps, but keep in mind that in this case you are voluntarily choosing to "roll back" and the process will have to be started over. You can start taking diuretics. It is better if they are "soft": kidney tea or tea for weight loss. Some, especially zealous women, even begin to drink laxatives. It is difficult to say how effective they are in this case, but if you have a lot of milk, in principle, you can try. Let them also be "soft": for example, the same tea for weight loss or all kinds of herbal remedies. If you take away the baby "at once", your body will be put in more severe conditions. In this case, you may encounter some problems (does not mean that they are complex and unsolvable), but the whole process of fading lactation will take much less time.

How to "furnish" the process in case of emergency weaning?

In this situation, the woman is faced with the question of what to do with milk, where to put it? We have already written that if you want to continue breastfeeding after your recovery, milk can simply be expressed. But if you are not going to return to breastfeeding, then lactation (milk production) should be suppressed. Here are some considerations and recommendations in addition to those already listed:
  1. Try to keep drinking regimen, about the same as in the first days after childbirth, that is, consume liquids no more than 500-700 ml per day, including first courses and juicy fruits. It may seem that this is difficult, but do not worry: it was after giving birth that you were terribly thirsty, now everything will be different.
  2. The attitude to breast tugging today is very controversial. Those who have used this recommendation are usually satisfied, but experts consider this procedure harmful: sometimes it leads to the development of milk stagnation (lactostasis) and inflammation of the mammary glands (mastitis).
  3. The doctor may prescribe a drug that suppresses lactation - bromocriptine (another name for Parlodel). It stops the production of the anterior pituitary hormone prolactin (this hormone causes milk production), and the mammary glands, thus, lose their “guiding thread”. The same recommendations can be used for "planned" weaning.
Be patient - and good luck to you!

When should you not breastfeed?

You should not wean the baby from the breast during difficult periods for him (illness, the beginning of "sitting" with a nanny, potty training) and periods for you (going to work, moving, changing family composition). If you can foresee some event that will cause a refusal to breastfeed, it is better to wean the little one in advance. Acute infections in the mother (SARS, food poisoning mild and moderate severity, manifestations of herpes, etc.) are not contraindications for breastfeeding if it is treated only with herbal or external means. When prescribing drugs orally and in severe cases of any acute diseases You should definitely consult with your doctor about the safety of continuing to feed. For infections transmitted by airborne droplets (ARVI) during breastfeeding, preventive measures should be taken: a four-layer gauze mask.

The duration of breastfeeding, according to a recognized authority on breastfeeding - World Organization health care (WHO), is possible up to one and a half, and sometimes up to two or more years. At the same time, the baby should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months, and then receive safe and adequate complementary foods to meet all the body's needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids. Prolonged breastfeeding has positive influence on the health and intelligence of the child in the future. Children who have been breastfed for more than a year and a half are at a lower risk of developing allergic dermatitis(including children's eczema), children's and intestinal infections, leukemia, diabetes and obesity, they are less likely to develop anemia, and the baby's immune system is more stable and highly active in the future. Babies who have been on for a long time breastfeeding better adapted to children's team and get sick less often, and also, according to studies by scientists from Oxford University, have higher intellectual capabilities due to the presence in breast milk of substances that stimulate the maturation and differentiation of brain neurons.

Also, prolonged lactation is useful for a nursing mother, reducing the risk of developing hormonal disorders and benign or malignant neoplasms breast and other organs reproductive system women (uterus and ovaries). It is also important that the very process of breastfeeding a child maintains psychological and physical contact between mother and baby, contributing to a better understanding and a strong subconscious connection in the future.

Weaning healthy child with timely introduction and the right tactics increasing complementary foods is easy, due to the fact that one year old, baby gets three different dishes complementary foods and twice - breast milk (with morning and evening feeding). This diet can be maintained long time, for example, up to two years and more - until the involution of lactation. During this period, the child begins to fade sucking reflex and the number of attachments to the breast gradually decreases (first, morning feeding is removed), and then there comes a moment when the baby ceases to be applied to the breast in the evening.

Causes of temporary interruption of lactation

Some mothers interrupt breastfeeding due to taking medications that can adversely affect the baby's health, but in most cases this is not the reason for stopping lactation and weaning the baby from the breast, especially in infancy:

Usually today there are opportunities to choose medicines that can be taken during lactation;

According to WHO experts, most drugs that are prescribed in standard dosages cannot have negative impact on the baby, penetrating into breast milk in small amount. These include: antitussives, local asepsis, antipyretic drugs and some antibiotics.

Subject to the use of a drug that is not allowed to be taken during this period and provided that it is prescribed for only a few days, it is necessary to temporarily transfer the baby to artificial feeding with the preservation of lactation;

On these days and an additional few days (from one to three) after stopping the drug (you need to consult your doctor about the timing) - the baby must be fed with a mixture from a spoon, from a bottle with a tight nipple or from a cup. During this period, a nursing mother should definitely express herself and, if possible, not worry, assessing the situation optimistically (more or less). In the future, provided that lactation is maintained, the mother will be able to continue to feed the baby for many more months, and it is incredibly difficult to restore stopped lactation, although all rules have exceptions. With a positive psychological mood, frequent attachment of the baby to the breast, it is possible to resume natural feeding.

  • with lactostasis (stagnation of milk) or mastitis;
  • with pronounced cracks in the nipples;
  • with exacerbation of a chronic somatic disease;
  • with acute infectious diseases;
  • herpetic eruptions on the nipples of the mammary gland.

Often, women stop lactation on their own when the shape of the breast changes or the onset of another pregnancy, which is not the cause of weaning the baby from the breast.

Absolute contraindications to natural breastfeeding are:

  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • sharp mental illness mothers;
  • decompensation at chronic diseases heart, kidney, lung and liver;
  • HIV infection;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • especially dangerous infections.

Important to remember:

  1. A change in living conditions (rapid weaning) for a baby is stressful situation, which is stronger in infants (from three to six months to a year).
  2. Before you begin to wean a child from the breast, it is necessary to clearly imagine the result of this - the complete cessation of breastfeeding without its resumption.
  3. The gradual weaning of the baby from the breast is the basis of the physical and mental well-being of both the baby and the mother.

Therefore, breastfeeding should not be stopped if the child is sick, especially with infectious and inflammatory diseases or acute intestinal disorders, difficult teething, due to the fact that in most cases the baby refuses any other food, and breast milk in this case is the safest food and medicine for him at the same time. It is also not recommended to stop breastfeeding after preventive vaccination, in the heat, because during this period the baby's body is most susceptible to various infections.

But situations may arise when a child after a year or older is often breastfed during the day and / or at night, refuses to take other dishes after the introduction of complementary foods, which leads to psychological dependence baby, lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body, the development of anemia - it is necessary to gradually wean the child from the breast. At the same time, periodically during the day the baby is distracted by playing, walking, leaving in the care of a well-known, close person - dad, grandmother, offering complementary foods as an alternative to breastfeeding, gradually crowding out the number of breastfeedings. At night, it’s not worth it to reinforce the child’s habit of eating at night, and give the child a mixture, kefir or milk, and if the baby asks for breasts only at night, also leave the crumbs for some time at night with relatives, and communicate with the child as always during the day .

If this method is not effective, you can use a more radical one - leave the baby completely (for several days) in the care of family members (grandmothers, dads, aunts).

An example of a correct and comfortable weaning for mother and baby (after a year) is weaning from morning or evening feeding, depending on the mother’s work schedule (if it becomes necessary to go to work) or at the mother’s choice (if she is in maternity leave). If the mother has free morning hours, it is necessary to start weaning the baby from the breast from the evening feeding. It is better to replace first the morning or one of the daytime feedings (in infants), while evening hours it will be easier for mom to choose the time and be alone with the baby, and after feeding the baby will fall asleep peacefully, which will greatly simplify the traditional problem - the ritual of falling asleep.

The key to comfortable weaning is to reduce the volume of feeding. To do this, before applying to the breast, the baby is given 50-60 grams of the mixture (for children up to eight months of age), baby yogurt or fermented milk mixture(babies older than 8 - 9 months), and then attach the baby to the breast and supplement. It is better to feed the baby from a spoon or cup, and not from a bottle. Within 2-3 days, increase the amount of kefir or mixture to 100-150 grams until the gradual replacement of morning or afternoon feedings (in infants). After that, you can start feeding the baby during the evening feeding. With such a gradual and sparing refusal of natural feeding, it is noted gradual decrease mother's milk and then disappears completely, but this process can take a month or more.

Hasty weaning

If a situation arises when you have to hastily wean the baby from the breast to stop lactation in a few days, you need to tightly bandage the chest. To do this, immediately before bandaging, you need to completely express milk, put under and above the breast thick layer cotton wool and a wide bandage to pull off the chest. The bandage can not be removed for several days. With severe pain, swelling of the chest, a significant increase in temperature, it is allowed to express milk with repeated tight bandaging. During this period, a woman should limit fluid intake as much as possible - milk gradually disappears. Sometimes you have to take medicines - drugs that affect the hormonal status of a woman with mandatory consultation doctor and according to his prescription.

It is important to remember that when breastfeeding is abruptly stopped, the baby’s body ceases to receive protective substances from mother’s milk with a parallel increase in the load on the immature digestive tract, which significantly increases the risk of penetration of pathogens of the infectious process, motor disorders digestive tract, attenuation immune system and development allergic reactions. Also, the baby is deprived of close physical and psychological contact with the mother, but from this position, it is easier to wean six month old baby than older ones, since a grown-up baby is more difficult to endure weaning, due to the fact that in this case the process of close contact with the mother during breastfeeding is important. Therefore, the mother needs to play more with the baby, bathe and feed him, so that the child can more easily experience this loss. When feeding a baby from a bottle, you need to press him to yourself in the same way as when breastfeeding.

Long new year holidays, which the whole family spends at home together, often become the last straw that makes the mother think about weaning the baby from the breast. These days, a walker “hanging” on the chest is constantly seen by dad, who usually disappears at work, grandparents, acquaintances, who come to visit - and this picture is at odds with their ideas about the proper upbringing of children. But before you decide on a responsible step, you should carefully weigh everything.

Weaning between a year and two: weighing the pros and cons

If someone decides to wean a child before the age of two, then the task ahead is not an easy one. Perhaps this is the most difficult time to stop feeding, because, on the one hand, the baby really needs the breast, on the other hand, it can already insist on its own.

Attempts to wean from the breast can meet with strong resistance from the child or cause stress reactions, because most children aged one to two have a need to kiss their mother's breast several times a day. Over time, this need becomes less. But over time.

The need exists regardless of whether the mother is going to satisfy her or not. This is a property of a child, not a mother, and a mother, by her strong-willed decision, cannot make this need simply take and disappear. She's not going anywhere just from the fact that mom decided not to feed. And if the mother refuses to satisfy this need, she begins to manifest itself in some other areas, most often various neuroses, obsessive states, whims, tantrums, sucking various items and others in the same vein. If the mother satisfies this need naturally She is gradually leaving. For example, most mothers notice that the number of feeds decreases dramatically around the age of two.

At the same time (if the child is not yet ready to leave), even an attempt at weaning can have a very negative impact on the life of the family, significantly spoil the family climate. So, if you are going to wean a child after a year, you should first of all decide why the mother decided to go to weaning.

Try writing a problem that worries you on a piece of paper. For example, it is a lack of sleep. Count how many hours a day you sleep in general. write down possible solutions. You can sleep with your child during the day when he sleeps (rather than trying to do cleaning or cooking). Can be transferred to certain time caring for a child for a husband or relatives who are ready to help, while she herself rests at this time, and so on.

Weigh well whether you want to wean the baby completely or if you would be satisfied with a reduction in the number of feedings. In any case, the preferred course of weaning implies that the process moves gradually, under the control of the mother. And a sensitive mother at any stage can stop him or take a step back, if this is prompted by considerations of the health and moral state of herself and the baby. When the child is already ready for weaning, it can be carried out in a forced manner, in a few days; but if you only think about it in the background frequent application- gradual weaning will take several months.

What not to do when weaning

Maybe mom will be able to conduct the weaning smoothly and gently. But it also happens that at some point the child begins to resist - this will happen if the pace taken by the mother turns out to be too fast for him. If at such moments the mother will “squeeze” the baby, continuing to act on own plan without taking into account his reaction, then the most likely answer is a rapid rollback, when, under fear of deprivation of the breast, the child “hangs” on it even more than before. Therefore, when bright backlash it is better for a child to stop, giving the baby more time to adapt, than to risk everything that has been traveled.

Do not put it specific dates and especially do not choose a specific date when the child will already be weaned. If you have already tuned in, and the child is not ready yet, someone will definitely remain dissatisfied, and the cessation of feeding should still take place by agreement of both parties.

You can not engage in weaning a baby from the breast if he sick or recovering from an illness; if in a child's life there are major changes- moving, entering Kindergarten Mom goes to work. If such a situation is planned, then weaning should occur a few months earlier or later, so that the total amount of changes occurring at the same time does not become too heavy for the child's psyche.

Do not refuse to breastfeed a child if he has clearly suffered a bright shock or emotional stress: hit, got scared, mom was away for an unusually long time, and so on.

One of the popular tips for faster weaning is departure. But if the child is not used to being separated from his mother, then the disappearance of both mother and breastfeeding at once can have a very bad effect on the baby's condition. And when mom comes back, the baby may demand her attention even more insistently.

nipple smearing something bitter (mustard) or frightening (brilliant green) can burn or irritate the delicate skin of the chest. And for a child, this can be a reason severe stress. For your baby, the breast is the personification of confidence, calmness and kindness, and the “trouble” that happened to the chest can turn the child away from the mother and shake his ideas about the reliability of the home world.

About the dangers of stopping lactation by using medicines quite a lot is known today. I will only add: when a child is about one and a half years old, the assumptions that it is enough to drink a few pills and the child will stop feeding are not justified at all. A baby of this age is applied to the breast no longer in order to receive milk, but first of all in order to receive mother's love. And just the lack of milk will not cool him down. At the same time, sucking breasts, in which there is almost no milk, gives mom more discomfort than suckling breast milk. Therefore, the mother’s task is not to “remove milk”, but to reduce the number of attachments of the child. Milk production will decrease according to the applications by itself.

If mom tries to replace night feedings milk bottle or sweetened water, it can lead to childhood tooth decay. Therefore, if you need to replace night feedings with something, then use plain water.

Finally, don't overlook the condition of the child and his own. If the baby shows signs of stress (stutters, sleeps restlessly and often wakes up at night, “sticks” to mom during the day, bites - especially if this has not happened before), this means that the cessation of feeding is moving too quickly for the child. And if the mother herself feels very tired, nervous, her chest is very full, it means that the weaning is going too fast for her.

If you realize that weaning has negative consequences for one of you, take a step back, return those feedings that you were the last to refuse! Believe me, the nerves of the baby and your own are more valuable than the two weeks that you "lose".

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Before a year, it’s just worth quitting GW.

most good age for weaning, in my opinion, this is 1.5 years

My sister weaned her nephew for a year, there were no problems. But we were artificials. And they didn’t know what a problem is to tear a child from the chest.

I already want to wean from the chest. It becomes unbearable. Not only did he climb into our bed to sleep, but he still wakes up every hour at night. Ask for breasts, but do not eat, but simply hold in your mouth. To be sure, it seems that mom will not run away from him. I just want to sleep at night! P.S. we are almost 10 months old.

And we are not ready. The small one may have dropped it. Murashik is three years old. He is my last and I want to extend all the delights of motherhood.

And we are 8 months ... what do you think? Isn't it time to wean off your chest?

Comment on the article "How to wean a child from the breast: 8 mistakes of mothers"

Will it be easier? Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition Will it be easier? Section: Breastfeeding (does it happen that children sleep worse after the cancellation of hv). She herself abruptly refused GW even before ...

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand Try to feed always after sleep, always before bed, and always give both breasts for Weaning: folk omens. Breast-feeding - special period in life...


Sure, 6 months. - very little. From 3 months it is already possible to give juices, from 4 there are purees. Read the age on the jars. From 5 months already big choice puree begins.

I didn’t manage to excommunicate, although it was very necessary: ​​I went to work full time at 4.5 months of Vatrushka, since our dad was at home with her until 9 months, I fed in the morning, came at lunchtime, in the evening and fed all night, so 3 months, then I was exhausted by hourly feedings at night and we decided to slowly turn off - by that time Vatrushka was already 7.5 and she was eating complementary foods perfectly.

First removed daily feedings, then evening, and last but not least night, it took us 3 weeks for everything, dad put it in the evening, 3 days with a fight, on the 4th excellent, since then my daughter sleeps all night in her room, in her bed, until weaning slept with us.

Yes, I forgot, my daughter did not recognize and still does not recognize bottles, nipples.

So the summary: try to feed at least up to 6 months, intensively introducing complementary foods, although maybe you have a normal re who recognizes a bottle? :)))

anyway good luck!

How to wean a child from breastfeeding? (continuation). When is it contraindicated to wean a baby? If you have made a decision to wean a child between the ages of 1 and 2 years, you will have to act in sequence.


You think it's more difficult.
As long as the baby needs milk, it's great that he falls asleep easily at night and wakes up only a couple of times. After weaning, it is unlikely that it will become easier to fall asleep and it will probably wake up more often, only it will become more difficult to calm down without breastfeeding. This is all, of course, if the child is not yet ready for weaning.
Then it will grow up and fall off on its own. I would not excommunicate at that age, you definitely won’t sleep better

replaced nightly gradually with kefir.
at first she offered a bottle of kefir, then if it didn’t roll, her breasts. And so every time. Then, too, and with evening feeding. Or vice versa - I don't remember.

Weaning temp. Breast-feeding. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness I have the first experience of weaning ... Do you think a child's temperature can rise, well, like from stress?


Take care of yourself too - find something to enjoy, for 15 minutes by the number of previous feedings) Good luck!

I read an article on "Maternity.ru", it says that if the baby is weaned early, the baby can become seriously ill within six months. I was excommunicated at the age of 2 due to the fact that I got pregnant, I seemed to endure everything normally. And I advise you to read the article.

Section: Weaning (when ovulation can begin after weaning the baby from the breast). Before weaning, my child did not eat anything except breast milk, with great difficulty I managed to do something in Weaning a child from a year to two years.


We were away for a week before two years. We are now 2 years and 11 months old and I am four months pregnant. And my menstruation began the next day after weaning (it happened, and we fed very little before that - only at night and at night)

I got pregnant with the second exactly at 2.2 without even weaning. So I would have fed both now, if I hadn’t thundered to the hospital for 4 months of pregnancy

Weaning. Breast-feeding. Questions for weaned mothers: please tell us how babies who are weaned behave in What does a child at the age of 2 years eat per day? Just give me an example of your diet and I'll translate it into...


Len, here's the points for you :)
1. wakes up 1 time, max. 2, to pee - and immediately climbs back into bed and falls asleep. Itself, without any persuasion, etc. If she drank little at night, she could oversleep until the morning.
2. see item 1. you can still sing songs, stroke your back, hold the handle and all that.
3. differently. then just hold the handle and after 5 minutes it passes out, or even I read books for hours. It depends. some are simply left in the crib and the child falls asleep on his own. We haven't gotten to that yet.
4. we fell asleep and so with others, so - but most likely, yes.
5. 10 o'clock at night, 1-2 o'clock in the afternoon.
6. they eat food :))) but my appetite does not complain. And despite the fact that the guards ate a lot, with whom the cancellation began to eat even more. Almost adult portions. yes, in the morning he immediately asks for porridge. Because he doesn’t eat at night (and the breasts were very much earlier at night).
Dairy milk is good. You can give kefir. Milk is not super necessary, although she can start drinking it - mine is still on Guards, she almost didn’t drink it, but now she drinks a lot. (I only dilute it twice, otherwise my tummy hurts) porridge is actually possible on water, but it tastes better with milk. I cook Nordic oatmeal. This is from the morning. For lunch - soup or something meat or fish with a side dish (potatoes, pasta, rice, buckwheat ...). Dinner is the same as for lunch, but without meat. afternoon snack - cottage cheese or yogurt, cookies. Well, drinking in tech. days - juice, compote, milk, kefir, water. Fruits in breaks or for an afternoon snack or for lunch, dinner, breakfast. In general, as you can see, an adult menu - and we also have adult portions, sometimes it eats more than me, where everything fits ...

I left myself at 1.5 years old, when at 20 weeks of pregnancy milk gradually disappeared. I immediately began to fall asleep easily, I didn’t accustom myself to reading on purpose - so as not to enslave myself. That is, he holds his hand (and often without it, I just sit next to him) and falls asleep. At night, he wakes up to pee and immediately falls asleep himself (he doesn’t even really wake up ... either I come to cry, or he comes to us, if we don’t hear, I put him on the potty, push him onto the bed and the child is cut off .. twice a night, then closer to the morning he refuses to fall asleep so easily, or falls asleep and immediately wakes up - I go to sleep in his room, but on another bed - for some reason he categorically stopped sleeping with me - he slept with me on the GW. Now in the morning I eat porridge or vermicelli on milk (200-300 ml), for lunch, mashed vegetables and meatballs or the like (homogenized, otherwise it chews for a very long time), a few cookies or 1-2 fruits for a serving, for dinner 200 g of agusha cottage cheese, sometimes I add French puree It often happens that he skips a meal - the child is rather thin, although at the same time he moves a lot.

In my experience, a day like this big baby it is quite possible to distract from the desire to suck sisyu immediately. Sometimes it was possible to distract at all, sometimes - to let me finish the job and take the boobs not immediately, but after a while, usually up to 2.5 years - no more than 0.5-1 minute. If she asks for a sissy from hunger, she tried to give a sisyu for a couple of minutes, and immediately take it with food (if you immediately offer food to a hungry woman, she could throw a tantrum - “no! Sisyu!”) If she hit or something hurts, she gave the sisya immediately without conversations. In general, if you behave calmly and naturally, then somehow by itself the number of daily feedings begins to gradually decrease. She also very actively demanded breasts if I took a fixed position, especially if she was bored (for example, I work at a computer). But even here you can try to occupy it with something (for example, I adapted to turn on a cartoon on a small screen when I work at a computer) or try to take a stationary position less often (say, shorten telephone conversations during the day or talking on the phone while moving).

The amount of "adult" food eaten at this age, in my opinion, does not depend on how often the child breastfeeds. My daughter now eats no more than she ate before giving up her breasts. And, by the way, she also eats everything in large quantities at her grandmother's or at a party, and at home - like a bird pecks and runs. Mom even told me that I probably don’t have time to feed the children, since they are hungry all the time :) When they enter her house, they immediately run to the kitchen, even if they ate at home before leaving :) Many acquaintances say that their children At a party they eat much better than at home.
My sister's daughter is generally small, eats only milk (cow) and a little dairy products. When at the age of 2 she ate breasts endlessly and almost nothing but her, my sister also thought that if she were weaned, it would be better to eat. But she still does not eat almost anything :) (she is already 5 years old).
And my girlfriend’s son didn’t want to eat breasts (and left her at 9 months old), and now it’s good for a day if he eats a couple of spoons and 1-2 chips. And that's all :) He doesn't eat at a party either. Skinny, like kashchei, but almost never gets sick and is very mobile :).

If there is no dystrophy, the child develops normally, then do not worry. Most likely she has enough of what she eats. Everyone has their own metabolism. And if she lived with her grandmother, then she would soon stop eating there :)))

I could not wean for a long time ... Until I got to the hospital for a week
(in October 2003 - Dima was 2 years 8 months old). Before that, there was no prospect of weaning ..... It seems to me that if the child does not quit on its own, there are two ways out - to give the child (grandmothers, aunts, etc.) or to go somewhere; time - 4-7 days

Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and See other discussions: Weaning in ten days. How to wean a child from breastfeeding? (continued to continue).


We are also allergic, weaned at 1.9 (I went to work part-time at 7 months, full-time at a year and a half - feeding was not a problem). I also had thoughts of quitting feeding at about a year or so (the doctors insisted that it was easier to keep track of the child’s diet than the mother’s and the child’s, and I was already going crazy from all these doctors and from a two-month terrible diet (buckwheat, black bread , green vegetables and turkey - that's all I could eat), which I planted for myself health and which in the end turned out to be unnecessary) - I'm very glad that I didn't. I finished feeding Toko when there was almost no milk and Zhenya ate little and then I think that it would be possible to feed more. But the husband insisted very strongly, right up to the divorce: -(((((((((((((((I shouldn't have succumbed ....
And you are still such crumbs, don’t worry about work, it’s all very solvable and feed on :-)

I think it’s too early for you to leave, work is not a hindrance to feeding (I fed up to a year and a half, now I think that it could have been longer) - of course, it was hard, because. it was impossible to get enough sleep at night (mine woke up not 5-6, but 10-12-.. times a night), but nevertheless, I managed to combine work and feeding for more than six months, and even in children. the child went to kindergarten, while still on the breast (3 months still ate me, after she went to the garden)
It seems to me that you can try to reduce the daytime feedings, and leave the nighttime feedings in full. True, such a number did not pass with us - i.e. she did quite well without a breast all day if I was not around - but as soon as I appeared in sight, she began to demand her own :)
In general, think carefully - winter is ahead, it's time for infectious diseases and colds, maybe you can still combine work and feeding, and round off by spring?

Even extensive experience does not always provide answers to questions of interest. Mother of four children tells how to end breastfeeding and.

For me, now every day starts the same way: I tell myself that today I must stop breastfeeding my baby.

There is only one problem - I don't know how to do it.

I have raised four children and every time it happened differently. To be honest, they are not the only ones who decide how much we will breastfeed them. My personal ability, tolerance and a million other factors in life influence the duration of breastfeeding. I really believe that every mother, first of all, should develop the traits of a good mother in herself. But your personal factors must be taken into account when considering weaning.

With my first child, I successfully continued breastfeeding for a year and a half, until I became pregnant with her sister. It became painful and uncomfortable for me to feed because of the playing hormones. The rest of the children were weaned from breastfeeding at the age of one.

But this time, it seems to me, the baby agrees that I feed her forever. At least that's how I feel. She loves to rock together in our chair when I feed her, and she even learned to point her finger at her chest, asking for food. I find it weird sometimes because other kids don't, but I'm happy to keep going as long as we both enjoy it.

My milk supplies can't keep up with her appetite, there are more things to do, and because of the nature of my job, I have to travel a lot, so I've really made plans to stop breastfeeding.

Here are some tips on how best to end breastfeeding.

Do not start the weaning process before six months

No set date for stopping breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be as long as it is comfortable for mother and baby. If you're not ready, don't worry. None negative consequences from prolonged lactation has not yet been discovered, so choose what is best for you and your baby.

Eliminate one feeding gradually

If you're ready to wean, try skipping one feed at a time rather than stopping abruptly. The easiest way to start is by skipping feedings during daytime sleep and at night, when you are both tired and sleepy. Instill in your child the habit of reading books and rocking at this time, instead of feeding, which will help him calm down without milk and make subsequent feedings easier.

You don't have to switch from breast milk to cow's milk.

If the child is over a year old, many parents start giving cow's milk instead of breast milk, but this is not at all necessary. My son refused cow's milk, and I was so worried about the inferiority of his diet. But our pediatrician assured us that if he gets enough vitamins and calcium from other dairy products, cheese or vegetables, then everything is fine. He still doesn't really like milk, so sometimes it's just a matter of taste.

Consider a non-spill cup

If you don't want to have to wean your baby off the breast and then immediately off the bottle, consider starting a non-spill cup after you stop breastfeeding. This will give you a head start.

Enlist the support of a partner

The hardest part about weaning is how easy it is to breastfeed. If the baby is crying and I'm tired and I just want to calm him down quickly, the prospect of breastfeeding seems too tempting. But if there is a goal to wean the child from this, you need to ask your husband to help calm the baby, especially at night, when the child wakes up and looks for his mother.

Weaning is different for every single mom and every single baby, but if you're determined, take your time, be patient, and consider what's good for both of you.

Because breastfeeding is a two-way road.

Breastfeeding is not only nutrition for the baby, but also the relationship between mother and baby, a kind of invisible, but very strong connection, which develops between both participants in the process. Therefore, weaning a baby from breastfeeding is a rather difficult task, causing psychological and physical discomfort for mother and baby. But still, sooner or later different reasons there comes a time when you need to stop feeding.

How to wean a child from breastfeeding? When to do it? It is important to know what is correct and exact date ending does not exist. By the end of feeding, both should be ready. Mom should not doubt that she needs it. The kid must be old enough and strong enough for such a decision.

Another point: any amount of breast milk and any duration will be very useful for the baby, and are an excellent lifeblood for him. So, the options for completing breastfeeding:

  • involution;
  • abrupt weaning;
  • medical method;
  • soft way.

This is the name of the state when lactation ends naturally. The baby himself refuses the breast, and milk ceases to be produced. Nature is so conceived that feeding lasts at least two years. And studies by anthropologists have shown that feeding can continue until the age of seven years.

In general, the sucking reflex in a child associated with maturation nervous system, fades away by the age of three. So wait natural completion not all mothers can do it. And factors such as physical and psychological fatigue, chest pain during feeding and others do not play in favor of this method.

Another disadvantage is that our Russian society negative attitude towards long-term feeding. But this is the business of every mother and only she can decide. From this method, the child will definitely not have psychological trauma.

But positive moments here it will be that in the fourth year of life (at this time the involution of lactation occurs), the vital systems of the child's body are finally formed, for which breast milk is a supplier of the necessary valuable elements.

Abrupt weaning or "grandmother's" way

This method is very difficult for mother and child, both physically and psychologically, it is a tragedy for both. In this case, sometimes the baby is sent for two days to relatives. It is almost impossible for a baby to explain why his mother's breasts suddenly became inaccessible to him. Mom suffers from the loss of the connection that was between her and the child, and from pain in her breasts overflowing with milk.

Often, with a sharp weaning, breast tugging is used. You need to know that this is fraught with rather unpleasant consequences, up to the occurrence of mastitis. This method has actually been used in the past. But this was done in order to show the baby that there was no breast, and not so that the milk would burn out, because there was practically no milk there. And, consequently, there were no deplorable consequences either.

Also due to violation hormonal background- and a sharp cessation will certainly lead to a hormonal surge - the mother develops depression, depression, aggression, apathy and mood swings, insomnia may appear.

Nastya, 32 years old: Weaned for a year and three months. We have gradual weaning nothing happened. The son made a wild roar about the refusal to give him a breast when he wanted to. Yes, and moral strength was gone, he wanted to suckle every hour for 15 minutes. I had to abruptly withdraw. They took her to her grandmother's, left her there for the night. Of course, he suffered a lot, and so did I. Plus, my chest hurt, it was bursting with milk. The next day we went to another grandmother and left there. On the third day home. Waking up at night, laying down comfortably to suck on the breast, crying together. But no matter, it got easier. A week later I forgot, and my chest stopped hurting.

Of course, it is possible to wean a baby with this method, but it’s worth thinking ten times whether it’s worth it, maybe you need to try to do it more gently. Naturally, if there are no sharp medical indications to stop breastfeeding.

Medical method

When choosing medical method(by the way, it is indicated in very rare cases), the doctor prescribes drugs that suppress lactation. But you need to understand that such drugs disrupt the hormonal background and, of course, have a bunch of unpleasant side effects. And desired result may not be achieved unless the number of applications is reduced.

Soft way to wean

The gradual cessation of feeding is the most comfortable way for mom and baby. But this is a rather long process, it needs to be started about six months before the expected date of weaning the baby from the breast. Includes several stages:

  1. Gradually remove feedings that the baby does not urgently need - when he is tired, wants to communicate, wants comfort, or simply controls his mother in this way. Most likely, any mother will be able to single out among the feedings those that the baby can easily do without. And replace them with playing, drawing, reading or modeling. Or maybe even do something around the house together - wash the dishes, do the cleaning and other activities. You can go for a walk. By the way, walk the best remedy distractions. Outdoor games on the street, among other things, will also strengthen health. Some suggest breastfeeding the baby in some awkward posture so that he does not want to do it for a long time. In general, there is no need to limit your imagination.
  2. Gradually wean the child from feeding during the day in a dream, before bedtime and after it. Before putting him to sleep during the day, instead of sucking his breast, you can read a fairy tale to your child, shake him in your arms. But first you need to take a longer walk and have a good lunch. It is better not to sleep next to the baby, or get up before he wakes up, because the baby will not understand why this mother is lying and doing nothing, and you can’t suck on the breast.
  3. Cancel morning feedings, replacing them with porridge.
  4. Stop breastfeeding before going to bed in the evening. Replace them with a fairy tale, lullaby and motion sickness. It's good to come up with a simple bedtime ritual and follow it every night.
  5. Gradually stop night feedings. This is the most difficult and lengthy task, so it is best left for last. It is better to work on stopping night feedings in advance, that is, during the day the child is more likely to be told that at night all people and animals sleep, no one eats or drinks. It's not easy to unlearn. Perhaps there will be tears. But you need to be patient. Pick up, go to the window, show how dark it is, say that the chest is sleeping at this time, etc. Everything will definitely work!

If you do not complete one stage, you should not move on to another. It is important to do everything here gradually and in stages. This weaning is the most acceptable way to complete lactation. The kid with this method is easy and without psychological trauma adapts to new conditions. For the mother, too, the process is painless, since there is no sharp change in the settings of the hormonal background, there is no emotional and physical discomfort.

Olga, 27 years old: And we gradually, in four months, weaned, by the age of two. My daughter is calm on her own. And it was very easy to distract her with something. We walked a lot in the street and played. There was so much to invent at home! And the chest did not hurt, somehow everything went smoothly with us.

It is better to postpone weaning a baby if:

  • the baby is sick or teething;
  • there have been any changes in the way of life;
  • the child began attending the nursery.

Some more pay attention to the phase of the moon, the time of year, and even church calendar. It is believed that weaning is most easily transferred to the waning moon in spring or autumn. The moon does influence milk production. And about the time of year, for sure, everything is clear - in spring and autumn the climate is more favorable. Since after weaning, the immunity of the crumbs decreases, then summer heat and winter cold can harm health. As for the calendar, some believe that if on the day of excommunication the name day of any great martyr, then the process will pass painfully.

  • If you lubricate the nipples with something bitter, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the baby will no longer trust his mother. But sometimes lubrication helps.
  • Replace breast attachments needed by others tactile contacts a child with his mother: hug him, kiss him, stroke him, carry him in his arms. He must know and understand that his relationship with his mother will not change due to the fact that he will not breastfeed.
  • Try not to expose your chest in front of the baby. And it is better to wear clothes with a closed neckline.
  • With a rush of milk in the breast, you can slightly strain it. But do not get carried away, but do it only until a little relief occurs.
  • Don't try to handle everything on your own. It is better to involve third-party assistants in the process - your relatives and friends. Then everything will go smoothly.
  • Try to predict the baby's attempt to attach to the chest and captivate him with something - a game, a walk, reading, ordinary food.
  • It is better not to eat foods that provoke milk production. In general, drink less fluids. But if you drink, then infusions of herbs that will help to painlessly reduce lactation. It's mint and sage.
  • Brings relief applying to the chest cold cabbage leaves. But if the temperature has risen, the chest has become very dense and reddened - urgently see a doctor!

In any case, weaning from breastfeeding is not an easy moment for both parties. After all, it marks the end of some very important life era, the break of the mysterious connection between mother and baby. For a long time, memories will cause a slight sadness for those feelings. complete happiness given by breastfeeding. But it starts new period life, the relationship of mother and baby go to new level, even brighter and more interesting, and sadness will soon pass.