How to charge a jewel jewelry. About cleansing and charging metals, the method of setting stones - the magic of stone. Choice of stone: energetic properties of natural stones

Precious stones come to our house in different ways. Some we buy ourselves, others give us, others are inherited or even come to us by accident. In any case, the gem has been in several hands before us, at least in the hands of a jeweler and a seller, which means that the stone could already absorb someone else's energy - someone else's emotions, problems and moods. What events he witnessed most often is known only to him.

Noble stones store energy

Stones used for treatment, as well as those that have fallen to the new owner from deceased relatives, should be obligatory cleaned. Most susceptible to negative energy, and therefore requires frequent cleaning, onyx. Citrine is the least able to accumulate negative; this mineral needs only regular care.

You can maintain neutrality with stones, you can be friends, but it is better to make a gem your ally and assistant. To do this, you should remember a few rules:

  • 1. Don't count on quick rapport. The stone must get used to the new owner, tune in to the same wavelength with the owner. This takes time.
  • 2. New stone must be cleaned in order to erase from his memory the energy and information trail of the former owner.
  • 3. After cleaning, you need to let the stone rest and recuperate for 7-10 days, then charge the stone with solar or moonlight.
  • 4. The stone should be lovingly looked after and cleaned periodically, the frequency of which depends on the method of use (wearing as jewelry, medical procedures, meditation, etc.).
  • 5. Sometimes you need to give your favorite jewelry a rest without wearing it for several days.
  • 6. It is desirable that the gem does not know the hands of others, especially in the period between cleaning and charging.

The attentive owner of the gem will immediately notice a change in his stone - a change in color or dull shine... This will mean that the stone is tired and needs rest and cleaning.

How to get rid of the accumulated negative energy from the stone?

The best cleanser is water. It is useless to take chlorinated tap water or just boiled water. Water must be alive - spring, artesian, river, melt. We have been cleaning gems in the last three days. lunar month, since these days the power of stones is weakening, and their energy field is easier to part with the accumulated information.

So, we lower our stone into a glass vessel with water and leave it for several hours. Then rinse thoroughly under running water. After " water treatments"The gem should be put for a couple of hours to dry and feed live energy on a torn green leaf of a plant next to a burning candle. For the next 7-10 days, the stone should rest in a place where no one will disturb it. Closer to the full moon, the stone is laid out on the window at night. where the moonlight hits or for a few hours in the sun. solar energy the gem is ready for dialogue with the owner. The stone will generously share with its owner magic power, help in medical procedures, to protect in difficult life situations.

What to look for when clearing stones from negativity

It must be remembered that you cannot charge turquoise with sunlight, rose quartz and amethyst, as they fade under the influence of the sun, losing the beauty of their color.

Often recommended by different sources, cleaning stones with sea salt (in solution or dry) or ice (freezing) are not suitable for all gems. Salt can ruin the polishing of the facets of the jewelry, change the physical properties of the stone, and the temperature contrast during freezing and thawing can lead to cracks and chips. It is not recommended to cleanse malachite, turquoise, opal, onyx, amber, carnelian, pyrite, lapis lazuli and many others with salt.

Fresh water cleaning followed by moonlight charging is the safest method for most stones. You can also charge the gem by placing it next to the crystal rock crystal.

Natural stones themselves represent an inexhaustible source of energy. Why do you need to charge minerals?

When we use stones in Everyday life facing the most by different people, then the energy structure of minerals has to “process” huge streams of information, often very negative. Not all stones can withstand such loads, some "die", their energy structure is destroyed under the influence of negative vibrations. To strengthen the crystal lattice and "tie" the stone to your energy, it is necessary to periodically charge the stones that you wear and use in meditation practice.

Well, and most importantly, natural minerals and crystals are conductors of subtle energies. All cosmic energies penetrate into our earthly world through natural bodies... Charging stones allows you to adjust the energy structure of minerals to high-frequency vibrations, with the help of which higher energies penetrate into the biosphere of the Earth. Regular recharge of minerals is essential! You should not test your stones for strength, charge them more often, use the treasures given to us by nature correctly and as efficiently as possible.

The simplest and most common way of charging stones is by recharging with the sun's rays and moonlight.

There is nothing easier than charging stones with sunlight.
Lay out your crystals under the straight lines Sun rays and they will self-charge a huge vitality... Probably, in our galaxy, in principle, there is no energy stronger than the sun. In any case, sunlight has the most powerful effect on all living things in Solar system... Especially for natural minerals, which are natural "accumulators" of energy, the most important "batteries" that a person can use for his own purposes.

All stones, being in the sun, catch and reflect the sun's rays, which in turn contain the entire light spectrum: from ultraviolet to infrared light.

There are stones that are contraindicated for long-term sunbathing... These are stones with a porous structure that dries up under the rays active sun... These include turquoise, corals, pearls, mother of pearl, rose quartz, etc.

With prolonged exposure to the sun, these minerals can crack and lose their original color. There are also non-porous minerals that also lose their color after prolonged exposure to sunlight - these are pomegranate, citrine, amethyst, topaz, ruby ​​and other stones. Therefore, before leaving your stone in the open sun for a long time, collect information about it physical properties.

Stones have long been charged with moonlight.

The night light played a large role in magical practices of all peoples of the world at all times. Hindus, Egyptians, Romans believed that the silvery moonlight is magical and charges all life on Earth. And they weren't wrong. The astral power of the mistress of the night helps us feel better and achieve our goals faster.

The mysterious companion of the Earth gives us an invaluable connection with the energy of the Universe. The moon is an excellent conductor of subtle energies that supports the human biofield. Through natural minerals, it influences our feelings, relationships with loved ones, greatly influences intuition, develops psychological abilities.

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In order to charge your stones, they must be left under the moonlight for one night. If the night is cloudy and the moon's radiance is periodically obscured by clouds, then a second charging session will be required. Moonlight more ethereal, more delicate than sunny. Especially useful is the lunar recharging of crystals, which are used in meditative practice for relaxation and spiritual growth. If there is an opportunity to leave stones on the street, in the open air, it will be the best option.

But for each stone, a certain phase of the moon is suitable.
Each phase of the moon refers to a specific element and affects the energy in different ways. natural minerals... In certain lunar days stones open in their own way. In order to properly charge the stones, you need to do it strictly certain days.

Moon calendar will tell us on what days, without violating the Universal laws, you can charge gems by bathing them in the mysterious moonlight.

The first phase of the moon

The first phase of the Moon refers to the element of the Earth.
The symbol is the virgin goddess of the hunt Artemis.
These days it is better to charge the stones of the earth element, which are opaque and very hard.

Chalcedony, jade, agate, lapis lazuli, malachite, turquoise, onyx, serpentine, crocodilite, heliotrope, plasma, jet, cacholong, jadeite, jasper, aventurine, chrysoberyl, rauchtopaz, eye quartz, labradorite, amber, coralite, hematite , morion.

During this period, in the subtle plane, we especially need to recharge the energy. natural stones who in turn need support mystical forces wonderful satellite of the Earth.

The stones donated or purchased on these days will harmonize as much as possible with your inner "I", concentrate all your forces and contribute to the qualitative improvement of your life.

Second phase of the moon

The second lunar phase refers to the element of Water.
Symbol - Thetis, sea nymph, mother of Achilles.
In the second lunar phase need to charge stones water element- These are minerals slightly transparent, soft in color, with mother-of-pearl and tints, changing their color. The stones of the element of water have a calming effect on us, eliminate negative energy, relieve depression.

Emerald, chrysoberyl, opal, Moonstone, aquamarine, topaz, pearls, coral, hematite, alexandrite, chrysolite, heliotrope.

Stones donated or purchased during the second lunar phase will bring inner harmony will help you withstand life's difficulties. This lunar time carries the energy of maximum emotional susceptibility, endows us with psychological flexibility, helps to understand own feelings.

Third phase of the moon

The third lunar phase refers to the element of Air.
The symbol is the goddess Hera, the messenger and conductor of information.
These days are charging stones related to air element... These are usually translucent minerals, sometimes with smoky areas in color. Radiate energy conducive to deep spiritual development... Most of them act as powerful "space transmitters" that help to achieve peace of mind, psychological constancy, improve contact, make us change and contribute to the early achievement of our goals. In addition, air stones accelerate all vital processes in the body.

Sapphire, amethyst, rose quartz, rhinestone, emerald, smoky quartz, chrysoprase, citrine, chrysoberyl, tourmaline, topaz, golden beryl, chrysolite, rhodonite, carnelian, fluorite, lapis lazuli, blue chalcedony, sardonyx, charoite, amazonite.

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Fourth phase of the moon

The fourth phase of the Moon refers to the element of Fire.
The symbol is the goddess Gorgon, beautiful and cruel.
In this lunar phase, stones of the fire element are charged - absolutely transparent and clean. Fiery minerals recharge with energy and help to raise the tone of the body, charge with a powerful impulse to action, inspire optimism.

Diamond, ruby, sapphire, zircon, amber, pyrope, almandine, grossular, spinel, heliodor.

Natural stones, donated or purchased in the last lunar quarter, help to overcome internal psychological problems that interfere with achieving harmony and well-being.

Different methods of charging stones for different purposes

There are many ways to charge stones, depending on the purpose of their use.

Stones and jewelry used to protect their own biofield from aggressive impact and protecting your aura from energy attacks, charge perfectly under normal sunlight. But there is one caveat - the best time for this kind of recharging it is noon when the sun is at its zenith.

To protect the aura, widespread and proven in practice, the so-called "guard" stones are ideal - these are eye quartz ( Tiger's Eye, Hawkeye, cat's eye).

To protect the energy of the family, they use marble, which is perfectly charged by the sun at its zenith. Marble balls are not only very elegant decorative elements, but also effective subjects a force that can protect your home from misfortune and misfortune.

If you are constantly working with any crystal to improve the most different sides your life, you can recharge it using others natural stones .

To do this, you need to take 10 stones and lay them out in the form of a pentagram - 5 large stones as the top of the "star", 5 small ones at the ends of the rays of the "star". In the center of the pentagram, place your crystal that needs recharging. The process itself will take a whole day - from sunrise to sunset. Perfect option if stones lie on the ground, and during the whole daylight hours will be in the sun.

If the stone is charged for the purpose of its further use in healing procedures, then in this case it is recommended to use spring or melt water (with the correct crystal lattice). Take a round silver or copper bowl, pour clean spring or melt water into it. Place a stone or stones that need recharging on the bottom, and during daylight hours leave the bowl in one of the places of power (the place of power can be set using a dowsing frame).

But keep in mind that not all stones love water. Porous natural minerals such as turquoise must never be charged with water. They will crack, lose their color and healing powers.

If the stone is used in spiritual practices, then it is recommended to charge it with crystal generator.

Generator crystals are quartz crystals, which are natural transparent crystals (usually hexahedrons) with a clearly defined vertex.

Generator crystals are widely used in spiritual practices and healing, transmit high-frequency energies, are the most powerful emitters and transformers of energy.

This is the optimal type of minerals, ideal for generating and transmitting energy by a crystal within the framework of a certain program laid down in it. Therefore, crystal generators are incredibly suitable for recharging meditation stones. They program for a specific task, collect and enhance the properties of stones, project powerful streams of energy onto them. To recharge a stone with a crystal generator, it is enough to put it in a place well-lit by sunlight for a day.

By the same principle, natural minerals are charged using pyramids and druses made of rock crystal and amethyst.

Don't forget to charge your stones in time! Take care of their natural energy structure, which can collapse under the pressure of prolonged exposure to negative vibrations. The more often you use minerals, the more often they need sun and moon baths, as well as energetic contact with crystal generators. Scheduled stone charging is usually done once every two months.

Good day to all those who, for one reason or another, found themselves on the pages of our Internet portal! Amethyst is a mineral that is in great demand among jewelry buyers. This zodiac stone is suitable for all zodiac signs with a few exceptions. The gem has strong magical properties... To strengthen them, it must be worn correctly. About how to wear amethyst, whether it can be worn without a pair, what signs are suitable - this is our article.

The magic of stone in jewelry

Natural amethyst - mineral purple different shades... Transparent without any inclusions. There are instances that contain thin threads that form a pattern inside. Prolonged exposure to the sun degrades the color, after 5 years it loses 10% of the color.

In ancient times, amethyst was considered a symbol of peace, tranquility, sincerity.

  • If you are overcome by conflicting feelings, a state of anxiety has appeared, it is recommended to wear a necklace or a ring with a mineral.
  • To everyone who wants true love in order for the chosen one to reciprocate, you must have a pink gem.
  • It is called the "widow's" stone. Many women after the death of a loved one wore a stone as a sign eternal love... It helps to cope with grief.

  • The ancient Greeks believed that the purple mineral talisman would help them stay drunk. They believed it has the properties of converting wine into water. Drinking, a person does not get drunk. When going to a party, take a talisman, it will help you have a fun time without getting drunk.
  • Silver jewelry with amethyst have great magical power. Noble metal reveals the properties of the stone. If there is such a decoration, it will help to establish personal, business relationship, businessmen - to successfully negotiate.
  • For women, a pendant with a heart will help to find the happiness of motherhood. It must be worn until conception and throughout pregnancy.
  • Men need a talisman to build family relationships. It is good to have it in the bedroom in order to avoid conflicts, to resolve all issues gently, without sediment on the soul for both spouses.
  • A gold pendant with amethyst energizes your body and gives you strength.
  • The stone is able to control your emotions, soothe nervous system, helps to make the right decision.
  • Creative people should have amethyst. He will help unleash your potential, creative possibilities. New ideas will appear, in full force talent will be revealed.

Zodiac signs and amethyst

How to wear amethyst to enhance its properties

To strengthen magical action stone, you need to know how to wear it correctly: paired or not, on which finger, with which metal.

We hope we helped figure out how and to whom you can wear amethyst. We are waiting for you on our website for new information. In the near future, there will be other equally informative reviews. In the meantime, you can do in social networks repost existing articles so that your friends will also notice the extraordinary beauty of living stones! We will be glad to see you again on the pages of our portal! Good luck!

Team LubiStones

A talisman or amulet begins to perform its main functions only after charging. By this action, all the forces that are inherent in the magical object are activated. Therefore, it would be quite logical to ask a fairly common question about how to charge a talisman.

If you decide to charge your talisman yourself, it is recommended that you do this immediately after the magic item is ready.

The whole process should be carried out by the person who will use the stone or other little thing.

A stone charged by a stranger will not bring any benefit to its owner, but can only negatively affect a person's life.

The entire activation process involves the creation thin connection between a magic item and its owner. Without activation, a self-made, donated or purchased talisman will only beautiful decoration or a toy.

The first stage is cleansing

This stage is considered mandatory if you use a stone that you inherited, as a gift, or purchased. Since the talisman could be in the hands of a person with poor energy, its in mandatory needs to be cleaned up. A self-made item does not need cleaning, and in this case, you can immediately proceed to the second stage.

To clear the item, you need a white candle. It is advisable to carry out the ceremony at noon sunny day... Over a lit candle for ten minutes you need to move your magic object, holding it in your left hand.

In this case, the cleansing words should be pronounced:

"My troubles, my troubles turn to smoke!"

Then for several hours you need to leave your amulet in the open sun, making sure that the sun's rays fall on the little thing. This way, you will do a sunlight cleansing that will help rid your stone of any negative influences.

These simple manipulations can also be carried out when you feel that the power of the amulet has decreased or someone touches your magic item. It is also recommended that you clean your amulet at least once a year. This guarantees its effectiveness and cleansing of the negativity that it takes away from you, taking the whole blow on itself.

  • dedication to the forces of the earth;
  • dedication to water;
  • loading with fire;
  • air charging.

AND final stage- activation of the powers of the amulet for its owner.

A self-made talisman or a purchased or donated item that has passed the purification stage must be charged with the power of the earth. This process involves the development of resistance to negative impacts at a magic item.

In addition, the stone is endowed with strength that will allow the best way protect the owner of the product from trouble and other incidents.

In order to charge the amulet with the power of the earth, you need to bury it in the ground and leave it there for a day. A garden is ideal, but city dwellers can use flower pot... Put a stone in a small hole in the ground, bury it and step over this place three times. After 24 hours, the amulet can be removed from the ground and proceed to the next stage.

Dedication to the powers of water

Water possesses unique properties: it cleans and removes any negative from a magical item, giving the amulet pure energy. Only pure spring or river water... The stone is left in water for a day in a secluded place, inaccessible to the eyes of strangers. The talisman must be lowered and taken out carefully.

After 24 hours, the amulet can be removed from the water, however, it should not be wiped dry. The stone should dry on its own. The water that was used for charging is poured into the deserted place or at a crossroads.

Charge with fire

The next stage involves charging a magical thing with the power of fire. This ritual involves the activation of all positive characteristics stone. After this ceremony, the talisman will be able to attract good luck and luck into the life of its owner and change everything for the better.

To charge a talisman with fire, you need one candle from natural wax... An amulet is held over a lit candle with the words:

"All the power of fire in my subject!"

The words are repeated three times, after which the candle must be allowed to burn out.

Forces of the air element

The last stage in the process of activating a magic item is the impact of the air element. To do this, you need to bring the stone to your lips and blow on it with all your might three times.

At this stage, the activation of the amulet is completed, now it remains to charge the little thing with your energy and it is ready for use.


To activate the talisman after all the manipulations that include charging it, you need to take the stone in your hands every day for a week and hold it in your palms for several minutes. This should be done at the same time, without missing a single day. By these actions, you will accustom your stone to you, it will be saturated with your energy and get used to your hands.

Taking the talisman in hand, you need to tune in a positive mood, think about pleasant events and about important desires, the implementation of which will make you happier.

After a week, it is advisable to take the stone in your hands at least once or twice a month. It is also recommended to hold the talisman in your hands at the moment of making an important decision or if trouble happens. Thus, you will accustom yourself to an amulet, and it will serve you faithfully for a long period of time. In addition, remember that you cannot give your amulet to anyone's hands and it is advisable not to even show it.

After activation and charging, the magic item is ready for use and assumes respect and the constant presence in the life of its owner.

However, the first step on this path is the dedication of the crystal to the highest good of all that exists. But before that, it is necessary to cleanse the crystal, that is, to purify its energy. This task, despite its simplicity, is of paramount importance for further use you crystal.

If precious stone or the crystal is not as effective as you hoped, then perhaps the reason for this is the primary initiation.

First of all, be clear about your wish and give it direction. They do it like this: holding the crystal in the palm of your right hand, mentally imagine that the stone is shrouded in bright light. When the light has completely enveloped it, say loudly: “This crystal is used to acquire the highest good. This earthly stone is filled only with love and light. "

To sanctify Space and heaven with the light of love, I prefer to leave the crystal under the rays of natural luminaries - the Sun and the Moon - for a day. This is part of the cleansing process.

But if you are limited in time, you can immediately go to the second step, that is, charge the crystal itself.

Nature has endowed all stones with energy. You strive to blend your energy with the energy of your crystals to match your vibrational channel. Pay close attention to the energy of the stones, and it will be easy for you to manage it. Consider what kind of energy your crystal should be endowed with.

Take a stone and clear it, having held all night in a bowl with sea ​​salt and all day - under the rays of the sun. Sitting comfortably, keep in right hand crystal. Focus on the energy that you think the stone should be endowed with and channel it into it. Do not forget that while doing the magic of gems, you must pursue not only your own selfish goals, but also the highest good of all living beings.

Please make sure what comes from you positive energy and you are not overwhelmed with feelings of anger and hatred. You should aloud ask the crystal for permission to work together for the greater good. Here you need to conduct a visualization session. Concentrate all your thoughts on getting the energy into the stone until you see and feel how its flow penetrates into the crystal. You will know in your gut when the charge is over; intuition will tell you.

It is also possible, although not desirable, to charge the stone for another person. So, for example, if your friend is seriously ill and is on the other end the globe, then you could, having charged the crystal with positive, healing, energy, send it to your friend. Ask the crystal to bring him the highest blessing, and then send him a charged stone.