Artificial termination of pregnancy at an early age. Termination of pregnancy in the early stages - by what methods is it carried out? Indications and contraindications

Termination of pregnancy for early dates interested in women who have conceived, but they do not want a child. Another reason is that pregnancy is dangerous to health and life.

In any case, measures must be taken as early as possible to avoid negative consequences.


This is the most common way to eliminate an unwanted embryo. Conducted for up to 12 weeks.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia due to pain. Represents artificial expansion cervix and curettage of the uterine cavity or curettage, using a special metal instrument - a curette.

The duration of a surgical abortion is about 20 minutes. Then the patient spends from 2 to 4 hours under the supervision of doctors.

This method is the most traumatic. Possible consequences:

  • damage to the endometrium;
  • trauma to the cervix;
  • the formation of an extensive wound on the tissues internal cavity uterus;
  • bleeding;
  • development of endometritis and other inflammatory processes;
  • infertility.

Medical methods


The following apply early:

  • Mifeprex. Indications - holding a pharmacist for up to 42 days of delay. The drug is highly effective healthy women they tolerate it well.
  • Pencrofton. The tablets contain mifepristone. Indicated as an emergency interruption for girls who do not have children. Cases of gynecological complications after these pills or infertility are minimal.
  • Mifegin. French reliable preparation that can be used up to 6 weeks. Is different high efficiency almost close to 100 percent.
  • Mytholian. It is also an effective remedy, when taken, the tissues of the uterine cavity are rejected along with the embryo.

- a slightly different tool. Belongs to the category emergency contraception.

Postinor is used after unprotected intercourse. The package contains two tablets, one of which must be taken no later than 72 hours after the act, and the second - 12 hours after the first. The greatest effectiveness of the drug is possible under the condition of as much as possible early admission the first tablet.


The body of a woman requires recovery after any abortion, and even more so surgical.

  • Prohibition of sexual activity for 3 weeks. Neglect of this recommendation is fraught with a mass of complications, the development of inflammation, infectious processes and even death.
  • Attentive attitude to your well-being. It is important to measure the temperature and arterial pressure. In case of deviation from the norm, immediately consult a doctor.
  • Ban physical activity. Within two weeks after an abortion, a woman should not play sports and lift heavy objects.
  • water procedures. Only allowed warm shower. Baths, swimming pools, open water - all this is prohibited.
  • Timely visits to the toilet. bowel movement and Bladder needed regularly. This will avoid the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Balanced diet. The exhaustion of the body after surgery requires the supply of all the necessary nutrients.
  • Hygiene and change underwear twice a day. For washing it is necessary to use only boiled water.

Artificial interruption - not so much simple procedure as many people think. You shouldn't take her lightly.

This is a huge stress for the body and causing harm to it. For this reason, questions about how to terminate an early pregnancy at home folk remedies- don't make sense.

Application various herbs and other means can lead to irreversible consequences, and in the end you still need medical assistance. Therefore, it is better to have an abortion with the help of a qualified doctor so that the losses to the body are minimal.

Video of the procedure

The article discusses the termination of pregnancy in the early stages. We tell how abortion occurs at home and in hospital, what are the consequences of this procedure. You will find out reviews of women who have used abortion pills, as well as the cost of drugs.

Early abortion methods

Not always 2 strips on the test bring happiness to a girl. Therefore, many women are looking for various ways early termination of pregnancy. This may be due to the reluctance to become a mother or the danger of pregnancy for women's health. Every woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy has her own good reasons for this.

In the early stages, there are several methods of abortion:

  • surgical.

The drug method involves taking drugs that cause the expulsion of the fetus. This technique is used for up to 6 weeks and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

The surgical method consists of vacuum aspiration or curettage. vacuum abortion carried out for up to 5 weeks under anesthesia. By using special equipment in the form of a vacuum pump, the contents of the uterus are sucked out.

If the gestational age is minimal, then a mini-abortion can be carried out in antenatal clinic using local anesthetic injections. It is extremely rare that bleeding occurs after vacuum aspiration, while the duration spotting is no more than a week.

The most popular method of terminating a pregnancy for up to 3 months is curettage. Because of the pain, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure is an artificial expansion of the uterine cervix, followed by curettage of the organ cavity using a curette.

The duration of the scraping is approximately 20 minutes. After that, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for two to four hours. This procedure is the most traumatic. Of the possible consequences after it:

  • damage to the uterine neck;
  • the appearance of endometritis;
  • infertility;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • trauma to the endometrium;
  • the appearance of an extensive wound in the region of the internal uterine cavity.

Below we will talk in detail about which pills will help get rid of unwanted pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages with pills

Elimination of pregnancy with the help of pills refers to a medical technique. Can this method be called safe for women's health? Yes, if the procedure is supervised by a specialist. But self-administration drugs can cause permanent damage to your health, ranging from severe bleeding to infertility or death.

Also, the possible consequences of medical abortion include:

  • non-rejection of the embryo such a case pregnancy cannot be maintained; curettage is used to eliminate the fetus;
  • heavy bleeding, due to which surgical intervention is necessary;
  • unbearable pain, decrease or increase blood pressure, nausea, deterioration of health.

The only advantage of this technique for eliminating unwanted pregnancy is the absence of surgical intervention. As a result, injury to the uterus and its cervix, as well as possible infection, are impossible.

If you want an abortion with minimal negative consequences, pay attention to the medications that we will discuss below.


This is a steroid and antiprogestogen medication that is best used at 3 weeks of pregnancy, since at this time the result is maximum. The action of the pill is aimed at preventing the functioning of progesterone receptors and disrupting its regulation in the case of attachment of a fertilized egg. After taking the pill, mucus begins to collect in the cervix, which forms an unfavorable environment for the continuation of pregnancy.

The cost of the medicine is from 350 to 500 rubles.


This drug is used for up to 6 weeks. It is used together with Mirolut. Miropristone neutralizes progesterone, which provokes detachment gestational sac. Mirolut stimulates the contraction of the uterus, causing the embryo to come out of the uterine cavity.

The drug has contraindications, which must be read.

The cost of the medicine is from 1900 rubles.


As with other drugs, the action of mifepristone is aimed at blocking the production of progesterone. The tablets do not contain hormones.

It is best to take the drug for a period of 4-6 weeks. By medical indications you can use the medicine for up to 22 weeks inclusive, while using additional ways to stimulate uterine contractions.

In some cases, after taking the drug, incomplete abortion is observed. Therefore, after medical abortion, ultrasound monitoring is necessary.

Cost - from 5000 rubles.


active substance drug is levonorgestrel. The effect of the drug depends on the time of administration. For this reason, gynecologists distinguish 2 types of his work:

  • Use in the first phase menstrual cycle which delays ovulation. In this case, the possibility of unplanned pregnancy decreases from 1 to 3 percent.
  • Application in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, caused by unprotected intercourse. In this case, levonorgestrel blocks the production of estrogen, provoking a decrease in the ability of the endometrium of the uterine cavity to accept a fertilized egg. Possible consequence taking the medicine for such a period is early attack monthly.

According to studies, about 2 percent of women were able to get pregnant after taking Escapelle. And this makes this medication very effective tool to prevent unwanted conception.

The price of the drug is from 350 to 600 rubles.


Postinor is a medication used for emergency contraception. The effect of its use occurs only if the tablet was taken within three days after unprotected sex. At the same time, gynecologists do not recommend using this medicine on their own.

The product contains levonergestrol, corn and potato starches, magnesium stearate.

Experts do not advise frequent use of Postinor, as it causes severe harm to the female hormonal system.

The cost of the medication is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Other tablets

In some cases, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifeprex - used for pharmaceutical abortion for up to 42 days of delay. The tool is highly effective, while practically does not cause any harm. women's health.
  • Pencrofton - the drug contains mifepristone. It is recommended as an emergency means for terminating pregnancy in childless women. After taking the medication, in rare cases, gynecological complications or infertility are observed.
  • Mifegin is a French-made drug, it can be used for up to 6 weeks. Highly efficient.
  • Mifolian - after taking it, rejection of the tissues of the uterine cavity occurs along with the embryo.

Injections for early termination of pregnancy

If you do not want to go through a surgical or medical abortion, then you can try to get rid of the embryo by injection. An injection is used to carry out the abortion procedure. calcium chloride. Under its influence, fetal death occurs, followed by miscarriage.

If within 2 days after the injection there are no signs of abortion, then the specialist prescribes tests and ultrasound. Based on them, the doctor decides on curettage, otherwise a strong inflammatory process is likely to appear, leading to sepsis or death.

Some women believe that getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy can be done with a mixed injection. ascorbic acid and No-shpy. The efficiency of this method is only 10 percent.

The safest injection of all drugs is the use of oxytocin. It causes cramping contractions that lead to miscarriage. At the same time, in early pregnancy, oxytocin is used only in emergency cases, if there are contraindications to surgical abortion.

Terminating an early pregnancy at home

Traditional medicine offers a large number of remedies for eliminating pregnancy at home. Remember, you can use them only after the permission of the doctor! In addition, after the use of folk remedies, there is a risk of deterioration in well-being, the appearance of intense bleeding or partial abortion.

Below we will talk about the most popular traditional medicine for interruption. early pregnancy. But remember, any means for terminating a pregnancy at home for a period of 3-4 weeks cannot be safe for your health. Even if you are up to 3 weeks pregnant or more than a month, it is better to seek help from a specialist.


Many women seek to terminate their pregnancies with iodine and are at great risk, especially if pure iodine is used. After all, this alcohol solution has a toxic effect on the entire body.

After taking pure iodine, a deep burn is likely internal organs, drawing severe harm
thyroid gland and powerful change hormonal background. And all this is possible after using only 3 g of the product.

But at the same time, there is an opinion that the composition of iodine and milk will help to eliminate unwanted pregnancy. Such a mixture does not cause such a toxic effect as pure iodine, while after application the death of the embryo, in most cases, still occurs. That's just the dead embryo remains in the uterus, since it does not contract. In the future, this leads to the development of sepsis and inpatient treatment.

In addition, the milk-iodine composition does not always help to get rid of the fetus, and in the event of the birth of a child, severe pathologies appear.

Sometimes, after consuming iodine, it is possible to open bleeding, which no physician can handle. And this is fraught with the death of a woman.

hot tub

This method of terminating unwanted pregnancies was quite popular until the advent of medical and surgical abortion. Although at present, many continue to practice it, but less so, because after it some women feel worse.

Why do girls choose this method of abortion? The answer is obvious - availability and free, except for possible problems with health. This technique is practiced only until the 3rd week of pregnancy, since after this period the embryo is sufficiently developed for a miscarriage to occur due to this method.

Using a hot bath after 3 weeks of pregnancy has a number of negative consequences for a woman. Therefore, it is better to practice it immediately after confirmation of pregnancy.

Using a hot bath causes the blood vessels in the uterus and pelvis to expand. These vessels put pressure on the vessels that are located next to the uterus, as a result of which they burst.

The embryo present in the uterus comes out of it along with the blood. Vaginal bleeding - main feature that a miscarriage has occurred.

What should be done for a miscarriage? It is enough to be in hot water for 3-4 hours, while it is important that the hips are in hot water. If the procedure takes place in the bathroom, then you need to constantly add hot water. One procedure is enough to terminate the pregnancy, since with repeated it is possible to open severe bleeding.

Candles for abortion in the early stages

Sometimes women use vaginal or rectal suppositories, which are contraindicated during childbearing. Such drugs cause uterine contraction and, as a result, miscarriage.

Applying them according to the instructions, you can call uterine bleeding. But this doesn't always happen.

Herbs for early abortion

Herbs - Another product that can cause termination of pregnancy. Below we will talk about the main herbs that are used for miscarriage.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is one of the herbs that are not recommended for expectant mothers due to high risk occurrence of a miscarriage. Bay leaf is an abortive product that can terminate a pregnancy.

When using a decoction of bay leaves in early pregnancy, there is a risk of bleeding. Together with blood secretions from female body the embryo comes out. This method can be used up to 8 weeks of gestation. The effectiveness of using this method largely depends on the personal characteristics of the body, but it is possible to eliminate pregnancy with lavrushka.

The sooner it is accepted bay decoction the higher the chance of miscarriage. To prepare a decoction, pour 100 g of bay leaves into a glass hot water. After that, boil the composition for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Drink the strained decoction before going to bed. Wrap bay leaves in gauze to form a tampon, then insert it into your vagina overnight.

After the procedure, a miscarriage should occur within 1-2 days. At this time, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding. If after 2 days there are no changes, the method turned out to be useless.


The use of a decoction of tansy flowers provokes an active uterine contraction followed by expulsion of the ovum. But remember, such a product is very toxic, it can cause intoxication, liver failure, convulsions and vomiting. In addition, with severe bleeding from the uterus, the probability of death is high.


The use of oregano affects the production of estrogens, which support and maintain pregnancy. The use of this herb disrupts the normal female hormonal background, because of this, the course of pregnancy fails, and the growth of the embryo stops. In the future, this leads to a miscarriage.


Below are the reviews of women about medical abortion and the use of folk remedies.

Elena, 29 years old

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in a stupor for a while. I already have three children, and my husband and I did not plan to replenish the family. I went to an appointment with a gynecologist, chose medical termination of pregnancy. The doctor prescribed me mifepristone, side effects after it was not.

Alena, 33 years old

I want to tell all women who practice folk remedies to eliminate pregnancy. Girls, take care of yourself! It is better to take a pill or go for an abortion, but do not drink bay broth and do not sit in a hot bath! After these funds, uterine bleeding opened in me, I barely survived!

Your health is in your hands! Do not self-medicate. In the event of pregnancy, think twice, you may want to keep the baby. If not, then seek help from qualified specialists to terminate the pregnancy.

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See you in the next article!

Sometimes not always positive result pregnancy test, gives such an admiring reaction. Pregnancy, due to various circumstances, may be undesirable. And respecting the choice of every woman, in no case will we evaluate her choice in this article, but on the contrary, we will try to help cope with this problem.

But when a woman comes to the conclusion that she will have an abortion, she should be helped in what method will be the most painless for her health.

Therefore, it is best in this case to terminate the pregnancy at its earliest possible date. And the reason for such haste is that the egg does not even always have time to attach to the wall of the uterus, and the woman's body perceives and tolerates given state much easier. Than if the fruit was extracted on later dates pregnancy, when the body has not yet had time to fully adapt to a foreign foreign body, having gone through so many changes and transformations, it is suddenly forced to reject the fetus. It's a shock for him.

And, what is also important to know is that it is not so easy to have an abortion after twelve weeks, because it requires a strong explanation, and obtaining permission to perform this abortion is difficult, not to mention late interruptions pregnancy.


Medical termination of pregnancy is becoming more and more popular these days, as this abortion is painless and without negative consequences. Meaning this process are that these drugs interfere with the production of progesterone, which is cornerstone in maintaining pregnancy. Abortion takes place in several stages:
  • Gynecological examination. Mandatory is gynecological examination women on the armchair, ultrasound. After all, thanks to an ultrasound examination, the doctor determines whether outside uterine pregnancy and her term. And only after the gynecologist finds out if there is intolerance to the drug, he tells the rules for taking medications. After all the preparatory procedures, a contract is concluded, and only after that the gynecologist gives the patient pills.
  • Taking the drug. A woman is recommended to stay in the hospital for a couple of hours after taking the pills. Since it is the first hours, the medicine causes some discomfort. And after a few days, bleeding will begin, which can last up to fourteen days. At this time, the fetus leaves the uterus. Often this process passes without any symptoms, although sometimes you can find nausea, dizziness and cramps in the lower abdomen.
  • Final inspection. At the end of the bleeding, the woman should visit the doctor again. He, in turn, will send again for an ultrasound scan to make sure that the body has been positively cleansed and healed after the stress.
During medical termination of pregnancy, in most cases, only pluses are observed: it is impossible to become infected when taking medications, the uterine cavity cannot be injured, the relative speed of the operation, the absence of anesthesia, and the reduced risk of infertility.

However, there are contraindications: intolerance to certain components of the drug, which prevents pregnancy, smoking, uterine fibroids, the presence of tumors, the presence chronic diseases, problems with blood clotting.

Vacuum aspiration

When the gestational age is less than five weeks, the gynecologist suggests a mini-abortion - this surgical intervention into a woman's body, and it is the most widely used type of abortion.

To do this, a vacuum aspirator is inserted into the vagina, with the help of which the fetus is sucked from the uterine mucosa.

The duration of the operation takes up to five minutes, and is usually used general anesthesia. After the operation, an ultrasound is performed, which determines whether the fetus is completely removed. But despite a fairly accurate procedure, the following complications are still possible: the hormonal background of a woman is disturbed, inflammation may begin genitourinary system and cramps in the lower abdomen.

Surgical abortion

This type of abortion is carried out before the twelfth week of pregnancy.

A woman must undergo an ultrasound scan, take a blood and urine test, undergo a gynecological examination by a doctor, and only after all the results obtained, proceed with the operation.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. And with the help of special instruments, the cervix of the uterus expands, and with a curette, the so-called knife, the doctor scrapes the fetus.

Complications: severe bleeding, the integrity of the uterus is violated, which can be fraught with infertility, the occurrence of endometritis, etc.

Not everyone is ready to become parents, so sometimes the news of pregnancy becomes shocking news. Some women are morally unable to take responsibility for new life, others are contraindicated to have children for medical reasons. However, regardless of the reasons, some of the fair sex want to know how to safely terminate a pregnancy. After all, the fact that a woman is not ready to have a child now does not mean that she will not want to start a family in the future.

Therefore, it is very important to first consult with several specialists and choose the most gentle way that will help you get out of difficult situation.

What dates are considered early

If the fetal age is less than 12 weeks, then in this case we are talking about the fact that enough time has passed for the formation of the fetus. This period considered early, but experts strongly recommend terminating the pregnancy no later than 6 weeks from the date of conception. At this time, the elimination of an unwanted fetus does less harm.

However, it all depends on the specific situation. Therefore, regardless of the gestational age, you need to go through full examination and be sure that, for medical reasons, a woman can get rid of the fetus without negative consequences for herself. Also worth choosing The best way how to terminate a pregnancy.

Abortion Options

If a woman wants to get rid of the fetus when the gestational age is up to 6 weeks, then in this case 2 ways of artificially affecting the body are available: medication (use of special tablets) and vacuum procedure. The choice of this or that method depends not only on the wishes of the lady herself, but also on the recommendations of the doctor, which he voices based on her physical condition.

If we talk about the safe way abortion, then drug method. At the same time, after taking the pills, it is much easier for women to cope with psychological problems. However, if the lady is in interesting position more than 6 weeks, then taking the pills can lead to very negative consequences, so most experts recommend at this stage.

Medical abortion: features

This type abortion is a sparing procedure, which most often consists of a single dose of pills that provoke a miscarriage. This type of procedure is conditionally divided into several stages.

First of all, a woman must undergo an examination. At this stage, ultrasound is certainly performed, on the basis of which the doctor can accurately determine the period of gestation. If it is less than 6 weeks, then the specialist prescribes the dosage and type of drug. It is very important not to engage in self-diagnosis and purchase dubious medicines that are sold without a doctor's prescription, this can lead to negative consequences.

After medical termination of pregnancy, a woman should be under the control of a gynecologist. AT without fail should be examined 2 weeks after an induced miscarriage. At this stage, the specialist determines how successful the procedure was and whether there are any complications. In addition, based on the data already available, the specialist will be able to select the most optimal options for the girl. contraceptives that will help you avoid similar situations in future. Usually, these pills are recommended to be taken for the first time after an abortion.

Features of drugs for emergency abortion

If we are talking about how to terminate a pregnancy in the first place, then it should be borne in mind that most often women use drugs that can stop an unwanted process at a stage when the sperm has not yet managed to reach the cherished egg and fertilize it. In this case, we are talking about the so-called emergency contraception.

This type of tablet contains special chemical substances capable of suppressing ovulation. However, even if the drug is taken after this event, and the egg is still fertilized, then there is a great chance to rid yourself of surgical intervention. If the endometrium is unsuitable for implantation, then pregnancy can be avoided.

However, it should be borne in mind that after 72 hours after intercourse, such a procedure becomes impossible. This time is usually sufficient for successful implantation.

Taking drugs that can terminate a pregnancy in the first days after conception is recommended only as a last resort. In addition to the chemical component, they also contain hormones. This is very dangerous for health. Therefore, you should not listen to friends who use these abortion pills as regular contraception. As a rule, no more than one dose is allowed per menstrual cycle.

Why you can not take on an ongoing basis

If you use emergency abortifacients every time unprotected act, more often than once a month, then in this case it is possible to provoke acyclic bleeding in the uterus. This is very dangerous for any woman, as blood loss can be very severe.

Therefore, if after taking such a medicine, a woman had another unprotected sexual intercourse and about 4 more days before the onset of menstruation, then in this case it is worth waiting for the onset of menstruation, and not taking the medicine again.

Not everyone knows that a woman can become pregnant only on the days of ovulation, which, as a rule, fall in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, there is a high probability that poisoning your body with chemical and hormonal means there is no need.


Abortion pills should only be purchased from a licensed pharmacy. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the seller can provide the appropriate quality certificate. Among the most known drugs of this type are the following:

  • "Postinor". These pills are considered obsolete today, as they do not give a 100% guarantee and can harm a woman's health. At frequent use this drug, she may develop problems with reproductive system.
  • "Pencrofton". These pills are not able to lead to secondary infertility, so they are usually prescribed to women who do not yet have children.
  • "Mifepristone". It's pretty strong drug, which can terminate a pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. A single dose is 3 tablets.

Also on sale is modern facility"Mytholian". This drug allows you to terminate a pregnancy due to the fact that it provokes premature birth. In this case, the fetus exfoliates from the mucosa. After that, the woman has a miscarriage. It should be taken into account that the reception this drug very often associated with depression.

Of course, the lady will receive the least harm (psychological and physical) if she thinks about an early abortion. In reviews of abortion in a medical way most women note the fact that after taking the pills, they did not even have to change familiar image life. However, they did not suffer from depression and other negative consequences. That's why this way can be considered the best. However, you should be careful. Not all women have indications for abortion. similar method.

Contraindications for medical abortion

Also, in no case should you take medication when it comes to an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, caution should be shown to those who suffer from any infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genital organs.

Therefore, it is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and make sure that the woman has indications for termination of pregnancy. If the gestation period is too long or the lady suffers from serious ailments, then in this case a different type of procedure may be prescribed.

vacuum aspiration

Most often, this procedure is called a mini-abortion. vacuum aspiration is prescribed if medical interruption is not possible for one reason or another. As a rule, the procedure of this type is carried out for a period of 6 to 12 weeks. With an earlier pregnancy, the vacuum procedure will be useless. The same applies to those cases where women have been in position for more than 12-13 weeks.

In order to rid the woman of the fetus, a special pump is used that creates negative pressure in the uterus. Thanks to this, the egg exfoliates from the uterus without harming the tissues.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it does not bring much discomfort or discomfort to women. pain. However, after surgery, some patients complain of drawing pains lower abdomen.


Classic type surgical abortion is 100% successful. However, this procedure can hardly be called the safest. However, in some situations, doctors simply have no choice. We are talking about those cases when the gestational age is more than 7 weeks. At this stage, the weight of the fetus already reaches several grams and it is very difficult to separate it from the uterus with gentle methods.

The scraping operation is performed using a curette. This surgical instrument is a kind of sharp spoon, with which the fetus is removed from the body of a woman.

It is worth considering that this procedure can only be done in a hospital. Therefore, those who are interested in how to terminate a pregnancy at home should forget about this event. It should also be taken into account that the operation is performed only after the introduction of intravenous anesthesia, therefore, an anesthesiologist must be present in the ward, who can choose the most optimal remedy for the woman.

In some situations, curettage is carried out in conjunction with vacuum way, since the walls of the uterus are not always well cleaned of the remnants of the removed embryo.

It should be understood that such a surgical intervention most often leads to quite serious complications for a woman. In addition to bleeding, the occurrence of infectious diseases and other equally pleasant ailments, the procedure can provoke infertility. Most often this is due to the fact that the operation is performed by incompetent doctors, which damage the uterus.

Speaking of how to terminate a pregnancy without pills and complex operations, it is worth considering also other abortion options that some women use. However, it should be said right away that the success of such events is rather doubtful.

Folk ways

The desire to induce a natural miscarriage leads women to turn to methods that they think can cause minimal harm and not lead to the birth of a child.

For example, when reading how to terminate a pregnancy at home, girls often stumble upon the hot bath method. However, it should be borne in mind that this procedure leads to strong blood circulation, due to which the walls of the uterus begin to contract. The probability of a miscarriage in this case is small, but the consequences can be deplorable, up to the death of a woman.

Some try to terminate the pregnancy with herbs. As a rule, tansy-based products are used for these purposes. The grass contains toxins that kill the fetus, as a result of which it is rejected. However, in some cases, the child is seriously injured but not killed. If the miscarriage could not be stimulated, then this can lead to the birth of a baby with very serious and dangerous deviations.

Also, some try to use milk to which iodine is added. It is believed that drinking similar mixture may cause a miscarriage. The popularity of this method is growing due to the transfer of rumors from one mouth to another. Meanwhile, he is extremely dangerous. A woman not only will not get rid of the child, but can also greatly spoil her health. This solution can lead to ulcers, poisoning, burns of internal organs, death (necrosis) of the tissues of the stomach and esophagus, hormonal imbalance and other unfortunate consequences.

In order not to cause irreparable harm to yourself, in no case is it recommended to engage in such procedures. It is much safer to seek qualified help. If the doctor prescribes medical abortion, then it will bring much less harm than such self-treatment. It's not worth the risk.

Terms of termination of pregnancy by artificial means - up to 12 weeks (at the request of the woman). By social testimony and if a woman wishes, up to 22 weeks. good reasons for abortion in this case the death of the husband and the inability to independently support the child, stay in places of deprivation of liberty, etc. may become. For medical reasons (if there is serious threat for a woman's life, for example, preeclampsia develops) - at any time.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages can be carried out in 3 ways - medication, with the help of vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) and curettage of the uterine cavity. For long periods, childbirth is artificially induced, in some cases it is carried out C-section. The choice of method depends on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, its duration, desire and financial capabilities of the woman.

Surgical abortion (curettage of the uterine cavity)

Even 20 years ago, only this method of abortion was used. And now, it should be noted, it remains the most common and reliable, so to speak. Surgical termination of pregnancy is carried out in a day hospital. Yes, curettage of the uterine cavity is also an operation. An abortion is carried out necessarily with anesthesia - intravenous anesthesia. With the help of special forceps, the doctor expands the cervix, and with a sharp instrument (curette) “cleans out” the uterine cavity, that is, removes the fetal egg and endometrium. Complications can be massive bleeding, perforation of the uterine cavity with an instrument (the doctor performs the operation “blindly”, by touch), menstrual irregularities (in principle, as with any other type of abortion).

After the operation, it is recommended to lie down for about 6 hours. This is necessary not only in order to calmly move away from anesthesia, but also not to provoke increased bleeding. With a successful operation for a short period of time, bleeding is minimal. The longer the period, the more likely occurrence of complications. After the operation, a woman may be prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent inflammatory processes, as well as hormonal contraceptives in order to restore hormonal levels and prevent unwanted pregnancy. Besides, sex life should be limited to a minimum of 7-10 days, until the discharge ceases. For the same period, swimming in water bodies, taking a bath is prohibited. You can swim only in the shower, in order to avoid infection of the uterus.

For those who think that they can get rid of the child on their own, I would like to remind you that early termination of pregnancy with folk remedies is ineffective and very dangerous. Surgical abortion is certainly not a useful procedure, but it is safer than any amateur activity. In addition, today there are less painful and less traumatic methods of abortion. We will also talk about them in this article.

Tests required to obtain a referral for an abortion:

  • Blood test for HIV.
  • Blood test for RW.
  • Blood test for HBS.
  • Gynecological swabs.
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor.

It is mandatory to pass ultrasound to clarify the localization of the fetal egg (confirmation of uterine pregnancy) and to clarify the gestational age.

In addition, there may be contraindications for abortion, which are determined by the results of the tests. For example, abortion is not possible with a low hemoglobin level (which is not uncommon with severe toxicosis), in the presence of acute infectious disease etc.

Mini abortion (vacuum aspiration)

A mini-abortion is usually performed for a period of 4-5 weeks (7-10 days of delay) using a special probe through which the fetal egg is “sucked out” in the literal sense of the word. As you might guess, this type of abortion can be carried out precisely in the early stages, since the diameter of the "hose" is limited. This type of abortion is considered more benign than surgical, since with it anesthesia is made easier (since the procedure usually lasts no more than 7 minutes), and the uterine cavity is not injured with instruments. However, in some cases, the abortion is not complete, and a "classic" in a hospital is required.

Complications after a mini-abortion are the same as after a surgical one, in principle, as well as recommendations for subsequent contraception.

medical abortion

This is a way out for those who want to have an early termination of pregnancy at home, however, in this case without medical care not enough.

In the 21st century, it has become possible to terminate a pregnancy completely without medical manipulations. With the help of special pills, a miscarriage is caused. I would like to clarify right away that it is impossible to buy these tablets in a pharmacy even with prescriptions. They are issued by a doctor at a clinic that is licensed to perform medical abortion. And the cost of such an abortion for many women is high - 8-10 thousand rubles (this includes consultations and the cost of drugs).

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages with pills is possible if there is following conditions: gestational age is not more than 6 weeks, the size of the fetal egg is not more than 20 mm.

It is worth noting that with such an abortion, failures also occur when a miscarriage does not occur at all or occurs, but not in full, and a regular abortion is still required. In addition, medical abortion is also harmful for the body, as it greatly affects the hormonal background.

1. Always keep track of the regularity of your periods so as not to miss a delay. Especially if pregnancy is not planned.

2. Use reliable method contraception (for those who gave birth - a spiral, oral contraceptives). If sex is not regular, but with a reliable, healthy partner - it is possible to use spermicides - "chemical" contraception.

3. If conception has occurred, but you are not going to give birth, consult a doctor as soon as possible so as not to look for ways to terminate pregnancy in the later stages, when the child is already quite large and feels everything.

4. Returning to the issue of contraception. The day of the abortion is considered the first day of a new menstrual cycle. And in the same cycle, pregnancy can again occur.