Treatment of diarrhea in pregnancy. What causes diarrhea during pregnancy? Drug treatment

Pregnancy is a great test for the body of a future mother, who, having gone through a series of physiological changes, hormonal changes and weakening immune system, begins to react differently even to the usual diet.

As a result, pregnant women often experience diarrhea - frequent loose stools, characterized by an urgent urge to defecate and pain in the lower abdomen.

The presence of this symptom is the basis for the obligatory visit to the antenatal clinic, because in addition to significant discomfort caused by the expectant mother, diarrhea can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy.

Having found out the cause of the occurrence, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Attempts to independently get rid of diarrhea during pregnancy of the expectant mother should be abandoned so as not to harm own health and not endanger the life of the gestating fetus.


Most often, diarrhea during pregnancy occurs due to:

  • Hormonal restructuring of the body of the expectant mother, which occurs at its earliest stages. During this period, the danger of increasing the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with the occurrence of a miscarriage, is greater than ever.
  • Approaching childbirth. Diarrhea, which occurs at 38-41 weeks of gestation and promotes bowel cleansing, is nothing more than an independent preparation of the body for childbirth.
  • bowel disease(represented by cholecystitis, pancreatitis), which are the culprits of numerous violations of the work of this body. All kinds of infections of fungal, viral or bacterial etiology, as well as a common allergic reaction, can provoke the occurrence of colitis (inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes). This pathology is characterized by pain in the abdomen and the presence of loose stools with extremely bad smell. In this case, after a thorough study of the clinical picture of the disease and the results of the tests, the gastroenterologist will treat the pregnant woman. Sometimes the cause of diarrhea during pregnancy can be pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), which can provoke an onset premature birth. Clinical picture this disease - in addition to loose stools - includes the presence of nausea, and acute pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Unhealthy food, capable of causing (a condition in which beneficial bacteria living in this organ become significantly less, and pathogenic - more). Dysbacteriosis is very dangerous for a pregnant woman because it can lead to:
    • termination of pregnancy;
    • the occurrence of bleeding;
    • gaining excess weight;
    • postpartum complications.

    Since the intestinal microflora of the mother's body lays the foundation for the microflora of the unborn child, it is very important that it be healthy, because if the mother's intestines function normally, then the baby will not experience any problems with it.


    Diarrhea during pregnancy can be varying degrees intensity. She happens:

    • acute, which is the result of poisoning or vital activity of various viruses. Its duration is no more than 2-3 days.
    • not passing, exhausting a woman and lasting from 10 to 14 days, without leading to an improvement in the general condition.
    • Chronic, which is a consequence serious illnesses and lasting more than 4 weeks.

    Main clinical manifestations diarrhea is represented by the presence of:

    • Loose stools, which is its main symptom. The nature of the bowel movements may indicate the cause of diarrhea. Diarrhea may:
      • have a yellowish or greenish color;
      • resemble rice water;
      • be watery or frothy;
      • have blood stains.
    • Pain in the abdomen caused by spasmodic contractions of the intestinal muscles. If diarrhea is due to infectious disease pain may be due to irritation nerve endings toxic substances, which are the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. Pain that occurs in the lower abdomen or spreads higher can be minor, pulling in nature, but most often they are characterized by moderate intensity.
    • Nausea and vomiting arising from general intoxication of the body. Vomiting brings little relief. It is often accompanied by heartburn and belching, which has a different taste (bitter, sour or rotten eggs).
    • Symptoms of general intoxication:, lethargy, great weakness, fatigue. A single uncomplicated diarrhea, as a rule, does not lead to a deterioration in general well-being.
    • Elevated body temperature. The temperature can be both subfebrile and high. An increase in temperature is preceded by chills, a feeling of intense cold, from which nothing saves warm clothes, nor a thick blanket.
    • Increased gas formation.
    • Dry mouth and constant thirst. In order to compensate for the loss of a large amount of fluid (along with feces and vomit), the body provokes an increase in thirst.

    In the early stages

    Loose stools that occur in the first trimester of pregnancy can be a great danger to both the expectant mother and her fetus.

    The pathology caused by pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the mother's body can also affect the condition of the fetus, since bacteria or viruses can get to it, breaking the placental barrier.

    Diarrhea that develops in the first weeks of pregnancy has a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother, preventing the absorption of vitamins by her body, as well as provoking dehydration and further intoxication.

    Spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, resulting from diarrhea, can lead to both miscarriage and abnormal development of the fetus.

    The main symptoms of dehydration in which a woman should seek immediate medical attention medical assistance, are presented:

    • feeling of constant strong thirst;
    • increased dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
    • dark color of urine;
    • severe dizziness, accompanied by circling "flies" before the eyes;
    • an increase in body temperature.

    diarrhea on early dates pregnancy, which arose against the background of toxicosis, as a rule, is not a cause for alarm. With strict adherence to all the prescriptions of the attending physician, he will soon pass.

    Diarrhea after 30 weeks

    Diarrhea that appears at this stage of pregnancy is most often due to late toxicosis. In addition to loose stools, it can be characterized by general weakness, nausea and dizziness.

    The thirtieth week of pregnancy is a turning point, which is why the presence of any changes in your condition future mother should tell your doctor.

    Frequent urge to have a bowel movement can cause significant uterine contractions that can lead to preterm labor. The worst thing is that children born at this time are doomed to death.

    Another danger of loose stools during this period is significant dehydration of the body and development due to dehydration.

    At a later date

    Diarrhea and vomiting during pregnancy

    Diarrhea that occurs in a pregnant woman on the background of nausea and vomiting is extremely an alarming symptom requiring mandatory control by the doctor in charge of the pregnancy.

    The combination of loose stools and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy can be observed with:

    • taking certain medications;
    • exacerbation of diseases digestive tract(colitis, gastritis, etc.);
    • prolonged stress.

    Timely contact with qualified specialist and strict observance of his recommendations in similar condition in most cases guarantees a successful resolution of pregnancy.

    What is the dangerous condition?

    Severe and prolonged diarrhea can cause:

    • dehydration of the body of the expectant mother;
    • acute lack of minerals and vitamins;
    • spontaneous contractions of the uterine muscles, which can cause improper development fetus;
    • the occurrence of premature birth;
    • infection of the fetus with toxins that have entered its bloodstream;
    • thrombosis of the blood vessels of a pregnant woman.


    The main principles of the treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy should be aimed at:

    • Restoration of water-salt balance(Impaired as a result of the active removal of fluid from the body of a pregnant woman along with loose stools and vomit) by drinking a large (at least three to four liters per day) amount of water. With therapy carried out in a medical hospital, this goal is carried out with the help of infusion (intravenous administration) of special solutions.
    • Decreased intoxication of the body with the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. To speed up this process, you must also drink a certain amount of fluids, after which toxic substances will be excreted from the body along with sweat, feces and urine. Adsorbing drugs will help to increase the effectiveness of detoxification therapy: Activated carbon, "Enterosgel", "Smekta", "Polysorb".
    • Relief of seizures vomiting and reduction and with the help of drugs with antiemetic action and drugs for diarrhea, which are allowed during pregnancy.
    • Normalization intestinal microflora by taking probiotics - medicines that help restore the disturbed balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms that live in the intestines. Some probiotics contain beneficial bacteria, while others stimulate their active reproduction in the intestines.
    • Destruction of pathogenic microorganisms with intestinal antiseptics.


    Diarrhea during pregnancy requires a mandatory diet that helps restore a healthy metabolism and improve the condition of the intestinal mucosa.

    • On the first day of loosening the stool, a pregnant woman is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible: clean drinking water, rice water, weak black tea (without sugar), fruit drinks, herbal teas. This will prevent the onset of dehydration and will help eliminate toxic substances from the body. Allowed to use a small amount crackers made from white bread.
    • On the second day, the introduction of kissels and mucous porridges into the diet of a pregnant woman is permissible.(oatmeal or rice), cooked in water (without sugar and salt).
    • On the third day, the diet is enriched with the introduction of soups and pureed boiled vegetables. After a while, it is allowed to use steam cutlets. In order not to provoke irritation of the digestive organs, all dishes should be consumed exclusively in the form of heat.
    • In the first days of the diet, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should include at least six meals. while servings should be small. By the end of the eighth to tenth day, you can gradually return to the previous volumes of portions and three meals a day.

    With diarrhea, you should completely abandon the use of fruits and fruit juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, spicy, salty and fatty foods.


    To treat diarrhea and eliminate the causes that provoked its occurrence, pregnant women are allowed to take:

    • Activated carbon.
    • Trisol.
    • Linex.
    • Bifidumbacterin.
    • Enterosgel.


    "Smecta" is an antidiarrheal drug that normalizes intestinal peristalsis, effectively eliminating flatulence and bloating.

    The drug is endowed with an adsorbing effect, capable of removing poisons and toxic substances from the body, while protecting the intestinal mucosa from all kinds of irritations. During pregnancy this drug can be used without any restrictions.


    • Can diarrhea be a sign of pregnancy?

    First reliable signs pregnancy are the presence of nausea, as well as the delay or prolonged absence of menstruation. The opinion that diarrhea may indicate the fertilization of the egg should be considered deeply erroneous.

Many future mothers are faced with the fact that their gastrointestinal tract begins to work in a completely different way, and loose stools often appear during pregnancy.

It would seem, so what? Do not run to the doctor every time? However, there are times when a doctor's consultation is simply necessary, but let's talk about everything in order.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Often, women experience diarrhea in the early stages of pregnancy, because at this time hormonal changes occur in their body, provoking such unpleasant “surprises”. For mom, this, of course, is sheer discomfort and inconvenience: you won’t go out of the house much, and you don’t feel better at home ... But for the baby, oddly enough, according to doctors, this is even good: the intestines pass in this way extra cleansing, which means that less toxins enter the child's body.

Suppose that you have a common indigestion that is not the result of any disease. Then safe folk remedies, which were used by our grandmothers, may turn out to be quite effective. Unlike pills, they are all completely natural and harmless.

  • eat some boiled rice. Moreover, cook it not to a crumbly state, but so that it remains a little viscous - it is this porridge that will help the intestines faster. By the way, it’s also not worth rinsing rice especially hard - water washes away sticky substances. Rice generally helps with any problems with the intestines during pregnancy;
  • blueberry, and in any form - dry, fresh, ground with sugar;
  • kissel on the potato starch. An excellent remedy for diarrhea;
  • compote from dried fruits;
  • chew dry tea. It contains tannins, which will also ease your condition;
  • baked or boiled pear - effective remedy from diarrhea during pregnancy. You can also prepare a decoction of fresh pears and drink it 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach for half a glass. Decoction: finely chop the pear, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew a little, then simmer for 20 minutes and let it brew under the lid for at least 3 hours;
  • a decoction of dried fruits of viburnum with a spoon of honey. It also needs to be drunk 3 times a day. How to cook? Very easy: pour dried viburnum (1 cup) with a liter of boiling water, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes after boiling. Strain, stir in the broth 3 tbsp. honey, preferably light;
  • Another good remedy from diarrhea during pregnancy apples. During the day, you need to eat 12 large grated apples, removing the peel from them, 1 apple every half hour;
  • considered to have good astringent properties oak bark, St. John's wort and sage- decoctions and infusions of these herbs quickly help to cope with diarrhea;
  • dried fruits of cherries or sweet cherries (only not fresh cherries - they, on the contrary, weaken!);
  • bean soup, let there be a lot of beans in it, and little broth;
  • quince in any form - fresh, dried, in the form of jam.

However, when taking any foods or herbs, you must know for sure that you are not allergic to them!

Diarrhea during pregnancy is fraught with dehydration, and this is very undesirable. This means you need to drink plenty of fluids. Give preference to juices, fruit drinks, clean water without gas. You need to drink them at least half a glass per hour.

If you are interested in medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy, then doctors usually recommend Laktosol or Regidron powder - they not only stop diarrhea, but also replenish the supply of mineral salts that our body loses during diarrhea.

If the diarrhea has already passed, but you are afraid of relapses, try to starve a little for the first time. On the first day, eat white bread crackers with unsweetened tea (sugar, by the way, provokes diarrhea).

Already on the second day, you can eat as usual, just exclude fruits, rich broths, fried meat, creamy and vegetable oil and indeed any animal fats. Whole milk also banned, and it’s better not to experiment with low-fat. But very useful products in this case there will be bananas, noodles and saltine crackers.

To minimize the risk of diarrhea during pregnancy, balance your diet. Never eat expired food - this is undesirable at normal times, but in " interesting position» Doubly dangerous! Why do you need extra intoxication of the body?

Intestinal problems during pregnancy: when to go to the hospital?

Of course, often diarrhea during pregnancy is only a temporary ailment, but the following signs should alert you:

  • prolonged persistent diarrhea;
  • loose stools 3 or more times a day;
  • discharge with mucus or blood;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • headache;
  • feeling unwell and tired;
  • muscle pain.

These can all be signs of something more serious than just an upset stomach. Therefore, if you have at least 2 signs, it is better to consult a doctor without trying to “wait it out” - it happens that diarrhea lasts up to 10 days.

Imagine how much fluid your body can lose! By the way, if you feel very thirsty, dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, ringing in the ears, no urge to urinate, or if your urine has changed color to dark yellow, these may be signs of serious dehydration that you cannot cope with on your own at home. conditions!

Consult your doctor, because dehydration caused by diarrhea during pregnancy harms not only you, but also your baby!

And yet, so that you once again not worried, we hasten to reassure: diarrhea during pregnancy is often just a temporary ailment, and not some formidable symptom.

In general, this is normal, and if it does not happen too often (no more than 2 times a week) and is easily treated folk remedies then there is nothing to worry about. Drink more water and put up with temporary inconveniences: more later dates your digestive tract will improve.


Expecting a child is a joyful period for every woman. Preparing a children's room, buying clothes, toys for the baby and other pleasant chores associated with replenishment in the family are remembered for a lifetime. But there is also back side medals. During pregnancy, a woman's body becomes very vulnerable and begins to "freaky". Affect and physiological changes, and hormonal changes, and weakened immunity. And the lady is in an interesting position instead of looking forward to see you soon with a child, suffer from various "surprises" of his body. Frequent "guest" is diarrhea. Is this disorder normal for a pregnant woman? Or is it time to urgently run to the doctor?

How to recognize diarrhea

Diarrhea is a digestive disorder that is very easy to recognize. It is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, frequent urges to bowel movements, as well as the changed nature of the stool (may be mushy, watery or frothy).

Basically, with the help of diarrhea, the body "expresses its attitude" about hormonal changes, various viruses, allergens and toxins. Diarrhea usually comes along with the following symptoms:

  • fever;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • flatulence and intestinal spasms;
  • headache;
  • general weakness, chills.

Do not be afraid for your own health and well-being of the fetus, if the diarrhea is mild. As a rule, such a disorder does not last longer than ten days and does not affect normal flow pregnancy. But is diarrhea always a simple reaction of the body to the “special” physiology of a woman in position? There are several " alarm bells”, making it clear that it would be useful to see a doctor. Among them:

  • the presence of mucus impurities or traces of blood in the stools;
  • diarrhea does not go away for a long time, vomiting and fever are observed at the same time;
  • black diarrhea, accompanied by dizziness and weakness.

Such symptoms require an immediate response to their appearance. Perhaps the woman's ulcer worsened or happened internal bleeding. The visit to the hospital cannot be postponed.

Is diarrhea dangerous during pregnancy?

The degree of risk for a woman depends on the nature of the diarrhea. Do not worry if the diarrhea is short, not strong, and is also accompanied by classic signs toxicosis. Also, diarrhea on the eve of early delivery: The body is thus self-cleansing. But in the early stages, intense diarrhea can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage.

Since the viruses and bacteria that cause diarrhea are within the intestines, they cannot harm the development of the fetus. But there are exceptions. Among them, special attention should be paid to cases of severe poisoning, which is fraught with intoxication of the female body and leads to the ingress of toxins dangerous for development directly to the fetus. Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to carefully control your diet, especially when using “risky” foods like mushrooms. However, if the poisoning turned out to be mild, there is no direct threat to the health and life of the unborn child.

Basic existing risk Diarrhea is dehydration of the body. But this can only happen if the diarrhea is severe. When a woman has to make long “visits” to the toilet more than 5 times a day, there is a risk of a violation of the water-salt balance, which, in turn, “provides” malfunctions in the whole organism. For an unborn child, a deficiency of minerals and vitamins is very unfavorable: such a shortage does not allow the fetus to develop normally. Severe cases of dehydration can cause various malformations and even miscarriages. How can you protect yourself from similar problem? The first step is to correctly recognize the symptoms of dehydration. These include:

  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • darkening of urine, loss of urge to urinate;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • dizziness;
  • sometimes drowsiness, fever, irritability.

The main measure for dehydration is to prevent excessive fluid loss and regularly replenish it.
Thus, only severe prolonged diarrhea can be dangerous for a pregnant woman. With a slight indigestion, there is no risk to the health of the woman and the fetus in most cases. But if there is even the slightest doubt about your own condition, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Why do you get diarrhea during pregnancy?

There are many causes of diarrhea during pregnancy. IN early period diarrhea reports the onset of hormonal changes in the body. If such a disorder "overtook" a woman in the later stages, then it may signal an impending birth. Diarrhea at 37 weeks and beyond indicates that the baby is just around the corner. But there are other causes of diarrhea that are not directly related to pregnancy:

Depending on the cause of occurrence, methods of getting rid of diarrhea are determined.

Diarrhea during pregnancy: what to do

Pregnancy makes a woman treat her own health as carefully as possible. Therefore, even the treatment of diarrhea should be approached with all seriousness.
First you need to identify the cause of the disorder. If diarrhea is just concomitant symptom diseases, they resort to the use of drugs. In other situations, you can turn to folk remedies and follow a certain diet.

How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy

Ideally, a doctor should prescribe treatment for a pregnant woman. If, for some reason, going to the hospital is impossible, then it is allowed self-administration drugs that are safe for a woman in position. Among them:

  • Regidron;
  • Smecta;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Entergosgel.

It is important to understand that these drugs can be used only after thoroughly studying the instructions, and only when the diarrhea is mild and does not cause much concern. In the serious cases described above, self-medication is strictly not recommended.

Folk remedies for diarrhea

Proven folk remedies do an excellent job with diarrhea. But you can’t blindly believe all the recipes in a row, because some homemade “medicines” are best not to use during pregnancy. Among the safe means are the following:

  • dilute in half a glass of non-hot boiled water 1 tsp. starch. Drink for 1 time;
  • prepare an infusion of blackberry leaves. It is taken in 3 tbsp. per day;
  • pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. pomegranate peel. After the drink is infused, it can be consumed as tea;
  • in 2 glasses of water for 20 minutes, cook 1 tbsp. leaves walnut. After letting the resulting remedy brew for about 30 minutes, you need to take it 1 tbsp. three times a day;
  • cook blueberry jelly. Enough to drink it twice a day.

If a pregnant woman realizes that the cause of diarrhea is emotional problems and mental disorders, it will not be superfluous to “treat” with the help of drugs that have a sedative effect. For example, motherwort or mint decoction.

How to eat with diarrhea What can pregnant women with diarrhea

It is best on the first day after the onset of diarrhea to limit yourself to only plentiful drink. fit plain water, strong teas, as well as fruit drinks and low-fat broths. This will help not only to “unload” the body a little, but also prevent its dehydration. If the refusal of food seems too difficult, then it is allowed to diversify your diet with white bread crackers.

The next day, you can afford "more" and add unleavened cereals to the menu. It is useful for diarrhea to eat rice or oatmeal.
Helps a lot with diarrhea rice water contributing to the normal formation stool. Due to the content of enveloping substances, such a drink helps protect the intestinal walls from the action of gastric acid and relieve irritation. It is prepared simply:

  • for 0.5 l of water, take 1 tsp. rice
  • cook for 40 minutes on low heat;
  • strain the decoction.

It must be drunk in a quarter cup every 3 hours. It is advisable to alternate the intake of the decoction with the use of at least a small amount of rice porridge.

There are also “forbidden” foods for diarrhea:

  • carbonated drinks, fruit juices, coffee;
  • meat, dairy products; fresh fruits;
  • any fatty, spicy and salty food.

Prevention of diarrhea during pregnancy

Women who have experienced all the "charms" of diarrhea during pregnancy admit that it is better to follow some simple rules than then suffer from diarrhea. How to prevent intestinal upset?

  1. Remember the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Take prenatal vitamins.
  3. Eat right, focusing on fresh and healthy foods.
  4. There is only at home, refusing to visit cafes and restaurants with dubious cuisine.

Diarrhea during pregnancy can be a real test of endurance. But all's well that ends well. And by taking simple measures to eliminate the problem of diarrhea, you can continue to enjoy the expectation of the birth of a baby. Be healthy!

Published: December 18, 2015 at 12:18

Loose stools in women in an "interesting position" in the early stages or before childbirth are quite common. At the beginning of the term, loose stools are associated with hormonal changes organism and manifests itself against the background of toxicosis. On the eve of childbirth, the body seeks to get rid of everything superfluous and is cleansed. However, if diarrhea is accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramps, flatulence, malaise, headache, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to determine what to do and how to treat diarrhea in pregnant women.

What to do with diarrhea for pregnant women in this case is decided by the doctor based on the reasons that caused the discomfort. In the absence of relevant diseases, in the question of how to stop diarrhea in a pregnant woman, folk methods and a special diet will help.

If a disorder of the stool suddenly began, then this may be the most early sign the birth of a new life. Often, diarrhea indicates a suspicion of pregnancy before signs of toxicosis appear. In such cases, nothing needs to be done, loose stools pass by themselves in one to two days. For common stomach upsets caused by eating stale foods or unusual changes in food preferences, the use of safe folk methods and diets.

If, despite the treatment of diarrhea in pregnant women, it continues for more than 3 days, then it is imperative to consult a doctor. And, of course, diarrhea in combination with fever, the presence of mucus or blood in the stool, pain require an immediate visit to the doctor. The main thing to do with diarrhea during pregnancy is not to panic, but to independently analyze why the disorder arose. Nervous state only exacerbates the manifestations.

The main direction of treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy is the restoration of lost fluid and salts, the organization of the correct diet food And drug therapy. The main danger at severe diarrhea, even if it is not accompanied additional factors, is dehydration. Signs of beginning dehydration are:

  1. Darkening of urine, lack of urge to urinate.
  2. Feeling of dryness in the mouth.
  3. Persistent desire to drink.
  4. Dizziness, sometimes drowsiness, irritability.

On the first day of diarrhea during pregnancy in drinking, it is better to limit yourself to a large amount of boiled water. warm water, strong tea without sugar, fruit drinks. Considering that the woman's body during this period requires more nutrients than at other times, fasting is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to make changes in the diet and include low-fat broths in it. Helps to fight loose stools such a remedy for diarrhea during pregnancy as rice water, which is taken every three hours for a quarter cup for each dose. The volume of fluid consumed per day should be at least 2.5 liters.

In the future, the choice of what to take for pregnant women with diarrhea depends not only on the factors that provoked the ailment, but also depending on how long the stool disorder occurred. The fact is that until the thirtieth week it is forbidden to use different kind medicines so as not to disturb normal process fetal development.

During this period, with diarrhea in pregnant women, more attention is paid to special diet. Such a diet provides for the exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, salty, spicy, as well as all natural dairy products. Very helpful natural yogurt containing lacto- and bifidobacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the weakened intestinal microflora. Unloading the body gives the use of viscous cereals room temperature. Hot or cold food, getting into the acidic environment of the stomach, irritates it and impairs digestion. Increase the effectiveness of the diet herbal infusions on lemon balm, mint, chamomile flowers.

Folk remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy

The most popular ingredients used to make tinctures and decoctions for diarrhea for pregnant women are oak and white willow bark, chamomile flowers, calendula, thyme herb, wormwood, coltsfoot leaves and plantain. The effectiveness of the use of funds is greatly enhanced when they are used in the form of fees. However, it should be taken into account that female body during this period, it is very selective not only in food, but also in medicinal herbs that can cause allergic reaction. What to drink with diarrhea for pregnant women is determined individually. The safest folk remedies for diarrhea during pregnancy are blueberry jelly, a starch solution in chilled boiled water, tincture of pomegranate peel or blackberry leaves.

Medicines for diarrhea during pregnancy

When medical therapy is not recommended for safety reasons normal development of the fetus, as an exception, adsorbent drugs can be used. Among them, Smecta for diarrhea during pregnancy is the most common medicine, which, moreover, does not have side effects. Another advantage of using Smecta for diarrhea in pregnant women is that it is of natural origin. Main active substance- dioctahedral smectite, getting directly into the intestine, is not absorbed into the blood and therefore does not have negative impact on a child.

The mechanism of action of Smecta during pregnancy with diarrhea is the binding of gases and toxins with their subsequent removal from the body. In addition, by binding to the glycoproteins of the secretion of the mucous membranes, the active substance increases their number and provides increased protection against the negative effects of bile acids, gastric juice, pathogenic microorganisms and pathogenic viruses. As auxiliary substances, the preparation contains vanillin, glucose, saccharin, sodium.

Women are wondering what to do with diarrhea during pregnancy, what pills to take and what course of taking them to follow? Accept the Scheme of reception and the duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor. As a rule, the duration of admission is from three to seven days. If there is no effect, after completion, the doctor makes adjustments to therapy. Smecta is prescribed for intestinal infections, severe manifestations of toxicosis and food allergies. At the same time, the high absorption capacity of the drug contributes to the elimination of not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria from the body, leading to the development of dysbacteriosis.

The use of Smecta is not recommended for elevated content blood sugar due to the presence of glucose. Despite all positive properties and the ability to purchase without a prescription, use it without medical advice is strictly prohibited. After all, any laxative medicine, including Smecta, enhances the muscular activity of the intestine, which can cause premature birth in the early stages.

Quite often, doctors, to address the issue of stopping diarrhea during pregnancy, prescribe similar preparations such as Enterosgel. With the help of Enterosgel it is possible:

  1. Remove toxins and decay products, pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  3. Eliminate gas formation and putrefaction in the intestines.
  4. Put a barrier to the development of ulcerative formations on the surface of the mucous membrane.
  5. Activate the peristalsis of muscle fibers.

When removing toxic substances from the body, Enterosgel does not absorb substances that are useful for normal life. Very effective use for diarrhea during pregnancy and activated charcoal.

Diarrhea pills for pregnant women

Not so long ago, the choice of medicines that can be used for diarrhea during pregnancy was very limited and consisted in the use of alternative methods or in inpatient treatment under constant medical supervision. Currently, choosing the right medicine for diarrhea for pregnant women is not particularly difficult. The doctor prescribes tablets for diarrhea during pregnancy only after a thorough analysis of the symptoms of loose stools and examination of the woman.

What to do with diarrhea in a pregnant woman depends on the specific clinic and the factors that caused the disorder. One of the cheapest and effective pills from diarrhea during pregnancy, is Lopedium. It is used when diarrhea is caused by disorders of an emotional, allergic nature associated with medication, changes in regimen and diet. Lopedium and its analogues (Imodium, Enteloperamide) increase the time of passage of food through gastrointestinal tract, slowing down muscle contractions, reducing the urge to defecate and has the ability to increase the tone of the anal sphincter.

At the same time, they cannot be used in the first trimester and when stating intestinal infection, salmonellosis, dysentery. It is also possible to use Attapulgite or Kaopectil tablets containing kaolin and pectin, but only after the 30th week. How to treat diarrhea in pregnant women safely? To do this, doctors prescribe probiotics that restore the intestinal microflora.

What to do to prevent diarrhea in pregnant women?

Diarrhea, especially in the early stages, or at the 35th week, creates a high degree of risk for the normal development of the fetus, up to the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, as preventive measures To prevent a disorder, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Be under constant medical supervision.
  2. Do not start chronic diseases.
  3. Organize a healthy diet.
  4. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Handle fruits and vegetables carefully.
  5. Increase consumption of dairy products.
  6. Eating small meals up to 6 times a day and only freshly prepared.

If you have frequent loose stools, then this is diarrhea. It should be noted that diarrhea is common to all, in various moments life, it is especially important to stop and cure diarrhea during pregnancy in time. Statistics show that most of us, on average, have diarrhea 4 times a year.

Diarrhea or diarrhoea, with medical point vision, defined as incontinence (or watery) and unusually frequent bowel movements. Sometimes, unbalanced hormonal surges lead to a combination of two unpleasant factors like diarrhea and vomiting. Armed with basic knowledge, listening to your condition and following the advice of a doctor, individually in each separate case, you can choose the treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy.

  • Acute - 14 days in a row. Acute diarrhea usually occurs due to infections with bacteria and viruses. Such diarrhea problems are self-limiting and last for several days. Majority cases of mild viral diarrhea, while more severe sharp forms diarrhea associated with bacteria.
  • Persistent diarrhea - more than 14 days.
  • Chronic - more than 30 days. Chronic diarrhea usually occurs due to non-infectious etiologies. A large number of disorders, one way or another, is associated with chronic diarrhea. Can be subdivided: irritable bowel syndrome; intestinal inflammation; ulcerative colitis.

Diarrhea can be caused by:

Unlike constipation during pregnancy, which can be caused by fluctuating hormones, diarrhea tends to be caused by something that happens outside of your body—and something that may not even be harmful. Diarrhea can be the result of too much good and proper food which you are now eating. The extra water you drink, or even the prenatal workouts you start doing, can all trigger pregnancy diarrhea. Some women find that certain vitamins cause loose stools, and changing them can even cause diarrhea later in pregnancy.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy, which will help you feel better and restore your usual physiological processes:

  1. It is very important to drink plenty of water. The liquid should contain salt and sugar. For example, "Sports drinks" are good choice, as well as juice or broth. To control what and how much to drink, watch the color of your urine. It should be light yellow or almost clear if you fill yourself up with enough liquid.
  2. Change your eating habits. Small, frequent meals - noodles, rice, bananas and crackers. Salty foods are a great addition to meals.
  3. Naturally, before making a decision at any stage of pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor. There are many medications available to help get rid of diarrhea, some are available without a prescription. However, do not self-medicate if you have a fever or bleeding. Most common drug treatment diarrhea the following:

Loperamide or Imodium is available without a prescription. Loperamide is taken as 2 tablets as a single dose initially and then 1 tablet for each loose stool. You should not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours.

Diphenoxylate or Lomotil requires a prescription from your doctor. Diphenoxylate is a more serious treatment than Loperamide, but it has a number of unpleasant side effects. The usual dose is 2 tablets four times a day, then reduced to 2 tablets a day once the frequency of diarrhea is under control. If there is no change or reduction in diarrhea within 48 hours, treatment should be discontinued.

Yogurt contains live microorganisms called probiotics, which can shorten the duration of some forms of diarrhea. The duration of diarrhea during pregnancy can be reduced to 30 hours if treatment is started at the first symptoms of diarrhea.

It is important to understand that diarrhea during pregnancy is normal. . Your digestive system can either slow down your work, causing constipation, or speed up, and you can get diarrhea. Most often, diarrhea in early pregnancy catches moms off guard with their first pregnancy.

What should you know?

Diarrhea tends to be less common than constipation during pregnancy and does not last as long. In fact, diarrhea that persists for more than a few days, no matter how mild the flow, is a reason to see a doctor. Diarrhea can cause back pain and can quickly lead to dehydration, a major risk factor for preterm birth. So if you have diarrhea, take it seriously...

What to do?

The so-called BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) has been recommended for many years. Latest views It is recommended to add the following to this diet:

  • other starchy foods like potatoes, unsweetened cereals and crackers;
  • vegetables, such as boiled or baked carrots;
  • lean soups with noodles, rice and/or vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • yogurt, especially with live, active cultures.

Avoid "simple" high sugar drinks (apple and grape juice, jelly, cola and others soft drinks), they will cause the diarrhea to persist for longer long term. Sports drinks and plain water are more acceptable options. And, as always, but especially now, avoid fatty and fried foods.

Also, make sure you are not taking diarrhea medicines that contain sodium bicarbonate or sodium, which is a banned substance for treating diarrhea during pregnancy.

Remember, while mild cases of diarrhea during pregnancy are nothing to really start worrying about. Severe diarrhea, more than three loose stools per day, or discharge with blood, mucus - a sign to see a doctor today!