Play with a 3 month old baby. What to do in the absence of mom. Reflexes at three months

During the period of 3 months, when you talk to your baby, he not only hums in response, but also smiles at you, constantly waving his arms and legs in order to attract even more attention to himself. This phenomenon is called the revitalization complex. It is the most important stage in the development of a child. Thus, the baby communicates that he is pleased or satisfied with communication with him and expects the caress or play that he needs.

The child is improving in the art of toothless smiles and begins to try them already on all adults in sight. The child attracts the attention of adults with the help of lively and sincere laughter.

The child is awake for about 4-5 hours a day, now he can fix objects with his gaze for several minutes, he raises not only his head, but also his shoulders and lies, leaning on his forearms. The child will try with all his might to roll over onto his stomach, and sometimes he manages to make a half-turn - that is, turn from back to side. The kid tries to roll from one end of the crib to the other, fingering with arms and legs at the same time, using all parts of the body. And this is already, although the simplest, but the skills of movement!

When you take the baby under the armpits, he already rests on his legs, bending them into hip joints springing them. And although he still cannot resist, he rests on and strengthens his legs. And this is important for his development, as he will soon begin to crawl.

Even if the baby lies on its back, it will not remain idle. He begins to rhythmically swing his arms and legs, as the child trains before the upcoming hikes and races. The child's hands are still living their own lives, he has already begun to pay attention to them. However, learning how to manage them is not so easy. The kid is already trying not only to reach out with the handle to the hanging rattle, but to touch it so that it makes a sound. However, now, before grabbing the object, the child looks at it for a long time, as if weighing whether the object is worth his efforts.

The kid continues to walk enthusiastically, mastering new sounds, for example "ay", "hey". Tell your child a few affectionate words, wait for his smile and shut up when the child “buzzes” (you have to be patient, it usually takes a few minutes for the child to “think about what he heard”), say something else and again wait patiently for an answer. Gradually, the child will learn to "maintain a conversation" - and the bond between you will become even stronger. Most likely, several days will pass, and during the next conversation you will hear funny laugh your child.

Games and toys for a 3 month old baby

The crumb needs the attention of parents and loved ones. He likes it when mom and dad take him in their arms, talk and communicate with him, talk about what is happening around him, read books.

Now, while awake, the kid not only contemplates, but explores the world around him, using his increased capabilities, which he is ready to happily realize in the game.

It is hardly possible now to say for sure which of the games develops exactly the vision, which hearing, etc. Games for children of this age are games for the complex development of a baby. And the more you play with it, the more varied your games are, the better your baby will develop.

Continue with the crumb and add new ones to them.

  1. Conventional air balloons contribute to the development of vision and coordination of movements. Tie the ball to the baby's hand so that, by moving the hand, the child watches his movement and, over time, can establish a relationship between the movement of the hand and the ball.
  2. Secure the mobile at a distance of 15–20 cm from the child's eyes. Do not hang a lot of toys on your mobile - 2-3 is enough. And do not forget to change toys after 4–5 days, because the baby needs new "objects" of research.
  3. Hang a rattle over the crib (preferably at a distance of about 45 cm from the eyes), which the child can move with his hand, trying to grab, accidentally touch. It is very important for a baby to understand that when he hits the rattle, he moves it, and this becomes the cause of the noise.
  4. The bells are hung from a mobile phone or over a baby's bed so that he can reach them with his hands. By the end of the 3rd month of life, the baby will understand that by touching the toy, he makes it sound.
  5. Put a bright rag bracelet with a bell, fastened with Velcro on your child's wrist. This toy promotes the development of hand coordination and the development of hearing. Wear the bracelet alternately on your right or left hand.
  6. Take the baby in your arms, let him touch the whirligig. Then unwind it and, after it starts humming, say: "Listen to how the whirligig is singing!"
  7. While playing with the tumbler, show your baby how it sways. Hearing a melodic ringing, smile and say: “Did you hear?”, Over time the baby will be able to play on his own.

Activities with a child of 3 months

1. Affectionate touch

Your baby will love it if you run a feather or a piece of soft cloth over his tummy or back. Blow lightly on his face, tummy. Show your child multi-colored handkerchiefs - bright colours will instantly grab your baby's attention.

2. "Oh, what's ringing?"

Hang a bell on the baby's hand and teach him to deliberately ring them. Thanks to this game, the child gets to know his body and trains his hearing.

3. Hide and seek

Stand so that the baby does not see you, and call him by name. The child will look for you. Have the baby find you and then hide again. But now do not just call him, but sing songs or read children's poems.

4. Puppet theater

At this age, you can already put finger puppets and animals on the baby's fingers, arranging various "performances" with him, explaining that this is a kitty that "says" "meow, meow", and this is a dog, "speaking" - "woof, Woof woof".

5. "Come on, take it away!"

Hang your child's favorite toy on a string and bring it up to him so that he can grab it. As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, move it away from him. And so several times, until you give him the opportunity to grab this toy on his own. He must be given this opportunity to the baby before he shows signs of fatigue.

6. "Let's go for a ride on the ball ?!"

The kid will certainly be happy to "ride" on a large inflatable ball. Put the baby on his tummy, and then roll the ball with him: left and right, back and forth. Support the child, as to maintain his balance, the infant has to put in a lot of effort and he simply cannot cope with it alone.

7. Observation point

When a child is asleep, he does not need outsiders, but when he is awake, he needs company. If you are dining at the table with the whole family, place your child on the couch so that he can see you (only farther from the edge). If you are cooking, roll your stroller. If there are no drafts on the floor, then you can lay the child on the floor, on a hard surface he will learn to roll over faster than on a soft bed.

8. Raise your head and look at the toy

Necessary: bright, sounding rattle, bell, drum, etc.

You put the child on his stomach at a distance of 30-40 cm from the toy. Shaking the toy and making a sound, encourage the child to listen, raise his head, and look towards the sounding object. After the child raises his head 1-2 times, examining the sounding toy, it is necessary to turn him over on his back, give the opportunity to examine the sounding object. Then the game can be repeated. During subsequent activities, toys should be changed.

9. First travels

Necessary: groovy musical toy(a dancing bear, a bunny, a beating drum, etc.) or just a sounding toy (a bright yellow "quacking" duck, a ringing tumbler matryoshka).

You take the child in your arms vertically (but do not sit him down), letting him lean on your shoulder, with the other hand support him behind his back (option: press the baby's back tightly against your stomach and hold him under your knees). Bring the baby to the shelf located at the level of his eyes, where there is 1 bright toy (doll-doll, or a bright yellow duck, or some kind of clockwork toy) of medium size (20-20 cm). Turn to the shelf so that the child can see the toy well, and give him the opportunity to find it with his eyes on his own. Then you arrange the child in comfortable posture(for example, on the couch) and actively show him the toy, shaking it, turn it on (if it is groovy), address the child with the words: “Look!”, “Listen!”, name the toy, highlighting the name with your voice, slightly slowing down your speech. Then, if the baby is not tired, you can repeat all the actions, removing and bringing the toy closer to him.

10. Squeeze and touch

Necessary: hard, soft, bouncy balls and rollers, sheathed or wrapped different fabric(balls with a diameter of 2.5 cm - you can use ping-pong balls; rollers 7-8 cm long, 1.5 cm thick; thick pencils, felt-tip pens, pens).

You put the ball in the middle of the palm, first with the right, then with the left hand of the child. The rollers are inserted across the palm so that they can be wrapped with four folded fingers ( thumb withdrawn). At the first moment, you hold the object in the child's palm, prompting for a stronger reflex grasping and holding with your hands (at 2 months - 2-3 seconds, at 3 months - up to 10 seconds). In one lesson, you can put 3-5 objects in turn in each hand so that the child can feel their properties (smoothness, roughness, hardness, softness, lightness, heaviness, etc.)

11. Hit what there is strength

Necessary: rattle, soft toy or cardboard face, elastic band, woolen thread.

You pull a rubber band across the crib and hang from it with a woolen thread. soft toy or a rattle so that the child can reach it outstretched hand... Show your child, who is lying on their back, how to hit the toy with a fist several times, and let him exercise. If movement or sound scares the child, remove the toy. Try again after a few seconds.

Literature: 1. Elena Pervushina. Desk book young mother. Happy baby: from birth to 2 years. 2. Valeria Fadeeva. Handbook of the Russian mother.

Useful Tips

How more toys, all the better. Children at 3 months are trying in every possible way to develop their physical strength, so blows on a variety of objects are now theirs favourite hobby... Try to hang a lot of toys near the crib, preferably ones that rotate, ring, glow. Place the baby so that he can touch these objects.

Walk with your baby: Walks are, first of all, a change of scenery. Children are very fond of listening to the rustle of leaves on the street, watching the transfusion of sunlight, the appearance of a shadow, and the movement of the wind. Believe me, your kid will keep track of the flight of each bird, the meows of cats and dogs.

Conversations with the child: Talk to your child. So what, what can he not answer? Tell your child everything you see. Change the intonation and volume of your speech. When the baby starts to "answer" you, do not interrupt him, wait until he "expresses" everything that he wanted. The more often such "dialogues" are repeated, the more actively the child will "gag".

Invite guests: If you have recently become a mother, then this is not a reason to close at home and refuse guests. On the contrary, let both adults and children come to your house. New objects of attention will certainly be of interest to the baby.

Sing a lot: Motherhood is the period when you can feel like both a singer and an actress. Singing, especially in the first year of a child's life, should be heard constantly in your home. At 3 months, babies love it very much when they sing, then bending over the baby, then moving away from him. Singing will help to provoke the baby to "walk" more often.

Play together

Do not forget that games for young children must necessarily carry a developing character. In general, games are for the development of: hearing, sight, touch and motor abilities. At 3 months, the child is already more prepared to get acquainted with the world around him, so he can begin to use the skills acquired earlier in practice.

We are slowly studying

Dogs and cats. Other pets can also be used for observation. Just show them to your baby and see how he reacts. Later, try to imitate the sounds that different animals make. Children really like it. If the child does not burst out laughing, then at least he will smile.

"Throw" the baby. Dads especially love this activity. Take your baby and lift them above you, allowing them to look down on you. Be very careful.

Beads are loved not only by mothers. Initially, let's say that a great place for three-month-old babies is a playpen. There is plenty of room for leeway here. The kid can turn over and collect all his favorite toys near him. Hang beads or rope in the arena, for example, with spools. The knocking of these elements is quite pleasant for little ears.

We cultivate musical tastes. Children especially like music with a clear rhythm. Slamming or banging to the beat of the music only has a positive effect on perception. Change music, styles, volume. Over time, your baby will start to feel the difference.

Home sandbox: No, you don't need sand. You can replace it oat flour... Pour flour into a bowl. Sit the baby on your lap. Let the child touch the "sand" with the arms and legs. Sifting flour between your fingers, say out loud what you are doing and what you are feeling at this moment.

More fabrics. Perfect option- gloves with fingers made of different fabrics. Let your baby taste every finger, let him feel the difference.

Songs with surprise. There are a lot of such rhyme songs on the Internet. Over time, the child will wait not only for the fact that you start singing to him, but also for the unexpected end of such a song. Enter in the search: "nursery rhymes" or "pestushki" and choose creativity on any topic.

Working on coordination

Legs: Raise and lower your baby's legs. In this case, the child can lie or sit on your arms (with his back to you).

We get up: Take the baby by the handles and pull it towards you so that the baby's torso is slightly raised. Then put your child down. Don't waste your time, sing:

My baby is lying
My baby is getting up
Here is a rattle for the baby
We play and toys.

Such physical education has a positive effect on the abdominal muscles.

Learning to crawl: Put the crumb on your tummy, sit in the back yourself. Place your palms on the baby's feet. Perhaps not the first time, but the baby will start to push off with his legs from your hands, and this will help him learn to crawl.

Your child is a bun. Starting from the third month, babies are very fond of rolling on their backs from their belly, or vice versa. If now the child is still not doing everything, then you can help him, but do not turn over, but simply push in the right direction.

Learning to think

Place the bell in your baby's palm. Move the knob lightly to produce a sound. Observe, or the child will wonder where the noise is coming from.

Take the ball: Place the baby on the floor, nose down. Place a bright ball at a distance of half a meter from it. It can be squeaky or simple. As you roll the “object of attention” on the floor, watch how the child reacts. He must learn to coordinate his gaze and try to reach the object with his pens.

Inflatable ball: Inflate the ball, tie it to the ribbon and hold it over the baby. Will the child try to reach it with a pen or a leg?

Everyday worries

Feeding: Baby needs this moment strong hugs, therefore, feeding is not a very convenient procedure for you. Let the hands of your child be free fascinating activity for him will be your hair, earlobes, jewelry.

Bathing and singing: Songs about different parts body under some memorable motive - just what the baby needs now. You don't have to memorize, you can compose yourself.

Games and bathing together: Bathing with your baby in a warm bath can help relieve stress. Do not forget to support the baby's back, you can even put the baby's back on your arm and rock him. New sensations will definitely be received positively. Take colorful balls, animals or other toys with you to the bathroom. Let the child know what they will be like after they get wet. If you decide to swim together, then be sure to do it when there is still someone at home who can come to the rescue at the right time.

Let your baby be naked sometimes. This way he feels his body better.

We rest together

Bubbles: Bubble- one of the favorite entertainments of children different ages... The kid will be happy to watch the movement of this "miracle" in the air.

Buy a fish: As you know, an aquarium with fish has a calming effect on both children and adults.

Watch: It can be a clock that is ticking, or hourglass... Sounds from ticking or pouring sand act on the child like sleeping pills.

Game time

The games and activities that we offer for children from birth to three months of age are aimed at developing auditory, visual, tactile and motor abilities child.

Now that he can use his skills to get to know the world around him, the exercises we offer will help him put them into practice. During games and classes, he will make discoveries, anticipate events, develop coordination of movements and solve new problems.

Making discoveries

Pet watching

Give your toddler the opportunity to watch a pet. It is especially interesting to look at dogs, cats and birds.

New perspectives

Take the baby in your arms, lift up and down, so that he can see your face.

Hang beads in the arena

Manezh is a great place for three month old baby... There is enough space for him to move and roll over and to put toys next to him. Pull the string with spools in the arena. The kid will like to hear how they knock on each other when he touches them with his feet. (If you don't have a playpen, you can hang the coil beads between two chairs.)

Introduce your toddler to rhythmic music

The child likes to listen to music, especially rhythmic ones. Let him listen to a melody where there is a clear rhythm. Try clapping your hands to the beat of the music, 67 or use wooden spoons, a tambourine or two clothespins. Listen to music fast and slow, loud and quiet. After a while, the baby will learn to notice changes in the rhythm.

Bell ringing

Place the bell cuff on your baby's wrist. Gently shake your child's hand so that he looks at it and sees the bell. Then slide this cuff over your other arm and shake it again, this time a little harder. This exercise will help your little one get to know their body parts better and develop eye-hand coordination.

Safe sandbox

Fill a large bowl or small bowl with oatmeal. Place on a wide tray or on a plastic mat (so you don't get dirty). Sitting on the floor and keeping the baby on your lap, lower his legs and arms into the basin. Explain how your baby is feeling. Show how you sift flour through your fingers. Thanks to this activity, the child learns to enjoy new sensations.

Buzzing bees

In order for the kid to "walk" more often and make different sounds, try to sing this song with him. Remember to look him in the eye while singing. You first tell me How the bee buzzes. Then I will tell you about the bee chew. Let the baby try to pronounce the sound "f".

Cloth glove

Make a pair of cloth gloves using a different type of cloth for each finger. Put gloves on your hands and have your baby touch each finger.

Songs with a surprise

Learn a few songs that end in an unexpected way and sing them to the kid. After listening to the song several times, he will know that a surprise awaits him at the end. Place the baby on your lap. Shake your knees so that the baby bounces slightly, and at the same time sing this song: On bumps, on bumps, On loose paths. While holding your baby, spread your knees so that it suddenly slides down. Into the hole - boo!

Development of coordination

Exercises for the legs

Lift the baby's legs up and then lower them while saying: Hop, Hop, Clap, Clap. Up and down Take the baby by the arms and gently pull towards you, so that he lifts the torso, then gently lay back. Here is a song that you can hum during this exercise: Here my baby sits down, Here my baby lies down. He looks at the rattle, As toys swing. This game strengthens the abdominal muscles of the baby and at the same time gives him the opportunity to see in a new way the world.

Swim, swim, baby

Place your baby on your lap. Supporting his back and head, hum a song. Slowly rock your baby back and forth.

Nudge the baby's feet

Put your baby on your belly on hard surface... Stand in the back and place your palms on the baby's feet. It will be comfortable for him to crawl forward, pushing off with his feet from your hands. This exercise will help your child learn to crawl on their own.

Gingerbread man

Between the third and fourth months of life, most babies begin to roll over. First, they usually roll from belly to back, then from back to side, and finally from back to belly. Help your little one develop these new skills. Place your hand under his shoulders and gently rock him from side to side. When he is lying on his side, shaking him, give him a slight push and let him try to roll over himself. Rock your baby to the rhythm funny song- any melody will do. At this age, some babies wake up at night due to the fact that, having turned over in a dream, they cannot independently return to their previous position. Helping your child learn to roll over will help him cope with difficulties more easily.

Development of thinking

Give the baby a rattle

Continue to place the thin-handled rattle in the baby's hand. When doing this, shake gently. Watch to see if the baby raises his hand to see where the noise is coming from.

Ball observation

Place the baby on the floor with his tummy down. At a distance of 70 centimeters from the baby's face, roll a bright ball from side to side. “After a little practice, the baby will learn to coordinate eye and hand movements and will try to get closer to the ball.

Finding the bell

Ring the bell so the child can see it. Then move the bell out of your baby's sight and ring again. See if the child starts looking for him with his eyes. Try playing with a rattle or a toy that can squeak as well.

Beach ball game Inflate a large plastic ball and tie a string to it. Place the child on their back and hold the ball over them. I wonder if the kid will be able to reach him with his leg?


Tie a string to a bright plastic ring and slowly twist it in one direction around the baby. After a while, the child, waiting for the ring to appear, will look for it with his eyes.

The question of how to develop a child at 3 months is asked by many parents. The increased interest in this topic at this time is especially relevant, because the baby is finally beginning to show emotions and realizes his physical strength... At this age, there is sudden jump in everything that the little one has learned. This stage is so important that it is worth considering in detail all the changes that occur with the baby at this age.

Features of the period

Some pediatricians consider this age to be borderline transitional, and some even argue that women should be 12 months pregnant, not 9. They explain their theory by the fact that only 3 months after birth, the baby becomes capable of life outside maternal womb and acquires social qualities.

A child at 3 months really changes dramatically: he cries less and communicates more, his infant colic, he begins to show interest in the world around him, physically becomes stronger and more coordinated, his hearing and vision are improving.

Hearing and sight

The first thing that mothers of a 3-month-old baby pay attention to is that he begins to listen to unfamiliar sounds. Not only that, he even turns on

The distance from which the baby is able to distinguish sounds significantly increases: now he hears all sounds that are heard within a radius of three meters from him. At birth, this distance was 2 times less.

A particularly touching discovery for parents is that development three month old baby reached the level when he gets to know people close to him. Seeing a familiar face, the baby begins to smile and grimace. The little one is also able to indicate his discovery and emotion with his voice.

A child at 3 months old looks at his hands for a long time: he moves his fingers, folds them into fists. Also, the object of attention is the mother's face and chest, rotating toys over the bed.

Gross motor skills

Improves significantly gross motor skills child. Now it is no longer so easy to find him in one position - he persistently tries to raise his head and body, moves his arms, raising and lowering them.

Lying on his stomach, the baby tries to rise on the arms, while raising his head at an angle of 90 degrees. In this position, he is able to hold on for 30-50 seconds. From a reclining position, the child also strives to sit down all the time, and from a lying position on his stomach or back he manages to roll over on his side.

When the parents carry the baby in their arms, he holds the head straight, so it no longer needs to be supported every time raising his child.

Fine motor skills

At this age, the child's interest in toys and the desire to take them in hand becomes touching. Someone at this age manages to hold a rattle in their hands and even sends it into their mouth, while others are just trying to capture it. In both cases, the infant's coordination of movements is rapidly improving.

Not only toys are attractive objects for licking at this age. Everything that you can reach reaches your mouth: diapers, toys, mother's fingers, your own clothes.

Research talents also show up: the child likes to touch different subjects, faces and hair. By touching, he senses the object.

Social development

At this age, the baby sharply socializes and from a detached little man turns into a person with conscious desires, whims and interest in his small world around him.

At 3 months of age Small child begins to be interested in everything that is happening around him: he is attracted by unfamiliar sounds, he begins to follow the movement of his parents. The baby likes it when mom or dad carry him around the house and talk about the things around him.

Formed inner world crumbs: he no longer just recognizes mom and dad, but tries to attract their attention, twisting his legs, making faces or gagging. At this age, many children begin to laugh out loud for the first time.

Developing your own speech

The development of a three-month-old baby and his directly depends on hearing. The ability to hear appears from the first days of life and by the age of three months reaches the level that ensures rapid progress in speech and, in general, provides positive influence on the development of the child. At 3 months of age, the baby begins to laugh out loud for the first time, which also reflects the development of hearing and speech aids.

That is why by the age of three months, the baby begins to actively walk, calming himself and talking to himself. You can even talk to a child, he answers with simple sounds - "aaa", "uuu", "yyy". The speech skills of a child at 3 months are such that he can even combine sounds or replace with other vowels.

Each of them now has its own intonation fullness. With the help of the emotional coloring of the pronounced vowels, the child expresses his state: when he is hungry, when something bothers him, and when Each of these states now has its own intonation characteristic, which also reflects the characteristic skills of a child at 3 months.

Self-service skills

A 3-month-old baby is certainly still helpless, and the word "self-care" here has a somewhat generalized meaning. However, it is able to reflect the essence of the process, which consists in the child's ability to help himself in something.

So, by the age of three months, the baby is able to take the object he needs and bring it to his eyes in order to better see it, or to his mouth to lick it. However, taking the same nipple, he will not be able to put it in his mouth in the right way the first time, and if he succeeds, then, most likely, by accident.

In addition, the baby is able to support the water bottle itself, as well as the mother's breast during feeding. Also, the child opens his mouth when he realizes that he is trying to drink water from a spoon.

Daily regime

TO three months old changes dramatically in the baby. Firstly, he is less likely to apply to the breast - instead of 12 feedings a day after birth, 8 feeds are enough for him. Second qualitative change Regarding the length of the night's sleep: 10-11 hours of rest with two night feedings is now enough for the baby. Third important point refers to the duration daytime sleep... After three months, the child sleeps three times a day for 1.5-2 hours.

In addition, the baby's sleep becomes stronger, now he does not wake up when he tries to put it in his crib. This is due to the fact that now sleep in children begins with a deep phase, and not fast, as it was in the first three months.


After three months, the baby usually disappears increased tone arms and legs, thanks to which he begins to better coordinate his movements. However, this does not always work out and not for everyone. How to develop a baby at 3 months old with massage? To help him learn to master the muscles, neonatologists recommend regularly doing a special massage that improves blood circulation and tactile sensitivity of the baby. Muscle strength is also developed through this procedure.

The massage technology is very simple: it is performed in the form of stroking, light rubbing, circular movements. All manipulations should be carried out very carefully, with light pressure. Each procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

The sequence and nature of actions when massaging a baby:

  • We start with the handles and legs. The massage is carried out by stroking and circular motions.
  • Once completed, you can do a series of passive exercises to build muscle strength. To do this, it is recommended to breed and cross the arms on the baby's chest. To develop the muscles on the legs, perform sliding movements of the foot along the table surface - forward and backward.
  • Faster to master own body the "coup" procedure will help. To do this, you need to carefully turn the baby from the abdomen to the back and vice versa, while supporting the pelvis.
  • Do not forget about the tummy and back. Massage the tummy in a circular motion fingers and fist very gently. And the back should be stroked in a circular and zigzag manner with the pads of the fingers.
  • Let's not forget about the press. Holding the handles, raise the child's head and torso to a semi-sitting position.
  • Also, neonatologists recommend massaging the baby's feet, "boxing" with the baby's fists and swinging the children on the massage ball.

How to deal with a child

Condition harmonious development child are classes with him by his parents. By the age of three months, the baby reacts to affection, voice and needs communication. How to develop a child at 3 months old, how to interest him and teach him new skills?

  • Show love: hug the baby, kiss his fingers and tummy, blow on the feet. it necessary condition so that he feels needed and protected.
  • Listen to music with him. Choose classic tunes and not loud noise... Clap your hands to the beat of the music.
  • Little children love it very much when their mother sings songs to them. Nothing replaces Mom's tender lullaby.
  • Make different sounds and make grimaces - this will encourage the baby to repeat sounds after you and develop his vocal apparatus.
  • Teach your child to find the source of the sound.
  • Develop his olfactory abilities: let's smell a banana, bread, a flower.
  • Also work with the touch: offer the baby alternately hard and soft objects, light and heavy, prickly and delicate.
  • Show the baby that there is a rhythm in the conversation: when communicating with him, stop, as if waiting for an answer. Soon the baby will start cooing with you.

Three-month-old toddlers are able to stay awake for quite a long time. By this age, children become more active and curious. They no longer want to lie quietly in their crib, especially since so many interesting things are happening around. On this stage development of the crumbs are just beginning their acquaintance with the world around them, collecting information about it. Do this process brighter and more exciting for each parent. To do this, you need to pay more attention to the little one, communicate with him, help him make his first discoveries. Games with a child at 3 months should be aimed primarily at the development of coordination of movements, visual and auditory perception, the formation of communication skills, strengthening physical indicators... The acquired skills and abilities will certainly come in handy for the baby in the future.

Development of speech

It is quite obvious that a toddler left without proper attention will develop more slowly than its peers. That is why parents need to regularly communicate with the baby, tell him about everything around. Here are some examples of activities aimed at developing the speech and auditory skills of the baby.

Continuous communication

A three-month-old child should constantly hear human speech... Therefore, at the moment of wakefulness, the crumbs should communicate with him, commenting on all the actions that are taking place.

For example, picking up the baby on the street, the mother tells him: “Now we will put on warm jumpsuit so that Stepushka does not freeze. And now we will settle down in a comfortable stroller and cover ourselves with a soft blanket. " In this case, it is necessary to call the baby by name so that he understands to whom the speech is directed.

Building a dialogue

It is desirable that adults, when talking with a baby, use different intonations, change the timbre of the voice, the speed of pronunciation of words. Over time, the baby will begin to answer them in its own language. Do not interrupt the young chatterbox. Parents should let him finish the “phrase” and repeat what he heard. This will push the baby to continue communication. The more voices are heard around the child, the more willingly he will begin to react to them.

Hearing development

Developing activities using music, singing and any musical instruments perfectly train the baby's hearing.


The singing is insane useful activity in terms of the development of children in the first year of life. Moreover, the repertoire should be as diverse as possible. If, rocking the baby before bedtime, you need to perform calm lulling songs, then for the waking period, cheerful and perky compositions are more suitable. Soon, your baby will begin to feel a change in rhythm. It will not be superfluous to include the sounds made by various animals. However, you can just say them when communicating with the child, arousing his interest and a cheerful reaction.

Listening to music

Complex classics are not only extremely beneficial effect on babies, but also perfectly perceived by them.

The same can be said about disks with sounds of nature and wildlife. However, do not get too carried away with five minutes of sounding songs a day will be enough. Otherwise, the risk of overloading the auditory channels of the crumbs increases. Surprisingly, a month after the introduction of such musical five-minutes, the child will begin to recognize compositions from the first notes and actively respond to them.

The crumb will also like the rhythmic music. Turning it on from time to time, you can dance with your baby, do exercises, grimace or make faces at him. However, you can make rhythmic sounds on your own, snapping your fingers, knocking spoons on the table, or clattering your tongue. It is also worth involving the child himself in this process by patting him with his palms or heels. Such a game will help parents find the answer to the question of how to develop a child's sense of rhythm.

Sensory development

Few adults realize that classes aimed at the development of sensing can be carried out already in infancy... Since at three months the crumbs begin to feel everything that comes their way, parents should use this for good purposes. This method knowledge of the world not only gives babies a sea of ​​new sensations, but also has a direct impact on the development of their mental and intellectual abilities.

Therefore, as early as three months, children can be allowed to touch objects. different colors and textures, along the way talking about them. Smooth, rough, ribbed, warm, cold objects represent a special cognitive interest for the baby and contribute to his harmonious development.

Development of vision

At 3 months, the child can already distinguish colors. Therefore, you can hang toys from the crib or mobile bright colors on which the baby will focus his gaze. An excellent option for the development of vision will be a developing mat for babies. It is a soft blanket with bright images and arcs attached to it. Toys are suspended on these arcs, which can be changed periodically. Often, these rugs are equipped with safe mirrors, rustling inserts, patches and pockets. Placing the child on the surface of the product, you can captivate him for a long time and teach him to be independent. And the contrasting black-and-white images placed around the perimeter of the room will certainly attract his attention.

Physical development

Since three-month-old babies are about to learn tummy flips and back flips, you need to pay close attention to strengthening the muscles. The very popular and quite simple exercises... Let's dwell on them in more detail.


This exercise not only helps to strengthen the baby's muscles, but also has a beneficial effect on the intestines, contributing to the passage of gas. Putting the child on his back, it is necessary to alternately bend and unbend his legs in the manner of cycling. In parallel, you can say any rhyme, for example: "We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands".


Laying the baby on the back on a flat surface, it should be placed near the baby bright toys... In an effort to reach them, the child will attempt to roll over. If they are unsuccessful, you need to help the little one by slightly pulling it by the handle. Over time, he will definitely master this skill.


Having spread a blanket on the floor, it is necessary to lay the baby on top of it with the head on the pillow. Next, you should pick up a stick and hold it in weight at a distance of 20 cm from the child. If the baby does not react to the object, you need to bring it closer. When the baby has a firm grip on the stick, you can slowly begin to lift it. The crumb will strain its arms and begin to pull itself up on its own. If he does it fairly confidently, he should raise the stick a little more. After a couple of workouts, he will begin to independently reach for the object and willingly rise up after him.

Toys for children 3 months

V this period development, babies are interested in any objects that make sounds.

The good old rattles are "classics of the genre". At this age, it is recommended to give preference to lightweight products of a simple form, which the baby can independently hold in his hand. Heavy rattles with an abundance of rotating elements and moving rings will only interest him after a few months, because at 3 months the child will not even be able to take them in his tiny hands.

But stretch marks and mobiles will come in handy. They will not only entertain the child while lying in a crib or stroller, but also awaken in him the desire to reach for objects. In addition, it is necessary to encourage the baby to follow the sound source by moving it to different sides... You can play with him funny game, hiding a noisy object behind his back and observing the reaction of the crumbs. When the little one begins to look for the source of the sound with his eyes, you should get the rattle and show it to the child. In this case, it is recommended to accompany the actions with the phrases: "Where is the toy?", "Ah, here is the toy!"

Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich, children's doctor the highest category: “Do not bring objects too close to the child. They should be located at a distance of about 40 cm from his face so that the baby does not strain his eyes. For the same reasons, it is necessary to choose sufficiently large toys that are easy to observe. It is desirable that they be painted in bright colors. "

To make the baby even more attentive will help installing a funny tumbler in the reach zone. The kid will have the opportunity not only to admire her smiling face, but also to enjoy the melodic ringing. To make it easier for the baby to swing the toy, you can tie a ribbon to it, and fix the other end on the child's handle or leg. At the first movement of the toddler, the tumbler will make a loud sound. Soon, the baby will specifically begin to be active in order to induce a sound reaction. Rattle bracelets worn on the arms or legs of the crumbs have a similar effect.

Excellent playground will become a developmental mat. The baby can be laid out on it both on the back and on the tummy. He will study with interest the surrounding space and vivid drawings. Any rattles, teethers, bells, etc. can replace the parts that come with the mat.

Inna, mother of ten-month-old Savva: “From the very birth my son was very“ tame ”and did not want to lie in his bed. What I just didn’t come up with: I hung up a mobile for him, and tied toys and bells to the sides, and even turned on a dictaphone with a recording of my voice. None of the techniques and advice of experienced mothers gave any result. I was still attached to the child and could not do household chores. And then at one fine moment a friend gave us a developing rug, from which her children have already grown. Sawa liked it so much that he selflessly spent 20-30 minutes on it, and then even more. The son reached out to the hanging toys and laughed, hearing their ringing, rustling with leaves and rattling a ball on a string. All this fascinated him for a long time. We are already a year old, and the rug still takes pride of place in the children's room. We are not planning to part with him yet. "

DIY toys for a three month old baby

Few parents realize that educational toys for children of 3 months surround us literally everywhere. Any objects with a ribbed or rough surface, beads that are so interesting to touch in hands, or even ordinary mirrors can act in their role. By looking at his own reflection, the baby will be able to get to know his body better, especially if the parents show and name different parts of it at the same time.

Three-month-old babies easily recognize their parents and love to study their faces in detail. Place pictures of family members next to the child and observe the reaction. He may start smiling or "talking" to the portrait.

Olga, mother of 3-month-old Matvey: “I took a picture on my phone, and then printed my face on a printer in life size... I cut it out along the contour and hung it in my little son's crib. He looked at her for a long time, and then smiled and went on a spree. I sometimes use such a "mummy changer" when urgent matters need to be done, and Matvey does not leave me for a second. I printed another photo with closed eyes and leave her in the chair where I usually sit when I put my son to bed. Sometimes during the day he wakes up, sees 'me' and falls asleep again. "

Making an educational toy with your own hands from old gloves will not be special labor... Having cut off your fingers, it is worth replacing them with multi-colored stripes from fabrics of various textures. Putting on such a glove on the hand and letting the baby touch it, adults will contribute to the development of the toddler tactile perception... To make sounding toys, just take a few small jars and fill them. various cereals... Shaking the containers will be accompanied by noise. The sound directly depends on the filler. Jars of peas will sound loudly and containers with small cereals will rustle melodiously.

It is important to remember that toys must be completely safe. They should not contain small parts that the baby can accidentally swallow or sharp edges that can injure.

Providing leisure for the child, parents should not forget about the safety rules. It is quite obvious that toys for a baby should be made of high quality, non-toxic and hypoallergenic materials. In addition, it is not recommended for children under three years old to give various small objects, and even more so to leave the crumbs alone with them. The same can be said about sounding jars with fillers, because the baby is able to accidentally open the container. In this case, grains may fall into his Airways... Also, many adults allow their children to wrinkle or tear newspaper and magazine sheets. Doing this is permissible only in the presence of parents. After all, a toddler can gorge itself on harmful printing ink. After such games, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the baby's hands.

Games for 3 month old babies

Games for babies should be short and as simple as possible. Indeed, at this age, children still do not know how to concentrate for a long time and get tired quickly enough.

Educational games for children 3 months old should be accompanied by speech: songs, nursery rhymes, poems or just conversations. This will not only entertain the baby, but will also make a certain contribution to the formation of his speech apparatus... However, it is important to note that various loud and harsh sounds should be avoided during games. They can scare the baby.

Most of the games are aimed at developing thinking, coordination of movements, hand motor skills, auditory and communication skills, as well as physical strengthening of the baby. Many "fun" solve several problems at once and comprehensively train various skills. Here are some examples of educational games.

"Hide and seek"

Throwing it over head light handkerchief and bending over the baby, say: “Where has mom gone? Find me!"... The crumb will try to remove foreign object from the face of the mother, for which he will receive great praise. If he doesn't, open up yourself and say: "Ah, here she is, mom!". Then you can switch roles and throw a scarf over the child's face. After the question: "Where has my baby gone?" the fabric should be pulled off with a perky exclamation: "Here it is!".


This game develops the tactile sensitivity of children's hands. Tie a few small items various textures, colors and sizes. They can be made of fabric, plastic, wood, metal and other materials. Lower one of the objects on the tape over the baby until he squeezes it in his palm. Pulling on the string will give you a tighter grip. Next time, take another object and repeat the same manipulation.

"Where does the sound come from?"

Get a sound toy of any kind, be it a singing piano or a barking puppy. An alternative to them can be mobile phone with an activated call signal. Hide the noisy object in one of the rooms. Taking the baby in your arms, go with him in search of the source of the sound, then approaching him, then moving away. The process must be accompanied by appropriate cues. Once you've found the item, show your joy and praise your little one for helping you find.


As you sit with your child in front of a large mirror, begin to show different emotions. Laugh cheerfully with the words: "I'm having fun" then frown, saying: "I am angry"... Put on glasses, a hat, commenting on your actions, ruffle your hair, wave your hand. The child will gaze into the reflection with interest, replenishing vocabulary and an emotional base.

Yulia, mother of six-month-old Oksana: “When my daughter was born, I simply did not understand what to do with this tiny lump. In the first weeks, she only sucked and slept. However, the baby soon became more active, and I began to seriously wonder how to play with my girl. I decided to start with hide and seek. She simply covered her face with her palms and asked “where is mom?”, Then removed her hands and shouted “here I am!”. Oksana then laughed out loud. Now this is our favorite game. The grown-up daughter is already hiding from me, and when I close my palms, she tries to remove them from my face. "

It is worth adding that games with a baby must be carried out when the baby is full and nothing bothers him. After all, if a child is tired or something hurts, entertainment is unlikely to please him. However, games are very in an efficient way getting rid of bad mood in the case when the baby is a little capricious. Cheerful voices of relatives, coupled with interesting actions will switch the attention of the little one and set it up in a positive way.

Thus, even a three-month-old toddler cannot do without games and developmental activities. Indeed, at this age he becomes more active and inquisitive, demanding constant attention from the parents. Continuous communication with adults along with fun fun and the simplest physical exercise will make the life of the crumbs brighter and more intense. And there it is not far to new achievements!