How to quickly get rid of constipation in a pregnant woman. What helps with constipation at home And during pregnancy? Recipes to fight constipation every day

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are self-evident phenomena. Being rebuilt hormonal background, internal organs and circulatory system work with a vengeance, and this may well manifest itself from the negative side. Swelling excess weight, emotional instability- these are not all "unpleasant" pregnancy companions. There is another very delicate problem that every expectant mother has faced at least once, for sure, constipation. What to do if you have constipation during pregnancy, what danger does it pose, and how to deal with it?

Why constipation during pregnancy is dangerous

What is constipation? WHO experts classify constipation as a disease, while gastroenterologists consider it not an independent disease, but a symptom that manifests itself very clearly.

If the number of trips to the toilet "for the most part" is normal from three times a day to three times a week, then constipation is a condition when defecation occurs less often than three times in 7 days.

The constipation sufferer experiences very unpleasant and even painful sensations, since it is impossible to go to the toilet until the feeling of complete emptying of the intestines is felt, the feces are dry and hard.

Constipation reasons

During pregnancy, there can be several causes of constipation. These include generally accepted for all:

  • improper nutrition, poor in dietary fiber;
  • lack of activity in the physical plane;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress;
  • bowel and anal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lazy bowel syndrome and so on.

But there are also "specific" reasons that are characteristic of pregnant women:

  • activation of the production of the hormone progesterone: this hormone helps to maintain pregnancy and relaxes the muscles of not only the uterus, but also the intestines;
  • the doctor's appointment of iron-containing anti-anemic drugs: due to iron, the fecal masses become denser and poorly move through the intestines;
  • limitation drinking regimen as a measure to prevent edema: drinking less water to avoid swelling, a woman harms digestion;
  • pressure of the uterus or fetal head on the intestines in later pregnancy;
  • fear of pushing in the toilet or improper posture during bowel movements.

By the way, the modern design of the toilet does not allow physiologically correct posture for bowel movement. The squatting position is the position where the rectum is straightened and bowel movements occur naturally. The higher the toilet, the more often constipation can disturb, not only in pregnant women.

Dangers of constipation during pregnancy

Is constipation harmful to women "in position"? Undoubtedly! And that's why.

When processed food is not excreted from the body for more than 24 hours, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, fermentation and decay begin, and by no means useful toxins are released, which is quite bad not only for the mother, but also for the fetus. In addition, the vaginal microbiocenosis is disturbed, which leads to candidiasis and vaginal dysbiosis.

Attempts to push in the early stages (however, and later too) can lead to cracks in the anal passage. The woman will experience excruciating pain every time she goes to the toilet and gets rectal medications. In the later stages, constipation can cause premature birth.

Experiencing a huge load, the venous system of pregnant women often suffers, blood circulation in the walls of the small intestine and large intestine is disturbed, and hemorrhoids develop. Hemorrhoids, in addition to constipation, bring real suffering, and every trip to the toilet becomes torture for a woman.

Laxatives for pregnant women

There are many drugs for constipation that are allowed during pregnancy.

In the early stages

It should be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe laxative medications.

Any pharmacological agent during pregnancy is a potential danger to both the mother and the fetus.

Conventional remedies such as Gutolax or Senade can irritate the smooth muscles of the intestines and uterus. However, the doctor may prescribe:

  • "Fitomucil", which contains fiber (from the shell of plantain seeds and plum fruits), painlessly and gently relieves constipation and normalizes the bacterial balance in the intestine: one sachet twice a day;
  • "Duphalac", a syrup on lactulose, not only relieves constipation, but also restores microflora: 15-45 ml daily in one or two doses;
  • Forlax is a powdery agent with macrogol, which is used diluted with water, 1 - 2 sachets per day.

At a later date

More often, naturally, constipation occurs in the last trimester, when the uterus is so enlarged and heavy that it literally squeezes the intestines. But this is also the time when the main organs and systems of the baby are formed, and drugs cannot do much harm to them. However, even now one cannot do without the recommendations of the attending physician! During this period, in addition to the drugs listed above, the doctor may advise:

  • "Microlax", which is produced in the form of microclysters, the effect is noticeable within 7-15 minutes after application (rectally, following the instructions);
  • Glycerin suppositories that act locally and do not negative consequences for a child.

But experts advise starting the treatment of constipation with the intake of dietary fiber, and use drugs only when necessary and for a short period, since the safety of the mother and child comes first.

A fecal bulking laxative is much preferred over a stimulant laxative.

So, widely used as active substance Senna herb is only considered safe at normal doses. Laxatives that increase the volume of stool in the intestines, as well as drugs with lactulose do not penetrate the placenta and are safe for the fetus.

Enemas and microclysters. Is it possible?

Many older people, far from medicine, can advise enemas as a remedy for constipation during pregnancy. However, it is quite dangerous to follow such advice!

Enemas are especially harmful at a later date. It is no coincidence that doctors recommend an enema to women before being sent to the hospital. And bowel cleansing is not the only goal here. The fact is that the enema relaxes the intestinal muscles and similarly affects the muscles of the uterus. And, if there are no contractions with sufficient dilation of the cervix, an enema can significantly speed up labor due to the appearance of contractions.

For this reason, it is forbidden to treat constipation with enemas, as this can cause uterine tone and cause early birth... In addition, frequent use of enemas leads to lazy bowel syndrome and leaching of beneficial microflora.

Folk recipes. We are treated at home

Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy. The following methods are absolutely safe for the child and normalize the stool quickly and gently.

Oils for constipation

Natural vegetable oils are considered good remedy from constipation, relax the muscles of the colon and allow you to remove the softened feces painlessly. However, not all oils can be used during pregnancy! Castor is strictly prohibited, as it over-provokes the activity of the muscle muscles. But these oils are useful not only for combating constipation, but also for general strengthening of the body:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • linseed;
  • pumpkin seed oil.

Filling dishes with them or taking a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning, you can quickly fix this delicate problem like constipation.

Common butter By the way, it also has a positive effect on intestinal motility, therefore, with morning tea, a sandwich with butter is not only satisfying, but also useful.

High-fiber salads

By combining various products for constipation in one dish, you can cope with this nuisance without pharmacy products... Delicious, vitamin-enriched salads in daily diet due to the high fiber content, the expectant mother improves digestion and prevents constipation.

Beetroot salad with garlic

This dish helps with both constipation and viruses during the cold season.


  • boiled beets - 2 medium-sized root crops;
  • garlic - 1-2 prongs to taste;
  • sour cream or vegetable oil for dressing.

Grate the beets, squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, mix, season with butter or sour cream to taste.

Carrot-apple salad


  • equal amounts of carrots and sour apple;
  • sugar to taste;
  • lemon juice to taste.

Peeling the carrot and apple from the peel, rub them on a grater. It is better to refuse a blender - the larger the lettuce particles, the better they fight constipation. Season the salad with sugar and lemon juice.

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and onions


  • fresh cabbage (white cabbage) - 300 grams;
  • average size carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • lemon juice, salt, vegetable oil - to taste.

After peeling the onion, chop it into crumbs, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave it to marinate a little. Meanwhile, shred cabbage, three carrots. Mix all vegetables in one bowl, season with oil.

In addition to salads rich in fiber, it is recommended to use black bread, bran, raw vegetables, rosehip broth, soups, cereals in water (ideally - oatmeal). But with kefir you should be more careful: only fresh kefir weakens (up to 5 days of storage), and more "seasoned" kefir, on the contrary, strengthens!


A good "friend" of the intestines is prunes. It is high in fiber and pectin, which is why this dried fruit is an excellent weakness. It is recommended to eat up to 10 fruits per day, but you can also use prunes as part of other dishes and drinks.

For example, prune compote is useful. It can be prepared both from prunes and from additional ingredients(dried apricots, raisins, figs, apples, etc.).

Ingredients for prune compote:

  • dried prune fruits - 80-100 grams;
  • water - liter;
  • granulated sugar - to taste (1-5 tablespoons).

Washed prunes, sugar are poured into boiling water, brought to a second boil, kept for a couple of minutes at low temperature boiling. The drink is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning by a glass, an additional intake - in the afternoon or at night.

Kefir-prune mix- Another useful drink for constipation. It is simple to prepare: 5-6 prunes are doused with boiling water and crushed with a blender. Mixes up with a glass of fresh kefir. A drink is drunk before bed, and a light toilet is provided in the morning.

Restriction of products. What can not be eaten with constipation!

Prevention is known to better treatment, and therefore, during pregnancy, it is recommended to limit the use of certain foods if you periodically or regularly suffer from constipation. Here is a list of some of the constipation contributors:

  • whole milk;
  • baking;
  • polished rice;
  • pure meat, without fiber side dishes;
  • persimmon;
  • pears;
  • unripe fruits, mainly bananas;
  • eggs;
  • potato;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate.

Without some products, it is completely impossible, because the development of the fetus is facilitated by the mother's good nutrition. Therefore, a compromise can be found: if constipation-provoking foods are on the menu, then half of the portion of "harmful" foods should be diluted with vegetables (raw, boiled or stewed), and also replaced with white bread and pastries with black or whole grain bread.

How much water should you drink?

The success of good digestion lies in an adequate drinking regime. Drink enough water. Even if a woman is prone to edema during pregnancy, it is impossible to give up water, it is worth reducing the volume of other liquids (juices, milk, broths), and reducing the amount of salt consumed. On average, you need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of water. This is especially true in the hot season, as well as with a tendency to constipation.

In addition to constipation, the following signs indicate a lack of water in the body:

  • dry and cracking lips;
  • dark shade urine and its pungent smell;
  • peeling of the skin of the face, hands, brittle hair and nails.

Water balance is important not only for the normal well-being of the mother! The child also needs water, because the amniotic fluid in which he is located must be renewed several times a day. If both constipation and edema torment at the same time, water with lemon helps well - the water balance in the body is maintained, but excess fluid is removed due to acid.

Constipation during pregnancy is common. It is necessary to discard the embarrassment and be sure to inform the doctor who will help you choose optimal solution this delicate problem.

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Constipation is always unpleasant.

However, it can pose a real danger to pregnant girls, although it occurs in a large number of cases.

During pregnancy, there are significant physiological shifts in digestive system, change in its regulation. In the early stages, constipation can be caused by preparations containing iron or calcium - they help to relax smooth muscles intestinal tract, which is followed by a violation of the evacuation system.

Basically, in most pregnant girls, constipation goes away with sharp pains on the left side and unpleasantly pulling in the pelvic area. There are often times when feces come out with blood particles, and after the process itself, the girl may experience an unpleasant burning sensation in the rectum and sphincter area. Constipation can be accompanied by nausea and bloating.
During pregnancy, constipation is a rather dangerous phenomenon. What caused this? Time delay of feces, and even more straining and wrong treatment may cause a miscarriage or premature birth.

Causes of constipation during pregnancy:
An increase in the size of the uterus due to the growth of the fetus of the unborn child (the uterus exerts a pressing effect, and this affects the deterioration of the process of excretion of feces).
Hormonal shift ( elevated level hormones are common among pregnant girls).
· Allergic reaction.
· Stress.
Low activity (movement is life, so it is worth moving more if the doctor has not prescribed a strict bed rest).
Insufficient amount of fluid consumed (bowel function is disturbed).
· Overuse preparations containing large amounts of calcium, iron.
· Taking certain medications.


More preferable in the treatment of constipation, of course, are traditional medicines. Medicines should only be used when absolutely necessary.
No laxatives or enemas! The use of a classic laxative runs the risk of provoking the development of vices in a child, and enemas activate increased work uterus, which may be followed by a miscarriage of the fetus. For treatment, traditional medicine is not recommended, which are used during the process of defecation.

Here are some of the treatments that don't pose a threat in pregnancy:

Microclysters (use of a small syringe with plain water introduced through the anal passage; one-time procedure).
Laxative probiotics (the most effective and safe remedy- Dufolak).
Vaseline oil (use near the anal passage and along its contours; it is not recommended to use long time).
· Suppositories for constipation (the medicine is effective, but its use should be approached with great caution - a miscarriage can be provoked; the safest are glycerin suppositories, in which no additives are used).

Foods to help relieve constipation:

·Black bread.
Oils vegetable origin(one teaspoon of oil, can be mashed or taken as is).
· Vegetables, fruits in any form (fresh or boiled, especially kiwi, apricots and plums), as well as dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs).
· Dairy products (excluding hard cheese).
· Porridge: millet, pearl barley.
· Cold water on an empty stomach.

However, gynecologists often still use laxative drugs - they use lactulose. Such drugs not only effectively fight constipation, but also stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. The restored rhythm of bowel movement must be maintained throughout pregnancy.


It is better to immediately eliminate the problem than to deal with its consequences for a long time. Correct prevention will help preserve the health of the unborn baby and his mother.
Need to drink. The daily volume of water (one and a half liters) during pregnancy is simply necessary, its lack is one of the causes of constipation. To prevent water from causing edema, salt should be completely excluded from your diet.

A active lifestyle. Movement is the key to health and success. Fresh air, work, household chores - that's what a pregnant girl needs. However, in no case should you overwork: you should not carry heavy bags with purchases from stores and stay up late at work.

Diet during pregnancy. You should eat in small portions: during the first trimester - four to five times a day, during the second - five to seven times. Meals should contain required amount useful nutrients(proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The last meal should be made no later than two hours before bedtime. Use daily allowance water (at least one and a half liters) is necessary, but its amount should be reduced by last weeks pregnancy.

The healthier the mother's intestines, the healthier microflora the unborn child, because it is her that he receives "as an inheritance", passing through the birth canal. The drug Dufolac contributes not only to active work intestines, but also causes the growth of microflora.

The use of Dufolac during pregnancy and its dosage for the body. Another plus of this drug is that its use for pregnant women is no different than the use for non-pregnant women. The permissible daily dose of the drug is about thirty milligrams, however, you should consult your doctor before starting use.

This drug useful during breastfeeding: it is not absorbed and does not have a laxative effect on digestive tract baby. Dufolac can also be used in children.

To push or not to push - that is the question!

Before pregnancy is not a problem, but every mother wants her baby to be born healthy and free of any abnormalities.
According to experts studying pregnancies, pushing for expectant mothers is strictly not recommended. Contraction of the uterus can contribute to an unsuccessful pregnancy and even a miscarriage, and the development of hemorrhoids can also begin.
It is forbidden to push hard and hard during pregnancy, however, if you do it less intensely and with periodic repetition, unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

The stool becomes hard when insufficient quantity consumed fluid. You should drink not only water, but also juices, compotes, tea. Reducing the amount of fluid is the most real delusion inherent in quite a large number future mothers.
Some girls are so worried about their health and the health of their unborn child that they practically stop moving. If your doctor has not prescribed strict bed rest, you should not do so.

Stress is also common. Expectant mothers are scared of what awaits them next: childbirth, feeding, correct upbringing... It is not surprising that constipation in pregnant women is one of the most frequent occurrences... After childbirth, the likelihood of constipation decreases several times: the girl ceases to experience constant stress and all the time to be afraid for the health of the child.
The uterus that grows noticeably during pregnancy presses on the intestines, which causes constipation and can lead to hemorrhoids. The process of blood outflow is disrupted and the development of venous stasis begins.

Prevention of constipation involves the mandatory presence in the diet future mom soup. But it should not be a fatty broth.
From dry water and a large number flour products it is worth refraining and giving preference to vegetables, it is best if they are cooked in a double boiler or stewed.

The greatest danger when going to the toilet "in large" is the first and third trimesters. If constipation occurs in rare cases, you can resort to gentle straining, while when tested by a pregnant girl severe pain or other problems, you should refrain from pushing while going to the toilet.
If constipation is a problem, it is best to inform your doctor right away. Perhaps he will point out some of the nuances regarding the girl's health and the development of her fetus, give good advice and will answer all your questions.

Correct and safe straining during pregnancy must be:

· Weak.
· Occur from time to time, not all the time.
With irregular constipation (abdominal muscles can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids or provoke a miscarriage).
· It is best to replace pushing with wholesome, nutritious foods.
· Should not be performed in the first and third trimester.

Specialists have developed special gymnastics for expectant mothers, which helps to develop physical activity without harm to their health and the health of the unborn child.
Doctors advise against doing this (abrupt and intense attempts) during pregnancy. This can lead to the development of hemorrhoids, bleeding.

When the cause of constipation is known, it is much easier to deal with the problem. If constipation is caused by the use of certain drugs, you should replace them with others, after talking with your doctor and compiling a list of approved drugs together with him.

Pregnant women are advised to walk more often, but not to bring themselves to a state of overwork.
Folk ways to get rid of constipation during pregnancy. Many folk remedies in their effect and effect, they are often superior to drugs sold in pharmacies.

Here are some of them that provide active influence on the body in the fight against constipation during pregnancy:

1. Squeeze the juice of a fresh potato and dilute with water (one to one ratio). Take before meals, thirty minutes before meals, three times a day. The recommended drink rate is a quarter of a glass.
2. Add a spoonful of honey to the warmed milk. Take before bed every day.
3. Mix the nettle, valerian roots, rose hips, strawberry leaves and chamomile flowers in equal proportions with each other. Boil water and pour one tablespoon of the herbal mixture into a glass boiled water... Mix everything and leave to infuse in a thermos (to maintain the temperature) for an hour and a half. After the broth is infused, it should be thoroughly filtered and taken warm after meals. The recommended rate is half a glass.
4. Mix the fruits of anise, caraway and fennel in equal proportions and pour boiled (hot!) Water. Let it infuse for twenty minutes, then take the thoroughly strained solution orally thirty minutes before meals. The recommended rate is one third of a glass. Take three times a day
5. Brew tea with the addition of cherry tree leaves, dried apples.

6. Apples, finely chopped, simmer in a saucepan filled with one liter of water for fifteen minutes. Let it brew for four hours, then take it three times a day. This broth during pregnancy can (and should) completely replace tea.
7. Pour a teaspoon of bran with hot milk (half a glass). Insist in a thermos for thirty minutes, then strain everything thoroughly. Milk should be taken every morning on an empty stomach.
8. One kilogram of red rowan is needed. Squeeze the juice from the berries and mix with granulated sugar (half a kilogram). Take every morning and also at bedtime. The recommended rate is one fourth of a glass. To prevent spoilage, the juice should be stored in a cool place.
9. Pour boiled water over nettles, rowan berries and blackberry leaves (one glass of water for a tablespoon of each "herb"). Let it brew in a thermos. Take three times daily before meals. The recommended rate is one third of a glass.
10. Pour a spoonful of gooseberry berries with water (one glass of water for a tablespoon of berries). Boil for ten minutes, you can add a large amount granulated sugar for the taste. Take four times a day, the recommended rate is one fourth of a glass.
11. Pour flax seeds with boiled water (one glass of water per tablespoon of seeds). Let it brew for four hours. Take before bed, no need to filter.
12. Drink carrot juice every morning.

In the fight against constipation, prunes help. It acts as a good laxative without causing any harm to the health of the unborn baby and his mother. Pour the prunes with the usual cold water and let it brew until morning. The berries become swollen overnight. The juice, which should be squeezed out, is taken on an empty stomach every morning.
An effective remedy is mountain ash tincture. Fresh berries sprinkle with sugar and pour into a jar, cover it with gauze, keep in the sun until the sugar is completely dissolved. After that, transfer the jar to dark room and keep there for three weeks. Drink every day.

The fact that pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life, hardly anyone will argue: after all, the expectant mother lives in anticipation of a miracle. But the fact that this period of life can be associated with many problems in the health of a lady is also no secret to anyone - the body has to withstand too heavy loads. One of the problems during pregnancy is considered to be intestinal disruption, namely -.

Generally, even without pregnancy female body prone to constipation due to its anatomical structure. First, the colon is longer in women than in men. Secondly, there is a direct relationship between menstruation and bowel movements: even in absolutely healthy women, constipation often occurs before menstruation. Thirdly, women have much higher sensitivity internal organs to external and / or internal stimuli. That is why the incidence of constipation in women is almost three times higher than in men.

Pregnancy and constipation

Constipation, specifically during the period of gestation, takes place in 17-50% and, as a rule, such a malfunction in the intestines begins at 17-36 weeks. Most often, doctors note the development functional constipation, which means that they arose exclusively against the background of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, the intestines will fully recover. If we talk about functional constipation, then expectant mothers should know that in this case there will be no blood, mucus in the feces, and general state health will be excellent.

Causes, risk factors and consequences of constipation during pregnancy

Doctors are well aware that risk factors for constipation during pregnancy are:

  • excess weight /;
  • the woman is over 35 years old;
  • often bad mood.

But the main reason for constipation in pregnant women is still an increase in the hormone and its derivatives. Basically it is normal process- a large amount of progesterone in a woman's body while carrying a child is necessary to lower the tone of the muscles of the uterus and maintain pregnancy. But simultaneously with such a positive effect, the hormone progesterone also affects the intestinal muscles - the tone is significantly reduced, the contractile activity of the intestines decreases, which leads to constipation.

Other causes of bowel problems during pregnancy include:

Many women relate to the appearance of functional constipation during pregnancy frivolously - "I'll give birth and everything will pass." In fact, such a violation of the intestines can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • development or exacerbation in the case of an existing disease;
  • the level of intestinal permeability to allergens and infectious agents increases significantly;
  • the microbial flora of the intestines and genital tract can be activated, and this significantly increases the risk of complications in the further course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period;
  • there is a threat of miscarriage - with constipation, a woman is forced to push hard and often, and this automatically increases the tone of the uterus.

A pregnant woman with chronic constipation rarely gives birth naturally, since doctors prefer to do to such patients cesarean section... Often, such expectant mothers begin premature birth, and the period of time between childbirth and the first emptying of the intestines will be longer than in other women in labor.

Non-drug treatment of constipation in pregnant women

Of course, you only need to take any medications during pregnancy as directed by your doctor. But with chronic constipation, gynecologists are in no hurry to make medications, because it is much easier and safer to correct nutrition and daily regimen. Such corrective measures for constipation in pregnant women include:

  • an increase in physical activity - only a specialist can give such a recommendation, since you need to be sure that the pregnancy proceeds without deviations and the woman is worried exclusively about constipation;
  • correction of the drinking regime: a woman should drink at least 8 glasses of liquid per day, but again, you should be extremely careful - they should be completely absent;
  • limiting the use of sweets, muffins, white bread, noodles, blueberries, black tea and bird cherry;
  • an increase in the number of foods that are rich in fiber in the menu - dried fruits, leafy greens, legumes, bran, berries;
  • eat often, but in small portions (fractional meals).

If the above measures turned out to be effective and the intestines of the pregnant woman began to empty regularly and fully, then they remain basic until childbirth. Otherwise, doctors may resort to medication.

Drug therapy

In pharmacies of any locality, you can find a lot, but specifically for pregnant women you need to choose an absolutely safe medicinal product- he should not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother, but the benefit from him should be much greater possible harm. Healing effect from the chosen laxative effect should be manifested even in minimal dosages, the duration of treatment should also be short.

Note:pregnant women should avoid the use of any medicines, including laxatives, during pregnancy 3-11 weeks, since it is during this period that their maximum effect is noted on the unborn baby.

Features of different laxatives

There are several groups of drugs that have a laxative effect.

Osmotic laxatives

These include lactulose, magnesia, polyethylene glycol, and phosphate salts. The main advantages of drugs in this group of laxatives can be considered that they:

  • almost not absorbed from the intestine and does not penetrate into the blood of the fetus;
  • do not lead to addiction;
  • prevent the loss of salts.

However, there are some disadvantages to osmotic laxatives:

  • it is quite difficult to find an effective dose - it can take a long time, which a pregnant woman does not have;
  • can provoke short-term and the appearance of non-intense pain in the intestines;
  • with prolonged use, they can lead to disturbances in the water-salt balance in the body;
  • can cause diarrhea in a newborn.

In addition, polyethylene glycol is extremely rare, but it can provoke an inadequate reaction of the body -, respiratory distress and coma. Therefore, the considered group of laxatives should be prescribed only by a doctor, a woman should take them under the supervision of medical personnel.

Bulk laxatives

These include psyllium, bran supplements and methylcellulose. The advantages of such drugs include the lack of absorption into the mother's blood and the ability to increase the amount healthy bacteria in the intestinal microflora. But it is worth considering some of the disadvantages of bulk laxatives:

  • the therapeutic effect develops extremely slowly;
  • you need to select a dose on an individual basis;
  • May cause bloating and mild bowel pain
  • require a large amount of fluid to be taken - this can provoke development in a pregnant woman;
  • significantly reduce appetite;
  • can cause powerful.

In principle, the considered type of drugs with a laxative effect can be approved for use by pregnant women, but this must be done by a specialist.

Softening feces

These include petroleum jelly, mineral oils, glycerin, microlax and others. Stool softeners greatly facilitate the actual act of bowel movement. They are characterized by quick action, are considered very relevant for proctological problems (for example, a pregnant woman has an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids), which are accompanied by pain in anus... But with all positive qualities laxatives that soften feces are not at all harmless for pregnant women! They:

  • are able to accumulate in the spleen, intestinal walls and liver - this can provoke the development of the inflammatory process;
  • can disrupt the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the mother - this is a risk factor for the development of bleeding in both the mother and the baby;
  • help to increase the tone of the uterus;
  • can damage the rectal mucosa;
  • provoke.

Most often this negative impact provide mineral oils, so they are generally strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy. All other stool softeners can be used, but only for a short time and sporadically.

Stimulant laxatives

This is castor oil, and glycerin suppositories, and the fruits of the joster, and senna and many others - this group of laxatives is the largest. All stimulant laxatives prevent hardening of the stool and ensure a quick and effective bowel movement. But at the same time, they also have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • can be absorbed through the intestinal wall and penetrate into the blood of the unborn child;
  • can provoke the development of defects in a baby;
  • the risk of termination of pregnancy is significantly increased, as they stimulate the muscles of the uterus;
  • can provoke the appearance;
  • if used in the wrong dosage, lead to chronic diarrhea;
  • can be addictive;
  • provoke development.

In this regard, future mothers are strictly prohibited from using castor oil; from the group of stimulant laxatives, it is allowed to take preparations with hay, bisacodyl, suppositories and sodium docusate.

Note:laxatives during pregnancy are used only in the absence positive effect after changing the diet and regime of the day. Wherein drug therapy appointed short course(no more than 10 days) and strictly with an individual selection of a specific product.

Constipation during pregnancy, not only unpleasant phenomenon, but also quite dangerous for the health of the expectant mother, and for the health of the baby, and for the course of pregnancy. Therefore, if such a problem arises, it will be advisable to seek help from a specialist.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical commentator, therapist of the highest qualification category

If constipation occurs during pregnancy, then the choice of a laxative must be taken very seriously. It is impossible to be guided in this matter by the popularity or cost of the drug. About three quarters of the pharmacy's range of drugs can harm the baby or negatively affect the health of the expectant mother. That is why the prevention and elimination of constipation must be carried out in a timely manner and under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Causes of constipation at different stages of pregnancy

Problems with bowel movements are most often caused by hormonal changes in a woman's body. The hormone progesterone, the active production of which occurs during attachment fetal egg, and reduces the tone of smooth muscles. By exerting an effect on the uterus, it helps the organ prepare for rapid growth and stretching, and the maintenance of pregnancy. An increase in its level affects the intestines negatively: it relaxes and interferes with the normal movement of feces.

From about the 20th week of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus begins to squeeze the intestines, which leads to problems with stool. A bowel movement every 2-3 days is practically the norm for the second and third trimesters.

Expectant mothers are advised to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women.
Almost all of them contain calcium, iron and magnesium, which are necessary for the maintenance of the functions of the placenta and good nutrition fetus. But due to their strengthening properties, vitamin supplements can cause constipation during pregnancy.

Changing diet and limiting fluid intake is another reason for constipation or constipation during pregnancy. To prevent edema, pregnant women often exclude foods with a high fluid content from their diet - fruits and vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber. Their absence in the daily menu upsets the work of the intestines, leads to a decrease in the volume and retention of feces.

How to cure constipation during pregnancy

Practically all drugs with a laxative effect are contraindicated for pregnant women. When there is heaviness in the abdomen, pain, increased gas and bowel movements less often than once every 1-2 days, you must resort to the advice of a gynecologist. Only a doctor can prescribe drugs that will not have a detrimental effect on the course of pregnancy and will not harm the health of the fetus.
You can try to normalize the diet and increase physical activity on your own. These measures are often enough to improve bowel function and alleviate the condition.

"Correct" diet for constipation during pregnancy

Daily menu for a pregnant woman with a tendency to constipation should be drawn up correctly:

  • Adequate intake of raw water is the first remedy for constipation during pregnancy. Normal feces contain about 70% of water, but if its amount drops to 40%, the feces will become hard: there will be pain during bowel movements, sensation incomplete emptying intestines, heaviness in the abdomen. Even with a tendency to edema, a pregnant woman needs to drink at least 1-1.5 liters pure water in a day. However, it is not at all necessary to drink everything at once. It is better to drink a glass of water before meals, you can add a few drops to it. lemon juice, and a few sips every half hour - an hour.
  • It is important to exclude fixing foods from the diet. These include strong tea and coffee, chocolate, fresh white bread, muffins and homemade cakes, semolina... Do not eat dry food. It is better to give preference to soups based on a second meat or vegetable broth, stewed or steamed vegetables, replace dry cereals with viscous ones, limit the use of protein products.
  • For constipation, foods that cause increased gassing in the intestines (grape and apple juices, legumes), light fruits, as well as vegetables with a high content essential oils(radish, radish, onion, garlic and others).
  • During pregnancy, it is advisable to eat fractionally: eat often and in small portions. Protein food and sweets can be consumed in the morning, for an afternoon snack and dinner it is best to eat boiled or stewed vegetables, vegetable soups, low-fat dairy products.
  • The menu can include prunes, dried apricots, figs, dried pears in the usual form or as decoctions, as well as melon, zucchini, fresh plums and apricots. These foods have a mild laxative effect, especially when eaten on an empty stomach.
  • The daily diet should contain: Rye bread(preferably yesterday), fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of fiber, which forms feces and stimulates the intestines. If there is no opportunity to use these products, you can take nutritional supplements with bran. Alternatively, drink a drink from a glass of unsweetened kefir and a spoonful of wheat bran.

Adhering to such a diet is not only possible during pregnancy. V postpartum period you can and even need to eat in the same way. These actions will save you from digestive problems after childbirth, help you recover sooner and quickly get used to the peculiarities of the diet of nursing mothers.

Exercise instead of laxatives

Quite often, pregnant women deliberately reduce physical exercise: stop attending sport sections doing gymnastics, doing most homework... but physical activity important for maintaining muscle tone, normal blood circulation, and the supply of sufficient nutrients to the placenta.

Moderate, regular exercise is essential in combating constipation. If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, it is important to walk every day in the fresh air and do housework, excluding lifting weights. Exercise on a stationary bike, swimming in the pool and open water, stretching, special gymnastics, exercise and yoga for pregnant women.

Before starting classes, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist leading a pregnancy for the absence of contraindications.

What can not be treated with constipation during pregnancy

Treat constipation during pregnancy with pharmacy products start only if diet and exercise have been ineffective. This most often happens when the expectant mother enters a pregnancy with pre-existing digestive problems.

Only a doctor can choose the right medicine for constipation during pregnancy.

This takes into account the undesirable properties of some drugs, for example:

  • Teratogenic effect, increasing the risk of fetal malformations. This property is possessed by all preparations based on hay - hay leaf, Senadexin, Senade, Regulax, Fitolax and others.
  • Stimulation of intestinal smooth muscles. Strengthening intestinal motility often causes a temporary increase in the tone of the uterus and leads to the threat of termination of pregnancy or premature birth.
  • Chemical irritation of the intestines is caused by formulations based on hay, buckthorn bark, rhubarb root, castor oil, phenolphthalein, Gutalax, Bisacodyl, Regulax, Dulcolax, and other drugs.
  • The need to drink plenty of fluids. This property is possessed by laxative filling properties based on bran, methylcellulose, plantain seeds, seaweed - Fiberlax, Mukofalk and others. Given the tendency of pregnant women to develop edema, drinking excess fluid is undesirable.
  • Imbalance of water and minerals in the body. This effect can develop as a result of taking drugs of the osmotic group on a salt basis - magnesia, carloid salt, sodium sulfate.

Doctors strongly advise against using a constipation enema for a pregnant woman. The procedure mechanically irritates the intestines and stimulates its spasms, which are transmitted to the uterus and can cause tone and the threat of miscarriage. Bowel lavage with constipation is allowed only after the 38th week of pregnancy, when the danger of birth has already passed premature baby.

Safe medicines for constipation during pregnancy

With such a wide list unwanted drugs women are still concerned about the question of what can pregnant women from constipation. After all, if a problem with bowel emptying appears, it requires urgent action for its gentle elimination.

The following drugs may be present in the first-aid kit of a pregnant woman:

  • Glycerin candles. It is harmless and effective remedy from constipation during lactation and pregnancy. The components of the drug slightly irritate the intestines and soften the feces, stimulate bowel movements. The medicine acts gently and painlessly, and bowel movement occurs 20-30 minutes after application.
  • Microlax. The drug has the form of microclysters, it is approved for use in children after 8 years of age, it is not contraindicated during pregnancy. It is not absorbed into the intestines, acts gently, after 5-15 minutes after application it causes a bowel movement.
  • Tranzipeg. Powder for oral administration: allowed for children from one year old and is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. The contents of the sachet must be dissolved in water and taken on an empty stomach. The laxative effect develops a day or two after application.
  • Forlax. Powder for solution preparation, taken orally. It is intended for the symptomatic treatment of constipation in children over 8 years of age and adults; its use is possible during pregnancy and lactation. It acts like Tranzipeg: retains liquid in the intestine, liquefies solid feces, stimulates peristalsis, is not absorbed through the intestinal walls. The laxative effect occurs a day after administration.
  • Duphalac. It is used to treat constipation in children from birth, adults, pregnant and lactating women. It is a syrup for oral administration. The components of the drug retain water in the rectum, increase the volume of feces and soften them, the drug produces a laxative effect. With prolonged use, the drug helps to normalize the intestinal microflora, but it can be addictive.

All these remedies for constipation during pregnancy do not pose a threat to the baby and the woman. However, if there is a problem expectant mother be sure to consult a doctor and find a safe therapy.

Carrying a baby causes many changes in a woman's body. Not all of them are enjoyable. Constipation during pregnancy mainly occurs as a result of compression of the rectum by an enlarged uterus.

Their treatment in pregnant women is difficult due to the impossibility of eliminating main reason... No less problematic, in addition to constipation itself, remains the question of which laxative for pregnant women will be the safest and most effective.

To responsibly approach the choice of a laxative for a pregnant woman, you need to know the main causes of constipation during the period of carrying a baby. After all, all laxatives for constipation during pregnancy are divided into types according to their mechanism of action.

Why does constipation occur during pregnancy?

  • During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size many times over. It puts pressure on the intestines, disrupting its peristalsis. In addition, it constricts the rectum, which also disrupts the passage of feces through it.
  • Also, the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the vessels of the rectum, causing venous congestion, which causes an exacerbation of hemorrhoids and also leads to constipation. This is the simplest explanation for why constipation during pregnancy occurs late in life.
  • But in some women, constipation appears at the very beginning of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone in the blood leads to their appearance. It causes a decrease in the tone of smooth muscles, including the musculature of the intestines.
  • In addition, in pregnant women, the sensitivity of the pelvic plexus decreases and in order to provoke an act of defecation, a stronger stimulus is required. The smooth muscle layer of the intestine and uterus have a common innervation.
  • A decrease in the susceptibility of the intestine to filling impulses is also due to the fact that excessive intestinal peristalsis can provoke the onset generic activity, premature birth and passing amniotic fluid, which will be dangerous for both mom and baby.
  • The change taste preferences a woman expecting a baby can also cause a problem. Due to the fact that constipation may appear during pregnancy, that you do not want to eat healthy vegetables or fruits at all. And without fiber, it's hard to achieve normal stool as well as without enough water.
  • Forced restriction in the amount of fluid due to edema of pregnant women can disrupt the consistency of feces and lead to constipation. Unfortunately neither hormonal changes nor can the pressure of the uterus on the intestines be eliminated. But there are things you can do for constipation during pregnancy to ease the appearance of stools.
  • Psychologists believe that the problem of constipation in pregnant women is also psychological in nature. During pregnancy, a woman is more than ever exposed to stress and anxious thoughts. It has been established that after giving birth, a woman who has the same hormonal background ceases to be nervous, forgets about this problem forever, and vice versa.
  • Also, the cause of constipation, especially in the later stages, may be the fear of straining, which is also a psychological problem.

Manifestations of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation in a pregnant woman is not particularly different from constipation in an ordinary person... But if this is her first time, then constipation is the absence of a natural bowel movement for more than three days. There may also be a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after a seemingly successful trip to the toilet.

It is possible that streaks of scarlet blood appear in the stool or a drop of blood at the end of a bowel movement, which will indicate the presence of hemorrhoids or an anal fissure. Abdominal pain, especially on the left side, bloating, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, and poor appetite may also bother you.

Some women are worried about a burning sensation and itching in the anal area. All this contributes to general discomfort, sleep disturbances and bad moods.

What can constipation cause during pregnancy?

The large intestine has a good absorption capacity, if the feces stagnate in it, then the reverse absorption of toxic substances and decay products occurs, which leads to a state of intoxication in the mother and the fetus. This condition is very harmful to the development of the unborn baby.

The intestines overflowing with solid feces also exert pressure on the uterus, which can provoke constant increased tone, which is dangerous by the onset of premature birth.

The most common complication of constipation is hemorrhoids, which occurs as a result of compression of the vessels of the rectum and the occurrence of stagnation of venous blood in them.

What to do if constipation occurs during pregnancy?

First, you need to report your problem to your local gynecologist!

In the absence of contraindications, it should be active image life. Hiking, light gymnastics help restore intestinal motor function.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the knee-elbow position will be useful. It will help temporarily relieve the compression of the rectum and make it easier for feces to pass through it.

The diet of a woman preparing for motherhood is also important for preventing constipation. It is necessary to follow the diet - meals 5-6 times a day will be optimal.

It is important to know for those who have constipation during pregnancy that they cannot eat pastries, rice, chocolate, sweets, strong tea, coffee in large quantities.

Preference should be given to buckwheat, vegetables, fruits, especially hypoallergenic and rich in fiber, apples, all types of cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, not necessarily fatty dairy products. Perhaps add bread and bran, coarse bread to your diet.

Meat cannot be excluded from the diet, but it is also not recommended to eat more than 200 grams per day.

Drinking water can also help prevent stool problems. The body should receive at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily. In this case, not only drinks are taken into account, but also soups, juicy fruits.

If gestosis and constipation are combined during pregnancy, what to do with the volume of fluid consumed, you should ask your doctor.

What cure for constipation is possible during pregnancy?

The best laxative for pregnant women is a diet rich in fiber. And the treatment of constipation during pregnancy should always begin with nutritional correction. Fiber is not digested in gastrointestinal tract a person, and passing through it, swells and absorbs toxins, removing them. Improves consistency and increases the volume of stool to ensure regular bowel movements.

Sometimes neither dieting nor physical activity do not help get rid of constipation during pregnancy. And then folk remedies for constipation in pregnant women will come to your aid. There are a lot of such funds, they are all based on the fact that some natural products have a good laxative effect when used regularly.

Prunes! Known for a long time as the best folk laxatives for pregnant women. It can be eaten simply as a well-steamed and washed dried fruit; five fruits each day may be enough to get the effect. You can use an infusion of prunes.

For 100 grams of prunes, you need 2 liters of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a thermos.

Pour prunes with water overnight and let it brew for 10 hours. In the morning, drink half a glass of warm infusion 30 minutes before meals.

Steamed prunes can also be sipped.

Wheat bran

Pour one tablespoon of bran with half a glass of hot milk and let it brew for about an hour in a thermos. Strain the infusion and drink 30 minutes before meals in the morning.

Perhaps a glass of hot milk with one tablespoon of honey, drunk before bedtime, will help someone.

One glass of fresh one-day kefir or yogurt with the addition of one tablespoon vegetable oil at night, by the morning will help cleanse the intestines.

If the abovementioned folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy did not help, or they simply do not trust them, then drugs for constipation for pregnant women may be suitable. The trouble is that there are very few laxatives for pregnant women.

They are injected directly into the rectum. The mechanism of their action is based on the fact that the candle itself has an oily structure, when dissolved, it softens and liquefies stool a little, and all the same oily structure makes it easier for the stool to slide.

Also, the introduction of a suppository has an irritating effect on the intestine, the susceptibility of which in pregnant women is weakened. Insufficient sensitivity of the intestines to irritation with feces can sometimes be the only cause of constipation in a pregnant woman, then it turns out that glycerin candle- the best and most effective remedy for constipation for pregnant women.

The price of packing candles varies in the region of 100 - 150 rubles.

The active ingredient is lactulose, which is broken down intestinal microflora to low molecular weight particles. They, in turn, pull water on themselves, which leads to an increase in the volume of intestinal contents and liquefaction of feces.

Lactulose is also food for beneficial intestinal bacteria, which stimulates their growth. This drug is not absorbed in the intestines and may not have any effect on your unborn baby.

Take one tablespoon in the morning with a wash enough water. The effect occurs in 1-2 days. This is a fairly mild and safe remedy for constipation for pregnant women, suitable for long-term use, if accompanied by sufficient drinking and control of blood trace elements (especially potassium).

Duphalac is not addictive, but for those suffering from galactosemia and diabetes mellitus take with caution and after consulting a specialist!

The price of 200 ml of Duphalac syrup costs about 300 rubles, and 500 ml - 400-450 rubles. There is also a form of release of 1000 ml - about 650 rubles, and in disposable foil sachets - 290 rubles for 10 sachets of syrup.

This is a micro enema single use and quick action, the effect after 5-15 minutes. Excellent hygienic, fast, convenient and safe medicine from constipation for pregnant women. Medicinal substance acts only on feces and is absorbed to an insignificant extent, which does not have a negative effect on the fetus.