What to give a 2 year old child. Useful ideas for the development of creativity and intelligence. Unkillable fire trucks

Birthday is one of the brightest and most emotional holidays for both the child and the whole family. Invited guests, curious gifts and a delicious table will surprise the little birthday girl. But do not forget about her tender and impressionable age. At two years old, a girl can be frightened of everything new and unknown. Therefore, knowing the nature of their daughter, parents need to adapt to the baby, as well as anticipate her possible reactions: give something that will please the baby.

Interests and tasks of a two-year-old child

At the age of two, the young lady is actively exploring environment, observes the world, tries to repeat individual actions of adults. The vocabulary is replenished, many children already speak well, others are only gaining knowledge so far in order to explain their point of view a little later. How more parents communicate with their daughter and read books to her, the easier it will be for the baby to subsequently formulate her thoughts.

Two year old girl enjoys exploring the world

The girl already follows certain rules and daily routine, she has favorite activities and her own preferences. Games become more meaningful and varied. She enjoys learning new things and looks at everything unusual with great curiosity. Aesthetic perception, attitude to life, the actions of other people and one's own are laid in early childhood. Therefore, everything that surrounds the baby directly affects her. Kind loving adults, cute toys, beautiful clothes, active image life, personal example Parents play an important role in the development of a child's personality. Interesting activities, age-appropriate books, equipment for mobile pastime - all this will contribute to the comprehensive development of the crumbs.

Toys are a little girl's best friend

The leading activity at this age is play. The plot-display actions help the baby work out ordinary situations at the simplest level. She repeats after adults, models what she saw, tries to organize a game. Not everything is easy so far, and the help of senior mentors is often required, but the process itself is very exciting for the girl. Toys that will delight the little birthday girl:

  1. Dolls. These are both plastic and soft stitched options. At two years you don't need to have a large number details in the toy. It is preferable to buy a girl doll than a girl doll. That is, from Barbie, Moxie, Winx you can this moment refuse. Moreover, one should not acquire negatively colored characters or heroes of strange appearance (such as Monster High, for example). They provoke fears or exacerbate existing problems.
  2. Baby dolls. They can be big, small and even interactive. It is sufficient if last option will only cry.
  3. Stuffed Toys. Many children like plush friends in the form of their favorite fairy tale characters or animals.
  4. Stroller. If a girl tries to appropriate someone else's property on the playground and rolls her bear in it with pleasure, this gift will definitely be a joy.
  5. Clothes for toys. A dress for a doll, a hat and a jumpsuit for a baby doll will diversify the baby's game and train her fine motor skills during the dressing process.
  6. Horse-drawn carriage for the princess. A lot of people will love this vehicle.
  7. Finger theater and hand puppets. A fun performance and revived characters will amuse the birthday girl. They will also be able to persuade her to eat or go to bed on time.
  8. Furniture for toys:
    • tables;
    • chairs;
    • cribs;
    • lockers, etc.
  9. Cars and trucks. Large models on ropes will be happy to ride active little ones.
  10. Kitchen for girls. This is a whole complex for the game, which includes a stove, sink, dishes, toy food.
  11. Things for the little hostess:
    • children's vacuum cleaner;
    • cleaning kit;
    • toy iron with ironing board;
    • washing machine.
  12. Railway. At two years old, you can buy not much long version for girl. A train with wagons can pick up passengers and drop them off at stops.
  13. House for toys. Opening doors and windows will be of interest to the young lady.
  14. Children's phone. Buttons and music attract the child and take care of parental mobile phones.
  15. Radio-controlled toys. Cars, fairies, animals move with the help of buttons and a joystick. Management should be extremely simple.
  16. Kitchenware. Pots, plates, ladles, spoons, cups can be taken with you to the playground or to the beach.
  17. Sandbox toys. Baby will like new molds, buckets, spatulas of an unusual shape.
  18. Children's tent. A secluded place will allow the child to be alone, hide or organize their own interesting game.
  19. Interactive toys. In addition to baby dolls, it can be pets and robots. They talk, move, eat.
  20. Characters from a fairy tale. If a girl loves any book, she will like the big figures of the heroes of the story.

Toys from the set Sylvanian Families- This good decision for subsequent holidays. The collection is going to take quite a long time, as there are a lot of items for the game. It is better to start with forest families and houses, gradually acquiring furniture, cars, buses, clothes, household utensils, etc.

Sylvanian Families - Big Toy Series

All toys should be understandable to the baby. IN difficult options two year old girl may not understand and then leave them unattended.

Photo gallery: what toys can you give a girl for two years

The girl doll will surely become a favorite toy
Children often fall asleep with their favorite soft toys. You can put your favorite doll in the stroller
Dressing dolls, the baby develops fine motor skills
The carriage will come in handy for the little princess Characters from your favorite fairy tale will amuse the birthday girl
With such a kitchen, your favorite toys will not be left without dinner.
Such furniture can be furnished Dollhouse In such a car, you will want to ride your favorite doll. Such a toy will captivate a little housewife. A railway for a girl should not be long.
Toys can be placed in the house
The child will like the accessory "like adults"
Learning how to control such a toy is a great achievement for a two-year-old. This set will help in the plot and role playing Oh
You can take such a set with you on vacation. With the help of such a toy, you can start learning a foreign language.
The tent creates a personal play space

Educational gifts

Many parents strive to comprehensively develop their child, resorting to various methods and receptions. But here you should not overdo it. There are many activities that are interesting for a two-year-old baby. Practice logic and creative thinking, memory, attention, figurative perception, expand lexicon, learn to search right decisions You can also use regular games.

Toys must fit the child age category and promote further development.

You need to choose such a gift taking into account the interests of the girl. If a young lady treats something without much curiosity, do not be upset, perhaps she will like the proposed activity a little later.

  1. Cubes. From them you can add turrets and houses. The depicted numbers and letters on the side surface will introduce the girl to the alphabet and counting.
  2. Constructor. It should not contain small parts. Suitable for Lego Duplo series. This game trains logical thinking and perseverance.
  3. Mosaic. Fine motor skills, creative thinking and imagination of the child develop.
  4. Children's computer. Elementary training programs involve attention, logic, show the baby simple examples word formation, addition and subtraction.
  5. Puzzles. The constituent pictures should be quite large, and the image should be understandable for the girl.
  6. Puzzle. These are simple mazes, matching games, coloring by color, finding an object in a picture. Often such tasks can be found in children's magazines.
  7. Water painting mat or Finger paint. Such gifts will appeal to a creative person.
  8. Children's synthesizer. Suitable for lovers of buttons and music. For a two-year-old child, you can buy a not very expensive option.
  9. Board games. They train various qualities of the child, logical and creative thinking, enrich with knowledge, replenish vocabulary, and contribute to the development of speech. It is necessary to choose an option taking into account the interests of the girl and the tasks of the parents.
    • pipe;
    • hurdy-gurdy;
    • xylophone;
    • ratchets;
    • drum or tambourine.
  10. Magnetic or slate board for drawing. You can depict objects and erase the picture yourself.

Photo gallery: options for surprises for development

Alphabet blocks introduce the little one to the letters of the Lego series Duplo are suitable for a two-year-old child Mosaic must be age appropriate
Children's computer contains several educational programs Puzzles should be easy Water painting mat will surprise the little one
Children's synthesizer will appeal to a music lover
Puzzles shouldn't have too many pieces.
Many girls enjoy playing children's musical instruments
Magnetic board - unusual way draw For a two-year-old, you can buy lotto or dominoes with pictures, walking games

Surprises for outdoor activities

With all the efforts to enrich the baby with new knowledge, adults should not forget about her physical health. Most children are very mobile and love active games. Often it is quite problematic to seat them for a quiet occupation. But even if the young lady does not want to run, jump and climb somewhere, parents can make motivating sports surprises for her.

The main task of adults is to ensure the safety of the child in any pastime.

  1. Ball. It should be light and bright.
  2. Children's bowling. Many kids will be happy to break the skittles with a ball.
  3. Dry pool. Its space is filled with balls or soft foam pieces.
  4. Trampoline. Before presenting such a gift, you must make sure that there are no contraindications to active jumping. The kit includes a mesh that prevents falls.
  5. Kite. In windy weather, such a toy will be a fun reason to run.
  6. Sports complex. It may include a climbing wall, a rope ladder, gymnastic rings and a rope. Down in without fail mat is located. When mastering the surprise, you should not leave the baby unattended by adults. The complex should not be very high according to the age of the child.
  7. Inflatable pool for water. In warm weather it will excellent remedy for hardening, and also diversifies games in the country.
  8. Bike. You can purchase a three-wheeled version with a handle for steering or buy a two-wheeled version with two additional wheels at once. Here you need to focus on the preferences and abilities of the girl herself. If she learns to ride on her own, it is necessary to provide her with a helmet.
  9. Children's darts. This toy is absolutely safe for the child, as the sharp darts are replaced with Velcro.
  10. Dance mat. For a dance lover, such a surprise will be a joy.
  11. Armlets, swimming mattresses, inflatable toys. With them, a young lady will be able to swim with pleasure under the supervision of adults.
  12. Runbike. Similar to a regular bicycle without pedals. The child moves with the help of legs.

All active games, one way or another, develop coordination, prevent hypodynamia and obesity, help strengthen immunity and have a healthy pastime.

You should not buy a scooter as a gift at such an early age. When riding, the baby constantly pushes off with only one foot, so the pelvis is distorted. And this, in turn, can adversely affect the growth of the girl.

Photo gallery: options for surprises for the development of physical abilities

Balance bike - bike without pedals
A bright ball is useful for playing with friends
Bowling game develops an eye Immersion in a mass of balls creates a massage effect Launch kite- spectacular entertainment. You can engage in such a corner only in the presence of adults
Inflatable pool - great fun in hot weather
The bicycle develops a sense of balance Swimming on such a circle is possible only in the presence of adults If a girl loves to dance, she will appreciate such a gift.
For safety, Velcro is used in children's darts Find out if there will be enough space for a trampoline in the house

Gifts for outdoor games

For active games on the street you can give:

  • house;
  • tent;
  • slide;
  • game complex;
  • tables for playing with water and sand.

Photo gallery: what to give a girl for 2 years for her birthday for outdoor games

Children will love to climb into such a house.
You can invite your friends to play in the tent
Rolling downhill is a lot of fun. Check in advance if there will be a place for such a gift.
Psychologists recommend this activity for relaxation and mood in a calm way.

Undoubtedly, every child needs to read literature. This process trains the imagination, replenishes vocabulary, and promotes correct speech. Find interesting book for a two-year-old person is not very difficult. It should be with good illustrations and correspond to the age and development of the baby.

The book should be appropriate for the development of the child.
  1. Books from bright pictures. You can present your favorite fairy tale in a beautifully designed edition.
  2. Music book. It is combined with a mini-synthesizer.
  3. Books with audio recordings. The girl will be able to listen to a fairy tale by turning pages and pressing buttons on her own.
  4. Pocket book. small size allows you to take it with you on the road.
  5. Moving picture book. Opening a new page, the child can watch the movement of pictures.
  6. Books of an unusual form. They are produced in the form of some animal, plant or building.
  7. Puzzle books. The illustration is assembled from several parts.
  8. Coloring books. The baby paints illustrations for the fairy tale on her own.

Video: do-it-yourself gift wrapping in the form of animals - 6 ideas

Useful surprises for the biennium

Not always useful qualities something interesting to a two-year-old child. But if adults intend to give a gift that can come in handy, you can consider the following options:

  1. Bed-lock. The girl will feel real princess with such a gift. This is a place for a sweet dream, and a territory for a fun game.
  2. Beautiful clothes. Holiday dress or fun costume featuring familiar characters.
  3. Fairy night. It will help not to be afraid of the dark and at the same time decorate the children's room.
  4. Crockery, mug or interesting cutlery with pictures. Eating from such dishes is more interesting and pleasant for a child.
  5. Children's umbrella. It can depict favorite characters or the muzzle and ears of an animal.
  6. Bright rubber boots and raincoat. What kid doesn't love to stomp in puddles in the rain. These things will protect the baby from water.
  7. Clothes from the series "for mother and daughter". Many girls are happy to repeat after their parents, so such a gift will surely surprise and delight the young lady.
  8. Table and chair for the nursery. Workplace necessary for the baby. Drawing, sculpting, playing will become much more pleasant and convenient.
  9. Pillow toy. Such a surprise is suitable for both sleep and play.
  10. Child seat or ottoman. unusual shape and colors will make this thing attractive and interesting.
  11. Hairpins, elastic bands, hair bows. Not all representatives fair half Humanity at the age of two loves to braid, so it is better for invited guests to watch the child or find out this question from the parents.
  12. Handbag or backpack. There you can carry various little things or your favorite toys.

Photo gallery: options for useful gifts

Every girl should have a beautiful dress
An unusual night light will dispel the darkness
A gift mug should be fun

When choosing a gift for a birthday, they are usually guided by the preferences of the birthday person. But what to do when you need to find a gift for a two-year-old baby, especially when shop windows are full of toys, children's things and accessories? You just need to take into account the needs of the child at this age and his interests.

Interests of a child at 2 years old

Before looking for an answer to the question of what to give a child for 2 years, it is necessary to take into account the features of his development at this age:

  1. He begins to show independence, so it is necessary to give him more opportunities for self-expression.
  2. The child expands his vocabulary, his memorization skills improve.
  3. The imagination begins to develop rapidly.
  4. Masters role-playing games and imitates adults.

At this age, the child absorbs everything like a sponge, and actively develops (physically and psychologically). That's why best gift for 2 years - these are educational games.

Educational gift

Give the little birthday boy toys that will help develop his imagination and fine motor skills. If you can’t spend a lot of money on a gift, then just from educational games you can pick up inexpensive option, while it will bring the child incomparable benefits:

When you choose what to give a child for 2 years, you can opt for special games for boys and girls.

Birthday girl

After two years, children begin to imitate adults and express this in their games. It is at this age that you need to start introducing them to role-playing games: cooks, doctors, dolls, and the like.

Naturally, girls want to do everything like a mother, so they take an example from her. So give her some girly role play sets for her birthday:

Sets for role-playing games are such a gift for a 2-year-old girl that will arouse genuine interest. But do not expect that the child will immediately begin to use it “correctly”: it is needed precisely in order to instill interest in such a game.

Boy's name day

For a boy's birthday, role-play sets can be bought the same as for girls: many play with dishes or dolls with interest. But there are more "male" games:

Gifts for the physical development of crumbs

Do not forget that children are very fond of jumping, jumping and running, so you can present for your birthday:

  1. Mini trampoline for home. It is comfortable and safe for indoor use, and kids love to jump on it.
  2. You can equip a home sports complex - swings, horizontal bars, stairs, slides, ropes and rings. In stores they are sold individually or as specially designed corners in the kit.
  3. The dry pool with balls does not leave indifferent children at any age.
  4. Game tent in the form of a pirate ship, cars or with a tunnel - good gift a boy for 2 years, because with her you can come up with a lot of interesting and active games. For a girl, it is better to choose models-houses.

If you decide to buy sports equipment, then consider the available space: it takes up a lot of space. If the apartment is small, then give preference to folding models that can be hidden or pushed back.

For little talents

At the age of two, it is possible to develop creative inclinations and abilities in a child. Therefore, when deciding what to give a child for 2 years, take a look at the sets for creativity:

  1. The paints with which you can paint with your hands evoke a lot positive emotions in children. In addition, they are very bright, wash off clothes without any problems. Together with such paints you need to immediately buy large sheets paper - Whatman.
  2. Plasticine or modeling paste will help develop Creative skills and imagination. For the smallest, a special plasticine is produced, which is made on the basis of herbal ingredients It does not stain hands at all and is easily washed off with water.
  3. Magnetic boards with legs, on which you can draw with special felt-tip pens or crayons.
  4. Bathroom markers make bathing even more fun: you can draw on tiles, walls, and even yourself with them. They are easily washed off and do not cause allergies.

Gift from parents

Parents are ready to spend fabulous sums on their child, so you can buy large gifts for a birthday:

  1. Children's furniture is always useful in everyday life. It can be developing tables, soft toy sofas or folding chairs.
  2. A children's car or motorcycle is the best gift for a 2-year-old son. You can buy steerable models that look like miniatures of real cars, or wheelchairs that you have to push off with your feet to ride.
  3. Long handle bike or snow scooter fresh air(the choice depends on the season) - after all, the baby is not so interested in the stroller.

Gift from grandma

Grandmothers usually care about the comfort and health of their grandchildren, so they can give:

Gift from godparents

If you come godparents child, you are primarily responsible for his spiritual development. Therefore, gifts should be appropriate:

    1. Books help spiritual development, so for two year old can be purchased various options: poems or fairy tales, standard or with three-dimensional pictures, with sounds or toys - the choice is huge. It is better to buy books made of thick cardboard with rounded corners, then the child will be able to leaf through it himself, without tearing or injuring himself.
      2. Wonderful gift goddaughter for 2 years - this is a religious paraphernalia. You can buy a cross or an icon.

General selection criteria

When you have chosen what to give a child for 2 years, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The quality of the purchased goods should not cause any doubt. Ask for certificates for children's products or check it by eye: carefully examine, touch, smell. There should be no sharp chemical odors, paint marks left on the hands and foreign objects inside.
  2. Do not buy toys and things that combine a lot of bright and poisonous colors.

Children love everything new and unknown, so in any case your gift will please and interest the child if you spend a little of your attention and time on his choice.

The second birthday marks a remarkable milestone in development little man. Coordination of movements and sense organs are actively developing. Knowing the world, the baby tastes everything. Fine motor skills are being improved, so the crumbs' pens are constantly busy with work. What to give a child of 2 years, can be solved knowing the features of this age. The kid will not be interested in clothes, household appliances or money, he needs, first of all, toys. The modern toy industry offers the widest selection products.

When choosing a gift, one should not be guided by the principle that the more expensive and tricky, the better. The toy must be safe, interesting and useful.. Parents who know the interests of their child, it is easier to choose a gift. Are you going to visit where they will honor a two-year-old birthday? It is not shameful to ask in advance what toys he already has, what the baby is interested in and what his parents recommend to give. From the options provided, select the gift that is available to you. With this approach, you can avoid unnecessary purchases and make the little birthday boy happy.

What gifts can be useful and interesting for a two-year-old

Balloons, soap bubbles

Cute and affordable gifts for everyone, there are a great many options. Playing with them develops coordination of movements, perfectly relaxes. Bubble balls cause a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdelight in crumbs. Playing with the baby, you will get positive emotions and communicate well with the baby. Given the feature two years of age try everything "on the tooth", do not leave the child alone with such gifts.

Finger paint

Absolutely safe. They allow the baby to throw out emotions, to express themselves in creativity. Develop motor skills. Since the centers of movement and speech are located in the brain in the neighborhood, active classes contribute to the development of speech. Subsequently, you can use finger paints for brush painting.

Wax pencils

Do not pose a danger if ingested. Have bright colors do not get your hands dirty. They draw well on paper (except glossy), wood. Because two-year-olds love to draw on things around them, always be in control of the creative process.

colored crayons

You can take them for a walk. The child will breathe air and decorate the asphalt with bright patterns. Allow the baby to express creative potential are easily washed off.

Easel, sketchbooks and coloring books

Usually they are given together with paints and pencils. Drawing develops creative thinking and fantasy. Do not be upset if the child works with coloring in a peculiar way, for example, paints over the sheet in a solid way, as if not seeing the contour - these are the features of perception at this age. The contour for a two-year-old is not a limiter, but the basis on which he applies his images. Most artists will learn how to use coloring for its intended purpose only after three years.

Plasticine and dough for modeling

Modeling contributes to the improvement of fine motor skills, the development of speech and thinking, and has a calming effect on excitable children. The lesson requires the mandatory participation of adults, otherwise, the plasticine will be molded into one large lump or scattered and smeared on the floor. It's not always easy to clean everything up. Now plasticine has appeared on sale, which is perfectly laundered and even edible. Modeling dough is more pliable, easy to wash off and safe for the child.


Preferably specimens from thick cardboard, since two-year-olds love to tear paper on small pieces. The book should have bright pictures and a small amount text (with easy-to-understand fairy tales and poems). Two-year-olds love to listen to descriptions of pictures, and in multiple repetitions. Later they will become more interested in the content, and the time will come, they will read the text on their own. Thus, a book donated at 2 years old will last a long time.


These are educational toys. They allow you to train fine motor skills, prepare the child for writing. Contribute to the development of mental abilities and speech.

Puppet theater, finger puppets

Glove or finger puppets are great for simple role play. Stimulate imagination and speech development.

Sets of plastic and rubber animals

It is better to choose medium-sized animals with a realistic appearance. You will find wild and domestic animals for sale. With your help, the kid will find out who they are, what sounds they make, where they live, what they eat, and will gradually start using animals in story games.

Carriage for a doll, toy furniture, sets of dishes, hygiene items, Aibolit set

Two-year-olds copy adults. Children will be happy to engage in toys that resemble "adult" things. For classes, the participation of mothers and grandmothers is important. With the help of kits, you can teach your baby some skills, somehow use a comb or a towel. Great value have toys for simple role-playing games that children start playing as early as the age of two. It is useful for acquiring emotional experience and communication skills.

Toy sets of vegetables and fruits

Used for learning and playing. With the help of the mother, the child will learn to recognize vegetables and fruits, tell what taste is inherent in each of them, and practice to determine the color and shape. In the future, it is possible to use sets in story games.


Buy only designers with large parts. The toy develops fine motor skills, thinking, imagination. Contributes to the formation of perseverance, which is still absent, due to the peculiarities nervous system.


Good big ones soft cubes. Two-year-olds will be able to build simple things out of them - a tower, a house, a fence. Already in such young age children memorize the letters depicted on the cubes, comment on the pictures. If your child tends to throw things around the room, such a cube cannot damage anything, moreover, they can be played like a ball. Wooden cubes are also suitable for two-year-olds.


Many kids enjoy playing with them. Buy only large mosaics. The toy is useful for the development of fine motor skills, thinking, perseverance.

Children's musical instruments

Guitars and pianos, harmonicas, drums, trumpets and rattles diversify the child's leisure time, expand his understanding of sounds. Musical toys are best given with parental consent.


There is no need for discrimination, at this age girls are no less interested in cars than boys. Preferably trucks with a bulky body, in which you can transport other toys and items.


Don't buy dolls large sizes They are not suitable for two year olds. kids love dolls medium size, made of soft materials, with rotating limbs so that they can be sat down, do gymnastics, etc. You can give a doll with a small sewn-on wig, the baby will practice combing it. Two-year-old boys and girls are equally interested in dolls.

Soft toys with ball fillers

Rolling balls, the two-year-old receives new tactile impressions and massages her palms - this is important for correct operation internal organs. It is desirable that the toys are made of synthetic, easily washable materials, because babies at 2 years old still often take them in their mouths.


All babies need different sizes and invoices. Thus, little testers will be able to study the properties of objects. Playing ball with someone, a two-year-old trains coordination, gains invaluable communication experience.

Rocking horse

Remains a favorite children's toy for several more years. If you did not buy it for a year, the horse will delight a two-year-old and an older child. The toy helps to strengthen muscles, train the vestibular apparatus and develop imagination.


Suitable three-wheeled with a handle that can be fixed in different positions. It is unlikely that a two-year-old will pedal on their own, but the baby is interested in traveling on such transport. If you lower the handle of the bike to the bottom position, the baby rides it with pleasure, copying mommy. After three years, the baby will start pedaling and driving without support without compulsion. Classes help to train the respiratory, of cardio-vascular system, strengthen the nervous system, develop leg muscles.


Many kids want to get them. There are models with handles that are rolled by parents or the child himself. Instances without handles perfectly develop the muscles on the legs of babies.


If the size of the home and finances allow, buy a trampoline, it will help save sofas and beds from destruction. Many kids just love to jump on them. Such exercises perfectly develop muscles and a sense of balance, deliver a lot of positive emotions.


Children love water fun. The pool can be used in the country house and on the shore of the reservoir. Will give the baby a lot of joy. At reasonable approach helps to harden the baby.

Cartoon discs

You can give it if the parents are not against the early introduction of the child to the blue screen. "Good" cartoons are recommended, for example, "Luntik", "Engines from Chuggington". Dosed display of cartoons allows the child to expand vocabulary, has educational value brings positive emotions to the child.

What toys should not be given to a two-year-old:

  • with small details, they are usually allowed for children from the age of three;
  • battery toys - there have been cases when the crumbs swallowed batteries, which led to serious consequences;
  • musical and talking toys if the parents did not give their consent to them;
  • expensive toys - children tear and break them with the same frequency as ordinary ones, show interest in them no longer than in other toys;
  • Stuffed Toys large sizes;
  • books with thin pages;
  • toys designed for older children (Barbie, interactive dolls, radio-controlled toys, children's computer and other);
  • finely detailed puzzles and constructors.

Buy only certified toys. This rule applies to all ages.
If you approach thoughtfully the question of what to give a child for 2 years, you can do right choice. Failed to guess with the toy? Give your child your attention. Communication is no less important for a little man than gifts.

The exciting question of what to give a child for 2 years worries all relatives and friends of the birthday man long before the significant day. The variety of gifts in stores does not help solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. How not to get confused in the world of toys and educational games by choosing best option a present for a two-year-old birthday, you will learn from our article.

What to give a child for 2 years is decided based on the specifics of his age and personal preferences. Our "top" selection will allow you to choose the best gift two year old, choosing the best option for the baby.

  1. Magnetic board complete with puzzles will help the birthday boy develop during an exciting game.
  2. - A great helper for treating pets, dolls, family members.

  3. The BBQ set will teach you not only to "cook", but also to sort the parts by color, size, shape.

  4. A set of vegetables, fruits, parts of which are connected by magnets or Velcro. With its help, a two-year-old child learns to distinguish between a part and a whole, to search, to connect similar figures.
  5. Lego constructors develops the creative and analytical abilities of the birthday boy.
  6. The mosaic will allow the baby not only to have fun, but also to develop fine motor skills.
  7. toy bowling- a great game for a fun pastime.

  8. Large soft puzzles teach mindfulness, help develop speech.
  9. Bright wax pencils - the best gift for young artists.
  10. kinetic sand develops fine motor skills, imagination, creativity.
  11. The kit for modeling allows you to realize all artistic ideas.
  12. Wheelchairs are toys that improve balance and good mood.

  13. interactive toynew friend, with which you can sing, learn poetry, even dance.
  14. repeat toy will repeat everything said by the birthday man, which will greatly amuse him.
  15. Swings are loved by all small children. A 2-year-old child will definitely like such a gift.

  16. Dry pool filled with balls, allow you to have fun with friends or alone.

  17. Such a gift will appeal to boys and girls of 2 years. They enjoy driving almost a real car.

  18. plush cartoon characters bring joy to the child.
  19. Development Center- a fascinating tool for development for a child in two years.
  20. will allow you to sculpt magic castles on your own.

  21. Non-bursting bubbles. With such a toy, you can play all day, filling with large soap bubbles the whole room.
  22. - not just a constructor, but a toy that allows you to create your own, albeit still a very small world.

  23. The sorter will allow children to develop logical thinking, learn the shape, color.
  24. Jumper - funny toy developing the vestibular apparatus.
  25. Tolokar makes it possible for a child of 2 years to move quickly and maneuverably both at home and on the street.
  26. Constructor from large parts– the opportunity to realize the full range of creative possibilities.
  27. Bath set allow you to take a bath cheerful company making washing a pleasure.
  28. Developing miracle suitcase has in its arsenal many details that the baby can use for many games.
  29. Tricycle- the favorite transport of young birthday people.
  30. Squishy. Fun toy characters can be crushed, thrown and rolled. They are great for relieving stress.
  31. Musical instruments develop ear, sense of tact.
  32. Flashlight projector. Suitable for kids who are afraid of the dark. They are lit before going to bed, directing a pillar of light to the ceiling.
  33. Development mat. Such a toy allows not only to have fun, but also to prevent or cure many diseases.
  34. Nice clothes or shoes. Little fashionistas love beautiful outfit no less than adults.
  35. Accessory set. Beautiful hairpins, hoops for girls or ties, straps for boys aged 2 years - great idea gift.
  36. Soft books. Books should be read to children as early as possible. However, expensive illustrated editions two year olds it's too early to buy. Therefore, at this age, they acquire rubberized copies with which you can swim and read without worrying about the integrity of the pages.
  37. Hygiene kits. Shampoos, children's perfumes, shower gels, bath foams - all these things that are necessary in everyday life are purchased individually or in a set.
  38. and accessories for playing in it will allow kids to enjoy the game "in the sand" in any weather.

  39. Table, chair for creativity. Among useful presents this one is the most needed.
  40. A children's tablet will allow you to spend time with enthusiasm, help develop intellectual and creative abilities.

Before purchasing a gift for two years, you should ask your parents about its need.

Top Ideas for Two Years Old

When planning what to give a child at 2 years old, you need to focus on his gender. Presents for boys and girls will differ in form, content, because many things have their own characteristics. Let's figure out what their differences and specifics are.

Gifts for girls

What gift to choose for a little princess, we already told in a previous article. Recall that girls are very fond of dolls and everything connected with them. Give her a toy kitchen, a vacuum cleaner, or ironing board. She will be happy to repeat the household chores after her mother.

However, do not forget that babies need to develop mentally and physically, so choose birthday gifts that meet these needs. Such presentations include drawing kits, modeling, balls, trampoline, scooters and others. interesting things for girls in their second year of life.

Gifts for boys

The boy should also have the right toys for his birthday. When choosing a gift, pay attention to things intended for real men: soldiers, cars, planes, tools. The latter are needed to "help" the father with the housework.

Do not forget about the comprehensive development of the baby. Find out how to choose the right birthday present for a two-year-old man here. In the meantime, let's deal with the specifics of choosing educational gifts.

Educational gifts

2 years old intensive growth and development of the child. At this time, he laid the foundations of speech skill, social adaptation, intellectual, physical development. At this age, the baby perceives information indirectly, that is, in the process of life. While playing, the child with pleasure comprehends all the “wisdom” that appears on his way. Therefore, correctly selected original educational toys are the basis of a harmonious and comprehensive development birthday boy.

Toys for the development of child's speech

Since speech develops intensively at the age of 2, the child needs to give gifts that stimulate it. Among them are such things:

  1. Educational cards, on each of which objects or phenomena are drawn. The child plays with an adult who names the object and indicates its purpose.
  2. "Talking" posters. The kid plays without the help of adults. By clicking on the image, he hears their name and scope.
  3. Children's tablets perform almost the same function as posters. But these devices are more compact and convenient: they can be taken with you on the road.
  4. Books that independently "tell" poems, introduce the baby to poetic speech.
  5. Colorful illustrated editions of fairy tales kids are ready to watch for hours.
  6. Alphabets of any format: posters, magnets, books.
  7. Magnetic letters, numbers, pictures. Naming objects, moving them, the baby not only expands the vocabulary, but also learns to form the first sentences.

Children's musical instruments

If you doubt the correct choice of a gift for a child for 2 years, then feel free to choose a musical instrument. Toddlers love to dance, sing and make their own sounds from various devices. Consider the most popular musical toys for children at 2 years old.

  1. Xylophone;
  2. Harmonic;
  3. Piano;
  4. Synthesizer;
  5. Tambourine;
  6. Dudka;
  7. Drum;
  8. Music phone;
  9. Ratchets;
  10. Guitar.

The choice of children's musical "devices" is large. IN different toys their equipment, shape and color, but all of them are very popular with children.


Sculpting kits allow to develop the creative potential of the baby. They may include different materials: plasticine, special composition of soft clay, "salty" dough. Also, the kits contain a variety of molds with which children learn the basics of sculpture.

Such a gift will help to have fun, learn how to create, analyze form, color and texture. Modeling - The best way development of fine motor skills, so you can be sure that such a present will definitely appeal to the birthday man.


Another favorite activity for kids at 2 years old is drawing. Therefore, feel free to give things intended for this exciting business:

  1. Easel;
  2. Finger paint;
  3. wax pencils;
  4. Large albums with stencils;
  5. felt-tip pens;
  6. multi-colored crayons;
  7. Sets for artistic creativity;
  8. Watercolor.

You can give aquamat to a child for 2 years. That's what they call special set, which includes a creative rubber mat and a variety of markers that show color.

Board games

Starting from the very early age children are taught to perseverance. The easiest way to do this is with board games, so you can safely choose them as a gift for a 2-year-old baby.

Among the most popular board games that will be of interest to children in such young age, include the following game sets:

  1. Lotto;
  2. Children's dominoes;
  3. Balancers;
  4. Action games;
  5. Walkers;
  6. IQ games;
  7. Logic games.

You can offer the birthday boy such games:

  1. "My first orchard";
  2. "Shy Bunny";
  3. "City";
  4. "Palette";
  5. "Frog balancer";
  6. "Mathematics: form, count";
  7. Domino "Where is my tail?";
  8. "Blue elephant";
  9. “Bunnies. Tenth Kingdom".

Before buying a gift, consult with the child's parents, because, perhaps, some Board games he already has.

Gifts for physical development

The physical development of a child at two years old is a natural opportunity for a baby to grow up healthy. Therefore, to significant day his name day, you can prepare such gifts:

  1. Bike;
  2. Ring throwers;
  3. Skittles;
  4. Balls;
  5. Mini basketball;
  6. Knockers;
  7. Bibicar;
  8. Soft modules;
  9. Home trampoline;
  10. Tolokar.

Great gift for developing physical activity, strength and endurance of a two-year-old, will become a Swedish wall. This gymnastic complex will serve the birthday boy long years helping him stay strong and healthy.

Inexpensive gifts for two years

If material resources do not allow you to buy an expensive gift for your child, do not despair. There are many inexpensive things that will delight him. These surprises include:

  1. Stellar pyramid;
  2. Antistress;
  3. plastic machine;
  4. Small soft toy;
  5. Music phone;
  6. Animal figurines;
  7. Sound hammer - knocker;
  8. Developing pyramid;
  9. Small sorter;
  10. Play set for bathing;
  11. Sandbox set.

You can prepare a special surprise: sew a dress for the girl's favorite doll or knit a sweater for the birthday boy. Any handmade gift will be special and original.

What to give a two-year-old child for the New Year

At 2 years old, a child is a developing personality. He, seeing the fuss before new year holidays, wants to be directly involved in arranging the celebration, decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping gifts. He already understands that on this special day everyone gets surprises.

Consider what you can give a child for New Year to make memories of it amazing holiday stayed with him for a long time.

  1. Music rug. While walking in the painted footsteps, the child hears the sounds of music or the voices of animals. While playing, you can count steps or pronounce the names of animals, sing songs or read poems of a suitable theme.
  2. Wooden figurines. Choose a set that will include shapes different shapes, colors. Such a toy will allow you to play with enthusiasm and unconsciously train fine motor skills, master counting skills, distinguish colors and shapes.
  3. Magnetic constructor. The main difference between this construction kit and others is that, having assembled the toy, the kid can play with it for a long time: magnetic fasteners will securely connect the parts, preventing them from falling apart.
  4. Space sand. What a pleasure it is to make sand cakes when it's snowing and frosty outside! Such sand has a mysterious glow in the dark, restores its properties after getting wet and is perfectly molded without scattering around the house.
  5. Interactive toys. Children love soft toys that sing songs, recite poems or ask questions.
  6. Bath toys set. Can be purchased ready set or assemble it yourself.
  7. Tablet player. Such a toy almost completely imitates an "adult" smartphone. Such a comparison with adults is very popular with birthday people. In addition, the tablet makes funny sounds or names letters, counts, sings or makes animal sounds. Two-year-olds quickly master the touch buttons and enjoy playing with the tablet.
  8. Water painting game. A special mat and water marker allow you to draw exclusively on the “equipment provided”, leaving tables and chairs clean.
  9. The board game will teach the kid perseverance, show how and why you need to follow the rules.