After the birth of the child, relations with his wife deteriorated. Solving problems in a relationship with a husband after childbirth. If the relationship is at an impasse

Greetings to our readers! Even the most strong relationship with her husband can sometimes fail. When they don't add up, it's not over yet. They can be preserved, improved, and adjusted if you know how to do it correctly, having previously found out what is the cause of the strained relationship.

We will look at the most common reasons for the deterioration of the relationship between women and their husbands. We will also talk about what can be done to eliminate these causes. From our personal experience For example, applying these tips, working on them, women will definitely strengthen their relationships with their husbands.

Plagued with questions and nagging.
For example, a man is doing something, and his wife at this moment asks him, what is he thinking about now? Such questions annoy a man. What can he think about now if he is busy with something?

Remember a few important points: 1). Constant questions: whether he loves you or not; what he thinks about something; does he remember what dress you wore on the day of the first date; is he not going to leave you - even the most loving, patient husband can be brought to white heat.

Why can a man be annoyed by this question? He thinks: "I work hard from morning to evening, and she still asks whether I love her or not"? That is, the man seems to say: "Look at my deeds, why are you asking me?" The spouse considers deeds as his proof, a fait accompli of love.

2). Your doubts, constant checks on his memory or feelings plunge your spouse into confusion. After all, a man is not aimed at expressing emotions, but at specific actions.

How to deal with this habit?

Think of your husband's renovation or shopping trip as an expression of love. Avoid asking him for constant verbal evidence or assurances of his love for you - this can annoy the man. Understand, he may well have forgotten what dress you wore on your first date. Remember, the male mindset is focused on action, not emotionality.

A man can only do one specific case in this moment... For example, if he is distracted by talking while shaving, he is more likely to cut himself because he is completely focused on what he is doing. Therefore, when hubby is doing something with concentration, it is better to refrain from asking him about something, so as not to distract.

According to sociological research, a woman without stress uses more than 20,000 signals, words, sounds, gestures per day. In men, these signals are three times less. This means that a woman can talk three times more than a man. At the same time, not even getting tired. What does this lead to? The wife says something to her husband, she says, but he is already tired of listening, there is no more strength.

How to improve your relationship with your husband by avoiding communication mistakes

1). Develop the right approach to communication. There is a right and wrong way to communicate. The right way- This is to naturally involve the man in the conversation by asking the appropriate question, listening to the answer, and then offering your opinion. Also, stay away from heavy, stressful conversations, especially in the heat of emotion. Calm down, then (preferably the next day) you can return to this conversation.

2). Wrong way- this is to suppress a man with his irritation or worries, as soon as he crossed the threshold of the house. The wife must understand, the man gets tired faster. Therefore, she often very painfully perceives her desire to speak out, preferring to plunge into the TV after a hard day's work.

3). It is important for a woman to learn to think correctly and not to scribble words like from a machine gun. Stop thinking if I can do something, then hubby should be able to, or it is easy for him. This misunderstanding of male abilities spoils the relationship.

Be specific and avoid hints.
A conversation that starts from afar is completely confusing for a man. It is difficult for him to understand what his wife wants to talk about: about his inattention, his workload, or, in general, accuses him of idleness. Indeed, in their speech, men, as a rule, use short, clear, clear sentences. It is difficult for them to navigate in the flow of unnecessary information.

For example, often simple request wife take out the trash can begins with the story of how she got tired of cleaning up after everyone, that she was always afraid of the dark, and on the staircase someone unscrewed a light bulb. Hearing such phrases, the spouse is completely disoriented, what she wants from him: 1) for him to help get out, 2) spend her in the dark, 3) screw in a light bulb, 4) just blames or complains.

If a woman really has problems, then it is better to stop hoping that her husband, by some miracle, will guess about them by her displeased or anxious face. Your hints can only be understood close girlfriend- a woman who instantly feels the anxiety or resentment of another woman. The husband needs to be given clear information about his problem in order to calm his discontent.

What can then be done to improve the relationship?

1). Learn to speak clearly, clearly, in short sentences, without starting a conversation from afar, so as not to confuse your husband. For example, "go to the store and buy Borodino bread." See, just 6 words. Understand that a man wants specific phrases - short, clear, specific.

2). Always say please when you ask a man about something, so that it does not sound like commands or orders. On specific requests the spouse responds more willingly and faster. Watch his reaction when you speak, if he is not interested or he is annoyed, change the subject and method of communication. Remember: a fact is enough for him, and not a lot of details of your experiences.

3). When you want to talk about your problems, refrain from strategy with sighs and meaningful looks. A man does not feel female experiences. He needs to be given clear information. For example, “I have a headache,” then he will be able to start acting correctly.

Always be aware of the differences.
Male brain unlike the female, he is not inclined to notice the details or trifles that the spouse sees. For example, a man sees a suit, and a woman can see a thread dangling there somewhere. She notices that he put his shoes in the wrong place, hung up his trousers in the wrong place, or threw his socks somewhere under the sofa. Grumbling about this, scandal, poking your spouse with your finger, spoils your relationship with your husband . Thus, the wife becomes the "gendarme" in the family.

How to fix the situation?

Just avoid being a "gendarme" in the family, turning into a family "shepherd". Stop pestering the man with all the details, little things that you see.

Anger is a relationship killer because it makes you self-centered by not allowing you to see the good. He automatically makes you a prosecutor, a judge, an executor of punishments, but not a defense lawyer. Even small things become catastrophic under the influence of anger.

How to keep a relationship angry with your husband

If you are annoyed with your marriage partner, give yourself some time to calm down and then try to gently discuss with him what caused you irritation. Remember, all arguments and arguments stem from our own fear or pain. Therefore, when you are angry, try to check what is going on inside you. Perhaps the reason for the anger is not your husband's actions, but your own fears or resentments. (Want to? Then we advise you to read 8 tips how to do it?)

Any person who is capable of making you angry becomes your master. He can only make you angry when you allow yourself to be angry.

Blackmail your husband into having sex or deny him intimacy.
Sometimes women allow two extremes:
1). It seems to them that for the sake of sex, the spouse is ready for anything, so they try to manipulate it. Men perfectly notice and understand this, they just don't show it. Sometimes they close their eyes, endure for the time being, and sometimes leave their wives for the sake of those who do not "buy" them.

2). The wife constantly has a headache, a backache, or she is tired. It does happen, but sometimes it's just an excuse. In terms of sexual relations, she blows cold. (Read, how to solve sexual problems with husband?)

These two extremes, especially when they go hand in hand, will ruin any relationship you have. Remember, the world around you is full of accessible sex, so deny your husband intimacy- this is with my own hands destroy your marriage.

How to return a relationship with your husband in this case? First, honestly, sincerely tell your spouse about the reasons for your "refusal." Reassure him that you love him, and as soon as you really feel better, readily make time for him. Second, avoid "buying" your husband's love like a stallion in the market. If you need something from him, talk about it directly, and not instead of sex.

Your relationship with your husband will deteriorate if you undermine his reputation.
For example, what will his colleagues and neighbors think of a man when his wife throws scandals and scenes in public? Or he constantly sneers at his statements, in every possible way showing his superiority over his spouse, especially when she drank a little alcohol. Do not think of a man that he is a "mattress?"

Remember, for husbands, their reputation as the head of the household is very important. They build a reputation over the years, but one rash act of a spouse can reduce it to the root.

If something like this happened to your family, then how to restore the relationship with your husband?

Learn to respect a man. If there is no respect for your beloved man, you have nothing. It's as simple and true as 2 x 2 = 4.

Remember, it's never too late to think about changing the script. For example, make a promise to yourself never to embarrass your loved one by making fun of their shortcomings or little quirks. Try to follow your speech and actions, even if your husband is wrong about something, or has offended you.


We all know how to see the shortcomings of others. Agree, you don't need a big mind for this. Seeing the wrong behavior of a spouse, a woman often becomes a prosecutor for him, and not a lawyer. In order for a damaged relationship to improve, it is necessary to avoid being only a prosecutor for a husband, as often women are useless judges. Therefore, try to justify your spouse by entering into his position. Ask yourself: "Who am I now, a lawyer or a prosecutor"? This will help restore your relationship with your beloved husband.

Best regards, Andronic Anna, Oleg!

Take a look short video, in which you will learn two more good advice.

With the birth of a baby, everything changes in the life of a spouse. This event brings some partners even closer together. Other women complain that relations with their husbands deteriorated after the birth of a child.

Family changes

The woman's pregnancy has already brought adjustments to the family. When was added new person, everything has changed dramatically. The attention of the partners was focused on each other, but now a kind of barrier arose between the spouses. Mom turned her attention completely to the baby, and dad faded into the background.

Some men are quite satisfied with this attitude, others do not want to take part of the responsibilities of raising a baby and go aside, exclusively engaged in raising funds for a family. Jealousy for the newborn is manifested, which completely absorbed the wife's attention.

The first months after childbirth are the most difficult, especially if the baby is the only one in the family. The woman sleeps little, gets tired and waits for at least some help. Sometimes the wife removes the man from active participation in the process of education.

In addition to psychological moment physiological is also added. Not all women medical indications sexual intercourse is allowed in the first months after childbirth. Some mothers do not have enough strength for intimacy, so problems arise that lead not only to major quarrels, but sometimes to divorce.

To avoid this, partners prepare in advance for the difficulties associated with the appearance of a child in the family. If a man supports his wife during pregnancy, goes to classes and to the doctor, helps with the housework and participates in childbirth, it is natural for him to subsequently take on part of the household chores. Realizing how difficult it is for a spouse brings you closer.

If a man turns out to be an egoist who requires attention, then soon there will be an abyss between partners. Psychological alienation will lead to sexual cooling. Only those who are patient and respectful will be able to prevent such a situation.

Woman after childbirth

Any change in female body associated with hormonal background... During pregnancy, the indicators are one, after childbirth, others. Hence the mood swings and depressive states... The husband complains that his wife has changed a lot, so he is trying to find the reason for this behavior.

How does a woman change after giving birth to a child:

  1. a tired spouse is annoyed by everything;
  2. the mother turns her attention completely to the baby;
  3. interest in intimate relationships disappears;
  4. some wives stop looking after their appearance;
  5. there is indifference not only to the husband, but also to the child.

The habitual rhythm of life has changed, becoming a daily routine. A woman is torn between a child, a spouse and everyday problems. It is often to blame for the fact that after childbirth the wife has lost interest in her husband, is the inability (or unwillingness) to substitute a man's shoulder.

The wife does not have time for anything, does not get enough sleep and begins to break the mood on the partner. Against this background, depression is inevitable, and not only does the husband infuriate. The mother begins to notice that she hates the child or transfers some of the negativity to the baby.

Psychological state in the background physical fatigue leads to the fact that the woman ceases to look after herself (after all, she is in four walls for a long time). A crumpled dressing gown, unkempt appearance, refusal of intimacy, constant irritation (and even scandals) lead to the fact that the partner moves away. All this becomes an additional reason for another quarrel, which sometimes ends with a man leaving the family.

Husband behavior after childbirth

A man's attitude to having a child is different from that of a woman. It's easier for mom to immediately get involved in the role of a parent, she lived with this thought for all 9 months. The spouse participated in the bearing indirectly, and does not fully understand how hard it is for women in labor.

If the spouses were real partners from start to finish, this is good, in a relationship there will be no serious problems... Most men are in a detached position, observing everything from the side.

At the same time, husbands are offended that their wives give them less attention than before childbirth. Not everyone is satisfied with the new responsibilities that fell on dad's shoulders with the birth of the baby. If the spouse was not present at the birth, it is difficult for him at first to perceive the newborn.

A man can respond to his wife's inattention with the same attitude. He will be less likely to be at home, finding entertainment on the side, will refuse to help with the housework. Realizing that the husband has grown cold, some wives roll up scandals, others try with all their might to attract attention. Sometimes there is aversion to the husband because of the unwillingness to delve into the situation of the spouse.

Why is the husband annoying after childbirth:

  • a tired woman is unhappy with her husband's indifference to family problems;
  • it seems to the wife that the father pays little attention to the child;
  • my husband became annoyed because of permanent absence at home;
  • the woman suddenly realized that she did not need a husband.

Responsible mothers are enraged by the husband after the birth of the child for another reason - the woman suddenly realizes that she has stopped loving the father of her baby. This situation usually arises due to the fact that the man turned out to be bankrupt as the head of the family.

Building relationships

With the birth of a child, a woman becomes wiser and more responsible than her husband. If the husband has changed after returning from the hospital, then it is the wife who can correct the situation, because the mother makes the weather in the house. The main thing is to understand the reason why the wife quarrels with her husband.

If the relationship with the husband deteriorated after the birth of the child, as a rule, both spouses are to blame. But a woman is by nature capable of compromising. If she wants to save the family, she should forget about ambitions and try to refresh her relationship with her husband.

How to improve relationships with your husband after childbirth

  • you should not completely absorb yourself with caring for the baby - the man also wants attention;
  • constant quarrels with your husband after the birth of a child is not a way to draw his attention to your problems;
  • dad needs to be unobtrusively involved in education and periodically ask him for help;
  • perhaps the husband became a stranger due to a lack of intimacy;
  • you should not completely abandon the previously habitual rhythm of life;
  • a woman should always be attractive, even at home.

In order not to finally worsen relations with your husband, you must always remain desired, and the birth of a child is not a reason to deviate from this rule. You should not make a baby "the center of the Universe", even if it is long-awaited. The dad will love the child as much as the mother, if the spouse does not deprive him of his attention.

A woman should realize that lack of sleep, a sick child, lack of time, lack of usual entertainment- not a reason to take your anger out on your husband. The spouse will be happy to help his wife if the house is calm and comfortable.

Intimate relationship

For most men sexual relations- physiological need. On subconscious level for this reason, they start a family in order to have a constant partner nearby. When a wife's pregnancy passes with pathologies that exclude intimacy, not every man is able to endure for almost a year.

If the husband has lost interest in his wife after the birth of the baby, this may be a consequence prolonged abstinence... But often it is the woman who does not make contact, refusing to intimate relationships that the partner has been waiting for.

How to get your husband's attention back:

  1. the house should always be clean and tidy so that it would be pleasant for the spouse to return to the family;
  2. chores with the baby is not a reason to forget about the head of the family's favorite dishes;
  3. the attitude of a man to a woman will become warmer if the wife shows the same tenderness to her husband;
  4. you should not ignore the partner's problems, trying to solve them together;
  5. you need to warm up the awareness of him in a man starring in family;
  6. in order not to say that my husband does not like me, the spouse should always be neat;
  7. light makeup and new hairstyle husband will be appreciated.

Sometimes women are not paying attention outward appearance, require some kind of relationship from the spouse. When they do not get what they wanted, they are jealous of their husbands (sometimes unreasonably), this leads to new scandals. Quarrels further distance spouses from each other and interfere with restoring sex after childbirth.

If the child is desired, and not a consequence of a fleeting marriage, partners will be able to save good relationship and will withstand the tests with dignity with the advent of the child. But for this there must be psychological preparation to problems.

How to restore intimate life after childbirth:

  • intimacy cannot be treated as a marital obligation;
  • you need to show no less care and love for your husband than for your child;
  • try to periodically stay with your spouse by sending the newborn to the grandmother;
  • leave the decision behind the threshold of the bedroom everyday problems.

It happens that the refusal sexual life after childbirth, a compulsory measure prescribed by doctors. The main thing is that there is a desire for intimacy. The restoration of sexual activity after childbirth primarily depends on the woman.

Lost interest in my husband

Sometimes women shout "I hate my husband", considering him to be the culprit of the pain. Then the spouse forgets these words, but the subconscious mind keeps such feelings for a long time. The presence of the husband during childbirth psychologically affects both partners, and then a certain alienation appears. But more often the lack of interest in the baby's father is short-lived and caused by ordinary reasons.

Why interest in her husband disappears:

  1. estrogens and progesterones are to blame;
  2. a natural instinct turns on, transferring all attention to the child;
  3. mom is too tired;
  4. the man began to annoy.

The husband's inattention to everyday problems first irritates the wife, then turns into anger and hatred, then the woman realizes that she has stopped loving. In other cases, female destiny is to blame. By granting the desired child, the husband becomes uninteresting and is relegated to the background.

Some women calmly perceive that they have lost interest in their husband. Others try to find a reason for this. But each draws her own conclusions - either she tries to rectify the situation, or she reproaches the baby's father for inattention and lack of basic help.

The pheromones produced by the body are the culprit sexual cravings partners to each other. The hormonal transformation that has taken place in a woman after childbirth changes her attitude towards her partner. On psychological level the wife is angry with her husband because of the piled up everyday problems, and subconsciously the sense of smell is to catch the wrong vibes. Therefore, interest in the spouse as a sexual partner disappears. A husband with problems immediately fades into the background, a woman begins to live an isolated life, and everything eventually ends in divorce.


Not all spouses are able to maintain a marriage after the birth of a baby. If the husband is accustomed to the main role in his wife's life, it is difficult for him to accept that all attention is riveted on the child. This usually happens with men of a selfish disposition.

Some husbands find themselves psychologically unprepared for a multitude of piled-up problems. A constantly crying and demanding baby not only causes a lack of sleep for mom, night troubles annoy dad.

Not all men are able to endure temporary adversity and begin to look for an outlet. Some spend more time outside the house in the company of bosom friends, others are looking for female attention on the side, still others are filing for divorce.

The man is cheating. Constantly busy wife busy with a child and household chores, does not immediately notice that her husband is cheating on her after giving birth. These trips to the left begin at the stage of pregnancy. Spouses do not enter into intimacy so that a woman can deliver a normal child, or an overweight wife becomes unattractive to her husband.

Changes in female figure sometimes cause negative reaction and after childbirth. The spouse loses interest in his wife, he is drawn to other ladies. Smells are also the cause. breast milk coming from mom - they can push away. It is difficult to expect a different reaction when untidy wives and constant quarrels.

Sex in a man's life is not the last place. The physiological need is inherent in nature, and nothing can be done about it. If the wife refuses intimacy for any reason, the result of this will be her husband's betrayal.

The husband left. In some families, the appearance of a baby is the reason that a man leaves home. All factors can influence such a decision. If the husband left after giving birth, the woman must figure out why this happened, because her behavior and inattention are largely to blame.
Sometimes partner childbirth provoke such actions. Features of the appearance of a baby, an unpresentable appearance of a wife, inappropriate behavior- shocking factors for the husband to leave almost immediately after giving birth.

For wives, this is a real tragedy, and they are trying to get the man back at any cost. The main thing here is not to go too far. Neither threats, nor scandals and tears can correct the situation, especially if the husband left for another woman. Most men choose the shelter where it is more comfortable and quieter for them.

Having a child not only holds the family together, but also ruins the relationship between spouses. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to be sensitive to each other and not forget about basic needs. All the difficulties of the first period of infancy are temporary, it will help the couple to save the marriage.

Each of us wants to live our life in a fairy tale-like relationship, filled with bliss and happy moments. But, in practice, only a small part of all couples can boast of harmony in the family, while the rest make trivial mistakes that lead to a breakup or to unhealthy relationships that cannot make any of the partners happy.

This is very unfortunate, especially considering the fact that both tried their best to create and maintain this relationship.

Perhaps you tried to talk about this topic and understand each other, but without understanding what really needs and is important to do to make each other happy, your efforts were chaotic and fruitless, as if you were trying to find something in the dark.

So why is the relationship going bad? How to find a compromise in a relationship?

Almost all relationships, without exception, begin like fairy tale where a guy and a girl are attentive and gentle with each other. Everything is so beautiful that you feel that your loved one is your soul mate, whom you have been looking for all your life.

But, then, something went wrong, and now you are tormented by the question of what to do if you have a bad relationship with a boyfriend / girlfriend.

Signs of separation between a guy and a girl

Sometimes it is difficult to understand how this happened, and to determine the exact moment when the relationship between you began to deteriorate. Perhaps some of you did not keep your promise, or you returned home late, or maybe you felt that you were not appreciated and a painful feeling of insecurity began to creep into your soul. At other times, the reason may lie on the surface, when it comes to an affair on the side or a serious quarrel.

So, what to do if the relationship deteriorates and how not to bring the matter to a break? Problems in personal life happen to everyone, the main thing is to decipher the signs of parting in time and bad relationship, and talk frankly with your loved one, not all is lost, and you still have many chances not only to regain lost trust, but also to make the love union stronger and happier.

Dishonesty towards each other and secrets

Does it happen that you are hiding something from your boyfriend / girlfriend, do not tell the whole truth, even if it is a trifle. Or perhaps there is a secret infatuation that you avoid talking about with your partner? It doesn't matter what you're hiding, try talking to your boyfriend / girlfriend about it and you'll see how much closer you can be to each other.

Side novels

Romance on the side can be of a different nature, whether it is sexual relations on the side or emotional attachment to another girl / guy. The main thing that matters is that such things can be bad for the relationship with your soul mate. When you pay attention to someone else on the side, it means that you are cheating on your partner, who will feel neglected and harbor resentment towards you. You may not consider innocent flirting with a colleague to be a serious problem, but being cold towards a boyfriend / girlfriend can cause a return cooling towards you.

Desires and hopes

Lack of respect

Distinctive feature happy relationship is the mutual respect of partners towards each other. They make promises to each other and fulfill them, they avoid talking badly about the failures of their half, and do not try to assert themselves at someone else's expense.

Only sex binds you

Is it true that sex is the main thing in your relationship? If you are held together by a passionate sexual relationship, whether it be an evening spent together, a stormy reconciliation after a quarrel, or a way to show your love, then unfortunately, such a relationship cannot be called healthy.

A romantic relationship is built on two basic points, communication and sexual attraction... If you don't have common interests and you have nothing to talk about, then, in the end, you are doomed to suffering and misunderstanding on the part of your partner.

Unhealthy jealousy in a relationship

Do you feel jealous of your partner's success? It happens that a person can envy the luck of his spouse, it can be good job or a lot of friends. Envy is not always bad, but when it turns into jealousy in a relationship, and you start making secret plans about how you can isolate her / him from friends or ask to change jobs, then things are bad, this is a sign of unhealthy jealousy in love.


Are you intimidated by your spouse's close friendship with your pretty girlfriend? Feelings of insecurity are common in initial stage new relationship, when a guy and a girl had just begun to learn about each other, their former partners and nice friends and girlfriends. But, in the event that there is an unhealthy relationship, you may be constantly haunted by insecurity, even after you have passed the stage of passionate love.


In the event that you feel insignificant and powerless in your union, and it seems that you play practically no role in marital relations, your love can turn into a power struggle, in endless attempts to prove which of you is the boss. In an unhealthy relationship, the partner secretly wishes and hopes that his spouse will fail in order to feel more significant against the backdrop of the spouse's failure.


One of the most common signs of a bad relationship is checks done by one of the partners. From time to time, the girl (guy) deliberately asks the other to do something, fully realizing that the beloved will certainly forget or make a mistake. All this is done in order to catch the spouse at the moment of failure and say: "I just knew that you would forget!" or "I told you so."

Lack of emotional closeness

There is nothing wrong with the fact that you have many friends and from time to time you have sympathy for people of the opposite sex. This happens to all of us. But for your love union to be strong and successful, your partner should be your closest friend, and you should feel comfortable discussing any issues with him, no matter whether it concerns money. sexual fantasies or bed games.

It will take some time for a special one to arise between you. emotional closeness, but if you are afraid of something, do not trust your soul mate or are not ready to share your secrets, then you cannot become truly close to each other.

Lack of sexual relations

Do you believe that real love, that's all you need for good relationship or marriage? Unfortunately, you are not entirely correct. Unless one of you is unable to have sexual intercourse due to illness or physical condition you should pay a lot of attention to looking good and getting into regular sexual intercourse with your partner. Do not underestimate the role of the chemistry of physical love in developing a strong romantic union.


It is difficult to find a person who is ideal in all respects. Of course, there are probably several things that you would like to change about your partner. But gives you no reason to compare your boyfriend to others, be it former friend, a colleague at work or secret admirer. Comparison always creates a feeling of insecurity and destroys the union.

Do you like being in a state of love

But you do not love the person who lives next to you. What do you feel? Do you only stay in a relationship because you enjoy feeling loved / loved or because you are afraid of being alone?

Sometimes, the only reason what is holding you back from breaking up is the fear of breaking up and being alone. However, it should be remembered that remaining in a relationship without love, but solely because you are afraid of being alone / alone, you make yourself and your partner unhappy.

Expectations and requirements of the boyfriend / girlfriend's family

If you are in long-term relationship or married / married, perhaps you have already had some experience that your spouse's family interferes in your affairs from time to time. Does your spouse's family interfere with your affairs more often than necessary, with constant requests or attempts to influence your plans and decisions? Perhaps today, you don't pay attention to it special attention, and the situation seems bearable, but one day this behavior of your relatives will become unbearable and can cause irreparable damage to the relationship between spouses.


Are you in a relationship with someone who tries to control you all the time? Then you're out of luck like people just not destined to create a happy and harmonious family unless they make a serious attempt to change their behavior once and for all. Family harmony based on balance and understanding between two people, you need to find a compromise in a relationship if you want it to work. If one partner tries to dominate and control the other, independently deciding all the important family matters and doing everything in your own way, then we are talking about an unhealthy relationship, from which nothing good will come of.

Give and receive

Can't create harmonious relationship, if you do not make compromises and sacrifice something for the sake of your loved one. In a strong union, both partners understand this, and give in to each other from time to time to make their soul mate happy. But when it comes to an unhealthy relationship, then there is a scenario where one partner constantly bends over to please the other, and the other constantly insists that everything is the way he or she wants.

Even if your relationship gives the impression of being ideal at the moment, this is possible only if one of the partners, who is forced to constantly give in to the other, is too timid and has not yet voiced his discontent unfair treatment to yourself. But if one of the couple is not ready to compromise, there comes a moment when the other no longer has the strength to endure injustice, and he decides to express everything he thinks, demanding a change in the situation in his favor. This leads to a fight in which both parties feel anger and bitterness of misunderstanding.


One of worst case bad relationships are alliances between people with incompatible characters. Falling in love in the romantic stage of a relationship initially helps people get closer, but the lack of communication and understanding between partners leads to a gradual cooling and alienation between them. You can still fix it, but for this you need to try to get to know your boyfriend / girlfriend better and try to understand each other, i.e. start over again. And this time, you need to communicate, not withdraw into yourself.

Silence as a way of education

We are all different, and it is inevitable that over time, disagreements will begin between partners on this or that occasion. And the most important thing here is how you deal with the situation. What do you do if a dispute arises between you? Does each of you take your own position and remain unconvinced? Or perhaps you start to educate your partner by punishing him / her with silence until he / she learns the lesson?

Education by silence, despite its effectiveness, is one of the most dangerous ways solving the problem. And, as a result, it leads to secrets, insecurity and frustration. You can use this method, but only in those cases when it is really the only correct and effective one.

Hello. I have been dating my boyfriend for 2.5 and a half years. We had a wonderful relationship, he appreciated me, understood, respected, showed signs of attention, spoke pleasant words, suited romantic dates and meetings, gave gifts, in general, I felt happy and loved with him. We never parted for more than a couple of days, that's all free time I used to spend with him. He is 21 years old, I am 18. He graduated from college and decided to enroll in a correspondence department in another city. When he left for the university, he rarely called, when I started to freak out about this, we had a fight. When I came back, I begged for forgiveness, I said that this would not happen again. I believed him. He left for the second time. On the first day, he went through with friends. I freaked out a lot. The next day we had a fight. And he hasn't called me for a week. Didn't call when I got home. I didn’t call for the next two days. I could not resist and wrote to him myself when I saw how his classmate threw off pictures of them having fun in the club. By the way, he is a family man, he did not go to clubs before, and we did everything together and if we were going to go somewhere, then only together or asked permission from each other. I didn’t know about it and I wouldn’t know it as it seems to me. We met and he told me that he was tired of being in the box in which I allegedly put him, that after 2 months he wants to go to the army and he likes to spend time with friends, and all I do is that I constantly freak out, and he wants measured calm relationships. Nevertheless, he also says that he loves me very much, is afraid of losing and wants to renew and continue our relationship. I am very angry with him, the insults do not pass. Jealous of his classmate. But he says there is no reason and does not see the girl in her. But the fact that he cooled off to me is obvious. Since before he always called, ran to me, asked for forgiveness, right away. Never been lost for so long. And after we met, he begged to forgive him, but the next day he didn't even call, didn't send an SMS, nothing. I'm already confused. Help. What to do in such a situation? He says that he loves, but his actions show that if he loves, then it is definitely not the same as before. P.S. We didn't have normal sex. Until the age of 18, I myself did not want, he waited. After 18 they began to try, everything went very badly and with a creak, and then they began to quarrel, so everything remained in place. Intimate life we certainly had it, but the traditional understanding of this word was not. He became irritable and more rude or something and sometimes towards me too. Could this be the reason? But after what he threw out, I don't want anything at all. It is difficult for me without him, I love him and am very afraid of losing.

Hello Anastasia! Your relationship with your couple has definitely changed. And this circumstance worries you. Let's figure it out in order.

I have been dating my boyfriend for 2.5 and a half years. We had a wonderful relationship, he appreciated me, understood, respected me, showed signs of attention, spoke pleasant words, arranged romantic dates and meetings, gave gifts, in general I felt happy and loved with him. We never parted with him for more than a couple of days, I used to spend all my free time with him.

There is always a lot of romance at the beginning of a boy-girl relationship. People enjoy spending time together, they seem to be glued to each other, and both enjoy this feeling of unity.

By the way, he is a family man, he did not go to clubs before, and we did everything together and if we were going to go somewhere, then only together or asked permission from each other.

But this period of relationship ends someday. Partners cannot live in permanent merger with each other. One of the partners becomes cramped in such a relationship, and he does not mind looking around, going about his business, switching to something else.

We met and he told me that he was tired of being in the box in which I allegedly put him, that after 2 months he wants to go to the army and he likes to spend time with friends, and all I do is that I constantly freak out, and he wants measured calm relationships.

Second partner (in in this case you) usually undergo such a change. It seems to him that love is passing. But this is not the case. Relationships move to another level.

Nevertheless, he also says that he loves me very much, is afraid of losing and wants to renew and continue our relationship.

Your boyfriend continues to love you. But only you alone can never replace the world of other people with it. Accept this truth. There is you - your beloved, and there are other people with whom you want to communicate, spend time, learn something new. The first does not exclude the second and vice versa.

I am very angry with him, the insults do not pass. Jealous of his classmate. But he says there is no reason and does not see the girl in her. But the fact that he cooled off to me is obvious. Since before he always called, ran to me, asked for forgiveness, right away.

You are still glued to your boyfriend. As if besides him you have no friends, interests. Give it some air. He says he loves you - believe him.

Also, take care of your life, develop your talents, make new friends, hobbies. The guy will become much more interesting.

We certainly did have an intimate life, but the traditional understanding of this word is not. Could this be the reason?

Talk to your boyfriend frankly. Only without scandals, reproaches and tantrums. Discuss your relationship, who cares what. for an adult. No swearing. Find out what bothers him, tell him what bothers you. Agree together how you will build relationships and what compromises to make so that both in your couple are happy.

Good luck to you!

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Family relations deteriorated. What to do?
Any family in certain period time is in crisis interpersonal relationships... Most often, the desire is one: to break the bond that does not suit both spouses and to become independent so that no one bothers. Especially critical periods several: three years, seven years and fifteen.

So what brings the family to such a critical state? Naturally, we will not talk about those whose other half "drowned" in drugs or alcohol. There, the reasons are already clear, and there is only one piece of advice - a divorce. But what about the so-called " prosperous families"? What brings them to the crisis?

Let's talk today about reproaches, small, familiar, but, like rust, corroding the souls of once loving hearts.

You earn little, you pay little attention to me, you don’t help me around the house, you don’t meet me from work, you don’t help my parents, you should only lie and watch TV, etc. - this is from her side.

You constantly grumble at me, you do not respect my work, you always have little money I earned, you are not satisfied with my job, you are not satisfied with my attitude towards you, you don’t like the fact that I watch TV, you say that I’m unlucky, in contrast from others. You should only command, etc. - on the other side.

These are stereotypical phrases that reflect relationships in not so many families. Already become habitual, they do not achieve the goal, but simply cause irritation, create a tense atmosphere in the house. The husband is constantly dissatisfied with the behavior of his wife, the wife, for her part, is constantly dissatisfied with the behavior of her husband.

Relationships like this lead to constant scandals in the family, but constancy, leads to habits. And such phrases, constant dissatisfaction, lead to the fact that a husband or wife, going home from work with good mood upon entering the house, out of habit, he begins to say the usual phrases that are used to pronounce it in the house. This is where a new scandal begins. And we no longer notice that this happens with us by itself. And if there are children in the family, how is this parental behavior reflected on them? But children, like their parents, also develop the habit of swearing, scandalizing and behaving defiantly.

You need to stop and ask yourself: "What is wrong with my husband / wife?" And at the same time, do not rush with the usual answers to this question - it does not help, she rummages around in her pockets, etc., but to look at herself, evaluate my words, my petty deeds. Do you smile at your half when you enter the room after work, are you wondering how he / she spent the day, or phrases like: you are lying on the couch again, it would be better if you throw out the trash. Or - again stuck out in the hairdresser ...

If you analyze your own behavior, then suddenly remember that once your husband came on time, and you, instead of a friendly smile, met him with a skeptical - this is necessary .. It will probably rain - from work on time. Yes, there are many such examples for both one and the other side ...

This is how the crisis comes into the house family relations... And all this, in our opinion, comes from the very habit that creeps into our minds imperceptibly - the habit of reproaching for trifles, not noticing good things, do not support each other on a daily basis.

The answer is nearby, you just need to start eradicating this habit, not to say these phrases that cause nervousness in our half. Try to replace them with others, more positive ones. Be more careful with nervous state people close to us. Always try to support, cheer up. Then mutual understanding and calmness will come in the family. After all, when mutual understanding comes in the family, love, respect to their household, then our children grow up calm and cheerful.

We must also say. that if the family managed to survive the crisis, then it becomes stronger, and the relationship is more trusting. Building relationships in the family is not easy, but you need to strive for it. If in the usual period everything is somehow formed by itself, then in crisis period you need to try to improve family relationships.

Tips for wives:

you do not need to always insist on your own, give your husband a chance to make a decision;

do not "nag" your husband if he is not moving up the career ladder, do not compare him with more successful acquaintances;

in case of problems related to children, be sure to tell your husband about them so that he also takes a direct part, so that he does not consider himself “thrown out”;

if you are jealous and are constantly looking for reasons for jealousy, you will definitely find such a reason - you need to trust your soul mate more.

Advice to husbands:

try to tell your wife about everything, do not keep your problems in yourself - your wife will understand and support you, and the difficulties experienced together will only strengthen your family and bring you closer;

find the right for your wife nice words: women love with their ears, and it is very important for them to hear something good in their address.

do not reprimand your wife in public - women are very touchy when criticism concerns their appearance or character. Otherwise, on occasion, you can get your words back, and this will not have a positive effect on building relationships in the family.

Say "I love" your soul mate more often. This word can work wonders!