Wedding folk rituals. Customs and traditions at the wedding. Modern classic wedding program

For a long time, it is the wedding that is considered the most important event in life. Our ancestors created a family, adhering to traditions and strictly observing special rules. echoes wedding ceremonies The old traditions of Russia are also present in modern marriage.

The traditions of the wedding ceremonies of the Slavs date back more than one century: our ancestors followed the rules very carefully. Starting a family was a sacred and meaningful act that took an average of three days. Since that time, wedding signs and superstitions have come down to us, in Russia, passed down from generation to generation.

Wedding rites of the ancient Slavs

For our ancestors, the wedding ceremony was an extremely important event: they approached the creation of a new family very responsibly, hoping for the help of the Gods and fate. The word "wedding" itself consists of three parts: "swa" - heaven, "d" - an act on earth and "ba" - blessed by the Gods. It turns out that historically the word "wedding" stands for "an earthly act blessed by the Gods." From this knowledge, the ancient wedding rites originated.

Entry into family life is always primarily aimed at the continuation of a healthy and strong family. That is why the ancient Slavs imposed several restrictions and prohibitions on creating a new couple:

  • the age of the groom must be at least 21 years old;
  • the age of the bride is not less than 16 years;
  • the family of the groom and the family of the bride should not be related by blood.

Contrary to popular belief, both the groom and the bride were rarely given in marriage or married against their will: it was believed that the Gods and life itself help new couple find each other in a special, harmonious state.

Nowadays, a lot of attention is also paid to achieving harmony: for example, more and more people are starting to use special meditations to attract love. Our ancestors the best way harmonious fusion with the rhythms of mother nature was considered dance.

On the day of Perun or on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, young people who wanted to meet their fate gathered in two round dances: the men led the circle “salting” - in the direction of the sun, and the girls - “anti-salting”. Thus, both round dances went with their backs to each other.

At the moment of convergence of the dancing guys and the girl who collided with their backs, they were taken out of the round dance: it was believed that the Gods brought them together. Subsequently, if the girl and the guy were in love with each other, the bride was arranged, the parents got to know each other, and if everything was in order, the date of the wedding was set.

It was believed that on the day of the wedding, the bride died for her family and its guardian spirits, in order to be reborn in the groom's family. This change was of particular importance.

First of all, he spoke about the symbolic death of the bride for a kind wedding attire: our ancestors adopted a red wedding dress with a white veil instead of the current translucent veil.

Red and white in Russia were the colors of mourning, and the thick veil that completely covered the bride's face symbolized her being in the world of the dead. It could only be removed during the wedding feast, when the blessing of the Gods over the young had already been completed.

Preparing for wedding day for both the groom and the bride, it began the night before: the bridesmaids went with her to the bathhouse for a ritual bath. Under bitter songs and tears, the girl was washed with water from three buckets, symbolically indicating her presence between the three worlds: Reveal, Navi and Rule. The bride herself had to cry as much as possible in order to receive the forgiveness of the spirits of her kind, whom she was leaving.

On the morning of the wedding day, the groom sent the bride a gift that meant the fidelity of his intentions: a box with a comb, ribbons and sweets. From the moment the gift was received, the bride began to change clothes and prepare for the wedding ceremony. While dressing and combing, the girlfriends also sang the saddest songs, and the bride had to cry even more than the day before: it was believed that the more tears shed before the wedding, the less they would be shed during married life.

Meanwhile, the so-called wedding train was gathering in the groom's house: wagons in which the groom himself and his team went to fetch the bride with gifts to her friends and parents. The richer the groom's family, the longer the train should be. When all the preparations were completed, the train went to the bride's house with singing and dancing.

Upon arrival, the bride's relatives checked the groom's intentions with questions and comic tasks. This tradition has been preserved in our time, turning into a "ransom" of the bride.

After the groom passed all the checks and got the opportunity to see the bride, the wedding train, together with the young, the squad and relatives, was sent to the temple. They always went to him on a long road, covering the bride’s face with a thick veil: it was believed that at that time future wife half is in the world of Navi, and it was impossible for people to see her "fully alive".

Upon arrival at the temple, the sorcerer, who was waiting for the young, performed the rite of blessing the union, thereby confirming the harmony in the couple and sealing the oath of the young before the Gods. From that moment on, the bride and groom were considered family.

After the ceremony, all the guests, led by married couple went to a feast in honor of the wedding, which could last up to seven days with interruptions. During the treat, the young received gifts, and also repeatedly presented their guests with belts, amulet dolls and coins.

In addition, within six months of family life, the new family, having appreciated the gift of each guest, had to pay a return visit and give the so-called “gift” - a return gift worth more than the guest’s gift. By this, the young family showed that the guest's gift went for the future, increasing their well-being.

Over time unshakable wedding traditions underwent some changes caused by migrations and wars. The changes took root and brought us the memory of Russian folk wedding rites.

Russian folk wedding ceremonies

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, wedding ceremonies have changed radically. For several decades, the ceremony of blessing the Gods at the temple turned into a wedding ceremony in the church. People did not immediately accept new way, and this directly affected the holding of such an important event as a wedding.

Because without a church wedding marriage was not considered valid, the wedding ceremony consisted of two parts: the wedding in the church and the ritual part, the feast. "Magic" was not encouraged by the highest church ranks, but for some time the clergy participated in the "non-wedding" wedding part.

Just like the ancient Slavs, in the tradition of Russian folk wedding for a long time kept traditional customs: matchmaking, bride and conspiracy. At the general bridegroom, held at the festivities, the groom's family looked after the bride, inquiring about her and her family.

Finding a girl right age and status, the groom's relatives sent matchmakers to the bride's family. Matchmakers could come up to three times: the first was to announce the intentions of the groom's family, the second was to look at the bride's family, and the third was to get consent.

When successful matchmaking bridegrooms were appointed: the bride's family came to the groom's house and inspected the household, making a conclusion: will it be good for their daughter to live here. If everything was in order and met their expectations, the bride's parents accepted the invitation to share the meal with the groom's family. In case of refusal, the matchmaking was terminated.

If the bride-to-be was successful, then the groom's parents came with a return visit: they personally got acquainted with the bride, observed her housekeeping skills and communicated with her. If in the end they were not disappointed in the girl, then the groom was brought to the bride.

The girl had to appear in all her outfits, to show how good she is as a hostess and companion. The groom also had to show his best qualities: on the evening of the "third look" the bride in most cases had the right to refuse the groom.

If the young people were able to please each other and did not mind the wedding, their parents began to discuss material costs for the wedding of their children, the size of the bride's dowry and gifts from the groom's family. This part was called “handshaking”, because, having agreed on everything, the father of the bride and the father of the groom “beat hands”, that is, they sealed the contract with a handshake.

After the completion of the contract, preparations for the wedding began, which could last up to a month.

On the day of the wedding, the bridesmaids dressed her in wedding dress under lamentations about her girlhood happy life. The bride had to constantly cry, seeing off her girlhood. Meanwhile, the groom with friends came to the bride's house, preparing to buy his future wife from her family and friends.

After a successful ransom and symbolic tests of the groom, the young people went to church: the groom and his friends set off noisily and with songs, and the bride went separately, on a long road, without attracting special attention. The groom certainly had to arrive at the church first: in this way, the future wife avoided the stigma of the “abandoned bride”.

During the wedding, the bride and groom were placed on a spread white cloth, showered with coins and hops. Also, the guests closely followed the wedding candles: it was believed that whoever holds his candle higher will dominate the family.

After the wedding was over, the couple had to blow out the candles at the same time in order to die on the same day. Extinguished candles should be kept for life, protected from damage and lit for a short time only during the birth of the first child.

After the wedding ceremony, the creation of a family was considered legal, and then a feast followed, at which to a large extent ritual actions of the ancient Slavs were manifested.

This custom existed for a long time, until it changed into modern wedding traditions, which nevertheless retained many of the ritual moments of ancient weddings.

Ancient wedding ceremonies

Many people in our time are not even aware of the sacred meaning of the familiar moments of any wedding. Instead of an authentic rite at a temple or a wedding in a church, which has been mandatory for a long time, now there is state registration marriage followed by a banquet. It would seem that this is left of ancient way? It turns out, a lot.

The tradition of exchanging rings. The exchange of rings has existed for a very long time: even our ancestors put on each other a ring as a sign of union before the Gods in heaven and on earth. Only in contrast to modern custom wear a wedding ring right hand, before it was worn on ring finger left hand - closest to the heart.

Wedding signs, traditions and customs

The wedding is one of the most important events in the life of not only the bride and groom, but also their families, relatives and close friends who are invited to this significant event. Of course, it is surrounded by a record number of superstitions, some of which have come to us from time immemorial and have more than one millennium of their history, while others are born right before our eyes, but still firmly occupy a place in the minds of those who have yet to play this amazing rite.

Looking back from ancient times to the present marriage and family relations in Russia, you can see that they have undergone significant changes. However, their basis is still the relationship between husband and wife, who, after the wedding, are separated from their parents and begin to live “their own house”, which again goes back to the times of the Late Stone Age, the Neolithic society, when there was a breakdown of communal relations and the unit of society was already considered a family living separately.

Here are just some of the signs associated with a honeymoon trip. Ever since the time when the main means of transportation was a horse, it was customary to ride in different carriages (carts, wagons) for both the groom and the bride. Nowadays, of course, cars are used for these purposes, but still the meaning remains the same - the bride and groom get to the registry office in different cars, and the bride goes with her girlfriends, and the groom with his friends.

Even before the bride is in the wedding car, the groom, again according to the existing custom, carries her in his arms to the car itself, although in Lately this ritual is observed less and less, mainly in Western Europe and the United States. According to the same customs, the path to the cars of the bride and groom is covered with rose petals to living together theirs was as bright, beautiful and romantic as the petals of these flowers.

Where did the custom of decorating come from? wedding cars ribbons and flowers and what does it mean? From Western Europe, this custom is a slightly modified, very ancient tradition the so-called "bride bows", which in its present form was most widespread in the 17th-19th centuries. The beautiful bride went to the church for the wedding, accompanied by several boys who carried sprigs of flowering rosemary, considered the bride's flower, and narrow strips of ribbon, the so-called "bride bows", which were tied in her arms and were considered a guarantee of a happy family life. At the beginning of the 20th century, this custom began to be gradually forgotten, but the practice of decorating items related to the wedding remained, although the bows themselves first migrated to wedding carriages, and then to cars.

In Russia, there has long been a tradition to arrange wedding arrangements and celebrate weddings from the Feast of the Intercession (October 14) to Kuzmin's Day (November 14). Begging for a “second half”, girls and guys these days recalled all the famous love plots, which have a special power on the Veil. It was believed that the wedding ceremony is directly related to the worship of fire as a life-giving principle and the Sun as an image of heavenly fire that awakens the earth. On the last day of girlhood, the bride wept at the blazing hearth. Entering her husband's house, the bride went first of all to the hearth, specially kindled on that day.

Many other rituals and beliefs are connected with the wedding day. Although this holiday was considered joyful and solemn, the bride, from the moment the matchmaker appeared in the house until the very wedding in the church, according to custom, should not stop crying and lamenting about her fate, thereby showing respect for her parents and gratitude for the years of her life spent under stepfather blood. On the day of the matchmaking, the day of the next meeting is appointed, when the groom must come for an answer. The final agreement and the appointment of the wedding day were celebrated with a feast in the bride's house. By ancient tradition, the bride was symbolically “drank away”: the matchmakers and the bride’s parents drank for the agreement on future wedding, as a pledge of the inviolability of which the groom, before leaving, took a handkerchief and a ring from the bride.

And here is how our ancestors perceived the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding. The newlyweds break the first glass of champagne for happiness. The custom of breaking dishes for good luck during a wedding can be called international. On the second day of the wedding, clay pots began to be beaten in Russian villages. In addition, a broken pot was considered proof of the bride's chastity, but if the pot remained intact, the poor girl had a hard time. After all, it was very difficult to dissuade others that she was honest. And in general it was believed: the more fragments, the more happiness.

In some places in Europe, there was a custom according to which the parents of the bride after the wedding threw a dish of pies out of the upper window of the house. good sign it was considered if the dish was broken into a large number of fragments.

The custom of breaking dishes for happiness existed not only in Russia. So, in Yorkshire (England) there is still a tradition of breaking a dish. The dish itself is given into the hands of the groom, on it there are pieces of a wedding cake. The groom must throw this dish over the head of the bride onto the road. At this time, the kids should quickly grab the pieces of the pie. In the event that the dish has not split into small pieces, the groom's friend must trample him with his foot. The more broken pieces of the dish were, the more happiness, it was supposed, could be expected in the young.

The father and mother of the bride greet the young with bread and salt, lead them to the table and seat them on a fur coat turned inside out. It is believed that this brings wealth and prosperity to the house. During the entire feast, the newlyweds should not eat or drink, and the boyfriend and girlfriend of the bride and groom make sure that the young people sit closely pressed against each other (“so that the cat cannot run between them”). Guests feast until late in the evening, break dishes for good luck, praise the young. The traditional exclamation "Bitter!" associated with the custom of offering each of the guests a shot of vodka, after drinking which he must confirm that it was really vodka, shouting: “Bitter!

And here are some signs associated with marriage ceremonies and wedding celebrations.

wedding omens

■ When the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table, it is necessary that they sit on the same bench - then the family will be strong and well-coordinated, otherwise the marriage may be unsuccessful.

■ The newlyweds at the table, according to ancient customs, should be put on a fur coat turned upside down with wool, so that they live richly and with prosperity.

■ The bride and groom should always be close to each other and not allow anyone to stand between them, otherwise they will disperse. The person who appeared between them was a harbinger of misfortune in family life. And besides, it was believed that the one who becomes between the newlyweds will be the reason for their separation.

■ Do not invite all relatives - to sort things out. In principle, this sign can be treated with a certain amount of humor and not taken seriously, but it still does not hurt to think about it at your leisure.

■ The girl who catches the bouquet thrown by the bride will be the next to get married, and in next year. This sign is especially popular in recent decades, under the influence of American films.

■ Girlfriends should not wash the dishes after the wedding, otherwise there will be a quarrel with the newlyweds.

■ Many guests at the wedding - to the trouble. This sign can also be treated as a comic, folkloric one. It probably comes from the proverb "To marry the poor - the night is short."

■ A good treat at a wedding - to frequent guests in the House.

■ The bride and groom should not be photographed separately at the wedding - otherwise they will part.

■ Coins put into the glasses of the bride and groom during the wedding should be kept at home under the tablecloth, then the family will live richly.

■ If, returning from the registry office, the bride enters the house first, she will lead the family, if the groom, he will be the owner.

■ If at a wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and leave them instead of drinking them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.

■ If during the wedding jewelry fell from the bride - a bad omen.

■ If you give cutlery (especially with knives), give a coin - otherwise there will be contention.

■ The groom must not see wedding dress before the wedding day and should not see the bride on the eve of the wedding.

■ Failure awaits the bride if, before the wedding, she sees herself in the mirror in full wedding dress.

■ If the bride's dress is torn at the wedding, then the mother-in-law will be angry.

■ Rain or snow on your wedding day - fortunately.

There are many signs regarding wedding candles. For example, it is believed that one of the newlyweds, whose wedding candle burns out earlier, will die first, and if it falls out of the hands, then this was completely considered not good. Also, the uneven burning of the wedding candle, which thus “worried” about the elders in the house, did not bode well.

If it rained on the wedding day, then this was considered an excellent omen, but it’s bad if the wedding was played in the winter and a snowstorm broke out - according to signs, all wealth was blown out of a young family.

If, after the wedding ceremony, the wedding procession went along a different road, then this was considered an excellent omen, since now the husband and wife will live new life and will not return to the former.

And what could be done if the girl did not want to marry the one whom she was expected to be her husband? Entrepreneurial matchmakers tried at all costs to seize old shoes and a girl's broom, since in this case she still had to marry, even against her desire, an unloved person.

Some of the signs associated with the wedding ceremony date back several centuries, and in this century they are also trying to observe, firmly believing in their effectiveness.

■ Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy. It's best if these tears are from parting words parents, and not because of any overlays or problems.

■ When the bride goes to the church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, etc., so that this thing is with her at the wedding, protecting her.

wedding candles the bride and groom should blow out at the same time - to a long life together.

■ After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.

Now it is fashionable to take loans for wedding celebrations, and this is understandable - after all, it is a great occasion to have fun on a grand scale, and this event is remembered by some for a long time, while for others - for life. In general, I want the celebrations to take place on the the best level, so you have to borrow money, take loans ... But in the old days this was considered a bad sign, since according to legend, a family that celebrated a wedding with borrowed money would repay debts all its life and not have their own money.

Before sitting at the wedding table, the young should break the plate and step over the pieces together so as not to quarrel in marriage.

The bride cuts the wedding cake, the groom holds the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help to each other.

If three years in a row on the anniversary of the wedding to cover the table with a wedding tablecloth, then the young will live together until old age.

And of course, rare wedding even in our time, they do without the traditional wedding loaf, about which there are also many beliefs and superstitions. Symbol family happinesswedding loaf baked by several women under the guidance of the godmother of the bride or groom. Widows, divorcees or childless women: it was believed that their unfortunate fate could affect the future of a young family.

In general, there are a great many signs about weddings, not all of them portend good, but not all of them necessarily come true. If you believe in the power of love and do not pay attention to minor troubles during the wedding, then nothing bad will happen. The main thing is to always believe in good and look at everything with humor.

Recently, there has been an increase in interest in African culture and traditions. Some wedding planning firms even offer wedding venue services. african style. Exotic, isn't it? But perhaps it is worth knowing in advance about some of the signs and customs of a wedding in Africa. There are many of them, and we offer you some of them.

To begin with, it is important that upcoming wedding a snake crawled into the house where the young people will live - this is considered a good omen, a sign of prosperity and happiness in family life. The mistress of the house in this case offers the snake a bowl of fresh milk and asks to stay. And it is considered a completely different sign if the snake has tried the treat - to be happy in the house.

There is also a fairly common ban on intra-tribal love relationships; according to the beliefs of many tribes, this brings misfortune and misfortune to the whole tribe and, of course, to those man and woman who, contrary to tradition, fell in love with each other.

During the wedding ceremony itself, the owners of the house in which this action is played read spells and prayers for the well-being of the house, call on the spirits of the ancestors to be favorable to them, and also ask for prosperity, well-being and health for everyone. It is noteworthy that, similarly to the traditions of European ceremonial magic, Africans at the end of each prayer-spell say "So be it" in chorus.

The custom of jumping over a broom at a wedding is common not only at weddings of ancient and modern pagans, it is an indispensable attribute wedding ceremonies many African tribes. The bride and groom during the wedding must jump over the broom, which symbolizes the beginning of creating their own home.

The history of the Russian people is very interesting and completely forgotten in vain. We invite you to learn about wedding ceremonies and traditions that were held in ancient Russia and were part of the wedding ritual, and today they are successfully forgotten or remade in a new way.


Matchmaking is not only the unexpected arrival of the groom, accompanied by relatives, to the bride's house in order to woo in an allegorical form (to show oneself and see the goods). Matchmaking was the starting point from which the rebirth of the main participants in the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom, literally began. From the very moment of wooing, the bride (conspiracy) was restricted in movement, her living space was sharply narrowed to the limits parental home. If the girl did go out, it was only accompanied by her friends and, in fact, only to invite guests to the wedding. The bride was also removed from all household chores, became incapacitated. This is how the gradual “dehumanization” took place, which is necessary for the birth of a new person, already a family one.


Two or three days after the matchmaking, the groom and his close relatives again come to the bride’s house, now to the bride, during which the girl must show herself in all her glory and demonstrate all her skills and abilities, just like the groom who flaunts in front of by all those gathered. After that, the groom's mother closely examines and evaluates the bride's dowry. Everything that happens is necessarily accompanied by songs and lamentations, most often performed by the bridesmaids. However, the girl could refuse to marry without going out to the groom.


Shortly before the scheduled day of the wedding, a handshake or a binge took place, an event that finally sealed the agreement on the wedding. After the handshake, the refusal of the wedding was impossible. The bride and groom were seated side by side at the table and praised in songs that were sung by the bridesmaids.

And what do the bride and groom themselves do? The bride does not talk, but laments, and in some houses she even calls the wrecker, which “howls”, that is, she performs the laments, and the bride groans and cries. And, despite the visible activity of the groom, his constant movements (he comes to the bride’s house almost every day after the handshake for “visiting”, “kissing”, “seeing”), he nevertheless remains passive: the matchmakers speak and do everything for him, relatives, friends.


Has this rite disappeared too? The fact is that a bachelorette party in Russia is not only a farewell gathering of the bride with her friends on the eve of the wedding, but also the production of “beauty” (“will”), braiding, washing the bride in a bath, destroying or transferring “beauty” to a friend or groom. Girlish "beauty" is the last thing that connects the bride with her girlhood. It could be a tow, a tree decorated with ribbons and patches, a wreath, a scarf. After the “beauty” was made, it was burned or the bride distributed it to close friends. Whatever the object symbolizing “beauty”, it is invariably associated with the head, or rather with hair, and hair is a kind of personification of girlish beauty, will. With the destruction or distribution of "beauty", the girl allegorically lost her girlhood.

Also, the bride could cut off her braid and pass it to the groom. And the ritual bathing in the bathhouse finally completed the process: the bride became: “neither alive nor dead”, and in this state she was handed over to the groom, arranged by bargaining, and the bride and her friends resisted with all their might.

Young woman's hairstyle

Immediately after the wedding, the bride was given a young woman's hairstyle: they braided two braids and covered her head with a scarf, or immediately “twisted it like a woman”: the hair braided in two braids was twisted at the back of the head into a bun, and a headdress was put on top married woman(povoynik, points, basting). From that moment on, only the husband could see the bride's hair: appearing with an uncovered head to an outsider was tantamount to treason, and tearing off a woman's headdress was an insult. A change in hairstyle means the girl’s transition to the power of her husband, and also represents the formation of a new image of a person, his rebirth in a new status. The girl begins to “come to life”: the ability to move independently returns to her, as well as the ability to do everything with her own hands: the bride, entering the house, begins to actively explore its space, throws rye, puts down a cow, throws a belt, etc.

"The Revealing of the Bride"

A special ceremony was dedicated to the "revealing" of the bride, when the young came from under the crown to the groom's house. This ceremony was endowed with a double meaning: for the bride, it meant the return of vision; the bride, continuing to revive, now looked at everything with different eyes, and for the groom it was a kind of recognition of her beloved, since she was now different. In some details of the ceremony, an erotic meaning is read when the bride is “opened”: the father-in-law or boyfriend lifts the hem with a whip, tong, pie or stick. Or they put a pie without filling on the bride’s head, symbolizing a child, and wrapped it in a scarf, put it in a closet, where the young people, separately from everyone, first ate, and then saw off wedding night. In some areas, it was customary to arrange a bed for newlyweds in a cage or barn, which is associated with the idea of ​​​​fertility, childbearing.


"Take offs" (joint visit of the young by the bride's parents) marks the end of the wedding as a special state for all its participants. This element of the wedding ceremony is especially important for the bride, who arrives for a short time and as a guest, which emphasizes the irreversibility of all the transformations that happened to her during the wedding. However, there are other data about the connection of the bride with her home. For example, in the Voronezh province, during the first year of marriage, a young woman lived with her mother and was engaged in spinning for her future needs.

A wedding is one of the most important, colorful and memorable rituals in a person's life. Today it takes place mutual agreement young and different from the one in which our great-grandparents were participants. After all, gradually everything changes, and over time, rituals that are passed down from generation to generation undergo changes.

modern wedding

A wedding can be compared to a play consisting of different quantity acts, actors, which will be the bride and groom, parents, witnesses, toastmaster and, of course, invited guests.

According to the classical canons, the play begins with an introduction, and the wedding begins with an acquaintance. So, old rite matchmaking was reborn in the acquaintance of the bride and groom with each other's parents, and then the parents among themselves.

In the first act, the young bring their parents up to date. They announce their intention to marry.

Modern matchmaking takes place in one stage. Future groom asks the girl's hand and heart from her parents. Having received a blessing, the young are sent to the registry office to apply.

In the second act, the young are sent to the registry office. You need to prepare for the trip. Decide in advance on the surname that the young will wear after registration. Decide on a wedding date. When picking a date someone uses folk omens. For example, it is not recommended to celebrate a wedding in May - you will toil all your life.

After applying, you can stir up a party or dinner party. Thus, this event is akin to an official engagement. Now you can proudly be called the bride and groom. Usually this rite is accompanied by a meeting of families who will soon become related.

Young people are sitting at a wide ceremonial table. The groom's parents sit to the right of the bride, and the bride's parents sit to the left of the groom. The bride is dressed in light elegant dress and the groom in formal suit. The father of the bride announces the engagement. After that, the groom puts on the wedding ring to the bride, and she thanks him valuable gift, which we will always have with him, for example, a ring.

The engagement ring is removed on the wedding day before meeting the groom. In the future, it can be inherited if the marriage is successful.

Then comes the most responsible, the most difficult period for all participants of the upcoming event. And the third act will be devoted to the preparations for the wedding. Most of the worries fall on the bride's family.

In the fourth act of our play, the long-awaited event comes - the day of the wedding. Traditionally, the wedding lasts two days. Recently, young people prefer to save money and celebrate it one day.

The morning begins with a transformation. The guy and the girl will appear in new images. All attention from friends and relatives is directed only to the bride and groom. They help them get together. Dress up the wedding procession. Video and photo shooting is carried out throughout the whole time.

The first meeting of the bride and groom will take place only after the groom and his retinue overcome all the trials proposed by the bride. This is commonly referred to as a ransom. It ends with a feast of champagne and sweets.

Happy young people and guests get into the cortege and go to the registry office, where the solemn registration marriage. After that, everyone goes to the venue of the banquet.

On the way, the wedding procession makes stops for a photo session.

As a rule, modern wedding plays end with fireworks.

Wedding rites and traditions

A traditional wedding participant is a large round loaf. He personifies the prosperous, rich life. Decorate it with ears of rye, flowers. Before the feast, the newly-made bride and groom are met by the groom's mother and offer them "bread and salt." One of the young who bites off a larger piece will be the master in the family.

A veil is a strict attribute of the bride. It symbolizes purity, youth. The veil is removed from the bride's head either by the groom's mother or the bride's mother, and even the groom himself can do it. After that, her head is tied with a scarf, symbolizing the transition to another life, family.

There are many types of weddings, which means that each has its own customs and rituals. But their whole essence boils down to one thing - so that the life of the young people develops happily.

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Each generation has its own customs and traditions, which are passed down from mother to daughter, from father to son. It is believed that the performance of certain rituals makes it possible to change life for the better.

Every new day, a person meets with something that, not even of his own free will, but out of habit, performs some actions that his grandmother taught.

The wedding day is fraught with many rituals that the newlyweds must certainly perform, otherwise family life them will be crumpled. There are not so few of them. But the most basic young ones must adhere to.

Basic wedding signs

  • A cat or a cat can predict the bride's future. For example, if he sneezes, then his mistress will live in a happy marriage.
  • Before entering your new house bride, her mother must wash the floors there. To make it easier for young people to live in a new house.
  • Bad weather accompanied by rain or snow wedding day promises young people wealth and good luck in the future.
  • Before the young people enter the joint dwelling, an open lock is left on the threshold. After the newlyweds have crossed it, it is tightly closed. Such a lock can be hung on a bridge, or thrown into the river along with the keys.
  • The bride on her wedding day is a creature unprotected from evil spirits. And the threshold is considered a place where unclean spirits live. Therefore, every time the groom carries his lady in his arms over the threshold.
  • The first one who steps on the threshold of the house, the carpet of the registry office and the church, will be the main one in the family.
  • After the marriage ceremony, the young are showered with wheat, sweets, money, rose petals. Then the life of the young will be rich, sweet and happy.
  • wedding loaf required attribute at the wedding. Without eating a single piece of such a loaf, the bride and groom, according to custom, are not considered husband and wife. The one who pinches off the loaf more will be the head of the family.
  • Before the wedding banquet, the couple's parents give glasses of champagne to the couple. Those, having drunk a drink, are obliged to break the dishes. If the fragments are large, the firstborn will be a boy. If petty girl.
  • In order to live in harmony and harmony, before entering a new house, the spouse must break a plate on the threshold. Together with her husband, she must step over broken dishes into a new home.
  • Two decorated bottles of champagne wedding table the newlyweds are kept for happiness. The first is drunk a year after the wedding, and the second on the birthday of the first child.
  • If the bride has unmarried sisters, leaving her home, she should lightly pull the edge of the tablecloth on the table.
  • If the bride has unmarried girlfriend, the young one needs to treat the girl with cheese in his house.
  • A pin from the evil eye should be attached to the clothes of the young for the entire wedding day.
  • A coin in the groom's shoe will bring new family prosperity in the future.
  • The wedding dress must be long. It cannot be worn over the legs. Otherwise, the marriage will not last long.
  • Their wedding rings you can't let anyone try it on. On the day of the wedding, except wedding ring, the bride should not have any more jewelry.
  • Cars from the wedding procession must constantly honk. Such actions protect the newlyweds from evil spirits.
  • The one who caught the bride's bouquet should be married soon.

How does a typical wedding day go?

It all starts with a bachelor and bachelorette party. The bride is obliged to cry at the bachelorette party. And also at my wedding. Then the girl will not cry for the rest of her life.

The early morning of the wedding begins with the ransom of the bride. The groom with his guard, performing various tasks and assignments, must prove that he really needs a bride. This tradition goes back to the time of the prosperity of the tribes. Then the essence of such actions was the exclusion of incest.

After the wedding ceremony, the young go for a walk along beautiful places. As a rule, they are carried by a car. She should honk and buzz strongly, and the guests should shout and applaud. This will scare away the evil forces from the young family.

The tradition of releasing doves into the sky has survived to this day. Now it's just beautiful wedding ritual. And before that, they found out the gender of the firstborn. Tied to the paws of birds blue and pink ribbon. The one who takes off first symbolizes the gender of the child.

Before the wedding dinner, parents always meet their children with a loaf on an embroidered towel. Parental advice is an important part wedding celebration. And tasting the loaf and breaking dishes determines the head of the family, the gender of the firstborn and how happy the marriage will be.

Showering the newlyweds with sweets and wheat fills their future life with happiness and prosperity.

With cries of "bitter", the guests set the young people up for a kiss. Previously, this word confirmed that the bride, having bypassed all the guests with a tray, really treated them to vodka. After drinking a glass, the guest should put money on the tray and kiss the bride on the cheek.

Children must be among the guests throughout the day. The more children that day rejoice for the newlyweds, the more successful and more beautiful life they will live.

Amazing wedding traditions of the world

Each country has its own rituals and traditions. We are accustomed to our own and consider them to be quite common actions during a wedding. Here are the traditions different peoples the world seems strange to us:

  1. Japanese newlyweds are required to drink their traditional rice wolf during their wedding. Young people should drink the contents of the glass in exactly 9 sips.
  2. After pronouncing the oath, the groom must put on his narrowed checkered cape, and attach it to his wife's clothes with a silver pin.
  3. The Greek tradition of collecting money is different from ours: during the dance, guests attach banknotes to the clothes of the newlyweds.
  4. On the marriage bed of the young, before the first night of marriage, the children must jump.
  5. An African couple is legally married if they jump over a broomstick together.
  6. Also, the newly-made wife must sweep the husband's yard. Only then is she considered his legal wife.
  7. In one Indian tribe, the bride's wedding attire must necessarily consist of 4 different shades. The colors of the outfit symbolize the cardinal directions.
  8. In England, a couple of lovers are considered spouses only after the bride opens the wedding chest in the church. The whole complexity of the ceremony lies in the fact that this chest is very heavy.
  9. German guys, before the wedding, are obliged to sweep the steps of the city hall.
  10. In Nigeria, it is traditional for all relatives of the bride to hit the groom with a stick.
  11. But most unusual tradition is Chechen. During wedding banquet men sit separately from women. And the bride is standing in the corner of the hall. Instead of “bitterly”, the guests shout “bring water”, the girl must fulfill the request.

Modern wedding rituals

What forbids modernizing wedding traditions? That's quite possible. The more new beautiful rituals give the wedding charm and festivity.

  1. During outdoor ceremony newlyweds tie knots on a ribbon or rope. Such manipulations symbolize fidelity in marriage and eternal love.
  2. beautiful tradition modern weddings is to pronounce the words of the young to each other. They swear to eternal love fidelity with all relatives and friends.
  3. An unusual ritual that symbolizes the creation of a new strong union is the planting of a tree.
  4. A father accompanies his daughter down the aisle. This tradition is very beautiful and touching.
  5. "Dancing" with sand. rash different color the stove in one vessel symbolizes the union of two families into one.

As a hundred years ago, and now, most people believe that the observance of wedding rites and traditions will give young family well-being and love. Whether such traditions are valid, no one can prove. But performing them on the wedding day, the celebration acquires a certain magical charm and unusualness.