Everything you need for a good tan. How to get a beautiful tan at sea: effective ways, secrets and recommendations. How to get a beautiful tan without burns

Summer is the season of relaxation, fun and a beautiful tan. Any girl dreams of getting a beautiful and even tan like on the cover of a magazine. But, in the end, a tan is not given simply, without burned skin, its peeling, and pain.

Many people ask such questions: “What needs to be done so that the skin becomes swarthy, golden hue? How to protect skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays? How to prevent accelerated skin aging? AND main question: "How to achieve a beautiful and even tan?" There are several secrets on how to achieve such a goal, I will tell you about them below.

What is a tan?

A tan- a change in skin color (its darkening) under the influence of sunlight. skin acquires dark shade through accelerated melanin production, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects tissues in the deep layers of the skin from radiation exposure.

5 golden rules for an attractive tan:

Before you start tanning, you must first prepare your body. For the very first time, before taking sunbathing, take a shower better do a peeling (exfoliate dead cells skin), this will help the tan to lie down evenly.

Don't jump right in Sun rays, as you can get a burn or other health problems. After dressing, the skin should get used to and adapt to intensive sunbathing, on the first day, start with 10 - 20 min with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent under the sun.

According to medicine, melanin is produced in the skin for about 50 minutes, i.e. more time to be under the sun is not recommended. Adaptation is desirable to stretch from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the frequency of sunbathing.

In the process of tanning and in general being under the sun, whether it is a trip to work or other concerns that require your presence under the sun, the use of sunscreen is mandatory. Apply a thick layer of sunscreen to exposed skin before going outside.

It is important when choosing a sunscreen to pay attention to the factor SPF ( Sun Protection factor ).

Its level varies from 2 to 50. Depending on the mark, you can determine the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. SPF marked 2 - indicates the most low level protection and, accordingly, SPF marked 50 - the most high level patronage.

As you know, the lighter the skin, the more it requires protection, especially for children and fair-haired people, bright eyes. IN this case use a cream with SPF 50 - it will protect your skin and prevent it from burning under the sun. When a tan appears, you can gradually reduce the SPF to the mark of 30, 20, etc. It should be noted that sufficiently tanned people also need to use sunscreen, since solar radiation is merciless to all people.

Please note that the application of the cream must be renewed every 20 minutes. Proper use of the cream will not only provide you with an even tan, but also protect against overdrying of the skin and premature wrinkles.

Sunbathing should be taken when the sun's rays are at an oblique angle to the ground, they are not so dangerous due to their greater dispersion, in contrast to the incidence of rays at right angles. That is, the most right time for a soft and even tan, in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00. In the period between 11.00 - 16.00, it is not recommended to be under the sun at its zenith, it is dangerous both for your skin and for your health in general. During this time, try to stay indoors or in the shade, and wear light, covering clothing to avoid burning your skin.

To speed up the tanning process, you need to take in the diet special products, the substances of which accumulate under the skin and under the sun tend to produce melanin. These include: carrots, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, mango, coconut- these products will help you quickly get a beautiful and even tan.

One of the most effective ways is to drink a glass carrot juice in front of the beach.

Tomatoes and tomato paste - these products contain an antioxidant such as lycopene, which enhances skin protection and increases the level of procolagen, which, in turn, prevents skin aging, makes it more protected from burns and firmer. Drink 50 g of tomato juice per day, you can along with olive oil, it will help to get a safe and gentle tan.

Vitamin C. Before the beach, eating products with this vitamin will save you from excessive skin pigmentation. Great for a drink before the beach green tea with lemon.

Beach holidays are one of the most beloved and better ways conduct summer vacation and how to rest. Every summer, millions of tourists from all over the world buy tickets and tours, and go to the sea or ocean to lie on, swim, dive and, of course, sunbathe. About how to sunbathe properly and what you need to do to get a perfect, even and will be discussed in this article.

Of course, we know that sunburn is not very healthy. But how can you deny yourself the pleasure of returning from vacation with chocolate-colored skin? In general, it was decided: this summer, as always, we sunbathe! But we do it wisely and learn how to sunbathe properly. Namely - quickly, easily and, most importantly, without harm to health.

How to tan properly: Why does the tan lie unevenly?

What are you doing getting ready for the beach season? Most likely, you are buying a new and fashionable pareo. But in fact, in order to beach season went well and without unpleasant surprises in the form of tan spots, flaky skin and other non-aesthetic details, you need to remember how to tan properly and think about how to prepare your skin.

First of all, we must remember that the tan lies evenly and smoothly on a smooth and even skin. Therefore, at least two weeks before the holiday, start using gentle body scrubs. Only without fanaticism! Do not use scrubs every day. It is enough 2-3 times a week in the morning in the shower to use a product bought in a store or cook it yourself. The main thing is that it be gentle enough and in no case cause damage to the skin, and you should not rub it with force.

When choosing a product in a store, pay attention to its composition. A scrub usually consists of a softening base and abrasive particles (they perform an exfoliating function). These particles can be synthetic or natural. Ground bones of various fruits are used as natural abrasives - for example, apricots or olives, coconut flakes or shells, etc. So, in summer time cosmetologists recommend using scrubs with synthetic abrasives. Since they, unlike natural ones, have a less traumatic form.

In the 70s of the last century, scientists came to the conclusion that beta-carotene, a pigment that, like melanin, is deposited in the skin, is responsible for the dark skin tone and can give it a yellowish tint. However, today doctors and cosmetologists have proven that the deposition of carotene in the skin has absolutely nothing to do with sunburn, and diligent eating of carrots does not enhance the effect of sunlight. Even vice versa: overuse carotene can tan unnaturally yellow tint and contributes to the fact that it lays down uneven spots.

There are more tangible disadvantages: rich in carotene, as a rule, contain a large number of vitamin C. And it, in turn, suppresses the production of melanin and, accordingly, reduces the skin's ability to naturally tan. Therefore, if you want to properly sunbathe and return from vacation bronze, like an antique lamp, and prolong the “life” of tanning after a vacation, do not forget about the insidious vitamin C. Make sure that its dose in the diet during active tanning and immediately after the vacation is reduced . Do not get carried away with citrus fruits, currants and rosehip infusions.

How to tan properly so that the skin stays tanned longer?

First of all, forget about the means and methods that stimulate the renewal of skin cells. If you want to keep your tan longer after a vacation, do not use peels and scrubs, regenerating serums and creams. If you still feel that the skin has become dense, rough and rough and it just needs scrubbing, use it as a scrub coffee grounds. Apply it on a face that has been previously cleansed of cosmetics and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

Such a procedure, on the one hand, will gently and delicately cleanse the skin of keratinized particles, and on the other hand, will give tanned skin swarthy tint. Although in our time it is much easier to maintain natural with the help of self-tanning products.

How to use sunscreen correctly?

First of all, carefully read the label. An effective sunscreen must contain both physical and chemical filters. Physical filters protect the skin from UVB rays, that is, from burns, and chemical filters protect the skin from UVA rays, that is, from pigmentation, neoplasms - moles, papillomas, as well as from cancer and premature wrinkles.

The label should indicate that the product protects against two types of rays - UVB and UVA - and that it does not contain dyes and parabens, that is, potentially allergenic components. Additionally, it can be indicated for which type of skin the product is intended, whether it is waterproof and after what time it needs to be renewed.

Remember that after opening the package, 100% effectiveness is maintained for a year, then the product must be changed to a new one. It is important that the storage temperature does not exceed 25°C and that the product is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Please note that there are several types of sun protective equipment- creams, sprays, milk. All of the above are types of textures, respectively, when choosing, the type of skin is taken into account: for example, cream and milk have a rich texture and are suitable for dry and normal skin; spray or fluid - for combination and oily.

And don't forget that body sunscreen can only be used on the face if the package says it's for the face and body. If the product is only for the body, it may contain ingredients that may not be suitable for more delicate skin faces.

In order to properly tan, you need to determine your skin phototype.

To sunbathe easily, quickly and correctly, and most importantly - safely, you need to know your skin phototype. A cosmetologist will help you decide on it. If it is not yet possible to contact specialists, take our express test (more detailed test you can find on the World Wide Web).

Express skin phototype test:

Answer three questions:


  • A natural blonde(shade of hair is very light, flaxen) or redhead (shade of very light honey)
  • B blond (light blond, medium blond), light chestnut
  • IN dark blond, dark chestnut
  • G black


  • A blue, grey-violet
  • B gray
  • IN dark gray, brown (whiskey color)
  • G dark brown


A The skin is pale, thin, tender, seems transparent, there may be freckles.
B The skin is light, freckles are very rare.
IN The skin is closer to a dark shade.
G The skin is dark, olive hue.

If you have more answers A, then you belong to the first, Celtic phototype. The skin burns immediately, but never darkens. To achieve desired shade, it is best for you to use self-tanning, and protect yourself from the sun with products from the very a high degree protection.

If you have more answers B, then you belong to the second, Nordic phototype. Your skin sometimes takes on a golden hue, but the risk of sunburn is still high. You need to sunbathe gradually, staying in the sun for 10-15 minutes every day. At the beginning of the holiday, use a product with a high protection factor, then you can gradually reduce it.

If you have more answers IN, then you belong to the third, European phototype. Your skin acquires a swarthy shade quickly, sunburns are extremely rare for you. But, despite this, do not forget about the dangers of UV rays. Protective products with SPF 30 are suitable for you. And do not abuse the tan in the early days, do not stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes.

If you have more answers G, then your phototype is the fourth, South European. You are simply made for a tan. Your skin tans quickly and acquires a beautiful bronze hue. But it is still necessary to protect it from direct sunlight. The degree of protection may be low - 15 units, but it is mandatory.

There are many ways to get sunburned. The most natural, even and affordable tan you can get in the sun. At the same time, it is necessary to be careful and protect the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Solariums mimic the natural tanning process by using concentrated UV rays. So you can get beautiful tan but it has been shown to increase the risk of developing cancer. Self-tanning is a relatively safe product because it completely eliminates UV exposure, but you won't get natural look like after sun exposure. These products don't last as long as UV exposure does, and you'll likely need to take precautions to ensure that the tan doesn't bleed off your skin.



    Just lie in direct sunlight. It's much safer than going to the tanning bed and will give your skin a natural, beautiful glow.

    Find a way to pass the time. Sleep is great option, because this way time flies faster, and when reading books, you block out part of the sun's rays when you lie on your back. Take a nap for about an hour or an hour and a half, setting an alarm to be able to wake up on time. Then roll over to the other side and fall asleep again. You can repeat this process until you get the desired skin tone.

    • If you are in public place, use this method only if you are sure that you are completely safe. Ideally, there should be another person nearby who can watch you while you sleep. Try not to fall asleep with headphones on because you need to hear everything around you or your things.
  1. Optimize your tan time. It is necessary to sunbathe in the period from 10 to 2 hours, since at this time the sun is most intense. It is also possible to sunbathe in partly cloudy conditions, which can produce an even more intense tan as the sun's rays bounce off the clouds, increasing the amount of UV you receive. Try sunbathing in or near water. Water is another natural tan enhancer.

    Always sunbathe safely to avoid sunburn and skin damage. While sunbathing, you must use sunscreen no matter where you are. Apply your tanning lotion 30 minutes before sun exposure to allow it to absorb into your skin. Reapply the lotion every hour for 10 minutes.

    • If you sunbathe while you sleep, use a cream with an SPF of at least 20 or 30 if you sleep about an hour, and a sunscreen with SPF 40-50 if you sleep more than an hour. Reapply the cream between sleep. Sun damage to the skin is quite real problem, which occurs regardless of whether it is immediately noticeable or not.
    • Also remember to apply sunscreen every time you get out of the water. Some manufacturers claim that their sunscreens waterproof, but they are still fairly easy to wash off. Try to apply the cream after it has dried to be sure that you are protected as much as possible.
    • Drink plenty of water so you don't get dehydrated.
  2. Consider using tanning oil. You can find it in the sunscreen section of many pharmacies and grocery stores. Be careful when using tanning oil, as it can be very intense. It is best to get a minimal tan first, and only then use similar products, than to get a heavy one right away. sunburn. Do not use heavy creams as they clog pores and leave a sticky feeling.

    Get an even tan. Contrary to popular belief, lying still in the sun for long periods of time will tan you much faster. If you are active, this prevents the sun from concentrating on a certain area for a long period of time. The easiest way to get an even tan while remaining flexible is to roll over from your stomach to your back every 5-10 minutes.

    • Try to tan evenly and make sure that no part of your body is in the shade so you don't end up with funny white spots.
    • Remember to roll over on your stomach to tan from behind, not just from the front. You also need to turn on your side so that the sun's rays hit the sides of your legs, hips, and waist.
    • Wear a strapless swimsuit or top to avoid strap marks. Consider topless sunbathing.

    Tanning in the solarium

    1. Consider tanning in a tanning bed if you can't get it on the beach. Tanning in a tanning bed is similar to natural tanning, but may be a better option during the colder months. It is best to start with short tanning sessions (less than 10 minutes) as this places the UV source closer and can burn your skin much faster.

      • As with sunbathing, you must remain mobile while in the tanning bed. It is best to raise your legs and shoulders frequently about every 30 seconds.
    2. Purchase a tanning kit and lotion. Make sure to use tanning lotion in a tanning bed and not regular sun tanning lotion. In most salons, you will be given the opportunity to purchase quality options in a different price range. This is quite expensive, so it is more profitable to buy a whole bottle of lotion than to take disposable sets every time you visit a tanning bed.

      Visit the salon and sign up for a solarium. Choose a set depending on how long you plan to sunbathe. Don't forget about the benefits of student or new customer discounts and seasonal offers.

      • It is best to sunbathe without clothes if it is comfortable for you. If this is not your option, wear this underwear, which will not leave extra stripes.
      • Standing tanning beds are much more hygienic, but recumbent ones are disinfected after each use.
    3. Be patient. Start with a short period of time, about 5-7 minutes, which will allow you to know how your skin reacts to a tan. Increase the time gradually after the first tanning session.

      Think about your health. Solariums significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. Carefully weigh all the risks and benefits before starting a tanning session. Recumbent solariums are especially dangerous for young people. Individuals under the age of 30 are much more likely to develop melanoma.

    Self tanner use

      Consider using fake tan. There are several types of fake tan: spray tan, self-tanner and bronzer. Similar funds are a great option if you only need a tan for a few days or your skin is very sensitive and burns easily. You can buy a tanning spray from a salon that provides tanning services, or different kinds tanning and bronzers in pharmacies.

      • Read product reviews before purchasing. After using some of them, you may get unnatural orange tint skin.
      • Gradual tanning products work best because they darken your skin gradually so you can settle on a comfortable shade. If you decide to use a tanning spray, a professional will help you choose perfect shade product, the result of which will fully match your skin tone.
    1. Prepare your skin. It's best to prep your skin before using any products, as this will make your skin look healthy and radiant instead of dull and dry. A must before applying self-tanner with circular motions exfoliate with a washcloth to get rid of all dead skin cells, otherwise the tan will appear only on top layer. It is also necessary to moisturize your skin after the scrub, so that the next day it will be silky and soft.

      • Try not to use a scrub with large, rough particles, as this can cause tiny abrasions on the skin. A tan will not appear in these areas and, as a result, will not lie very well.
      • After applying the tan, it is necessary to massage the skin daily with a washcloth with gentle movements so that the applied layer disappears evenly within a week. Certain areas of the body will fade faster, but you don't want your skin to look patchy or uneven in color. Daily exfoliation will also be helpful if you decide to keep your tan. You can reapply it during a weekly course, thus maintaining a tanned appearance skin.
    2. Pick the right shade. If you're thinking about using a self-tanner, shop around and find the one that best suits your skin tone. Tan is usually sold in several shades: light, medium and dark. Some have more of a bronze tone, while others have a shimmery effect that reflects light and adds radiance to the skin.

      • For fair-skinned people, it is better to use a product that is closer in tone to natural color skin to get a light tan, unless you want a contrasting dark effect.
      • On normal skin tone, you can use a tan for both fair skin and medium, olive skin tones.
      • If you have dark skin, and you want to get an expressive tan, then for a more tangible result, it is best to use an intensive tan.
    3. Find a product that is easy to apply. Apart from right choice tone, it is important to focus on the kind of self-tanning that is easy to use, especially if you are doing it for the first time and without an assistant. Remember to wear gloves while applying the product, otherwise your palms will be stained in Orange color. They will not be easy to wash off without violating the uniformity of skin tone.

Most of the fair sex fair skin dream of a vacation that will allow them to transform. Namely, to change the painful pallor of the skin to a bronze tint of an even tan. But often, instead of the desired bronze tint, girls get bright red skin and the appearance of a fried chicken. In addition to this, the surface of the skin becomes painful, burns do not allow you to sleep normally and continue to rest, in the end everything is covered with a terrible spectacle of a sliding thin skin. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, as they say.

To avoid this, you need to follow some rules that will help you not burn out in the sun, but get a uniform, beautiful tan.

How to prepare your skin for tanning

Before going to the sea or to a body of water for the first time in this bathing season, you need to peel the skin. Removing dead scales will allow the tan to lie more evenly on your skin. For this you can use professional tools Or use what you have at home. Mix kefir with sugar, lemon juice and coffee. Apply the prepared mixture on the body and carefully wipe the skin with your hands. Lemon juice eats away dead skin cells. Sugar and coffee, like a brush, remove the dead layer. And kefir helps to moisturize and nourish the epidermis. Instead of all this, you can use a hard washcloth.

Do not do anything serious before sunbathing. cosmetic procedures. Deep peeling, facial cleansing, pigmentation removal and other operations imply complete UV protection for some time.

How to get an even and beautiful tan

  1. As soon as you set foot on the beach, do not rush to rush into the open sun. Especially if this is your first tan since. winter season. The skin is still quite tender and can acquire a bright red hue in half an hour. You need to get used to it gradually - 5 minutes in the morning on the first day, 10 minutes in the evening, 15 minutes in the morning on the second day, 20 minutes in the evening and so on. Subsequently, when the skin has already become a little tanned, you can not be in direct sunlight for more than an hour.
  2. As you know, you can be in the sun only in the morning and in the evening, when the sun's rays fall on the ground at an oblique angle. Sunbathing from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is strictly prohibited - powerful ultraviolet rays can provoke early aging epidermis and even skin cancer.
  3. Regardless of the fact that you want to get a tan, be sure to use sunscreen. It will help you avoid burns and help your tan go on more evenly. Remember that sunscreen should be applied every two hours. If you swim in a pond, after water procedures you need to renew the layer of the washed off cream, or use a waterproof cosmetic product. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its SPF score. It indicates the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Usually creams are produced with SPF from 10 to 50. Children, as well as people with fair skin and blue eyes the maximum protection level is 50.
  4. To get a good tan, the skin must be enriched with vitamins E and C. To do this, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. It is very useful to drink a glass of carrot juice before a day at the beach.
  5. To prevent the nose and the skin under the eyes from burning and appearing especially red, it is important to wear a headdress, or better, a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. In the sun, and even more so, in sea windy weather, it is very easy to choke your lips. Use special hygienic lipsticks that will protect delicate skin lips from the sun.
  7. To get an even tan, you need to purchase open swimsuit, which does not leave a colorful pattern on the body. After all, such a tan is of little use - unless you put it on with it open dress? Maybe you have the opportunity to go to wild beaches and sunbathe naked?
  8. In no case do not manage to fall asleep while sunbathing. In this case, you can forget about an even tan. In addition, such carelessness can lead to burns and sunstroke.
  9. Very often, many girls complain that their shoulders and back are sunbathing the most. But the stomach, chest and thighs remain without a bronze coating. But remember yourself on the beach - we run, swim, build sand castles so that the back is more exposed to ultraviolet rays. To tan from all sides, move more and lie on a sunbed on your back - facing the sun.
  10. If you have very white skin that instantly turns red, you need to tan in the shade. The shadow scatters ultraviolet rays and only small portions of it fall on the skin. This is the only option for such people to get a beautiful and even tan.
  11. If you want to get a more intense tan, you need to use a cream with a tingle effect. It is applied to the skin, it promotes the production of more melanin, which makes your tan darker and more beautiful.

After sunbathing, do not forget about proper care behind your skin. When you come back from the beach, take a shower, but do not rub your skin with a washcloth - you can injure it. Then apply on skin light moisturizer, preferably based on aloe extract. The juice of this plant will not only give the skin lost moisture, but also saturate it with micronutrients.

Speaking of sunburn, I would like to consider everything alternative ways receiving it.

To get the right, beautiful and even tan in a solarium, you need to determine your skin type. This can be done by a solarium worker. Depending on the type of skin, the time spent in the capsule is determined, as well as the frequency of visits to the solarium. Usually, a session is recommended for beginners, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. Over time, the duration of exposure to ultraviolet rays can increase to 15 minutes.

What is the solarium visit schedule? You can not be exposed to UV rays more than once a day, this is even prescribed by law in some foreign countries. Therefore, not a single salon will accept you twice a day. It is best to take ultraviolet every other day for the first time, until the tan is sufficiently developed. When your skin has acquired a pleasant shade, you can visit the solarium once every two weeks to maintain a tan. And remember that any tingling, unnaturally hot sensations are a signal to complete the procedure. Be attentive to your body.

When visiting the solarium, do not forget to remove all jewelry and contact lenses. Take care of availability bathing suit before entering the capsule. Ensure that employees beauty salon offered you special goggles that protect your eyes from UV radiation. And, of course, before visiting the solarium, do not apply on the face. decorative cosmetics You can only use sunscreen. And so that the tan in the capsule lies evenly, move your arms and legs slightly, change position. Do not press your chin to the grid, otherwise you will get in this place White spot. Tilt your head back as much as possible.

A beautiful tan hides many skin imperfections - freckles, cellulite, stretch marks. In addition, clothes on a beautiful tanned body look much prettier and sexier. Sunbathe, strive for perfection and look like summer!

Video: how to get an even tan

A beautiful and even tan is the dream of many girls. Usually representatives fair half of mankind do not spare time and money, seeking desired result. Indeed, the skin looks much better this way. How to tan quickly and beautifully? Use available funds, accept sunbathing, remember a few nuances and useful tips. You may find ways that work best for you. Then you will delight yourself and those around you with a spectacular and even tan emphasizing the beauty of the body and skin.

Handsome and quick tan. Your best helpers
Let's first look at your the best helpers, which will provide a quick, beautiful and even tan.
  1. Sun rays. Of course, you cannot do without the sun if you decide to sunbathe naturally, and not in a solarium. Remember that from the gentle sun you get not only benefit, but also harm. Be sure to protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, use special creams. Sunbathing in the hours close to noon is also not worth it. The sun at this time is scorching and can cause great harm your body and the body as a whole.
  2. Melanin. It is this pigment that helps the skin to sunbathe evenly, without burning. You can easily increase the production of melanin by your own efforts. Include eggs, cottage cheese, cheese in your diet, eat more peaches, coconuts, melons and apricots. Then the amount of this pigment will increase, you will be able to tan quickly and beautifully.
  3. Salt. Many claim that they have already seen in practice - salt helps to sunbathe faster. Sunburn is better by the sea. Can I drink tomato juice With salt.
  4. Movement. The skin really tans faster and more beautiful when a person moves more, and not just lies in the sun. For example, people who work in their summer cottages perfectly sunbathe.
  5. Special formulations and creams. Worth a visit to the pharmacy specialized stores to stock up the right creams and ointments. They protect the skin from burns, ultraviolet rays, make the tan resistant.
Sunbathe carefully, remember your helpers, use the gifts of nature and modern cosmetology. Move more and provide increased melanin production.

Getting ready for the fire
When you have already decided that you just need to make your skin beautiful, get an even and beautiful tan quickly, you need to prepare. Watch your diet, skin condition. Then the tan will fall faster, it will be effective and natural.

  • citruses. Include more citrus in your menu. Eat tangerines, oranges, add lemon to tea. An excellent dessert can be the original jam from grated carrots with the addition of zest and lemon pulp. A lot of the vitamin C you need for tanning is found in rose hips. You can buy rosehip syrup and add it little by little to your tea.
  • Carrot. Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene. It promotes the increased formation of melanin. Eat carrots, drink carrot juice. It is best to prepare light salads and desserts from raw grated carrots: you will get a lot useful substances and help your skin tan faster.
  • Sunburn cocktail. An excellent cocktail for a better tan is carrot juice with the addition of cream, ice cream. Fat will help the body absorb beta-carotene.
  • Getting the skin ready. You will need to prepare your skin for sunbathing in advance. About a week before your holiday, exfoliate your skin to remove excess dead skin cells. Then the tan will go down noticeably smoother and faster. Body scrubs will help too. Choose them carefully, use the compositions of trusted manufacturers. After cleansing the skin, do not forget to moisturize it with a cream.
  • Vitamins. Already in a month, start taking multivitamin complexes. Vitamins A, E, B, C will help improve skin condition. Thus, you perfectly prepare the skin for tanning, strengthen it. It will remain elastic and beautiful, despite frequent exposure to the sun, loss of moisture.
Get ready for sunbathing in advance so that your skin becomes not only swarthy, but also beautiful. It should not lose elasticity. By supporting the body with vitamins, fruits, you will avoid the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, and burns.

We sunbathe quickly and beautifully. By all rules
Remember a few tips to tan quickly and beautifully, to make your skin spectacular.

  1. We protect the skin. First of all, you need to think about protecting your skin from the negative effects of sunlight. Too fast sunburn, which appears without the use of skin protective agents, will disappear very quickly. In addition, you can get sunburnt. Burns look ugly, do not go away immediately, and damaged areas of the skin tan in a different way - even color no longer receive. Be sure to use special creams to prevent burns.
  2. We are moving. It's great if you play ball, run, do something, and not just lie in the sun. In the process of movement, the tan lays down better, becomes more even.
  3. Tanning products. They are also worth using. It is important to choose formulations and creams that will ideally suit your skin type. Be sure to carefully read the instructions, apply the cream correctly, otherwise the effect may be reversed.
  4. Sunbathing time. From 11 am to 4 pm the sun is scorching. A good tan from him still will not be, but burns are very likely, while the skin is very dry. Just sunbathe at such times in the shade. Even when you are not in direct sunlight, your skin still tans. It is best to tan after 4 p.m. and before 11 p.m.
  5. Roll over more often. When you want to tan quickly and beautifully, you need to roll over more than once an hour, but much more often. Optimal time being in one position - 1-3 minutes. If you roll over every 2-3 minutes, your tan will become even and beautiful.
  6. Sunbathe by the waters. Water repeatedly reflects and refracts the sun's rays. This effect will help you tan much faster.
  7. Moisturize your skin. After sunbathing, do not forget to moisturize the skin to maintain its elasticity and beauty. In the process of sunbathing, moisture evaporates intensively, the skin dries out. The lack of fluid must be replenished.
use creams, special means for Tan. Eat more fruits, take vitamins. A body of water, movement will help you tan better, frequent change body position. Moisturize your skin and don't forget to protect it. Sunbathe quickly and beautifully!