When a guy on a date talks about an ex. How to "bite" a man on a first date. A man speaks badly about ex-girlfriends and his mother

Having met the man of her dreams, a woman really wants to produce pleasant impression to your chosen one. When going on a first date, it is important to understand how to behave correctly with a man in order to guarantee the further development of relations. To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules that will help you show your best side and call sincere interest men to their person.

The most natural behavior

The excitement of a woman at the first meeting may be appropriate, but this should not affect her behavior, cause excessive stiffness or, on the contrary, swagger. So that this meeting does not become the last, one must hold on confidently and naturally. In any situation, it is better to remain yourself, not to try to immediately demonstrate all your the best sides and character traits.

To look natural, you need to try to relax as much as possible, otherwise the excitement will break out and manifest itself in fussy movements, excessive silence or an unrestrained flow of speech. Preparing for the meeting, you need to tune in to a positive outcome of the date, repeat aloud mantras like: “I am the most charming and attractive” several times.

Before important event you can mentally imagine a successful meeting scenario, think about what you will talk about, how you will look. By following the basic rules of how to behave on a first date, you will definitely like your chosen one and receive an invitation to the next meeting.

The right clothes

No matter how trite it may sound, but the first impression of a woman is formed by her ability to dress stylishly. Tastelessly chosen clothes, shoes and accessories can cause great disappointment in a man and forever kill his desire for further communication. Clothing must be appropriate for the venue. For example, for a walk on a yacht, it is not necessary to wear Evening Dress and stilettos, and when going to the theater it is better to give up trendy ripped jeans.

You need to go on a date in clothes in which you will feel comfortable and comfortable. She should not be too frank to provide a man with food for imagination and fantasies. Too deep neckline Short skirt on the first date they will demonstrate the frivolity of a woman and her bad taste. Such a meeting can end only with a slight affair and will not develop into a long one. serious relationship. This does not mean that you need to put on a strict business suit and put on glasses for solidity. Clothes can be sexy and without a clear demonstration of all feminine charms.

Choosing a fragrance for a first date

A good, barely perceptible perfume acts on the subconscious of a man as an aphrodisiac. The general impression of a woman is formed not only by her appearance, but also by her smell, timbre of voice, mannerisms and gestures. It is very important to choose a light, unobtrusive fragrance that can only be felt very close. Too sweet, cloying smell, which is heard within a radius of several meters, not every man likes, can cause a headache and a desire to end the meeting faster.

Don't talk about taboo topics

On the first date, it is very important to choose the right topic for a conversation. You should not immediately load a man with a million of your problems, health complaints, criticism of your boss, girlfriend or work colleagues. Men are especially annoyed by tiresome talk about ex boyfriends. It's better not to touch the subject personal life, about how you are unlucky in finding a future life partner, and any relationship ends in a complete fiasco.

Even with very desire to get married in the very near future, you should not tell this stunning news to a man at the very first meeting. On the first date, you should not focus on yourself, it is better to talk on neutral themes to help you find common interests and learn about each other's hobbies. Cheerful casual conversation, a lot of laughter and jokes, will make you want to spend time together again.

Ability to listen to a man

During the conversation, it is advisable to show your interest in the man's story. Ask him questions, voice your point of view on the topic of conversation and actively support the ensuing conversation. Each time you ask questions, address him by name, this will help to establish an invisible connection with the interlocutor. Laugh at his jokes, be sincerely surprised by his knowledge in any field and rejoice in his achievements.

If a man sees a lack of interest in his judgments, he may withdraw and want to leave his interlocutor. A man should see a woman's desire to know him better, to appreciate his wealth. inner world, sharp mind and purposefulness. Men don't fewer women love compliments and admiring glances of the opposite sex. At the end of the meeting, don't forget to praise him for a great time and show your desire to see you again.

Let a man take care of you

In our age of emancipated women, we are accustomed to independently solve any problems without the participation of men. Despite this, you should not show your independence and feminist positions on the first date. Allow your partner to court you and show gallantry to feel like a real knight. It is very important to make it clear to your chosen one that you need his care and attention and gratefully accept his every noble gesture.

First date rules

The first romantic meeting with a chosen one is an important exam, which is the only chance for further development relations. The wrong behavior of a woman can only cut off feelings that are beginning to emerge at the very root. A woman should be tactful and restrained, not get too into the soul and give the man the right to lead the parade.

A girl who allows herself to swear on the first date, laugh too loudly or make vulgar jokes makes a very bad impression. Be careful with alcohol. At the first meeting, you do not need to take too strong drinks, it is better to limit yourself to two glasses of wine. Nothing repels a man like a drunk, out of control woman.

Don't get too intimate on the first date. Man by nature is a hunter and easy prey he quickly loses interest. accidental touch to his hand, an intriguing look and a calm sexual timbre of voice will work much more, make a man look forward to each new meeting.

Don't make big plans

All of the above tips on how to behave on a first date will help you make a lasting impression on your companion. However, this is not a reason for decisive action to build your own happiness. Let the relationship develop calmly in the right direction, do not rush things and do not make grandiose plans.

A man will be very surprised by your desire to introduce him to your mother and other numerous relatives already on the second date. For a serious relationship, it is worth getting to know each other better, and for this a certain period of time must pass. Even the most beautiful first impression does not guarantee a long and happy life together. So that the relationship does not cool down and develops into something more, you need to make every effort to both partners.

The first date is one of the most exciting events in a girl's life. Especially if it's a meeting with the man of your dreams. It's no secret that the beauty of a first date is that it will never happen again. That is why the girls prepare so carefully for it, get nervous and dream that everything goes perfectly.

To be on top of this fateful evening and conquer her chosen one, the girl must think through everything to the smallest detail. And this applies not only to clothing and jewelry, but also to manners of communication and etiquette.

a huge role in the development subsequent relationship will make a first impression. Therefore, before going on a date, you need to positively tune in and try to please the chosen one not only externally, although this is very important, but also internally, to be interesting interlocutor and self-confident person.

There is no need to be afraid of everything and try to please the chosen one in everything, as a rule, such behavior has a negative effect. Remember! A man likes to be a conqueror and a hunter.

Relax, imagine All possible options development of your date. Mentally prepare for the fact that your second meeting may not be. Try to be natural and relaxed. After all, body language and gestures are the most powerful weapon in the hands of a woman. But only its correct application can defeat and forever bind a man conquered by your beauty to you.

Meeting point

What to do if the long-awaited moment has come, and the man invites you on a first date? Select if it was not suggested by your partner.

When making a choice, you should first of all think about whether it will be affordable for your chosen one. After all, it may turn out that, having treated you once with collection wine, he decides to find a lady of the heart with more modest requests, which he special work will be able to satisfy and not lose face.

If the place is chosen by a man, and you are invited to a luxury restaurant, first of all, you need to take into account the laws of expensive service. In such an environment, when a person becomes part of the system and behaves in the same way as everyone around - stiff and arrogant, it is very difficult to build relationships and understand what kind of person is sitting next to you.

Uncomfortable atmosphere

If the date takes place in a coffee shop with many small tables, loud music and children's screams, it will be simply impossible to tune in to each other. Therefore, when choosing a place, you should think in advance whether you will have the opportunity to form a joint personal space where no one will interfere.

When the space is organized, it is important for a woman to sit at the table correctly. If this is the first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be extremely controversial. For example, some believe that a woman should sit on the side of a man, at a ninety-degree angle, while others insist that partners should sit opposite each other. Many women deliberately avoid the second option, finding it more intimate and suitable for those who have known each other for a long time, and consider the date only a formality.

Choice of activity

What to do on a romantic evening, because conversations can quickly get bored, and sitting in silence is not very good idea for those who want to continue the relationship? Find out in advance about what is interesting to the person. Try to write down what he is into free time. And then, if there is awkward pause, it can always be filled with conversations about your favorite movie or book. Discuss possible options for your next dates, suggest something unusual. For example, a picnic in the forest or kayaking. Listen to the desires of your chosen one. Perhaps, without realizing it, he will give you an idea.

Girl behavior

So, you have a first date to please him? It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you really need this relationship, and you went on a date not out of boredom, give up hypocrisy and the desire to embellish your life. After all, sooner or later a man will find out the truth, and you will have a reputation as an inventor or even a liar.

While working on yourself, do not forget to look at the behavior of the gentleman. Pushy, arrogant or vulgar behavior suggests that his intentions towards you are not serious, and he is driven only by the desire to spend a night with you without obligations. In this case, the decision is only yours. Want to conquer the insolent - surprise him. If you don’t want to become one of his many mistresses, run, don’t pick up the phone and don’t make a second date, don’t be afraid to refuse.

Met by clothes

Choosing an outfit for a first date, and not make him flee in horror or be ashamed of his passion? Every woman has asked herself this question at least once in her life.

You need to start preparing for the event in advance. Especially important a few days before romantic evening go to bed as early as possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If the meeting is scheduled for the evening, start preparing in the morning, take a bath, freshen up your manicure and pedicure, think about hair and makeup. You should not experiment with appearance a couple of hours before a date, it is better to do it in advance. Prepare your clothes and think carefully about accessories.

If you are going on a first date with a man, advice from a psychologist on choosing proper clothes will be most welcome. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to make an appointment with a specialist, it will be enough to open any thematic magazine or chat with a free Internet consultant.

When choosing festive attire it is worth thinking, first of all, about where the event will take place - in a cafe, restaurant, theater, museum, square, forest or stadium.

Do not dress up too much for a trip to the forest or square. Otherwise, the meeting can turn into real torment, because you will not think about the beauty of nature and the chosen one, but about how not to break the heel, and how to quietly straighten the skirt that has slipped to one side.

Hairstyle, as well as clothing, should match the image and place. Don't do too much complex hairstyle or pour plenty of hairspray on your head. Try to look natural, but well-groomed.

Well-groomed and natural - this is what every man considers sexy. A woman, trying to impress on a first date, sometimes acts according to the principle “all the best at once”, therefore she often comes in vulgarly made up, which only scares away a potential gentleman.

Arrive on time or be late?

Punctuality is a quality that not every woman has. going on romantic meeting, psychologists advise not to rush and be a little late. This should be done in order not to come first and thereby not embarrass young man that made you wait. However, if you still decide to be a little late, remember: you should not be more than ten minutes late. Otherwise, the gentleman may simply not wait for you. If a man comes in or picks you up at home, there can be no question of being late.

What questions to ask a man on a first date? The ones he can easily answer. For example:

If it so happened that Family status doesn’t bother you, and you don’t pretend to be in a serious relationship, but you just want entertainment, professional advice will come in handy. How to behave if your first date is with married man? Psychologist's advice:

  • Do not demand a divorce from your chosen one and do not interfere in his family affairs. Listen carefully to everything he tells you about his wife without expressing his opinion.
  • Do not advertise your relationship with married man, do not force him to take joint photos or attend social events with you.
  • Do not be too pushy, let the young man choose the date and time of your next meeting.
  • Do not beg for gifts or money. Otherwise, the chosen one will lose confidence in you.
  • Do not forget that your chosen one is not free. You should not build serious plans for him, dreaming that one day you will take the place of his wife.

The most common mistakes on the first date with a man

If the evening is coming to an end, and the date of the next meeting has not been set, this may mean that the man considers further acquaintance with you pointless.

Why did this happen? There may be several options:

Despite the fact that there will be no continuation, keep your cool, say goodbye and thank you for the great time. Do your best to end your meeting on a pleasant note.

When you are going on a first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be very useful, but you should not blindly believe books and specialists. Do what your heart tells you to do. Try to make a good impression on your partner so that he, without hesitation, invites you not only for a second, but also for a third date.

Surely every girl at least once in her life experienced fear of an important event. Dating a man is one of those. Before the long-awaited meeting lovely ladies preen in every possible way, pick up an outfit, conduct alleged dialogues in their heads. This inadvertently raises the question of how to behave on a first date. What to talk about, whether to lay out your "insiders" and so on. Let's go through the main details one by one.

Preparing for a first date with a man

  1. The first step is to take care of what to wear. But do not expect that the success of a date will depend only on the selected wardrobe. A man will meet you at the dress, and spends on the mind.
  2. Do not rush to the first beauty salon to have the experts dye your hair red and grow long nails. If a potential young man liked your look on the day of dating, save it.
  3. Be yourself, highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. If you want to improve, do French manicure, renew the paint on the hair, exfoliate to cleanse and smooth the skin.
  4. Be sure to select the appropriate wardrobe. A man will not like it if you look too vulgar and easily accessible. He will not think about the fact that this girl can be married, but about the sex scenes and the lack of prospects for the future.
  5. Choose a dress that is just above the knee length with a moderately revealing neckline. Or you can opt for trousers, accompanied by heels and a romantic shirt.
  6. Do not try on someone else's role. If you are not used to walking in high heels, your face will soon take on a pained expression. Wear comfortable flat sandals to be prepared for any change in plan.
  7. Psychologists agreed that the first date with the same person cannot be replayed. You may not agree with this, but try to do everything right from the beginning.
  8. Between adults, a spark often runs at the first solitude. Be ready for anything. Epilate the legs and bikini area, moisturize the body with lotion, get a beautiful underwear, stockings and garters.

Where to go on a first date with a man

  1. Often, when a man invites a woman on a date, he himself chooses the venue for the event (or several places). But if you agree that the choice is yours, follow some simple tips.
  2. If a man invited you to sit in a cafe on a sunny day, you can protest by providing an option in return. For example, say you want to have a picnic or go boating.
  3. A great pastime can be cycling, roller skating, motorcycle, convertible, quad bikes and even hoverboards.
  4. In cases where a guy with brightly burning eyes invites you to dinner at an institution that you do not like, do not rush to refuse him. Compromise, choose a cozy table and create a romantic atmosphere.
  5. You can also have a good time on a date outside the city. Rent a gazebo special complex, swim on catamarans, fry kebabs, and in the evening upon arrival, preen at home and go on a date again, but already to the cinema.

What to talk about on a first date with a man

  1. During the conversation, look into the eyes of the young man, do not look away and do not run your eyes left and right. If a man looks at you clear interest, this is a very good sign.
  2. Even if you like to chat non-stop, don't do it. Such behavior looks ridiculous. In addition, in confusion, you can say stupid things that you wish to later on.
  3. Girls get addicted soap operas and various tearful series, so they are happy to discuss them. Refuse such a topic for conversation so that the man does not take you for a fool. Better discuss interesting movies with meaning.
  4. Never interrupt the gentleman, let him finish his speech. Learn to keep up a conversation on any topic, even if the conversation turned to politics, oil rigs or traditional medicine. Be an interesting opponent.
  5. Do not try to tell everything about yourself at once, let such little things be revealed gradually in the process of further communication. If a man finds out all your "underground", he will simply be uninterested.
  6. Ask about the successes and achievements of a man, but do not flatter him openly. Give a few veiled compliments about professional and personal qualities to make him feel like a male.
  7. Real men are interested in independent and, no less important, self-sufficient women. Be like that. It is not necessary to say that you are sitting on the neck of your parents and are having difficulty making ends meet.
  8. In no case do not whine, do not complain about life. Pessimistic women have almost no chance of winning a man on a date. He will run away from you at the first opportunity.
  9. Keep a positive vibe and try your best to make the date go smoothly. Do not arrange an interrogation, take an interest in his life in a veiled way. No need to touch on the subject of ex-girlfriends or the state of a bank account.
  10. Conquer the gentleman with your sincerity and lightness. You must be interesting to a man. Be dignified and a little mysterious, do not reveal all the cards, even if the man insists. But building a touchy is also wrong, everything should be in moderation.


  1. Remember, when going on a first date, you need to discard everything negative thoughts and pressing issues.
  2. On such an important day, you need to be yourself, you should not bring negativity and workload to the meeting. Get off bye maximum pleasure, know the joy of meeting.
  3. Have a good time, enjoy the conversation. So a man will see lightness and cheerfulness in you. The consequences of such behavior will be the inevitable second date. The main thing is not to play, but to really be sincere.

Manners and courtesy

  1. The fair sex tends to be late for dates. In this case, you should understand that you should not linger for more than a quarter of an hour. If you are really late for a meeting for any reason, be sure to warn the chosen one.
  2. Just make a call or write a message. In this way, you will show the man that you care about him and you are worried. The gentleman, in turn, will treat you more respectfully. Upon arrival at the meeting, it is recommended to turn off the phone so that the gadget does not interrupt your date.
  3. If you have turned off the sound, do not rush to the phone to see who is texting or calling you. Notice if the man did the same. If his phone is ruining the date, consider whether it's worth continuing. A well-bred gentleman would never allow such a thing.
  4. You can do it in a different way, immediately agree and put the phones aside. Answer calls only as needed. Always thank the man for the attention and courtesy shown to you. If the gentleman took off your coat or opened the door, ordered coffee, thank him.
  5. In this case, the man will understand that it is not in vain that he shows his upbringing and respect for the woman. As a result, signs of attention will become more frequent. In particular, you need to learn how to properly respond to the compliments of the boyfriend. You can say something nice in return.

Talk about exes

  1. It should be noted right away that such topics are unacceptable not only on the first date, but also in the future. In the first meeting, you should already have a lot of topics for getting to know each other. If a man asks a question about a past personal life, answer simply and briefly. Do not pile on him about unhappy relationships and love.
  2. Try to translate the conversation into new theme, do not ask counter questions. If the man insists on talking, say that this is personal information that should not concern him in any way. Otherwise, end the date without any follow up. You have a new life.
  3. Do not make yourself a victim and do not say that all your former men bad. Such information should not come from your mouth at all. Also pay attention to the conversations of the gentleman. He shouldn't talk about himself like that. A self-respecting man will not ask you such a question and will not tell you about himself.


  1. On the first date, there should be no hint that you are sexually available. A man will take advantage of you, there will definitely not be a second date. Don't behave like a courtesan, have dignity. There are enough girls of easy virtue. If a man came on a date, then he is looking for a serious relationship.
  2. Do not be of the opinion that if a man took you to an expensive restaurant and the evening was just great, you owe him something. Explain that this was not asked, and it was more important for you to know him as a person. If a guy spent a lot of money to impress you, he can afford it.
  3. Respect yourself and the choice of a man, be worthy woman whom he called on a date. You have no price, you are not a product. If they refused intimate relationships on the first evening, and the man did not call you on the next date, rejoice. You definitely do not need such a gentleman. It is important to understand that with such boyfriends normal relationship don't build.
  4. Educated men give preference to women with dignity and honor. First of all, learn to respect yourself. Thus, you will check the man for endurance, whether he really wants a serious relationship with you.

Restaurant payment

  1. When a man and a woman go to a restaurant, the person who invited them to the restaurant pays the check. However, if you offer to divide the amount by two, the man will take such a statement responsibly.
  2. In the first case, he will consider you a serious lady who does not want to be a freeloader. In the second, he will become indignant, because it doesn’t fit in his head how a woman will pay on a date that he arranged.
  3. If the gentleman is a gentleman, he will brush off your offer, and he will do the right thing. A real man won't let a lady pay for herself. Moreover, such a proposal would offend him.

Get ready for your first date. Visit the hairdresser in advance and renew the hair color, do a neat manicure, put your body in order. Choose a place for spending time together or let a man do it. Learn the recommendations of what not to talk about on a date. Be yourself!

Video: first date - how to behave and what to talk about?

The first date is the beginning of something romantic, pleasant, new and unknown. How to spend it? Should we exalt ourselves to the skies or be modestly silent? How to start a conversation and how to say goodbye politely annoying gentleman? From zo rules - choose those that are right for you.

1. Don't show your interest from the first minute. Men love chases and pursuits, beckon them a little!

2. Find out if he has platonic female friends. A man should be able to treat a woman as a friend, not as a sexual object.

3. Don't drink too much on a first date, even for courage. First, you have to run to the toilet too often. Secondly, say something wrong.

4. If a man resembles your father in any way, run away immediately.

5. If you lower the bar, you can get married tomorrow. So don't lower the bar. It's better to wait for something worthwhile than to waste time on something that won't last long.

6. If a guy says he wants to take care of you, run away too. The case will end with the fact that you will take care of him.

7. If a man criticizes food in a restaurant or coffee, draw conclusions. Criticizing on the first date - what awaits you in a month?

8. Don't be too picky! Some ladies leave men because they have too much big head, too tart cologne or too pointy shoes. Give them a chance to improve or you'll be kicked out. beautiful person because of some nonsense.

9. Don't compose too much. Then it will be difficult to remember what you talked about on the first date.

10. Don't have sex on the first date.

11. Do not delay the first date, otherwise there will be nothing to talk about on the second.

12. Never date more than one man. This is tedious and fraught with trouble. As a result, you will want to say goodbye to both of them, because they gave you so much excitement.

13. Before you go on a date, look courageously in the mirror and think about whether you are morally ready to spend your whole life with the same person.

14. If you're comparing a new partner to your ex-boyfriend, you're not ready to move on.

15. If you really like someone, don't wait for them to call or make the first move, take matters into your own hands. Otherwise it will be a waste of time.

16. Find out who does the laundry and cleans his apartment - mom or housekeeper. Do you need an independent man?

17. You will meet right man when you become the right woman- self-confident, independent and optimistic.

18. Refuse to play his games. If you like him, just come up and get acquainted: all these looks, languid sighs do not work with normal men.

19. If a man constantly talks about money, this is the first sign that he is insecure.

20. Don't talk about marriage and kids on the first date.

21. Don't shoot your eyes around on the first date and make sure he doesn't stare at pretty girls.

22. No need to make assumptions and far-reaching plans, otherwise it will be painful and sad. One or two dates does not mean that you are in a serious relationship.

23. Be realistic. All mothers think that we will marry tall, handsome, successful businessmen. But what if I'm short, just pretty and work at an interesting, but low-prestige job? As soon as we become realistic, life will get better.

24. Learn to flirt. No, do not shoot with your eyes, but conduct an interesting intriguing conversation, look into your eyes and maintain unobtrusive bodily contact. Encourage next steps. But this must be done naturally and in moderation, otherwise the man will decide that in front of him is a psychopath obsessed with sex.

25. When you need to scare a man away, talk to him about something boring, like computers or the weather.

26. Brush your teeth before you go on a date: There's nothing worse than smiling with your teeth full of lettuce.

27. Mobile phone on a date, it is better to put it on vibration mode, and if there is an answering machine, then do not pick up the phone.

28. Do not agree to continue the first date at a man's house, even if all the bars are full, the restaurants are closed, there is a snowstorm and a blizzard on the street, and taxis are boorishly passing by.

29. Don't try to politely end a date. passionate kiss goodbye, especially if you realize that you no longer want to meet this person.

30. It is better to stay at home in proud loneliness than dating total losers.

You have taken everything into account, then, good luck, good dates, reliable relationships and great happiness.

Men like smart and interesting girls, it's true. But no man wants to be dumber than nice girl against. This does not mean that you have to giggle and constantly exclaim: “Oh Gods! You're so clever! How have I not met you before! - but also to conduct monologues on overly complex and smart themes not worth it either.

Believe me, if you are really not deprived of brains, a man will notice this in the first 10 minutes of a date. In the meantime, you can enjoy pleasant communication when he goes out of his way so that you can see that he, like you, knows how to talk on various topics that are interesting to both of you.

Maxim, 25

Leading Specialist for corporate clients in a Moscow bank

“I had a date that I had been seeking for a very long time. From our mutual acquaintances, I learned that Masha is soon defending her dissertation in medicine. At that time, I did not treat this information with due attention, especially since medical preparations I know only analgin and no-shpu. But during our dinner, she began to retell me all her work, accompanying this with details from the life of insects. I was amazed! But I didn’t dare to go on a second date.”

bride for marriage

From the first hours of communication with potential groom you start talking about family values, oh biological clock and his old dream of a wedding on the islands. It's great, of course. And a man who is looking for a future wife will certainly appreciate your outlook on life. But to declare right away that you accidentally had a passport with you and you know that your parents have already blessed your union, smacks of strangeness.

Michael, 26


“I only had one date, which ended for me immediately after the question:“ Where would you like to spend Honeymoon?“ What month? Girl, I still don’t know the name of your dog, what are you talking about?!”


During a romantic walk, a young lady passing by accidentally steps on your foot, and you throw curses after her and aloud want to tuck the foot with which she managed to step on your shoes. At that moment, he will simply burn with shame for you. This will at least cause bewilderment in your gentleman, and as a maximum, it will completely discourage the desire to invite you on a second date.

Ivan, 24


“Every time I feel ashamed when I remember this unsuccessful date. On that day, the girl with whom I decided to go to the cinema looked just wonderful: an airy dress, light makeup and a friendly smile. It seemed to me that everything was going like clockwork. When we entered the cinema hall, where we had already turned off the lights, we began to look for our seats. And, as an evil (although now I think - thank God!), A couple in love was already sitting in our seats. Apparently, they thought that these places were empty, and moved. My companion of the evening immediately decided in a loud voice to find out what the hell was going on here. She stated that we had already paid for the tickets and advised them to get out of our seats as soon as possible before she called the manager. I really didn't understand why there was such a fuss. We never saw her again."


Decided to relax a little and ordered a couple of cocktails? Great! But everything needs a measure. When you realize that your head is spinning, and your mood is so wonderful that you want to hug everyone (including your boyfriend), then it's time to say “stop” to yourself.

Dmitry, 28


“I will not say that I am categorically against alcohol or, for example, smoking. But when a woman gets drunk in the first hours of our communication, for me this is a signal to stop dating. If this happens on the first date, what happens next? I don't even want to know."

And pathological teetotaler

Passion for alcohol is, of course, not very good, but an absolute rejection of alcohol, smoking and other bad habits won't work in your favor either. No, we are not saying that if you are against alcohol, then you must forcefully drink a glass or two. Just don't beat your chest and say you don't see your future with someone who can drink.

Andrew, 30

“I am a doctor, so I know very well about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and similar things. But, like any normal person, I don’t see anything terrible to drink a bottle of wine or whiskey with friends. And when on the first date a girl once told me that she herself does not drink, does not smoke and does not swear, I thought: why such categoricalness?


You liked the guy so much that you ask him questions: “Who just called you? Why didn't you answer? Do you have female friends?" We believe that you just want to know more about the personal life of the person with whom there is a chance to build a relationship. And you have the right to know if he spends his time with someone other than you. But direct questions to the forehead are clearly not the best way. Attention flatters the pride of any man, but when it starts to look like total control, it starts to reject.

Pavel, 30

cafe owner

“One girl on a date literally bombarded me with questions: who are my parents, who was my first love, why did I break up with my ex and how do I feel about children. I got the impression that I was on some kind of bride or interview. What was it anyway? Still I do not understand".


We all want to make a good impression on the person we like. And it happens that we can embellish reality a little by inventing all sorts of fables. There's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't start lying godlessly. Don't forget: a liar must have good memory. Once he catches you in a lie, he will no longer be able to trust you completely. Why do you have such problems?

Vladimir, 23

law firm employee

“I worked in the same company with a girl who enthusiastically told me that she was amazing at cooking, dancing, cross-stitching and juggling oranges. “You can’t lose such a young lady,” I thought, and invited her on a date. It turned out that she didn’t even know how to cook pasta, and childhood trauma ruled out for her physical exercise. I think that I would have survived it if she had not sung the nightingale about the opposite. Well, girls, why lie?


If a girl on the first date says that her boss is a complete goat, her colleagues are idiots, and the former is generally an unknown little animal, then the guy will think about who he will become in her stories to her friends. A date is not a meeting of anonymous whiners, but a completely positive and positive phenomenon that should cheer you up and make you want to repeat the meeting. At the fifth minute of listening to all your troubles, the guy will make a decision not in your favor. And it will be like that!

Sergey, 26


“On the first date, the girl told me about all the misfortunes that befell her. And she doesn’t like work, and her friends are stupid chickens, and she never liked the kitchen in this restaurant at all. I felt that my life becomes worse next to her. Naturally, I did not want to continue communication.

too frank

Of course, a man wants to get to know you better on the first date, but you shouldn’t immediately use the “better he knows now than later” method. There are things that are yours new guy just shouldn't know. For example, the number of your sexual partners, if you yourself cannot remember their exact number, or that awkward case when you pretty much went over and you were sick for back seat Taxi.