How to paint your lips with lipstick. How to properly paint your lips with lipstick, gloss and varnish. Secrets of the correct application of red lipstick on the lips (photo). How to apply matte lipstick correctly

Must have of the most popular products of cosmetic companies is made up of cosmetics for lips with matte finish... The Internet is replete with photos and videos with examples of perfect makeup. How to paint lips with matte lipstick correctly? Let's reveal the main nuances of an ideal make-up.

The main advantage of matte lipstick is versatility - it will suit any image, style, time of day, you just need to find the right shade. Nude or nude will accentuate natural morning makeup, red is ideal for an evening look. Brave women can afford dark brown, lilac, orange shades, manufacturers even produce turquoise, purple, black.

Age is not a hindrance: young girls, like older women, may not be afraid to seem vulgar using such a lip product.

Cosmetics with such a texture have rich shades, evenly fill the entire surface and irregularities. The beautiful effect is combined with careful care: dense coating protects well against moisture loss, chapping.

After drying, matte lipsticks practically do not leave marks on clothes, when kissing, on mugs and glasses. There is no need for touch-up during the day.

How to apply on lips

To apply matte lipstick perfectly smooth and high-quality easy, but it takes practice. Start by preparing your skin with scrubbing and moisturizing. If they are absent, do not be discouraged. Home scrub will replace professional cosmetics, it is easy to make it from improvised means:

  • take a pinch of sugar, half a teaspoon of honey (or 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil, sugar, 2-3 drops lemon juice), mix, apply to the mouth;
  • Massage the mixture into the skin. No effort is needed;
  • remove the remains of the scrub with a napkin, apply balm.

Moisturizing after scrub is imperative to protect delicate skin, make it soft.

Do not apply lipstick directly to the balm, let the product soak for 10-15 minutes. It is better to blot additionally with a napkin to remove excess fat.

For resilience

Professional makeup starts with a thin line of pencil that outlines the shape of the lips. A clear outline will not allow the pigment to creep. Let's analyze it step by step:

  1. Circle the mouth, moving from the center to the corners of the mouth, mark several top points, move with strokes.
  2. Keep the symmetry so that the pencil follows a natural contour, protruding beyond the border no more than half a millimeter.
  3. Shade light vertical Move the resulting contour, blend it a little.

Choose an eyeliner in the color of the pigment or a tone darker; in extreme cases, a colorless option is suitable. Some cosmetics manufacturers ("Kylie") produce suitable pencil included.

Long-wearing can be used as an eyeliner. Apply some product to the beveled brush and paint bright arrows. You can remove them with micellar water.

So as not to roll

Lipstick will not roll off if, before stroking with a pencil, cover the surface with a thin layer of foundation, then lightly powder it.

Apply makeup special brush with soft hammering movements. The liquid variety has a special applicator, it is more convenient to apply paint to them. Then apply a napkin to your lips to dry the first layer, powder through it, apply the final layer. Remove excess with a napkin.

For dusting, instead of a napkin, you can use disposable paper handkerchiefs, they consist of several thin layers, separate one of them.

For visual volume, you need to dilute the main color with a lighter one, applying it to the lower lip, then blend it with a brush.

What to do if your lips are dry

In funds with matte texture high content of wax and powder, which makes cosmetics more durable. The effect of a dried crust on the lips looks unattractive, pay attention to the composition.

Qualitative cosmetic products should contain caring components: oils, amino acids, ultraviolet SPF filters, vitamins. Moisturize your lips before each application and after removing makeup. Simple hygiene and care will make the mouth softer and prevent wrinkles and cracks from forming.

Makeup remover matte lipstick

You can remove matte lipstick from your lips with special makeup removers or wipes. At home, oil will help wash it off. It is better to wash it in several stages:

  • take a cotton sponge or napkin, remove excess;
  • then use a balm or oil, rub it over your lips with gentle blotting movements. The fats included in the composition will dissolve and wash off the product, cotton pad- remove pigment;
  • to perfectly cleanse the skin, you can do a peeling, regular Toothbrush, massage your mouth gently;
  • after the procedures, moisturize the skin with balm or oil so that the skin does not dry out. Olive is perfect.

Application requires a lot of time, effort, but with regular care lip skin and makeup training will take a few minutes. It will be pleasant and easy to use such cosmetics.

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The beauty of a woman is made up of a million little things. This is a gentle smile, and an alluring look, and unusual gestures. Undoubtedly the bright part female image are the sensual lips.

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With skillful and correct application of makeup, the lips will become the center of a woman's attractiveness. How to properly paint lips to amaze men's hearts? To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations.



Lip skin care


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The main secret of lip beauty lies in constant care after them.

Note! Timely and proper care serves as a guarantee of the longevity of the skin of the lips and their beauty.

  • Moisturizing. The skin of the lips is the most sensitive to external influences... Excessively dry air, being in closed rooms without access fresh air, the exhaust fumes impair the texture of the lips and contribute to their dryness. To prevent this, you need to take care of constant lip moisture.
  • Purification. Lips, like facial skin, need to be cleansed in the morning and evening. Peeling or scrub can be used once a week. For daily use, it is recommended to use a foam or facial toner. They will remove dead skin particles and rid it of bacteria and dirt.

  • Nutrition. The skin of the lips is especially delicate. Its structure can be easily damaged by wind, low temperatures, precipitation. To prevent this, you need to constantly nourish your lips. To do this, apply to them several times a day. hygienic lipstick.

We paint the lips. Preparation


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How to apply lipstick correctly?


Many women complain that after a while after applying lipstick, it rolls into ugly lumps, and the skin of the lips becomes dry and flaky.

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Note! Preparing your lips for makeup will help avoid these mistakes.

  1. Wash your face thoroughly and wipe your lips with a cotton swab dipped in toner or foam.
  2. Apply to lips nutritious cream high fat and leave until completely absorbed. The excess must be removed with a napkin.
  3. Giving stamina. To keep the lipstick on the lips as long as possible, the lips should be lightly powdered.
  4. Base coat application. As a base for lip makeup, you can use special tool or hygienic lipstick based on premaline and glycerin.

Secrets of beautiful lip makeup


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Who among women has not dreamed of becoming the owner of plump and inviting lips? The secret is simple - correctly and skillfully applied makeup.

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Every woman learns to paint her lips with lipstick since childhood. Over the years, this skill comes to automatism. but beautiful make-up lips is a real art that requires certain skills.

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Highlighting the contour of the lips.


This will require a special lip liner.

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Note! Its tone should match the skin color or be 1 tone darker.

With the help of small strokes, it is necessary to emphasize the natural contour of the lips. Should be given Special attention choice of pencil. It should be easily and effortlessly applied to the skin. Pencil work should be started from the middle. upper lip... The shading should be slightly visible. Don't put too much pressure on the pencil. Eyeliner lower lip performed also, starting from the middle towards the edges. If you have acquired a certain skill in the lip liner with a pencil, you can draw the lips by drawing a line, not shading.

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Application of the first layer. To make the lipstick last longer, you can paint your lips with a pencil by painting over the entire surface of the lips. In this case, it is necessary to lightly shade the pencil on the surface of the lips with light movements of a soft brush. The base layer of lipstick is applied in small strokes, starting from the middle of the lip, gradually moving towards the edges.

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Note! After the first coat is applied, you need to lightly blot your lips with a paper towel to remove excess lipstick and grease.

This technique also gives long-lasting makeup.




Dusting. After base layer lipstick has been applied, it is necessary to lightly powder the lips loose powder... Leftovers are also removed with a napkin.

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Applying a second layer of lipstick. To keep the makeup on the lips longer, it is recommended to apply the lipstick with a special brush.

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Giving expressiveness. To make the lips visually appear larger and acquire sensuality, you need to apply a little light shine to the middle of the upper and lower lips.

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Makeup Secrets




Many professional makeup artists use additional techniques to create beautiful lip makeup.

  • To slightly muffle the color of the lips and remove the brightness of the tone, the lipstick should be applied with your fingertips and lightly tapped on the surface of the skin of the lips after application.
  • To visually increase the size of the lips, when emphasizing their contour with a pencil, a line should be drawn slightly above the lip area.
  • To decrease plump lips, the eyeliner line is applied somewhat narrower than the lip line.
  • It is not recommended to apply too plump lips.

  • When choosing a lipstick tone, consider the underlying skin tone and tooth color. With a yellowish tint, it is contraindicated to use brown and orange tones lipstick. Owners of dark skin are recommended to use lipstick colors of saturated red shades. Women with fair skin should pay attention to pink and coral. light shades lipstick.
  • To make lips feel sensual instead of lipstick, you can use gloss.

Lip makeup in various shapes


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Not everyone can boast perfect shape lips. To remedy the situation, it is not at all necessary to go to a plastic surgeon. Usually it is enough to use a little secrets when applying makeup.



  • Lips with indistinct contours. A special tool - a proofreader - will help to correct the situation. Lipstick in this case should be in bright shades to create the effect of an even lip contour.
  • Lips with drooping corners. This shape gives the face a sad and resentful expression. To remedy the situation, you need to paint over the lips with foundation and draw the desired lip contour with a pencil.
  • Asymmetrical lip shape. In this case, their contour is also corrected by tonal means. The desired contour is applied with the lip liner.

Skillfully applied lip makeup can turn any woman into a real beauty queen.

Why do women use red lipstick? The fact is that this is the simplest and effective method get a man's attention. If you gently apply red lipstick, female lips not only gain bright shade and a beautiful outline, but also become especially sensual.

However, it is important to know how to properly paint your lips with red lipstick, otherwise any mistakes made in makeup will become noticeable to everyone around you. No other color requires as much preparation as red. Lipstick of all shades of this color must be applied perfectly, completely eliminating the possibility of even minor blemishes.

Finding the perfect shade

Red lipstick has many different shades... It can be bright orange-red, and restrained red-burgundy, and neutral red-brown. It is important to choose the shade that best emphasizes your advantages and will allow the disadvantages not to cause inconvenience. For example, if the teeth are clearly yellow, it is contraindicated to apply orange-red decorative cosmetics to the lips. It is also undesirable to use red with a peach tint.

Makeup artists recommend choosing a shade depending on your skin color. It is not for nothing that you can often see how thin lines are drawn on the hand or wrist with lipstick. This is done just in order to assess how the color matches the skin tone. General recommendations by selection are as follows:

  • Girls with pale face can bright color lipstick, fiery red. The contrast effect will not only stand out from the crowd, but instantly create festive image... Although experiments with red lipstick can sometimes be seen during the day.
  • To beige leather has become more sophisticated, lips can be painted with lipstick with a coral shade or use pumpkin.
  • Slightly tanned skin can be made even more attractive by applying saturated shades: cherry red, brick, fire.
  • Dark dark skin will be adorned with berry lipstick. Lips can be painted with raspberry shade or bright cherry.
  • For girls with chocolate skin, you can paint your lips with pomegranate, plum or red lipstick with a golden tint.

The classic version of red lipstick is matte. This texture lies flat on the surface, does not smear on the skin, does not stain teeth, and therefore can be applied even during the day without any fear.

There are other make-up options that can be used to make up with red lips.

Choice of decorative cosmetics

A classic matte lipstick looks good on the lips, but sometimes extra shine and shine is needed. It is for such cases that manufacturers make glossy cosmetics that sparkle and reflect particles of light. During the day it will be quite enough and matte, but in order to make the perfect evening look, you can't do without glossy lipstick. It can be applied either separately or as an additional layer over the base product.

If many different events await you during the day and there is no time left for making up adjustments, you can make a make-up with the help of an innovative tool - coloring pigment for lips. The pigment is a mixture of lipstick and lip gloss and allows you to create an even resistant coating that will last 12 hours. It is very difficult to wash off the pigment, so do not forget about the make-up remover.

Sometimes all that is needed is a light red tint on the lips rather than a rich finish. Colored lip balm can easily cope with this task. It gently lays on the skin, nourishes it with vitamins and minerals, in addition, it is able to give a glossy shine.

How to find red lipstick

Step by step application

Knowing how to paint lips with red lipstick will allow a woman to easily cope with makeup and look perfect in any situation. A special feature of the classic matte lipstick is that it can increase dry and flaky lips. Dead keratinized particles of the epithelium will not adorn the makeup. To remove all excess and moisturize the skin of the lips, it is imperative to carry out preliminary preparation before applying decorative cosmetics.

Step-by-step instructions will help to make excellent makeup:

It should be checked regularly and updated every few hours.

If you do not have the patience for such a procedure, opt for a super resistant decorative cosmetics... There is also a little secret on how you can increase the durability of the most ordinary lipstick - before applying it, you must use a foundation and powder for the base.

Makeup requires periodic adjustments

To make a beautiful make-up with red lipstick, you should take into account a lot of nuances. Correct technique application will make you look luxurious, sophisticated, confident. And minor mistakes in makeup can create an unkempt, defiant, vulgar look. Read our tips carefully to prevent all possible mistakes!

Red lipstick is a sure way to get the attention of men. It's no secret that bright, sensual lips awaken in strong half humanity is an irrepressible attraction.

In addition, red lipstick has become a symbol high status in society, self-confidence, informal leadership.

No one will deny that bright red lips are classics that have been proven over the years. And yet, it is powerful female weapon used only in special cases.

Do not rush to claim that you are not goes red pomade. It is necessary to choose from an abundance of shades perfect color for your looks. And for this, first of all, correctly define your type.

Apply gold and gold to your face and décolleté. silver jewelry... Which ones are more in harmony with your skin color?

Silver is suitable for women of the cold type. Their skin tone ranges from olive to dark-skinned. Choose cool reds that have a bluish undertone: cherry, magenta, raspberry, or fuchsia.

If gold jewelry suits you, then look for your tone among warm reds: terracotta, coral, mountain ash, carrot.

Choosing a shade of red lipstick depending on your hair color

Makeup artists are sure that red lipstick should be in every woman's makeup bag. But you need to choose the right shade. Of course, the most reliable method is the sampling method. There are a few more recommendations that will help you spend less time looking for "your" red lipstick. Be sure to consider your hair color!

Read also: Perfect face correction with makeup

For blondes it is permissible to use lighter colors, as well as cold shades: cherry, purple, fuchsia, as well as pink-red. Carrot shades are acceptable only for dark-skinned blondes.

For fair-haired berry tones are recommended: red with plum or raspberry red, cranberry. And not in a bright, but in a muted version. Red-haired beauties should not use cold shades with a bluish undertone. Try warm shades: terracotta or peach, and orange-red.

For brunettes experts advise choosing wine and burgundy shades, in evening version it can be the color of burgundy red. Try a rich classic red! Lingonberry and coral looks very beautiful, especially for brunettes with brown eyes.

What is unforgivable for the image of a fatal beauty?

Do perfect makeup under the red lipstick is not easy. Bright lips will definitely make you more visible. It depends only on you what will be the views of those around you, directed in your direction: condemning or admiring.

What can completely spoil the opinion of you? How to avoid makeup embarrassment?

  • Inaccuracy. Hasty application, uneven lines are incompatible with the image of the fatal beauty.
  • Lipstick prints on teeth. The red color is very bright, which is why getting bright lipstick on your teeth is a real incident that everyone will see. How to avoid this phenomenon? The universal secret no, but women have come up with several ways. For example, some girls put a drop of Vaseline on their teeth. The slippery product prevents the bright pigment from adhering to the enamel. You can also press down after staining paper napkin lips in such a way as to remove excess funds from the inside of them.
  • Vague borders and drips near the lips. Lipstick can blur in small lines around the lips. Use a pencil to prevent this phenomenon. And more - apply foundation or a base for makeup not only on the face, but also on the lip contour to fill in all the small folds. Then the lipstick will not penetrate them.

Makeup with red lipstick step by step

  • Even out your complexion. First, perform the facial cleansing procedure. It is desirable to give the skin a noble matte finish. Better take away all greasy shine which can spoil perfect image femme fatale.
  • Painful pallor and red lipstick are not the best pairing. Therefore, choose a foundation to match your skin tone or a little darker. The darker the skin, the brighter the lipstick shade can be. Do not skip the area under the eyes. Mask dark circles with concealer.

Read also: Makeup for girls under glasses

  • Matte powder will give the face a velvety softness. Apply it over foundation... Do not use bronzing powder.
  • Shadows should be natural shades: beige, light brown, peach, caramel, bronze.
  • Make your eyebrows quite expressive. The tone of the pencil echoes the color of the hair. Light brown for the blonde, gray-black for the brunette.

  • You don't have to save on mascara. For such an image, it is permissible to make the eyelashes thicker. You won't go wrong if you choose the classic black color. The lashes on the lower eyelid only need to be tinted slightly.
  • Blush is essential, but no frills. Accentuate your cheekbones with a delicate shade of peach or pastel pink.

More attention needs to be paid to eye makeup.

Eye makeup under red lipstick

Everyone knows that if the emphasis is shifted to the lips, then the eyes cannot be highlighted too intensely. Let's describe the most common make-up options that will make your look flawless.

Cat arrows

You cannot use bright colored shadows, but the eyes can be clearly brought up. For the classic version, use cat arrows... The arrows must be sufficiently visible. The tips of the arrows are thin, in the middle they are thicker. The black arrow can extend to the edge of the eyelid by about 2-3 mm and rise slightly upward.

Arrows on the lower eyelid do not need to be drawn. And if you still cannot do without them, then carefully blend the lines.

Smoky ice with red lipstick

The emphasis is still on the lips. But classic version with arrows, described above, is more suitable for day makeup... In the evening, it can seem inconspicuous and expressionless. And here is smoky smoky eyes will make you look stunning at the party! But remember, makeup artists only approve of the smokey ice and red lipstick combination for an evening celebration!

Stay on top of the classics and go for a mysterious makeup based on black and gray shadows, black pencil.

Natural makeup with red lipstick

Can be applied lung option, nude manicure in combination with bright lips... Choose shadows in natural beige shades... Lightly line the eyes with a pencil (the lines are shaded), apply one layer of black mascara. Such a T-shirt is acceptable, first of all, for brunettes with perfect skin... No dark circles under the eyes and complete self-confidence! For blondes nude makeup may seem risky because the eyes can easily get lost against the background of bright lips.

Red lipstick has always been popular among women, because it is this color that adds confidence and showiness to the image. However, not every beauty decides to use red. And all because this bright shade will certainly stand out from the crowd and attract a huge number of views. Not everyone can endure this. If ready for a similar effect no, then it's not worth the risk. In addition, it is important to apply the red lipstick correctly on the lips, otherwise the whole makeup will be ruined, as well as the mood.

Lips, like the entire face, need proper care. It is obligatory to carry out peeling several times a week with the help of specially designed products or using a soft toothbrush. Additional massage smoothes the skin, restores firmness and color.

To make the lips look attractive and soft, you need to make masks with honey. It is simply applied to the surface and left on for a third of an hour. A home cryotherapy will give additional volume. This is especially true for women who have thin lips... Before applying red lipstick, the lips are rubbed with an ice cube, which visually significantly increases the volume.

Before you paint your lips with red lipstick, it would be right to think about your image. It is worth choosing a bright outfit or an unusual accessory that will make the image more harmonious and natural.

How to decide on a shade of red

Many people think that red is the only color and are surprised if they have to choose a shade as well. In fact, the palette of red has no less than 10 tones. Therefore, it is important not only to correctly apply red lipstick, but also to decide on its shade.

As a rule, when choosing a red lipstick, skin tone is taken into account: this way the makeup will look harmonious. Here are some guidelines to help you determine your shade of red:

  1. Owners are very fair skin you should choose cold tones of red. This will give the face a more expressive look. In no case should you apply lipstick with a yellow or peach tint to your lips.
  2. Women with dark skin you need to opt for a natural red burgundy or berry tone. It is not recommended to use red lipstick with a pearlescent sheen, as it will add a few extra years.
  3. For beige and a little tanned skin In warm tones, a red lipstick with a peach or coral shade is ideal. Brick tones also look good.
  4. Women with pink skin you should apply lipstick with the same shimmer. To give your face a fresh look, use warm shades of red.

Terracotta is considered a universal shade of red, as it suits any skin tone, therefore it can be used in cases where it is very difficult to decide on your color. We must not forget that lipstick with a brown tint looks good only against the background of a snow-white smile.

Secrets of applying red lipstick

To have attractive view, you need to know how to properly paint your lips with red lipstick, because determining your shade is only a small part of a perfect look. It is important to remember the nuances of each stage of creation. unsurpassed makeup lips:

  1. In order for the red lipstick to lay down in an even layer, the lips should be slightly warmed up with a massage before applying cosmetics. This will make them softer.
  2. Next, a base is prepared for applying red lipstick. For this purpose, the surface of the lips is applied a small amount of foundation and spread in an even layer.
  3. To keep the red lipstick for a long time, a little powder is applied over the foundation.
  4. The next step is to apply the contour. It is important to remember that the tone of the lipstick and the pencil must be exactly the same. Otherwise, it will look too vulgar and defiant. To make the line even, you first need to put several points along the lips, and then connect them, circle them a couple of times, and shade.
  5. Only now you can proceed directly to the application of red lipstick. The first layer must be blotted with a paper towel.
  6. After that, the lips are lightly powdered and again covered with red lipstick with a brush.

When doing all these actions irresistible view lips will be preserved for a long time.

Video: Master class on applying red lipstick

To keep your makeup looking attractive, the following tips should be followed when using red lipstick:

  • apply red lipstick only if there is an ideal even tone skin, which can be given with the help of tonal means;
  • when applying red lipstick, the main emphasis is on the lips;
  • it is necessary to emphasize the brightness of the red lipstick with some other red accessory: a brooch, shoes, a clutch;
  • when choosing a tone of red lipstick, the shape of the lips is taken into account;
  • to add volume, you should use bright glossy shades of red, and matte dark color on the contrary, it will make the lips less plump.

Red lips will surely attract the attention of others, therefore it is necessary to apply lipstick in strict accordance with the rules, mistakes in similar case are unacceptable.

If you want to visually enlarge your lips, then you will need three shades when applying lipstick. First, the pencil is shaded, then a light tone is applied, which is powdered on top. After that, the lateral parts of the lips are painted with a medium shade, and the central area - the darkest. Additionally, you can apply a little transparent gloss in the center.

Having learned how to properly paint lips with red lipstick, you can create impeccable image... But when using such a shade, you will have to forget about the modest appearance and radiate only confidence.