How to choose a style of clothing for girls. How to choose your style? We create a harmonious image. Choosing the right basic wardrobe

Choosing clothes can be difficult. Sometimes you know exactly what you want to buy, but sometimes when you go to the store, you can't decide where to start. There are so many different styles, styles, sizes, colors and brands that shopping can be intimidating. If you know what suits you, it will be easier for you to choose your clothes.


How to dress according to your figure

    Decide which parts of the body you want to emphasize. With the help of clothes, you can hide or emphasize the features of the figure, as well as create visual illusions.

    • Picture. Vertical stripes make the part of the body visually slimmer, and a wide strip expands the space. Bright patterns draw attention to the part of the body on which they are worn, so if you want to emphasize the bust, wear a shirt with an expressive pattern. The opposite is also true: dark solids hide volume, especially in contrast with a bright pattern.
    • Waist fit. Pants with a low waist make the figure more expressive and emphasize the waist. High-waisted pieces accentuate the bust.
    • fit. Shapewear can accentuate and shape parts of the body, and baggy outerwear does upper part formless bodies. Shoulder pads can widen the shoulders. Pants with arrows can make the legs visually thicker.
    • Skirt shape. A-line skirts make the figure more expressive and expand lower part body. Straight skirts are also suitable for this. Flared skirts have the opposite effect - wear them if you want to draw attention away from your lower body.
    • Style. As a rule, baggy things hide figure flaws, and tight-fitting ones emphasize them.
  1. Know your sizes. It is important to remember your parameters, and it does not matter if you buy ready-made clothes or sew them to order. You should take the following measurements:

    • head circumference for the selection of hats;
    • arm length outer edge to determine the length of the sleeve;
    • neck volume (more important for men);
    • the circumference of the chest or bust at its widest point;
    • Waist;
    • hip volume (for women);
    • the length of the inner side of the leg (from the groin to the ankle).
  2. Make sure your clothes fit well. Fit is the main factor in choosing things. A piece that fits well but doesn't really suit your figure will look better than a piece that could shape your figure but doesn't fit well.

    • The clothes should be comfortable. It should not hang and should not restrict movement.
    • If you are planning to lose weight, do not buy things with the expectation that they will fit you well in a couple of months. You better put it off major purchases until you adjust the weight.
    • Shorten your pants, especially if you have short stature. Too long pants will make you look even shorter.
  3. Buy things that look good on you now. If a thing does not sit well now, but you seems that it will look better when you lose weight for the summer, do not buy this thing. Pick a thing for the figure that you have now, and not the one you want to get. Don't waste money on things you might never wear.

    • If the jacket or jacket does not button up all the way, this item is not suitable for you. Take a size up or look for something else.
    • If a thing hangs on you, it does not suit you. You need a different size.
  4. See how the thing looks from behind. This important step which many people forget about. A dress or suit can look perfect from the front, but terrible from the back.

    • If your phone has a front-facing camera, take it to the fitting room with you and check how each item looks from the back. Check to see if the item is hanging or pulling at the back. The thing should emphasize the dignity of your figure, that is, it should not fit too tightly inappropriate places.
    • When you're sure the item looks good from the front, turn your back to the mirror. Turn on the front camera on your phone, bring it to you just above your shoulder and tilt it a little. You will see a reflection from the back on the screen.
    • If you don't have a front camera, take a small mirror with you.
  5. Don't follow fashion mindlessly. Perhaps you would like to buy fashion item, but if it does not suit you, discard this idea. Find your own style and follow only the fashion trends that suit you.

    • For example, if you skinny guy, and baggy suits are in fashion, do not buy such a thing - it suits people of a different physique.
    • And if the type of your figure is pear and in fashion voluminous scarves, use this opportunity to make your image more interesting.

    How to choose things

    1. Buy the brand you like. If some thing sat down on you perfectly, pay attention to other things of this brand. It is possible that you will be able to pick up something else. Sizes and styles different brands often differ, but within the same brand, sizes are most often retained for years.

    2. Buy multiple variations of the same item you like. People often buy the same quality item in several variants. This will help you to diversify your wardrobe and keep the confidence that everything will suit you.

      • Universal skirts and trousers can be bought in several pairs at once.
      • This is especially true for those who find it difficult to pick up comfortable things.
    3. Remember the value of things. Buying quality items allows you to save money in the future. A quality pair of shoes costs twice as much, but lasts ten times longer, and you don't have to buy a new cheap pair every season.

      • Expensive things are not always of high quality, but quality things are always more expensive than low-quality ones.
      • Apart from light summer clothes, the presence of a lining is a sign of quality.
      • Check all seams before buying. Make sure they are even and do not diverge. Bad seams are a sign of poor quality.
      • Choose quality, not quantity. It is better to have a small wardrobe of quality items than a large wardrobe of poor quality.
      • If you're short on money, look for used items online and in secondhand stores. You can often find good things there for a low price.

    How to pack a wardrobe

    1. Buy basic things. When choosing things, give preference to plain clothes that you can wear on a variety of occasions. You should have universal things in which you can go to work and to a restaurant. A wardrobe should not consist of things that are suitable for only one type of event.

      • For example, beautiful trousers can be worn to work with a jacket and blouse. In the restaurant, you can take off your jacket and tie a scarf.
      • A one-color skirt to the knee is suitable for work. If you add a few accessories to it, you can also wear it to brunch with friends.

A stylish image is made up of many details. In creating your individual style, not only clothes and makeup play an important role, but also accessories, communication style, plasticity, fragrance, skin and nails, and the environment. The easiest way to start creating your image is with clothes that reflect individuality, character traits, and lifestyle. In the article we will tell you how to find your style in clothes, which will emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.

Secrets of creating a stylish image

“When you are well dressed, others notice you, when you are badly dressed, your clothes”

- Coco Chanel.

The ability to dress stylishly does not appear from birth, it is developed over the years with great desire, study, observations and experiments. It is always nice to look beautiful and attractive. You don't have to spend a lot of money to do this. expensive clothes and cosmetics. It is important to know the tricks for choosing a stylish wardrobe.

When creating your image and choosing clothes, consider stylist advice:

  • Emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws: this applies to both clothes and makeup;
  • Dress appropriately for the event and setting.
  • The chosen image should be comfortable, not creating a feeling of inconvenience;
  • Wardrobe items should be combined with each other. Buying new thing, come up with several images with clothes already in the closet;
  • When choosing accessories and clothes, you need to take into account the image as a whole, and whether this thing harmonize with the rest of the details of the appearance;
  • Fashion trends should be used in your wardrobe in the context of your style, figure, color type and age.

How to choose clothes

Style is a reflection of a person's personality, features and lifestyle. When creating your image when choosing clothes, you need to consider:

  • External data: appearance color type, figure;
  • Age;
  • Your feelings, comfort;
  • Compliance with the situation;
  • Fashion trends.

Choosing clothes according to the color type of appearance

To look stylish and harmonious, you need to know which colors suit your type of appearance, and which ones make it pale and emphasize imperfections.

Black and white colors are for everyone, but don't limit yourself to just them. Bright saturated or pastel colors cheer up, emphasize individuality.

There is a division of appearance types into 4 groups: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The classification is based on the warmth of hair and skin color. You can choose the colors of clothes and cosmetics, based on suitable type on the picture:

You can also select shades of color based on whether cold or warm tones prevail in appearance. Warm shades of clothing and makeup are suitable for a color type with a predominance of warm tones. Owners of a cold type of appearance will suit colors with cold tones.

Another option to determine whether the color is coming or not is to apply it to the face. If the color suits, it will refresh the face. If the shade is not suitable, then the face will look dull, inexpressive, there will be a desire to do makeup, tint something. Having trained in this way, you can determine for yourself the colors that go, and it will become easier to choose clothes.

Choosing clothes according to the type of figure

Not every item you like will fit. When choosing a wardrobe, it is important to take into account your characteristics: height, physique, body type.

There are five types female figures:

  • Hourglass - have ideal proportions, shoulders and hips are equal in width, the waist is narrow (about 20-30 cm narrower than the hips and chest).
  • Rectangle (banana) - a type of figure in which the chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, the waist is not very pronounced.
  • Pear (spoon) - differs in a more pronounced bottom and less voluminous upper part of the figure, the waist stands out well.
  • Apple is different rounded shoulders, voluminous hips, chest, waist and slender legs.
  • An inverted triangle is a shape in which rib cage much wider than the hips.

You need to choose clothes in such a way as to balance the proportions of the figure, make it more harmonious and feminine.

  • "Hourglass" can wear any clothes that do not change the proportionality of the top and bottom. Clothing should not be baggy and hide the dignity of the figure. You should choose outfits that emphasize the waist and avoid straight cuts and dense fabrics that will add weight;
  • "Rectangle" (banana)- a figure in which you need to create rounded shapes with clothes and emphasize the waist. You should choose models with belts, fitted. Pleated skirts, a tulip skirt, which give volume to the hips, are suitable for the bottom. Pants and jeans must be straight or skinny, welcome decorative inserts on pockets. Must be avoided elongated shirts, sweaters, as well as flowing fabrics.
  • "Pear". To make such a figure look more harmonious, you need to focus on the top: wear voluminous accessories, V-neck, shoulder pads, high-waisted dresses. The hips should be hidden: for the bottom, use darker colors compared to the top, straight cut. Unsuitable skinny trousers, tight top and accessories, large graphic at the bottom of the outfit.;
  • "Inverted Triangle" you need to hide wide shoulders with clothes and put emphasis on the hips. To do this, choose bouffant skirts, extended styles of trousers. Ruffles, bows, drapery on the bottom of the wardrobe will also improve the proportions of the image. "T" shape unsuitable tight-fitting monophonic things, round neckline and oversized collars.
  • "Apple" (circle). Here it is necessary to emphasize the advantages - magnificent breasts and slender legs and visually reduce the waist and abdomen. "Apple" needs to choose clothes with a V-neck, semi-fitted silhouette, high waistline. skinny pants, high heels slender legs are emphasized. The figure in the form of "O" fit dresses that will visually stretch the silhouette. Should not be worn too loose or too tight styles, short dresses and skirts, things with bright and large prints.

How to find your style in clothes by age

When creating an image, be sure to consider your age. So, clothes for twenty-year-olds will look inappropriate on a woman over 30-40 years old and vice versa. Acceptable at a young age short shorts, miniskirts and short dresses. After 30 years, such clothes often look defiant, even if the figure has no flaws. At this age, you need to be more attentive to details, choose more expensive basic things, pay more attention to how to find your style in clothes, if you don’t already have one.

After 40 years, also do not forget about femininity, follow fashion trends and not limited to the classics.

How to find your style according to lifestyle and status

When choosing a stylish wardrobe, you need to determine how long this or that activity takes and what image will be suitable for each type of activity.

So, a mother on maternity leave spends most of her time at home with her child and on walks. For this period of her life, she needs to have a good warm comfortable clothes for walks and high-quality beautiful home clothes. Exit outfits should also be, but not necessarily in large numbers.

Girls working in the office should focus on the wardrobe for work, as this is where she spends most of her time. It is important to consider the dress code here.

A well-chosen image gives a feeling of comfort, harmony and self-confidence. To find your own style in clothes, you need not be afraid to experiment, try on your favorite outfits and do not forget about the features of your appearance.

Watch a video about what distinguishes a stylish woman and how to find your style in clothes:

In recent years, the profession of an image maker is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more new projects dedicated to the intricacies of creating an image appear on the screen. But does the creation of a style, an image, include the “right” suit, fashionable styling and current perfumes? What does the image really affect and how to create the desired image? "Passion" decided to find out by sending their correspondent to an image agency for a consultation. This is her story today.

Let's start with the fact that the task of the editors came in handy - for a long time something vaguely did not suit me in myself. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were comfortable and “mine” 100%. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

For changes, I went to the image agency "Stylish Person".

Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

“Each of us is our own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements. visual form(hairstyle, clothes, make-up, accessories, manicure), behaviors (hike, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, life, home).

Our appearance says a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The goal of an image stylist is to help you become an expert in shaping your look. Our goal is to help you realize, perhaps re-remember and update through style your own "I"

Stage 1. Color

A person, perceiving the environment, reacts first to the color, and then to the form. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on a common theory, from birth a person belongs to one of them. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, make-up and accessories are selected accordingly. Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

Spring is a warm type bright sign - thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades - golden, straw, honey. Eyes - light blue, amber, gray, but always - light and transparent.

Autumn- this is also a warm, but more "saturated" color type. Autumn people naturally have red, copper, or bronze hair, possibly with brown tones. The skin tone is not as transparent as in spring, more dense. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone summer skin- cold, light, pinkish-bluish. Hair - from light blonde to dark brown, but always with light brown or ashy undertones. summer may be contrasting (this is a more saturated type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

Winter- This is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, light skin and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrast (bright skin and dark hair) non-contrasting (dark olive skin tone and dark hair).

In order to determine whether you are warm or cold color type,

bring to your face first warm, and then cold tones of the same color. You will surely notice that against the background of one of the tones, the color of your face will turn out to be healthier, its colors will “play out”. “Not your own” tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

(While I was learning to match tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my clothes seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked “pale” in them).

After you determine your color type, it will become much easier to select the most winning clothes. Incidentally, tone discrimination in no way limits your color choice- any color can be "warm" or "cold". The saturation of the color also does not affect its warmth or coldness, even a bright red hue can be cold.

So, for example, my color type is non-contrasting winter- correspond to cold, clean, bright colours. If the shade is red, then - raspberry, blue - indigo and snow-blue, green - emerald and malachite, gray - graphite and anthracite shades. (Yes, with a yellow blouse, orange turtleneck and brown dress have to say goodbye...)

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Shades of summer: blue - gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown - a shade of cocoa, pinkish brown, yellow - shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red - burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without an admixture of yellow in the color (if red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

Spring corresponds to a warm light transparent gamma. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, light green, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. Black spring is best not to use.

Autumn- these are warm saturated thick colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, baked milk - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during leaf fall and harvest. Now is the time to take a closer look at her colors in order to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

Stage 2. The form

Body type and its correction

Each of us is unique, but there are only a few types of female figures (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to pick up clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages!

At this stage, I mentally weeded out the next part of the wardrobe and even more clearly understood why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, and in others, not at all edgy and seemingly not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all in the details.

For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make wide shoulders visually even wider); or in the cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in this case- the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

Girls with broad shoulders vertical fasteners are recommended, no gathers along the shoulder line, narrow long lapels of jackets. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, American armhole, large pattern, raglan are suitable.

For wide hips recommended: mid-knee length of dresses and skirts and slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or wraps, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - yoke skirts, with pleats, wide trousers, multiple vertical stripes on trousers, accents on the waist and hips, voluminous texture of the fabric.

High growth can be adjusted as follows: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and bright accents shift down (border, belts, bracelets). low stature corrected, of course, by a heel and a shift in emphasis, on the contrary, upwards - brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

big breasts, if necessary, visually corrected with dark tones, narrow cutouts and a high smell. Small breasts can be visually enlarged with blouses on yokes with gathers above the chest, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our consciousness is filled with many incorrect stereotypes related to clothing. For example, fat people often worn dark tones, believing that the dark slims. To think so is to confuse form and color.

So beloved by many black color visually compacts the shape, creates a feeling of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with magnificent forms. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and you need to adjust the figure with the help of clothing proportions.

Another of our mass delusions is that a vertical strip is slimming. Actually one vertical line (for example, a zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and higher, but in the plural - wider and lower! Above and already the form makes the plural horizontal line! (Remember this when choosing clothes).

Stage 3. Accessories

Accessories are additions to the image, which, like clothes, can correct the figure and the perception of people around you. The area that will be highlighted by the accessory will, firstly, draw attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

How to find your style? Image Maker Tips

For example, large beautiful earrings your eyes will immediately highlight, and a flying scarf will highlight your gait. beautiful wrists bracelets are highlighted. The opposite effect: if you don't want to accentuate a part of your body, don't highlight it with an accessory.

When choosing accessories, body proportions are taken into account: for slender figures narrow bags are selected, thin heels and capes of shoes, for "voluminous" figures and bags should be voluminous, heels - stable (this harmonizes general form figures).

Secrets from stylists: the toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the neckline of the garment should be similar to the shape of the face.

Stage 4. Style

However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create an image should obey your individual style direction (sporty, romantic, classic, etc.)

Any of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. And this means that things, colors, textures, accessories of exactly the style to which your appearance can be attributed to will most emphasize individuality and most fully reveal the “I”.

Your personal style direction is the core, the basis of appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will match the occasion, reflect your personality and emphasize unique features. These features - your "zest", giving each of the women a unique charm, are bestowed on us from birth.

Alas, complexes modern views on the feminine beauty, generally accepted "ideals", authoritarian views modern society, pressure large companies in the field of fashion, etc. often force us to join in the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves, our unique history.

The task of real image makers is not just to pick up a pair of outfits for you different cases, but to “pull out” your own “I” from you, emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, help you find yourself.

And a specific image (business lady, shepherdesses, resort girls, vamp women) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will emphasize, and not obscure you.

The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, as it seemed to me, creates the desired image - gentle blouses(similar to the one in my BEFORE photo), skirts with frills and dresses with spaghetti straps. Strange, but in these outfits and stilettos, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, in wide trousers with many details and ballet flats.

It turned out that "feminine", in my opinion, frills, floral patterns etc. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sport - suggested a more mature image, carrying the ideas of mystery, sophistication, hidden sensuality.

Stage 5 Hair and makeup

Everyone knows that the hairstyle should match the situation. Indeed, careful styling and albeit velvety, but sport suit look pretty silly. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as makeup, should match your color type and style.

My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) did not require any major changes. She remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

Irina Pchelina: “We decided to shade individual short strands- this will “break” the total mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game - quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - it was straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more characteristic of the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, one horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanya's face

Results and conclusions

    Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But on the other hand, the selected one turns out to be “100% our own”. And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - after all, you don’t buy inappropriate things, wardrobe “ballast”

    The best style is your own. Often it is "buried" deep, but the more joyful are the changes that occur as you return to your "I".

    Following standards can make us attractive. But we become beyond competition, emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

Thank you for your help in creating the material
image agency "Stylish Person".

How to choose things that will be really high quality and also stylish? What to look for, besides the brand? We will talk about several parameters by which you can distinguish good thing from the one that is hidden behind a well-known name, but the quality is no different from analogues from China. Note that we focus not on price, but on quality.

1. Shirt

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the material. A quality shirt will be made from 100% cotton. Tencel shirts are especially appreciated - natural fabric, which has the advantages of cotton, silk, linen and wool, but is devoid of their disadvantages.

Previously, the problem with 100% cotton shirts was that they wrinkled a lot, creases formed on them, and this affected the appearance. However, this problem has long been solved, and there are shirts on the market made of modern organic materials, such as Non iron cotton. Shirts made from these materials do not wrinkle and do not require steaming.

The quality of cotton can be determined by its origin. One of the most the best views cotton are considered Albini, Egyptian, Sea Island and Supima. If you choose a shirt and notice on the tag an inscription that cotton is used in the composition, for example, Albini, then feel free to take it: it will be comfortable to wear such a shirt. But if you do not go into such details, but talk about countries, then fabrics from Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain or France are the flagships of modern "fabric industry".

Buttonholes on a shirt high class swept by hand. By the way, expensive shirt can be distinguished by the quality of the buttons. They can be made of natural mother-of-pearl, bone, horns and other materials. The seams should be as inconspicuous as possible, even, without protruding threads.

Now a few words about the selection of shirts by color. For a classic suit, it is better to choose a shirt close to the color of the jacket. Under neutral black and gray solid suits, most of the colors are suitable. There is one obligatory rule when choosing a shirt: it should be lighter than the jacket, and the tie should be darker than the shirt. This combination of colors will show other people that you have a sense of style.

2. Pants

More materials are used for trousers than for shirts, and this can confuse a person who does not understand anything about this topic. The classic trouser material is tweed. This material retains heat well. Wool is also a common material for trousers. Contrary to the delusion wool trousers suitable not only for the cold season, but also for summer, if "cold" types of wool are used as the material. In addition to these common materials, trousers are sewn from cotton, linen, velvet, velor, mohair, cashmere and other fabrics.

Although the lining does not mean high quality, nevertheless, its presence improves comfort. The best linings for trousers are cotton, viscose and cupro. Cupro material is used only in expensive trousers, so when you see it on the tag as a lining material, know that you have a thing in front of you. High Quality.

By the way, some expensive trousers have a Split Waistband cutout on the back of the belt, the presence of which increases wearing comfort.

As for the outer part, it is not so difficult to determine the high quality of trousers. The cut of trousers should be smooth, without sharp lines, repeating the outlines of the legs. If you choose pants with a pattern, such as checkered or striped, then pay attention to the pattern match.

Like shirts, quality trousers have buttons made from mother-of-pearl, bone, horns, and other expensive materials. High-quality trousers are fastened with at least two buttons.

You can distinguish classic trousers from informal ones (like chinos) not only in appearance, but also in pockets. In classic trousers, they perform a decorative role and are not designed to be folded. a large number items.

Some expensive models use MF STITCHING technology - mechanical stitching that imitates manual work. With the help of this technology, pockets or lapels of trousers are processed.

3. Jacket

Quality jackets are made from Super 100”s wool. Such an index indicates that wool with a fiber diameter of up to 18.5 microns was used to sew the jacket. By the way, jackets with this index are sewn only from natural materials. There is also fabric with a higher Super 150”s index. It is used for tailoring premium jackets. A Super 150”s jacket is lighter than Super 100”s, does not wrinkle, and quickly returns to its original shape. The lining for expensive suits is made of silk, viscose or cupro. The synthetic lining not only does not breathe, but also quickly becomes unusable, which also affects comfort. By the way, this is one of the parameters by which you can determine whether you have chosen a high-quality model or a budget one that will lose its appearance quite quickly.

In addition to the material, a high-quality jacket can also be distinguished by wearing comfort. Good jacket does not restrict movement in the shoulder area, its lapels fit snugly to the sides, when worn, creases do not appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back and buttons. The vent of a quality jacket should not diverge even when the jacket is buttoned up.

You can also tell the quality of a jacket by looking at the pockets. They must fulfill their function. Remember, we said earlier that pockets in trousers are made for decorative purposes, so the only piece of clothing where small items can be placed is a jacket.

Buttons, as well as in shirts and trousers, are made of mother-of-pearl, bone or horn.

There are several specific details that allow you to determine that you have a suit worthy of being worn by a member of the royal family:

1. On expensive jackets, an additional overcasting thread is sometimes used on the shoulders and pockets. It’s easy to notice, and thanks to this technique, the clothes look like they were made to order.
2. Also, in expensive and high-quality models, several lining materials can be used. This makes the jacket more comfortable. But keep in mind: for such clothes you have to pay more money.
3. "Kissing buttons" is a sign that you have a quality jacket in front of you. The bottom line is that each button covers part of the next, which looks very cool.
4. Use as an internal filling of the jacket shelf horse hair. The shelf is not glued with a cushioning material, and horsehair canvas is attached to it over the entire surface with a special thread connection. As you can understand, such a filler can only be in an expensive jacket.
5. One-piece inner pocket cut. A very difficult job, so if you notice such a detail in a jacket, you will be sure that you have a high-quality jacket in front of you.

4. Shoes

High-quality shoes are made only from leather - this is clear to any person. But what kind of leather is used in expensive and durable models? The best shoes are made from cowhide, calfskin, or horsehide. Shoes from calf leather soft, strong and durable. Shoes made of horseskin can be distinguished by their brilliance, and in quality they are even better than those made of calfskin. For classic clothes, you can choose shoes made of smooth leather, while for more informal, you can take suede shoes. Another parameter that is often forgotten to evaluate is the same texture and color of the skin. If the shoes are made from different batches of leather, then outwardly they will differ from each other, but it is not easy to notice this. However, if you see at least a slight difference in texture and color, then it is better to choose other shoes, as the shoes will wear out in different ways.

The sole of expensive shoes is made of leather, but keep in mind that it needs to be looked after. For leather sole need for prevention. In addition to leather, high-quality shoes use a two-layer polyurethane sole. But if the seller tries to give you shoes with soles made of polyvinyl chloride or thermoplastic elastomer, then look at him as an ignoramus and ask him not to fool your head.

The sole in high-quality shoes is attached with threads and glue, as well as by vulcanization. The sole and seams should be neat, without traces of glue, poorly stitched parts and protruding threads.

Another sign by which you can determine the high quality of shoes is the absence of dents when pressed.

If you want to look stylish, then choose shoes a tone or several shades darker than trousers.

5. Accessories

It will not be possible to dwell on each of the accessories in detail due to the fact that their description will take many pages that are unlikely to be interesting to read. In short, a quality trouser belt is made only from genuine cow or calf leather. Its edges should not be square, but slightly rounded. Good leather belt does not stretch much, which indicates the presence of only natural materials, but not hard, which means the right technology processing. And, of course, the seam should be even, without protruding threads. You can also distinguish a high-quality belt by a cut on which layers of leather will be visible.

The tie must be made of silk, wool or cashmere. On a quality tie, there should be locking stitches at the bottom and top. In addition, on reverse side A good tie has a loop that holds the narrow end of the tie.

A bow tie should also be made of silk, wool or cashmere.

The briefcase should be made only of leather - no leatherette and synthetics! A high-quality briefcase is made of calfskin. One of the indicators of high quality is dressing. The skin should be smooth or fine-grained. Fittings are made of steel or aluminum. Pay attention to the seams: in a quality briefcase, they will be the same color as the material.

You can buy the clothes, shoes and accessories presented above in the BML store. Why exactly him? You yourself can evaluate the quality of clothes from this brand from photos, but if we talk about the facts that BML is better than many other brands, then these are:

1. The use of the above advantages in clothing (naturally, not at the same time: in different models- various technologies), for example, kissing buttons, Colombian basting, cutting the inner pocket from a single material and other interesting design and visual improvements that other manufacturers either do not have, or such things are sold at double or even triple the price.
2. Development of tailoring traditions. Most of the clothing items from BML are made by hand, even when creating ready-to-wear.
3. Quality like Brioni, and at the same time the price is measured not by six, but by five figures.
4. Variety. In the shop you will find formal suit, the wearing of which will give you the approval of your superiors and the respect of colleagues at work, and light clothes for informal meetings, in which you can come to a stylish club and relax with friends.

In addition, it is worth noting separately that BML, unlike many modern stylish clothing stores, has its own, in which you can choose clothes not only from pictures, but also touch and compare in terms of the quality of details. In addition, unlike buying online, BML outlets will help you find clothes that suit your figure and your style. By the way, the outlet consultants know about all the above parameters by which you can choose quality items, so you can be sure that you will not be slipped a cheap shirt or jacket instead of good clothes.

What to do if clothes, once very fashionable, are no longer pleasing to the eye, if you really want to update your battered wardrobe, but as always there is not enough free money? We offer you a way to create the impression of a new extensive wardrobe at a low cost.

The first step to the appearance of new models of clothing in your wardrobe will be a complete revision of the existing women's clothing. First of all, remove all your belongings from wardrobes, chests of drawers, wardrobes, including underwear, tights, jewelry, women's accessories, etc. - Well, how did it turn out to be a big pile?

Divide everything that is removed from the cabinets into three separate groups:

  • Group 1. Permanent wear
  • Group 2. Clothing worn from time to time
  • Group 3. Clothes that lie idle for a year or even more

Concerning underwear, then it must also be carefully analyzed and tried on, and left only if:

  • bra or bodysuit straps do not cut into the shoulders, and for big breast wide straps are more suitable;
  • bra cups fit the chest well, not allowing it to stick out from the sides or from below;
  • the length of the straps is such that the bra just lifts and supports the chest;
  • the cut of the bra cups is such that you feel only comfort and no inconvenience, for example, when raising your arms up, turning, tilting, and so on;
  • panties well tighten the stomach and emphasize the waist, if necessary;
  • panties do not dig into the body on the hips and do not move out when walking;
  • linen has not lost its elasticity and shape, has not shed from repeated washings.

Throw away all underwear that does not meet these requirements! Don't spoil yourself!

When sorting out your tights, send to the basket:

  • tights with puffs, and even more so with arrows or holes;
  • pantyhose not your size;
  • tights with lurex, light, if you don't want your legs to look fuller;
  • tights with a pattern if you don't like it or are out of fashion for a long time.

Return to your groups

All your Group 1 clothes should go back to the closet, because getting rid of them will be the strongest stress for the body, besides, most likely, you are comfortable and comfortable in these clothes, and they are still quite new and fashionable.

Most likely, Group 2 contains various festive, evening wear for various events (wedding, going out, vacation). You also return it to its place, but be sure to buy something new for all things - give them a new life.

We got to Group 3. Here, show ruthlessness and throw everything away: as they say, out of sight, out of mind. It is not necessary to look at the fact that it is in this group that perhaps the most clothes are a whole mountain. You need to get rid of her! Most likely, this is no longer new, far from fashionable and not stylish clothes, which does not suit your type of figure, according to the silhouette and your color type, finally, it can remind you of the life that has remained for you in the past.

Now deal with the decorations

You don't need:

  • broken, scratched, worn bracelets, brooches, earrings, etc.
  • bracelets are not in size;
  • out of fashion, outdated jewelry;
  • jewelry that doesn't match your facial features.

Similarly, we disassemble our shoes, bags and belts, get rid of everything old, unfashionable, not suitable for the type of figure, not corresponding to your color palette.

Free up space in your closet? Then, having taken into account some rules, we go to replenish our wardrobe.

Step 2: Wardrobe Savings Secrets

You have carried out a complete revision of your wardrobe and got rid of clothes that are not suitable for you in terms of figure and color type of appearance, and now you can start looking for a new wardrobe.

But, before you go to the store to buy new models of clothes, think about which option is closer to you?

  1. A closet full of various women's clothing, but at the same time you are constantly tormented by the question "What to wear?"
  2. At first glance, there are not so many things, but they are all perfectly combined with each other, and there is no end to your outfits.

The first situation happens mainly for the following reasons:

All your clothing models have been purchased:

  • at sales (“Oh! what a discount! Yes, and my size, I’ll take it, perhaps”);
  • impulsively ("Blouse-otpad! And what if it comes in handy!");
  • because it is fashionable (“I simply have to buy this hit of the season”);
  • persuaded ("And nothing color, take it!");
  • I finally need to buy something (“I don’t have a single skirt in my wardrobe, I have to buy it”);
  • they gave me a salary (“I need to buy something for myself!”);
  • other options are also possible.

Of course, a reasonable woman will make her choice in favor of the second option. In this case, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  1. Make up your wardrobe exclusively from mutually compatible things that will complement each other. How to do it? There are two main conditions for this: simplicity of styles and a single color scheme that best suits your appearance color type.
  2. Without stylish, tastefully selected women's accessories for your clothing models, it will not be possible to create an interesting, attractive, memorable look.
  3. Don't buy clothes spontaneously. Plan your purchases carefully. Take a rational approach. First of all, create the basis of your wardrobe, the minimum that will allow you to feel calm in most situations.
  4. You can afford to buy extravagant, decorative women's clothing only after you form a basic wardrobe from simple things.
  5. A great option is a wardrobe in a classic style. It is the classic style that is distinguished by the simplicity of styles, the nobility of silhouettes and the elegance of lines. Classic clothing is always relevant, suitable for almost all occasions. Good, high-quality, classic things will serve their owner long years and will never go out of fashion.

What is the first thing about clothing? classical style? These are things that are not overloaded with details and have a regular, simple, classic cut. These clothes include:

But to prevent your wardrobe from looking simple and boring with such classic pieces, use the following ideas:

  • the fabric from which the clothes are sewn should be modern, fashionable in texture, the nature of the fibers, etc.
  • the cut of the model should be elegant, with noble lines
  • tailoring quality must be impeccable

Learned the basic rules for shopping for fashionable women's clothing. Move on.

Step 3. Clothes for an economical wardrobe

Now let's answer specific question- where to start choosing clothes for a new wardrobe?

Firstly, it would be nice to choose the so-called "primary color" of your future wardrobe. Here, of course, every woman has her own priorities, but it is necessary that the color be to the face, belong to neutral or near-neutral shades, since it will be present in almost all combinations of your wardrobe. It also does not hurt to remember your color type. Neutral colors include black, white, beige, sand, etc. Near-neutral colors include gray, brown, dark blue, cherry, etc.

Secondly, choose a direct convenient plain dress, suitable shade. The material for the dress can be linen, cotton, wool - it all depends on local weather conditions. The style of the dress is also selected taking into account the features of the figure. We emphasize the advantages as much as possible and hide the shortcomings. Immediately, on the spot, we choose a jacket or cardigan for the dress, knowing for sure that we will wear it with other things too. This means that the length of the jacket should not be higher than the waistline.

Thirdly, we buy ourselves a plain two-piece suit of the same neutral color. The basic rule is that the top and bottom of the suit should be made from the same fabric. Again, we select the style of the skirt and blouse, taking into account the features of the figure.

Fourth, we get another two-piece suit, but already multi-colored. Here we adhere to the following points:

  • in the pattern of the fabric, your main color of the wardrobe, as well as other colors, must be present;
  • the top and bottom of the suit must be sewn, again, from the same fabric;
  • the design of the costume can be absolutely anything, but it will have to match the rest of your clothes;
  • the cut of a multi-colored suit may differ from the cut of a monophonic one; instead of a skirt, there may be trousers;
  • when choosing a suit, remember that we will combine its elements both with the first suit and with the jacket.

Fifth, it's time to choose the second primary color, which should be combined with the first, that is, if the first color was black, then the second will be, for example, gray. We select a sweater (blazer), as well as a skirt or trousers of this color. These things should go well with each other, but do not aim for them to be the same. You can vary with the texture of the fabric.

Next, we select for ourselves two or three tops of one of the colors of our multi-color suit, but completely different fabrics and styles. There may be buttons, zippers, collars, straps. In any case, all this will be combined with the things already selected. We add a couple more skirts or trousers to everything, again using one of the colors of the multicolor suit.

Thus, we get

  • the dress
  • jacket
  • neutral two-piece suit
  • a multi-coloured two-piece suit that will set the tone for your wardrobe and go with everything else
  • blazer or sweater
  • a pair of trousers/skirts in the second base color with an interesting structure
  • several blouses / tops / blouses in a neutral color that can be worn with any things

All this can be combined with each other, giving out many options, especially if you choose the right women's accessories and jewelry. Or add new things in other neutral colors or multi-colored.

Step 4. Clothing patterns for an economical wardrobe. Option two

The first selection of clothing models is here.

With a limited number Money, you can create the impression of a very extensive wardrobe. To do this, it is necessary to withstand all purchased clothing models in one color solution consisting of two tones.

What will it give you?

Firstly, absolutely all your clothing models will be mutually compatible. Thus, having shown a little imagination, you will always look stylish and unique, and others will get the impression that you just have a huge wardrobe.

Secondly, choosing simple, classic models clothes without unnecessary details, you will create a wardrobe that will be relevant for several seasons, saving a lot of money.

Thirdly, You will no longer doubt whether it is worth wearing certain things together or not, as you will have a fully compatible wardrobe.

So that a wardrobe designed in just two colors does not turn out to be boring and nondescript, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose two colors (primary and secondary), which, firstly, suit your type of appearance or color type, and secondly, are fashionable and relevant.
  2. Stick to your chosen shades exactly, you don't need to choose things "almost the same tone" or "close to the chosen one" - otherwise your clothes will not be completely mutually compatible.
  3. When choosing clothing models, pay attention not only to plain fabrics, but also fabrics with stripes, peas, a cage, floral ornaments- everything that suits your appearance, but stick to the chosen two tones.
  4. Experiment with textures and types of fabrics. If you like knitted or knitted things - feel free to take it. Suede, leather, tweed, boucle, corduroy, etc. - thanks to them, the wardrobe will become even more diverse.
  5. Don't forget about big variety various women's accessories. Neckerchiefs, belts, bags, shoes, jewelry and much more will help to make female image interesting, unique and memorable.

We offer several win-win options color combinations, choose the color pair that best suits your appearance color type, or come up with your own.

  • black and white;
  • dark blue and gray;
  • black and light gray;
  • black and walnut;
  • dark blue and white;
  • dark cherry and white;
  • red and white;
  • Red and black;
  • chocolate and beige;
  • light brown and cream;
  • gray plus lilac, etc.

Thus, thanks to this approach to the selection of clothing models for your new wardrobe, you will create your own unique style, spend less funds and, besides, all your things will be perfectly combined with each other!

Step 5. Spectacular evening dress at no extra cost

Almost every woman, regardless of her age and social status, faces situations when it is simply necessary to look especially elegant and attractive. For some women, such situations happen very often, for others the opportunity to "go out" is extremely rare, however, both the first and second will feel especially confident in a well-chosen evening dress.

When a woman has fairly large financial opportunities, as a rule, she does not special work choose your evening dress. She can afford to choose outfits for each specific occasion. But what about those who have more modest financial opportunities, or priorities in the family are set differently (perhaps most of the funds go to educate children, or support their parents, etc.).

If you belong to the second category of women, then it would be most reasonable for you to follow the following tips:

Tip 1. Instead of buying an evening dress, give preference to two or three elements of an evening suit, which can later be combined with each other. To get started, purchase, for example, an elegant evening velvet skirt or velvet trousers.

Tip 2. Complement this skirt or pants with a beautiful, sparkly, low-cut top, and evening dress ready.

Tip 3. For another occasion, you can purchase a spectacular blouse made of satin or guipure for the same skirt or trousers - that’s perfect for you new version evening wear.

Tip 4. A to new blouse if necessary, you can buy, for example, chiffon trousers.

Tip 5 Buying evening clothes, you seem to be leading a single chain and, moreover, save money, since a skirt or blouse is much cheaper than an evening dress.

Tip 6 To make your clothes perfectly match each other, choose the classics without unnecessary additional details. Simplicity and elegance are your true friend.

Tip 7. It's no secret that evening colors are mostly dark colors. First of all, of course, black is the color of nobility and sophistication and elegance. No less spectacular is the red color - the sexiest color. Very good for the evening: dark blue, dark green, dark cherry, burgundy. But best solution there will be a choice of the main color for the evening wardrobe from the palette of shades most suitable for your appearance.

Tip 8 Pay special attention to accessories, they will perfectly complement your outfit and add irresistibility to you.

Everyone knows that it is very often difficult for a woman with magnificent forms to find a suitable evening dress for a special occasion. Previously, it was almost impossible to find a beautiful, spectacular and inexpensive evening dress, all the more complete. It's good that the situation is today radically has changed. However, it will be easier for you to choose an evening dress if you take into account a few recommendations.

A few tips for choosing an evening dress for a full woman:

  1. The first step in choosing a stunning evening dress is taking your measurements. It is better to entrust such a thing to a professional - for example, in the same store for full ones for a small price they will definitely help you. But, if you prefer to measure yourself, then it is better to use a vinyl or cloth meter for measurements and be sure to measure over your underwear. Measure your waist, hips, bust and write down your measurements in inches (1 inch = 2.5 cm) and centimeters.
  2. When choosing an evening dress, remember that they hide perfectly excess weight in the abdomen, thighs and legs ball dresses. If you have puffy chest, pay attention to V-necks If you want to look slimmer, choose an A-line dress. Use different accents to draw attention to the advantages of your figure, such as frills, ruffles, etc.
  3. Remember that evening wear is usually one or two sizes smaller than everyday wear, so when choosing an evening dress, be guided not by the size, but by the parameters of your figure.
  4. Do not be discouraged if the first time you do not find anything suitable for yourself, keep looking. Let you spend some time looking for an evening dress, but in the end you will find a dress in which you will be irresistible and feel great.

We hope that now you will no longer have the thought: "nothing to wear"! You can safely be invited to the theater, to a restaurant or just to visit for an anniversary. And you will still choose which evening dress will be most suitable for this particular occasion.

Taking advantage of these simple advice, You will provide yourself with spectacular evening wear, save your money and look unique and amazing every time.

The article is provided by the clothing website "Closet"


some bullshit in my opinion

02/26/2010 00:14:00, nikav

not too informative

01/27/2010 01:03:09 PM, luzero

Comment on the article "How to choose new clothes for yourself and save money at the same time?"

Wardrobe teenager - girls. Clothes, shoes. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, vocational guidance, exams, olympiads, Unified State Examination, preparation for a university.


I'm 12 and this is my advice. First, you need a basic wardrobe.
Usually I have it: Skinny blue jeans, torn blue, white, red, black and pale pink t shirt, convenient warm dress, sweater, sweatshirt, sweatshirt, jacket (sweatshirt type) of a delicate shade, longsleeve. And for warmer weather: a skirt, a denim skirt, denim shorts, regular shorts, top, two T-shirts, gray oversized cardigan, straight.
Leather Jacket
Jean jacket
Down jacket.
Sandals, sandals with heels, two pairs of sneakers and one pair of sneakers (new ones will be needed soon), warm boots, black low on late autumn and spring with lacing, black with a metal insert for early autumn, flip flops, silver platform boots.
To school
2 skirts
2 white shirts
1 blue
1 blue
school jacket
One shirt from the fifth grade is also white.
Sport suit.
On the holidays.
One fit. dress, one free (but no less beautiful) blue blouse under the skirt
In general, in my opinion, this is a worthy example of a wardrobe :) you can add something, but everything suits me

01/23/2019 18:05:33, Marra

I'm 13 and I need to go to school
2 short sleeve
2 long sleeve
1 blouse
2 skirts one sun pleated the other
1 trousers with arrows
1 long vest
1 long warm blue jacket
1 jacket with buttons
1 shoes

08/18/2017 10:18:49 AM, Olya Shkatova

How to choose new clothes and save money at the same time? Don't buy clothes spontaneously. Elegant winter outerwear, but not a fur coat. What then? Clothing for children: choose the right one. For a girl - a schoolgirl for the winter - what to buy? Which winter coat choose for...


down coat + set of jacket pants ..... otherwise nothing ..... either on a walk like cabbage or at school in the cold

In general, I made a choice, I will take down coat and a jacket/pants set, maybe IcePeak.
Thank you ladies for your patience and advice!

At the same time, the girls were very pretty and in proper clothes would look great. But alas - teenage herd feeling plus Explain that with certain features of the figure it is better to choose certain models? And what suits her friend well isn't...


no matter what I do, my daughter will still wear only what she personally likes. and everything that she does not like, but bought at her mother's request, will hang in the closet.
I scored, I buy only for the season, only with a child BUT only what suits both.
After going to the store, I usually get sick for a couple of days.

09/16/2010 19:17:12, AP WITHOUT REGI

I just can’t understand what kind of jeans a la leggings we are talking about ...
Since last year, mine recognizes only such ones (by reference) - and I must say that they slim unusually! I admire this loudly, without mentioning that some x-shaped legs in them are more visible ...
And from this year (11 years) no advice (tactful and tactless) about clothes is accepted at all. Sharply and completely (All by myself...

How to choose the right jacket, pants, shoes, etc. for autumn, winter Maybe some subtleties in tailoring, fabrics. In terms of size, how to choose, take a little more to go on the trail. a year is enough or not? Should I take double shoes? Last year they wrapped it in an envelope that we ...

Clothing for children: choose the right one. Choosing clothes for the little ones is not an easy task. Every age period baby clothes, shoes. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development ...


My senior from the age of 2 chose things for himself, went to stores with pleasure and tried on half a department, the sellers were always shocked, especially when they chose turtlenecks for kindergarten: a child at 2 and a half years old measured and chose turtlenecks for about an hour, often with a narrow throat, and children do not like such clothes. As a result, we bought 3 turtlenecks, which I wore with great pleasure. And so in everything. Now he has become calmer, but if the clothes are categorically not to his taste, he will not wear them.

As for the shorts, Sevushka has such a structure of her legs (mother's mother) that almost all short shorts rub: ((Shorts like girlish bike shorts go well, i.e. cotton, close-fitting and just below the knees, she loves such shorts tenderly , he takes it out of the chest of drawers and changes clothes if I suddenly put on others. loose shorts below the knees.
Look carefully, maybe those shorts that you offer the baby are just uncomfortable ??? need other models?
I like T-shirts with a free neck, so that it is easy to take off and put on, sleeveless T-shirts, like T-shirts, both do not like. More precisely T-shirts need to be carefully selected.

I have a child from the age of 3 who chooses his clothes only by himself, in the store he chooses his T-shirts and sweaters (he doesn’t care much about pants and shorts - they don’t always have a pattern), socks, sneakers and sandals too,
then he wears what he chooses
but we don’t have a special love for old things, when he buys a new thing for himself, he wants to wear only it for some time
problems and conflicts arose before, when he wanted to dress out of order, for example, once his father allowed him to go to the museum in pajamas, nothing, they went normally (well, of course, this was an extreme case)
(now by the age of 6 he already understands no less where they go in, the clothes are divided into 3 piles-ceremonial-day off, for going out to the city and visiting, and for local walks on the playground, and he chooses clothes from desired heap)

maybe you can go with your child to an inexpensive store, bring him to a stand with bright T-shirts with cartoon characters, let him choose, there are also bright shorts, what he bought himself, for sure, he will want to wear, buying expensive good things in this way is, of course, risky ,
but a few not expensive T-shirts for rest are quite possible

As it is correct, I don't know :). But usually for kids, clothes, first of all, are different in height, the volume is not so much. I'll be my child from birth to a year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Advice on how to choose the right size...

In general, you need to somehow persuade, to bet on something beautiful, or I say that fuu this dirty thing needs to be washed, let's throw it in the washer and put on a clean one :)

You can’t dress out of season with us, because off-season things are removed on the mezzanine. And about the selection of clothes - I choose mostly, Polka does not mind yet. I don’t want to wear a T-shirt at most, for example. Well, he doesn't want to, and he doesn't have to. Or it will be hot in my jacket, then I offer an alternative - a sweater. It seems to me that it is necessary to give a choice, but limited, for example, a few things, suitable friend to lay out to a friend, offer to choose from them which pants we will put on, and which blouse will you choose for them? So the child makes decisions on his own and the mother of the child is pleased to see :) In general limited choice saves in many situations.
As a child, my mother told me she had a favorite outfit - green woolen pants, an orange flowered flannelette dress sticking out from under a burgundy jacket from overalls (she refused to wear overalls) and a pink knitted scarf hat, you may remember those in our childhood were. It turned out to be a set - to get numb, if they tried to take it off - she lay down on the floor and screamed, and since I had to go to the garden, and my mother had to go to work, I had to lead in this. Maman says that only the fact that it was winter and it was still dark in the morning saved from shame :)