Why are dried fruits useful for pregnant women? Useful and harmful properties of dried apricots during pregnancy. An uncomplicated recipe for a drink made from dried fruits

Dried fruit compote is not a completely correct concept, since fruits have already passed the necessary processing during drying and often only need steaming to prepare the compote. If the dried fruits are boiled, then the percentage of vitamins will drop significantly, especially this applies. Nutritionists say that dried fruit compote healthier than compote cooked from. And yet, in the summer-autumn time, that is, in the season fresh berries and fruits, it is better to cook compotes and juices from fresh food, but dried fruits are more suitable for the winter-autumn period, when the body lacks fresh vitamins.

A drink made from dried berries and fruits will be a great addition to. Dried fruits are the owners of valuable vitamins, minerals and, therefore, not only the compote itself will be useful, but also the fruits from which it is prepared. For expectant mothers, it is better and tastier to cook compotes from a mixture of different fruits.

How to cook, recipe number 1:

  • Sort dried fruits and rinse under running water.
  • Fill cold water and leave overnight or at least 4 hours.
  • For 1 liter of water, you need to take 200 g of dried fruits, we do not add sugar, so as not to provoke the appearance of the unborn child.
  • Next, you need to boil the water and put dried fruits in it, when everything boils again, turn it off and close it with a lid.
  • Then cover the compote with a blanket or a warm towel and leave for at least 2 hours. Compote of prunes, dried apricots and raisins should be infused for about 6 hours.
  • Then, if necessary, filter the compote through a colander. If there is not enough acidity, you can add a couple of drops lemon juice or put a slice of lemon. For aroma, you can put a leaf of mint or linden in the compote for 10-15 minutes.

If you don't want to wait so long, because you want compote right now, you can use more quick recipe but at the same time a little less useful. In this recipe, the cooking time is reduced due to the fact that the fruits give the water useful substances not during the infusion, but during the cooking.

How to cook, recipe number 2:

  • We sort out the dried fruits and wash them under running water.
  • We put a pot of water on the fire and after boiling, we throw dried fruits into it in the same proportion - 200 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water. If you nevertheless decide to sweeten the compote with sugar, or fructose, then you can reduce the proportions: for 1 liter of water - 120 g of dried fruit. You add sugar to taste, but if you put dates, bananas or figs in the compote, it will be superfluous.
  • Pears and apples are cooked longer than all other dried fruits - 20 minutes, so we throw them first. It will be nice to pre-soak them for the same amount of minutes.
  • Prunes and raisins can be cooked in just 5-6 minutes. Prunes can help relieve constipation.
  • Cook dried apricots for 10 minutes, leave for 20.

Dried fruit compote when breastfeeding

A nursing mother should not immediately drink dried fruit compote. First, she should try each of its components separately. This will help identify unwanted reaction child for a particular product.

  • A nursing mother should not drink dried fruit compote c. This is due to the fact that in the first month the child may develop flatulence and bloating, many fruits only intensify this process.
  • Before trying compote, try eating dried fruit in the morning in a scanty amount and see if your child has a reaction by the end of the day. If everything is calm, then the next day you can try the same fruit again and at good condition baby on the third day to drink compote. More often colic and gas formation cause raisins and dried apricots, while for a two-hour baby's cry, only 1 thing is enough.
  • You can not drink prune compote if the child has frequent loose stools or diarrhea.
  • You should not add berries and fruits to the compote that cause - citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, mangoes.
  • The best option would be a compote from dried apples, bananas, pears.
  • You cannot make compote from a mixture of dried fruits, only one type is allowed. This will allow you to understand what exactly is not suitable for the child. Restrictions apply to mothers of babies up to 4 months old, when digestive imperfections may appear, then we mainly pay attention only to an allergic reaction.
  • For the first time, the compote should be drunk in the morning (until 11:00) in a volume not exceeding 50 ml, then within 2 days the baby's reaction should be monitored - the absence of rash, colic, bloating, diarrhea. The maximum portion in the future is 200 ml.
  • You should not drink dried fruit compote every day. Do not drink more than 700 ml of compote per week.

How to cook, recipe number 3

  • We wash and soak dried fruits hot water for 30 minutes.
  • Pour into boiling water at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter.
  • Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  • If you add sugar, it is worth boiling for another 5 minutes.

Compote is ready to eat as soon as it cools down to 50 degrees.

Dried fruit compote for babies

  • Children can be given from 4-6 months if they refuse juices, since juices are more valuable and healthy products for a child than compotes and fruit drinks until the age of 8 months.
  • To prepare compote, children need to choose dried fruits, not candied fruits. Candied fruits are fruits cooked in sugar syrup, they carry less use, and it is harmful to a child at this age. Dyes, flavorings, stabilizers are added to candied fruits.
  • At the first sample, the concentration should be 2–4 times lower.
  • The first week of getting used to it is better to give only the liquid part of the compote, then you can add the pulp, chopped in a blender or rubbed through a sieve, into it.
  • The familiar fruits from, are introduced first. This means that from 4-6 months you can offer pears and apples, from 7-8 - prunes, black currants, from 10 - dried apricots, raisins, raspberries. You should not prepare compote from a mixture of fruits until the child is used to each separately.
  • Maximum daily amount- 180 ml.

How to cook, recipe number 4:

  • We do not add sugar to the compote for babies.
  • Apples and pears are soaked until soft (45 minutes), then rinsed well under the tap to wash off adhering grains of sand, etc. Soak prunes, dried apricots and raisins for 30 minutes before cooking. Cut prunes and dried apricots into 2-4 slices.

It is better to boil compote for small children so that indigestion does not occur and so as not to get infection. Therefore, first we boil water for 10 minutes, then add dried fruits. For 1 liter of water - 100-120 g of dried fruits. Cook apples and pears for 25 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Cook the rest for 10 minutes, insist the same amount. We do not add sugar, herbs.

From 8 months you can use recipe number 5:

  • We sort out dried fruits, rinse, grind and pour over with boiling water.
  • Boil water for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the dried fruit into a thermos (120 g per liter of water) and pour boiling water over it, let it brew overnight.

Such compote will retain the maximum useful value, 8 hours is enough for the water to take most of the vitamins and minerals from the pulp.

It is good for children to cook compotes in a slow cooker. To do this, it is worth setting a special program for making compote. If there is none, then turn on the "Extinguishing" mode.

About the correct and tasty dried fruit compote in the program of Yulia Vysotskaya:

The diet of a woman carrying a baby is very important for her own health and for the full formation of a small organism. One of the controversial products, which until recently was prohibited for use by expectant mothers, is the well-known dried apricots - dried apricots. It contains a mass nutrients that will have a positive effect on the condition and health of women and children. Therefore, it will not be superfluous information about how it is useful for pregnant women and how to use it correctly so as not to harm anyone.

The benefits of dried apricots for pregnant women

Possessing general strengthening properties, dried apricots during pregnancy support the work of many systems of the woman's body, smoothing unpleasant moments carrying a baby. Its beneficial properties extend to full-fledged formation fruit, as dried apricots:

  • contains a large number of microelements (phosphorus, calcium strengthens the fetal inert system, magnesium is needed to treat anemia, iron, potassium is useful for the baby's muscles) and vitamins (A, PP, C, group B);
  • pectin and organic acids remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body;
  • fructose and glucose, being natural carbohydrates, satisfy the needs future mom in sweet without harm: they do not cause obesity, do not increase insulin levels in the blood;
  • prevents anemia, which is often found in pregnant women, improves the condition with it;
  • useful for women whose pregnancy takes place in autumn-winter period, as it saves from vitamin deficiency;
  • eases toxicosis;
  • has laxative properties, it is considered prophylactic from constipation, which are also common during the period of bearing a baby;
  • normalizes digestion, eliminates heartburn;
  • tidies up the pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a diuretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys, therefore dried apricots are often used by pregnant women from edema;
  • prevents teeth from crumbling, hair falling out, nails breaking;
  • improves memory.

Knowing how useful dried apricots are for pregnant women, you can use it purposefully: for example, from constipation or edema, preparing special decoctions and compotes on its basis. However, given its rather powerful effect on the body, you need to know the contraindications, in which dried apricots are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.


Very often, the benefits and harms of dried apricots for pregnant women go hand in hand: a woman, suffering from some chronic disease, calmly uses this product, which worsens his condition. Therefore, it is so important to know the contraindications in which these dried fruits are prohibited to everyone who is carrying a child:

  • hypotension;
  • allergy;
  • diarrhea;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition to these contraindications, you must also consider how to properly eat it for pregnant women.

Useful tips for choosing and eating dried apricots during pregnancy will help enhance the beneficial properties of this product for expectant mothers.

  1. Dried apricots are a concentrated product that should not be abused. The optimal dose for pregnant women is 100 grams daily (this is equivalent in value to 40 mg of an iron-containing drug and 300 grams of beef liver).
  2. The less dried apricots are subjected to heat treatment, the more useful properties it retains.
  3. Choose natural dried apricots, not very bright color: it should be matte with a grayish tint. Tough and elastic to the touch. If possible, look for Turkish dried apricots, which are considered to be of the highest quality.
  4. It is recommended to store in a dry, dark place.
  5. Soak the fruit for 15 minutes in warm water and rinse thoroughly.

Any dried apricot product will be beneficial during pregnancy. All kinds of drinks are especially effective - compotes, infusions, decoctions and cocktails.


This unique product you can eat in fresh, can be added to various dishes, and you can prepare drinks. For example, a decoction of dried apricots during pregnancy relieves swelling and is considered the best diuretic.

1. Compote

  • 150 gr dried apricots;
  • 100 grams of prunes;
  • ¼ glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the fruits for 15 minutes with hot water.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the dried apricots.
  3. Pour cold water, add granulated sugar.
  4. Bring to a boil, leave on low heat for 7 minutes.
  5. Close, leave for an hour.

Such compote from dried apricots and prunes during pregnancy has a laxative effect.

2. Broth

  • 500 gr dried apricots;
  • 2 liters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour hot water over the fruit.
  2. Put on low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. To cover with a lid.
  4. Cool down.

3. Cocktail

  • 250 gr dried apricots;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour hot water over the fruit.
  2. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain.
  4. Rub the fruits, combine with the broth.
  5. Close the lid.
  6. Leave for half an hour.
  7. Add honey.
  8. Beat thoroughly (you can use a blender).

It is always difficult for pregnant women to decide on their basic diet. Undoubtedly, dried apricots are the product that will facilitate the carrying of a baby and should be regularly added to the menu of a woman who is expecting a baby.

Dried apricots are apricot halves (pitted), which have lost some of the water during the drying process. Therefore, they contain a concentrate of the same vitamins as in fresh fruits.

The benefits of dried apricots during pregnancy

100 grams of dried apricots contains 241 calories, but at the same time the body receives a considerable amount of minerals and vitamins:

  • potassium- up to 1 162 mg, which provides 50% daily requirement in it during pregnancy.

Supports normal muscle function, including the muscles of the heart, which is why it is so necessary for pregnant women who often have leg cramps and heart rhythm problems.

Potassium is also involved in maintaining the water-salt balance in the cells of the body, thereby preventing water retention in the tissues of the body. Therefore, dried apricots are useful for women with a tendency to form edema.

Potassium deficiency increases the risk of developing pathologies in a child, up to a miscarriage.

  • silicon- 44 mg, which covers 50% of the daily requirement of a pregnant woman in this mineral.

Participates in the formation of fetal cartilage and bones, is necessary for normal blood clotting and development nervous system baby.

  • magnesium- up to 48.2 mg (this is 10% of the daily allowance for pregnant women).

Magnesium, along with potassium and vitamin D, promotes better calcium absorption. This tandem ensures the formation strong bones at the fetus.

In addition, magnesium relaxes smooth muscles, including the uterus, which is important for hypertonicity of the uterus. Magnesium deficiency leads to the risk of termination of pregnancy due to the tone of the uterus, and premature birth on later dates pregnancy.

  • iron- up to 6.0 mg (this is 10% of the daily value during pregnancy).

It participates in the formation of red blood cells - red blood cells that provide oxygen to the fetus and everything internal organs women.

With insufficient intake of iron in the body future mother iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women develops. This ailment is dangerous in that the fetus has hypoxia, which can lead to its developmental delay and even death.

  • beta carotene- up to 4.5 mg.

It is an antioxidant that protects against harmful influence free radicals... Vitamin enhances immunity, accelerates regenerative processes. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A when it is not sufficiently absorbed into the body.

  • vitamin B1 (thiamine)- 0.015 mg.

Thiamine regulates the nervous system of the expectant mother: it improves sleep and provides peace of mind. Also, vitamin B1 normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

For a baby, vitamin B1 is also necessary, it prevents the development of disorders of the nervous system.

  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin)- up to 0.065 mg.

Riboflavin is responsible for the growth of bone and muscle tissue of the unborn baby, increases overall immunity and accelerates the healing of the skin when cracks, wounds or ulcers appear.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps increase the body's resistance to infection. In spring and autumn, this vitamin should be supplied to the body more, since it is most weakened during these seasons.

  • vitamin E (tocopherol)- up to 5.0 mg (this is 25% of the daily human need for this vitamin).

On early dates tocopherol helps to bear the baby, reducing the likelihood of miscarriage. It helps to improve the work of the adrenal glands, which produce hormones, thereby helping to regulate hormonal levels.

Vitamin E is also essential for proper formation respiratory system fetus, strengthening of blood vessels and timely maturation of the placenta.

Vitamin E improves skin condition, which is important for any woman.

Nicotinic acid lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, improves fat metabolism and microcirculation.

Other useful qualities dried apricots:

  • it is rich in pectins, which bind heavy metals and remove them from the body;
  • fructose and sucrose, which are part of dried apricots, are easily digestible sugars that give the dried fruit a sweet taste and do not increase insulin levels;
  • it contains dietary fiber that prevents the occurrence of constipation, which often bother women during pregnancy;
  • it helps to cope with the manifestations of toxicosis and heartburn during pregnancy.

You should not forcefully eat dried apricots if you do not like its taste. The useful substances contained in dried apricots can be obtained from other products. For example, calcium is found in almonds, cottage cheese, cheese and seeds of poppy, sunflower; potassium and magnesium are found in green vegetables, and iron is found in red meat, liver, green apples, and spinach.

Contraindications to the use of dried apricots

A pregnant woman should be more selective in her diet, excluding anything that could harm her and her baby.

Dried apricots during pregnancy are contraindicated in the presence of:

  • hypotension - a condition characterized by persistent low blood pressure. Dried apricots can contribute to the decline already low pressure, which will cause dizziness in the pregnant woman and deterioration of the general condition.
  • allergies. Dried apricots may be an allergen for you. Then you should always refrain from using it. If skin rash, redness and itching appear after consuming this dried product, exclude it from your menu. Emergency assistance it will not be needed, all allergy symptoms will go away on their own in a few days after stopping the use of dried apricots.
  • bronchial asthma. It is possible that an asthma attack worsens due to a sore throat caused by the sugary-sweet taste of dried apricots.
  • diarrhea. Dried apricots, due to the high content of dietary fiber, contribute to softening of the stool, therefore, diarrhea may worsen if it is present.
  • diabetes mellitus and excess weight body. Dried apricots contain a large amount of sugar, the use of which will aggravate the course of these ailments.
  • individual intolerance to the product, which can cause unpleasant side effects.

Tips for correct use dried fruit

These tips will help you choose quality product, and also tell you how to properly use dried apricots during pregnancy in order to get the maximum benefit:

  • on the market, the highest quality dried apricots are those that are imported from Turkey. Good dried apricots have matte surface and the color is from dark yellow to brown, even a grayish shade.
  • if you bought dried apricots of a bright orange color, which indicates the processing of apricots with sulfur dioxide, rinse the dried fruits, and then soak them in warm (not hot!) water for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water, and rinse the dried apricots again. This will minimize Negative influence chemicals on the body.
  • dried apricots are a concentrated product. Therefore, do not abuse it, a handful a day will be enough to replenish your body with vitamins and minerals.
  • dried apricots are better accepted by the stomach if added to cereals, muesli and other dishes.

Dried fruits can also be used for cooking various dishes... Dried apricots are great for making delicious compote and desserts.

Recipe for medicinal compote and dried apricot infusion

To get rid of from constipation, which simply haunts many expectant mothers, it is recommended to drink dried apricot and prune compote. It has a mild laxative effect, which is especially important when carrying crumbs.

To prepare it you will need:

  • prunes - 100 grams;
  • dried apricots - 150 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 50-60 ml.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Soak the fruit in hot water for 15 minutes.
  2. Drain the water and rinse the fruit.
  3. Transfer the steamed fruits to a saucepan and cover them with cold water.
  4. After the compote boils, reduce the heat. Boil dried fruits for 7-10 minutes.
  5. After this time has elapsed, add sugar and remove the pan from heat.
  6. Let the stewed fruit stand for 1 hour, covered.

You can add a little lemon juice to the compote (if you like sourness) or a pinch of cinnamon / vanilla (to taste).

From edema during pregnancy, an infusion of dried apricots helps. It has a mild diuretic effect, which helps to reduce the appearance of puffiness.

To prepare the infusion, you only need a glass of boiling water and 8-10 pieces of dried apricots.

The infusion is prepared like this:

  1. Rinse dried apricots with water.
  2. Pour boiling water over them and cover.
  3. Let them steep for 8-12 hours.
  4. Strain the resulting infusion through a strainer.

It is better to do the infusion in the evening, and in the morning drink this healing drink.

Drink compotes and infusions throughout the day. But don't forget that you can't quit. pure water without gas (at least 1 liter per day).

Often women who are in " interesting situation", Are wondering whether it is possible for pregnant dried apricots. This can be answered with confidence in the affirmative, since this dried fruit is not only very useful, but in some situations you cannot even do without it. However, it should not be abused either. Today we propose to figure out together why dried apricots are so good during pregnancy.

General information about dried fruits

As you know, in the autumn-winter period it is not at all easy to find fruits that would be really useful for the body of the expectant mother. Beautiful looking products that are imported to us from abroad, despite their attractive appearance, practically lost all vitamins and trace elements due to their processing with chemicals and preservatives. In addition, these fruits are often harvested unripe to complete the ripening process on the road. In this case, the fruits do not have time to accumulate enough vitamins and are also not useful for the human body. Dried fruits are a completely different matter! All nutrients, minerals, vitamins and trace elements are stored in them. In addition, they do not use dyes, fragrances or other chemicals in their production process.

The taste of dried fruits deserves special attention. They are very sweet, but they do not contain sugar, but fructose and glucose, which do not have negative action on the level of insulin in the blood, and also do not spoil the figure. One of the most popular dried fruits in our country is, of course, dried apricots. We suggest getting to know this dried fruit better.

What are dried apricots?

This dried fruit is a sun dried apricot. Dried apricots should not contain seeds. If you come across them, then the basis for the dried fruit was not an apricot, but an apricot. Dried apricots are mainly produced in Asian countries, as well as in Turkey, Ukraine and the Krasnodar Territory. However, you can buy it almost everywhere.

What is the use of dried apricots for pregnant women?

Oddly enough, this dried fruit contains not so many vitamins - only A, B and C. However, dried apricots are very rich in minerals. Thus, it contains more iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus than most fresh fruits. Magnesium helps not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of anemia and anemia. Calcium contained in dried apricots helps to strengthen the bones of a developing fetus, and potassium - muscles.

Dried apricots during pregnancy are indicated for women who have problems with stool. After all, this dried fruit, as well as fresh apricot fruits, has a pronounced laxative effect.

Also, everyone knows that a woman in a position often wants to taste something sweet. But it is highly discouraged to abuse sweets and chocolates during pregnancy. Dried apricots come to the rescue. After all, this dried fruit has a sweet taste and not only does not harm the body, but also helps to strengthen the immune system, which is very important during this period of a woman's life.

In addition, dried apricots help a lot during pregnancy with edema, since it has diuretic properties.

Dried apricots harm during pregnancy

As you know, when using all, even the most useful products, you must observe the measure. Dried apricots are not an exception to this rule. So, if you plan to use this dried fruit to combat constipation, then you should eat no more than 100 grams per day. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect in the form of diarrhea. For the same reason this product not recommended if you have a bowel disorder, as the situation can only get worse.

Also, dried apricots during pregnancy are contraindicated in women with low blood pressure, as it helps to lower it.

Indications for the use of dried apricots during pregnancy

In general, this dried fruit is recommended for almost all women in an interesting position. After all, dried apricots contribute to the replenishment of minerals in the body and the correct formation of the fetus in the womb of the expectant mother. If during pregnancy you are worried about constipation, there is no need to resort to medications, it is enough just to include this dried fruit in your diet.

With pronounced toxicosis and heartburn, experts recommend drinking dried apricot compote. In addition, to avoid problems with hair loss, brittle nails and tooth decay during pregnancy, it is advisable to consume these dried fruits rich in minerals and trace elements.

Ways to use dried apricots

There are many options for the use of this dried fruit in food. Most often, dried apricots are eaten raw, because this is how it is preserved in it the largest number useful microelements. You can also add it to various salads or meat dishes... It goes especially well with chicken and beef.

In addition, baked goods with dried apricots are very tasty. However, it should not be abused during pregnancy.

You can also cook compote from this dried fruit. It will be even tastier and more nutritious if, in addition to dried apricots, you add raisins, prunes and dried apples or pears to it.

Dried Fruit Recipes to Fight Constipation During Pregnancy

In general, we can say that all dried fruits have a laxative effect expressed in one way or another. Dried apricots and prunes during pregnancy have positive influence on intestinal restructuring, improving its functioning. With constipation, compotes and infusions from these dried fruits are excellent.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour six pieces of dried apricots and the same amount of prunes with two glasses of boiling water and leave overnight. On next morning drink the mixture on an empty stomach. After a few days of consumption, you will notice how your bowels are working better.

In addition, you can prepare delicious, healthy and nutrient mixture that will not only fill your body nutrients, but also contribute to the fight against constipation. To do this, we need 200 grams of figs and the same amount of dried apricots and prunes. They need to be crushed with a meat grinder. Add 100 grams of honey to the mixture and take one teaspoon at bedtime, be sure to drink a glass of water.

If you need a laxative that doesn’t have to wait long, we suggest using the following recipe. Take 300 grams of dried apricots and prunes, chop dried fruits, add 100 grams of honey and 50 grams of finely chopped aloe to them. All ingredients must be mixed well and consumed one spoonful twice a day. Alternatively, you can spread this mixture on bread and consume before bed with a glass of cold water.

How to choose the right dried apricots

In order for the dried fruit to bring exclusively benefits to your body, you need to carefully approach the process of buying it. After all, today it is no secret to anyone that some unscrupulous manufacturers do not hesitate to use sulfur vapors and other chemicals to make the product more attractive. Of course, such dried apricots during pregnancy not only will not bring any benefit, but can also harm such a vulnerable body at this time. Therefore, when choosing dried fruits, use a few tips:

Do not take the brightest orange fruits, as it is highly likely that they are processed with harmful substances;

Give preference to products that have a natural, even slightly "dusty" color with gray or brown tint(this appearance indicates that the drying was carried out in natural conditions);

Keep in mind that dried fruits should not be sticky, as this indicates that they are underdried;

It is not worth purchasing shiny fruits, as this can also be the result chemical treatment, it is best to purchase dried apricots with a matte surface;

The fruits should be elastic to the touch, bend under the fingers, but in no case be too soft.

Today we talked about the benefits of dried apricots for pregnant women, about its main properties. We sincerely hope that this information will be useful to you in such an important period of life for any woman as carrying a baby.

Dried apricots, or apricots, are apricot fruits dried without pits. In cooking, dried apricots and other dried fruits are added to baked goods, they are used to prepare compotes, desserts and other dishes. Regular consumption of dried apricots during pregnancy stimulates the intestines and activates the body's resources to protect against a variety of diseases.


The homeland of apricot - the predecessor of dried apricots - is considered to be Northern China and Central Asia. Dried fruits are obtained by natural drying in sunlight for 7-10 days. Currently, dried apricots are also produced in the south of Russia, in the Crimea and the Far East.

  • vitamins A, B, C, PP;
  • trace elements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus;
  • fatty acid;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose.

In addition to dried apricots, other dried fruits are also obtained from apricot:

  • apricot - dried apricot with a stone;
  • kaisa - a whole apricot, from which the stone was isolated before drying.

Beneficial features

Dried apricots are a product that is excellent for replenishing nutrients in the autumn-winter period. In the cold season, dried fruits can become a source for the expectant mother. essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The beneficial properties of dried apricots are enhanced in combination with prunes, raisins, honey and nuts.

Dried apricots are rich in vitamin C - an element necessary for adequate work immune system ... In winter and early spring, when fresh fruit is not available, dried apricots are a must. With regular use, dried apricots help the body to cope with various diseases, prevents the occurrence of colds and increases resistance to infections. On the basis of dried apricots, healthy and tasty mixtures are prepared to strengthen the immune system.

Dried apricots are great to combat constipation in late pregnancy. Once in the body, dried apricots stimulate intestinal motility and help the body get rid of ballast substances. Daily use of dried apricots normalizes stool, eliminates heaviness and bloating. On the eve of childbirth, a mixture of dried apricots and prunes will help cleanse the intestines and gently remove feces from the body.

Dried apricot compote is considered excellent diuretic... The drink is prescribed for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and some others inflammatory diseases urinary tract... In complex with drugs dried apricot compote relieves intoxication, removes toxins and significantly alleviates the condition of a pregnant woman. On benefit will go dried apricots and with edema in late pregnancy.

Dried apricots are useful for diseases of cardio-vascular system ... This property of dried fruits will be especially relevant in III trimester pregnancy, when the load on the heart increases significantly. With regular use, dried apricots reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents an increase in blood pressure. Dried apricot compotes and desserts ease the condition with diabetes mellitus(including gestational).

Dried apricots - great product for light snacks. During pregnancy, a woman's nutrition should be fractional, in small portions up to 6 times a day. With such a diet, dried apricots can become an excellent dish for breakfast or afternoon tea (along with muesli, yogurt, kefir). Dried apricots will perfectly satisfy light hunger, give strength and help hold out until the next meal.

Precautionary measures

Dried apricots should not be included in the diet early in pregnancy... During this period, many women note severe weakness, a decrease in blood pressure, and tachycardia. Eating dried apricots can further reduce blood pressure and worsen the condition of the expectant mother. If hypotension persists in the second half of pregnancy, dried apricots should be eaten with great care, in small portions, and only if you feel well.

Dried apricots have a pronounced laxative effect, so you should not get carried away with irritable bowel syndrome and other similar pathology digestive tract... If, after eating dried apricots, the stool becomes thin and frequent, the proportion of dried fruits in the diet should be reduced. Dried apricots should eliminate constipation and stimulate intestinal activity, but not lead to stool breakdown and chronic diarrhea. Individual intolerance to dried fruits is not excluded.

Method of use

Optimal daily rate dried apricots - 5-10 dried fruits. An excess of dried fruits in the diet of an expectant mother can lead to stool breakdown and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Dried apricots can be eaten raw. Dried fruits are perfect as snacks and additions to various breakfasts. Dried apricots go well with fermented milk products, cereals and muesli.

Dried apricots and prunes are used to prepare delicious and useful mixtures to facilitate bowel function. The combination of dried fruits - 1: 1. Dried fruits processed by a meat grinder can be added with honey and walnuts... Take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening. The course of therapy lasts at least 2 weeks.

Dried apricots are a great addition to desserts and sweet sauces. Dried apricots are also included in many complex dishes from meat and vegetables. A pregnant woman will benefit from dried apricot compote with the addition of prunes, raisins or dried apples.

How to choose dried apricots?

For the preparation of dried apricots on an industrial scale, preservatives based on sulfur dioxide are used. After processing with this substance, dried fruits acquire a saturated Orange color... With prolonged use of such dried apricots, sulfur dioxide accumulates in the body, disrupting the functioning of the respiratory system. Development of bronchial asthma and severe allergic reactions is possible.

When choosing dried apricots, you should pay attention to its color and structure. Dried apricots naturally dried without the addition of sulfur dioxide are dark orange or brown in color. The peel of dried fruit should be free of foreign stains and dirt. Only such dried apricots will benefit a pregnant woman and will not interfere with the development of her baby.

Pregnancy is enough difficult period in the life of any woman, her delicate and fragile organism, which is to become a support for now two people (a baby and a mother) for forty weeks. In that difficult period, and this is really so, because most of pregnancy takes place in the cold season, a woman's body, so vulnerable, can meet with a lack of vitamins, and with toxicosis, and with constipation, varicose veins. During pregnancy, rapid weight gain is also possible, fast fatiguability and depression as a consequence of a changed appearance.

Here, dried fruits will provide excellent support to the female body, which are recommended by both gynecologists and nutritionists during pregnancy. For example, dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes and coconut will help in the fight against constipation, hemorrhoids. These dried fruits are rich in fiber, which helps normalize bowel function.

Diverse in properties, dried fruits during pregnancy will help improve well-being and make up for the lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body. They retain all the properties of fresh fruit. Despite its calorie content, dried fruits have a beneficial effect on general state health of a woman. This is facilitated by a high concentration of useful substances in them, which exceeds fresh analogues of fruits by 3-5 times.

Particular attention should be paid during pregnancy to next view dried fruits: dates are a royal gift from nature, containing all vitamins (only E and biotin are missing). They are especially rich in vitamin B5, which increases vitality... Dates contain 23 species different kinds amino acids that are absent in other dried fruits. Sometimes dates are called a real "feminine" medicine. They contain all the substances that benefit women of all ages. Scientific experiments it was found that dates contain stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus in last months pregnancy. This will make the process of childbirth easier and also shorten the time. postpartum hemorrhage... Dates saturate mother's milk valuable vitamins. In addition, they contain certain elements that help to eliminate the state of depression inherent in many pregnant women. Another remarkable feature of dates: to replenish the loss of calcium in the body, they contribute to the formation of the correct skeleton and musculoskeletal system in the baby. It is recommended not to buy dates that are overly shriveled and those that have mold or crystallized sugar.

Pregnant women should be extremely careful and attentive to the quality of dried fruits, which should not contain dyes, nitrites, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and have a glossy presentation. After all dried fruits during pregnancy it is possible to replace natural supplements in the diet that replenish the vitamin deficiency in the body in the cold season, when there is a shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Beforehand and independently dried dried fruits in winter will become a source of magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, fiber and pectin for the expectant mother and baby. This will significantly diversify with benefit daily diet, treat yourself to a handful of dried fruit between meals, or.

In order to preserve all the healing components in such a compote, it is prepared as follows: the dried fruits are thoroughly washed with running water, placed in an enamel pan and a little water is poured so that the bottom is covered. For 1-2 minutes. the pan is put on a slow fire to steam dried fruits (during the drying process, they are processed for better preservation with sulfur vapors); then they are washed again with running water in a colander (this will rid the dried fruit of sulfur). Then, after removing the bones, they are poured with boiling water in an enamel pan, which is wrapped or in a thermos, and left overnight. In the morning, you can drink compote, it should be the color of tea. This compote retains a fresh fruity aroma and possesses healing power... Sugar is not needed at all.

A small amount of dried fruits during pregnancy in the morning, before getting out of bed, will help relieve nausea.

There is a method for treating constipation during pregnancy using dried fruits. Get on? glasses of prunes, dried apples, dried apricots, raisins, figs and dates. Minced, add by? a glass of mucous infusion of flaxseed (half a glass of flaxseed for half a glass of water), liquid honey and ground nuts. Mix well, transfer to a jar, cover and store in the refrigerator. Take 3 times a day for 1 tsp. half an hour before meals and the fourth time at night.

Soaked dried fruit, pitted, can be minced, mixed with oat flakes, nuts and shape into balls. You need to store them in the refrigerator and eat them with honey before going to bed in order to normalize the bowels. You can cook rice pilaf with dried fruits.

Inclusion in the diet during pregnancy dried fruit strengthens hair and nails, refreshes the face.

And briefly about the value of certain dried fruits.

Dried apricots, kaisa, apricots are rich in potassium, organic acids, vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus. Fig - will help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma, predisposition to thrombosis. It has a mild diuretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic effect. Raisins (raisins) - contains a lot of potassium, is useful for bronchitis, cough, strengthens the nervous system, heart. Prunes are an excellent antidepressant and an absolute champion in the amount of antioxidants; strengthens blood vessels, heals the skin. Apples and pears - have boron necessary for the brain to function; other dried fruits contain little of it.

Pregnancy is a joyful and responsible time. Every expectant mother knows that it is very important to correctly formulate her diet in order to give birth. healthy baby... Only healthy foods should be included in the menu of a pregnant woman.

It will bring great benefits to a woman in the 1-3 trimester of pregnancy daily use dried fruits. They contain essential elements for the pregnant woman's body, minerals (phosphorus, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, etc.) and vitamins (H, K, E, B 1-9, PP, C). Dried fruits are also necessary during pregnancy, because they contain amino acids and antioxidants, and also serve as a source of fiber, which is also the stomach. In addition, they are able to quickly satisfy hunger.

The benefits of eating dried fruits

Of course, fresh fruit also has many useful properties... However, dried fruits are not inferior to them - they are dried at a temperature that does not exceed 40-50 degrees. This allows you to keep all the main useful components product.

  • As for the trace elements in the composition of dried fruits, their amount is almost the same in both dried and fresh fruits. If correct, then they are still long time will retain useful substances in their composition.
  • The content of fructose in dried fruits is especially important for expectant mothers, because most women are drawn to sweets from the 1st to the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Dried fruits are an alternative to cakes and sweets, which are not recommended for use during pregnancy, as it is harmful and affects a woman's weight.
  • There is no acid in dried fruits that has a negative effect on tooth enamel, but, on the contrary, there is a lot of calcium required for the health of teeth, as well as for strengthening the bone tissue of a woman "in position".
  • A small handful of dried fruit is a great snack as it contains a lot of calories and nutrients.

What dried fruits can pregnant women eat?

As a rule, pregnancy is accompanied by certain temporary difficulties, including insomnia, anxiety, nausea in the morning, difficulty with stool, heartburn, leg cramps, swelling, deterioration of hair and nails. It seems incredible, but many of these problems in each trimester can be solved by eating dried fruits.

  • Raisins are an indispensable source of vitamin B, which is vital for pregnant women. Vitamin of this group contributes to the work of the nervous system, the development and restoration of muscle tissue, fights insomnia and provides positive effect on the mood of the woman in general.
  • The date will help saturate the body with protein - the most valuable building material... At the same time, women can use dates both during pregnancy and in postpartum period recovery. In addition, thanks to them, lactation is enhanced and prolonged.
  • Dried fruits of prunes contribute to proper cleansing intestines, prevent vitamin deficiency, and effectively help with infectious diseases.
  • is dried apricots. Dried apricot supplement will improve heart function. It will also help in case of low hemoglobin.

For pregnant women, of course, it is not only possible to eat dried fruits, but even necessary. However, despite their many useful qualities, expectant mothers should not exceed the recommended intake of these products by doctors. The danger is that dried fruit contains a lot of sugar as well as carbohydrates. It would be wise to consume dried fruits daily, but not more than 100 grams per day. This dosage is quite enough to fill the gap. useful elements in the body, normalization of the intestines, and raising emotional background in a pregnant woman.

The value of dried fruit compote for expectant mothers

When a woman is in an "interesting position", she should not drink carbonated drinks that cause increased gassing and even heartburn fruit juices factory production is also not recommended. Beverages such as coffee and tea are banned due to their caffeine content. In such a situation, freshly squeezed juices and ... fortified compote, cooked from dried fruits at home, will become salvation. Pregnant women can use it without fear.

Its use is especially important in the 1st trimester, when many women develop toxicosis. This trimester often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which interfere with the normal well-being of a woman. In addition, a sharp decrease in weight may occur, which can affect the developing fetus.

Useful during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  1. Made from various dried fruits, compote will help ease the symptoms of toxicosis in the 1st trimester, awaken appetite, improve the functioning of the digestive system and intestines, and, in general, will beneficial effect on the well-being of a pregnant woman.
  2. Compote cooked from dried fruits in a complex will enrich female body and the fetus nascent within it is necessary nutrients... The presence of iron in most dried fruits increases the level of hemoglobin, which drops sharply during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. And the work of the heart of the expectant mother will improve due to the incoming potassium, the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system will decrease.
  3. Dried fruit compote has a diuretic effect, and this, in turn, is useful for those pregnant women who have a tendency to edema.
  4. It will help to prevent in pregnant women the deterioration of the condition of hair, skin, nails, teeth, bleeding gums and even deterioration of vision. regular use compote made from dried fruits of pears and apples.
  5. The body of a pregnant woman gets tired quickly, therefore, the degree of resistance to stress decreases, the regularity of sleep is disrupted, and the psyche is shattered. This explains the periodic tantrums and whims of women "in position". But the negativity that a pregnant woman bears on herself also experiences future child... Therefore, it is highly recommended to minimize all stress and eliminate emotional stress. For this, it is also recommended to drink compote made from dried fruits (pears, rose hips or raisins). This compote will also improve memory, normalize blood pressure, increase immunity and help improve brain activity.

As you can see, the benefits of dried fruit compote for the body of the expectant mother are enormous. Drink this healing drink! Its use will only give positive emotions and will improve the health of the mother and her unborn baby.

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to be picky about the products that are in front of her on the table. Especially such legibility is inherent in those who for the first time found themselves in an "interesting" position, because they have no experience behind them. And when the question arises about drinks, then they do not have as much choice as they would like.

Carbonated drinks can cause heartburn and gas in pregnant women. Juices industrial production not credible due to chemical composition... Coffee and tea definitely fall into the group of prohibited drinks due to caffeine. This is where the need for homemade compotes arises.

Compote for toxicosis

The first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous for women suffering from toxicosis. Loss of appetite, constant nausea, and in particular vomiting, not only interfere with the performance of their work and home functions, but also threaten a sudden weight loss. And this is not the best way may affect the nascent fetus.

Let loose unpleasant symptoms allows compote from dried fruits (dried apricots, rose hips, prunes and others). This drink improves well-being, awakens appetite, strengthens digestive system and stimulates intestinal motility, which is especially useful in the prevention of constipation - a frequent occurrence during and after pregnancy.

Compote and its nutritional properties

In the complex, dried fruit compote saturates the pregnant body and developing fetus inside it with nutrients. The iron content in most dried fruits helps to raise hemoglobin levels, which drop dramatically during pregnancy. Potassium can improve heart function, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The drink has a diuretic effect, which is especially useful for pregnant women who are prone to edema. Often, expectant mothers complain of thinning hair, bleeding gums, brittle nails, skin problems, and blurred vision. Compote from dried apples and pears can provide invaluable help in such a woman's trouble.

Compote and the nervous system

Often, the pregnant body quickly gets tired, sleep is disturbed, the psyche is shattered, and the stress resistance threshold is reduced. Constant whims, tears, tantrums - all the negativity endured by the mother is also experienced by the baby inside her.

It is not so easy to protect a pregnant woman from the whole world, but you can reduce emotionality to a minimum with the help of dried fruit compote (rose hips, raisins, pears, etc.). In addition, it helps improve memory, stimulates the brain, boosts immunity and normalizes blood pressure.

Drinking such a compote is a pleasure, and the benefits are simply invaluable.