The skin loses elasticity what to do. How to restore skin elasticity at home. Modern methods of facial rejuvenation

Skin is important indicator health. However, over time, it loses its firmness, elasticity and freshness, succumbing to negative influence ecology, age and unhealthy image life. Rejuvenate your skin with certain actions which are carried out in several stages.

Stage one: a healthy lifestyle

In order for the skin to shine and tighten again, it is necessary first of all to abandon bad habits. The skin definitely needs oxygen, which saturates it with nutrients and keeps the epidermis youthful. Do not stay long in front of the computer and TV, try to devote at least half an hour of your time to walking in the park every day.

The skin also needs healthy and deep sleep, which you should spend at least seven hours on. Constant lack of sleep instantly affects the condition of the skin, making it lethargic and flabby.

If you smoke, you can forget about elastic and beautiful skin. Nicotine constricts small blood vessels, weakening blood circulation, causing the skin to experience an acute lack of oxygen and quickly age. In addition, oxidative processes proceed much faster in it.

Alcohol today is found in almost every friendly meeting, corporate party or family celebration. But few people remember that even one glass of wine turns on processes in the body to dehydrate the skin, which then becomes dry. On such skin, wrinkles and folds appear earlier, it quickly loses its elasticity and healthy color.

Stage two: proper nutrition

If the condition of your skin leaves much to be desired, urgently increase the amount of water consumed - at least two liters per day. A balanced diet will help you saturate your skin with vitamins and microelements.

To provide the skin with the collagen it needs, eat foods high in vitamin A. It is found in green, yellow and red vegetables, fruits and berries - it is rich in liver, carrots, egg yolks, apricots and cream. Vitamin B, which retains water in skin cells, you get from potatoes, beans, peas, eggplant, greens and bananas.

Vitamin B is highly soluble in water - unlike vitamin A, which is absorbed to the maximum only with the help of fats.

Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the face and body from ultraviolet rays, found in lemons, apples, kiwis, fresh herbs, grapefruits, oranges and other fruits. Vitamin C is also essential for the production of elastin and collagen.

Vitamin E (tocopherol), contributing to accelerated regeneration skin cells, can be found in Brussels sprouts, spinach, vegetable oil and a number of other products.

To improve skin turgor, antioxidants and fatty acids are needed, which synthesize collagen and restore skin elasticity. Be sure to include in your diet walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sardines, green vegetables, and loose green tea.

Stage three: cosmetic masks

At this point, it's time to move on to using cosmetic masks which will help restore the elasticity of your skin. You can purchase a ready-made tightening mask, or you can make it at home from fresh food. This mask will nourish the skin beneficial substances, restore its elasticity and protect it from harmful effects.

Apply the mask only massage lines, do not touch the skin around the eyes, do not wince or talk while the mask is on your skin

To prepare a mask from flour and egg white, mash one protein with rice or oat flour to a homogeneous mass. You can add a few drops of rose or fennel essential oil to the mask. Apply the mixture on your face in an even layer and wait until it dries. Then wash off the mask with warm boiled water and lubricate your face with a moisturizer.

To prepare a gelatin mask, take kefir, gelatin powder and oatmeal / wheat flour (with dry and oily skin respectively). Pour a teaspoon of gelatin a small amount water, wait for swelling and melt the mass in a water bath. Then add a teaspoon of flour and kefir to it, cool the mixture, grease your face with a moisturizer and apply gelatin mask. When it dries, wash it off with boiled water.

Instead of kefir and flour, you can add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a couple of drops of glycerin to the mask.

Honey mask is made from honey, glycerin and egg yolk. Mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a tablespoon of glycerin and raw egg yolk. Apply the mask on your face and wash off after 15 minutes. Instead of glycerin, you can use olive, apricot or almond oil. If you are allergic to honey, you can not do a mask.

The elasticity and firmness of the skin is the main indicator of youth and beautiful view person. Most of all, women who have reached the age of 35-40 are worried about this. Skin turgor shows its tone, that is internal pressure in conjunction with the tension of cell membranes. This is an indicator of the ability of the epithelium to resist mechanical influences and water balance in the body. All women want to have beautiful elastic skin so that it retains its elasticity for a longer time. But unfortunately, with age, the skin undergoes changes, becomes more flabby, sags, becomes covered with wrinkles. All this happens because the epidermis is more difficult to maintain the level of moisture and the turgor of the skin becomes weaker. it is important to maintain the skin from youth than to restore it later if it is in a neglected state.

Why does the skin lose firmness and elasticity?

Turgor gives the skin the opportunity to restore its abilities after changes. Of course, this problem plays a part hormonal background. The tone of the epithelium directly depends on the content of the hormone estrogen in the body, which is responsible for the production of elastin and collagen. Elastin and collagen fibers help the skin return to its original shape after deformation. When the fibers are stretched, sagging skin, folds and wrinkles appear.

The turgor of the skin is reduced for the following reasons:

  • insufficient hydration, decreased hydration (responsible for the connection of the water molecule), also the inability to retain fluid in the epithelial cells;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • a chronic form of dysbacteriosis, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, which affects the dehydration of the body;
  • constant stress, lack of sleep, body overload, physical and emotional stress;
  • chronic kidney disease, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • bad habits;
  • diets and fasting that exhaust and deplete the body.

How to determine skin turgor

When skin tone is healthy, it looks even and smooth. Even during a conversation and a smile, the skin is quickly smoothed out. With time skin covering loses natural elasticity, turgor decreases, unfortunately, this process cannot be prevented, but it can be slowed down.
How to determine the turgor of the skin? take the skin on the back of the hand and collect it in a small warehouse, lift it slightly up and release it sharply. In the case when the fold is smoothed out immediately, this indicates an excellent condition of the skin. If it took more than five seconds, then the level of turgor is reduced, and therefore needs urgent rehabilitation.

How to restore turgor, improve its capabilities

Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water every 24 hours. It is equally important to retain moisture in the composition of skin cells. This process depends on hyaluronic acid, which is found in epithelial, connective and nervous tissues, as well as in body fluids. In order for the water level to be always stable, it is necessary to saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid. If the level of "hyaluron" in the skin decreases, then it will be impossible to retain moisture. This factor is important for maintaining natural turgor.

What you need to do to maintain skin elasticity

It is recommended to periodically examine the hormonal background, identify the causes of chronic and infectious diseases, and treat them until they harm the body in the maximum form.
Spend more time on fresh air, do not be nervous, get enough sleep, lead a healthy and active image life. Eat a variety of quality foods

Conduct due :
  • clean the skin, how to do it right, look here;
  • use creams, peels, scrubs and masks to increase skin turgor with the help of vitamins - A, E, elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, etc.;
  • once every seven days, conduct a facial massage with a beautician or on your own;
  • harden, take a contrast shower, herbal bath, body wrap;
  • visit cosmetologists in beauty salons - do ozone therapy, mesotherapy, photolifting, myostimulation of the epithelium and cryotherapy.

Our skin is elastic. This allows it to stretch well, and then take its original shape. Unfortunately, with age, the elasticity of the skin is lost, so wrinkles and stretch marks form on the face and body of a person. Women are especially sensitive to this process. Still would! After all, each of us so madly wants to stay young and attractive for a long time.

Modern means cosmetology and medicine are partly able to solve the problem of reducing skin elasticity, but a lot also depends on the person, for example, on his habits, on the amount of water he drinks per day, on the work of the body as a whole. Know that if a person smokes, his skin will quickly lose elasticity, become yellow and dry. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun is not entirely harmless to the skin. If you recover sharply, stretch marks will appear on the skin, and even a sharp weight loss by 100% will ensure the appearance of ugly folds.

It is important to know that the elasticity of the skin is primarily provided by moisture.

Inelastic often feels dry and tight, and is exacerbated in winter due to the dry air of heated rooms. In this case, a real lifesaver can be a moisturizer. There are several requirements for it. First, it should not be too greasy. This will definitely not add moisture to the skin, and secondly, it must contain special substances, such as, for example, soy extract, collagen, and also vitamin A, which will help moisturize the deepest layers of the skin, coenzymes.

However, no cream can be compared in effectiveness with water, which needs to be treated as often as possible on the skin. True, there is one nuance to achieve positive effect The skin must retain moisture well. This ability can be increased by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You can take special vitamins for skin elasticity, such as vitamin C, which is involved in the process of creating collagen and cartilage tissue, vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. However, it must be remembered that they must be taken without exceeding the indicated dosage, and the effect will come only with prolonged and regular use.

Widely used in cosmetics to maintain skin elasticity, various oils. They have such properties that anyone, even a very expensive cream, can envy. One of the most common is almond oil, rich in this remedy for a long period of time will return the skin to youth and freshness.

Like the related apricot, it is quite well known in cosmetic industry. These products increase skin elasticity, help relieve inflammation, have a brightening, softening and tonic effect. For example, avocado oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, especially in the area around the eyes. And for all skin types suitable oil of which will be especially valuable for people who are predisposed or already suffering from rosacea. Castor and fragrant are effective for improving skin elasticity. It should be noted that all of the above products are called basic. That is, they can be used both separately and create aromatic and useful compositions from essential oils. You can add them to shampoo, face or body cream, soap.

Restoring skin elasticity is a long and laborious process. However, there are cases when all means are powerless against loss of elasticity, except plastic surgery. This applies to stretch marks and folds after rapid weight loss. Therefore, all nutritionists warn that weight should be lost gradually, while including in your diet buckwheat porridge, which contains a lot of a substance such as rutin.

Carrots, cabbage, fresh herbs and cucumbers will provide the body with silicon, but oatmeal, red meat and liver will fill the body with iron. will give the use of foods rich in selenium - tuna, sardines, liver, eggs and garlic. In addition, seafood is rich in zinc, which our body needs. It is also found in wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, cocoa, yeast, mushrooms and nuts.

The human skin loses elasticity and firmness not only from age-related changes, but later malnutrition, in organism, improper care, or its absence, weight loss. How to regain former youth and keep it for a long time, you will learn from this article.

How to give skin elasticity

reasons premature aging There is a lot of epidermis and it is not always possible to keep track of everything. However, it is quite possible to maintain your skin in a state of elasticity and firmness. First, you need to review your diet. Include in it dairy products, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, in general, products containing the most useful and trace elements. You can also just take it daily. vitamin complexes, for example vitamin A, E,.

Move more, exercise exercise. Movement is life, the more mobile you are, the better your body looks, as well as the skin. Should consume more pure water, at least two liters per day. After all, if the body does not have enough fluid, then the epidermis becomes less elastic, flaccid skin appears.

You need to take good care of your body and face. You need to make special wraps, use special cosmetics, which will nourish, moisturize the epidermis. You can use various oils for the skin: almond, peach, castor oil, walnut and many others. They contain quite a lot of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Therefore, using them, you give your skin what it needs for a blooming and healthy look.

Oils can be used in pure form or add to your favorite care products: shampoos, creams, lotions, balms, masks. It is also advisable to take a contrast shower and special baths. At contrasting soul you can use special washcloths, mittens, or.

Baths can be added essential oils, sea salt, herbs. For example, you can make a milk bath, for which you need to mix a liter of heated milk with a glass of warm honey, adding a couple of spoons rose oil. Pour all this into a warm bath. Or you can make a bath: decoctions and infusions can be made from various ones, such as chamomile, oregano, lemon balm, birch.

You can also do mineral procedures: pour a lot of heated water into the bath. mineral water and lie in it for 20-30 minutes. Or you can make a bath with the addition of natural orange, lemon, grapefruit. From citrus juices and herbal decoctions, you can freeze cubes and perform a little massage with them.

Masks for skin elasticity

To make the skin elastic, it is necessary not only proper nutrition, sports and lots of fluids. Definitely needed One of the great tools are masks. They can be purchased at cosmetics stores, as well as made independently from those products that every home probably has.

  • Oily - olive oil mask is perfect for any skin. You just need to heat it up a little, lubricate the necessary areas of the epidermis and wrap yourself up. warm clothes. After 30 minutes, wash off the oil and lubricate the skin with cream.
  • Honey - mix equal proportions of coconut milk, oatmeal and honey. Apply to the epidermis for half an hour.
  • - peeling - grate the coconut pulp, combine with a spoon natural yogurt without fillers oatmeal and . Steam the skin in a circular motion Apply peeling and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Yoghurt - mix egg, a small spoonful of liquid and a spoonful of natural yogurt without fillers. Keep on the skin for 20-30 minutes.
  • Creamy - combine a glass of heavy cream, lemon juice, 100 ml of vodka, a spoonful of glycerin, a chicken egg. Apply the lotion before bed.
  • Gelatin - pour a spoonful of gelatin into 100 ml of heavy cream, heat over low heat until dissolved. Add a spoonful of honey and glycerin.
  • Potato - grate the potatoes, squeeze the juice. Also squeeze the juice from the parsley, then combine both juices and spread on the skin.
  • Apple - mash one fruit, then add the yolk, 6 g sunflower oil, 5 ml apple cider vinegar, 13 ml of honey.

Creams for skin elasticity

Not only masks and wraps can increase the elasticity of the skin, but also, which can be purchased at cosmetic stores, or made by yourself. When buying a product, you must carefully review the packaging and composition. Creams must contain:

  • elastin;
  • collagen;
  • D-panthenol;
  • green tea;
  • vitamins A, E, B;
  • hyaluronic acid;

Due to these components, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is improved, swelling and inflammation are removed. Moisture is retained in the skin cells, the epidermis is saturated and. Below you can find a rating of ten useful and effective creams.

  1. "Modeling silhouette" brand Clean line;
  2. "Lift-fermete" brand Clarins;
  3. Milk "Intensive care. Elasticity" by Garnier;
  4. "Organic Shea Butter Body Cream" by Planeta Organica;
  5. "Body Desserts Сaramel Cappuccino" from Organic Shop;
  6. "Body Silk" by Dove;
  7. "Nutriextra" from Vichy;
  8. "Fito Line" from Eveline;
  9. "Body Excellence" by Chanel;
  10. "Spa Belita" from Vitex.

To make a homemade cream, you will need to mix a couple of tablespoons of almond oil, a spoonful of chamomile decoction, a couple of tablespoons of petroleum jelly, half a spoonful of honey and sea ​​salt, yolk. It is best to apply before going to bed, the product is stored in a cool place.

How to keep elasticity

In order to keep the skin in an ideal elastic and elastic state, it is necessary to take care of it daily. Don't forget to take the right wholesome food, vitamins, liquids. Move more – it’s better to walk to work than to drive. So you cheer yourself up, and your body will feel the load.

Also, do not forget about physical activity– sports, yoga, fitness or just hiking or dancing. O cosmetic procedures also worth remembering. Make wraps, peeling, massage, make masks, and do not forget about the means for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. At the same time, it should be remembered that: they don’t bring it to good, and they have a very bad effect on the epidermis. Therefore, it is better to abandon them in order to preserve your youth and beauty.

With aging or due to exposure to external negative factors the skin begins to lose elasticity and, for many reasons, may look older than its age.

To avoid premature aging, return vitality and restore skin elasticity there are natural and simple ways for lifestyle changes and proper care behind the face.

TOP 9 ways to restore skin elasticity

1. Adequate hydration is a key factor in helping to maintain the elasticity of the epidermal layer. Dehydrated skin is unable to function normally and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin. Insufficient hydration leads to loss of elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. It is necessary to drink at least 5-8 glasses of clean water daily, which will saturate the epidermal layer with moisture from the inside.

2. One of better ways to quickly restore the elasticity of the skin of the face is a massage. The procedure improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin, enriches cells with oxygen and nutrients, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It is especially useful to massage using base oils such as argan, wheat germ, jojoba, coconut or almond.

3. Follow correct regimen in facial care important rule which is daily cleansing and hydration of the epidermis. Choose only quality cosmetic products based on your skin type.

4. Avoid straight lines sun rays, especially in summer period. This will significantly slow down the process of photo-aging, which is the main culprit in the appearance of premature wrinkles due to damage. collagen fibers. Be sure to use cosmetics with a protective factor of at least SPF 30.

5. Restore facial skin elasticity in sufficient short term the use of scrubs and home peels will help (no more than once every 5-7 days). Exfoliation procedure dead cells improves blood circulation, keeps the skin smooth and radiant due to the constant renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis. The effect of the use of oils, creams and homemade masks increases several times, since nutrients easier and faster to penetrate deeply cleansed skin.

6. Eliminate from your daily nutrition processed foods high in animal fats, white breads and pastries. In the diet at in large numbers vegetables (especially green leafy ones), berries, fruits, which are an excellent source of antioxidants in the form of vitamins, trace elements and enzymes, should be present.

Fatty fish, olive and linseed oil- This is an excellent source of beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of the skin.

According to studies, such nutrition improves the texture and turgor of the epidermal layer, slows down aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

7. According to research from Kingston University of London, white and green tea contain high level powerful antioxidants that inhibit enzymes that destroy collagen and elastin fibers, the function of which is to maintain and restore skin elasticity. You will not see the effect of the application immediately - 2-3 cups of a fragrant drink a day will help restore the elasticity of the epidermis in a month or two and slow down the aging of the whole organism.

8. Natural herbal ice cubes serve as an excellent tonic for morning washing, thanks to which the skin is instantly tightened, the complexion improves, and wrinkles are smoothed. Before freezing, it is useful to add to decoctions lemon juice, honey, cream or milk.

9. With the loss of turgor, the use is indicated natural masks for the face that contain avocado oil, coconut oil or vitamin E (tocopherol). Avocado oil extract stimulates collagen production, hydrates the skin and helps reduce signs of aging.

Fatty acid coconut oil help in recovery protective functions epidermis and maintain its elasticity, neutralizing the destructive effect free radicals. Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant vital for skin health and rejuvenation.

To restore the elasticity of the skin of the face, you can prepare an effective homemade cream. Take 1 tbsp. l. shea butter, coconut, argan or wheat germ and 2 tsp. vitamin E. Mix the components in a blender until a creamy consistency is obtained. Pour half of the mixture into a clean container and add 1 tbsp. l. honey. This mixture will be used as a night cream. Pour the rest into the second container, which will be used as day cream. Store in a cool place.

Determining the age of the skin

The test below will determine the functional age of your skin - it is older than yours. biological age or younger. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand with a large and index fingers and hold for 5 seconds, then release. The time it takes for the skin to completely smooth out and is its functional age. How longer time the older he is.

1-2 under 30
3-4 30-44
5-9 45-50
10-15 60
30-35 70
56 or more over 70

Certain ingredients in cosmetic products are used to rejuvenate and restore skin firmness and elasticity.

beta hydroxy acids. Helps restore the normal cell renewal cycle.

Peptides and organic amino acids are involved in the structure of the protein structure in the body. Collagen refers specifically to protein compounds.

Alpha hydroxy acids exfoliate dead skin cells.