Tame child. Why can a one-week-old baby cry? Reasons and recommendations. "Hospitalism" - a pedagogically neglected baby

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

So these long nine months of waiting and longing were left behind, replaced by fears and apprehensions. early birth... They also, according to the laws of the process, have come to their logical conclusion. And here she is new life takes its first breath and lets out its first cry, announcing its appearance to the world. This is just the beginning of a long journey.

The newly born baby will be put on the belly or on the breast of the newly-made mom and immediately taken away. And while mom moves away from generic process, the baby will have to go through a few more stressful minutes.

For nine months, the baby experienced all the emotions and impressions together with his mother. The world around him touched him indirectly. He was protected by being in the cramped space of the uterus. At the moment of birth, the child is faced with the external environment. Far from familiar and incomprehensible to him. The first moments are adaptation to the world after the birth process.

At birth, the mother-child relationship is not interrupted, but on the contrary is even more strengthened. From the first moments of birth, the baby is able to interact with the outside world.

He sees, hears, feels pain, cold, warmth, reacts to taste changes, smells. With his cry, he attracts the attention of adults. When communicating with us as adults, children accumulate and improve their experience of getting to know the world around them.

This is just the beginning

Immediately after birth, the state of the baby is assessed according to the Apgar scale (the color of the skin, pulse, facial expressions, reflexes, muscle tone and respiration are assessed). This procedure is repeated after 5 minutes and a record in the form of a fractional number is entered into the newborn's honey card. The higher the number, the better the health indicators at birth. Conversely, low numbers indicate difficulties in life.

This is by no means the last inconvenience the baby will experience in the near future. It will be measured (chest and head volume, body length) and weighed, and then, within 12 hours, they will be vaccinated against viral hepatitis, and within 7 days against tuberculosis with BCG vaccination. New world, which seems to any adult to be quite safe, is not so for a baby. Rather, on the contrary, to replace comfort maternal womb comes an environment full of various threats. It is better to use every opportunity to save a small, fragile body from additional stress and illness.

Let's get acquainted

Without a doubt, during pregnancy and during childbirth, mom often thinks and introduces herself to her baby. And most often these ideas are very distantly related to reality. Because a newborn baby always crumples like a ruddy smiling toddler with velvety skin and clear eyes. In reality, however, things are often somewhat different.

At the first glance at a newly born baby, you may get the impression that something is wrong with him: disproportionate big head strange shape, crooked legs and arms, long hair or complete absence, uneven skin color, etc. But do not worry about this, since the above description is absolutely normal. For a person who has spent 9 months in a liquid environment and does not have a special variety of postures and movements, this baby looks amazing.

It will take quite a bit of time, and by 1 month the baby will already look like a star of children's gloss.

In the first days of life, the baby's skin is especially sensitive due to the loss of original lubricant, therefore, it should be handled with extreme care and attention. It is better to use special oils and creams for newborns for care, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Formation of the regime

The baby's first breath is the beginning of adaptation to the world. Lots of stimuli, stains, smells, sounds, temperature changes ... to get used to all this crumbs it takes great amount energy. Therefore, during the first month of life, he sleeps and learns to stay awake. If the first week is almost continuous sleep, then starting from the second there are small and short periods of wakefulness, and then more. But be that as it may 18 - 20 hours a day, the baby enjoys dreams in the "frog pose". Every 2 to 3 hours, the newborn wakes up to have a snack. However, even while eating, it costs him nothing to fall asleep or doze during the entire feeding. Sometimes, in order to stimulate the baby to eat, it is patted on the bottom and the nipple of the mother's breast is removed from the mouth, and reinserted again. Otherwise, the dormouse may well remain hungry.

The establishment of the daily routine should be started during this 1 month, gradually streamlining the process of feeding and awakening the baby and strictly observing the time intervals between these two processes. It is very important to carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. Morning toilet, which involves washing the baby, cleaning the nose and ears, washing the eyes and the spaces between the fingers on the arms and legs. Evening toilet, which includes bathing and procedures for caring for the delicate skin of the newborn.

The first basics of communication

It is a mistake to believe that a newborn does not see anything. By the fifth day of life, the child opens his eyes wider and slightly, intermittently tries to follow the object. It is necessary to develop this skill bright toys... Babies even have their own color preference... Often their gaze stops at a certain bright color. Someone prefers bright yellow, pink, red, and someone has a favorite black color.


Studies have been carried out in infants 4-6 weeks old, they were shown ribbons in bright and bed tones. The time of fixing the gaze of the babies was carried out using a stopwatch. One of the babies chose green, another cold pink, the third preferred blue tint and one of the girls chose black.

After analyzing the results, conclusions were drawn. The children chose colors according to the color of their mothers' clothes. It was in this color scheme that mothers were dressed after the birth of babies. The very first impressions are associated with these tones: feeding, lulling in the arms. The girl who chose black associated her choice with the clothes of her lover and caring father... He wore a black navy uniform.

Talk to me mom

From the first days of life, it is necessary to communicate affectionately with the baby, thanks to this he feels cared for. Feeling safe and needed helps a child to develop properly. Now on modern market there are a lot of sound toys, but they cannot replace the affectionate and dear voice of the mother.

When you are talking to your baby, stand so that he can see your face. During this period, the child not only listens, concentrates, but also distinguishes the sounds of speech, intonation. They try to imitate, associate your appearance with your characteristic intonation, timbre of voice, rhythm of speech.

During communication with adults, the baby gets to know the sounds, this is necessary in the future for the formation of speech. The humming begins with syllables, which are then combined into words by the child, then sentences are obtained.

Ears on the crown

Even in utero, the baby begins to get acquainted with the sounds. Psychologists recommend talking often, reading fairy tales, listening to music for pregnant women. After birth, the child does not lose the ability to hear.

At loud sounds, he shudders, while chaotically moving the handles. This is the norm, it is necessary to take into account this fact, exclude loud sounds in the presence of crumbs.

It is strictly forbidden to swear, swear and an increased tone of conversation near the baby. For a beneficial development, you need to put the child on pleasant music, sounds of nature, read fairy tales, and sing lullabies.

Remember. The child needs constant attention, benevolence, care for further normal psychological development.

Diet and results

In the first week after birth, a baby can usually lose up to 300 grams of weight. You should not worry about this. This process is quite natural, because there is an excess of fluid in the body of the crumbs, and there is still no established diet. Weight will stabilize already in the first week of life and, normally, will begin to increase.

To date, there is no meal schedule for newborns. They are fed at the request of the crumbs, which occurs every 2 to 3 hours. Usually it is 6 - 8 feedings per day, with breaks of 5 hours at night, this will lay the foundation for the diet of the crumbs. In the case of women who become mothers for the first time, experts recommend applying the baby to the breast more often, up to 12 times a day. This will stimulate lactation naturally.

In the process of eating, the baby receives not only milk or nutrient mixture but also a large amount of air. In order to avoid the accumulation of excess gases, after feeding the baby, you need to hold it with a column for a couple of minutes so that he regurgitates excess air.

The main and, perhaps, the only source of nutrients for the baby is mother's milk. Such food allows digestive system run smoothly and evenly. And the sleep following feeding, contributes to the energetic development of internal systems and active growth babies.

The very process of attaching a baby to the breast is a mystery of two, it is a process of energetic communication between matter and its offspring. Therefore, mommy should avoid stress and anxiety, unnecessary anxiety. The child is acutely aware of the mother's condition and reacts by refusing to eat and crying if the mother is upset or annoyed. This can affect the weight of the baby's body and his health is extremely negative.

Subject to favorable conditions, by 1 month the baby will gain weight from 600 to 800 grams and will noticeably grow up.

How to measure your baby:

To measure your body length: put on a flat surface so that the shoulder blades, sacrum and heels touch it.

To measure head circumference: a centimeter tape runs along the brow ridges and the back of the head.

To measure your chest circumference: the measuring tape runs behind the lower corners of the shoulder blades, in front - along the lower edges of the areola.

Along with the nutrition of the newborn great value have its allocation. The baby's chair is an indicator of the work of a small organism. He is seriously evaluated by doctors, and mommy will also have to become more skilled in this knowledge.

In the first couple of days, the baby's discharge cannot be called formalized. They have a liquid and viscous consistency and dark green... This is meconium, the result of processing the remnants of cells and substances accumulated in the womb and captured during childbirth.

Meconium is replaced by transitional stools. It is mushy and yellowish in color. It may contain meconium inclusions, so you should not panic at the sight of greenish inclusions, it will soon pass.

At the end of the first week of life, the baby is established normal stool... It is usually set at the end of the first week of life. From this moment until the end of the neonatal period, that is, up to 28 days, the child's stool normally has a homogeneous mushy consistency, a sour smell and a yellowish brown color.

Stool patterns may vary slightly depending on the type of feeding. So, if the baby eats exclusively breast milk, then the color of his stool will be yellowish-golden, and the stool itself will be soft. Depending on the number of meals, the baby will surprise mom, usually 2 to 6 times a day. If for some reason the baby cannot feed on breast milk, then he will defecate a little less often, only 3-4 times a day, and his stool will be viscous and thick, brownish or light yellow.

Looking at the stool of the crumbs is a very important diagnostic point in relation to his health. New environment and nutrition often cause dysbiosis and various intestinal infections... If the baby's stool has changed its smell from sour to sharply unpleasant, has become heterogeneous in density and color, you should sound the alarm and consult a doctor. This should not normally happen.

Umbilical wound

After emerging from the womb, it is disconnected. The umbilical cord that connected them earlier is cut and tied. From this protruding piece of flesh, a pretty little navel is formed by the end of the first month, with proper care, of course. And for him, mommy will need to treat the umbilical wound twice a day as follows:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Take a piece of sterile cotton wool and wrap it around a match or toothpick. Repeat this procedure three times. The result should be three wooden sticks with cotton wool at the ends;
  • Moisten one of the resulting tampons in hydrogen peroxide and gently treat the wound without pressure;
  • Take another stick and soak in salicylic alcohol. Wipe the wound again, despite the active protest from the baby;
  • Moisten the third swab in brilliant green and repeat the procedure.

As a result proper care a couple of weeks umbilical wound should become narrow and dry, without any discharge and redness of the skin on the baby's tummy. By the end of 4 weeks of life, it will finally overgrow and the baby's navel will take on a normal appearance.

Water procedures

You need to start bathing the baby immediately after discharge from maternity hospital, on the same day. Postpone water treatments follows if, on the eve or on the same day, the baby was vaccinated against tuberculosis.

Water for bathing a baby should be used boiled and close in temperature to 37 ° C. The baby should be bathed every other day, and once a week, bathe with a baby sponge and wash your hair twice a week using shampoo for newborns. All other products used for bathing must also be special for children. Try to get the child out of the water before he asks you to cry and shout. After that, the baby should be wiped with blotting movements and proceed to the care procedures.

You should not bathe your child when he may be hungry, that is, if more than 1 hour has passed since the last meal.

A newborn's skin is very delicate and prone to irritation and dryness. Therefore, the baby's skin must be lubricated with baby cream or oil, paying special attention to deep folds.

After each chair, the crumbs must be washed off with soap and running water. After that, the skin of the buttocks must be lubricated with oil or cream.

The baby's nails at 1 month old should not be cut in order to avoid injury and subsequent inflammation.

Twice a day, the baby needs to be washed. To do this, take two cotton swabs and dip in boiled water, then lightly squeeze and wipe both eyes at the same time in the direction from the ears to the nose. Then take another cotton swab. Also moisten and wipe all the crumbs' face.


After 2 weeks, the baby can be taken out for walks, the duration of the first of which should be no more than 15 minutes. For the first "appearance" should choose a suitable day in terms of weather. It is better to neglect walking if it is raining or heavy snowing outside, as well as if it is severe frost, smog or fog. In the future, it will be possible to chill at your pleasure, everything comes with experience. The day after the first walk, the time spent in the air is already 30 minutes. And so gradually the duration of walks increases to 2 - 2.5 hours a day for cool seasons, and unlimited for warm ones.

There is no need to dress up the baby "like a cabbage", trying to protect him from colds. It is the constant overheating that leads to frequent colds in children. Focus on the temperature of the pens, if they are warm, then the little one is warm. In the case of children, the “cold nose” principle does not work.

Swaddle, do not swaddle

Many parents have doubts whether to swaddle their child or not. Nobody will give a categorical answer. There is a lot of debate about rationality today. this method... Many psychologists believe that swaddling limits the knowledge of a small crumbs of the outside world. Which can lead to psychological consequences.

Although our grandmothers actively practiced tight swaddling, all the babies looked very funny at the same time, like little dolls. Proven scientific research, swaddling has a beneficial effect on the baby's sleep. He wakes up less from chaotic hand movements. So there is no right in this dispute.

To find the sweet spot, many pediatricians recommend combination swaddling. During wakefulness, leave the child in loose clothing, and swaddle while sleeping.

"Hospitalism" - a pedagogically neglected baby

Outwardly, the child can look completely healthy, physically strong. If he receives little attention from birth, the emotional sphere of such children is very poorly developed.


Usually abandoned babies suffer from this syndrome. Such children rarely cry, rarely smile, and are almost not interested in anything. In the future, they play sluggishly and primitively with toys, problems with speech arise.

"Hospitalism" is characterized by delay mental development... Psychomotor functions are also impaired. Subsequently, such children develop apathy, constant sucking fingers, fists. Thus, the child compensates for the lack of information.

How to be

Desired babies do not have such a problem. Motherly love, warmth, affection is the main incentive for better development skills in an infant. At the caring, loving mom never a crumb will be diagnosed with hospitalism. Because she will never leave her blood for a long time unattended, she will not make her cry for a long time, she will find the cause of her dissatisfaction, she will sound the alarm when something is wrong.

Parents should remember that the child's brain needs information from the outside world, for further correct development... This need must be developed from the first days of life. Constant communication, bright non-annoying toys, pleasant music.

Summing up

After 4 weeks, the baby will move from the neonatal period to a new level during infancy, which will last up to 1 year. Ahead Big world and a long life full of amazing discoveries. And not only for the baby, but also for the parents. The most important thing to remember is that every child is unique and unrepeatable. Therefore, the rates of its growth and development are also individual and special, they may differ from generally accepted standards, and there is nothing wrong with that. If there are any prerequisites, you need to immediately run to the doctor. If there are none, there is no need to come up with causes and effects. There is a more important and enjoyable lesson - just being a mom! Love and take care of your kids!

How to understand why a newly born baby is crying?

Urgently call a doctor or will you be able to cope on your own?

These questions are often asked by young mothers on forums and social networks.

The reason is in ignorance of the rules of conduct. The baby learns to live in a new space. Parents have no experience with a stranger. Learn how to understand your baby, and what to do to alleviate his suffering. Learn to adapt to each other.

Why can a one-week-old baby cry? Reasons and recommendations

Newborn children tend to attract the attention of others by screaming: they do not know how to express their needs in a different way. A baby's cry is a manifestation of the body's response to pain, hunger, or fear.

It is more difficult to determine the cause of the cry in a baby up to one month old. This is a period of active adaptation of the body to a new environment for a newborn child. The older the fool is, the easier it is to identify the source of the worry. After saturation, a one-month-old baby falls asleep for 1.5-2 hours. Younger fed babies often have other reasons for crying (such as colic).

Depending on the character and temperament, each baby shows dissatisfaction in its own way. There are temperamental children who react to minor discomfort with tens of decibels of screaming. Quiet is another matter. Patient crumbs are focused on themselves and do not seek to capture the attention of the people around them. A common reaction of introverts is grunting and whimpering.

Additional help - reading the infant's body language:

  • flexion and extension of the legs;
  • waving hands;
  • movements of the muscles of the face.

Crying baby: what to do to overcome tantrums?

Many mothers are worried about the question: "Do I need to take babies in my arms?" The answer depends on the infant's adaptability and the cause of the discomfort. If the source of the discomfort is not eliminated, it is useless to calm the child down.

A time-tested technique is to take the baby in your arms, and sway, sing a lullaby. Alternatively, put on music in the style of "relax", melodic classics. The kid will fall asleep quickly. back side problems - the infant learns to manipulate adults.

A prerequisite for stopping a cry is an even attitude. Parents are strictly prohibited from shouting, threatening or waving their hands. In this case, the natural reaction of the baby is increased crying, increased intracranial pressure and temperature.

An incomplete list of motives for screaming:

  1. hunger;
  2. weather dependence;
  3. overwhelming or lack of experience;
  4. inappropriate conditions for sleep and wakefulness;
  5. negligence towards parenting responsibilities;
  6. inattention, fatigue and insecurity of young parents;
  7. feelings of crumbs caused by painful manifestations:

How to understand the reason for the crying sounds of a baby under one month old?

There are several methods that study the crying of newborn babies. Experts have observed the behavior of babies at home. The screams were examined for stability, duration, irritability, frequency of sounds. An interesting observation: no characteristic differences were found in newborn boys and girls.

Types of crying baby

  • whimpering: intermittent, monotonous; it is immediately obvious that the child is pushing to produce sounds;
  • conscription: by the nature of the tones it is similar to a whimpering, but the crumb is crying without visible effort;
  • plaintive: quiet, continuous, hysterical, grunting sound;
  • intense: powerful, loud, often starts with a low timbre, progressively moves to high sounds, often with choking.

The nature of the cry depends on the reason.

  1. Crying from hunger begins with the whimpering of a child. In the absence of a response, the volume increases and decreases in frequency. At the last stage, the scream turns into a continuous roar.
  2. Crying from pain - mournful, if the malaise is mild, whimpering. In sudden onset of pain, the timbre and volume are intense. Sometimes crying turns into a hysterical phase. Parents are required to react immediately if crying stops abruptly - this is an alarming signal that requires a parent's response. Better to call an ambulance.
  3. Crying from fear begins with sounds of the upper register: loud, often - immediately with a choking sound.
  4. Crying from discomfort unrelated to pain - whimpering.

What to do when a newborn baby cries often?

In vogue - recommendations to adhere to a strict regime: get up by the clock, feed, walk, bathe. This is taught in schools to young mothers, advised upon discharge from the hospital, written in books and the media. Lots of guides explaining the reasons for the baby's behavior. In practice, young parents are faced with the ineffectiveness of recommendations.

The human body is a complex system, each person has its own characteristics. Pediatrician recommendations are based on statistics. The behavior of a particular child differs from the actions of peers. Parents should take into account the experience of pediatricians, but make final conclusions - taking into account the personality of the baby.

How do most babies report hunger, inadequacy, diaper rash, colic?

Manifestations of hunger in a newborn baby

A common cause of baby malnutrition is the lack of experience of parents. The body of a temperamental child with good heredity requires a lot of energy. In a sickly and quiet baby physical activity below, the need for breast milk less pronounced.

Poor milk flow is one of the causes of malnutrition. It is important for mothers to identify the cause of crying in time by adding artificial mixtures to the diet. Another source of crying profuse regurgitation milk during or after feeding.

The infant exhibits hunger by behavior:

  • makes sounds reminiscent of grumbling;
  • begins to be capricious;
  • turns into loud and almost continuous crying.

Typical signs of crying: the newborn baby opens her mouth and smacks her lips slightly.

There are two verification methods.

  1. Place a bent little finger to the lips of the child in the stroller. If the baby is hungry, he will be informed about it restless behavior turning your head in different sides, pulling the body following your finger.
  2. When the mother picks up the baby, the baby restlessly searches for the breast.

Climatic conditions

In adults, the skin is a barrier that prevents overheating or hypothermia. In infants, the function of heat exchange is in the stage of formation. Babies react sharply to any change in temperature.

Some babies tolerate heat well, but are sensitive to coolness, others - on the contrary. One of the "barometers" for determining temperature parameters is the wrist of a newborn baby.

The characteristic signs of hypothermia include: first - plaintive crying, then - the onset of hiccups. The hiccups periodically turn into a sobbing cry.

The appearance of the skin is pale. When the palm is applied, the baby's skin is noticeably cooled.

A newborn baby who is overheated has a reddened skin. Instinctively, a newborn baby twists its legs and waves its arms. If the baby is swaddled, it will begin to bend. Overheating is a loud, choking cry.

Some infants are weather-dependent from birth. They react sharply to phenomena to which the baby, due to the small life experience, did not adapt:

  • thaw in frost;
  • heat to cool.

Indicators are also important: wind force, pressure, air humidity.

Diaper rash in a newborn baby

A common cause of crying is wet diapers. The newborn child reports emptying of the stomach (or bladder) by grunting, which gradually turns into an intense cry. If parents do not respond quickly enough, irritation occurs in the perineum, on the buttocks and folds of the legs. To relieve the itching, the baby pulls to the bottom and combs the genitals.

A sign of a wet diaper: the child bends, fidgets in bed, trying to move to another place. If your hands are free, the fold or the edge of the diaper is enough.

  • use gauze, cotton diapers, old sheets instead of reusable diapers;
  • after each emptying of the bladder (or stomach) - lubricate wounds and diaper rash special cream or a medicinal product.

If skin irritation is noticeable, but wounds have not appeared, use special diapers (with biological products) designed for night rest.

Crying from colic

Colic is pain in the form of a spasm, to which a newborn baby reacts by crying. Typical for children from birth to 3-4 months. When feeding, the baby swallows air. The baby eats a lot: enzymes do not have time to digest all the food entering the stomach. Gases are formed. As the organism adapts, the quantity and quality of enzymes begins to correspond to the mass of food.

Each child has characteristic signs and periods of colic. For some children, it is earlier in the morning, others in the afternoon, and still others in the evening. With colic, most babies drop their breasts and start screaming.

External manifestations of anxiety from colic: redness of the skin, loud choking cry. Released from the diaper, the infant swings his legs and arms vigorously.

The way to calm down is to find a position that brings relief to a newborn baby. One child calms down in classic pose: lying in horizontal position in the arms of the mother. Others prefer the "column" position (when the baby's head rests on the parent's shoulder or rests on the chin).

Good result: putting something warm on the newborn's belly, such as an ironed diaper or a warm heating pad. Alternatively, tie a woolen scarf around the body.

This is the most probable causes explaining the constant crying of babies under 1-3 months of age. Parents need:

  • study the developments of specialists;
  • monitor the condition of a newborn child;
  • consult your pediatrician regularly.

Babies have only one language - their crying. This is the one and only opportunity for a young child to communicate his needs to the mother. In order for the baby to develop a healthy one, not a single request for help should be ignored by an adult. How faster mom will begin to understand the language of your child, the better it will be for everyone!

The sooner she comes to help the baby, the less he suffers, and the sooner deviations in the health or development of the child can be prevented and identified. How to learn to understand the crying of a child?

In the process of carrying a child, the mother begins to identify herself with the baby. This allows her to understand and subtly feel the constantly changing needs and requirements of the child, to meet them in a timely manner. However, not always one maternal instinct enough to rely on him completely. Experts identify three main reasons for crying babies.

Take on the handles!

The need for contact with the mother, which can be expressed in the need to carry the child in her arms, the need for bodily comfort. Newborns are completely defenseless and afraid of being alone, therefore they constantly need the presence of their mother, a sense of security. It is this that will subsequently help him gain confidence in his abilities. In addition to the physical touch of the mother, the baby needs positive emotions and communication with her, which is expressed in her views, facial expressions, affectionate intonations addressed to him. Communication between mother and child is extremely important for the development of vision, hearing and the child's ability to communicate and speak in general.

Is it all about physiology?

The child cries regularly when he is hungry. Since there is no clear feeding regime for breastfed babies during the first month of life, the baby should be fed "on demand", that is, when he is crying. Feeding strictly according to the clock has not been practiced anywhere for more than 40 years, since it contradicts the physiological processes of the body and can lead to a number of negative manifestations on the part of the digestive, excretory systems, contribute to overexcitation of the central nervous system.

By crying, the baby can also signal that he is cold. If he has a cold nose and wrinkles in the elbow and under the knees, he should immediately be warmed in his mother's arms. Do not rush to wrap up the child when he has cold hands, feet or a nose. It is enough to put on warm socks on the legs, and gloves on the handles. At the same time, crying can be associated with overheating, when the child scatters arms and legs, his skin turns red, and a small red rash may appear on it. In this case, change the child into more light clothing or strip the child naked and arrange for him air bath in the apartment for 20-30 minutes, give it boiled water at room temperature.

Many children in the first months of life suffer from intestinal colic due to the immaturity of the child's enzymatic system and the accumulation of gases in the intestines. Sometimes a newborn cannot have a bowel movement without the mother's help. He may whimper and even cry until a bowel movement occurs. Digestive disorders are also signaled by an increase in the tummy, pressing the legs to the stomach and sharply straightening them, tense clenching of the fists (usually this happens in the evening, at the same hours, for at least 30 minutes daily). In these cases, the baby is massaged the tummy, given herbal teas or drugs that stimulate peristalsis and reduce gas production (Plantex, Espumisan for children), use gas outlet pipe... Although it is important to understand that the reasons are not fully determined and the main way of their prevention is attention to the child, for which the mother should monitor her diet if she is breastfeeding, or carefully select the milk mixture, and also introduce complementary foods in a timely manner, corresponding to the state and development child.

The kid feels the need for a comfortable and get enough sleep so if the necessary conditions are not met, he can signal this with his cry. Usually babies begin to "tell" their mother that they are tired and want to sleep from the age of two or three months. At the same time, they are far from always able to fall asleep on their own - the mother needs to rock him or put him next to her (optimally, on an additional cradle bed). It will be even better if mom and baby have their own bedtime ritual, which they will repeat from time to time.

Pain and discomfort

Noise and loud speech, bright lights and uncomfortable position, thin fabric or tight folds in clothing. A wet diaper or diaper can also cause baby discomfort and crying. Usually, these reasons for crying (demanding, but not prolonged) are easy to detect and eliminate.

The most "unwanted" reason for crying babies is, of course, various pathological conditions, organic lesions of organs and systems, malformations, infectious diseases, manifestations of allergies. Only a specialist can diagnose them.

"On the one hand, children under six months, especially those who are breastfed, are less susceptible to many infectious diseases due to the presence of immune protection transmitted by the mother," explains Kazyukova T.V., MD, professor of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics No. 1 GBOU VPO RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov. - On the other hand, the risk of infection remains if the child is taken in public places or there are often guests in the house, and even more so if parents, older brothers and sisters get sick themselves. When counting on maternal immunity, it is important to remember that most other people who come into contact with the baby, unfortunately, can infect him. In this regard, we have specially studied the feasibility of "family" prophylaxis infectious diseases in a megalopolis on the example of the drug Oscillococcinum and came to the conclusion that the risk of getting ARVI in the group where preventive measures systematically accepted by all family members, during the epidemic season it decreased to 12.8%. "

Children in their first year of life are often prone to food allergies, which can manifest as skin rashes ( atopic dermatitis, urticaria, angioedema), various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, regurgitation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain). Children over one year old are more likely to be exposed to airborne allergens that cause respiratory distress ( bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis). Breastfeeding is very important for a child, while the mother of a child prone to allergic reactions, during the entire period of breastfeeding should be observed hypoallergenic diet... In case the child is on artificial feeding, the pediatrician will prescribe a specialized therapeutic hypoallergenic artificial mixture, individually selected for the child.

What should mom do?

If the baby cries, it is necessary to pick him up - this eliminates the most common cause of crying - a lack of attention or contact with his mother. If crying continues, the baby may be signaling that he is hungry, thirsty, or sleepy. the child may need to satisfy physiological needs such as defecation.

If the baby does not calm down or refuses to take the breast, it is useful to check the diaper and clothes again, the condition sleeping place for diaper rash or rashes.

Trying to calm the child down, the mother herself should be calm. Quite often, children cry in response to the irritation and nervousness of the mother or the general unfriendly environment in the family. Therefore, you need to calm down yourself and eliminate the source of irritation.

If these measures do not work, then the reasons for crying lie in a more serious malaise of the child, and a doctor should be called.

Savchenko Irina Grigorievna

A child is an extremely restless and inquisitive creature. Many different objects pass through his handles, but if the baby is still very small, then all of them must be studied "by the teeth".

This behavior is fraught with the swallowing of small parts and getting them into the respiratory tract. And a baby under one year old can choke on breast milk or a mixture when feeding, an older baby - with pieces of food.

What if the child chokes? What should be the first aid? When is it better not to interfere? Each parent needs to clearly understand the sequence of actions in emergency situation, because children's life depends on the correct behavior.

If you suspect that your child is choking, first of all, stay calm, don't panic or get hysterical. Before giving him first aid, try to take a sensible look at the situation (of course, this is extremely difficult) and get rid of unnecessary emotions.

The human body is in many ways an autonomous system that can independently get rid of various liquids and solids that have entered the respiratory system. For example, using the cough and gag reflex.

If choked Small child coughed and cried, he started vomiting, which means that everything is not so bad. He breathes because there is no obstruction in the airway. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to calm the little one and determine what he choked on.

Most often, small pieces of food and drinks come out with vomiting and coughing up. Of course, after everything that happened, the baby will not immediately come to his senses, he will cough and feel discomfort in the chest. However, then, after an hour or two, the condition returns to normal.

What to do if the child chokes on any bead or piece of food of a larger size, but continues to breathe? You do not need to try to get a foreign object on your own, since you will only push it even further with clumsy actions.

Calm the baby and make sure he is breathing, lay him on the side with his chin up, and then call an ambulance.

Emergency first aid from parents is needed if the following adverse symptoms are observed:

  • the child began to choke, tries to catch air in his mouth;
  • first his skin turn red, then turn blue;
  • mouth opens, saliva flows out;
  • the baby seeks to grab the neck with handles (this is what children over one year old do);
  • he is not able to talk, cry (if a newborn), this is a sure sign of airway obstruction.

The most unfavorable signal is that the baby is so bad that he loses consciousness. In this case, you can only help with quick and at the same time well-thought-out actions.

First aid for an infant

Usually a newborn or infant under a year may choke when feeding - milk, food, water, saliva. The most common reasons a similar situation are:

  • incorrect position of the crumbs when feeding;
  • too long a gap between meals (the baby will gag);
  • too abundant flow of milk from the breast (the baby does not have time to swallow and chokes);
  • large holes in the nipples (if the baby is artificial).

Wherein month old baby will cough violently, snort, or breathe frequently. In children aged several months, the signs usually do not differ. To help babies, do the following:

  1. Raise your baby's hands up. Similar method little known, may seem overly simple and ineffective, but this position of the body expands the airways and normalizes the passage of air to the lungs.
  2. Another method that you should try if the previous one did not help. If infant baby choked with saliva, milk, you can help a newborn baby like that - put it with your stomach on your palm and pat it with the edge of your palm 5 times between the shoulder blades.
  3. If a month-old or an infant chokes on a piece of food, a small object, the parent can do the following - the baby rises by the legs and gently shakes it, or the baby is pressed on the root of the uvula to trigger the gag reflex.

The child is coughing, but breathing does not change? Most likely, the foreign object ended up in the laryngeal tube and did not advance further. Special help is not required here, since with cough and saliva, a piece of food will fly out on its own.

The situation becomes much more complicated if a child under one year old or a year old starts waving his arms, pulling in his tummy, but he can no longer cry. Wrong actions by adults can cause suffocation or death.

Use the following 5-step technique to clear your infant's airway:

  1. If one month old baby choked on milk, saliva, began to breathe very often, while breathing is periodically not audible, turn the baby back to you, hug it with your hand, and press it into the stomach area. Then tilt the little one forward and pat 4 times on the back.
  2. When choking with saliva, milk or any drink and if there is no result from the previous step, you can help the baby in a different way. Infant placed on the back, with its head located below the pelvis. We put two or three on the sternum. You need to press 4 times, making sure that the sternum is always straightened. Alternate pressing and patting on the back while waiting for the doctor to arrive.
  3. If the child still does not start breathing, try to visually find the food that caused the suffocation. You need to put the baby on the tongue thumb, carefully move the jaw down and inspect the neck. If the foreign body is within sight and reach, you can try to remove it by grasping it with your fingers. Beware of pushing it deeper.
  4. If the previous actions did not bring relief to the baby, he still does not breathe, artificial respiration should be done. Try taking 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths. Does your chest move as you breathe in? This means that the airways are cleared, so you need to continue helping so that the child begins to breathe without your support.
  5. Continue with the above sequence of steps while the doctor is driving. With the proper skill, the mother can help the baby in about a minute. This is a good indicator, since first aid in such a situation should be truly emergency.

It doesn't matter how many months old a nursing baby who choked. You need to act decisively, but the claps and presses should be sharp, but not too hard. Excessive application of force can rupture internal organs.

You can provide first aid to children over a year old in the same way as in the case of children up to 12 months old.

If the previous techniques do not help, the parent can use the Helmich method, which the US Academy of Pediatrics recommended for children who have celebrated their year.

The actions of adults differ depending on whether the child is conscious or not. If the baby is aware of what is happening:

If the baby is unconscious, we provide first aid a little differently:

  • the child is placed with his back on a hard surface;
  • an adult stands up near his legs (you cannot sit on the baby);
  • one palm is placed in the area of ​​the ribs and navel (feel the end chest, which cannot be pressed), is pressed from above with the second hand;
  • press quickly 10 times, directing the movement up.

After making sure that consciousness has not returned to the baby, moreover, he has stopped breathing, go to artificial ventilation.

It is done as follows:

  1. Making sure there is no airway foreign bodies, you need to take in air and slowly exhale it into the baby's mouth, after blocking nasal breathing... You should not immediately blow in the entire volume of air, since the child's respiratory organs are significantly smaller. Do no more than five breaths.
  2. Then you need to move on to indirect massage of the heart muscle. If the baby is not yet a year old, press is done with your fingers. For children over a year old, this procedure is performed with two palms. You need to press hard and sharply, but you should control the strength of the jolts.
  3. Then you need to go back to ventilation of the lungs - only two exhalations. The actions are repeated until the child begins to breathe on his own or emergency medical assistance arrives.

If the child has choked, the most important thing is not to stop and give up. It is not known when the ambulance will arrive, so first aid must be provided consistently and without stopping.

First aid for preschoolers and adolescents

Not only a newborn or nursing baby, but also an older child can choke on a piece of food, drink and even saliva.

Preschoolers and children adolescence are already able to react with understanding to the situation that has arisen and follow your instructions.

First of all, try the Helmich method described above. If it doesn't work, you can move on to induce vomiting to help. unwanted body get out of the airways.

To provoke the gag reflex, you need to press the root of the uvula with your finger.

With vomiting, both the esophageal tube and the airway reflexively contract. Therefore, not only the gastric contents are pushed out, but also foreign and such dangerous objects that have entered the respiratory tract.

Preventive measures

If you are not eager to remove from the larynx and pharynx of the child various subjects, heed the advice of experts and follow certain and not very complicated precautions:

  • check for integrity Stuffed Toys stuffed with cotton wool, since it can easily end up in the baby's mouth;
  • various constructors, mosaics, trinkets with small constituent parts remove from children under one year old;
  • from the first month, make sure that the baby, if possible, does not drag everything into his mouth;
  • teach your child to eat carefully, exclude games and pampering when eating;
  • food for little child(especially if you are introducing complementary foods for the first time) you need to grind well, and for older children, fish and fruits should be pitted.

In addition, you should not shove food into your child, even if it seems to you that he is hungry. The kid will definitely start spinning, turning away, screaming, which significantly increases the likelihood of choking.

Thus, it is up to every parent to know what to do if the child chokes. However, whatever the likely outcome, you need to call an ambulance. Yes, most likely, you will be able to help the baby, but only an experienced specialist can understand if the airways are damaged, or if everything is in order.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

Through numerous studies and observations, psychologists have proven that in fact the opposite is true.

The fact is that the child needs to receive a certain set of sensations and experiences when interacting with the mother. If he is deprived of this experience, then he simply will not be able to develop harmoniously in the future. Therefore, most modern pediatricians and psychologists argue that the desire of a newborn to be in mom's arms- this is a natural need for its normal growth.

Baby in arms

The world for a newborn is his mother. During pregnancy, especially during last months gestation, the baby's body is in amniotic fluid and compressed by the walls of the uterus. The unborn baby feels warm, calm and comfortable there. After birth baby as if he gets into a completely different universe, where he becomes uncomfortable and scared.

Feel little man are divided into acquaintances from life in the womb before birth and unfamiliar. The former are associated with a source of calmness and pleasure, while the new ones, on the contrary, are fraught with danger and threat.

The preservation of the previous landmarks can be achieved only through the constant presence of his mother next to the newborn. Her smell, touch, the beating of her heart and the rhythm of breathing remind the baby of the comfort of intrauterine existence and help him regain a sense of security and calmness.
Physical contact with mom is one of the most important light conditions adaptation of a recently born child to the new conditions of extrauterine life. He needs this interaction throughout the day and in different situations: when he cannot sleep, when he is scared, when he wants to communicate, etc.

Strong bond mom and baby in the first months of life, the baby helps him grow and develop normally.
By the time of birth, of the 5 senses, the most developed are the sense of smell and touch. It is the musculocutaneous sensations in the first time after childbirth that are the main source of impressions and positive emotions. Tactile receptors are located throughout the child's body, which is why he is so sensitive to touch, stroking, and carrying.

The first days of a newborn's life

Nature has endowed the newborn baby with the ability to communicate and interact with others. WITH first days baby in every possible way achieves intimacy with his mother and attracts her attention with the help of various sounds, crying (screaming) or movements. It is important to react with understanding to every "whim" of the baby and try to satisfy his needs.

In some cases, the baby's cry is caused precisely by the fact that the baby wants to be with his mother. If she does not respond to this call and the baby does not receive enough tactile sensations- he becomes restless, capricious and begins to constantly provoke adults to interaction with his cry.

Lack of tactile sensations from mom in first months of life can lead in the future to the formation in the child of various phobias (fears), neuroses, speech disorders, enuresis (urinary incontinence), and also affect his character and development as a person.

The feeling that formed in a child in the earliest and close relationship with his mother, is basic, on the basis of which his further relationships and interactions with the outside world are formed.

Children deprived of warm mother's hands, often grow up conflicted, aggressive or, conversely, too timid, insecure, uncommunicative, dependent and have low self-esteem.

Psychologists distinguish the phenomenon of sensory starvation, which manifests itself in children who grow up without a mother from birth. The observations were carried out in orphanages, whose inmates were deprived of maternal affection, love and tender touch. As a result, the children had mental and mental retardation. physical development and the formation of protective behavior. It was found that the absence maternal affection can lead to somatic disorders as early as 2 months of age.

This proves once again that on child health not only proper nutrition and timely care affects, but also the possibility of emotional contact with the mother. Her voice, affectionate touches, pressing to her chest are necessary stimuli for the development of the cerebral cortex.

Children carried in their arms

The manual period, as a rule, lasts from the birth of the baby to the moment when he begins to crawl (6-7 months). From this time on, the child wants to learn everything himself, the space of the surrounding world expands for him, and he spends less time with his mother in her arms. The duration of the manual period is individual for each baby and is directly related to the temperament of the baby, features of his character and condition child health.

What is the difference between children, whom mothers carry a lot in their arms, from their peers who are deprived of it?

Touches- one of the most important stimuli for the development of the central nervous system. Signals from skin receptors go to various centers of the cerebral cortex, contributing to their intensive formation.

Hand children tend to outperform their peers in terms of performance neuropsychic development... They quickly establish visual and auditory contact with their mother, they understand other people's speech earlier and are more successful in "producing" their own. Besides, children carried in their arms, demonstrate a wealth of emotion. Being next to their mother, they constantly see manifestations of her feelings: smile, surprise, joy, concern, etc. - and in response, they learn to express their feelings faster: they respond with a smile to a smile, make sounds, make energetic movements with their arms and legs.

Touch relieves stress. Hand children have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Mom's hug not only soothe the baby, but also relieve pain due to the production of endorphins. Therefore, many women instinctively cuddle the baby when he cries - and the baby quickly calms down.

It was noted that children who are constantly stroked and hugged by their mothers have tummy pains less often, they suffer less from colic. This is due to the fact that when touched, the hormone inulin is released, which activates the intestinal tract. The higher the content of this hormone, the more efficiently the baby digests food. In addition, mother's warmth warms the baby's tummy, relieving pain.

Being in mom's arms, babies interact better with outside world and get to know it more actively. During wakefulness, when the child is in calm state next to his mother and does not spend his energy on crying, he looks better and listens to the objects around him. From this height, the baby can see what is inaccessible to his perception when he lies in the crib. If mom leads active image life and regularly carries the child, he begins to feel like a participant in the process, and not just an observer. Such children subsequently grow up mobile, proactive and show more interest in life.

Constant contact with the mother forms in the child a feeling of complete trust in her, a close relationship is established between them. The woman who wears her baby in arms, perceives his desires better, understands his needs and satisfies them on time.

Language of newborns

A newborn baby does not understand words. But this does not mean that there is no need to communicate with the child. The baby perfectly reads the language of his mother's gentle touches and hugs. It is in this language that a woman needs communicate with the child to convey your thoughts and feelings and raise your baby happy.
Communication mom and baby should not occur exclusively during care activities (feeding, changing clothes, etc.). The state of bodily comfort in itself does not cause positive emotions in the infant, because the satisfaction of physical needs is only a prerequisite for them. Sami positive emotions arise only when communicating with another person.

Little children need pick up at any cry, when they need it. For them, this is proof that they are loved and needed. As a rule, babies who lack attention from their parents or feel a lack of bodily contact with them, and not “spoiled tame” children, cry for a long time and are capricious.

If the mother does not respond to the cry of the child, being sure that he is just being capricious, the baby's desire to signal her needs weakens. He becomes passive and inert, emotional alienation from his mother develops, inner self-doubt and a feeling of hostility from the surrounding world grow.

If the baby does not experience pleasant experiences associated with communicating with his mother, he becomes emotionally cold, development processes slow down, the world seems gloomy, incomprehensible and scary, the formation of personality is distorted.

If a woman constantly leaves the child's calls for communication unanswered, it becomes difficult for a baby who has not received the desired attention and warmth to express her needs. Each time it becomes more difficult for mom to understand what the baby wants, it is more and more problematic to get close to him, to establish trusting relationship and "tune in" to each other.

In an emotionally positive relationship baby with mom he, on the other hand, develops an early childhood attachment to his mother, helping to satisfy his need for love. On the basis of this harmonious positive feeling in the future, all the relationships of the little person with the outside world are formed.

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