How Asians paint. Make-up for the Asian type of face. Focus on eyelashes

Have you read a ton of glossy beauty magazines and watched gigabytes of makeup tutorials on Youtube, but still have no idea how to paint your eyes? Me too!

Looking at the instructions of Western beauty gurus (yes, the same domestic Krygina!), Where they cleverly advise to highlight the "outer corner of the upper fold" with dark shadows, I think sadly: "What should I do?" Indeed, as is often the case with Asians, I am completely devoid of the so-called double "European" fold on the eyelids.

But not all Asians are born without it. About half of us have such a fold. And it is from among them that make-up artists choose models when they want to demonstrate their skills on girls of different races. Well, of course - it's much easier to deal with the familiar! The already mentioned Krygina, during her master class in Yakutsk, also went along easy way choosing a Yakut woman for makeup with small (but still) folds on the eyelids. But you and I should not be upset :).

Firstly, all kinds of devices for the formation of a double fold on the eyelids have been in use for a long time:

Secondly, you can use it and no one will blame you for it.

And finally, thirdly, with the help of cosmetics we can emphasize the beauty of our eyes, make our eyes open and expressive. At the same time, we do not at all need to deny ourselves the fashion experiments- any trends of the season: as if it were dramatic smokey-eyes or crazy colored arrows - they look amazing on Asian women! You just need to rethink the traditional makeup rules and adapt them to your unique appearance.

1.Use the Ombre technique.

Celebrity makeup artist Mei Kyung recommends: “Whichever eye makeup you prefer - neutral day or evening, the main thing is that the shadows are applied in a gradient way (or, as the French say, Ombre). The point of the technique is to smoothly flow one color into another. At the same time, we apply dark shadows closer to the eyelash growth line, and the higher, the lighter the tone becomes. “It gives the illusion of depth, which is important for visually flat asian eyes without a crease in the eyelid, explains Mei Kyung.

Draw a line with a black or dark brown pencil close to your lashes, and don't be afraid to press down on the pencil for an intense color.

Then apply lighter eyeshadow (gray for smoky eyes or brown for daytime makeup). Blend them up and out towards the temples.

Finally, take the lightest color and apply on upper part century, under the eyebrow. Make sure you blend outward, not inward: if dark shadows fall too close to the bridge of the nose, the eyes will appear close-set. Once you're done with this, take a clean, fluffy brush and gently brush it over the eyelids, especially where one color blends into another, so that there are no clear boundaries between them.

2.Draw bolder arrows.

“Sometimes girls without double folds in their eyes complain that their trendy arrows are simply hidden under the overhanging skin, ”explains Kuhn. - If you have the same problem, do not be afraid to draw a thicker line along the lashes than is usually recommended for Europeans. During the process, stop every few seconds to check if the line is visible when open eyes... "The Asian eye shape is especially suitable for creating beautiful flying arrows," adds the makeup artist. Another makeup artist, Wanggou, gives additional advice: "When you paint yourself" cat's eyes”, Look up, not down. Asian eyes tend to change shape when you look in different sides so to achieve best results always look up until the makeup is done. "

3. Attention to eyelashes!

4. Choose one bright tone

“If you like bold colors, pick just one eye shadow and apply it all over upper eyelid“- advises Ryoke. Eyes without double folds are usually almond-shaped. Close them and apply color to the upper eyelid, repeating almond-shaped, then paint the lower eyelid with the same shade. Ryoke says: "I personally use one bright color - in a typical Asian age there is not enough room to mix different shades." In my opinion, this advice contradicts the first one about Ombre. Maybe it only deals with bright colored shadows, and not black-gray-brown tones?

5. Choose highlighters in natural tones.

While you've probably seen models with deep-set eyes that paint over the inner corners of the eyelids with white pencil, Wanggou recommends that Asian girls do things differently. If you have a flat bridge of the nose - and this is very common for Asians - the inner corner of the eye should not be emphasized too much light color", He says. Instead, you'd better highlight the mucous membrane along the growth line. lower eyelashes and tear ducts pencil flesh tone ... Ryoke also recommends applying a little more highlighter to the lower inner corner of the eye, which gives "the illusion of a deeper eyelid and a three-dimensional effect."

6. Shadow and eyeliner on the lower eyelid are essential.

“I always put some eyeshadow on my lower eyelid,” says Wanggou. “This is another trick that visually enlarges Asian eyes. On the upper eyelid, the shadows should be more intense, but do not neglect the lighter shades on the lower eyelid, near the lash line, to help "open" the eyes. "If you want a discreet daytime make-up, then skip this step, but still do not forget to line your lower eyelids with the liner."

It is interesting that I myself, through trial and error, came to this decision, although in all makeup tutorials (designed, however, for the European type of appearance), owners of small eyes are not recommended to let the lower eyelid down. “This will make your eyes appear even smaller,” they warn. Oh, really? And the mirror tells me exactly the opposite!

7. Don't draw a fake crease!

Of course, it's tempting to take a pencil and draw the missing fold on your eyelid. But you want to emphasize your natural beauty, and not turn into an incomprehensible one? All three makeup artists advise never to make a fake crease with pencil or shadows - it will be too obvious. Ryoke put it best: "Show better how beautiful you are by nature!" For objectivity's sake, I will note what I saw good examples such art. For example, on the Buryat singer Madagma Dorzhieva, whose photo you can see. I asked her for the name of that makeup artist, but, unfortunately, she does not remember it. In my picky opinion, Madagma's makeup turned out to be excellent. Although it is not for everyday life, but for the stage or photo shoots. In general, I am not so categorically saying "no" to the drawn fake fold. If you have a reason and a virtuoso make-up artist, why not give it a try?

Does makeup have a nationality? Undoubtedly yes. Makeup, like fashion, is influenced by history, culture, climatic conditions, features of facial features and many more factors. Therefore, the Asian make-up is fundamentally different from the European and American ones.

Interest in oriental makeup has grown with the popularity of Korean make-up and skin and hair care products that have made the world fall in love with them. The beauty secret of Seoul women has been revealed! What is the difference between the mysterious korean makeup from the European we are accustomed to? How to do it?

Korean makeup: features

The main reason why this type of makeup differs from European is the ethnic difference in facial features. Korean girls have high, slightly square cheekbones, small but plump lips, an upturned nose with a thin back, and most importantly - a narrow section of the eyes and the absence of folds of the upper eyelid. It follows that the main makeup techniques aimed at correcting certain features are strikingly different from Western ones. For example, Korean women practically do not need nose sculpting, but eye makeup is actively aimed at increasing the incision.

Another factor that makes a difference is the historical perception of beauty. It's about skin color. If Europeans and Americans are all their own free time spend on purchasing or artificial creation bronze tan, then Asians, on the contrary, whiten their skin with all their might. You are unlikely to meet tonal basis a Korean brand with a warm bronze undertone. Porcelain leather with a doll blush - this is the standard of beauty of all Asian fashionistas.

The difference between Korean makeup and Western makeup

We've already talked about skin tone, and what else will be different daily makeup eastern woman?

  • Eyebrows do not have a sharp break, more often straight and natural, lighter in color hair.
  • Eyes. The arrow, which is well known to Europeans, is usually almost straight in Asian beauties. No cat's eye in the style of Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn.
  • Cheeks. Blush is usually used pure, enough bright color: pink or peach.
  • Lips. While the American women carefully draw the contour of the lips, the Korean women do the opposite: they darken the center and stretch the color to a translucent one towards the contour.

Basic cosmetics

Korean women are proud and very fond of the cosmetics that are produced on the territory of their home country... Therefore, in every lady's cosmetic bag there are native Korean products, not only produced there, but also invented.

  • BB Cream. Yes, it was invented in Germany, but it was in Korea that this means for correcting the tone and relief of the face was brought to perfection. The advantage of Korean BBC creams is that they always contain a high SPF factor of at least 30.
  • Cushon is the pride of Korean manufacturers. A product that combines a light, but at the same time, well-covering texture with an abundance of moisturizing and caring ingredients.
  • Tint for lips, cheeks and even eyebrows. It is highly pigmented, persistent remedy with a liquid texture and usually a matte finish. It can be used both as lipstick and blush at the same time. Eyebrow tint is a rather strange thing, but Asian beauty lovers use it with pleasure.
  • The makeup base was also not invented in Korea, but its residents need this tool... Most Korean women have oily skin with enlarged pores. And the base, in turn, smoothes the relief and allows the tonal base to lie flat and hold out as long as possible. The Korean makeup base can function as a "pore grout", highlighter, it illuminates the skin as if from the inside or covers redness and breakouts on the face.
  • Eyeliner. Even without it everyday makeup eye.

Where to start with makeup?

To create an Asian make-up, Korean cosmetics are useful. Makeup can be done with European means, but it will not be easy to find a tonal foundation. suitable shade... How to apply correctly given view make-up?

If you disassemble Korean makeup thoroughly, then it would be more correct to start it with a care procedure - the very ten-step skin care system. You will need:

  • Cleansing oil.
  • Cleansing foam for washing.
  • Peeling (once or twice a week).
  • Tonic.
  • Serum or essence.
  • Ampoule concentrate.
  • Cloth mask.
  • Eye cream.
  • Face cream.
  • Sunscreen.

And only now, when the skin is as cleansed, moisturized and protected as possible, you can apply a make-up base, foundation or BBC cream, blush, highlighter, powder.

Eye makeup

Let's take a closer look at how to do Korean makeup for European eyes.

  • First, apply a primer to the eyelids so that the shadow does not roll into the crease of the movable eyelid.
  • Then you will need shadows of the light (you can white). It is necessary to apply them all over the eyelid, giving Special attention inner corner.
  • Next, use a fluffy blending brush to spread the light peach or ash pink shadows in the middle of the eyelid, stretching them towards the outer corner of the eye.
  • In the outer corner, apply a brown or plum shade (depending on the shade in the center) and blend carefully so that there are no clear boundaries.
  • With the same brush with the remnants of the product, brush over the lower eyelid, creating the effect of a slight swelling of the eyelid.
  • Line up the lash line with the eyeliner, starting with inner corner... The arrow should not be very thick and straight, without bending.
  • Paint over your eyelashes. Affix labels if necessary.
  • Use a cool highlighter shade to place accents in the inner corner of the eye and a little on the lower eyelid.

Lip makeup

Korean lip makeup does not involve heavy matte textures and dark colors... Asian women prefer light glitter, long-lasting but translucent tints and the effect of a kissing lips. Let us consider the latter in more detail.

How to do Korean lip makeup?

  • Apply the primer to thoroughly exfoliated and moisturized lips.
  • Use patting movements to distribute tone cream or concealer.
  • Then apply bright lipstick, but only in the middle of the lips.
  • Use a brush to draw out the color to the outline of the upper and lower lips.
  • Lightly "type in" the color with your fingertip and apply a sheer glitter on top.

Korean makeup gives a fresh and youthful look. After all, Asian girls know a lot about this!

Over the years, women Asian appearance attracted to themselves male attention... The narrow Asian eye shape is a virtue that requires emphasis. Men are fascinated by the mystery and obstinacy of the owners of the oriental type. Women have numerous ways to express their individuality, to highlight the exotic oriental beauty.

Makeup for Asian eyes is an opportunity to stand out and distinguish yourself from other women. Correctly applied make-up can make your face memorable, original and delicate. The Asian type itself is distinguished by exotic brightness, so it is important to focus on the eyes, increase them in size and open them, make the look more expressive.

Rules for creating an oriental image

One of the difficulties faced by the owners narrow eyes, is the drooping eyelid. In fact, this is the zest that distinguishes an Asian girl from a European one. Professional makeup stylists resort to using special adhesives fixing the upper eyelid, thereby expanding it. This image loses the mystery of the East, because it lies precisely in the special cut of the eyes.

To emphasize the ethnicity and attractiveness, it is enough to do the correct and beautiful Asian makeup, which makes the girl stand out from the crowd.

It is really important to remain special and natural, as nature itself has created. Narrow eyes are full of charm and tenderness, and a special visage is created in order to emphasize the specifics oriental beauty... Fortunately, decorative tools are diverse and with their help you can:

  • enlarge the cut of the eyes;
  • eliminate puffiness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • make the look open and mysterious.

Since Asian women have short and sparse eyelashes, lengthening mascara or a set of false eyelashes will help to make them lush and long. V Everyday life it is not very convenient to stick artificial bundles, so it is recommended to choose the right mascara. If we talk about shadows, then it can be warm and cold shades. The only prohibition is red and pink tones that make the eyes look tired and painful.

Drawing arrows

Makeup for Asian eyes is impossible to imagine without arrows. This requires liquid eyeliner or an acute-angled black pencil that adds brightness and expressiveness to the eyes. It is recommended to apply a wide strip along the contour of the upper eyelid to make the eyes look larger.

Using the eyeliner, you can give slanted Asian eyes a more rounded shape, perform minor shape correction. For this, the outer corner is brought up to the middle of the movable eyelid. It is forbidden to draw the lower eyelid and go beyond the corners of the eyes, otherwise the opposite effect will turn out. You will need an eyeliner, pencil and eyeshadow for. They will make them more expressive and clear, give perfect shape and density.

Eliminate yellowish skin tone

Since the characteristics of nationality determine the yellowish tint of the skin, it is recommended to get rid of it when performing makeup, giving the skin a healthy tone. For this, a tonal basis is used, but when choosing it is better to give preference to light brown, golden and honey shades... Freshness and healthy looking will add blush to the face of peach, pink and coral tones. It is undesirable to experiment with lip color, bright or natural shades lipstick or gloss.

Everyday make-up has a number of features:

  • one shade of shadows is chosen and they cover the entire surface of the upper eyelid, up to the eyebrows;
  • the contour of the lower eyelid is also formed with these shadows;
  • a clear, even line is applied along the line of growth of the eyelashes using eyeliner;
  • eyelashes are painted over with lengthening mascara in 2 layers, so that the effect is better fixed;
  • if the eyebrows are sparse, a suitable shape is brought in with a pencil or shadow.

There are several types of makeup for Asian eyes. So, to apply a light bow without changing the shape of the eyes, you will need:

  • apply white shadows on the movable eyelid;
  • lay dark shadows in an even layer on the outer corner of the eyes. This technique is necessary to give depth and expressiveness to the look.

To increase the size of the eyes, you need a special technique for applying shadows. To do this, an imaginary fold is applied to the upper eyelid, visually expanding the eye and raising the eyelid. It is recommended to choose matte green, pearl and gray as the main shades. Pearlescent shades fit for evening makeup.

Interestingly, makeup for Asian eyes looks great without shadows. It is enough to place a small emphasis on outer corner an eye in the form of a small black arrow.

Step-by-step instructions for creating smokey ice makeup

Lovely everyday option for girls with an Asian type of face, there will be a smokey ice. Taking into account the peculiarities of skin color, it is recommended to choose shades of olive, brown, blue, lilac or purple.

The photo shows an example of a makeup for Asian women with smoky eyes.

For creating perfect image you will need:

  • apply a contour line with a rich black eyeliner or charcoal pencil. The main thing is not to bring the line to the corner of the eye;
  • highlight the corners of the eyes with a colored pencil, and apply dark shadows to match on top. Next, be sure to shade with a round brush, getting rid of obvious color transitions;
  • apply on the border of flowers white tint shadows and shade;
  • to achieve greater expressiveness and effect of the image, apply white shadows to the eyebrow pad;
  • then bring the lower eyelid with a pencil so that the line towards the iris becomes thinner;
  • apply a dark shade of shadows to the lower corner of the eyes and gently shade again;
  • apply the same shade of white shadows to the inner corner of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • to make the gaze seem open, and the eyes larger, apply a strip with a white pencil on the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • mascara is applied in 2 layers, carefully painting over the cilia. Overhead beams that visually enlarge the eyes will not interfere.

Evening exotic make-up

When creating evening makeup for Asian eyes, you can take the palette different shades, selected according to the color of the skin and hair chosen holiday dress... Create evening make-up you can follow a certain technique from the photo:

  • the selected color is applied to the entire surface of the upper eyelid. This will be the basis for the original evening make-up;
  • the outer corner of the eye is formed by an angular arrow;
  • a contour line is drawn along the growth of eyelashes with a pencil or eyeliner;
  • the final touch is the application of lengthening mascara. It is important to apply 2 layers for maximum effect.

The most important thing when creating makeup for Asian eyes is to experiment and not be afraid of change. There are many options for make-up, but only hard training will allow you to succeed.

You can start with video tutorials.

Asian girls always attract attention in the crowd because they look exotic enough. Especially in their appearance they stand out almond eyes brown color who is considered mysterious and passionate. In order to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, girls resort to make-up tricks, which differ significantly from the European type of eye makeup.


Main feature Asian eyes is their elongated shape with a narrow slit. Also, a person of Asian appearance has a special structure of the movable eyelid, which almost completely hangs over the eye, which is expressed in the absence of a fold. The cilia also has its own peculiarities: the cilia of Asians are often short and straight.

Based on the above anthropometric characteristics it becomes clear that girls with this shape of eyes need to correct their shape - to visually "open up" the gaze, and it is also necessary to work on its severity.

Girls rarely focus on their eyes in makeup, because they have very expressive lips: full and beautifully shaped. That is why Asians tend to emphasize their beauty, using soft lipsticks in daytime makeup.

Very often, oriental girls are the owners of outstanding cheekbones, which cannot be stressed enough. It is this structural feature that creates an additional emphasis on the face, which they also demonstrate with pleasure. but significant disadvantage a yellowish skin tone appears, which also needs to be corrected and given a lighter, pinkish undertone.

Despite the specific features, the girls manage to do perfect makeup, which emphasizes their strengths and hides their weaknesses. In particular, it is necessary to monitor the skin and with each makeup session it is necessary to bring it to the ideal condition otherwise it can significantly spoil general form... No matter how beautiful a girl's eyes are, you must, first of all, be able to give a light and natural skin tone.

Only after that it is necessary to move on to eye makeup, aimed at increasing their volume and expanding the incision. Thanks to this, you can "open up" the look and make it more alluring and expressive.

However, when doing makeup, it is important to maintain a balance so as not to lose personality.

How to determine the shape?

Determining the shape of the eyes and their section is not very difficult, since most people are visually able to assess the size and shape of the eye.

However, if a number of difficulties arise with this, then you can turn to following signs, which are characteristic especially for the Asian form:

  • It is necessary to bring the mirror to the eyes to the maximum possible distance and walk up to the window as natural light provides the best vision.
  • On a visual assessment, you should immediately look at the upper eyelid and note if a crease is present. If it is absent, it is the most important feature the so-called Mongoloid eyes.
  • It is also important to analyze the position of the outer corners of the eye. Line representation horizontal line passing through the center of the eye socket will help with this. You need to see where the outer and inner corners are directed. This will determine if the eyes are lowered or raised.
  • If it is impossible to see the white of the eyes under or above the iris, then this feature almond eyes.

What means to use?

The first step to a beautiful and harmonious makeupright choice cosmetics... Most of them, in particular, decorative cosmetics, which includes eye shadow, eyeliner, pencils, can be found in any specialty store.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that products should be selected only in accordance with the type of skin, which is still slightly different for Asians. Moreover, since the main objective makeup for oriental girls- correction, specialized products are often used, for example, artificial eyelashes or even a special glue for lifting the upper eyelid!

Since such funds are quite difficult to find without prior ordering, we note the basic items that should be in a cosmetic bag:

  • An under-shadow base that helps make-up last as long as possible without getting a messy or stale look.
  • An eyeliner should preferably be black and brown. By alternating these shades and using them in different techniques, you can achieve amazing results.
  • Gel black eyeliner is needed in order to make rich, dramatic arrows, which will add an oriental flavor to the look due to the modern persistent and dense structure of the composition.
  • Several palettes of eyeshadow should also be included in the standard cosmetic set. Shadows should ideally be different shades: both warm and cold to create a personalized make-up for every look. Mandatory components of the palette are beige and brown, the so-called natural colors.
  • Not a single girl doing make-up can do without mascara, since it gives more dynamism to the look, adds volume to the eyelashes and makes the eyes wider.

How to do it?

Each of the girls, regardless of nationality, wants to be able to do perfect makeup. Creating a correct and beautiful make-up for Asian eyes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If follow step by step instructions and try to follow the rules of application, then you can easily create a beautiful make up for a short time with the most basic cosmetics.

After the tone has been created on the face, the skin has become smoother and more radiant, you can proceed directly to the eye makeup.

To do this, you need to apply a base under the shadow to the eyelids. She will be able to create a special coating that will help prevent the shadows from rolling or losing their color. Often, the bases also carry caring functions, which will take care of the delicate skin of the eyelids and around the eyes.

Now you need to emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct it. To do this, you need to use special lipstick or pencil. Can be applied under the bend a small amount of highlighter to highlight the beauty of the shape.

Further steps differ depending on the type of makeup and the occasion for which it is being created. Shadows can be applied to create a subtle gait around the eyes and thus accentuate the color of the eyes. On top of them, many people prefer to draw arrows to make the look more expressive. You can draw arrows either with a pencil or with an eyeliner. The first option is soft enough, and the pencil line can be easily shaded, while the eyeliner creates clear graphic lines that will become the basis of the makeup.

In order to complete the look, you need to dye your eyelashes, but this must be done very carefully so as not to turn the hairs into "spider legs".

Unlike Europeans, who are used to showing bright makeup eyes, Asian girls prefer to focus the attention of others on natural, natural beauty.

However, there are eye makeup options that are suitable for absolutely all girls - this is the "amber" technique. It allows you to carry out smooth transition from one color to another, from lighter to darker and more dramatic due to enhanced shading. This application technique allows Europeans to add more mystery to their eyes, and Asians - to correct the shape of the eyes and give them visual depth.

Moreover, due to similar makeup girls from Europe are trying to avoid the same type of make-up: shifting focus of attention to the side asian makeup they try to find new way self-expression and show your individuality.


Any makeup has many facets and is designed for a particular occasion, however, regardless of the event chosen, the makeup should always look perfect and look harmonious. Recall that there are several types of makeup: everyday, evening, pop and national.

Day makeup- one of the simplest, it is designed to emphasize the natural beauty of the girl minimum amount cosmetics.

On the upper eyelid, you need to apply light shades of shadows, which will visually enlarge the eyes - at least, it will create such a visual effect. From the side of the outer corner, you need to start toning the eyelid with dark shadows - dark brown, graphite, dark gray, but not black. It is necessary to walk along the line of growth of the eyelashes with a thin line of liquid eyeliner, while not drawing the line beyond the edges of the eyes.

To increase the volume of your eyes, you can apply a little highlighter under them with your fingertips to visually make them look larger.

In a couple of layers, you need to apply mascara to the upper eyelashes. Sometimes this is done on the lower ones, but this is far from necessary in order not to create unnecessarily vivid image... When applying mascara, you must carefully comb your eyelashes so that they do not stick together and spoil the appearance.


Evening makeup differs from daytime only in shades and saturation of colors. The same method of applying cosmetics is used, however, a brighter palette is used in the evening make-up.

To add drama and showiness, use eyelashes that need to be fixed with special glue. Exists different shapes and types artificial eyelashes, as well as their different volume. It is not worth advising any specific one, since the choice depends entirely on the girl's desire, because any type of artificial eyelashes is suitable for Asian women.


Wedding makeup is significantly different from other types of make-up, because it should demonstrate all the tenderness, purity and natural beauty the bride. That is why make-up artists use a very soft palette, giving up clean lines and rich colors. For brown eyes cream shades, beige and coffee colors are perfect.

Light shades are applied to the inner corner of the eye and smoothly faded to the center, where a "medium" shade is applied in its saturation and depth, which will create a smooth transition from the inner part of the eyelid to the outer one. It is on the outer corner that dark color that will add depth to the look.

Often for wedding makeup artificial cilia are used (not the most voluminous). They can be tinted with ink and curled with special tongs. This technique will curl the hairs, enlarge the eyelashes and visually open the eyes.

Smoky eyes

Smoky eyes, or "smoky" makeup, suits absolutely everyone, regardless of the shape and shape of the eyes. This make-up option is perfect for evening out to a restaurant or a trip to a club, if done deeply saturated colors... At the same time, if you do this makeup in lighter shades, it is suitable for everyday wear. It is for this wide variety that many makeup artists love this type of makeup.

  • As a rule, in Asian women, the skin has the color of brown sugar or warm almonds, so the tonal base should be selected in a yellowish tint, not pink, which will either instantly make the face orange or whiten it. The earthy skin tone, sometimes characteristic of the Asian type, can be softened by correcting powder by applying it to the protruding parts.
  • Dark circles under the eyes, characteristic of the Asian type of appearance, can be "covered" with a yellowish or peach shade... It is imperative to use a base under the shadow: due to the peculiarities of the structure of the eyes, shadows and eyeliner can quickly flow and smudge. In eye makeup, you can apply bright, deep colors- they will help make the look more expressive.
  • Cold tones should be avoided in makeup, as well as shades that look paler than natural color skin.
  • Shadows for narrow, slightly slanting eyes better to choose light shades: beige, cream, sand, light green, pale pink (but they should not be lighter than skin tone). They should be shaded directly with your fingers from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one. Apply the eyeliner closer to the lash line and be sure to draw it out beyond the edge of the eye with a thin arrow.
  • To create the effect of a fold between the movable and fixed eyelids, apply light shadows on the movable eyelid, and in the middle of the eyelid (from the eyelashes to the eyebrow in the middle) - darker beige-brown shadows, as if outlining the eyeball. It will turn out natural look fold.
  • For a brighter or evening make-up, you can do smokey ice and experiment with eyeliners and colored eyeshadows. For example, transforming makeup from daytime to evening will help purple eyeliner on top edge and brown along the lower lashes. Shimmering green eyeshadow also looks beautiful on Asian eyes.
  • The eyelashes of girls of Asian type are usually very straight and when applying mascara without first curling, they are not too noticeable, so you should first use a curler. In addition, lashes are often not very long, so lengthening mascara should be applied. For evening makeup, you can use false eyelashes.
  • Eyebrows of the Asian type are straight, the hairs grow down and do not differ in density, so it is better to tint them with shadows or a pencil in a color or a little lighter than the natural shade of the hair and fix the hairs with eyebrow gel, combing them up.
  • Red lipsticks of cold shades suit the Asian type of face, in this case the use of red eyeshadow also looks harmonious. You can also use a natural lipstick tone - matte and gloss. Asian lips are usually very beautifully shaped and can be emphasized with a pencil. Focus on either the eyes or the lips. If you are using red lipstick, limit yourself to arrows and beige-brownish-pink shades.
  • Use either a cold pink blush or peach tone... Apply the blush as if in the shape of a heart from the temples to the sub-cheekbone area (lower cheekbone line).