I hate being touched by my boyfriend. Fear of touch: treatment. Fear of touch: internal causes

Fear of touch is a very common pathology. According to statistical studies, great amount residents of metropolitan areas suffer from one form or another of this disorder. Of course, this phobia negatively affects a person's life, significantly worsening its quality, making social and sometimes romantic contacts impossible.

There is nothing strange in the fact that a lot of people are interested in additional information about this pathology. What is the fear of touch called? What are the symptoms to look out for? What is the development of this phobia? Are there effective methods therapy? Does it help in this case drug treatment? Answers to these questions will be useful to many readers.

Fear of touch: a phobia and its features

Hapophobia is a pathological fear of a person in relation to the touch of people. Science uses other terms to refer to given state- this is aphephobia, haphophobia, thixophobia.

This disorder is diagnosed in many residents of megacities. As a rule, the disease begins with discomfort during physical contact. And if at first the fear of touching strangers only slightly complicates the patient's life, then as the pathology progresses, the problems become more pronounced. There is immunity and even disgust in contact with relatives, family members, loved ones. Unpleasant sensations turn into an obsessive fear that makes any social interaction impossible.

How to recognize a haptophobe?

In fact, people suffering from such a phobia have a very characteristic behavior. Any physical contact causes emotional discomfort, a feeling of fear and disgust in the patient. This is often reflected in their reactions, for example, a person can step back, pull his hand sharply when shaking hands. The expression also changes.

A haptophobe is a person who prefers solitude. Going to visit or any other place where there is a possibility of physical contact requires a long mental preparation. Such people rarely appear in busy places, as there is always a risk of accidental touching in a crowd. In the absence of therapy, discomfort also appears in contact with loved ones, for example, children, spouse. Naturally, this behavior greatly complicates social life of a person, often the patient ends up completely alone.

Physical symptoms of a mental disorder

Closure, secrecy, a tendency to loneliness and unwillingness to leave the comfort zone - these are not all signs of pathology. Patients note that the phobia is accompanied by quite tangible physical disabilities. Physical contact often causes the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of disgust and disgust upon contact;
  • severe dizziness, nausea, which often ends in vomiting;
  • sharply appearing weakness, tremor of the limbs;
  • a sense of the unreality of what is happening, a distortion of perception;
  • panic attack, accompanied by difficulty breathing (patients begin to choke).

If a emotional experiences a person can still somehow try to hide, then it is almost impossible to cope with the physical manifestations of a phobia.

The role of personality traits in the development of pathology

Of course, the fear of touch can be caused by the peculiarities of personality development. For example, some people value privacy above all else—they hate familiarity, physical contact, and talking to strangers.

It is impossible to write off nationalistic beliefs. For example, a person may be uncomfortable being touched by a member of another nationality or race. Risk factors include increased disgust, pathological pedantry and the desire for cleanliness. Fear of touch often develops in people with asexuality.

All of the above personality traits are not pathologies in themselves, but in some cases they can develop into real phobias, which are already much more difficult to control.

Fear of touch: causes

In fact, the reasons for the development of this phobia can be extremely diverse. Some of the most common risk factors can be identified.

  • According to statistics, people with autism spectrum disorders, as well as disorders intellectual development often respond inappropriately to physical contact.
  • Phobia can be associated with violations on the part nervous system(psychasthenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder), various personality disorders (obsessive-compulsive disorders).
  • A fear of touch often develops as a result of childhood physical or sexual abuse. There are cases when haptophobia developed in people whose childhood passed under total control by the parents.
  • The nature of the work also matters. For example, medical staff, firefighters and workers of some other processions regularly have to deal with sick, injured people. Often, such contacts cause disgust, and this feeling is then transferred to the touch of loved ones.

What other phobias can be associated with this pathology?

In fact, the fear of touch is often associated with other phobias. For example, sometimes in patients the fear of contact is associated with asexuality. Any touch is perceived by a person as something sexual, and since there is no sexual desire and satisfaction from sexual intercourse, the contact itself causes only disgust.

Hapophobia is often associated with a fear of being in a crowd, sensitivity to noise and other factors. external environment. Often there is a pathological fear of catching an infection.

Diagnostic measures

Fear of touch is a pathology that can be diagnosed by an experienced psychotherapist. During the session, the doctor is obliged to collect the most complete history of the patient, to study the characteristics of his behavior, the presence of certain symptoms, to highlight situations that provoke the appearance of physical manifestations of a phobia.

Of course, the process does not end there. Diagnosis flows smoothly into treatment, since for successful therapy it is extremely important to accurately determine the causes of fear, whether it be a psychological trauma that occurred in early childhood or hormonal imbalances.

When is medical treatment needed?

As already mentioned, the result hormonal disorders in the human body can be precisely this phobia. The fear of touching people is sometimes associated with a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones, a decrease in the amount of synthesized sex hormones. In such cases, hormone replacement therapy is indicated.

In addition, the fear of touch is often associated with neuroses and various forms psychoasthenia. In such cases, it may be appropriate to take sedative drugs, as well as antipsychotics. If, along with haptophobia, the patient has a tendency to depressive states, the use of antidepressants will be justified.

Psychotherapy and its features

Drug therapy can only relieve some symptoms and prevent the development possible complications thereby facilitating the patient's condition. But the fear of touching people is a pathology that develops and progresses over the years. To completely eliminate it, time and constant sessions with a psychologist are needed.

To begin with, specialists, as a rule, draw up a diagram individual lessons. The main purpose of such sessions is to determine the root cause of the phobia. For example, sometimes a person needs to remember, realize and survive childhood trauma, get rid of guilt and wrong attitudes.

In the future, it will be useful group lessons. Working with a group of people helps the patient grow above himself, re-develop skills social communication and perception, adapt to stay in society. If it gives positive results, then the doctor decides to conduct a kind of "shock therapy" - the patient must spend some time in a crowd of people, cope with his own sensations from touches and contacts.

Fear of other people's touch is a serious problem. However, with a properly designed treatment regimen, permanent job the doctor and the patient have a chance to get rid of the phobia or at least make its manifestations more controllable.

Marina is 29 years old, has many friends, goes on dates, loves to dance… She comes across as a person who gets along with herself. Except for one thing: Marina cannot stand friendly hugs, other people's hands on her shoulder. “I just cringe, and sometimes I even start to choke when someone unexpectedly touches me. It's worse than being naked in public." Why is she so annoyed by ordinary gestures that another person would not pay attention to?

invisible traces

“The body retains invisible traces of our past,” explains psychotherapist Margarita Zhamkochyan. - Often, those who are afraid of other people's touches had difficult tactile relationships with their parents in childhood, especially with their mother. This connection is best revealed by psychoanalysis: in the process of work, it often turns out that the mother squeezed the child too obsessively or, conversely, rarely hugged him.

If you carefully observe yourself, it may turn out that intolerance to touch is not of a general nature, but is aimed at quite specific people- and often on the one who most attracts and causes a desire for intimacy. Perhaps there is a negative belief behind this: sex is always dirty and dangerous. It is also learned from parents and turns any touch into an indecent hint, almost an attempt, which must be resisted.

“In each case, there is a reason for not accepting physical contact, but it always speaks of a person’s desire to forget about the experiences painful sensations”, continues the psychotherapist.

The past is locked

"Hands remember!" - we say when we remember some forgotten skill. We intuitively know that the body retains a memory of many of our past experiences. And we can describe our life in bodily images: “I was then very thin and weak”, “This scar is from those times when I fought all the time - then I could beat anyone”, “Grandma said that I have father’s hands” .

“Defending ourselves from other people's touches, our body seems to be hiding - from others and from ourselves - something unpleasant from the past,” Margarita Zhamkochyan explains. “Sometimes a person may even experience imaginary skin diseases or other psychosomatic manifestations, as long as they don’t touch him - literally and figuratively.”

Border control

Of the five senses, only touch is reciprocal: not only do we touch the other, but he also touches us. “If in a conversation someone starts touching me too often,” says 33-year-old Ksenia, “it immediately seems to me that he allows himself too much, almost manages me like property. It's annoying."

Many find it difficult to draw boundaries between themselves and others: they either survive the invasion or attack themselves. Such people do not feel protected - either physically or psychologically - and instead of contacting outside world are defending themselves from it.

A person has the main protection inside: this is the feeling of his "I", himself as a whole person

“It is animals that need external protective equipment: shell, needles, claws ... - says Margarita Zhamkochyan. - And a person has the main protection inside: this is the feeling of his "I", himself as an integral person who has the right to live among other people. And this protection makes us invulnerable to any intrusions, and therefore relieves us of painful experiences and the need to defend ourselves.

“As a child, I hated being patted on the cheek, pressed to myself. I "saved" from adults - I dodged their hands, - recalls Svetlana, 28 years old. - I started to really suffer from physical contact at the age of 16. I blushed a lot when they only approached me - no matter if it was a stranger or a friend. I developed eczema... Working with a psychoanalyst, I realized that the problem was in my confrontation with my mother: she wanted to completely own me, and I resisted it. To the extent that she turned her skin into a shell so that I would not be touched. Luckily, I've got over it now."

Does he (she) avoid your kisses, dodging so as not to feel your hand on his shoulder? Do not get angry: in most cases, it is not you who are rejected, but the meaning that a person puts into your movements. Give in the initiative: for example, when meeting, do not try to hug, but say: “It's good that we met! Will you kiss me?" So you give the person the opportunity to resolve this issue himself and save him from the feeling of intrusion into personal space.

Suggest a different greeting ritual, with or without touch, as long as it is pleasant for both.

What to do?

1. Explore the causes

Remember what kind of touch you feel most uncomfortable with and ask someone you trust to gently touch you that way. Listen to the feelings and associations that arise and mentally move back to the past. At some point it will come forgotten memory- at first glance, not related to touch, but capable of suggesting how unpleasant experiences began.

2. Analyze the situation

What exactly is unpleasant for you in this touch? In what other situation or with another person was the same touch more acceptable to you? Such reflections will reduce anxiety.

3. Touch yourself

Learn to feel the pleasure of your own touch. Every evening, lubricate with cream and massage your hands, feet, use body milk. It will take the stress out of the day and also give you a pleasant and safe touch experience.

4. Strengthen your inner defenses

Feel where exactly in the body you feel your “I”. Put your hand on this place. Describe the image that has arisen: is there light, space, form. What does it look like? Maybe this is a fire or a source ... This will be your individual image of "I". If you do this exercise for 30-60 seconds once a week, you will notice how the image will gradually change and take a different place. This feeling of one's "I", that inner protection, will itself be included in right moments and support you.

About the expert

Psychotherapist, social psychologist, director of the psychological center of the Victoria Charitable Foundation.

Touch is a powerful tool to manipulate people's feelings.

Man possesses one of the most perfect visual apparatuses. He has the ability to hear. In principle, this is all that is needed for productive communication. However, we still need to touch someone with our hands.

Why do we still shake hands when you can just wave your hand? Why do we pat ourselves on the knee when we talk about something interesting, promising, tempting? What is the point of touching the shoulder of a person whose behavior we are unhappy with? After all, it is quite possible to do with a strict loud voice, and the message of our discontent will be conveyed.

Why do we need to touch the interlocutor, why do we touch ourselves and what does touch give in general - we will talk about this in our today's blog.

Sex or not?

Consider a fairly standard situation. Two young human beings of both sexes are talking. The essence of the conversation is to solve some business issue. During the conversation, the young man periodically strokes his knee, and the girl strokes her shoulder with approximately the same frequency. You already know from the previous blogs of the "School of Non-Verbalism" that such stroking speaks of a feeling of sympathy for each other that has arisen, and in this way young people simply replace the impossible touch to the interlocutor with a possible touch to themselves.

Let's take another case. Two serious businessmen in a serious age are discussing a contract. And closer to the end of the negotiations, having reached mutually beneficial agreements, they begin to stroke their thighs. There shouldn't be any sexuality here. Men are deep naturals and same-sex relationships do not carry a sexual context for them. There is no sexuality, but there is touch.

Now the third situation. Fashionable business coach conducts team building training known as team building. The participants of the training are employees of the same department, there is a deep chasm in the relationship. At the very beginning of the training, the business coach asks everyone to hold hands and do some exercises without breaking their hands. And so it does periodically in the course of the lesson. As a result, relationships improve, and after a while the department shows the ability to work as one, cohesive team. Well, it didn't happen because of sexual energy, did it?

Some conclusions can be drawn from the above scenes:

  1. Touching is not always exclusively sexual in nature.
  2. Touch can not only promote sexual interaction, but also have a beneficial effect on elementary business relationships.
  3. Touch improves any kind of relationship, both sexual and overtly asexual.

Why do we touch?

The tasks that the evolution of human communication has set before touching oneself and each other are a great many. But the most important of them are:

1. Demonstration of friendliness. The very fact of intrusion into the living space of another person causes rejection. But if this invasion wears soft, cautious nature(which is very convenient to demonstrate when lung care touch), then the contact participants tune in to a positive attitude towards each other, even if they do not know each other.

2. Attracting attention. In a situation where everyone around is screaming or your subject is too focused on something of his own, touch helps to draw attention to yourself, thus highlighting yourself from the surrounding information noise.

3. Restoration of peace of mind. Sometimes we need care and protection. In this case, touching someone we trust helps us feel the emotions we need.


4. Winning leadership. Touch helps in building a hierarchy of human relationships. With the help of some gestures that serve as a demonstration of status, we force someone to shut up, stop, give in to their claims.​​​​​​​

What happens to us when strangers touch us? The point is that on short distance we let only the closest people to whom we feel warm feelings(except when we ourselves invade the living space of a hated enemy in order to strangle him). From these people we often receive both psychological and purely physical touches. And we develop a kind conditioned reflex"safe person = touch".

When stranger invades our living space, we experience excitement and indignation about this. But only until the touch. As soon as he touched us, our conditioned reflex makes us change our attitude towards this person to a more positive one, because again "touch = safe person."

This principle is often used in marketing. For example, in the area Catering. An experiment was conducted in one of the restaurants. One part of the waiters had to lightly touch the client with their hand (with the back of the hand) while serving customers. It was necessary to touch in the zone of neutral contacts - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visitor's hand or forearm. That is, the touch should have been clearly neutral, as if random.

The second group of waiters were not supposed to touch the customers in any way.

As a result, the waiters from the first group received 20-30% more tips than the waiters from the second group. In addition, customers rated the work of the waiters who touched them as more friendly and professional.

Why was such an effect obtained? The answer is obvious. A conditioned reflex is triggered. We feel the touch of another person and automatically begin to treat him in the same way as we treat everyone who has the right to touch us in this way. We humans are generally pretty automatic creatures. Many processes take place in us completely independently of our consciousness. Here are the cunning waiters often take advantage of this.

Seduction and power

However, our manipulations do not end with catering alone. One of the branches of human communication most saturated with manipulative techniques is professional seduction.

Seduction professionals try in the first few seconds of communication to touch their "victim" for any reason. This reduces natural resistance, increases trust, and so on.

Sex is generally involved in communication from a short distance, so touching in sexual or role-playing relationships plays a leading role. Moreover, we can touch not only the object of our interest, but also ourselves. And it is one of the most accurate diagnostic tools. If a girl or a guy, while communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, strokes herself, then this only means that she wants to stroke not her body, but the body of the person standing opposite.

Another important area of ​​application of touch is the area of ​​struggle for power. The struggle for power does not always take place with the use of force. Often enough light touch to force the interlocutor to silence or retreat from their positions. Most often, such methods of struggle are used by women. Men are more characterized by a straightforward and forceful style of demonstrating their status. Men are chasing performance. Women prefer more economical way show who's boss in the house. Her hallmark is efficiency.

Sometimes you can witness the scene when married couple clarifies the relationship with a representative of some service department. The man screams and waves his arms until the real leader, his wife, steps in. She gently but commandingly puts a hand on his shoulder (a gesture indicating her more high status in the system of their relations) and the man droops. Hands drop, shoulders drop, mood also ceases to show signs of tone. A higher-ranking individual came, and the yellow jersey of the leader migrated to her, along with the authority to accept final decision. And it only took one light touch.

How to touch effectively

From the foregoing, one might get the impression that touches have just the same magic power and are able to act effectively in any situation and in the performance of anyone. This is not true.

In order for the touch to bear fruit, several conditions are necessary:

  1. Appearance. A person who touches us should not cause us disgust or rejection, we should not feel fear towards him. In general, it should look good or at least neutral. Otherwise, the strength of the emotion that we could feel for him will change sign to the opposite.
  2. The nature of touch. Touch should not be "forceful" in nature. It should be easy. A strong touch is perceived as pressure. And then a physical law works in our psyche - the force of action is equal to the force of opposition. The duration of the touch also matters. Too long contact leads to loss of effect.
  3. Touch speed. Sharp, quick touches lead to backlash. The more smoothly the touch is made, the greater the effect it allows to achieve. There is a legend that at a geisha school in medieval Japan, little girls learned to touch the water without causing ripples on its surface. Such a touch was considered both a standard of state of mind and a sign of the ability to have a maximum impact on a client with a minimum of contact.
  4. Place of touch. Touching an unfamiliar or unfamiliar person is only necessary in a socially acceptable area. Basically, this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands or forearms. Very rarely - above the elbow. It is desirable that the touch is made from the front. Of course, there are options when an unfamiliar waitress touches a man’s shoulder with her chest when taking an order or when changing dishes. But his companion is unlikely to like such a touch.
  5. Circumstances of touch. The more calm environment in which the touch occurs, the greater the effect it will have. In an aggressive environment and in a state of excitement, we are unlikely to notice that someone has touched us. Well, except for cases of control of us by the spouse. But here the habit of obedience comes into play, developed and consolidated by years of joint marital battles for supremacy.

Touch allows us to improve relationships with other people, to win them over, to create conditions for a productive conversation.

Touch serves as a marker of an established relationship. If sparks of passion or at least goodwill constantly jump between spouses, then he will definitely find a manifestation in touch.

Touch can reduce the impact of stress. It's amazing how easy it turns out to be to switch off from the hassle at work, everyday difficulties, sorrows and sadness - it only takes a loved one to touch us.

Touch also allows us to manipulate and control other people. Subtle and true or rude and unprincipled. Touch serves as a reliable tool for achieving selfish interest in human communication.


To learn how to use touch and achieve more in the process of communication, I suggest doing some homework.

  1. Easy level. Try to ask your colleague for something by touching him with your hand (using the recommendations above). For example, you touch him and say: "Could you…". Do a similar experiment with different people and evaluate which of them, fulfilling your request, smiled, who frowned, who, after fulfilling the request, showed a willingness to do something else for you. If you have a pronounced off-scale sex appeal, then try to perform this exercise on colleagues of the same sex, since the opposite sex will do everything for you.
  2. Average level. There are probably people in your environment who are not very sympathetic to you. Try to talk to them about something that affects both of you, using touch before the very beginning of the conversation. Just do not try to talk with those who openly dislike you. Otherwise, the touch may turn against you.
  3. Extreme. If you are in a quarrel with your loved one, colleague, friend - use touch during a showdown. But in no case at the beginning of the conversation, but closer to its middle, when you have already listened to the interlocutor (without interrupting him even once, if this is possible), but have not yet expressed your arguments to him.

Touch helps to control, manipulate the attitude of another person towards you. Communication is always a conflict of interest. Even if you are talking to your mother, friend, colleague or partner, the conversation still follows the script and on a topic that is closer only to one of you. Therefore, in communication, one is always the leader, and the second is the follower. So if you are already trying to manage your interlocutor - do it correctly and effectively.

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Tell me how to be? Every time I touch my wife, she becomes uncomfortable. She can't explain why she's uncomfortable. I get really upset and we end up fighting. She says I don't understand her. And I can't figure out why. The fact is that we are still a very young couple, I am 28 to her 25. We have talked more than once about this but cannot come to a common denominator. Once the wife said that perhaps this was an insult to me because of the child, we have a boy of 5 years. The fact is that I grew up without parents and there is no help from anywhere, and when I returned from the army, my wife became pregnant when I found out about it, I told her to have an abortion, just at that moment I was afraid not to pull out this situation financially. After talking with her parents, we decided to have a baby and got married. But immediately after the birth, problems with intimacy began, and then irritation to me appeared. I do not want to think about the bad, I love my family and want to solve this problem.

Psychologists Answers

Roman, hello.

Attempts to explain why , as a rule, lead only to a distance from the solution of the problem. The wife's reaction is spontaneous, and logic is powerless here. There can be many reasons and the real reasons are usually hidden from ourselves. Probably there is already a secondary benefit for the wife to behave in this way, and the conditions for this benefit are created by you yourself by your behavior.

The solution might be like this:

1. Couple's family counseling
2. Counseling individually to each of you individually in parallel, since you are not yet ready to reveal something to each other (too deep, too intimidating).
3. Combination of family counseling and individual counseling on specific requests.
4. Counseling you because you asked "help my wife" is an important signal that something is wrong with you.
5. Counseling the wife, if she wants it herself.

Any form of counseling involves not one meeting, but a course of about 10 sessions, since the solution to your issue is very intimate and it is important to achieve a high degree of trust with the psychologist in order to solve it.

In any case, you need to start somewhere, since you already understood that everything will not work out by itself.

Since I live and work in St. Petersburg, I can offer Skype consultations. you'll need a camera and good sound, an hour a week, and a willingness to work sincerely and solve a problem.

Hello Roman!

I want to solve this problem.

To solve this problem, you should apply for a face-to-face consultation in the city or via Skype!

It would be great to go to family counseling with mutual consent, and if the spouse does not want, then work on your own.

Alekseychuk Yulia Viktorovna, psychologist, Yeysk

Good answer 1 bad answer 1

Hello Roman! I have respect for your desire to improve relations with his wife. The situation in your family repeats many others that have developed in a certain sequence of construction family life couples: MEETINGS, PREGNANCY, WEDDING. Of course, there are also problems in families created under other circumstances.

I think that you know, or at least guess, why your touch is unpleasant for your wife. But it's scary to admit it to yourself. And that's why it's scary to go to a psychologist.

But if you wrote here, then you want help now. Without knowing you and your wife, opinions opposite side, it is very difficult to help and only general recommendations are relevant here.

Perhaps there is some truth in the words of the wife:

Once my wife said that perhaps it was an insult to me because of the child ...

Ask her forgiveness for your cowardice at that moment

at that moment I was afraid not to materially pull out this situation.

and forgive yourself for it. You are just human and you can experience different feelings. You can make mistakes just because you are human.

Show more attention to your wife now in the form that pleases her. Maybe it's flowers for no reason, a walk, going to the cinema and something else that will help you INTERACT.

And, of course, face-to-face work with a psychologist is needed. Creating a family is only the beginning, and then there is a constant and difficult work to BUILD it (like at home) by both spouses !!!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you both wisdom and patience!!! You can do it if you work together. Do not give up. act.

Sincerely, Natalia Borisovna!!!

Zhurbenko Natalia Borisovna, psychologist, Yeysk

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Hello Roman.

The causes of sexual coldness can be various, both physiological and psychological. First you have to go medical examination then look for a psychological reason.

maybe it's a grudge against me because of the child

Quite possible. Then you should get rid of this resentment. You can do this on your own or with

Natural selection. Gotta heal!

"I bet he could sell snow to the Eskimos."

"Why do you think so? "

"It's all because of the girl. Wow! My granddaughter, Sarah, is flying a plane!" He looked at the biplane circling over the farm, which seemed to us like a silver midge. He spoke as a cold-blooded person would speak, noticing that flowers suddenly bloomed on a withered birch in the yard and poured ruddy apples appeared.

"From birth, she hates heights. She starts screaming. She is terrified. Sarah would rather put her hand in an aspen tree than climb a tree. She would not go up to the attic, even if the Great Flood was already splashing in the yard. She works wonders with cars gets along well with animals, but can't stand heights at all.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of haptophobia

Haptophobia is the fear of being touched by people. This pathology is also called aphephobia, haphophobia, haptephobia.

This is a fairly rare and specific phobia, manifested in the form obsessive fear the touch of strangers. Many residents of megacities suffer from haptophobia, they want to minimize physical contact with those people who are unpleasant or unfamiliar to them. Hapophobia most often occurs in people who were not brought up in complete families, or parents from childhood did not instill in them love for others. This phobia is a violation mental adaptation person, hinders him social contacts in society.

Haptophobia should be separated from the modesty of a person's character. Fear of other people's touch becomes for many people big problem, causes a lot of negative emotions, deprives them of the joy of human communication. Hapophobia can be called a disease of big cities, because in the rural outback, shaking hands and kissing are a normal manifestation of the goodwill of people when they meet.

The reasons

There are many reasons for the development of haptophobia, which are divided into "external" and "internal" factors.

To external factors relate:

  • Various disorders of the nervous system: obsessive-compulsive disorder and psychasthenia;
  • Sexual and physical abuse in childhood. It can be especially acute in men who in childhood encountered pedophiles or homosexuals;
  • Intellectual Development Disorders. Autistic and mentally retarded children do not like to be touched and can react very aggressively to this;
  • Work specifics. May occur to some medical workers;
  • Personality disorders. Gaphophobia can occur in people with an anancaste or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder;
  • The period of puberty. Teenagers are afraid that if a girl touches them, then there will be sexual arousal that will be noticeable to everyone.
  • Personal characteristics. It can develop in people who do not like someone to invade their personal space. Also, some people do not like to communicate with strangers;
  • Increased squeamishness. Over time, it can develop into haptophobia;
  • Asexuality. The reason for everything is broken hormonal background;
  • Nationalist or racist beliefs. A person is not pleased when people of a different nationality or race touch him;
  • Fear of being touched by men.


People with haptophobia may be afraid of being touched not only strangers but even relatives. When touched, patients may shudder, facial expressions change. Surrounding people understand that a person is unpleasant to their touch.

Patients with haptophobia divide the touches of strangers into two types: burning (“like a brand”) and cold (“shivers”).

Some patients, when touched, may experience nausea and trembling in the limbs, a feeling of disgust. Many patients experience unpleasant feeling at the point of contact with a stranger. If someone with haptophobia took them by the hand, then he tries to wash it with soap under running water or wipe it with a napkin. Hapophobia can manifest itself in a person in a feeling of lack of air - he begins to suffocate, a panic attack may occur.

Very often, the fear of touch can hide other types of phobias: fear of infection (the other person may be perceived as a breeding ground for pathogens or viruses) or before the manifestation of sexual aggression. AT modern world The term "comfort zone" was born.

How to recognize a haptophobe?

Some people set certain boundaries, keep strangers at a certain distance from themselves. Each person tries to protect himself from communication with unpleasant or strangers. Touching another person is regarded as "border trespassing". For some people, the fear of touch manifests itself in the form of negative attitude to water or wind, that is, fear of external aggression is manifested.

Sometimes the fear of someone else's touch interferes personal life person violates sexual contact with a sexual partner. Some patients with haptophobia have an aggressive response to the touch of another person. The patient may suddenly push or hit a person, sharply pull his hand back. In the moment aggressive behavior the patient does not remember anything, his actions are not conscious.

People with a fear of touch wear closed clothes: shirts and sweaters with long sleeves, trousers or jeans. They don't like to ride public transport, is in queues, the slightest touch of strangers causes a sea of ​​​​negative emotions in patients. Patients with haptophobia always mentally prepare in advance for the meeting of friends who will hug them, and try to hide external manifestations unpleasant sensations.

Violation of social interaction

Hapophobia can occur in medical professionals and police officers. Some people at work very often have to deal with alcoholics, drug addicts and homeless people who lead asocial image life and do not observe the elementary rules of personal hygiene. In the future, the fear of touching people extends to family members and close friends.

Very often, people around perceive this phobia as ordinary disgust, resentment and misunderstanding arise, they react negatively to fear, do not help overcome it with their support.

Symptoms of haptophobia can be one of the signs of a person's asexuality. Some patients have low levels of thyroid hormones, estrogen (in women) or testosterone (in men), they are absolutely not interested in the opposite sex, they have no sexual attraction, and any touch of strangers leads to emotional irritation and causes a feeling of disgust.

People who experienced physical or sexual abuse(or attempted rape) are very afraid of being touched by people. Any tactile contacts are regarded by them as manifestations of physical or sexual aggression. They remember what happened for the rest of their lives and are afraid that it might happen again. Sometimes the best "shield" they consider unsociable.


Hapophobia is revealed during a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Very often a person himself cannot understand why he does not like the touch of strangers. The psychotherapist should help the patient understand the causes of his phobia. It is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis of haptophobia and other human fears. The patient should tell the doctor about traumatic situations of his childhood.


The fear of touch in megacities is considered normal and some people don't even think about asking for psychological help to the doctors.

If a person is aware of his problem, then he will not be able to cope with this phobia on his own.

Fear of touch is a violation social interaction person and is very often treated by psychologists in groups personal growth. If haptophobia are manifestations of neurosis or psychasthenia, then the patient must be prescribed medication and psychotherapy.

Many psychologists believe that the fear of touch is treated by finding a person in a crowd. long time“Like cures like.” Long-term psychotherapy allows you to most deeply and thoroughly work out all the fears of a person. In psychotherapy sessions, fear itself can be treated ( behavioral therapy), but you can explore the source of its appearance and understand what led to it. Haptophobia can be defeated with the mutual "commonwealth" of the psychotherapist, the patient and his close people.

Fear of other people's touch

What is hapophobia

Phobias are very different, among the most “condemned” and “incomprehensible” haptophobia stands out - the fear of touch. Also, fear is often called aphephobia, haphophobia, haptephobia. This is a rather rare and specific phobia, which manifests itself as an obsessive fear of being touched by other people, an unwillingness to contact them. Phobia manifests itself in psychasthenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome.

Hapophobia is over the top hypertrophied feeling personal space. Every person has it, and everyone tries to protect it from intrusions of strangers. However, in people whose psyche is disturbed, the boundary between personal and common space is blurred, and the touch of strangers becomes more than unpleasant, then a phobia appears. When a stranger “penetrates” personal territory, the feeling of inconvenience escalates to the limit, the fear of physical contact becomes uncontrollable.

In today's world, intolerance to other people's touch is becoming so common that most people, including patients themselves, do not take it seriously. Although most often fear is only side effect more serious disease, and its treatment is engaged in after the person manages to cope with his neurosis.

The phobia can extend not only to non-strangers and random strangers, but also to family members and close friends. Often, the fear of touch is mistaken for increased disgust, and as a result, resentment and misunderstanding arise, they react negatively to fear, not helping to overcome it with their support.

Causes of fear

Often, haptophobia originates in childhood, where an extremely unpleasant event could happen to a person, for example, rape, attempts at harassment, a collision with pedophilia, beatings and bites. Parents could scare the child that from strangers on the street you can catch something terrible and die. The chance that a phobia will arise is especially great for boys who have been to unpleasant situation of a sexual nature. They remember what happened for the rest of their lives and are afraid that it may happen again, so they consider unsociableness to be the best shield. A phobia can originate even from a seemingly insignificant case, but over time, fear progresses in the subconscious.

In other cases, the reluctance to touch strangers can be caused by observing the dirtiest and sloppiest members of society, such as drug addicts, alcoholics, and the homeless, next to whom it is even unpleasant for many to be around. Such haptophobia can be justified if the fear does not become obsessive-catastrophic.

The phobia may appear physiological reasons most often at the hormonal level. Due to the amount of estrogen and testosterone and thyroid diseases, a person may experience such a deviation of sexual behavior as asexualism, which is accompanied by poor tolerance to any touch.

It happens that haptophobia is limited only by the fear of touching people of the opposite sex, such people are even more likely to withdraw into themselves and avoid any contact. In women, this is due to the fear of sexual violence, which they experience more often than men.

Symptoms and treatment of haptophobia

The symptoms that accompany a phobia are by nature not very diverse. Among them:

  • Excessive excitement before going out or to an unfamiliar place;
  • Panic when in a crowd;
  • Nausea and trembling in the limbs;
  • Feeling that the air is running out and the person is suffocating;
  • Feeling of unreality of what is happening;
  • Feeling of disgust;
  • Fear of being soiled and infected with something.

Patients experiencing fear describe the touch of strangers either as burning, like a brand, or vice versa, cold and shivering. A phobia makes people very nervous and afraid of any penetration into their personal space.

To cope with such an enemy as haptophobia is possible only with the help of complex treatment. Neurosis greatly interferes with social and personal life, such a problem cannot be ignored. The phobia should be treated under the supervision of a qualified psychotherapist who will prescribe antidepressants and prescribe the necessary procedures.

The Austrian writer Elias Canetti believes that fear can only be overcome if the method of "knocking out with a wedge" is used. That is, only being in the crowd can save the patient from obsessive fear. This idea is quite justified, but it is often very difficult to step over yourself and face fear face to face.

Haptophobia: overcoming the fear of being touched by strangers

Space is necessary for a person to feel comfortable. Someone enjoys strong friendly hugs and constant tactile contact, other individuals try to maintain a certain distance and are outraged when friends or relatives cross an invisible line. There is also a category of men and women who are diagnosed with a fear of touch. For them, every tactile contact is a terrible test.

Fear of tactile contact: frustration, not whims

Haptophobia (in another way, this phobia is called afenfosmophobia or haphephobia) is not a quirk or character trait, but a mental disorder. People surrounding a person may consider him an arrogant egoist or a clean-cut person who is squeamish to shake hands with a colleague or kiss his beloved aunt on the cheek. Children with this disorder are characterized as modest and shy and are constantly forced to step over fears and disgust in order to liberate and make more sociable. You also need to understand that afenfosmophobia and fear of people are completely different things that have a different nature.

A phobia does not appear in men and women from birth, but is formed under the influence of external or internal factors. Some psychologists argue that the problem occurs in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder or psychasthenia. Other experts believe that sometimes a serious emotional shock in the distant past is enough for the situation and unpleasant impressions from it to be deposited in the subconscious, and over time transform into a fear of being touched by people around.

Hapophobia in an adult can appear unexpectedly. One day, the realization comes that it is unpleasant for him to touch the palm of his soulmate, and the hugs of a loving mother or brother annoy or cause discomfort. Thoughts constantly visit that a person touched the railing on the bus with those same hands, stroked the dog, or forgot to wash them after the toilet. The reason for this condition may be watching a movie with shocking footage or the consequences of work, an unpleasant incident in real life.

Typical symptoms of hapophobia

Patients with fear of touch try to avoid public places where strangers can inadvertently touch them. They calm down and tune in for a long time before leaving the house, put on shirts or sweaters with long sleeves, sometimes even in summer, to close your body from others as much as possible.

When a neighbor or a passing passenger touches an ordinary person on a bus, he will not pay attention to such a trifle. A patient with haptophobia in such a situation will experience a storm of emotions:

  • the pulse quickens, symptoms such as nausea and trembling in the limbs appear;
  • lack of oxygen provokes shortness of breath and a panic attack;
  • the touch itself either burns or seems cold, like a piece of ice, from which the skin becomes covered with pimples;
  • a person wants to immediately wash the “defiled” area or wipe it with a damp cloth.

In some men and women, the phobia is not so pronounced, so they are able to endure the kisses of their grandmother or the hugs of friends, force themselves to make love to their husband or wife, but such contacts do not bring them pleasure. A few seconds of tenderness and they try to move away, move to another room, or find more important things to do. Haptophobes are often unable or unwilling to hide their emotions from others: disgust, irritation or fear. Some defiantly take out tissues or go to the bathroom to show that you can’t forcibly climb into their comfort zone.

Fear of touch: internal causes

If sexy active woman or a man suddenly ceased to be interested in the opposite sex, he had problems with weight or health, a phobia appeared, then it is recommended to check the hormonal background. Low level testosterone or estrogen leads to a decrease in libido, so the desire to make love and just touch someone disappears.

The phobia also haunts male adolescents. Young men avoid contact with the opposite sex, fearing the manifestation of an erection at an inconvenient moment and the condemnation of others who witnessed the excitement.

Afenfosmophobia can be a consequence of rape, when strangers and overly intrusive acquaintances are associated with danger. Patients who were forced to have sex as children prefer to be alone and have a hard time getting close to people. Women are frightened by the attempts of strange men to take their hand or touch another part of the body. Girls in such situations either run away or rebuff the enemy. In some cases, everything ends only with indignation, although a stranger can get in the face or in the nose. Patients during a panic do not control their own actions.

Boys who are victims of grown men have a hard time socializing. They don't make friends or romantic relationship for fear of repeating the situation.

Some patients are uncomfortable with the touch of certain categories of people: with dark skin, overweight, physical features. The disorder is due to racist beliefs or hostility towards people with disabilities or people with overweight. Perhaps the patient on a subconscious level is afraid of getting injured or getting fat.

Hapophobia: external factors

Medical and social workers who are forced to touch and talk to slovenly homeless people and drug addicts on a daily basis, gradually become wary of dirt and disease. They are haunted by the obsession that from strangers you can pick up a virus or bacteria. Gradually, a mild form of disgust aggravates and turns into a fear of any touch.

Phobia - can be one of the symptoms of autism or mental retardation. People with this diagnosis are more focused on their inner world, and attempts by others to invade their comfort zone are perceived aggressively.

Fear of touch is diagnosed in patients with nervous disorders: psychasthenia or obsessive-compulsive disorders. Patients avoid contact with strangers or even relatives if they do not want to pick up the bacteria. Such individuals carefully monitor cleanliness and their hygiene, always carry wet wipes or antiseptics, react sharply to any stains or dirt.

Some people are irritated by the smell of the interlocutor, which repels and causes negative emotions. Perhaps the fragrance is associated with unpleasant memories from the past, or simply does not like it. In such situations, it is enough to stop communicating and not force yourself to be polite and nice.

Fear of touch: treatment

Some patients are satisfied with their phobia and the possibility of isolation from the outside world. They find work that does not require contact with people, they do not seek to start relationships. If the problem causes discomfort, you should contact a psychotherapist.

The specialist in the treatment process must determine what caused the development of the problem. For some people, the phobia disappears after getting rid of unpleasant memories and fear. Others are helped by antidepressants, and in cases with mental disorders need qualified treatment with special drugs.

To get used to touching and hugging, some patients are advised to dance in pairs or yoga classes. Useful group therapy under the supervision of a doctor or a shock method, when a person is invited to visit daily public places in which there are many people, or ride buses at rush hour. The latter option is only suitable for individuals who are able to control panic attacks, otherwise the experiment may end badly.

A phobia can be diagnosed and treated, but it is better to get rid of fear in a psychotherapist's office, rather than trying to overcome your disorder on your own. It is enough to admit that there is a problem, and the doctor will tell you how to fix the situation.

Touch aversion

Editor-in-Chief of goodhouse.com.ua

I always went to work as if it were a holiday. Here are my colleagues, like-minded people, a team of smart professionals and wonderful people. We got through this hard winter together. Solidarity in the main, we argued over trifles, sometimes disagreed with each other, spoke passionately about politics and politicians. And then spring came ... And there are no more contradictions between us, we forgot about any disagreements. As one, we all repeat: “We will not allow war! We don't need to be protected!" Our team is the whole of Ukraine: residents of Lviv, Kharkov, Simferopol, Kherson, Kyiv. I am an ethnic Russian, who, according to someone's absurd idea, was supposed to "experience all the charms of Bandera and nationalism in my own skin." But all this was not and is not! There is wisdom of people, understanding and deep respect to all nations! I love Ukraine with all my heart, and it loves me back. We, the goodhouse.com.ua team, are sure: only our unity, kindness and love will lead us to peace and happiness!

Editor-in-chief of the Domashniy Ochag magazine

The events of recent months that shook the country have made adjustments to our worldview. It turned out that the world is so fragile that one wrong word or deed is enough, as it crumbles into small fragments, injuring hearts and souls in the literal sense. Everyone is fighting for the truth. The only contradiction that divides people into warring camps is that everyone has this truth of their own: someone follows an order, and someone acts according to the dictates of the heart. We want so much to have as many unifying goals as possible, moments of joy and reasons to be proud of loved ones, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and compatriots we do not know. What are women talking about today - mothers, wives, sisters and daughters? They pray to God that this world be safe and sound! So that children, husbands and brothers do not stand on different sides barricades, but pleased with success at work and in school. And they joked, pampered, loved. Peace to you and your families! Remember, Ukraine is a single country!

Dislike for touch

The problem is that I can't stand it when someone touches me. If someone touches me, then the mood is spoiled for the whole day. Neither mother, nor brother, nor beautiful girls, any touch gives me terrible discomfort. This has nothing to do with hygiene, I can pick up and eat a pie from the floor, take other people's socks and throw them in the wash. I don't like animals, but I pet without any consequences.

Because of this, you have to come up with a lot of ornate tricks to avoid tactile contacts. For example, in order to avoid handshakes at interviews, I bandaged my hand with a bandage, and in order not to go to the hairdresser, I bought myself a typewriter and cut it myself. I came up with a lot of such tricks over the years, which allowed me to exist quite comfortably, some even quite useful despite the disorder. But time goes by, I began to think about the family, but with my problem, the goal seems unattainable.

I tried to describe everything in sufficient detail. I will answer any questions. Need help or at least advice.

I can't stand other people's touch

They shy away from shaking hands and can't stand being touched on the shoulder. Others feel natural to hug when they meet, but these people flinch at any touch. Where does this rejection of physical contact come from?

Marina is 29 years old, has many friends, goes on dates, loves to dance… She comes across as a person who gets along with herself. Except for one thing: Marina cannot stand friendly hugs, other people's hands on her shoulder. “I just cringe, and sometimes I even start to choke when someone unexpectedly touches me. It's worse than being naked in public." Why is she so annoyed by ordinary gestures that another person would not pay attention to?

invisible traces

“The body retains invisible traces of our past,” explains psychotherapist Margarita Zhamkochyan. - Often, those who are afraid of other people's touches had difficult tactile relationships with their parents in childhood, especially with their mother. This connection is best revealed by psychoanalysis: in the process of work, it often turns out that the mother squeezed the child too obsessively or, conversely, rarely hugged him.

If you carefully observe yourself, it may turn out that intolerance to touch is not of a general nature, but is directed at very specific people - and often at the one who most attracts and causes the desire for intimacy. Perhaps there is a negative belief behind this: sex is always dirty and dangerous. It is also learned from parents and turns any touch into an indecent hint, almost an attempt, which must be resisted.

“In each case, there is a reason for not accepting physical contact, but it always speaks of a person’s desire to forget about the painful sensations experienced,” the psychotherapist continues.

The past is locked

"Hands remember!" - we say when we remember some forgotten skill. We intuitively know that the body retains a memory of many of our past experiences. And we can describe our life in bodily images: “I was then very thin and weak”, “This scar is from those times when I fought all the time - then I could beat anyone”, “Grandma said that I have father’s hands” .

“Defending ourselves from other people's touches, our body seems to be hiding - from others and from ourselves - something unpleasant from the past,” Margarita Zhamkochyan explains. “Sometimes a person may even experience imaginary skin diseases or other psychosomatic manifestations, as long as they don’t touch him - literally and figuratively.”

Border control

Of the five senses, only touch is reciprocal: not only do we touch the other, but he also touches us. “If in a conversation someone starts touching me too often,” says 33-year-old Ksenia, “it immediately seems to me that he allows himself too much, almost manages me like property. It's annoying."

Many find it difficult to draw boundaries between themselves and others: they either survive the invasion or attack themselves. Such people do not feel protected - neither physically nor psychologically - and instead of contacting the outside world, they defend themselves from it.

A person has the main protection inside: this is the feeling of his "I", himself as a whole person

“It is the animals that need external protective equipment to survive: shell, needles, claws…,” says Margarita Zhamkochyan. - And a person has the main protection inside: this is the feeling of his "I", himself as an integral person who has the right to live among other people. And this protection makes us invulnerable to any intrusions, and therefore relieves us of painful experiences and the need to defend ourselves.

“As a child, I hated being patted on the cheek, pressed to myself. I "saved" from adults - I dodged their hands, - recalls Svetlana, 28 years old. - I started to really suffer from physical contact at the age of 16. I blushed a lot when they only approached me - no matter if it was a stranger or a friend. I developed eczema... Working with a psychoanalyst, I realized that the problem was in my confrontation with my mother: she wanted to completely own me, and I resisted it. To the extent that she turned her skin into a shell so that I would not be touched. Luckily, I've got over it now."

Does he (she) avoid your kisses, dodging so as not to feel your hand on his shoulder? Do not get angry: in most cases, it is not you who are rejected, but the meaning that a person puts into your movements. Give in the initiative: for example, when meeting, do not try to hug, but say: “It's good that we met! Will you kiss me?" So you give the person the opportunity to resolve this issue himself and save him from the feeling of intrusion into personal space.

Suggest a different greeting ritual, with or without touch, as long as it is pleasant for both.

What to do?

1. Explore the causes

Remember what kind of touch you feel most uncomfortable with and ask someone you trust to gently touch you that way. Listen to the feelings and associations that arise and mentally move back to the past. At some point, a forgotten memory will come - at first glance, not related to touch, but capable of suggesting how unpleasant experiences began.

2. Analyze the situation

What exactly is unpleasant for you in this touch? In what other situation or with another person was the same touch more acceptable to you? Such reflections will reduce anxiety.

3. Touch yourself

Learn to feel the pleasure of your own touch. Every evening, lubricate with cream and massage your hands, feet, use body milk. It will take the stress out of the day and also give you a pleasant and safe touch experience.

4. Strengthen your inner defenses

Feel where exactly in the body you feel your “I”. Put your hand on this place. Describe the image that has arisen: is there light, space, form. What does it look like? Maybe this is a fire or a source ... This will be your individual image of "I". If you do this exercise for 30-60 seconds once a week, you will notice how the image will gradually change and take a different place. This feeling of your “I”, that inner protection, will itself turn on at the right moments and support you.

About the expert

Margarita Zhamkochyan - psychotherapist, social psychologist, director of the psychological center of the Victoria Charitable Foundation.

How do we feel about (stranger's) touch?

Touch is a source of constant awkwardness for many of us. One movement of the hand can bring us closer, or it can destroy the hope of rapprochement.

Few of us in our youth listen to the advice of adults. We often understand the value and significance of their words only with age.

Irritation from touch

Asks: Catherine: 04:50)

Hello. I am 29 years old. Complicated Relationships with husband, 3 year old son. Since childhood, I do not like being touched, but I very rarely show it. I can pretty easily ride crowded buses, but I can’t stand any manifestations. how to say something. sympathy or something. I don’t kiss anyone, I don’t hug anyone (if I haven’t seen each other for a very long time, then hugs last no more than 5 seconds). Mom says that I’ve been like this since childhood, I even always went to bed myself, (I have good relations with my parents), I never went to hug or bask, I always considered it superfluous. And over time, it grew into I don't know what to call it, please tell me? If they stroke my head, hair, put a hand on my shoulder, try to just hug me, I start to get annoyed, my mood deteriorates, I can yell, hysteria can start, sometimes even sick. The only person to whom there is no such reaction is my son.

Catherine! What does this impersonal phrase mean: "If they stroke my head, hair, put a hand on my shoulder, they just try to hug me."?

Who is this "someone" that makes you sick? You need to deal with your relationship with relatives, with your parents. After all, it is one thing when a child does not go to bask, and quite another when an adult is sick of the touch of others. Many psychologists have an incorrect manner, without understanding the situation, to look for everything in childhood. Clients do not avoid this either. I suspect that if no caresses were allowed at all, then you would not have a husband or a child in principle. So once, quite recently, and not in childhood, everything was fine with you?

Address to the psychologist internally. I would recommend finding a specialist who owns classical hypnosis. In the end, if your problem is really "from childhood", then using age regression is the easiest way to solve your problem. Perhaps your problem comes from a past life.

It seems that the current state began to give you anxiety in relationships with loved ones in the first place, if I understood you correctly.

I sympathize that since childhood you have not liked being touched, you rarely show it, and now you are no longer able to restrain yourself. Tension comes out in the most natural way - in the form of irritation.

Usually at the touch of strangers or unpleasant people many have a reaction to the war as a violation of their borders. I wonder how this relates to relationships in your family. I'm glad for your son that everything is going well in your relationship with him.

From your letter, Ekaterina, it is not very clear, unfortunately, what you want from psychologists. Direct question, which is indicated: tell me how to name the state. I call it disgust.

Next is the strategy of action of your choice: to know about your disgust and recognize it as an indisputable fact; know, reconcile and endure further; know and try to overcome; find and eliminate the cause; completely change the reaction to touch in the present.

This is up to you depending on what you want. The psychologist usually responds to your need and helps you meet it.

Sincerely, Larisa

Hello Ekaterina! Pleases in your situation that it is not reflected in the son in any way. Perhaps you are not mistaken about the fact that the roots come from childhood, but I do not exclude that other reasons should be looked for. You need a face-to-face consultation, during which I will find the origins of the problem and ways for you and your loved ones to find peace of mind.

Sincerely, Inna.

Dzhumanova Zhanat Salmenovna

Considering your intolerance emotional manifestations from surrounding people and tactile touches, as well as restraint in feelings, I can assume that your aspirations are aimed at maintaining independence and self-satisfaction. Therefore, you try to distance yourself from other people, do not allow them to approach you. It is also possible that the "difficulties" that have arisen in relations with your husband are due to your tension in front of duties, dependence and limitations of your personality, therefore, detachment, distance, restraint may appear in your behavior. In some cases, it can be difficult to eliminate "gaps" in relationships on your own, it is more effective to do this accompanied by a psychologist.

Julia is 25 years old, she has many friends, she goes on dates, she loves to dance. She gives the impression of a person who gets along with herself. Except for one thing: Yulia cannot stand friendly hugs, other people's hands on her shoulder. “I can’t stand other people’s touches. I just cringe, and sometimes I even start to choke when someone unexpectedly touches me - it's worse than being naked in public, ”she writes. Why is she so annoyed by ordinary gestures that another person would not pay attention to?

The body retains invisible traces of our past. Often, those who are afraid of other people's touches had difficult tactile relationships with their parents, especially with their mother, in childhood. This connection is best revealed by psychoanalysis: in the process of work, it often turns out that the mother squeezed the child too obsessively or, on the contrary, rarely hugged, caressed him.

If you carefully observe yourself, it may turn out that intolerance to touch is not of a general nature, but is directed at very specific people. And often on the one who most attracts and causes a desire for intimacy. Perhaps there is a negative belief behind this: sex is always dirty and dangerous. It is also learned from parents and turns any touch into an indecent hint, almost an attempt, which must be resisted. In each case, there is a reason for not accepting physical contact, but it always speaks of a person’s desire to forget about the painful sensations experienced.

"Hands remember!" - we say when we remember some forgotten skill. We intuitively know that the body retains a memory of many of our past experiences. And we can describe our life in bodily images: “I was then very thin and weak”, “This scar is from those times when I fought all the time - then I could beat anyone”, “Grandma said that I have father’s hands” . Protecting ourselves from other people's touches, our body seems to be hiding - from others and from ourselves - something unpleasant from the past. Sometimes a person may even experience imaginary skin diseases or some other psychosomatic manifestations, as long as they do not touch him - literally and figuratively.

Of our five senses, only touch is mutual: not only do we touch the other, but he also touches us. “If in a conversation someone starts touching me too often,” says 43-year-old Tatiana, “it immediately seems to me that he allows himself too much, almost manages me like property. It's annoying. I can't stand being touched." Many find it difficult to draw boundaries between themselves and others: they either survive the invasion or attack themselves. Such people do not feel protected either physically or psychologically. And instead of contacting the outside world, they defend themselves from it. These animals need external protective equipment to survive: shell, needles, claws. And a person has the main protection inside: this is the feeling of his “I”, himself as a whole person who has meaning and the right to live among other people. And this protection makes us invulnerable to any intrusions, and therefore relieves us of painful experiences and the need to defend ourselves.

What if I can't stand other people's touch

1. Explore the causes. Think about what kind of touch you feel most uncomfortable with and ask someone you trust to gently touch you in that way. Listen to the feelings and associations that arise in you and mentally move back into the past. At some point, a forgotten memory will come - at first glance, not related to touch, but capable of suggesting how unpleasant experiences began.

2. Analyze the situation. What exactly is unpleasant for you in this touch? In what other situation or with another person was the same touch more acceptable to you. Such thoughts will alleviate anxiety.

3. Touch yourself. Learn to feel the pleasure of your own touch. Every evening, lubricate with cream and massage your hands, feet, use gentle body milk. It will take the stress out of the day and also give you a pleasant and safe touch experience.

4. Strengthen your inner defenses. Feel where exactly in the body you feel your "I". Put your hand on this place. Describe the image that has arisen: is there light, space, form. What does it look like? Maybe it's a fire or a spring. This will be your individual image of "I". If you do this exercise every second once a week, you will notice how the image will gradually change and take a different place. This feeling of your “I”, that inner protection, will itself turn on at the right moments and support you.

“I can’t stand other people’s touches. As a child, I hated being patted on the cheek, pressed to myself. I "fled" from adults, dodging their hands. I started to really suffer from physical contact at the age of 16. I blushed a lot when someone approached me - no matter if it was a stranger or a friend. I got eczema. Working with a psychoanalyst, I realized that the problem was in my confrontation with my mother: she wanted to completely own me, and I resisted this. To the extent that she turned her skin into a shell so that I would not be touched. Luckily, I've dealt with it now. Anastasia Patapchikova.

Hapophobia - fear of being touched

Sometimes we do not even suspect that things familiar to most people cause panic horror in many. One of the most incomprehensible phobias for others is the fear of touch, or as it is also called hapophobia. The essence of haptophobia lies in the unwillingness to contact strangers, which manifests itself in the fear of other people's touches.

Haptophobia or aphephobia manifests itself heightened sense boundaries of personal space. Each person has his own standards for delimiting the framework between personal and public space, but for haptophobes these boundaries are too blurred. Living in a metropolis, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from contact with strangers: traveling by public transport, visiting museums, theaters, shops is impossible to imagine without close contact with other members of society.

At the moment when a stranger “penetrates” personal territory, people suffering from aphephobia experience uncontrollable feelings of fear and disgust. Many people confuse a phobia with ordinary disgust, and this is not entirely true. Sometimes only a specialist can help get rid of the fear of touch. If you do not apply in a timely manner medical assistance, a person closes in himself and can no longer get out of this state on his own.

The reasons

Experts say that the fear of touch can arise under the influence of internal or external factors.

To internal factors relate:

  • Character features. Many people, by virtue of their personality traits don't like it when they inner world outsiders invade.
  • The cause of haptophobia can be increased disgust.
  • racist beliefs. Some people are afraid when people of other nationalities touch them.
  • Women often cause fear of touching males.

The external factors for the appearance of fear of the touch of strangers include:

  • Chronic diseases of the central nervous system. People suffering from psychoses and neuroses do not tolerate interference in their personal space.
  • Experienced in childhood or adolescence physical or sexual abuse. According to statistics, boys who have been abused by pedophiles have a harder time psychological trauma, and in adult life experiencing aphephobia.
  • Mentally retarded people do not like being touched by strangers and begin to react aggressively to this.
  • People with anancaste disorder often develop haptophobia.
  • Hapophobia can occur in young people during puberty. The guy is afraid that if a girl touches him, his sexual arousal will become noticeable to others.

The specifics of the work also leaves an imprint on the relationship of the individual in society. For example, dermatologists who, due to the nature of their work, encounter various skin diseases on a daily basis, cannot tolerate strangers touching their skin.


Life big city impossible to imagine without traveling by public transport. If a a common person will not pay attention to accidental touch a neighboring passenger, then the haptophobe will survive a storm of emotions in a few seconds:

  • Haptofoba shivering, the pulse quickens, nausea may appear.
  • The patient begins to breathe intermittently, there is a lack of oxygen. The resulting dizziness can cause fainting.
  • The place touched by a stranger, the haptophobe wants to immediately wash or wipe with an alcohol wipe.
  • Depending on personal characteristics, someone else's touch can burn or resemble a piece of ice touching bare skin. The body is instantly covered with goosebumps, and squeamish facial expressions make it clear to others how unpleasant it was for a person.

In order not to offend loved ones, haptophobes try not to show how unpleasant the invasion of personal space is to them. They endure kisses and hugs of relatives, while experiencing only negative feelings. Some, on the contrary, defiantly wipe their hands with a napkin after a handshake, thereby showing how unpleasant they were. As practice shows, the fear of touching people around leaves a serious imprint on the lifestyle of the haptophobe. Problems at work and in personal life make the character of such a person closed, difficult to communicate. Aphephobia can be the result of other phobias: fear of sexual harassment or fear of contracting an infectious disease.

How to get rid of the fear of touch

Recognition of haptophobia as a disease is already the first step towards recovery. If you manage on your own similar ailment impossible, then it's time to seek help from a psychotherapist. The doctor prescribes the treatment of the disease, based on individual features patient. During the conversation, the specialist must determine the main reason that caused the fear of touching. For some, it is enough to get rid of unpleasant memories, and being in a cramped room with a large number of people no longer seems to be a big problem. In cases of serious psychological deviations, treatment is carried out with the help of antidepressants and other medications.

In psychology, there are several methods to overcome this or that fear. To get rid of the fear of interference in personal space, doctors prescribe yoga classes or pair dances to their patients. Regular classes, which at the very beginning are a real punishment, eventually begin to bring pleasure. Patients who can control their emotions may be scheduled to travel in public transport during rush hour. Such "shock" treatment sometimes brings desired result in short time. But it is worth repeating that such therapy is only suitable for those people who are able to restrain panic and not fall into an uncontrollable state.

Experiencing this or that phobia, you should not withdraw into yourself and put an end to your personal life. Each person is individual, and there is nothing to worry about if the fear of touch goes into the category of a disease. Like any psychological problem, haptophobia can disappear from life forever after regular sessions with a psychotherapist. In everyday life, such a concept as a “comfort zone”, that is, the personal space of an individual, is becoming common. Violation of the boundaries of this space infuriates many and independently cope with similar state sometimes a person can't do it. A competent specialist will select individual technique getting rid of a phobia, and following all the doctor's recommendations will help to live a full life.