7 month pregnant feeling. Less space inside. Possible allocations of this period

This period is called the "nesting period". Buying clothes for a newborn, choosing a maternity hospital, arranging a nursery - how many interesting worries you have! It’s good that now you no longer have to waste time on work, ”because it is in this month that they issue sick leave on pregnancy and childbirth.

What happens in the body of a future mother at 7 months of pregnancy

The fundus of the uterus (its top part) this month is at a height of 28-32 cm above the bosom. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, it is determined 2-3 cm above the navel, and by the end of the seventh month it is located in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process. The internal organs are displaced upwards and, together with the uterus, compress the diaphragm, thereby restricting the free movements of the lungs. Shortness of breath appears, aggravated by physical exertion, in the hypochondrium due to the pressure of the uterus, pain occurs.

The dark line crossing the abdomen from top to bottom becomes more noticeable, Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to a violation of the synthesis of the two most important components of the skin - proteins-polymers of collagen and elastin. These substances give the skin the qualities of rubber - extensibility, contractility and elasticity. With their lack, the skin begins to thin, especially in places subject to the greatest stretching, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of intradermal tears. The body quickly restores the lost integrity by “smearing over the cracks” with connective tissue, as a result, striae (stretch marks) appear on the surface of the skin. They look like reddish stripes, sometimes slightly rising above the surface of the skin, appear on the mammary glands, lateral surfaces of the abdomen and thighs. Doesn't exist yet effective ways prevent or cure stretch marks. The likelihood of their occurrence increases if the fetus is large, if the pregnant woman quickly gains weight or there is polyhydramnios. Lotions or creams designed specifically for pregnant women may have some effect. Such products contain vitamins A and E, as well as substances that improve blood circulation and moisturize the skin. Their use is well combined with a simple massage: you should stroke your stomach in a circular motion and pinch the skin around the periphery of the abdomen. However, with the threat of interruption, such a massage is contraindicated, because. may increase uterine tone.

In the breast, the formation of colostrum, the precursor of milk, may begin. This is the liquid that will be the first food of a newborn baby. If there is a discharge from the chest, use special gaskets for bra,

In the last three months, you will gain approximately 300-400 g per week. By the end of the seventh month, the total weight gain will reach 7-11 kg, depending on starting weight women: the less weight was before pregnancy, the more weight the expectant mother can put on.

Unborn baby at 7 months pregnant

The baby occupies almost all the space in the uterus, the size of his head is already more or less proportional to the size of his body. During this month, he will grow a lot, and by the end of the month his “height” will be 40-41 cm, and his weight will be 1.6-1.7 kg.

Due to the growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the skin does not become red, but pink color. The baby has already grown eyebrows and eyelashes, hair is growing. The cartilages of the nose and ears are soft, and the nails do not reach the end of the toes and fingers.

The size of the brain increases, they begin to function actively nerve cells, protective sheaths appear around the nerve fibers, the structure of the cerebral cortex improves. A seven-month-old baby feels pain, is capable of learning, and reacts in much the same way as a full-term baby. For example, when pressing on the stomach, it begins to move, and from a strong noise - to bounce. If the sound is repeated, then the fetus gradually reduces motor reaction, and then completely stops moving, and in response to other sounds, movements can be observed again.

At this age, the fetus is able to distinguish very subtle flavors due to the fact that it has more taste buds on the tongue than it will at birth. The pupillary membrane disappears from the eyes, they open and close.

Now the baby uses the whole set of senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch.

The child begins to regulate its own temperature, and its bone marrow is fully responsible for the production of red blood cells, replenishing the blood vessels. Your blood never mixes with the baby's blood, they are separated by a very thin septum -placental barrier, through which there is an exchange of water, nutrients and waste products - at a rate of 10 ml per second. The fetus begins to exercise its lungs by rhythmically lifting chest, which sometimes results in amniotic fluid in Airways causing hiccups.

The child is energetic and very active at times. Growth continues, there is less and less room for movement, so by 28 weeks the baby will be in the final position for childbirth (usually head down). This position obstetricians call the head presentation. Although some fetuses allow themselves to move freely until much later - up to the 40th week, and approximately 3-4% of babies will remain until the end of pregnancy in the gluteal or breech presentation.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 7 months of pregnancy

You have recovered and become quite clumsy. In late pregnancy, back pain is often disturbing. Their reason is elevated level the hormone relaxin, which relaxes all the ligaments and muscles, preparing them for childbirth. The action of relaxin is diverse. By loosening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, it changes the way a pregnant woman walks, making you waddle like a duck. Relaxing the muscular wall of the veins, it leads to an increase in their varicose veins, the muscles of the esophagus - to the appearance of heartburn, and the muscles Bladder- to the appearance of urinary incontinence. In order not to hurt your back, it is important to monitor your posture. Some happy women may not experience any discomfort, but this does not mean that their body is not preparing for the birth of a child. It all depends on various factors, including heredity and the level of physical fitness.

You often wake up at night. You may dream very vivid dreams about childbirth or a child. Dreams are usually caused awkward position during sleep or the movements of the child,

The husband can feel with his hand and even see the movements of the child. Physical activity the fetus becomes more organized and constant. If there are fewer movements than usual, that is, their number has changed dramatically compared to previous days, you should consult a doctor. At this time, the baby's tremors can be very painful. To reduce this pain, you can lie on your side.

Psychology of the seventh month

Possible deviations from the norm - 7 months of pregnancy

Diagnosis "delay prenatal development"Very frightening expectant mothers. This means that the fetus in the womb is lagging behind in growth and weight. Please note that the diagnosis of "delay" refers to the height and weight of the baby and does not mean a mandatory delay in the development of his brain. If the estimated weight of the child is 10% lower than the norm established for the given gestational age (i.e., he is more than 2 weeks behind the due date), then there is cause for concern, treatment is necessary. The reasons for intrauterine growth retardation may be:

  • genetically determined low mass and the height of the child, if he has undersized parents;
  • anemia and little weight gain in the mother;
  • smoking (the more cigarettes you smoke, the worse your baby grows and develops);
  • maternal diseases, in particular heart defects, arterial hypertension, pathology thyroid gland and kidneys;
  • late toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • anomalies of the placenta and umbilical cord vessels;
  • reception of a pregnant woman a large number various medicines or unfavorable ecology;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • residence of a pregnant woman in high mountainous areas.

Intrauterine growth retardation is diagnosed by ultrasound. Abnormalities are also recognized by measuring the uterus at regular intervals and finding that it has not changed. Many methods are used to treat intrauterine growth retardation. medical preparations for better oxygen supply and nutrients to the fetus, for example ACTOVEGIN, CURANTIL, TRENTAL, INSTENON, multivitamins. You may be prescribed bed rest This allows you to increase blood flow to the placenta. Great importance to improve the condition of the fetus good nutrition With enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, each time the doctor will not only listen to the baby’s heart, but also determine its position with his hands. It can be longitudinal, transverse or oblique, Normal is longitudinal position fetus. Depending on what is closer to the womb: the head of the child or the buttocks, head and breech presentations are also distinguished.

If, upon examination, the doctor establishes a breech presentation, then in the absence of contraindications, he recommends gymnastics that helps turn the child “on his head”. In order not to impede rotation, you should not wear a brace during breech presentation. You can also use special exercises. Usually, in response to this "gymnastics", the child begins to move quite actively. If at the next examination the doctor determines cephalic presentation Feel free to put on a bandage to secure it.

The seventh month of pregnancy is critical period, in which pregnant women with a large number of risk factors for miscarriage may begin premature birth. If you have such a chance, then try to abstain from sexual intercourse, watch your weight, eat optimally, stop working, stay away from people with colds, Follow the instructions of your doctor, do not take any medications without his prescription. You may need to stay in the hospital to keep the pregnancy going. Signs of preterm labor are:

  • pain resembling menstrual;
  • soreness or a feeling of pressure in the pelvis, extending to the lumbar region and thighs;
  • changes in the nature of the discharge, especially if it is watery or bloody (the appearance of a thick plug of mucus may precede the appearance of blood).

Necessary medical measures at 7 months of pregnancy

From now on, you need to visit your doctor once a day of the week. This month, many tests and examinations by specialists will have to be repeated. Mandatory appointment general analysis blood, urine, re-examination for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, consultation of a general practitioner and ophthalmologist.

Your doctor may also order a blood sugar test, biochemical analysis, blood clotting test.

Pregnant women with Rh-negative blood and with 0 (1) blood group undergo blood tests for antibodies. This test should indicate if there is a risk of an immunological reaction between your blood and the baby's. This reaction can cause problems with subsequent pregnancies and the health of newborns.

Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, one of the leading methods for assessing the condition of the fetus is recording a cardiotocogram (CTG). Devices for CTG records automatically read the fetal heart rate and record it on a graph as a curve. In addition to the heart rate, they also record fetal movements and force. uterine contractions, which is also reflected in the graph. Recording is carried out within 20-40 minutes. By studying the change in the fetal heart rate depending on its movements or uterine activity, the doctor may suggest the presence of oxygen deficiency or other diseases in the fetus. Such a study is prescribed once after the 28th week. From 30 weeks of pregnancy, all working pregnant women are issued a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth with a duration of 140 calendar days(70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). The exception is women who are carrying two or more children: they are issued a sick leave at 28 weeks for a period of 180 days. If you have been observed in this antenatal clinic for at least 12 weeks, then you will be issued a birth certificate along with a certificate of incapacity for work. If the observation period in this antenatal clinic is less than 12 weeks, then you will receive a birth certificate later (when this criterion is met), since this document is issued only if you are observed for more than 12 weeks of pregnancy.

What do you need to get a birth certificate?

For getting birth certificate the following documents must be presented:

Rules of conduct at 7 months of pregnancy

As you gain weight, your movements become more and more slow and clumsy. because of rapid growth the center of gravity of your body is constantly shifting, so now it is very important to monitor your posture when walking or sitting. Do gymnastics regularly, walk more often, swim, wear shoes only on a low and stable heel. Don't walk for very long, use every opportunity to rest your feet: your feet should rest above the level of your heart. Before getting out of bed, first roll onto your side. Remember to visit the toilet as often as possible. Now it is very difficult to control the degree of filling of the bladder, because it is quite squeezed by the uterus, so the first urge to urinate often requires immediate action. Do not wait until you feel like going to the toilet, go there "prophylactically".

Household chores at 7 months pregnant

Is it worth it to do any repairs during pregnancy? The question is very controversial, but if you want to update the apartment for the arrival of a new resident, then do not put off. Almost all the preparations for the birth of a baby should be, if not completed, then they will decide: this month. Now you still have the strength to walk around the children's shops. If you are not prone to superstition, do not put off shopping, the three remaining months are very, very short.

Now is the time to think about whether you are ready for childbirth. You can talk about this with your doctor or read special literature, but the most effective, according to the unanimous opinion of doctors and expectant mothers, is attending special courses in preparation for childbirth. It is better to sign up for a childbirth preparation group now, so that by the time of childbirth you have already managed to listen to the weight course. Such courses can be taken in your antenatal clinic or at the maternity hospital you like. In addition, there are many centers for future parents. You can choose the group that you think suits you best. When choosing a prenatal group, use the recommendations of your friends who have given birth, discuss the choice with your doctor: he probably has his own opinion about each nearby center. Many classes can be attended with the future dad, especially if he wants to be present at the birth.

In the classes at the school for expectant mothers, the doctor or midwives will talk about the course of childbirth, about what procedures are expected of you, what is required of you at one time or another during childbirth. You will be shown methods of anesthesia for childbirth, taught how to breathe correctly, help to cope with natural fear before childbirth. In the group you will meet other pregnant women, you will learn that the difficulties you face and the fears that you have are inherent in a lot.

Having visited such a school, you will be ready for the upcoming very important event in your life, you will have more knowledge, and hence confidence in the successful outcome of childbirth.

On the seventh month intrauterine life, the child has grown to 38-41 cm and weighs up to one and a half kilograms by the end of the month. All organs and systems are practically formed, but they still have to be improved and prepared for functioning independently, without a mother.

The stomach, intestines, kidneys are almost ready, but for the lungs, although they are already making their first respiratory movements, it still takes time to prepare for independent living in the outside world. This is exactly the time when premature newborn has a great chance of survival. Development continues nervous system, cerebral cortex. The child already reacts to pain, hearing is well developed: he distinguishes sounds outside world, hears mother's voice, reacts to intonation, can express emotions.

Within a month, the baby is actively gaining weight, and occupies almost the entire space of the uterus. He already hardly fits in his mother's "tummy" and takes comfortable posture: Curls up and crosses arms and legs. The baby is actively moving, the movements of the arms and legs become more frequent and stronger. The baby is especially “pushing” at night, as during the day, mother’s movements and conversations calm and sway. These tremors can be felt not only by placing a hand on the stomach, but already visually. The baby's skin is still dry and wrinkled, but this month the subcutaneous fat accumulates intensively, it gradually levels out, and by the time of childbirth it will become smooth, although thin and red.

Changes at 7 months of pregnancy

Seven months, corresponds to 27-31 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, some conditions may disturb the mother. But you need to distinguish them and treat some of them as features of the course of pregnancy. But others are worth looking at Special attention and see a doctor in time. At this time, vaginal discharge is also possible, but normally they are insignificant and mucous in nature. The appearance of unusual secretions in nature, color, smell require a visit to the doctor and the delivery of smears. Otherwise, it can be dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but also for the baby.

Itching of the skin of the abdomen should not be frightening either, this is a signal from the body that the skin has reached the limit of extensibility, and it depends on the structure of your skin. There is a risk of stretch marks, as the stomach has reached a significant size, the skin is stretched. It is necessary to start using products in time to soften the skin and to prevent stretch marks. Many expectant mothers begin to feel false contractions. It's okay and even good sign during pregnancy. They are necessary because they check the readiness of the uterus for childbirth. This feeling of uterine tone passes quickly, is not regular and does not interfere with life. ordinary life. This is what makes them different from real fights.

During this period, discharge from the chest, colostrum begin to appear. This, too, should not frighten, but rather should please, the mother's body is preparing for an important mission - feeding the child. No need to worry, press on the chest. An enlarged belly is the cause of digestive problems. The uterus presses on the stomach, liver, intestines, on everything internal organs. This can cause symptoms such as aching pain in the hypochondrium, heartburn, nausea, increased gas formation, constipation. You should try to avoid stress on these organs, eat in small portions. Be sure to watch the chair.

Increased weight and increased load on the muscles and the musculoskeletal system can cause pain in the organs that take this load on themselves: in the back, lower back and legs, cramps are possible calf muscles. For the same reason, varicose veins often occur. lower extremities and hemorrhoidal veins. This is difficult to avoid, but it can be reduced by wearing a bandage, physical therapy. The same reason and the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm can cause shortness of breath when moving and walking fast. Therefore, mom becomes slow, absent-minded, thoughtful. There is clumsiness in gait, clumsiness, caution in movements, which is so distinguished by a stately gait expectant mother.

In addition, psychological problems arise during this period. The due date is approaching, the woman is worried about whether everything will go well, she is worried about her health, the health of her baby, worrying about where to bring him after childbirth, what name to choose. What will she look like after giving birth and what does her baby look like. All these thoughts disturb a woman, cause excitement and insomnia. During this period, the attention and care of relatives and friends is very important. The expectant mother must understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but normal condition woman who is expecting a baby. And everyone around her is happy that the day of birth is approaching with her.

Action plan

Must keep visiting women's consultation. Up to 36 weeks, twice a month is enough. When visiting a doctor, weighing and control is carried out blood pressure, determination of the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat. A number of tests are prescribed: a urine test for sugar and protein, a blood test. When indicators change, such as a decrease in hemoglobin, the doctor will prescribe medications. Since low hemoglobin is the reason oxygen starvation fetus. In such a situation, both the baby and the mother suffer.

Weight gain

As in all periods of pregnancy, you must strictly monitor your weight. In the seventh month, weight gain is 9-10 kilograms.


Mom has two more months before giving birth. One can live enjoying the expectation of a miracle. But at the first signs that indicate a violation of the course of pregnancy, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

It could be the development of a urinary tract infection. It is manifested by the appearance sharp pains in the lower back, fever, nausea, painful and frequent urination, change in the color of urine, the appearance of impurities in it. It is necessary to conduct a series of examinations and analyzes in order to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

The onset of abdominal pain and spotting, or bleeding may be a symptom of such a serious complication as detachment low presentation placenta. In the event that for some reason the growth of the placenta lags behind the growth of the uterus, and the fetus grows and squeezes it more and more, placental abruption may occur, which in any case will lead to a decrease in the blood supply to the fetus, deterioration of its nutrition and hypoxia.

Diagnosis: low or complete placenta previa is an indication for hospitalization. And the further course of pregnancy should be under the supervision of doctors. In the process of further growth of the uterus, several options for the development of this condition are possible: from an independent successful resolution of the condition, and childbirth, to placental abruption, in which case an urgent operation is necessary caesarean section. This is decided by the doctor, in the process close observation over the course of pregnancy.

Research at 7 months pregnant

Studies that you can prescribe at these stages of pregnancy:

  • weight control and blood pressure control;
  • control of the fetal heart rate;
  • determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • urinalysis for sugar, protein;
  • examination of the extremities for varicose veins.

The seventh month of pregnancy opens the last,.

Oddly enough, it can be called a period of calm and calm, because the expectant mother has gone through all the basic procedures and examinations, and can fully devote herself to preparing for.

Let's look at the basic physical and psychological states that a woman in her seventh month of pregnancy is likely to encounter.

The activity of the baby inside the mother increases significantly, he moves much more often and longer.

There are problems with digestion. Gas formation in the intestines increases, heartburn sometimes torments, constipation may occur. To reduce such unpleasant manifestations, you should eat healthy food and follow the doctor's recommendations related to nutritional habits.

Do not avoid aching pain in the underbelly and in the back, in particular, in the lumbar region.

One of problem areas there will be legs. Sometimes their muscles can reduce spasms, such a nuisance as varicose veins is not ruled out. Moreover, it can occur not only on the legs, but also in the area of ​​​​the rectum.

Also on the seventh pregnancy there is a row planned research that you have to go through:

  • Already habitual weighing and measurement of pressure;
  • Urinalysis to determine the content of sugar and protein in it;
  • Determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • Examining your limbs for signs of varicose veins or swelling
  • Measurement of the size of the fetus and its position using palpation;
  • Listening to the baby's heartbeat.

Most importantly, do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you have any questions regarding pregnancy or unusual symptoms.

The 7th month of pregnancy falls at the beginning of the third trimester. During this period, the expectant mother goes on maternity leave. Her belly acquires impressive dimensions, the baby is actively pushing, constantly reminding of himself and that he will be born soon. At this time, the woman and her fetus experience Big changes well visible on ultrasound.

Seven months - how many weeks pregnant?

The beginning of the seventh month is the 28th obstetric week of pregnancy. Lasts 7 months to 31 weeks.

At the 32-week period, a woman can already apply for maternity leave.

The seventh month of pregnancy is called the "nesting" period. Future mothers at this time feel an urgent need to “make a nest”: they decorate the nursery, buy a dowry for the baby and spend hours shopping with toys, diapers and hats in anticipation close birth his crumbs.

What does the stomach look like at this time?

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At 28 weeks, the abdomen is significantly rounded. The height of the rise of the uterus above the womb is about 30 cm. It occupies most of the abdominal cavity, propping up and squeezing other organs. The baby is actively gaining weight, which becomes difficult for the uterus to withstand. Because of this, a feeling of heaviness and aching pain may appear in the lower abdomen. Wearing a bandage for pregnant women will help alleviate this condition.

During this period, the fetus is so enlarged that it becomes cramped. He constantly pushes, forcing the uterus to enter into tone. Feelings of a hard stomach this period are the absolute norm.

The abdomen also changes in appearance. In its center from the pubis to the chest passes dark stripe. Often, stretch marks appear on the belly of a future mother at 7 months, the culprits of which are sex hormones.

Sometimes at 28-30 weeks, the stomach becomes smaller. What it should be, only the doctor knows, so worry about it once again not worth it. During the examination, the obstetrician will take measurements, if necessary, prescribe additional ultrasound to make sure the baby is developing normally. Sometimes the cause of a decrease in the size of the abdomen is oligohydramnios. In this case, the mother is usually placed in a hospital for preservation. You should not refuse: oligohydramnios can have rather unpleasant consequences.

What happens to the fetus?

By the 7-month period, the child has time to fully form, so he can already live outside the mother's body. The baby weighs about one and a half kilograms, its height is about 40 cm, the skin becomes pink, and a fatty layer begins to form under it.

Serious changes occur in all body systems:

  1. The lungs are almost ready to function. Only the lung ventilation system is insufficiently formed in a seven-month-old fetus.
  2. The baby has the ability to hear, he can already distinguish voices different people and even react to mother's or father's speech.
  3. Appears on the baby's head light fluff- the rudiment of future hair.
  4. The genitals are fully formed.
  5. The baby is already able to see, hear, distinguish between smells and tastes.
  6. The baby can actively move inside the uterus.

If you take a photo of a 30-week-old fetus in the womb, you can see that it looks almost like full-fledged child. However, no matter how much a seven-month-old fetus weighs, at this time it is still considered premature, so the mother should try to do everything so that he is not yet born, but wait at least until 37 obstetric weeks.

Mom's Feelings

Pregnant women in the seventh month often compare themselves to a hippopotamus: they become clumsy, slow. The hormone relaxin is released into the body of the expectant mother, which relaxes the ligaments and joints, so she may experience back pain. Other inconveniences begin at this time:

  1. Phlebeurysm. The muscles of the veins relax for a period of seven to eight months, while normal blood circulation is disturbed due to the vessels squeezed by the uterus. To reduce the effects of these changes, pregnant women after 8 months are advised to wear a compression bandage on their legs.
  2. Heartburn. The stomach rises above its normal position, so after eating, its contents can enter the esophagus. Get rid of unpleasant symptoms a fractional diet will help. not bad natural remedy from heartburn in pregnant women is considered pumpkin seed oil.
  3. Remarkable movements. The baby becomes large in the seventh month, and its tremors can sometimes cause inconvenience to the mother, making pregnancy tedious.
  4. Nausea. Sometimes the expectant mother in the later stages begins to feel the symptoms characteristic of toxicosis again: she feels sick, she often has a headache, and general weakness appears. Late toxicosis not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous, so it should be reported to the doctor.

At a period of 28-32 obstetric weeks, pregnant women think more and more about their child, almost completely losing interest in the world around them. They are concerned about a lot of issues related to childbirth and caring for a newborn. Own sluggishness and distinct movements of the baby in the stomach make mommy expect the approach of childbirth with great impatience. However, she should not be in any hurry. When a baby is born small and premature, his life is in danger.

Allocations at 7 months

In the third trimester, a woman has such copious discharge, which she had not had throughout her pregnancy. If there is no foam, no bloody impurities, no white lumps in the secret from the vagina, their abundance will not harm the expectant mother. It is necessary to consult a doctor if suddenly appear in the whites:

  1. Snot-like impurities of yellow or green color. Such discharge occurs with infections.
  2. pink impurities. This sometimes indicates that the expectant mother is leaking amniotic fluid. If the problem is ignored, the fetus may suffer.
  3. Bloody veins. If blood streaks are visible in a secret, it is imperative to consult a doctor: this condition is dangerous with the likelihood of bleeding or the onset of premature birth.

Coloring vaginal discharge in Brown color- a symptom of pathologies in the fetus, which should not be ignored. In this case, it is necessary to do an additional ultrasound. Anxiety in a pregnant woman should also cause leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor.

In the third trimester, the expectant mother also has discharge from the nipples. This indicates the readiness of the breast for feeding.

Pain at 7 months

The voluminous uterus at this time puts pressure on the pelvic bones, the body begins to prepare for childbirth, so the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman often hurts. Unpleasant sensations in the uterus are explained by the so-called "training contractions."

It may seem to a woman that she began to give birth, but if the pain was minor and short-lived, not accompanied by bleeding, you should not worry.

Some women in interesting position experience pain in the central part of the abdomen, near the navel. This symptom indicates a large load on abdominal muscles. As a rule, after giving birth, everything returns to normal.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

In the third trimester, it is very important to eat right and fully. The kilograms gained during pregnancy can adversely affect both the general well-being of the mother and the process labor activity. At obese women during this period often develop various complications due to weight: edema, shortness of breath, hypertension, etc. Overeating is also bad for the fetus. If the baby weighs more than normal, it will be difficult to give birth to him. It is advisable to eat moderately, fractionally.

Mom's diet at 7-8 months should be balanced. It should include protein-rich foods - fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, chicken, turkey, veal, etc. It is also important to provide the baby's growing body with minerals and vitamins. For this, it is better for the expectant mother to eat buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal, millet porridge, vegetable salads with olive or linseed oil, fruit.

Since there is less space in the stomach of the expectant mother in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, she needs to reduce single servings. Then problems with digestion and assimilation useful components She won't have food.

Concerning drinking regime, then it must be rational. Do not drink too much liquid: this will lead to swelling. An insufficient amount water will have a bad effect on how a woman looks and feels.

Late-term pregnant women often ask how much water should they drink per day? Doctors recommend a daily dose of 1.5-2 liters of liquid. To avoid edema, it is useful to drink green tea and a decoction of wild rose. About the benefits pure water for the health of the expectant mother, too, should not be forgotten.

intimate life

Physicians claim that normal course pregnancy no restrictions in sexual life women on recent months pregnancy may not occur. intimate relationship completely harmless to the fetus. The baby often reacts to the mother's orgasm, starting to move actively or, conversely, calming down.

In the case when there are any difficulties with the health of the pregnant woman, the possibility of sexual activity should be discussed with the doctor. Strictly contraindicated sex with placenta previa, increased tone uterus, infections in one of the partners and other conditions that can lead to the onset of preterm labor.

Childbirth at 7 months

When a pregnant woman shows signs of the onset of labor at 28 weeks, doctors usually try to terminate labor if they see that they can keep the pregnancy for another 7-8 weeks. It often happens that all this time the expectant mother has to be in the hospital under the constant supervision of doctors.

If stopping labor activity is impossible, obstetricians take delivery. When a 7-month-old baby is born, everything happens the same way as when a full-term baby is born. The difficulty lies in the fact that the cervix at this time does not have time to ripen, why breaks in such "sudden" mothers are more common. They often bleed. Premature babies during childbirth, too, is in danger.

There is an opinion that it is better to give birth to a baby at seven months than at eight. It is related to the development respiratory system fetus: in the seventh month, a substance is concentrated in his lungs, which helps them to open immediately after birth. After the 32nd week, the concentration of this substance decreases, so eight-month-old children are more likely to die during premature birth.

However, in reality, it is better not to give birth in the seventh or eighth month, because an immature child can be seriously injured. The expectant mother should try by all means to avoid premature birth in order to protect her baby from possible complications.

7 months of pregnancy is the time when the baby reaches the age beyond which it is already possible to survive in case of premature birth. And this is a reason for the expectant mother to calm down a bit regarding the risk of not carrying a pregnancy.

If we talk about the gestational age of 7 months, how many weeks it is, then it corresponds to 27-31 weeks of pregnancy.

The beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy when carrying twins is the time to go on maternity leave. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, then those women who bear one baby also go on vacation (for example, if you have serious somatic diseases). Everyone else has to wait 30 weeks of pregnancy.

Baby at 7 months pregnant

A child at 7 months of pregnancy is very actively gaining weight. Now his task is to grow rapidly, and in just a month he can gain 800 grams of weight, adding 180-200 grams per week.

Baby weight at 7 months pregnant different women or even one, but with different pregnancies, can be very different, everything greater value acquire individual differences in development. By the end of 7 months, the baby can weigh up to 2 kg.

The baby's skin is still wrinkled and red, the legs and arms are very thin, but the face is rounded, white fat has begun to be deposited. By the end of the month, the baby will look almost like a normal newborn.

Now amniotic fluid many more, and there is a month of maximum intrauterine activity. The child moves a lot and actively. Only half of the children chose correct position head down, but while everything is very unstable, the child may roll over more than once, it is too early to worry about breech presentation.

In the evenings, when you go to bed, the child is more active than during the day. It's okay in daytime hours it is rocked by your movements.

Now the baby is able to see and hear, all the reflexes necessary for extrauterine life have formed, the internal organs, liver, and kidneys are working. The baby sucks his fingers and everything he can reach, swallows amniotic fluid. They have a lot of nutrients, and so the baby trains his gastrointestinal tract. The digested is stored in the intestines of the child and is not excreted anywhere; after birth, the baby will get rid of these intrauterine deposits (the first stool of the child, meconium, is formed just by these intrauterine reserves).

At 7 months of pregnancy, ultrasound is done according to indications, but at the end of the month you may already be referred for a planned, screening third ultrasound. On this ultrasound, the doctor assesses the condition of the placenta, the correspondence of the development of the baby to the gestational age, its presentation, the amount of amniotic fluid. This is the last scheduled ultrasound, however, often upon admission to the maternity hospital immediately before the birth, the study is repeated again.

Woman 7 months pregnant

A woman at the 7th month of pregnancy gets the opportunity to go on maternity leave. Finally, you do not need to get up in the morning and you can start preparing for the birth of the crumbs.

Most likely, your loved ones are now trying to create for you as much as possible. comfortable conditions, relieving everyday worries, and you have a lot of free time.

When the 7th month of pregnancy begins, shopping time begins. Most expectant mothers spend maternity money on long-awaited major purchases. A dowry for the baby, a crib, a stroller is bought. The belly at the 7th month of pregnancy is not yet so big that it would interfere with long walks in children's shops, choosing children's things with pleasure.

There are superstitions that such purchases should not be made before the birth of a child, but it is still more correct to prepare everything in advance.

The crib must be left empty for several weeks, so that all possible harmful substances(varnish, glue are used even in beds made of natural wood).

Things need to be washed and ironed. The 7th month of pregnancy is the time when this work does not seem hard, it will be perceived in a completely different way before childbirth, and you don’t want to, it will be hard to go shopping with a big belly.

What can worry

All the charms late dates pregnancies are recognized now. The tummy has almost reached the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process, the skin is stretched, the navel may turn out and darken. There was a strip on the stomach and now there is high risk stretch marks.

Itching in the abdomen is one of the symptoms that the skin has exhausted the limits of extensibility and requires immediate care. Despite the use of creams for stretch marks, they can still appear, because the likelihood of their occurrence is associated to a greater extent with the genetic characteristics of your skin, and care has little effect on their appearance.

For many expectant mothers, it is at the 7th month of pregnancy that the first false contractions (Brexton-Higgs contractions) begin. This feeling of emerging uterine tone can be frightening and disturbing, but at rest discomfort pass quickly. Such fights are not a threat, they are not dangerous.

The difference from real contractions is their irregularity and painlessness, you can fall asleep quite calmly, despite them, your condition is not disturbed. They are needed to prepare the uterus for childbirth, and should not bother you.

Of course, if you are 7 months pregnant, your stomach hurts seriously, you feel that these contractions are growing in duration and strength, they do not go away at rest - you need to see a doctor. In other cases, there is no reason for concern.

An enlarged tummy causes other problems. Now for the first time you can feel the difficulties with digestion. The uterus tightens the stomach, prevents the liver from working, and nausea at the 7th month of pregnancy after eating can become common. If you try to eat in small portions, then, as a rule, you feel less sick, and if you overeat, you may even vomit.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, you may also be disturbed by discharge from the chest, colostrum. Try not to disturb the breast, do not squeeze it out, and if it leaks and stains the underwear, just use breast pads.

Allocations at 7 months of pregnancy should not disturb you. Normally, at this time they are insignificant and have a mucous character. The appearance of unusual secretions should always cause alarm.

If a simple thrush at 7 months of pregnancy can only cause discomfort to you, inflammation in the vagina caused by other flora can be dangerous for the baby as well. yellow, greenish discharge With bad smell require an urgent consultation with a gynecologist and the delivery of smears.

The increased load on the muscles can cause pain in the back and legs. The problem is solved by gymnastics and wearing a prenatal bandage.

Dangers of 7 months of pregnancy

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy is the main danger.

Starting from this period, a premature newborn is considered a person and receives birth documents. Children who were born earlier are also nursed, however, babies must live at least 7 days to receive human status. And before that, he is considered just a miscarriage and no birth documents are issued.

Termination of pregnancy at 7 months is a real, full-fledged birth, but they have their own characteristics. Often they proceed very rapidly and are accompanied by birth injuries of both the mother and the fetus.

Unfortunately, the problem of miscarriage exists, and even the most successful pregnancy can end prematurely. With timely seeking help, doctors often manage to stop the labor that has begun, which is why it is so important that you remember the symptoms that indicate the possibility of such a course of events.

Pain in the lower abdomen may not necessarily be severe, it may be pulling sensation as during menstruation, encircling and tightening the small of the back with a hoop. At the same time, the uterus tenses up and becomes stone, a strong pressure is felt on the bottom, on the perineum.

The duration of such contractions increases, and they become more frequent - this is a very alarming symptom.

The nature of the secretions changes, they intensify, become stretchy mucous, there may be streaks of blood or staining them pink. A particularly formidable symptom is bleeding.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, premature birth in some cases begins with the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Any warning sign reason to see a doctor.

Edema may appear in the second half of pregnancy. The pregnant woman's body itself tends to retain fluid, this is due to high level progesterone, but there should be no edema. Symptoms of fluid retention are subtle at first, this is called latent edema. You may just be gaining weight too quickly. And only when a few liters are already delayed excess water, swelling will become apparent. Swelling of the fingers, legs and feet appear first.

Edema at the 7th month of pregnancy can be the beginning of a pregnancy complication, preeclampsia. Do not forget to take a urine test before each visit to the antenatal clinic.

And of course, you need to try not to catch a cold. Take care of yourself, dress warmly, avoid public places, and if you are forced to use the subway or visit clinics, shops, wear a mask during periods of SARS and influenza epidemics.

A cold in the 7th month of pregnancy is dangerous, like in any other. Although in most cases the placenta is able to protect the baby from infection, she herself inevitably suffers at the same time, there is a risk of feto-placental insufficiency. And if you suddenly get sick - do not delay going to the doctor, even if you just have a temperature.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the risks and dangers are still not great, still the best is coming the time of your pregnancy. And even though every day the beautiful burden is getting heavier, you still feel good and full of strength and energy.

Your life

Your life has now changed dramatically. Going on maternity leave means the risk that you will begin to suffer from physical inactivity, completely stop moving. Do not forget that physical exercise you need and will need for the rest of your pregnancy. This is important in order to make the birth easier, it will be better if you are trained and hardy. This is not the time to lie on the couch - it's time to finally start taking prenatal classes in earnest.

Water aerobics for pregnant women gives a wonderful boost of energy, special gymnastics in groups in the hall. Do not miss the wonderful opportunity to communicate with other expectant mothers, learn new things.

Going on maternity leave for some women means the other extreme - you want to go somewhere to relax. You can really afford it for now if the pregnancy is going well. The flight at the 7th month of pregnancy is relatively safe, and at the place of rest you can now provide yourself with conditions no worse than at home. Avoid only a sharp change in climate and nutrition, this will create an undesirable additional burden on the body.

A wedding during pregnancy most often occurs in the first three months or is postponed until maternity leave. Perhaps you are now in pleasant troubles, and we can only rejoice for you. A wedding at 7 months pregnant is no worse than any other, just remember that you need to avoid overwork. All the action should be built as carefully as possible in relation to the expectant mother.

Nutrition at the 7th month of pregnancy you need the most balanced and high quality. If you don’t eat right, you don’t get everything you need with food, the baby will still get it all - it will take it away from you. And there will be health issues. Due to calcium deficiency, caries is possible, bone pain, especially in the pelvic bones, lack of meat and other sources of iron will cause anemia, etc.

Overall, this is one of the most beautiful months of pregnancy. You can lead a normal, in general, lifestyle with everyone earthly joys, you are healthy, you are just expecting a baby.

7 month pregnant video

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