Location of the fetus at 31 weeks. Development, height and weight of the baby, large fetus. Analyzes and medical examinations

Pregnancy is a magical period in a woman's life. But at 31 weeks, reality makes itself felt: a big belly, fatigue, weight gain and hundreds of worries. But for the sake of meeting with a little happiness, mothers endure and not like that. And now the main thing is to observe the regimen, eat right and not miss visits to the doctor.

A joyful event at this stage will be maternity leave, which comes into force precisely from the 31st week of pregnancy. Now that there is more free time, the woman fully feels like a future mother. The baby makes itself felt, actively pushing in the tummy, and the changes that have occurred in the body are hard to miss. Changes in gait and posture, connections pelvic bones relax under the influence of the hormone relaxin. Physical exercise and long walking are no longer so easy, but you do not need to completely limit your mobility if there are no indications for this. Start preparing for the arrival of the baby - a leisurely stroll through the shops, in search of cute little things, will become great alternative active sports.

Changes at 31 weeks pregnant.

A rounded belly at 31 weeks pregnant makes movements a little awkward, the waist adds about 1 cm per week. At the same time, skin cells do not have time to grow as quickly, which causes stretch marks and itching. It is necessary to use a moisturizer or olive oil several times a day to prevent these symptoms. A dark stripe along the abdomen appears more clearly, and the navel begins to bulge, this indicates that even he is cramped there. Internal organs are shifting causing heartburn, constipation and frequent urge to urinate. And pressure on the diaphragm provokes the appearance of shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest area.

At 31 weeks pregnant, even the smallest breasts will noticeably fill up. The venous network appears, the nipples and the areola are darkened and enlarged. A light yellow or transparent, odorless, sticky liquid may appear from the breast - this is the first colostrum. Most often it is allocated in small portions at night. If at the same time there are no alarming symptoms, such as an unpleasant smell, color or bloody impurities, then you should not worry. An intense release of colostrum can be caused by sex, stimulation of the mammary glands, or an increase in body temperature. But in no case should you squeeze colostrum out of the nipples! This provokes the tone of the uterus and the release of the hormone oxytocin, which triggers labor.

At 31 weeks' gestation, the uterus rises 8-10 cm above the navel and 30 cm above the pubis. Lying on her back, a woman may feel slightly dizzy, the reason for this is the inferior vena cavatransmitted by the uterus. Therefore, it is better to lie on your side.

Vaginal discharge may be more abundant due to the maximum blood supply to the pelvic organs. In color and consistency, it is a light, homogeneous, odorless liquid. If the nature of the discharge has changed, contact your doctor immediately.
False Braxton-Hicks contractions may appear. They are irregular and painless, while there is a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis or lower back, with a hand on the stomach, you can feel that the walls of the uterus are tense. It lasts no more than 30 seconds with an interval of 4-6 hours. Thus, the body prepares the muscles for childbirth. Therefore, do not confuse training fights with real prenatal.

Women's consultation .

This week, the pregnant woman is given an exchange card, which should always be carried with her in case the childbirth suddenly begins. Before visiting gynecologist, should to hand over the analysis of urine, blood and a smear. During the examination, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope or fetal doppler (a mini probe that shows the heart rate), measures the height of the uterus, abdominal circumference, and blood pressure. The development of symptoms of swelling and varicose veins complicates the course of pregnancy at 31 weeks, so examination of the legs and arms is mandatory.
The date of the last planned ultrasound is assigned.
Problems during pregnancy are often caused by anemia, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, bad habits, unhealthy diet. Regular visits to the doctor and testing are the key to the timely identification and elimination of possible problems.

Baby . 31 weeks pregnant.

The kid develops rapidly, all his organs grow, new reflexes are formed. At 31 weeks of gestation, the weight of the child is about 1400 - 1600 g, and the height is about 39 - 40 cm. From this point on, the average weight gain is 200 g per week. As a rule, by this time the baby in the womb has already taken a prenatal position - upside down, arms and legs crossed. Under normal circumstances the fetus will remain in this position until the birth.

The baby, like the mother, has its own daily routine. Phases of wakefulness, in which the child actively moves the arms and legs, are replaced by phases of sleep. The expectant mother should be attentive and monitor the nature and number of movements. Normally, this is at least 10 times in 12 hours. Too strong and frequent shocks, or their absence for a long time, can testify about problems, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Fetal changes at 31 weeks gestation:

  • facial features become thinner, according to the 3D ultrasound image, you can tell who the child looks like;
  • the genitals are still being formed, although the sex is determined already from the 20th week;
  • cartilage tissue in the nose and auricles is compacted;
  • the skin is still thin and the vessels are visible through it, but subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively, wrinkles appear and forms are rounded;
  • the nails have almost grown, the hair is darkening;
  • the pupils are almost formed and react to light, the iris accumulates pigment. The kid is able to focus his eyes, close and open his eyes;
  • a corneal reflex appears - when touching the eyes, the child closes them;
  • the brain is actively developing, its mass is 25% of the mass of the brain of an adult. Nerve impulses are transmitted faster, there is a differentiation of the parts of the brain;
  • are being improved organs of hearing. The child hears external sounds, including the mother's voice;
  • lung tissue matures, alveoli continue to form, alveolocytes (cells lining the alveoli) produce surfactants - respiratory hormones;
  • bile production by the liver begins, and the pancreas secretes insulin.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant.

So the time has come for the last scheduled ultrasound screening. What happens at 31 weeks of pregnancy with the baby to future parents is as interesting as the first time. At this stage, it is important to determine the presentation of the fetus. If the child is buttocks down, the mother will be prescribed a course of special exercises, and the baby will take the correct posture. In the future, its mass will grow, and it will be extremely difficult to take the correct location. The doctor will provide comprehensive information about the course of pregnancy, fetal development, confirm or exclude the presence of pathologies. Will assess the state of the uterus and amniotic fluid, determine the thickness of the placenta. Examine the internal organs of the child, reveal whether there is an entanglement with the umbilical cord.

The ultrasound protocol at 31 weeks of gestation contains the following indicators:

  • BPR (biparietal size of the skull) - 78.4 mm;
  • LTR (frontal-parietal size of the skull) - 58.8 mm;
  • DB (thigh length) - 100 mm;
  • DP (shoulder length) - from 50 to 60 mm;
  • SDGK ( average chest diameter) - 73.5 mm;
  • SJ (average abdominal diameter) - 81.0 mm;
  • placenta thickness 31.33 mm (from 24.6 - 40.6); while it is homogeneous, without pathological inclusions;
  • the height of the column of amniotic fluid in a place free from parts of the fetus - 35 - 70 mm.

Must clearly be viewed 4 chambers of the heart, valves and great vessels. Heart beats from 120 to 160 per minute. The lateral ventricles are not more than 10 mm wide, their structure is homogeneous.

31 weeks pregnant (photo):

If abnormalities are found during the examination, the doctor will determine the woman for treatment. Therefore, scheduled visits to the consultation should not be missed.

The cherished day is very close, there are about 10 weeks left. It is worth visiting the courses for expectant mothers. This will help prepare you physically and emotionally for the birth process. Movement is life ! If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can do water aerobics, yoga, or even dancing. Of course, according to specially designed programs for pregnant women, duration classes near 30 40 minutes on 2 3 times v week. It happens, what on the 31 week pregnancy hurts head and appears drowsinessit is talking O lack oxygen v body, That's why more often ventilate rooms and take a walk on the fresh air on 1 hour v day.

Main recommendations:

  • carefully watch out per movements crumbs;
  • control raise v weight;
  • hand over in time all planned analyzes;
  • in a timely manner visit his doctor;
  • visit dentist 1 once v two months;
  • right eat;
  • forget about cigarettes, coffee and alcohol;
  • sleep not less 9 hours v day;
  • regularly observe intimate and personal hygiene;
  • wear comfortable clothes from natural fabrics;
  • not raise gravity.

Nutrition on the 31 week pregnancy.

WITH way out v decree, appeared more free time and became difficult limit myself v nutrition. Being Houses, temptation eat whatthen delicious increases, but not forget, what superfluous kilograms will become additional load on the back and may become cause late toxicosis (preeclampsia). weekly increase v weight not should exceed 300 G. So cakes, cakes and fatty meat need to exclude. Important know, what child on the 31 week pregnancy actively swallows amniotic liquid, which It has smack eaten food, on the basis this formed his taste preferences, which will remain and after birth. So ideal diet pregnant must remind menu for children. Fruit, juices, vegetables, dairy products and lean varieties fishes, meathere main Components healthy nutrition for future mothers and baby.

Approximate menu for mothers v III trimester pregnancy:


  • dairy porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • home or children's yogurt;
  • grated carrot With apple.

Second breakfast:

  • banana or 50 G dried fruits;
  • sandwich With cheese and fresh vegetables;
  • green tea or juice.


  • vegetable salad With oil painting or sour cream (without mayonnaise);
  • soup on the chicken broth;
  • a piece boiled meat;
  • garnishstew or potato;
  • compote.

afternoon tea:

  • cottage cheese or syrniki;
  • kissel fruit.


  • a fish on the couple;
  • baked vegetables;
  • salad With beans;
  • cocoa With cookies.

Minimize number seasonings, garlic, Luke and salt v dishes, buy only fresh verified products. Food should be simple, a portions small. At strong attack hunger can drink up Cup clean water or eat Apple, it is better Total take a walk.

From what should refuse future mom?

  • smoked meats;
  • sausages and canned food;
  • carbonated beverages;
  • crisps, snacks;
  • chocolate;
  • fast food;
  • oily fried food;
  • exotic fruit;
  • seafood;
  • nuts and citrus v big quantities.

Sex on the 31 week pregnancy.

Majority marital steam on the such big deadline stop genital relationship. experiences per child more often Total not give man and woman relax v this moment. Future Mother maybe feel myself unattractive fromper big belly, a dad maybe seem cold simply fromper Togo, what he not knowshow myself right lead. So spouses very important support close tactile and emotional contact. Harmony and confidence between partnerspledge quality sexual relations before and after pregnancy.

At consultations With gynecologist not be embarrassed and ask him questions, concerning sexual relations. Doctor will inform you O symptoms, at which appointed sexual peace:

  • bloody allocation, bleeding;
  • risk miscarriage;
  • leakage amniotic waters;
  • infectious diseases at partner;
  • presentation placenta;
  • neck uterus not keeps fetus (softening, opening);
  • decline libido.

If pregnancy leaks Okay and No contraindications To sex, sexual a life v this deadline quite appropriate. Reduction muscles vagina and uterus- it workout front childbirth. the only forbidden zoneit breast, her stimulation maybe call premature childbirth.

Exists special poses, at which is minimized pressure on the stomach and depth penetration.

Itself popular, when female lies on the side, a the male behind:

childbirth on the 31 week pregnancy.

Premature childbirthit fear all future mom. Important in time define symptoms threats, after all there are cases, when generic activity succeed stop. Not only becoming more frequent pain on the 31 week pregnancy are disturbing symptoms:

  • heaviness v areas vagina;
  • frequent urination;
  • selection slime With bloody inclusions (discharge traffic jams);
  • plentiful leakage amniotic waters;
  • brown smearing allocation, bleeding.

If you noticed any from symptoms immediately call ambulance help. Not panic and try calmly wait help. Positive attitude mothers and qualified medical help contribute positive exodus. Certainly childbirth on the 31 week pregnancy dangerous for crumbs, but achievements perinatal medicine increase percent nursing With each year. known numerous cases O survival kids With critical weighing near 500 G.

Causes, on which childbirth may happen before term:

  • intrauterine infection fetus;
  • abortions and cases miscarriage v past;
  • harmful habits (not only mothers, but and father);
  • stress;
  • physical loads;
  • age (young or older category);
  • excess or inadequate weight women in labor;
  • flaw hormone progesterone.

Care per premature child.

Parents should stock up patience and courage. V first days child will constantly located v incubator, connected To systems life support and artificial breathing, insofar as bodies more not enough developed for independent functioning. Across several days, at positive dynamics states, doctor will allow take baby on the arms.
Very important provide close emotional and physical contact With child: talk With him, sing lullabies, hug and iron. Research show, what so way adaptation newborn passes easier and faster.
progressive doctors recommend method Kangaroo, So called method « leather To skin».

This way nursing premature children was for the first time applied Colombian physicians v 1979 year and built on the three basic elements: love, heat, breastfeeding feeding. going on imitation intrauterine gestation. baby undress and spread mom or dad on the breast, above cover coverlet. Feeding carried out only chest milk, but at need include additional nutritious substances. So the way children matured on method Kangaroo, faster and it is better are gaining weight, less often get sick infectious diseases, faster getting closer With surrounding the world.

31 a week pregnancy. Video.

The content of the article:

If you are 31 weeks pregnant, it means that in just 5 to 9 weeks you will meet your baby! In the meantime, both of you will be preparing for the long-awaited birth with all responsibility. Now with the start maternity leave you have much more time. Starting this week, you no longer need to go to work, get up early in the morning, but you can soak up an extra hour in bed. In addition, now is the time to do such pleasant chores as arranging a nursery and preparing a dowry for a baby.

31 weeks pregnant is how many months

31 weeks is exactly 7 calendar months. According to the obstetric calendar, this period will be equal to seven obstetric months and three weeks. The thing is that if a calendar month can last 28, 30 or 31 days, then in the obstetric month there are always exactly 28 days, which makes such a calculation much more accurate.

The uterus continues to grow rapidly and at 31 weeks its bottom is palpable 11 cm above the navel or 30-31 cm above the pubic symphysis. At this time, a pregnant woman may periodically notice the appearance of training contractions, or Braxton-Hicks contractions, in which the uterus comes into tone for just a few seconds and then relaxes. These contractions do not dilate the cervix and are not associated with the onset of preterm labor. When training contractions occur, the main thing is not to panic, because these contractions are only training the body for the upcoming birth.

At 31 weeks, a pregnant woman may notice that she has begun to gain weight quickly, and her breasts have also increased significantly. In addition, the expectant mother may experience an exacerbation of such problems with the spine as osteochondrosis, hernia of the vertebral region, as well as the occurrence of neuralgia and arthrosis.

In the third trimester, under the action of the hormone relaxin, the ligaments of the pelvic bones relax, due to which the pelvic ring expands and becomes more extensible, due to which childbirth proceeds easier. For the same reason, a pregnant woman's gait may resemble a duck, but after childbirth, all this will pass.

Feelings of a woman at 31 weeks pregnant

By this time, every pregnant woman should clearly understand how childbirth begins and what are the precursors, so that when they appear, they quickly orient themselves and, if necessary, go to the hospital. It is still too early to give birth at 31 weeks, so in such a situation you need to take everything possible measures to maintain and prolong pregnancy. The threat of premature birth can be indicated by pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, thick discharge mucous character, outpouring of water. If at least one of the listed symptoms is present, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital for preservation or, if this is not possible, for childbirth.

The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on nearby organs, which affects the stomach and esophagus, so many pregnant women suffer from heartburn.

Some women have severe pain in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that due to a change in posture and an increased load on the spine in pregnant women, pinching of the nerve roots that extend from the lumbar can occur.

At 31 weeks, even the tremors and movements of the baby can bring painful discomfort, with the growth of which they become more and more noticeable.

Among other unpleasant sensations that a pregnant woman may experience at this time are calf cramps. They appear against the background of calcium deficiency and excess phosphorus in the body, and are also provoked by constant standing.

Drowsiness and chronic fatigue may be associated with low blood pressure and low hemoglobin.

Discharge from the genital tract at 31 weeks pregnant

Due to the increased blood supply to the genital organs at the end of pregnancy, a woman may slightly increase the amount of discharge, which should not frighten her. Wherein vaginal discharge should be homogeneous, have a light milky hue and a sour smell. The appearance of cheesy, mucous, greenish purulent and mucopurulent secretions should alert the pregnant woman and become a reason for going to the doctor.

With thrush (candidiasis), which is most common in pregnant women, the discharge becomes abundant, takes on a curdled consistency and is accompanied by burning or itching in the genitals. Treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy is mandatory, since it not only complicates pregnancy, but increases the risk of infection of the fetus at the time of passage through the birth canal. However, systemic drugs used in antifungal therapy in non-pregnant women are highly toxic and may harm the fetus. Therefore, during the gestation period, you will have to do local funds and keeping the vagina clean.

Bloody discharge can be observed with placenta previa or with its detachment in case of her normal location. Even slight discharge accompanied by abdominal pain indicate increased tone uterus and can be dangerous, as bleeding can increase at any moment.

Watery discharge may indicate leakage or outflow of amniotic fluid. In the case of a simultaneous discharge of water, a woman cannot but pay attention to this. But if the water leaks in small portions, then the pregnant woman may not attach any importance to this, although any violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder is dangerous, because at this time the fetus is at risk of intrauterine infection.

Belly at 31 weeks pregnant

With each subsequent week, the stomach begins to grow faster, although its size in different pregnant women is more and more different. The main thing is that the circumference of the abdomen is constantly increasing, so it is regularly measured by a gynecologist during scheduled appointments.

Weight of a woman at 31 weeks pregnant

By the 31st week of pregnancy, a woman can normally gain from 11 to 13 kg. The weekly increase should be in the range of 250 - 400 g.

HCG rates at 31 weeks pregnant

The level of hCG during pregnancy gradually falls, the range of acceptable values ​​is 2700-78100 mIU / ml.

Fetal development at 31 weeks gestation

By this time, all the main organs and systems of the child have already formed and began to work more smoothly. Now the development of the baby is mainly aimed at gaining weight and strengthening muscles. At the same time, its growth rate slows down somewhat.

A fatty layer appears under the skin of the child, as a result of which the folds and wrinkles on his body are gradually smoothed out. The subcutaneous fat layer on the cheeks of the fetus is especially well developed. But if suddenly the baby begins to lose weight, then first of all the fat will leave these areas, which will facilitate the sucking of the mother's breast.

In the future, in a newborn, subcutaneous fat will perform a thermoregulatory function, protecting it from freezing. The original lubricant on the baby's skin is still present, but its amount is decreasing. By the time of birth, most of it will completely disappear along with the lanugo fluff that covers the body of the child.

As in previous weeks, the brain is actively developing and growing during this period. The process of formation of furrows and convolutions, differentiation of the centers of its cortex continues. It is interesting to note that by 31 weeks, the brain mass of the fetus is almost a quarter of the mass of the adult brain.

The baby's senses continue to develop. He can breathe by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. By the way, the olfactory receptors begin to function in the child, thanks to which he can smell and even taste the amniotic fluid, which will depend, in particular, on the nutrition of the pregnant woman. For example, eating garlic and other spicy or spicy foods may not be to your child's taste and cause a violent reaction.

At 31 weeks, the pupils of the crumbs still only react to light and dark. When exposed to too bright light, the baby can even close his eyes, and he will learn to distinguish colors only some time after birth. Also, by this time, the tear ducts open, so the baby is already able to cry.

V hairline and the iris, which determines the color of the child's eyes, continues to accumulate pigment. In the iris, the accumulation of melanin is slower, so many children are born with light gray-blue eyes, and the genetically determined eye color is established by about 6 months after birth.

The internal organs of the child are already fully formed and gaining mass. The pancreas enlarges and starts producing insulin. The liver secretes bile and can cleanse the blood of toxins. The lungs, heart, kidneys and other organs continue to grow. Enamel appears on the baby's teeth, hidden deep in the gums.

Interestingly, from about 31 weeks pregnant, hiccups begin to feel very good. The child hiccuped before, but now he has already reached an impressive size and the movement of his body cannot be felt. A baby's hiccups may indirectly indicate a lack of oxygen, but children with a very developed sucking reflex, swallowing a large amount of amniotic fluid.

Weight and height of the fetus at 31 weeks of gestation

From this period, the baby begins to actively gain weight - approximately 180 - 200 g per week. The norm of weight for the fetus at 31 obstetric week 1600 - 1800 g is considered, and growth should be 40 - 42 cm. Diameter chest(DHA) at this time will reach 80 mm, and the diameter of the head - 77.8 mm.

Fetal activity at 31 weeks gestation

The baby is getting tighter and tighter in the uterus, so its activity is gradually decreasing. By this time, most often the child has already taken a position with his head down, which he must maintain until the very birth. Less common is breech presentation, in which the baby's head is felt in the upper abdomen as a dense large object. Despite the decrease in the intensity of movements, they are very well felt by the mother and still require regular counting. For 12 hours, a pregnant woman should count at least 10 movements, and when counting for 1 hour of rest, at least 4.

Possible complications at 31 weeks pregnant

In the third trimester, a significant increase in weight, which greatly exceeds the permissible norm, can be of great danger. This threatens that in the postpartum period, the mother will develop obesity and a number of hormonal and metabolic problems will appear, up to diabetes.

Insufficient intake of calcium from vitamin D with food or ignoring the intake of pharmaceutical preparations containing a complex of these elements leads to calcium leaching from the vessels of a pregnant woman and provokes the development of varicose veins in her. In addition, vitamin D deficiency in the mother's body can later cause rickets in the newborn baby.
One of the most dangerous complications, which in rare cases, but may appear at this time - preeclampsia and eclampsia, developing against the background of preeclampsia in pregnant women.

Preeclampsia develops with the progression of preeclampsia and its main symptoms are severe arterial hypertension, edema, proteinuria ( elevated protein in the urine), headaches, vomiting, blurred vision with the appearance of "flies" before the eyes and a decrease in the volume of urine. Causes and mechanism of development given state are not fully understood, so the treatment of preeclampsia is only symptomatic.

In the most severe cases, if it is not possible to normalize the woman's condition, preeclampsia develops into eclampsia, which is complicated by brain damage, convulsive syndrome, coma and can cause death of both mother and fetus. Therefore, it is extremely important in such cases to provide timely assistance to the patient and conduct early delivery in order to save the life of the mother and child.

If a pregnant woman has watery discharge, she can independently do a test for the determination of amniotic fluid, having previously bought a test pad at a pharmacy. Positive result should be the reason for seeking medical help and hospitalization in a maternity hospital.

Features of nutrition at 31 weeks of gestation

It is from this period that most pregnant women begin to rapidly gain weight. And all because being on maternity leave, a woman has more time and opportunities for snacks, including unwanted ones. Although this is not easy, the expectant mother still needs to monitor the quality and calorie content of her diet, limiting the use of sweet, starchy foods and other high-calorie foods.

If stick correct mode nutrition does not work and the pregnant woman is unable to give up her favorite cakes or other harmful snacks, then she should think about the fact that all this is necessary not only for her health, but also for the well-being of her baby. A woman should clearly understand that she needs to eat only when she is hungry, and not to seize her feelings and cheer up.

It is better to eat in small portions and leave the table, feeling a slight hunger. To distract from thoughts about food, the expectant mother can take a walk in the fresh air, read an interesting book, and prepare a dowry for her baby. It is better to snack on low-calorie foods, such as berries or apples, which will avoid the occurrence of strong feeling hunger. Sweets and other sweets are best removed from sight altogether.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be based on raw vegetables and fruits, various cereals, lean meats, eggs, fish, and, of course, dairy products. Ready meals should be boiled or baked, but not fried. As before, the expectant mother should exclude smoked, canned, too salty and hard-to-digest foods, such as mushrooms, from her menu. Caution should be taken with highly allergenic foods, and you should not abuse spices, especially bay leaves, which can lead to uterine contractions in large quantities and, as a result, to premature birth.


As before, at this time, many pregnant women are shown taking calcium supplements with vitamin D, since it is almost impossible to ensure its sufficient intake with food today. Also, in some cases, the doctor may recommend taking other complex vitamins for pregnant women. accept any vitamin preparations arbitrarily, without a doctor's prescription, it is impossible.

Physical activity at 31 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant

During an ultrasound examination at this time, the condition of the fetus is assessed - the correspondence of its size to the gestational age, heartbeat, respiration and motor activity. After that, the state of the placenta, its thickness, as well as the degree of its maturity are studied. Then the possibility of entwining the baby with the umbilical cord is excluded.

Also, in the process of ultrasound, the amount of amniotic fluid and the condition of the cervix are assessed. If it began to soften and shorten, then this may indicate a risk of premature delivery. If intrauterine growth retardation and fetoplacetic insufficiency are suspected, dopplerography of the uterine vessels is usually performed, which makes it possible to detect blood flow disorders.

Multiple pregnancy at 31 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy with twins or triplets at 31 weeks is practically no different from a singleton pregnancy. Unless the size of the abdomen during multiple pregnancy at 31 weeks will be significantly larger than in women carrying one baby. Therefore, most of the difficulties of the future mother of many children will be associated with this. The children themselves from twins or triplets gain weight worse, are smaller in size than their peers, but at the same time they should not lag behind in development. It often happens that one of the two babies is gaining better than the other.

Features of IVF pregnancy at 31 weeks of gestation

Pregnant women who conceived with the help of IVF require special supervision at this time. At 31 weeks they can be assigned additional ultrasound with Doppler and cardiotocography.

Premature birth at 31 weeks gestation

The start of regular contractions at 31 weeks is not the norm, so in this case, you should call an ambulance. If it so happened that the child was born on such early term, then his chance of survival is very high, although he is also very premature. The thing is that by the 31st week all his organs are already formed and can function independently outside the mother, so up to 85% of these babies develop without serious problems and grow up to be full-fledged people. However, for some time the child will have to be under the supervision of specialists and survive difficult period nursing.

31 weeks pregnant: video

31 weeks of pregnancy is the seventh obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 211-217 days have passed since conception. Most of the way has been passed, literally in 7-9 weeks it will be possible to press a small miracle to your heart! 31 weeks of pregnancy is a very important period for the body of both the child and the expectant mother. At the 31st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to be vigilant and monitor all the ongoing changes in her body, which will be discussed in this article.

31 weeks pregnant. Development, size and weight of the fetus

31 weeks of pregnancy is a time of rapid and active transformations in the body of the fetus. Let us consider in detail what happens to the baby at 31 weeks of gestation:

  1. Adipose tissue is formed. The fetus is actively growing, subcutaneous fat is formed, due to which the subcutaneous veins will not be visible, the skin will acquire a soft beige hue.
  2. The baby quickly gains weight - this is his main task in the third trimester of pregnancy. Children are born with an average weight of 3.7 kilograms and a height of 50-55 centimeters. At 31 weeks pregnant, the baby weighs approximately 1.6 kilograms and the fetus is 30-33 centimeters long.
  3. The CNS (central nervous system) is actively developing. The baby begins to distinguish between light and darkness, a sucking reflex develops.
  4. The baby does not move as actively as before, but not as shifted in movements as on later dates. Most often, it is at the 31st week of pregnancy that the baby turns his head towards the uterus, which is the most comfortable position during childbirth. However, the fetus may turn sooner or later, or may even take another position that is convenient for him.
  5. The kidneys begin to function well. Urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid.
  6. The nails reach the edge of the fingers.
  7. A baby at 31 weeks pregnant can already distinguish sounds. He begins to memorize the voices around him, listen to music. The baby may toss and turn with displeasure or calm down if nothing bothers him.

It is very important to control your emotional background. Brain little man actively formed, he is already beginning to understand something. And the most important thing for him is the emotions and condition of the mother. The child does not yet know anything, for him the whole world is the woman who wears it.

31 weeks pregnant: movements, weight gain, sensations.

At 31 weeks of gestation, as mentioned earlier, the baby is rapidly gaining weight. The expectant mother is also gaining weight at this moment. Weight gain at 31 weeks is about 300 grams. From the moment of conception to 31 weeks of pregnancy, a woman gains approximately 7-12 kg. Average- 9 kg.

You need to carefully monitor your weight. A woman in the early stages should adjust her diet so as not to feed her baby junk food. Proper nutrition It's not a diet, it's a way of life.

Due to the weight gain of the baby, the size of the abdomen, weight gain, it becomes increasingly difficult to move around, during sleep it is difficult to take comfortable position body, breathing becomes heavier, deeper. Heartburn at 31 weeks pregnant can cause additional discomfort. If in previous weeks heartburn appeared occasionally, then this week it can be very noticeable.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, you should carefully monitor the movements. If you feel that discomfort occurs during movements, this is a signal that the baby is not enough in enough oxygen. The frequency of movements at 31 weeks of gestation should be approximately 1-2 times per hour. If no movement is observed within 1-2 hours, this is an alarming sign. It is advisable to consult your doctor for advice.

Also keep an eye on leg swelling, pressure and your daily well-being. By morning, the swelling of the legs should go away, and fatigue should not be throughout the day for a long time. When to see a doctor:

  • skids on turns
  • frequent headaches
  • leg cramps
  • rippling or darker in the eyes

Photo of the abdomen. What does the belly look like at 31 weeks pregnant?

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant

At the 31st week of pregnancy, with the help of ultrasound, it will be possible to determine the position of the child, its estimated height and weight during childbirth. It is now possible to understand whether childbirth will take place naturally or with the help of a caesarean section. However, the decision may change in the course of pregnancy: no one can give 100% guarantees for the correct development of the fetus.

It is very exciting to watch the actions of a baby in the womb: he is no longer small spot, similar to a peach, but a person who knows something and knows. You can see how he sucks his finger, plays with the umbilical cord. If the baby sucks his thumb right hand, then, most likely, a right-handed person will be born, if left-handed, then left-handed.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, it is possible with a 99% probability to talk about the gender of the child, unless, of course, the parents want to surprise themselves. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all who it will be, a girl or a boy, the main thing is that the baby is born healthy.

The importance of ultrasound is undeniable. Sometimes expectant mothers refuse to study, arguing that women used to give birth without it. But now science is moving forward, with the help of these short manipulations it is possible to predict illnesses or possible disorders in the baby's body. refusing to medical care, future mother risking the health and life of their child.

Ultrasound photo at 31 weeks pregnant

Possible problems in the female body

At 31 weeks, pregnant women often experience many inconveniences:

  • the back and joints begin to hurt, especially in those who previously suffered similar ailments. You should rest more and strain less;
  • unpleasant edema appears. Use old method struggle with them - you need to accept horizontal position and put your feet on the pillow;
  • if there are severe pains in the lower abdomen, which have a growing character and appear bloody discharge, an ambulance should be called immediately. This may indicate preterm labor or placental abruption. The child is still very small and it is too early for him to be born, but timely medical care will save the life of a premature baby;
  • toxicosis in the third trimester is also not the best indicator. It may indicate due to the fact that the amniotic fluid does not remove the result of metabolic products well. Due to such prolonged toxicosis, the water balance in the body is disturbed in a woman and dehydration occurs;
  • dental problems are common. During gestation, the body does not receive required amount nutrients, he must also allocate resources to the child. Calcium and vitamin A are not enough. The enamel of the teeth is destroyed, and it is forbidden to treat teeth using anesthesia. All this can have a bad effect on the nervous system of the baby and mother.

At 31 weeks pregnant, the fetus is quite large. It puts pressure on the internal organs, which can cause them to function poorly. Also, a woman changes hormonal background. All this can provoke difficulties with the stool: constipation or diarrhea. This is all very serious, even if at first glance it does not seem so.

Prolonged constipation can even provoke premature birth. Enemas, drugs and other drugs in most cases are contraindicated for pregnant women, as this can harm the baby. The first thing to do is to review your diet. Bran, fresh vegetables and fruits are good for constipation.

During pregnancy, a woman faces many problems that disturb her aesthetic beauty. May appear dark spots, acne, papillomas, the skin may be too dry, swollen.

Discharge at 31 weeks pregnant

Normally, at 31 weeks of gestation, light or light gray. The discharge at 31 weeks of gestation should be homogeneous and odorless. The amount of discharge increases significantly due to the flow of blood to the genitals.

If the discharge at the 31st week of pregnancy abruptly changes its color to green or yellow, has a curdled appearance, bad smell- these are the signals when it is necessary medical consultation and survey. Green and yellow secretions speak of infectious diseases. curdled discharge caused by the appearance of thrush.

Bloody, scarlet, brown and dark brown discharge talk about premature birth or placental abruption. Any bloody issues at 31 weeks of gestation - an alarm signal. You must immediately seek medical help.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the breasts are actively growing, preparing for the process breastfeeding. Therefore, at this time, it is very important for expectant mothers to maintain a water-salt balance in the body. You need to limit the amount of salty food, drink more clean water. This is very important for the health of the child and its proper formation.

Severe hair loss is also quite common, often due to stress and nutritional deficiencies. If a woman is carrying a girl, her hair falls out more actively. This is scientific explanation. Developing, the girl uses more of the female hormones of the mother, and the boy uses the male ones.

Everything active methods to combat hair loss should be postponed for a time after childbirth. But there is something that is allowed even for women in position:

  1. Head massage to stimulate the flow of blood to the hair follicles.
  2. Hair masks from natural non-burning products.
  3. Power adjustment.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your health, because now a woman is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of her child. Immunity, like metabolism future mother not as strong as before pregnancy. A lot of vitamins, useful trace elements, substances that the body needs are spent on the formation and development of the fetus.

Colds, coughs and runny noses are now much easier to catch and harder to cure. Most anti-ARVI drugs have contraindications, which say that they should not be used by pregnant women. For prevention colds You can follow some simple guidelines:

  • Dress warmly, especially during the cold season. Avoid drafts, hypothermia and being in a room with open windows during the cold season.
  • Drink a complex of vitamins that support the immune system.
  • Do not drink cold liquids, limit the use of ice cream and refreshing drinks.
  • Follow bed rest, drink more warm liquids, eat right and do not overwork much.

If the danger could not be avoided, you should immediately consult a doctor, without resorting to self-medication. Do not take medicines without a doctor's recommendation: even the usual analgin and paracetamol during pregnancy can harm the health of the unborn baby. Do not get carried away with traditional medicine, it is better to rely on the recommendations of a qualified specialist.

Frequently Asked Questions for Women at 31 Weeks Pregnant

Question: Gained 10 kilograms, and still only 31 weeks pregnant? This is fine?
Answer: On average, a woman gains 7-12 kilograms by the 31st week of pregnancy. If you don't feel any discomfort or pain, you're fine. You need to watch your diet and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Question: Does my child lie transversely and the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck? Is his health in danger? Will they do a caesarean section?

Answer: At 31 weeks pregnant, it's too early to tell how the birth will go. The child may roll over more than once. More precisely, the method of delivery can be determined at 36 weeks.

Q: very strong headache, what to do?

Answer: It is best to consult a doctor. If the headache is severe and does not go away for a long time, it is bad sign, which may indicate serious violations. At the 31st week of pregnancy, for a simple headache, you can drink citramon and hot tea with lemon.

Every woman goes through pregnancy differently. Feelings are especially different in women in the third trimester, after 6 months. By this time, expectant mothers have a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. You have to adapt to the sluggishness and constantly changing figure. Most pregnant women experience weakness and fast fatiguability. This is precisely the reason for issuing maternity leave at this time, because now it is already difficult for a woman to carry out the necessary amount of work.

31 weeks of pregnancy - the middle of the 8th obstetric month. There is very little time left before the birth of the baby. For each woman, the period of bearing a child is individual. Start of labor 15-20 days earlier due date refers to the normal course of events. Calculation of the date of birth is always approximate.

Fetal development at this time

Now the baby is growing and developing rapidly. By week 31, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1600 grams, and the height is about 41 cm. It is already difficult for the child to move in the womb. Looking for comfortable posture, the baby takes a certain position. This is usually a "knuckle up" position, with crossed arms and legs upside down, which can be seen on a planned ultrasound. For many children, this position becomes permanent and does not change until birth.

Every day the child changes a little, grows up. The face takes on a refined outline, the nose becomes correct form, auricles and neck continue to develop, become more dense. The eyes can react to bright light, the child squints, opens and closes his eyes, he has the ability to focus his eyes. In addition, the baby is forming a corneal reflex, i.e. accidental touching of the eye causes a defensive reaction, the baby squints.

The brain develops intensively, its convolutions are formed. Work nervous system is constantly being improved. The lungs and lung tissues become more mature, the production of surfactant begins, due to this, the child takes his first breaths of air after birth. At this stage of development, hepatic bile begins to be produced, so the liver is preparing to cleanse the body of harmful substances, i.e. perform its main function. The work of the pancreas becomes more perfect, it begins to produce insulin.

At 31 weeks, the fetus acquires the features of a mature baby: the proportions of the torso change, the face stretches and acquires refined features. At 31 weeks, the child is already becoming viable, that is, with early birth the baby will complete its development already outside the womb

The skin of the fetus is still wrinkled with a red tint. Due to the fact that the skin is very thin blood vessels are visible through the skin. noted active growth nail plate, in the near future, the nails will cover the entire surface of the nail bed. Just from the third trimester of pregnancy, the unborn child begins a noticeable and rapid weight gain. An increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat contributes to the proper regulation of heat exchange processes after the baby leaves the mother's womb.

The life of the unborn child at 31 weeks

Some babies already have a daily routine, a woman can notice moments during the day when the child becomes active, moves and calms down, falls asleep. The child moves more, causing serious discomfort to the expectant mother, even causing pain. The child actively moves his arms and legs, hitting the walls of the uterus. Excessively active movements at 31 weeks may indicate oxygen starvation fetus, or signal that the mother's position causes discomfort to the baby.

During pregnancy, it is necessary special attention refers to fetal movements. If a woman does not notice the baby's movements for a long time, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist in charge of the pregnancy, perhaps undergo an extraordinary ultrasound. Normally, the fetus should remind itself of itself with active movements at least 10 times in 12 hours.

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother may periodically feel the movements of the baby in the tummy. You need to be very careful to this indicator: if fetus for a long time does not give signals about its movements, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist - pregnancy may fade


Usually, at the 31st week of pregnancy, a third planned ultrasound examination is performed, the purpose of which is to monitor the development of the child, to assess the compliance of indicators with the norm. This ultrasound allows you to assess the degree of development of the brain and other internal organs. If an ultrasound at 31 weeks is performed in 3D or 4D format, you can clearly see all the outlines of the baby's face. Poor visualization of a clear image on ultrasound can be due to several reasons:

  • increase in the subcutaneous fat layer of a woman;
  • small volume amniotic fluid;
  • the fetus is in an uncomfortable position for studying.

It is very difficult to obtain high-quality photographs and videos of ultrasound in late pregnancy. Determining the sex of the baby is carried out at the second planned ultrasound, however, the formation of the genital organs continues now. At this time, testicular prolapse has not yet occurred in male children, and future girls are still with open labia.

Normative ultrasound indicators

The main task of ultrasound at 31 weeks is to eliminate the lag in the development of the child. This is done using fetometry. Ultrasonic fetometry is a procedure for measuring the length of bones and assessing the main structural characteristics.

The norm of the size of the fetus by ultrasound at 31 weeks:

  1. biparietal size (BPR): 73 - 87 mm .;
  2. fronto-occipital size (LB): 93 - 109 mm .;
  3. head girth (OG): 273 - 215 mm .;
  4. girth of the abdomen (coolant): 247 - 301 mm.

Normally, the lengths of the main bones measured by ultrasound correspond to the following values:

  1. thigh: 55 - 65 mm.;
  2. shoulder: 50 - 60 mm.;
  3. forearm: 45 - 53 mm.;
  4. lower leg: 50 - 60 mm.

With Doppler ultrasound at 31 weeks, the normal values ​​are as follows:

  1. placental vascular resistance index: 0.34 - 0.61;
  2. umbilical artery resistance index: 0.53 - 0.76;
  3. systolic-diastolic ratio of blood flow velocity in the umbilical artery: 2.88 - 2.96;
  4. systolic-diastolic ratio of blood flow velocity in cerebral artery fetus: above 4.4;
  5. fetal cerebral artery resistance index: 0.8;
  6. BCA resistance index: 0.8 - 0.85.

Apart from conventional ultrasound, according to indications, dopplerometry is used - checking the speed and direction of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, umbilical cord - the data obtained make it possible to determine whether sufficient nutrition for the fetus comes from the mother's body

Possible complications of pregnancy

From 31 weeks, the main stage of fetal growth begins. In this regard, a pregnant woman should pay special attention to her health and weight gain. Normally, weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. in 7 days. If body weight increases much more intensively than recommended, you should consult a gynecologist. Intensively increasing weight, subject to healthy eating indicates the possible development of edema.

This period of pregnancy is characterized by the development of various complications. Knowing the symptoms will allow you to take timely measures to prevent the development of critical complications.

Reason for urgent appeal See a doctor for the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of ripples before eyes. It's a symptom high blood pressure or the development of internal edema.
  • Persistent swelling of the extremities. Persistent swelling of the legs indicates possible violations of the kidneys.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness and seizures. Signs of late toxicosis.
  • Headache, bouts of dizziness are unfavorable signs of unstable pressure or the development of a preeclampsia.
  • Symptoms of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios in the third trimester of pregnancy are usually detected using ultrasound diagnostics.
  • A consequence of acute respiratory diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy can be a variety of complications.
  • Intestinal upset in a pregnant woman occurs as a result hormonal adjustment in organism. However, it is worth paying attention to such symptoms, since diarrhea sometimes indicates a possible intestinal infectious disease.

Anxious highlights

At 31 weeks, a pregnant woman should treat her health with increased attention. The presence of vaginal discharge is normal.

However, any slight change should alert them. You should consult a doctor if you notice leakage of amniotic fluid. The normal volume of such secretions should not exceed 20 ml. Any slight change in the color of the discharge, the appearance of blood in them can be an alarming symptom, indicating a threat to the health of the child. You should consult a gynecologist when the first symptoms of thrush appear: curdled mucous secretions with a specific smell.

4 voice, average rating: 4.00 out of 5

The long-awaited moment of childbirth is just around the corner, because before that significant event Just over two calendar months left. Almost all future mothers have already chosen the maternity hospital in which the birth of the baby is planned, or will soon make the final decision.

However, sometimes circumstances develop quite unexpectedly, so it is better for a pregnant woman to always have the necessary documents with her so that, if necessary, without any hassle, go through the registration procedure at the maternity hospital.

Since 31 weeks of pregnancy is a fairly long time, it is better to play it safe and not leave the apartment or house for a long time, because in some cases, childbirth occurs two months ahead of schedule.

pregnancy calculator

The beginning of the last menstruation:

Average cycle duration:

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 (from 22 to 45, usually = 28)

Duration of the luteal phase:

9 days 10 days 11 days 12 days 13 days 14 days 15 days 16 days (from 9 to 16, most often = 14)

Growth and development of the fetus

The growth of the future baby at the 31-week gestation period reaches a round mark of 40 cm, and the weight of the fetus is about 1600 g.

Baby size now

Like a big coconut

Height41 cm

Weight1 kg 500 g

If twins are expected, each fetus may weigh slightly less. It should also be borne in mind that in the third trimester, the weight and size of the child in to a large extent heredity influences, because tall dads and moms have larger children, and short ones have small, but no less healthy and beautiful babies.

At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby continues to strengthen his strength. During this period, the following changes occur in his body:

  • The fetal brain continues to improve. Nerve fibers are protected by special sheaths.
  • There is an active process of accumulation of adipose tissue under the skin and around the internal organs, which will allow the baby not to freeze immediately after birth.
  • The pupils of the eyes of the fetus look the same as those of a newborn baby.
  • The respiratory system becomes more perfect, the lungs are almost ready for autonomous work.
  • The body of the baby curls up more strongly, because it is already quite crowded in the uterus.
  • Most the best option the location of the fetus in the uterus is cephalic presentation in which the child's head is at the bottom. breech presentation is less preferred and may complicate the process of future childbirth. The likelihood that the baby will fit differently in the tummy is now quite low, because there is very little free space around him. However, many women from those who gave birth to a baby during breech presentation, report that the birth was almost without problems.
  • Facial features become more expressive.
  • The baby is able to feel pain, so the expectant mother should protect her stomach as much as possible from possible bruises and squeezing.

At 31 weeks gestation, the embryonic age of the fetus is about 29 weeks, i.e. two weeks less obstetric period pregnancy. How many months is this? More than six and a half, even almost seven. Very soon, the fetus will overcome an important psychological mark of seven months, and the child, if he is born a little earlier than the due time, will be considered almost full-term.

Changes in a woman's body

With the onset of 31 weeks, the following changes may occur in the body of the expectant mother:

  • The increase in body weight during the current week is normally 300-500 g. The increase in body weight of a woman from the time of conception can range from 8 to 10.6 kg, it depends on individual features female body.
  • The tummy continues to round and looks very impressive. The uterus is located 11 cm above the navel. At different women may be various shape tummies, and this does not depend on the sex of the fetus, but on the body type of the pregnant woman, primarily on the shape of the pelvis. The difference can be seen in the photo.


  • Some expectant mothers may experience swelling. If swelling is accompanied by an excessive increase in body weight and a deterioration in general well-being, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.
  • The body of a pregnant woman, when the 31st week goes, begins to produce a special hormone relaxin, which helps to relax and soften the pelvic bones and ligaments, which will be necessary to facilitate the baby's progress through the birth canal.
  • Often, women at this time complain that their stomach is stony. If such sensations quickly disappear, and the nature of the discharge does not change, then you should not worry, just stop any work and take a break. But in the case when abdominal tension is combined with pain in the uterus and other anxiety symptoms need to seek medical attention.
  • The gait of the future mother at the 31-week gestation period can hardly be called light and airy, because due to the shift in the center of gravity and the increase in the volume of the abdomen, each step is difficult, and the aching lower back does not add optimism. Right now, a woman must monitor any of her movements in order to avoid accidental falls and injury when walking or doing housework.

You can learn more about what happens to the baby and mother from specialized medical literature. But issues such as deciphering test results or prescribing drugs for treatment should be the responsibility of a doctor, because self-medication can be too dangerous during pregnancy.

Analyzes and examinations

The thirty-first week of pregnancy is the period when the expectant mother should prepare for the third ultrasound. However, it is not at all necessary to perform the indicated examination at the 31st week, since it is quite acceptable to visit a specialist for a period from 32 to 34 weeks.

Third prenatal screening, which includes ultrasound, allows you to determine the indicators of fetometry of the fetus in order to establish possible violations in its development by comparing the results obtained with the data of a special table, clarify the presentation of the fetus, assess the condition of the placenta, diagnose in detail oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios and other abnormalities, and also take a photo fruit for memory.



Also, the doctor will presumably answer what date the child should be born. Of course, with possible deviations of several days in one direction or another. The indicators of ultrasound performed in the third trimester allow you to more thoughtfully choose the method of the upcoming delivery, because some pathologies simply cannot be noticed without the use of special devices.

In addition, if a woman feels worse, she can take some tests at 31 weeks, even if they are not included in the pregnancy examination calendar at this time. Diseases such as diabetes can manifest themselves at any time, so you should listen to your feelings and consult a doctor in time.

Doesn't hurt to pass additional examination and women expecting twins. The most favorable option for multiple pregnancy is dichorionic diamniotic twins, in which each fetus develops in a separate bladder and has its own placenta. If twins develop in the same fetal bladder, this may increase the risk of the umbilical cord entwining one of them or the appearance of other complications, and the timely passage of an ultrasound scan will allow timely identification of signs of trouble.

Possible dangers at 31 weeks pregnant

During this period, the following deviations in the course of pregnancy and fetal development are possible:

  • The threat of premature birth. Cases of the birth of a baby at 31 weeks, although not very often, but still happen. Predisposing factors early delivery on the this stage placental dysfunction (fetoplacental insufficiency), short neck, some infections, excessive physical activity women, including weight lifting, and other reasons. The risk of termination of pregnancy occurs if the tone of the uterus is increased, it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen, nausea occurs, the discharge becomes bloody. Despite the fact that premature birth at 31 weeks poses less danger to the baby than a birth at an earlier date, it is necessary to take all measures to maintain pregnancy for at least a couple of weeks, because the baby will be healthier and stronger if his birth weight is at least two kilograms.
  • Low water. At 31 weeks, the amniotic fluid index (AFI) should be in the range from 79 to 263 mm, and the average value is 144 mm. At moderate oligohydramnios IAI at this time ranges from 67 to 91 mm, with a pronounced one - less than 67 mm. Upon detection pronounced oligohydramnios at a period of 31 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is offered treatment in a hospital using special preparations.
  • Polyhydramnios. If a woman's abdominal circumference is much larger than the recommended values, this may indicate an excess of amniotic fluid. An accurate diagnosis can be made by ultrasound. If the IAI exceeds the upper threshold of the norm (263 mm), we are talking about moderate or severe polyhydramnios. As a rule, polyhydramnios develops due to the presence of chronic metabolic diseases in a pregnant woman ( diabetes, diseases of the heart and blood vessels), as well as under the influence of other factors ( multiple pregnancy, too much large fruit and etc.). The fight against polyhydramnios includes the treatment of the underlying disease, as well as the additional intake of vitamins, magnesium preparations, and diuretics.

With the onset of 31 weeks of pregnancy, the following tips may become relevant for the expectant mother.