What is the best way to carry babies. How to hold the baby during feeding? Face from mom

"The child must live in his arms!" - the doctor told me when my daughter was one day old and I timidly complained that she always wants to be in her arms, but even so she does not calm down. For all the categorical nature of this remark, there is a great deal of truth in it. The doctor immediately showed me how to properly take the child, and - lo and behold! The little girl immediately fell silent. Indeed, mother's hands are the warmest, softest and most native place for a baby, they will hug, warm, help, support. Exactly on mother's hands children of the first year of life spend most of their time - sleeping, eating, communicating with their mother, learning the world.

Nature intended that a woman is born with maternal instinct , he matures and wakes up in different periods her life, escalates into pregnancy. Experts believe that it finally starts during childbirth, more precisely, at the end of the pushing period. That is why it is so important that immediately after birth the baby gets on the mother's chest - this is a kind of signal for the mother's body: everything is in order with the baby, he is alive and needs his mother's milk. Receiving such a signal helps in the future and, and to avoid postpartum depression.

But after all, a baby needs not just to be loved, succumbing to instincts, you need to take care of the baby, care for it, help it grow. This is where the concept comes into play. maternal behavior . Of course, mom does something instinctively, and does it right, but something, oddly enough, can and should be learned. It is to study!

A reasonable question arises: what about before? Before: when there were no courses for new parents, no feeding and care consultants, not even smart books for moms and dads? Answer: the continuity of generations. Little girl and then girl and now future mom has always been surrounded a large number sisters and brothers of different ages. Studied the art of motherhood own mother, growing older, she helped her mother and older sisters with their children and, having given birth to her child, she was already quite able to handle him. In traditional cultures this is still the case, but in a civilized society they say that truly experienced mom becomes only after the birth of the fourth child.

But what about mothers who have given birth to their first child, who may not be destined to have four children? And remain inexperienced? Of course not! Everything can be learned, including parenting.

Getting started

So: what does a mother need to know in order to properly start carrying a baby in her arms? That a newborn does not know how to hold his head, his spine does not yet have the bends necessary for sitting and walking upright; what the baby sees best of the first weeks of life at a distance of 30 cm (just the distance from the mother's face to the chest); that a large stream of visual information can harm the baby.

First of all, mom should learn to carry the baby in position classical cradle. The baby is turned to his mother with his tummy or slightly turned on his back, lies completely on one arm or is supported by two, but binding rule: the baby's head is slightly thrown back and lies in the mother's elbow. So you can sleep, and stay awake, and, if necessary, suck your mother's breast.

It is important that the head is slightly thrown back, and not tilted to the chest - then it will not be difficult for the baby to breathe and the mouth opens freely to capture the breast. Thus, the ear, shoulder and thigh of the crumbs should be on the same line of sight.

Sometimes babies do not fall asleep at the chest, and in this position, if necessary, it is convenient to rock the baby to sleep. Most often, it is more convenient for a mother to carry a child on one side only (and this does not depend on whether the mother is left-handed or right-handed), and yet it is recommended to use alternately the right and left hand. This serves as a prevention of curvature of the child's spine, contributes to harmonious development the entire skeleton and muscular apparatus, proper development vision and even, as some studies show, brain development. In addition, this way the baby can suck the left and right breast, there is no imbalance in the amount of milk and the size of the glands, and in the crumbs goes right development of the jaw apparatus. Wearing on different hands it is also important for mother's posture, health of the back, shoulders, arms.

Another reliable and comfortable position which many children like from birth: wearing a "column".It happens that the baby is upset, crying or screaming and it is almost impossible for him to breastfeed - then this position is indispensable to calm the baby. The baby's head is located on the mother's shoulder, she supports him first with two, and as the skill is acquired, with one hand, which frees the other hand for.

It is important to support a newborn in the region of the shoulder blades, and not from below the spine under the ass, so as not to create unwanted compression (squeezing) of the spine. If the newborn is supported with one hand (the head is supported index finger under the ear), it is convenient to practically put it on the shoulder, i.e. not only the baby's head, but also the arms will be on the mother's shoulder. So you can recline with the baby, sit, stand and walk.

Babies are often soothed by rocking, the safest and most comfortable for mom's back: twisting left and right around the spine. Such support can help the baby get rid of the uncomfortable air swallowed during feeding. (Recall that the recommendation "Keep the baby in a column after feeding" is more relevant for bottle-feeding babies. There is practically no air swallowing.) Support with a "column" helps to strengthen the muscles of the back of the newborn and the proper development of the spine.


Sometimes children, for one reason or another, are born with some birth trauma, neurological diseases, or they may simply have pain, for example, ears. Then the mother is looking for a position in which the baby is the least painful to be in her arms, to suckle the breast. And some provisions even contribute to a faster recovery.

Example: a 2-week-old baby suffering from torticollis refused one breast and wanted to be in mother's arms only on one side (this can quickly lead to a decrease in lactation, refusal of the second breast, not to mention mother's depressed state of mind). Obviously, it was just painful for him to lie on his other side. The way out is feeding and carrying the baby from under the arm: thus, the mother changes hands and feeds with both breasts, but the baby is always on one side and does not experience discomfort despite the disease.

Consider this interesting and for some reason often ignored by mothers position: the baby is located from under the arm, most of the baby's body weight falls on the mother's thigh, with one hand the mother holds the back and head of the child, while the other hand is free. This position is very suitable for a swaddled baby. Recall that in any case it should be free: the arms are folded on the chest or stomach of the child, the legs can move freely in the diaper. You can only swaddle the handles, especially if they prevent the baby from sleeping or sucking at the breast. Or just the legs (the diaper will then pass under the baby's armpits), especially if the mother uses reusable diapers.

Many children like this position: lying belly on mom's arm.The arm is bent at the elbow, the forearm is pressed against the mother’s stomach, the mother’s palm is under the child’s chest (for clarity: the pose is somewhat reminiscent of the appearance of a leopard lying on a branch). The mother's hand can also be under the baby's ear, if it is very small and fits completely on the forearm. The second hand may be free, or it may also support the baby.

This position is good if the baby is naughty, and also if he sleeps too long, for example, in a crib, and he needs to be woken up for feeding (many babies wake up quickly if they are picked up, turned over on their stomach and their head loses support). Note that this is a safe position if the baby does not yet hold his head. So you can wear the baby from birth and while it is placed on the forearm. Grown up children perceive this way of wearing as a game: it's so great to fly on parental hands, cutting through the air, like a helicopter or Carlson!

On the forearm of the baby, you can also place your head in the direction of the elbow of an adult, and you can also hold or not hold with your second hand. If you press the hand with the baby in the belly of the wearer, the weight will be partly on the hand, partly on the stomach. While the baby is placed on the forearm - a great position for walking with the baby around the house.

We mentioned that there are support methods that allow you to quickly and painlessly wake up a sleeping baby. The so-called cervical-tonic gymnastics. The newborn is held vertically by the adult with both hands, thumbs pass under the armpits and end up on the chest, the rest of the fingers are directed upwards, firmly supporting the head in the back of the head near the ears and a little higher. The baby in this position can be tilted back and forth, shake from side to side - small eyes open almost immediately.

Frog on the hip

The baby grows up, begins to hold his head more confidently, at the age of about a month or a little later, he may no longer like to be awake in the cradle position (but feeding and sleeping like this is still very convenient, and most importantly, reliable!). The baby more and more wants to be located vertically. If the baby already agrees to spread the legs wide (from about one and a half months, and from two to three months - for sure), then it is already safe to wear it on the stomach or thigh with legs wide apart ("frog pose").Until a month old, the legs of the baby are not widely bred (at least for long-term wear) due to the characteristics of the infant circulatory system.

At first, mom still learns to take and carry the baby on her stomach, you can call such support "column with spread legs".It is recommended to wear on the hip of babies from about 3 months, because. on the hip, it is more difficult to control the baby's head and fragile back. At first, while the baby still does not hold the back very well, the baby must be supported by directing your forearm diagonally from the shoulder blades to the child's legs, you can even hold the child's thigh with your palm. As they get older, children who are often carried in this way quickly learn to spread their legs as soon as they are picked up, and immediately “cling” to their mother, practically holding onto her themselves, helping their mother to carry them.

It is easier to carry a baby on the hip (you can support him with only one hand), as if he sits on the hip, while being tightly pressed to his mother, and there is no unwanted load on his spine and perineum. But on the stomach it is convenient to carry a sleeping child, supporting him with both hands. So the baby is relatively easy and very comfortable to wear for quite a long time, up to 3-4 years, i.e. until the age when the child needs to be at least sometimes in his mother's arms. The pose is safe for the back of an adult (the parent does not bend, does not lean to one side).

How to properly carry a newborn and show him the world?

Around the age of 3-4 months or a little earlier, many mothers notice, as they say, the desire of the baby to be only the face of the mother. Let's see: what does the child really want? Explore the world, look around you! But since the baby is not yet able to crawl or sit on its own, you have to study the world around you in parental hands. How to be?

Mom needs to understand that the child simply cannot yet express the desire to "be the face of mother" as such - he is still small for making such decisions. He is also small in order to perceive and process a huge stream of visual, emotional information that he will receive when he is turned to face an adult - especially if the mother is carrying the baby, and the "picture" is rapidly changing all the time. Yes, at the same time, the children calm down, even calm down if they cried, but is such a visible “calm” good for their psyche.

In addition, at 3-4 months, the baby's vision is not yet fully formed. Obviously, the baby will not receive a clear, understandable image, but will receive frames flashing at high speed. This is no longer a useful study of the world, but an overload child brain, sometimes even leading to a kind of "shutdown" - when the baby falls asleep in this position. But it is not healthy sleep- this is a defensive reaction, fatigue from the information received. That is, such a situation becomes something like bad habit for a baby.

How to show the baby the world without harm to him? Wearing positions come to the rescue, when the baby has the opportunity to look around and at any moment bury his nose in his mother, hide, take a break. These are the already described ways of wearing on the hip, on the stomach of an adult, when the child looks from behind the back (in a column position), lies on the hand of an adult, on the back of an adult (wearing in a sling or ergonomic backpack).

It is also worth mentioning that the position on the hands "facing from an adult" does not contribute to the proper development of the child's musculoskeletal system and can even be dangerous in case of some existing problems. It is much harder for an adult to carry a baby in this position than, for example, on the hip. The entire weight of the child's body falls on the arms, so you have to bend back, lean to one side, which inevitably leads to pain and further problems in the lumbar region, shoulder girdle.

It has been noticed that frequent and long-term exposure to the face of the mother can also provoke. If the baby has managed to get used to this way of wearing and is already protesting against the others, it is never too late to "retrain" him, you just need to show a little patience and parental perseverance - after all, your child needs it!

There is a way to carry a baby, sitting it on the hand (on the forearm) of an adult.There is nothing undesirable in this position for a child, even one who is not yet sitting up by himself, but it is quite difficult for an adult. Perhaps this method is good for taking a child in your arms for a short time, but not for long-term wearing.

Note that if a child does not like this or that way of wearing, sometimes it is worth figuring out why. It is possible that the clothes are uncomfortable for the baby - for example, when the baby spreads the legs on the adult's thigh, the sliders can stretch excessively and put pressure on the little fingers, causing discomfort. Always listen to the child, sometimes expressed dissatisfaction is a signal that something hurts the baby. If you change position, the discomfort will decrease, but the problem may remain, and it needs to be addressed.


Sometimes from a young mother you can hear something like: "The son (daughter) already weighs so much! How am I going to wear it in a couple of months !?" Yes, children grow, but if the mother constantly carries the baby in her arms and does it right, her hands get used to it, and a gradual increase in weight is practically not noticed. So, if necessary, a mother can carry even a 3-4-year-old child for quite a long time (for example, if the child falls asleep). It is worth remembering this simple truth: it is always much more convenient and easier to carry a child than something of exactly the same weight, but in one hand, for example, in a bag.

If a mother experiences back difficulties, suffers from diseases of the musculoskeletal system - this is an occasion to take care of her health, find out the reasons, seek help from doctors different profile, massage therapists. But this is not a reason not to carry the baby in her arms, since the correct (we emphasize!) Ways of carrying a child cannot in any way adversely affect the health of the mother.

From my own parental experience and in the practice of helping other mothers, I noticed that sometimes women of the older generation, even more often than young mothers, tend to either take the baby with their backs to themselves (while unnaturally bending in the lower back!), Or put it on their hands and carry it for a long time . And not because the child asks so, but simply because they can’t imagine other ways. Or (even worse!) They try to take the baby in their arms less often, because they believe that carrying a child is very difficult, uncomfortable and harmful to the back. I also encountered real surprise and even delight of grandparents: it turns out that the baby can be carried on the hip and besides, it is not at all difficult!

So sometimes it is possible and necessary to connect and the older generation- those who will look after the baby in parental absence. To learn parenting skills, including how to carry a baby, it is useful to seek help from experienced mothers who have raised and breastfed more than one baby, or mothers breastfeeding, childcare. Thus, such an important principle of continuity for humanity, of course, changes, but still does not disappear without a trace.

Photos provided by: Olga Belova, Polina Malchenko, Marina Maslakova, Alexandra (shusya3), Anastasia Polgrudova.

Well, nine months of pregnancy have flown by and your baby is already with you. Of course, for every mother, and even more so for the one who first became her, a completely logical question arises: how to properly hold a newborn baby so as not to harm him or cause discomfort. In this article, we will tell you about the secrets of holding a child correctly, because in many maternity hospitals in our country this issue is not given enough attention and mothers may not even suspect that they are doing something wrong.

Why carry a newborn "column"

The understanding that a woman has become a mother comes during the first feeding of the baby. She should be aware that during feeding, the baby's stomach can get a small amount of air, which in the future will cause discomfort and even pain. So that this does not happen and the child does not cry. It is advisable to keep the baby upright for 15 minutes after each feeding. Thus, he will have the opportunity to calmly burp excess air, and then fall asleep very quickly and soundly.

Accordingly, a logical question will arise: how to properly hold a child in a column? The answer is very simple. It is enough to take the child vertically, you need to put your shoulder under his chin, with one hand you need to support the head and neck of the crumbs, and the second ass and legs of the baby. This will help not only prevent colic, but also bring the baby closer to mom through bodily contact.

You can carry your baby in a column both facing forward and facing you. In the first case, the child will be able to better see what surrounds him. It will be correct if you hold one hand along the baby’s chest, while the palm will be under the armpit. With the other hand, you need to press the legs towards you.

Not only mom should know how to properly carry a newborn baby, but, of course, dad, and all those who are going to take the baby in their arms. It is very important to carry a child correctly, because during the first year of life, his musculoskeletal system will actively form.

So the most important points at correct wearing the child has something that he must definitely support the head and alternately change the hand on which you hold the baby. This will prevent the development of one-sided vision in the newborn. It is very important to talk with the child from the first days of his life. Also, the baby can be worn with his head resting on the elbow bend and holding the back with the same hand, and holding the ass and legs with the other hand. In the same way, you can wear a child on the tummy, only in the elbow bend will not be the head of the child, but his neck. And you will need to hold on to the tummy and chest.

This point is also very important and you need to pay attention to it. You can not take the child very sharply or uncertainly, while you need to use both hands. If the child is lying on the back, then one palm should be placed under the ass, and the other under the head, and very carefully begin to lift the child. In this case, the head should in no case be lower than the priests.

How to hold a baby while bathing

One more important process, which seems unrealistically difficult for inexperienced mothers after returning home with a newborn - bathing. Thanks to bathing, the child can quickly adapt to environment and at the same time the child can be held in several ways. With one hand, you can hold the head and neck of the child, and with the other, hold the legs and ass. The second way will be more comfortable for you and for the child, when the baby's head lies on your shoulder, and the child's shoulder is in your palm. Thus, the child can move freely in the water.

Proper carrying of the baby in the arms determines normal development his muscles and musculoskeletal system generally. It is very important for any mother to know how to wear month old baby, since an incorrect posture when carrying a baby can cause excessive tension in the lower part of his back, and with constant pressure on the lower parts of the spine, incorrect formation of its bends, as well as distorted development hip joints leading to congenital dislocation of the hip. In addition, if worn incorrectly, the crumbs may experience insufficient muscle tone and delayed motor development.

Many scientists believe that most diseases in young children are the result of the excessive development of civilization. Modern moms lost the instinctive feelinghow to carry a newborn, how to properly feed him, what to wear. They try to find information in books, but no publication is able to provide answers to all questions. Although any mother can absolutely properly care for her child, and on subconscious level to feel what is useful for him and what is not.

How to wear a newborn

Exists great amount poses for carrying children. At the same time, doctors always give preference to the most natural options that ensure the distribution of the load on the spine and exclude dislocations, falls and other dangers to the health of the child.

Up to 3 months, the mother can carry the baby in horizontal position while supporting the head. At this time, children sleep a lot, and so far parents have no problems with their movement. If you need to remove the diaper or wash the baby, it must be kept on weight, under the handles. In no case should you put the child's booty in your palm. The same goes for various baby sitters and slings. Never put a child in an upright position, only in a cradle. It is also too early to use kangaroos and children's backpacks.

After 3 months comes unpleasant time when the child already wants to see the world around him, but at the same time he still cannot sit. And parents have to come up with various ways to carry the crumbs in an upright position, while not supporting it under the ass. Doctors dealing with newborns physical therapy, they advise you to simply hold the children closer to you. If you want the baby to be turned to face you, press him to your chest, as if crossing your arms behind his back. If your baby is so inquisitive that he calms down only when he sees everyone around him, press him with his back to you, so that his head lies on your chest. In this position, you will have to carry the baby up to 6 months.

But at the age of six months, parents can breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, they are allowed to support the child under the ass and put it on their knees. At this time, the postures for carrying the baby are greatly enriched. The baby can be put on your arm or, for example, pressed to you, holding your palm under the ass. After a couple of months, parents can choose even looser wearing positions, holding the baby in front of their stomach or sitting on their hips.

How to carry a baby in a column

For a fairly long period of time after the birth of a child, doctors recommend that parents wear the baby in a column after each feeding. This is necessary in order to allow the air that has entered the belly of the baby with milk to escape and prevent regurgitation. Carrying a baby in a column is easy. Just press the baby to the shoulder, supporting his head and back. Carry the baby in this way until the air has passed several times. To speed up the process, you can alternate the posture with the supine position. It is also helpful to pat the child on the back or buttocks.

Keep track of the amount of milk you spit up. Normally, it should be a little, no more than a teaspoon. If the baby is spitting up too much, put him on his stomach before each feeding.

How to wear a newborn in a sling

Modern baby carriers can be used almost from birth. And if before parents had to wait six months before it would be possible to put the child in a kangaroo, now they can purchase comfortable sling, imitating a cradle and allowing you to carry your baby in a horizontal position for up to a year.

There are many ways to put your baby in a sling. Some babies like to lie deep in the sling, others prefer a higher half-sitting position. Most babies prefer to be at chest level, facing their mother.

There are many various models slings, the choice depends only on the preferences of the parents. Very convenient option- sling with rings. IN last years everyone chooses it more moms, as this model is very practical and allows you to carry a baby not only in the first months of his life, but also when the baby grows up. The sling with rings provides maximum comfort not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

Another popular model is the sling scarf. It is a strip of fabric that stretches well in width and has an inside pocket. It can be worn both over clothes in summer and autumn, and under warm clothing in winter.

Models such as may-sling and fast-sling are quite interesting in their form. They are a rectangle of sweaty fabric with straps, in which you can carry your baby both vertically and horizontally. At the same time, putting on fast-slings is a little faster and easier.

To learn how to properly secure a baby in a sling, you can read the instructions on the product itself or seek help from consultants. Everything is quite simple and convenient.

Be sure to keep an eye on how comfortable and natural the baby is in the sling or in your arms. How correctly you will carry the baby in the first months of his life depends on his posture and figure in the future. It is sometimes difficult to follow the instructions of doctors, especially when the baby already weighs more than 10 kg. But try to be patient, because the health of your child depends on it.

The fact is that the baby needs to get a certain set of sensations and experiences when interacting with his mother. If the baby is deprived of this experience, then it will be difficult for him to develop harmoniously in the future. Therefore, most modern pediatricians and psychologists argue that the desire of a newborn to be in the arms of his mother is his natural need, necessary for normal growth baby.

Why carry a baby in your arms?

The world for a newborn is his mother. During pregnancy, especially during recent months gestation, the baby's body is in amniotic fluid and compressed by the walls of the uterus. The unborn baby feels warm, calm and comfortable there. After birth, the child seems to fall into a completely different world, where he becomes uncomfortable and scared.

Feel little man are divided into acquaintances from life in the womb before birth and unfamiliar ones. The former are associated with a source of calm and pleasure, while the new ones, on the contrary, are fraught with danger and threat. The preservation of the old guidelines can only be achieved through the constant presence of his mother next to the newborn. Her smell, touch, her heartbeat and the rhythm of her breathing remind the baby of the comfort of intrauterine existence and help him regain a sense of security and tranquility.

Physical contact with mother is one of the most important conditions easy adaptation of a child, recently born, to the conditions of extrauterine life. He needs this interaction throughout the day and in different situations: when he can't sleep, when he's scared, when he wants to communicate, etc. Strong connection mother and baby in the first months of a baby’s life helps him grow and develop normally.

By the time of birth, of the five senses, smell and touch are the most developed. It is the musculoskeletal sensations in the first time after childbirth that are the main source of impressions and positive emotions. Tactile receptors are located throughout the body of the child, which is why he is so sensitive to touch, stroking, and therefore he should be carried as often as possible on his hands.

Carrying a baby in your arms is an emotional and physical contact with your mother.

Nature has endowed the newborn with the ability to communicate and interact with others. From the first days, the child in every possible way achieves closeness with his mother and attracts her attention with the help of various sounds, crying or movements. It is important to respond with understanding to every “whim” of the baby and try to satisfy his needs.

In some cases, the crying of the child is caused precisely by the fact that the baby wants to be with his mother. If she does not respond to this call and the baby does not receive enough tactile sensations- he becomes restless, capricious and begins to constantly provoke adults to interaction with his crying. A lack of tactile sensations from the mother in the first months of life can later lead to the formation of various phobias (fears), neuroses, speech disorders, enuresis (urinary incontinence) in the child, and also affect his character and development as a person.

The feeling that is formed in the child in the earliest and close relationship with his mother, is basic, on the basis of which his further relationships and interaction with the outside world are formed. Toddlers who were little carried in their arms often grow up conflicting, aggressive or, conversely, too timid, dependent and have low self-esteem. Psychologists identify the phenomenon of sensory starvation, which manifests itself in children who grow up without a mother from birth. Observations were carried out in orphanages, the pupils of which were deprived maternal love and gentle touches. As a result, the children had mental and physical development and the formation of protective behavior. It has been found that the lack of maternal affection can lead to somatic disorders as early as 2 months of age.

This once again proves that the health of the child is affected not only proper nutrition and timely care, but also the possibility emotional contact with mom. Her voice, gentle touch, pressing to the chest are necessary stimuli for the development of the cerebral cortex.

Hand child - is it good or bad?

You need to carry the baby in your arms at least from the birth of the baby until the moment when he starts to crawl (6-7 months). From this time on, the child wants to learn everything on his own, the space of the world around him expands, and he spends less time in his mother's arms. The duration of the "manual period" is individual for each baby and is directly related to the temperament of the crumbs, the characteristics of his character and his state of health.

What is the difference between children, whom mothers carry a lot in their arms, from their peers who are deprived of this?

  • They are ahead of other kids in terms of performance neuropsychic development . Touch is one of the most important stimuli for the development of the central nervous system. Signals from skin receptors enter various centers of the cerebral cortex, contributing to their intensive formation.
  • In "tame" children, as a rule, Establish visual and auditory contact with mother faster, they understand someone else's speech earlier and are more successful in "production" of their own. In addition, they show a wealth of emotions. Being next to their mother, they constantly see manifestations of her feelings (smile, surprise, joy, concern, etc.) and in response they quickly learn to express their feelings: they respond with a smile to a smile, make sounds, make energetic movements with arms and legs.
  • They are calmer. Touch relieves stress. "Tame" children have more low level the stress hormone cortisol. Mom's hugs not only soothe the baby, but also remove pain through the production of endorphins. Therefore, many women instinctively cuddle the child when he cries - and the baby quickly calms down.
  • They feel better. It is noted that children, whom their mother constantly strokes and hugs, have less tummy pains, they suffer less from colic. This is due to the fact that when touched, the hormone inulin is released, which activates the work. intestinal tract. The higher the content of this hormone, the more efficiently the baby digests food. In addition, mom's warmth warms the baby's tummy, relieving pain.
  • They become more aware of the world around them. Being in the arms of the mother, babies interact better with external environment. During wakefulness, when the child is in calm state next to his mother and does not waste his strength on crying, he looks better and listens to the objects around him. From this height, the baby can see what is inaccessible to his perception when he lies in the crib. If mom leads active image life and regularly carries a child, he begins to feel like a participant in the process, and not just an observer. Such children subsequently grow up mobile, proactive and show more interest in life.
  • They form a close relationship with their mother. Constant closeness with the mother forms in the child a feeling of complete trust in her, a close relationship is established between them. A woman who carries her baby in her arms perceives his desires better, understands his needs and satisfies them in time.

When and how to carry a baby in your arms?

A newly born baby does not understand words. But this does not mean that you should not communicate with the child. The kid perfectly "reads" the language of his mother's gentle touches and hugs. It is in this language that a woman needs to communicate with a child in order to convey her thoughts and feelings and raise a happy baby.

Communication between mother and baby should not take place exclusively during the care of him (feeding, dressing, etc.). The state of bodily comfort in itself does not cause positive emotions in the baby, because the satisfaction of physical needs is only a prerequisite for them. themselves positive emotions occur only when interacting with another person.

Little babies should be picked up with any crying, when they need it. For them, this is proof that they are loved and needed. As a rule, those babies cry for a long time who experience a lack of attention from their parents or feel a lack of bodily contact with them, and not "spoiled manual" children.? positive relationship a child with his mother, on the contrary, forms an early childhood attachment to the parent, which helps to satisfy his need for love. On the basis of this harmonious positive feeling, in the future, all the relationships of a small person with the outside world are formed.

So that mom can lead active life(going to shops, museums, etc.) or doing household chores and not being separated from the child, there are various devices for carrying babies. For example, sling. This is a fabric holder with which a woman can carry a child on herself immediately after his birth and up to 2 years.

How convenient is a sling

  • In it, the child can be in different positions, the most comfortable for his age.
  • In a sling, it is easy to breastfeed your baby unnoticed by others.
  • Babies usually sleep well
  • in a sling. It is comfortable for mom and evenly distributes the load on the back.
  1. Children have very underdeveloped muscles cervical the spine, and the baby of the first month of life cannot hold the head on its own. It follows from this: before taking the baby, it must be remembered that we support the head with one hand. If this is not done, you can damage the cervical region.
  2. You can't have a child first three months hold hands or feet. Muscles and ligaments are so tender that they can be damaged.
  3. It is better to swaddle a baby in the first months of life. So the mother will be calmer, and the baby more comfortable.
  4. Always approach the crib with different parties so that the child turns his head and does not develop torticollis.
  5. With one hand you hold the back, with the other - the neck and head.

Babies always feel their mother's warmth and mood. Therefore, when a child is in her arms, you need to smile and give only positive emotions.

The classic position of the baby in the arms

This is how most mothers carry their children. One hand must be placed under the back and chest of the baby, and the other to hold the buttocks. When lifting the child, carefully ensure that the head is fixed on the mother's elbow.

How to carry a baby in a column?

The most important posture carrying a baby in her arms. At infants the cardia of the stomach is poorly developed. Therefore, after eating in the supine position, milk or mixture can flow from the stomach into the esophagus, and then the child burps.

After feeding the child, it is necessary to carefully hold the column, pressing it to you. This helps him spit up excess air. It is necessary to keep the newborn in a column for 5-10 minutes after each feeding.

More detailed information About, breast milk or a mixture, read the informative article of the children's doctor.

How to hold a newborn in a pose "on the shoulder"?

The child should be placed with his tummy on his shoulder, holding the buttocks with one hand, and the shoulders and head with the other.

Also, this pose helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck and the desire of the baby to raise his head to see what is happening behind his mother.

Pose "tummy down"

This position is not very common among mothers. It is necessary to bend the arm and place it under the breast of the child. In this case, the neck and head of the baby will be located near the elbow, while the mother holds the baby’s stomach with the palm of her hand.

It is very comfortable to rock in this position. baby. It also trains the abdominal muscles, improves intestinal motility. The muscles of the neck are trained, which, again, makes it possible for the child to learn to hold the head.

Putting baby to bed

If the child fell asleep in his arms, then you need to bend over the crib a little, first remove one hand from under the baby, then the other. Movements are made in reverse order compared to how you take it.

In order not to wake the baby with your abrupt departure, stand nearby for a while.

How to hold a newborn while bathing?

The most soothing procedure for a baby is bathing before bedtime.

First you need to prepare for this:

  • bath;
  • water at a temperature of 37 degrees;
  • towel;
  • shampoos, baby soap;
  • infusion of soothing herbs.

Learn more about and what needs to be prepared for water treatment, you can find out from the article of the children's doctor.

In the first month of bathing, the baby can be wrapped in a diaper and dipped into the water with it. You can use a special slide or hold the baby in your arms.

Place your forearm and hand under the child's back, and use your other hand to wash him. You can involve your father or grandmother in the process.

First wash the chest, stomach, then the arms and legs. The head is washed last. It should be rinsed carefully so that soap and water does not get into the eyes. After washing the child, rinse it and carefully, holding free hand head, remove from the water and wrap in a towel.

How to hold the baby during feeding?

A mother can breastfeed her baby:

  • sitting;
  • lying on your side.

In the first case, sit comfortably, it is better to put something under your back. When feeding with one hand, you take the baby in the same way, gently holding the neck and head, press it to you.

Babies are very well developed search reflex. One has only to touch his mother's breast with his cheek, the baby will immediately begin to look for the nipple to take it into his mouth.

Pay attention: the baby's nose should not rest against the chest so that he can breathe freely.

With the second free hand, you can hold the lower back and buttocks of the child.

Make sure that the head does not tilt back during feeding, otherwise the milk may enter the respiratory tract.

Many mothers are very fond of, especially at night, to feed their children, lying on their side. This gives mom the opportunity to at least get some rest and sleep.

Mom puts the baby next to her on the barrel and feeds. Then you can’t put the child on his back, because when he burps, he can choke.

Baby washing

There are situations when it is not necessary to bathe the whole child, but you only need to wash the buttocks or the perineum. You can hold the newborn while washing in the following way.

With your right hand, take the child under the breast and stomach, that is, put it in your palm. Wash with the other hand under running water. Or it can also be done over the pelvis.

It is better to swaddle a newborn baby. So when starting, he will not frighten himself with his hands and accidentally scratch or hit himself in the face.

Learn about family different ways and when it is worth abandoning this procedure, from an article by a pediatrician.

A child at 2 months old can already be left in a vest and sliders. It is better to dress lying down.

First you need to put one handle into the sleeve, then lift the back and put on the second handle. At this age, the baby already holds his head more confidently. We put on sliders also lying down.

A child of 3-4 months is already boldly turning over on his tummy, and the process of dressing is a little easier. Also, the baby can be dressed, holding upright with the help of dad or grandmother.

  • take the child by the hands, feet;
  • children of the first months to take for armpits without holding the head;
  • scream at the child.

At any age of the baby, never raise your voice at him and do not scold him for no reason. Take the baby in your arms, do it with great love.

Carry the child in your arms as often as possible, do not listen to anyone that it is harmful, that children get used to it. So the baby will be easier and faster to adapt to new environmental conditions, feeling tactile contact with mom.