Cat's eye stone properties sign. Mysterious cat's eye: who suits the stone and how to enhance the properties. The magical properties of the cat's eye

Many people know this stone with a narrow strip of light that crosses the polished surface. It is so similar to the thin pupil of a cat, it is thanks to her that the stone got its name. But not everyone knows that the cat's eye is the name of the effect, and not a specific stone.

This effect was first achieved when processing yellow-green chrysoberyl. It was similar to the eye of a predator, not only with a stripe of the “pupil”, but also with color and a characteristic internal glow. It was not used as a decoration, but was used as an amulet or a talisman. Sorcerers, shamans, seers - with the effect of a cat's eye in short terms turned into one of the most sought-after amulets in the circles of various magicians. The lay people were even afraid of it and called it in a whisper "the devil's stone."

But at the end of the nineteenth century, this fear was overcome - the British Prince Arthur gave his bride Louise Margaret the Prussian ring with a cat's eye. So the popularity of stones with this effect began to increase. To know all stripes wanted to buy a similar decoration. Since then, these stones have only become more popular.

Varieties of the cat's eye

Yellow-green chrysoberyl is just one of many minerals that have a cat's eye effect. Chrysoberyl can also be of other colors, for example, golden green, emerald green, reddish, honey. If the mineral is not indicated in the name, then it means chrysoberyl with the effect of a cat's eye.

Cat's eye quartz is most commonly found in green. Aquamarine and Moonstone may be blue, blue or white. Where earlier the minerals with this effect had only certain colors, today cat's eye can be found in a wide variety of shades. More and more stones are processed in this way - rubies, sapphires, opals, topazes, tourmalines, beryls. Of course, rubies and sapphires are much rarer and much more expensive. However, even these noble stones can be seen with such a stunning effect.

Mineral deposits

The main deposit of chrysoberyl is Brazil. It is here that the main raw materials for processing are mined. There is also a chrysoberyl cat's eye in Sri Lanka, India and the Urals. Small deposits of minerals have been found in Madagascar.

The second most popular mineral for processing is quartz, it can be found in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Russia.

Cat's eye and magical properties

It is not for nothing that the cat's eye, having barely appeared, has won a firm place among magical talismans. The magicians immediately felt in him an amazing protective power and deep potential.

cat eye protects not only physical shell And inner world person, but also protects his relationship. It helps to avoid many quarrels, misunderstandings, jealousy and envy. The wearer of this stone will feel much more confident, his mood will become positive and less and less likely to worsen.

Love relationships are also protected by the cat's eye. The stone helps to build relationships with your soul mate, and for those who do not have it, it will help to attract the attention of a potential lover. He removes all adversity, and he will definitely warn about those that cannot be avoided. As change approaches, the stone begins to become heavier, touching the skin of its owner.

The cat's eye will teach you to trust your intuition, listen and see signs that were not available before. It will help you become more attentive, sensitive and delicate. It will become an excellent ally of speakers and people whose work is related to creativity or mental work.

The stone helps to win the favor of people, to unravel their secret motives, to protect themselves from lies and deceit. With him it will be easier to understand whose words are sincere and who wants to harm.

But it is better for unscrupulous citizens not to wear such a stone. He has his own attitude bad people- a stone can bring bad luck.

The healing properties of the mineral

Not only a magician, but also an excellent doctor came out of a cat's eye. Since he himself is an eye, he also gives to the organs of vision Special attention. Treats eye diseases, eliminates fatigue, helps to see better at night. It is especially recommended to wear a cat's eye for people working at a computer or with papers. When tired, it is enough to apply a stone to the eyes for a couple of minutes.

It is also believed that the stone copes with many diseases. of cardio-vascular system. Can normalize blood pressure during jumps. At high blood pressure it is recommended to wear yellow or orange stones, and with a reduced one - green or blue.

Often, the cat's eye was used and is used to this day by people suffering from diseases. respiratory tract. Pneumonia, tonsillitis, flu, even asthma - the cat's eye helps to cure such ailments. For greater effect, the stone should be worn around the neck in the form of a pendant or beads.

The stone stimulates, tones up the work of digestion, helps to cope with indigestion, and can even have a laxative effect.

For injuries, bone damage, internal inflammation, it is recommended to wear a cat's eye. He contributes rapid healing and repair of damaged tissues.

Depression, neurosis and other disorders are easier to experience with this stone. It will help you find inner peace and spiritual harmony.

Universal amulet

The cat's eye is versatile. It can be a wonderful talisman for both women and men. It perfectly balances the energy of masculine and feminine. So, he will help a woman gain the necessary grace and elegance, and a man - determination and firmness of character.
However, extremes in the nature of the stone does not encourage. On the contrary, it smoothes all corners, making a person more flexible and soft. For those who are hindered by softness in making decisions, it gives firmness and resilience. Aggressive helps to overcome irascibility, obsessed - to overcome manic passion.
Can be used as cat's eye money talisman, green and green stones are most suitable for this. yellow shades. They will help solve business and financial questions. It is good to look for a job with them, to ask for a raise or a raise. You need to store such a talisman along with money in your wallet.

Quartz of blue color will serve as a talisman that protects against the negativity of the surrounding people. They will protect from jealousy, envy, anger, hatred and other negative emotions.

by the most popular decoration with this stone can be called a pendant. In this form, its potential is most revealed - the cabochon cut looks great in a silver frame on a delicate female breast. The silver cut is the most common cut for the cat's eye. It is believed that in silver all magical, healing and other positive properties stones are expressed as much as possible.

Also, you can often find rings, rings, earrings with a cat's eye. They may be the most different colors, different transparency, with bright pronounced effect or not so much. Such a wide choice makes it possible to choose a piece of jewelry for any outfit - everyday or weekend.

However, you need to know one feature of the stone. He does not like other minerals. Cat's eye should be worn alone, so as not to overwhelm its beauty and effects with jewelry with other stones. It is even sometimes called a lone stone.

Another feature - the stone in the jewelry should be in direct contact with the wearer's skin. Sometimes, this is difficult to achieve, but in this way its positive magical properties will be revealed for sure.

The cat's eye stone suits according to the horoscope

The cat's eye is a stone that is flexible and not picky, it can be worn by all signs of the zodiac without exception. The main thing for him is the love of his owner. But the most useful cat's eye will be for representatives of the zodiac signs of the elements of water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. With them protective properties cat's eyes are most pronounced. Astrologers say that such a talisman is simply necessary for these signs.

In addition to water signs, the cat's eye pays special attention to women of the Libra sign. It is believed that it will enhance their natural sophistication, femininity and attractiveness, which will attract the attention of men.

Since the stone is very sensitive, it must be treated with extreme reverence - thoughts must be pure, otherwise the cat's eye will bring bad luck.

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The ancients believed that the cat's eye is associated with witchcraft. They even called it a little differently - the eye of the devil. Previously, only adherents of magic wore the mineral: sorcerers, wizards, shamans. They believed that the gem helped enhance their abilities.
The cat's eye is very beautiful stone, it has a beautiful sparkling glow and is rich in color. It's good that the times when this mineral was considered diabolical are irrevocably gone. Now you can wear jewelry and amulets with this gem without fear even ordinary people. And the sorcerers have not forgotten the legends of antiquity, they still put on jewelry with a stone when they need to perform a particularly serious ceremony.

Shade palette

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This interesting stone belongs to the "eye quartz" variety. Like other stones of this group, the cat's eye contains crystals of crocodolite and asbestos. It is the presence of these crystals that determines the iridescence of the stone surface.
A dark stone is valued more than a light one. It just stays in the ground longer, becoming more and more beautiful with every century.

No wonder the stone acquired such a name - in color it is very similar to a cat's eye. It may be green, yellow-green or have honey shade. There are stones and other colors.
Women and young people like to wear white stone as a talisman. A mineral that has a blue tone is unusually beautiful. The blue cat's eye can shimmer in shades from pale blue to green.
Minerals can be very different in color. Bright blue, calm blue, noble white, seasoned gray and even joyful orange minerals are often found in shop windows in jewelry and talismans.

Gems with a stripe having white shade. This strip appears when the stone is cut into a cabochon. Cutting the gem into two halves, the silver strip creates an original effect.

Magic features

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Now, when people have become much bolder, moved away from superstitions and stopped considering the cat's eye as a damn gem, all kinds of jewelry began to be made from this mineral. But talismans from it are not uncommon.
Revealing that the stone is not associated with Satan, people found in it a lot useful properties. For example, he protects the feeling of love from adversity. Those who do not want to part with their beloved should definitely purchase such an amulet.
Businessmen and careerists, due to their employment, may not be aware of miraculous properties mineral. But he can help them work more productively. By purchasing such a stone, ambitious people begin to notice a significant improvement in business, an increase in profits, and the appearance of good luck.
Protecting from failures and dangers, the stone becomes heavier on the body of its owner. So he warns of the onset of a black stripe or the appearance of ill-wishers on the horizon.
This property forces us to recognize that the gem is an excellent defender. It is recommended to set the mineral only in silver, as in this case it acquires even more abilities.. It should be noted that the "eye" is very picky - he definitely will not help an unscrupulous owner.

Choosing a stone by its color

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The huge supply of energy that this mineral conceals can bring both benefits and failures to people. Although they previously believed that the gem belongs to the forces of evil, it cannot seriously harm people. Even if a feline mineral is worn by a person who is unkind and dishonest, the maximum that an eyeball can do is to attract bad luck. He does not allow any deaths, serious illnesses and other misfortunes, no matter how much a person deserves it. This attitude allows us to consider the stone a real protector.
If you divide the minerals by color, you can see that the white gem is considered an excellent amulet for mothers. He helps them get rid of panic fears associated with children, from anxiety for them. In addition, the gem protects against female diseases.
The blue mineral "loves" dreamers. And even more he likes to fulfill their dreams. Of course, a blue stone cannot make a beggar a millionaire, but it can push him to the right way the stone is quite capable.

The green stone is mainly used in medicinal purposes. It is used to treat the most various ailments, but to a greater extent, the mineral seeks to heal diseases of the throat. Any cold will come to naught if you take action in time and turn to the stone for help.
With the help of a stone sunny hue women can adjust the cycle, the elderly - arterial pressure. Experts recommend it even at the first signs of asthma. Tired of fighting the influence of the "green" serpent, they are surprised to find that the cat's eye is a real salvation from this pernicious passion.
Natural cat stone has long been used to treat mental disorders. Earlier diseases psychics explained by the influence of the devil, and therefore used this gem to expel Satan from the body of the patient.
But the most important property of the eye is the ability to enhance the effect of drugs. Any cat's eye helps to heal faster, because not always medicines have a full range of resources to combat the disease.
Summarizing all the properties of the mineral, it is worth saying that a beautiful cat's eye, as if reflecting strong energy predator, is very popular among those who want to make a noticeable change in their lives.
Green, yellow, brown, blue, snow-white mineral sometimes becomes a real salvation. When choosing a gem by shade, you need to remember what goals you are pursuing: do they meet the parameters of kindness that this mineral loves so much. And if so, then the talisman can be safely purchased.

Perhaps this is the most mysterious stone, because the cat itself is a charming, cute, but at the same time mystical animal. It is no coincidence that she was revered and is still revered by many peoples as sacred.

Cat's eye is chrysoberyl, which usually has yellow-green hues. But it is not so much this that unites him with the cat's eye, but a characteristic strip running through the center of the gem. The effect is achieved after the treatment of the stone - and indeed, it looks exactly like a cat's eye, and in the dusk it mysteriously glows like the eyes of a cat.

There are quite a few varieties of this gem in shades - golden, red, pink, blue, purple and even emerald. To do right choice among such a variety of options, you need to know well the magical and healing properties of the cat's eye, as well as who suits this talisman stone by zodiac sign and by name. Details right now.

10 reasons why you should buy a cat's eye

It is interesting that the very effect of a cat's eye can be achieved by applying the corresponding strip even on precious stones, however, in the classical sense, this name refers to chrysoberyl, i.e. one of the many varieties of quartz.

This mineral represents the energy of the earth - reliability, stability and diligence. In addition, the earth perfectly heals a person from many diseases, helping to harmonize energy flows. That is why the cat's eye has many useful magical and medicinal properties, For example:

  1. The cat's eye literally attracts good luck in a person's life - it contributes to a favorable set of circumstances. When wearing this stone, you need to pay attention to the signs, because they can accurately suggest the right path, even if logic refuses to believe it.
  2. The stone protects the person in long trips, because it develops intuition - that very extrasensory perception that we call the inner voice.
  3. The gem allows you to solve psychological problems in relationships. He takes on the flows of negative energy, so that people who are in a quarrel can take a fresh look at the situation. It is only important to choose a convenient moment for a conversation - after all, there is a time for everything.
  4. The cat's eye quickly gets used to its owner. Like a cat that chooses only one owner, this talisman literally tunes in to a specific wave of a person and invisibly helps him in everyday affairs.
  5. Basically, the stone has a positive effect on the throat and bronchi. If there are any diseases respiratory system, it is better to wear this gem as close to the diseased organ as possible.
  6. The gem stimulates the processes of digestion, which is especially useful in cases where there are frequent constipation or heaviness in the abdomen. However, in case of chronic diarrhea, it is better to refrain from wearing this stone.
  7. The cat's eye cleanses the blood, stimulates hematopoiesis and activates blood flow to various organs and tissues. Thanks to this, the tone of the body increases, the pressure returns to normal, and therefore the general well-being improves noticeably.
  8. And the gem has a good effect on immunity, so it is especially recommended to wear it in winter period when infectious diseases peak.
  9. The gem helps to relieve fatigue from the eyes, which is especially important for people who constantly work at the computer.
  10. Finally, the stone helps a lot in the case of rheumatism and arthrosis, since it inhibits inflammatory processes.


The magical properties of the cat's eye have been known for several millennia. More recently, in the tomb of the cat Bastet, which was considered a sacred animal in Ancient Egypt found quite a few of these gems. The Egyptians were sure that the energy of the talisman manifests itself not only in this life, but also in the secret world of the shadows of the dead.

Egyptian cat Bastet

Stone according to the sign of the zodiac: who suits the cat's eye

When choosing a stone according to the sign of the zodiac, it is important to understand that the gem is more suitable for some representatives, and less for others. This does not mean that the wave of the stone is hostile, it just enhances some properties and weakens others. It is interesting that in the case of the cat's eye, when asked who this talisman stone suits according to the sign of the zodiac, we can say that almost everyone.

Of course, the horoscope different people has its own individual differences. But at the same time there is common features, characterizing the type of sign in accordance with its energy and elements. It is useful to know that the cat's eye is best suited to such representatives:

  1. First of all, these are the water signs of the zodiac - i.e. , fish and . These people are distinguished by a sentimental, tender soul, which they carefully protect from outside world. they keep their secrets securely, crayfish protect the family, and the scorpion will always be able to protect their own interests. However, all of them are characterized by long-term mood swings, which sometimes turn into real emotional troubles. The cat's eye is able to extinguish negative energy and also protects against accidents. What if the person is busy? creative profession, a stone can become a real source of inspiration, because it extinguishes unnecessary thoughts and encourages the generation of new ideas. True, the stars do not recommend that crayfish and scorpions wear a cat's eye with other gems - then the effect of its wave will be greatly weakened.
  2. Representatives of a gentle, sentimental and somewhat even aristocratic sign are also recommended to add a cat's eye to their home collection of elegant things. stone promotes romantic feelings, emphasizes the tenderness of such ladies, and gives men the opportunity to dream and be inspired by original ideas.

Otherwise, almost all representatives can use the magical properties of the cat's eye. However, it is important to understand that bright, temperamental people are best suited for stones with red and orange flowers- they correspond to the energy of the sun and improve performance.

But for people who are shy, sentimental, the gem will help to feel more confident and reveal previously unknown sides of nature.

Stone by name: how to make the right choice

The person's name is the whole world which is interesting even in itself. However, like all worlds, the name does not exist separately from other signs and symbols. The combination of sounds is in harmony with individual waves, neutral to others and repelled by third ones. Even intuitively, we always like one name, and another simply causes rejection. That is why, when choosing a talisman stone, you need to pay attention not only to its magical properties, but also to the connection with the name.

So, in the case of a cat's eye, the most powerful combination for such names is:

  • for a girl named Alexandra, the stone will become a real amulet that keeps her from negative emotions people and from accidents;
  • Konstantin's cat's eye will give stamina and help in making difficult decisions.

Otherwise, this gem is quite neutral - that is, almost everyone can use it. Of course, one must also take into account taste preferences- intuition can never be written off. Personal attitude to the choice of a gem, which also claims to be a talisman, is very important condition choice.

And finally: how to enhance the beneficial effects of the cat's eye

The energy wave of any gem increases or decreases depending on combinations with other stones, as well as on the conditions of use and care of the product. The cat's eye stone is a rather interesting talisman. On the one hand, he is unpretentious, but on the other hand, non-compliance with certain rules can lead to a strong weakening of his energy. Here's what you need to pay attention to first:

  1. Not allowed to purchase a cat's eye stone from the previous owner - you need to be sure that no one has worn the product before. As already mentioned, the cat's eye literally gets used to specific person and remembers its wave, so do not use worn products.
  2. For the same reason can't let go jewelry from a cat's eye to another person - even for a while.
  3. Since the gem is quite absorbent negative energy, his need to be cleaned periodically, mostly done with running water. It is necessary to rinse the stone for 5 minutes under a cold stream of water.
  4. Do not use while washing any detergents. Of course, you can not scrape the surface of the stone.
  5. Interestingly, it is best to wear a stone as an ornament. on ring. And it has its own symbolism. If the owner is most concerned about progress in work, it is best to put a cat's eye on forefinger any hand. If in this moment more relevant personal life- wear the stone ring finger any hand.

The mysterious and in its own way attractive cat's eye will become your reliable friend. The stone is able to adapt to the energy of almost any person, so the choice depends only on personal preferences and prompts from the inner voice.

Everyone famous stone Cat's eye is a type of chrysoberyl. It appears in the form of a processed stone, in the middle of which there is a bright strip of light.

At natural stone, if you turn it, the bar will move. This transfusion effect is very similar to the pupil of a cat. Hence the name Cat's eye.

It has various colors:

  • Golden.
  • Green.
  • Golden green.
  • Grey.
  • Grey-green.

The mineral has the highest hardness, is considered rare and highly valued. It can be transparent and translucent, and also has a glass sheen when polished.

This mineral has its own magical properties of the stone:

  1. Helps in the family to maintain love, fidelity, well-being.
  2. Helps people find self-confidence.
  3. Able to reconcile enemies, makes him softer and kinder.
  4. It is advised to wear the mineral in adolescence which helps them deal with psychological problems and life difficulties.
  5. Protects from dark forces, the evil eye.
  6. Often used in magical rituals capable of predicting the future.

It should be noted! The cat's eye is more suitable for peaceful people, as it does not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. He will help them peacefully solve all problems.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

Astrologers have long been arguing about who suits the Cat's eye according to the horoscope. It can suit almost every sign of the zodiac, and is also able to give energy.

Consider in the table by the elements how the mineral affects the signs of the zodiac:

The Cat's eye talisman will serve perfectly creative people, diplomats, teachers. It will help them discover new talents, easily and freely communicate with people, give charm and affection.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

In addition to chrysoberyl, the effect of a cat's eye can also be expressed in other stones:

  • Tourmaline.
  • Aquamarine.
  • Quartz.
  • Apatite.
  • Moon rock.
  • Scapolite.

It should be noted! Many varieties of cat's eyes have a certain golden hue.

In addition to color, the mineral has varieties in its transparency and expression of a clear effect of a cat's eye. If the effect is more pronounced and the transparency of the stone is higher, its value increases.

How much: price

Price for gem depends on some features:

  • Color.
  • Hardness.
  • Weight.

A golden mineral, very rare, therefore it has a high cost, it costs more precious than a diamond. Currently, there are many analogues on sale, which are made of glass and plastic.

There is synthetic chrysoberyl, it costs much higher than glass, and according to appearance very hard to tell from the real thing.

Due to the high cost of the stone, many different fakes are now being made. Many do not know how much a natural cat's eye costs, and when purchasing a fake, they pass it off as a real one. The raw mineral is slightly inferior in price to products made from it.

It should be noted! Only natural stones endowed by nature with these properties can have magical and healing properties.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

The cat's eye is widely used in jewelry.

It is made from various expensive items and ornaments intended for women as well as men:

  • Beads.
  • Cufflinks.
  • Necklace.
  • Rings.
  • Rings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Earrings.
  • Beads.

A specialist is needed to work with stone highest quality in order to get a decoration of high quality and expensive. The stone is cut, which gives it a glassy sheen, so that the line is in the center. To improve its color, the mineral is subjected to additional heating.

The mineral goes well with gold and silver.

Medicinal properties: are they?

The cat's eye has certain healing properties.

He is able to help people and heal them with the following ailments:

  1. Diseases of the throat, respiratory tract, bronchial asthma.
  2. nervous tension, mental disorders and stress.
  3. Chronic heart disease, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Able to cure eye disease, restores vision.
  5. It will cure diseases of the kidneys, pyelonephritis, liver, pancreas.
  6. Relieves headaches, overexertion, excitability.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system.
  8. Diseases high degree severity, cancer.

It should be noted! The stone itself is not capable of healing, but it enhances therapy and the effect in the treatment of various drugs.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

Natural Cat's eye is an expensive stone, the cost is the same as a diamond. Therefore, by purchasing it, you can buy a fake, instead of the real one.

Determine the authenticity will not amount special work. The mineral is the hardest, so it will be difficult to scratch it. The crystal itself leaves scratches on the glass.

Another way to distinguish a fake is its brilliance. If the stone is placed in a dark place, it will emit a real pupil of a cat, which cannot be said about an artificial one.

Should know! The difference between a natural stone and a fake will be bright color. Fake is much brighter and more beautiful than natural.

Mineral deposits

The mineral has numerous deposits:

  • Sri Lanka.
  • Madagascar.
  • Russia.
  • India.
  • Brazil.
  • Tansas.

Most expensive stones the best sample is mined in Madagascar and on the island of Sri Lanka. Small green minerals are mined in India.

It should be noted! Stones with different shades and different deposits have an effect.

Care and storage

Although the mineral has a high hardness, it can be harmed by Not proper care and storage.

To care for him, you need to follow these helpful tips:

  1. Protect the crystal from extremes of high and low temperatures.
  2. It must be washed in warm soapy water then blot dry with a soft natural fabric.
  3. Store in a different place from other existing jewelry.
  4. Regularly polish it with a natural cloth to give it a shine.
  5. Do not allow contact of cosmetics, various creams and chemicals.

With proper care and storage of the Cat's eye, it will serve as a talisman and amulet for a long time in response to its owner.

Useful video

One of the strongest amulets and simply mysteriously beautiful stones is the cat's eye. Its properties are known both in astrology and in medicine, and the magical properties of the cat's eye are closely related to its owner.

The color of a cat's eye can be very different. In most cases, it is golden green or gray-green in color and has a stripe that is very reminiscent of a cat's constricted pupil due to its interesting overflow. Traditionally, yellow chrysoberyl and green quartz. Used to make cufflinks, bracelets and beads, as well as rings and earrings. Booty it unique stone established in Russia and the Russian Urals, where chrysoberyl eye stones are mined. There are also deposits in Sri Lanka and Madagascar, and quartz cat's eye is mined in countries such as India, Brazil and the Czech Republic.

Children are recommended to wear cat-eye jewelry, preferably as a neck amulet. From the point of view of Astrology, it suits representatives of the water element: Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, since the stone itself is associated with water. Those born under the influence of the constellation Libra can also use the power of this stone to emphasize the romantic feelings and tenderness of their own nature. Very well suited for creative people and those who are designers, artists, writers and musicians by profession. He will bring them new ideas and a fresh look for everyday things.

Healing properties of cat's eye stone

Healers use it to treat the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and throat diseases. In some countries, he is prescribed the property to positively influence nervous system and even cure mental illness. It relieves phobias and fears, helps to cope with depression. Can be used as a stress reliever as it has the ability to relax a person. It is not bad to keep caskets or jewelry made of this stone in sight with frequent surges. It is also believed that due to its healing effect, wounds heal faster, and protective reflexes develop better in the body. Develops the will, favorably affects the pancreas.

The magical properties of the stone

Since ancient times it has been considered a talisman, so it is worn to protect against damage, the evil eye and from enemies. It is believed that it helps its owner to get behind enemy lines, but to his master evil people doesn't let up. It has a strong reaction to the enemies of the owner, treats them aggressively and does not tolerate them at all. Therefore, when a person who wishes harm to the owner of the cat's eye stone pays attention to such an amulet, he is likely to get into trouble: the stone deals with him in this way. In communication with friends, he sets up a frank and sincere conversation, and the owner of the stone will always be able to distinguish between love and good relations to yourself from other people. It cultivates prudence in a person and teaches to foresee, developing intuition. It is also believed that by giving such a stone to a person with whom you are in a quarrel, you are very likely to quickly improve relations and restore harmony between you.

If you want to strengthen your positive sides for which the cat's eye is responsible or you need a strong amulet - use unique properties this stone. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.04.2016 00:30

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