Development of the idea of ​​opening an atelier. Atelier business plan: documents, profitability, costs. How much money do you need to open an atelier (sewing workshop)

During a crisis, each person behaves completely differently: someone gives up and complains about life, while someone finds new potential in himself and strives to improve the quality of life. If you belong to the second category, then this article is for you.

There is currently a large number of business ideas that can be implemented almost from scratch or with minimal start-up costs. One of them is the opening of an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes. The advantage of such a business is the ability to open it at home and minimum investment. The idea is relevant for mothers on maternity leave, women who love needlework. Consider how to open a tailoring and repair shop, how much money it will take, and how to quickly implement the idea.

Atelier is a chance to earn good money for needlewomen

Room selection

The first step in organizing any business is choosing a location for its location. IN this case, there are several options for finding a room for an atelier:

  1. Business at home. If living space allows you to create at home. Convenient, no need to go anywhere, sit yourself and work. If own territory is in force small size not suitable, you can rent an apartment for a workshop. Still, renting residential real estate will cost less than other options, and very soon the initial costs can pay off.
  2. Commercial property rental is another option, especially if you want to create big brand tailoring and have the intention to develop on a large scale. But in this case, put up with higher prices. Even a basement in a large city, in a passable place, will cost a lot. average cost premises for a workshop in a relatively large city (with an area of ​​​​100 sq. M.) Will be about 150,000 rubles. You can also rent a smaller room (50 square meters) for 80,000 rubles. It all depends on the scale of your activity.
  3. Purchase of premises- an option for people with experience and the presence of investments. The advantage is that you save yourself from having to pay monthly rent. Flaw - large sum starting capital.

As you can see, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose - you have to decide on your own, in any case, the main thing is to aim the activity at making a profit.

Read also: Conditions, cost of the Tele2 franchise + reviews

Equipment and materials

For successful start activities will have to purchase some items of equipment as well as materials. For example, you will need to buy sewing machines and related items for operation, and you will also have to purchase fabrics, threads, needles. The cost of equipment also varies, depending on the novelty.

You can buy used items or opt for new ones. However, everyone decides for himself what to prefer. Mostly people with an average income level turn to the atelier, who want to stand out from the crowd and make clothes to order. In addition, people with a non-standard figure, full and obese, or vice versa, thin people come to use such services. Therefore, it is important to choose the style of the institution that you open, and then decide the rest of the aspects.

You can purchase both new and used equipment

In general, the purchase of slightly used equipment and new quality materials from abroad will cost 200,000 rubles. If you are planning to open a large atelier, then get ready for high costs, which can reach up to 500,000 rubles.

Note: if you don't have own experience running a business, it is not worth taking risks and investing too much money on initial stage. It's better to get an order and then buy the material.

Atelier service

If you want to not just sew on your own, but open a whole company, then you will need to hire the following employees:

  1. Manager. He will be engaged in taking orders and advising real and potential customers. One employee for a small establishment will be enough. You can entrust him with the maintenance of cash register equipment and the conduct of cash register operations. Average wage manager in big city starts from 30,000 rubles per month.
  2. Seamstresses. Suppose you are going to open a studio for 3 sewing machines. Therefore, for shift work, they will need 6 seamstresses (schedule - 2/2). The salary of one seamstress is 20-30 thousand rubles. The cost of professional services is estimated at a large value.
  3. Cleaning woman. You can clean the premises yourself, or you can use the services of cleaning "on the side". It all depends on the scope of the activity and your personal wishes.

Atelier's clients are middle-income people who want to look fashionable and original.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 405,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 157,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 310,300 rubles.
  • Payback - from 2 months.

Note: This business plan, like all others in the section, contains average price calculations, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will make detailed business plan atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes with calculations of expenses and income.

Service description

This article will consider the business plan of a small atelier engaged in tailoring and repair ready-made clothes on the orders of their customers. The possibility of restoration of textile products is also expected. The sale of finished products will be carried out through the studio itself, where professional employees will work.

We'll consider legal aspects of this business, existing risks and difficulties, we will calculate the planned income and expenses, draw conclusions about the level of profit and payback.

Market analysis

Before proceeding to the development of their own project, any competent businessman must analyze the market of the industry in which he is going to open his own business.

At present, domestic light industry is in a serious and already quite protracted crisis.

If you look at the chart, you can immediately see that the dynamics are disappointing. Compared to 2005, they began to produce goods much less. And all this despite the fact that the demand for textile products is constantly increasing. In addition, although clothes are not the goods that are bought every day, everyone needs them.

Fashion has a huge impact on consumers. Today, many people hesitate between expensive goods from Italy and cheap ones from China. The first ones are of high quality and exclusivity, which cannot be said about the second category. People with low income prefer comfortable and cheap clothes. They are ready to buy Belarusian knitwear, Turkish goods.

In a separate category, handmade products can be distinguished. These goods are especially in demand among those Russian consumers who cannot afford Italian things, but want to dress stylishly, fashionably and are willing to pay for quality.

But not everything is so rosy. There are a number of reasons why the pressure on small studios is increasing. These include:

  1. A large number of shopping centers with a huge selection of clothes (including high-quality European ones).
  2. The departure of some Russians abroad to shop for clothes. Today, many people dress in foreign shops and boutiques when traveling.
  3. Weighty amount Russian designers, whose boutiques are located in big cities. And the number of fashion designers is constantly growing, increasing competition in the clothing segment.

In order to understand in which direction to act, a businessman must determine the specifics of his atelier, correlating it with potential buyers. The matter is as follows:

  • Representatives with a high level of income prefer fur and leather products. Often they buy handmade knitted goods in the atelier.
  • The middle class turns to private ateliers for dresses and suits for various celebrations (weddings, anniversaries). They buy fur coats and sheepskin coats here.
  • Low-income citizens turn to the studio, as a rule, to repair their existing clothes.
  • Organizations come to such salons to order overalls, school uniform, corporate clothing, dance costumes.

Our studio will be focused mainly on the middle and low-income class. The main competitors will be:

  1. large, medium and small clothing stores famous brands(but not boutiques);
  2. other ateliers;
  3. wedding salons;
  4. home dressmakers;
  5. online clothing stores.

The main competitive advantages will be: exclusivity, high quality, tailored tailoring. The price will not be the main instrument of struggle, but it will be aimed at middle class consumer.

It is also very important to choose the right place for your atelier. As a rule, such salons are opened on the first floors of buildings or in shopping centers. It is important to have high traffic, especially if you focus on repairing clothes. You need to start choosing a room by studying the following questions:

  1. Citizens with what level of income live in this area of ​​the city?
  2. What facilities are available for work in the area?
  3. What is the level of competition in the place where you plan to open an atelier?

Separately, I would like to dwell on the Internet studio, which today are gaining more and more popularity. This industry is also very promising at the present time. The idea is to make clothes with individual prints and attributes. But it is almost always not hand-tailored.

Here is the data of just a few companies. It can be seen that women's clothing brings the greatest return. In second place were shoes, and in third place were sweatshirts. These niches are actively developing today, attracting an increasing number of customers.

SWOT analysis

To assess your own capabilities, you need to conduct a thorough SWOT analysis, which will help identify a number of factors that affect or may affect the work of the future atelier. They are usually divided into external and internal circumstances. TO external factors can be attributed:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Attract customers by offering very high quality and attractive clothing.
  • Low level of competition among the studio.
  • Attraction of new working resources.
  • Using a huge range of models to make the client's dreams come true.
  • A large number of technological innovations, their constant use in work (we are talking not only about devices, but also technologies).
  1. Threats:
  • Serious tax burden.
  • The current unsatisfactory economic situation in the country.
  • Inflation, underestimating the real size of profits.
  • Increase in prices for consumables, accessories, rent.
  • seasonality of the business.

TO internal factors include:

  1. Strengths:
  • Experienced and qualified staff.
  • Opportunity to expand, increase production volume.
  • Excellent quality of manufactured clothes, as a result, and competitiveness.
  • Flexible assortment.
  • The use and continuous improvement of the technologies used in the work.
  • Carrying out a full production cycle (tailoring a finished product from scratch).
  1. Weak sides:
  • Lack of business experience.
  • The need to purchase materials that can become in demand and purchased after a long period of time.
  • Uncertainty in the city and in the goods market.

Opening an atelier is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because you will need good employees, comprehensive advertising, suitable premises, equipment and, of course, business acumen.

Opportunity Assessment

First of all, you need to decide on the premises. There are two options here:

  1. Opening at the mall. In this case, the main emphasis will be on fitting things, because customers will buy clothes in local stores. In this case, you will have to work not only qualitatively, but also quickly. A significant disadvantage will be the high cost of rent.
  2. Place your studio on the first floor of a multi-storey building or a small pavilion with a high level of traffic. Here the rent will be much lower. The main areas of work will be repair and tailoring.

It is possible to combine these two options by placing a collection point in a shopping center, and production directly in a residential area. But it suits already larger entrepreneurs.

In addition, the room should be at least 7-10 m 2 for comfortable work of employees. Subsequently, you can rent additional space.

We will consider the option when the studio is located in a room rented for a small price. This option is most suitable for beginner businessmen.

After choosing the premises, it is important to hire qualified staff. It is better if they are not only qualified, but also experienced professionals. The work will require the following workers:

  • seamstresses (3 persons);
  • cleaner (1 person);
  • administrator (1 person).

At first, the role of administrator can be performed by the entrepreneur himself.

The studio will be open as follows:

Total: 66 hours per week, 282 hours per month.

It is very important to consider seasonal fluctuations. As a rule, demand decreases markedly in winter time year, unless of course the studio is not engaged in sewing sheepskin coats, fur coats and other fur products. Ateliers sewing school uniforms and Wedding Dresses. It is desirable to provide a wide range of services so that the client can contact the salon at any time of the year.

If the studio becomes quite popular, you can create your own collections and put them up for sale without first receiving an order. You can also set up work on the manufacture of various fittings and accessories for clothing or cooperate with specialists in this field. This is about different colors, bows.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. First, you will have to go through the procedure of registering your own enterprise. In this case, you can choose or, but the latter will be easier in paperwork and more profitable in terms of taxes. When registering, an entrepreneur must also indicate OKVED codes. In this case, the following may be useful:
  • 93.5 - Providing other personal services to the public (it will act as the main code);
  • 18.2 - Tailoring from textile materials and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 - Tailoring of overalls;
  • 18.22 – Tailoring outerwear;
  • 18.24 - Tailoring of other clothes and accessories for it;
  • 52.74 - repair of household products, as well as items for personal use, not included in other groups.
  1. As a taxation system, you can choose: UTII, or.
  2. Conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and SES will be required.
  3. If an atelier (optional for UTII payers), then it must be registered with the tax service before starting activities.
  4. All documents must be formalized, including:
  • lease contract;
  • contract for the export of solid household waste and fluorescent lamps;
  • an agreement on carrying out activities of a sanitary and epidemiological nature.
  1. The studio should also have internal documentation, including accounting logs disinfectants and emerging waste, garbage.
  2. The existence of a production control program (PPC) will reduce the number of inspections carried out by supervisory authorities.
  3. Employees must have health books. They must undergo a medical examination on time.

Marketing plan

Quite peculiar approaches to advertising when opening an atelier. Many of the usual tools will be inefficient and unlikely to recoup the costs. The following methods can be considered the most suitable:

  1. Advertising in glossy magazines. Here it is important to look for more popular local publications with an emphasis on beauty, clothes, fashion.
  2. Advertising in newspapers ads. But there is no need to be zealous, since the ads will not bring a huge number of responses.
  3. Conducting own PR-events and participation in strangers. It can be, for example, fashion shows, receptions for a certain circle of people.
  4. If one of the specializations of the atelier is the tailoring of wedding dresses, then information about their services should be placed in the relevant catalogs.
  5. Various forms of direct marketing.
  6. Placing advertisements in various institutions (offers for tailoring school uniforms at a discount for a large number of people, for example).
  7. Internet advertising. This can be communication on local thematic forums, sending messages to local residents.
  8. Souvenir products can also attract potential customers. It must be something unusual and interesting.

You must immediately understand that the largest number customers will come on the recommendations of people who have already received a quality service. Someone will come to the studio through an acquaintance. And already the smallest part will go after seeing an advertisement somewhere. Therefore, it is not worth spending a huge amount of money on it.

We must not forget about the "word of mouth". This will be a powerful engine of development. Recommendations from satisfied customers are the strongest and effective advertising. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the services provided and the service. This will increase the number of visitors who came to the studio on the recommendations of their friends.

Calculation of projected income

Here are the averages. Much will depend on prices in the city. When calculating, it is possible to separate two areas of the atelier - tailoring and clothing repair. Then the first one will have smaller volumes, but a high check, and the second one will have the opposite.

Production plan

Here we will elaborate on necessary equipment. Naturally, after finding the premises, you will have to make, albeit small, but repairs.

The sewing machine requires the following equipment:

  • sewing machines (3 pieces);
  • overlock (2 pieces);
  • iron (1 piece);
  • ironing board(1 piece).

In addition, you will need consumables in the form of scissors, patterns, needles and other things.

Furniture needed:

  • chairs (5 pieces);
  • armchairs (2 pieces);
  • tables (4 pieces);
  • fitting room (1 piece);
  • lamps (4 pieces);
  • mannequin (1-2 pieces);
  • mirrors.

To work as an administrator, you will need office equipment, namely:

  • telephone;
  • computer;

Some equipment can be bought already used to save money at first.

organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profitability: 157,000/405,000 = 38.77%. This is a very high figure.
  • Payback: 310,300/157,000 = 1.97. Consequently, a businessman will be able to return his investments after 2 months of fruitful work.


Any studio owner sooner or later faces the following obstacles:

  1. Work with non-standard figures. For people with the usual parameters to go to the studio, in principle, there is no reason, they can pick up things for themselves in the store. Here you need to understand that customers will contact the studio with tall, large volumes and other features.
  2. The lack of a large number of professionals who can quickly and efficiently sew. You need to understand right away what you will have to look for among people who are already adults, with Soviet hardening. The new fashion school in Russia is seriously inferior to its predecessors. Experienced craftsmen even harder to find.
  3. Understatement. Sometimes clients suddenly stop contacting the studio. It is very difficult to determine what the reasons were. It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the number of regular customers. Even the most a good thing, whose button came off at the very wrong moment, may be the reason for the refusal of the services of the studio.
  4. Lack of demand for a number of formats. Today it mostly concerns elite ateliers. Salons that work with people of average income are more variable. They can quickly reorganize, change the approach to work.
  5. Business seasonality. Summer and January are considered dead seasons in the clothing business. There may be exceptions depending on the focus of the studio. At this time, it is very important to find an alternative - perhaps sewing leather and fur products, bed sheets, curtains.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

It would seem that due to the large-scale supply of clothing for any "taste and color" from China, open trade channels with Europe and America, sewing studios had to become obsolete due to the lack of demand for services. But no, the demand for the work of tailors, on the contrary, has increased dramatically, and this business has become quite popular. It is enough to look on the Internet and check the statistics on the request “ready-made business plan for a tailoring and repairing atelier”, and everything will become clear.

What is the reason for such a dynamic growth in the popularity of sewing services, we will analyze in more detail in this business plan, which, without claiming to be exceptionally complete, can serve as an excellent guide when compiling own plan actions in organizing garment business, or after a little adaptation - to serve ready-made instructions to create a business.

We warn you that all the above calculations are relevant for the second half of 2016 for Moscow and the central regions of Russia. In other areas, the indicators given in the business plan differ significantly from the real ones.


This project is a business plan for a tailoring studio with a payback period of 7-9 months.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the consumer market by providing tailor-made services, clothing repair, restoration and alteration of things to another size.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of doing business: IP

The total cost of the project: 100 - 250 thousand rubles

Payback period: 4 to 6 months

Included in the calculations interest rate: 25% per annum

The total interest payment will be: 8 334 - 31 250 rubles

The investor's income will be: 8 334 - 31 250 rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

Main stages of project implementation

The beginning of the project implementation - immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receiving credit funds.

The main stages for the implementation of this project, the conditions and terms of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesConditions for their implementationDeadlines for the implementation of the stages
project start 1 month
obtaining borrowed fundsavailability of the appropriate package of documents1-30 days
entering into the USRIP, tax and administrative registrationIP education1-30 days
purchase of premises, paperwork 1 month
purchase and installation of equipmentgetting a loan1 month
hiring 1 month
conducting a marketing campaign all the time

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

Premises for business organization

Search suitable premises must meet the following factors:

  • Location in a residential area of ​​the city, or in a large shopping center. Advantage last version in the high traffic of such establishments. In addition, when buying clothes, people want to put them on right away, but often small “fits” for a specific figure are needed, for example, hemming the length, for example, of jeans or trousers. But this location imposes some restrictions on the specifics of the atelier, consisting in the provision of precisely minor repairs and tailoring of things. It is unlikely that the shopping center will order tailoring to order. In addition, the cost of rent in the shopping center is much higher than in a separate building.
  • The first or ground floor of a building. Any stairs are potential obstacles for clients, so the location of the studio on the floors above the first is a possible loss of visitors;
  • Location of the entrance from a busy street;
  • Availability of several parking spaces;
  • Possibility of installation of a sign of the necessary sizes;
  • An area of ​​at least 20 sq. meters with the possibility of dividing into 3 main areas: a working room, a fitting room, and a room for receiving clients. After achieving certain results in business, the area of ​​​​the premises can be increased;
  • If it is possible to open an atelier next to existing clothing or fabric stores, or shoe repair shops, this will be a definite plus.
  • The premises must comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the GPN, which will determine its readiness for work and draw up an act-conclusion.

Decoration of the studio

An important condition for the comfort of customers in the studio is visual perception internal interior. What do ordinary sewing studios look like? Carelessly laid out everywhere, only things of clients are possible, mountains of shreds, cuts of fabrics, spare parts for sewing machines ok, etc. What client wants to come back here again?

Another thing is if a small cosmetic repair is made in the room, mirrors are hung on the walls, a TV is hung, cushioned furniture, on coffee tables there will be fashion magazines. You can install a cooler, equip a small stand with recommendations on how to choose the right clothes so that they emphasize or vice versa, hide the outlines of the figure.

Little things like that make up positive impression client about the image of the studio, and it will be possible to say with confidence that in the event of a need, a person will no longer doubt where to go to resolve his issue.


The number of staff will directly depend on the number of clients, therefore, in the first six months of the atelier's work, the staff will consist of:

  • 1 cutter-universal capable of cutting both the top and light clothing both for men and women;
  • 2 seamstresses, concurrently taking turns performing the duties of a cleaning lady;
  • Administrative director (his role can be performed personally by the owner of the atelier at the stage of business formation), taking orders, fashion designer, marketing director, etc.

The main criteria in the selection of personnel are the availability of sufficient qualifications, experience, responsibility, and decency. The remuneration of the staff of a sewing studio is often formed according to the “rate + percentage of the order amount” scheme (usually 15-30%).

The employment contract should Special attention pay attention to the liability of employees. Often, clients bring expensive things to the studio for repair, or material for tailoring, and in case of damage to the order, the employee must be fully responsible for his mistakes.

Business registration

As a type of doing business, it will be possible to issue an IP, or register an LLC.

OKVED codes for opening an atelier:

  • 93.5 - Providing other personal services to the public (it will act as the main code);
  • 18.2 - Sewing clothes from textile materials and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 - Tailoring of overalls;
  • 18.22 - Tailoring of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - Tailoring of other clothes and accessories for it;
  • 52.74 - repair of household products, as well as items for personal use, not included in other groups.

The possible choice of taxation system is represented by the 2 most optimal modes: USN and UTII. If desired, you can combine these two types of taxation.

For presentation to Rospotrebnadzor, agreements must be concluded with the relevant services for:

  • Removal of household waste;
  • Carrying out sanitary and epidemiological procedures in the studio at a certain time interval;

Each employee must have a personal medical book with an up-to-date mark on passing a hygiene test according to the sanitary minimum. Internal logs for disinfection products, household waste movement, etc. may also be required for verification.

This business does not require significant investments, and pays off relatively quickly, but these factors do not at all relieve those who want to start a business from the need to draw up a business plan for a tailoring and repairing atelier.

The economic crisis that occurred in the country in 2014 “cleansed” the market for the provision of sewing services from “random” people and unscrupulous entrepreneurs in it, and at present the level of competition for small businesses in the clothing industry is relatively low.

marketing plan

Today, the state of the consumer market for sewing services is experiencing some difficulties in attracting clients on the one hand, and the possibility of a potential rise on the other. People have become more selective in their spending, motivating this by a decrease in income against the backdrop of general increase prices, but also try to use things, in this case, wear clothes to the end, ie. repair it instead of buying a new one.

Statistics for the last 3 incomplete years(since the imposition of sanctions against Russia) shows that for elapsed period time, the ratio of closed sewing studios to open ones is approximately 5:2. There have also been fundamental changes in the specifics of services. If until 2014 the order for tailoring was very popular, now the demand for clothing repair has increased. The exceptions are well-known model houses and eminent couturiers.

In itself, opening a sewing studio from scratch requires minimal costs. An economy-class establishment serving low- and middle-income customers can start operating at 7-10 sq. meters of the room, having a couple of old sewing machines in its “armament”. As the "promotion" of the studio "overgrows" client base, popularity, acquires new equipment, increases the staff.

The main advantage in the competitive struggle of sewing ateliers has now become the professionalism of its staff. If a few years earlier, some workshops could refuse complex orders, or perform them not as well as the customer would like, then at present, in strict economic conditions, the number of "hacks" has been eliminated, and the remaining fashion designers compete among themselves in tailoring.

Similar business idea:

  • pillow restoration

The complexity of orders entails the need for qualified personnel. Now few masters will be able to turn products, replace the lining in a coat, or eliminate the wear of the fur. Besides this work requires special equipment.

The owners of the atelier, or those responsible for marketing and working with clients, should look for customers (namely, look for, and not wait for the person to come to the establishment!) Not only among people “from the street” and acquaintances. Large orders to positively proven ateliers come from various dance groups, theaters, and collectors. Uniforms and uniforms are in great demand. military clothing, etc.

To form a consumer opinion about the studio and attract the client mass, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • Place advertisements in public and specialized local print media and on TV;
  • Place ads in medium educational institutions preparing seamstresses, dressmakers, and cutters;
  • Create your own website describing the services and prices of the atelier;
  • Distribution of leaflets, flyers;
  • Periodically hold various promotions, introduce a discount system.

Do not forget the owner of the atelier himself and bring to the consciousness of each employee that the best advertising is a high-quality order, the wages of all employees depend on this.

The average prices for atelier services in the Central Federal District are shown in Table No. 2:

Tailoring of women's clothingCost, rub.Repair menswear(jeansCost, rub.
jacket tailoring8000-10000 shorten (sew)
skirt tailoring5000-6500 Shorten with "cooked
tailoring of trousers4500-6500 Sew on the middle
dress tailoring5000-8000 Zipper Replacement300-450
sewing a winter coat12500-18000 Darnfrom 350
sewing overalls8000-10000 Sew on the sides
250-300 per seam

Production plan

Basic equipment for a sewing studio:

  • Sewing machines for various purposes - straight stitch, hemming, knitting, furrier (for working with skins and furs);
  • Overlock;
  • steam generator;
  • irons;
  • Mannequins;
  • Tailoring tools (needles, scissors, measuring tape, etc.);
  • Ironing board;
  • Patterns;
  • cutting table;
  • Hangers;
  • Other accessories, oils for cars and other devices;
  • Computer for storing and processing information on orders;
  • MFP for scanning, copying, and printing the necessary images and texts.

In order to save equipment when opening a studio, you can buy used equipment, subsequently replacing it with a new one, and selling the old one.

More than 50% of women have a non-standard figure, for which it is very difficult to choose clothes, so it would be a great solution to study the presented atelier business plan with calculations and think about opening it. The traditional atelier provides consumers with a wide range of services - from clothing repair to tailoring of exclusive clothing models. Considering high level demand for such services in Russia, one can expect high profitability and a quick payback of the business.

Before opening a business, any project requires a detailed study - in particular, it is necessary to analyze the state of the market in the industry of interest, as well as the activities of competing companies. The first and main thing you need to know is that the modern Russian light industry in Russia is in a protracted crisis.

There is a slight increase. Compared to the 2000s, the output of clothing manufacturing enterprises has fallen - and this despite the fact that one can observe a stable demand for textile products. Despite the fact that clothing purchases are not carried out daily, this category of goods is necessary for everyone.

Why is this happening? What is the reason for this trend? This is the second factor to remember: a huge impact purchasing power in the industry is influenced by fashion trends. Outdated clothing goes out of use, it does not enjoy the interest and demand from consumers. Of course, there is a classic that never gets old, but it is in demand among a small percentage of buyers. Even if a person prefers inexpensive and convenient things, he will give preference to those that are fashionable.

It is immediately worth noting other pitfalls that the studio will definitely encounter as it works:

  • a large number of shops, markets, shopping centers, and in Lately– Online stores offer huge selection quality clothes;
  • many Russian buyers make special trips to other countries to buy clothes there;
  • the number of independent Russian designers is increasing.

In order to understand the direction of his work, an entrepreneur must choose the specifics of the atelier's activities - this will help to work purposefully for potential consumers. Below are the main areas of activity:

  • production of exclusive fur, leather and knitted products for buyers with a high level of income;
  • production of dresses and suits for solemn events- weddings, graduations, anniversaries;
  • production of uniforms, specialized and corporate clothing, suits for sports;
  • mending clothes, its restoration.

The main competitive advantages of the atelier are individual approach to the fulfillment of each order, tailoring according to the figure and taking into account the requirements of the client, handmade, high quality, exclusivity. Although the price will not act as the main marketing tool, you can use it as an attractive factor for customers.

The so-called Internet studios are gaining more and more popularity. These enterprises began to appear in the last few years. Experts assess such projects as highly promising. This type The atelier involves the production of clothes with individual prints and images, which can be selected on the company's website. Sewing is not done by hand.

SWOT analysis

In order to correctly assess our own capabilities, consider the analysis attached below. With it, you will be able to find out what factors - both internal and external, can affect future activities studio.

External factors
Possibilities Threats
1. Exclusivity and handmade.

2. High quality offered clothing.

3. Attractive appearance products and fashion trends.

4. Low level of competition among the studio.

5. Wide range of services.

6. The possibility of using new technical means and technologies.

1. High level of taxes.

2. Economic risks, including inflation.

3. Increase in the cost of consumables, fabrics, accessories.

4. Seasonal factor.

Internal factors
Strengths Weak sides
1. Qualified and experienced staff.

2. Ability to expand production volumes, add new services to meet the needs of each client (high level of customer focus).

3. High level of competitiveness due to product quality.

4. Flexibility of assortment.

5. Regular improvement of technologies.

1. The entrepreneur's lack of experience in the represented business area.

2. Lack of a good reputation in the city.

3. The need to purchase materials in advance, which may long time not be used.

From the analysis presented, it can be concluded that positive factors much more than negative ones, but this does not mean that they can be ignored. Keep in mind that you may think that opening an atelier is a simple process. In fact, you may encounter many difficult questions– starting from the search for suitable premises and ending with a specific choice of advertising.

The choice of premises for the opening of the atelier for tailoring or repairing clothes

One of the most important issues in a business plan for opening an atelier with calculations is the competent choice of premises. As a rule, it is recommended to open such salons in shopping malls or on the first floors of residential buildings. Remember that the place must be very passable - especially if you plan to specialize in repairing clothes or furs. Let's consider each option in more detail:

  1. Shopping mall. When choosing the specifics of the activity, focus on the repair and fitting of clothes - the client can purchase a thing in one of local stores and immediately turn to you to hem it to fit. An excellent service option would be an urgent fit. The disadvantage that you may encounter is the rather high level of rent.
  2. The first floor of a residential building. A good option for a full-fledged atelier for tailoring and developing your own models. You can give preference to a large room, as the cost of renting it will be quite low.

It is also possible to combine the two options presented - in this case, the point of receiving and issuing orders will be located in the shopping center, and the direct production - in a residential area. However, this option is recommended for those companies that have already acquired their own client base.

Now consider the basic requirements that the room should have:

  • The minimum area of ​​the establishment is 30 square meters. Each employee should have 4-7 square meters of space for comfortable work. You will also need an area for a reception room, utility room, warehouse, fitting room;
  • key attention should be focused on the design of seamstress jobs. First of all, it is important to organize a high-quality lighting system - it must fully meet the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1- There must be access to a 380 V mains supply for effective work sewing equipment;
  • the room must have a good ventilation system. Wall decoration is carried out using high-quality washable material. The floor should also be finished with a material that is easy to clean. It is not recommended to give preference to carpeting - it is very difficult to remove sewing waste from it.

Be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to carry out repairs in the selected premises in order to fully meet the required standards.

Organizational and legal issues

Opening an atelier for tailoring or repairing clothes of an individual entrepreneur is an advantage in the form of a significant simplification of bookkeeping, as well as a reduction in tax on income received. When should you open an LLC? If you plan to further expand into a clothing store or open a business with a partner.

Below is a list of OKVED codes that you can use to process business registration documents:

  • 5 - Provision of other personal services to the population (basic code);
  • 2 - Sewing clothes from textile materials and clothing accessories;
  • 21 - Tailoring of overalls;
  • 22 - Sewing outerwear;
  • 24 - Tailoring of other clothes and accessories to it;
  • 74 - Repair of household products, as well as items for personal use, not included in other groups.

There are several possible taxation systems - USN, UTII, patent system. In order to give preference to the optimal one, consult with a specialist in legal matters. It will help you make a choice based on the specifics of the business, region, form of ownership and other factors.

What documentation is required to open a studio:

  • conclusions from the state authorities of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • lease contract;
  • an agreement on the removal of household waste and lamps;
  • safety log and evacuation plan.

Note that even in terms of required package documents, opening an atelier is more profitable than other business projects.

Selection of personnel and equipment

To open a repair or tailoring atelier, the main cost item will be the purchase of high-quality sewing equipment. Another advantage for you is that sewing equipment is quite inexpensive. We list the main positions:

  • Sewing machines;
  • overlock;
  • cutting table;
  • ironing board and iron;
  • a set of tools for cutting and sewing;
  • hangers and mannequins.

The cost of the entire set will not exceed 150 thousand rubles. At the initial stages of operation, this equipment will be enough, later you can buy more necessary equipment according to customers' needs.

Second important question is recruitment. You will need:

  • two permanent seamstresses and one shift master;
  • part-time cutter administrator;
  • cleaning woman.

All employees must have sanitary books with the necessary marks.

good decision with large volumes of work, there will be hiring employees who work on the principle of freelance, that is, they are not on the staff and can take orders at home.

What services can a tailoring and repair studio provide?

The list of possible services provided by the studio is very wide - depending on consumer demand, seasonal and other factors, you can expand or narrow this range. Below are some service examples:

  • replacement of zippers and buttons;
  • darning clothes, stripes;
  • repair of leather and fur products;
  • repair of sleeves and trousers;
  • fitting outerwear according to the figure;
  • repair and production of new pockets for clothes.

The most expensive services are the development and tailoring of your own clothing models. When expanding your business, you can also go into the sale of related products, such as fabrics and accessories. When working, be sure to take into account the seasonal factor, which was already mentioned above. For example, if you want to open a fur tailoring and repair shop, be sure to select alternative services on summer period time.

Marketing business plan for an atelier

Before opening an atelier, it is necessary to think over the main directions of the advertising campaign due to the fact that the business is quite specific in terms of promotion. The first thing to forget about is the usual promotion tools. They will not pay back the costs and will not bring a large flow of customers. Here are a few good examples for studio advertising:

  • advertising in newspapers and magazines - give preference to local publications;
  • holding PR events for new and regular customers - for example, it can be fashion shows of your products;
  • advertising on related sites - for example, if you produce wedding dresses, place ads on sites dedicated to marriage;
  • participation in exhibitions, fairs, etc.

This type of entrepreneurial activity helps to develop word of mouth - if you do your job well, customers will recommend you to other people.

Financial business plan for an atelier

Below are the costs you will face when opening a tailor shop. We recommend that you pre-calculate the initial and recurring costs before you start organizing a business.

Initial Costs
Organizational expenses Up to 2 thousand rubles
Preparing the selected premises for work, carrying out repairs From 30 thousand rubles
Purchase of furniture, sewing equipment From 200 thousand rubles
Purchase of the initial volume of raw materials for the production of clothing From 15 thousand rubles
Total: from 247 thousand rubles
Monthly expenses
Premises for rent From 20 thousand rubles
Payroll expenses From 100 thousand rubles
Advertising expenses From 10 thousand rubles
Costs for the purchase of raw materials and supplies From 10 thousand rubles
Other current expenses From 5 thousand rubles
Total: from 145 thousand rubles

After determining the required level of investment, it is necessary to think about projected returns. With a good load, the studio can bring in from 10 thousand rubles daily, that is, 300 thousand rubles of income per month. Amount of profit up to tax deduction 15% will amount to 155 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be 131 thousand 750 rubles. Thus, the studio can pay off in two months of active work.

Risk Analysis

Like other factors indicated in our business plan, the risks of the atelier will be very specific. However, this does not mean that they cannot be prevented:

  1. The need to work with non-standard figures. You will definitely face this risk, because a person with a standard figure can buy clothes in a regular store. You may need to work with clients who are overweight or physically handicapped. You have to be ready for this.
  2. Unqualified personnel. Unfortunately, the seamstress profession in last years ceases to be in demand, so find really good craftsmen difficult. Give preference to promising specialists, in the future you will be able to contribute to raising their qualifications through courses and trainings.
  3. constant change fashion trends. News from the fashion world will constantly have to study and adapt to them if you want to have among your clients modern people.
  4. Seasonality. This factor has already been mentioned above. It is not difficult to reduce its influence - it is enough to change the range of services depending on the season.

Open your own studio great option business for a small initial investment with good opportunities and growth prospects.

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes with economic calculations. This template has been prepared by experts in business planning, and the calculations are prepared in Excel format, which can be adapted to your project.

If you have any questions about the preparation of a business plan or calculations, you can ask us by mail, below in the comments or in the VKontakte group.


Goal: opening a tailoring studio in the center of the city of Perm

Objectives: Opening a tailoring shop aimed at clients with higher than average incomes and providing these clients with quality services.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is an entrepreneur who was previously engaged in this business on a self-employment basis. The entrepreneur decided to open an atelier due to the fact that the level of his clients is constantly growing, and it is already becoming bad to receive some clients in his apartment. In addition, the number of orders has reached such a level that he cannot cope alone.

Investment costs

The amount of investment costs will be 653 thousand rubles, which will be used mainly for repairs, purchase of equipment, tools and Supplies:

  • Business registration and obtaining permits - 38 thousand rubles.
  • Repair of the premises - 230 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 143 thousand rubles.
  • Acquisition of a tool - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of consumables - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture - 27 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising materials - 94 thousand rubles.

As a room for the studio, it is planned to rent a room in a residential building transferred to a non-residential fund, which has a separate entrance overlooking main street cities.

Project financing

To provide repair work it is planned to get a loan from a bank for up to 7 years, at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The apartment of the project initiator will be offered as collateral for the loan.

Project payback indicators

Based on the constructed calculation of the business plan of the atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, the following project performance indicators were obtained:

  • NPV - 3,658 thousand rubles;
  • - 1 year;
  • - 1.25 years (- 13.7%).

The calculation was based on a period of 10 years, the calculation was based on an inflation rate of 10%.

Suppliers and contractors

Local workers will be used as a repair team, who offered best conditions for the price and quality of work, and also have letters of recommendation, site, positive reviews.

As a supplier of equipment, tools and consumables, a company will be involved with which the entrepreneur has been working for a long time and from which he had previously taken equipment. There is an agreement on the supply of equipment at a 50% prepayment, which will reduce the initial investment in the business.


The atelier will offer its clients the usual set of services for tailoring, repairing and restoring clothes:

  • Tailoring and restoration of fur products;
  • Tailoring and restoration leather goods;
  • Tailoring of women's products from fabric and knitwear;
  • Sewing men's products from fabric and knitwear;
  • Sewing evening dresses;
  • Tailoring of suits;
  • Clothing restoration.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The amount of investment in the opening of an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes will be 1,070 thousand rubles. The cost breakdown is shown below:

Name of works/services/equipment Qty Price Sum
Business registration 10 000,00
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor 28 800,00
Premises project 30 000,00
Finishing work 100 000,00
Electrical and lighting device 100 000,00
Overlock 1 16 500,00 16 500,00
Straight stitch sewing machine 3 25 000,00 75 000,00
Ironing board 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
Steamer 1 12 000,00 12 000,00
cutting table 1 5 000,00 5 000,00
Iron 1 5 000,00 5 000,00
Hemming machine 1 10 000,00 15 000,00
Tools (scissors, rippers, needles, patterns, rulers, measuring tapes) 60 000,00
Consumables 60 000,00
tables 3 2 000,00 6 000,00
Chairs 6 1 000,00 6 000,00
Clothes receiving table 1 7 000,00 7 000,00
Dressing room 1 5 000,00 5 000,00
Desk lamp 3 1 000,00 3 000,00
Promotional materials
Signboard 50 000,00
Website 35 000,00
Vkontakte community 9 000,00
TOTAL 653 300,00

Investment payment and work plan

The payment plan for investment expenses is presented in the table below (thousand rubles):

The work plan for the opening of the atel is presented in the diagram below:


For the atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, a separate room was selected, located in a residential building, but having separate exit to the main street of the city. In addition, the room has a showcase where you can display finished goods and promotional materials. The layout of the room is shown in the figure below:

Below is the layout in 3D format:


Equipment was selected for work, which, according to the experience of the project initiator, has best ratio price / quality, and is also the most maintainable and has the least failures.

All purchased equipment is industrial, it was immediately decided to abandon household sewing machines due to the fact that they quickly fail. Frequent failure slows down the work of the workshop - you have to give it in for repair, wait several days, and sometimes weeks until the spare part arrives. As a result, it negatively affects the company's revenue.

Working hours

For the convenience of customers, the opening hours of the atelier for tailoring clothes were made similar to the opening hours of clothing stores and shopping centers - from 10-00 to 21-00. This is due to the fact that clients with above average incomes are quite busy people and cannot afford to leave work during the working day. And so, after 18-00 there is a lot of time to get to the studio and hand over or pick up clothes.

Service delivery process

The process of rendering services of our atelier does not differ from the process of other ateliers. Quite simply, it can be described as follows:

  1. The client comes to the studio and makes an order (in the order he describes what he wants, provides the material);
  2. The designer, together with the technologist, calculates the cost of the work and tells the client.
  3. If the client agrees, he makes an advance payment of 50% for the work.
  4. Taking measurements from the client.
  5. The material is being purchased.
  6. The material is cut.
  7. The product is being made.
  8. The client comes to the first fitting.
  9. After fitting, the clothes are finalized.
  10. The client comes for the second fitting and if everything is fine, he takes the clothes and pays the remaining amount for it.

Cost of services

The main cost of the services provided is the wages of the working staff. Thus, it is planned that 60% of the cost of work will be given to piecework wages, taking into account taxes. They will be distributed differently among workers depending on the product being made, but the total amount will not change.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

The city has big number competitors located in different regions of Perm. However, even in spite of this, we can be sure of an excellent project start due to the fact that the project initiator already has regular customers who will come to the new atelier. Secondly, the company's office is located in the very center of the city, which allows it to be quite visible and attract an additional number of customers.

The studio office is located in the quiet center of the city. On the one hand, this allows you not to overpay for office rent, and on the other hand, to be in the very center and get the largest number of clients.

Range of services and prices

As part of pricing, the prices of the city for the provision of atelier services were analyzed, dividing them according to the level of service provided. To simplify the analysis, prices are translated into an hour of work on the product. The comparison is presented in the table below (rubles/hour):

Type of work Private seamstresses Low end atelier middle class atelier Studio high class
1 000,00 1 500,00 1 700,00 2 000,00
800 ,00 1 300,00 1 500,00 1 800,00
500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00
500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00
Tailoring of evening dresses 600,00 900,00 1 100,00 1 300,00
Tailoring of suits 600,00 900,00 1 100,00 1 300,00
Clothing restoration 500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00

Based on our office, service quality and location, we will target clients with higher than average incomes. In this regard, we plan to set prices at the level of similar high-class ateliers, namely, according to the last column of the price analysis in the city. Based on this, we can calculate the average price and margin for all types of services, taking into account the planned sales structure. The calculation is presented in the table below:

Type of work Cost price markup Price Share in revenue
Tailoring and restoration of fur products 1 200,00 66,67% 2 000,00 20%
Tailoring and restoration of leather products 1 080,00 66,67% 1 800,00 20%
Tailoring of women's products from fabric and knitwear 720,00 66,67% 1 200,00 15%
Tailoring of men's products from fabric and knitwear 720,00 66,67% 1 200,00 5%
Tailoring of evening dresses 780,00 66,67% 1 300,00 15%
Tailoring of suits 780,00 66,67% 1 300,00 5%
Clothing restoration 720,00 66,67% 1 200,00 20%
TOTAL 900,00 1 500,00 100%

The sales structure is shown in the chart below:

Volume of sales

The average check of such similar studios is 1,000 rubles. About 30 job applications are expected per day. Thus, it turns out that the average monthly revenue of the studio is 750 thousand rubles. However, there is a slight seasonality in the tailoring business, which is shown in the chart below:

In addition, we will not be able to immediately reach such a sales volume. Since the opening, it is planned to gradually increase the volume of sales of services and achieve the optimal level of sales volume previously indicated only after 8 months. The schedule for reaching optimal sales volumes is shown in the chart below:

SWOT analysis


  • The presence of a professional team and the presence of a project initiator with extensive experience in this business
  • Good office location
  • New equipment

Weak sides

  • Lack of market awareness


  • The segment in which the atelier plans to work is the most complex. Clients are quite demanding not only on the quality of work, but also on their attitude towards themselves and the conditions of fitting.


  • There is a possibility of expansion both in terms of the number of services already provided, and in terms of expanding the range of services.

Advertising strategy

For maximum rapid increase sales volume, bringing the business to payback and workload of production staff, we will use advertising support. The campaign plan is shown below:

  • Making a bright luminous sign - 60,000 rubles. (planned in the investment budget);
  • Making a site and groups in in social networks, where the list of services provided, prices, interesting work, contacts and other information for clients - 7 thousand rubles;
  • After the launch, the studio will be actively used contextual advertising to attract customers - 5 thousand rubles / month;
  • For our new customers, accumulative cards will be issued, which, with an increase in the number of purchases, will give more and more discounts to customers.

organizational plan

Business form

For official work business, it is planned to register the project initiator as individual entrepreneur, which will save on registration costs. It is planned that the enterprise will work on a simplified taxation system according to the “income minus expenses” system.

Personnel and staff structure

For the full-fledged work of the atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, it is planned to hire the following employees: seamstresses, cutter, designer, cleaner, accountant (on outsourcing). The number of staff and salaries are presented in the table below:

Job title Qty Salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00
Administrator 1 9 000,00 2% of revenue
Seamstress 3 2 000,00 35% of the cost of work
Cutter 1 2 000,00 15% of the cost of work
Cleaning woman 1 8 000,00
TOTAL 7 41 000,00

The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in the diagram below:

Financial plan


To prepare the calculation of the business plan for a tailoring studio, we built a project payback model for 10 years in advance. The following assumptions were made to build the model;

  • Annual inflation - 10%;
  • Income tax - 15%;
  • personal income tax - 13%;
  • Social contributions - 34.2%;
  • VAT - 0% (Simplified taxation system).

Project financing

To finance the project, a bank loan will be obtained for 10 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. This repayment schedule was chosen to minimize payments in the early days, when it would be hard for the business anyway. Differentiated payments create a very large burden on the business in the first years of its operation, when with small sales volumes you have to pay largest sums by percentage.

Which is 490 thousand rubles. per month. According to the plan, our studio should reach this sales volume by 6 months after the start of work.

Project Sustainability Analysis

In order to determine the degree of influence of negative and positive factors on the activity of the atelier, we made an analysis of the sustainability of the project when the main indicators that affect the business change. We changed the main factors of income and expenses of the enterprise - the price of services (without changing the cost), fixed costs, the volume of investments and received the NPV indicator (an indicator reflecting the amount of project profit) with each change. The results are presented in the table below:

This analysis shows that none of the factors within our changes affect the project in such a way that it becomes unprofitable within 10 years.

Risk Analysis

Business plan calculations show quite good performance indicators. However, the development of the project may be affected negative factors, which we did not include in the model. Consider the most likely and most strongly influencing of them:

The fall in the income of the population is a very serious factor that can affect the amount of the company's revenue and the price of services. However, as we showed earlier in the sustainability analysis, in order for the project to become unprofitable, it is necessary that the prices of the services provided be reduced by more than 20%, and this is a significant enough decrease, the probability of which is quite small.

An increase in tax collections and non-tax deductions is a rather serious factor affecting the profitability of an enterprise, however, despite the fact that it can significantly reduce the income of a project, it certainly will not make it unprofitable.


Considered in the business plan, the calculation of the payback of an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes is very interesting both for the project initiator and for investors - private or credit organizations. In this connection, a loan can be allocated for this project on the conditions specified earlier in the document.