Puppy food 7 months Chinese Crested. How to care for Chinese Crested Dog puppies. What varieties of crested exist

The Chinese Crested Dog belongs to decorative hairless breeds, their height does not exceed 30 cm, and their weight is 6 kg.

hallmark dogs from other hairless breeds considered a crest on the head.
can be either completely hairless or covered with soft outer coat, both of which are born in the same litter. Usually there are 3 to 5 puppies in a litter but sometimes a bitch bears and 8–10 puppies.

Pregnancy and mating in Chinese Crested Dogs passes most often without complications. Therefore, the owner only needs to properly feed the bitch, carry out anthelmintic treatment and prepare the site, where the dog will live with the kids. Suitable for this big box, the height of the walls of which will allow the bitch to get out of the nest, but the puppies will not.

The bottom of the box must be covered with clean diapers in several layers. You need to think in advance how you will heat the nest. In the first two weeks of a puppies life, the temperature inside should not fall below 27 ° C.

Important! Usually Corydalis bitches puppies easily, but for safety, write down the veterinarian's phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a conspicuous place, since during childbirth you can get confused and forget the necessary data.

In advance prepare small box in which you put warm heating pad. It will contain newborn babies. until the end of childbirth. Also, get your threads ready. different colors and tags where you will write down the number of the appearance of the puppy. For convenience, it is better to designate boys and girls with threads of different colors.

After birth, the puppy must be examined, weighed and put under the bitch until the next fight. At the time of contractions and childbirth, puppies are placed in a box with a heating pad. After the appearance of the latter, the mother and children are placed in a pre-prepared place.

At normal delivery the female gnaws the umbilical cord herself, licks and massages the cub, stimulates breathing and blood circulation. And within a few minutes after birth, the baby begins to suck. But, if he does not show signs of life, it is necessary to rub the newborn yourself and suck the mucus from the nose and mouth. If the umbilical cord bleeds heavily, tie it with silk thread.

On the first day of a puppy's life downy chinese crested must be closely monitored. Ideally, after the first feeding, the original feces (meconium) should come out, it is black and sticky. If this does not happen, then try to move the tail and gently tap on the ass.

If the puppy has not been able to do this within a day, contact your veterinarian. Also required consult a doctor if the baby has diarrhea.

How to carein the first month of life

In the first week of life puppies Chinese crested dog practically sleep all the time interrupting sleep for feeding.

They are happy to suck colostrum, which becomes milk on the 4th day. healthy babies they themselves find the nipple and stick to it, but if the baby was born weak, he may not have enough strength to crawl.

In this case, it is necessary to bring the puppy to the fullest nipple and hold it near it for the duration of feeding. Well-fed puppies practically do not squeak, and during sleep they twitch and sort out their legs.

The puppy may lose weight in the first two days. From the third day of life, he should gain weight. You can determine how much milk a baby has, focusing on the following indicators of weight gain at birth:

  • doubles on the 9th day;
  • triples on the 15th day;
  • becomes more than 5 times on the 25th day;
  • in a month, the weight should increase 6 times from the original.

If there is no increase, then Baby or too weak, or the bitch does not have enough milk. In this case he needs to be fed.

The first time the puppies eat exclusively maternal milk, but about From the 20th day of life, complementary foods are introduced.

It is necessary to decide what you will feed the offspring in the future: dry food or natural products.

Important! Infant formula with sugar is not suitable for complementary foods. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a special dry mix - a substitute for dog milk.

At natural nutrition as complementary foods, you can use kefir or self-cooked cottage cheese. The mass should be quite liquid: if the cottage cheese is thick, you can add milk. The temperature of complementary foods should not be below 38 °C.

Initially, feed once a day, gradually increasing the amount of complementary foods. At 1.5 months, the puppy is fed six times a day with overnight breaks. By this time, they are completely weaned from mother's milk.

If you decide feed dogs dry food, then for the first feeding it is soaked in water. Feeding cheap food is not recommended, for feeding use food intended for feeding puppies from 3 weeks of age.

Important! After the first introduction of complementary foods, it is necessary to constantly give babies water. The start time of this complementary food and the amount is similar to natural.

How to feed puppies Chinese crested from one month to three

When the baby is 30 days old, include porridge in your diet which are pre-grinded. And after three days, you can start giving minced meat from veal or chicken. Minced meat can be given both raw and lightly boiled and

A couple of days on the menu include boiled sea fish, hake or cod is best. For 40-day-old puppies, the meat is no longer twisted, but given scraped or finely chopped.

At about 1.5 months they begin to feed vegetable soups, vegetables are well mashed in them. First raw vegetables give the baby at 47 days, carrots grated on a fine grater with sour cream are best suited for this. By two months, they can not be rubbed, but finely chopped.

Two to three months The diet of puppies does not change, only the number of feedings decreases. Now it's enough to feed 5 times a day. If you feed dry food, then from 1.5 months it does not need to be soaked. It must be age appropriate try to buy dog ​​food ornamental breeds .

At proper diet The weight of Chinese Crested Dog puppies must comply with the norms in the table.

Weight table

Age Weight, g
0 days 100–150
7 days 200–300
15 days 300–450
25 days 500–750
1 month 600–1000
2 months 1200–1800
3 months 2200–3000

It is desirable that the puppy is accustomed to a variety of foods. You should not introduce all products at once, you need to observe how the baby reacts to new food.

Maintenance and care of puppies

As long as the babies eat only mother's milk, you won't have to clean up after them. The bitch herself will lick the babies and eat their secretions, it is only necessary to periodically change the litter. Approximately by the end of the second week of life, the puppies' eyes open and they begin to explore the space, so you should organize a toilet for them.

For this lay down a diaper or newspaper. The first place should be right next to the nest, gradually, with the growth of the kids, move it away.

On the 10th day for the puppies for the first time, so that they do not scratch their mother. This procedure is repeated every week. If there are rear profitable fingers, then they are removed no later than 4 days from birth.

Important! In three weeks, deworming is carried out, and a week later, the procedure is repeated.

The first vaccination is given to the baby at 1.5 months, and then according to the scheme. It is worth remembering that after each vaccination, a two-week quarantine is necessary. Avoid stress during this time new food, hypothermia. Therefore, a puppy is taken either at 45 days and vaccinated on its own, or at 2.5–3 months when it is vaccinated. Before adopting a one and a half month old Chinese Crested Dog puppy, make sure that its milk teeth have erupted.

New home for baby

Before you bring a Chinese Crested Dog puppy home, you must:

  • prepare a place and put a house-couch there;
  • buy disposable absorbent diapers for toilet training;
  • purchase bowls for food and water;
  • buy toys for the puppy to chew on.

When buying a puppy, make sure you have all the documents confirming the breed of the dog, the state of health. Be sure to find out what they fed, at first stick to the usual diet.

Find out about the character of the baby, features of care. When moving to new house take your pet something from the old, so he will suffer less from weaning.

The Chinese Crested Dog belongs to the decorative hairless breeds, their height does not exceed 30 cm, and weight 6 kg. A distinctive feature of the dog from other hairless breeds is considered crest on the head.

Chinese Corydalis can be either completely hairless, So and covered with soft outer coat, and both are born in the same litter. Usually there are from 3 to 5 puppies in a litter, but sometimes a bitch bears 8-10 puppies.

Useful video

Video about Chinese Crested puppies:

Question " what to feed chinese crested needs to be decided before the puppy enters your home. Proper feeding- a guarantee of longevity and health of the Chinese crested dog. At first, follow the breeder's advice. Make any changes gradually.

Photo: Chinese Crested Dog

Dry food for Chinese Crested

Ready-made food can be a convenient solution. But it must be chosen carefully. Only super premium class products are suitable, preferably hypoallergenic, for the health of wool and skin.

How to feed the Chinese crested with a natural diet?

Some prefer natural cuisine. In this case, the ratio of products in the diet should be as follows:

How many times a day is a Chinese crested cat fed?

An adult dog is fed twice a day. Evening rations are more nutritious. In the morning, you can offer porridge with low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables (1 time per week, add egg yolk- boiled). In the evening - meat or offal. It can be raw beef, lightly cooked chicken or turkey (boneless). Meat can be supplemented with vegetables or porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). However, keep in mind that sometimes representatives of the breed cannot digest raw meat, then it needs to be boiled.

What should not be fed to the Chinese Crested?

Prohibited Foods for Chinese Crested Dog:

  • acute,
  • marinated,
  • pickles,
  • smoked meats,
  • fatty,
  • roast,
  • sweets,
  • pasta,
  • flour products,
  • potato,
  • cabbage,
  • legumes,
  • Exotic fruits.

Rules for feeding Chinese crested

  1. Clean water must be available at all times.
  2. Set a feeding schedule and stick to it.
  3. The bowl of food is removed 15 minutes after the start of feeding, even if the portion is not finished.

The Chinese Crested dog breed has become popular all over the world for a reason. Active, kind, funny, smart, trainable, loving - all these definitions are about them. They become real family members. And to small children, and to brutal men they will find individual approach and forever win the heart.

breed standards

  • Weight: from 2 to 10 kg.
  • Height: from 23 to 35 cm.
  • Care complexity: special care do not require, but in downy varieties it is necessary to carefully care for the coat, and in naked ones for the skin.
  • Activity: do not need strong physical activity and long walks.
  • Training: easy to train.

The origin of all hairless dogs is shrouded in secrets, legends and myths. It is believed that their first ancestors appeared in Africa. Archaeologists find burials where there are skeletons of small hairless dogs. They belonged to 900 - 1200 years. AD with special respect. They belonged to the kingdom of the god Quetsacoatl and were considered one of the symbols of goodness.

When Europeans began to come to the New World, they were not ready for what they would see there. Nature, customs and people were not what they imagined. Indian hairless dogs were especially often mentioned. The works of the Franciscan historian, naturalist and missionary Sahagun played an important role in the study of the genus of bare rocks. And Chinese crested, including. He described the role of the breed in Native American culture, the ceremonies and customs in which these animals participated. He explained their lack of wool by the fact that the puppies were smeared with turpentine ointment and it fell out. Although it is now known for certain that this is a genetic mutation.

Hairless dogs played a special role in funeral rituals. It was believed that they are a guide to paradise for a deceased person. Therefore, after the owner died, one of his favorites was also killed. They were burned, and the remains were buried together.

But the most popular legend says that bare rocks have healing power. So, it was believed that sleeping with a hairless dog for 4 days could cure many ailments. Especially colic, toothache, rheumatism and joint diseases. Some sources mention their ability to cure even bone fractures and paralysis.

Description of the breed

The Chinese Crested is a small and graceful animal. The head is rounded, the muzzle is narrow. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is marked slightly.

There are several varieties of this breed:

  • Hairless, in which there is no hair. There may be a coat on the head, tail and paws.
  • Downy (powderpuffs), in which the whole body is covered with soft wool.

According to the structure of bones, they are divided into:

  • Deer type, in which the skeleton is light and thin.
  • Medium type, which have a dense and wider skeleton.

Personality of the Chinese Crested Dog

The nature of the dog is very docile. Representatives of this breed can become excellent companions and even family members. They get along well with other dogs and animals. Children are treated well. In relation to strangers do not show aggression.

You can often hear from owners that Chinese Cresteds love to cuddle and communicate with a person. Communication is understood not only as a conversation with a dog, but also all kinds of games, walks and hygiene procedures. Therefore, representatives of this breed are unlikely to be suitable for busy people. Without sufficient human attention, they suffer greatly. And separation and loneliness endure painfully. The dog becomes attached to one or two people. And when she is separated from the owner, she continues to wait looking for him. Therefore, in adulthood, it is difficult for an animal to adapt to a new family.

If at a young age a puppy is used to changing places, new people and animals, then an adult pet will cause little trouble. If the puppy has not been socialized, then he can grow into a timid and shy individual.

Despite the fact that even Chinese Crested puppies cause little trouble, due to loneliness and lack of attention, even adults can be mischievous. They will bark incessantly and gnaw on anything that gets in their way. This is how their animal instinct manifests itself. The second problem can be partially solved by having a large number toys. But still, you need to try to ensure that the dog has enough attention to the fullest.

For a person who wants to teach a pet to perform various tricks, the Chinese Crested is perfect. This breed is highly trainable. They strive in every possible way to please the owner. Therefore, they do everything in order to please him and please him.


Daily care of the Chinese Crested Dog is quite simple. The standard stipulates that the dog has long nails, but for convenience they must be trimmed regularly.

Special attention should be given to the teeth. Another puppy must be taught to brush his teeth with a small brush. In hairless breeds, teeth are especially sensitive, so for them it is advisable to carry out these procedures daily.

Sulfur accumulates in the ears of the animal. Therefore, they also need to be thoroughly cleaned. This can be done using cotton wool wound on a stick, previously moistened with a special ear lotion or simply hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to process the entire ear and its bends in this way. After the procedure, wipe the ears dry. If you find any inflammatory processes contact your veterinarian immediately.

Eyes also need to be washed. If any discharge occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Purulent discharge may indicate infection or plague. For daily care behind the eyes, you can use a special lotion (more suitable for dogs - eye drops "Bars" or lotion "Clear Eyes" of domestic production) or tea leaves.

Hairless Crested Care

A naked person may develop acne on the skin. They may be black or white. It is nothing but dead hair. If the pet dark skin, then blackheads are invisible. And on light-skinned people, they do not look very beautiful. They can be removed with tweezers. After the procedure, the skin must be wiped with a tonic or antiseptic.

In the summer, in the sun, naked dogs can sunbathe and even get sunburn. Therefore, their skin needs to be treated with a moisturizer or sunscreen. In winter, you should think about protection from the cold. Short walks this breed can endure without clothes. But for long walks it is worth wearing overalls. knitted clothes does not hinder movement and protects from the cold.

Hairless varieties may have muzzle hair. You can leave them on, but the pet will look much prettier without them. Hair can be shaved or cut with a machine. In the same way, you can remove extra hair on the body. You can also use an epilator for these purposes, but this may cause irritation. May also be damaged hair follicles, because of which the hair does not develop properly. They curl up under the skin. Because of this, acne and inflammation appear.

Downy Crested Care

The puff has a long beautiful coat. The muzzle of this variety can be trimmed in the same way as for poodles. To do this, it is convenient to use an electric clipper.

At least once every two to three weeks, dogs should be washed with shampoo. This applies not only to downy dogs, but also naked ones. For puffs, you need to use conditioner after washing. It is advisable to dry the dog with a hair dryer. The fur on the paw pads needs to be trimmed regularly. You need to comb your puff daily.


Like most decorative dogs, the health of the Chinese crested is not excellent. But they don't complain too much either. Slightly weak pancreas. Therefore, fried and fatty foods should be excluded from their diet. Do not give a lot of milk and homemade cottage cheese. Perfect Choice for Chinese crested, this is dietary food.

Hairless dogs have another weakness- teeth. They suffer because of the hairless gene. They may be in much smaller numbers. This is even provided by the standard and is not a disadvantage. It does not interfere with dogs at all. full life. During the change of milk teeth, the teeth must be monitored especially carefully and removed during their removal. If you miss a moment, then the molars may begin to grow in the second row.

The main question that often worries the owners is how long Chinese crested live. In terms of life expectancy, even some can envy them large breeds. In Chinese crested, it is 12 - 14 years. There were also centenarians who lived up to 17 years. It is especially attractive that until old age they remain active and lively.

Most often in representatives of this breed there are diseases musculoskeletal system. Such as luxation of the patella and aseptic necrosis of the head femur. A sick dog has lameness, it experiences strong pain. If you do not take action, then the affected limb decreases in size, because the muscles atrophy. But it rarely comes to this, because these diseases are treated surgically. After the operation, the dog feels as before and can lead an active life.

Some members of the breed may suffer from allergies. Most often it manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis and dermatitis.

To prevent joint diseases and skin problems, it is necessary to carefully care for your pet. Particular attention should be paid to the teeth, eyes, ears and skin.


Not less than actual question What to feed a Chinese crested dog. During the preparation of the diet, it must be taken into account that all the necessary minerals and vitamins are present. Not balanced diet can lead to deficiency and, as a result, various diseases and disorders in the body.

Providing a balanced diet at home is quite problematic. It is much easier to find a good dry food that does not cause intestinal upset and allergies. The most suitable premium feed for ornamental breeds Purina, Royal Canin, Flatazor, Acana. If you transfer a dog from dry food to natural food and vice versa, then do it gradually. Abrupt change food can lead to indigestion, as well as depression and allergies. It is also not recommended to combine natural food and ready-made. You should choose one thing.

When feeding ready-made dry food or canned food, you do not need to add vitamin-mineral complexes. All ingredients in good feed perfectly balanced. When feeding with natural products, such vitamin supplements are necessary. You should not overfeed your dog. It could be dangerous for her health. When feeding dry food, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package.

Puppies up to six months need to be fed up to 4 times a day. After six months, reduce the number of feedings to 3. Feed adult pets twice a day.

When choosing natural products as food for a dog, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to compiling the menu. Some food groups can cause allergies. This will lead to brittleness and dryness of the coat, dermatitis, itching. This:

  • red meat;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • cereals;
  • fish.

Chinese crested love fruits and vegetables. But they are not vegetarians and love meat. Preference should be given to beef and white chicken meat. Sometimes you need to give sea fish.

The Chinese menu should be based on the following proportions:

  • 50% proteins - meat, fish, cottage cheese;
  • 25% fruits and vegetables;
  • 25% cereals.

Food must be freshly cooked and warm.

Prohibited Products

Under no circumstances should you give your dog:

  • bird bones and other sharp and small bones;
  • pork meat;
  • sausage products (sausage, ham, sausages);
  • flour and pasta;
  • sweets, sweets, chocolate;
  • raw fish.

For feeding you need to use a bowl with a stand. It should be at chest level. fresh and pure water must be available to the dog at all times. The food bowl should be removed after the dog has eaten. And get only in next move food.

Pregnant dogs are fed as usual for 5 weeks of pregnancy. After the amount of food is increased. And from 6 weeks they are gradually transferred to ready-made food for puppies.

Before the show, it is advisable to transfer the dog from natural food for high-energy prepared foods in 2 to 3 weeks. Do it gradually. After the exhibition, also gradually return to the usual diet.

Education and training

There is a popular saying that "a dog is a man's best friend". But this friendship should not presuppose equality. Equality in the relationship between the owner and the pet is very harmful for the dog. As soon as a puppy appears in the house, he needs to be made clear that the main person in the house is the person. If it is too much to lisp with him and indulge whims, then it will be difficult to re-educate an adult dog.

From the early age puppy needs to be taught to different life situations introduce you to other animals and strangers. If socialization is not carried out, the dog will be shy.

If possible, the puppy can be taken with you for walks and trips. He will study and learn the world. If the dog is going to participate in exhibitions, then it must be accustomed to the company of other dogs. If possible, attend exhibitions with him as spectators. After stroll around the ring.

Training a Chinese Crested is not difficult. The main thing is the desire and imagination of the owner. You can start at any age. Even adult dogs can learn tricks.

Definitely from the very beginning young age Puppies need to be taught hygiene. If you cut your nails, bathe, comb and cut your pet from childhood, then care will not be a hassle.

Pros and cons of the Chinese Crested breed

Cons of Chinese Crested Naked:

  • afraid of the cold;
  • requires careful skin care, epilation.
  • no molting;
  • do not require thorough combing;
  • friendly and cheerful character;
  • amenable to training.

Cons of Chinese Crested Down:

  • require daily brushing regular bathing and haircuts;
  • if you take care of the coat poorly, tangles can form;
  • during the walk, the dirt clings to the wool.
  • do not shed, despite the long hair;
  • cheerful character;
  • well trained.

The Chinese Crested will become true friend. This active dog will fall in love with the whole family and even strangers. Even hygiene procedures will bring only joy.

Chinese Crested Dog Grooming.

By purchasing such a rare and rather expensive person, the owner thinks about how to feed the Chinese crested dog. It turns out that exotic hairless crested and powder puffs are not picky eaters, and their diet differs little from that of decorative dogs.

Before you take the baby home, you should ask the nursery what the puppy was fed, if he has an allergy to any food and special addictions. As a rule, breeders recommend feeding dogs natural food, which allows you to diversify the diet. With the right menu, the dog gets everything necessary substances for growth and development.

If applied natural feeding, then certain principles must be observed:

  1. Food should be varied. Despite the fact that the dog is a predator, the diet should not be limited solely to animal protein. In nature, predators eat the herbivore's stomach with the fermented remains of plants and cereals.
  2. Chinese crested - not an eternal puppy, but a dog small size. Therefore, she needs good nutrition, which must be normalized in terms of volume and calorie content. Crested should be graceful and harmoniously built. For this you need to know age norms nutrition and the fact that small dogs have a greater need for food, since they energy costs more significant. According to the Richet-Rubner law, which is valid for all warm-blooded animals, the intensity of energy exchange is directly proportional to the surface area of ​​the body.
  3. Feeding should take place in certain time and with a strictly defined frequency. This allows not only to discipline the dog, but also to give time for the food to be completely digested.
  4. Do not mix ready and natural food and dry food different manufacturers. To understand them, you need different quantity fluids and possible imbalance of nutrients. Dry food and natural food should be gradually replaced with another brand of prepared food, using the displacement method.

A special category are therapeutic and dietary types of prepared feed. They are appointed at organic disorders digestive system or food allergies. Duration of use and decision to cancel special food accepts veterinarian on an individual basis after the examination and examination of a small pet.

You can diversify the menu of a Chinese crested puppy from 2 months of age. Need to be introduced gradually protein products, fat-free cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and flavored with finely chopped fruits and vegetables. The "Chinese" are happy to eat fruit. For them, this is not a delicacy introduced occasionally, but a complete meal. Vegetable fibers and fiber absorb toxins, stimulate intestinal motility, prevent gas formation and decay of food residues.

Porridge is prepared in meat broth, and soup can be in meat or vegetable broth. Milk is allowed. Once a week add raw quail or egg. To maintain healthy skin and coat, porridge can be enriched with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Also, as an animal protein, in addition to lean, energy-rich meat - horse meat, rabbit meat, beef, should be sea ​​fish cold seas. Meat should not be highest quality(clipping). It may contain cartilage, veins that help strengthen bones and teeth.

Offal is allowed - tripe, liver, heart. The meat must be frozen - at least a day at a temperature of -17 ° C and 2-3 at -2 ° C. If the puppy has loose stools, then the meat can be scalded with boiling water. It is not worth subjecting it to prolonged heat treatment, since boiled meat loses some of the micro and macro elements, and the protein necessary for tissue formation coagulates.

If the puppy eats dry food, then it must be soaked and mashed to a puree consistency. Fresh water should always be in abundance. After the pet reaches the age of 4 months, milk is removed from the diet.

The frequency of feeding a puppy, depending on age, is presented as follows:

  • 2-3 months - 5 times a day;
  • 3-4 months - 4 times a day;
  • 4-10 months - three times a day;
  • older than 10 months - twice a day.

Food cannot fully provide the puppy with substances for the growth and mineralization of bones, therefore calcium and magnesium preparations in the form of bone meal or sea salt must be introduced into the diet.

Minced meat and fish are poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. They are introduced in the form of finely chopped or carefully beaten pieces. On poultry meat, especially chicken, crested dogs may show allergic reaction. It must be excluded from the diet or given little by little, monitoring the reaction of the body, if everything is in order, you can give it, but not too often.

To enrich the menu with the necessary minerals and compounds, you should enter sea ​​kale gradually increasing its volume.

Feeding adult dogs

Milk is excluded from the diet of adult dogs, but otherwise the menu is the same as that of a puppy. Dogs should not be given:

  • fatty meats;
  • river fish because of small and sharp bones;
  • legumes, due to excess gas formation;
  • potatoes, due to their high starch content;
  • sweets, muffins, pastries, as they contain "fast" carbohydrates that lead to obesity;
  • sausages containing hidden fats and preservatives;
  • spices;
  • products with "eyes".

In addition to calcium from bone meal and iodine from seaweed dogs are given vitamins A, E, D. They improve healing, improve skin quality and prevent rickets. However, do not overdo it - an excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as their lack.

Once every 2 weeks, you need to arrange a fasting day for a crested dog. If the dog can hardly tolerate hunger, you can give some stewed cabbage. Drinking regime important for the pet, not only when feeding dry food. Dogs produce very little saliva while eating. It does not wet the food lump. Viscous saliva only creates the conditions for its sliding. Therefore, food should be sufficiently moist and plenty of fresh water freely available.

Since the intestines of a predator are shorter than those of a herbivore, it takes 22-24 hours to completely digest animal protein and bones. Cynologists have found that if you make up the diet and feeding regimen in accordance with physiological functions And anatomical structure Gastrointestinal tract of a dog, then they have:

  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the number of pathologies is reduced;
  • condition improves skin and wool;
  • there are no problems with bearing, giving birth and feeding puppies;
  • offspring grow stronger and healthier.

Do not give all the necessary trace elements in one day. Their number should be calculated for a week and evenly distributed. The serving size in relation to the pet's body weight is:

  • < 6 мес – 6-7%;
  • ≥ 6 months - 3-3.5%.

The diet of a healthy dog ​​does not differ depending on the breed. And for a sick, pregnant or old individual, it must be adjusted in accordance with the physiological characteristics.

Features of feeding old dogs

In older animals, metabolic processes slow down, physical activity decreases, and with it the need for energy-rich food. Elderly dog can be called if she has already lived 2/3 of the life span corresponding to this breed. For the Chinese Crested, this is approximately 8.6-10 years.

In the diet of an elderly dog, protein becomes less - it has a bad effect on the kidneys. Due to it, the proportion of vegetables and fiber increases, which reduces the severity of constipation.

As dogs age, their sense of smell and taste deteriorate. To arouse the appetite of the "old man", the food must smell stronger and taste better. The taste of food comes from fats, which can cause obesity. Therefore, cynologists advise feeding the “pensioner” with special ready-made feeds with more pronounced attractive odors.

The answer to this question can only be given approximately. The body and food preferences of the crested are individual. These features should be taken into account when compiling a dog menu.

You need to feed the Chinese Crested Dog taking into account the characteristics of this breed - a tendency to allergies and skin diseases.

Predisposition to disease

The Chinese Crested has delicate open skin, not protected by a coat. The skin needs resources for rapid regeneration. Therefore, it is important to get enough vitamins A, D, E and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Very active pets need more B vitamins.

The Chinese Crested often has skin rashes, irritations, and individual reactions. This is the most common reason for switching them to ready-made feeds, in which possible irritants are already excluded.

Representatives of the breed are characterized by very sensitive digestion. Therefore, any stale, questionable products are not suitable. All spices and chemicals are prohibited.

Sweets cause lacrimation and tear ducts in the crested.

Too much vitamin C can cause liver and kidney problems.


Most of the breed has an allergic reaction to chicken. Therefore, it is not included in the diet of the Chinese crested dog. Other possible allergens are also excluded - potatoes, wheat, corn.

Features of the assimilation of various products

Representatives of this breed love rich tastes. That's why they like fruits. However, some fruits and fresh vegetables may cause a digestive reaction. Introduce new foods gradually, little by little, and pay attention to the condition of the dog. If any fruit weakens, it is better to exclude it in the future.

Rules for feeding natural food

When fed with natural food, it is given warm and soft.

It is good to give rice to an animal; horse meat and beef are suitable for meat. Allowed dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, which Corydalis love very much. Fish can be given only ocean and low-fat. It must be boiled and cleaned of bones.

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • lamb, pork, poultry, any fatty meat and offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • animal fat;
  • bones;
  • river fish, any raw fish;
  • fatty foods, foods with flavor enhancers, flavors, sweeteners, dyes;
  • cocoa products;
  • low quality dry food.
It is necessary to ensure that these products are not included in the composition of industrial feed.

It is important to follow a consistent feeding schedule. An adult Chinese crested dog is fed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, half an hour to an hour after the walk. The evening meal is more nutritious than the morning meal. Food temperature should be around 40 degrees.

Serving size is selected depending on the activity and age of the dog. On average - 50-80 grams per day.

Bowls are cleaned after eating, leftover food is removed.

Feeding a puppy up to two months

The frequency of feeding a puppy is 3-5 times a day. Main food so far mother's milk or mixtures replacing it. You can give additional milk, preferably goat (only up to four months).

At 2 months and older

You can feed your puppy Chinese crested soaked dry food or natural. Wet food is ready. If a dog eats natural food, it is at this age that their diet begins to expand. Gradually introduced additional products(ground). Dry food only in soaked form.

The following products are introduced in turn:

  • sour milk - sour cream (preferably fat-free), cottage cheese, yogurt (without flavoring additives), kefir;
  • low-fat broth, you can add vegetables;
  • beef - raw, finely chopped;
  • chicken yolk;
  • vegetables, fruits - carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, apples, apricots, cabbage, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, melon - everything is introduced gradually, if not backlash from the side of digestion;
  • olive and sunflower oil.

Feeding an adult dog

diet adult dog must contain:

  • proteins (lean meat, fat-free kefir, cottage cheese, egg yolk, ocean fish) - 60%;
  • vegetables, fruits, cereals - 35%;
  • fats - 5%.

A dog older than a year and a half should be treated once every two weeks. fasting days(on stewed or fresh cabbage).

An older dog needs soft food, preferably ground.

Industrial feed

If you have chosen industrial feed, it must not be mixed with natural products. Digestion of dried and natural food requires different digestive enzymes. When they are mixed, an imbalance occurs, which leads to gastritis. If you want to diversify your pet's diet, you can add wet food from the same line to it.

When feeding dryer in free access, the dog should always have a bowl with clean water. It is important to change the water regularly.

These dogs are quite capricious in the choice of food, and not every dry food for Chinese Crested will be to your taste. It remains only to focus on the personal preferences of the pet.


For small breeds, for dogs with sensitive digestion, for problematic skin and for animals prone to allergies. Several lines, among which you can choose the most relevant. The product does not contain common allergens - pork, fatty meat, cereals. Proteins are found in fish and eggs. The source of vitamins is seaweed.

Royal Canin

For dogs with sensitive digestion. Hypoallergenic food with a rich taste. The amount of heavy proteins that have a bad effect on the skin is minimized. Prevents the appearance of rashes, blackheads and peeling.

Nutra Gold

For small breed dogs. Dietary and beloved by many dogs food with bright taste. Not suitable for allergy sufferers.

An interesting line for nervous system because the Chinese Crested is prone to stress.


Hypoallergenic. Feed with a reduced amount of allergens and animal protein.

Pro plan

For dogs with sensitive digestion. Improves metabolic processes, has a good effect on the skin and coat. Granules in a special shell are well digested. Hypoallergenic. Contain a reduced amount of protein. At the same time, some animals get fat from this brand of feed.


For animals with sensitive digestion. The food of choice for many Chinese Crested breeders. Well eliminates skin irritations.