If the energy decoupling does not help, what to do. How to remove energy ties to former partners? How to break an energy bond

Everyone has situations in life when, after parting with a person, we remember him for several years. An attempt to throw him out of my head and our thoughts ended in the same way, we still think about this person. This is due to the strong energy binding that has formed between people. In the process of any communication, an energetic connection is formed between people. By communicating, we create energy channels, with the help of which there is an interchange of energies. Anchor is also a channel, but it is not built correctly.

This channel is built on a person's dependence on someone or something (for example, dependence on the egregor of the church). Violated correct flow energy, a person who has an attachment becomes energetically unfree. In the process of life, we ourselves create attachments to things, events, and this inhibits our development, makes us dependent and makes us easily controlled by others.

Getting rid of etheric chains

When our attachment to a person or object is tied to fear, we bind it to ourselves with etheric chains. They look like hollow tubes. And the longer this relationship lasts, the more massive the chains become. This means that the most massive chains connect us with our relatives, children and those people with whom we have been in contact for a long time.

Energy can flow in both directions along the etheric chains. They are created by fear and are always harmful to humans, they always indicate a violation of some body functions. They have nothing to do with harmonious relationships and love that connects body and soul.

To break the etheric chains does not mean to break off relations with a person, it means to heal these relations, to establish and fill them with Love. For example, say you are attached by an etheric chain to a friend or relative who is experiencing depression. Your energy will flow to this person. You will get tired without apparent reason... If the energy goes into the etheric tube, then no aids will not help restore strength. If someone with whom you have an etheric connection is angry, then his negative energy through etheric chains it flows directly into your body and chakras. Then you may experience pain for no apparent reason that cannot be treated.

Those people whose profession involves constant help to others - teachers, educators, healers - are often enveloped in the chains of attachments of their students and patients. If a person constantly helps friends or family out of trouble, the same thing happens to him.

It is very important to get rid of the etheric chains. If, after breaking up with a person, you start communicating with him again, and if there is fear in your relationship, the etheric chains may reappear. New chains are thinner, but your energy goes along them - and someone else's is pouring in instead.

How to break the etheric chain

Archangel Michael holds a sword in his hands, capable of cutting off everything that binds you to negativity.

Just say mentally:

“I appeal to you, Archangel Michael. Please dispel the chains of fear that draw life and strength out of me. "

“Archangel Michael, now I am addressing you. Please cut off the threads of fear that drains my strength and vitality. "

While he is cutting the chains, sit quietly and calmly. When everything is over, the Archangel Michael will send healing energy to you and to the other person.

At the moment the chains break, susceptible people can sense changes in physical level or feel sharp drop atmospheric pressure... Then they will feel a surge of energy; the pain will disappear or decrease significantly.

To trim the ethereal strands of your children, say mentally or aloud:

"Archangel Michael, please cut the threads of fear in (children's names) as it drains his / her energy and vitality."

As in the previous case, help your children remain silent and supportive. deep breathing while Archangel Michael goes to work. The mood and energy level of your children will almost immediately rise to a normal (not hyperactive!) State.

Keep in mind that Michael will only be able to free you from the chains if you are willing to say goodbye to the old grudges that you harbor on the object of your affection. If you continue to be angry with this person or cannot forgive him, you will not be able to cut the chain.

In that case, do everything as described above, but when you think about who you are attached to, add the following:

“I want to exchange pain for calmness. I ask for peace - let it take the place of pain. "

Think about each of those people — mothers, fathers, children, past and present lovers, and your desire to break the chains of fear that bind you to them.

During sexual contact between a man and a woman, there is intensive exchange energies and an energetic sexual connection is formed, which naturally eliminated only after seven years.

About the problems of unwanted karmic connection
Even if you had only one night, even if he is thousands of kilometers away, and even if he has already died, this sexual connection is still formed and maintained. It leaks your energy to your ex. sexual partner(even if you forgot about it a long time ago), if it is in an energy-reduced state.

What is the cause of female diseases?
Very many female diseases especially associated with a decrease
immunity are associated with the leakage of energy from the sex chakra. It is with this that the value of virgins in marriage is connected. People have long understood that if a girl is pure, then her energy will go to the prosperity of the clan, and not who knows whom. Because the more men a woman has, the more devastated she is. Such a woman loses her sexual energy, and thus her attractiveness.

What to do to regain lost energy?
To do this, you need to get rid of the connection that you had!

Sexual Attachment Release Technique

It is necessary to remember everyone with whom you had sexual contact over the past 7 years. For this, it is best to choose the 19 lunar day. Connect thumb and forefinger right hand into the ring. Lower the ring to the lower abdomen, where the uterus is. Stored in the uterus female energy, she is the center female power, this is where the threads are that connect you to all the men you have had. Imagine the dial in this place, put the ring at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down). Turn your head to the left (this is our past).

As you inhale, imagine a man with whom you once spent the night, then turn your head to the present (forward). And with spiral movements towards the center, begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise. Begin to collect the energy thread in small spiral movements towards the center. Movements are made counterclockwise. Make three such circles. Then turn your head to the right (into the future) and release this connection as you exhale. Repeat for each ex.

Forgiveness meditation

There is one magical meditation. Actually, all meditations are magical, but this one is able to cleanse us of old negativity and prepare a place for new ones. happy events... This method has long been justified, after it you can see real results, sometimes even the next day.

When you have been offended, abandoned, or you have old long-term grievances, or at least a little sediment associated with specific people- all this means that you slow down the emergence of a new one that is ready to come to you. Sometimes grievances and shocks are unrealistically difficult, then all the more you need to act. Of course, depending on the severity of the situation, this meditation will have varying degrees actions. If the offense is small, then one session will be enough. Well, if we are talking about a serious shock, it may be necessary to repeat it several times. You yourself will feel how it will become easier for you - this is the result that cleans you.

Sit or lie down, relax, calm down, breathe slowly. Begin. Imagine that you are in a cozy place: a room or, even better, in nature. It should be very beautiful, peaceful, for example, there is a gazebo with a comfortable bench. This should be the place where you will receive guests, because in different meditations different guests will come to this place throughout your life, you will get used to this place. You can come up with it yourself.

So, you sit there, enjoying the peace and quiet of this place, for example, singing birds, lake or sea, etc. Next, you ask the angels to bring you the person you want to see. Imagine that this person is being led by angels. He peacefully, calmly sits down next to you.

Now it's time to talk. Imagine that you or this person are asking each other questions, giving answers to them about what specifically worries you and what is connected with this person. You can first tell him what you want, or you can listen to him. In the process, maybe this person wants to apologize to you, maybe you want the same. Allow yourself free communication, as if you have long wanted this conversation. But remember, you are with this person in this meditation in order to forgive and let go of each other.

Therefore, your meditation should end with your words: "I let you go, go in peace." And this person should leave you with a feeling of peace and quiet joy that you have forgiven him. When leaving, he may even wave his hand to you. Thank each other for what may have been good between you, wish each other happiness, health and peace, and let go. After he leaves, you should feel complete peace.

The main topic of this article will be the question: how to do energy binding men with the help of independent magic love spells... And then let's talk about how to remove energy bindings.

Each magical action has its manifestation on the visible physical plane, as well as on the subtle planes. It is impossible to do real magic outside of the energy level. Strong love spells, especially with suppression of the will and harsh coercion of the victim into submission, are called bindings in black magic.

The main task of everyone who does not want to dance to someone else's tune, but wants to live his own life, is to try to learn how to effectively get rid of the stable, provoked by a specific person. And if psychology has nothing to do with it, if witchcraft does take place? In this case, it is necessary magic help, and nothing else.

Energy ties between a man and a woman

The phenomenon of attachments between a man and a woman on energy level since ancient times they have been called love. Love is chemistry, it is physics; love is a colossal force. With mutual passion, mutual attraction, the call of the flesh, etc., arise strong bindings... But, their occurrence spontaneously, instinctively, no one intentionally creates them.

You can also create energy connections between people artificially, and certain time invisible bridges will keep people close. This connection is undoubtedly limited in time. However, as spontaneous connections - everything has its beginning and its end. However, when the magician creates a binding, it is up to him to decide how long the union created by him will last, and when the time will come break the energy tie between people. But, more often over time, connections are destroyed by themselves, if they are not supported with the help of witchcraft Powers.

How to create a guy's energy binding yourself

Bind to yourself young man can different ways... I will describe the most simple practice, designed specifically for visualization. But, before setting a binding on a loved one, you must know exactly what you want from him. Both your actions and the result will depend on the true goal. For example, if you only need carnal love, relationship full of pleasure, without commitment, create a channel through the Svadhisthana chakra.

This chakra of a person unites the astral body and emotional plan... The main vital energy of the individual is concentrated here; Svadhisthana is a repository of well-being, money, beauty, attractiveness and sexual energy. Skillful energetic binding along the Svadhisthana chakra allows you to reliably attach to yourself the person who is needed at a given period of time. This is not always done for love - energy bindings can be created for different purposes.

If you close the guy's Svadhisthana chakra to his own Svadhisthana chakra, thereby creating an attachment through the channel of sexual energy, you will achieve an exchange through this channel with your object, which will undoubtedly attract that person. But, it can also be created Feedback, the so-called energy love spell of a guy, which black magicians do not like so much, and always try to avoid in their work.

With mutual sexual attachment of spouses, unwanted side effects... So, if one in a pair is less active in an intimate plan, or has blocks on this energy center, then the attachment can be one-sided, which will inevitably entail conflicts on the basis of intimate marital responsibilities.

It is quite possible to make an energy tie by force.

And how do you think they bewitch? After all, the guy is not asked for consent, art is important here. The skill of the master to achieve their goals is important.

Similarly to the binding along the energy channel of the Svadhisthana chakras, connections are established between spouses, or one individual is tied to another, along all other chakras. If a man is initially harmonious, the chakras are open and work correctly, such a union develops, gradually gets stronger. The energy binding of a husband in these circumstances is not coercion, violence, evil, and so on. If there is damage to the chakras, accumulated energy mud, blocks, in this case the energy exchange between the participants in the relationship will be unequal or one-sided. And this, sooner or later, will be embodied in serious problems on the physical plane.

Therefore, before establishing an energy binding on a beloved guy, as, indeed, before a lover's home love spell, it is recommended to do witchcraft cleansing, i.e. remove from a person all possible magical dirt, blocks, previously induced. Having cleaned the biofield, you can implement the program of a strong love spell for love. Possessing inner strength and the knowledge of how the chakras work, one can make an energetic attachment to oneself of a loved one, even without performing complex warlock rituals, and without calling for help from the Forces of other plans and of a different nature.

How to recognize energy bindings and artificially created love

Does energy attachment imply self-love spell on distance? In a sense, yes, this is a guy's love spell made at home, but made with the help of the mental power of the magician - the performer himself. And this attachment will be stable only to the extent that the person who forms it will have the strength and ability to visualize. Energetic attachment breeds love. And love is a powerful love potion. However, nothing lasts forever, and you can remove the energy binding from a person, like any other strong love spell.

But, let's first figure out how a loved one, on whom an energetic attachment is made, behaves, and how strong is such an effect? Really created bindings are really strong love spells for a guy, and they are really capable of long time not just keep the person close, but keep him in constant tone.

We are smoothly approaching a key practical question: how to recognize energy bindings.

There is general symptoms that cause any strong magical effects to form feelings of love and affection in the victim's psyche. By these signs, you can recognize the energy bindings on your beloved man. Despite the fact that many times it has been said about the symptoms of a love spell on a beloved man, we will list them again:

  • obsessive thoughts about another person
  • sudden and unpredictable mood swings
  • exaggerated sense of self
  • self pity
  • Difficulty, interrupted sleep, insomnia
  • impulsive, reckless course of action
  • pressure drops, headaches
  • obsession syndrome

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

As you can see, the same signs have and strong love spell, and love bindings. But, the most curious thing is not this. Interestingly, the modern ICD-10 ( medical classification disease) claims that love itself is now officially a disease. And from this perspective, one can seriously consider the question of how to remove the energy attachment to a man, if a relationship with ex-lover went wrong, and love cannot be returned.

F 63.9. Under this number, love is entered in the register of diseases. The World Organization Health care. Love attributed to mental disorders, in the section "Disorders of habits and impulses". The lovers found themselves in a company with people prone to gambling addiction, kleptomania, with people who have an irresistible attraction to vagrancy, impulsive and uncontrolled utterance of swear words, etc.

In my opinion, it is not love, but passion that fits into the category of "Disorder of habits and impulses". But, personality disorder can be seen as an example of an unfinished form: at the junction of contact between two, but there was a replacement of passion painful condition... After magical effect identified, the next step should be self disposal from energy attachments.

How to get rid of energy binding

This can be done in different ways. If there is a connection with a Christian egregor, then you can try to independently break the energy tie with the help of a prayer to the Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is the guardian angel of the Earth. To summon it, it is enough sincere desire... Read the prayer aloud or silently: "Michael archangel, help me" and ask him to cleanse you of witchcraft. There is no need to help him in this.

Be that as it may, it is necessary first to understand the energetic nature of a love affair.

The most common energy bindings include techniques for polishing the consciousness of a person. Processing usually takes place at the level of compassion and guilt of a loved one. So, with the help magic conspiracies, or with the help of a guy's soul, you can bind a person to pity and to the feeling of the impossibility of breaking with an experienced magician.

It is practically impossible for an ordinary person, inspired, capable of experiences and spontaneous emotional outbursts, to independently get rid of the energy attachment to the sorcerer. The help of a practicing magician is needed here. And to express, as I said, help will be in those actions that are necessary for a specific type of binding.

  • In the process of any communication between people, an energetic connection is formed. By communicating, we create energy channels through which energy is exchanged.

    Anchor is also a channel, but it is not built correctly. This channel is built on the dependence of a person on someone or something. The correct flow of energy is disrupted, a person who is attached becomes energetically unfree.

    In the process of life, we ourselves create attachments to things, events, and this slows down our development, makes us dependent and makes us easily controlled by others. On the subtle plane, anchoring looks like a tube through which energy flows. The color of the energy depends on the chakra on which it is held.

    As a rule, bindings burden communication. At the level of feelings, a person will feel a strong craving for the one to whom he is energetically attached. An energy attachment is usually formed as a result of an astral attack. Negative emotions experienced to another person create chakra bindings.

    1. muladhara (base chakra) - fear, aggression.
    2. svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lust, obsession.
    3. Manipura (navel chakra) - submission, or vice versa, the desire for power.
    4. anahata (heart chakra) - love and hate.
    5. Vishudha (throat chakra) - striving for self-realization.
    6. ajna (frontal chakra) - attachments to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes.
    7.sahasrara (crown chakra) - attachments to egregors.

    Having suffered material losses. For example, an unpaid debt binds you to another person on for a long time, moreover, than larger amount, the stronger the binding. To break the tie, mentally say goodbye to your money as if it were lost, and sincerely forgive the debtor.

    The need to possess another person, dependence, passion, jealousy, etc., a person again and again thinks about the object of his desire, dreams of it, passionately desiring to get it. The person becomes like a child who is not given a favorite toy. Such dependence is akin to a disease, it is worth stopping and giving freedom to the object of your love. This will break the binding.

    But the strongest of the above are parent bindings.

    Often parents (especially mothers) strive to completely control their child, stifle his development with their attention and care. There is no need to talk about love here, it is dependence and a desire to subjugate another personality.

    The consequences can be quite unpleasant. The child needs to break these ties himself. This does not mean that after removing the binding, the child will stop loving his parents, no, he will be emotionally independent.

    A simple practice of "Cutting Attachments":
    You imagine the person you are experiencing for negative feelings... Forgive him in your mind. In your imagination, you imagine that from you to the person from each chakra (7 main; although there are more of them) threads stretch. You take a lighter, light it and mentally burn each of the threads. After that, imagine a wall of flame between you and the person.

    After releasing the attachment, the person from whom you have untied is likely to appear again in your life, he will subconsciously feel that you have stopped feeding him. To restore the binding, he will make itself felt, for example, will make a phone call. Chat with him kindly, and then do the above procedure again.

    In this way, you can check all your acquaintances with whom you maintain or once kept in touch.

    Experiment! Communication will not stop if you are interested in it, but you can identify people who feed on your energy!

    Energy attachment occurs during communication between a woman and a man. Energy is transmitted in any case, when making love, communicating, spending time together, etc.

    Many people break off their relationship, but both partners do not always want this, therefore the energy connection between people, even after the termination of the relationship, in many cases remains.

    Some people very often cannot come to terms with the idea that their loved one left them. What to do in such cases and is it dangerous?

    Danger of energy binding of people

    You have probably met people who, after parting, are sad for a long time, cry and wither right before our eyes.

    Their sexual energy decreases daily. It is voluntarily transferred to another (former) loved one. Do not blame him, because he is not aware of all this!

    Frequent worries and caring for a former partner make a person weaker, he transfers all his energy to him.

    The more and more you think about it, the more energy you lose. In such a state, it is impossible to build new relationships, even our body will gradually weaken a little every time.

    Basic principles of energy binding, what are they based on?

    1. In revenge

    A strong desire to take revenge on your former partner, make his life worse, hurt him like he hurt you. This is an indisputable fact.

    A person plans every day, thinks over every step in order to fulfill his dream. All this takes away most of the accumulated vital energy, and even when revenge is realized, it will be very difficult to return it. Then you will be left only in complete despair, misunderstanding and without any guess what to do next.

    2. Feelings of guilt

    Many people blame themselves for breaking up. They blame themselves for hurting, not being too kind to their partner, overreacting or saying too much, not stopping or doing it too late. All this takes a huge amount of energy and strength, especially if as a result long-term relationship children suffered.

    3. Resentment and frustration

    Grievances are your unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled hopes, desires and dreams.

    We blame the former partner that he did not give us the opportunity to realize our plans, that all dreams and desires have long since died.

    Resentment makes us weaker, we often complain to others, we blame all the troubles of the past of a loved one, we think that it is not we who are bad, but the person who once abandoned us.

    Why do you think that someone else is to blame for all this? These were your wishes and plans. And, most likely, they were significantly different from the desires and plans of the former lover. So, what is his fault? ...

    4. Promises

    Perhaps your loved one once promised you a lot. He said that you will be his forever, give birth to children, he will build a house and your living together will be very long.

    The woman believed and expected this, but at one point he left. The woman cannot fully understand how it all happened, did he promise? She remembers all the words, emotions, feelings and continues to hold on to the past, believes that everything is still changing and this is not the end.

    To improve your life, to raise the level of vital energy, you need:

    • Find all energy leaks and close them. Break all existing sexual energy attachments to former partners.
    • Develop your Svadhisthana Chakra.
    • Manage your vital energy... You must be able to turn it on or off energy force when you need it. Direct it in the necessary direction.

    Energy ties to former partners - video

    How to get rid of attachment to a man. How to remove the attachment to a woman or a man: the course of the ritual

    • Place a lighted candle and a bowl of salt at the feet of the person from whom love or other attachments will be removed. Stand on the side of his back and place your hand with the palm of your hand on his head. Wait until you experience a sensation that resembles a light breeze or tingling sensation.
    • Give your subconscious mind the order to look for energy bindings and begin to slowly move your hand from the back of your head along the spine. If you feel the presence of any ropes, threads, cords or hoses, fix in your mind where you found them.
    • Slowly and carefully remove each of them and throw the candles installed at the legs into the fire. It is necessary to maintain constant control over the process of pulling out energy bindings and throwing them into the fire. Otherwise, they will recover. The procedure for breaking ties must be carried out slowly, constantly monitoring the process. After that, you should again check with your hand whether or not there are any bindings.
    • After the ritual, one should cleanse one's hands over the candle flame and salt, imagining how salt and flame eat energy dirt from the skin of the hands.
    • Leave the candles to burn out, then collect the cinders and salt, dispose of them by flushing them in the toilet, or bury them in a place where no one walks.

    One of the ways to cut off energy ties was given by the wonderful Larisa Renard in her books and seminars. Larissa advises to stand upright, connect the index and thumb of the right hand, look to the left (this is symbolic of our past), imagine the image of the former, then, in a spiral opposite the uterus, “collect” the energy of old intimacy with the help of connected fingers and break the thread, “throwing” it to the right leftovers. According to Renard, this ritual is done once - this is enough, but such manipulations need to be done with respect to all the men with whom you had an affinity.

    How to cleanse yourself of past connections using the White Thread Ritual

    See also: How to forget a loved one

    Breaking energy bonds with a salt bath

    (Ariel Ford gives this in The Law of Attraction with reference to teacher Stefan Coe and Dr. Eric B. Roberts)

    In order to cleanse past connections in this way, you need to prepare yourself fragrant bath, add decent salt there - sea or ordinary table salt - about 740 grams.

    Light candles, immerse yourself in the bath, taking care beforehand that you will not be disturbed by your family.

    Immersed in a meditative or at least semi-meditative state, remember all your lovers. Take turns silently or aloud to say the words of forgiveness and gratitude for the presented experience to everyone.

    Then close your eyes, imagine this thread that connects you to a person (it can take on some color and come from any organ of yours - not necessarily the uterus or heart).

    Stay in a state of feeling this connection, and when you want to cut it off, chop it off, cut it off or cut it off, do it mentally. Then clap your hands three times and enjoy the relief.

    Flush the water and be sure to take a shower.

    It should be said that this ritual should also be carried out, cutting off ties with all those who were in turn. If you feel that you cannot cope with it at once, it is better to repeat the ritual after a while.

    Attachment to a person, what is it. Love attachment - definition

    First, you need to clarify what a magical binding is.

    Binding is a magical effect that creates the dependence of one person on another.

    Magical bindings can be of different strengths. Light attachment insignificantly changes the state, as if reminding him that there is another person in his life, to whom the magical attachment works.

    Strong attachments do not just provide a light impulse or reminder, but cause you to react.

    The binding can be done at different levels. It doesn't sound very clear, but, in fact, everything is simple. Magic allows you to attach to love, attach to friendship, sexual attachment, attach to thoughts. Thus, the influence of magical attachment can be applied to either side of the relationship. And a person can choose for himself which type of binding will be relevant to him: on love relationship, for friendship, for the attention of colleagues and success in work - all these goals will be facilitated by a magical attachment.

    The binding has obvious advantages and understandable disadvantages. The binding differs from the love spell in greater purposefulness and the elaboration of only one side of the relationship. Love spell also affects more globally and comprehensively. So the binding can be used both as an influence accompanying a love spell, and as an independent influence.

    You've probably already figured out what attachment is and guess how attachment works on love. But all the same, I will clarify this.

    A love attachment is a form of magical attachment that creates a love addiction.

    That would be clear, a love affair is not able to create love that a love spell can do. But a love attachment will allow directing a person's feelings strictly to the customer of the love attachment, which may be quite enough for initial stage relationships, when the customer himself does not yet know how long he needs the relationship.

    After removing the love attachment, the person cools down very quickly, because the love attraction exists only thanks to magical focusing. Once the attachment is broken, the senses instantly return to their natural state.

    When our attachment to a person or object is tied to fear, we bind it to ourselves with etheric chains. They look like hollow tubes. And the longer this relationship lasts, the more massive the chains become. This means that the most massive chains connect us with our relatives, children and those people with whom we have been in contact for a long time.

    Energy can flow in both directions along the etheric chains. They are created by fear and are always harmful to humans, they always indicate a violation of some body functions.
    They have nothing to do with harmonious relationships and love that connects body and soul.
    Breaking the etheric chains does not mean breaking the relationship with the person, it means healing, establishing and filling this relationship with Love. For example, you are attached by the etheric chain to a friend or relative who is experiencing depression. Your energy will flow to this person. You will get tired for no apparent reason. If the energy goes into the etheric tube, then no auxiliary means will help to restore strength.
    If the one with whom you have an etheric connection is angry, then his negative energy through etheric chains flows directly into your body and chakras. Then you may experience pain for no apparent reason that cannot be treated.

    Those people whose profession involves constant help to others - teachers, educators, healers - are often enveloped in the chains of attachments of their students and patients.
    If a person constantly helps friends or family out of trouble, the same thing happens to him.

    It is very important to get rid of the etheric chains. If, after breaking up with a person, you start communicating with him again, and if there is fear in your relationship, the etheric chains may reappear. New chains are thinner, but your energy goes along them - and someone else's is pouring in instead.

    In order to determine whether you have an energetic attachment to this or that object, person or, for example, egregor, you must test yourself. Let's look at the example of binding to to a certain person... She is:

    • If you have any pity for him, the desire to be with him at all costs, the desire to help or save.
    • In the presence of resentment.

    This feeling is very dangerous. After all, a person, constantly returning to negative moments in his life, keeps them in his field, which brings only harm to health. Deep unforgiveness is often the cause of cancer, and this should be borne in mind. And, in addition, according to many esotericists, resentment against a person is equivalent to wishing him death, which, according to the laws of the Universe, is also unacceptable and returns in the form different diseases and troubles. Well, don't forget about such a moment as well. When you think about your abuser, you give him energy. Is it worth it to “feed” someone with your energy? Sorry, forget, live your life on.

    • When there is a desire to prove their case or take revenge.

    These feelings are also destructive and dangerous, they also become the reasons for building energy attachments. After all, it is difficult to let go of a person if you think that you have to prove that in a given situation it is you who are right or that you have been hatching a revenge plan for some time.

    • When guilt is present.

    From childhood, we are instilled with this feeling under the guise of a noble and sublime, without even knowing what they are doing. great harm... In fact, the feeling of guilt towards a person for some kind of offense, lack of attention, irresponsibility or inability to solve problems for him is aggression directed at oneself. We deprive ourselves of the right to make a mistake, and when it does we begin to engage in self-flagellation. There is a constant return to the past situation, a mental analysis of why this happened, and in this time we do our best to make amends to another person and deserve his forgiveness. The result is a durable and strong energy binding.

    By the way, many people who feel an influx of energy in their direction from such attachments forcibly impose a sense of guilt on us, trying to belittle our merits in relation to themselves. Beware of such people, they consciously or subconsciously build vampiric connections to you.

    • Debts.

    Unpaid debts build pegs for a long time. Moreover, not only debtors suffer, but also those who lent money. Therefore, advice for borrowers, you should lend as much money as you do not mind giving or losing. Then it will be easy for you to say goodbye to them and forgive the debtor.

    • If there is a sense of intangible debt.

    The stereotype “you - me, I - you” establishes long-term energy bindings. In order not to become a victim of this stereotype, you should choose the environment and not be impudent with your requests. If you have been sincerely helped, then, most likely, it is quite enough also sincere thanks, which is not expressed in monetary or similar terms. If you already have it or you are afraid to "owe" the person helping you, then pay him or provide a service in a comparable framework.

    • When you cannot part with a person due to lack of fortitude, courage or out of pity.

    Quite often people who, despite the many years they lived together, have lost their meaning cohabitation, cannot unleash their relationship and let go of each other. In this case, such a connection can be nurtured by various feelings: a sense of duty, habits, obligations to each other, children, material dependence, pity to the partner.

    • When there is addiction, fear, jealousy and desire to possess another person.

    In this case, it is difficult to talk about love for a specific person, since he is rather an object of desire. In principle, it can even be compared to a coveted toy. After all, when they want to possess her, they do not ask her if she has such a desire or need. And when we fail to take possession of such a toy, then there is a feeling of infringement and resentment, which contributes to building an energetic connection with the object of desire.

    • When there is overprotection and overprotection on the part of the parents.

    This is a separate heartbreaking topic, in which there is a tragic plot and many nuances that are unpleasant for both sides. Only serious talk with parents or breaking up relations. Otherwise, the life of the child will be accompanied by setbacks and failures (and this is even the best).

    This article gives good practice allowing to remove energy dependence from people and other creatures, and free from unwanted influences.

    When people have unequal subordinate relationships, when there is room for the fear of loss, when one is dependent on the other, psychological attachment appears. Having psychic abilities, such attachment can be felt on the subtle plane, where it manifests itself as energy attachments (cords). As you know, each chakra is associated with a certain set of feelings and desires, depending on which one can judge where the energy connection can be established. Usually, energy ties between people are formed unconsciously, they can be between women, for example, in the presence of envy; and they will necessarily be between lovers, parents and other loved ones.

    The same energetic bindings can be formed and intentionally, which most often happens in the world of Spirits. For example, through these attachments they cling to a person incubus (male demon) or succubus (demon in female form), depending on gender and sexual preference. As a rule, an energetic connection with them is established at the level of the genitals - the second chakra. It is possible to determine whether intercourse with such a demon takes place in a dream by its following distinctive features: he always has beautiful body, which necessarily suits the taste of his victim, but the face is ugly (though the face is rarely seen), and after intercourse, a strong pumping out of energy occurs with it; In the morning, the victim of a sexual assault wakes up crumpled and tired.

    In the case when a person feels an obvious dependence on another, so heavy that it darkens his life, takes away strength and energy, lowers his interest in life, it is urgent to get rid of this. To do this, you need to remove energy bindings.

    How to remove attachment?

    This practice is aimed at cutting off ties with a person or some other being. (If you do not have enough personal strength to do it yourself, then you should contact a specialist.) It is best to do it together: one removes the bindings from the other. The most the right time(compliance with which will help increase personal strength and increase the result) for such a ritual is Saturday... God protects this day Saturn, which will help to break unwanted ties and get rid of them.

    Materials: For the ritual, you will need one candle to create a sacred space (white or wax) and a second candle or bowl of salt to receive the negative. In the second case, it is convenient to use disposable plate, since it is not a pity to throw it away, and the used salt, accordingly, will need to be drained into the toilet.

    Ritual progress:

    (Here I will describe an option that explains how to remove the ties from another person; by the same principle, they can be removed from yourself.)

    1. Light a candle to create a sacred space with the words:

    I invoke my helper spirit / guardian angel / patron god [Name](the person being cleaned) help me: establish justice and cleanse [Name] from all energy bindings that connect her / him with [Name2](with that person or other being from whom you need to free yourself).

    2. Place a second candle (or bowl of salt) at the feet of the person you will be cleaning. (This psychic perception exercise.) Stand at the person's back and bring your hand, palm down, above his head. Feelings similar to sensations of the lung breeze, warm / cool, or tingling.

    3. Then you need to give an internal command - to feel the energy bindings. Tune in to the sensation of the palm of your hand and slowly lower your hand down (starting at the back of your head). Where you feel warmth, figure it out: are there seals, what shape are they? (Usually energy bindings manifest as ropes, threads, cords, hoses.)

    4. When you have identified the energy bindings, carefully pull them out and throw the second candle into the fire. (As soon as a person loses mental control over the energy connection, it is restored. Therefore, you need to do this practice slowly, with high level concentration.) After that, check how it happened: is there anything left? If yes, then take out what's left. If difficulties arise, and the binding appears again, then try to remove it again and mentally light it along its entire length with fire - let the flame rush to the one who gave birth to it. There is another option: to remove the binding and put mental silver ring, then throw it into space - such a binding will not pick up on anyone.

    5. So, remove (check) the bindings along the spine from the head to the knees, and then throw them into the fire. Basically, the bindings can be on the chakras, or on some organs or glands (large lymph nodes).

    6. When you remove all the bindings, go through the places where they were again and restore the human field in this place (fill the voids with energy, smooth out the surface irregularities so that there is a uniform surface).

    7. When you're done, cleanse your hands over the candle flame, visualizing how the fire absorbs the foreign energies left behind after cleaning.

    8. Leave the candles to burn out.

    In addition to cleaning a person, it will also be good to clean the room (apartment or house) in which he sleeps, especially if the bindings were with entities from parallel world... You can clean the room with fire (see article "House cleaning ritual" ), you can fumigate it with sage smoke.

    Who can do this practice?

    This practice can be mastered by almost anyone who understands that he is not only physical body... In other words, everyone who wants to can learn to feel energy attachments, with the exception of skeptics, who only need to be convinced of their negative opinion.

    P.S .: write about your experience in the comments below.

    Greetings to new and regular readers! In the article "How to get rid of energy attachment to a person" - an explanation of what it is and several ways to get rid of.

    What is energy binding?

    Energy bindings are invisible moral ties with specific people or things in the material world. It is easier to part with objects - they can simply be thrown away or burned. But what about relationships that hurt and hinder your spiritual development?

    More often than not, people cannot get rid of moral dependence on their former lovers. But there is an energetic connection between relatives and friends who live under the same roof.

    It is not difficult to recognize the attachment: a person, as it were, cannot do without another person, but at the same time he is uncomfortable with him, he suffers and suffers, takes any of his actions to heart.

    It is important to remember that both love and friendly relations harmonious only if people complement each other, exchange positive energy and experience the joy of fellowship.

    At the same time, it is imperative both for yourself, as well as dear person... Energy attachment is a channel through which energy flows without being replenished or renewed naturally. A person loses spiritual strength, but does not gain positive emotions... And this is fraught nervous disorders.

    How to break an energy bond

    Unfortunately, in most cases, getting rid of such an addiction is a long and difficult process, especially if its object is constantly in front of your eyes. If the relationship has become painful, you must either pause or see each other as little as possible.

    The strongest bonds between parents and children and vice versa. On the one hand, this is natural, because there are no people in the world dearer and dearer, but on the other hand, such love can turn into a feeling of ownership or excessive sacrifice. Both the child and the parent suffer from this, and both of them cannot find an independent way of life.

    Vladimir Lermontov's method

    Psychologist Vladimir Lermontov suggests next way getting rid of such moral dependence. You need to sit comfortably or lie down, close your eyes and relax. During this time, you should not be distracted by anything.

    Imagine a person close to you, sailing on a luxury ship, and yourself - seeing off ashore. You must go through all the pain of separation and loss, because he floats away forever and you will never see him again.

    However, in distant lands he will be fine, he does not know the need and suffering. The ship itself also has everything for a comfortable stay - beautiful cabins, a restaurant, etc.

    Imagine the ship getting smaller and smaller and finally disappearing over the horizon. Wave your hand to this person and wish him happiness. Let this story appear in your imagination as vividly as possible.

    Look through and experience every second, every shade of feelings and experiences, and then you will have every chance to remove addiction. This does not mean that you will stop loving and cherishing this person. You just get rid of the painful addiction on the mental level.

    For many people this method proved to be really effective, but it is not enough. If you start to get angry with loved ones again or complicate your relationship, the attachment may resume.

    Another way

    Another method can be used. Imagine that thin threads or branches of a tree are emanating from you. Then imagine that fire appears and burns them. The flame can be replaced with other ways, for example, cut the channels with scissors or simply tear with your hands.

    In a word, start a program in the subconscious to destroy these streams. But the main condition is to forgive a person, regardless of whether he offended you or not. To forgive does not mean to justify or understand his actions.

    It means accepting everything that happens as a tribute. With such thinking, you will not subordinate yourself to it even more, but, on the contrary, you will gain emotional freedom.

    See this video for more information.