What is the best face scrub. Scrub for deep cleansing Lumene Matt Touch. Video Recipes: Natural Homemade Facial Scrubs

Let's test facial scrubs today for a safe composition and good action, choose the best face scrub and expose rating of face scrubs. And at the end of the article, I'll even tell you where to buy the winners.

It seems, well, what is a scrub? A little gel or cream mass, a little scrubbing particles (grated apricot pits, or salt, or something else). It seems like it couldn't be easier.

Yes, and use - smeared, rubbed, washed off - and voila - the skin already becomes clean, radiant, like a baby's ... At least that's what the manufacturer promises ...

Of course, you will not hear in any advertisement that almost all manufacturers of face scrubs (and not only them) add there in addition to problematic preservatives, parabens and fragrances, another critical ingredient... An ingredient that is invisible to the naked eye, but which has dire consequences not only for yourself, but for the entire planet as a whole.

But about this ingredient a little later ... Now let's first define, why do you need a skin scrub and see how to choose from hundreds of items the best face scrub?

Why do you need a face scrub?

If you have been reading my blog for a long time, I think you know how my hands itch to write here that face scrubs are not needed at all))) But for beginners I will try not to be a complete hipster and will consider using scrubs on both sides - from its advantages and cons. And there - it's up to you ...

Purpose of the scrub- remove the upper "dead" layer of cells by mechanical action on the skin. In Russian speaking, rubbing a face scrub with scrubbing particles, you kind of polish the skin (like wood - with sandpaper), removing from it everything that has already become obsolete. At the same time, the skin should be deeply cleansed, wrinkles should decrease, acne should stop))) At least that's what the advertisement says.

I want to note that a face scrub is just a tool for mechanical peeling... Moreover, it is not the most terrible, since it acts only on the surface.

To other "tools" mechanical peeling relate:

  • sugar
  • coarse brushes
  • microparticles of aluminum oxide
  • microfiber
  • plastic particles
  • ground apricot or peach pits

Deeper peeling is chemical peeling ... It can be produced using substances such as:

  • Fruit acids such as glycolic (surface action)
  • Lipo-hydroxy acid (LHA) (surface action)
  • Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) (Medium Surface Action)
  • Phenolic compounds ( high degree influence)
  • Tretinoin (Vitamin A Acid)

And why I consider face scrubs not only useless, but sometimes dangerous means, I already wrote in my articles, as well as in an article in two parts. Be sure to read it!

Here I will just write the following cautions :

  1. Scrubbing too often, no matter which scrub is regular or natural, can lead to keratinization of the upper layer of the skin, which at the same time can cause acne, pimples and simply uneven skin surface
  2. Discard the scrub if you have rosacea (droplets located very close to the surface of the skin, especially in the nose). It is very important! Peeling of the face with rosacea ALWAYS leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin!
  3. Be careful with scrubs for breakouts or acne. Facial scrub won't improve! In the worst case, you will simply spread the bacteria along the surface of the skin, making the situation worse. For acne, it is better to use enzyme scrubs or just clay.
  4. If I am against scrubs, this does not mean that I am against peels at all. Sometimes exfoliation can work wonders on the skin. I recommend mild substances as a peeling. For me, for example, the best face scrub is lemon juice(or just a slice held over the skin of the face), natural Apple vinegar (diluted with water 1: 1) as a tonic, clay all different colors (like a mask once a week for 20 minutes), sea ​​salt(diluted to wet sand and applied to the skin for 5 minutes - DO NOT RUB, but apply as a mask, then rinse off)

Why are you eating your face scrub?

So, we figured out how the scrub works and looked at the ingredients that serve as scrubbing particles in scrubs.

As in all others cosmetic products and in scrubs - the composition of products from the natural organic segment of cosmetics differs from scrubs of conventional cosmetics. Manufacturers of natural organic cosmetics most often use in their scrubs as scrubbing particles salt, rice flour, sugar, or apricot pits.

Manufacturers of ordinary cosmetics almost always add microplastics to a skin scrub as a scrubbing agent - these are small, small balls that should just gently scrub your skin without injuring it. And all would be fine, but only with time it turned out that this microplastic is not at all as innocent as it seems.

Imagine this situation. You go to the store and buy a facial scrub from, say, Garnier. Come home, put it on your face, scrub it, wash it off. The remains of the scrub go into the sewer pipe, and you happily forget about it all. And thus, the waste water, passing through the purification filters, is purified. Only now - bad luck, since the size of microplastics is so microscopic (sorry, for the pun), it cannot stay in treatment facilities and thus gets into natural reservoirs and spreads everywhere. Bees, collecting pollen, capture microplastics, which then fall into honey; cows, chewing grass, also chew microplastics, which then enters the milk; fish in water swallow microplastics that remain in their bodies.

Thus, the microplastic eventually ends up on your table. Roughly speaking, you eat your scrub)))

The Federal Environmental Protection Agency analyzed 19 different brands of honey, and in all ( in all!!!) microplastic was found!

Of course, microplastic is not only in face scrubs, but most often it is scrubbing products, whether it is peeling, washing gel, facial masks or toothpaste.

How to determine the presence of microplastics in your products? Look for the following words in your ingredient list:

    • Polyethylen (PE)
    • Polypropylen (PP)
    • Polyethylenterephthalat (PET)
    • Polyester; Polyester-1; Polyester-11 (PES)
    • Polyurethan; Polyurethan-2; Polyurethan-14; Polyurethan-35 (PUR)
    • Polyamid; Nylon-12; Nylon-6; Nylon-66 (PA)
    • Ethylen-Vinylacetat-Copolymere (EVA)
    • Polyimid; Polyimid-1 (PI)

Microplastic cosmetic products

Health hazard due to microplastics

Once in water, the microplastic absorbs substances that are suspected of being change hormonal background human or even can cause cancer... For example, flame retardants, dyes or organic chlorine compounds. And since then microplastic gets to our table with honey, milk or fish, then these harmful substances enter our body along with them.

At the moment, the health problems caused by microplastics have not yet been scientifically proven. But only because humanity has faced this problem relatively recently. One thing is clear: in experiments on mollusks, it was seen that microparticles are retained in tissues, where they cause inflammation over time.

Therefore, if you still need a face scrub, I strongly recommend reading the composition and choosing scrubs from the segment natural organic cosmetics.

Let's go directly to testing products, so that according to its results you can choose for yourself the best face scrub.

Rating of face scrubs - CANDIDATES

This time I tested the following face scrubs for you:

  1. Primavera Sage Grape Cleansing Facial Scrub
  2. MiKo Ylang-ylang face scrub
  3. Makosh Scrub Beauty
  4. Cattier Gommage based on white clay
  5. Lavera Ginkgo Jojoba Cleansing Facial Scrub
  6. Natura Siberica Exfoliating scrub
  7. Clean line Face scrub with apricot pits
  8. L'Oreal Perfect Clean Facial Scrub
  9. Garnier Clean Skin Active Scrub
  10. Nivea visage Clean Deeper Facial Gel Scrub

Rating of face scrubs - RESULTS

Didn't find your scrub? Take a look here (new EcoTest)

Rating of face scrubs - SUMMARY

So what happens? What's the best face scrub we've tested?

  1. Fortunately, half of the facial scrubs tested received the rating “ GREAT«: Scrubs from Primavera, MiKo , Makosh, Cattier and your favorite scrub from Natura Siberica used as scrubbing particles - natural ingredients like rice flour, sugar or clay. The compositions are gorgeous, only natural ingredients, no fragrances, dyes and other chemicals
  2. Facial scrub from Lavera this time received the mark “ OK“, Since it contains a critical and completely unnecessary dye with chromium (which, please pay attention, is still admissible for use in natural organic cosmetics, but I'm strict with my candidates)
  3. Also, many a favorite scrub with apricot stone Clean line was rated “ SATISFACTORILY ". There is no microplastics in it, but there are preservatives, artificial fragrances and petrochemical products, as well as in a face scrub from L'Oreal
  4. Scrubs from Garnier nivea and Visage contain, in addition to dyes, preservatives, suspicious UV filters - microplastics. Therefore, the rating is only " UNSATISFACTORY «

You can buy the winners of EcoTest Facial scrubs here.

Scrub Ylang-Ylang MiKo (code 1446 to receive a gift on the first order)

Facial scrub Krasa Makosh

Scrub-gommage Cattier(code FBS790 for 5% discount)

Scrub Natura Siberica(code FBS790 for 5% discount)

Biosrub Lavera (code FBS790 for 5% discount)

What face scrubs do you use? What is the best face scrub for you? Or do you prefer homemade scrubs?

Today we will try to find the best face scrub. Skin care plays important role In human life. Especially when it comes to the face. It is this area of ​​the body that most often suffers from a variety of skin ailments. And most of the problems are solved with such a thing as a scrub. You just need to choose the right tool. Otherwise, there will be no result. You can either buy a scrub or make your own at home.

Buy or not

Do you need Which is better - homemade or store-bought? Many girls and women are interested in these questions. After all, facial care is a standard daily procedure. And you need to approach it wisely.

The fact is that opinions were divided regarding purchased and homemade products. Some consider the products being sold to be a "scam" for money, someone assures in the effectiveness of the offered funds. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what to trust.

It is noted that both purchased scrubs and homemade give good result... It is difficult to predict which option to choose. It is recommended not to resort to purchased funds for those who have hypersensitivity to cosmetics. Or if you are prone to allergies. Also, these scrubs are usually chosen to save time. But it is still preferable to use homemade masks and gels for washing. They will do less damage to the skin.

Component selection

If you decide to make a scrub at home, you need to know certain rules. Or rather, take advantage of some knowledge that will help you choose the main component of the "mask", because not all substances are equally useful. The best facial scrub is the one that works for all skin types. It does not dry out, does not impart oily sheen, does not cause allergic reactions. To the main components similar funds skin care products include:

  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • strawberries;
  • dairy products (high fat content);
  • coffee;
  • cinnamon;
  • clay (cosmetic);
  • lemon juice (requires careful use).

If you prepare a face scrub using these components, you will get best recipe! Means using such products can be considered universal. They not only cleanse the skin, but also normalize the sebaceous glands. So how can you make a good cleansing facial scrub? You will learn about this a little later.

Selection rules

First, you need to figure out exactly how to choose the best facial skin care product. These recommendations will definitely help you cope with the task at hand. They are usually suitable for both homemade recipes and ready-made cosmetics.

What's the best face scrub? One in which there are no hard small particles, no salt or soda. These ingredients can irritate delicate skin.

When it comes to purchased products, try to choose products that are low in excipients. It is advisable to study reviews about a particular product before buying.

Be sure to pay attention to the type of product. Usually, the packages contain recommendations for use in relation to a particular skin type. For example, "for oily" and "for dry". It is important. If you choose the wrong cosmetics, you will only harm yourself.

The best face scrub contains only natural ingredients and does not cause allergies. Therefore on last moment pay attention first. Nobody knows exactly how your skin will react to this or that scrub. If you are preparing the product yourself, you need to apply a little mass to the back of the elbow before starting the action and observe the changes. In the case of purchased products, reviews about it will help determine. You can also dab some scrub on your elbow and watch the reaction. Keep in mind that you are unlikely to be allowed to open the packaging in the store, you will have to buy a scrub first.

Caution - danger

By the way, this is far from the only drawback of ready-made cosmetics. The fact is that if you are thinking about which face scrub is better to choose, carefully study the composition of the proposed options. They should not contain microplastics. Only a small amount of this substance is permissible.

As practice shows, most manufacturers of cosmetics add microplastics to enhance the cleansing effect. Only there is an opinion that such substances can cause skin cancer. So, purchased funds not that good. It is worth being vigilant and careful.

Yes, when preparing a homemade facial scrub, you also sometimes have to use components with microplastics (for example, according to recent studies, this component was found in honey), but the content there is much less. This is a significant benefit of homemade skin care products.

"Pure line" with apricot

Looking for a face scrub? Which one is best for this procedure? You can pay attention to the "Clean Line" with the addition of This inexpensive remedy, which is accessible to the majority of the population. In terms of distribution, there are also no problems - "Clean Line" can be found in any cosmetics store and even in supermarkets.

Girls note the low cost of the product. This is good, because you don't always want to pay a lot for cosmetics. The "clean line" with apricot pits is suitable for combination skin. And for this, this product receives mainly positive reviews... The effectiveness of the application, according to numerous opinions, is noticeable after about a week of use. The product contains a minimum of dyes, there is no microplastic here.


Finding the best face scrub can be challenging. Reviews about this cosmetics are varied. There are also enough manufacturers of such products. This is becoming a huge problem. First, decide whether you will buy or make your own scrub. If you decide on the first appointment, then it is already worth studying the opinions of buyers about this or that product.

The next popular scrub is Nivea. The Clean Deeper series has become hugely popular with teenagers. As the name suggests, this product is ideal for deep cleansing of the skin. Nivea products are available in every cosmetics store, however, the cost of the product is higher than that of Pure Line. As practice shows, it almost does not cause allergies. As in the previous case, the result is visible after about 7 days of use.

But if we talk about the composition, then in in this case it is worse than that of the "Clean Line". It contains a wide variety of dyes and microplastics. Suspicious UV filters also occur. Clean Deeper Scrub should be handled with caution - if used improperly, it will dry out the skin.

Natura Siberica

What is the best facial scrub you can find? Natura Siberica - here's another very good product... It is noted that it is considered the best in its composition. There are no harmful substances and dyes. We can say that this tool is as close as possible in composition to home cosmetics.

Natura Siberica is the best face scrub. Reviews indicate that it is not so easy to purchase this tool - you cannot find it everywhere. But it's worth trying - you won't regret it. After the first application, the effect will be noticeable. Does not cause allergic reactions, possesses average cost... Numerous opinions of girls indicate that Natura Siberica has a pleasant plant smell. There are no chemicals or additional excipients. Therefore, it is this tool many prefer. Suitable, as customers say, for all skin types.

Honey and cinnamon

We have more or less decided on the purchased products. In general, the choice is not limited to these options. It's just that the listed funds are considered the most effective and common. Now you can cook a good one. It's not as difficult as it seems.

The first option is suitable for all skin types. Girls point out that it is perfect not only for cleansing the face, but also for rejuvenating and evening out the color. To make a scrub, combine honey and cinnamon. For a tablespoon of the first component, there is a teaspoon of the second. Next, massage the mass into the skin and rinse off. Can be used as a mask. The effect will not keep you waiting: only about 5-6 days of daily use - and all problems will be solved!

Oatmeal to help

Best home scrub difficult to choose. All recipes (and there are quite a few of them) are good in their own way. To get rid of oily sheen and acne, you can use oatmeal. They make a wonderful scrub. The girls are pleased that the remedy is cheap and effective, it does not cause allergies in anyone at all.

Pour some of the figs in warm milk for 30 minutes, then grate them. Add a little to the mass oatmeal(50 grams, can be replaced oat flour) and milk with which figs were poured. All components are mixed, applied to the face with massage movements and washed off.

With clay

What are the best homemade face scrubs? This is a rather difficult question. After all, the choice is huge. If you have dry skin, you can use a recipe using this method is also in demand among women, because if you wish, you can use the scrub as a mask. The effectiveness is high, but it is necessary to repeat the procedure 2 times a week. And within a month you will see significant changes.

Preparation is a simple remedy - dilute a little clay (20-30 grams) with warm milk to the desired state. If desired, you can additionally add a pinch of cinnamon or lemon juice... Everything is easy and simple. The main thing is to remember one rule: it is forbidden to dilute clay with water. And not only when using this component. In general, you cannot prepare a scrub using water, only milk is acceptable.


Not sure how to choose the best face scrub? It's no secret that coffee has cleansing and toning properties. This should be used. The girls note that the coffee scrub helps not only the skin of the face, but also the whole body. If you massage your thighs with this remedy, the effect is noticeable immediately. So far, girls and women have not had allergic reactions. And it pleases.

Preparation of the product is extremely simple, it does not leave you indifferent! Just brew strong natural coffee, then take the grounds and dilute with a little milk. That's all. If you wish, you can try to massage the skin without milk, but this is not recommended.


What can be summed up? The best face scrub is difficult to find. Determining which product you are interested in - store or home made... Further, only by trial and error, you have to choose what is right for you.

In general, if you decide to buy a ready-made scrub, do not be lazy to study the reviews about the tool. You can often find out something useful in them. And remember: high price does not mean excellent quality at all. Sometimes even the most expensive funds do not give such excellent results as cheap counterparts. Therefore, you will have to make a choice based on numerous customer reviews. It is not recommended to perform additional experiments on the skin - if you notice any allergic reactions, stop using any product immediately. And don't put it on your skin anymore. We'll have to look for another best homemade facial scrub!

Every woman dreams of a healthy and clean skin faces. In order for the face to always be radiant, many women prefer scrubs as a tool.

Scrubs have a positive effect on the skin of the face. They help to exfoliate dead areas of the epidermis, remove annoying blackheads, improve the metabolic process, and saturate the skin with useful substances and oxygen. After using scrubs, the skin becomes smooth, which visually makes a woman younger.

In order for the effect to be noticeable, the scrub must be selected for the type of skin,. For oily skin most often they use a scrub, which consists of large particles (seeds of berries and fruits, coarse sea salt) to cleanse all pores from sebum, make the face "breathe", prevent acne and a feeling of "oily" on the face. For combination skin, scrubs based on finely crushed seeds or grains, with the addition of vitamin essences, are suitable. Dry skin needs gentle care, therefore, oils, honey, juice of fruits, berries and stems are added to the scrubs.

Types of scrubs

Depending on the texture and composition, the main types of scrubs are distinguished.

Gel scrubs

The basis of such a scrub is a gel, which includes various oils and vitamin complexes... Most often, gels are suitable for normal to combination skin.

Clay scrubs

The scrub is based on natural clay, which helps to get rid of the oily face, opens pores and brightens the skin, cleansing it. Clay scrubs are suitable for women with oily skin.

Bone scrubs

These scrubs contain crushed seeds of berries and fruits that effectively cleanse the skin. Suitable for owners of oily and normal skin.

It should be remembered that choosing certain kind scrub, you need to take into account the problematic skin. If you have a rash or other ailments, it is best to choose a gel or mask so as not to injure the inflamed areas.

Facial scrub soap

Many women prefer scrub soaps, as they gently but effectively cleanse the face and at the same time make it softer. Natural soaps or scrub soaps, which are made on their own, are gaining more and more popularity. This requires only imagination and useful substances that will help the skin to regain freshness.

Most often, sea salt becomes the main component, as it is a natural scrub that is indispensable for any skin. As a scrub, you can use not only salt, but also the pits of apricot, cherry, coffee grains. To moisturize, use different oils: shea butter, sesame, almond and many others. Such soap is an irreplaceable thing for the skin of the face.

Facial gommage scrub

Gommage scrub is a kind of "acid mask" for the face. It helps to remove the top layer of the skin in order to unclog pores and make the skin breathe. Gommage appeared not so long ago, but has already won the sympathy of the fair sex. The main advantage of gommage is that it cleanses the skin without harming it. Essential oils and fruit acids, which are part of gommage, exfoliate and nourish the skin. Gommage has a positive effect on the skin without friction and effort, since it soft remedy... The scrub in combination with gommage is ideal for normal to dry skin, as it gently but effectively cleanses.

Facial foam scrub

A scrub in combination with foam is another innovation of cosmetologists that is gaining momentum. Often, foam scrubs are designed to cleanse and refresh the skin. The scrub, as always, copes with its main job - exfoliation and cleansing, and the foam nourishes and improves blood circulation.

On the cosmetology market there is an abundance of scrubs with foams for the face. They can be either with hyaluronic acid or with camellia oils and micro granules. When choosing such a product, you should pay attention to the composition. It should not contain alcohols, talc, sulfates, dyes, as it dangerous elements for the skin.

The benefits of a scrub foam include the following factors:

  • micro scrub granules cleanse the pores;
  • foam removes makeup and other impurities from the deepest layers;
  • foam makes the skin elastic and gives a fresh scent;
  • foam protects the skin from dust;
  • Facial scrub is a treasure trove of cleansing, nourishment and protection of the skin!

Facial scrub mask

Scrub masks are popular both in home and salon cosmetology. They help to achieve deep cleansing of the skin. It should be remembered that all masks-srabs should only be from natural products so as not to cause irritation and allergies.

It should be noted that scrub masks differ from ordinary masks in that they need to be applied to the face a little differently. Before applying this kind of mask, you should steam your face to open all the pores. Then, with massage movements, you need to rub the mask for 3 minutes. Movements should be smooth. After that, you need to leave the mask for 15 minutes so that deep cleaning... Rinse off the scrub mask with water room temperature... These procedures should be done once a week.

Dry face scrub

You need to be very careful with this type of scrub. It is better not to use them for dry skin. The peculiarity is that they need to be applied to the face in a special way.

First, you should read the method of application, which is indicated on the label. Typically, the raw material for these scrubs are shavings (coconut). They are mixed with the oil indicated on the label (if coconut flakes, then, respectively, Coconut oil). When this mixture begins to resemble gruel, then it is applied to the face with massage movements. Wait 5 to 15 minutes and wash off.

Dry scrubs help deeply cleanse pores, relieve redness, and blood flow to the face.

Facial scrub gel

This type of scrub is one of the most popular because it is easy to use and suitable for different types skin. Gel scrubs not only cleanse the skin, but also remove wrinkles, improve complexion and give a feeling of freshness. There are gel scrubs that are suitable for different age categories... Beginning with adolescence, eliminating rashes and age-related acne, ending at the age of 50+, which fight wrinkles and make the skin elastic.

Face scrub cream

Cream scrubs are used not only for the face. The cream helps to make the skin look well-groomed. The cream nourishes, moisturizes, tones and promotes the regeneration of the epithelium. Cream scrubs are best applied before bedtime, as redness may occur, which will disappear during sleep, because the skin will have time to renew itself. Before applying, you should prepare your face: clean and steam it. You do not need to persistently rub the cream into the skin, it can do harm. Lungs massage movements and the face will begin to breathe in a new way.

Facial scrub peeling

Such scrubs help to easily get rid of blackheads, prevent rashes and acne. Peels are useful in that dead skin areas are removed without difficulty and the face is instantly refreshed. Peeling can also be done at home. It should be remembered that after the procedure, you should moisturize your face with tonic or cream, but the main thing is not to overdo it!

At home, you can do egg, curd, carrot, oat and milk peels.

Cleaning your face at home: video

At home, you can make a body scrub from honey, chocolate, or coconut ingredients. The peeling agent is designed to give the skin softness, smoothness, get rid of cellulite or ingrown hairs. Check out the popular brands of scrubs, find out what ingredients they are made of, try making your own body peeling.

What is a body scrub

A means for deep cleansing is a body scrub. It contains exfoliating particles: seeds and seeds of plants, nut shells, small synthetic granules or balls. Peels are based on gels, cosmetic clay or creams. Popular scrubs are products based on salt or sugar, coffee, honey. They are easy to make at home.

What is it needed for

The scrub acts as a cleanser. Its abrasive components exfoliate old dead epidermal cells and impurities from the skin surface. The skin becomes smooth, soft, blood circulation improves, spots and wrinkles are smoothed out. The procedure for peeling and cleansing the skin is important, since dirt, dust, sebum, and toxins accumulate on the body every day. Only a shower is not enough to cleanse the pores, while peeling helps to cleanse of external impurities. Functions of scrubs:

  • cleansing - exfoliation dead cells and pores;
  • health improvement - providing skin cells with oxygen;
  • nutrition - the base softens the skin, soothes after mechanical cleaning;
  • toning - improving blood circulation;
  • tightening - lifting the skin, improving its attractiveness;
  • calming - the essential oils in the composition relax nervous system;
  • an increase in the speed of work of other means for the body - creams, milk, lotions.


Body scrubs are not categorized as “dry” or “oily”. They are divided depending on the substrate used and the abrasive particles:

  1. By type of base: clay, cream, gel.
  2. By the type of peeling particles: salt, sugar, coffee, coconut, synthetic balls, nut shells, seeds, fruit acids (lemon juice).
  3. By effect: anti-cellulite, moisturizing, nourishing.

How to use

Having bought or made a product yourself, you need to read the instructions for its use. How to use a body scrub with maximum efficiency:

  • peel gently in the shower in a circular motion;
  • massage the skin for a couple of minutes with your hand, a sponge or a washcloth from natural fibers;
  • pay attention to your feet, knees, elbows, back;
  • rinse thoroughly warm water;
  • dab the body with a towel;
  • apply milk or nutritious cream for body;
  • repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week;
  • for sensitive dry skin, replace the scrub with abrasive particles with one containing fruit acids;
  • do not use the product if the skin has inflammation or rashes.


The scrub is considered universal remedy, but it has contraindications for use. They are as follows:

  • thin sensitive skin - after using the peel, scratches, redness may remain;
  • damage, irritation on the body;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • allergies or hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • sun or other burn.

Best body scrubs

On the cosmetic market there are a large number of scrubs. Popular manufacturers are the following:




Price, rubles

Natura Siberica sea buckthorn honey

300 ml, abrasives sea salt, pine nut shells, buckwheat honey

The composition contains oils, the consistency of jelly, massage of problem areas eliminates cellulite

Economy, large volume

Not suitable for dry skin

Organic Shop Raspberry Cream

250 ml, cane sugar

Raspberry extract, cream and coconut oil moisturize the skin. Viscous texture, slightly lather

Natural composition, suitable for sensitive skin

Too much soft impact

Planeta Organica Jamaican Coconut

450 ml, sugar, coconut flakes, apricot pits

Coconut oils, papaya, dense oily texture, massage effect

Cheap, economical, protects against UV rays

The scent is too bright

Black Pearl Perfect skin

200 ml, apricot pits

Contains caffeine, which smoothes and tones, creamy texture

Suitable for sensitive skin, comfortable tube format

Small volume, quickly consumed

Jurassic Spa Anti-Cellulite

300 ml, salt, ground coffee

Garcinia extract and cinnamon essential oil fight cellulite, mousse texture

Natural ingredients in composition, profitability

Short term storage, expensive

Aravia Organic Fruit Peel

150 ml, fruit acids

Acid peeling in gel format

The effect is cumulative, comfortable pump

Tingling sensation in the process, sticky texture

Body scrub price

You can buy a body scrub at a beauty store, online marketplace, or a pharmacy. The price depends on the level of the manufacturer, the raw materials used, the composition. The approximate cost is shown below:

How to choose a body scrub

When buying a peeling for body skin, pay attention to the cost and convenience of the bottle. Read labels if composition is important to you. The method of application and contraindications are also indicated there. Factors making it easier to choose a cosmetic product:

  • for persons sensitive to aromas, it is important to choose products with a neutral smell or with a minimum of fragrances;
  • if you have an allergy, read the composition carefully;
  • carefully use scrubs with shells or crushed bones, they can injure the skin;
  • universal scrub - with sea salt, it polishes and tones, but can pinch if there are wounds on the skin;
  • fatty skin fit clay peeling base, dry - cream base, combined - gel.

Homemade body scrub recipes

To get beautiful smooth skin it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on cosmetical tools or visiting beauty salons. At home, you can easily make a bath scrub that will work with any skin type. Use improvised means as abrasives: marine or table salt, cane or regular sugar, candied honey, coffee grounds, powdered milk, which are mixed with the base in different proportions.

Corn grits scrub

The most simple option peeling is considered a corn flour scrub: apply dry powder to wet body with massaging movements, rinse. Wet skin will instantly become velvety. With dryness skin mix the ingredients: flour with a spoonful of honey and small amount warm water. Stretch pores, massage the body with the resulting peeling for a few minutes. Rinse and pat dry with a towel.


Pleasant aroma and a chocolate scrub prepared according to the following recipe has an excellent firming effect:

  • mix the ingredients: two tablespoons of natural coffee ground in a coffee grinder with the same amount of cocoa powder;
  • add a spoonful of sugar to the mixture, a spoon olive oil and liquid flower honey;
  • flavor the mixture with your loved one essential oil(5-6 drops) or vanillin powder on the tip of a knife;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply the mixture in a circular motion as a wrap, rinse with warm water;
  • cream after applying such a peeling, you can not use.


Candied or runny honey makes an excellent scrub base. Several popular recipes:

  • mix two tablespoons of honey with a spoonful of cinnamon, massage with the resulting mixture problem areas;
  • 200 g of salt and 100 ml of liquid honey will get rid of cellulite - steam the pores, apply the mass in a circular motion, pat on the body, accelerating the elimination of toxins and toxins.


A common peeling ingredient is coffee. It tones, smoothes and refreshes the skin, fights against orange peel, gives a light tan tone. Coffee-based scrub recipes:

  • brew three tablespoons ground coffee, strain, add finely grated apple (or peach) without peel and a little olive oil to the thicker;
  • mix two spoons coffee grounds with a spoonful of sour cream or heavy cream.


Sea salt is good for the body as it enriches and nourishes the skin with minerals, gently cleanses and heals. Burning Slimming Peel Recipes:

  • 200 g fine sea ​​salt mix with a spoonful of almond oil (or any vegetable oil), a spoonful of oatmeal, 10 ml of jojoba oil and 20 drops of orange essential oil;

Facial scrub is a longtime assistant of women in cleansing the skin, preventing the appearance of blackheads, acne and greasy shine. Its main task is to remove dead particles and simultaneously stimulate blood circulation, which brings us healthy color faces. Now, to our delight, manufacturers "equip" their products with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients on a variety of bases. Let's figure out which face scrub is best to choose from an endless stream of new products and classics, so that it really serves you faithfully.

Scrubbing agents are extremely simple in their composition: they are added to the cream or gel mass a certain amount of exfoliating particles. The latter can be herbal ingredients, sea or other salt, sugar or specially formulated chemical compounds.

Women who regularly use this simple way to "rejuvenate" know that shallow peels have a wide range of benefits.

  • Ease of use. Apply a little mass from a tube on your face (preferably pre-steamed in a bath / shower or steam bath / sauna), rub in in a circular motion, rinse with water.
  • Good cleansing. Due to the mechanical effect, such "polishing" perfectly removes dead, "dried" cells of the epithelium, respectively, while exposing a younger and healthier surface of the integument. It is on this effect that we are aiming in the end, isn't it?
  • Saturates cells with vitamins. A gel / cream base often contains nourishing and / or toning and / or moisturizing agents to help soften the resurfacing effect for delicate “youthful” skin that is also affected by harsh ingredients.
  • Getting rid of blackheads. Penetrating into the pores, enzymatic “polishes” help well against blackheads, acne and other “delights” of problematic or oily epithelium.
  • Big choice funds. Thanks to the variety of such products, each of us can choose a product for himself almost individually.

Indications and contraindications for use

First of all, representatives should pay attention to cleansing the skin with a scrub. mature age... The epithelium of such ladies is renewed more slowly than that of young girls, so shallow peelings can help the smallest keratinized particles leave its surface faster. For young girls it is better to use soft scrubbing masses for the face (or refuse them altogether) so as not to harm the delicate epithelium.

Those who suffer from excess of activity sebaceous glands, will also appreciate cosmetics that can perfectly remove excess shiny fat from the face, but provided that it is correctly selected (recommendations: "for oily skin", "with enlarged pores" are written on the package). Banal advice: do not take the first tube that comes across, but carefully read the instructions.

With a great deal of caution, you need to approach the choice of any, even shallow, peeling for dry skin. The owners of such covers run the risk of "overdrying" them unnecessarily mechanical impact... The question of the frequency of use in this case depends on the composition of the peeling and the quality of the epithelium, but in general, cosmetologists advise not to use such "polishing" more than twice a month.

And, of course, allergy sufferers need to pre-test each New Product on those parts of the body where it will be invisible to the eye. It is not that such cosmetics in general contain a large number of allergens or simply questionable substances, but we are talking about your face, and extraneous spots on it are inappropriate. Choosing, of course, you need packaging marked "for sensitive skin».

And here is a list of those features in which the use of scrubbing masses is generally not recommended:

  • If your capillaries are close to the surface of the integument, do not try to polish the skin in any way. You will completely lead her to a deplorable state.
  • If any rashes appear, do not engage in amateur activities! Before use, it is imperative to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. Otherwise, you risk not only not helping yourself, but also exacerbate the situation by spreading harmful bacteria from the focus of infection throughout your face.

And remember that any skin cleansing cosmetics, even if they are selected with the help of a specialist and are perfect for you, should not be used too often! Do not exceed the number of procedures for the period of time prescribed in the instructions or named by the doctor. This will not speed up the effect, but on the contrary, cause keratinization of the surface of the epithelium, create irregularities on it, or even provoke rashes.

It is best to choose face scrubs on an environmentally friendly basis (without admixture of microplastics in the composition). it Chemical substance is by no means useful for the health of the whole organism, and not just the skin.

A complete list of types of microplastics and their designations adopted by cosmetics manufacturers can easily be found on the Internet. The most common:

  • Polyamid; Nylon-12; Nylon-6; Nylon-66 (designated as PA),
  • Polyethylenterephthalat (labeled PET),
  • Polyethylen (PE),
  • Polypropylen (PP), -

These components of the composition are dangerous, be careful!

Top 5 best face scrubs

As for the properties of specific brands and product names, I have already tested some of them on myself. But the search for the perfect shallow peel did not stop for me. Therefore, the list will still be updated.

Based on my experience and feedback from other women, I ranked the five most approved budget brands (those that any of us can afford). I suggest you take a look at the top-5 I got.

Garnier SkinActive NATURALS 3 in 1 and Nivea Visage Clean Deeper

In fifth place were shallow peels popular brands and Nivea Visage Clean Deeper. Adherents of this cosmetics say that they fully meet the quality requirements, but the catch is hidden in the composition. Dyes, preservatives based on microplastics can cause (and some do) allergies. In addition, I have already indicated my attitude to this kind of chemistry in cosmetics.

  • Nivea Visage Clean Deeper - about 250 p.
  • Garnier SkinActive NATURALS 3 in 1 - about 300 p.

Gentle scrub Pure line with raspberries and lingonberries

I put in fourth place in the rating a budget option for sensitive skin from Russian manufacturer... Namely, "Chistaya Liniya" with raspberries and lingonberries. Many recommend it as an inexpensive remedy to cleanse and soothe your face. The same brand produces a more rigid analogue with particles. apricot kernels, also quite usable. But with a pure vegetable composition in both exfoliating masses, for some reason, there are fragrances, preservatives chemical origin... For this, alas, the points had to be reduced. Some users find excessive softness to the point of ineffectiveness of the polish.

  • Price - about 100 rubles.
  • Capacity - 50 ml.

Exfoliating scrub Natura Siberica

Third place belongs to Natura Siberica and its exfoliating face scrub. Natural ingredients in the formulation provide a soft yet effective cleansing... However, contrary to the manufacturer's statement, the scrubbing mass is poorly suited for oily skin.

  • Price - 270 r.
  • Volume - 150 ml.

Green mama "Pine nut and Ussuri hop"

The second place was taken by the brand's products Green mama"Pine nut and Ussuri hop". First, completely natural composition... Secondly, the skin after it is clean, soft and tender. Of the minuses: a certain amount of grinding particles, alas, are plastic, although in general the product is on a natural organic basis.

And the scrub from Organic shop- based on ginger and sakura. Ideal for cleansing and moisturizing dry skin. The bonus is nice smell cherries. However, with abundant secretion of the sebaceous glands, the remedy is categorically not recommended.

  • Price - 110 rubles.
  • Volume - 75 ml.

If you are sure that in the matter of cleansing your face you cannot do without a scrub, go for it! But it is worth remembering that everyone has an individual epithelium. Therefore, it is best to choose a suitable "polish" not with a blogger, but with personal beautician who can advise you a win-win... For me, this was the shallow peeling "Ginger sakura". But if you have a different type of skin, re-read the recommendations again and rush to find your own ideal remedy!

Good finds to you! And I hope that the information I have collected will really help you.

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