According to the rules of etiquette, why it is impossible to men. Bad manners girl. From the basic rules you need to allocate such

Many men do not comply with the rules of etiquette towards women. Well, not quite, but some, pretty famous rules miss. In the name of male literacy and respect for beautiful semi This post!

1. The man's street, should go to the left of the lady. Only servicemen can go on the right who should be prepared to give honor.

2. It is necessary to support the woman for the elbow if she stumbled or slipped. But in the usual situation, the decision to take a man at hand or not, takes the lady.

3. In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. Input and outlet in the room, the cavalier opens the door before the lady, and he himself goes behind it.

5. Employed or going down the stairs, the man will protect his companion, going on one or two steps from behind.

6.In the elevator comes the first man, and at the exit of it, forward the lady should be skipped.

7. The car is the first to come a man, he bypass the vehicle and opens the door from the side of passengers, while helping the woman to get out. Provided that the man manages the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman for the elbow when she sits on front seat. In the event that a man and woman are both taxi passengers, they are supposed to go to rear seat. The first lady is satisfied in the cabin, a man sits nearby.

8. Looking into the room, a man should help a woman to remove upper clothes, leaving the room, it is worth sending her clothes.

9.The society is also taken not to sit if the ladies are standing (this also applies to public transport).

10. In etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with the lady. On the contrary, the cavalier is worth come for a few minutes earlier, because his delay can argue the lady and put it in an awkward position. In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to warn and apologize for being late.

11. Love a woman of any age should help carry large items and massive bags. They are not included in their number a lady handbag, a light fur coat or manot, except in cases where it cannot bear them as well.

12.The society is unacceptable straight Talk About a lady with a third party, and especially in a male company.

13.The time of the conversation is not to fold your hands on your chest or keep them in your pockets. Also you should not twist in your hands different subjects - This disrespect for the interlocutor.

14. It's easy to know: a man enters the restaurant is always the first, main reason - by this feature Metrotel has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of the parish to establish, and who will pay. In case of arrival big company - It includes the first and pays the one from whom the invitation comes to the restaurant. But if the entrance visitors meets the Swiss, then the man is obliged to miss the first woman. After that, the cavalier finds loose places.

What happened to the old good manners? Not all men now follow the most simple rules And, therefore, it can be seen in everyday behavior. Despite the short-lived fashion trends, which seem to capture our society at specific time intervals, it is necessary to remember that the base elements of the etiquette never come out of the fashion.

We decided to present you 10 of the most important rules of etiquetteNo one should forget about:

1. Restaurants - during lunch in a restaurant or in another public place (especially in the formal setting) be sure to take care that the woman sat at the desk first.You can monitor this situationBy offering her a chair, so that she sat down, and only then sit down himself. In addition, for those of you who want to just stun the woman with their etiquette, we suggest to get up because of the table when it does, in order to go to the ladies room, or elsewhere.

2. Table manners. Talk about dinner - sitting at the table (in a restaurant or at home), cannot be kept elbows on the surface of the table. Elbows can be put on the table only in the intervals when there are no food on the table, or in an absolutely unofficial atmosphere, for example, in bars or pubs.

3. Hats and caps. Never enter the building with a hat or cap on the head. The only exceptions are public places, type of train, bus and metro stations, pavilions, lobbies or hallways. It is always necessary to remove the hat when we take pictures, entering the house when the state anthem sounds, and in the presence of a woman.

4. Flowers. When choosing flowers in order to give them a woman, it is also necessary to take into account some elements of etiquette. If you do not want a woman to have the impression that you have an interest in it, or that you love her, not need to give scarlet or pink roses . In general, roses are a symbol of love, interest or "respectful love" - \u200b\u200bas in situations when you give your mother's roses on the eighth of March.

When you do not want to show your interest, love or fascination with this woman, and there is a reason to give her flowers, (for example, the birthday, the end of the school or university, promotion by position) - Try to choose from large diversity "Friendly colors", such as, for example, lilies, daisies, chrysanthemums, etc ..

5. Personal property. Men should never touch or move personal ownership of another person, especially women. For example, you should not touch or move a handbag unfamiliar womanEven if the bag bothers you. It is also necessary to try to avoid touching clothes, cell Phones, or any other personal belongings of another person.

An exception is a situation where you must return a lost bag, or other things, their legitimate owners, or if the critical position simply makes you do it. Also in no case it is impossible to touch, or check someone else's mail. It not only talks about poor upbringing, but such steps are also illegal.

6. Shave.Men are not very love to shave, but it is just necessary in specific situations. Visiting such events as, for example, weddings, formal fees, business meetings, interviews for employment, etc. - your face must be smoothly chid.If you have to visit an unfamiliar place, it is best not to risk, and also leave the bristle at home. Single exceptions in this case - Mustache, small beards that you always wear.

7. Cough and sneezing. You probably spoke in childhood: " Cover your mouth when you sneeze! ". You need to remember this now, but only this is not limited to.

If you have a handkerchief or a napkin at hand, try to use it, directly covering her mouth, and when finished - get rid of it. Serious respiratory diseases like influenza, cough and atypical pneumonia spread through the air and microbes on your hands.

8. Invitations.Believe or not, there are several cases when you do not need to reject the invitation.

Two such events - when you are asked to help at the funeral or when it should take place solemn ceremony. If you are asked to keep the coffin along with others during the funeral, or if there is a banquet or lunch in your honor - you must do everything possible to not reject the invitation.

9. What to wear. To know that when and where to wear is very important if you want to save your reputation. There is a difference between everyday, daily business and professional clothing . In fact, it all depends on the case.

If you go to an informal wedding, an informal assembly or breakfast - a suit on buttons with the sliches is suitable. Formal wedding, an interview for employment, or a business meeting - in this case, you need a jacket on buttons, sliking and tie. Jackets and / or sports jackets can be worn in an informal setting.

Shorts of any length and T-shirts can not be worn, even if the event is "simple." Such clothes can be worn only during events, such as barbecue, country trips, or family dinners.

10. And finally: be natural, do not strain.Otherwise, each of your step risks to stun your other clumsy. Be natural and not too much to dwell on the rules, just remember them, and without noticing themselves, it will become appropriate.

That's all. These 10 etiquette rules for men will help you not make me stitching. If you follow at least five of these tips, probably someone will definitely say what are you "true gentleman."

Etiquette for men - This is a set of certain rules designed to provide a woman comfort in the presence of a cavalier. After all, any anoughthed man - This is the embodiment of halanery and strength.

According to modern rules Etiquette B. in public places A man must be located on the left of his lady. On the right is allowed to go only by military personnel who need to be honored. If the woman slipped or stupid, the cavalier must support her for the elbow. IN calm atmosphere The right to take a man under hand remains behind the lady.

True gentleman It will never be smoking in the presence of a woman, if she does not give it his consent.

At the entrance and outlet of the room, the cavalier must open the door before the lady, while going behind it. Going down or climbing the stairs, a man, as a rule, goes to a couple of steps behind, improving his companion. However, in the elevator, the man comes first, at the exit I skip the lady forward.

The first of the car should leave a man, while he, bypassing the vehicle, opens the passenger door and gives a woman a hand.

Entering the room, the man helps a woman to remove the upper clothes, when leaving the room, he should help the lady dress. In addition, in the cultural society, it is not accepted in the presence of standing ladies (it also applies to situations in public transport).

According to the rules of etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with the lady. On the contrary, it is better to come before a few minutes, because even a minor delay can make a lady in an awkward position and to condict it. In unforeseen situations, it is necessary to try to warn in advance and be sure to apologize for being late.

Anoughthed man Must assist any woman, regardless of its age, carry heavy items. Handbag Not included in their number, whatever big and massive it looks like.

Of course, B. modern world Relations between women and men acquired a more free character than in previous times. For example, when the cavalier tries to pay the bill in the restaurant or help a woman to remove a coat, holding the door, the supporters of the feminist movement will call it an insult to equality. That's why modern gentleman Must really assess the situation.

There is nothing reprehensible that women are first prescribed dates or are the first to confess their feelings. And restaurant accounts are now most often paying for itself.

If during any celebration or festive event A white dance is declared, a man should not deny the lady.
In the course of the conversation, a brought up man will not cross his hands on the chest or keep them in his pockets. In addition, you do not need to tweer in your hands various subjects - This is a sign of inattention and disrespect for the interlocutor.

Modern standards of etiquette Prescribe men to appear in society in the appropriate case, tidy clothes. Moreover, planning a joint campaign for any cultural event, It is necessary to agree on your outfit in advance with the outfit of the companion to look as harmonious as possible.

Special attention deserves male hairstyle and haircut. Ridiculous looks of the balders who are trying to mask, combing hair balances in different sides. Also do not look painted gray hair.

To any man following all the above rules, under the power of conquer even the most "impregnable" hearts or conquer authority in the circle of friends. The most important thing is to remember that a person who lives according to the rules of etiquette is able to achieve modern society Much more than without them.

It's never too late to do self-education. If you decide to radically change your behavior and become stylish and modern, then you need to learn the basic rules of etiquette and learn good manneram.

  • Harmony Soul, Body and Mind. Such a harmonious connection allows you to be happy about and dreaming most of the representatives beautiful half mankind
  • Each of them wants to love and be loved, engage interesting business, feel respect for yourself and have good reputation in society. But all this is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. It is worth it big work and hard work
  • Become a real lady is not the lungs matter. It is not enough to dress enough for this, have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance And do your favorite thing. It is necessary to possess an internal charm that will attract interest in his personality.
  • Often happens when externally beautiful girl It becomes not interesting literally after 5 minutes of dialogue with it. While not very attractive looks, while quite a self-confident girl, can arrange the attention of others. She is polite, modest, knows how to properly support the conversation, has good manners in behavior
  • Good behaviors can not be unnoticed. However B. modern life It is extremely rare to meet the moral and spiritually strong personality, especially among young people. Therefore, it is never too late to do self-education. And about how to learn a good maneram girl, we will consider in the article

Bad manners girl

First of all, let's look at what manners behavior will never do from the girl - real Lady. So, bad manners.

  • Increased curiosity in communication
  • Gossip with girlfriends
  • Humiliation of the identity of the interlocutor
  • Yabedeania in the collective
  • Meanness
  • Vulgarity and rudeness
  • Complacency

It is only brief list Those manners that need to log in to raise from their own character. And proceed to this process must be immediately.

Etiquette adult girl

Cultural person is, first of all, politeness and tact. To educate such qualities to learn to clearly follow your emotions and thoughts, that is, to control yourself. For example, you walk in the park, and suddenly someone nearly swept on all pairs, and inadvertently pushed you away. Naturally, the first thought that comes to your head on subconscious level - This is a strong outrage. And right at this moment, you should control that your emotions do not go into action, and from your mouth did not "fly out" the rude words after the person who pushed you.

Important: You must learn to calmly and leisurely perceive everything that happens around you. This will not make rash actions.

And now think about what behavior can annoy people. This list will most likely get quite impressive, so you can list them on a sheet of paper. Arrogant, loud laughter, mat, alcohol smell, etc. Work on your behavior there is no such moments.

Track yourself how to behave cultural people In society, on the street, in public transport. Try to instill such character traits yourself. We are modest, do not argue in those situations when this question does not concern you. Do not show that you are smarter, more beautiful and more modern than your interlocutor. Remember that politeness and modesty at all times decorated with a person.

Etiquette for a girl of the 21st century. Etiquette of a modern girl

Now let's talk more about how it should behave modern girl In society, at work, away, in communicating with your man, with girlfriends, consider the lats of the girl's clothing and worthy behavior.

Speech etiquette for a girl

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that speech etiquette For a girl - this is not simple game Burned phrases. You need to learn to communicate with people correctly to arrange the interlocutor. For this you do not need special knowledge. It is enough for your speech to be filled with politeness to the interlocutor. Choosing a greeting form, fill it with feelings, do not forget to show what a meeting with a person is really pleasant for you. Hello you can different ways: kisses, handshakes or just good word. The main thing is that it is heard to those who are addressed, and not everyone around. Do not hold the pause when meeting.

Never be afraid to say hello first, even if you are an unfamiliar man. Remember that the first to greate the one who is better raised.

Video: Features of speech etiquette

  • Suppose you were invited to visit. No need to follow the rules that say that "guests are always late." This is not culturally. Moreover, this behavior is nothing more than disrespect for the owners of the house
  • By the way, cultural girl will not allow yourself to be late for business meeting, to theater, cinema and even at a meeting with his girlfriend or colleague for work
  • Entering the house, be sure to say hello to all guests first. Do not check the rooms on the question of cleanliness and run through the eyes from one interior object to another. Girls with good manners can not afford such behavior
  • Being visiting, try not to talk on the phone. If someone called you at this time, politely apologize to the guests and go aside. Sobedrodnik Explain that you are now visiting and as soon as you free up, I will certainly call him back

  • Do not look often on the clock - by this you can show the owners that you are not interested in them, and you are in a hurry to leave.

Ethiquette rules for a girl on a date

  • If a properly educated girl with good manners does not allow himself to be late for a visit, to work or on a business meeting, then with a date the situation is a little different. But, this is a kind of exception to the rules
  • However, why the rules of etiquette recommend a girl a little late to meet with a guy. It is believed that this is a kind of prevention for a man
  • While he is waiting for a meeting with his girlfriend, he has the opportunity to weigh everything again, to be alone with his thoughts and intentions
  • But, it is possible to go on a date only slightly. If the guy will wait for you through CHUR for a long time, then it may interpret how neglect to it
  • If this date you have the first, and naturally the guy has a sniffing of you with a mass of compliments, then it's not worth telling it about what efforts you are attaching to look like this, where and for how much you bought this outfit or mobile phone etc. Recall the speech etiquette for the girl and its basic rules.

Never call the guy yourself after the first date - he must manifest interest in you.

Clothing Etiquette for Girl

As the saying goes: "Meet the clothes - they accompany the mind." This stereotype tightly entered our lives and at all times did not lose its relevance. Properly chosen wardrobe Girl points to the level of its pupil.

Important: Clothes should always correspond to the atmosphere of the event and its setting. Never a raised girl will not allow himself to appear on a secular round with bright makeup And in a short leather skirt.

  • Clothes should be beautiful. This rule concerns not only the wardrobe, which is intended to go to society, but also for home
  • Properly educated girl will not allow himself to be in the house in a unclear coat or a night shirt, even an expensive
  • Home clothing should be comfortable, simple, neat and beautiful. You should always look beautiful and well-maintained to take a sudden guest at any time or go outdoors

  • Another rule is to bring up a feeling of tact and taste. The girls who wear a lot of decorations look defiantly. There is one unwritten rule - wear no more than 13 decorations. Their number includes bracelets, earrings, chains, bright inserts, buttons, belts, etc.

An elegant woman is a good posture that implies a straight back, gently lowered shoulders, drawn belly, straight in the knees of legs, raised chin and slightly bent in his hands.

Etiquette rules in a restaurant for a girl

Sooner or later, in the life of the girl comes the moment when she will be invited to dinner in a restaurant. Rules of restaurant etiquette begin directly at the entrance door. In the restaurant, the first is always a man who comes to the maidel and is interested in availability. free seats. He must push the chair for the girl and help her sit down.

  • For a restaurant table, you need to sit with a flat wall, do not cry and do not throw the leg to the leg. Never apply makeup during lunch and do not communicate by phone, except if you do an important call. The order is a man's car. Lady can only express his wishes and consult with a man
  • In addition to the fact that a correctly educated girl knows - what style of clothing to give preference and how to properly apply makeup, in the restaurant you will need and knowing how to properly attach your handbag and umbrella
  • What do the rules of etiquette speak in this case? If you have a clutch, then you can put it on the table or on a nearby empty chair. The same applies to the bag small sizes. But with more voluminous accessories, it is necessary to behave correctly - to put them on the universal review, at least not tactful. If possible, hang the bag on the back of the chair. Otherwise, you can remove it under the table in such a way that it does not interfere with you
  • Going to the room, immediately close your umbrella, even if it is wet. It is impossible to leave an open umbrella at the entrance with the aim of what it is better to succumb. In each restaurant, this case provides special accessories that allow you to leave the umbrellas in them - take advantage of this

How to take gifts to a girl? How should the girl behave in relationships?

  • If you have a boyfriend, then inize yourself with him as you would like him to behave with you. Remember that in the first place, the guy wants to see in his chosen femininity, understanding and beauty
  • Easy and ease in behavior always attract a man, regardless of what status and age he is. Give him the opportunity to feel stronger near with you. But giving him the palm of the championship, do not lose your own dignity
  • Learn to correctly say the word "Thank you"! So goes in society that a man should please his woman with gifts. And from how you will take his gift depends on how often you will receive them
  • What sin to hide modern women They have learned to take gifts in such a way as to inspire a man to do it as often as possible. Many of women are limited to dry "Thank you", well, or a maximum - a kiss in a cheek
  • But you have to do so that your man can also feel the joy of this event. He has little dangerous thanks. He dreams of seeing delight in your eyes, joyful and sincere emotions

  • Express your gratitude to many pleasant and warm words And do not forget to celebrate it refined taste even if you really are not in a special delight

Rules of business etiquette at work

Code of laws called etiquette exists not only in secular life, but also in the business environment. This is a kind of pass to the world business people and the standard of communication. About man is accepted to judge his affairs, behavior and ability to build right relations in business sphere

Therefore, compliance with the rules of business etiquette at work plays a significant role. On this occasion you can speak infinitely, but we will try to briefly describe the most important rules Etiquette:

1. Time-money. This refers to punctuality, respect for the interlocutor and his time. No one will tie relations to those who do not know how to plan their working day, sort urgent and important things and do not keep under the control of all events

3. Dress code. Neat hairstyle, business style clothes and properly selected decorations

4. Order on the desktop - order in the head

5. Workplace for work. Not allowing to spend working time on gossip empty conversations and chatter by phone

6. To be able to listen and hear. Business Etiquette Provides to hear your opponent, and not just listen to it

7. Healthy atmosphere inside the collective, the basis of which is considered respectful and even relationship between colleagues, goodwill and timely help if necessary

8. Compliance telephone etiquette. Telephone negotiations in modern society are able to establish relations between competitors, and negotiate correctly and in a timely manner. To communicate by phone during business hours is permissible for business purposes. Phone calls personal character is permissible only in case of extreme necessity

Rules of etiquette calls

Phone calls have their time as actually and the case. Brought up It will not allow themselves to disturb his friend's phone call earlier 8 am and later than 10 pm, except if this call is not specified in advance.

  • The rules of etiquette dictate if the mobile communication is broken during the conversation, then you need to call back to the one who caused the first time
  • If you communicate by phone with unfamiliar manBe sure to contact him on "You"
  • By calling, be sure to say hello and appear. In the process of communication, use only impersonal forms. Do not ethically refer to the subscriber with such words as "Girl", "Young Man", "Woman"
  • Be sure to answer the service calls during the first three signals. If you call you, it is not customary to wait for a call for longer than six beeps. Business conversation can not last more than 5 minutes
  • In the event that you assume a longer conversation, then be sure to ask the Subscriber whether it has the opportunity to give you 20-30 minutes, for example
  • If you are in a restaurant, then remove your mobile phone into a bag or pocket. Never post it on the table
  • Not culturally write messages or "sit" in social network during communication with a real interlocutor
  • Never respond to someone else's calls

Rules of etiquette for a girl in society

The rules of behavior in society must observe not only the girl, but also all of her surrounding. It is known that society affects the character of a person. Therefore, if we decided to learn good manners, it is impossible to part with them in any society, regardless of its level.

A decent girl will not allow himself to "fall as a face in the mud in an honest company," and on the contrary, will conquer those surrounding with his manners, appearance and upbringing.

  • Never answer the greeting "Good afternoon" short word - "kind
    Consider yourself, politely and kindly
  • Leaving the room, try to hold the door to someone who goes
  • If the rules of etiquette in society allow the girl to be indoors in a hat and gloves, then winter mittens and cap you should remove
  • The rules of etiquette prohibit everyone without exception to focus, speak loudly, discuss, laugh and gossip

Rules of etiquette for a girl in the company

Video: How beautiful to communicate? Rules of etiquette

Rules of etiquette girls with parents

Sooner or later in life every girl comes the moment when the guy introduces her with his parents. It is always an exciting for the girl and she tries in every way to produce best impression About Me. But do not overdo it!

  • The rules of the etiquette are recommended to remain themselves, behave calm and culturally
  • Do not show your parents your excitement, but do not need to hide it, chaotic twisting the ring on the finger, correcting your hairstyle
  • You should not take the initiative of the conversation at the first acquaintance - behave modestly and correctly, sincerely answer the questions of parents. Try not to talk about yourself if you are not asked about it
  • A glass of alcohol at the table stretches for the whole evening and do not give in to the trick of the future testing to water alcohol
  • Do not refuse the treats. Moreover, admire their taste
  • Do not bring any animals as a gift. It is also not accepted to give perfume, linen and cosmetics until you truly familiarize yourself with the taste of parents
  • Do not stay late. Leaving, be sure to visit the parents of the bridegroom in response
  • Simplicity and naturalness - this is the main rule of modern and correct pupil girl. First of all, you need to respect yourself and be yourself. Then you do not have to hide your complexes, laugh loudly in the theater or cinema, avoid communicating with your loved ones
  • Simply, if something surprises you - surprise, if I am happy - smile! But for yourself, not for others. Then others will be able to immediately notice it. cute creation, with light and pure personopen, good and educated

How to learn good maneres girls?
Rules of secular life for a girl

In conclusion, let's list 20 female etiquette rules.

  1. Be always tidy and neat
    2. Do not wear more than 13 decorations, including bright buttons
    3. Do not keep talking about money, health, politics and religion
    4. Do not go to visit without a call
    5. Do not dry the umbrella in the disclosure in the office, visiting and restaurant
    6. Do not use cellophane packages from the supermarket as a bag
    7. Do not put a bag on your knees or on your chair
    8. Lady handbag for lady, not for men
    9. Do not be indoors in the header and mittens
    10. The elevator always includes the first man, and the one who stands closer to the door
    11. Do not discuss people who are not present in the company
    12. Contact "You" to people over 12 years
    13. Before opening the door of the room, be sure to knock
    14. Do not put a mobile phone on the table in a public place
    15. Do not write an SMS message during a conversation with a real interlocutor
    16. In the concert hall or in the cinema, pass the face to the sitting
    17. It is impossible to laugh loudly and declare into all that you are on a diet
    18. Observe speech etiquette
    19. The restaurant calculates the one who pronounces the phrase "I invite you"
    20. Be punctual and open for conversation.

Ethiquette rules - how to make an unforgettable impression

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In fact, the basis of etiquette is quite simple. This is a culture of speech, elementary politeness, tidy appearance and skill to manage their emotions.

website Presents you a selection of relevant rules today, who should know every self-respecting and other person.

  • If you say the phrase: "I invite you," it means you pay. Another wording: "And let's go to the restaurant," in this case everyone pays for itself, and only if the man himself suggests paying for a woman, she can agree.
  • Never come to visit without a call. If you were visited without warning, you can afford to be in a bathrobe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests She always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: "Oh, as well, I just came!". If unpleasant: "Oh, what pity, I have to leave."
  • Do not put your smartphone on the table in public places. By doing so, you show how much important role In your life, the device is played and how much you are not interested in the annoying chattering taking place nearby. At any moment you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again Check the tape in Instagram, answer an important call or distract to find out what fifteen new levels came out to Angry Birds.
  • Do not invite a girl on a date and communicate with it through SMS messages.
  • A man never carries female bag. AND woman coat He takes only to convey to the locker room.
  • If you go with someone, and your satellite greeted the person unfamiliar to you, you should say hello to you.
  • Many believe that sushi can only be chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Men, unlike women, sushi can be eating hands.
  • Shoes should always be clean.
  • Do not drive an empty chatter on the phone. If you need a mental conversation, it is better to meet with a different eye.
  • If you insulted, you should not be answered with similar rudeness, and, even more so, raise the voice to the person who insulted you. Do not go to its level. Smile and politely remove from an uncompanished interlocutor.
  • On the street, a man should go to the left of the lady. Only servicemen can go to the right who should be ready to perform a military greeting.
  • Drivers must remember that it is cool to spray passersby mud - blatant blessing.
  • A woman can not shoot in the room with a hat and gloves, but not a cap and mittens.
  • Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, gap in the house, prayer, medication, love communication, gift, honor and disgrace.
  • Having come to the cinema, theater, to the concert to go to its places follows only face to sitting. The first is a man.
  • A man enters the restaurant is always the first, the main reason - on this sign, the Metrotel has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of the parish to establish, and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company, he is first and paying the one from whom the invitation comes to the restaurant. But if the entrance visitors meets the Swiss, then the man is obliged to miss the first woman. After that, the cavalier finds loose places.
  • Never should be touched to a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push it or take the hand above the elbow, except when you help her enter into transport or get out of it, and also go to the street .
  • If someone is impolitely dying with you (for example: "Hey, you!"), Do not respond to this case. However, you do not need to read the notations, to raise others during a short meeting. It is better to teach etiquette lesson with your own example.
  • The golden rule when using spirits - moderation. If in the evening you feel the smell of your spirits, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  • A brought up man will never allow himself not to show proper respect for a woman.
  • In the presence of a woman, men smoke only with her permission.
  • Whoever you are - Director, Academician, elderly woman Or a schoolboy, entering the room, greet the first.
  • Observe the secret of correspondence. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should also come in relation to each other. The one who shakes the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is extremely ugly.
  • Do not seek to keep up with fashion. It is better not to look fashionable, but good than fashionable and bad.
  • If, after an apology, you are forgiven - you should not return to the offensive question and ask for forgiveness again, just do not repeat such errors.
  • Too loudly laughing, talk noisily, intently look at people - offensive.
  • Do not forget to thank close people, relatives and friends. Their good deeds and willingness to offer their help is not a duty, but the expression of feelings, worthy thanks.

And finally, we give the words of the legendary American actor Jack Nicholson:

"I am very pretty much about the rules good tone. How to transfer a plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not swallow closed door without a knock. Skip forward a lady. The purpose of all these countless simple rules - Make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with parents - it's stupid. I carefully follow my manners. This is not some abstraction. This is all clear language of mutual respect. "