How to protect your skin from frost in winter. How to protect your face from frost in winter and provide proper care. Folk ways to protect your face from the cold

Freezing weather can be a real nightmare for any skin - cold temperatures, cold winds and dry indoor air dry it out. This is very unpleasant in itself, and it can even lead to painful cracks. There are several ways, or rather, a whole complex that will help get rid of this winter pain.

Dress smartly

It goes without saying that the less your skin is exposed to cold temperatures and wind, the better, but this does not mean that you have to wear ski mask or wrap yourself up so that you cannot bend your arms in clothes and turn your head. The key is to choose your clothes carefully.

  • The best winter clothing is one that has special elements to keep you out of the cold wind and snow, such as laces, tightening sleeves or a hood, high collars etc. So when choosing what to wear in winter, first think about frost -30 ° With and icy wind.
  • Knitted hats and earmuffs can look supremely fun, but unlike a good hood, they won't keep you out of the wind. The hood, especially if it can be tightened, blocks the path of the wind on both sides of the face.
  • Similar leather gloves will be better protection from wind and frost than cotton or knitted ones.
  • Do not forget to buy a scarf with them, which can be wrapped around your neck, and in case of strong wind, cover half of your face.
  • Do not wear too loose clothing, otherwise the wind will find how to get under the jacket or fur coat. If you just don't have more tight outerwear, you can put on several layers of things under it - and it will not blow out, and you will not freeze.
  • Don't wear prickly items like wool - this can destroy the skin's natural barrier that retains moisture.

Take good care of your skin

Even if you picked it right winter clothes and walk, wrapped up from head to toe, the skin still continues to dry. And the time comes to change something in skin care.

    Tough hot water makes the skin thinner and drier, so you have to take warm shower, no matter how much one would like to warm up in boiling water after frost.

    You should not use plain soap - it dries out the skin no less than hot water, it is better to choose an oil-based shower gel that moisturizes the skin.

    Cosmetologists advise to do peeling more often in winter - old, dry skin cells are removed, and new ones, full of moisture, remain.

    If you are using lotion on water based, it is better to replace it with a moisturizer with oils, olive or almond. Read the packages - if the cream contains glycerin, sorbitol, serine and alanine, the skin will stay hydrated longer.

    If your skin is very sensitive, get rid of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) skin care products that make your skin more permeable.

    There are many cosmetics for freezing weather on sale now - different creams for hands and face. Be sure to find one for yourself, especially if you are often outdoors, walking or doing winter sports.

    And finally, one of the most frequent problems- chapped lips. Especially if you go to ski resort, do not forget to buy a balm with SPF that protects delicate skin from ultraviolet radiation, wind and frost, and heals small cracks... But from balms with phenol, menthol or salicylic acid it is better to refuse - such balms dry the lips.

Change habits at home

It's not enough to take care of your skin outdoors - at home in winter period also have to change a few habits.

  • Drink water. V winter time It is especially important to drink plenty of water to help maintain moisture levels in the body and thus prevent dry skin.
  • Buy a humidifier. These devices cost from 400 rubles (average price range from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles) and help to cope with dry air due to heaters and batteries. It is especially important to turn on a moisturizer at night when your body is recovering.
  • Eat right. Eat more healthy food: nuts, avocado, oily fish. For example, the Eskimos, whose diet mainly consists of seafood and fat - this definitely helps them to keep their skin in normal condition in the harsh conditions of the far north.
  • Mouthwashes with alcohol, some over-the-counter cold medications, and medications for high pressure and antidepressants can make dry skin worse, so read carefully side effects and try to find a replacement for them.
  • Don't smoke and reduce your alcohol intake.

How to treat dry skin

If nothing of the above methods is not helping you (or you just haven't tried anything and the skin is already cracked), there are several ways to deal with this.

  • Treat cracks with petroleum jelly and leave overnight. Thin cotton gloves or socks can be worn to avoid staining or greasing the bed. They will also help your skin absorb the petroleum jelly better.
  • In addition to petroleum jelly, you can use other products, for example, Lubiderm or Aquaphor creams.
  • Cracks can be treated with 1% hydrocortisone ointment.

Last but not least, if you sleep on cotton sheets, try changing them to silk ones. Some dermatologists believe that cotton absorbs moisture and makes the skin dry.

In cold weather, the face most of all suffers from frost, because you cannot protect it. warm clothes... Prevent peeling, redness, chapping of the skin of the face will help proper care... Women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell you how to "save face" in winter.

To reduce the effect of frost on the skin of the face, you can go easy way and enjoy special means from the "winter" series, which are available in almost all cosmetic brands.

Such a remedy is required must also contain glycerin- it is these substances that contribute to the formation of a protective film on the surface of the skin.

In addition, an anti-frost face cream must have UV filter function since and Winter sun significantly damages the skin. But this is still not a guarantee of skin health, since the face needs very special care in winter.

Winter cleansing rules

The main task - do not dry out the skin, therefore it is not recommended to use funds for alcohol based dehydrating cells.

Use for washing soft cosmetic milk or gel, and the use of soap is best reduced to once a day, for example, before bedtime. The water should be warm, but not hot, while rubbing cosmetic ice better to postpone until warming.

A rough face scrub is contraindicated in winter. Frost - it's time to try gommage remedy which gently exfoliates the upper layers of cells.

How to protect your face from frost: operation "antifreeze"

Winter is the time to use the maximum of decorative cosmetics. A layer of foundation and powder will further protect your face from exposure to cold.

Before using foundation, be sure to apply to the skin protective greasy cream of a thick and dense consistency... Firstly, the tone in this case will lie smoother, and secondly, the product will effectively protect the skin from frost.

For girls with particularly sensitive skin face turns red in the cold, and this "sign of health" does not please them at all. Careful selection of a protective cream will help reduce this problem. specially for hypersensitive skin.

If it's all about the malfunctioning of blood vessels (expanding under stress cold temperature), it is better not to consume hot drinks and food before leaving the house.

Protect your face from severe frost with homemade masks

In home cosmetics in winter be sure to use oils:

  • Shi- serves as the main "liquidator" of peeling and tightness of the skin, perfectly soothes skin prone to irritation and dryness. Mix two tablespoons of crushed kiwi pulp with one teaspoon of shea butter, melted beforehand. If the mixture is too thick, add some runny honey. Apply mask for 20 minutes and rinse warm water.
  • Cocoa- maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin, restores the hydrolipidic balance of cells and is especially important for chapped skin. Melt a teaspoon of oil in a water bath and mix with a tablespoon of crushed aloe leaves. You can add a little egg white which fights well against flaking of the skin. Hold the mask for about 20 minutes.

To protect your face from winter wind and frost, you can use good old olive oil, applying it on the face about an hour before leaving the house, and before using the foundation, remove the remaining oil with a paper napkin (washing one hour before going out into the cold is harmful to the skin).

Do it for the face twice a week revitalizing nourishing mask of medium finely grated carrots and a teaspoon olive oil ... This skin tone improving mask is washed off after 20 minutes with warm water.

Will give the skin more healthy look and provide vitamin C teaspoon mask lemon juice and the same amount fat cream or sour cream... It is worth keeping the product on the face for about 25 minutes, and then rinse with water room temperature.

Strengthen the protection of the face from bad weather and frost in winter vitamins:

  • A (vegetables and fruits orange, liver, dairy products, eggs)
  • C (citrus, sauerkraut, potatoes, bell peppers)
  • E (almond, walnuts, rose hips, broccoli)

Before going to bed, be sure to apply night cream to restore the skin's fat balance overnight. Do not forget that the face suffers from frost in the same way as from central heating, which promotes the evaporation of moisture from skin cells.

Therefore actively apply moisturizer at home during the day and use our other tips!

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Winter is a real test for our face. His delicate and sensitive skin reacts very quickly to sharp drops temperatures, which leads to peeling, pigmentation, inflammation and other problems. Absence protective equipment can even cause frostbite, in which the skin itches and itches very unpleasantly. Literally in a month of cold weather, the face can change beyond recognition, and it will take a lot of time and effort to recover. Therefore, skin care in winter takes a special place in cosmetology. Let's talk about how to take care of your skin in winter and what not to do.

The Importance of Proper Skin Care in Winter

Standard Methods cleaning and care products such as cleansing gels and creams, airy cleansing foams and alcohol lotions are not suitable for winter care behind the skin of the face. Everyone knows that nature itself took care of protecting our skin from the cold, endowing them with the natural ability to create a hydrolipid mantle during the cold season, which resists hypothermia and dehydration. By improperly using cosmetics, we ourselves destroy this natural protective layer and put the skin in a defenseless position. Therefore, winter skin care products must be selected very carefully.

Dry skin in winter is characteristic feature improper care behind it, as a result, it itches, itches and flakes. To avoid such a nuisance, it is enough to follow the standard rules. home cosmetology in winter:

Do I need to moisturize my skin in winter?

Proper hydration skin at any time of the year is beneficial. But in winter, moisturizers applied before going out can injure the skin of the face, because they freeze at low temperatures. For going outside in winter, use only oily cosmetics.

If necessary (very dry skin) moisturizing creams, lotions, milk should be used at least an hour before going outside so that the cosmetic product is well absorbed. An exception can be considered products containing hyaluronic acid and chitosan. These unique components gently cover the skin with a protective film and effectively retain moisture, which prevents it from evaporating and freezing in the cold.

If the skin is not too dry, the best solution will apply moisturizers to your face before bed, after a relaxing shower or hot bath.

Proper nourishment - the best skin protection

The increased production of sebum by the skin in winter, of course, becomes good remedy protection from frosty weather. But this is not enough for full protection, and the use of additional recharge is simply necessary.

In winter, the skin on the forehead, cheeks, and chin is subjected to severe weather conditions, as a result of which the skin is supercooled and chapped, then itches and becomes inflamed. To avoid these problems, the skin needs to be properly nourished. The basic rules for nourishing the skin in winter are as follows:

Strong wind and frosty weather are strong irritants for the delicate skin of the face. Low temperatures negatively affect the condition of the skin, it dries up, loses its elasticity and sensitivity, irritation appears, an unpleasant feeling of tightness of the skin, sometimes red spots appear on the face.

Overdried indoor air due to heating also threatens skin loss of moisture, dryness and flaking. The aging process of the skin is accelerated, mimic and age wrinkles deepen and become more noticeable.

Moreover, malnutrition cells caused by a sharp narrowing of blood vessels when going outside, negatively affects the health of the skin.

Cosmetologists advise to adhere to the following in winter rules:

Mistakes of winter skin care: video


If you stick to the listed rules care for your skin in the cold winter, then the problems of bad weather will not prevent you from having a healthy and beautiful appearance even on the coldest days.

In winter, special attention should be paid to protecting the skin of the face, since with a long stay in the cold and frost, the blood vessels of the skin of the face narrow, the blood supply to the tissues and their nutrition are disrupted.


As a result, the skin becomes dry, flakes off, prematurely ages, fades, and wrinkles begin to appear. Therefore, it is important to constantly protect your face from the cold, using protective cosmetics, as well as observing the "winter" rules of skin care.

Go to nutritious cream

Don't use moisturizers before going outside. Switch to a nourishing cream, the so-called "winter" - thick in consistency, fatty and enriched with vitamins in composition.

This cream should be selected according to your skin type and brand preferences. Please note that the category "Winter" cream include those funds that include:
- hyaluronic acid, silicones, glycerin or sorbitol - these substances are responsible for creating a reliable protective "film" on the skin;
- vitamin C - will strengthen the skin, supply it with energy;
- vitamin A - will rejuvenate the skin, will contribute to its nutrition;
- natural oils- avocado, shea, jojoba, pumpkin, etc., which will protect the skin from drying out and dehydration;
- petroleum jelly - creams with this component, first of all, are necessary for people with very dry skin, as well as those who suffer from eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
- extracts of green tea, cola leaves, calendula, chamomile - are aimed at relieving inflammation and irritation, as well as itching and redness that so often occur in winter.
- UV filters - this cherished mark must be on your "winter" cream, because ultraviolet radiation is the main enemy of the skin not only in summer, but also in winter. So protect yourself - be sure to use a cream with UV filters.

Observe the "winter" principles of facial care
1. In winter, wash your face with warm (room temperature) water, as well as herbal decoctions - chamomile, calendula, sage linden, which will soften and soothe the skin. You should not wash your face with cold water. Undo and rub your face with ice cubes. These treatments are good for the summer; in the winter they work to deplete the skin.

2. Switch to fat-based creams, with a minimum content of hormones, excluding moisturizers in winter (they contain water, which will simply turn into "ice" on your face).

3. Moisturizer can only be used if you are not going outside.

4. In winter, nourishing cream and makeup ( tone cream, powder, etc.) should be applied to the face at least half an hour before going outside.

5. Do not forget to cleanse your skin (in the evening, after removing your makeup). In the winter season, replace the usual scrubs and exfoliating agents with creamy, gentle peeling agents (gommages). They do not injure the skin. Rolling gently, gommage gently removes dead skin particles and peeling elements. Please note that it is not recommended to go outside for at least 10-12 hours after peeling in winter.

6. Replace the foam for washing with milk or cream. In winter, the skin becomes especially sensitive and requires gentle care.

7. Do it regularly nourishing masks... Regardless of the skin type, the base of the mask should be nourishing (not whitening, moisturizing, cleansing, etc.). For dry and sensitive skin, apply the mask at least 2-3 times a week, for oily or combination skin - 1-2 times a week.

8. Watch your lips. To prevent them from chapping and cracking, do not paint them with moisturizing lipstick and do not lick them on the street. Use "winter" lipsticks, nutritious, which contain vitamins A and E.

Determine your skin type

In order to choose the right nourishing cosmetics for the winter, determine your skin type.

By you normal skin, if...
The pores are not enlarged, the selection sebum moderately (no shine and tightness). You are not prone to acne breakouts, depigmentation, etc. You may get pimples from time to time, but it could be a PMS signal or a manifestation allergic reaction for a cosmetic product.

To make sure you have normal skin, press it for 10 minutes. clean skin pure white paper napkin... If a uniform slightly greasy mark remains on the napkin, it means that the skin is normal. And you have defined everything correctly.

You have dry skin if ...
The pores are narrowed, the skin often peels off or reddens, and fine wrinkles are easily formed on it. It is easy to confuse this type of skin with sensitive skin, because the latter is also prone to irritation and inflammation.

Press clean skin on clean skin for 10 minutes. white napkin... If the napkin remains clean (no light greasy prints), then your skin is really dry.

You have oily skin if ...
The skin is shiny due to increased activity sebaceous glands... The pores are enlarged, clogged, which makes the skin look sloppy and unkempt. Acne and blackheads are common.

Apply a dry paper napkin to your face, if uneven greasy marks remain on the napkin, then your skin is really oily.

By you combination skin, if...
The T-shaped zone (nose, forehead and chin) is usually oily, that is, it shines all the time, and the cheeks are natural (tightness is felt) or normal.

Apply a dry paper napkin to your face, if there are greasy marks on the napkin only in some places, it means combination skin.

You have sensitive skin if it ...
Reacts painfully to temperature changes, a new lotion or cosmetic product, as well as an action chemical substances and even plucking of eyebrows.

Get started leaving
In winter, food should be in the first place for you, but you should not forget about cleansing. The main thing is to do it with the right means.

- Dry and sensitive skin in winter it is best to cleanse with cosmetic cream or milk.
- For normal or combined type it is better not to use the lotions and tonics that you are used to in the summer. Clean the oily areas of the face with a makeup remover without grease, and dry areas with cosmetic cream.
- Oily skin in winter only need to be cleaned non-alcoholic tonics and gels. And give up alcohol lotions. It should be noted, however, that this type of leather is most adaptable to frost and wind.

Making nourishing masks

For dry skin
Honey... Mix a teaspoon of honey with yolk and a teaspoon of olive or any other vegetable oil and beat this mixture well. The mask is ready. Apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Yeast... Dissolve 20 grams of yeast in a tablespoon of warm milk and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

For oily skin
Kefirnaya... Mix a tablespoon of kefir with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and add a pinch of salt. Let the gruel brew, then apply on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Apple... Mix a tablespoon of baked apple with a tablespoon of beaten egg. The mask is ready. Apply it all over your face and leave it on for 10 minutes.

For normal skin
Yolk. Egg yolk mix with a tablespoon fat sour cream... Apply on face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon honey... Add 10-15 drops of lemon juice to a tablespoon of honey. And apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes. Then remove the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Important... Try use cosmetics of the same series... For example, pick up a set of cosmetics from one favorite brand - daily cream, night cream, cleansing milk, gommage, eye cream, etc. Because skin care products in the same series “work” better together and provide greatest effect In total.

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In winter, our skin does not best period... Peeling, redness, cold allergies, microcracks, itching, dull color faces. Many women take these manifestations for granted and believe that in extreme conditions exposure to frost, prickly wind, temperature drops, it is impossible to keep the skin in a normal state. It's a delusion.

Indeed, in winter, stressful conditions are created for the skin: cold, frost and wind dry it, temperature drops disrupt the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, under such circumstances, the renewal of the epidermis is much slower. All these factors not only affect negatively externally, but also significantly violate internal processes occurring in the skin. Immunity on its own can no longer cope with the stress that has arisen: the skin loses its elasticity, dulls, dehydrates and grows old. But not everything is as hopeless as many people think. Proper care and the right cosmetics can significantly improve the condition of our skin and reduce negative action external factors.

What are the rules for winter skin care

Many have probably heard about the rules of winter care, they are simple and their implementation is available to everyone. Most often, the problem is the lack of a systematic approach to their implementation. In winter, it is important not to forget about the following points:

  • preference in skin care in winter should be given not to moisture, as we did in summer, but to nutrition and its protection. Moisturizers should also be used, but this should be done at night. In the morning and before going out, it is more correct to apply nourishing and protective creams... Most often, manufacturers of high-quality cosmetics include in the composition of protective products nutrients... Thus, the cream performs two functions at the same time: it protects and nourishes the skin. Any cosmetics should be applied in winter 30-40 minutes before going outside. During this time, the substances protective creams will have time to be absorbed into the skin and form a protective barrier, and water-based products will not cause significant harm;
  • skin nutrition must be carried out with the help of nourishing masks, which should be done at least twice a week. To accomplish this task, you can use products cosmetic brands, but you can prepare nutritious masks yourself. Products such as frozen berries, various natural oils, sour cream, cottage cheese, honey are perfect for this. oat flakes... In addition, one should not forget about pharmacy vitamin complexes to be taken orally. They will very well support not only the condition of the skin, but also the health of the body as a whole;
  • attention should be paid to washing. To do this, you need to use gentle, cream-based products that gently remove impurities and soothe the skin. All alcohol-based products should be excluded. Cleansing procedures such as peels and scrubs are best done at night and never before going outside.