How to wear a cat's eye stone. Unique characteristics of the cat's eye stone. Other uses of stone

One of the strongest charms and simply mysteriously beautiful stones is the cat's eye. Its properties are known in astrology and medicine, and magical properties cat's eye closely related to its owner.

The color of a cat's eye can be very different. In most cases, it is golden-green or gray-green in color and has a stripe that closely resembles the constricted pupil of a cat due to its interesting overflow. Traditionally, yellow chrysoberyl and green quartz are referred to this stone. Used to make cufflinks, bracelets and beads, as well as rings and earrings. Mining this unique stone established in Russia and the Russian Urals, where chrysoberyl eye stones are mined. There are also deposits in Sri Lanka and Madagascar, and quartz cat's eye is mined in countries such as India, Brazil and the Czech Republic.

It is recommended to wear cat's-eye jewelry for children, preferably as a neck amulet. From the point of view of Astrology, it is suitable for representatives of the water element: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, since the stone itself is associated with water. Those born under the influence of the constellation Libra can also use the power of this stone to emphasize the romance of feelings and the tenderness of their own nature. Fit very well creative people and those who are designers, artists, writers and musicians by profession. He will bring them new ideas and a fresh look for everyday things.

The healing properties of cat's eye stone

Healers use it to heal respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and throat ailments. In some countries, he is prescribed the property to have a positive effect on nervous system and even treat for mental illness... It relieves phobias and fears, helps to cope with depression. It can be used as a stress reliever as it has the ability to relax a person. With frequent overvoltage, it is good to keep in sight caskets or jewelry made of this stone. It is also believed that thanks to its healing effects, wounds heal faster, and the body develops better protective reflexes. Develops will, has a beneficial effect on the pancreas.

The magical properties of the stone

Since ancient times it has been considered a talisman, therefore it is worn to protect against damage, the evil eye and from enemies. It is believed that it helps its owner to get behind enemy lines, but to its owner evil people does not allow. Has a strong reaction to the enemies of the owner, treats them aggressively and does not tolerate them at all. Therefore, when a person who wishes evil to the owner of the cat's eye stone pays attention to such an amulet, he is likely to get into trouble: the stone thus deals with it. In communication with friends, he tunes in to a frank and sincere conversation, and the owner of the stone himself will always be able to distinguish between love and good relations to yourself from other people. It fosters prudence in a person and teaches to foresee, developing intuition. It is also believed that by giving such a stone to a person with whom you are in a quarrel, you are very likely to quickly establish relations and restore harmony between you.

If you want to strengthen your positive sides, for which the cat's eye is responsible or you need a strong amulet - use unique properties this stone. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.04.2016 00:30

Like all signs of the Zodiac, Capricorns have amulet stones that favor them in life, ...

Many people know this stone with a narrow strip of light crossing the polished surface. She is so similar to the thin pupil of a cat, it is thanks to her that the stone got its name. But not everyone knows that the cat's eye is the name of the effect, and not of a specific stone.

This effect was first achieved when processing yellow-green chrysoberyl. It looked like a predator's eye not only by the "pupil" stripe, but also by its color and characteristic internal glow. It was not used as a decoration, but it was used as an amulet or talisman. Sorcerers, shamans, seers - with the effect of a cat's eye in short terms turned into one of the most sought-after amulets in the circles of all kinds of magicians. The lay people were even afraid of him and in a whisper called him "the devil's stone."

But at the end of the nineteenth century, this fear was overcome - the British Prince Arthur gave his bride Louise Margaret a Prussian ring with a cat's eye. So the popularity of stones with this effect began to grow. Know of all stripes wanted to purchase such a piece of jewelry. Since then, these stones have only become even more popular.

Varieties of the cat's eye

Yellow-green chrysoberyl is just one of the many minerals that have a cat's eye effect. Chrysoberyl can be of other colors, for example, golden green, emerald, reddish, honey. If the name does not indicate the mineral, then it means chrysoberyl with the effect of a cat's eye.

Quartz with a cat's eye effect is most commonly found green. Aquamarine and moonstone can be blue, blue, or white. Where once minerals with this effect only had certain colors, today the cat's eye can be found in the most different shades... More and more stones are processed in this way - rubies, sapphires, opals, topaz, tourmalines, beryls. Of course, rubies and sapphires are much less common and their cost will be much higher. However, even these noble stones can be seen with such a stunning effect.

Mineral deposits

Brazil is the main source of chrysoberyl. It is here that the main raw materials for processing are mined. There is also chrysoberyl cat's eye in Sri Lanka, India and the Urals. Small deposits of minerals have been found in Madagascar.

The second most popular mineral for processing is quartz, it can be found in India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, South Africa, Czech Republic, Russia.

Cat's eye and magical properties

It is not for nothing that the cat's eye, having barely appeared, has won a solid place among magic talismans... The sorcerers immediately sensed tremendous protective power and deep potential in him.

The cat's eye protects not only physical shell and inner world person, but also protects his relationship. It helps to avoid many quarrels, misunderstandings, jealousy and envy. The wearer of this stone will feel much more confident, his mood will become positive and will worsen less and less often.

Love relationships are also protected by the cat's eye. The stone helps to establish relationships with your soul mate, and for those who do not have it, it will help to attract the attention of a potential lover. He takes away all adversity, and he will definitely warn about those that cannot be avoided. With the approach of change, the stone begins to grow heavier, touching the skin of its owner.

The cat's eye will teach you to trust your intuition, listen and see signs that were previously inaccessible. It will help to become more attentive, empathetic and delicate. Will be an excellent ally for speakers and people whose work is related to creativity or mental labor.

The stone helps to win the favor of people, to unravel their secret motives, to protect themselves from lies and deception. With him it will be easier to understand whose words are sincere and who wants to harm.

But it is better for unscrupulous citizens not to wear such a stone. He has his own attitude towards bad people - the stone can bring bad luck.

The healing properties of the mineral

Not only a magician, but also an excellent doctor turned out from a cat's eye. Since he himself is an eye, he also gives to the organs of vision special attention... It cures eye diseases, eliminates fatigue, helps to see better at night. It is especially recommended to wear a cat's eye for people working at a computer or with papers. In case of fatigue, it is enough to apply the stone to the eyes for a couple of minutes.

It is also believed that the stone copes with many diseases. of cardio-vascular system... Can normalize blood pressure when racing. When high blood pressure it is recommended to wear yellow or orange stones, and when lowered - green or blue.

Often the cat's eye was used and is still used today by people suffering from respiratory diseases. Pneumonia, sore throat, flu, even asthma - the cat's eye helps to cure such ailments. For greater effect, the stone should be worn around the neck in the form of a pendant or bead.

The stone stimulates, tones up the work of digestion, helps to cope with indigestion, it can even have the effect of a laxative.

For wounds, damage to bones, internal inflammation, it is recommended to wear a cat's eye. It promotes fast healing and the restoration of damaged tissues.

Depression, neurosis and other disorders are easier to deal with with this stone. It will help you find inner peace and spiritual harmony.

Universal amulet

The cat's eye is versatile. It can be a wonderful talisman for both women and men. It perfectly balances the energy of male and feminine... So, he will help a woman find the necessary grace and elegance, and a man - determination and strength of character.
However, the stone does not encourage extremes in character. On the contrary, it smoothes out all corners, making a person more flexible and softer. For those who are hindered by softness from making decisions, it gives firmness and resilience. Aggressive helps to overcome irascibility, obsessive - to overcome a maniacal infatuation.
You can use the cat's eye as money mascot, for this, stones of green and yellow shades are most suitable. They will help you solve business and financial questions... It is good to look for a job with them, ask for a raise or raise. You need to keep such a talisman along with money in your wallet.

Quartz of blue color serve as a talisman that protects from the negativity of the people around. They will save you from jealousy, envy, anger, hatred and other negative emotions.

The most popular decoration with this stone can be called a pendant. In this form, its potential is most revealed - a cabochon cut looks great in a silver frame on a delicate female breast... The silver cut is the most common for the cat's eye. It is believed that silver contains all magical, medicinal and other positive properties stone are expressed as much as possible.

You can also often find rings, signet rings, earrings with a cat's eye. They can be the most different colors, different transparency, with bright pronounced effect or not really. Such a rich choice makes it possible to choose a piece of jewelry for any outfit - everyday or weekend.

However, you need to know one feature of the stone. He doesn't like other minerals. The cat's eye must be worn alone, so as not to overwhelm its beauty and effects with decorations with other stones. It is even sometimes called a lone stone.

Another feature is that the stone in the jewelry should be in direct contact with the wearer's skin. Sometimes, this is difficult to achieve, but in this way its positive magical properties will be revealed for sure.

Cat's eye stone for whom according to the horoscope

The cat's eye is a flexible and not fastidious stone, it can be worn by all signs of the zodiac, without exception. The main thing for him is the love of its owner. But the most useful cat's eye will be for the representatives of the zodiac signs of the elements of water - Cancers, Scorpions, Pisces. With them protective properties cat's eyes are most pronounced. Astrologers say that such a talisman is simply necessary for these signs.

In addition to water signs, the cat's eye pays special attention to women of the Libra sign. It is believed that it will enhance their natural sophistication, femininity and attractiveness, which will attract the attention of men.

Since the stone is very sensitive, it must be treated with extremely anxious - thoughts must be pure, otherwise the cat's eye will bring failure.

Sapphire - properties of a stone Agate - properties of stone

cat's eye stone is an unusual mineral with a narrow strip of light on a smooth surface that resembles a cat's eye. It is thanks to this optical effect that the gem got its name. Of particular interest are the magical properties of the cat's eye, its ability to affect the body and emotional condition person.


cat's eye stone is not a natural mineral extracted from the bowels of the earth. It is obtained using jewelry processing precious stones.


  • The most popular mineral for the production of cat's eye is yellow-green chrysoberyl. It is he who is called the progenitor of this amazing gem. IN jewelry also used chrysoberyls of golden green, emerald, red, orange shades.
  • Green quartz. Minerals made from aquamarine and moonstone. Usually used gems of white, blue and blue shadeswhich look very delicate and airy after processing.

Today, jewelers are increasingly using opals, topaz, rubies, sapphires, beryls, and tourmalines to make a cat's eye. Hence such a variety colors gems: lilac, black, pink.

The cost of some of them can reach quite impressive figures, but this does not stop lovers of such jewelry.

Differences from fake

The annually increasing popularity of the cat's eye has led to the emergence of jewelry on the market. a large number artificial minerals, i.e. fakes. Distinguishing a natural cat's eye stone from a fake is not at all difficult. Natural gem possesses high level hardness and can easily scratch glass. In addition, a real cat's eye has a faint glow in the dark, which also makes it possible to distinguish between natural and artificial minerals.

Healing properties

Our ancestors believed that precious stones are not only expensive jewelry, but also a means of combating many diseases. A separate science of mineral healing was even invented, which was called lithotherapy. The cat's eye did not stay away from her either:

  1. The first thing worth paying attention to in describing the healing properties of a cat's eye stone is visual acuity and eye diseases. The stone relieves eye strain associated with eye strain. To do this, you just need to lie down for a while on a flat surface, close your eyes and put a gem on each of them. Also, the mineral is useful for people working at a computer or dealing with a large circulation of documents. In this case, women should give preference to earrings or a pendant with a gem, while men will have to be content with a keychain or ring.
  2. Beads and pendants with the mineral help to improve the condition in case of diseases of the throat, bronchi, lungs.
  3. Jewelry with cat stone help to improve the human digestive system.
  4. The gem has a healing effect on cuts, inflammations and fractures.
  5. With neuralgia and depression, it is recommended to constantly wear a ring with a stone set in gold or silver.
  6. In lithotherapy great importance has the color of a mineral. So, people with hypertension should wear bracelets with natural stone cat's eye in yellow or orange shades. Hypotonic patients should choose gems of blue or green colors.

Magical properties

Since its inception, the cat's eye stone has taken one of the leading places in popularity among healers and sorcerers. It is believed that with its help dedicated person can communicate with the spirit world. Also, the mineral helps to develop intuition and clairvoyance.

However, the magical properties of the cat's eye stone are not limited to this.

The gem is called one of the most strong amulets from damage, evil eye and others negative influences... In addition, in the old days it was believed that he is able to ward off misfortune from a person, endowing him with the ability to foresee misfortunes and cunningly bypass them. Not the last place in the list of magical properties of the gem is occupied by the love sphere of human relations.

It is believed that if you constantly wear jewelry with a cat's eye, you can get rid of jealousy and improve relationships with your soul mate. The mineral will help lonely people find a reliable life partner.

The gem will make hot-tempered and unrestrained personalities more calm and balanced, and will teach the gullible to distinguish truth from lies. Plus, it's great for politicians and people. creative professions... The first gem will give the ability to influence the opinions of others, and the second will help open them creative potential... But to whom the mineral is categorically not suitable, it is evil and greedy individuals, on whom it can bring troubles and misfortunes. People who are far from magic should not use the gem in any witchcraft rituals, because the cost of such experiments can be very high.

There is another magical property of the cat's eye stone - the ability to find treasures.

In the old days, it was believed that a ring with a gem can indicate the place where treasures are buried. However, all of the above magical properties are characteristic only for a real cat's eye, and not for a fake.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Considering the characteristics and magical properties of the cat's eye, it is worth paying special attention to its influence on the signs of the zodiac. Almost everyone can wear it, but it can become a real talisman only for the elite. For the rest, the mineral will only be a beautiful and somewhat extravagant piece of jewelry. So, let's figure out which of the zodiac signs is suitable for jewelry with this gem.


For Libra, the gem will become irreplaceable. love talisman... Like a real compass, it will point the lonely representatives of this zodiac sign in the right direction of search. true love, and for those who already have it, it will help to preserve it.

If you are a Libra woman according to the sign of the zodiac, then you just need jewelry with a cat's eye in a gold or silver frame, even if their cost seems excessive to you. Earrings, beads, pendant, bracelet or ring - these trinkets will not only become an excellent decoration, but will also help the representative of the sign to stay young, beautiful and desirable for the opposite sex longer.


If you are Virgo by horoscope, then this gem suits you just perfect. He will help a woman find family happiness and stay attractive longer, the man will be made stronger and more confident, and the teenager will be told how to overcome difficult period physical, psychological and social development.

However, if you began to notice that those around you began to annoy you and you, every now and then, you want to criticize them - this means that the gem has strengthened the characteristic negative character trait of most Virgos inherent in you - criticism. In this case, be careful and wear the jewelry in dosage.


Scorpio is inextricably linked with magic and witchcraft. Representatives of this particular zodiac constellation have extraordinary abilities, among which not the last place is developed intuition and the gift of foresight.

Decorations with a cat's eye will make Scorpios even more discerning and protect them from all kinds of negative influences. In addition, the gem is able to somewhat pacify the hot-tempered nature of the representative of the sign, adding a little restraint and prudence to her. He will be able to reason with jealous people and curb those who like to go to the left. As for the shade of the stone, almost any color is suitable for Scorpions.


For Cancers, a gem can become irreplaceable assistant in the fight against pessimism and self-dissatisfaction. It will make the representatives of the sign more open, sociable, cheerful and relieve unnecessary complexes. This is a real amulet that protects people of the constellation from damage, evil eye and other negativity.


Gemini fits just fine. Eternally restless dual nature the representative of the sign with him will finally find peace and be able to find himself. In addition, the gem is able to reduce the degree of Gemini's dependence on the opinions of the people around them and teach them to highlight the main thing in life, without wasting themselves on trifles. With him, the representatives of the sign will become stronger, more self-confident and more organized, which will undoubtedly bring them success in life.


For the hot-tempered and poorly self-controlling Aries, the gem can become a real lifesaver. He will make the representative of the sign more cold-blooded and restrained, teach him to reason soberly, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on his career and personal life Aries. In addition, the gem is an excellent amulet against damage and the evil eye.


Pisces also need a gem. For women, he will become a real talisman that helps to always be in shape and brings happiness and family well-being. For men of the sign, the gem will save external negative influences, and some of them will help to get rid of addictions... For all representatives of the sign of Pisces, the stone will become a real amulet, warding off any negative impacts from the outside.

a lion

Leo as strong fire sign, more suitable as an amulet strong stones... As for the gem in question, its influence on the representatives of the sign will be minimal and will affect mainly the professional sphere. At the same time, it does not matter at all how many stones you put on yourself, and what their color and price will be.


A Taurus, whose character is rather stubborn, is unlikely to fit a gem. The danger lies in the fact that the stone can strengthen everything several times negative qualities representatives of this zodiac sign, making them simply unbearable. As a result, Taurus will turn into an aggressive, stubborn person, with whom it will be simply impossible to get along.


A person who loves everyone and everything to criticize and without measure distributing instructions to the Capricorn to the left and to the right, the gem should also not be worn. Otherwise, the representative of the sign runs the risk of turning into a terrible critic, annoying with all his advice and morality. People tend to shy away from such individuals, which will ultimately make Capricorn an evil hermit.

Cat's eye, properties of a stone.

Cat's eye, magical properties and energy of the stone.

Stones - EYES)


Sagittarius will bring the gem financial well-being and will help you "climb" the career ladder as high as possible. In addition, for representatives of the sign, the stone will be useful in the love sphere, helping to establish relationships with a companion or life partner. As a last resort, a Sagittarius can use a gem as a beautiful piece of jewelry without delving into its magical meaning.


An Aquarius wearing a gem in the form of a piece of jewelry can achieve a lot in life. And this applies to both love and professional spheres. For the representatives of this zodiac sign, the mineral can also become a reliable protector against all kinds of negative influences.

The cat's eye stone has a special appeal. Enchanting play of shades, depth, gorgeous colors - all this instantly attracts the eye. It is the cat's eye that has long been attributed to various magical, medicinal properties.

We will find out more today useful information about the stone: we will find out what are its main properties, what are the varieties of shades, what signs of the zodiac it is most suitable for.

History of the origin of the stone, deposit

The cat's eye has been known since ancient times. This has long been proven by numerous archaeological studies: during excavations, numerous jewelry with centuries-old historythat were made from a cat's eye.

The cat's eye was considered magical. Since everyone attributed to him all kinds of magical properties, the stone was carried with them in the form of a talisman by rulers, clairvoyants, and healers. Stone was used to create various instruments for conducting magical rites.

It was positioned as an item for making jewelry for the "elite", people with the highest social status... It was considered very valuable and cost a lot of money.

It is not so easy to extract the mineral, since it lies in sedimentary rocks... Known large deposits in South Africa and the Czech Republic, in India. The mineral is being mined in Russia as well. Almost all places of occurrence of the mineral were discovered relatively recently, so such deposits are very promising.

What kind of stone does it look like?

The stone was endowed with magical properties also because visually it really resembled flickering cat's eyes, and these animals have always been considered associated with magic and otherworldly forces.

First of all, only one mineral was called the cat's eye - this. It has a yellow-green color, with thousands of rutile needles piercing it, which create a magical glare effect.

Over time, other minerals, the appearance of which somewhat resembled chrysoberyl, began to be called the cat's eye, for example:

  • quartz;
  • moonstone;
  • tourmaline.

Now there are many semiprecious stones known, which are commonly called the cat's eye due to their unusual beauty.

Varieties, colors

To achieve the famous cat's eye effect, the mineral is specially polished, giving it a cabochon shape. At the same time, the processing must be precisely oriented. It is important that a strip of light is always visible, which runs parallel to the axis of the cabochon.

An optical effect of shades transfusion is created, since light is reflected from the tubular, needle-like voids of the mineral. When the mineral is leached, the same result is achieved.

Consider the basic shades of a cat's eye:

Golden mineral with a brown tint

Such a stone is suitable for people who are endowed with power, are engaged in leadership work, pass military service... The mineral provides authority, gives its owner self-confidence. Others will obey a person with such a talisman, he will be able to quickly earn respect and subjugate others. For maximum results, the golden brown cat's eye is recommended to be worn openly, in a conspicuous place.

Yellow mineral

Stones of yellow saturated shades... They are ideal for teachers and teachers, scholars and ministers of religions. The stone helps to give meaning to words. With it, you can quickly create the impression that the opinion of the owner of the mineral is the only correct one, you need to listen to it and act in accordance with it. Most often, a yellow cat's eye is worn in a ring, as well as in the form of a pendant.

Dark green stone

An excellent option for people who have blue-collar occupations, must fulfill their decisions with high quality, and engage in fairly hard work. The dark green mineral provides the best concentration, allows you to protect yourself from stress, and restore the emotional background.

A good solution is to wear a mineral bracelet in plain sight. It is desirable that it be just natural, and not artificial.

Golden green cat's eye

it classic shade a mineral that most resembles the mesmerizing eyes of cats. Such a stone becomes a real magnet for financial flows. He is able to ensure success in business, luck, helps to achieve the necessary solutions and conclude lucrative contracts, get good profits.

Ideal for financiers and businessmen. Mineral helps to achieve your goals, maintains confidence. It is best to have a ring with a stone, a rosary made entirely of natural golden-greenish cat's eye.

Physical properties

The cat's eye has individual physical properties.

Let's consider the main ones:

  1. The cat's eye is almost always made in the form of a cabochon to achieve the famous shimmering effect.
  2. Shades of overflow can be different: from golden to grayish green. The mineral appears to be similar to a real cat's eye, since it contains a lot of minor impurities.
  3. The stone is widely used in the manufacture of cufflinks, cameos, jewelry.
  4. Formed in nature, it is a semi-precious stone.

Also, you can get a cat's eye and synthetic way: Artificial stone is made by combining barium titanium and borosilicate glass.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac?

It is important to know how well a mineral is suitable for representatives of various zodiac signs.

Let's outline the main points:

  1. Cat's eye is a Taurus stone. Exactly Taurus it fits perfectly: it provides them with confidence and strength, purposefulness, allows them to create authority in society and achieve what they want, improve their financial well-being, and protects them from negative influences.
  2. Cat's eye fits well Virgo and Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio... They can also use it as a talisman. The impact will be great.
  3. Helps mineral Libra, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.
  4. With some degree of doubt, it is allowed to use the cat's eye in the form of a talisman for Aquarius, Pisces. You can wear a stone, but not every day. It is necessary to give him a "rest": since no perfect combination energetic, the stone must for some time self-purify from the negative, without contact with the owner.
  5. A cat's eye is not suitable for Capricorns at all. Power engineers will come into conflict, so it is better not to use it. If you like appearance - You can purchase jewelry with synthetic cat's eye.

Who is suitable by name?

There is also a system for matching semi-precious stones by name. The cat's eye is ideal for women with the following names: Anastasia, Alexandra, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Maria, Rosa, Karina. The famous mineral will be especially good for a man if his name is: Alexander, Cyril, Constantine, Eugene, Nikolai, Peter, Ivan, Ilya.

Magical properties

For more than a dozen centuries, people have been paying attention to the magical properties of the cat's eye:

  1. He is able to awaken in a person unusual abilities, sharpen intuition, reveal the talent of clairvoyance.
  2. The mineral removes spoilage, protects from any negative energy.
  3. The cat's eye is capable of attracting fortune and ensuring success in financial affairs.
  4. You can use stone talismans to achieve your goal.
  5. The mineral instills confidence in its owner, helps to perfectly interact with people around.

Healing properties

Many argue that the mineral really has medicinal properties.

Let's dwell on the key ones:

  1. The cat's eye has a positive effect on the work of the nervous and respiratory system, is able to ease breathing, relieve depression and stress.
  2. It has been noted many times positive influence on organs digestive systemss.
  3. The natural mineral has a beneficial effect on bones and spine.
  4. Natural stone helps relieve joint pain, strengthen them.

Also, the cat's eye is able to restore normal sleep.

Talismans and charms

Since ancient times, it has been believed that amulets and talismans made from a cat's eye protect from damage and the evil eye, protect from negative energy. Such amulets are perfect for artists and teachers, representatives of any creative profession. And the cat's eye gives a woman a special attractiveness, unique charm. It is better to wear a stone in plain sight.


Various decorations are made from the cat's eye.

Let's list the most successful options:

  1. It is very good if a person wears a ring with a cat's eye. He will repel all negative energy, protect the owner from the evil eye and damage.
  2. A pendant with a mineral is ideal for a woman. It instills self-confidence, gives a special charm and attractiveness. At the same time, the stone creates a certain distance, a barrier between its owner and other people: for example, a man will cross the psychological line only if the woman herself wants it.
  3. Shimmering mineral bracelets and necklaces also look great. It is advisable to wear them in plain sight so that the effect is maximized.

Other uses of stone

Not only jewelry is made of a cat's eye. Beautiful stone becomes excellent material for the manufacture of souvenirs, boxes, rosary, candlesticks. More large items most often made of synthetic cat's eye, but in appearance it practically does not differ from the real one.


The price of a cat's eye depends a lot on the shade of the mineral, the depth of color and the size of the cabochon. You can buy inexpensive earrings or a ring with a mineral, literally for a thousand rubles. But there is also jewelry that is much more expensive.


It is important to take good care of your cat's eye products. This is necessary so that the mineral retains its original properties, does not darken. You need to clean it very carefully, by hand. It is best to use a soft cloth or a damp cloth cotton swab... Cleaning compounds cannot be used.

What stones is it combined with?

Mineral with color overflow effect, beautiful highlights blends perfectly with other floors precious stones: jade, moonstone, amber. Also, you can create ensembles with precious stones: emerald,.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Although the natural mineral is not that expensive, synthetic cat's eye is often used. But it is not so difficult to distinguish it from the present.

An important property of a natural cat's eye is its increased durability. It is quite possible to compare it with precious and sapphires in this sense. The stone is almost impossible to damage, but it itself will easily scratch the glass.

Also, a real cat's eye glows a little in the dark. When rubbed with a cloth, it starts to glow even more.

Artificial cat eye

Synthetic stones are made in China. Most often they have bright green, yellow shades. For manufacturing, optical fiber with special dyes is used. Large artificial stones a little unclear.

Let's dwell on the most curious facts:

  1. It has long been believed that you can turn an enemy into a good comrade if you present him with a cat's-eye jewelry.
  2. The mineral keeps the home, peace and tranquility in the house.
  3. A ring with a stone must be worn on forefingerto restore the work of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Green stones have a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of vision.
  5. Talismans with a cat's eye will help a pregnant woman.

Enjoy the beauty of the cat's eye and its extraordinary properties!

The list of the most popular stones for jewelry, the cat's eye is one of the first places. Its mysterious appearance makes it in demand among representatives of all generations, and the universal coloring allows you to wear jewelry with any outfit.

Description and characteristics

By its nature, a cat's eye is not a specific stone, but a general name for gems with the presence of an optical effect in the form of a narrow strip of light, reminiscent of a narrow cat's pupil. This effect can occur in any mineral with a fine fiber structure.

The most common type of chrysoberyl is greenish-yellow in color. Hollow channels or fine-fibrous microscopic inclusions inside the stone cause opalescence. Cutting the mineral into a smooth cabochon creates a silvery streak of light within it.

Quartz cat's eye - quartz, in the structure of which germinated needles of rutile of olive green color can be found.

Varieties and extraction of minerals

The color of the stone may vary depending on the presence of impurities in its chemical formula... If some of the aluminum atoms are replaced by iron oxide, the mineral acquires yellow tintif chrome - emerald. Titanium oxide produces a reddish color.

It is very rare to find sapphires, rubies and opals with a cat's eye effect. These minerals are of the highest value.

Brazil is considered the main supplier of chrysoberyl cat's eye. It is in this country that most of all deposits are located. Large deposits are located in India and Sri Lanka - the second place after Brazil for the extraction of stone. The world's largest cat's eye, weighing 475 carats, was also discovered on this island. There are also small deposits in Madagascar.

How to distinguish a fake from a real stone

According to statistics, more than half of cat's eye jewelry is made using artificial crystals... The technology for the production of counterfeits is quite simple: molten glass is poured into molds with fibers dyed in desired color... In a few minutes, the glass becomes solid, and the stretched fibers burn out under the action of high temperature, and in their place are hollow tubular inclusions that perfectly imitate a natural mineral. The second technique is extrusion of the filler into cooled molten glass.

IN natural stone the stripe imitating the pupil is pronounced and does not change its position when the crystal rotates. The shape of the strip is a straight line.

In fakes, it can look like a broken or curved line and even a crescent. Such kinks are often attributed to entrepreneurial salespeople as unique.

You should also be wary of overly bright cabochons. Natural mineral has more muted shades, while glass has a rich palette. Natural mineral has a high hardness and is quite difficult to scratch. Any counterfeit stone is afraid of mechanical stress.

Healing and magical properties

Cat's eye - good doctor... He is able to cure diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems. In order to get rid of diseases of the throat, bronchi or lungs, it should be worn around the neck.

A bracelet or rosary will help lead to normal condition gastrointestinal tract... In complex fractures, the crystal promotes early healing of wounds and bone fusion.

The cat's eye "watches" its owner, so it can be considered a reliable protector. The stone protects from poor energy people around him, removes troubles and troubles and always warns of impending changes.

The video tells about magical and medicinal properties ulexite - a stone with the effect of a cat's eye.

He is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex and is happy to help build relationships with a loved one. In addition, it enhances the wearer's charm and makes his aura more pure.

The cat's eye reveals creativity and makes a person more receptive and open to new knowledge, therefore it is recommended to be worn by students and those people whose work is related to intellectual work.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Two signs get along best with this crystal: Scorpio and Cancer. He gives them support, strengthens good features character and neutralizes the negative. Just like sapphire, the cat's eye gives Cancers a thirst for knowledge and harmony with themselves.

Scorpio can successfully replace topaz, ruby \u200b\u200bor aquamarine with this stone, having received an equally weak patron in his face. However, representatives of the sign should not wear the mineral in combination with other crystals.

All other zodiac signs can wear a cat's eye along with any minerals. For them, his energy will be weaker, but always positive.

How to properly care for your cat's eye

The stone is hard enough and resistant to mechanical damage, but do not expose it to too much stress. He is afraid of any chemical substances, including household chemicals.

To cleanse the cat's eye of dirt, you must use cotton pad or soft flannel and a weak soapy water... Soap is the only cleanser for this mineral.

The negative energy accumulated by the stone is removed under running cold water.


This stone is the owner of a calm color scheme, jewelry with it goes well with clothes of a classic or romantic style. Cat-eye earrings or pendants can also be worn with loose-fitting outfits in neutral shades. The so-called urban chic goes well with such jewelry.

The cat's eye is a lonely stone. He is jealous of any neighbors, therefore, in jewelry he prefers to act as the only insert, poorly combined with other crystals.

A carat of the natural mineral chrysoberyl is very expensive, depending on the characteristics of the stone - hundreds or even thousands of dollars and is sold in jewelry stores. It is classified as precious due to its rare distribution in nature.

Quartz cat's eye is much more affordable, it is used in most rings, pendants and bracelets. You can buy such jewelry in specialized salons, and in souvenir shops... In more detail, the spectacular appearance of products with such inserts can be seen in the photo.






A cat's eye watching its master inserted into jewelry, will become a wonderful talisman stone. His good-natured disposition makes him livable with all the signs of the zodiac. All a stone needs is true love host.