Summary of joint activities with children of the preparatory group Topic: “Animals of hot countries. Summary of GCD on designing with children of the preparatory group "Animals of hot and cold countries" from traffic jams

"one Theme week"Animals of hot countries" Synopsis of OOD with children preparatory to school speech therapy group"Zoo" Compiled by: Kichaeva Tatyana ... "

Thematic week "Animals of hot countries"

Synopsis of OOD with children of a speech therapy group preparatory to school


Compiled by: Kichaeva Tatyana Leontievna,

teacher of the highest qualification category

Educational area: "Cognitive development"


To consolidate the knowledge of children about the animals of hot countries, to know their name, habitat,

names of continents; correctly name adult animals and their cubs;

educate love and humane treatment of animals;

Describe the animals features and characteristic features, depict with the help of pantomime, onomatopoeia, move rhythmically, sing expressively;

To consolidate the ability of children to use the TIKO constructor: collect figures of animals from hot countries from the details of the constructor;

Develop coherent speech;

Continue to develop fine motor skills;

Exercise children in word formation with the help of suffixes; use nouns in a diminutive form; use nouns with numerals and adjectives.

Material for the teacher: globe, pictures depicting animals of hot countries (2 sets: large and small), four A4 sheets depicting 3 continents: Africa, Australia, South America and the Hindustan Peninsula;

Material for children: designer "TIKO".

Methodical methods:

Practical: finding on the globe the continents inhabited by animals of hot countries, didactic games: “Everyone run to me”, “Who lives where”, “Hunter is prey”; musical physical training, game training "Zoo", design.

Visual: looking at the globe and pictures depicting animals from hot countries.

Verbal: guessing riddles, explaining the benefits of predators in nature; didactic game "Good-bad", lexical and grammatical exercises: "Call me affectionately", "Who is your name", "Count to five".

Preliminary work: examining the globe and the children's geographical atlas "Animal World", finding countries and continents on them where animals of hot countries live, didactic games: "Run all to me", "Who lives where", "Hunter - prey", “Good-bad”, lexical and grammatical exercises: “Call me affectionately”, “Who is your name”, “Count to five”.

Logic of educational activity:

1. Organizing time. Riddles.

The teacher rings the bell and invites the children to guess riddles and understand who or what they are talking about.

RIDDLES Put on the horses A log floats along the river.

Marine vests. Oh, and it's wicked!

(Zebras) Those who got into the river, Nose

–  –  –

(Children express their assumptions on the topic of the lesson) The teacher invites the children to find countries and continents on the globe that are inhabited by animals of hot countries.

2. Work with a globe (Children alternately go out, show and name countries and continents) The teacher offers the children a task for attention: find pictures depicting animals that were not riddles.

Work visual material(Children come to the stand, find pictures of a tiger, jackal, hyena, panther, turtle, koala, platypus, echidna, snake, lemur, panda, opossum, tapir and name these animals).

3. Didactic game"RUN ALL TO ME"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify and generalize animals, to develop thinking and speed of reaction.

Game progress: the teacher and the children are at opposite ends of the group room.

In the hands of children, pictures depicting animals from hot countries.

The teacher addresses the children:

Run all to me, who has predators;

Run all to me, who has herbivores;

Everyone run to me, who has animals that live only in Australia (kangaroo, koala, platypus, echidna).

Everyone run to me, who has animals that live only in Africa. (Giraffe, zebra, hippo).

Everyone run to me, who has animals that live only in South America (tenacious bear, anteater, opossum, tapir).

Everyone run to me, who has animals that live both in Africa and in India (elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, monkeys, camels), etc.

The teacher tells the children that after such fun game all the animals mixed with each other and forgot who lives where. Let's help them all return to their homes, to their homeland.

4. Didactic game "WHO, WHERE LIVES?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the habitat and continents of animals in hot countries, to exercise the ability to name distinctive features and characteristics.

Materials: A4 sheets of paper depicting Africa, Australia, South America and the Hindustan Peninsula, small pictures depicting animals from hot countries.

Game progress: Educator: All the animals mixed up with each other and forgot who, where they live, on what continent. Let's help them all return to their homes, to their homeland.

(Children are divided into four subgroups, choose cards with the image of animals from different continents and "send them home").

Educator: Guys, let's go to one of the continents where animals from hot countries live. What kind of place this is, you will know if you listen carefully to the song. And all the animals that live there, you will show us with movements.


(to the soundtrack of a song from the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”, children perform musical and rhythmic movements, depict animals with the help of pantomime) The teacher is interested in where, on which continent we have just visited and what animals we have met. (Children's answers) The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that there are many other animals in Africa and invites the children themselves to guess and guess riddles about animals.

6. Didactic game "GUESS WHAT ANIMAL ARE YOU?"

The teacher asks the children the question of which two categories can be divided into all animals. (Answers of children).

The teacher is interested in who the predators and herbivores are and why they are called that.

(Children's answers) The teacher invites the children to "turn" into "predators" and "herbivores"

7. Didactic game "HUNTER - PREY"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to make a short descriptive story starting from common features and ending with the characteristic features.

Game progress: One of the children turns away from everyone, a picture with the image of an animal is brought to his back. The host (one of the children) starts the description of the animal in the picture. For example: this is a herbivore, lives in a herd, is not afraid of predators. This is a very large and strong animal, loves to swim. It has a thin tail, strong thick legs, huge ears and a long trunk. (The driver answers: "This is an elephant").

Game option: All children try to understand what kind of animal it is. The one who guessed first wins. The game is repeated several times.

The teacher praises the children for the fact that the "predators" hunted nicely, and the "herbivores"

not all became prey. Explains that in nature, thanks to predators, only the fastest, most agile and healthy herbivores survive. The weak and sick become prey.

The teacher brings the children to the understanding that in order to see live animals from all over the globe, it is not at all necessary to travel specifically to different countries and continents. It’s enough just to sing ... (Children suggest where to go in such cases) The teacher tells the children that very kind and caring people work in zoos, who love animals very much and know everything about them. He assumes that in the future, one of the guys will definitely become a zoo worker.

8. Didactic game "GOOD-BAD"

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, connected speech.

Game progress: The teacher asks the children questions:

Educator: What good is the existence of zoos?

Children: It's good that at any time you can visit the zoo, see animals from all over the world.

Educator: What's wrong with the fact that there are zoos?

Children: It's bad that animals live in captivity, in cages. They move very little.

Educator: What is good for the animals in the zoo?

Children: It's good that predators don't have to hunt, herbivores are not in danger. People feed them and take care of them.

Educator: If animals are released into the wild, is it good or bad for them?

Children: It's bad for animals! They must not be released, they will die!

Teacher: But why? After all, they will become free, they will live in their native environment.

Children: It is impossible, because animals from the zoo are not adapted to life in their natural environment. They do not know how to hunt, they do not know how to defend themselves, they do not know how to take care of their offspring. They are used to being looked after by humans.

The teacher offers the children to make such a zoo where animals will not suffer in captivity.

–  –  –

11. Lexico-grammatical exercise "CALL AWESOME"

Purpose: to exercise children in word formation using suffixes and the use of nouns in a diminutive form.

Game progress: Children take turns (or in chorus) call animals affectionately in a diminutive form:

Elephant - elephant, Hippo - hippo, Camel - camel, Zebra - zebra, Crocodile - crocodile, Giraffe - giraffe, Lion - lion, Rhino - rhinoceros, Turtle - turtle, etc.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that each animal has its own family and offers to remember who's name.

12. Lexico-grammatical exercise "WHO IS THE NAME"

13. Lexico-grammatical exercise "COUNT TO FIVE"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to use nouns with numerals and adjectives, coordinating them in gender, number and case.

One long-legged giraffe, two long-legged giraffes, three long-legged giraffes, four long-legged giraffes, five long-legged giraffes; one toothy crocodile…, one fearsome lion…, one striped zebra…, one mighty elephant…etc.

The teacher says that TIKO-ZOO is quite ready and waiting for the first visitors!

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Synopsis of an open integrated lesson

"Journey to hot countries"

(construction and the natural world)

Software content.

  1. To improve the skills of children working with paper like origami. Develop the ability to fold a square and rectangular sheet of paper into different directions, creating three-dimensional models.
  2. Encourage the development of conceptual thinking.
  3. Strengthen the ability to add models from memory and verbal guidance. Convey expressiveness of models.
  4. Expand ideas about the nature and animals of hot countries.
  5. to cultivate interest in the design, production of collective works.
  6. develop memory, logical thinking, independence.

Material and equipment:

  1. Globe, pointer.
  2. Schemes of folding a two-pipe steamer.
  3. Square paper.
  4. A steamer built from building material.
  5. Disc "Sound of the sea".
  6. Screen.
  7. Newspapers.
  8. Colored square paper.
  9. Magic wand.

10.Paper gray color rectangular shape.

11. Backpack, water bottle, plastic cups.

Methodical methods.

  1. Entering a game situation.
  2. Schema story.
  3. Finger gymnastics.
  4. Folding a two-pipe steamer out of paper (white or colored).
  5. We are sailing on a boat.
  6. Respiratory-sound gymnastics.
  7. Fizkultminutka.
  8. Folding caps from newspapers.
  9. Folding cups from colored paper. 10. Game "Animals of hot countries."

11. The game "Airplanes". 12. The result of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet the guests. There is a globe on the table.

Educator. Guys! After much debate, scientists have come to the conclusion that our planet Earth has round shape. And it revolves continuously around itself. At the top - the north, where it is always winter, cold, ice. And in the south - hot, sultry. I suggest you take a trip. Where would you like to go - south or north?

  1. Child. I I would look north.
  2. Child. And I would like to go south.

Educator. Good. We will not go on a trip and we will not fly, but we will swim. What can you swim on?

  1. Child. On the ship.
  2. Child. On a steamship.
  3. Child. On a yacht.

Educator. But in kindergarten We don't have a ship or a ship. There is only paper. How to be? Children. You can fold a two-pipe steamer.

Educator. Correctly. Let's show you how this can be done.

Children go to the board with the diagrams.

1. Child. A square sheet of paper needs to be folded in half and again
in half.

2. Child. It is necessary to bend the corners of the square to the middle.

Child. The resulting square must be rotated and bent again
corners towards the middle.

  1. Child. Turn the square and bend the corners to the middle for the third time.
  2. Child. It is necessary to straighten the opposite pockets.

6. Child. Then fold the model in half and bend the extreme corners
(stern of the ship).

Educator. Correctly. Let's do finger gymnastics. Squeezing and unclenching fingers.

Fingers played hide and seek, And removed their heads. Like this, like this. Just removed the heads.Children on the tables fold a two-pipe steamer.

Educator. But on such a ship we will not sail. I have Magic wand She will help us.

Children (together): One, two, three - magic wand you help us!

The teacher closes the screen, and on the carpet a large steamer is built from building material.

Educator. Everyone sit down. On the road, we will take the backpack in which I put necessary items. They may be useful to us.

Respiratory-sound gymnastics is carried out.

Educator. The engine started: at first quietly - t-t-t-t-t.

Children repeat.

Then louder: d-d-d-d-d.

Smoke poured from the chimney: p-p-p-p-pff.

The steamer hummed: s-s-s-s-s-s.

The headwind whistled: in-in-in-in-in-in.

The sound of water is heard: sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

Music sounds: "The sound of the sea." The music is turned off.

Educator. Here we sailed. Let's loosen up.


We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

And then we circle.

We kick top top,

We clap-clap with our hands.

We will part our hands

And we'll run around.

On the screen is a picture with the nature of hot countries.

Educator. Where did we sail, north or south?

Children. South.

Educator. Yes, how bright the sun shines. And I have a thermometer in my backpack. Let's see how many degrees?

Children determine that the bar has risen above zero and stopped at the number 30. This means that it is 30 degrees outside.

Educator. Guys! Available sunstroke. And we don't have panamas or caps. But I have newspapers in my backpack. How can they be used?

Children. You can fold the pilots.

Educator. Correctly.

He distributes newspapers to children and the children fold caps and put them on their heads.

Educator. Guys! To feel good in this heat, you need to drink more often. There is a bottle of water in the backpack. But there are no glasses. How to be?

Children. Can be folded out of paper.

The teacher distributes colored paper and the children stack the cups.

Educator. But you can't drink from them. The magic wand will help us. One, two, three - magic wand you help us!

The teacher touches paper cups chopstick and pulls plastic cups out of the box. They pour water and drink.

Educator. Did it get better?

Children. Yes.

can not see. Let's play and name what animals live in hot countries

Game: "Animals of hot countries."

Children clap if the animal lives in hot countries, if not, they stomp their feet (pass the stick).

Educator. Guys! Look, here is the baby elephant, he is alone. Where do you think all the elephants could have gone?

Children. Look for water.

Educator. Yes. Elephant alone will not reach the water. Let's help him. Let's make a herd of elephants out of paper, and the leader will lead everyone to a watering place.

Children fold the elephants according to the verbal guidance of the educator and stick them on a piece of drawing paper.

Educator. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We will fly back by plane.

Game: Airplanes.

The children are in a group.

Educator. Guys! Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like? (Children answer). Summary of the lesson.


1. Childhood "Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten."

St. Petersburg, 1999

2. Magazine " Preschool Pedagogy”, publishing house “Childhood Press”, 2010

3. Sokolov SV. "Origami for preschoolers", St. Petersburg, 2010

4. Origami magazine "The Art of Paper Folding", publishing house "Akim", 2001.

5. L.V. Kutsakov "Design and manual labor in kindergarten"

Size: px

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1 State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten 41 supervision and rehabilitation of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg Abstract joint activities with kids preparatory group Topic: “Animals of hot countries” Completed by: educator of the first qualification category Magadeeva Dilya Shakiryanovna 2013

2 Purpose: To give children elementary ideas about the features geographical location Africa. Tasks: 1. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the animals of hot countries, activate the vocabulary through the use of new words: continent, dunes, shroud (integration of the educational area "Knowledge"). 2. Continue to acquaint, with a color designation on the globe (integration of the educational field "Cognition"). 3. Continue to create a need for motor activity through the performance of various motor tasks (integration of the educational area " Physical Culture"). 4. Expand ideas about methods right attitude to plants and animals (integration of the educational area "Safety"). 5. To form a culture of relationships between children and consolidate the skill of team interaction (integration of the educational area "Socialization"). 6. Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature (integration of the educational field "Socialization"). Equipment: Globe, educational game "Sensino", educational game "Cheese Slice", educational game "Zoo from Tarambuco", educational game "Labyrinth", game simulator "Bumps in the swamp", game simulator "Turtle", interactive whiteboard and prefix " Mimio", a model of trees, sand, figures of animals from hot countries. 2

3 Preliminary work: Exploring the continent of Africa through reading fiction. Drawing of animals living in Africa. Didactic board games: "Who lives where?", "Inhabitants of hot countries." Compilation of descriptive stories and memorization of poems about animals living in Africa. The course of the lesson: - Guys, look what interesting subject I brought you. Who knows what this item is called? (globe) What is a globe? (small model of the planet Earth) Today, I invite you to go to an amusing trip on the hottest continent on planet Earth. What do you think it's called? (Africa) Slide 1 - That's right Africa, let's see where this continent is located (we look at the globe, focus on the desert, savannah and river). How far Africa is from us, but I have a magical labyrinth that will show us the shortest path, you just need to lay it correctly. Educational game "Labyrinth" (the child paves the way) 3

4 -Well, guys, now we know the route, but how will we get there? I offer you an unusual transport - high-speed turtles. Team relay (game simulator "Turtle") - Well done, we did it! Did everyone get there? Slide 2 Guys, look at the screen! What do you think is shown here? (Planet Earth) That's right, our planet! Planet Earth is unique! We must protect and defend our Earth. Keep her beauty. Slide 3 - Guys, let's look at the globe. Africa shaded different colors and beige and green and there are blue lines. What do you think it means beige color? (Sand) That's right, sand. And what is the name of the area where there is a lot of sand? (Desert) Well done! We are now in the Sahara Desert. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. It almost never rains here. Hot winds blow and therefore sandy mountains are formed. I suggest you see how it goes. Experimenting with sand (forming sandy mountains). four

5 Slide 4 -Let's move on, the desert is behind us and the Shroud is in front of us. Many animals live here. Some of them are difficult to notice right away, why do you think? (Disguised) Correctly during the hunt they need to disguise themselves. Let's eat them. Educational game Sensino (find the animal by touch according to the model and tell about it) Slide 5 - Well done, they found all the animals and told about everyone. Guys, what do you think the blue winding lines mean on the globe? That's right rivers. Let's go further! And here we are on the banks of the longest river on our planet. It's called the Nile. "Kochki" will help us get closer to the river. Our task is to go over the bumps and not get your feet wet. Game simulator "Bumps in the swamp" What animals do you think come to the river? (Elephants, giraffes, zebras). Well done boys! I have prepared for you, by the office to determine which animal came to the watering place. Developing game "Zoo" (watering of animals) Slide 6 - Africa is a very interesting and beautiful continent, but at the same time very dangerous. It is here, where harsh conditions of survival reign, that 5

6 incredibly strong and dangerous creatures that you will not meet anywhere else on the globe. They are fast, strong and dangerous. Can anyone name them? (Cobra, crocodile, elephant, scorpion, lion) Our task is to get through all the dangers to our magic plane. Educational game "Cheese slice" (floor and board). Slide 7 - Guys Africa is so big, and there are so many interesting things, but it's time for us to go back. We will fly back on a magical plane. Countdown 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 start. Well, here we are at home. Let's remember where we've been? (Africa continent) What did you like? What do you remember? On the bank of which river did we visit? (Neil) What animals did we meet? (Crocodile, lion, scorpion) I propose to reproduce with you my little Africa. Teamwork panel Africa. What soil prevails in the desert? (Sand) What plants are characteristic of Africa? (we arrange the layout of the trees) What animals live? (we arrange figures of animals from hot countries) The longest river in the world flowing in Africa? (we lay out the river) What dangers lie in wait? (place dangerous animals). 6

7 Appendix. Photo 1. Studying Africa on the globe. Photo 2. Laying a route with the help of the developing game "Labyrinth". 7

8 Photo 3. Considering the animals of the Sahara. Photo 4. Game simulator "Cheese slice". eight

9 Photo 5. Developing game "Sensino" Photo 6. Game simulator "Bumps in the swamp". 9

10 10

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State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 45 Compensatory type Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg CONSPECT OF DIRECTLY EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES WITH CHILDREN 2

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Project "Origami. Animals of hot countries»


Writing is a complex process that requires joint work muscles of the hand, the whole arm, coordination of movements of the whole body. Not every adult can write beautifully, what can we say about children? Preparing for writing is one of the most difficult stages of preparing for school. It is connected both with psychophysiological features 6 - 7 -year-old child as well as the writing process itself. Children of this age have insufficiently developed small muscles of the hand, coordination of movements is imperfect, the ability to assess spatial differences, on which the quality of writing depends, has not been formed. The process of writing is extremely difficult, not every adult is familiar with the intricacies of the technical skills that a child acquires in the process of writing: correct use writing utensils, compliance with the rules of writing. When writing a particular letter, you need to follow a clear rule for writing it. This complex process will be controlled by a teacher who will teach children for more than one month how each letter is written. Therefore, in kindergarten, work is being done to develop the fine motor skills of the child's hand.

There are several ways to develop fine motor skills:

Games with cereals, beads, buttons, pebbles.

Graphic exercises. Hatching.

Drawing and coloring.

Plasticine games.

Massage of the hands and fingers.

Games with constructors and mosaics.

Paper work. Folding (origami).



Origami is the compilation of a variety of bizarre figures from a sheet plain paper, which makes this process exciting, and sometimes even a little magical, especially for children. Origami develops fine motor skills and promotes creative development children.

Objective of the project: Mastering the origami technique by a preschooler and applying the acquired skills to prepare for writing.


introduce children to origami technique (basic form- square)

learn how to work with algorithms

develop the logical creative thinking and imagination

compose and voice stories about animals

work collectively and independently


Human Resources: Kindergarten teacher.

Information resources: theoretical literature on making origami.

Material and technical resources: stationery, music center, computer, printer, digital camera, access to the Internet.

Programming and methodological resources: Design lessons. L.V. Kutsakova.

Design part.