Diet at 8 months on artificial. Expansion of the diet. Zucchini and cauliflower puree with herbs

It is no coincidence that the age of eight months is called a turning point in the development of a baby, since it is from this time that the gradually increasing dynamics of his physical and social activity becomes more and more obvious. The daily routine is 8- month old baby there is a persistent tendency towards the prevalence of periods of active wakefulness over periods of sleep. It becomes more and more interesting to communicate with the baby day by day, although it is more troublesome for the mother, who is always with him.

Approximate daily routine for a baby at 8 months

  • 6:00-8:30 Time of awakening, the first feeding, and a light massage, completing the air bath procedure.
  • 8:30-10:00 The first dream is desirable for fresh air.
  • 10:00-10:30 Baby's second meal.
  • 10:30-14:00 Active leisure, including doing morning exercises, massage and educational games.
  • 14:00-14:30 Time for the third meal.
  • 14:30-16:00 Second period daytime rest... Better to combine with a walk.
  • 16:00-18:00 A period of active acquaintance with the environment, time for developmental activities and implementation physical exercise.
  • 18:00-18:30 Baby's fourth meal.
  • 18:30-20:00 Walk in the fresh air.
  • 20:00-22:00 Games with close relatives, evening bathing procedure for a child.
  • 22:00-22:30 Evening feeding of the crumbs.
  • 22:30-6:00 Night rest period.

Several Yet additional options with the daily routine (you will already pick up the best option considering the characteristics of your baby):

With a comparative study of the tables, you can see that the daily routine that organizes the life of a child at 8 months has not undergone significant changes (compared to the previous period). It still includes five feedings, four hours apart, and two outdoor walks. Only the time of daytime rest has decreased, since the child is able to remain active for 5-6 hours.

On the need for rest

The sleep of an eight-month-old baby, which has a phase of superficial and deep sleep, begins to resemble the sleep of an adult. A soundly asleep baby does not react to any external stimuli, his reflex reactions during this period are significantly reduced. The level of activity of the brain during the night sleep is reduced to the minimum values.

  • The longest rest period for an 8-month-old baby is night sleep usually lasting at least eight hours;
  • Daytime sleep becomes biphasic. Most babies go to sleep for one and a half to two hours twice a day, although there are often cases when its duration does not exceed forty minutes. Some 8-month-olds take only one rest during the day, and this rest can be at least four hours;
  • On average, a child needs eleven hours of sleep per day, although some toddlers continue to sleep for thirteen hours.

The fact that the baby is tired and in need of rest is easy to guess from his behavior. The baby becomes lethargic, stops actively reacting to what is happening, starts yawning and rubbing his eyes with his fists, his breathing becomes deeper and more even. Noticing all these signs, the mother should change the baby's clothes and send him to the crib.

About the correct organization of sleep

In order for the crumbs to sleep as soundly and calmly as possible, you need to take care of creating optimal conditions for him.

  1. The humidity level in the children's room should be at least 70%, and the air temperature should not be higher.
  2. Before putting the child in the crib, you need to take care of the preliminary ventilation of the room: the air saturated with oxygen will contribute to more deep breathing baby.
  3. The use of a properly selected orthopedic mattress () and a neatly made bed that does not have folds on the surface of the sheet is another condition for prolonged sleep.
  4. Laying the baby is necessary in accordance with the usual daily routine.
  5. In order for the baby's sleep to be calm, the window should be shaded and the volume of the TV and radio receiver should be muted (quiet background sounds not only do not interfere, but also contribute to the baby's good falling asleep).
  6. It is very useful to give him a relaxing massage and sing a lullaby before laying the baby down.
  7. A long night's rest is always facilitated by a walk in the fresh air and a bathing procedure (after soaking up in warm water and playing enough, the baby will fall asleep faster and stronger).

An important point concerns children who have the habit of rolling over from the back in a dream and sleeping with their noses buried in the pillow. The baby must be immediately turned over, accompanying his actions with stroking on the back, quiet singing or monotonous affectionate muttering. If the baby, frightened, wakes up at the same time, you can simply take him in your arms and, slightly shaking him, put him back in the crib.

To make it easier to control the sleep of a baby turning over in a dream, you can completely remove the side wall of the crib, move it to your mother's bed, aligning the levels of the beds. Holding the baby by the handle, the mother can either sleep peacefully all night (if the baby behaves calmly), or wake up in the right moment... It is known that the dream caring parents it is distinguished by its special sensitivity and discontinuity. Feeling the movement of the little hand, the mother will wake up and control the baby's behavior.

About the intricacies of feeding

The nutrition of a child at 8 months becomes quite varied. In addition to the dishes and drinks well known to him (vegetable and fruit purees, multigrain and milk cereals, baby cottage cheese, kefir, tea and juices), the baby begins to receive meat. Low-fat varieties are great for baby food: chicken breast, rabbit and turkey meat.

Introducing meat into the diet of the crumbs, it is better to gradually add it to the vegetable puree. A good option for getting to know a new product is to add crushed meat to baby soups cooked in vegetable or meat broth.

Instead of meat, yolk can be added to soups chicken eggs, strictly making sure that both of these rather heavy products do not end up in the children's stomach within one day (they should be alternated, giving on different days).

Many mothers of eight-month-old babies believe that at this age it is time to wean them off breast milk. This is an erroneous position. Majority experienced pediatricians states that you should breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. Of course, the nutritional value of mother's milk alone is no longer enough for the grown crumbs, so you need to apply it to the breast at least twice a day: when you wake up and when laying down for the night.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Insofar as breast milk for an 8-month-old baby it is food, not drink, it must be given special baby tea or boiled water. During the day, the baby should receive about a liter of solid food and 600 ml of liquid(in the form of juices, teas, herbal teas, water and breast milk).

The daily diet of a child at 8 months should look something like this:

  1. Breakfast: mother's milk or formula.
  2. Second meal: porridge (in water or milk), fruit drink or baby tea.
  3. Dinner: vegetable soup with the addition of meat or yolk (instead of soup, you can make vegetable puree), fruit juice.
  4. Fourth meal: fruit puree or baby curd.
  5. Feeding before bed: attachment to the chest or gruel (for artificial).

Starting at 8 months of age, the baby must be taught to wash pens before eating: if you do this regularly, he will soon have good habit associated with feeding. This useful skill will come in handy for the kid when he goes to kindergarten. We are reading an article about 4 basic useful skills that you should teach your child before kindergarten -

Helpful Tips for Moms:

By the age of 8 months, the baby achieves great success: thanks to the strengthened muscles, he can confidently sit without any support, crawls perfectly, moving from room to room, stands on his legs and begins to walk with the support of both arms.

To consolidate these achievements and lay the foundation for the future successful development, the baby needs regular physical activity: doing morning exercises and complexes special exercises to strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

Mom will acquaint her with a complex of gymnastic exercises nurse in the office of a healthy child. Performing exercises for flexion and extension of the limbs, performing circular rotations with the arms and feet of the crumbs, the mother should be extremely attentive and careful, making sure that the mobile baby does not get injured during an awkward turn.

To make gymnastics pleasant for the child, after each exercise, several relaxing exercises should be performed. massage movements. Total duration exercise for an 8 month old baby can be 15-20 minutes a day... Before doing gymnastics, you need to ventilate the room well.

Prolonged exposure to the fresh air is extremely beneficial for the development of the child, which is why pediatricians advise to use every opportunity for the baby to walk as often and as long as possible. Two 2-hour walks should be a must in your daily routine.

Inhalation of oxygen-enriched air contributes to:

  • active development of the cerebral hemispheres;
  • oxygenation of the cells and tissues of the child's body;
  • deep and prolonged sleep.

The arsenal of developing activities for a child can be replenished with new interesting games:

    • Children like to shift bright cubes, disassemble multi-colored pyramids and lay out objects from boxes;
    • If you put the baby in the crib as much as possible more toys, he will begin to throw them out of it with enthusiasm. In the course of this strange (from the point of view of an adult) game, the child develops coordination of movements, an eye, all muscle groups are strengthened, and a lot of energy is spent at the same time;
    • Kids love outdoor games, therefore, you can give them the opportunity to "fly an airplane" in the hands of the Pope or experience delight while playing "hole boo";
    • To develop coordination of movements and motor skills of small muscles, you can offer your baby a toy wrapped in a soft wrapping paper(it is necessary to wrap furtively from him). Satisfying his natural curiosity, he will certainly be engaged in unfolding it;
  • Instilling in the child an interest in books, it is necessary to teach him to carefully consider the illustrations, accompanying the process with comments about who is shown in the picture. If this is an animal, you can talk about its size, habits, favorite delicacies, demonstrate what sounds it makes;
  • Into an exciting role play you can even transform the usual procedure for bathing crumbs. Taking a plastic boat, mom can show the baby how to use it to transport a small toy. You can bathe his beloved doll in front of the child's eyes, or rubber toy, soaping it with a piece of sponge and repeating the same words that are usually used when bathing your baby. After that, the baby will certainly want to perform this action on its own. Children are very fond of pouring water. To do this, they must have buckets, watering cans or small bottles () at their disposal. Water treatments, loved by most babies, require great care from their parents. It should be remembered that the baby sitting in the bath should not be left unattended, even for one moment. It is also undesirable to take out the plug that closes the drain hole of the bathtub when there is a child in it. The sight of the rapidly disappearing water and the sounds made at the same time can scare him and cause him.

Daily adherence to the established daily routine is a guarantor great mood, successful development and good health 8 month old baby.

VIDEO GUIDE: 8 months: development, nutrition, sleep and daily routine, what he can

In this video I will tell and show what a child from 7 to 8 months of age can and can do. I will touch on such important questions like complementary feeding, development, our achievements, daily routine and baby's sleep, as well as some other topics. You will be able to form for yourself some idea of ​​what kind of child is from 7 to 8 months, what he can do and how he develops.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of terrible complexes. overweight people... I hope you find this information useful!

Your little one is eating a lot of "grown-up" foods and behaving accordingly. He is very active and curious, and is ready to try any of his mother's culinary delights. What should be the approximate menu for a child at 8 months? What products may already appear in it? And what might a baby's diet look like for a week?

Porridge recipes

The little one eats porridge with pleasure, of which there are at least five on his menu. These are buckwheat, rice and corn. You can also offer oatmeal and barley, but millet porridge is not yet given to a child at 8 months old, since it is rather coarse for his intestines. To make the porridge tastier, adopt the following recipes.

  • Barley porridge - 3 tablespoons of cereals, 0.5 cups of water, the same amount of milk, a spoonful of butter. Pour cereals into boiling water with milk, boil until soft.
  • Buckwheat porridge - 3 tablespoons of cereals, a glass of water, a spoonful of butter. Pour groats into cold water, cook over low heat.
  • Rice porridge - 3 tablespoons of cereals, a glass of water, a spoonful of butter. Pour cereals into boiling water, add ghee, cook until tender.

The porridge will turn out to be perfectly tasty if you first grind the cereal into powder (a coffee grinder will help with this), and the cereal itself will be fresh, not stale. These recipes are suitable for a baby's menu at 8 months breastfeeding and artificial.

New products

Every mother strives to diversify her baby's diet at 8 months. Its menu may include the following new products:

What to cook baby

Will fully answer the question of how to feed a baby at 8 months, the menu in our review. It can include one-component dishes, that is, prepared from one product. And you can also multicomponent, that is, combined. How the menu for a child at 8 months for a week might look like is presented in the tables below.




On the remaining days of the week, you can repeat the menu of the previous ones or prepare other dishes.

You can also include multicomponent dishes.

  • Fruit- vegetable purees - apple and pumpkin, apple and carrot, apple and zucchini go well with each other. Such mashed potatoes are prepared based on the volume of the components 1: 1. In this case, pumpkin and zucchini should be boiled, but carrots should be used in fresh... Puree is perfect as a dessert and main course for lunch or dinner. Keep in mind that if you use carrots in one dish, then it should not be in another, otherwise there is a risk of developing carotene jaundice in the baby.
  • Fruit multicomponent purees- you can mix fruits on the basis of an apple, to which add cherries, peaches, quince, black currants, and other fruits. You should only use those that grow in your area. And only during the period of their natural maturation. If it's winter outside, it is better to buy ready-made purees in jars.

Perhaps your little one will like vegetable puree with the addition of milk or meat mousse diluted with milk. In each case, watch the reaction of the crumbs and create your own tasty and healthy menu!

Video how to make a menu for a baby at 8 months.


At the age of 8 months, the diet of infants on a natural and artificial feeding very similar. The frequency of food intake - 4 hours - remains the same as before. In this case, there is a division of dishes into those that are eaten during breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning, cereals and dairy products are served. For lunch - soups, meat or fish puree... Vegetable dishes are available for dinner. In the future, such a diet will allow you to adapt to the kindergarten menu.

Nutrition for an 8 month old baby is no longer limited to breast milk

Features of nutrition at the age of 8 months

The daily amount of food at 8 months (regardless of gender and type of feeding) is about 1 liter. This means that during one feeding, the baby receives about 200 grams of food (with five meals a day). Some children eat much less, especially those who are on HB.

Weight gain should be a guideline for mom. If a baby on HB or artificial feeding weighs within normal limits, do not worry that he eats less than he should.

It is important for a mother to teach her child to eat by the hour, focusing on the correct feeding schedule at this age:

  • First light breakfast (6-00). Includes mom's milk or adapted formula. Often breast milk is already lost, but it is important to try to maintain lactation for at least a year. When this fails, it is worth picking up good mix for children 6-12 months.
  • The second breakfast is nutritious (10-00). It includes cottage cheese and porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, corn or other that the child likes). You can add a little butter or vegetable oil to it, half of the crushed yolk.
  • Hearty lunch (14-00). Includes nutritious cream soup with vegetable broth, meat puree... The introduction of half the yolk is allowed. They give a fruit unconcentrated compote, kefir or diluted juice.
  • Light but nutritious dinner (18-00). May include water-based porridge, fruit and vegetable purees, biscuits, or croutons. It is good to give cottage cheese, kefir for dinner, alternating fermented milk products.
  • Feeding before bedtime (22-00). Includes bottle formula or mother's milk. If a baby on HB is restless during the day, it should be breastfeed as often as needed.

The 8 month old baby's menu consists of the main food groups (vegetables, fruits, meat, bread) and breast milk or a mixture before bedtime.

Foods in the diet of an 8 month old baby

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The nutrition of a young 8 month old baby includes many new products:

  • porridge on water, milk or mixture: corn, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley;
  • fruits: apple, pear, peach, apricot, banana;
  • berries: currants, raspberries;
  • vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes (we recommend to read:);
  • meat: lean poultry, rabbit, beef;
  • fermented milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • chicken and quail eggs: Dr. Komarovsky approves only the introduction of the yolk, he recommends giving the protein a couple of months later;
  • flour: wheat bread, crackers, oatmeal cookies self-cooking or baby biscuit.

Similarities and differences in the nutrition of 8-month-old infants and artificial

How before little began to receive complementary foods, the more varied his menu at 8 months

In terms of the set of products, the feeding regime of the baby and the artificial one differs slightly. How used to be baby began to receive complementary foods, the more varied his menu can be. For example, when the first complementary food was received at 5 months, at 8 he can be introduced to white lean fish (fillets): hake, pollock, perch, cod, blue whiting, macrorus. In infants, the first complementary foods are usually introduced at 6 months, which means that it is better for him to get acquainted with fish at 9-10 months.

The benefits of fish in the diet of a child of 8-9 months can hardly be overestimated. Minerals, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids in it are useful for bones, skin, eyes, nervous system... Fish are included in the menu with care (it is an allergen). The first complementary food should be half a teaspoon. If the crumb eats the dish with pleasure, you still shouldn't indulge it more often than once every 7 days. By the year, you can already give 100 grams twice a week, make pates, mashed potatoes, fish meatballs.

Feeding table

How much food and at what time should you give your baby? You can find out about this from the presented table. Nutritionists have drawn up it taking into account the fact that children of any type of feeding receive complementary foods from the allotted time (5-6 months).

The complementary feeding table for babies 8 months old will allow you to create a balanced and varied menu (we recommend reading :)

The daily menu of a healthy eight-month-old baby looks like this:

Feeding typeProductDish volume
Breakfast number 1 (6-00)Breast milk or an adapted mixture200 ml.
Breakfast number 2 (10-00)Porridge on water or milk180 g
Butter½ tsp
Children's juice / unsweetened compote / kefir30 ml.
Fruit puree20 ml.
Lunch (14-00)Creamy soup with vegetable broth or vegetable puree180 g
Vegetable oil1/2 tsp
Turkey puree50 gr.
Boiled yolkHalf
Compote30 ml.
Dinner # 1 (18-00)Biscuits1 - 2 pcs.
Cottage cheese40 gr.
Fruit puree30 gr.
Supplement with formula or milk100 ml
Evening feeding (22-00)Formula or breast milk200 ml.

The diet for a child allergic to cow's milk protein should be adjusted by a specialist

If you are allergic to cow's milk protein, the diet is adjusted. Nutritionists and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, offer an example diet for small allergy sufferers:

Feeding typeProductDish volume
Breakfast number 1 (6-00)200 ml.
Breakfast number 2 (10-00)Dairy-free porridge (diluted with water or a formula for children with an allergy to cow's milk proteins)120 g
Fruit puree80 gr.
Vegetable oil1 tsp
Lunch (14-00)Vegetable puree or cream soup170 g
Meat puree40 gr.
Vegetable oil1 tsp
Dinner # 1 (18-00)Dairy-free porridge or vegetable puree170 g
Fruit or meat puree30 gr.
Biscuits1-2 pcs.
Vegetable oil1 tsp
Evening feeding (22-00)Breast milk or formula adapted to goat milk(or another one selected by a specialist)200 ml.

What kind of dishes can you cook?

In the diet of an eight-month-old baby, there can be not only one-component, but also multicomponent dishes. For example, cream soups, fruit and vegetable purees, curd with berries. Many dishes are sold ready-made, and mothers are happy to give babies baby food Hipp, Gerber, Agusha, Fruto Nyanya, Babushkino Lukoshko and other brands.

However, it is easy to prepare delicious and healthy meals at home. For this, mom needs quality products and helpers - a sieve, a blender, a food processor, a set of good dishes.

Fruit and vegetable purees

A smart combination of fruits and vegetables will allow your baby to experience the richness of new flavors. When the child has already tried separately carrots, pumpkin, apple, zucchini, you can connect them together. The child will like carrot-apple, pumpkin-apple, apple- squash puree in a ratio of components 1 to 1.

Fruit purees are best added after cereals and vegetables.

When preparing dishes, vegetables should be boiled well, chopped thoroughly and combined. By the end of 8 months, you can try using fresh carrots. To eliminate its excess in the diet on the day when such mashed potatoes are served, orange root vegetables should not be in other dishes.

Baby meat puree

When making mashed potatoes at home, it is important for mom to chop the meat thoroughly. To prepare a dish for an 8-month-old baby on artificial feeding, you should prepare a low-fat piece, cleaned of veins and films, boil it without adding salt (see also :). Cool and chop until puree with a blender, food processor or meat grinder.

At first, it is important to give 5-10 grams of meat. After that, the portion should be increased, bringing it to 50 grams at a time. If the puree is dry, add a little olive oil or butter and mix thoroughly. Many moms add to meat breast milk or a mixture that softens and imparts a delicate flavor. Serve the puree warmed up to 36 degrees.

Vegetable soups

The first soups for the baby should be vegetable and homogeneous, carefully chopped. In the future, you can add meat puree to them and mix until creamy. To create them, use any fresh vegetables - carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes and others. When preparing vegetable broth, you can use an onion, which must be removed before chopping the dish.

Zucchini, potato and broccoli puree soup

Soup preparation begins with peeling and chopping selected vegetables. They are boiled until tender, rubbed together with the broth, seasoned with butter or vegetable oil (up to 5 grams). The natural taste of the dish should not be spoiled with salt and spices. By the end of 8 months, you can season with chopped herbs - a sprig of parsley, dill or celery. It is forbidden to cook soups in meat broth for an eight-month-old baby. The meat is boiled separately, chopped and added to the soup.

Multi-component fruit puree

When preparing multicomponent fruit purees, green apples should be taken as a basis (50% or more in the dish). Peach, quince, apricot, cherry, currant, strawberry, raspberry are added to them.

Fruits and berries should be used seasonally and only those that grow in the area where the family lives. For the winter, you can prepare canned puree or purchase ready meals in jars.

Acquaintance with citrus and exotic fruits (kiwi, pineapple) should be postponed for up to 2 years. The exception is the potassium-rich banana, the sweet pulp of which is allowed to be tasted at 8 months. This is a high-calorie fruit, so you should not feed it to overweight babies more often 1-2 times a week.

Regardless of the type of feeding, the baby should eat a varied and balanced diet from all major groups. Have a baby at 8 months daily menu divided into 5 meals, with the first and last consisting of breast milk or formula. Sometimes before going to bed, you need to feed with porridge.

Features of nutrition at 8 months

One more intake of solid food is added, the baby receives adult food 3 times a day, and in the early morning and before bedtime continues to drink breast milk or a mixture in accordance with the type of feeding. Night feedings are no longer included in the calculation of the recommended amount of food, it is advisable to learn to do without them. If the baby continues to wake up often at night and demand breast milk, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, perhaps he does not have enough eaten during the day.

On a note! Adding thin porridge to the last meal will help reduce the number of nighttime breastfeeding.

The organization of nutrition for an 8 month old baby gradually smooths out the differences between GW and IV. The only difference remains in the set of products, because artificial people receive complementary foods earlier. For children of this age, it is no longer recommended to grind food with a blender. It's time to learn how to chew and swallow foods of different textures. Meat dishes you need to chop, passing through a meat grinder several times, grate vegetables and fruits or knead with a fork.

Foods in the diet of an 8 month old baby

The basis of the menu is the same for all types of feeding, mother's milk or industrial formula remains in the baby's diet. At eight months, complementary foods consist of:

  • gluten-free cereals;
  • meat;
  • local seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries;
  • fermented milk products for children;
  • egg yolk (quail or chicken);
  • crackers, cookies.

On a note! For an 8 month old bottle-fed baby, the menu additionally includes fish, because they started feeding earlier.

At 8 months, a baby's diet should include many healthy foods.

What foods are added to the diet?

The baby should eat daily meals prepared from all major food groups in order to receive the necessary nutritious and wholesome nutrients with food. It is necessary to continue to expand the diet with new ingredients allowed at this age.

It is time for a child of eight months to introduce into complementary foods:

  • oatmeal;
  • legumes (peas, beans);
  • chicken (fillet);
  • fish (for children on IV);
  • wheat bread.

How much should a baby eat?

To avoid problems with overweight or underweight, you need to know how much a child should eat at 8 months. The Union of Pediatricians of Russia recommends adhering to a daily volume of 1000 ml for up to a year. They should be roughly divided equally into 5 meals, regardless of the type of feeding. The received 200 ml includes the assigned portion of solid food, if the baby does not eat it, it is required to supplement it with breast milk or formula.

On a note! 1000 ml does not include berries and fruits, dryers, crackers and other small snacks.

The difference in nutrition for breastfed and bottle-fed babies

By eight months, the differences are gradually smoothed out, since by the year there should be no difference. The ration of a bottle-fed child is much wider, because complementary foods are introduced at 4-4.5 months, and not at 5.5-6. During this time, the kids have time to try more new products.

Another difference is the baby's feeding regime. Night snacks should be absent for artificial people. In contrast to breast milk, the adapted formula should be equated with regular food, therefore, it is undesirable to exceed the recommended dosages, subject to full complementary feeding.

Nutrition for an eight-month-old breastfed baby is less varied. Breastfeeding strictly on time will not work, as this will negatively affect lactation. Often, babies refuse solid foods, getting most of the nutritional components from breast milk. Such children can wake up 1-3 times at night, which speaks of malnutrition during the day.

Complementary feeding at 8 months of age for a breastfed baby is almost the same as for an artificial person. General recommendations:

  • the rules for introducing a new product remain the same;
  • keeping a food diary;
  • 5 meals (every 3.5-4 hours), of which 3 are completely replaced by complementary foods;
  • supplementation with breast milk or an adapted formula during the day is carried out after the baby has received the main meals;
  • It is impossible to force to eat the entire portion; to improve appetite, you should remove snacks between main feedings;
  • fish can be added to the diet of children who receive complementary foods from 4-4.5 months;
  • the introduction of gluten-containing cereals should be carried out carefully;
  • during the day it is allowed to give the child fruit juices and mashed potatoes, they do not need to be included in the total amount of food;
  • drying and croutons are recommended to be offered to the baby to facilitate teething;
  • wheat bread should be yesterday's, without crusts in the amount of 5 g;
  • butter and vegetable oils in a small dosage should be in the diet every day;
  • if the baby does not sleep well at night, often asks for breast, it is necessary to first give liquid porridge (about 80 ml) before going to bed, only then breast milk;
  • all recommendations are average, when drawing up the menu, you should focus on the individual characteristics of the baby, for example, breakfast does not have to be porridge, you can change some dishes in places, keeping the total daily volume of the dish.

The diet of a baby at 8 months old on artificial feeding should already be fully formed. Feeding should be done strictly at the set time. If adapted mixture it becomes not enough before bedtime to sleep peacefully all night until the morning, then as with breastfeeding you need to add porridge before bedtime, reducing the amount during the day.

All complementary foods can be prepared by yourself

What is included in the diet of an 8 month old baby and recipes

Almost all basic foods have been introduced, so the menu for an eight-month-old baby can be tailored to the type of adult diet. The exceptions will be the reduced portion size, chopped look and recipe. To improve the taste, a little salt and sugar are allowed. Creamy and vegetable oil must be added to meals daily.

How to feed a baby at 8 months, regardless of the type of feeding:

  • porridge;
  • vegetable and fruit puree;
  • meat or fish (with IW) dish;
  • dairy products;
  • egg yolk;
  • drinks - juice, fruit drink, compote, tea, broth.


This dish is one of the main foods for an 8 month old baby. It is especially important to add cereals to the nutrition of babies with underweight body. Artists already eat cereals containing gluten, and breastfed babies should only try these cereals. Most often, oatmeal is introduced first. Cow's milk can be added to dishes, but if you are prone to allergies, it is advisable to dilute it with water. In case of intolerance dairy product boil cereals in water, then you can add a little breast milk before feeding.

Cooking technology:

  1. Boil water, add cereal.
  2. Cover, cook until almost cooked, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add salt and sugar if desired, pour in hot milk.
  4. Boil for 2-5 minutes, remove from heat, add a little butter, cool until warm.
  5. If the grains are too large, grind a little with a blender, but do not wipe until homogeneous as before.

On a note! Porridge industrial production can still be purchased, multi-grain mixes are also allowed.

Fruit and vegetable purees

The baby's menu must include vegetables and fruits. First, local low-allergenic products are introduced according to the season. From exotic fruits, it is permissible to feed a baby with a banana. The basis of vegetable dishes still consists of potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower and vegetable marrow.

At 8 months, add lentils, peas and beans in turn. Legumes are high in vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals, but they can cause flatulence, colic, and anxiety. For this reason, they are added to small amount when observing the condition of the baby.

Vegetable puree preparation technology:

  1. Wash, peel, cut into small pieces the potatoes, carrots, beets and white cabbage.
  2. Cook until cooked over low heat, covering with a lid.
  3. Grind with a fork, meat grinder or grater.
  4. Add salt, vegetable oil or breast milk to taste.

On a note! Boiled vegetables or soft fruits and berries can be offered to the child in the nibler. The nursing accessory looks like a large nipple with holes. A piece of the product is placed in a container and closed securely.


V given age for the child, you need to cook vegetable soups from several components. It is permissible to cook in a weak secondary broth, add separately cooked meat. Strong meat and fish broths are prohibited at this age. A little salt and oil can be added.

Technology for cooking mashed zucchini soup:

  1. Boil the zucchini and rice until cooked through.
  2. Grind through a sieve or ceiling with a fork.
  3. Add butter and some breast milk.

Meat and fish dishes

The product is used only in boiled form. It is important to grind the meat well, because the child can choke on a large piece, it will still not work to chew it, because of which it will linger in the stomach for a long time, cause heaviness, regurgitation, and discomfort. For 8 months, ready-made baby food is well suited, greatly facilitating the preparation of dishes, reducing the time for processing meat. Closer to nine months of age, you can offer your baby meatballs.

On a note! The fish should be gradually introduced at the end of 8 months for bottle-fed babies.

Meat soufflé preparation technology:

  1. Cook rabbit meat (70 g) over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Stir in the whipped egg white.
  4. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Dairy products

This group includes kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt made in a children's kitchen or at home. Food industry offers products marked - baby food. Such goods are ready for use, have short term shelf life, intended for feeding children under 1 year old.

Homemade kefir preparation technology:

  • Bring milk with a shelf life of up to 7 days and a fat content of 1-3.2% to a boil.
  • Cool to 40 ° C, pour into a glass jar.
  • For 1 liter of milk, add 100-150 g of special sourdough or baby kefir from the store.
  • Mix thoroughly, wrap in a towel.
  • Leave it on for a few hours.
  • Store the finished drink in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days.

Egg feed

Egg white is recognized as ideal in terms of amino acid composition, therefore, it is necessary for the nutrition of the baby. At eight months, complementary foods are supplemented with boiled chicken (½ pc.) Or quail (1 pc.) Yolk. Protein can be added in small amounts to meals (meatballs, casseroles, puddings), but be careful because it is a strong allergen.

Cooking technology:

  1. Use fresh eggs only. To check, put it in cold water, if it floats up or becomes vertical, then you cannot use it for feeding a child.
  2. Dip the washed egg in boiled salted water, cook for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Fill cold water until it cools completely.
  4. Peel, separate the yolk from the protein.
  5. Give the child only the yolk, pre-chopping with a fork. Can be mixed with vegetable puree.

Juices and other drinks

The child's diet should include compotes, fruit drinks, teas, decoctions. Freshly squeezed juices are recommended to be introduced at 8 months of age, having previously diluted boiled water... You need to prepare drinks from fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs that grow in the area. If it is not possible to purchase local fresh food then use fresh frozen or industrial products.

Cranberry juice preparation technology:

  1. Rinse cranberries (500 g), squeeze out the juice.
  2. Pour the pomace with water (1.5 l), bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Add squeezed juice, remove from heat, cool.

Power Mode and Sample Menu Table

An eight-month-old bottle-fed baby has a more varied menu than infants. But meal times and portion sizes are the same. Regardless of the type of feeding, the diet should be formulated taking into account individual characteristics child.

Table 1. Diet with an approximate menu for a baby of 8 months

In a breastfed child, the menu at 8 months should gradually approach that of an artificial man. During the day, it is advisable to gradually remove feedings on demand, distracting the baby. Then, during the main meal, he will eat with great interest and desire, accordingly, he will not remain hungry. Breast milk still provides the most essential nutrients and useful substances, but it's time to get used to adult food.

Menu for the week

Sample menu for a breastfed and artificially fed child:

  1. Monday:
    • Z: wheat porridge with apple (100 g), chicken yolk (½ pcs.), Pear juice (50 ml), GM / mixture.
    • A: mashed cauliflower, potatoes and zucchini (180 g), boiled rabbit meat (50 g), apple peach juice(30 ml)
    • W: banana with cream (125 g), baby biscuits, GM / mix
  2. Tuesday:
    • Z: buckwheat(180 g), curd (4 tsp), peach juice (50 ml), GM / mix
    • A: vegetable soup in a weak broth (30 g), broccoli (100 g), minced boiled liver (50 g), grated apple (50 g), bread or crackers, dried fruit compote
    • Y: boiled zucchini (180 g), quail yolk (1 pc.), Vegetable oil (1 tsp.), Apricot juice, GM / mixture
  3. Wednesday:
    • Z: rice porrige(150 g), apple (30 g), plum juice (50 ml)
    • О: chopped boiled beets and beef (150 g and 50 g), vegetable oil (1 tsp), cranberry juice (50 ml)
    • Y: curd (50 g), banana puree (50 g), GM / mix
  4. Thursday:
    • Z: oatmeal on water (100 g), prunes (60 g), yogurt (40 g), GM / mix
    • A: soup with courgettes, potatoes, carrots and onions with turkey (150 ml), pear juice (50 g), GM / mix
    • U: rice porridge with pumpkin (80 g), curd (40 g), kefir (80 ml)
  5. Friday
    • Z: corn porridge in milk (200 ml), berry compote
    • A: boiled cauliflower and potatoes (150 g), boiled rabbit (30 g), ½ yolk, croutons
    • U: cottage cheese (40 g), GM / mix
  6. Saturday
    • Z: buckwheat porridge (150 g), baked apple (50 g), pear juice
    • О: chicken and squash puree (50 g and 150 g), croutons, currant juice
    • U: kefir (80 ml), carrot-pumpkin puree (100 g), GM / mix
  7. Sunday
    • Z: rice porridge (150 g), boiled beets (50 g), pumpkin juice
    • A: vegetables (150 g), boiled beef (50 g), apricot compote
    • W: apple with cream (125 g), biscuits, GM / mix

On a note! Dishes can be swapped throughout the day, the main thing is to balance the diet and maintain the recommended serving size.

What difficulties can arise?

The child may refuse to eat, demand breast, often wake up at night. Even those who tried it with pleasure at first new food and ate the entire portion, by 8 months they can refuse such food. It should be understood that children like complementary foods as something new, unknown. When this interest is satisfied, the baby refuses, because it is not vital in the presence of natural feeding. You should continue to offer him new products, but not insist.

For a breastfed baby, there is no certain amount of food that he must eat when taking into account the subsequent supplementation with breast milk. All norms are advisory in nature. The problem is the lack nutrients, adversely affecting the health of the crumbs. This situation rarely occurs and is solved together with the pediatrician. The reason may be intolerance to the proposed products, personal preferences, lack of enzymes for food processing, dysbiosis. The main thing to be guided by is the well-being of the baby, because the norms are individual for everyone.

The child refuses normal food

It often happens that the baby does not want to eat complementary foods at all or only eats a couple of spoons and turns away. This is a problem only for mom. At 8 months, breast milk still forms the basis of the diet, providing essential nutrients and nutrients. He needs to keep offering food, maybe he doesn't like some foods. Children under one year old will not leave themselves hungry, because by nature it is in them to demand from the mother everything necessary for growth and development. If you do not want mashed potatoes or soup yet, you do not need to force.

The problem of giving up complementary foods can be caused by constantly inventing new ways of entertainment at the table so that the child can eat more. As a result, food intake is perceived as an uninteresting addition to play activities... When the mother runs out of ideas, the baby refuses to eat. Therefore, when feeding, it is not recommended to look at books, show cartoons, and suggest new toys. It is important to teach to show interest in the food itself, the nutritional process. It is advisable to eat all together so that the baby learns to behave at the table with early age, eat with gusto.

The baby eats little complementary foods and wants to breastfeed again

This is a very common problem with breastfeeding. Many mothers are interested in what to do if a child at 8 months old does not eat complementary foods, requiring breast. At this age, you should not worry about it if he is gaining weight and is feeling well. Moreover, when the baby is forced to eat a full portion of complementary foods, breast milk is completely displaced, which leads to a decrease in lactation. As a result, breastfeeding will stop by one year or less. If there is no goal of weaning at this age, you should supplement after each feeding in the usual way... Mom should offer the child new products, diversify his diet, but not force them to eat against the child's wishes.

On a note! Force-feeding negatively affects health and causes many psychological problems in future.

The baby may refuse complementary foods and demand breast

The baby often wakes up at night and constantly begs for breasts

The main reasons for this problem are:

  • malnutrition during the day;
  • nervous excitement;
  • pain caused by teething or other reason;
  • sleep disturbance in daytime days.

In this case, experts recommend revising the feeding regime. Before bedtime, you can give a liquid porridge. The bulk of solid food should be in the morning. If after it during the day the child refuses complementary foods, it's okay. But at night you need to supplement with fermented milk products, mashed vegetables or porridge.

At 8 months, a breastfed baby should receive complementary foods 3 times a day. All norms for serving volume and grocery set are advisory in nature. Artists at this age need to try to completely replace food intake with solid food, it is permissible for a breastfed baby to eat only a few spoons of new dishes, receiving the main nutrition from mother's milk.

Dear parents, today let's talk about how an eight month old baby should be fed. The child has become even older, but the digestive and excretory system are not yet strong enough to be ready to eat solid or fatty foods.

In this article, you will find out what rules should be followed, what kind of child age norms what the baby is now eating, you will know the approximate menu, as well as how many times to feed the baby at 8 months.

Feeding rules

At the age of eight months, you should adhere to the following rules in the child's diet:

  1. The toddler is still fed five times a day. One more night is allowed.
  2. The first and last meal is Mom's milk (mixture). It is too early to completely exclude these foods from the baby's diet.
  3. Feeding is desirable to be carried out every day at the same time.
  4. The baby's diet is represented by such time frames: 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, 10 am.
  5. For a ten hour meal, it is best to cook dairy-free cereals, still without salt.
  6. For children on artificial nutrition all types of cereals are already being introduced and milk is used in their preparation.
  7. It is best to cook some high-calorie food for lunch. A soup with the addition of lean meats is well suited.
  8. The penultimate meal should be light. Can be presented fermented milk products or fruit puree. It is not recommended to give new foods during this time.
  9. The last meal in daily diet your baby will have breast milk or formula.
  10. In the menu of children who are artificially fed, fish of low-fat varieties are introduced.
  11. A child who feeds on mother's milk should receive no more than 900 g of this same milk per day.

What are the norms of food consumption

It must be remembered that breast milk or milk formula (adapted for babies) will remain the main thing in the diet of a child up to one year old. As for the rest of the products that are introduced strictly monthly, it is worthwhile to individually select them for each child. No need to be upset if your baby does not want to eat a particular vegetable or porridge, perhaps they just do not suit him. In addition, you can always try again to offer them to your baby after a month or two.

Some parents are worried that they have not sufficiently expanded the diet of the crumbs, and the baby now does not finish eating. To reassure you, a visit to the doctor is necessary. He will examine the baby, assess his mental and physical development, if necessary, prescribe tests. And then he will be able to say with certainty that the diet that you have chosen suits your child or it still needs to be adjusted.

As you can see, there are no specific rules. And this is natural, because every child is unique. AND better than mom nobody knows him.

I introduced products strictly according to the complementary feeding table. But my friend loves to experiment and she doesn't like the rules. So she began to give her daughter, in addition to breast milk, semolina since 6 months. This is despite the fact that doctors recommend to postpone its introduction up to a year. And nothing, the allergy did not appear, stomach problems did not appear. And she is so in everything, gives products that are clearly ahead of age norms. The only thing that the girl clearly began to suffer from excess weight (already more than a kilogram excess weight at 10 months of age).

What can you feed your baby at 8 months

At the age of eight months, the child is gradually introduced to an increasing number of products:

  1. Vegetable puree. The kid is already available big variety of these products. Mixing of the two components is already permitted.
  1. The child's diet can already be enriched with greens. It is allowed not only to add to ready-made dishes, but also to use the leaves in their raw form to develop the chewing skill of the toddler.
  2. Prepare various soups for the little one (vegetable, with the addition of meat or porridge). It is best to still grind the finished product until smooth.
  1. Dairy-free cereals for breastfed babies, and for other babies, low-fat milk is already allowed.
  2. Dairy products. Mainly in the diet of children with artificial feeding.
  3. Fish of low-fat varieties, mostly river. The finished product is served as a puree.
  1. The kid is already allowed all fruits, berries and vegetables. The exception is the representatives of red fruits, Exotic fruits and citrus fruits. You will have to wait up to a year with them.

You should not eat large quantities of fruit purees, give your child food in accordance with age norms.

I prepared soups for my son, gradually introduced meat. The first was the rabbit. Grandma graciously brought her from the village. My baby loved this food. Also at this time, I began to gradually introduce the yolk.

Possible menu

The food of the crumbs should be of adequate temperature, freshly cooked and have attractive view... All this should contribute to the child's appetite, as well as stimulate the production of gastric juices, which in turn will contribute to better absorption of nutrients.

I present to your attention an approximate menu. However, you are free to experiment with it however you want. You can select combinations of products that are convenient for you.

Here is the menu:

  1. Feed your baby at 6 o'clock mother's milk or milk mixture - 220 ml.
  2. There will be lunch at 10:00. Well suited 170 grams of buckwheat porridge with the addition of 5 g butter (butter), 50 grams fruit puree, juice or compote (50 ml).
  3. There will be lunch at 14:00 - it's time to have a hearty meal. Offer the child 160 grams of vegetable puree, meatball (40 grams), 40 grams of fruit puree, rosehip broth or juice (30 ml).
  4. For dinner (18:00) cottage cheese (40 grams), 2 biscuit biscuits, 50 grams of fruit puree, 100 grams of kefir are suitable.
  5. The last feeding will take place at 22:00. The toddler should be given breast milk in a volume of 220 ml. Bottle-fed babies can be given 110 ml of an adapted mixture and the same amount of baby kefir.

Children who have been introduced to fish in their diet do not need to give it more often than once a week. It is better to change the porridge, today buckwheat, tomorrow rice, the day after tomorrow corn, then oatmeal and so on. It is also better to change fermented milk products with each other.

So we figured out what the diet of an eight-month-old baby is. Follow all rules, regulations and guidelines. And this will guarantee the successful growth of the baby and correct development your crumbs.