What weeks are critical for the fetus. Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the second trimester. Dangerous terms during pregnancy

Dangerous weeks pregnancy is in every trimester. What exactly are possible risks for mother and child, and how to avoid them? Let's consider these questions.

Traditionally, those weeks in which, according to the calendar, menstruation was supposed to be, are considered risky, but they were “prevented” by pregnancy. Taking into account average duration menstrual cycle in a woman (28 days), this is 4, 8, 12 weeks. That is, the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester begin on the first day of delayed menstruation and then repeat every 28 days.

But a woman needs to be very careful about her health, not only during these weeks, but throughout the entire period during which the organs and systems of the child are formed. And this is about the first 10-12 weeks. If during this period you have an infectious disease, take medicines, smoke, drink alcoholic drinks- all this can provoke malformations in the fetus. In addition, these are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy, since it is at this time that women most often have miscarriages and (or) the pregnancy stops developing. The reason for this may also be heavy physical exertion, uterine fibroids ( benign tumors), deforming its cavity, various pathologies of the endometrium.

After 12 weeks, there is usually a lull. Women are less likely to feel the tone of the uterus, toxicosis disappears and it seems that everything is fine. But from about the 16th week, another problem awaits - isthmic-cervical insufficiency ("weakness" of the cervix), which soon leads, if you let everything take its course, to premature discharge water and childbirth. If the birth occurs before 24 weeks, there is practically no chance of saving the baby. These are the dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The last third of pregnancy threatens with other pathologies. Problems with the placenta come to the fore, which, usually in the case of an infectious process, may not perform its functions at the proper level. And this means that the child will literally starve. Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the third trimester - from 28 to 32. It is during this period of time that gestosis is often diagnosed in women (

All expectant mothers, without exception, are worried about how their pregnancy will proceed, because they are faced with important questions: which weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous, what to expect, how to eat and more.

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First trimester of pregnancy

During the first three months interesting position»The expectant mother may not feel the changes in her body, but this period is the most fundamental for all the months of bearing a child.

  1. The first weeks after the conception of the baby, an incubation period occurs, at 2-3 weeks, which is accompanied by the attachment of the egg with the fetus to the uterine mucosa. The criticality lies in the fact that a pregnant girl in these dangerous weeks of the first trimester does not yet know about her position, and some of the actions that she performs can adversely affect the formation, attachment gestational sac. This may include smoking, drinking alcohol, narcotic substances, physical work or emotional stress. Some diseases of a woman leading to a miscarriage are also dangerous: uterine fibroids, scars left after operations.
  2. From 4 to 6 weeks, the foundations of the baby's organs begin to form. Therefore, during this time period, not only miscarriages are possible, but also the development of pathologies of the unborn baby. It is important to try to avoid any bad habits, adjust emotional background stop physical activity.
  3. And from 8 to 12 weeks there is a third dangerous period in the first trimester of pregnancy, as the placenta is formed in the girl - the protective shell of the fetal egg.

Start of a new life

Critical situations in the second trimester

After the first three months, it seems to you that the critical weeks and the most dangerous periods of pregnancy have passed, but for the sake of the health of your unborn child, you should not relax. In the second trimester of pregnancy, there are also threats - dangerous weeks:

  • most often, various deviations in the development of the baby are observed from 18 to 22 weeks, as they occur as a result of the disease future mother because of various infections, including sexually transmitted ones: chlamydia, herpes - all these diseases lead to infection of the fetus or to premature birth;
  • ultrasound during these dangerous weeks of pregnancy reveals the wrong location of the placenta, and the gynecologist can detect a weakening of the cervix.

All of the above threats can lead to miscarriage, death of the fetus in the womb, or, in case of infectious diseases, the development of pathologies in the baby. Expectant mothers should be very careful about their health, if you suspect an unhealthy condition, contact your doctor immediately.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, regardless of the week, it is especially important to avoid physical impact on the fetus: dangerous blows, falls that often occur in winter on slippery ice. Avoid high heels, hairpins, short clothes in the cold season.

In the third week of pregnancy

Third quarter

Already the greater half the path to meeting your baby is over, the last third of your expectation remains. In the third trimester, with premature birth, there is a great chance of saving your crumbs, since modern medicine went far ahead in matters of nursing premature babies(provided that the baby weighs more than 500 grams, and your term is at least 22 weeks). So, if the previous weeks of pregnancy were accompanied by dangerous situations for you, then in some way you can breathe a sigh of relief.

In the last third of childbearing, active development internal organs future child, preparing them for independent functioning. by the most dangerous moments pregnancies in the third trimester are from 28 to 32 weeks:

  • development late toxicosis, called preeclampsia, is accompanied by swelling of the legs, increased pressure, signs of nausea appear, which adversely affects the development of the fetus;
  • detachment of the placenta, which may result in bleeding and premature birth, it is also possible early aging protective layer of the baby;
  • a large number of amniotic fluid, recognized as anomalous;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency - disturbances in the functions of the placenta, which will lead to oxygen starvation fetus, and as a result, to a delay in the development of the baby.

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Dangerous periods after IVF

If your position is positive result in vitro fertilization (IVF), then you probably already know that with this method of conception, the possibility of having not one, but two children is very high. Hence the risk, because it is difficult to carry and give birth to one baby, and if you have two of them, then the responsibility and complexity of the periods only increase.

In addition, it is important to know the following difficulties that arise after IVF:

  • an increase in the risk of miscarriage at an early stage: most often, to minimize such cases, gynecologists prescribe hormonal drugs to pregnant girls;
  • the causes of infertility of the expectant mother can also affect the very course of pregnancy, the appearance of genetic abnormalities in the child.

All this can be prevented by close attention to your health, condition, as well as an immediate trip to the doctor or his call in case of the slightest ailment.

The very first weeks of pregnancy after IVF are the most dangerous. The fetus needs to gain a foothold in the woman’s egg, “grow” with the placenta, but everything is aggravated by the very process of maintaining pregnancy: taking hormones, in a non-standard way conception (population of eggs), which can also help reduce corpus luteum such cells. And also the woman's body itself, more precisely the immune system, can reject the baby, forming antibodies. Similar conditions accompanied by detachment of the placenta, contribute to the appearance of bleeding and miscarriages.

A well-deserved joy is being a mom

That is why all the actions of doctors aimed at preserving the fetus begin from the very first week of conception and are carried out with more powerful estrogen and progestin drugs.

Rules of conduct at critical moments

As you can see for yourself, there are dangerous weeks during pregnancy in each of the trimesters, and the fact remains that there is no definite answer which week of pregnancy is the most dangerous, because with all the adverse outcomes, the life of your unborn child will be in jeopardy. The goal of every girl who already at the first signs of pregnancy feels maternal instinct, this is the birth of healthy and strong offspring, so it is very important to take care not only of your health, but also emotional state. Remember that your mood is transmitted to the unborn baby and it is very important that it be positive.

Pregnancy is, without a doubt, the most important and reverent event in the life of every woman. However, how much joy it brings, so much excitement has to go through the expectant mother before the long-awaited baby is born. Worry not for your own life, but for proper development the child and his still fragile body haunts every woman during pregnancy. Sometimes these worries are unfounded, but often they are the result of real reasons. Such dangerous weeks of pregnancy are especially felt by the mother's body.

Put my hand on my heart modern world- an imperfect place for the birth of a fragile organism in terms of ecology and ways of life of mankind. Systematic air pollution, ubiquitous bad habits, stress, poor nutrition and bouquets of diseases - all this affects the child in the womb. being exposed external factors, a pregnant woman can, without knowing it, cause premature miscarriage or pregnancy complications. Over the years of clinical observations, obstetricians-gynecologists began to single out the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy for the life of the child and the health of the mother.

Dangerous periods of pregnancy by week

First trimester of pregnancy

  1. It is believed that the beginning is always the most difficult. Indeed, the first 12 weeks, while the mother's body is being rebuilt with might and main to the needs of a growing life, and the embryo is still very weak, the probability of miscarriage is several times higher than during the rest of the pregnancy.
  2. The formation of a new organism cannot go unnoticed by the mother's well-being. That is why in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman has to endure bouts of nausea, emotional instability, frequent urges to the toilet, as well as the blues.
  3. The very first dangerous week of pregnancy in the first trimester is the third week - the moment the embryo is introduced into the uterine wall with the help of a blastocyst. It was during this period nutrients, embedded in the egg, end, and the process of searching for resources for further development.
  4. After successful attachment, the embryo begins to actively develop, forming a protective film around itself - the placenta, and with it the umbilical cord. It is the success of these processes that will subsequently become the key to further sufficient nutrition and oxygen supply to all organs of the developing organism.
  5. dangerous and important processes during pregnancy, there are periods of formation of the spine and heart muscle, which occurs as early as the 5th week. Therefore, already at the 6th week, the first signs of anomalies in the development of the embryo can often appear. It can be both a heart disease provoked by external factors, and underdevelopment brain and central nervous system.
  6. Cardinal hormonal changes in the mother's body often become the main reason for abortion in the first trimester. Decrease in estrogen levels and increase in the amount of male hormones in the body, temporary destabilization of work thyroid gland and increased levels of androgens - all of which lead to danger in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  7. In the first trimester, an immunocompromised mother and her offspring become the target of various infections. In conditions of such vulnerability, treatment with antibiotics and hormones during pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester, is completely unacceptable.
  8. An important role in increasing the level of danger during this period is played by the intestinal microflora and the effect of X-ray radiation on the fetus.

What are the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester? This is, without a doubt, 1 - 3 weeks, when the embryo must successfully go through the implantation process and not be rejected by the mother's body. Most women may not even be aware of the conception that has occurred if the embryo dies at the initial time.

Second trimester of pregnancy

  1. This period lasts from 12 to 24 weeks and is the time happy pregnancy. It is at this stage that the expectant mother leaves the unpleasant consequences of the changes in the first trimester: toxicosis and nausea, apathy, outbursts of emotions and headaches. In the second trimester, a woman can freely walk and even engage in sports exercises.
  2. By the 16th week of pregnancy, the formation of the placenta is completely completed, and the child becomes protected. Now all nutrition passes through the placenta.
  3. But the second trimester is not completely cloudless. There is a danger of vaginal infections due to the ongoing hormonal adjustment, which is accompanied by specific secretions. It is during this period that you need to closely monitor hygiene and the slightest changes in the microflora of the vagina.
  4. Changes in the density, color and smell of vaginal discharge may indicate pathogenic changes in the body:
  • thrush;
  • genital infections;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • flow of amniotic fluid.
  1. However, there are especially dangerous weeks in the second trimester of pregnancy. So, for example, at week 16, the baby’s bone tissue begins to form, which can be extremely negatively affected cold infection in the mother's body.
  2. Weeks 19 and 20 are important for the formation of eggs in the female embryo, immediately followed by the formation of the uterus. These processes are extremely painful for a woman. Accompanied sharp pains in the lumbar region, affect digestive system and often lead to intestinal disorders. It is these weeks of pregnancy that become a dangerous period for the location of the placenta and the cause of the weakening of the cervix.

The second trimester should be under the sign of a close examination of a gynecologist. The slightest changes in the state of health and the reaction of the body should immediately lead the young mother to an examination and consultation. Properly observed pregnancy is the key to a timely response to structural changes and negative factors.

Third trimester of pregnancy

  1. The last trimester falls on the period from 25 to 39 weeks and is the final in the process of gestation. It seems that all the dangers and threats are already behind, what else can happen?
  2. In the third trimester, the load on female body significant. So future mommy having a hard time dealing with recent weeks- feels chronic fatigue, shortness of breath appears, the load on the spine and pelvic organs increases, and sleep worsens. In addition, the rapidly increasing weight of both the child and the mother leads to painful sensations in the joints.
  3. There is an active preparation for childbirth and the danger of this period of pregnancy lies only in the issue of their premature resolution. Especially dangerous during pregnancy in this case are the 28th and 32nd weeks. In these weeks, according to statistics, there is a high probability of hormonal surges, placental abruption, cervical insufficiency and re-toxicosis.
  4. During this period, cervical insufficiency can also provoke premature birth.

Summing up

  1. According to statistics, obstetricians-gynecologists note a certain pattern in the frequency of occurrence of dangerous weeks of pregnancy. It turns out that the most dangerous for the health of the mother and child during pregnancy are those days on which a woman should have had her period, if she were not pregnant. Therefore, according to statistics, dangerous weeks occur every 3-4 weeks of each trimester.
  2. After reading the article, women planning a pregnancy may think that carrying a child is an endless danger of losing it or improper development fetus. In fact, pregnancy is beautiful time when a woman gets to know her body and an unforgettable period of growth of a new life. The main rule for preventing dangers is regular visits to the doctor and strict adherence to all his instructions. The sooner the expectant mother will be registered in women's consultation, the more correctly and safely her pregnancy will proceed. After all, only periods in which mother and child become most vulnerable to the influence of external factors are called dangerous weeks.

A desired pregnancy is one of the happiest periods in a woman's life. But, unfortunately, the most various factors environment lead to problems and complications natural process bearing a baby. Women are especially sensitive to negative influences on certain deadlines. It is about what are the most dangerous periods of pregnancy, how to endure them without complications, that will be discussed in our article.

What are the dangers of the first weeks?

Despite the fact that in the first period of pregnancy a woman does not feel pronounced changes in the body, in fact, it is at this moment that significant for further changes occur. normal development baby processes. In the first, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, as well as the laying of the internal organs of the baby. But the placenta has not yet formed during this period, so it cannot perform protective function protecting the embryo from external negative factors.

In addition, often a woman may still not be aware of her condition, continuing habitual image life. The expectant mother, not knowing about pregnancy, can take medication, be subjected to excessive physical exertion, stress. All these factors can lead to a violation of the development of the embryo, and, as a result, to a complication or spontaneous interruption pregnancy.

Critical stages of the first trimester

In medicine, such critical periods of pregnancy are distinguished:

  1. The stage of attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus (second week of pregnancy). Complications can occur both as a result of a woman’s diseases (for example, with uterine myoma), and under the influence of external factors (taking medicines lifting weights). If for some reason the fetal egg has not attached to the uterus, then the woman may never know that conception has occurred in her body, since the uterus will be cleansed during the next menstrual flow. An unfavorable prognosis for the subsequent development of pregnancy exists in the case of pathological attachment germ. In such a situation, a woman needs stationary observation.
  2. The second week of pregnancy from conception (or the fourth obstetric) carries the danger of fading the development of the child. Often the causes are serious, often genetic pathologies of the embryo.
  3. At the stage of placenta formation (8-12 weeks), it is extremely an important factor is the hormonal health of the expectant mother. Any deviations can lead to the pathology of the development of the protective barrier and the impossibility of further development of the embryo. When the placenta is dysfunctional, doctors often fail to maintain the pregnancy. Miscarriages may occur spontaneously, or medical attention may be required in case of fetal development.

Causes of pregnancy complications in the first trimester

Summarizing all of the above, we can identify the most common causes of disorders in the development of pregnancy in the early stages:

  • unfavorable state of health of the expectant mother (including " female diseases", hormonal disorders);
  • congenital or acquired structural anomalies reproductive organs(for example, scars, disorders in the formation of the endometrium, and others);
  • reception medicines, alcohol;
  • physical stress;
  • stress;
  • genetic malformations of the embryo.

All factors that may adversely affect intrauterine development baby, it is impossible to predict and eliminate in time. However, concern for own health and regular visits to doctors to preventive examination significantly reduce the risks possible complications in case of conception.

Today, almost every perinatal center There is a family planning department. Here, future parents can get professional advice, go through the necessary medical examination and, if necessary, treatment.

  • refusal of drugs that may adversely affect the development of the embryo;
  • reduction of physical and emotional stress;
  • proper nutrition;
  • hiking in the fresh air;
  • reducing the time spent at the computer and other electronic gadgets;
  • complete rest;
  • moderation in sexual relations, and if necessary, complete rest;
  • avoidance of long distance travel.

If the woman is at risk, the doctor may recommend that the expectant mother stay in the hospital. Thus, the most dangerous periods of a woman's pregnancy are under the supervision of specialists, which significantly reduces the likelihood of possible complications.

When do you need to urgently call a doctor?

You should contact your doctor immediately if you are concerned drawing pains at early pregnancy in the lower abdomen, as well as smearing brown or scarlet discharge from the genital tract. Such symptoms may be harbingers of spontaneous miscarriage.

Dangerous stages of the second trimester

The middle of pregnancy for most women is a stage of calm and full enjoyment of the situation. But even during this period there are so-called critical weeks. What are the most dangerous periods of pregnancy in the second trimester? It is noted that various deviations are more often observed from 18 to 22 weeks. Causes of complications in this stage any infectious disease suffered by the expectant mother can serve. In addition, improper attachment of the placenta can also cause many problems. But with the timely detection of pathology using an ultrasound examination, the doctor may recommend hospitalization for the woman.

Another frequent in the second trimester is a condition such as isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix. This pathology is also diagnosed by instrumental methods and solved with the help of surgical intervention.

Maintaining the health of the expectant mother and her baby will help regular examinations. A pregnant woman is recommended to take tests in a timely manner, to comply with all doctor's prescriptions. To reduce the risk of infection infectious diseases should limit visits to crowded places a large number people, do not forget about walks in the fresh air.

Critical stage of the last period of pregnancy

The third trimester is dangerous for premature birth. A baby is considered premature if born between 28 and 32 weeks. The baby may be born unviable or with serious pathologies. What can cause the birth of a child ahead of time? The most common factors that can lead to this complication of pregnancy are the following:

  • physical impact (strike);
  • symptoms of late toxicosis (gestosis);
  • violation of the functioning of the placenta (abruption, functional failure);
  • violation of the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • which may occur for various reasons.

Risk group

IN obstetric practice there is such a thing as pregnant women at risk. These patients include expectant mothers who have chronic diseases, have a history of miscarriage or the birth of a child with malformations. In addition, if during a blood test it is found in a woman during pregnancy, then the expectant mother is also classified as a risk group due to high probability development of Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus.

How to maintain the health of the expectant mother and her baby during the most dangerous periods of pregnancy? It is enough to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist in a timely manner and undergo all recommended diagnostic tests. Following the instructions of a specialist significantly increases the chances that pregnancy will pass without complications, and the baby will be born healthy.

When a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother, she is immediately interested in the question of which months are especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, sometimes pregnancy comes with complications that can be dangerous for both the health of the mother and the life of the unborn baby. Dangerous timing pregnancy is the period when there is most likely miscarriage or development of pathology in the fetus. However, the condition of a woman during the period of expectation of a child will largely depend on how responsibly she will monitor her health.

Dangerous days of pregnancy

Up to 8 weeks

Promotion of the egg through the uterine tube - the first critical period pregnancy, when an ectopic pregnancy can develop.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a fertilized egg enters the uterus and is fixed on its mucous membrane. For some reason, the process of fixing the egg in the uterus is disrupted, then the pregnancy ends in an early miscarriage, which is very difficult to diagnose.

For the successful fixation of the ovum, the condition of the endometrium is very important. Damage to the endometrium and abnormalities of the uterus as a result of multiple abortions and various inflammations can disrupt the process of fixing the egg. Termination of pregnancy can also be provoked by chromosomal changes in the embryo. So the female body gets rid of pathology.

8-12 weeks

During this period, the placenta is formed. Due to the increased synthesis of male hormones by the female body, malfunctions of the thyroid gland and ovaries occur. If the doctor selects proper treatment the pathology can be prevented.

IN given period pregnancy, the embryo is especially sensitive to radiation (including industrial vibrations), to chemicals(pesticides, smoking, medicines, alcohol), as well as to infections and viruses.

Various harmful effects can lead to very grave consequences- the formation of malformations and death of the embryo. If we talk about the effect of radiation, then its effect on a pregnant woman before the implantation of the fetus is especially dangerous.

If citalomegavirus is found in the female body at dangerous stages of pregnancy, then in one third of cases there are malformations of the embryo. The rubella virus is no less dangerous. In this case, doctors recommend that the woman terminate the pregnancy, as the risk of having a baby with birth defects heart, microphthalmia or microcephaly.

When taking medication, it is necessary to consult a geneticist, as well as careful control fetal specialist.

In the first trimester, the female body adapts to its new state, experiencing a colossal physical and psychological stress, so at this time a woman should be as careful as possible about her health.

18-22 weeks

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is the most common cause of miscarriage in this period. The cervix does not cope with the main function - holding the embryo in the uterine cavity. In addition, at this time, the risk of developing placental pathology increases ( wrong location, presentation, detachment, etc.).

24-32 weeks

In these dangerous weeks of pregnancy, the risk of placental abruption, the development of preeclampsia, or placental insufficiency. During this period, it is better for a pregnant woman to abandon heavy physical activity and avoid nervous shocks. If the probability premature birth high enough, it is better to contact specialists so that they can provide timely assistance.

The most dangerous period of pregnancy

No specialist will say for sure which of the days or periods is the most dangerous, however, on the days of the expected menstruation in each month, you should especially carefully monitor your well-being.

The first trimester is the most dangerous months pregnancy, as the baby's body is formed at this time. That is why it is necessary to give Special attention peace of mind, make sure that the nutrition during this period is correct and complete, since the child needs a lot of vitamins and other useful substances.

The last trimester is also a very dangerous month of pregnancy, as at this time adverse factors can trigger premature birth.