The most dangerous terms of pregnancy. Dangerous weeks during pregnancy. The period of pregnancy, which is considered the most dangerous

The modern rhythm of life is different forced physical activity, environmental factors, malnutrition. And this already carries a share of danger for a pregnant woman. Any infections during pregnancy chronic diseases and stress can trigger a miscarriage.

For each trimester, doctors identify their characteristic critical moments, or dangerous weeks.

First trimester

This is the period when organs begin to form in the unborn baby. And such an important process cannot go unnoticed by you.

1 trimester brings into your life, lethargy,.

One of the dangerous periods in the first trimester the process of the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus is considered (this happens at the beginning of the third week of pregnancy), because the nutrients in the egg are running out, and the embryo needs maternal resources for further development.

So, the embryo (the first 12 weeks is the name of the future baby, and then it will be considered a fetus) has successfully undergone the process of implantation, it grows and develops. The future placenta, fetal bladder, and umbilical cord begin to form. These processes are incredibly important - because it is with the help of them that the embryo will be able to eat and breathe.

The laying of the spine and heart will begin to occur by week 5.

At 6 weeks there is a possibility of fetal malformations. Adverse factors can provoke heart disease at 3-7 weeks, and malformations of the brain even earlier - from 2 weeks.

The 1st trimester is the most dangerous in terms of the likelihood of miscarriages. After all, the most common reason for abortion is hormonal disruptions.

And during the period from 8 to 12 weeks in the body of a pregnant woman life goes rapid hormonal process: the production of male hormones increases, activity is disrupted thyroid gland, and an increase in androgens reduces the production of estrogen. This is what can lead to or.

Any infectious diseases (especially rubella) in the 1st trimester are extremely dangerous.

Invalid reception antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

Even some herbs(senna, comfrey, coltsfoot, juniper, etc.) are undesirable.

Statistics cite the facts that a quarter of all fertilized eggs live only 4 weeks, and, failing to implant, they die. A woman may not even be aware that conception has occurred at all.

It can be seen how much important processes will occur in the 1st trimester in your body and in the life of a small embryo, which by the end of 12 weeks will grow to 6 cm.

Second trimester

The second trimester lasts from 13 to 24 weeks. In most cases, the second trimester is considered the "golden mean" of pregnancy - toxicosis, lethargy and recede, it becomes possible to engage in certain sports, take walks.

By week 16 The laying of the organs of the fetus is completed, and it can be fed through the placenta.

However hormonal changes continues, which is characterized vaginal discharge. As a result, the possibility of a vaginal infection increases. Therefore, all discharges in this trimester require vigilant attention.

Even slight changes in color, thickness, odor, burning sensation or intensity are potentially dangerous and may indicate:

  • thrush;
  • infections;
  • premature birth;
  • leakage amniotic fluid;
  • bacterial vaginosis.

Women's vulnerability to colds great at all stages of pregnancy. However at 16-17 weeks a cold can affect the formation of fetal bone tissue.

BUT at 19-20 weeks can affect the process of egg formation (for a future girl) that falls on this period.

From 18 weeks to 22 weeks inclusive occurs increased growth uterus. It is manifested by pain in the lower back, and such unpleasant ailments as well. At this time, the risk increases:

  • changes in the location of the placenta;
  • weakening of the cervix.

But abdominal pain should be immediately diagnosed by a doctor, because. may cause miscarriage.

Thus, in the second trimester should be given Special attention secretions and be sure to treat infections under medical supervision.

third trimester

The third trimester falls between the 25th and 39th weeks of pregnancy.. Very little remains before the birth of the future baby.

On the last step Pregnancy, many women feel increased fatigue, sleep poorly. The extra pounds can hurt your joints. But, nevertheless, the growth of the uterus continues, and the woman's body is intensively preparing for childbirth.

All the dangers associated with the 3rd trimester are associated with the risk of preterm birth. These dangerous times include weeks 28 to 32. It is these days that can begin due to:

  • placental abruption;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • isthmic- cervical insufficiency(insufficiency of the cervix, leading to spontaneous miscarriage);
  • late toxicosis.

Instead of a conclusion

There are potentially dangerous weeks in every trimester.

In the first trimester- this is the development of malformations of the embryo and the likelihood of miscarriage, which is 3 times higher in this trimester of pregnancy than in others.

In the second trimester- vaginal infections and premature birth.

In the third trimester is also the probability of having a premature baby.

In order to protect herself and the unborn baby as much as possible from threatening dangers, a pregnant woman should be extremely attentive to herself, to her feelings. Timely diagnosis and medical assistance help to avoid threatening consequences for mother and baby.

If the expectant mother endured the child calmly, without complications, she is rather an exception to the rule. At early and later dates women face risks; only physically strong, as well as cautious ladies in position avoid problems and give birth healthy baby. Doctors identify the most dangerous periods intrauterine life fetus, which does not interfere with the knowledge of pregnant women in order to save their little miracle.

How the fetus develops

From a tiny clump of cells to a full-fledged person capable of existing in outside world- this evolution occurs within 9 months. If we “run at a gallop” through trimesters - conditional periods into which doctors divide the time of gestation - let's see what happens in mother's womb month after month. So:

Developing inside the mother’s body, the baby is not “out of touch with reality” - he feels changes in environment, and in the external, and in the womb; the result is fetal reactions, sometimes negative. Among the most dangerous are developmental disorders leading to miscarriages, and in the later stages to premature birth.

Here are the main threats that await the unborn child:

  • poor ecology where the pregnant woman lives;
  • the work of the expectant mother in hazardous production;
  • poor useful substances nutrition - for example, a woman sometimes develops iron deficiency anemia, the amount of oxygen supplied to the fetus is reduced; develops oxygen starvation- hypoxia, followed by health problems in the baby;
  • infectious inflammation in the mother - especially undesirable in the early stages, when the fetus does not have a placental barrier from microbes;
  • drug abuse - substances from drugs freely penetrate the fetus in the 1st trimester, but are also able to overcome placental protection, causing problems in the development of the baby; pregnant women are advised to take medication only in extreme cases;
  • stress in a woman;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • genetic pathologies in the expectant mother.

For decades, obstetricians and gynecologists have watched how pregnancies proceed, and finally identified the intervals in which the risks to the life of the baby are highest due to the increased vulnerability of the mother's body.

Table: dangerous weeks of pregnancy

1 trimester
  • 2 and 3;
  • 5 and 6;
  • 10 to 12
2 trimester from 18 to 22
3rd trimester 28 to 34

When pregnancy is at risk

Doctors have discovered the following pattern: the onset of critical periods of pregnancy, as a rule, falls on the days when a woman would have expected her period if she were not in position. Accidentally or not, in such weeks the fetus, as well as the placenta, develop most intensively.

If a woman has had an abortion before, it is dangerous for next pregnancy consider the period at which the procedure was carried out. The same applies to previous miscarriages, the death of a child in the womb.

Crises of the 1st trimester

Conception behind. Before a clot of cells that have not yet turned into a fetus, there are tasks - to get to the uterus and stick to the wall of the organ. A lot of factors can interfere with this:

It happens that a woman does not yet suspect that she has conceived, and continues to lead her former way of life: she is enthusiastically treated with drugs, smokes, and takes alcohol. As a result - a miscarriage; in the early stages and the natural expulsion of the fetus often goes unnoticed for the girl. And sometimes the test signals conception with two stripes, but then - silence, no development, then - heavy periods. When the gestation of the fetus began, but was immediately interrupted, doctors talk about a biochemical pregnancy.

Thus, the most dangerous in the 1st trimester are 2 and 3 weeks: on the 8th day after conception, the fetal egg tries to gain a foothold on the inner layer of the uterus, and there are many obstacles to this; since the fate of the unborn child is decided these days, they are recognized as the most risky for the entire pregnancy.

So, the attachment stage is completed, the fetus has established nutrition and respiration through the endometrium. Next is organogenesis, The final stage embryonic stage of development: the main organs are formed in the unborn child. The process is delicate, sensitive; the slightest adverse impact from the outside - and something will go wrong, as nature intended.

More often than others appear:

  • heart disease;
  • underdevelopment of the brain;
  • disorders in the nervous system;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • endocrine pathologies.

Therefore, 5–6 weeks are also called crisis weeks: there are great threats to lose a child or give birth to an inferior baby.

At the end of the 1st trimester, there are the first stages of formation children's place(placenta) and umbilical cord. The placenta produces the hormone responsible for pregnancy - progesterone, which was previously synthesized in corpus luteum ovary. At the stage of transfer of functions from one organ to another, the level of progesterone threatens to decrease, which will increase the risk of miscarriage. So from 10 to 12 weeks of gestation, the life of the fetus can be interrupted again - this is the third crisis period 1 trimester.
The placenta is created to protect the fetus, but in the process of formation it serves additional factor risk to baby's life

If women who conceive naturally need to be closely monitored own health and well-being, then expectant mothers who have undergone IVF need to be doubly careful. The imbalance of hormones in the body after IVF is more pronounced. Bed rest, calmness and hormone therapy help prevent fetal rejection. More often, these women have ectopic pregnancy. In general, dangerous weeks for both pregnant women coincide.

Treatment of pathologies in the first trimester

Partial detachment of the fetal membrane - the chorion, threatening the loss of the child, is accompanied by:

With such symptoms, call an ambulance without delay; the threat of miscarriage is fought exclusively in a hospital setting. The main thing is that the detachment does not progress. You will have to stay in bed under the supervision of medical staff and take medications:

  • antispasmodics prescribed by the doctor;
  • means with progesterone: orally - Duphaston tablets, vaginally - Utrozhestan suppositories.

To replenish the reserves of the hormone progesterone, expectant mothers with the threat of miscarriage are prescribed Duphaston

Protect your body from bacteria and viral infections; microbes can harm a defenseless fetus. Keep in mind that in the early stages, the immunity of a pregnant woman is reduced, so avoid traveling on crowded buses and subways, do not communicate with those who have caught a cold, and dress warmer in the cold.

Poisoning by poor-quality products causes intestinal infections, which means - diarrhea and vomiting; dehydration of the mother's body is critically dangerous for the fetus. Therefore, watch your diet, do not eat anything.

And do not lift weights - otherwise the barely attached embryo will come off the endometrium.

Dangerous period of the 2nd trimester

The middle of pregnancy is traditionally considered quiet time: the priority organs of the baby are formed and begin to work, somewhere from the 16th week, the placenta already serves as a barrier to pathogens, toxic substances. And toxicosis future mother does not torment, health is normal. The woman relaxes: the main threats behind.

However, the dynamic development of the baby in the womb entails new risks:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICN) - dysfunction of the cervix, premature shortening and opening of the passage leading to the vagina;
  • low placenta previa - the edge of the temporary organ is located closer than 6 centimeters from the cervical canal.

Pathologies occur at 18–22 weeks of gestation, so this period will add to the list of dangerous ones during pregnancy.


When in the neck reproductive organ declining muscle tone, she is not able to hold the grown and heavy fetus; he goes down. Under the pressure of the unborn child, the cervix opens, part membranes enters the light. The life of the baby hangs in the balance, because the probability is high:

  • gap amniotic sac due to the slightest increase in physical activity; premature birth will follow, it is impossible to save the child at such a time;
  • infection of the fetus with pathogenic microflora that lives in the urinary tract.

Before last moment the woman does not suspect that there is a threat of miscarriage - there is almost no cervical insufficiency hallmarks; occasionally there is heaviness in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness comes, but such symptoms are attributed to " interesting position". A gynecologist is able to detect a pathology when examining a woman on an armchair; The diagnosis is confirmed by transvaginal ultrasound. Urgent hospitalization and suturing in the cervical region will prevent fetal loss.

According to medical statistics, every tenth expectant mother experiences isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the 2nd trimester (less often in the 3rd trimester); pathology is responsible for habitual miscarriage fetus in one of four cases.

The risk of CI increases with multiple gestation; the percentage of twins or twins is higher among those who become pregnant after IVF. Multiple pregnancy needs close monitoring by doctors, even in the relatively safe 2nd trimester.
Two in the womb require double attention: in the 2nd trimester, under the pressure of babies, the cervix may open prematurely

placenta previa

If a temporary organ shaped like a cake, formed in the 2nd trimester, is attached in the upper sector of the uterus, the fetus will not suffer: this area is well supplied with blood. In addition, the placenta located in this way does not block the exit from the uterus.

But the so-called low placentation means risks for the life of both - both the woman and the child. The blood supply is worse below. Under the pressure of the fetus, the “flat cake” descends, partially or completely closes cervical canal. Possible consequences:

  • anemia in a woman, provoked by heavy bleeding;
  • hemorrhagic shock from blood loss is a deadly condition;
  • hypoxia in the fetus - due to constricted blood vessels and poor blood flow, leading to intrauterine growth retardation;
  • placental abruption ahead of time - when half of the temporary organ has departed, the fetus dies;
  • a low-lying placenta does not allow the baby's head to fall into the small pelvis before childbirth, this complicates natural childbirth; often in such a situation, doctors choose a caesarean section.

Pathology is not treated with medicines. To restore health affected by the consequences low presentation, and prolong gestation, the doctor prescribes to the woman:

  • to reduce the tone of the uterus and stop premature contractions - Ginipral tablets, suppositories Papaverine;
  • to increase the level of hemoglobin - Hemofer drops, Ferlatum solution;
  • to increase the amount of progesterone - Utrozhestan;
  • to improve blood flow in the umbilical cord - Curantil tablets, as well as safe drugs with magnesium, folic acid.

Ferlatum will enrich the blood of a pregnant woman with hemoglobin and relieve anemia

To bear fruit, a woman needs to change her lifestyle and habits. Recommend:

  • do not make jerky movements;
  • refuse loads;
  • temporarily forget about vaginal procedures;
  • do not sit cross-legged;
  • don't worry, avoid stressful situations.

At heavy bleeding the pregnant woman is placed in storage. With the increase in the period, the situation is aggravated; the fetus grows, begins to spin in the womb and sometimes damages the placenta.

At 20–22 weeks low placentation diagnosed in four out of five expectant mothers, but not everything is so scary; in later terms, the placenta, as a rule, rises in nine out of ten women who previously had a pathology, and takes a safe position in the upper part of the uterus.

Other risks

From the 16th week of pregnancy, bone tissue forms in the fetus; the process can be disrupted if a woman catches a cold and gets a complication in the form of an infection. The child is not excluded pathology of the skeletal system.
The common cold is one of the main enemies for pregnant women; causes infections, inflammation, which adversely affects the development of the fetus

At the 20th week, eggs are formed in the female fetus, after which the formation of the uterus begins. And for the expectant mother, such changes cause lumbar pain, digestive difficulties, and even intestinal disorders.

Relaxing in the 2nd trimester, do not forget to visit the gynecologist regularly and undergo routine examinations.

Threats of the 3rd trimester

The final stage of pregnancy is accompanied by an increased load on the woman's body. It is more difficult for a future mother to move, bend over; the gait becomes heavier, the state of health, as a rule, worsens. It's not nice when:

  • you are constantly tired;
  • suffer from shortness of breath;
  • suffer from insomnia - because of the grown belly, it is difficult to find comfortable posture for sleep, besides, it harasses the fear of the upcoming birth;
  • joints hurt.

But these are not the main dangers. Premature birth - that's what you should be afraid of for real. However, the reasonable behavior of the expectant mother, vigilance and timely access to a doctor in case of anxiety symptoms will help to “hold out” the pregnancy until the moment when the baby can independently live in the outside world.

From 28 to 34 weeks, pregnant women are required to observe maximum care- this is last period increased risk for fetal development. Today we have learned to nurse premature babies born at 28 weeks, but the risk of losing a child remains and it is better if he is born, as they say, “ripe”.


This pathology lies in wait for women in a position just on the threshold of the 3rd trimester. Gestosis (another name - late toxicosis) is called the “disease of theories”: doctors still cannot pinpoint its causes. That preeclampsia is dangerous, because it appears suddenly. Only pregnant women get sick; after childbirth, late toxicosis disappears.

Preeclampsia is accompanied by malfunctions in blood circulation, vascular lesions; further - along the chain, the work of the most important organs, including the heart and kidneys, is disrupted. Symptoms of pathology:

  • edema - first on the limbs, then spread over the body;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • protein in the urine;
  • urination in small portions;
  • kidney failure;
  • indomitable vomiting - 20 or more times a day (if the disease enters a severe stage);
  • a veil before the eyes - signals a violation of blood circulation in the brain (a state of preeclampsia);
  • convulsions, fainting (eclampsia - a severe form of preeclampsia); retinal detachment, cerebral edema are not excluded.

In rare cases, the expectant mother falls into a coma and dies.

Complications with preeclampsia pose a threat to the fetus, including:

  • hypoxia;
  • violation of the work of internal organs;
  • placental abruption;
  • asphyxia (suffocation) at birth;
  • premature birth;
  • death in the womb.

Severe preeclampsia requires hospitalization; sometimes the pregnancy is terminated to save the mother's life. In other cases, control in a woman:

Of the drugs, the doctor chooses those that improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, reduce pressure, and strengthen blood vessels. The task of doctors is to prolong the pregnancy at least until the 37th week, when natural childbirth is already possible.

Preeclampsia overtakes from 25 to 30 percent of women; ranks second in the list of causes of death of pregnant women. If the expectant mother has acute preeclampsia, the probability of fetal death reaches 32 percent.

To reduce the likelihood of late toxicosis, even at the beginning of pregnancy:

  • quit bad habits;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • forget about stress;
  • go to proper nutrition; forget about fried, salty, fatty foods, smoked meats, chocolate; control weight;
  • drink one and a half to two liters of water daily.

placental insufficiency

The temporary organ responds to pathological changes in the woman's body; as a result, the placenta ceases to work normally, that is, to nourish and protect the fetus. The blood supply to the unborn child is disrupted, which means:

  • the fetus develops hypoxia;
  • slows down intrauterine development baby;
  • the placenta exfoliates;
  • occasionally the fetus freezes in the uterus (in fact, it dies from suffocation).

It happens that the placenta ages prematurely; The "cake" becomes thinner, covered with specks, acquires a wavy structure. To work in full force, as before, the body is no longer able, which, of course, is critically dangerous for an immature fetus.

Damage to a temporary organ, as a rule, leads to:

  • infections of the female genital tract, subsequent infection of the fetus;
  • preeclampsia;
  • hereditary pathologies in a pregnant woman;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • congenital malformations in the fetus.

With severe placental insufficiency the expectant mother is placed in a hospital, prescribed:

To prevent pathology of the placenta, pregnant women at risk (with diabetes, antiphospholipid syndrome) prescribe Dipyridamole; the medicine revives the blood flow and prevents the appearance of blood clots.

After IVF for the placenta special control; procedure artificial insemination adversely affects the development of the organ, the risk of premature aging increases.

How to survive dangerous weeks

Calmness and vigilance are your allies during periods of increased risk. Anxiety, panic, on the contrary, will only add threats.

Don't think of pregnancy as an ordeal; bearing a future child, you will certainly feel tides of joy, happiness - and this is the main thing. Now you know when your body is more vulnerable - and this is useful knowledge. To get through the dangerous weeks without complications, follow these simple rules:

  • show up on time antenatal clinic and get registered;
  • conscientiously pass screenings ( prenatal diagnosis) in each trimester;
  • follow the advice of doctors, do not get carried away with self-medication;
  • if strange pains appear or unusual discharge is found, hurry to the doctor;
  • lead healthy lifestyle life, cross out bad habits;
  • eat foods that are rich in vitamins, and postpone tasty, but harmful until other times;
  • move more - your best friend from now on, not a sofa, but Fresh air; but avoid strenuous exercise.

Walk outdoors - the right remedy strengthen the body and reduce threats during dangerous periods of pregnancy

Unfortunately, after IVF, every fifth woman does not bear the fetus; however, this is no reason to give up trying to have children - after all, four out of five get a chance to become a mother.

What periods of pregnancy are the most dangerous, what they threaten and how to behave correctly in a given situation in given time? Under these periods, doctors understand the weeks of gestation, when the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth is highest. There are such weeks common for all expectant mothers and individually for each.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy are 4, 8, 12 weeks, that is, part of the first trimester. These are the weeks when menstruation would have to begin if not for pregnancy. During these weeks, women most often experience chorionic detachment or gestational sac. This pathology is manifested by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and (or) bleeding from the genital tract. Treatment consists in taking antispasmodics and progesterone preparations - Duphaston orally or Utrozhestan vaginally. It is important that the detachment does not become larger, and the embryo maintains a rhythmic heartbeat. Treatment of the threat of miscarriage is carried out in a hospital. What is dangerous to do in early pregnancy this case? Naturally, to have sex, in one way or another, provoke uterine hypertonicity. With placental abruption with bleeding, women are prescribed bed rest.

Dangerous periods of pregnancy by weeks can be longer. So often bloody issues are also observed during the second trimester of pregnancy if the chorion (placenta) overlaps the internal os (cervix) or is located very low.

To cure the presentation or low location of the placenta will not work. But there is hope that she, along with the uterus, will rise higher. The probability of such a favorable outcome is especially high if the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. But while it is low, a woman is recommended sexual rest. With physical activity, you also need to be careful. And in case of bleeding, immediately consult a doctor or immediately call an ambulance.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy in terms of late miscarriage is 16-22 weeks. In some women, during this period, the length of the cervix begins to sharply decrease, the internal os opens. This pathology is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency. It may be due to different reasons, both hormonal and mechanical, associated with damage to the cervix that was obtained before pregnancy, for example, as a result of the opening of the cervix during an abortion.

And especially often isthmic-cervical insufficiency is diagnosed in women bearing two or three fetuses. Apparently, due to the large load on the neck area. In twin pregnancy, dangerous periods are of particular importance to the doctor. Such future mothers usually do an ultrasound with a measurement of the length of the cervix more often. And if the cervix is ​​short and the gestation period is relatively short, stitches are put on it. And in other cases, a pessary ring is put on the cervix.

The so-called uterine hypertonicity, characterized not only by uterine calculus, but also painful sensations, can lead to the opening of the cervix, and sometimes the discharge of amniotic fluid. Hypertonicity is diagnosed in different dates pregnancy, but more often at 16-20 weeks. And many doctors consider this period to be critical, since in the event of a birth, such a child cannot be saved. And the women in given period often end up in the hospital. There they are given droppers with magnesia, injections of "No-shpy" and "Papaverine". Although in fact, hypertonicity carries some risk only in the case of a short or softened cervix. And to relieve hypertension, there are various non-drug methods.

After eco, the dangerous periods of pregnancy are about the same. But moms-to-be don't have to wait these weeks with trepidation. You need to try to enjoy the pregnancy, not to look for non-existent problems in yourself and not to try on other people's situations. Then the hypertonicity will disturb less often. After all, all diseases are from nerves, as they say. And in relation to pregnant women, this statement is especially relevant.

Rhythm of life modern women characterized by fuss, tension, an abundance of information, people, emotions, deeds and situations. Not having special significance for habitual life When pregnancy occurs, all these factors become important and require attention. After all, during all nine months a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for little man growing inside her.

Any negative factors right now can lead to the most sad consequences. However, there are times when you need to be especially attentive to your health and the environment. Such critical periods of pregnancy can be identified in any of the three trimesters.

First three months

In a woman's pregnancy calendar, this is the period from the moment of conception to the 12th week inclusive. Outwardly, nothing is noticeable yet, all changes occur inside the body. The fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus and around the seventh day is attached to one of its walls. A mucous membrane grows around it, forming the future placenta. The whole hormonal system, the main task of which is now the preservation of pregnancy.

Trimester Features

By the end of the first month, the length of the embryo is one centimeter. It is at this moment that the future organs of the baby begin to form, bone, muscle and cartilage tissue, blood and lymphatic system. In just two months, the embryo doubles in size. He has tiny arms and legs, ears and nose become noticeable. By the 12th week, all organs and tissues are almost fully formed, the baby can move his fingers, open his mouth and hear sounds. True, these movements are not yet felt by a woman, because his height is only 9 cm, and his weight is approximately 10-15 grams.

The main danger of this period is the likelihood of malformations in the embryo, which in the first trimester is much higher than in all subsequent ones and can lead to miscarriage.

Dangerous weeks

The importance of the first months lies in the fact that at this time the formation of almost all the organs of the baby takes place. But it is precisely during these periods that some women may not even be aware of a change in their situation, of course, if the pregnancy was not planned, and not change their life habits. There are several most important periods:

  1. The second week - the time when the attachment of the embryo occurs, is dangerous high probability spontaneous abortions. They can be caused by stress, high exercise stress, too much leisure, developmental anomalies or infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  2. The time from the 4th to the 6th week is dangerous with the likelihood of the formation of malformations and, as a result, termination of pregnancy.
  3. The end of the third trimester, namely the period from the 8th to the 12th week of pregnancy, when active formation placenta and any negative impacts can interfere with it normal development. In addition to this, hormones begin to be intensively produced in the body and disturbances in this process can also lead to developmental abnormalities.

Precautionary measures

At this time, any infectious and inflammatory diseases, even banal cold, which many are used to carrying on their feet and at work. Under the ban falls the intake of most drugs, especially hormonal, antidepressants and antibiotics. The use of which, in cases where it is impossible to do without drugs at all, is now agreed with the doctor without fail.

Even some of the herbs can be dangerous, such as comfrey or coltsfoot.

Second three months

The period from week 13 to week 24 is called the second trimester. Usually this is the most pleasant time when toxicosis, fatigue and lethargy have already receded. The body has adapted to pregnancy, and the barely emerging tummy does not interfere with living at the usual pace.

Trimester Features

By the 16th week, the laying of all organs and tissues of the baby is completed, and he begins to feed through the placenta. His height at this time is approximately 16 cm, and his weight reaches 100 grams. In another two weeks, the crumbs will form a skeleton with all joints, their daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness will be established, hearing will become more perfect. Now mom may well begin to read fairy tales and sing songs, he hears all this perfectly. By the end of the second trimester, the baby's height is approximately 30 cm, and the weight is about 500 grams. He can no longer freely tumble in the uterus and constantly listens to his mother and her emotions.

Particular attention should be paid to secretions, which can become harbingers of an infection that represents the greatest danger in this period.

Dangerous weeks

The second three months also have their own critical periods of pregnancy, in which a woman needs to be especially careful.

The time of pregnancy from the 16th to the 17th week of pregnancy, when any infection, including the common cold, can cause Negative influence on the final formation of the baby's skeleton. In addition to this, starting from the 16th week, uterine hypertonicity sometimes manifests itself.

If you are expecting a girl, then at the 19-20th week, infectious diseases can adversely affect the process of laying eggs in her body.

The time from week 18 to the end of the second trimester, that is, up to the 24th week inclusive, is of particular danger, since pregnancy can be complicated by the appearance of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Due to the increasing mass of the fetus, the length of the cervix is ​​reduced and the pharynx opens. The reasons for this may be previous injuries of the cervix, for example, as a result of abortions.

More often this pathology affects women expecting twins or triplets.

Precautionary measures

At this time, a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her diet and lifestyle. Try to avoid large crowds, cramped, poorly ventilated rooms and public transport. Especially if the second trimester fell on winter period rich in colds.

As a rule, with the threat of miscarriage due to increased tone or in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the doctor prescribes strict bed rest, sometimes at home, but more often in a hospital.

Last three months

The final stage begins from the 25th week and lasts until the actual birth, that is, until the 40th week of pregnancy. A significantly grown tummy prevents a woman from walking and sleeping freely, and the added kilograms can cause pain in the joints and lower back. The enlarged uterus compresses internal organs, causing shortness of breath, heartburn, problems with digestion and urination. Physically, this period is the most difficult.

Trimester Features

At the 28th week, the baby's height is approximately 35 cm, and the weight is already 1100 grams. However, he does not intend to stop there. The brain continues to develop nervous system sense organs are improved. By the end of the third trimester, he can grow up to 50 cm and gain weight up to 3500 grams. The uterus gradually descends, and just before the birth, the baby's head also descends.

The greatest danger during this period is premature birth and the birth of a premature baby.

Dangerous weeks

All the troubles associated with this period fall mainly on the 28th and 32nd weeks. It is at this time that premature birth can occur, caused by malfunctions in hormonal background provoking late toxicosis or insufficiency of the cervix.

One of the most dangerous complications this period is placental abruption. Strictly speaking, this pathology can manifest itself in any trimester, but it is in the later stages, when all the compensatory capabilities of the body have already been exhausted, that it is most difficult. Any signs of detachment serve as a reason for emergency hospitalization. If detachment occurred immediately before childbirth or during them, then either stimulation is performed labor activity or caesarean section.

Another complication may be fetoplacental insufficiency, which has arisen due to previous infectious diseases. The development of this pathology causes a violation of the functions performed by the placenta. She stops supplying the baby nutrients and oxygen, does not cope with waste products and cannot protect the baby from adverse factors that can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Precautionary measures

Do not anxiously wait for the approach of the term prescribed by the doctor. If your baby did not show up clearly on the scheduled date, this does not mean at all that something went wrong. Avoid stressful situations, get plenty of rest, give up long trips and heightened attention react to any changes that appear in the body.

Starting from the 34th week, the born baby is considered quite healthy. Such an end to pregnancy, a little ahead of schedule, as a rule, does not pose any danger. If the doctor has discovered any of the conditions that threaten the health of the mother or baby, then the woman lies down for preservation until the birth.

Maximum attention to yourself and a timely appeal to a doctor for advice or help will help to avoid most of the threatening factors. And the expectation of the birth of a son or daughter will be pleasant and happy.

Critical periods of pregnancy- this is the most dangerous time when carrying a child, when the risk is significantly increased spontaneous interruption pregnancy under the influence of various negative factors.

information In terms of the threat of miscarriages and non-developing pregnancy The first trimester is considered the most dangerous, because in this time runs laying and formation of all organs and systems of the child, and a full-fledged hemoplacental barrier capable of holding at least part hazardous substances, is not yet available.

Dangerous terms during pregnancy:

  1. 2-3 weeks;
  2. 4-6 weeks;
  3. 8-12 weeks;
  4. 18-22 weeks;
  5. 28-32 weeks.

First critical period

At 2-3 weeks, the implantation period occurs, during which the fertilized egg begins to invade the uterine wall. At this time, the woman does not yet know about the onset of conception, therefore miscarriage remains unknown and to some extent the most favorable psychologically.

The main causes of embryo implantation failure:

  1. Strong emotional stress;
  2. Heavy physical activity;
  3. Anomalies in the development of the embryo;
  4. uterine fibroids;
  5. Scar on the uterus after surgery;
  6. Defective after inflammatory diseases and curettage of the uterus;
  7. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus.

Second critical period

important The second dangerous time during pregnancy falls on 4-6 weeks. This period is dangerous not only in terms of interruption, but also in the formation of severe fetal malformations, often incompatible with life. Often, pregnancy is terminated precisely because of these developmental anomalies.

Third dangerous period

Dangerous weeks for the development of the embryo also occur at the end of the first trimester (weeks 8-12), primarily due to active development placenta at this time. Any negative factors can cause violations of its formation and the occurrence of developmental anomalies, which can lead to the fading of pregnancy or its spontaneous termination.

The most common causes of miscarriages during this period are hormonal imbalances.:

  1. Thyroid dysfunction;
  2. Decrease in the amount of progesterone produced in the body;
  3. An increase in the amount of male sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in estrogen.

Fourth dangerous period

Pregnancy during the second trimester in most cases proceeds safely and is rightfully considered the calmest time, but dangerous periods are also present in these months.

The fourth critical period falls on 18-22 weeks, The main causes of premature termination of pregnancy at this time are:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpetic infection and etc.);
  2. (inferiority of the cervix);
  3. Pathology of the location of the placenta (complete and partial presentation, location in the area postoperative scar and etc.).

Fifth critical period

At 28-32 weeks, the last critical period of pregnancy begins, which can lead to premature birth.

Most common causes abortion:

  1. Late ;
  2. Anomalies in the amount of amniotic fluid.

Other dangerous periods of pregnancy

Additional risks of miscarriage are also present if the pregnant woman has a history of one or more abortions. In this case critical period is the week of pregnancy during which there was a miscarriage, freezing of the embryo or premature birth.

The main reason for the selection of such a stage is considered, first of all, psychological moment. A woman, having survived even one interruption of pregnancy, is always afraid of a repetition of this situation, especially at the appropriate time. Most experts recommend hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital for a given time, where under constant supervision medical personnel she will feel more secure.

Also, the days of the expected menstruation are considered risky times, i.e. the time at which a woman should have had her menses if conception did not occur.

How to behave during critical times

additionally The allocation of dangerous periods in no way says that every woman in a position is subject to an indispensable risk of abortion. All this is individual: many expectant mothers quite calmly carry their baby without all sorts of complications.

You should not wait with fear for the onset of a critical period, at this time you just need to be more attentive to your health and follow some warnings:

  1. Exclusion of excessive physical and mental stress;
  2. avoidance;
  3. Sexual rest;
  4. Good sleep and rest;
  5. Avoid long trips.

When any pathological signs(pain in the lower abdomen, spotting in any amount) should immediately contact your doctor.