What do you need to be energized. How to increase your energy and vitality. How it works

An amazing article by Alexander Andreev that will help you increase your vitality!

How to increase energy

There are two types of energy:

  • Physical;
  • Free.
  • Physical energy is the energy that keeps the physical body alive. Physical energy is necessary to maintain high tone free (vital energy).

    For supporting high level physical energy requires only 2 conditions:

  • good and good nutrition;
  • Good and complete rest.
  • Physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high vitality. Still needed free energy. But before you take on the increase of your free energy, you must have a high level of physical energy. When you are sick, what do you want most? Sleep and rest. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is absolutely no desire to work, and especially to create something. Keep track of your physical body. If it is in abundance, then you can engage in the development of free energy, if not, take care of yourself. Rest, sleep a lot, eat well. Basically, dedicate certain time only rest. Take a vacation, go to the sea, to the mountains, to the country, in general, to where you can have a great rest.

    So, let's say you have a sufficient amount of physical energy, and now comes the most interesting point: how to increase vital energy. The first thing you should do is determine your current free energy level. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, reluctant to go to work or school, if after dinner you become limp and feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires than to sit near the TV, then your level of free energy is negligible. It is probably only enough to maintain the current state.

    So whatever your energy level is at this moment, you can always upgrade it.

    There are 2 approaches to increase the level of free energy:

  • Reduce costs free energy;
  • Increase income free energy.
  • First, let's talk about what free energy is spent on:

  • Any kind of negative emotion. Anything that causes bad emotions drains the creative energy out of you! In particular, guilt, anxiety, fear;
  • Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance;
  • Feeling of importance;
  • Artificial methods to increase energy:
    a. Energetic drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to borrowing money at interest (in other words, a loan). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later you will give much more. Therefore, try to use them and especially alcohol as little as possible;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Spending on trifles.
  • Tell me, do you have clear priorities in life? If not, do it right now. This will save you from wasting energy on trifles. Why waste your energy on something that isn't even on your priority list? For example, do you like football? Does it really matter to you great importance which team will win? Worrying, you waste energy, because the result is important to you.

    Are you experiencing what is happening in the country, in the country's economy? If yes, then again you are wasting energy. But note that you cannot change anything with your thoughts. Until you make a fortune, you cannot affect the economy. And is it worth putting your energy into it?

    But think, surely one of your highest priorities is your family, children. You can make a big difference in their lives. Maybe it's worth spending your energy on improving their lives?

    Once you clearly prioritize, you will realize that anything that is not on the list is not worth the energy you spend on it!

    Spend 80% of your energy on the first 3 points of your priorities: 50% on the first, 20% on the second, 10% on the third, and the remaining 20% ​​on everything else! Spending energy on little things, you give it away irrevocably. When you spend energy on things that really matter, you invest it and get even more energy for it.

    Well, now it's time to talk about how to increase your energy level:

    1. Dreams, goals

    Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when the dreams and goals are yours, and not imposed on you by other people. When the soul and mind are united in their aspirations, you have a huge amount of energy to use. Not better feeling than the feeling that your dream is moving towards you. If you go your own way, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and always supply the necessary amount of energy!

    2. Faith

    It doesn't matter what you believe in: in God, in the Higher Mind, in the Universe, in the superconsciousness or in anything else, your faith in this Higher Being should give you enough free energy. If you don't feel it, then maybe. you should develop your faith. A very good affirmation: "my world takes care of me." By repeating this affirmation, in a few days you will begin to feel absolute peace and a huge influx of energy, because you no longer need to be afraid. Your world will take care of everything. You can replace the phrase my world with something you believe in, such as "God takes care of me."

    3. Love

    Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you experience great enthusiasm and a feeling that you can do anything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

    4. Energy gymnastics

    Energy gymnastics are exercises aimed at expanding energy channels. We will talk about this point in the next newsletter. I will give one very powerful exercise in the next newsletter.

    5. Gratitude

    How do you feel when you thank someone wholeheartedly for a favor? Try to be grateful for all the good things you have. This will provide you with an additional large amount of free energy.

    6. Art

    What kind of art do you like the most? Art revives the soul. In times of information, art fades into the background. It is being replaced by the Internet. But don't forget to make time for art. It is important for the soul. In general, in times of information, more and more means and activities for the mind appear, and everything for the soul fades into the background. But do not forget that the mind only with the support of the soul can realize anything in this world!

    7. Music

    Music is energy in pure form. Turn on the music you like. You can turn up the volume so that the flow of energy is greater, and take as much as you can.

    8. Hobby

    A hobby is nothing more than an occupation for the soul. Everything you do is for the soul. gives you energy.

    9. Communication with people who have high energy

    There are people who have a very high amount of energy. This energy is enough for them with prosperity and even overflows. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily passes to the interlocutor. Everyone feels great positive feelings towards such people. Sometimes they don't even know why. All successful people they have a high level of energy, and therefore, after communicating with such people, you always leave in high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply flooded with invisible light. There are also opposite people. The room is flooded with light as they leave. Such people always take away your energy from you.

    10. Self-hypnosis

    As you understand, with the help of self-hypnosis, you can achieve anything you want. You can also increase your energy levels. To do this, it is enough to use visualization and energy gymnastics. It is possible to use self-hypnosis in its purest form to increase the level of energy.

    11. Pets

    I think no explanation is needed here. Whenever you look at your pets, they always evoke pleasant feelings.

    12. Exchange for physical energy

    during sports, active rest you get tired physically, but your vitality always goes up. Morning jogging, swimming, exercise in gyms always gives you an extra supply of energy.

    13. Exchange for money

    This is nothing but donations. You give money without expectation of a return, and in return the Universe gives you energy.

    14. Sex

    The most powerful source of free energy.


    You can forget everything that is said above, but if you remember at least one phrase, then you have gained a lot by reading this article:
    You gain energy when you experience positive feelings and you waste energy when you experience negative feelings.

    Alexander Andreev

    When a flower is loved, it is watered. That is, they nourish life and give energy.

    When a woman is loved, she is taken care of. She is not a flower, but without love may also fade.

    And if outward love is not enough, look for love in yourself.

    This is the most rewarding job. Also, increase your energy. It will give you strength and a feeling of fulfillment inside.

    In young years, a woman easily becomes the object of attention of the opposite sex. Youth itself is beauty.

    But with age, they attract with energy. Here lies the answer to the question “What did he find in her?” When you meet unequal couple, where the advantage in appearance is clearly on the side of the man.

    Internally free woman will be happy, will find a resource and a way out of any difficult circumstances. Internally unfree will suffer even in a favorable situation.

    So you don't have to wait have a good day when the Universe is with you at the same time and gives strength for the current day.

    You can water the so-called flower of energy yourself, filling with true femininity and self-love.

    How to increase female energy - 14 rules

    1. Sleep 8 hours and go to bed before 24.00

    Train your body to take time to rest. The night is made for love or for sleep.

    Find motivating quotes, reading which you will feel the beauty of getting up in the morning. Ritual coffee or tea, preferably a bite with a view from the window, communication with yourself, unhurried planning of the day.

    And most importantly - silence.

    And also self-pride.

    Believe me, space will quickly respond to these changes. And the most common this topic the saying “He who gets up early, God gives to him” will work in your life as well.

    2. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

    It doesn't matter what your faith is. The main condition is sincerity.

    When your brain censor has not yet fully woken up, say words important for the heart, communicate with your guardian angel. And give thanks.

    At the beginning, at least for the seven wonders of the world that are constantly with you - you can see, hear, breathe, walk, and also feel, love and smile.

    3. Take time to meditate

    Especially after crowded places it is useful to come home, take cold and hot shower and be alone in silence.

    Five minutes is better than nothing.

    This may be the study of some chakra associated with the current day. Or just a trip to the colorful world of your dreams.

    AT modern world Meditations have ceased to be sacred (hidden) knowledge, and have become available to each of us. After all, these are not just abstract metaphysical practices, but a very useful and valuable tool for improving everyday life.

    4. Be filled with joy and positive emotions

    You can develop a habit - at the end of the day, write down in a beautiful notebook "5 things that made me happy."

    It will be an invisible and constantly updated collection. interesting meetings, fleeting smiles, joyful discoveries.

    Isn't it more pleasant than collecting your failures, empty wallets and bad news.

    And then you will notice that during the day you began to stop more often and notice more beauty and wonder.

    The best materials about femininity, female energy and strength that will remind you that everything you need is within you.

    5. Create and express yourself

    Even if you are not an artist, a needlewoman or a poetess, create anytime and anywhere.

    This is how you share what you have accumulated inside, express yourself, leave a personal imprint in this world. In the end, this is how you calm your nerves.

    Write down an interesting thought - yours, collect autumn leaves and make a bouquet, tie a scarf in a new way, decorate the ceiling insanely.

    It can't work out. This is creativity.

    And you can always say: I see it!»

    A woman creates every moment, looking for non-standard options. She sees and creates beauty and magic even in the simplest everyday things. A dance, a painting, a game with a child or a meal - everything in her hands becomes a miracle.

    6. Travel

    A very pleasant and varied source of replenishment of energy.

    Make it a rule once a year to visit places where you have never been before.

    Go out of town at least once a month.

    Once a week, travel through the unexplored streets of the area where you live.

    And once a day, you can change the usual route - to work, to the store, to a friend.

    Refresh the picture. The journey never fails. This is a much needed reboot.

    What a pleasure to be back home!

    7. Be closer to nature, forest, mountains, water

    This is also a journey. But more cleansing and energizing than just visiting new places.

    Embrace a tree and let its power flow through you through your spine. Greet the mountains with open arms.

    Go into the river with the words "wash everything off me."

    And just scream. From the heart!

    8. Give yourself flowers

    It doesn't matter if you get them from men or not. Wanted - buy.

    We choose so carefully for others. Why not choose for yourself?

    Not for a holiday. And just like that!

    But this should not be a demonstrative reproach to someone who, perhaps, has not yet presented them.

    Let it be your harmless whim. A little joy given to myself.

    9. Eat Right

    We are what we eat. A very broad topic. Try to eat 30% cooked food and 70% vegetables. Drink natural oils first pressing.

    From year to year female body more and more Vitamin E is required, which is best absorbed with Vitamin C. Therefore, feed your body and energy with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Have pity on the liver and remove white bread from the diet.

    But a woman should not be too pedantic in food. Have a day of frivolous behavior and eat what your body asks for.

    Our body is a unique tool with a body mind that knows much more about our needs than we ourselves often realize. Our body can “read” what exactly we need at one time or another, and gives clear clues. For example, the body tells you what substances and microelements you lack today.

    10. Move and move again

    We all know about it, but we put it off new life for tomorrow. Everyone needs sports, even slim and beautiful. It just needs to be in your life.

    In any form. And that's it.

    The rest of the comments are redundant.

    The only and effective method stop weight gain as soon as it has begun - exercise. I mean very intense exercise like lifting weights, cycling, running or swimming. Exercise should be enough to start building muscle mass.

    11. Cleanse the body

    Not too poetic replenishment point female energy. If the doctor approves, a castor oil cleansing once a week is useful. 1 g of castor oil is recommended for 1 kg of body weight.

    In the morning there are only vegetables and fruits. From 14 to 17 drink water. And at 17, take the right amount of castor oil and 150 g lemon juice. And there is nothing else.

    To restore the acid-base balance, it is recommended to eat only fruits three days a month.

    Waiting for you nice bonus- change of appearance (of course, in better side) and external changes))

    12. Train your intimate muscles

    In addition to additional energy, you will improve your health and surprise your loved one.

    The most common option is Kegel exercises. For the shy, but purposeful, there is the Internet. Or go to a training where you will be taught how to breathe correctly.

    There is no such person who would not like to feel in increased tone, feel young and beautiful, and also have an excellent physical form. This is every man's dream!

    Occasionally vitality are nullified at the most different reasons and you need to decide how to increase the energy of the body at home.

    This is an important moment for every person, since it directly depends general state human health, mood and performance.

    The person who possesses high energy gets a lot of benefits. A similar tone of the body must be due to the following reasons:

    Such energy can be of two main types - free and vital..

    The first is a special energy of the human subtle body, it is a source of creative and mental energy. It gives a desire and incentive to act, gives a creative charge and increases vitality.

    As for vital energy, it is required for the normal functioning of the physiology of the body, that is, for the vital activity of the whole organism as a whole.

    If the energy is weak, a person feels a decline in literally everything. Health and general condition suffer, as well as few goals are achieved, which automatically negatively affects the general financial situation.

    To improve your health, to improve your financial situation, it is worth studying methods for increasing energy, that is, solving a simple and at the same time important question how to restore energy in the body.

    They are quite simple and based on the usual management healthy lifestyle life.

    If there is no energy and strength in the body, what to do, this is a question that can be solved without much material costs and some forbidden knowledge. It is quite enough just to adjust your daily routine and review positive side Lifestyle.

    There are quite a lot of methods that help solve the question of how to raise energy and vitality. These are different, different ways, so each of them is worth considering in more detail.

    There are special methods for increasing vital energy, and there are ways to increase free energy.

    Options for increasing physical energy

    As soon as the level of physical energy decreases, a person begins to feel powerless, he is constantly tired and overwhelmed. Once energy depletion acquires a critical form, various diseases immediately begin.

    To prevent similar problems with health, it is worth taking certain measures and increasing the energy balance of the physical body.

    To ensure a stable flow of vital energy, you will need to fulfill only two conditions - to establish a good diet and learn how to relax.

    When deciding how to replenish the energy of the body, how to gain elementary physical health, it is worth learning how to fully relax. Here, special attention deserves the sleep mode.

    Here are some basic rules for normalizing sleep:

    • you need to go to bed and get up at exactly the same time;
    • it is worth allocating a little time to organize an afternoon nap, it is advisable to devote 30-40 minutes for it. This is the ideal method to quickly replenish the body's energy reserves;
    • if you can't sleep in daytime, it is worth learning a couple of relaxing exercises. Sometimes it is enough just to close your eyes for 5 minutes and take a deep breath.

    In the process of organizing a sleep regimen, Special attention focus on quality, not duration.

    If you sleep deeply and soundly for about 5-6 hours, this will have a more positive result on the body than 10 hours of superficial sleep.

    To improve the overall quality of sleep, it is worth exercising daily exercise and also eat right.

    To increase energy, you must definitely perform special exercises. To do this, it is not necessary to visit the gym, some complexes can be carried out at home.

    To recharge your batteries, it is enough to do a little exercise in the morning with the study of the main joints. If music for energy is played during sports, a better result can be achieved.

    To increase vitality, it is not at all necessary to complete marathon races. As practice has shown, people who do light physical activity or just regular hiking, relieve fatigue much faster than more serious weight training.

    You need to practice daily, even 10 minutes physical activity will be enough, anything is better than just lying on the couch this time.

    If during the working day there was no time for classes, it is worth just walking two blocks on the way home. This is a tremendous beneficial support for muscles and blood flow.

    In the process of physical activity in the human body, energy is exchanged. The one that has stagnated leaves the body, and more renewed free energy enters its place, which significantly increases the overall vitality.

    To feel in perfect order, it is worth leading active image life - swim, run, do fitness as much as possible!

    Power plays no less important role in the process of energy boost. There is special products that give the body energy, that is, they are one of the main sources of energy for humans.

    lining up daily menu, attention should also be paid not to the quantity, but to the quality of the products used.

    To increase the energy of the body through food, it is worth adding to the diet products that are characterized by their natural increased energy potential.

    Among the most popular and effective products are:

    • high quality carbohydrates- all kinds of cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal), sprouted wheat grains, black whole grain bread;
    • healthy proteins- beans, soybeans, nuts, low-fat white meat;
    • healthy fats for the body- meat of fish, turkey, seeds, olive oil and nuts;
    • vegetables and fruits should be given at least 60% of the total diet. This is a special storehouse of vitamins, as well as fiber necessary for the body;
    • dairy which help to quickly increase general energy organism. It can be milk, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurts.

    It is very important to use a large number of water. The average daily dose for an adult is 1.5-2 liters. it important rule, for both men and women.

    If you make up your diet from these products and use them in the required proportions, you can quickly and effectively increase the overall potential of the body.

    It should be understood that an increase in energy in the body is directly related not only to the introduction into the diet useful products, but also with the exception of white sugar, fast food, carbonated drinks. Coffee should also be minimized as much as possible..

    There is energy in these products, but the damage that they are able to bring to the body is often completely irreparable.

    If you follow these rules, you can quickly increase general level your life energy.

    After a few days, a person begins to feel much better, problems such as drowsiness, lethargy, and decreased performance disappear.

    After physical energy put in order, after the rules of a healthy lifestyle have become a system, you can think about increasing the more general and no less important free energy.

    Decide this problem there are two methods - to close the energy ducts through which energy leaves the body. To achieve positive result, you need to give up certain negative manifestations of life.

    As soon as the refusal is carried out that takes a large amount internal energy, a person automatically ensures its inflow.

    This is a kind of method to “patch” energy holes in the subtle body. Here are some of the most basic methods to quickly and effective recovery internal energy.

    Many people have the misconception that great way increase energy is consuming alcoholic beverages and various energy drinks.

    All this is true, but the effect of increasing energy from these funds is very short-lived.

    In addition, these funds have enormous harm to the body. It is for this reason that it is worth abandoning the use of all types of alcohol and various energy drinks.

    One more bad habit one that you must definitely give up is smoking. Along with the harmful effects on the body, cigarettes also take a lot of energy.

    You need to make an effort, be patient and wean yourself from smoking.

    Another duct where energy important for life goes is the negative accumulated in the body.

    All negative emotions, experiences and various unpleasant feelings are guaranteed to deprive a person of positive creative energy, and in a fairly large amount. This is especially true for certain feelings of guilt or resentment.

    Through constant rethinking of unpleasant vital factors a lot of energy is wasted. To get rid of this, sometimes it is enough to forgive and let go of all grievances.

    It is equally important to forbid yourself from experiencing such emotions as jealousy, anger, envy, fear and irritation, that is, from everything that unbalances a person and automatically steals vital energy and strength.

    Try hard everyone possible ways avoid negative emotions, you need to control your thoughts and not be sprayed on petty problems and moments.

    In addition to special methods of closing the outflow of vital energy, it is worth using methods to replenish it. Gotta learn to get positive energy, developing it from its own resources.

    The presence in life of certain goals, desires or cherished dream, fulfillment or achievement of certain goals, is an ideal and powerful enough source of energy.

    If you have a dream, you will definitely have the energy to make it come true.. The entire universe is based on this.

    If there is a dream, the whole Universe will strive with all its might to help it come true.

    In the absence of a dream, a person must always face tasks, goals, it is necessary to make wishes and come up with dreams.

    Love and hobby

    Love is enough strong emotion, which evokes in the soul a huge number of the most vivid emotions. As soon as a person has love, wings appear behind his back and a powerful surge of energy forms.

    As far as hobbies are concerned, special form creativity, which also tends to inspire life in a person. In the process of creation, channels open in a person that connect the subtle body with energy flows.

    Everyone needs to have their own hobby or business that will bring great pleasure.. it perfect way rapid rise energy.

    Certain Techniques proper nutrition able to significantly increase the overall energy of the body.

    To achieve a positive result, it is not necessary to master complex practices, it will be enough to learn how to perform deep breathing cycles, in which the lungs will be fully involved.

    Most people make superficial respiratory cycles, which negatively affects the overall energy state of a person.

    correct deep breathing allows you to increase both types of energy - physical, as well as internal.

    Deep, into all lungs breathing will increase the total volume of inhaled air. This automatically increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and other organs. All this has the most positive effect on the overall energy balance as well as health status.

    Summing up

    To increase energy and make your life as full and healthy as possible, you should adhere to the following general rules.

    The day should start with proteins and complex carbohydrates, the digestion of which will take the body a large amount of time, respectively, the necessary level of vital energy will be maintained.

    Coffee - the drink should be reduced to 2-3 cups per day. It is not necessary to completely abandon it, since caffeine in the right amount prevents the development senile diseases by improving brain function.

    As an energy snack, it is not necessary to use sweets or special chemical drinks. it is better to replace such food with vegetable slices or nuts.

    Walnut, pistachios, almonds are an ideal source of energy. These products are saturated healthy fats and protein, and are also antioxidants.

    Proper nutrition and a well-structured daily routine will help to quickly restore overall health. A person has energy and strength to carry out daily affairs and to achieve numerous goals.

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is guaranteed to positively affect the physical and psychological state.

    "an article about how to develop and strengthen energy. With the goal, of course, to improve your life.

    How to develop and strengthen energy? First we need to decide what exactly we will develop. To develop what is needed and not to amplify any nonsense. Since there are a lot of energy development exercises on the Internet, we will not copy them (gymnastics, yoga, qigong, khi-kong wushu, and so on). Let's stay very important points which should precede any energy development exercises. Without these moments, you will waste your time (and even money with health) for nothing.

    Let's start with a definition. Energy is what creates motion. So, there are physical characteristics - dexterity, speed, weight, strength. And there are energy ones. For example, what would strong man was not, but if he has little energy, then he can do nothing. Is that to fall without strength and without. That is, energy is what allows you to move, what gives rise to movement.

    Accordingly, the rule: the more active a person is, the stronger his energy is.

    The more he lies on the couch, the weaker she is (even if this person claims that he has super developed his energy). Accordingly, more active person doing more useful things and living better. So to develop and strengthen the energy for real, not in the imagination - this is a very, very useful thing.

    Having dealt with the definitions, let's move on to the key points in the development of energy. And we'll start with the body.

    Since we are bodily beings, the body plays a very important role in the human energy. Simply put, a person can control the energy that his body can withstand. Accordingly, first of all, before starting to develop the energy sector, it is necessary to improve:

    • a) the energy intensity of the body (its ability to contain a certain amount of energy)
    • b) energy conductivity of the body (its ability to conduct energy without delays and barriers).

    Otherwise, no matter what methods you use, you won’t get more benefit than the body allows. But more harm, please. Too strong for this particular body energy flows can lead to various damages in the body. It's like with an electrical circuit - too much current causes the wire to melt, short circuit, and so on.

    On the other hand, energy intensity and energy conductivity grow when a person uses his energy regularly and incrementally. That is, energy intensity and energy conductivity are trained. The main rule for this is:

    Exceeding the energy capacity and energy conductivity of the body should not be critical.

    That is, a slight excess is good, it encourages the body to rebuild. But a large excess is an overload and the road to various problems.

    The second nuance, on which we will dwell, also concerns the body. But not only. So, many techniques for developing and strengthening energy involve visualization during exercise. We have previously touched on what visualization is and how it works. So we won't repeat ourselves. Let's just say that there are two types of exercises for working with energy.

    1. The first type is the visualization of, say, the flow of energy as a mental picture.
    2. The second type is the visualization of the same flow of energy in sensations in the body.

    The first type is nothing more than a waste of time. Energy does not depend on how vividly you can imagine the picture. It does not depend on your imagination. It does not depend on images in the mind.

    Energy is connected with the body, energy passes through the body, energy accumulates in the body. Therefore, any visualization when working with energy should take place in the sensations in the body. Not in a picture in your mind.

    That is, if in the exercise you want to feel the fiery point in the coccyx, then

    • it is useless to draw a picture of the coccyx and a fiery point on it;
    • it is necessary to FEEL IN SENSATIONS this very fiery point in the coccyx.

    Naturally, the choice is yours. But now you know the truth, so the responsibility for your results lies with you 🙂

    And the third point, on which we will stop. Yes, there are two large class energy development exercises. Both classes assume that around a person there is a lot of this or that energy that can be accumulated, carried out, and so on.

    1. However, the first class of exercises presupposes a human consequence.
    2. And the second class of exercises is the cause.

    The exercises of the first class offer to feel how energy fills you, how it pours in, how higher beings pour it in. That is, the reason is outside. Man is a consequence. He says something like "energy come, fill me, make me stronger...".

    The exercises of the second class assume that the person is directing the energy by himself. He absorbs it, he emits it, he transforms it in one way or another in accordance with his tasks.

    Guess which of the exercise classes is more effective 🙂

    If so, a hint. How would you react to a person who, wanting to study physics, will say to a physics textbook: "Oh, knowledge, penetrate me! Enter my mind and fill my body!" How much does this person know? Naturally, nothing. But if he began to read, think, write examples, solve problems, then he would study physics.

    It is the same with energy: either you ask for it, or you control it.

    Thus, how to develop and strengthen energy? Very simple - with the right exercises.

    Well, after reading this article, you can easily determine whether the exercises are right for you or not.

    In this article, I will share with you seven ways to increase vitality without performing esoteric rituals and without buying red bottles.

    Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become lethargic, you feel tired, and gradually realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with this.

    The Chinese call it qi", and even created a whole Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as "control of Qi". But, perhaps, today I don’t have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I’ll just tell you about a few ways available to everyone how to increase vital energy.

    Exercise every day

    Regular exercise is the easiest way to increase vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

    If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to increase energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that puts a strain on your muscles, but do it regularly. Do morning exercises, run, jump rope, swim, ride a bike - any activity is good. How to increase vitality? Train!

    healthy eating

    Your Vital energy directly depends on what you eat. Fill your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude towards religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

    Products that have gone through a long and complex cycle of industrial processing cannot contain many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, So necessary for the body. If they can be there at all. And that is why you should pay attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take it raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged “Miracle Curd”. And, of course, your most great friends should be fruits and vegetables. How to increase vitality? Eat more fruits and vegetables.


    Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleansing and removing toxins. In a full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of the energy on digesting food.

    How to increase vitality? Starve (no matter how paradoxical it may sound).

    drink water

    It would be logical to write “drink coffee” at this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energy drink. However, I am opposed to increasing some parameters of the body at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. That's why the best drink to increase vital energy, I can name ordinary drinking water. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely made up of water. Therefore, to increase energy instead of alcohol and coffee, and at least two liters per day.

    How to increase vitality? Observe the drinking regime!

    normal sleep

    This is one more required condition to maintain high energy levels. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and a lot of entertainment in it, such as games and social networks gives many temptations.

    It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at the computer, you have done everything, you seem to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

    Multitasking exception

    All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I am not a guru and I will say it. An obscene amount of energy is consumed by our multitasking when we take on several things at once. Therefore, if such situations often occur to you, think about how this can be avoided. Perhaps some time management and organization techniques will help work activities. In general, do things in order, do not start the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

    The tips above are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that has helped me a lot - follow a normal sleep pattern, point 5.

    Also, meditate. This is the best, in my opinion, way to increase vitality.