Wean a breastfed baby. How to painlessly wean a child from breastfeeding? When is it worth weaning a child: is it necessary to wait for involution

Long new year holidays, which the whole family spends at home together, often become the last straw that makes the mother think about weaning the baby from the breast. These days, a walker “hanging” on the chest is constantly seen by dad, who usually disappears at work, grandparents, acquaintances, who come to visit - and this picture is at odds with their ideas about the proper upbringing of children. But before you decide on a responsible step, you should carefully weigh everything.

Weaning between a year and two: weighing the pros and cons

If someone decides to wean a child before the age of two, then the task ahead is not an easy one. Perhaps this is the most difficult time to stop feeding, because, on the one hand, the baby really needs the breast, on the other hand, it can already insist on its own.

Attempts to wean from the breast can meet with strong resistance from the child or cause stress reactions, because most children between the ages of one and two need to kiss their mother's breast several times a day. Over time, this need becomes less. But over time.

The need exists regardless of whether the mother is going to satisfy her or not. This is a property of a child, not a mother, and a mother, by her strong-willed decision, cannot make this need simply take and disappear. She's not going anywhere just from the fact that mom decided not to feed. And if the mother refuses to satisfy this need, she begins to manifest itself in some other areas, most often various neuroses, obsessive states, whims, tantrums, sucking various items and others in the same vein. If the mother satisfies this need naturally She is gradually leaving. For example, most mothers notice that the number of feeds decreases dramatically around the age of two.

At the same time (if the child is not yet ready to leave), even an attempt at weaning can have a very negative impact on the life of the family, significantly spoil the family climate. So, if you are going to wean a child after a year, you should first of all decide why the mother decided to go to weaning.

Try writing a problem that worries you on a piece of paper. For example, it is a lack of sleep. Count how many hours a day you sleep in general. write down possible solutions. You can sleep with your child during the day when he sleeps (rather than trying to do cleaning or cooking). Can be transferred to certain time caring for a child for a husband or relatives who are ready to help, while she herself rests at this time, and so on.

Weigh well whether you want to wean the baby completely or if you would be satisfied with a reduction in the number of feedings. In any case, the preferred course of weaning implies that the process moves gradually, under the control of the mother. And a sensitive mother at any stage can stop him or take a step back, if this is prompted by considerations of the health and moral state of herself and the baby. When the child is already ready for weaning, it can be carried out in a forced manner, in a few days; but if you only think about it against the background of frequent attachments - a gradual weaning will take several months.

What not to do when weaning

Maybe mom will be able to conduct the weaning smoothly and gently. But it also happens that at some point the child begins to resist - this will happen if the pace taken by the mother turns out to be too fast for him. If at such moments the mother will “squeeze” the baby, continuing to act on own plan without taking into account his reaction, then the most likely answer is a rapid rollback, when, under fear of deprivation of the breast, the child “hangs” on it even more than before. Therefore, when bright backlash it is better for a child to stop, giving the baby more time to adapt, than to risk everything that has been traveled.

Do not put it specific dates and especially do not choose a specific date when the child will already be weaned. If you have already tuned in, and the child is not ready yet, someone will definitely remain dissatisfied, and the cessation of feeding should still take place by agreement of both parties.

You can not engage in weaning a baby from the breast if he sick or recovering from an illness; if in a child's life there are major changes- moving, entering kindergarten, mom goes to work. If such a situation is planned, then weaning should occur a few months earlier or later, so that the total amount of changes occurring at the same time does not become too heavy for the child's psyche.

Do not refuse to breastfeed a child if he has clearly suffered a bright shock or emotional stress: hit, got scared, mom was away for an unusually long time, and so on.

One of the popular tips for faster weaning is departure. But if the child is not used to being separated from his mother, then the disappearance of both mother and breastfeeding at once can have a very bad effect on the baby's condition. And when mom comes back, the baby may demand her attention even more insistently.

nipple smearing something bitter (mustard) or frightening (brilliant green) can burn or irritate the delicate skin of the chest. And for a child, this can be a reason severe stress. For your baby, the breast is the personification of confidence, calmness and kindness, and the “trouble” that happened to the chest can turn the child away from the mother and shake his ideas about the reliability of the home world.

About the dangers of stopping lactation with the help of drugs quite a lot is known today. I will only add: when a child is about one and a half years old, the assumptions that it is enough to drink a few tablets and the child will stop feeding are completely unjustified. A baby of this age is applied to the breast not to get milk, but first of all to get mother's love. And just the lack of milk will not cool him down. At the same time, sucking breasts, in which there is almost no milk, gives mom more discomfort than suckling breast milk. Therefore, the mother’s task is not to “remove milk”, but to reduce the number of attachments of the child. Milk production will decrease according to the applications by itself.

If mom tries to replace night feedings milk bottle or sweetened water, it can lead to childhood tooth decay. Therefore, if you need to replace night feedings with something, then use plain water.

Finally, don't overlook the condition of the child and his own. If the baby shows signs of stress (stutters, sleeps restlessly and often wakes up at night, “sticks” to mom during the day, bites - especially if this has not happened before), this means that the cessation of feeding is moving too quickly for the child. And if the mother herself feels very tired, nervous, her chest is very full, it means that the weaning is going too fast for her.

If you understand that excommunication has Negative consequences for some of you - take a step back, return those feedings that you last refused! Believe me, the nerves of the baby and your own are more valuable than the two weeks that you "lose".

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Before a year, it’s just worth quitting GW.

the best age for weaning, in my opinion, is 1.5 years

My sister weaned her nephew for a year, there were no problems. But we were artificials. And they didn’t know what a problem is to tear a child from the chest.

I already want to wean from the chest. It becomes unbearable. Not only did he climb into our bed to sleep, but he still wakes up every hour at night. Ask for breasts, but do not eat, but simply hold in your mouth. To be sure, it seems that mom will not run away from him. I just want to sleep at night! P.S. we are almost 10 months old.

And we are not ready. The small one may have dropped it. Murashik is three years old. He is my last and I want to extend all the delights of motherhood.

And we are 8 months ... what do you think? Isn't it time to wean off your chest?

Comment on the article "How to wean a child from the breast: 8 mistakes of mothers"

Will it be easier? Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition Will it be easier? Section: Breastfeeding (does it happen that children sleep worse after the cancellation of hv). She herself abruptly refused GW even before ...

Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand Try to feed always after bed, always before bed, and always give both breasts for Weaning: folk omens. Breast-feeding - special period in life...


Sure, 6 months. - very little. From 3 months it is already possible to give juices, from 4 there are purees. Read the age on the jars. From 5 months already big choice puree begins.

I didn’t manage to excommunicate, although it was very necessary: ​​I went to work full time at 4.5 months of Vatrushka, since our dad was at home with her until 9 months, I fed in the morning, came at lunchtime, in the evening and fed all night, so 3 months, then I was exhausted by hourly feedings at night and we decided to slowly turn off - by that time Vatrushka was already 7.5 and she was eating complementary foods perfectly.

First I removed daytime feedings, then evening ones, and last but not least, nighttime ones, it took us 3 weeks for everything, dad put it in the evening, 3 days with a fight, on the 4th excellent, since then my daughter sleeps all night in her room, in her bed, slept with us until weaning.

Yes, I forgot, my daughter did not recognize and still does not recognize bottles, nipples.

So the summary: try to feed at least up to 6 months, intensively introducing complementary foods, although maybe you have a normal re who recognizes a bottle? :)))

anyway good luck!

How to wean a child breastfeeding? (continuation). When is it contraindicated to wean a baby? If you have made a decision to wean a child between the ages of 1 and 2 years, you will have to act in sequence.


You think it's more difficult.
As long as the baby needs milk, it's great that he falls asleep easily at night and wakes up only a couple of times. After weaning, it is unlikely that it will become easier to fall asleep and it will probably wake up more often, only it will become more difficult to calm down without breastfeeding. This is all, of course, if the child is not yet ready for weaning.
Then it will grow up and fall off on its own. I would not excommunicate at that age, you definitely won’t sleep better

replaced nightly gradually with kefir.
at first she offered a bottle of kefir, then if it didn’t roll, her breasts. And so every time. Then, too, and with evening feeding. Or vice versa - I don't remember.

Weaning temp. Breast-feeding. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness I have the first experience of weaning ... Do you think a child's temperature can rise, well, like from stress?


Take care of yourself too - find something to enjoy, for 15 minutes by the number of previous feedings) Good luck!

I read an article on "Maternity.ru", it says that if the baby is weaned early, the baby can become seriously ill within six months. I was excommunicated at the age of 2 due to the fact that I got pregnant, I seemed to endure everything normally. And I advise you to read the article.

Section: Weaning (when ovulation can begin after weaning the baby from the breast). Before weaning, my child did not eat anything except breast milk, with great difficulty I managed to do something in Weaning a child from a year to two years.


We were away for a week before two years. We are now 2 years and 11 months old and I am four months pregnant. And my menstruation began the next day after weaning (it happened, and we fed very little before that - only at night and at night)

I got pregnant with the second exactly at 2.2 without even weaning. So I would have fed both now, if I hadn’t thundered to the hospital for 4 months of pregnancy

Weaning. Breast-feeding. Questions for weaned mothers: please tell us how babies who are weaned behave in What does a child at the age of 2 years eat per day? Just give me an example of your diet and I'll translate it into...


Len, here's the points for you :)
1. wakes up 1 time, max. 2, to pee - and immediately climbs back into bed and falls asleep. Itself, without any persuasion, etc. If she drank little at night, she could oversleep until the morning.
2. see item 1. you can still sing songs, stroke your back, hold the handle and all that.
3. differently. then just hold the handle and after 5 minutes it passes out, or even I read books for hours. It depends. some are simply left in the crib and the child falls asleep on his own. We haven't gotten to that yet.
4. we fell asleep and so with others, so - but most likely, yes.
5. 10 o'clock at night, 1-2 o'clock in the afternoon.
6. they eat food :))) but my appetite does not complain. And despite the fact that the guards ate a lot, with whom the cancellation began to eat even more. Almost adult portions. yes, in the morning he immediately asks for porridge. Because he doesn’t eat at night (and the breasts were very much earlier at night).
Dairy milk is good. You can give kefir. Milk is not super necessary, although she can start drinking it - mine is still on Guards, she almost didn’t drink it, but now she drinks a lot. (I only dilute it twice, otherwise my tummy hurts) porridge is actually possible on water, but it tastes better with milk. I cook Nordic oatmeal. This is from the morning. For lunch - soup or something meat or fish with a side dish (potatoes, pasta, rice, buckwheat ...). Dinner is the same as for lunch, but without meat. afternoon snack - cottage cheese or yogurt, cookies. Well, drinking in tech. days - juice, compote, milk, kefir, water. Fruits in breaks or for an afternoon snack or for lunch, dinner, breakfast. In general, as you can see, an adult menu - and we also have adult portions, sometimes it eats more than me, where everything fits ...

I left myself at 1.5 years old, when at 20 weeks of pregnancy milk gradually disappeared. I immediately began to fall asleep easily, I didn’t accustom myself to reading on purpose - so as not to enslave myself. That is, he holds his hand (and often without it, I just sit next to him) and falls asleep. At night, he wakes up to pee and immediately falls asleep himself (he doesn’t even really wake up ... either I come to cry, or he comes to us, if we don’t hear, I put him on the potty, push him on the bed and the child is cut off .. twice a night, then closer to the morning he refuses to fall asleep so easily, or falls asleep and immediately wakes up - I go to sleep in his room, but on the other bed - for some reason he categorically stopped sleeping with me - he slept with me on the GW. Now in the morning I eat porridge or vermicelli on milk (200-300 ml), for lunch, mashed vegetables and meatballs or the like (homogenized, otherwise it chews for a very long time), a few cookies or 1-2 fruits for a serving, for dinner 200 g of agusha cottage cheese, sometimes I add French puree It often happens that he skips a meal - the child is rather thin, although at the same time he moves a lot.

In my experience, a day like this big baby it is quite possible to distract from the desire to suck sisyu immediately. Sometimes it was possible to distract at all, sometimes - to let me finish the job and take the boobs not immediately, but after a while, usually up to 2.5 years - no more than 0.5-1 minute. If she asks for a sissy from hunger, she tried to give a sisyu for a couple of minutes, and immediately take it with food (if you immediately offer food to a hungry woman, she could throw a tantrum - "no! Sisyu!") If she hit or something hurts, she gave the sisya immediately without conversations. In general, if you behave calmly and naturally, then somehow the amount daily feedings starts to decrease gradually. She also very actively demanded breasts if I took a fixed position, especially if she was bored (for example, I work at a computer). But even here you can try to occupy it with something (for example, I adapted to turn on a cartoon on a small screen when I work at a computer) or try to take a stationary position less often (say, shorten telephone conversations during the day or talking on the phone while moving).

The amount of "adult" food eaten at this age, in my opinion, does not depend on how often the child breastfeeds. My daughter now eats no more than she ate before giving up her breasts. And, by the way, she also eats everything in large quantities at her grandmother's or at a party, and at home - like a bird pecks and runs. Mom even told me that I probably don’t have time to feed the children, since they are always hungry :) When they enter her house, they immediately run to the kitchen, even if they ate at home before leaving :) Many acquaintances say that their children At a party they eat much better than at home.
My sister's daughter is generally small, eats only milk (cow) and a little dairy products. When at the age of 2 she ate breasts endlessly and almost nothing but her, my sister also thought that if she were weaned, it would be better to eat. But she still does not eat almost anything :) (she is already 5 years old).
And my girlfriend’s son didn’t want to eat breasts (and left her at 9 months old), and now it’s good for a day if he eats a couple of spoons and 1-2 chips. And that's all :) He doesn't eat at a party either. Skinny, like kashchei, but almost never gets sick and is very mobile :).

If there is no dystrophy, the child develops normally, then do not worry. Most likely she has enough of what she eats. Everyone has their own metabolism. And if she lived with her grandmother, then she would soon stop eating there :)))

I could not wean for a long time ... Until I got to the hospital for a week
(in October 2003 - Dima was 2 years 8 months old). Before that, there was no prospect of weaning ..... It seems to me that if the child does not quit on its own, there are two ways out - to give the child (grandmothers, aunts, etc.) or to go somewhere; time - 4-7 days

Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and See other discussions: Weaning in ten days. How to wean a child from breastfeeding? (continued to continue).


We are also allergic, weaned at 1.9 (I went to work part-time at 7 months, full-time at a year and a half - feeding was not a problem). I also had thoughts of quitting feeding at about a year or so (doctors insisted that it was easier to keep track of the child’s diet than mother’s and child’s, and I was already going crazy from all these doctors and from a two-month terrible diet (buckwheat, black bread , green vegetables and turkey - that's all I could eat), which I planted for myself health and which in the end turned out to be unnecessary) - I'm very glad that I didn't. I finished feeding Toko when there was almost no milk and Zhenya ate little and then I think that it would be possible to feed more. But the husband insisted very strongly, right up to the divorce: -(((((((((((((((I shouldn't have succumbed ....
And you are still such crumbs, don’t worry about work, it’s all very solvable and feed on :-)

I think it’s too early for you to leave, work is not a hindrance to feeding (I fed up to a year and a half, now I think that it could have been longer) - of course, it was hard, because. it was impossible to get enough sleep at night (mine woke up not 5-6, but 10-12-.. times a night), but nevertheless, I managed to combine work and feeding for more than six months, and even in children. the child went to kindergarten, while still on the breast (3 months still ate me, after she went to the garden)
It seems to me that you can try to reduce the daytime feedings, and leave the nighttime feedings in full. True, such a number did not pass with us - i.e. she did quite well without a breast all day if I was not around - but as soon as I appeared in sight, she began to demand her own :)
In general, think carefully - winter is ahead, it's time for infectious diseases and colds, maybe you can still combine work and feeding, and round off by spring?

The body of a nursing mother is designed in such a way that lactation period continues for at least the first six months of a baby's life. But, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health, less than half mothers feed babies breast milk up to a year and only a few continue breastfeeding longer.

The reasons for weaning from breastfeeding are different for everyone. These can be family circumstances, lack of lactation, self-weaning of the crumbs, mother's illness, fatigue, or an elementary unwillingness to spoil the shape of the breast.

The benefits of breast milk for a baby is an endless topic. And if natural weaning did not happen on its own, there comes a time when a woman begins to wonder how to wean a child from breastfeeding. Of course, all mothers are concerned about the softness and painlessness of the action. Let's consider the main points.

For clarity, consider the table:

It is necessary to stop HBIt is undesirable to stop GV
the mother stopped lactating (the breast is not filled with milk, “empty”)the baby is not ready for weaning (in such cases, he can suck his lip, diaper, finger)
breastfeeding is painful for a womanthe baby is under stress (for example, the mother went to work or left and left the child with the grandmother)
when a baby asks for a breast, it is easy to distract him with a gamethe baby is sick, had a vaccination or went to kindergarten
the baby has a significant part of milk teeththe child will have to "move" to his room
daily feedings - infrequent and short-livedrestless sleep at night
the baby's breasts are needed only for falling asleepbaby hired a nanny

Please note: if the child is not ready for weaning, he may behave restlessly, show stubbornness, not wanting to put up with the restrictions that have arisen. In such cases, it is better to wait some more time, and then try to wean the baby again.

Optimal age for weaning

According to many experienced mothers points, weaning is a rather protracted process. But if the physiological age of the baby is chosen correctly, everything will end favorably for the baby and mother.

  1. Pediatricians are confident in the need for long-term breastfeeding (at least up to a year). But expert opinion is surprisingly divided on the most appropriate age for weaning breastfeeding.
  2. According to most experts, the most right age when it is better to wean a child from breastfeeding, the age of 18 months is considered. AT given period mother's milk no longer carries any value to the baby, is not his main food and drink, because the baby receives food from common table. In addition, psychologists are confident in a painless reaction for the baby when breastfeeding is stopped.
  3. For children who have crossed the one and a half year mark, weaning can lead to psychological problems. The process is complicated by the fact that given age and, growing older, the baby perceives the mother's breast as a source of comfort, and the older he becomes, the more acute his attachment arises. But many like-minded people natural process weaning states that the child is able to part with the mother's breast without effort (the so-called self-weaning). It is only necessary to switch the attention of the baby in time.
  4. According to WHO, weaning a child from breastfeeding before two years of age undesirable in countries where infections are highly active. Our country is no exception.

Optimal time for weaning

Compiled by specialists in the field of pediatrics indicative list seasons least suitable for stopping feeding:

  • in hot summer it is considered dangerous to start weaning a baby from breastfeeding due to the risk of gastrointestinal infections;
  • no less risky is the season of colds, because it is at this time that the body of the crumbs is most vulnerable to immune diseases;

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky is of the opinion that the season does not affect the weaning of the crumbs, it is only desirable to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the baby.

How to wean a baby from the breast: important rules

There is a standard list of certain norms that are recommended to be followed for a trouble-free end of applications:

  1. When deciding how to wean a child from breast milk, it is important to achieve psychological balance on the part of mother and child at the same time.
  2. negative emotions in the family should be kept to a minimum.
  3. Only completely healthy baby can be weaned quickly and easily.
  4. After the removal from the breast has occurred, the crumb should be surrounded increased attention to maintain an unbreakable bond between him and his mother.
  5. It is not recommended to provoke the baby open clothing With deep neckline. This will allow the child to quickly forget about breast milk, and lactation will stop faster.
  6. The flow of milk will gradually decrease when the mother is engaged in sports.

The main ways to wean a baby from the breast

The mammary glands of the mother are perceived by the baby as a source of care and love. For the baby it the whole world, which is able to protect it from external negative impacts, calm down in times of anxiety, help in moments of fear. With the help of attachments, the child non-verbally communicates with the mother, learns huge world.

But as they grow older, weaning the baby from the breast is required. There are three main ways to do this:

  • gradual weaning (smooth, calm);
  • abrupt withdrawal (painful for the baby and mother, occurs urgently);
  • medicinal (stopping lactation with the participation hormonal drugs).

Does not exist consensus about how to wean a child from breastfeeding - gradually, unexpectedly or using drugs. All of these methods have differences in the strength of experience, restructuring of nutrition, and changes in the emotional background. The final choice of how to stop lactation, when and how to prepare the baby, should be made only by the mother. You can consult with specialists, consult with relatives and assess the readiness of the baby for a new path in life.

The most benign is weaning the baby from the breast is planned, gradually. Let's consider it in more detail.

gradual weaning

As you know, gradual weaning can be planned for a long period. But such a leisurely way to stop breastfeeding is optimal for children, although it can last up to several months.

Ideally, a breastfeeding mother should plan for the coming month in which she wants to wean her baby. In this case, she will begin to subconsciously prepare for how to wean the baby from the breast, thereby preparing the baby.

The baby is accustomed to the smell of mother's milk, to its constant presence in the chest at his every request. Through such feeding, mother and child develop trusting relationship. If you suddenly wean a child from the breast, it will frighten him, trusting relationships will be broken, which will negatively affect the future emotional and psychological background over time.

The main stages of gradual weaning from the breast

Planned and calm weaning involves following several steps:

  1. The decision on how to wean a baby from the breast should be made directly by the nursing mother. Most often, it is associated with the uselessness of this process - the baby gets tired, he is bored, or he needs the mother's mammary glands solely for comfort. At such moments, you can not rush things, everything should happen smoothly, but strictly according to the established schedule - the child gradually loses unnecessary nightly feedings, gets used to falling asleep without a breast.
  2. After this, the baby begins to wean itself from attachment before lunchtime sleep (daytime feeding for falling asleep quickly) and after waking up. The morning meal should be the same as for adults; breakfast with mother's milk is excluded.
  3. At the next stage, we wean the child from breastfeeding by increasing the number of meals. Getting used to a regular portion of food as in adults, the baby will no longer notice that mother's milk is leaving his diet. To simplify the process of getting used to the child, you can diversify the menu - mashed potatoes, soups, cereals, meat dishes with garnish. If the baby is too demanding, you can go for the trick and add a few drops of breast milk to his food - he will just feel the familiar taste and, most likely, will stop asking for breasts.
  4. In continuation of the topic of how to properly wean a child from breastfeeding, it is necessary to outline the next stage - to gradually teach the baby to fall asleep at night without milk before bed. To do this, it is recommended to feed the crumbs for dinner more satisfyingly. So that the child does not ask for a breast when you need to sleep, it is recommended to distract him - to rock him, sing a lullaby, tell a fairy tale, stroke his back. The baby must get used to feel mother's love through other methods, and in time he will stop asking for breasts.
  5. The most difficult stage is to wean from breastfeeding at night. It is not recommended to do this suddenly, it is important to gradually remove the baby.

The main condition at all stages is that care and love must appear in every action. Wherein soft weaning involves for some period the rejection of not very important telephone and personal conversations, sitting on the Internet and even watching TV. The baby during this period needs an increased tactile sensation, he needs to be hugged more often than usual. Recommended are long walks in the air during the day, communication with children in whose diet there is no mother's milk. It would be useful to learn from experienced mothers how to properly wean a baby from the breast, or to get a “sleepy” toy. Having gone through all the stages, the mother will not have to wonder how to spread the breast - with mustard or brilliant green, so that the baby weaned from breastfeeding at 1 year old. In this case, self-weaning will be painless for both parties. But if the mother has already smeared her mammary glands with some kind of remedy, you should persistently distract the baby without returning to the resumption of lactation.

How to reduce lactation with gradual weaning

The mother also tolerates the smooth removal of the child from breastfeeding more easily than the sudden one. At the same time, hormonal activity is restored, gradually returning to the norm of the prenatal background. Lactation decreases gradually with a daily decrease in the number of attachments of the baby, and the woman does not have a question what to do with the breast after weaning from breastfeeding. Under such conditions, a nursing mother does not have to tighten or use hormonal drugs - milk stops coming and over time its amount will decrease, and then stop completely.

In turn, the sudden interruption of feeding causes the appearance of stretch marks, sagging of the breast and its hardening (when seals have already appeared), which subsequently threaten the formation of mastitis.

Unfortunately, not every mother knows how to wean from breastfeeding by strictly following the schedule. At the slightest demand of the baby, she can again apply it to calm, no matter how many times he requests, and the process of reducing lactation is delayed. At such moments, you need to observe the behavior of the child: if he is too worried, cannot do without his mother, frightened or cannot sleep (whatever age he is), he should be weaned from breastfeeding a little slower than the planned schedule.

Important: Women's mammary glands stop producing milk after about two years of breastfeeding.

After a year or two

Let's try to figure out when it is advisable to wean from breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding a baby up to a year old is considered physiologically the right process. At these moments, in addition to nutrition, the baby gets a lot mother's love He is calm and patient.

Often a child, even at two years old, and a nursing mother feel harmony from the process of breastfeeding and after a year of breastfeeding. If it brings joy to both and there are no conflicts, you can wean from breastfeeding after a year or later. As soon as the mother and baby are ready to wean from such food, you should choose a specific day, tactics and start following it.

At the moment when the decision was made to wean one year old baby from breastfeeding, mommy needs to be patient, because now she should prove to the baby the presence of tenderness and love without attachment. In moments of illness, family troubles or the appearance of teeth, it is undesirable to wean a child from the breast - mother's milk serves as a sedative and analgesic for a baby for a year.

Often a child resists weaning for a long time, requires mother's milk, sometimes this happens in crowded places. This behavior is unacceptable, especially for two year old, it is necessary to regularly explain to the baby the wrongness of his actions.

  1. You can talk with the baby about the fact that breastfeeding should only be done at home.
  2. It is recommended to accustom the child to peculiar attachment rituals (for example, to touch with a pen or ask in the ear), and not to pull off the clothes from the mother, accompanying this with a cry.
  3. When the baby is well, he is healthy and fed, there is no need to respond to his demands to urgently attach him, it is recommended to quickly distract him with a game or give him a drink of water.
  4. The main problem of the illiterate behavior of the baby in public is that he does not know how to wait. It is necessary to accustom the baby as early as 1 year old to the fact that he will receive milk not on demand, as in infancy, but when the mother deems it necessary. At the same time, he must see that mommy is not just forbidding, but she is actually busy. You can slightly increase the waiting time each time - this will contribute to the gradual removal of the baby.
  5. You need to communicate with the child often and a lot, so it will be easier for him to endure separation from his mother's breast.
    Understanding how to wean a one-year-old child from breastfeeding is not difficult at all. The main thing is to be patient and not succumb to the persuasion of the baby. And if mommy says: “I can’t wean the baby from breastfeeding for many days” - this is not a sentence, it is recommended not to give up and persistently continue what you started.

Each family independently decides how and when to wean a child from breastfeeding. Many experienced mothers who have already stopped breastfeeding recommend using them practical advice:

  • at first, you can not refuse the baby to demand a breast;
  • many mothers smear their breasts with “tasteless” products - this does not lead to anything, the child is angry because of the deceit and requires breasts more often;
  • you should gradually reduce the time of each application;
  • do not remind the baby of the missed time for eating if he forgot or played too much;
  • it is undesirable to sit in a place that the child associates with breastfeeding;
  • trying to predict the time of the upcoming GW, it is recommended to distract the baby, play with it or go for a walk;
  • if there is morning breastfeeding, mom can leave the room when the baby wakes up, let dad or grandmother feed him.


When choosing a way to quickly wean a child from breastfeeding, it is best to wait for the baby and mother to be ready. Emotional background plays an important role in this process. If, for some reason, a mother cannot stop breastfeeding, it means that she is not yet ready for completion.

The method chosen to wean a baby and how difficult or comfortable it is, directly affects the physical and mental health baby in the future.

Breastfeeding a newborn baby is the most natural state for every new mother. By this, she gives him her love and protection, strengthens the immune system, maintains close tactile and psychological contact, which is very important and necessary for proper development baby. But even with the most successful breastfeeding, there comes a time when a mother begins to wonder how to wean her already grown and strong child from breastfeeding.

Video: when to wean a baby?

Options, methods and methods of weaning

You can wait for the natural involution of the breast - a state when the breast ceases to produce milk on its own, the glandular tissue of the breast is gradually replaced by fatty tissue and the breast returns to its pre-pregnancy state.

Or, focusing on the state of the sucking need of the child, wait for his complete self-weaning from the mother's breast.

But, not every mother is able to go through this whole long process. Many factors affect this - physical and emotional fatigue from long-term feeding, unpleasant or pain in the chest while feeding a grown child, his frequent "hang" on the chest, very similar to the "hang" of a newborn baby, improper grip or just pampering the child at the breast.

Other reasons to stop breastfeeding may be the need to go to work, business trips, hospitalization, or poor health of the mother, and simply public opinion. Long-term mothers today, unfortunately, often cause bewilderment or even censure among others rather than universal approval.

Depending on the urgency of weaning, you can choose one of the ways to wean a child from breastfeeding. They differ from each other both in the speed of weaning, and in "stress" and trauma for mother and child.

You can stop breastfeeding by:

Video: how we completed breastfeeding:

Weaning from the breast "grandmother's way"

How did our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers wean children? A very simple method, but extremely sharp and traumatic for both mother and baby, was to tightly tighten the chest with a sheet, while sending the child to relatives for a while.

For the baby, this method was a double shock - there is neither a beloved breast, nor a beloved mother. And my mother, in addition to psychological discomfort from the long absence of the child and worries about him, added a whole bunch of physical ailments - a terrible pain in her breasts overflowing with milk and heat, always accompanying severe engorgement and the appearance of seals in the chest. When using this method, you can bring the breast to inflammation of the glandular tissue - mastitis, often leading to surgical intervention.

Of course, it is possible to wean a child from the breast in this way. But at what cost ... the risk of complications with the health of the mother and a huge stress for the baby. The feeling of regret from this way of stopping feeding the baby can stay with the mother for a long time, if not forever.

Weaning "by medication"

The medical method of weaning, as a rule, is offered by doctors (gynecologists or family doctors from a polyclinic). To do this, they issue medications that suppress the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation in the female body. In particular, one of these drugs is "Dostinex". We should not forget about the possible side effects from taking a drug that violates hormonal background your body - nausea, headache, dizziness, insomnia.

Also, the drug Dostinex will not work effectively enough without the maximum reduction in the number of attachments to the breast, followed by their final cancellation. This is especially true of night and morning feedings of the child. How to cancel feeding mom decides for herself, but this is not done in one day. The most common tricks to distract a baby from breast sucking are:

  • Spreading the chest with brilliant green, mustard, tincture of wormwood or motherwort and other “horror stories and mustards” for a child is psychologically very difficult for a child to perceive in terms of trust in such a beloved and dear object from birth as a mother’s chest;
  • To distract the child from the requirement to suckle as much as possible - the help of grandmothers, nannies, dads and, in general, all family members who come up with all kinds of entertainment for the child will come in handy here;
  • Hugging, kissing, carrying a child in her arms more often, providing him with other substitutes tactile sensations from contact with mother;
  • Do not expose your breasts in the presence of a child, do not wear open blouses or necklines, do not provoke a child to demand a breast.

In this case, the chest does not need to be bandaged - just put on a comfortable and not tight bra without stones.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

When you feel fullness and fullness in the chest, it must be expressed, but a little bit, only until a feeling of relief. This is not allowed disease state mother's breasts and an increase in lactation is not provoked. Gradually, the breast stops producing milk, and the baby stops demanding breasts.

Weaning a baby to suckle in this way is less problematic for mom and baby. The child continues to communicate with his mother, trusting relationships remain, weaning occurs more gently and not too quickly, as in the case of using the "grandmother's method". But medical hormonal intervention in female body However, it should only be used in exceptional cases.

Weaning from the breast “softly or naturally”

Soft weaning is a rather lengthy process, taking up to six months or more. This is not involution or self-excommunication, but a conscious phasing out feeding, depending on the readiness for this process of the child. What is required for this or what steps you need to go through:

  1. Gradually cancel all disorderly and not so necessary for the child daytime feedings - when the child is simply tired, bored, requires comfort or communication, trying instead to devote more time to other activities - games, walks, entertainment;
  2. Gradually cancel daytime feedings of the child "in a dream" and "near sleep", replacing them with reading fairy tales, songs or motion sickness;
  3. Gradually cancel the morning feeding "on waking up", waking up before a child and having prepared porridge for him for breakfast;
  4. gradually cancel evening feeding “before bedtime”, feeding the child with a hearty dinner and continuing to distract him with fairy tales, tactile contact and motion sickness;
  5. Gradually cancel the remaining night feedings, moving on to stroking the baby and hugging in a dream.

The emphasis in the listed stages is placed on the word "gradually" ... that is, until the first stage is fully mastered, it makes no sense to move on to the next one. Therefore, natural weaning is the most optimal way, allowing the child to calmly adapt to new, changing conditions for him to communicate with his mother, mother's breasts and the world around him.

Mom is also gradually moving to new level communication with a child, without experiencing physical discomfort from pain in the chest and without being subjected to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

Lactation decreases slowly and surely, the amount of milk decreases in response to a decrease in the number of applications per day. This method is the least traumatic for all its participants, but it requires a lot of calmness and patience from the mother, as it is quite extended in the time period.

Choosing from all the methods of weaning that exist and are currently practiced, it is much easier to complete breastfeeding, focusing on the readiness of the child himself.

The emotional attitude of the mother to the termination of feeding also matters.

If the mother has doubts about whether to stop feeding, then the mother herself is not yet ready enough for this process.

By the end of breastfeeding, everyone should be ready - the child, and the mother, and even the mother's breast. How we wean our child from breastfeeding depends on the future psychological comfort and physical health of mother and child.


Weaning is a very important moment in the life of mother and child. It should be a conscious decision that won't hurt both of you. Breastfeeding provides a special emotional connection with his mother, so weaning can be a big stress for him. How to wean a baby from breastfeeding, while avoiding problems and helping the baby quickly switch to regular food, you will learn further.

When to start weaning a baby

Our parents were advised by doctors to wean the child at 11 months. At that time, this was in line with the established medical standards. But over time, everything has changed, WHO recommends doing this between one and a half and two years. This is in tune with the old customs, when a child was fed until two or three years old. In different sources, you can see information that will present you with different information, but in reality it all depends on physiological features your child.

For its part, each nursing mother can help ensure that the moment of weaning is as painless as possible. There are good times to stop feeding and times to avoid it. In addition, there is also a mother's own instinct, suggesting that the baby is already ready to be left without milk and switch to a varied feeding.

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding

If you do not know how to wean your child from breastfeeding, do not listen to the advice of those who suggest doing it abruptly. Forced cessation of feeding can turn into a huge stress for the child, therefore it is better to do it gradually so that the child gradually weaned:

  • You can start by replacing one breastfeed with complementary foods (porridge, vegetables, dairy products).
  • After a week, replace another feeding - the baby will eat new food with pleasure, perceiving it with interest.
  • Morning breastfeeding is easy to replace fermented milk products They are light, tasty and healthy.
  • Last on the list will be evening feeding, because it also serves as a way to calm and lull the child.

From night feedings

You can start weaning from nighttime breastfeeding as soon as you introduce complementary foods. This happens somewhere around the age of 4-6 months. Since the baby eats well during the day, consumes additional products, feeding at night is no longer necessary. The child is unlikely to get hungry at night, but will still wake up because of his formed habit. Therefore, you must understand that the process of weaning from night feedings can take some time.

If the baby is experiencing a certain crisis (he has not seen his mother all day, he is teething or his tummy hurts), the presence of the mother next to the crib is simply necessary. The child may want to handle, suck on the breast or bottle. To minimize these situations when you wean your baby from breastfeeding, try to be around during the day, giving the baby as much time as possible. So you will provide the baby with maximum psychological comfort, and he will not have such a pronounced need to see his mother at night.

Options for weaning from night feeding:

  • replacement of feeding with warm water;
  • reduction in the duration of feeding;
  • increasing the intervals between two feedings;
  • mixture or porridge before bed;
  • restriction of access to the chest at night.

From daily feedings

To one year old baby didn’t ask for breasts during the day, you need to come up with another interesting activity. It's easy: play with him, distract him with games, books, swings, etc. When it's time to breastfeed, replace your breast milk with something equally healthy. Baby food may consist of formula milk, vegetable juices, baby yogurt or milk diluted with water.

You can try to break the feeding ritual by changing the usual place for the crumbs to have lunch. The new environment will disrupt the usual feeding circumstances and distract from the breast, which will help you quickly switch to a bottle or a bowl of porridge. If the baby began to behave aggressively, is naughty, there is insomnia, he cannot fall asleep without his mother, this may be a signal that you have decided to end breastfeeding prematurely.

Ways to stop breastfeeding

For those who decide to stop breastfeeding, milk production is no longer a necessity. However, even after completing the feeding, you may encounter the fact that the milk will arrive. The chest will begin to suffer from severe stretching, this will be accompanied by painful sensations. But all the consequences can be minimized so that the end of feeding is painless not only for the child, but also for the mother.

The natural way to stop lactation

Be sure to wear a tight bra natural fabric. You must not part with it until the milk is gone. Instead, you can bandage your chest with an elastic bandage, but be prepared for the fact that this is a painful process. If a lot of milk accumulates in the breast, you can pump a little to reduce pain, and over time, milk will simply stop being produced in such a volume. You can use a breast pump, pumping until your breasts are soft. This method will help stop lactation much faster.

Medical method

Modern drugs will help you stop the process of lactation, but you can use them only as directed by a doctor, because this hormonal agents, which one can choose correctly experienced specialist. Such tablets are indicated for oral administration, they act on the hypothalamus and stimulate the production of substances that block the appearance of prolactin. They can be taken only in accordance with strict adherence to the instructions. There are also non-hormonal agents, the course of which takes a long time, but side effects are almost not observed.

Folk methods

If medications are contraindicated for you, breast milk production can be stopped with folk remedies: application medicinal plants was popular among our great-grandmothers, such methods may be useful to you. Sage does this well, because it contains a substance called phytoestrogen. It is an analogue of the human hormone, which is responsible for correct work female organs and the production of breast milk.

Sage has a good effect on the state of the body as a whole. The use of herbs helps to significantly reduce the lactation period, reduce unpleasant, painful sensations in the chest area. To enhance the effect of the tincture, you can make special oil compresses and follow a diet. For compresses, take 250 ml of any vegetable oil and mix with two drops of sage, cypress, geranium, and peppermint oils. Soak a gauze in the resulting mixture and apply to the chest. Repeat the procedure every day.

Don't know how to wean small child from breastfeeding by doing it quickly? Take your time, because there are several rules that absolutely cannot be violated when weaning a baby from the breast:

  1. It is better to avoid cessation of lactation in the cold season: the child has reduced immunity, may manifest frequent colds. Only mother's milk can provide reliable protection due to the high content of immunoglobulins and antibodies.
  2. Summer is also not the best time because it is hot outside. There is a risk of infection.
  3. Even if you have already started the weaning process, you can make an exception when the baby is excited or scared. This will give the baby a sense of security at first.
  4. Even if you want to stop breastfeeding because you're pregnant, you don't have to leave home, as some suggest. This can cause stress for you and your baby.
  5. The period when the baby is sick, he is teething or he has been vaccinated, according to experienced mothers, will not be favorable for stopping lactation. Now give the baby as much milk as he wants to calm him down.

If you like the advice of experienced thinking doctors, you can listen to the methodology of the pediatrician Komarovsky. He will tell you how to properly wean a child with minimal problems. His methods are somewhat unconventional and can come across as harsh. They are divided into two categories: some help reduce lactation, while others show how to take the baby from the mother's breast. Watch the video and draw your own conclusions:

Breastfeeding is just a phase in the mother-child relationship. And one day the day will come when the last attachment of your breastfeeding history will take place. Every nursing mother sooner or later wonders how to wean a child from breastfeeding. This usually becomes relevant at the age of a child from 1.5 to 2 years. Whatever the reason for weaning, if thoughts of ending breastfeeding have begun to cross your mind, then this article will be helpful to you.

We talk about how to wean a baby from the breast and how to stop lactation in this article. You will learn what absolutely cannot be done in order to prevent problems with the chest, and not to break the emotional connection with the baby.

So, if you've made the decision to stop breastfeeding your baby, be patient and determined to take action. Let's get started!

The reason for raising the issue of weaning is most often the pressing public opinion that feeding after a year is not normal. Upon learning that the child is still receiving mother's milk, strangers, and sometimes close people, exclaim: “How? Are you still feeding? He's already so big!" or “Milk loses its beneficial properties after a year.” In fact, all these arguments are relics of the past. On everything post-Soviet space early completion of breastfeeding was practiced, and the transfer of infants to feeding with a mixture and cereals. All because young mothers had to return to work early after the birth of a child, the party dictated its own rules. And almost no one managed to feed their babies even up to a year. Times have sunk into oblivion, and public opinion has taken root in the minds of the older generation.

As for the usefulness of breast milk after a year of feeding, the answer is unequivocal. It is important to understand the mechanism of milk production in order to believe that milk does not lose its properties over time. useful qualities. Milk is produced according to the principle “demand creates supply”, i.e. the child suckles the breast, stimulating the release of prolactin into the blood, and milk comes in response to sucking. This happens in the first months of feeding and after a year, and after two years. Therefore, it cannot disappear, turn sour or lose its beneficial properties. Milk is made from the mother's blood and lymph. Vitamins that the mother receives, the child also receives. The number of immune cells that at the beginning of feeding, that after a year is the same.

It often happens that a mother is physically and mentally tired of frequent feedings, from hanging on the chest, waking up for suction at night. It happens that the baby is very naughty, arranges public tantrums, demanding breasts. And it seems to the mother that after the completion of breastfeeding, the child will become calmer, sleep better, wake up less often at night. But here it should be borne in mind that weaning is unlikely to correct mistakes in raising a child. The fact that a child, demanding a breast in front of everyone, crawls under his mother's jacket, screams and stamps his feet, is already a mistake of the mother, who did not set clear boundaries for what is permitted in the behavior of the child. You should always remember that in a pair of mother and baby, the main thing is mother. It is the mother who sets the boundaries within which the child can act. If you don’t want tantrums, don’t give your breast in response to the baby’s cry, let him calm down first.

And as for frequent waking up at night, this is, in fact, the norm for children. younger age. And it has to do with infant sleep cycles.

Child's age optimal for breastfeeding completion

One of the most popular questions for lactation consultants is: how to wean a one-year-old baby? Apparently, it is at this age of the baby that mothers are most often ready to complete feedings. How the weaning process will proceed depends on the age of the baby.

For the first 6 months after birth, only breast milk is recommended. If at this age there is a need for weaning, each feeding is replaced by feeding an adapted formula. To satisfy the sucking reflex, you will need to offer the baby a pacifier.

The scheme of transition to feeding with an adapted formula

At the age of a child from 9 months, some feedings can already be replaced with complementary foods. But additional feeding with a mixture will still be required. Sucking reflex is still very developed. You will need a blank.

Weaning a child under one year of age is highly undesirable. First of all, this is the strongest stress for the child. And besides, mom, being at the peak of lactation, exposes herself high risk lactostasis and mastitis.

When the baby has reached the age of one and a half years and older, it is no longer necessary to replace feeding with a mixture. At this age, almost all children are already eating regular food, and the breast is no longer the main source of nutrition. The sucking reflex may or may not persist, so you can use a pacifier at the discretion of the mother.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond if mother and child so desire.

According to experts, this age is optimal for the completion of breastfeeding. The child is already strong enough both physically and psychologically. Meals are taken from the common table. The sucking reflex begins to fade. There was an active interest in the knowledge of the world around.

In any case, every child is ready for weaning in due time. It depends on his temperament, family relationships and other circumstances. That is why, in the matter of weaning, a mother should focus only on her baby. His willingness to say goodbye to his mother's breasts will not be difficult to determine. If the child reacts calmly enough to distracting maneuvers of the mother, then the time has come. If no games and activities can switch his attention from the chest, if the baby falls into strong crying and “hangs” on the chest even more actively - it is better to postpone weaning, the child is not yet ready.

What happens to the breast after breastfeeding

You can often hear the recommendation to complete breastfeeding after waiting for the stage of involution. The involution of the mammary gland is directly dependent on the number of attachments, which naturally decrease as the child grows older. FROM gradual decrease the number of applications decreases and the amount of milk. The stage of breast involution occurs in terms of 2 to 4 years of feeding. It is characterized by the death of the alveoli, small blood vessels. Gradually, the glandular tissue is replaced by adipose tissue, the cells die off and lactation stops.

After breastfeeding is completed, the breasts return to their pre-pregnancy size. Sometimes for a year or more after the last feeding, a few drops of milk may come out of the breast. This is a variant of the norm, and should not frighten a woman.

The structure of the mammary gland

Stages of weaning a baby from breastfeeding

Competent specialists in the field of breastfeeding recommend adhering to the principles of a gradual decrease in lactation, and a gradual decrease in the number of attachments.

We propose the following step-by-step algorithm of actions. It is this sequence of decreasing attachments that is the most in a gentle way weaning:

  1. We remove feedings during the day (attaching out of boredom, if you miss your mother, hit or get scared)
  2. We remove feeding after dreams.
  3. We remove feeding for daytime sleep.
  4. We remove feedings for a night's sleep and during the night.

The duration of each stage takes from two weeks to a month. Thus, the final weaning of the child from breastfeeding occurs after 3-4 months, sometimes a little longer. No need to rush. Such soft will help the child to break the habit without stress.

During the day, try to distract the child as much as possible from the desire to attach to the breast: switch your attention to a book, a toy, interesting activities and walks. Try not to provoke the child: wear clothes at home that cover your chest well.

Schedule a month to start weaning. During this time, prepare yourself mentally and put things in order in the rituals of feeding.

Organize a specific place for feeding, and explain that from now on the baby will only receive breasts here. Let only this place be associated with his chest.

If the baby is used to falling asleep with the breast, you will have to slightly change the ritual of going to bed. You can add reading a book and a lullaby after sucking. Gradually, he will get used to falling asleep to the monotonous reading of his mother and the sound of her voice. It would be nice to connect a sleeping toy to the process of laying down. Baby's favorite toy that will be associated with falling asleep.

The last stage of weaning is laying down for a night's sleep without a breast. Introduce the plush toy into the ritual beforehand.

Finally, move more. A sitting mother is often associated in a child with breastfeeding.

Emergency termination of breastfeeding

Sometimes it happens that there is an urgent need to urgently stop breastfeeding. The reason may be a serious illness of the mother, taking drugs incompatible with lactation, purulent mastitis or surgery. How to stop lactation in case of urgent need, you should consult with a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe drugs that stop milk production. Only a specialist can choose the right dosage of such medicines. In the case of self-medication, side effects often appear. We wrote about a pill to stop milk production. If the mother wants to continue breastfeeding after treatment, the attending physician should be informed about this. He will select more gentle drugs. During therapy, you will need to express your breasts a little to maintain lactation.

What not to do when weaning

How to wean a child from the breast without injuring his psyche? Take into account the following recommendations:

  • Do not use the "grandmother's" method of weaning. Leaving for a few days, leaving the child with relatives is, to put it mildly, irresponsible. The stress that little man will experience, having lost not only the habitual sucking of the breast, but also contact with the mother - it's hard to imagine. And the consequences after such a "shock therapy" can be very sad.
  • Medical termination of lactation is a dangerous and ineffective method of weaning. Often, to suppress lactation, mothers are ready to take a miracle pill that reduces prolactin levels. Firstly, taking hormonal drugs will negatively affect not only the current health of a woman, but also subsequent pregnancies and lactation. Secondly, without weaning the child from the habit of breastfeeding, there is no point in extinguishing lactation at the same time. Milk will begin to be produced again in response to suckling. It is possible to stop lactation without pills.
  • Do not smear your chest with mustard, wasabi, brilliant green, etc. Not only can you spoil the baby’s stomach, but also scare. Beloved titya, a stronghold of spiritual comfort and warmth, suddenly frightens the baby so much - for him this is a real betrayal.
  • Tightening or bandaging the breast is an extremely unsafe method of weaning. Milk burnout is a real lactostasis. The milk ducts are clamped and stagnation of milk is formed, this can lead to serious consequences up to mastitis.
  • You can not limit food and drink for the extinction of lactation. Reducing food and water within reasonable limits will not affect the amount of milk in any way. But dehydration and bad feeling may well provide.
  • Do not replace night feedings with compote or sweet water. This is a direct path to the development of caries in a child.
  • Don't get mad at your child if the weaning process drags on. It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly wean a child from the breast. The principle of "one step forward, two steps back" often applies in this matter. Calmly and systematically move towards the goal. Show your child your confidence. Caress more often and pay more attention to the baby during this difficult period for him. Mom's mood is the most important thing in the process of completing breastfeeding.
  • Follow the no-go rule. If mom said "no", then it's final decision. Otherwise, authority mother's word will mean nothing to the child.
  • Postpone weaning if your child is sick, teething, or has to move house, travel, or start kindergarten. In a word, any significant changes in the life of the family - this is already stressful for the child. It is not necessary to complete the GW on the eve of such events.

Video: details about the end of breastfeeding.

So, how do you end breastfeeding as gently as possible for mom and baby? It is better to eradicate the habit gradually, without causing stress. little man, which is so dependent on the mother's breast. Mom's confidence and calmness - main principle during the completion of breastfeeding. Show your baby with all your appearance that everything is in order, mom knows what she is doing. Pay more attention to the baby during weaning, caress and provide tactile contact, then it will be possible to safely and stress-free complete lactation.