Cystitis in a pregnant woman. Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women. Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy

Cystitis is an unpleasant, but quite common disease in women. urinary tract with severe symptoms. Pregnancy is a period when the likelihood of its occurrence increases greatly, so the expectant mother needs to be able to recognize the symptoms in order to see a doctor in time.

What is cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammatory process that affects the bladder, or rather, its mucous membrane.

Epidemiological studies conducted in the country indicate a disappointing prevalence of the disease:

  • at the age of 18–20, every fifth girl suffers from cystitis;
  • by the age of 25, at least one episode of urinary tract infection occurs in every third female representative;
  • among women 18–40 years old, from 500 to 700 people per thousand suffer from cystitis.

Cystitis during pregnancy: causes and favorable conditions for the development of the disease in the early and late stages

Cystitis often develops on early dates pregnancy due to a decrease in overall immunity. Immediately after conception, the preparation of the woman's body for bearing a child begins, a powerful hormonal restructuring takes place, and all forces are directed to the formation of the fetus.

Cystitis is bacterial in nature and in 77.7% of cases, according to studies, is caused by the bacterium E. coli ( coli). It lives in the intestines and normal condition when it enters the bladder, it does not lead to inflammation, but is washed out with urine. However, a decrease in the body's defenses leads to its reproduction and, accordingly, the development of the disease.

Bacteria can also cause inflammation:

  • 5.2% - Proteus mirabilis;
  • 2.8% - Klebsiella spp.;
  • 3.9% - other enterobacteria;
  • 4.6% - one of the varieties of staphylococcus.

For more later dates cystitis can occur due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the bladder, which causes stagnation of urine and also leads to the growth of pathogens.

Symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis

TO warning signs, in the presence of which a woman should urgently consult a doctor, include the following:

  • feeling not completely empty Bladder;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet, some of which may be false;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • burning, sharp pain when urinating;
  • dark urine;
  • the appearance in the urine of blood and purulent discharge;
  • temperature rise.

All this may also indicate other diseases of the genitourinary system, so clinical and laboratory diagnostics are needed.

In order to diagnose cystitis, in addition to examination and questioning, the doctor prescribes tests.

  1. A general urine test is aimed at determining its physical and chemical properties, their deviation from normal values, as well as the presence of bacteria, which normally should not be more than 10,000 in 1 ml (exceeding this indicator indicates an inflammatory process).

    Urine in the bladder and kidneys is absolutely sterile, and bacteria enter the analyzes only from the lower tract.

  2. Bacterial seeding. If the number of bacteria exceeds the norm, urine is sent for sowing, where pathogenic colonies grow in a special nutrient medium and their type is determined. The presence of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and other microbes against the background of the inflammatory process determines the diagnosis of cystitis.

It is very important to consult a doctor at the very first signs of the disease, because from timely and right start treatment depends on its success. In addition, the suspicion of cystitis is not yet a diagnosis, and after laboratory research very different diseases of the urinary tract can be identified.

Types of inflammation of the bladder: symptoms and complications

Most often, bacterial (infectious) cystitis is diagnosed during pregnancy. However, there are several types of disease:

In almost 100% of cases in pregnant women, we are talking about bacterial cystitis, which is caused by strong hormonal changes, so other types of the disease will not be considered in this article.

In turn, infectious cystitis can have 2 forms:

  • chronic;
  • acute.

Acute cystitis and its consequences

For the first time, cystitis always occurs in acute form. Symptoms in this case are well expressed: the urge to urinate reaches 100 per day (an interval of several minutes), and the volume of urine excreted (often with the presence of blood) is only 10-20 ml. At night, the frequency of visiting the toilet does not decrease, but in individual cases incontinence is observed.

The acute form is also characterized by severe pain during urination and constant pulling in the lower abdomen. If you delay a visit to the doctor and treatment, then cystitis threatens other diseases of the urinary system.

Untimely treatment of cystitis can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, pyelonephritis (an inflammatory process in the kidneys), and women who have had it during pregnancy are at risk of having children with underweight body.

Chronic cystitis

After suffering acute cystitis, the likelihood of relapses (exacerbations of the disease) is high. If they are repeated, then they are already talking about the chronic form of the disease.

In chronic cystitis, symptoms may not appear at all, but only an increased urge to urinate persists. The reasons for its occurrence:

  • incorrect or insufficient treatment of the first case of the disease;
  • low immunity and frequent hypothermia;
  • use of spermicides;
  • violation of personal hygiene, especially with active sexual life, which leads to the re-entry of pathogenic bacteria into the bladder.

The rules of personal hygiene, among other things, also include one skill that little girls are usually taught by their mothers and which helps to avoid cases of acute cystitis and exacerbation of chronic in adulthood: toilet paper after urination, use only from front to back to prevent bacteria from entering the rectum into the urinary tract.

Treatment of acute cystitis in a pregnant woman: antibiotics and herbal medicine

The appointment of treatment for a pregnant woman is carried out only after receiving the results of the tests. Having identified the type of bacteria that caused inflammation in the bladder, the doctor selects antibiotics, without which it is impossible to stop the source of infection. Folk remedies and herbal medicine cannot effectively destroy pathogens, and are used in addition to antimicrobial therapy.

In addition, sometimes with cystitis, the doctor may prescribe an antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasms in the muscles of the bladder and relieve pain (for example, papaverine, No-shpu, drotaverine).

The use of some for the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is justified, since the risk of complications from the neglect of the disease for both the mother and the child significantly exceeds the likelihood negative impact drugs for the fetus.

Antibacterial therapy

Since most often the inflammatory process in the bladder is caused by bacteria of the species Escherichia coli (E. coli), as well as Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella, drugs that are active against these particular microorganisms are discussed below.

Antibiotics that have shown effectiveness in cystitis - table

Name Action spectrum Use during pregnancy
A semi-synthetic broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotic, active against Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, but not effective against most strains of Klebsiella spp.Application is possible if the expected effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the child. Category of action on the fetus according to the FDA - B.
Semi-synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group with a wide spectrum of action. Active against Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and some strains of Klebsiella.
It is a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.
It has a bactericidal effect on Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella.
Nitrofurantoin Refers to synthetic antibacterial agents with a wide spectrum of action. Active against Escherichia coli.
An antibiotic of the 1st generation cephalosporin group. Effective against E. coli, Klebsiella, but not active against Proteus mirabilis.
Fosfomycin (trade name Monural) Broad spectrum antibiotic active against Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella.

Antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis - photo gallery

Ampicillin is an antibiotic of the penicillin group. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic
Amoxiclav - a combined preparation of a wide antibacterial spectrum of action Cephalexin is an antibiotic successfully used for cystitis Monural - drug with active substance fosfomycin

Tablets and other dosage forms of plant origin

Despite the fact that antibiotics are the basis for the treatment of cystitis, the parallel use of herbal medicine gives good results.

Herbal medicines - table

Name Action The main composition (the full composition of the preparations can be found in the instructions for use) Contraindications Application during pregnancy
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory.
Water-alcohol extract from medicinal plant materials:
  • centaury herb;
  • lovage officinalis roots;
  • rosemary leaves.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance.
Allowed by doctor's prescription.
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antimicrobial.
  • herb succession and St. John's wort;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • lingonberry leaves.
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial.
  • flowers of stalk bicarp;
  • stems of reed saxifrage;
  • stems of madder cordifolia;
  • rhizomes membranous;
  • strawflower seeds rough;
  • the aerial part of the onosma bracts;
  • a whole plant of Vernia ash.
  • mumiyo purified;
  • lime silicate.
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial.
  • goldenrod grass;
  • horsetail;
  • highlander bird;
  • rhizomes of wheatgrass;
  • onion peel;
  • birch leaves;
  • fenugreek seeds;
  • parsley roots and lovage;
  • oil of orange, sage, peppermint, pine ordinary.
  • nephrosis;
  • phosphate nephrourolithiasis.

Canephron N, Brusniver, Fitolizin and Cyston - photo gallery

Canephron N is an effective phytopreparation in the form of a dragee and a solution for oral administration Brusniver - drug collection with diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect Cyston - tablets prescribed for urinary tract infections Phytolysin - vegetable paste with diuretic and antispasmodic action

During pregnancy, the risk of developing cystitis increases. The reason for this lies in the physiological characteristics female body: the urinary canal is located close to the rectum, so the risk of infection in it is always very high. During the period of bearing a child, the likelihood of this increases even more under the influence hormonal changes in organism. The pressure of the growing uterus on the kidneys and bladder can cause a violation of the normal outflow of urine from the body, and if an infection joins, the inflammation will rise up, and the kidneys will suffer. In this case, they will not be able to perform their functions normally and filter the blood, cleansing it of toxins.

Pain during urination is a sign of acute cystitis, i.e. bladder inflammation. Its occurrence is associated with hypothermia of the body. In some cases, the cause of cystitis may be an exacerbation urolithiasis or medical manipulations, as well as the entry of harmful microorganisms into the urinary tract.

The main signs of acute cystitis are frequent urge to urinate, but attempts to "go a little" cause sharp pains, and urine at the same time is allocated a little, one or two drops. Wherein discomfort persist, which increases the discomfort. Cystitis in pregnant women requires special treatment, because it has spread throughout urinary tract infection can damage normal course pregnancy, complications can develop that can harm both mother and baby.

Treatment of acute cystitis

Treatment is best started as early as possible. Be sure to contact your doctor antenatal clinic and describe your complaints: the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment, control the course of the disease in dynamics and be able to respond in time to emerging complications.

At the onset of the disease, women are advised bed rest, strict adherence to a salt-free diet, plentiful drink. Passive heat is recommended: you need to wrap your lower back, keep your legs warm. You can rub them with alcohol solutions or pour dry mustard into your socks. Decoctions of medicinal diuretic herbs are welcome: chamomile, kidney tea, knotweed. It is especially recommended to drink cranberry and lingonberry juice, warm tea with lemon.

In addition, according to indications, uroseptics and antispasmodics are prescribed. Doctors are extremely reluctant to prescribe antibiotics and sulfa drugs in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women - this can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus, however, with a combination of indications and the severity of the disease, this method of treatment is also possible.

From sexual activity for the period of treatment of cystitis must be abandoned. The husband of the woman must also pass tests for pathogenic microflora, if a deviation is revealed in his tests, he will also have to be treated.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the use of antibacterial drugs is allowed, in contrast to initial stage pregnancy. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe one of the the following drugs: "Cefaclor", "Cefuroxime", "Axetil".

As a rule, doctors try to hospitalize a woman with inflammation of the bladder so that the treatment is carried out under their supervision. With timely treatment, uncomplicated acute cystitis in women can be cured within three days without any special consequences for the body.

Prevention of inflammation of the bladder in pregnant women

A woman who is preparing to have a child should take a very responsible approach to planning pregnancy. It is necessary to treat existing diseases in advance, sanitize the oral cavity, and pass tests for hidden infections. The habit of emptying the bladder on time can be very important to avoid stagnation of urine.

Do not forget that acute and chronic cystitis is a serious danger for the pregnant woman herself and the unborn baby, which can complicate the course of both pregnancy and childbirth itself and cause illness in the newborn.

Therefore, try to be more responsible for your health!

Urological diseases are one of the main problems for expectant mothers. Most often, I diagnose cystitis during pregnancy, the treatment is selected depending on the duration and stage of the disease. How dangerous is the disease? What medicines and folk remedies are allowed to be used in the treatment of pregnant women?


Cystitis - damage to the tissues of the bladder mucosa by bacteria, which causes a focus of inflammation. Is it possible to get pregnant with cystitis? The disease itself does not affect the reproductive function and the ability to conceive. But if the pathology exists, you should undergo a course of treatment, and then dream of a baby.

Women are more likely than men to suffer from infectious diseases urethra, since it has a small length, it is located close to the anus. During the bearing of a child, all the forces of the female body are used to maintain normal development baby, which causes weakened immunity, pregnant women become vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether there can be cystitis during pregnancy is positive. This pathology occurs in 10% of expectant mothers.

The main type of cystitis is infectious, which develops against the background of damage to the bladder or nearby organs by pathogenic microflora.

Causes of inflammation:

  • neglect of elementary rules of personal hygiene;
  • hypothermia;
  • narrow underwear, thongs made of artificial materials;
  • infection often occurs during sexual contact.

In addition to infections, some drugs can be the cause of the development of pathology. The allergic form of pathology develops with hypersensitivity to the components of body care products, spermicidal gels. Allergies can be triggered by certain foods, condom lubricants, and medications.

Important! Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to endure for a long time if there is an urge to urinate. Emptying should be at least once every 3 hours, even if the desire is not very strong. Otherwise, bacteria will begin to multiply rapidly.


Cystitis delivers a lot unpleasant moments expectant mother, the main of which is frequent urge to urinate, while the amount of urine increases markedly. The urge can be so strong and sharp that sometimes a woman does not have time to run to the toilet.

Signs of cystitis during pregnancy:

  • the process of emptying causes pain and discomfort;
  • blood impurities appear in the urine, urine acquires Strong smell, becomes cloudy;
  • drawing pains, feeling of pressure in the pelvic region.

Important! Any of these symptoms indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the urinary system. A pregnant woman should not be ignored unpleasant symptoms to take medications on their own.

In chronic inflammation, the pathology can proceed without any special signs, it can only be detected by the results of the tests. Acute cystitis during pregnancy is accompanied by constant pulling pain, which increases during emptying.

Can cystitis be a sign of pregnancy? Frequent urges do not always indicate inflammation, often this phenomenon occurs some time after conception. The uterus becomes more sensitive to various stimuli, even with a small amount urine there is a desire to visit the toilet. If cystitis manifests itself as a sign of pregnancy before the delay, then the woman does not experience pain during urination. The problem does not require medical intervention, disappears on its own for 11–12 weeks, when hormonal background normalizes.

Exacerbation of inflammation occurs against the background weak immunity, hormonal adjustment organism. In pregnant women, stagnation of urine often begins, the bladder is not completely emptied, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. Many women have to deal with this disease until the very birth.

Without proper treatment, the infection spreads to nearby organs, which often causes inflammation of the kidneys. Bilateral pyelonephritis is life-threatening, treatment occurs only in a hospital.

Cystitis in the early stages can develop into an interstitial form, in which pathological changes occur not only in the tissues of the mucosa, but also in the muscle walls. This pathology is practically not amenable to drug treatment; with frequent relapses, the bladder is completely removed. Cystitis in the later stages often provokes premature birth the baby is born with low birth weight.

Pregnancy after cystitis is possible because the infection does not affect reproductive organs. But a woman will have to be registered with a urologist, a nephrologist throughout her pregnancy. At the beginning and end of pregnancy, mandatory hospitalization is required for maintenance therapy.

Important! If there is a history chronic cystitis The chance of recurrence during pregnancy is almost 100%.

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy

Since cystitis is most often infectious in nature, antibacterial drugs are always present in the treatment regimen - they effectively destroy microbes and other pathogenic microorganisms.

How to treat cystitis in pregnant women? Effective antibiotics with low toxicity - Amoxiclav, Cefuraxime, Monural. In addition to drug treatment, a woman needs to rest more, avoid stress, and follow a special diet.

Kanefron is a drug for natural basis, which is often and successfully used in the treatment of urological diseases. It is well tolerated, safe for mom and baby. The stave includes rosemary, rosehip peel, lovage, centaury. The drug enhances the action of antibacterial drugs, improves blood supply to internal organs, eliminates spasms, removes excess fluid.

From the diet you need to completely exclude all spicy, salty and fried foods. At the same time, you should not limit yourself in liquids, drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid, provided that there is no tendency to edema - this will help normalize the process of urination, bacteria and toxins are quickly eliminated from the body.

What to drink with cystitis for pregnant women? Expectant mothers can drink not only clean water without gas. Works great for inflammation urogenital area cranberry juice, tea based on birch leaves, lingonberries or rose hips.

An alternative method for the treatment of cystitis is installations. The procedure involves the introduction of medicines for cystitis directly into the bladder. This method of therapy is carried out only in a hospital, it allows as soon as possible eliminate the inflammatory process. The disadvantage is severe discomfort during the procedure.

Treatment at home

Many medicinal plants can alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman with cystitis - eliminate the inflammatory process and pain syndrome, improve urine flow.


Dill is an affordable and effective plant for the treatment of urological pathologies, it contains vitamins, folic acid, iron, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and bactericidal properties. The medicine is prepared from 15 g of chopped fresh or dried dill and 220 ml of boiling water. Simmer the mixture over low heat or a water bath for a quarter of an hour, leave in a closed container for an hour. Take a decoction in strained form, 75 ml three times a day before meals.


Lingonberry leaves allow you to quickly get rid of inflammation, saturate the body with calcium, potassium, iron, strengthen protective functions organism. The decoction has a diuretic and antiseptic effect, eliminates inflammatory processes.

How to cook:

  1. Grind 10 g of leaves.
  2. Pour in 240 ml of water.
  3. Keep the mixture on low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Filter, add water to the original volume.

Take 100 ml after each meal. For prevention, you can drink 60 ml once a day. Before use, the medicine should be shaken and warmed up a little.

Cystitis is a common infectious disease among pregnant women. What to do if signs of inflammation appear? See a doctor as soon as possible necessary tests, begin drug therapy. No need to self-medicate, even folk remedies can be used only after consultation with a gynecologist or urologist.

About 10% of women during pregnancy suffer from inflammation of the urea. This is due to the high load on internal organs and susceptibility to infection. The doctor decides how to treat cystitis in pregnant women; it is impossible to independently determine the method of therapy. Reception of many medications during gestation, it can harm a woman and an unborn baby.

An alarming symptom is pain during urination, the patient complains of frequent urge to deurinate. But the disease not only causes inconvenience to the pregnant woman, but is also a serious threat to gestation. Cystitis can cause such complications:

  • infectious process in the kidneys;
  • malfunction of the paired organ;
  • change in the placenta;
  • abnormal development of the child.

Methods of therapy

Cystitis during pregnancy occurs at any time and often occurs in an acute form. It is characterized by pronounced symptoms, causes a deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman. Pathology is detected with the help of diagnostic studies. A blood test shows an increased ESR and a level of leukocytes, epithelium, harmful microorganisms are present in the urine. At ultrasound examination noticeable thickening of the walls of the urea and the presence of residual urine.

In the acute course of the disease, the treatment of cystitis is carried out in this way:

  • the cause of inflammation is eliminated by exposure to pathogenic microflora;
  • symptomatic treatment to alleviate the patient's condition;
  • special diet;
  • bed rest.

Antibiotics during pregnancy

Such funds during gestation cause a change in the microflora, can provoke an allergic reaction, negatively affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, a woman should not be allowed to take antibiotics during pregnancy according to the traditional regimen.

At the same time, it is necessary to influence the pathogenic microflora, its spread contributes to the infection of other organs. urinary system. Therefore, we still drink antibiotics during pregnancy, but in a minimal dosage.


A broad-spectrum drug is indispensable for infectious diseases genitourinary system, it is recognized as safe. It is taken once for cystitis during pregnancy, the dosage form is a powder (3 g) or a granule. Promotes the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and the normalization of the urinary system.


This drug is used to treat cystitis somewhat less frequently, contains amoxicillin, and is also a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Dosage form- tablets, suspensions, solutions for injections. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account individual features.

In some cases, instillation of the bladder is required, the introduction of antibiotics and antiseptic preparations into its cavity. Washing is carried out using a catheter, which is inserted into the urethra.

Treatment of acute cystitis

Acute cystitis during pregnancy occurs abruptly, develops rapidly, is characterized by severe pain during deurination and in the lower part abdominal cavity. The woman's body temperature rises. Treatment of a pregnant woman is aimed at getting rid of pathological bacteria and removing the manifestations of the disease.

The doctor establishes the treatment regimen, the use of effective and safe means helps prevent the spread of the pathogen and the transition to the chronic stage.


Before prescribing treatment, a pregnant woman must undergo an examination, which allows you to establish the type of pathogen. Given the nature of pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor prescribes treatment:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. penicillin group(Ampicillin, Amoxiclav), cephalosporins (Cefazolin), fosfomycin (Monural). They can be used during the gestation period, do not pass through the placenta.
  2. Antivirals. Use drugs various groups. To improve the body's resistance (Anaferon, Interferon), to get rid of viral bacteria (Acyclovir).
  3. Antifungal. To combat fungal pathogens, Lamisil, Micomept are used.

Antiprotozoal drugs (Ordinazole, Metronidazole) are also used. It is strictly forbidden to independently make a choice of drugs, some of the above funds not used in the first months of pregnancy. If a woman is worried severe pain- prescribe antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine). For these purposes, non-steroidal drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen) are also used. With acute cystitis, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink, for rapid elimination infections.

It is strictly forbidden during pregnancy to use certain medications - sulfonamides and tetracyclines. They can cause deviations in the development of the child. Also, in the acute form of cystitis, washing of the urea should not be done.

Folk remedies

As additional treatment decoctions and herbal infusions prepared at home can be used. Funds from medicinal herbs can reduce inflammation, improve the condition of the mucous membrane, prevent the growth of bacteria and are safe during pregnancy. Treatment folk remedies carried out within 1-2 months.

To remove urine, drink teas based on bearberry and psyllium. The following herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • chamomile;
  • horsetail;
  • St. John's wort.

In the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, review the diet, remove spicy foods, and eliminate the use of salt. Drink drinks based on cranberries, mountain ash, birch leaves, lingonberries, marshmallow roots. Regarding the use of warming procedures during pregnancy, a doctor's consultation is required.

Treatment of chronic cystitis

This form of the disease is a consequence of untreated acute cystitis. Symptoms are blurred, treatment is aimed at preventing recurrence of the pathology, getting rid of the infection. It is very important to strengthen the body's defenses in chronic cystitis due to the possible activation of pathogenic bacteria present or the penetration of new ones.


It is quite difficult to completely cure cystitis in a chronic form during pregnancy. The main actions are aimed at preventing relapses. A woman should take medications prescribed by a doctor, follow a diet, drink more fluids.

Diagnose chronic cystitis in early pregnancy. During this period, the use of many drugs can harm the health of a woman and cause developmental disorders in a child. That is why instillations are used, which excludes the ingress of components to the fetus. For the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy by washing, the following agents are used:

  • rivanol;
  • dioxidine;
  • silver nitrate;
  • boric acid;
  • chlorhexidine.

If the causative agent is harmful bacteria, bacteriophages are used. Washing the urea allows you to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that are in the thickness of the mucosa.

The procedure is carried out after the preliminary emptying of the urea. To prevent infection, the passage of the urinary canal is treated with an antiseptic. Further medicine injected through the urethra. This method affects the focus of inflammation locally, which contributes to the destruction of the pathogen and quick recovery normal functioning of organs.

Medicines for cystitis during pregnancy are also used on a plant basis with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chronic cystitis during pregnancy is treated with such drugs:

  • cystone;
  • monorel;
  • phytolysin;
  • kanefron N.

Vitamin therapy and the use of probiotics are required to prevent exacerbations of cystitis.

Folk remedies

In the presence of chronic cystitis in pregnant women, you can use herbal medicines that will help avoid exacerbations:

  • a mixture of pine nuts and honey;
  • tea based on marshmallow and blackcurrant roots;
  • diuretic decoctions of horsetail, dill seeds, birch leaves;

  • bearberry infusions;
  • a mixture of honey and black radish;
  • cranberry, mountain ash, lingonberry fruit drinks.


Infectious inflammation of the urinary organs during pregnancy can cause serious complications, so it is important to take all necessary measures to prevent cystitis.

Before getting pregnant, a woman needs to go through comprehensive examination, in the presence of gynecological diseases or infections - to be treated. To strengthen the body's defenses, drink vitamins, eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene to prevent infection from entering the urinary tract. During pregnancy, wear cotton underwear, keep your lower back and legs warm, and stay out of drafts.

The content of the article:

Cystitis during pregnancy is a disease accompanied by inflammatory process in the mucosa and walls of the bladder. The danger of illness for expectant mothers lies not only in the discomfort delivered frequent urges to urination, but also at risk of ascending infection. Untreated cystitis can be complicated by inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy.

Features of the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

The complexity of the treatment of this disease during pregnancy lies in the limited list of approved medications that expectant mothers can use. It is worth noting that in most cases cystitis is caused by harmful microorganisms, such as E. coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, Trichomonas and others. It is possible to completely eliminate this pathogenic flora only by using antibiotics. And the latter during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Therefore, when the first symptoms of this disease appear, it is very important to consult a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive and correct treatment, taking into account your physiological state.

As a rule, women get cystitis in the early stages of pregnancy. During this period, their body is quite weak and vulnerable to infections. Immunity future mother oppressed so that the body could not reject the embryo. Thus, even minor contributing factors, such as hypothermia, prolonged absence urination can cause inflammation in the bladder.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the list of approved drugs is extremely small. So, a number of drugs (for example, a group of nitrofurans) are prohibited in the first trimester. Throughout pregnancy, you can not take drugs of a number of tetracyclines and sulfonamides. However, antimicrobial agents are often indispensable.

Your healthcare professional may prescribe a cephalosporin antibiotic or fosfomycin. Sometimes in the course of treatment it is required to carry out a correction of therapy. This happens after the sensitivity of the body and pathogenic bacteria to the drug is clarified. To do this, a special urine culture is performed.

Also, in the process of treating cystitis, analgesics, anticholinergics, drugs that relax the muscles of the bladder and, thus, reduce the intensity of the urge to urinate, can be prescribed. Remember that all medications should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Medical self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable!

In parallel with synthetic drugs, herbal remedies and physiotherapy can be prescribed. Herbal medicines play essential role in the process of getting rid of cystitis in pregnant women. The components of these drugs effectively fight harmful microorganisms that cause the disease, and, as a rule, are safer for the health of the expectant mother than pharmaceutical chemistry. However, despite the relative safety of this method of treatment, use herbal preparations uncontrolled is also unacceptable.

Regardless of which method of treating cystitis during pregnancy will be chosen by the doctor, it is recommended to observe bed rest, as well as consume a large number of liquids daily, if there are no contraindications for this (for example, a tendency to edema). The abundance of fluid entering the body will allow you to quickly "wash" the pathogenic flora from the bladder.

You should also follow a sparing diet for the duration of treatment. The diet of a pregnant woman should include nutritious dishes from vegetables, cereals. Avoid for a while if possible protein products, as well as spicy, smoked, fried, salty, sweet dishes.

Drug therapy for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy should be extremely gentle. So after complete examination doctor prescribes therapy based on physiological characteristics pregnant woman and her body's response to antibacterial drugs. These can be tablets (or in the form of powders), as well as special solutions, which are injected directly into the diseased bladder.

Oral medications for treating cystitis in pregnancy

The choice for pregnant women in this matter is small. Doctors usually prescribe two antibacterial drugs - Amoxiclav and Monural.

Amoxiclav is combined remedy for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. In particular, it is often used as an antibiotic therapy for diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia, complicated by acute respiratory infections).

The danger of Amoxiclav lies in the fact that it is capable of provoking a series side effects. So, it causes nausea, vomiting, can disrupt the balance of microflora, which leads to candidiasis or dysbacteriosis. Thus, the appointment of Amoxiclav during pregnancy can be justified only in rare and exceptional cases.

Monural is a drug in powder form. His salient feature in that it quickly penetrates into the blood, and about 99% of the medicinal substance is found in the urine. Another plus this drug is that to eliminate the signs of cystitis in an uncomplicated course, a single dose, that is, one dose of the drug, is sufficient. Thus, the detrimental effect of the antibiotic on the body of the expectant mother and fetus is significantly reduced.

In addition to antimicrobial drugs, with cystitis, pregnant women can also be prescribed combined herbal medicines. One of the most effective is Kanefron. It has almost no contraindications and can be used by pregnant women for different terms. It contains extracts from rosemary, centaury, wild rose, lovage, as well as additional components- riboflavin, Castor oil, mountain wax and others.

Kanefron has two forms of release - drops and tablets. As a rule, expectant mothers are prescribed the drug in solid form, since the liquid drug contains some alcohol.

The active components of Kanefron have a complex effect on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • The functionality of the bladder and kidneys improves.
  • The development of a number of infections is prevented.
  • The vessels and capillaries of the genitourinary system are relaxed, excreted excess water from the body of a pregnant woman, which prevents the development of edema.
  • Improves blood supply to the kidneys.
  • Spasms and pain syndrome are removed.
As a rule, several doses of the drug are enough to relieve all the symptoms of the disease. It is important to observe the recommended dosage of Kanefron. The composition of the medicine includes extracts of lovage and rosemary, which, with prolonged uncontrolled use, can provoke uterine tone which will adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

Installation of the bladder in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

In the treatment of cystitis in expectant mothers, the effect of medicines to the embryo. This can be achieved if pharmaceutical chemistry does not enter the woman's bloodstream. For this, such a method of drug administration as the installation of the bladder is used.

In this procedure, the drug is injected through the channel of the bladder. As a rule, antiseptic solutions, antibiotics, agents of the dimethyl sulfoxide and dimexide groups are used. Thus, the active substances penetrate deeply and quickly into the walls of the organ.
Sometimes ozonated solutions may be used. They have a good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Bacteria are not resistant to ozone. In addition, the substance penetrates into the thickness of the mucosa and leads to the death of microorganisms located there.

In addition to antibiotics, antiseptics and ozonized liquids, cycloferon liniment can be injected into the bladder. It is used to stimulate a local immune response in protracted or complicated forms of cystitis.

In general, the installation of an organ has a number of undeniable advantages compared to the traditional oral treatment of cystitis:

  1. A high level of concentration of a medicinal substance in the bladder, which is several times higher than the allowable norm for the content of the drug in the bloodstream. In this case, the chemistry does not enter the bloodstream and does not have any effect on the body of a woman or fetus.
  2. Prolonged stay of the drug in the organ cavity. The drug is administered after complete emptying of the bladder. Thus, on average, two to three hours before the next urination, active medicinal components show their full effectiveness.
  3. Penetration medicinal substances into the deep layers of the organ walls. So you can achieve a strong anti-inflammatory result even in cases with chronic form cystitis.
As a rule, one or two manipulations are enough to completely eliminate the symptoms of cystitis. Installation should only be carried out in a hospital setting. In the early stages, this procedure can be dangerous. Therefore, a doctor can prescribe such treatment only for special indications.

Phytotherapy for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

For the treatment of this disease in pregnant women, traditional medicine recipes have long been used. There are many of them, and you should also choose the right one under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman, so as not to cause a negative reaction in the form of allergies or side effects.

It is worth remembering that vegetable medicinal decoctions and infusions - it's not just herbal tea, which can be drunk uncontrollably in any quantities. This is especially important for pregnant women to remember. Many herbs have a stimulating effect on the pelvic organs and can cause, for example, uterine tone, bleeding, and others. negative reactions organism.

In most cases, herbal medicine is prescribed as a supportive or rehabilitative treatment for cystitis. The main blow to the disease is carried out with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, and then a restorative course is prescribed using herbal remedies.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs have an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, help to remove pathogenic bacteria from the body as quickly as possible.

Consider how to treat cystitis during pregnancy with herbal decoctions and infusions:

  • We take the rhizome of the wild rose and cut a couple of tablespoons of dry raw materials. Fill it with a glass of cool water and put it on the stove. After the mixture boils, remove from heat and leave to infuse in a warm place. After cooling, strain the broth through a fine sieve and take half a cup three times a day thirty minutes before a meal.
  • One tablespoon of dill pour 1.5 cups hot water and leave to infuse for half an hour. Ready infusion is taken one third of a glass 4-5 times a day before meals.
  • We mix three quarters of red rowan berries and one quarter of lingonberry leaves and pour a glass of hot water. Leave to infuse for several hours in a warm place. We take half a glass of funds half an hour before the main meal. For taste and greater benefits, you can add a small spoonful of natural honey to the liquid.
  • We take ten grams of washed birch leaves. Pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. We insist the broth in a thermos. We drink fifty grams of the drink three times a day with meals.
  • Six tablespoons of blackcurrant leaves are carefully chopped with a knife and poured with a liter of hot water. We leave to infuse in a thermos for about an hour. Then we filter the drink and add a little honey to it to taste. We drink this tea in a glass five to six times throughout the day.
  • Squeeze out the juice from the turnip and put on the fire, bringing to a boil. Boil for five minutes. Cool and pour into a clean container. We drink one or two spoons several times during the day. Turnip juice can be mixed with black radish juice in a 1:1 ratio. Drink this mixture should be three times a day for a spoon for 30 days.

Remember! Before choosing how to treat cystitis during pregnancy, you should make sure that you do not have allergic reaction on a plant.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, physiotherapy methods can only be used to a limited extent and under the strict supervision of a doctor. To get rid of the symptoms of cystitis, apply gentle heat to the area of ​​the bladder. Electrophoresis may also be prescribed.

Thanks to this treatment, microcirculation of blood flow improves, local immunity is strengthened. In some cases, it is even possible to eliminate pathogenic microflora under the influence of physiotherapy.

However, as a rule, in order to minimize the risk of harm to the fetus, only local warming is used during pregnancy. They are used to remove pain and inflammation in combination with drug treatment.

You can put a heating pad on the bladder area at home. To do this, you need to use a pharmacy device or make warm compress from boiled potatoes or calcined salt.

In any case, before using these methods of therapy, it is necessary to consult your doctor!

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy - look at the video:

Cystitis in pregnant women occurs quite often, especially in the first months of fetal formation. This is due to the weakening of local and general immunity. genitourinary system becomes more vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. This ailment should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor and with the use of gentle preparations of synthetic or plant origin.