How to build the right relationship with a man. How to build the right relationship with a girl. Either happy or not

We are always tempted to build life according to a certain plan. AT life together, meetings and first dates are always tormented by the question - how to build a relationship. Most often Life is going on our way, and not in the way we plan. If we understand in time what is changing and how, then it is possible that we can avoid disappointment and mistakes.

How to build a relationship with a man - women's secrets

The state of being in love allows us to soar in the clouds, build castles in the air and not notice the obvious. Even a loved one, we can endow with traits that he never had. This is one of the common pitfalls that lies in wait for us on the path to becoming a serious relationship.

A relationship between two people is a set certain qualities, skills, opinions, worldviews, mutual understanding of each person, which, when combined, can give how positive result, as well as negative.

It all depends on the ability to properly build relationships. And if all this coincides, then we can say with confidence that they will only be successful.

Naturally, the similarity in outlook on life only has a positive effect on the relationship between two people. However, knowledge of all the qualities of a person’s personality is simply necessary for normal communication and building future family. After all, knowing only interests, one cannot even think about further relations.

But we will no longer delve into the jungle of psychology, but we will try to reveal to you the essence of how to build relationships.

How to build strong relationships with a man

It is impossible to say unequivocally how to do this. The right relationship with a man is one that will lead in the future to happy life and strong family. How to build harmonious relationship+ with a man? How not to make a mistake when choosing a life partner?

So that the relationship between a woman and a man does not bring disappointment, a woman first needs to understand what exactly she wants from him.

Undoubtedly, most women around the world dream that her relationship with a man is ideal, correct. Everyone dreams, but not everyone manages to achieve this. And then many decide to put up with the shortcomings of a partner, just not to be left alone.

If you want harmony in your relationship, do not forget, take care of each other and support not only in joyful, but also in sad moments. Be honest with your lover!

If you dream of building right relationship with your beloved, then start working on yourself first, try to become better.

Accept your loved one as he is with all his advantages and disadvantages. To build a harmonious relationship, never try to remake it, adjust it for yourself, because there are no ideal people.

Do not be afraid to take the initiative - there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, it is much better than for a long time to wait for something, and end up with nothing. Long gone are the days when the initiative was offered exclusively by individuals of the opposite sex.

Do you want to build a relationship with a man? Never interfere in your joint problems with your mother and your girlfriends, as these are only your personal problems and only you can make the final correct decisions.

Try to spend time together more often: go to the cinema, the theater more often, walk in the park, because all this perfectly brings people together. Also, you can find some common hobby that you can do together.

Make your man nice sometimes romantic gifts, souvenirs and surprises. Men don't like it fewer women.

To build warm relationship, speak to your young man compliments pleasant words, words of love.

Do not quarrel and do not scandal with your loved one. But if a quarrel did occur, then try to make peace as soon as possible: just go up to him, hug him, and everything will be settled.

Be sure to show your loved one what a wonderful hostess you are, because a man probably looks at you as a potential future wife and the mother of her children.

And most importantly, always remember that in a relationship between a man and a woman, the main thing is understanding, respect and love. Always remember this, and the question of how to build the right relationship with a man will no longer bother you.

How are relationships between men and women

Do not hurry!

You should not see in the guy you are dating - potential groom. Your questions about his plans for life, and other provocative questions they can just scare him away and you will not be able to build a relationship with a man. And it’s not at all that you are not a “hunter for grooms”.

Frightened by your violent onslaught, the guy simply will not be able to see your true qualities. Sincerity, kindness, tenderness and other virtues. Just try to communicate, get to know each other better. It is possible that in the future you will have a strong and reliable family with a bunch of kids. Do not hurry. Everything has its time.

In more adulthood the concept of how to build relationships has a completely different meaning. Priorities, tastes and habits are changing. Each of the partners has their own views on life, their past and present.

Do not headlong to strive to start living together. It is possible that getting to know each other's habits better, you do not want to at all. And the irritation that has arisen can be replaced by disappointment that "all men are their own ...". And this is to blame for the haste and the desire to prove something.

Do not meet often and call. Especially at the beginning of your relationship. This can quickly get bored (it all depends on the personal qualities of the person himself). Better rarely, but productively. Meetings should be no more than 2 times a week. So you check your feelings for each other;

To build the right relationship, do not rush things. Rapid and drastic changes in your life can be detrimental. The reason is that it is impossible to get to know each other well in a short period of time. And this is the most important thing for further life together.

The second is the feelings that overwhelm you for another person, do not allow you to work normally and adequately look at everything that happens. Cases are abandoned, they accumulate more and more, and after that it is very difficult to sort it all out.

Thirdly, it is very exhausting, both mentally and physically. Such a quick turn of events can completely destroy all your feelings. As they say, a person burns out.

Be prepared to compromise

There is no need to bare your soul with complaints about past failures and a broken life. Losers are pitied, but not loved. Remain a secret for your chosen one. The more you blame your partner for negativity, the less likely you are to build a reliable relationship.

Do not quarrel over trifles. Try to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. Never lie and make it clear that you will never understand or accept deceit. Make more time for sexual intimacy.

Try not to criticize or try to change each other. If you feel support in your partner, this is the most best sign the seriousness of your relationship.

To build a relationship with a man, it is very important to behave respectfully towards a partner, not only in dealing with him, but also in dealing with other people. You should always decisively stop attempts to humiliate and insult your partner. With this behavior, you can not only raise your authority, but also the authority of your chosen one. Stay away from gossip and evil tongues. Take care of your happiness and don't let anyone destroy it.

Do right choice

Do not build a relationship with a person who is burdened big problems than you. This is especially true when one of the people is older than the other. After all, you may not solve the accumulated problems by different reasons(this may also be serious problems with health, etc.) And if you are able to change something, this is not a reason for a person to appreciate your aspirations.

Love yourself

There should be no one-sided self-giving. It can only make your relationship worse. Lost interest and that's it. Don't be jealous. After all, you have not sworn to each other in anything. On the contrary - if a person flirts with someone, do the same. If your flirting actions are not confirmed by anything, then you should not worry. This will bring you even closer.

It is always necessary to sincerely dream about how to build relationships. If you learn to go through distrust, then everything will work out in your life. in the best way. But never forget your dignity and remember that life is one.

When the main objective is achieved, then the woman begins to shine from the inside, and everything turns out well for her. After all, only when lined up normal relationship with a man, a woman can feel truly happy.

But, unfortunately, not all women can solve this problem successfully. For many of them, a relationship with a man is real problem. Find out more details in the video:

TOP 9 recommendations to make it easier for girls to build relationships with guys

  1. Don't try to rush things. Haste is not an option. Building strong relationship per short term impossible. It takes a lot of time. If you rush things, you can frighten off your partner. After all, it usually takes men more time to open up and take action. decisive action. Take it for granted and stop pushing him.
  2. Be weak. Men are conquerors and protectors. They are very pleased to feel that they are strong and brave, and you need their protection. Therefore, do not be afraid to look weak, but rather tell your sweetheart more often about your fears, about problems with colleagues, that you can’t cope with something. Let the man comfort you and pity you. Do not solve all issues on your own, trust your man, and assign some responsibilities to him.
  3. Away with ideals. Women love to invent ideal partner- a prince, and then remake your man under this image. It is important to understand that ideal people do not exist, just like princes. Do not suppress your loved one with your discontent and nit-picking. Each person is beautiful in their own way, appreciate it. And if you can’t put up with it, then it’s just not your person. Learn to accept your lover for who they really are. And then, he himself will begin to change into better side For you.
  4. Let a man provide for you. Men are breadwinners and breadwinners. When a man begins to doubt his ability to provide for you and his family, then his ego suffers. The partner may withdraw into himself and become depressed. A woman must create the necessary conditions in which there will be no place for humiliation and depressive state her companion. Your goal is to inspire your partner to independent accomplishments. Become a muse for him, and under any circumstances, remain a true woman.
  5. Be happy. Any man wants to connect his life with a joyful, smiling and good girl. But with a woman who is not happy with everything, always depressed and complains about life, he is unlikely to want to communicate for a long time. Remember: like attracts like. So fall in love with yourself, start enjoying life. And then your partner will take over your mood, and will begin to reach out to you. Thus, you will create a happy and harmonious couple.
  6. Down with scheduled sex. Sex is pleasure, and pleasure on a schedule is already boring. sex plays important role in relationships with the opposite sex. During lovemaking, a couple can become significantly closer, open up to each other, and tell something that would hardly be told in a normal conversation. Therefore, do not dose sex, do not limit it, do it when and where you want. The main thing in a relationship is to satisfy your sexual desires and enjoy it.
  7. Praise your partner. A man will be happy if you recognize him as the head of the family. Tell your partner more often that he is the best, that you are proud of him,. Do not spare couples to praise him. Sincerely admire him when he did something significant for you. He will shine from this, and be proud of himself. Do not forget to praise your loved one in the company of friends or relatives. Then he will begin to appreciate you even more, and will be immensely grateful to you.
  8. Be faithful to your partner. Always remain faithful to your companion, even if you are in a quarrel. And this also applies to life situations: do not tell everyone that the partner was wrong or wrong about something. Do not take out quarrels in public, and do not betray him in this way. Always be there no matter what. Support your loved one, even when you think that he will not be able to do something. Soon you will find that your loved one is ready for anything for you, because you really believed in him.
  9. Listen to your intuition. Only your heart can determine what you really need. Only it knows the answers to all questions. Therefore, listen to him more often, and not to the opinions of others. If you feel that your man, then do everything to be with him. Even quarrels are not a hindrance. Well, what if inner voice says that something is wrong and much does not suit you, then run away from him. After all, relationships should bring only happy emotions.

How to build a serious, strong and harmonious relationship with a man - 8 tips

In order for relationships with men to be not only passionate, but serious and strong, you must always take care of inner harmony in relationships.

Use these tips to keep your relationship happy and harmonious:

  1. Respect each other. Relationships built on mutual respect are the longest and strongest. Respect must be present in everything: in desires, preferences, tastes and opinions. Respect your partner both as a person and as a man.
  2. Learn to understand. Falling in love and euphoria pass, and after these wonderful feelings you must have an understanding of the chosen one. Understanding should be shown in relation to his actions, deeds. When you begin to understand your partner, you will always be comfortable together. And you will complement each other.
  3. Support your partner. Support has always come first in a strong relationship. Even if your chosen one seems strong enough to you, believe me, support will always be vital for him. Support your loved one even in small things, absolutely in any situations.
  4. Trust. Trust is another important component of any harmonious relationship. Without trust, relationships will turn into chaos. Trust the one you love, it's yours personal choice. try to believe him. And then, he will certainly meet all your expectations.
  5. Show care. Men are like children, they really need women's care. Ask him how the day went, what he is worried about, how he feels, feed him, make sure that his clothes are always clean and tidy. He will definitely appreciate your care and reward you.
  6. Create comfort and coziness. It is the girl who is the keeper of the hearth. The weather in the house and the microclimate in the relationship depend on it. A woman should be able to create such comfortable conditions in the house, in everyday life, so that her man always hurries home. In turn, the man will create all the necessary conditions for the woman, you will not need anything, and always.
  7. Diversify your leisure time. In order not to make relationships boring and routine, dilute them interesting leisure. Go together to the cinema, to cafes, to picnics, just for walks. Prepare an exotic dish for your beloved, come up with a joint game with him. Bring variety to intimate life. And then your relationship will sparkle with new colors.
  8. Romance. This is the most important component of a strong and happy relationship. It is romance that can bring tenderness, trepidation into relationships, it is at such moments that we forget all quarrels, all negativity, and begin to understand that we are very comfortable with our soulmate. Therefore, try to bring as many romantic moments as possible into your relationships, but at the same time do not make them too cloying and airy.

How to build a relationship with a divorced man

Quite often, girls are afraid to build relationships with divorced men. They just don't know how to do it right. Yes, it is much more difficult to build relationships with such men than with those who have never been married.

The main thing here is to understand and accept one fact - a divorced man will not particularly gravitate towards too serious relationship straightaway. Therefore, in no case, do not put pressure on him, do not immediately seek to start talking about life together and marriage. Proceed carefully from afar.

It is necessary to be quite careful in winning his heart. And only when he feels really good and calm with you, when he realizes that you are the one he has been looking for for so long, then you can try to talk to him about the wedding. At the same time, it is necessary to speak frankly with him, and in a sincere conversation find out the reason for his divorce. Thus, you will prevent a possible repetition of this situation with you.

How to build a relationship with a married man

Relationship with married man usually passionate, but complex. After all, a woman is always in limbo: she cannot be sure of the duration of such a relationship, a man often gives her only a little time, he can break loose and leave at any moment. According to statistics, such relationships are not promising. So you need to weigh the pros and cons before engaging in a relationship with a married man.

If a woman nevertheless decided on a relationship with married man, you must be realistic and understand that such relationships can end quite abruptly.

You must adhere to the following tips:

  • Do not criticize or blame your partner's wife
  • Do not abuse whims and moralizing.
  • Do not put pressure on your partner, do not demand a divorce. It is very dangerous to put him before a choice. A man must make his own choice.
  • More often show your tenderness for him, talk about feelings, and give amazing intimacy.
  • Don't force yourself in any way. Do not keep a man near you. He himself should want to be with you, and you should try to create an appropriate atmosphere for this: tenderness, comfort, and harmony.
  • Be patient. When a girl waits patiently, stepping aside, the man accepts the choice much faster. And most often the choice stops in favor of this most patient and understanding woman.

Only when a man realizes for himself that he is very happy and calm with you, that he is happy only when you are around, only then can you count on something serious.

Why is it impossible to build relationships with men

It happens, it happens that a woman is both beautiful and smart, but it’s impossible to build relationships with men. There can be many reasons, but the main ones are:

  • generic negative attitudes, not really good example parents. It is important to understand here that all people are individual, and situations are different for everyone. You can do much better than your family.
  • You have too high demands on men. Be kind to yourself and men. Let go of the situation, and more often give free rein to feelings, not reason.
  • The woman takes on the role of the man. Men are put off by this. They need to make their own decisions. Be a woman: weak, defenseless and tender.
  • Don't idealize your partner. Do not attribute to him the desired qualities, so that later you yourself will not be disappointed in them. Accept him the way he is.
  • You underestimate yourself. Love yourself. Become self-confident. Find a hobby that will bring you joy. And smile more often.

But it happens that a woman cannot build happy relationship because the man is simply not her person.

Men with whom it is simply impossible to build a happy relationship:

  • despotic tyrants;
  • gigolos;
  • womanizers;
  • irresponsible egoists;
  • alcoholics.

If a woman connected her fate with such a man, then best advice- it is to run away from him rather, towards your happiness.

And most importantly, don't focus on negative experience. Remember everything has its time. Sincerely enjoy yourself and your life, and soon everything will work out for you.

TOP 5 books on the psychology of relationships

And in order to better understand men, you need to start understanding male psychology and relationship psychology. To do this, we recommend reading the following books:

  1. Robert Johnson We. Deep Aspects of Romantic Love"
  2. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
  3. Michael Matteo "The Tasty and Healthy Relationship Book"
  4. Tina Tessina, Riley Smith "How to live in a couple and stay free"
  5. Andrey Zberovsky "13 ways to overcome the crisis of love relationships"

What is the main difference between couples that are inlove relationshipsand stay together for a long time (or even a lifetime) from those that quickly break up?

You can say that the first trite lucky to meet a kindred spirit.But I don't think it's all about luck. It's about the so-called "intimacy".

This is the first time I have emphasized this concept so actively. What does it really mean for men?

Intimacy is the foundation of stronglove relationship

Intimacy doesn't just mean sex. It is an illusion to think that every sex with a woman carries "intimacy" for a man.

True intimacy extends far beyond sexual relationships. It is based on a deep personal connection between two people.

Long-term intimacy includes the ability to understand your partner, accept him with all his flaws and oddities. Simply put, if you chose this man, then he attracted you with something, and you accepted it in him.

When couples say that the reason for their breakup was the lack of a “spark” in a relationship, as a rule, they lacked precisely this - real closeness, which is based on trust, acceptance, admiration and the ability to see best friend in a friend.

Yes, these simple words are the foundation of this "intimacy" between a man and a woman.If you want yourlove relationshipwere strong and long-term, you will have to work hard on its formation.

So, what do you think usually gets in the way of deep intimacy in a couple?How to start tearing down the walls of your shelllove relationshipkept at arm's length?

So that you do not have to puzzle over these questions, I have prepared some tips based on the experience of hundreds of personal consultations.

So happy couples who create intimacy in theirlove relationships, achieve this thanks to the following 9 rules.

  1. Full disclosure to your partner

Opening up or often misunderstood as a weakness. In fact, everything is not so.

Yes, at that moment you will feel vulnerable. But when you show your partner your vulnerability, it is perceived by him as a sign of trust in him. So you secretly tell a man that you are open to him. And in this case, you act like a woman.

If there really is “the one” next to you, he will accept you for who you are and will provide all kinds of support. Even more, he will thank you for being so frank.

In this way,love relationshiprise to new level on which there is trust, respect and understanding.

Vulnerability is the willingness to be the first to say “I love you” without expecting a similar response. It is a decision to invest wholeheartedly in a relationship where there are no guarantees. Where you can be easily hurt.

Vulnerability is asking for help, talking about your needs and experiences, instead of keeping everything to yourself. It is to be tender, weak, to be a girl, a woman.

  1. play like children

Love relationship, in which there are game elements, tend to be happy, strong and durable.

"Serious" relationships that are marked by a 40-hour work week, loans, taxes and other "adult" problems are more prone to decay.

Why does playfulness keep couples together? Maybe because the game takes us back to that carefree time - to childhood, in which there were no problems. The game allows you to relax and stop straining each other.

As strange as it sounds, when we allow ourselves to be relaxed, we become "real". We focus entirely on the joyful moments. And it brings us closer. Doeslove relationshipcloser, more intimate.

It doesn't matter what games you play with your lover: board games, with a ball in nature, tennis, role-playing games in the bedroom. It is important that at this moment you open up to him. And he is in front of you.

This moment of revelation is a kind of sacrament, your “secret for two”, which strengthens and, most importantly, prolongs yourlove relationship.

  1. be generous

generosity in love relationshipsshows a willingness to give just like that, and not in order to receive something in return. To give pleasure and happiness to your partner. Believe me, a man is pleased with your acceptance of his generosity.

Generosity is also expressed in the willingness to forgive him when he offends you, and sincerely ask for forgiveness when you offend.

Be generous with yourlove relationships. Give him your recognition, admiration, smile, joy. And your man will certainly thank you for it.

  1. Surprise each other

Surprises can breathe life into even the most "withered" relations . They can create truly magical moments that become a sip fresh air for those who are mired in everyday life and have already begun to forget why they live with their partner.

At the beginninglove relationshipall dates, conversations and games in the bedroom are full of surprise. Every day you learn about your partner more and more new things.

But over time, this light tends to die out if you do not deliberately take care of “throwing firewood” into it.

They still enjoy seeing joy and admiration in the eyes of a loved one. And this is one of the factors that keep them together.

Sometimes small pleasures are enough. For example, a gourmet dinner (cooked by you!) by candlelight, a surprise party for his birthday, or buying tickets for a football match.

Add the task of surprising your loved one to your weekly checklist and you will be amazed at how much it will bring you closer each time.

  1. Make time to be together

Work, household issues, raising children, books, series, social networks- all this takes a lot of time. This sprays the attention of partners, especially those who have been together for a long time.

If you are all in work, deeds and cannot yet refuse them, try to highlight maximum amount time and attention to your man. Otherwise .

You can write him nice sms when you are at work. Send your beautiful pictures. And when you stay nearby, forget about things at work, girlfriends and male colleagues or familiar men forever.

  1. Make physical contact

Touch has the ability to change mood, express feelings, give pleasure. Are you sick today? Lie on your lover's lap, talk about your feelings, or just be quiet while he strokes your head.

He returned from work extremely excited, dissatisfied with the requirements of his boss? Help him calm down. Take a foot massage, for example. Embrace. Kisses.

A chain of such actions can awaken in you and your partner completely natural desire have sex. Passion, which awakens during sex, destroys the walls of misunderstanding.

  1. Appreciate your love for a man

There is a lot of confusion going on in life that can affectlove relationship within a couple.

Imagine that someone maliciously spreads rumors about you or your lover. For example, girlfriends actively gossip that he has love affair at work at work. Believe it or not?

Here everyone decides for himself. But think about who you trust more?Is your doubt worth the risk you might expose your relations ? Is this a good enough reason to destroy them? You have to fight for your happiness. In fact, it should be appreciated.

Moreover, there are not always enemies who are trying to interfere with your happy future. Sometimes you have to work on yourself.

  1. shared dream

The goal that both partners want to achieve unites because it requires mutual understanding and mutual support.

As a result, "you" and "he" cease to exist. “We” is formed, which is an expression of your general opinion, yourlove relationship.

I am not saying that you must have far-sighted plans (for example, save up money and build a summer house). It can be something completely insignificant (a desire to spend a weekend together, to try something for the first time together, a joint hobby).

It is important that both partners want this. And it will definitely bring you closer and strengthen relations .

  1. Honor yourlove relationship

I'm not talking about respect for each other's feelings (this was already discussed a little higher), but about actually putting the relationship with a partner on a pedestal. Even more accurately, recognize your man as number 1.

And remember: everything that happens between you and your man concerns only the two of you. It is not necessary to tell in detail about everything to your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Usually, this can only hurt your relationship.

Telling, you violate the principle mutual trust, which is necessary to maintain intimacy with a lover. Your partner will be immensely grateful to you if you discuss everything that worries you in your relationship only with him.

Summing up

Any relationship, even ideal (as it sometimes seems from the outside), needs both partners to make certain efforts to strengthen and preserve them. And this process cannot go according to plan. The rules I have listed are just guidelines.

You are in charge of your life andlove relationship. You can listen to my advice, but you will have to make important decisions on your own.

Yes, you will often hurt each other. Both of you will make mistakes that you will regret. But you do learn from mistakes. That's the only way you can .

With faith in you

Yaroslav Samoilov

Most interesting articles Yaroslav Samoilov:

A long-term and strong relationship between a man and a girl is undoubtedly the result of a rather corporate work and the great efforts that both partners need to make, since no long-term relationship can be built on the enthusiasm of only one of them.

So, what is the key to a strong long-term relationship? Of course, this is classic love, respect and trust. “It’s trite, everyone has known about this for a long time,” you say. Yes, it is trite, but for some reason everyone knows, but does not use it. After all, it is from these bricks that the foundation of really high-quality relationships is laid. Often love story each couple begins with an ardent feeling of passion, which gradually degenerates into love, but later situations begin to occur that gradually lead to misunderstandings and, accordingly, quarrels, and we cannot understand why our soulmate does not understand us.

Council number 1. The main thing in a relationship, of course, is attention.

And the more attention you pay to each other, the better you can learn about the preferences, habits and interests of your man. And remember that your man is also worried about various reasons, struggling with all sorts of problems, trying to find his place in life. Therefore, as often as possible, show your care and attention towards him, he should constantly feel your support. After all, there is always a man behind the success of the great great work their great women.

Council number 2. Unacceptable behavior: “I came up with it myself - I was offended by myself”

Each person is an individual and those things that seem extremely clear and obvious to you, for him can be a real mystery. After all, it is not for nothing that a true joke goes among men: “ Women's logic“This is an explosion of the male psyche.”

Therefore, thinking about how to build a relationship with a man, never count on his personal ingenuity. He is not a psychic, after all, and very often men do not think out what they really want and what their other halves are striving for. Therefore, if you want something or something does not suit you, just tell your man about it directly.

Therefore, if you do not want to turn your conversation into another scandal, never talk about anything important with a hungry man. In this state, he becomes an evil, unbalanced and inadequate being. And this statement has long been proven, in the practice of many girls, a fact.

Don't argue with it, don't try to change it. Do not make decisions for him, even if you know how it will be better. No man will like it when choices are made for him or important decisions are made, he should always feel the power behind him. It is better to try, as if by chance, to advise him something, while adding that top choice, of course same, only for him. Thus, the man will be satisfied with his right decision and you will achieve your goal. And very soon you will be convinced that this way of communication will allow you to achieve much more, and most importantly - bypassing conflicts.

Council number 5. Never use blackmail as leverage

You can’t put him in front of a choice like: “Either me or work (car, fishing, friends, and so on).” Nobody will like it. Thus, you can only cause anger, and an even greater desire to go from you to the very fishing with friends.

Council number 6. In no case do not insult a man during a quarrel

After all, trust is one of the main points, without which relationships simply cannot exist. Think about it, is it worth it to continue to maintain a close relationship if you do not trust your partner?

lining up long-term relationship with a man - a difficult and painstaking task that requires patience, female wisdom, the ability to trust, and sometimes even in some situations to sacrifice oneself. Adhering to these basic advice, you will be able to create a strong happy union and carry that warmth through long years life together.

Only those who have already been burned so many times that they managed to chain their hearts into armor do not dream of love, if only they would no longer make mistakes and not experience disappointment. But life without it is not as easy and wonderful as it seems to them. Therefore, it should not be afraid and avoided, as well as in a hurry to fall in love or build a relationship with the first man that comes across. Indeed, many disappointments and scars, as well as fear of her, are easy to avoid if you know how relationships with the opposite sex are built and what is worth doing and what is not.

How to build relationships

Once you've met a man and a relationship is starting to form, allow yourself to relax and enjoy. You do not need to immediately analyze it, trying to understand whether it matches your ideal and whether it is suitable as a life partner. All these thoughts will only spoil the mood and steal the opportunity to get that feeling of euphoria that love gives.

About such important things you need to think later, when the passions subside a bit, and everything will indicate that he has serious plans. After all, the most important thing in a relationship is when both of them are easy, comfortable and good. Nothing should annoy, alarm, embarrass and upset you. If this happens, you need to think about what requirements it does not meet. this man, whether they are justified, whether they are fundamental and important to you, and whether you present them to someone else or know for sure that they can be fulfilled.

When you make sure that your demands are reasonable and the claims are justified, and you are absolutely sure that they are fulfilled by someone who truly loves a woman, then this is not your man and you do not need to build a relationship with him. Not only will you waste precious time, deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy life, but you will also put your self-esteem and future life at risk.

There is no need to assume that the proverb “To endure - to fall in love” teaches something good. It is not known who invented it at all, who needed to make women endure, be silent and endure male whims and fulfill whims. Yes, with a loved one you need to decide contentious issues, after all, we are quite different, but this does not mean that everyone should tolerate what does not suit them. When a person is not able to accept the carelessness of another, his laziness, rudeness, insults, infidelity, greed, stinginess, inability to behave with people, ignoring his interests and ingratitude, there is only one the right way- break up with him.

After all, who said that women should sacrifice themselves and their spiritual and physical health, if only someone did not say that no one needs them, old maids and generally losers. Everyone has something for which he can be reproached, therefore, as they say, “Who are the judges?”.

You can build relationships correctly, taking into account your interests and desires. It may sound selfish, but how can you create happy couple if a person is not able to come to terms with what seems to him to be shortcomings, and he suffers, worries and sometimes hates himself because he cannot love the second one, as he deserves. Who will feel good if someone who is unhappy lives next to him? Only a sadist who needs a victim.

Only those relationships can be happy in which both are happy. The person who inspires, pleases, delights, makes you feel at your best and see the beauty in the world is your person. You do not need to fight with him, put up with him, sort things out, find compromises, give in and suffer, ask or beg. You want to hear him, you want to take care of him and take care of him. And he answers the same. When a woman meets her man, she intuitively knows how to behave in order to build a relationship correctly. If she does not know something about him, she is not afraid to ask him or those who know him better than she is.

It is always comfortable with him, even when silence reigns, and everyone is thinking about something of their own. It's comfortable with him. It gives a feeling of security, reliability and security, even without doing anything specifically for this.

But sometimes a woman herself has such unreasonable demands on men that she suffers not because he is bad, but because she cannot fit him into that perfect image that I once created. She does not want to lose him, but she does not feel completely happy either. Here you can be advised to take a closer look at your list of requirements. When a person is truly loved, they even like how he snores, or they simply do not pay attention to it. Love obscures any things that might irritate others.