How tall are babies at 6 months. Emotional development of the baby. Mental and emotional development

The first serious date for the baby and his parents is six months from birth. The development of a child at 6 months is significantly different from what it was two or three months ago. High rates in the acquisition of skills and abilities allow the baby to become more mobile, independent and socialized by the age of six months. To assess the level of physical, mental and emotional development, a young mother can be consulted with the norms for a given age.

Increase in height and weight for a six-month-old child

Ideally, until the child reaches 6 months, he should eat only breast milk. From six months, gradually and gradually, other foods begin to be introduced into the baby's menu. That is why at the age of six months the question of the height and weight of the baby is quite acute. Increases show whether the child is full, whether he has enough mother's milk. Also insufficient or overweight may signal possible problems with the health of the baby.

Based on average statistics, the height of the child can be in the range from 64 to 67 cm. Its weight with this growth is from 6800 to 7200 g. In the sixth month, the baby will still grow by about 2-2.5 cm. His weight gain will be 600-700 g.

These are only approximate indicators for six-month-old children. Individual characteristics of height and weight should be checked monthly by a pediatrician. As a rule, they are calculated based on these indicators at birth. And children, as you know, are born both big and small.

Abilities of the baby at 6 months

Every mother wants to be proud own child! The most responsible parents monthly record the achievements of the baby in a special diary. By six months, the baby is changing day by day, acquiring more and more new skills. If we talk about developmental standards, what should a child be able to do at 6 months?

His abilities can be divided into several groups belonging to a certain area of ​​development:

  • physical;
  • tactile;
  • emotional;
  • intellectual.

Consider each of them and list what a baby can do at 6 months.

The kid can:

  • Roll over on your side and roll onto your back, a little later onto your stomach.
  • He grabs his legs with his hands and raises his head to them.
  • He tenaciously holds the toy in his hands, shifts it from hand to hand, takes it from any position, and not just from the hands of his mother.
  • Can hold two rattles in both hands at the same time, as a rule, the baby begins to knock them against each other.
  • Makes a semblance of a "bridge", resting his head and legs on the bottom of the crib.
  • Swinging, standing on all fours.
  • He tries to crawl, "creeping" to the object of interest to him.
  • Learning to sit.
  • Tries to stand next to a comfortable support.

Particular attention in six months should be paid specifically to the motor activity of the child. If not in six months, then in seven months he will crawl. In the meantime, many children are trying to "crawl". In other words, they raise the body, lean on the handles and push off with the legs. So they try to reach for a bright toy or something else no less interesting.

If the mother notices that much of the described does not work for the baby, it is worth telling the pediatrician about it. Also good for stimulating motor activity special massage complex. This is not the one restorative massage that mom makes. The course should be conducted by a professional children's masseur. Already after the first lessons, the activity of the baby increases, and the muscles become stronger.

The child must:

  • Pull objects into your mouth.

Licking and putting everything that comes into your mouth into your mouth is not a bad habit. At six months, knowledge of the world around us occurs precisely through the mouth. This feature will remain in the child until the time when he begins to speak. The baby's mouth is full nerve endings and receptors, which allows him to determine not only the taste, but also to form impressions about the size and nature of the surface of the object.

Knowing the inevitability of such children's exploration of objects through the mouth, parents should monitor the cleanliness of toys and the floor in the house. It is believed that if the toy has “native, domestic” microbes on it, then they are not so dangerous for the baby. A particularly attentive mother needs to be on the street, when visiting a clinic or other public places. A pacifier or toy that has fallen there must be immediately removed to the house until it is washed. boiled water with soap.

Child development emotionally and intellectually

The child is able to:

  • Engage in toys: examine them, knock, throw away and pick up;
  • Establish causal relationships;
  • babble;
  • Distinguish emotions (positive and negative);
  • Distinguish between one's own and others;
  • Understand what the subject is about, find it with a glance.

Intellectual and emotional development baby at 6 months is in full swing. The kid begins to understand the connection between actions and their consequences. Also at this time, the baby is already showing interest in food. This is good, since it is at six months that they begin to introduce complementary foods.

Parents should be wary if the child does not respond to sounds made near him, or does not ask for pens.

We develop and play at the same time!

For full development at six months you need to play games with the child. As you know, many cognitive processes are better absorbed if they take place in the form of a game. They can be directed to both the physical and motor development as well as emotional and intellectual.

Toys for children are needed for games. They must certainly be of high quality and selected according to age. Here are a few useful toys that will interest and distract the baby:

  • Developing rugs and arches. This type toys helps children establish cause and effect relationships. For example, a baby presses a button - a light comes on, a child hits a toy - she laughs, etc. In addition, fastening and unfastening clasps, pressing buttons, playing with Velcro help develop fine motor skills of hands.
  • Spiral puzzles in which you need to move the beads. This toy develops fine motor skills. However, you need to make sure that it is made with high quality: it does not have sharp corners and the beads are securely fastened.
  • "Shock" toys. This refers to squeaking hammers, drums, wooden spoons. Toddlers are very fond of knocking, realizing that their action produces a loud sound. Such manipulations are done by a child at 6 months with great pleasure!
  • Clockwork toys. This type of toy stimulates the baby's physical activity. The child so wants to catch up with a crawling bug or a jumping bunny that he involuntarily begins to move in his direction.
  • Toy cutters. At six months, the child's gums are already beginning to itch in anticipation of the appearance of the first tooth, and the baby wants to scratch them with something. Special pharmacy teethers are made of approved material, have roughness for better stimulation of the gums, they can be frozen. This property of theirs will come in handy later, when the child's teeth "crawl".

Another way to distract a child is. Many parents think so. By turning on the TV or computer, they win some free time to relax. However, not many children in six months are able to be interested in cartoons. Most people just don't respond to them.

Perhaps this is a kind of internal way to protect children from unnecessary information. Also, watching cartoons is dangerous for children's eyes. Therefore, pediatricians are advised to start accustoming children to TV no earlier than at 2-3 years old. So while the baby is only 6 months old, it is better to forget about the TV.

6 months - one of the first significant dates in the life of the child and his parents. The baby begins to get acquainted with new food, improves his skills. What should be the development of the child during this period? What does he already know how to do and what should be taught?

Physiology of a six-month-old child

The first thing a pediatrician does when scheduled inspection baby at six months - measures his weight and height, which compares with the data indicated in the centile tables. With their help, the specialist is guided by the pace of development of the crumbs. The tables show the average weight, height, head circumference, chest, as well as - permissible deviations above or below the norm. For example, for boys aged 6 months, the average normal weight considered 7.9 kg. But this does not mean that all children will weigh the norm in this way. Within the permissible norm, weight is from 6.6 kg to 9 kg. But if your son weighs less than 6.6 kg at six months of age, or his weight exceeds 9 kg, the pediatrician will monitor his physical development more closely.

Table of norms for the weight of boys

Table of weight norms for girls

There is also a special formula by which the doctor can calculate the weight norms: body weight of the baby at birth + 800xN (number of months). It should be borne in mind that the difference in weight gain may differ between breastfed infants and those fed with an adapted formula.

No less importance is given to height and head circumference. In the sixth month of life, the baby grows by 2–3 cm. Average values: 64–67 cm. Deviations of 3 cm in one direction or another are allowed. The normal head circumference is 42.1–44.6 cm for boys and 40.9–43.5 cm for girls.

At 6 months, the baby can change his sleep pattern. Now he spends more time in an active state, studying external world. The break between daytime sleep can be up to 3 hours. As a rule, at this age, 3-time sleep is still preserved. At night, the baby sleeps for 10 hours with breaks for feeding.

All the above data are average, since each baby is individual. The standard should serve as a guideline good health, vivacity and activity.

Another nuance of six months of age is the period of active teething. For some babies, this process begins a little earlier, for others it is delayed by 2-3 months. There are "unique" ones that retain their toothless state for up to a year. But the average baby "receives" his first tooth precisely by the age of six months.

Basic baby skills at 6 months

A six-month-old child is a person who can already do many things. He can:

  • independently roll over on the tummy and back;
  • hold the toys firmly with one hand in the supine position (the second hand serves as a support);
  • holding on to the finger of an adult, pull yourself up to a sitting position from a lying position. Some babies already sit confidently without support;
  • push off with legs from the surface with support in a standing position. Someone can already stand, holding on to a support;
  • crawl in a way that suits him. Not all babies go through the crawling phase. Some "skip" it;
  • play independently up to 15 minutes;
  • pick up toys from any surface;
  • look for a hidden toy at the request of an adult.

The psycho-emotional development of a child at six months also has its own characteristics. The baby improves his speech by imitating different sounds. He masters the "passive vocabulary", demonstrating an understanding of what an adult tells him. He recognizes the voice of his parents and knows how to keep his distance from strangers. He understands the causal relationship: for example, he knows that if you press a button on a toy, music will start playing. At six months, the baby is actively interested in all subjects, so parents should create as much as possible safe conditions in the house.

What nuances should alert adults?

  • the baby does not sit down even with support;
  • not able to shift objects from hand to hand;
  • does not respond to sound;
  • does not recognize mom and dad and does not try to babble.

For a six-month-old baby, close psycho-emotional contact with parents is very important, which in a positive way affects its further development.

Caring for a 10 month old baby

At six months, the period of acquaintance of the child with adult food begins. Where to start complementary foods can advise a pediatrician. According to WHO recommendations, first, the child's diet includes vegetable puree. But for small children, a specialist may recommend starting complementary foods with cereals.

Energy costs six months old baby are no longer covered by breast milk alone. But it is important that the child is ready for the introduction of adult food into the diet. After all, the principle of using mashed potatoes is different than milk. Doesn't work here sucking reflex. Therefore, if the baby cannot cope with other food, chokes and spits out mashed potatoes or porridge, you can wait a bit with complementary foods. Individual Mode Introduction to Adult Foods is designed for toddlers with allergies or gastrointestinal problems.

A video that will help you understand how to properly introduce complementary foods

At six months, babies love to swim. Bath procedures they can be arranged every day, drawing water into an adult bath. It is better to bathe an hour after eating. Optimum temperature water +37 C.

After each diaper change, the baby's bottom is cleaned with wet wipes Or washing it under a tap. It is advisable not to forget about air baths: if possible, leave the baby without a diaper.

Walking is important at this age. fresh air. You can choose the time for them both during daytime sleep and wakefulness of the crumbs. IN summer period the child can spend the whole daylight hours in the fresh air. In winter, you need to walk twice a day for 1.5–2 hours. Reasons for canceling a walk can only be strong wind, rain and frost -10–15 degrees.

Educational games with a baby in six months

Six-month-old babies love to play with adults. Boxes, balls, matryoshkas, soft cubes, musical toys. Books with bright large pictures arouse interest.

What games can you come up with for the crumbs?

  • nursery rhymes "Forty Crow", "Ladushki";
  • hide and seek (you can hide a toy under the diaper and ask the child to find; children also love the game “where are you”);
  • simple sorters consisting of large items;
  • "get the toy" - parents push back interesting subject and ask the baby to get it.

All toys and games aimed at stimulating development will be relevant at this age. fine motor skills hands

Video on the topic "Games with kids"

Do not forget about massages and physiotherapy exercises. Massages are best done before bathing. And a special ball is well suited for performing exercises and developing coordination.

Gymnastics for kids (video)

What Dr. Komarovsky says about the development of children at 6 months

A well-known doctor, whose opinion is authoritative for many mothers and grandmothers, believes that the pace of development of crumbs at 6 months is individual. Therefore, the child should not, for example, sit on his own at six months. He will sit down when his spine is fully strengthened. And this can happen at 7 and 8 months. If the baby, when trying to plant it, still collapses, then this is an indicator of its unavailability. Development can be stimulated by therapeutic gymnastics, massages, crawling.

He also has his own opinion about complementary foods: If a nursing mother can afford a full and varied diet(that is, vegetables, fruits, meat, bread, and fish), if parents are able to purchase a high-quality adapted milk formula for their child, and so, subject to all these conditions, until the baby reaches the age of six months, you do not need to feed anything .

E. Komarovsky

Any New Product administered with a microdose: at the tip of a spoon. If the child does not want - no need to insist. The order of introducing products into the diet is also determined individually.

Video on the topic "Dr. Komarovsky about complementary foods"

A baby at the age of six months actively explores the world. The task of parents is to help him do this safely and profitably.

Six months is one of significant dates in the life of every child. It is after this moment that the formation of a full-fledged personality begins. Every day, the little one gets more and more new skills, more and more often surprises parents with the manifestation of individual character traits.

At 6 months, the child is actively developing physiologically and mentally. In this regard, there is a change in the daily routine and nutrition. For children at this age, the improvement of speech is characteristic, although this happens passively, imperceptibly to others. By six months, the baby perfectly recognizes the voices of mom and dad, reacts to his name and the names of his favorite toys.

Features of physical development

In order to determine the level of development of a child of 6 months, experts use special tables. The data will be different depending on the gender of the baby. The boy should have a weight of 6.4 to 9.8 kg, height from 63.3 to 71.9 cm. For a girl, the indicators will be slightly different. Weight - from 5.7 to 9.3 kg, height - from 61.2 to 70.3 cm.

A 6-month-old child already knows how to independently change position, turning over from his back to his stomach or to his side. The baby is actively preparing to start crawling soon: without rising from the surface, it moves a little back and forth, spins. He is already reaching out to mom or dad, demonstrating that he wants to handle.

toddler skills

What can a 6 month old baby do? In fact, the little ones can already do a lot.

  • Toddlers were able to adequately learn coups from the back to the tummy and vice versa.
  • All children are freed from the pronounced muscle strain, the so-called physiological hypertonicity, which manifests itself in many infants.
  • The baby can hold the hand of adults with his fingers, rise from a lying position with support from his parents.
  • Some children at this age already know how to sit without assistance.
  • A 6-month-old baby can, lying on its stomach, lean on the bed with one hand and grab a toy with the other.
  • Toddlers are constantly trying to crawl on all fours or pull the body, leaning on the elbows. Movements are most often aimed at approaching the subject of interest.
  • If the child is supported under the armpits, he pushes off with his legs, making "dancing" movements.
  • Some babies are already trying to get up, holding on to furniture.
  • The baby grabs toys with one hand, can shift them to the other. He holds objects in two hands. Children throw and pick up the toy many times in a row, carefully watching this process.
  • If you hide your favorite toy, the baby starts searching, he is already able to detect the object if it is covered with something.
  • At six months, the baby plays independently for 10 to 15 minutes. Interest is the repetition of actions that work well: unfolding and folding a piece of fabric, opening and closing a box, and others.
  • Six months of age is often marked by the appearance of the first tooth. Usually this is the central incisor on mandible. At this time, it is worth visiting the dentist for the first time, who will draw a conclusion about the development of the jaws.

Features of psychoemotional development

This aspect is very important for the development of a child at 6 months, so you should pay attention to it. What can the baby do?

  • Now crying appears only in the presence of physiological inconvenience. The babbling is gradually improving, replenishing with new combinations of sounds. Sometimes it gives the impression that the baby is already talking and pronouncing whole words. However, the child is only trying to repeat the sounds heard. It is too early to call such an imitation speech. The development of the baby by the beginning of the seventh month will allow him to learn up to 40 different sounds.
  • Now the baby is becoming more and more interested in the meaning of the words spoken by adults. He can look for a toy or an object that mom is talking about.
  • The baby easily recognizes the voices of loved ones even when he does not see them. When he hears his mother's voice, for example, from the hallway, he signals this with a cry.
  • Most children already show their love and affection for their parents in every possible way, cuddle up to them. As for relationships with strangers, at 6 months the baby no longer experiences such fear as it was before, but keeps his distance.
  • The baby's thinking continues to develop, the simplest cause-and-effect relationships are being formed. For example, he knows that when an object falls on the floor, a knock is heard, when a button is pressed interactive toy music will appear, if he starts crying, his mother will definitely come. Experts say that judging significant changes in the intellectual plan of the child, it is possible when he has fears. This indicates not only an understanding of the connection between phenomena, but also their foresight.
  • 6 month old baby showing interest practical features various items.

Test to check the development of a six-month-old baby

In order to perform such a check, you need to implement the following steps.

  • It is worth attracting the attention of the little one with a toy and holding it at a distance of 30 cm. He should look at the object, separating it from all surrounding things.
  • When the baby is lying down, shake the rattle in front of him, and then slowly move it away. kid with additional support able to get up and sit down.
  • Offer the baby first bright toy and then a bottle. Reaction to various items should be different. At the sight of food, he will open his mouth or reproduce sucking movements. The toy is refreshing.
  • Child development at 6 months allows him to repeat the facial movements of his parents: smile, lower his eyebrows.
  • If often mom and dad call the child by name, then in given age the baby is able to actively respond to this.
  • When the child holds the toy in the handle, try to pull it towards you. The skills of the little one allow him to hold the object quite firmly and resist actions that he does not like.

anxiety symptoms

At 6 months, the development of the child is quite intensive. Parents should carefully monitor his condition and be sure to consult a doctor if the following features are present.

  • The baby does not make attempts to sit down, even if he is helped.
  • When parents support the baby under the armpits, he does not show activity and does not “dance”.
  • A baby at 6 months does not have a reaction to sounds localized in places that are not visible to him.
  • The baby cannot transfer objects from one hand to another.
  • Doesn't ask to be picked up.

The development of a 6-month-old child allows him to recognize close people, smile at them, babble. If there are no such skills, this serves as a signal for parents.

Complementary feeding

When a baby turns six months old, it's time to get acquainted with "adult" food. Most often, fruits and vegetables are used for this. It is recommended to introduce complementary foods only after consultation with a specialist who will be able to correctly compose a menu that meets the individual needs of the baby.

Untimely or incorrect use of complementary foods can have serious Negative consequences For child health. During the first year of life digestive system only formed, as well as immunity. Violations of this process sometimes do not appear immediately, but after a few years. For this reason, it is necessary to approach the use of additional products for feeding the baby.

How to play with a six month old baby?

The normal development of a child at 6 months requires the opportunity to engage in "research", which is facilitated by certain subjects:

  • containers with lids that can be easily opened and closed;
  • interactive toys that make sounds when a button is pressed;
  • rattles;
  • a developing object that can stretch or shrink.

It is important to teach the child to look for a familiar thing. To do this, you should ask a simple question: “Where is the machine?”. Standing with the baby in front of the mirror, ask where he is, and where is mom or dad, and then show him where whose reflection is. The peanut should be able to show where someone is.

We must not forget about individual features a child at 6 months old, that the development of one crumb may differ from the abilities of another. However, he should have an elementary set of the skills described above. Their formation should be carefully taken care of. This will be his pledge. good health, normal level intellectual and physical abilities.

At 6 months, they begin to introduce the baby to new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, and begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Newborn baby

The main thing that a newborn needs is bodily contact with the mother, warmth and breastfeeding. These needs will be the most important throughout the entire neonatal period - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are an increase in weight from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to keep the head in a prone position and eye contact with mom.

Baby 2 months

A two-month-old baby is very sociable and mobile: he smiles at his mother, reports his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with might and main, sometimes hitting a suspended toy.

Baby 3 months

At three month old baby the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Baby 4 months

At 4 months, most children can roll over and are increasingly interested in the world around them: their vision acquires an "adult" quality, and their hands are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month-old baby is preparing to crawl - spins around the navel, rolls. May be interested in adult food. Often the first tooth is on the way.

Baby 6 months

At 6 months, they begin to introduce the baby to new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are just trying to tear their bodies off the floor. Some master sitting before crawling. Many stand up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for it with a glance. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well, can get up with support from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The kid can stand and step over, holding on to the support. A "tweezer grip" appears - the child can now take objects large and index fingers. Gums and teething teeth need increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many babies take their first steps. The kid is fascinated by picking up items in boxes and scattering them, closing and opening lids.

Child 11 months

At 11 months, many children begin to walk and master the actions with objects that correspond to their purpose: the doll is put to bed, goods are transported by car. Some children have their first words.

Child 1 year old

A one-year-old baby understands and performs simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, manipulates with a pyramid, cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child actively and varied moves, knows how to run. Learns to use a spoon, knows how to drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, it almost stops in weight gain and growth.

Child 1.5 years

At a year and a half, the baby speaks about 40 words, the first sentences may appear. Interested in books - looking at pictures, turning pages. Learns to use pencils, begins to master dressing skills.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby is usually already oriented in simple forms and flowers, watches with interest the children playing ("plays nearby"). Can negotiate last words in familiar verses.

Child 2 years old

By this age, many children master the potty, learn to eat neatly themselves. The child can listen to the explanations of the adult, some children begin to ask questions.

Child 2.5 years

At two and a half years, children begin to say "I" about themselves. The kid can learn to ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, draw and sculpt from plasticine with pleasure.

Child 3 years old

A three-year-old child can dress and wash independently. Communicates with other children in the game, can observe simple rules. Very inquisitive and seeks independence.

At 6 months, the baby can usually roll over from back to side, from back to stomach, from stomach to back. A 6-month-old baby is actively preparing for crawling: without raising his stomach, crawls forward, crawls back, spins, lies on his stomach for a long time, resting on the palms of straightened arms. The development of a child of 6 months allows him to stand on straightened legs a little with support for both hands or under the armpits and for a short time sit with support for two or one hand. A 6 month old often makes attempts to bend forward from a supine position. Pulls both hands to mom - expresses a desire to be picked up.

Height and weight of a child 6 months old data of domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children at the age of 6 months, WHO data

Baby food at 6 months

When breastfeeding, the feeding regimen changes. At night, the most active sucking shifts to the last 2-3 hours before awakening. In the first half of the day, a 6-month-old baby sucked during the night is rarely applied to the breast, in the evening the attachments become frequent. At 6 months, regurgitation disappears completely or becomes isolated.

During breastfeeding the child begins to rest his arms against his mother, as if starting from her. This is another stage of separation from the mother, as well as a test of their new bodily capabilities. Mom should accept this behavior of the baby.

Usually begins at 6 months introduction to adult foodpedagogical complementary food. The child shows an active food interest - this is new stage in its development, and not evidence of a lack of milk in the mother or malnutrition of the baby. So far, he is only trying new tastes, adapting to the characteristics of food that is different from breast milk. From 6 months, you can give the child to try both foods recommended for complementary foods at this age (vegetables, fruits and mashed potatoes, cereals), and safe (dietary, non-allergenic) food from the table of adult family members. Volumes new food until they are tangible.

Baby care at 6 months

Night sleep lengthens, 2-3 appear daytime sleep 30 minutes - 2 hours.

Cognitive development of the child 6 months

At the age of 6 months, the child can follow the movement of the toy for a long time. He reaches out to her, grabs her, holds her. He spends a long time with one object: he takes toys from different positions, shifts from one hand to another, pulls them into his mouth, pushes them away, examines them, listens to their sound (melody). A child of 6 months is able, holding a toy, to roll over on his side, on his stomach, on his back. In the game, he tries to find a toy suddenly hidden (looks in, pulls off his handkerchief). Tries to imitate the movements of an adult: pats, knocks, squeezes, shakes the toy.

Emotional and social development of a child 6 months

Around the age of 6 months, the child develops an emotional preference: a favorite toy appears. The kid smiles in response to the gentle tone of the adult's voice, frowns at a strict tone of voice, gets scared loud sounds. A 6-month-old child may be emotionally tense with difficult actions and movements. Around the age of 6 months, the baby becomes alert or even frightened at the sight of stranger or in a new environment.

Speech development of a 6-month-old baby

He listens to the voice of an adult, echoes him with syllables from his babble, turns to his name. A 6-month-old child looks in the direction of a familiar object to an adult's question: "Where is something?". Development speech apparatus allows a child of 6 months to pronounce vowel sounds in a long way. The baby often pronounces syllables (babbles) in the process of independent wakefulness, clear phonemes of the native language, individual rhythm appear in babbling. A child of 6 months repeats some sounds and syllables from his babble after an adult. Imitates adult voice intonations (expressive): "sneezes", "coughs", "laughs".

household skills

Holds mother's breast while suckling. He opens his mouth in front of a spoon, removes food with his lips, eats semi-thick food from a spoon.

In this article:

Almost all parents are looking forward to when the baby is 6 months old, rightly believing that from that moment it will be easier to establish contact with him, study, play and just spend time with him.

Indeed, 6 months is the first serious milestone for a child from the moment of his birth. At this time, the baby masters one of the important skills - learning to sit, and the development of speech and independence is also enhanced. Let's talk about how the physical and mental development A 6-month-old baby, what daily routine is most typical for this age and how parents can take advantage of the baby.

How does the baby gain height and weight

It is perfectly normal for a 6-month-old baby to continue breastfeeding. In the same period, other products appear in the baby's diet: complementary foods begin, which many start with fruit juices, purees and vegetables.

You can judge how much a baby has enough breast milk at 6 months by weight gain. If the weight of the child is very different from the norm for this age, you should contact the pediatrician to rule out health problems.

The average for a 6-month-old baby is considered to be a weight ranging from 6800 to 7200 g and a height of 64 to 67 cm. It is worth noting that boys are usually larger than girls. Also, a lot depends on whether the baby was born on time or was premature. Typically, weight gain in children that results from premature birth, is not so active.

During the entire sixth month, if everything goes well and the baby does not have to fight illnesses, he will grow a few centimeters and add an average of 600 to 800 grams. The indicators are conditional, but can be used as a baseline for parents who are used to paying attention to the norms of pediatricians.

What can a baby in six months?

The desire to see your 6-month-old baby ahead of their peers in development is quite normal for parents. They are insanely proud of each new achievement of the baby, they keep special diaries where they record successes by pasting photos.

In fact, the level of ability of a child at this age does not necessarily have to be above average. It will be enough if the baby can master the basic skills in relation to the physical, mental, sensory development corresponding to his age.

Features of physical development

The physical development of a 6-month-old baby implies that he will be able to:

motor development six month old baby allows him to master the skills of crawling at this age, albeit in an unusual way - for example, back. If you can’t do it in 6 months, you will definitely succeed in a month later. Parents can motivate the baby to crawl by captivating him with his favorite toys.

Why is it so important to learn to crawl before the baby begins to master the skills of walking? The main reason is the need to strengthen muscle corset, which must be prepared for future loading in an upright position while walking.

If at 6 months the motor development of the baby is noticeably behind, you can consult a pediatrician and take a general course. therapeutic massage. Usually, even 10 sessions are enough for the baby’s activity to improve significantly, the muscles to get stronger and the strength for new exploits to appear.

How does the sense of touch develop in six months?

It is absolutely normal for a six-month-old baby to taste everything that comes his way. The child completely unconsciously licks and sucks toys, books, miscellaneous items to which he has access.

Parents often try to stop these activities, considering them not more than bad habit. In fact, this is another stage in the development of the baby, at which he gets acquainted with the world around him in his own way - with the help of his mouth.

The desire to taste everything in children persists for a long time - up to a year or even two. The thing is that the presence of numerous receptors and nerve endings in the mouth help the baby get to know the subject better.

Parents should understand and accept this, making efforts to available to the child toys and objects in the house were as clean as possible. Especially attentive parents need to be in in public places and on the street, making sure that unnecessary things do not get into the child’s mouth, including a pacifier that has been on the floor or ground.

Features of the mental development of children in six months

A six-month-old baby already, as a rule, lives according to the regime established a few months earlier and familiar to him. He sleeps at the prescribed hours during the day, hardly wakes up at night, eats, walks, bathes at a certain time.

A baby at this age for a long time devote to games with toys and different improvised objects that will be opened and closed, shifted, tried to put on top of each other, thrown and again tasted.

Despite the baby's ability to amuse himself alone for some time, he can hardly endure more than 20 minutes without the attention of adults. That is why, at the first sign of boredom and whims of the baby, you should try to pay attention to him, play, chat, pamper him with nursery rhymes.

At 6 months old, the baby already sits perfectly in the arms of mom or dad, eats from a spoon, independently licking food from its surface, and tries to drink from a cup.

Features of sensory skills at 6 months

A 6-month-old baby has one feature: his eyes are wide open in anticipation of getting to know the world. He closely follows everything that happens around, shows interest in people, in new objects, in unusual food. The kid is amused by the ability of adults to change the intonation of speech, he listens carefully and even tries to repeat.

During this period, the baby can be taught to music, including him
cheerful melodies of medium volume, singing and dancing. With sounds, you can conduct different experiments, inviting the child to listen to their different sources. Ring a bell near the baby, rustle paper or crackle with a ratchet. The baby will definitely be interested in the sources of sounds.

In addition, at 6 months, the baby can be amused by studying the texture of objects and toys from different materials: This a great opportunity develop tactile skills.

So, for example, the baby can be offered to play wooden cork from wine, then change it to glass ball, which will be replaced by a piece of soft natural fur. The kids will love the game "compare sensations".

How does speech develop in six months?

The speech development of a 6-month-old baby is in full swing. The baby is trying to imitate adults, and if you listen to his melodic humming, you can highlight individual syllables, such as "ba-ba-ba" or "pa-pa-pa". Parents consider these syllables to be the first words and are extremely happy to hear them from the crumbs in such early age. The process of cooing, as a rule, is accompanied by the active release of saliva bubbles and a kind of roar.

At this age, babies can walk both by themselves, being alone, while listening to another melody or children's song, and in response to a speech addressed to them.

Why is it important to play with your baby?

Tracking the physical and mental development of a 6-month-old baby, parents should not forget what role they have in this process. And this role is important and not to be neglected.

In order for the baby to actively develop, grow up sociable, open and inquisitive, it is necessary to deal with him and play. It is during the games that the most important skills of the child develop, so they will need to be given at least a few minutes 2-3 times a day.

It should be understood that the baby, in which nature is supposed to go earlier than their peers, for example, at 8 months, without special classes and the help of parents will go for several months, or even six months later. The same applies to the development of speech, and all other skills.

To play with a baby means to strengthen with him emotional connection, do not let him get bored, give him warmth and love, and most importantly - stimulate development in all directions. This is exactly what pediatricians and psychologists around the world think, and it makes no sense to doubt their opinion.

Games for the development of motor skills

Motor development is important process for a 6 month old baby. Parents can influence him with interesting and useful games.

For the development of fine motor skills, which stimulate the development of speech, you can pick up special toys: pyramids with
rings or even a simple container with several compartments filled with colorful small toys.

A kid who has learned to sit will be happy to take up the pyramid, removing the rings from it and trying to put them on again, will shift, pour out and fall asleep again small toys into the compartments of the container (you just need to make sure that the child does not swallow any part).

During the game, it is necessary to communicate with the baby, draw his attention to the names of toys, their color and shape, helping to put the rings on the pyramid correctly, suggesting options for playing with a container filled with toys.

Development gross motor skills in a six-month-old child, you can accelerate in the following way. Mom or dad lie on the floor, put the baby on the feet of raised legs with his head towards him, after which they begin to move their legs to the sides, making circular motions. Such activities will amuse the baby, contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus and coordination, and help parents work on the press.

But to teach a 6-month-old baby to crawl, you can play a proven game with him: put the baby on hard surface on the stomach, then beckon interesting toy, located just a few centimeters from his arms outstretched. The kid will definitely reach for the toy and make an attempt to crawl to it. Parents will need to help the baby by pushing him under

You can also work with a baby to speed up the development of his speech. For example, from 6 months you can try to play with him on the phone using an old device or a toy handset. The essence of the game comes down to the pronunciation of syllables with different intonations by adults into the tube, after which the baby will be asked to repeat the same thing when the tube goes to him.

Another funny and useful game for children from 6 months of age is built on onomatopoeia. You need to deal with the baby when he lies on his back.

They take the baby by the hands and begin to clearly repeat the syllable, for example, “ba-ba-ba-babushka” or “ma-ma-ma-momochka”. On the last syllable, the baby's arms are bred to the sides. Usually children listen with pleasure to what they are told, smile and try to repeat. Breeding and mixing hands in this case necessary in order to help the baby concentrate on the lesson.