Formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age. Technology for teaching children to make comparisons. Actions and a possible version of the teacher's explanations


This article discusses the problems of development of the features of speech creativity in children of senior preschool age. The characteristic features of the development of speech creativity in children of senior preschool age are analyzed. In order to identify the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age, a study was conducted for children of senior preschool age. The research highlights three main areas of development of psychological and pedagogical problems of speech development of preschoolers, improving the content and methods of teaching the native language: 1. structural (the formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical); 2. functional (formation of language skills in its communicative function - development of coherent speech, speech communication); 3.cognitive, cognitive (formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech). The theoretical study of the problem of the development of speech creativity and the conduct of experimental work revealed and substantiated that folklore is a successful means of developing children's speech creativity.

features of the development of speech creativity


1. Alekseeva, M.M., Speech development of preschoolers / M.M. Alekseva, V.I. Yashin - M.: Academy, 2006. -159 p.

2. The development of speech in preschool children / Ed. F. Sokhin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. -223 p.

3. Folk pedagogy and education / Ed.-compiler: Shirokova E.F., Filippova Zh.T., Leiko M.M., Shuvalova M.N. - Barnaul: BSPU, 2006. - 49 p.

4. folk art in the upbringing of children / Ed. T.S. Komarova. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. -256 p.

5. Ushakova O. Speech development in children 4–7 years old // Doshk. upbringing. - 1995. - No. 1. – P.59–66.

The problem of the development of speech creativity in the education system of children is currently attracting the attention of psychologists, teachers, linguists. Society constantly feels the need for creative individuals who are able to act actively, think outside the box, and find original solutions in any life situations.

Mastering the skills of creative productive speech activity promotes the development of fantasy and imagination of the child; memory and attention, the development of perception; revitalization and enrichment vocabulary, while improving the structure of speech and pronunciation; the norms of constructing a sentence and the whole text are assimilated, as well as the activation of mental and speech activity.

The child adopts the experience of verbal communication from the adults around him, i.e. mastering speech directly depends on his environment speech environment. For this, it is important that the child hears the correct and competent speech.

Speech creativity is an independent speech activity of children in building coherent statements, creating their own speech structures.

This problem disclosed in the works of: Vygotsky L.S. "Imagination and creativity in childhood" reveals data on the psychological nature of imagination and creativity, the mechanism of creative imagination, and the zone of proximal development. About the features of the speech creativity of children - in the works of L.R. Anosova, V.A. Sokhina, A.G. Tambovtseva, O.S. Ushakova and others.

Research by psychologists, educators, linguists created the prerequisites for an integrated approach to solving problems speech development preschoolers (Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N., Rubinstein S.L., Elkonin D.B., Zaporozhets A.V., Leontiev A.A., Shcherba L.V., Peshkovsky A.A., Gvozdev A.N., Vinogradov V.V., Ushinsky K.D., Tikheeva E.I., Flerina E.A., Sokhin F.A.) and others.

The research highlights three main areas of development of psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of speech of preschoolers, improving the content and methods of teaching the native language:

1. structural (formation of different structural levels of the language system - phonetic, lexical, grammatical);

2. functional (formation of language skills in its communicative function - development of coherent speech, speech communication);

3. cognitive, cognitive (formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech). All three areas are interconnected, since the development of awareness of linguistic phenomena is included in the problems of all studies that study different sides speech development of preschoolers.

In order to identify the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age, a study was conducted at the MBDOU "Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 82" Micheer ", Yakutsk. In the experiment, we examined 10 children of senior preschool age.

The diagnostic methods of the authors O.S. were selected and used. Ushakova and E.M. Strunina: 1. diagnosis of the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers; 2. diagnostics to identify the level of development of figurative speech in children of senior preschool age and 3. make up a story.

According to the results of the study, it was revealed that 40% of children have a low level of development of speech creativity. The child is silent or gives monosyllabic answers, there is a need for constant activation of speech utterances. The expressiveness of speech is weak emotional coloring.

The opposite result obtained from the analysis of experimental data is average level development of speech creativity, this was found in 50% of children. The statements are accurate, but not well reasoned; when interpreting, the speech is not expanded, it is focused on the standard, the sample. Speech is emotionally colored.

A high level of development of speech creativity was shown in 10% of children. Children's statements are accurate, complete, informative, well-reasoned. Free interpretation of artistic images. The speech of the child is colored intonation, supported by facial expressions, movements, gestures.

For the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age, we used folklore.

Folklore is the collective artistic creativity of the people. All lullabies, nursery rhymes, pestles are permeated with warmth and love. Artworks folk art, especially small forms, affect the development of children's speech: they enrich the vocabulary, develop the articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing, and provide samples for compiling descriptive stories.

Folklore is not only the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech, but also plays a huge role in educating preschoolers' interest in their native speech. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops the figurativeness of speech. K. I. Chukovsky in the book “From Two to Five” said that “all kinds of folk songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, riddles, which are the favorite mental food of preschoolers, best of all introduce the child to the basics of folk speech.”

For the formation of different structural levels of the children's language system, Yakut riddles were used: “өrүutun urguk, kuruutun kuttas baar uһu” (kuobakh), “Iһiger bylas muostaakh kiirbit” (Alaa Mo5us) and others. The children themselves came up with their own riddles after listening to the Yakut fairy tales “Kuobakh” and “Khabarata emehsin wanna Alaa Mo5us”. With their help, children's speech has become more saturated with words denoting all parts of speech, children make their first attempts at arbitrary use of grammatical means, begin to form words on their own, choosing the right suffix and they have the ability to control their speech, the semantic side of speech develops: generalizing words appear, synonyms, antonyms, there is a choice of exact, suitable expressions.

Yakut languages ​​were used to form language skills in its communicative function. folk tales"Kuobah", "Khabarata emehsin wanna Alaa Mo5us". After listening to the fairy tales, it was noticeable that the children understand what they read well, answer questions about the content and are able to retell the fairy tale, they are also able to build a story based on a series of pictures, outlining the plot, climax and denouement, they begin to actively use various types linking words within a sentence, while respecting its structure.

For the formation of abilities for elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech of children, the Yakut proverbs were used: “Kuttas onnoo5or beyetin kulugutten kuttanar”, “Otonnootokhkho onoooyuk tuolar” and others. We came to the conclusion that children are able to clearly pronounce difficult sounds, their auditory perception improves and phonemic hearing develops, the semantic side of speech develops.

The correct selection of nursery rhymes helps to establish contact with the child, arouse in him a sense of sympathy. With the help of folk songs, nursery rhymes, children can be educated in a positive attitude towards routine moments: washing, combing, eating, dressing, going to bed. Acquaintance with folk amusement expands the horizons of children, enriches their speech, forms an attitude to the world around them. Familiarization of children with folklore and its everyday use both in regime moments and in gaming activity develops the child's oral speech, his fantasy and imagination, affects spiritual development teaches certain moral standards.

Repeated diagnostics showed that the level of formation of speech creativity in children of older preschool age has increased. A high level was shown by 50%, an average by 40% and a low level by 10% of children.

Thus, the theoretical study of the problem of the development of speech creativity and the conduct of experimental work made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

The development of speech creativity in children of senior preschool age is the ability to build and create their own coherent statements, caused by the perception of works of oral folk art, stimulating the use of various expressive language means by children, conveying the child's impressions of artistic information;

Folklore is a successful means of developing children's speech creativity. In the process of shaping the development of speech creativity of older preschool children, it is effective to use the principle of enriching the motivation of speech activity in the work: specifically select riddles, fairy tales, folk games: selection of folklore works that are interesting and accessible in content, apply a phased methodology that ensures the development of artistic perception, development means of speech creativity.

Thus, the formation of speech creativity of children of senior preschool age is an important pedagogical problem. In the course of the study, we solved three main directions for the development of psychological and pedagogical problems of the development of preschoolers.

Bibliographic link

Ivanova P.E., Makarova T.A. PECULIARITIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH CREATIVITY IN CHILDREN OF THE OLDER PRESCHOOL AGE // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2017. - No. 4-9 .;
URL: (date of access: 02/26/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The development of speech creativity should become the leading task of work on the development of coherent speech. The development of speech creativity is unthinkable without the development of imagination, which is closely related to the development of feelings.

The relevance of the research problem is determined by the unique possibilities of preschoolers in speech creativity, in particular, in the field of writing their own fairy tales, fables, however, in order to form such creativity, it is necessary to create optimal conditions that contribute to the most complete disclosure of the creative potential of the personality of a preschooler child.

The number of children with deviations in speech is growing, coherent speech is underdeveloped, children cannot compose a coherent story from a picture or a series of pictures, oral speech is not well formed, characterizing figurative words and expressions, comparisons, lack of imagination, the process of word creation is underdeveloped.

Lack of literature on this topic ( practical material), the undeveloped problem of teaching speech creativity, the lack of systematic work. It is necessary to devote more time on this topic to individual and subgroup activities with children.

Insufficiently equipped subject-developing environment. GEF DO forms the task, but for successful work, a relationship with parents, a psychologist and a speech therapist is needed. Lack of information technology.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (Qualification Development) of Specialists

Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Studies

and retraining of educators

Final work on the topic:


at the advanced training course for IOC

"The main directions of regional educational policy in the context of the modernization of Russian education"

study time: 1 session: 31.03 - 4.04.2014

2nd session: 14.04 - 18.04.2014


Vykachko E.A.


MBDOU No. 320

Samara, 2014

  1. Modeling the system of teacher activity aimed at solving a professional problem
  1. Analysis of shortcomings in the results, in the main process and in the conditions of professional activity.

In recent years, there have been significant changes in the system of preschool education normatively - legal documents federal level recent years first of all the federal law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On the Approval and Enforcement of Federal State Educational Standards" dated October 17, 2013 made significant adjustments to the prevailing ideas of workers in the preschool education system.

Speech in all its multiform diversity is necessary component communication in which it is formed. An important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that contributes to the desire to actively participate in speech communication.

An analysis of the real situation shows that the number of children with speech underdevelopment has recently increased. Speech disorders make communication difficult, negatively affect mental activity, lead to changes in emotional sphere child, limit the mastery of conceptual meanings and speech patterns.

Speech is not inherited, the baby adopts the experience of verbal communication from the adults around him, i.e. his mastery of speech is directly dependent on the speech environment surrounding the child. Therefore, it is so important that at home and in kindergarten he hears the correct literate speech.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the mother tongue preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic, moral education of children.

In the studies of domestic scientists L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, as well as teachers N.P. Sakkulina, E.A. Flerina and others emphasize that preschool age is a period of active creative development of the child's personality as a whole, when all mental processes (perception, thinking, imagination) develop and improve, attention, memory become arbitrary, and coherent speech is formed. Full knowledge of the Russian language at preschool age has a beneficial effect on the intellectual, moral and ethical, artistic and aesthetic development of children in the sensitive period.

We have noticed that children's stories suffer from scarcity (subject - predicate), the presence of words - repetitions, long pauses, and the main thing is that the child himself does not build a story, but copies the previous one with minor changes, the vocabulary is limited, children have a speech delay. development. In communicating with each other, children show little speech activity or do not enter into a conversation at all.

These problems actualize the need for the development of children's speech creativity through the solution of the following tasks:

  1. Development of creative imagination, figurative thinking.
  2. Increased mental and speech activity.
  3. Formation and development of coherent monologue speech.
  4. Developing the ability to analyze your statements.
  5. Introduction to the elementary to the generally accepted norms and rules of free relationships with peers and adults.
  6. Development of gaming activity.
  7. Introduction to verbal art, including through the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.
  8. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

The development of speech creativity allows the child to take the position of an active creator - to invent unusual objects, compose his own fairy tales, psychologically liberate himself, and at the same time develop courage in fantasizing.

The development of speech creativity should become the leading task of work on the development of coherent speech. The development of speech creativity is unthinkable without the development of imagination, which is closely related to the development of feelings.

The relevance of the research problem is determined by the unique possibilities of preschoolers in speech creativity, in particular, in the field of writing their own fairy tales, fables, however, in order to form such creativity, it is necessary to create optimal conditions that contribute to the most complete disclosure of the creative potential of the personality of a preschooler child.

Analysis of gaps in results:

The number of children with deviations in speech is growing, coherent speech is underdeveloped, children cannot compose a coherent story from a picture or a series of pictures, oral speech is not well formed, characterizing figurative words and expressions, comparisons, lack of imagination, the process of word creation is underdeveloped.

Gap analysis in the main process:

Lack of literature on this topic (practical material), lack of development of the problem of teaching speech creativity, lack of systematic work. It is necessary to devote more time on this topic to individual and subgroup activities with children.

Gap analysis in conditions:

Insufficiently equipped subject-developing environment. GEF DO forms the task, but for successful work, a relationship with parents, a psychologist and a speech therapist is needed. Lack of information technology.

  1. Formulation of a professional problem based on the analysis.

The acceleration of the scientific and technical process will depend on the quantity and quality of creatively developed minds, on their ability to provide fast development science, technology and production, from what is now called the increase in the intellectual potential of the people.

And we are faced with the task: to ensure that each of those who now go to kindergarten grow up not only as a conscious member of our society, not only healthy and strong, but also necessarily proactive, thinking, with highly developed communication skills, personalities, capable of creative approach to any business. Which he would not take. An active life position can have a basis, if a person thinks creatively, then he sees around him an opportunity for improvement.

For the development of speech creativity, painstaking daily, systematic work is necessary both with the whole group and individually. It is necessary to teach children to compose creative stories, compose fairy tales, riddles, so that they get satisfaction from all the work. Only systematic work will make their stories meaningful, fairy tales amazing, riddles unusual.

Thus, on the basis of the analysis, the problem was formulated. The contradiction lies in the conflict between the desire to educate a creative personality and the prevailing in practice didactic means which do not activate the feelings of preschoolers in the process of speech activity and are mostly focused on the reproductive nature of learning.

  1. Description of new educational results formed by students.




The child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various activities - play, communication; is able to choose his occupation, to be a participant joint activities.

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions through its inclusion in various activities (play, communication, GCD). Strengthening the ability of children to play various didactic games. Develop the ability to independently organize games, play the role of a leader.

The child owns speech as a means of communication and culture. The child is able to offer his own idea and translate it into a story, etc.

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities, and above all in the game; the child masters different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conditional and real situation able to obey different rules and social norms.

The development of speech creativity. Enriching the child's impressions through viewing illustrations, joint excursions with parents to art museums.

The child is able to compose meaningful, interesting creative stories. The child has developed thinking, imagination, memory. The child develops logic.

The child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, can distinguish sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

Selection of synonyms and antonyms. Enrichment of the active vocabulary. The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech.

Uses words in speech to activate the dictionary. Able to build a speech statement in a situation of communication. The child has formed the speech skills necessary for the implementation of various activities.

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills.

Stimulate the speech development of preschoolers by training finger movements

The child is able to correlate hand movements with the text.

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people's actions; inclined to observe. Possesses basic knowledge about himself, about natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature; The child is capable of making his own decisions.

Formation of cognitive interests by means problem situations, research projects.

Interested in the new, the unknown in the environment. Ask questions to an adult. Capable of acting independently Everyday life, in various types of children's activities). When in trouble, seek help from an adult. Takes a lively, interested part in the educational process.

  1. Characteristics of changes in the educational process (content, means of training and education, control).

For the development of children's speech creativity, it is necessary to work to increase the levels of speech sociability, coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, the sound side of speech, and practical awareness of language elements. Educational tasks are solved during regime moments, in joint activities of children with a teacher, in independent activity children. The developed material is used, and it is also necessary to create a large number of new game situations.

It is necessary to organize the speech activity of the child in such a way that it is playful and entertaining, because only in this way can the child develop the ability to accurately and figuratively express his thoughts and feelings in the spoken word.

To achieve effectiveness in the development of speech creativity in our work, we create certain conditions:

In the role-playing game, the rapid and complete development of children's imagination takes place. We observe what the child plays, whether the plots are developed enough, whether their own findings and fantasies appear. If not, we play together with them, compose and invent together.

Children really like theatrical games and games - dramatizations. These games have a plot and role-playing action. In joint work with children we give comparative characteristics heroes, reveal features items that come to life in these games.

To stimulate the development of speech creativity, we form the search activity of children through the questions: “Why?”, “What will happen if ...?” Using the possibilities of vocabulary work.

In our work we use a system of exercises that provide for the enrichment of the vocabulary.

  • Selection of definitions and epithets (what are mothers?)
  • Recognition of objects by epithets (juicy, ripe, velvety - what is it?)
  • Selection of actions to the subject (how can I play?)
  • Selection of an object for actions (What does a dog do?)
  • Choice of circumstances.
  • Selection of synonyms (big, huge ...)
  • Finding missing words (the janitor took a broom, he ...)
  • Distribution and addition of sentences (children go where? Why?)
  • Making sentences with a specific word.

In middle preschool age, we work out a model for making comparisons on the basis of color, shape, sound, taste. We form the ability of children to highlight the features of objects and compare them with the features of others, making comparisons on some basis.

Developing the ability to create your own puzzles. Composing riddles, children actively select comparisons of objects according to given characteristics.

We use Limericks (a form of short poem based on playing around with nonsense) of verbal creativity. As a rule, this poem consists of 5 lines, limericks do not imply strict rhyme and the 5th line is the result. For example: Once upon a time there was a snowman, red as a light. He flew to our kindergarten, and pecked the grains on the feeder. This is how we take care of the birds. In the process of becoming poems, children learn to draw conclusions, morality.

We also use games creative tasks for the development of children's vocabulary and the development of ideas about the properties and characteristics of objects, the grammatical structure of speech, observation.

Russian folklore rightfully occupies a special place in the word-creation process, or rather, one of its most favorite genres for children is a fairy tale.

Modern domestic researchers, as well as methodologists involved in teaching creative storytelling to preschoolers, use a fairy tale as a model by which a child could come up with a similar version of a fairy tale (N.E. Veraksa, O.M. Dyachenko, etc.); teaching children the analysis of fairy tales - chains, develop the ability to schematically use the basis of such fairy tales in own compositions(P.E. Streltsova, N. Tamarchenko and others). Familiarity with fairy tales should be purposeful, consistent. For the development of the ability to compose fairy tales in middle-aged children, we, first of all, create the conditions: we decorate the corner in the appropriate style (fairy-tale theme); there are various types of theater available (planar, bibabo, finger and others), elements of the costumes of the "storyteller" and "storyteller"; fairy tale corner - books (books with fairy tales that children go through); albums with children's drawings for fairy tales composed by them (joint creativity with parents). All this is a favorable environment conducive to verbal creativity.

We use opportunities visual modeling(developing potential). Usage symbols, drawings, schematic drawings makes it possible to foresee the possible results of their own actions.

Speech creativity includes: the formation and development of coherent speech. Connected with this is the ability of a preschooler to modify, transform, combine existing ideas in memory and create relatively new images and situations on this basis. This skill includes not only a certain stock of speech skills and abilities of children, but also involves the development of initial forms of creative imagination.

The child masters the techniques of word creation intuitively in the process of communicating with adults. Our task is to help the child in this endeavor.

In the task “Let's make a story together”, children creatively finish the story based on subject pictures. Application visual models in the work on monologue speech allows us to successfully teach children how to compose a coherent speech statement, as well as how to compose a story according to plan.

Creation of favorable social - emotional conditions. We understand and accept the child for emotional level. We understand the problem. We create conditions for the child to grow. We create a sense of security in the child when he knows that his speech creative manifestations are not evaluated negatively. The creation of psychological conditions helps the child to be relaxed and free due to the support of adults of his creative endeavors. We do not limit children in choosing the means of expressing themselves in creativity, since creativity is a spontaneous process that needs to be supported.

We involve parents in our work with children: we offer parents folders - sliders “Speech as a means of communication”.

In order to acquaint parents on this topic: we expose manuals, materials, literature, so that parents can clearly see what we use in sensitive moments, in order to make them want to take part in our activities.

Together with parents, we conduct master classes, where we tell parents about games, their production, the rules of the game, so that parents and their children make games at home and play these games.

We conduct consultations for parents on the development of speech creativity, where we tell parents how to consolidate the material at home.

Parent meetings are held with elements of children's play activities on this topic.

We make out information stands to supplement the information available to parents.

Reviews - competitions.

We invite a psychologist, a speech therapist to parental meetings so that they tell from their point of view knowledge about this topic.

We monitor to evaluate individual development child, associated with the evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning. The purpose of our monitoring is the assimilation by children of generalized ways of compiling stories based on plot pictures, thereby developing speech creativity. When monitoring, the methodological manual Sidorchuk T.A., Lelyukh S.V. is used. "Composing children's creative stories based on a plot picture."

  1. Characteristics of changes in the conditions that ensure the achievement of new educational results (personnel, scientific and methodological, material and technical, regulatory, informational, organizational).


  • In the form of conducting methodological associations for the development of speech creativity in preschoolers.
  • Involvement of specialists: psychologist and speech therapist.

Scientific and methodological:

  • The study of literature on the topic of speech creativity.
  • Development of teaching aids, visualization for the development of children's speech creativity.

Material and technical:

  • Enrichment of the subject - developing environment in the group, book corners, exhibitions of reproductions of paintings, etc.
  • Board games "Collect a picture", "Tell me what's wrong", etc.
  • Production of manuals and materials for parents, in order to familiarize them with speech creativity.
  • Creation of posters, diagrams, mnemotables for teaching children storytelling.
  • Provision of computers, laptops, interactive whiteboards, multimedia systems.

Normative - legal:

  • Conclude an agreement with the psychological and pedagogical center "Childhood Support"
  • Invite specialists (psychologist, speech therapist) to parent meetings on the topic of speech development.
  • Introducing parents to educational program DOO.


  • Obtaining information from the media, watching educational, cultural programs.
  • Through Internet resources, participation in webinars on the development of speech creativity.
  • Reading scientific and methodical literature, encyclopedias.
  • Attending advanced training courses for teachers on the speech development of preschoolers.


  • Invite a speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist to talk with parents.
  • Final GCD on the development of speech creativity in children.
  • Cooperation with the library, museums (excursions).

At preschool age, such key qualities for today as creativity, the ability to search for knowledge are formed. So modern model education involves high technologies for the development of imagination, literacy and other basic abilities of children. The main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system is the search for and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is very important not to extinguish the desire for creativity in a small person, but to support him, encouraging him to play with his sincere interest, attentive and sensitive attitude towards his individuality.

  1. Description of work with the algorithm for using an electronic interactive didactic multimedia aid in the educational process

- Theme of the manual: "A fairy tale has come to visit us."

Target group age: middle preschool.

The purpose of the manual: To promote the development of verbal creativity of children of middle preschool age, using the algorithm for composing a fairy tale.

Objectives of the grant:

  1. The development of monologue speech, the ability to speak coherently.
  2. Enrichment of children's vocabulary, raising their interest in the word, love for their native language and pride in its richness.
  3. Assistance in the development of such mental processes as perception, imaginative thinking, creative imagination, memory.
  4. The development of a child's sense of self-confidence, in their abilities, the realization of their capabilities.
  5. Development of the child's creative potential.
  6. Formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher.


The fairy tale has ancient roots in human history and culture. "A fairy tale is a narrative work about fictional persons and events involving magical, fantastic persons." (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova). At present, the fairy tale, like many other values ​​of traditional culture, has noticeably lost its purpose. But it is the fairy tale that plays an important role in the spiritual enrichment of preschoolers, it contributes to the laying of ethical and aesthetic feelings, the development of speech creativity. Children meet with a fairy tale in books, in cinema, theater, on a television screen. They forget about everything and plunge into the lives of heroes. They draw from them a lot of amazing knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about connection and space, about the connection of man with nature, with the objective world; in a fairy tale, brilliant examples of the native language appear - all this is a necessary and favorable material for writing one's own fairy tales. It is known that teaching children creative storytelling is a gradual and rather complex process. It is most successful under the guidance of teachers who help them master through the game.

- Slides algorithm:

slide number

Actions and a possible version of the teacher's explanations


Name of the game: "A fairy tale has come to visit us."


"Name the fairy-tale heroes and choose one for yourself"

On the slide are different heroes from fairy tales: a gingerbread man, a fox, Mashenka, a bear.

Question of the educator: In what fairy tales did these heroes meet?

The child is asked to choose one character.

Question of the educator: Describe what it will be like? What actions will he take? What can he do?


"Where do you want him to live"

Pictures appear - dwellings: a castle, a hut, a modern house, a hole.

The child is invited to choose where his character will live.

Question of the educator: Whom will he invite to visit? What will they do, what will they do? What happens if someone already lives there?


"Choose your location."

Pictures of the place of residence appear: forest, city, village, river bank.

The child is invited to choose a habitat for his fairy-tale hero.

Question of the educator: Tell me, where will he live, stay? What will do? Why did you choose this particular place?


What time of year do you choose?


In preparing children for schooling, the formation and development of monologue speech is of great importance as the most important condition for the full assimilation of knowledge, the development of logical thinking, creativity and other aspects of mental activity.

The problem of the development of speech creativity in the education system of the younger generation is currently increasingly attracting the attention of philosophers, psychologists, and teachers. Society constantly feels the need for creative individuals who are able to act actively, think outside the box, and find original solutions to any life problems.

GEF DO indicates the need to include in the content educational field"Speech development" development of speech creativity of preschoolers. The Law on Education of the Russian Federation states that preschool education should be aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal, the formation of the prerequisites for the educational activities of preschool children, which confirms the relevance of the topic under study.

1. Inclusion in the system of organizational and pedagogical activities of the preschool educational institution of a demonstration of speech creativity of older preschoolers for children junior groups and parents;

2. Active use in the educational process of works of Russian folk art: tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.;

3. Organization of a project on the topic "Young writers" and "How a book is born";

4. Participation in competitions children's creativity: “My fairy tale”, “I rhyme”, “Poetry competition”;

5. Organization of directly educational activities on the topics: “Invents a fairy tale”, “The work of a writer and poet”, “Poetry Day”, “Maybe the fairy tale has a different end? »;

6. Selection of synonyms, antonyms, definitions that characterize the character, his mood, state, actions and deeds;

7. Animation of illustrations, playing scenes, connection (contamination) of the plots of works of different genres, role-playing, creative literary games, theatrical games: “Think of a riddle”, “Revive the picture”, “How does a fairy tale sound”, “The adventures of a kolobok”, etc. .

In the means and methods of training and education educational process should apply:

1. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment with illustrations and plot pictures;

2. Collect a selection of artistic words, physical. minutes dynamic pauses, riddles;

3. Creation of a disguise corner for dressing up children, for self-expression of singing, dancing, theatrical games;

4. Expanding theoretical teaching methods: working with multimedia aid"Writers of fairy tales", compilation of creative stories;

5. Use of didactic aids: “Journey to a fairy tale”, “Guess the riddle”, “How to say it like a fairy tale? »;

6. Creation of a collection for children, parents and teachers "Literary piggy bank";

7. Make crosswords and puzzles based on fairy tales and children's stories,

8. Use of an interactive whiteboard.

Teachers should improve their competence in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard:

Determine the main methods, forms of use various means development of children's speech creativity and develop a methodology for their integrated application;

Get acquainted with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard and methodological support;

line up educational activities based on the individual speech development of each child.

Collect a card index of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, pestles, tongue twisters, incantations, counting rhymes, etc.).

Work with pupils:

Speech creativity, skillfully combined with life observations, with various types of children's activities, contributes to the child's comprehension of the world around him, teaches him to understand and love beauty, and lays the foundations for the morality of the human person.

The system of development of speech creativity includes the following means, technologies and methods:

Speech games and exercises aimed at improving the diction of children: "Egorki", "Polite bow", "Roll call", "Scuba diver".

Conversations about what was read, the interpretation of a poetic dictionary;

Expressive reading, joint chanting, comparison of a literary work with other types of art, revival of personal impressions by association with the text;

Illustrating, compiling a filmstrip, comics "Zaikin's hut", "Aibolit and Barmoley", "Fox with a rolling pin";

Folk songs, nursery rhymes, pestles are also excellent speech material that can be used in classes for the development of the speech of preschool children. With their help, it is possible to develop phonemic hearing, as they use sound combinations - tunes that are repeated several times at different tempos, with different intonations, and are performed to the motive of folk melodies. All this allows the child to first feel, and then realize the beauty of the native language, its conciseness, they introduce it to this form of presentation. own thoughts, contributes to the formation of figurative speech of preschoolers, verbal creativity of children;

Games: invite children to illustrate this or that proverb, saying, fairy tale. The ability to convey an artistic image in a drawing expanded the possibility of its expression in a word,

In order for children to quickly master the descriptive form of speech, it is necessary to pay their attention to the linguistic features of the riddle. Given the material of the riddle, it is necessary to teach children to see the compositional features of the riddle, to feel the originality of its rhythms and syntactic constructions. Mastering the skills of descriptive speech will be more successful if, along with riddles, literary works, illustrations, paintings,

Organization of the holiday "Writers and rhymers".

Cooperation with parents

Parent meeting with a survey "Speech creativity in a child's life."

Consultations: "Help your child master their native language", "Rhyming games".

Joint visit to the theater and children's library.

Participation in the competition "My Fairy Tale".

Compilation of a collection of their lullabies that they sing to children.

Joint work of teachers and parents to create a subject-developing environment.


The level of development of speech skills in children can be monitored using the technique (semantic method) of O. S. Ushakova and E. Strunina.

They consider essential condition development of the speech structure of preschool children, work on the word, which is considered in conjunction with the solution of other speech problems. Fluency in a word, understanding of its meaning, accuracy of word usage are necessary conditions mastering the grammatical structure of the language, the sound side of speech, as well as developing the ability to independently build a coherent statement.

"Thumbelina visiting dolls";

"How the little bear lost his boots", etc.

Mastering the skills of creative productive speech activity by children contributes to the development of the child's fantasy and imagination; memory and attention, the development of perception; activation and enrichment of vocabulary; while improving the structure of speech and pronunciation; the norms of constructing a sentence and the whole text are assimilated, and the mental and speech activity of children is activated.

It has been proven by science and practice that in a preschooler, knowledge and ideas are formed somewhat earlier and better than coherent speech, although this is very interconnected. Often, during the story, the baby seeks to explain something, he stops the story, falls silent, begins to remember, tries to pick up the right words, resulting in unnecessary pauses. The child needs to be helped to translate words from his passive vocabulary, at the level of understanding, into an active vocabulary, i.e. the one he uses all the time. To do this, you need to train an active vocabulary and for this purpose various games are held, game tasks, logic puzzles:

-games for word formation, for the development of understanding the semantic side of the word;

-games for the formation of figurative speech;

- expansion games simple sentence words-definitions, words-actions, pronouns, etc.;

- games for development moral qualities personality;

-games for the ability to assess the qualities of the character of fairy-tale characters;

- games on the ability to see true events or fables in the text;

games that develop logical thinking, memory, attention, etc.

For a child, a game is not just entertainment, it is a creative inspired work, it is his life. During the game, the child is fluent in speech, says what he thinks, and not what he needs. The game is special shape learning, cooperation, community, which brings the interests and capabilities of the child to a higher level - the level of a thinking, creative personality.

There are many methods and technologies for the development of speech creativity of a preschooler: A. G. Arushanova, psychologist M. I. Lisina, L. V. Voroshnina, O. S. Ushakova and others. As the main form of organizing the joint creative speech activity of children, I use a creative workshop developed jointly with Eltsova O. M. (teacher of NIPKi PRO and author of many books).

A creative workshop is an unconventional form of work with children of senior preschool age to introduce them to children's creativity based on a fairy tale plot and is closely related to the game - the main activity of the child.

The development of verbal communication is carried out in the process of everyday life and in the classroom, a creative workshop is organized and held twice a month in the afternoon with children of older preschool age.

An important methodological point is speech activity the teachers themselves and the organization of the developing speech environment. Therefore, in groups there should be various types of theaters; the necessary (cognitive) literature, illustrations, paintings, didactic games, audio and video library, card file of the artistic word were selected. In our preschool There is also a Book Lounge.

creative workshop one of the most democratic forms of organizing the educational process, because Each child is given the opportunity to satisfy their desires and needs in creative activities.

On the example of familiar fairy tales, using knowledge about the features of the structure, constructing the content of a fairy tale, children, while playing, learn with the help of a teacher or on their own:

Outline the sequence of events in a fairy tale;

Compose fairy tales;

Retell the story based on plot pictures;

Come up with a continuation to the action shown in the illustration (according to the plot of a familiar fairy tale);

Model familiar fairy tales using your schemes and models;

Write fairy tales given topic, according to the proposed beginning;

Analyze the actions of the characters;

Come up with a short continuation to the retold text;

Reproduce the plot of a fairy tale using mnemonic tables;

Compose fairy tales using three key words;

Bring objects to life and tell different stories about them.

Features of the creative workshop as a form of work with children:

1. Creativity, which carries the very idea of ​​​​such an activity.

2. Improvisational nature of the activity.

3. Game style of behavior of all participants, including the teacher.

4. Partnership between the teacher and the child.

5. Atmosphere of emotional uplift.

6. The impossibility of detailed planning and building perspectives.

7. Discovery of a new meaning of the learning process - the child educates himself, relying on his creative potential.

8. Fast and effective method acquisition of skills and abilities, a way of learning invisible to the child himself.

9. The teacher needs to be able to: do not interfere with the child, create, be with him in this process, accept and understand his position; trust the child in moments of creative search, because he (the child) himself feels and knows what he needs; to be a creator yourself and take care of the results of children's creative work.

10. With this form of organization of speech activity, children "play the first violin": they themselves come up with the idea and content of the activity, ways to achieve the goal.

11. The child realizes his interests through his own initiative.

12. Atmosphere of psychological freedom and security, reasonable permissiveness, play, spontaneity. Even the most shy child finds an opportunity to express himself, to show his individuality.

13. Lack of patterns - the child feels like a creator. He enjoys the fact that he can realize himself in creative activity, that the boundaries of what is permitted are expanding. Children have a real opportunity to push these boundaries, looking into a huge and unidentified world.

The experience of creative activity, acquired in the "workshop", children "transform" into different forms of their life: play, communication, substantive activity. Collective creative activity helps the child to be more open and free in communication, makes it possible to assert themselves and fulfill themselves, develop a sense of responsibility, self-importance, increase self-esteem, allows you to understand: they love him the way he is, his opinion is considered, his individuality is valued.

For several years, working with children in this direction, I developed the technology "Children's speech creativity based on a fairy tale plot", which consists of several parts:

1. Theoretical material.

2. Games and game tasks for the development of speech creativity based on a fairy tale plot (22 games).

3. Creative productive speech activity of children of senior preschool age in the form of a creative workshop "Playing with a fairy tale" (17 gaming activities) .

4. Literary entertainment based on literary works for children of senior preschool age.

5.Organization of work in the "Book Lounge", in the senior and preparatory group kindergarten, where an exemplary teamwork teacher with parents. (Read more about the organization of work with children in the Book Lounge in the electronic newspaper "Interactive Education", under the heading "Preschool Academy", newspaper No. 47, June 2013).

6. Quizzes for preschool children and their parents on the material covered during school year.

7. "A fairy tale is the joy of thinking" - in this part of the technology, different versions of children's stories are written.

The technology reveals a system of classes for the formation of speech creativity skills in older preschoolers based on a fairy tale plot. V given time the technology is under development at the Detstvo-Press publishing house in St. Petersburg, and the teachers of our kindergarten began to implement it in groups preparatory to school.

Material from the site

– elements of psycho-gymnastics and relaxation exercises– musical accompaniment- graphic exercises.

Well-chosen visual aids evoke positive reactions in children, their use ensures an interested attitude to work and thereby increases the effectiveness of the educational process.

GCD visual activity is of an integrated nature, closely related to such sections as familiarization with the outside world, nature, speech development. They include game elements, often completely built on them, which makes the process of learning and development unobtrusive, interesting, natural, and most importantly, more productive.

As a basis for classes, you can take a fabulously playful form of presenting the material. Fairy tale narration, game situations, improvisation games, immersion of the child in the situation of the viewer, listener, actor will add dynamism to the lessons, create intrigue, and arouse interest. At the same time, it should be taken into account that in children with general underdevelopment of speech, full-fledged interaction with the outside world is impaired: speech is formed with a delay, there are shortcomings in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammatical deviations.

When organizing classes, one should take into account the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "zone of proximal development": first, children are introduced to known events and phenomena surrounding reality, and then with such as space, Defender of the Fatherland Day, migratory birds, etc.

At the initial stage of education, preschoolers get acquainted with illustrations in children's books. The aesthetic impact of colorful, elegant pictures is exceptionally great.

To a certain extent, this is facilitated by children's knowledge of the content of the illustrated literary works. Working with illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov, V. Konashevich, E. Rachev, V. Suteev, A. Kanevsky, A. Pakhomov and other artists helps to fulfill the tasks of aesthetic education.

Viewed paintings by famous artists are discussed with the children. Questions are asked that help reveal the author's intention, the mood conveyed by him in the picture: What do you like about this picture? How did the artist manage to convey sadness or joy?

What colors did he need for this? How do you feel when you look at this picture?

After the children's answers, I introduce them to non-traditional technique images: landscape monotype.

Monotype is considered one of the simplest graphic techniques and is very popular with preschoolers. It awakens the imagination of a child. First, the children fold the sheet in half.

On one half of the sheet, a landscape is painted with gouache paint, on the other half it is reflected in a lake, river (imprint). The landscape is done quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry. You can also leave a few large drops of paint on a sheet of paper.

Fold the sheet in half and squeeze it tightly. Expand and see unusual, bizarre patterns - blots. Or you can paint half a butterfly on half a sheet. Bend the sheet in half and squeeze its halves tightly.

As if the butterfly has spread its wings and is about to take off!

In the work on the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers with speech disorders, along with monotyping, I also use other original techniques and various non-traditional drawing techniques.

Finger painting.

Very interesting effects are obtained if you create an image using your own fingerprints or palms. You can start with simple images - a flower, a sun, a brush of grapes ... And then you can finish the necessary details with a pencil.

You can put a few spots of thick paint on a sheet of paper. Have your child run their hands and fingers over the paint to create interesting images. Drawing with hands and fingers not only captivates children, but perfectly develops the sense of touch.

Stains and blots.

We fold a sheet of paper in half, draw with paints on one side of the sheet or simply apply spots, blots, then cover the drawing with the second half of the sheet, lightly draw from above with our hand. You can use several colors, you can add some sparkles.

We reveal what happened: a butterfly, a tree, a flower. A great activity to develop the imagination.

Modeling, drawing with plasticine.

"Drawing" with plasticine develops perseverance, accuracy, concentration, develops fine motor skills hands You can sculpt both from plasticine and from salt dough, clay, plastic. Modeling contributes to the development tactile sensations and fine manual skills.

If we set the goal of developing creative abilities, then we can simply start sculpting something in front of the child, and he will join the work.

Sponge drawing.

Dip a sponge into the paint, squeeze lightly to remove excess. Now you can work on the sheet with light touches.

Making applications and collages is not only an exciting activity, but also a great way to introduce the child to the properties of various materials and develop his imagination. The main thing is to always have on hand interesting material for creativity.

These can be: pieces of foil, a variety of paper (cigarette, wrapping, corrugated, colored), scraps of a variety of fabrics, laces, buttons, yarn, cotton balls, feathers, leaves, seeds, pieces of bark, beautiful beans, curly pasta, bulk materials (salt, cereals, etc.). The technique of creating a collage is very simple. Prepared materials are superimposed (poured) on the surface of the paper smeared with glue. Creating collages contributes to the development of tactile sensations (due to the study of materials and textures), fine motor skills develop (grabbing details, cutting, gluing).

All of these are important for children with ONR. Creation plot picture helps to develop hand-eye coordination, the ability to plan and bring things to the end. The work performed may have a practical focus, for example, for the design of a group.

Non-traditional drawing plays an important role in the overall mental development child. After all, it is not the final product that is valuable - a drawing, but the development of a personality: the formation of self-confidence, in one's abilities, the development of fantasy, observation, improvisation.

Also important is the final part of the lesson, where in visual activity there is a consolidation of the impressions received during the conversation. In the final part, relaxation exercises can be used.

Under the influence of drawing lessons, there are significant changes in the behavior of speech pathologist children. They become more restrained, collected, attentive, accurate. Their activity acquires a conscious, motivated and purposeful character.

To a certain extent, they develop independence and perseverance in achieving the goal. Consequently, drawing as an organizing means has a proper effect on the emotional-volitional sphere as well.

Success in developing the creative abilities of speech pathologists can only be achieved through close contact with the parents of pupils, since the knowledge that a child receives in kindergarten must be reinforced in a family environment. The purpose of the interaction between the kindergarten and the family is to combine the efforts of adults for the successful development of the child's speech; to form in parents a desire to help their child, communicate with him, be able to respond correctly to his problems (help to overcome them) and achievements (to rejoice at his successes).

Systematic, planned work gives positive results. At the end of the school year, monitoring of the development of children with OHP will be carried out. Visible changes based on observations of children during work are already noticeable now: they show increased cognitive motivation, working capacity, positive emotional coloring of behavior, children show initiative and independence. The children showed even greater interest in visual activity, the quality of the drawing improved (variety of colors, thoroughness of the image, originality of the image, more full disclosure intention).

Thus, the development of creativity in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech leads to positive changes in all components of the speech system and is of great importance for revealing their individuality, self-expression of the personality, the formation of an internal need for a creative transformation of the surrounding reality.


1. Glukhov, V.P. Features of the creative imagination of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech /V. P. Glukhov // Underdevelopment and loss of speech. Questions of theory and practice. - M., 1985.

2. Galanov, A. S. Classes with preschoolers in fine arts/ A. S. Galanov. - M., 2002.

3. Dudiev, V.P. A systematic approach to the development of the communicative potential of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech / V.P. Dudyev // Logopedia. - 2006. - No. 2.

4. Krivykh, Yu. S. Correctional and pedagogical work on the sensory development of older preschool children with ONR / Yu. S. Krivykh // Logopedia. - 2008. - N 1.

5. Nishcheva, N. V. System corrective work in a speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech / NV Nishcheva. - St. Petersburg, 2007.

6. Novikova, K. L. The development of the creative abilities of children / K. L. Novikova / / Children's creativity. - 2002. - No. 31.

7. Ryzhova, N.V. Resources of visual activity in the development of creativity in children with general underdevelopment of speech /N. V. Ryzhova // Speech therapist. - 2007. - N 3.

8. Ryzhova, N. V. Development of creativity in children 5-6 years old with ONR / N. V. Ryzhova. - M., 2009.

On this topic:

"The development of speech creativity of older preschoolers in

the process of learning to compose fairy tales "

“Children need fairy tales, because they are the necessary food for personality development” B. Bettelheim, psychologist, psychiatrist

For teachers, the problem of aesthetic education of children is especially significant. Fiction, including a fairy tale, as a figurative reflection of the world, requires readers to have special qualities of perception: developed creative imagination and observation; the ability to feel the figurative word, the integrity of the work; understanding the motives of the behavior of literary characters.

We adults know well that a fairy tale for a child is not just fiction or fantasy. This is a special reality that pushes the boundaries of ordinary life for him.

In fairy-tale form, for the first time, preschoolers are faced with such complex phenomena as life and death, love and hate, anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit. The lessons that a fairy tale gives are for life, for big and small.

With their help, children learn the basics of morality, and adults sometimes discover an unexpected effect on the child. Therefore, serious, thoughtful work with a fairy tale is so important. There are a variety of methods for teaching children to compose fairy tales.

Let's consider just a few of them.

So spurred to start composing new fairy tale any interesting announcement can become, where an adult reads an appeal, and children connect the characters with an incredible fantasy story. For example, “I am the most charming and attractive! Whoever you want to deceive, I will circle around your finger. Address by name and patronymic, but simply do not call Patrikeevna!

Guys, what do you think, who can this fairy tale be about? Right.

One day a hare read the following on a notice board in the forest:

“Everyone, everyone, everyone! Whoever needs horns, contact me once a year.

The hare thought and decided .... Invite the children to continue the story.

Any ideas?

Well, for example, “Once upon a time there was a worm. All the time he spent on a tree, sitting under the bark, white light not seeing. One day he wrote a note: “Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings?

The worm slipped a note into the hole, which he gnawed in the bark and sits, waiting. A woodpecker flew in, saw a note, read it and ....».

Do you think this fairy tale happy ending or not? Looking for whom, you say. I think everything will depend on the imagination of the author.

But the announcement is the message of the 21st century. The events of this story may unfold, I think original way: Lost dog! Very clever!

Sharik, if you are reading this, write me an e-mail, the children are worried.

Knowing the signs of the zodiac and applying them to fairy tales is also very interesting. Let's apply the horoscope to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". First, let's agree that Kolobok is Leo by the sign of the zodiac, so he behaves in accordance with the characteristics of this sign. Characteristics hero born under the sign of Leo:

1. Leo does not like to get in his way ...

2. Sometimes laziness attacks a lion ...

3. He is smart, loves to dominate ...

4. Leo likes to spend money, but not to earn ...

What changes could occur in Kolobok's behavior in connection with this, for example:

1. Tired of Kolobok rolling along the path ...

2. (the lion is lazy) He lay down under a bush and fell asleep ...

3. (loves to rule) Kolobok woke up and decided to become the king of all birds and insects.

Butterflies, mosquitoes and even sparrows obeyed him ...

4. Once on the path Kolobok met a hamster. He was holding a coin in his paws ...

Life has convincingly proved our enduring love for the series. Heroes of serial cartoons and feature films become almost members of our family. We worry about them, cheer and suffer.

Therefore, it is a good idea to take your favorite fairy tales as a basis and make up many series. For example, the same fairy tale "Gingerbread Man":

1 series - traditional;

Episode 2 - how to save Kolobok;

Episode 3 - Kolobok becomes a giant;

Episode 4 - Gingerbread man found an invisibility cap in an old chest and rolled along

footpath to the city;

Episode 5 - Pinocchio's nose appears at Kolobok.

You and I have a different attitude to fortune-telling, but experts in the field of psychology believe that fortune-telling on coffee grounds is a psycho-gymnastic game. After drinking coffee, carefully consider the resulting drawing and dream up.

For example: “I see an old raven. And he met a hare in a wolf mask. Further events can develop according to the pattern of coffee grounds, or they can become pure fiction. By analogy, with children, it is interesting to compose fairy tales from "live" drops based on blotography.

The main task here is to teach children how to make blots: drop paint or ink on paper and quickly tilt it in different directions - some kind of image will immediately appear. For instance:

It would seem, what could a blot look like? It turns out to be a rabbit! So, in a fairy tale we will meet with a bunny or a friend, as fast and a little cowardly as a bunny.

How do we start the story? “One day my friend and I decided to go mushroom picking in the forest. We go along the path and see ... who? … his".

Next category of writing: fairy tales from strange stories. I bring to your attention the themes of strange stories, in which the plot of a fairy tale is already concluded, and its development depends only on our violent imagination. It is up to you to decide which of them is better to use in working with children: “How the Cup and the Spoon Quarreled”, “The Tale of the Capricious Button”, “The Story of the Crow Who Loved to Ride a Bicycle”, “About Tsar Chaos and Queen Sloth”, “ Why you should be afraid of the dark”, “The Adventures of the Left Shoe”.

Let's try to write a story together about a crow who loved to ride a bike: “A crow, as you know, loves (what?) everything shiny. The bike was just that: (what?) new and shiny.

Every time the boy rode it (where?) to school, the crow (what did it do?) rode too, (how?) perching on the trunk. She considered (what do you think?) the bicycle as her property, and (what did she think of the boy?) the boy as her personal chauffeur. It could never have crossed her mind that she was just (who?) a passenger, and even a stowaway "hare".

A variety of methods and techniques for retelling and analyzing fairy tales, as well as creating their own real and fantastic stories, help to arouse in children a steady interest in literary reading and creativity, form literate speech skills, contribute to the development of imagination and logic, and creative motivation for classes.

Webinar host:

Spirina Irina Olegovna

  • Relevance of the problem

The formation of verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age when working with a fairy tale in the broad sense is included in the problem of the formation of general artistic and creative abilities of preschool children, which is very relevant. a huge role in the development of children's verbal creativity plays the perception of works of art and the accumulation of artistic experience. If we talk about verbal creativity, then the perception of works of fiction, oral folk art comes to the fore.

By verbal creativity "it means the activity of children that arose under the influence of works of fiction and impressions from the surrounding life, expressed in the creation of oral compositions - stories, fairy tales" Ushakova O.S.

  • Diagnostic stage
  • Proceeding from the fact that the process of the formation of verbal creativity is a purposeful systematic activity that arises under the influence of art and impressions of the surrounding life, and is expressed in the creation of oral compositions (stories, fairy tales, poems). The product of children's speech activity is a narration of a certain content, complete in time, with novelty, originality, flexibility and variability of the storyline, with a greater or lesser number of person-characters, with their own speech means.

  • Criteria and indicators of verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age

Product novelty

Creation of a completely new product

Creating a product with elements of novelty

Product originality

The product is exactly the same as the sample

The entire process was accompanied

Original solutions were present

search for original solutions

No original solution

only for activities

Flexibility in product creation

Present in all new situations

Present only in understandable conditions

Variability of product creation


The child offers several solutions

Child offers two options

The child offers a single solution

  • Diagnostic methods

Target: to reveal the flexibility and variability of children's verbal creativity.

Terms and conditions:

Methodology: the teacher gave the child the task of changing words, inventing epithets, comparisons, antonyms and rhymes. Quantitative indicators were entered into a summary table.

1. Inflection.

The child was asked to change the word "sister".

2. Inventing epithets.

The teacher invites the child to pick up as many definitions as possible for the word "autumn".

3. Making comparisons. The completion of this task showed how developed the associative connections were in the child. After reading the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen “The Snow Queen”, the child was asked: “What can a heart be compared with snow queen, and what about Gerda?

4. Choice of antonyms.

The teacher suggested choosing words that are opposite in meaning to the words “sad” and “pure”.

5. Choosing a rhyme for a word.

The child was asked to pick up rhymes for the words "cloud", "bank".

  • Diagnostic methods

Target: to reveal the novelty and originality of the product of children's speech activity.

Terms and conditions: individually with each child in their free time.

Methodology: the teacher asked the child if he tried to compose a story, a fairy tale or a poem and offered to reproduce what he invented.

The task was evaluated according to the following indicators:

Genre specifics

The expressiveness of the language;

  • Diagnostic methods

Target: to reveal the flexibility and variability of the product of children's speech activity .

Terms and conditions: individually with each child in their free time.

Methodology: the teacher asked the child 3 riddles and asked to explain the metaphors and highlight comparisons. Quantitative indicators were entered into a free table.

Behind the trees, behind the bushes flashed a red flame.

Flashed, ran, there is no smoke, no fire.

Fell from the tree

Bonfire motley steel

"Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids"

  • Diagnostic methods

Target: to reveal the flexibility of children's verbal creativity.

Terms and conditions: individually with each child in their free time.

Methodology: the teacher asked the child what these expressions mean

"Down in the mouth"

"Give a Word"

"Hare Lip"

"Pout your lips"

"In the Sweat of Your Face"

"Get moving"

  • Work plan

I stage. Preparatory

Purpose: to activate the stock of well-known fairy tales, to enrich the experience of children with the knowledge of new fairy tales, to awaken the desire to tell the fairy tale in full or some part on their own or with minimal help from an adult.

II stage. Basic.

Reading familiar stories

Conversations on read works.

Purpose: to teach children different ways creating fabulous images.

"Sivka Burka", "The Frog Princess", "Snow Maiden", "Hare-boast"

« Comparison"

Sh. Feather "Fairy", "Cinderella",

Purpose: to give children the concept of comparison as an artistic technique; to learn to highlight comparison in a poetic text; the ability to find comparisons in a prose text.

Purpose: to teach children to build a sequence of events, to characterize the characters.

G.H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", "The Snow Queen"

Classes - conversations "

Word drawing when working with fairy tales.

"Creativity A. Barto"

Lessons-conversations on fairy tales"Swan geese", " old frost and Young Frost", "Ryaba Hen", "Three Bears", "Gingerbread Man"

Purpose: to introduce a new type of literature - poetry and the concept of a poet; develop the emotional sphere.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the peculiarities of Russian fairy tale using simple text analysis.

  • Work plan

I stage. Preparatory

II stage. Basic


Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of rhyme; develop the child's poetic ear, his poetic flair, sense of rhythm.

Puppet theater based on the fairy tale "Turnip"


The main artistic features of the genre of the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

« Add a fairy tale"

Purpose: to teach children to model new storylines

Purpose: To acquaint children with a fairy tale as a genre of oral folk art.

Good-bad game

"Tales of Yu.Kovyl"

Purpose: to develop the creative potential of children; to find out the possibilities of children as creators of a fairy tale with the aim of their further development and improvement.

Purpose: to acquaint children with the features of the fairy tale genre; prepare for creative work.

Purpose: to teach children to model the relationship of opposites; come up with ways to use any fabulous item or object.

“The story of M. Pototskaya “Acute pig disease””


"Writing a Story"

Purpose: to introduce children to the biography and work of Yu.Kovyl; draw the attention of children to the unusual style of the writer's works.

"Humorous works for preschoolers"

Purpose: using the example of a story that happened to the main character of the story, to teach children to highlight the main idea of ​​the work.

Purpose: to teach children when creating their own fairy tales to correctly use the elements of fairy-tale poetics.

« Reading and memorization annoying fairy tales »

Purpose: to teach children to understand humor.

Purpose: to introduce children to a new kind of boring folk tale; develop attention and memory.

  • Work plan

I stage. Preparatory

II stage. Basic

Game "Merry nonsense"

Purpose: to teach children word creation by attributing new content to the modified form.

Russian folk amusement"Darkness"

Game "Know us".

"Winter evening" based on a poem by A.S. Pushkin

Game "Revive the wind"

Purpose: to teach how to compose a fairy tale based on a nursery rhyme, using a ready-made beginning; to consolidate the ability to explain the meaning of proverbs and stable phraseological units.

Purpose: to teach children to recognize the heroes of fairy tales by their description; develop observation, the ability to extract information from memory at the right moment.

The game "Who is more attentive"

Purpose: to teach how to compose a fairy tale based on the passage “sing me a song, how a titmouse lived quietly across the sea ..”, to exercise children in the selection of comparisons.

Purpose: to teach children to use the technique of fantasizing - animation; develop the ability to represent objects and phenomena not previously encountered in human life.

Purpose: to highlight in a literary text figurative expressions, specific literary turns.

"Father and Sons"(from the stories of L.N. Tolstoy).

The game "I will start, and you will continue"

Purpose: to teach children to compose together a fairy tale on the topic “How are we friends?”, to exercise in the selection of definitions, explanation of phraseological units.

Purpose: to select the most suitable figurative words and expressions in meaning.

“The jackdaw wanted to drink” (from the byles of L.N. Tolstoy)

The game "Who will say differently"

Purpose: to develop the verbal creativity of children, to introduce new situation in order to complicate the task: there was not a single pebble around.

Purpose: to select words and expressions that are most suitable in meaning.

Listening and reading

Retelling on questions

Word or phrase hint

Watching cartoons

Using mnemonics techniques

Forms of work on a fairy tale

Joint retelling

Using TRIZ techniques

Inventing a new title for the story

Dramatization Games

  • Using TRIZ techniques

Familiar characters in new circumstances

random tales

Fairy tale collage.

Tales about household items.

Changing the situation in familiar fairy tales

A fairy tale from a funny rhyme.

Simulation of fairy tales

Retelling a fairy tale.

Fairy tale from the rhyme.

Tales from "live" drops and blots.

Tales with a new ending.

Tales of monsters.

A fairy tale, but in a new way.

Solving contradictions in a fairy tale

A fairy tale from a riddle.

Brief stories.

Rescue situations in fairy tales.

Mixed tales.

Fairy tale from the middle.

Tales of fantasy countries.

Bean fantasy.

Tales from one word.

Tales from comic questions.

Particle "not" and a new fairy tale.

Experiments in fairy tales.

The story continues.

Garbage stories.

Tales of favorite toys.

Tales of seasons, smells, sounds.

All verbs (nouns) have escaped from the fairy tale.

Colored tales.

Name and story.

Family tale.

Travel stories. Tales from transformations.

Fairy tale by analogy with the famous.

Tales about yourself.

Fairy tales based on comic drawings.

Tales from veiled pictures.

  • Familiar Heroes in New Circumstances
  • This method develops imagination, breaks the usual stereotypes of the children, creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but fall into completely different circumstances. The circumstances can be purely fantastic, incredible (a fox and a hare live on flying saucers instead of their ice and bast huts), or they can be close to the life of children (a fox, a hare and a rooster, with the help of a magic wand, ended up in the same cage of the city zoo, and perhaps they stuck in the elevator of a multi-storey building).

If the tales are familiar, you can do without illustrations. We invite children to come up with the plot of a new fairy tale in which Baba Yaga met Kolobok in the forest and together they went to visit the fox in the bast hut. There can be many variants and interweaving of situations from different fairy tales, it is only important not to forget about the main, original characters - and you get a “Collage from fairy tales”. And it is better for preschool children to present this method in a game situation. Like that.

You probably have a thick book of fairy tales in your house. That's what once happened to this book. All the pages are jumbled up. The first was the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". As soon as Ivan Tsarevich got ready to follow Vasilisa the Beautiful to the kingdom of Kashchei the Immortal, he found himself in a completely different fairy tale. The prince does not have his faithful assistants: a hare, a bear, a duck. How now to free Vasilisa the Beautiful? There is nothing to do: Ivan Tsarevich went through the pages of other fairy tales. Before he had time to step over the page, how ... How did the heroes of other fairy tales help him?

Here is another possible example of a collage of fairy tales:

The evil wizard turned Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood and Kolobok into mice. They grieved, grieved and decided to seek salvation. We met the old man Hottabych, and he forgot the spell. Then begins the creative joint work of the children and the educator.

And the next picture is unusual. Only the tails of different animals will help to come up with a new, mixed version of the tale.

  • Funny rhymes, usually short, help children compose incredible tales. Firstly, they help develop a sense of humor in children, and secondly, the text of the rhyme serves as a starting point for the child to write. We read the rhyme with a smile and offer the plot of the tale. For example, this is how the kindergarten teachers "Descartes" Tokar L. I., Dubrava O. G. continue to move from such rhymes to fairy tales.
  • Poem.
  • Balloon, playful, Disobedient and obstinate Ran away with the wind. And where - he did not tell us.
  • Beginning of the tale:
  • Our ball flew awake, Where Nuf-Nuf lived, little pig. He looked to Kolobok, Ruined barrel. He did not forget to visit And grandfather and grandmother, Well, there to talk With a Ryaba Hen.


Adults, using this method, specifically come up with extreme situations that require various options rescue solutions. There is no doubt that such a method serves as a prerequisite for composing all sorts of plots and endings. In addition to the ability to compose, the child learns to find a way out of sometimes difficult, unforeseen circumstances.

Extreme situation:

“One day a hare decided to swim. He swam quite far from the shore. Suddenly a storm began, and he began to sink ... "

Suggest your options for saving the bunny. This will be the beginning of new fairy tales.

Lifeguards have:

saucer, bucket, wooden stick, balloon, sheet of paper. The rescuers decided to first throw a wand to the bunny, but she could not stand it. Bunny began to shout: "Oh, I'm drowning." Then…

Task: Come up with a difficult situation and options for salvation, and then a fairy tale, and the picture will help you with this.


Preschoolers do not know enough about household appliances. That is why the idea arose to connect the beginning of stories about technology and machine guns with a fabulous continuation. This is what we propose to do:

The real beginning (I. Melnikov) Sundial

A long time ago, when there were no clocks yet, people recognized the time by the sun. You know this: the sun rose - it's time for us to get up. And so on until the evening. And suddenly the man paid attention to the shadow: it also moves behind the sun. A man watched a shadow running in a circle, and invented a clock: he dug a pole into the ground, and drew a circle around the pole, divided it into parts. Each part was equal to 1 hour. The sun rose, and the pillar's shadow moved slowly around, marking hour after hour. This is how the first clock was invented. They were called solar. But people could not always use them. Why?

Fabulous continuation One boy was late for school, but all the clocks suddenly stopped. He remembered the sun and


Blotography. It consists in teaching children how to make blots (black and multi-colored). Then even a three-year-old child can, looking at them, see images, objects, or their individual details. “What does your or my inkblot look like?”, “Whom or what does it remind you of?” - these questions are very useful, as they develop thinking and imagination. After that, without forcing the child, but showing, we recommend moving on to the next step - tracing or drawing the blot. The result can be a whole story.

And “live” drops are obtained very simply: drop paint or ink on paper and quickly tilt it in different directions - some kind of image will immediately appear. Both plots as a result of inkblotography and images from “live” drops help to compose fairy tales. What fairy tales would you write based on these pictures?


We once again tell the children a familiar fairy tale and confidentially agree to change something in it.

At first, we change very little in it and by this we encourage the child to invent. For example, we say:

“Cinderella, running away from the prince, lost not a shoe, but something else. And by this, something else, the prince also found her.” What did Cinderella lose, and how did the prince find her? Through reasoning, through trial and error, we move together to possible answers: it can be a ring, a brooch, a belt from a dress, or some detail from Cinderella's outfit (bow). Gradually, children learn to change situations in fairy tales themselves.

Below we offer a number of new situations for famous fairy tales:

GEESE SWANS On the way of the girl there is a gray wolf…

THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN KIDS The bear interferes with the wolf and invites him to his birthday party...

THE TALE OF THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH Rybka wanted to meet the old woman herself...

What are your options in this regard?


We invite children to sequentially look at pictures, toys. V this case we ask you to follow the rule: take as a basis two objects that are difficult to combine in a fairy tale plot. Their connection with the help of your fantasy in a fairy tale is the "Binome of Fantasy". So, you can show the children two pictures depicting a cat and a bag, and offer to compose a fairy tale. Of course, it is easier to compose a fairy tale about a dog and a cat, a dog and a mouse. But we deliberately create an environment of increased complexity. It is by straining, thinking, inventing, that is, being in a state of active mental activity, that our children develop.

We offer you the following pairs of objects and phenomena to connect them using the "Fantasy Binomial" method:

Pair of elephant and pen

Beginning Once an elephant decided to write a letter to his friend the giraffe Gunka. But he couldn't write...

Couples monkey and glasses

The beginning of the fairy tale Grandmother monkey decided to knit socks for her granddaughter, but she forgot where her balls were. A magic balls Meanwhile…


Life has convincingly proved our enduring love for the series. Heroes of serial animations and feature films become, as it were, members of our family. We worry about them, cheer and suffer with them. Therefore, the idea arose to take favorite fairy tales as a basis and make up many so-called series. Moreover, it is important that this method is used in the family cyclically. Let's say, for 1-3 weeks we compose various fairy tales about Cinderella, then about Kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood.

For example:

Fairy tale "CINDERELLA":

1 series - traditional fairy tale;

Episode 2 - Cinderella becomes a giant;

Episode 3 - Invisible Cinderella;

4 series - my fairy tale about Cinderella (your, daddy ...);

Episode 5 - let's make a book with pictures about Cinderella, etc.


Often, child psychiatrists, faced with health problems, especially with mental disorders, make a diagnosis: "Children did not finish their game in childhood." There is even such an expression - "gaming dystrophy." And in the system of so-called play therapy, we propose to combine the name of the child and the fairy tale. And to make it easier for the child to create a fairy tale, we introduce next rule: "Say your name (or the name of any person) and the letter with which this name begins, quickly remember and loudly Name the animal, and then compose a fairy tale from these two words." For instance:

Marina and the Bear: Once upon a time there was a little girl Marina. She loved and was very afraid of bears. And then one day she had a dream: a teddy bear came to visit her ...

Igor and the turkey: Once Igor came to the village to visit his grandmother. He went out of the gate and saw: some very formidable animal was marching importantly towards him ...


This method is useful in many ways. Firstly, because children love to hear what happened or could happen to them or their loved ones: mothers, grandmothers. They like to invent about themselves or their brothers and sisters. Secondly, this creative activity helps to understand the composition as an addition to real life, and not as a replacement for real reality itself. As a result, having finished composing, the child does not experience disappointment, entering life itself. In order to interest even more, you can call yourself abbreviated, that is, only by initials. For example, our granddaughter herself composed countless tales about herself, that is, about “K. F." (Katya Fesyukova). Katya's mother helped her with this, introducing new and new points of contact into the fairy tales - her favorite characters - Lusya, Marusya and Timosha.

  • The scheme of work with a fairy tale

Moral lesson. The child understands what is good and what is bad in a fairy tale or a hero, and creates a new situation where the hero would improve.

The cultivation of good feelings. We teach children to compare, form the habit of proving (for example, “Prove that Alyonka is the best”), put the child in the place of a positive or negative hero, we give the opportunity to deeply empathize with the characters, exercising children in the synchronous expression of feelings and body movements (for example, “How to praise a cockerel with movements”) - integration with theatrical activities.

Voice charging. We teach the child to compose works of genres of written communication (note, telegram, short letter), choosing which of the heroes to send. The method that turns the plot of the fairy tale into a new direction is the method of introducing the “not” particle (Not Little Red Riding Hood, but ...). To introduce novelty, create an element of surprise, the technique “All verbs ran away from the fairy tale ...”).

Development of thinking and imagination. The method of posing a problematic question (why, why, is it always ...?), the method of ciphering the names of fairy tales, the names of heroes, words.

Fairy tale and mathematics - integration. Via geometric shapes model the heroes of a fairy tale, transform a fairy tale into a puzzle or a rhyme, form kinesthetic abilities (the ability to perceive time, feel weight ...) (for example, how long does it take a fox to run 10 meters, how much does a mace weigh?)

Fairy tale and ecology - integration. We bring children to the understanding that everything in nature is interconnected and everything is in development (for example, “And if spring had not come?”).

The fairy tale develops hands - integration. Theatrical activities; drawing, modeling, applique non-traditional methods, the image of a fairy tale schematically or by the method of pictography.

Ludmila Sokolova
The development of speech creativity in preschool children


In preparation children to school education, the formation and development monologue speech as the most important condition for the full assimilation of knowledge, development logical thinking, creative abilities and other aspects of mental activity.

Problem development of speech creativity in the education system of the younger generation is currently increasingly attracting the attention of philosophers, psychologists, teachers. Society is constantly in need of creative people who are able to act actively, think outside the box, find original solutions to any life problems.

GEF DO indicates the need to include in the content of the educational field « Speech development» development of speech creativity of preschoolers. V "Law on Education of the Russian Federation" says that preschool education should be aimed at the formation of a common culture, development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities preschool children, which confirms the relevance of the topic under study.

1. Inclusion in the system of organizational and pedagogical activities of the preschool educational institution of a demonstration speech creativity of older preschoolers for children junior groups and parents;

2. Active use in the educational process of the works of Russian folk creativity: tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.;

3. Organization of the project by topic "Young Writers" and "How a book is born";

4. Participation in children's competitions creativity: "My fairytale", "I rhyme", "Poetry Contest";

5. Organization of direct educational activities for topics: "Makes up a fairy tale", "The Work of a Writer and a Poet", "Poetry Day", “Maybe the fairy tale has a different ending?”;

6. Selection of synonyms, antonyms, definitions that characterize the character, his mood, state, actions and deeds;

7. Animation of illustrations, playback of scenes, connection (contamination) plots of works of different genres, role-playing, creative literary games, theatrical games: "Come up with a riddle", "Bring the picture to life", "What does a fairy tale sound like", "The Adventures of Kolobok" etc.

In the means and methods of teaching and educating the educational process, one should apply:

1. Enrichment subject- developing environments with illustrations and plot pictures;

2. Collect a selection of artistic words, physical. minutes, dynamic pauses, riddles;

3. Creating a dressing corner for changing clothes children, for self-expression of singing, dancing, theatrical games;

4. Extension of theoretical methods learning: work with the multimedia guide "Fairy tale writers", drafting creative stories;

5. Use didactic benefits: "Journey to a fairy tale", "Guess a riddle", "How to say fabulously?";

6. Create a collection for children, parents and teachers "Literary Treasury";

7. Make crosswords and puzzles based on fairy tales and children's stories,

8. Use of an interactive whiteboard.

Teachers should improve their competence in accordance with GEF:

Determine the main methods, forms of use of various means development of children's speech creativity and develop a methodology for their integrated application;

Get acquainted with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard and methodological support;

Build educational activities based on individual speech development of each child.

Collect a card index of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, pestles, tongue twisters, incantations, counting rhymes, etc.).

Work with pupils:

Speech creativity, skillfully combined with life observations, with various types of children's activities, contributes to the child's comprehension of the world around him, teaches him to understand and love beauty, and lays the foundations for the morality of the human person.

System development of speech creativity includes the following tools, technologies and methods:

Speech games and exercises aimed at improving diction children: "Egorki", "Polite bow", "Roll Call", "Scuba Diver".

Conversations about what was read, the interpretation of a poetic dictionary;

Expressive reading, joint chanting, comparison of a literary work with other types of art, revival of personal impressions by association with the text;

Illustrating, compiling filmstrips, comics "Zaikin's hut", "Aibolit and Barmoley", "Fox with a rolling pin";

Folk songs, nursery rhymes, pestles are also a wonderful speech material which can be used in the classroom speech development of preschool children. With their help it is possible develop phonemic awareness, since they use sound combinations - tunes that are repeated several times at different tempos, with different intonations, and are performed to the motive of folk melodies. All this allows the child to first feel and then realize the beauty of the native language, its conciseness, they introduce it to this form of presentation of their own thoughts, and contributes to the formation of imagery of speech. preschoolers, verbal children's creativity;

Games: invite children to illustrate this or that proverb, saying, fairy tale. The ability to convey an artistic image in a drawing expanded the possibility of its expression in a word,

In order for children to quickly master the descriptive form of speech, it is necessary to pay their attention to the linguistic features of the riddle. Given the material of the riddle, it is necessary to teach children to see the compositional features of the riddle, to feel the originality of its rhythms and syntactic constructions. Mastering the skills of descriptive speech will be more successful if, along with riddles, literary works, illustrations, paintings,

Celebration organization "Writers and Rhymers".

Cooperation with parents

Parent meeting with a survey « Speech creativity in a child's life» .

Consultations: "Help your child learn their native language", "Rhyme Games".

Joint visit to the theater and children's library.

Participation in the competition "My fairytale".

Compilation of a collection of their lullabies that they sing to children.

Joint work of teachers and parents to create subject- developing environment.


Level development of speech skills in children can be tracked using (semantic method) O. S. Ushakova and E. Strunina.

They consider it essential development of the speech structure of preschool children work on the word, which is considered in conjunction with the decision of other speech tasks. Fluency in a word, understanding of its meaning, accuracy of word usage are necessary conditions for mastering the grammatical structure of the language, the sound side of speech, as well as development the ability to independently build a coherent statement.