What to do to prevent the child from getting infected. The most effective ways to protect babies from colds. How to protect your baby? What worries the baby

Many moms and dads of children on breastfeeding mistakenly believe that they are not afraid of infectious diseases. Be that as it may, babies are very sick. Unfortunately, it is very easy to get sick through face-to-face contact, despite the protection of maternal antibodies.

I really want to save little child from any ailment. There is no doubt that infectious diseases are less scary for a breastfed baby. In the first six months of life, he is protected by maternal antibodies, which are regularly supplied with breast milk.

No, we are not contradicting ourselves. The risk of getting sick is present, but it is much less. In addition, the course of the disease occurs in a milder form than in artificial children.

Saturating the child's body with breast milk, mother provides invaluable assistance to his body in the fight against viruses and bacteria. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of dehydration during illness, which is fraught with serious complications.

What to watch out for

Children starting from the very early age are situated in constant contact with people around you: mom, dad, older brother or sister, nannies. Each of which may be a potential or real vector of infection.

In practice, the source of the spread of infection in the family may be an older child who attends a kindergarten or a dad, who, due to his employment, is in constant contact with many people.

Infectious diseases dangerous for children of any age, including breastfed newborns, this needs to be understood. Children can become infected if they were in direct contact with the vector or through the household route, through not washed hands people who care for the baby.

  1. ARVI.
  2. Intestinal infections.

What worries the baby

Symptoms of a particular infection are usually the same for children of all ages.

For each disease there are specific symptoms that only a doctor can recognize and diagnose. At the same time, the mother is able to independently understand the warning signs.

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Anxiety, tearfulness.
  3. Bad sleep.
  4. Refusal to eat, on the first day, the baby may not perceive food.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Vomit.
  7. Tearing, nasal discharge.

All of these symptoms are more likely to indicate the presence of a certain infectious disease. Noticing at infant one or more warning signs you should immediately consult a doctor.

How is it treated

Treatment regimen infants the attending doctor writes after the diagnosis of the disease. Adults are required to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and the use of prescribed medications.

Most likely the pediatrician will explain general principles caring for a child who is sick. They are as follows:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room.
  2. Compliance drinking regimen... A sick child should not be fluid deficient. This is dangerous with serious complications such as pneumonia, etc.
  3. The air temperature in the room where the baby is who is sick with ARVI and the temperature should not exceed 19 degrees. At the same time, the baby does not freeze, it must be adequately dressed.
  4. Breastfed babies should be fed on demand. Food for older children is organized according to their appetite. That is, if the baby does not want, there is no need to force him.


If in a house where there is a baby, an older cub falls ill or dad starts coughing, mom should immediately take appropriate quarantine measures. That would not get sick Small child, some preventive measures will help.

  • Isolate the vector of the disease. If possible, then for some time a sick family member "moves" to a separate room.
  • The entire house or apartment must be regularly ventilated.

  • General cleaning should be carried out at least 2 times a day. This will significantly reduce the risk of spreading an airborne disease. In this case, do not forget to use different rags for cleaning the house and the infirmary.
  • In order not to get sick, it is necessary to regularly rinse the child's nasal passages with saline.
  • Among other things, daily walks on the fresh air of all healthy members families. A baby who is sick also needs to walk if the body temperature has not increased during the day, subject to optimal weather conditions.
  • It is possible to protect young children from ARVI if the sick person wears a cotton-gauze bandage, regularly wash their hands with soap and water during contact with the child.

How to fight

Parents need to understand that children get sick and this is normal. Infectious diseases are very easily transmitted, and, accordingly, any child can become infected if he was in contact with a sick person. There is no person who would not be sick in his life with ARVI or ARI, and without exaggeration it will be said that their symptoms are known to every mother.

It is important to understand that with the help of honey preparations that are sold in any pharmacy, you can only alleviate or eliminate the symptoms of a sick child. In this case, the cure occurs at the expense of the body's resources. The immune system makes antibodies to the virus or infection, thus healing occurs.

It is imperative to help an early child by relieving symptoms such as nasal congestion, high body temperature over 38 degrees.

How to help a baby

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms it is possible with the help of medications that the doctor will prescribe after the examination. For kids of different ages certain categories of medicines are permissible for use.

High fever, stuffy nose and annoying cough are the most unpleasant symptoms of ARVI that interfere with the baby's sleep and need to be eliminated first. In a fit, to relieve the condition of the crumbs as quickly as possible, do not neglect the rules of caution on the use of medicines, be sure to read the instructions. Many antipyretics are allowed from 3 months of age. In addition, do not rush to resort to traditional medicine recipes, so as not to add allergy symptoms to the overall picture.

When treating children, strictly adhere to the recommendations of an experienced doctor.

Once again about the temperature

It should also be noted that it is necessary to lower the temperature if it exceeds 38 by mercury thermometer... However, if there is individual characteristics, at which it is impossible to allow an increase in temperature (convulsions, etc.), measures must be taken immediately!

If mom is sick

If the mother is sick, the situation is complicated by the fact that she can infect the baby, because she, like no one else, is next to the baby 24 hours a day.

If the child is breastfed, in no case should you stop feeding with ARVI and most intestinal infections... After all, the risk of infection is quite high. And together with breast milk, the child receives not only a virus or infection, but also antibodies that it produces the immune system his mom.

Breast-feeding - best support the body of children.

Disease disease strife

A child's body, just like an adult, is able to overcome infections on its own. However, it is important to understand that there are certain diseases, the course of which is extremely difficult and fraught with the most dire consequences. That's why modern medicine recommends parents not to neglect preventive vaccinations.

A little about vaccinations

According to the vaccination calendar for children, a different vaccine injection is prescribed for each age. Babies are growing. Accordingly, the opportunities of children increase, the circle of communication expands.

When the eldest child in the family goes to Kindergarten, parents should be on the alert, because he can bring absolutely any infection into the house.

Vaccines can cure many health problems in children of all ages.

It is customary to call a group of infections that affect the upper respiratory tract... This disease leads to inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes in the sinuses.

This disease is contagious, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. Its signs, as a rule, begin to develop after a day or two, after a person has been exposed to the virus.

Usually, the sick person can infect others within the first two or three days after the first symptoms appear. There is no specific cure for the disease, but anyone with a cold can ease the symptoms until they recover (this will take about a week).

There are more than 200 types of such a viral infection in the world, but the most common of them are rhinoviruses (those that infect the nasal mucosa). It is because of them that about 30% of all colds appear.

Babies receive special antibodies from their mother - they help to survive the disease with minimal losses for health.

Despite this, any small child can easily catch a cold. In some cases, the disease can affect children 6 to 7 times a year. It all depends on the baby's immunity.

How not to infect a baby with a cold: methods and recommendations

How not to infect a baby with a cold if the parents are sick? To do this, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  1. The ideal option for a sick child is to isolate him or her in a separate room. If this rule is impracticable, then the baby should at least sleep in his crib, but not with his parents.
  2. It is best if the baby is isolated from the sick mom or dad. This should be done until they get better. But in some cases it is not possible to do this. This means that in a room with a child with a cold, an ill adult should only be in a mask.
  3. All dishes from which the baby eats (bottle, nipples, etc.) must be well sterilized. This should always be done, and especially if the child has not yet reached three months of age... In no case should you pour liquid from an adult's cup into your baby's feeding utensils.
  4. The room in which the baby sleeps should always be thoroughly ventilated. This must be done at least twice a day and certainly at the moment when the child is in another room. As for the duration of this procedure, it should be at least 10-15 minutes. Also, do not forget about walking with a baby on the street. The fresh air is very important factor for the recovery of the child.
  5. The room in which the baby is constantly located must be carefully cleaned. It is necessary to thoroughly wipe off all dust with a damp cloth and rinse the floors with a hypoallergenic detergent or with water, with a small amount of chlorine diluted in it.
  6. It is necessary to create an unfavorable atmosphere for viruses. To do this, in the room where the child spends all his main time, you need to put a cup with finely chopped onions and garlic. The phytoncides present in these vegetables have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of such an infectious disease.
  7. It should be remembered that overheating for a baby is just as dangerous and undesirable as hypothermia. Room temperature the room should be from 20 to 22 degrees for children under one month old, and from 18 to 22 degrees for those who are already one month old. If the baby is in good health, hardening procedures will be very useful for him. You can start them from the moment the child turns two months old. They will become beautiful prophylactic against .
  8. When massive epidemics of such diseases begin, the baby's family should stop receiving guests. This rule should be followed due to the fact that the baby can easily pick up an infection. If guests are inevitable, then each of them must be provided with special mask from gauze.

How to quickly cure a cold for parents

Parents can be quickly cured with the help of special decongestants. They help dry and open each nasal passage. But it should be remembered that with the abuse of such drugs, you can achieve the opposite effect - to increase the swelling of his sinuses.

They have a beneficial effect on the course of a cold, and therefore on recovery. Pharmaceutical market releases them in two forms: expectorant and suppressive (suppressive). The former help to separate well the mucus that accumulates in the throat. And the latter have a beneficial effect on the unproductive. They help you sleep peacefully throughout the night. You do not need to apply them during the day.

Over-the-counter pharmaceuticals (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Paracetamol) can help relieve muscle pain from colds and significantly reduce an elevated body mass.

Pregnant women should take such funds with caution, especially in the last three months. It is best to consult your doctor before using them.

For colds, it is very useful to make baths with mustard:

  • Soaring feet should be in hot water... Its temperature should not be lower than +40 degrees.
  • To do this, you need to dissolve one or two tablespoons of dry mustard in water and keep your feet in it for at least 15 minutes. At the end of this procedure, you should thoroughly wipe them dry and put on warm socks (preferably woolen).
  • The sick person must wrap himself up in a warm blanket. Soaring your feet is recommended before bed.

Another way to cure a cold with mustard is to sprinkle the powder in a small layer in cotton socks, put them on and go to bed. You can also rub each foot with vodka or diluted alcohol.

Breast milk works especially well for babies in the first months after birth. To a child who is on artificial feeding, you can drop a drop of interferon into each nostril.

If the runny nose lasts for several days, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor to prescribe an appropriate treatment.

In addition to the listed funds, various ointments can be purchased for babies with colds. These include oxalic acid or Vitaon. A small amount any of these pharmacy products you need to lubricate the area near the nasal passages of the sick child. Adults should remember to consult a pediatrician before taking any medication.

Useful video - Prevention of colds in children.

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One of the most popular questions for a pediatrician is: "If a mother is sick with a cold, how not to infect a baby?" Most qualified doctors say, "Nothing."

It should be remembered that immunity in children is formed up to 10 years old, and in a newborn it is practically nonexistent. Therefore, no one will give guarantees that the child will not get sick.

You can significantly reduce the risk by following common sense and simple guidelines... It is enough to clarify a few points about infections.

It is a controversial point whether a baby can catch a cold from a mother, because with breast milk he also receives antibodies that protect against infections.

Any infectious disease contagious to one degree or another. Even if there are no obvious symptoms, a person can be a carrier of the pathogen. Therefore, parents should consider how not to infect a young child with a cold.

The common cold is called ARVI and ARI.

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. From the name it is clear that these are diseases caused precisely by viruses. They should be treated with antiviral drugs, and not antibiotics, as many ordinary people mistakenly believe.

ARI is an acute respiratory disease. General concept, which includes several diseases caused by both viruses and bacteria.

How not to infect a baby with a cold

In order not to infect a child with a cold, you should use the advice of pediatricians:

  1. If the mother is sick, then she should be less close to the baby. Perhaps you need to ask relatives to help change clothes, bathe and walk with the child. If communication is reduced to a minimum, at least in the first days of the illness, the newborn may not be infected.
  2. A person who has a cold does not need to be in another room. But taking the baby in your arms, let alone kissing him, is strongly discouraged.
  3. A family member who is sick must be healed as soon as possible. Adults should not endure colds on their feet, it is better to lie down for several days, keeping a distance from the baby and his personal belongings.
  4. There are rules for visiting the clinic that must be observed: wear a medical mask, both for yourself and your child, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after visiting a doctor. Now in children's departments there are game rooms but parents shouldn't relax. An adult should make sure that the baby has as little contact with other children as possible, because they can be carriers of the infection.

Is it okay to breastfeed during a cold

All mothers are still in the hospital wondering how not to infect a baby while breastfeeding. The body of a newborn is very weak, all organs are vulnerable to a variety of infections.

If a nursing mother has a cold, be sure to consult with your doctor if you can continue feeding when treatment is started. Natural remedies for cold can be used while breastfeeding. But if the doctor prescribes antibiotics, breastfeeding will have to be abandoned for a while.

Also, the mother should especially carefully follow the rules of hygiene: treat the mammary glands before feeding, use a mask.

Some sources say that a baby should put breast milk in his nose to protect him from infections. This is a misconception. Breast milk can become a suitable environment for the development of pathogens. It is better to regularly, in the morning and in the evening, drip special baby solutions for rinsing the nose. They are sold in any pharmacy and are inexpensive.

How to protect a nursery from viruses

In order not to infect the baby with a cold, you should:

  1. Maintain a clean room. Wet cleaning is required every day. The floor is washed, the shelves are wiped from dust, it is also advisable to handle the baby's toys. You can add special detergents with antibacterial effect, but without a pungent odor.
  2. Ventilate the room at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. The air should not be stale. But avoid drafts. Better to leave the room for 15 minutes.
  3. Observe the temperature regime. Optimum temperature- 20-22 degrees. In too warm room bacteria spreads faster. Cold air can lead to hypothermia. In infants, thermoregulatory function is imperfect, and a drop in room temperature can trigger colds.
  4. Do not enter the room where the baby is outerwear... Take off not only jackets and coats, but also change into clean household clothes.
  5. Wash your hands, then treat them with an antiseptic.
  6. Use medical masks.
  7. Purchase an ionic humidifier or quartz lamp... But pediatricians, especially those working in hospitals, strongly recommend not to abuse quartzization. In this case, all microbes are killed, and the baby's immunity will not be able to develop naturally.
  8. Many sites recommend isolating a sick family member. But this is practically impossible.
  9. Change often linens... It's great if the baby sleeps in his crib. This is less likely to get infected. But some children feel uncomfortable without a mom and therefore sleep in the parent's bed.
  10. Sterilize the utensils and toys that your baby uses, such as bottles, pacifiers, and teethers.

There are some controversial tips:

  • leave the saucer with onion and garlic cloves in the nursery. A very popular statement, but worth considering. Strong smell unpleasant to everyone, and the baby can cause allergies, irritation of the respiratory tract;
  • use an aroma lamp with coniferous oils. Undoubtedly very useful thing, but it should not be used for long and only in the presence of an adult. It is necessary to observe the baby's reaction.

How to increase the immunity of a child

V child's body in the first months of life, maternal antibodies and hormones predominate. Therefore, the child's immunity must cope with incoming viruses, but due to imperfect work, he does not always succeed.

Therefore, it is worth increasing it gradually and, if possible, not resorting to medications.

Ways to increase the immunity of an infant

Air baths

During the walk, the child receives such a necessary and important element like vitamin D and is tempered. In addition to walking, it is important from birth to teach your baby to be indoors in light clothing.

Even in the maternity hospital, babies are laid out naked on the bed before each feeding.

Physical activity

For babies in the first days of life, a light exercise in the morning is enough. Bend and unbend the arms and legs, pay attention that all joints are involved. Gently flip from back to side, then onto tummy and back to side. Gradually increase the time and amount of exercise.

This will help not only develop immunity, but also strengthen muscle corset... From 4-5 months, babies enjoy visiting the pool. You can go to the clinic or visit health centers where there are pools for children, shallow, with more warm water where ionization of water is used instead of bleach for disinfection.


A universal remedy. In the first year, pediatricians recommend at least three courses: at 3 months, so that the child begins to roll over; then at 6 months, when he begins to try to sit down; at 9 months - preparation for walking.

Often, the number of free places in clinics is limited, so the mother can do the massage herself: light stroking, rubbing her palms and feet, tickling. Close contact soothes little man, and stimulation of active points makes the lungs work, saturating the body with oxygen, thus increasing immunity.

Speleo camera

Highly efficient way... An artificial analogue of the salt cave. This is a room in which rock salt is poured; salt is also supplied in crushed form through the ventilation.

The entire procedure takes place under the supervision of a specialist. It is prescribed for children over 6 months of age, as there is a high risk of respiratory tract spasm.

Vitamins and immunomodulators

Opinions were divided on this matter. Even 20 years ago, almost all children were given glutamic acid. This amino acid is responsible for correct work nervous system... Vitamin D was also prescribed. Currently, glutamic acid has been abandoned and is prescribed only if it is deficient. Doctors also argue about immunomodulators.

Interferon preparations act in their role. Although immunologists advocate drug therapy, many pediatricians consider such measures unjustified and sometimes harmful.

It is worth resorting to one or another method only after consulting a doctor and passing tests. Especially respectful attitude require kids with congenital pathologies... In this case, it is necessary to obtain recommendations not only from a pediatrician, but also from a specialized doctor, as well as a neurologist. Only with the help integrated approach you can achieve a positive result.

Preventing colds

Here are some basic rules:

  1. Eat healthy foods to reduce your chances of getting sick.
  2. Don't forget about personal hygiene.
  3. Try to avoid large congestion people, especially during epidemics.
  4. In busy places, walks with baby should be short-lived.
  5. Do not take your baby with you to the clinic unnecessarily, shopping centers and public places.
  6. Do not allow unfamiliar people(compassionate grandmothers, active mothers and curious children) take your child in their arms, kiss him or give him something.

A small child in a family is happiness. How to protect your baby if mom or dad suddenly got sick? An insidious cough, fever and body aches are signs of a cold, which means that urgent measures need to be taken to prevent infection in the youngest family members.

If possible, an ill family member should be isolated for the duration of the illness. Ideally, a sick dad will stay with his parents for a couple of days, or at least in the next room.

The situation is more complicated if the mother of an infant has caught a cold, or living conditions do not allow isolation of a sick family member. In this case, it will help medical mask which should be worn continuously and changed in a timely manner. It is better to sneeze and cough in disposable handkerchiefs, which should be thrown away immediately after use.

An ailing mother should all the more wear a mask, because she is in direct contact with the baby. Colds and even high fever are not a reason to stop breastfeeding! On the contrary, you need to continue to feed your own milk, because it contains a lot of substances useful for the child, which not only nourish the body, but also support its immune forces, preventing the development of a cold.

1. Do not put your child to bed with you if you are sick. Let him sleep in a separate bed or even in a separate room during the illness.

2. Onions and garlic - unique products that contain phytoncides. These substances kill germs and purify the indoor air. When someone in the family is sick, put a plate of chopped onions and garlic in the apartment.

3. If the child is not allergic, you can do the following: drop lemon oil, eucalyptus oil or tea tree, leave a napkin in the room.

4. The air in the children's room, and indeed the apartment in general, must be fresh, therefore ventilation is one of the necessary measures to combat viruses and microbes. Leave windows open for at least 10 minutes several times a day.

5. Twice a day, wet cleaning should be carried out in the children's room. This will not only humidify the air, but also help get rid of some of the harmful microorganisms.

6. Keep an eye on temperature regime in the room. The air temperature should not rise above 20 degrees. Outdoor walks are not canceled.

7. Children's dishes should be individual Nobody, except a child, should use them. Same goes for towels.

8. After a walk, all family members must take off their outerwear; it is not allowed to enter the children's room in it. It is also necessary to wash your hands with soap and water after being outside.

9. At the time of illness, it is better not to receive guests, so as not to aggravate the situation and not give the infection a chance to spread further.

Frequent hand washing is one of the methods to prevent colds.

Some medications can indeed be used to prevent colds. For example, you can bury a drop of interferon in the nose of your baby. The dosage is 3-5 drops in each nasal passage. By the way, interferon is also useful for adult family members.

Another similar drug is Grippferon, which is available both as a spray and as drops. It is approved for use in infants under a year... Possessing immunomodulating and antiviral activity, Grippferon is effective against many respiratory viral infections.

An old and proven method is to apply Oxolinic ointment to the area of ​​the entrance to the nasal passages. This drug is also antiviral. It can be used for a long time, more than 3 weeks.

Viferon ointment has similar properties. Unlike Oxolinic ointment, Viferon does not cause burning and irritation at the site of application, and this is very important when it comes to children. In addition to the ointment, Viferon is available in the form of suppositories. Keep in mind that no more than six months should pass from the date of production of these candles, otherwise their antiviral activity drops sharply.

It is also worth mentioning the Viburkol candles, which represent homeopathic remedy made in Germany. Viburcol is used by children from birth and contains such natural substances like extracts of chamomile, belladonna, nightshade and others.

The well-known immunomodulating drug Derinat is useful for both children and adults. He has already won the trust of doctors and mothers, because he is able to effectively deal with disease-causing particles.

Do not forget that even in preventive purposes medicines can only be prescribed by a doctor.

V recent times began to use drugs that are sprayed in residential and work premises in order to destroy microbes and viruses. One of the examples of such means is the Togeton gel spray for biological air purification (made in Russia). It includes a complex plant extracts(pine, marigold). In addition, it is worth noting the composition of vegetable essential oils under the trade name "Breathe". If family members are not allergic to the plant substances that make up the drug, you can safely use this spray.

In the apartment where the small child lives, one of the family members has all the signs of a cold - a runny nose, cough, body aches. What can you do to avoid infecting your child? Of course, no one will give a 100% guarantee, but you can reduce the likelihood of infection.

First of all, the child must be isolated from the sick person, unless, of course, the mother of the breastfed baby is sick. If isolated due to housing conditions impossible, the patient should wear a disposable or gauze mask and change it every half hour. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing. paper napkin which must be thrown into the trash can immediately after use.

If a nursing mother of an infant is sick, she must also wear a mask and continue to breastfeed her baby, even if she has a high fever. Breast milk contains antibodies that build immunity and help your baby fight infection. Just do not bend close to the child and especially kiss him.

  1. It is advisable that the child sleeps in a separate room or at least in a separate bed. It is advised to put a plate with finely chopped onions or garlic near the child's bed. They contain phytoncides - volatiles that cleanse the air from microorganisms.
  2. If your child is not allergic, you can soak the napkin with tea tree or lemon oil from time to time.
  3. In the absence of a child, the room must be ventilated for at least 10 minutes, preferably several times a day. Also, twice a day, it is necessary to do wet cleaning with a disinfectant.
  4. The air temperature in the room should be about 20 degrees. If possible, the child should spend more time outdoors.
  5. A child who is not breastfed should have his own utensils, which no one else should use.
  6. All family members should not enter the room in outer clothing and forget to wash their hands with soap and water upon returning home. During an epidemic, it is better to refuse to receive guests.

Medicines can also be used as a prophylaxis. For example, drip 3-5 drops into the child's nose Interferon(antiviral drug). The rest of the family should do the same. Many moms find it more effective Grippferon in the form of drops or spray. It is an immunomodulatory, antiviral drug used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory diseases and influenza. It can also be used for children under one year old.

For prevention, you can also lubricate the nasal mucosa. Oxolinic ointment... having antiviral activity. The same can be done for a child using cotton swab... Upon contact with a patient, the nasal mucosa is lubricated 2 times a day for three weeks. True, this ointment causes a slight burning sensation, which quickly passes, but this may not please the child. Therefore, it is better to use antiviral and immunomodulatory ointment. Viferon .

There are also rectal suppositories under the same name. However, more than six months should not pass from the date of their manufacture, since the activity active substance after half a year it decreases much.

Children's candles are also popular with mothers. Viburcol... This is a German homeopathic medicine that stimulates the body's defenses and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It contains plant substances: chamomile, belladonna belladonna, nightshade, plantain, etc. It can be used by children from birth.

For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, you can instill drops in your nose and yourself and your child. Derinat... It is also an immunomodulatory drug. As a prophylaxis for ARVI and influenza, a homeopathic drug is used in the form of drops for internal use Aflubin... It is also shown to children under one year old.

However, before applying drugs it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Increases the body's defenses, moisturizes and purifies the air from dust and is used to prevent bacterial and viral infections gel spray for biological air purification TAGETON (Russian firm REBION). It contains a phytocomplex ( essential oils marigolds, pines) and is intended for people who are often ill colds, with weak immunity... It is safe to spray indoors in the presence of people.

© Natalia Ilyina, Dealinda.ru

How not to infect a child with the flu, colds, sore throats and other diseases if he fell ill himself.

A common family cold or flu begins in adults who have big circle communication: public transport, market, shops, work. Following the disease, the disease often passes to a small crumb, which is very susceptible to any infection. We try to protect babies from diseases, unfortunately, this is not always possible, but there are several rules that can help you do not infect a child .

1. To do not infect a nursing baby... be sure to feed the baby with your milk for a long time, because only it contains substances that can protect little toddler from diseases, including infectious. We are talking about especially valuable immunoglobulins, which in the first months the child receives from the mother with breast milk.

2. Less often call your friends and relatives to the bride's bridegroom, since all your guests are carriers of any viruses. Even if the visitor does not cough or sneeze, he still poses a threat to the health of the baby.

You should also limit yourself to visiting friends during an exacerbation of massive infections. At this time, you should not take your baby to the clinic and other crowded places without a reason. If such a need arises, lubricate the crumbs with oxaline ointment in the nose and put on a mask.

3. If someone in your family is sick, do not allow him to communicate with the baby and ask him to wear a mask.

4. Use a well-proven method to reduce your child's risk of infection. Divide the garlic into cloves. peel it and cut it into pieces, put it on a string, making a kind of beads. Hang these beads near the crib where the little one sleeps.

5. To prevent disease, instill breast milk in the baby's nose. It will be nice if you rinse the baby's nose with Aquamaris or just salted water (for 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of salt).

6. If the mother or someone else in the family is sick, then the child must be isolated in another room (or in his own crib from his mother, if he sleeps with her). The apartment needs to be ventilated more often, even if it is winter outside. Fresh frosty air main enemy for viruses and infections.

The room should have a temperature not higher than 22 degrees and a humidity of at least 40%.

7. If there is a person in the house who has a cold or flu, all household members need to drip drops into their nose to stimulate immunity (Interferon, Gipferon, Vitaon). The drugs can only be used after consulting a doctor.

What should a mother do so as not to infect her child if she is sick?

For obvious reasons, most often the baby becomes infected from the very loved one- mothers. That is why you should pay special attention to your health.

If you are a nursing mother, in case of your illness, in no case should you stop breastfeeding. Breast milk is the best elixir for the prevention of crumbs disease. There is no need to be afraid that germs and viruses will get into your milk, on the contrary, the toddler with milk receives antibodies to diseases.

During a period of illness, a nursing mother is advised to drink plenty of fluids in order to reduce the risk that the milk will burn out. Indeed, with illness and high temperature the body loses a lot of fluid, and in order for milk to be produced in the right amount, the lost fluid needs to be replenished.

Before taking any medications, ALWAYS consult a doctor, as taking many medications can be very dangerous for a child (if you are a nursing mother).

If your disease began with a runny nose, prepare drops of garlic: grate the garlic and squeeze the juice, dilute it with 10 parts of water and drip into your nose 5-6 times a day.

Or use another folk remedy: for a few minutes to the pads thumbs hands, attach the pieces of garlic.

They have worked well in the fight against colds onion drops... Grate the onion or chop finely, pour in the cooled boiled water, let it brew for an hour, strain, add 1/4 teaspoon of honey. Drip into your nose 4-5 times a day.

In order for the child and the whole family to get sick less often, I recommend great recipe strengthening immunity Delicious recipe strengthening immunity for children and adults.