Cellulite ozone therapy, face, intravenous ozone therapy, ozone treatment and rejuvenation at the Platinental Ozone Therapy Clinic. Features of ozone therapy for the treatment of facial skin. Who does not benefit from ozone therapy?

Clinics modern cosmetology offer a promising method of rejuvenation - ozone therapy or active oxygen treatment. The procedure is popular because it helps to solve problems associated with bad condition facial skin, cosmetic defects, age-related changes.

What is ozone therapy

This is a cosmetic procedure that is carried out in beauty salons with the appropriate qualifications from a specialist and equipment. A gas mixture is injected subcutaneously or intradermally to a person, 1 ml falls on each injection site, a small blister forms on the skin. Over time, it resolves, ozone is absorbed by tissues, cells of the body. This mixture activates the body's blood supply, metabolism, which accelerates the synthesis of elastin, collagen. Thanks to ozone therapy:

  • wrinkles disappear;
  • the skin is tightened;
  • the second chin disappears;
  • the tone, elasticity of the skin in the décolleté and neck area increases.

Treatment of the face with ozone therapy stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, which is a moisturizing factor that helps the skin retain moisture better. Thanks to this, the fabrics become elastic, velvety. Sometimes a facial rejuvenation procedure is supplemented with intravenous saline to enhance the rejuvenating effect of ozone therapy.

Benefits of ozone for the face

Many people think that ozone therapy is only injections for acne on the face, but the spectrum of the procedure is much wider. Ozone has a detrimental effect on the Demodex skin mite, which causes the formation of comedones, acne, and also on microbes. Stimulation of accelerated tissue renewal helps eliminate hyperpigmented spots, scars from a rash. The use of ozone is useful for normalizing the work of sweat, sebaceous glands, restoration of the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. After the procedure, the skin of the face ceases to react sharply to washing, temperature changes.

Benefits of ozone treatment:

  • recovery sensitive skin;
  • a healthy glow appears;
  • the skin does not look dry, tight;
  • spider veins become less pronounced;
  • there is an outflow of excess fluid, subcutaneous fat, which leads to a decrease in edema, bags under the eyes.

When are ozone injections indicated?

The cost of ozone treatment may vary depending on the area being treated. For example, it is inexpensive to carry out a facial rejuvenation procedure, but the price of injections in the chin area will be more expensive. In this regard, you need to know what is the indication for the use of ozone therapy:

  • face skin tightening;
  • elimination fine wrinkles;
  • getting rid of transverse wrinkles of the neck, second chin;
  • prevention of skin aging of the decollete, neck, face;
  • used ozone therapy for acne;
  • treatment of couperose, rosacea, acquired skin pigmentation;
  • fight against comedones, acne, post-acne;
  • Ozone therapy will help get rid of edema, bags under the eyes, enlarged pores, dry or oily skin.

Find out how it is done with other methods.

Do ozone injections have contraindications

Before ordering ozone therapy for the face, you should familiarize yourself with some contraindications. The procedure cannot be called painless, and in some cases it can even harm the client. Do not do ozone therapy:

  • if there was a head injury in the past;
  • if there was a reception medicines that reduce blood clotting;
  • in the presence of epilepsy (even a single case of seizures);
  • at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • harm will be done to the body if hemophilia or other diseases that reduce blood clotting are diagnosed;
  • ozone therapy is contraindicated for people with hyperthyroidism;
  • in the presence of allergic reaction for medical ozone;
  • after diagnosing oncological diseases;
  • harm will be done to the client if the level of platelets decreases;
  • it is impossible to carry out ozone therapy for patients with diabetes mellitus, which provoked diabetic retinopathy;
  • v acute period stroke, heart attack;
  • with alcohol intoxication.

How is ozone therapy performed?

Required for a cosmetic procedure preliminary preparation. It is possible to conditionally divide the whole process of ozone therapy into three main stages:

  • preparatory;
  • ozone therapy itself;
  • recovery period.

According to customer reviews, ozone injection of the face cannot be called pleasant procedure, therefore, before it starts, a person is injected with an anesthetic on all areas of the skin that will be treated. The desired effect occurs after 30 minutes, after which they begin treatment with an ozonizer - a special apparatus for ozone therapy. The device has five very thin needles that are inserted under the skin or intradermally.

The ozone treatment itself occurs relatively quickly, the device is immersed in the epidermis for 1-2 seconds. The composition under the skin is distributed gradually, delivering discomfort to the client and pain. In order for the gas to spread evenly, after the end of the injections, apply to the face cream light massage movements. Swelling may occur at the injection sites and persist for 2-3 days.

When the action of the painkiller ends, the pain effect intensifies, it is possible that bruises will appear under the eyes, swelling of the face will be observed. These unpleasant consequences must simply be endured, they pass in 2-3 days. For a noticeable visual effect, at least 2-3 ozone therapy procedures should be performed: the skin will become firm, elastic, small wrinkles smoothed out, others disappear cosmetic defects. Indication, as well as contraindication, must always be taken into account.

How often can you inject ozone

The duration of the course of ozone therapy and the number of procedures is determined individually by a specialist, taking into account the degree of cosmetic problems. Typically required to achieve desired effect from 5 to 15 sessions of ozone therapy, the intervals between them are 1-3 days. It is important to contact the clinic where he works good specialist, otherwise, instead of facial rejuvenation, you can harm him. A good indicator of quality can be the reviews of acquaintances or just other customers who have already conducted this medical procedure.

The price of ozone therapy for the face

It cannot be said that facial ozone therapy is a cheap service. Pricing is directly affected by the zone that will be processed. On average, one procedure will cost in the range of 600-3500 rubles. The difference in price depends on the city where you live, the particular beauty salon or clinic where the service is provided. average cost ozone therapy procedures are:

  • chin - price from 800 to 1300 rubles;
  • face area - price from 600 to 2000 rubles;
  • chin and face - price from 1800 rubles;
  • oval face - price from 800 to 1500 rubles;
  • complex treatment of the neck, chin - from 2500 rubles;
  • face, neck, chin - from 3000 r.

Does ozone treatment have an alternative?

Considering the cost of chipping, the number of contraindications and post-effects, people begin to look for possible alternatives ozone therapy service. There are a number of cosmetic procedures that can replace, if necessary, rejuvenation, improve skin quality:

  1. Microcurrent therapy. This is a way of influencing the skin of the face with low-frequency current pulses that prevent premature aging of tissues.
  2. Biorevitalization. This classic injection procedure can also be performed non-injection (laser). Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, which moisturizes tissues, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. Find out more about how the procedure goes and its cost.
  3. Alginate mask. Care procedures with it have a lifting effect. The main active ingredient is sodium alginate, along with it, chitosan, collagen, herbal ingredients, vitamin C.
  4. Contour plastic with fillers. This cosmetic procedure consists in the administration of gel-like fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They help to smooth out age, mimic wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin.
  5. Mesotherapy. The specialist selects the individual composition of the drug, which is injected under the skin. Each time the “cocktail” is different, it is created taking into account the specific problems of the client.

Video: ozone therapy in cosmetology

To keep the skin in attractive, prevent premature aging uninterrupted flow of metabolic processes inside the tissues is necessary. This is achieved by timely circulation useful substances, oxygen. In this case, cell respiration is considered basic process tissue functioning. It is oxygen that activates the metabolic chain of events. If the gas exchange of cells is disturbed, the skin condition noticeably worsens: stagnation develops, the integument fades, fades. To stimulate oxygen metabolism in cosmetology, there is ozone therapy for the face. The procedure is considered universal for solving most skin problems.

The essence of the technique

Ozone therapy for the face is performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure involves mandatory compliance with the rules of conduct, sterility. The cosmetologist-ozone therapist performs the intervention.

The procedure is carried out manually or by hardware. The essence of the manipulation is the introduction of a special oxygen mixture under the skin. The integument is punctured to a predetermined depth, the tissues receive a predetermined amount of gas.

Quantitative parameters, processing zones are determined individually. For a single procedure, the entire face or certain areas can be chipped. How many injections to make, the doctor determines based on his own experience.

Attention! For a more explicit therapeutic effect additionally, a special saline solution can be administered intravenously, ozonized oil is applied superficially to the integument as a mask. At home, washing can be done using distilled, oxygenated water.

Indications for use

Ozone therapy is used as a therapeutic or preventive measure. Saturation of tissues with oxygen improves the flow of all physiological processes. The procedure is useful for patients of any age. Usually a cosmetologist prescribes ozone therapy for:

  • treatment of acne, comedones, post-acne, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, rosacea;
  • reduction of hypersensitivity, dryness, excessive oiliness of the integument, enlarged pores;
  • elimination of edema, bags, dark circles in the eyelids;
  • tightening of sagging tissues, smoothing wrinkles;
  • correction of the severity of the second chin, cheeks, drooping lips, eyebrows, eyelids;
  • improving the quality of the skin (firmness, elasticity, color);
  • preparation of integuments for further therapeutic interventions.

To obtain a positive effect, cosmetologists prescribe a course of interventions . 5-15 sessions are enough, performed at intervals of 1-4 days.


After the introduction, the gas is gradually dispersed throughout the cells, absorbed, activating the processes:

  • local metabolism;
  • tissue blood supply;
  • synthesis of collagen, elastin, fibroblast activity;
  • functioning of sweat, sebaceous glands;
  • normalization of hydrolipidic balance;
  • lymphatic drainage.

The activation of internal mechanisms is reflected:

  • improvement of the skin condition (increased tone, firmness, elasticity, color normalizes);
  • tissue tightening (the oval is strengthened, the cheeks are reduced, the second chin is reduced);
  • decreased susceptibility to various influences(reactions to water, temperature, emotional instability);
  • elimination of defects (acne, bags, dark circles, age spots, protruding vascular network).

As a result of the procedures, the face acquires a fresh, toned look, the skin becomes clean, pleasant to the touch. The permeability of the integument improves, which contributes to a more efficient absorption of nutrients from surface application agents.

Types of procedure

In cosmetology, the injection method of introducing a gas mixture is most often used. The method allows you to quickly achieve narrowly focused efficiency. At the injection sites, the gas instantly reaches the target. Cells are immediately saturated with oxygen, tissues receive useful action. To achieve a clear result, a course of interventions is required.

The use of ozonized oil as the basis for the preparation of cosmetics, massage is also common in cosmetology. The method allows you to get complex effect, but the influence of oxygen is weakly expressed. The option is preferred for fixing the result obtained from injectable ozone therapy for home care.

The systemic method of introducing a mixture of gases, saline or the patient's blood is more often carried out to achieve therapeutic goals. The substance is given intravenously. The blood is actively saturated with oxygen. The body is stimulated to renew itself. There is rejuvenation from the inside: systems and organs begin to work better. Locally (to the tissues of the face), oxygen enters in small portions.

Advice. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, a set of measures is recommended. The possibility of using the type of ozone therapy or conducting a combination of effects will be determined by the doctor.

Preparing for a session

standard preparatory stage will be a preliminary visit to the beautician. The doctor will assess the problem, collect information about health. You may need to take additional tests. Based on these data, the doctor will make a decision on the possibility of an intervention.

At home, the preparation for the procedure will be the rejection of blood-clotting medications, alcohol, and smoking. It is desirable during the period of preparation and rehabilitation to completely switch to healthy lifestyle life. Be sure to come to the procedure in good health.

Carrying out the procedure

Most effective solution will be ozone therapy, carried out by injection. The procedure takes no more than half an hour. To prepare the integument for such manipulation, cleansing and disinfection of the skin will be required. To anesthetize the process, it is recommended to use a local anesthetic applied by application.

Beautician works with a syringe with a thin needle. The gas mixture is injected into the subcutaneous fat. The depth of injection, the amount of substance, treatment zones are determined individually. After injections, swellings filled with gas are noticeable on the skin. The cosmetologist performs a light massage of the treated areas for a more even distribution of the substance over the tissues.

To consolidate the effect after the main part of the procedure, the doctor will offer to wipe the skin with an oxygenated cosmetic product, perform a mask based on ozonized water or oil. Having told about the intricacies of recovery, the beautician releases the patient.

Photos before and after

Recovery period

Skin damage after ozone therapy is minimal, the introduction of foreign substances does not occur. Appearance after the procedure rarely loses its presentable appearance. There may be slight redness, slight swelling, local bruising. Manifestations completely disappear in 2-3 days.

Ozone therapy does not involve long-term rehabilitation. After 2-3 days, you can already conduct another session. To speed up the recovery process, prevent possible complications the cosmetologist will suggest to refuse:

  • impacts in the treatment areas (kneading, friction, pressure);
  • any cosmetics (decorative, care);
  • baths, gym, solarium, swimming pool;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • other cosmetic procedures.

The result of the manipulation is distinguishable after 3-5 hours. skin acquires healthy color, fresh look. You will notice cleansing, smoothing, tightening of the integument only after 5-10 sessions. V medicinal purposes courses are carried out according to the doctor's prescription at least 2-3 times a year. For prevention age-related changes, maintaining healthy condition tissues, 1-2 interventions per year are sufficient. The effect of the intervention lasts from 3 months to 1 year.


You will have to pay 500–1500 rubles for an ozone therapy session. The final cost of the procedure depends on the amount of gas used, treatment areas, and the beautician's pricing policy. The price of manipulation may increase with additional use cosmetics, simultaneous different types ozone therapy.

Precautionary measures

The cosmetologist necessarily conducts a preliminary conversation with the patient. main goal conversation is the identification of possible contraindications that exclude the session:

  • any head injury (even in the distant past);
  • tendency to convulsions, epilepsy;
  • hemophilia, other conditions that affect blood clotting;
  • oncology;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • recovery period after a heart attack, stroke;
  • retinopathy in diabetes mellitus;
  • individual intolerance to medical ozone.

Important! The cosmetologist refuses to carry out manipulations with a decrease in the content of platelets in the blood, during a period of prolonged bleeding (menstruation, other blood loss). The procedure is excluded for patients in the state alcohol intoxication.

Any violations: the presence of contraindications, violation of the technology of the session is fraught with complications: prolonged pain, infection. May occur headache, depression, convulsions, itching. The appearance of light pain, swelling, bruising, redness is considered normal reaction for intervention.

Pros and cons

Ozone therapy is recognized affordable option maintaining skin health. The intervention is universal: it helps with different problems, as a preventative support. Unlike mesotherapy, biorevitalization, the course of procedures takes less time and rarely causes complications. Ozone therapy does not require the purchase of complex, expensive devices.

Compared to similar injection procedures, ozone therapy is considered more painful manipulation. To obtain the planned effect, strict adherence to the methodology is necessary. A beautician must have not only knowledge, but also experience. Ozone therapy is not internationally recognized. The safety of the intervention has not been confirmed by numerous studies.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors are confident in the effectiveness positive action oxygen to the skin. The technique is often proposed, but in most cases to improve the quality of the skin, in order to combat age spots, acne, dark circles. To achieve rejuvenation, the effectiveness of ozone therapy is considered low. Doctors offer an option to support the general condition.

The beautician questions the safety of the procedure.

The cosmetologist offers a technique on a par with other options that are similar in effectiveness.

The cosmetologist positively evaluates the technique.

Ozone therapy- cosmetic procedure for the correction and prevention of skin imperfections.

Ozone is a gas, an active form of oxygen. In cosmetology, it is used as part of an oxygen-ozone mixture and has an effect on the body. whole line beneficial effects: activates blood circulation, improves oxygen supply to tissues, increases the productivity of the immune system.

The use of medical ozone in cosmetology is also due to its powerful anti-aging effect: it stimulates the formation of collagen and increases the ability of cells to retain moisture. Subcutaneous injections of an oxygen-ozone mixture tighten the skin of the face and eliminate wrinkles.
Ozone has regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to be used not only for treatment inflammatory processes and acne, but also to activate with its help the processes of healing of skin tissues in the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.
one more a definite plus ozone therapy procedures is practically complete absence side effects and a minimum of contraindications to its use.

Areas and methods of application of ozone therapy for the face

Acne and acne treatment

During the procedure, the affected areas of the skin of the face are chipped with an oxygen-ozone mixture. Positive effect Patients note after the first procedure: the soreness of subcutaneous formations decreases, the rashes become smaller, the pimples dry out. After a full course of sessions, the skin is cleansed, the pores are narrowed, the complexion becomes even and fresh.
Ozone therapy course for treatment problematic skin will be 6-8 sessions, usually held every other day. The procedure does not cause complications and does not require any preparatory or rehabilitation periods.
The application of this technique is based on the research of specialists from the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, it has received official approval from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Correction of age-related skin changes

  • elimination of mimic and age wrinkles,
  • correction of the line of the cheeks and chin,
  • reduction of fat deposits on the face,
  • oval face lifts.
The area that needs correction is point-wise chipped with an oxygen-ozone mixture. After that, with the help of a gentle facial massage, the mixture is distributed over the skin area. Visible result achieved after 3-5 procedures: skin tone improves, wrinkles are smoothed out and become less noticeable, the chin line is tightened. Full course facial ozone therapy for the correction of age-related skin changes is 10-12 procedures (1-2 per week).

The effectiveness of the procedures will increase if ozone therapy sessions are carried out as part of a set of corrective care measures: after the procedures of oxygen-ozone injections, the drugs taken will be better absorbed by the tissues of the dermis.

Contraindications for facial ozone therapy

Ozone therapy sessions can only be carried out by a qualified cosmetologist and excluded from the list of cosmetic procedures suitable for you in the following cases:
  • presence of bleeding
  • epilepsy, tendency to convulsions,
  • low blood clotting
  • heart and thyroid diseases,
  • allergy to ozone.


During facial ozone therapy procedures, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, the skin's ability to regenerate increases, the ability of skin cells to retain moisture increases - all this serves the purpose of skin rejuvenation, restoring its relief, lifting the face oval and eliminating wrinkles.
In the treatment of problematic skin, the effect of ozone therapy is noticeable literally after the first session: the skin of the face becomes healthier, acquires an even matte colour, rashes are reduced.

Ozone therapy has a significant advantage over beauty care procedures: the action of ozone-oxygen mixtures extends not only to the upper layers of the skin, but also to the deep ones, healing, moisturizing and protecting the skin from the inside.

You can find out from which specialist to take a course of ozone therapy in Kazan on our portal. Call and make an appointment at a convenient time for you.

There are several types of ozone therapy, what it is - everyone who wants to experience one of them needs to know. But first of all, it is necessary to become more familiar with the concept itself.

What is the procedure

Today, a person spends little time on the street; various ailments can develop from a lack of useful and pure oxygen. This chronic fatigue, depression, hypertonic disease, headache. The lack of oxygen contributes to the occurrence of changes in the blood, which in turn leads to the inadequate functioning of individual systems and organs in human body. Ozone therapy will help to correct this situation.

This is a physico-therapeutic therapeutic rejuvenating procedure. It is carried out by introducing a special mixture consisting of ozone and oxygen. The substance is injected directly into the body different ways, including . Also read about. Contraindications for photorejuvenation are described

In the photo - the effect of ozone therapy:

Ozone is one of active forms, formed as a result of the breakdown of oxygen, which has the following actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • disinfection;
  • restorative.

These properties expand the scope of ozone therapy. In addition to anti-aging procedures and manipulations that improve appearance, nice results achieved during therapeutic and preventive measures.

The procedure helps in the treatment of various diseases:

  • urological;
  • dermatological;
  • cardiac and vascular.

Ozone is able to oxygenate the blood, remove toxins, disinfect tissues and strengthen immune system. The benefits and harms of ozone therapy are described. In addition to ozone therapy, it is popular.

On video ozone therapy in cosmetology:

Procedure capabilities

The procedure of ozone therapy will help in solving a number of problems. First of all, this concerns inflammatory diseases of the skin surface, the focus of which is located directly inside the body.

If the patient has general flabbiness of the epidermis surface, wrinkles, loss of tone, such a procedure has a peculiar effect. effective lifting. In this case, facial ozone therapy is performed by superficial injections. This method can be applied to various parts of the body. As a result, the dermis is saturated with oxygen, the face acquires a pleasant color, becomes elastic and toned.

This method of therapy copes well with stretch marks and scars. It is able to improve blood circulation and metabolism, as a result, the scars become more attractive. To a greater extent, this applies to fresh scars. For achievement effective result the skin around the scars is also subject to injection.

This method has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp and hair follicles. Ozone acts against stress, improves metabolic processes, thereby protecting a person from alopecia - hair loss on initial stage. As a result, they become strong and dandruff does not appear.

Video indications for ozone therapy:

Ozone therapy for the face is cosmetic procedure, contributing to the rejuvenation of the surface of the skin, improving its condition. home distinguishing feature this method is the restoration of the correct natural functioning of the skin, and not the masking of imperfections. Experts believe that ozone therapy in cosmetology is a promising direction.


Before starting the procedure, the patient is prepared for it. Cleanse and treat the skin special cream to prevent the appearance of post-injection hematomas. After a simple massage is done, the purpose of which is to improve blood flow.

The skin is punctured to a distance of approximately 0.5 cm. The dosage is determined individually depending on existing problem and based on the analyses. The procedure is performed with special equipment.

Injections are active for 20 minutes, then the effectiveness of the mixture begins to fall. After the end of the manipulations, the treated areas are additionally covered with an antiseptic.

For complete assimilation of ozone, the patient needs to sit or lie down for a while. This therapy does not cause a person absolutely no discomfort and pain. So, it is perfectly tolerated by people with a low pain threshold.

On the video procedure ozone therapy:

V individual cases There may be some complications after the procedure.

To the most frequent consequences that are symptoms of dermal injury include:

  • the appearance of spots at the injection sites;
  • hardening of some areas.

They disappear after a few days. After the massage, there are no negative external signs. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to carry out the procedures for a month, then there is a break. If necessary, the treatment is continued further.

Ozone is an absolutely safe compound. When it enters the body, it is in a free state in the blood for several seconds and immediately reacts with:

  • plasma components;
  • blood cells.


There are several methods of ozone therapy:

  • injections;
  • external exposure to the body of ozonized liquids, such as water or oils.

The most effective are injections. The result after their application comes in quite short time. The course of injections consists of 7 sessions, while oil massage includes 12 procedures.

Based on the existing problem to be overcome, a specialist can prescribe several treatment options:

  • local ozone therapy;
  • autohemotherapy;
  • ozonized olive oil;
  • systemic ozone therapy.

In a local procedure, injections from a mixture of ozone and oxygen are used, which are made into a layer under the skin. This cocktail in a short time helps to activate all metabolic processes.
The method of autohemotherapy is widely used in the treatment of serious forms of acne. In this case, the patient's blood is taken, which is mixed with ozone. And with such a composition an injection is made.

Ozonated olive oil is a kind of local ozone therapy. It is used as a remedy for:

  • performing body and face massage;
  • bases for the preparation of a mask or cream.

V systemic therapy included ozone injections performed intravenously. Injections consist of a basic substance that is mixed with some healing substance or the patient's blood. Ozone has a general stimulating effect on the human body.

Many patients note that after such a procedure, the tightness of the dermis disappears, and the contour of the face in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks is also clearly tightened. Ozone shows its effectiveness perfectly after the procedures. contouring, laser resurfacing, chemical peeling. It helps to eliminate swelling, soreness, restore the skin to a healthy look.

No less beneficial this procedure and body. Ozone's high oxidative capacity contributes to the fact that adipose tissue begins to break down faster, the metabolism revives, toxins do not accumulate in the liver.

Indications and contraindications

Having analyzed what ozone therapy is, it is necessary to consider its indications and contraindications. The use of this method will solve many problems associated with the dermis.

Indications for ozone therapy are the presence of:

  • different types of wrinkles: age, mimic, medium, deep and slight;
  • puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • second chin;
  • rosacea, rosacea and acne;
  • sagging and flabby dermis of the face.

For ozone therapy, irregularities, pigmentation, peeling, enlarged skin pores are also considered indications. According to the indications for ozone therapy during pregnancy.

On the video ozone therapy of the face:

There are some contraindications to this method getting rid of shortcomings. It is forbidden to carry out manipulations in diseases that are accompanied by convulsions, seizures, head injuries.

Blood diseases, bleeding and menstruation are also an obstacle to the use of ozone therapy. It is impossible to carry out such a procedure for oncological diseases, hyperthyroidism, in a state of intoxication. You might also be interested. Also about brazilian hair removal and about the removal of moles on the face with a laser ().

The content of the article:

Ozone therapy is one of the types of physiotherapy procedures that are aimed at rejuvenation and treatment. Main active substance is a mixture of oxygen and ozone in certain proportions. It can be administered intravenously or in any other way. In medicine, this procedure has been used for a long time, but in cosmetic purposes for the face it is used relatively recently.

Features of the ozone therapy procedure

The active substance in this procedure is ozone, which is obtained using a special apparatus. It is injected under the skin with a syringe with a microscopic needle.

Once in the human body, it accelerates the processes occurring in cells, improves delivery nutrients and enriches the blood with oxygen.

Ozone is a gas produced by electrical discharges. In nature, it can be identified by the smell after a strong thunderstorm. Ozone is an unstable substance that quickly turns into oxygen. Therefore, in medical institutions, a special technology and device is used to obtain it.

Healing properties of ozone received due to the additional atom, which has an antibacterial, antiseptic effect, prevents premature aging.

Indications for ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is actively used in various medical and cosmetic fields:
  • Gynecology - in case of a threat of abortion, acute inflammatory processes.
  • Surgery - to speed up the recovery of the body after operations.
  • Cosmetology - to solve skin problems.
  • Traumatology - for the treatment of burns of varying degrees.
  • Dermatology - for the treatment of fungal diseases.
Today, beauty parlors and clinics offer their clients a course of ozone therapy in order to:
  1. Improve the general condition of the skin;
  2. Put away different kinds wrinkles (deep, medium, facial, "crow's feet");
  3. Eliminate acne and its consequences;
  4. Get rid of comedones;
  5. Fight rosacea;
  6. Pull up the second chin;
  7. Reduce dryness (greasiness) of the skin;
  8. Make a facelift;
  9. Align skin color;
  10. Narrow pores, remove pigmentation;
  11. Remove puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  12. Cure rosacea;
  13. Reduce the manifestations of allergic dermatitis;
  14. Eliminate scars and scars.
During pregnancy and feeding a child, ozone therapy is recommended to improve the appearance and well-being of the mother, increase her immunity, and increase lactation.

This procedure is suitable for all people. In cosmetology, it is recommended to carry out after 30-35 years.

Ozone therapy contraindications

There are a number of contraindications in which ozone therapy is prohibited. These include the following:
  • Diseases nervous system accompanied by convulsions and loss of consciousness (epilepsy);
  • Concussions, severe bruises of the head, operations;
  • Diseases circulatory system (low level hemoglobin, poor clotting, thrombosis);
  • Recovery after a heart attack or stroke (the period must be more than 6 months);
  • Oncology;
  • Taking blood products;
  • Critical days;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • Complications diabetes, its severe course;
  • Individual intolerance to ozone;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Convulsive syndrome.
Be sure to conduct an examination by a doctor before the procedure and an allergy test is done.

The benefits of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy allows without harm to improve the general condition of the skin of the face, restore its elasticity and refresh. At the same time, it is absolutely safe and effective procedure, especially in the fight against acne, blackheads, comedones.

Using ozone therapy for acne

Due to the presence of high ozone antibacterial properties, it allows you to completely get rid of acne. It is known that the main reason for their appearance are bacteria that actively develop in the pores, causing irritation and inflammation. Acne sources are highly resistant to most known antibiotics.

Under the influence of ozone, bacteria die and the epidermal cells and their cells are restored. protective properties. To achieve this result, the attending physician paints a treatment regimen.

The procedure itself consists in chipping with small needles of inflamed places with ozone for the face. The time of the session with a strong acne- 20 minutes.

At the end of the course, acne problems completely disappear. To consolidate the result, the session can be repeated after a couple of months. In addition, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations for skin care and diet.

The use of ozone therapy from the second chin

The causes of aging most often lie in the lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body. This is reflected in the appearance, and the skin loses firmness and elasticity. The result is wrinkles and a double chin.

Ozone therapy allows you to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the tissues, helps to retain moisture in the cells, stimulates synthesis in them and increases the overall tone of the body.

The most common reason for the appearance of a second chin is the deposition of excess adipose tissue and loss of skin elasticity. To cope with this problem, the selected area is cut off with active oxygen. For these purposes, small needles are used, so the procedure does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations.

As a result of ozone therapy, the second chin disappears, the skin becomes elastic and toned. Its appearance is greatly improved.

If necessary, the client is invited to take a course of intravenous ozone injections. This allows you to improve the general condition of the body, eliminate hypoxia and normalize internal metabolic processes.

Ozone therapy for rosacea

One more cosmetic problem is rosacea, which manifests itself in the form of dilated capillaries or their mesh in top layer skin.

Ozone therapy is excellent for treating this phenomenon. The procedure is reduced to the introduction under the skin active oxygen. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves their elasticity.

After a couple of sessions, the manifestations of rosacea are reduced, the meshes disappear, and the skin acquires an even color.

The only point worth paying attention to is that ozone therapy against rosacea will be effective only with small capillaries. Extensive meshes require a different treatment.

Harm of ozone therapy

In spite of a large number of good points, it must be remembered that ozone itself is an active substance. When interacting with cells human body it promotes education free radicals.

The danger of such substances lies in their destructive ability. They destroy the structure of cells and can cause the development of oncology. The probability of obtaining such a result may be in the case of uncontrolled production of large doses of ozone.

At correct dosage and carrying out the procedure in a specialized clinic under the supervision of a doctor, there is no harm from ozone therapy.

The human body is a complex system that has a number of individual characteristics. Therefore, there is a possibility of side effects, due solely to individual reactions. It is known that after ozone therapy, some women may experience fever, renal colic, increased urination.

If you perform the procedure in unsanitary conditions or if the attendants do not follow the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis correctly enough, there may be problems after injections. This is redness of the injection sites, inflammation.

At misadministration ozone, the formation of bulges and bumps is possible. To correct this moment will allow a small massage of the injection site.

How to do ozone therapy

Before carrying out the procedure of ozone therapy, a consultation with an ozone therapist is required. He will write you necessary set analyzes that will allow the specialist to assess the state of your body, determine if there are currently any contraindications to the procedure, and calculate the composition of the mixture that you will be injected with.

Ozone can enter the human body intravenously, subcutaneously and externally (applications, cocktails, inhalations). To choose the method of administration, the doctor looks at the tests and takes into account the result that you plan to get at the end of the sessions:

  1. For the face, subcutaneous injections are used, which are carried out with very thin needles.
  2. For the body, the practice of intravenous injections and applications is used.
Ozone is produced right at the place where the procedures are performed. This is due to the short decay period. For production, ozonizers are used. These devices generate pure gas without additional impurities. The resulting ozone is mixed with saline.

Sometimes the patient's blood is used for these purposes. Antioxidants must be added to the composition. This is necessary to reduce the oxidative effect of ozone.

To reduce the pain of the procedure, an anesthetic gel or cream is applied to the face before it is carried out. The selected area is chipped, and the injection sites are massaged with light movements. This is necessary so that the mixture is evenly distributed inside under the skin. Additionally, a mask can be applied.

The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. The course requires up to 10 sessions. The effect of its implementation can be observed after 3 procedures. Between them, a break of 1 to 4 days is necessarily made.

When conducting ozone therapy, it is necessary to completely exclude the use of alcohol, visiting saunas, baths, solariums and not taking very hot baths.

The effect of ozone therapy

The final result you get depends on what concentration of ozone was chosen for you by your doctor:
  • Disinfection skin occurs at high concentration.
  • Removal of acne and inflammation is observed at an average concentration.
  • Rejuvenation and healing of wounds, scars, scars occurs at low.
If you have had subcutaneous injections of ozone, then you can observe an improvement in appearance. This is due to increased blood circulation inside the cells, reducing wrinkles and swelling, improving overall well-being and mood. Besides:
  1. The second chin disappears;
  2. Increases skin elasticity;
  3. Pimples, acne, scars, scars, dermatological manifestations disappear;
  4. The color is evened out;
  5. Circles and bags under the eyes disappear;
  6. The work of the glands is normalized;
  7. The signs of aging disappear.
To improve the effect obtained, it is recommended to combine ozone therapy with lymphatic drainage, lipomassage, ultrasound procedures for face. Such A complex approach will enhance the result and consolidate it.

How to do the ozone therapy procedure - look at the video:

In order for the effect of ozone therapy to pleasantly please you, it is necessary to undergo the procedure in a special beauty salon under the supervision of a professional. In this case, there will be no harm from it.