Adding fruit purees to complementary foods. Where to start the first fruit complementary food and what fruits to give in the nibbler. When to start feeding fruit

When a child reaches the age of 4-6 months, vegetables and fruit purees... It is better to start with vegetables - they are hypoallergenic and well absorbed. Giving fruit to your child should be more careful. There are many nuances and important features that can affect the health of the baby. Let's take a look at which treat is right for a first try and how to get started at all.

When to start complementary feeding

Fruit puree should be gradually introduced into the diet. There is no clear law that says in which week a child can start eating it. Many parents skip this period altogether and give other foods after breastfeeding.

  • 4 months - after artificial feeding;
  • 6 months after breastfeeding.

Sometimes there are exceptions that depend on the characteristics of the organism. It is best to check with your doctor before giving your baby fruit. If the specialist "gave the go-ahead" and the toddler has already eaten the vegetable mixture with appetite several times - feel free to give fruit puree.

How to teach your child to use the fruit mixture

For kids early age every food product is something strange and unknown. He may be wary of new food or refuse it altogether. Give your baby one fruit puree for the first week, and then switch to multi-component ones.

So that the toddler does not have allergies, remember a few recommendations:

  1. dilute mashed potatoes at first baby water so that it is more efficiently absorbed;
  2. fruit is best given in the morning;
  3. introduce a new ingredient no more than once a week;
  4. If your baby's stool changes color, his cheeks turn red, or his stomach aches, stop feeding and see a doctor.

In no case, do not force your baby to eat a lot at once. Start small - just 0.5 teaspoon a day. Continue complementary foods throughout the week, gradually increasing the portion. It is easy to calculate the daily rate of the mixture. It is determined by a simple formula: child's age in months * 10 = volume in milliliters. So, if a child is 6 months old, 60 ml per day is enough for him.

Banana vs apple: where to start?

The first fruit puree should be hypoallergenic and easy to digest. Experts recommend starting with a green apple. This fruit is the most neutral, but at the same time it is rich in vitamins.

Apples contain iron, which is so necessary for a child in the first months of life. In addition, the fruit strengthens immune system.

After the apple, you can make baby fruit purees from the following products:

  • Pear

A real storehouse of vitamins, phosphorus, iodine and folic acid... Thanks to the pear, the baby's stomach will work better and excrete faster. harmful substances... However, compared to apples, pears are more likely to cause intestinal colic.

  • Plum

Will be your salvation in situations when the child has constipation. The fruit is a natural laxative that will not harm the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

  • Banana

very useful for children, as it contains the necessary trace elements and vitamins. But bananas are quite high in sugar. Overuse this fruit leads to overweight and fluctuations in blood sugar levels. And if the baby has constipation or bloating, it is better to give up the banana altogether.

Each of the listed products does not cause allergies, therefore it is recommended for complementary foods after an apple. The main thing is to observe the child's reaction. Keep a diary and write down all changes in the diet: dosage, foods, dates. If you have any health problems, show your notes to the doctor. So he will be able to understand whether a particular product is well absorbed.

Preparation for cooking

The first feeding of the baby should be taken seriously and followed the rules of hygiene. To prepare the mixture you will need: a knife, cutting board, grater or blender, saucepan and bowl. Wash all dishes and utensils thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.

Important: the first fruits must be natural, grown in natural conditions... It is unacceptable to feed a baby with pesticides in the first months of life. Ideally, pick apples in the garden or buy from trusted people in the market.

To make the right fruit puree , rinse fruit thoroughly in hot water. They can also be poured with boiling water: both disinfection and the skin will be easier to remove. Remove any excess, including seeds, skins, bones, and tails.

Cooking the first apple treat

Usually the mixture is prepared in two ways: raw fruits are chopped or pre-cooked. Both methods are perfectly acceptable.

Here's a simple recipe that most moms follow:

  • take an apple (clean and peeled of all unnecessary);
  • cut it into small pieces;
  • put in a saucepan with water and boil for about 10 minutes;
  • remove the pieces and blend in a blender.

Important: in fresh products there will be more useful properties but boiled ones are better absorbed. Some kind of compromise is water bath or a double boiler.

Better to use a blender rather than a grater. The main thing is to mix the baby fruit puree well. There should be no whole pieces or lumps in the mixture. The mass must be absolutely homogeneous. As we pointed out earlier, you can even add water to make the mixture runny. Delicious is served room temperature and about half an hour before a dairy meal.

Storage rules

If you have any excess fruit puree, you can leave it until next time. Cool the mixture first and then put it in the refrigerator. So it can be stored for a day. Do not store mashed potatoes with added milk in the refrigerator. This is wrong from a sanitation point of view.

The cooked fruit mixture is allowed to freeze. It is convenient to do this in silicone molds or ice trays. Puree is divided into portions from such containers and can be easily removed. To defrost the mass, place it in the refrigerator. Then heat it up on the stove and cool to room temperature. You can heat the mixture only once, otherwise it will lose its useful properties.

Correct feeding forms the child's immune system, saturates his body with vitamins. The baby is gradually getting stronger, growing faster and faster. By giving your baby fruit mixes, you delicately accustom him to an adult diet. Observe basic hygiene rules, monitor the baby's reaction - and this period will pass with maximum benefit.

Fruit puree in the diet nursing baby not only gives him pleasure from the new taste, but also enriches the crumbs' body with vitamins. Among other things, the product contains dietary fiber necessary for soft and delicate digestion and elimination of typical infant bowel problems.

V this material we will tell you how to give fruit to the smallest, how to buy high-quality puree, how to make it yourself.

What kind of puree is right for children?

Fruit puree is usually introduced second in a row after the little one gets acquainted with a similar vegetable dish. They are more easily absorbed by the child's body. That's why for the first fruit treat, it is better to choose a combined type of product, in which the fruit component is combined with vegetable, for example, pumpkin-fruit puree.

For children of the first year of life, apple puree, pear puree, berry options are great delicious food usually offered later.

In general sale today it is offered big choice such a product, but not all of its types are suitable for feeding babies. Therefore n When choosing, it is important to focus on trusted manufacturers and age group , indicated on the jar of puree. It is not worth buying a product in soft packaging for a baby., it is usually intended for older children.

Make sure that the puree complies with GOST, this information should also be indicated on the package. In addition, consult with your pediatrician in advance to exclude temporary indications for the introduction of complementary foods.

When buying a complementary food product, pay attention to a few points.

  • Shelf life... It must comply with the standards, after opening the jar, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Ideally, it is better to open for each meal. new can... When the lid is opened, an unexpired and suitable product emits a dull cotton. If there is no such "signal", it is dangerous to feed the baby with purchased puree.
  • Composition... As part of a quality baby food there should be no dyes, preservatives, food additives and flavorings, sugar. For a suitable puree, a composition in which only fruit and water are present is considered natural, and for a puree with added cream, fruit, water and cream are considered natural.

It is best to try fruit puree for a child before offering it to a child. If something seems suspicious (color, consistency, smell), it is better not to give this product to the crumbs... But also pediatricians do not recommend mashed potatoes with the addition of soy, although this product in recent times are very fond of many parents.

It is worth buying a few jars of ready-made fruit puree and keeping it in the refrigerator just in case. This is necessary, since not all children love homemade puree, even if the mother has the time and opportunity to cook it. Therefore, a baby, even such a small one, must have a choice.

Can I add to porridge?

This question is faced by parents whose children do not want to eat puree from fruits separately (which happens infrequently) or do not want to eat cereals separately (this happens much more often). In this situation, they say experienced moms, you can mix a fruit delicacy and such a familiar ordinary porridge, then offer such a dish to your child. It is worth understanding this problem in more detail.

If we start from the compatibility of products, then there is complete mutual understanding between cereal or cereal porridge and fruits. However, it should be borne in mind that fruit acids can "roll up" the milk component of cereals. Therefore, the child will have to eat milk porridge with curdled, actually sour milk. This will enhance the fermentation processes in the intestines.

For this reason adding fruit puree to milk porridge is not recommended... But you can eat these two products alternately.

If they prefer to give the baby a dairy-free porridge, then it is quite acceptable to mix it with a fruit delicacy in one plate.

How to introduce into the baby's diet?

According to the rules to enter fruit feed recommended for baby food after complementary foods from vegetables. Violation of this generally accepted and approved by WHO scheme can lead to the fact that the baby will give up vegetables altogether, because their taste is not as sweet and rich as the taste of fruits. In addition, fruits themselves are more allergenic than vegetables, and fructose can negatively affect the baby's pancreas if complementary foods are introduced out of time, too early, when the child's body is not yet ready for it.

Since vegetables are recommended to be introduced from 4-6 months, it is only 1.5-2 months later to be puzzled about the timeliness of the first fruit complementary foods for children. But it should also be understood that the amount of product that can normally be given to a baby should be about half the permissible amount of vegetable dishes.

Before you give your child fruit, be sure to make sure that he is ready for such changes in the diet. See if the baby makes chewing movements with its jaws, for example, while playing. His weight should be sufficient, and the rate of weight gain should correspond to the age norm.

Calculate Your Complementary Feeding Chart

Indicate the date of birth of the child and the method of feeding

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Let's consider the basic rules of fruit feeding.

  • Fruits are added to the child's diet in stages, starting with the lowest allergenic ones. Unusual food is given in the amount of half a teaspoon, no more. During the day, the mother vigilantly monitors the reaction of the child's body to changes in the menu. If a rash or eating disorder does not occur, you can increase the amount of puree to 1 teaspoon.
  • Do not assume that the child will immediately start eating the offered fruits with delight. This is not always the case. If he refuses mashed potatoes, there is no need to force and shove the product into his mouth by force. Just offer it again in a few days. Usually 2-3 times is enough for the kid to decide to try the dish.
  • Do not give your child more than one new product in one day. If an allergy develops, it will be difficult to determine which of them has a negative reaction.
  • Start with one-part fruit purees or mixed with vegetables. Gradually, it will be possible to switch to multicomponent, in which several types of fruits are combined at once.
  • The first acceptable fruits that are least likely to develop allergies are the green apple and pear. If you eat vegetable feed the baby started at 4-6 months, then these types of food can be tried at 6-8 months.
  • A month after the introduction of the first fruits, you can try alternately introducing prunes, banana, plum, peach. By the time you are one year old, you can include blueberries, apricots and black currants in the diet. Up to three years old, a child should not be given exotic fruits that do not grow on the territory of the family's residence in principle. For example, cloudberries will be useful for a child born and living in the Arctic, but apricots will not bring him significant benefits. It is better not to give exotic fruits (kiwi, avocado, pineapple, citrus fruits) until the age of three.

The best recipes for complementary foods

Many parents choose to make fruit puree for their nursing baby on their own. There is a large share of reason in this decision: homemade puree is fresh, mother can have no doubt about its quality, especially if the fruits grew in their own dacha and are collected by their own hands. From imported imported fruits to cook baby puree Not recommended... If it is winter outside and there are no apples in your strip, it is better to limit yourself to ready-made mashed potatoes in jars. Considering the seasonality factor, choose only ripe fruits that do not have defects - dents, cracks, rot, wormholes, "broken sides".

Making mashed potatoes is not at all difficult, you just need to choose suitable recipe... Regardless of the method chosen, the fruit must be thoroughly washed, freed from the skin, seeds, cut into pieces of quite solid size. Fruit pieces are added to a container with a small amount of liquid and boiled for about a quarter of an hour. Making mashed potatoes from boiled slices is easy - just rub them through a fine sieve or grind with a blender. Do not add sugar, vanilla or other additives.

If it is possible to steam fruit, it is better to give preference to this method, because in a double boiler or in a slow cooker (double boiler mode) apples or pears will retain more vitamins and nutrients.

Mom is offered a few time-tested homemade fruit puree recipes to help her.

From prunes

Wash the prunes, free them from the seeds and pour in hot water for 4-5 hours. Then cook for about 25 minutes. Remove the skin from boiled prunes, pass it through a blender or strainer.

If the consistency is too thick, you should add a little fruit broth in which the prunes were cooked.


Selected pears need to be washed in warm water, cut, and the cores removed. It is also better to peel the peel before cooking. Cut the pear into medium-sized cubes, pour water into small amount and cook for 10-15 minutes. The softer the pear variety, the less time it should be cooked..

Then boiled fruit without sugar is ground with a strainer or blender in mashed potatoes.

From an apple

Green apples should be washed, peeled and completely freed from the tough core, seeds and rind. Cut into cubes and cook in a saucepan or multicooker with a small amount drinking water, without adding sugar and honey... You can rub the boiled pieces with a blender or through a fine sieve.


Too sweet and too soft sugar peaches, which adults and older children love so much, are not suitable for making mashed potatoes at home. Use medium-hard fruits. They must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. After that, it will be easier to peel the peaches from the thin peels. Remove the seeds, cut the fruit into wedges and place in a saucepan or steamer.

After the water, the level of which should only slightly cover the top of the fruit slices, boils, you need to hold them for another 10 minutes. Grind the slices with a blender. Typically, such a dish turns out to be thick.

How to prepare for the winter?

You can also prepare baby food in advance, when there is a favorable harvest season in the yard. If a child was born at the end of summer, then it is reasonable to assume that he will need complementary foods in winter, when fresh pears and peaches cannot be found, and imported ones can be dangerous. In this case, you can do it yourself at home in the summer and prepare it for the winter.

In this case, mashed potatoes are prepared according to one of the above recipes, but there is one caveat - after chopping the finished fruits with a blender, the resulting homogeneous mass should be put on the fire again and brought to a boil again. Then a few drops are added citric acid... Mashed potatoes are also made without sugar.

Some parents prefer to freeze fresh puree. This method also takes place. In this case, the prepared dish is laid out in small forms and put in the freezer.

It is important to remember that fruit puree, which has already been defrosted once, cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, you need to immediately choose small forms, almost portioned.

And there are also risks of losing all supplies if, for example, the electricity is cut off for a day in the absence of a working generator. In this case, the contents of the freezer will have to be thrown away or used to prepare meals for adults.

For information on how to make fruit puree with dried apricots for babies from 6 months, see the next video.

The period of introduction of complementary foods baffles many parents. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out when and in what form you can give your baby certain foods... A few years ago, in the second month of life, it was recommended to introduce vegetable and fruit juices... Today, experts say that it is best to start with mashed potatoes. True, this option is only suitable for children who are not underweight. If the child is gaining weight more slowly than the optimal schedule, it is better to first introduce cereals and after them - vegetable or fruit puree. Meat dish is introduced last, and this happens only as you get used to all light foods, not earlier than 7 months of age. The introduction of any new ingredient should be carried out according to the rule: the first portion should not exceed one teaspoon in volume! Only in the absence negative reaction from the side of the body, you can increase the one-time volume.

Features of the introduction of applesauce into the diet of infants

Pediatricians are allowed to give a newborn Apple juice already at 2 months of age. When the child develops addiction to him, you can gradually introduce into the diet applesauce... This usually happens at 3-4 months. It is with this fruit that it is recommended to start the introduction of complementary foods. This is due to the unique composition of the product and its properties.

  1. The apple dish has excellent taste when fresh and processed. Sweet and sour juicy fruits are best suited for a child. It is better to refuse very sweet apples: after them it will be difficult to persuade the baby to eat neutral foods (for example vegetables).
  2. The fruit contains pectins, tannins, vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements, organic acids, fructose and essential oils.
  3. Applesauce is quickly and easily absorbed by the child's body, activating digestion.
  4. The components of the fruit accelerate the growth of the child.
  5. Special enzymes stimulate the baby's appetite, which makes it possible to gain weight in case of its deficiency.

Apple food can be prepared from fresh or baked fruits, and the second option is preferable in case of intense gas formation after eating fresh apples. The baked ingredients have a laxative effect, gently relieving constipation in children. Apples that are darkened in the air (oxidized) can relieve the symptoms of anemia. Experts recommend using green fruits, red ones more often cause intolerance in infants. Red sweet fruits are shown only with increased fragility of blood vessels.

The cooking process is very simple. Thoroughly washed, peeled and seedless fruits are rubbed on a fine grater and passed through a sieve several times. Even very small pieces should not remain.

Mashed potatoes and carrots in the diet of a newborn

About half a month after the child is used to apples, zucchini or cauliflower (but not earlier than 3.5 months), you can try to introduce into the diet mashed potatoes... The product will be slightly different from the usual adult food.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the main ingredient.

  1. Vegetables should be fresh, nitrate-free (best from the garden).
  2. For cooking, do not use fruits with sprouts, signs of greenery or rotting under the skin.
  3. For children's dishes must first be removed from the vegetable thick layer peel and soak the peeled tuber for a day in cold water... You can not give children a freshly refined product, there is too much starch in it.

The best option for babies is mashed potatoes with herbs. The prepared root vegetable is cut into cubes, placed in a saucepan with boiling water and cooked for at least 10 minutes over low heat. When the product is almost ready, add three tablespoons of finely chopped cabbage or herbs to the pan. The vegetables are boiled to completely soften the ingredients. After that, the water must be drained, and the thick part must be passed through a sieve or chopped with a blender. For taste and a pleasant consistency, you can add a tablespoon of milk. Salting potato food is not recommended!

Over time, you can start adding to the dish carrot puree, this will not only have a good effect on the taste of the product, but also provide children's organism useful vitamins and nutrients.

Rules for the introduction of vegetable puree

Pediatricians say that it is vegetable food that is the best option complementary foods, children very rarely develop allergies to it or adverse reactions in the form of a digestive disorder. You can enter the first courses as early as 3.5-4 months. You need to start with one-component formulations, gradually combining them with each other and accustoming the newborn to complex dishes.

There are types of vegetable puree that can be offered to babies from 1-2 months without reducing the proportion of breastfeeding.

  • Carrot baby food... To prepare the dish, use carrots, milk, a little butter and saline solution. The root vegetable is first boiled until cooked and grated on a fine grater. Add to the mass butter on the tip of a knife and a little saline solution (a teaspoon of salt diluted in a glass of water). Everything is passed through a sieve and given to the child.
  • Cauliflower slurry... Cauliflower inflorescences are first scalded with boiling water, then washed and placed in hot water. Vegetables are lightly salted and boiled until tender. Then the water is drained, the boiled inflorescences are poured with milk and crushed with a blender to a very liquid porridge. You can add a few drops of unrefined vegetable oil to ready-made vegetable meals.

When a child gets used to one ingredient, a new one is introduced. vegetable dish... The newborn should have varied food, so you should not get hung up on one component and give it all the time, even if his baby loves more than others.

Rules for making fruit puree for a newborn

One-component fruit puree is recommended to be introduced into the diet no earlier than three months, and breastfeeding with a stable weight gain, it can be offered in six months. The main rule for fruit dishes is that they should not be given as a main course, only in the form of a vitamin dessert. An exception is considered carrot food with addition insignificant amount fruit pulp.

Fruit baby food can be purchased at finished form, but natural products are always better absorbed.
Self-preparation of fruit puree is based on the following rules.

  1. The fruits need not just be washed, it is recommended to pour over them with boiling water.
  2. The rind is always peeled off, even from the softest fruits.
  3. It is better to grind the pulp through a sieve, do not abuse the blender (the structure of the mass with two types of processing is noticeably different).
  4. You need to start with apples of a light green (yellowish) color or pears. The taste of the fruit should be sweet and sour. You should not give your child sugar from the very first months of life. This can provoke the development of addiction, which in the future will negatively affect the state of health.

Prune puree: characteristics and features of the introduction of complementary foods

At six months, the baby's diet is recommended to be replenished with prune dishes. Great amount vitamins and nutrients will have on the child's body beneficial effect, and even the most capricious kid will appreciate the taste of dried fruit. No less important is the fact that prunes contain substances that have a mild laxative effect on the intestines.

Stages of preparation of mashed prunes

  • Rinse the berries, scald with boiling water, rinse again and pour boiled water... The product must be allowed to stand overnight.
  • The next day, the prune berries are taken out of the water (liquid is still needed) and rubbed through a sieve. If necessary, you can gently peel off the skin.
  • In the resulting thick mass, you can pour a little water drained from the berries and stir well. No salt or sugar is added.

When the child grows up a little, it is recommended to slightly modify the recipe. The berries of the prunes are not soaked, but boiled, whipped with a blender, added a little sugar and boiled again. A few minutes before turning off the stove, add a little starch, it will give the dish a pleasant consistency.

The correct and responsible approach to the introduction of new products will significantly reduce the risk of developing digestive upset in the newborn. The gradual addiction of the body will protect the child from allergic reactions, vitamin deficiencies and dyspeptic syndrome.

Girls!!! Here good article found. Everything in detail about the first feeding. It is for those who are supporters like me to start feeding with VEGETABLES! The article describes in detail why this is and not otherwise. And what are the consequences.



By the time the baby is 4-6 months old, it's time to think over the scheme for introducing complementary foods. I am not a supporter of the introduction of complementary foods before the 6th month if the baby is breastfed and the mother is producing enough milk. The introduction of complementary foods always entails displacement breastfeeding... If there is not enough breast milk, you can start introducing complementary foods at both the 5th and 4th months, as in the case when the baby is artificially fed.

I consider it justified to introduce complementary foods at 4 months only if the production of breast milk has decreased, and there is a choice between the introduction of complementary foods and the selection of an adapted mixture. In this case, I would choose complementary foods for my child.

American pediatricians, authors of literature for young parents, strongly recommend introducing the first complementary foods only after the child can sit with support, has learned to control head movements, and if his weight has doubled since birth.

Generally in pediatrics, the topic of the introduction of the first complementary foods is rather controversial. At one time I read a lot of literature, talked with several specialists and, in the end, simply accepted one of the positions for myself.

By 5-6 months, the child is no longer enough nutrients received from breast milk... The kid grows quickly, moves a lot. When the mother begins to notice that he does not gorge himself on milk alone, it's time to introduce complementary foods.

True, all modern pediatricians are similar in the opinion that the introduction of complementary foods before the age of 3 months is highly undesirable. Before age goes the process of adaptation of the body and intestinal microflora, the likelihood of manifestations of diathesis and digestive disorders is high. Only after 3 months does the activity of enzymes in the gastric juice and pancreas increase. It’s hard to believe that back in the late 90s in Russia, pediatricians recommended young mothers to inject juices from the age of three weeks.

If the child is not gaining enough weight, then porridge made from gluten-free cereals is introduced as the first complementary food: rice, buckwheat, corn. The first porridge is usually rice, it is well absorbed and there is practically no allergic reaction to it. Buckwheat is considered the most useful, as it contains essential amino acids.

Gluten protein in babies under 6 months of age can cause intestinal disease, accompanied by malabsorption of nutrients. As far as I understand, this disease is rarely manifested, but gluten can also cause allergic reaction... Therefore, many pediatricians recommend the introduction of cereals containing gluten after the baby is 8 months old.

In a situation with normal weight gain, the pediatrician can give different recommendations.

The first position - we start complementary foods with vegetable purees. This position is closest and understandable to me, I am a supporter of it.

Vegetable puree is similar in composition to fruit puree, but easier to digest. Vegetables do not contain fructose, which aggressively acts on the baby's stomach and pancreas, and has less stress on the kidneys.

Besides, vegetable purees perfectly normalize stool and are less allergenic.

The second position - we start complementary foods with fruit puree - green apple puree (sometimes, a few weeks before the introduction of the puree, it is recommended to start giving juice).

Fruit puree children ride with great pleasure and get used to it easier. But this plus is also a minus. After the fruit, the child is more difficult to transfer to vegetables.

Fruits do not affect the fortification of the baby's food, since the baby receives all the necessary vitamins from breast milk or an adapted milk formula.

Fruit juices put additional stress on the pancreas; some pediatricians do not recommend giving juices to babies up to six months.

The third position - we introduce it as the first complementary food baked apples and pears. In this way, doctors who recommend fruits as the first complementary foods introduce complementary foods for children prone to allergies. After heat treatment, some of the allergenic properties are lost. If there is no reaction to the baked fruit, it is introduced raw.

The fourth position is porridge. Porridge is easy to digest and the least aggressive for gastrointestinal tract baby. But as a first feeding, porridge is not suitable if the baby periodically suffers from constipation.

So, the first to be introduced are white and green vegetables and green (in color, not ripeness) fruits. But here the question arises why many manufacturers of baby food offer, for example, carrots as the first complementary food. Moreover, there are foreign manufacturers who offer carrots as the first one-component product, and then offer to give the child the same carrot with other vegetables.

I'll try to answer. Carrots are sweetish and have a more interesting taste than, for example, cauliflower... Carrots are "light" and have a regulating effect on the child's stool. And yet, each country has its own specifics and its own food traditions. If you have read B. Spock or other American authors, then, of course, you were surprised that the first product they offer is to give your child orange and mango juice. By the way, this is why you should not be guided by the food management scheme recommended in the literature by foreign authors and foreign manufacturers of baby food. For example, my daughter's cheeks turned red after carrots, so we introduced carrots only closer to a year, at the same time as egg yolk.

Complementary foods should be introduced with hypoallergenic foods (low allergenicity), such as courgettes and green apples.

Vegetable introduction scheme:

1. Zucchini or zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Some parents try to give as their first product squash and turnips. If the kid does not like any of the vegetables, you can try pumpkin since it has a sweetish aftertaste, children taste it more willingly. There may be an allergic reaction to pumpkin. If you will be making mashed potatoes yourself, choose a light pumpkin.

2. Green pea and green bean pods. Then potato(easy on the stomach, but quite often gives an allergic reaction) , corn, sweet potatoes, spinach. You can add green bell pepper.Quite often, pediatricians recommend that mothers pre-soak potatoes and introduce them in an amount of no more than 20% of the total mass of baby puree.

3. On carrots, beets, celery there is often an allergic reaction, so they are administered with extreme caution. The last to be introduced tomato. I draw your attention to the fact that, unlike turnips, radish is a highly allergenic product. Pediatricians advise not to rush with herbs. For example, parsley, even heavily chopped, is a very tough product for a baby. The herbs can be used as a seasoning during boiling and stewing, but not added to the puree. As the first spices during cooking, after the child is 9-10 months old, you can use: white pepper, Bay leaf, dill and parsley.

Do not forget that different vegetables, like fruits, have different effects on the child's intestines: potatoes strengthens, spinach weakens, cabbage is a strong gas-forming product. Grapes also enhances the fermentation processes in the intestines, so one should not rush to include it in the diet of a child of the first year of life.

After 2 weeks after the introduction of vegetables, you can start giving the baby porridge, and after 2-3 weeks, fruit purees and juices. It is better to give preference as the first feeding dairy-free porridge, diluting them in breast milk, infant formula or water.

Scheme for the introduction of berries and fruits:

1. Green apples and pears (fastened).

2. Plums (prunes) and peaches (weaken) , bananas. I draw your attention to the fact that apricots, unlike peaches, are allergenic products. Bananas have very few vitamins, so they are rather good as a filler for fruit purees (not everyone knows that a banana is a cereal, it contains fiber, pectin, carbohydrates and a lot of potassium).

3. Black currant and blueberry(fastened), other berries. Try raspberries, strawberries, red apples, and pears with extreme caution.

Exotics, including pineapple and kiwi, Russian pediatricians it is recommended to give it only to children over 3 years old.

From citrus fruits, the baby can be given lemon juice By the way, it helps a lot if the baby often spits up. It is recommended to give grapefruit to a child not earlier than 1.5 years old, and tangerines and oranges to children after 2-2.5 years.

Complementary feeding rules:

1. Each time, introduce one vegetable (fruit, berry). Feeding the baby with monocomponent puree will make it easier to recognize the product that caused the reaction when a food allergy occurs.

2. Complementary foods are introduced gradually. Starting from 0.5-1 teaspoon of mashed potatoes per day and bringing up to 50 grams (the norm is 5-6 months) in 1-1.5 weeks.

3. A teaspoon of each new product is added to the previously introduced puree and brought to age norm(50-100 grams)

4. If the child has unwanted reaction on the skin (itching, redness), the injected product must be excluded from the child's diet for 1-2 months. Later, at an older age, introduce the product with caution, starting with 1 teaspoon.

5. Multicomponent puree (from 2 or more products) can be given at 5 or 6 months, but only if there is no more than 1 new component in the puree.

6. Feeding porridge usually corresponds to breakfast. Porridge, before bedtime or twice a day, is given to children during illness and in case of weight loss. Vegetable puree is served for lunch. If the child already eats both vegetables and fruits, vegetable puree should be given for lunch, and fruit puree for afternoon tea. It is highly undesirable to mix fruits and vegetables and give the baby in one feeding.

7. Complementary foods should be given while the baby is still hungry, before breastfeeding.

8. Should not enter new complementary foods if the child is sick (ARVI, intestinal infections etc.) or vaccination is pending.

And one more very important point... Babies, especially the first year of life, can be called gourmets. They evaluate the taste of food in a completely different way and know how to appreciate the natural taste of products.At a time when the child is just learning the taste of food, you should not add spices and salt to vegetables. In addition, any supplements will simply be an additional burden for the body.

Jars are helpers.The opinion that it is better not to buy "baby puree", but to cook the baby yourself, I would call an outdated delusion.

At first, when buying fruits and vegetables in markets and shops, we do not have the opportunity to check their quality, to find out what fertilizers the plant was watered with. And baby food industrial production undergoes strict control.

Secondly, in jars of the first stage (for children from 3-5 months), highly chopped puree. You can achieve the same result only by manually rubbing vegetables and fruits through a fine strainer. Large pieces little child difficult to swallow and not safe for him.

On common table the baby can be gradually transferred by the year when his immunity is already getting stronger.

Thirdly. It is very convenient to use ready-made purees, they only need to be warmed up. In addition, modern manufacturers offer wide range of... It is convenient to take jars on the road, like any canned food, they are guarded without a refrigerator. Unlike canned food for adults, only vitamin C is added to baby food, the use of any preservatives is prohibited. Long-term storage provided vacuum packed and modern technologies heat treatment.

It is important, when choosing industrial baby food for your baby, give preference to purees that do not include additional components- thickeners such as starch. The jars of the first complementary foods should be free of spices, salt and sugar. Here are some manufacturers of baby food that produce products for the smallest, consisting only of vegetables (fruits) and water: Gerber (Gerber), Beech nut (Beach nat), Semper (Semper).

Give preference to mashed potatoes home made possible during harvest season if you have country cottage area and the desire to cook independently for the baby. In this case, you need to take care of the variety of vegetables in advance.

V winter time Many mums choose to make baby soups, vegetable stews, and frozen food purees. In order for vegetables, fruits and berries to retain all their vitamins as much as possible, they should be frozen immediately after harvest.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the introduction of complementary foods always leads to a decrease in breast milk, since babies begin to suckle worse. Therefore, you should not rush and give complementary foods too early (before the baby is 5-6 months old) if the baby is breastfed.


Everyone knows that sooner or later mother's milk, for all its merits, ceases to fully satisfy the needs of the infant organism. That is why new foods are being introduced into the baby's diet. At some point, it’s time to introduce the baby to the fruit.

Complementary feeding, supplementary feeding or? ..

Supplementary food - food added when there is a shortage of breast milk. Usually, adapted or (after 6-7 months) partially adapted milk formulas are prescribed as supplements. Supplementation is always given after the breast.

Complementary foods are products that are subsequently called upon to displace breast milk from the diet and become "independent" nutrition. These include vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese, meat, fish, egg yolk, kefir and milk.

Complementary foods are always given at the beginning of the feed. When the baby tastes one of the complementary foods, he lays on the breast and can finally get full mother's milk... As the portions of complementary foods increase, such "feeding" becomes less and less and, finally, completely disappears. First, only one feeding is completely replaced by complementary foods, then the turn of the others comes.

Fruits cannot be used as a substitute for the main types of food (we do not eat fruit "according to the rules"). Therefore, fruits and fruit juices introduced into the diet of infants are called vitamin supplements. We give them to babies to meet the need for vitamins and minerals, since fruits are rich in carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), antioxidants, minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine), as well as pectin and other dietary fibers.

What are the risks when introducing complementary foods

A few years ago, it was recommended to introduce fruits into the diet of crumbs after four months, at about the same time as vegetables. However, research recent years forced pediatricians to reconsider their opinion regarding these dates. It is now widely accepted that the gastrointestinal tract of infants up to six months of age is adapted to digest exclusively breast milk.

Unreasonably early (up to 6 months) introduction of complementary foods and juices creates a risk:

  • the development of intestinal dysbiosis (violations of the normal quantitative and qualitative composition intestinal microorganisms);
  • the formation of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, duodenitis (chronic inflammatory diseases stomach, duodenum);
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract (violation of coordinated contractions of the gallbladder, biliary tract and their sphincters, which allow bile to leave the gallbladder into duodenum);
  • reactive pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas that occurs as a reaction to another pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, duodenitis);
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions and food intolerances.

In this regard, fruits and juices are even somewhat more dangerous than vegetables, since they are given in fresh and contain a lot of acids and unprocessed fiber.

"It is possible" does not mean "it is necessary"

Infants who are on artificial or mixed feeding, it is possible to introduce "extraneous" dishes three to four weeks earlier than "natural scientists". Since breast milk substitute formulas are made on the basis of foreign proteins (cow or goat milk, soy), then they contribute to more early maturation, "growing up" enzyme systems gastrointestinal tract. The body of such children is able to cope with complementary foods somewhat earlier.

But "can" does not mean "necessary" at all! The fact that the baby receives formula instead of mother's milk does not mean that more early introduction new dishes: modern adapted mixtures enriched with all essential vitamins and minerals. According to the WHO recommendations, it is preferable for "artificial" to start complementary feeding at the same time as babies receiving breast milk.

Vegetables? Fruits?

Expansion of the baby's diet usually begins with vegetables or cereals. They will be the first complementary foods.

Fruit puree is the "next program number": they are introduced about a couple of weeks after the first product, at about 6.5 months of age.

Some pediatric schools still consider it more correct to introduce fruit purees as the very first products.

Other pediatricians believe that vegetables are more suitable for the role of the first "adult" product. First, they are cooked and easier to digest. Secondly, kids are usually big fussy. They are more supportive of the first product introduced. It will not be difficult for them to fall in love with sweet fruits, but whether they will willingly eat vegetables after fruits is a question.

Since fruits are not complementary foods, but a vitamin supplement, they can be administered in different ways. You can give them, like vegetables, at the beginning of feeding, and then apply the baby to the breast. Fruit puree can be offered between meals. Subsequently, when the baby's diet expands, fruit puree can be given in one feeding with cottage cheese - mixing them into one dish or as different dishes.

From what, from what? Composition of baby puree

When you go to the store to buy a fruit treat for your beloved man, pay close attention to the composition of the puree and its characteristics.

Puree can be mono- and multicomponent. The former are made from one type of fruit or berries (for example, "peach"), the latter, respectively, are made from several (for example, "apple - blueberry", "peach - apricot - pear"). Only mono-component formulations are suitable for introducing a baby to any new type of food.

Typically, the size of the product is indicated on the label. Homogenized purees are best for starting the introduction of a particular type of food. They should be given to children in the first 1-2 months after the fruit is introduced. Then, at about 9 months, it will be the turn of puree-like canned food (they are also homogeneous in consistency, but the cell membranes of the fruit are intact), later - finely chopped and, finally, coarsely chopped. The timing of transitions from one type of grinding to another is very individual, since it is determined by the desire and ability of the baby to chew small pieces.

As permissible additives in baby purees may be present vitamin C or vitamin C (a preservative), pectin, guar gum, or locust bean gum (these herbal extracts are used as thickeners).

Sometimes starch (potato or rice) or even whole starch is used as a thickener rice flour... Starch is a high-molecular carbohydrate, it is not easy to digest, so it is better not to use purees containing it as a starter. You can pamper your little one with them in a month and a half after the introduction of the first fruits.

We buy, store, heat up
When you reveal new jar with baby food, pay attention to the presence of the characteristic cotton. Its absence indicates a violation of the tightness of the package. Such a product is not suitable for feeding crumbs.
After opening the jar, the remaining puree should be stored in the refrigerator. The maximum possible storage period is always indicated by the manufacturers and is no more than 24-48 hours. At first, it is more convenient to buy small jars (usually 125 g of puree). It is better to warm up children's meals after the refrigerator in a water bath. You can use and microwave oven, but recently it is believed that microwave exposure destroys many useful material... If you nevertheless decide to warm up food in a microwave oven, stir it thoroughly before giving to the little one: it heats up unevenly in the microwave, and the baby may get burned.

Sometimes manufacturers add fructose, glucose or sucrose (sugar) to the puree, which are used to sweeten the final product. It is best to avoid all these carbohydrates: firstly, they significantly increase the risk of caries, excess carbohydrates leads to obesity. Secondly, as you know, you get used to good things quickly. Fruit is already the most sweet food for babies. If you sweeten them additionally, the crumb can quickly get used to the pleasant taste and subsequently begin to refuse other products (vegetables, unsweetened cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.). Therefore, the later "pure" carbohydrates appear on the table, the better.

If we compare these carbohydrates with each other, then fructose is definitely preferable to glucose and sucrose: it has less effect on the acid-base balance oral cavity, slightly less conducive to the development of caries. In addition, its entry into the cells of the body does not require the presence of insulin and therefore causes less stress. digestive glands, in particular the pancreas. Products containing glucose and sucrose are recommended for children no earlier than 1-1.5 years old.

Almost always, on the jars of baby food, the age from which it is recommended to be used by the manufacturers is indicated. These figures should be taken as "not earlier ..."! In addition, they often turn out to be underestimated: nowadays it is customary to give complementary foods from 6 months, and on jars of fruit or vegetable puree it is often still listed “from 4 months”.

Where do we start complementary foods?

A baby's acquaintance with fruit should be started exclusively with monocomponent purees. Do not give crumbs of exotic fruits (mango, kiwi, citrus, guava, papaya, pineapple, etc.), at least at first, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. Better to opt for apples, pears, bananas, peaches, apricots, plums. In what order should you enter them? There are no strict rules on this matter. If necessary, you can use the properties of certain fruits to influence the stool. If the baby is constipated, you can start with prunes, apricots. If the baby's stool is unstable, then from apples, pears or bananas.

For a start, 0.5-1 teaspoon of fruit puree is enough. At one of the feedings or between them, give the baby the indicated dose. If the puree suddenly seems too thick to you, you can dilute it with breast milk, a mixture that the baby is used to, and water. Observe your child throughout the day. If redness or rashes appear on the skin, anxiety, bloating, or loose stools (often green), further use product should be abstained for now. Try to offer it to the baby again in 1-2 months.

If you have not marked any unpleasant symptoms, the next day you can give him 2-3 tablespoons of puree. If in the future everything is in order, within next days you can gradually increase the dose.

After the introduction of a new dish, do not offer a crumbs of other new products for 5-7 days. Otherwise, with the development of negative manifestations, it will be difficult for you to understand what exactly the child's body reacts to.

What to choose?
Many mothers are worried about the question: how will a new dish, including fruit puree, affect the crumbs' stool? Some manufacturers indicate on their products what kind of reaction to expect. If you did not find such information, be guided by the fact that most often fruit purees cause a laxative effect.
Pear and banana can have both a laxative and a fixing effect, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Blueberries are more likely to have a firming effect due to the presence of tannin, a natural tannin, and therefore is indicated for children with unstable stools. Prunes are a well-known laxative.

Let's make our own fruit puree

Making fruit puree at home will not be special labor... The fruits that go to the baby's table should be thoroughly washed, then peeled, and then crushed. The easiest way to do this is to use a blender. If you do not have such a device, you will have to turn to the old proven methods. Grate apples and pears on a fine grater (you can use a special plastic grater for apples: plastic, unlike metal, does not oxidize). It is more convenient to knead bananas, apricots, peaches, plums thoroughly with a fork in a plate or with a pestle in a mortar. Fruits with tough veins can be rubbed through a sieve.

To make mashed dried prunes, first wash the berries thoroughly, then pour boiling water over them for 10-15 minutes. When the prunes are soft, grind them with a blender or rub through a sieve. By the way, the resulting infusion (prune water) can act as an additional laxative if offered to the baby as a drink.

It is better not to leave home-made fruit puree for future use. Fruit in its original (whole) form will better preserve its valuable properties, as they are protected by skin.


We started complementary foods with vegetable purees. Since they were afraid to cook on their own, there is no confidence in the products used. And in the finished Heinz puree everything is already checked. My little son liked it, ate without problems and with pleasure. I think in the future we will use ready-made mashed potatoes and cereals in feeding my little son.

Comment on the article "Complementary foods: the first acquaintance with fruits"

We liked the vegetable and fruit puree, even very much, but the problem with porridge is that it spits and that's it. It is recommended to introduce dairy-free gluten-free cereals as the first complementary food. in the water, in any milk nutrition, familiar to a child, in a divorced cow ...

Puree of fruits and vegetables for the first feeding of the child. Complementary feeding introduction: fruit and vegetable purees - how to prepare? Tell me how to store cooked vegetable puree? I stretched the baby food jar and lid, put in even hotter mashed potatoes and ...


I cook everything and freeze the ready-made puree in cans in portions

Zucchini wash, wipe, peel, remove seeds (if large), cut into cubes (not large).
Peel the pumpkin thoroughly remove the seeds, scrape out with a spoon, cut into cubes or strips.
Tsv cabbage, wash, cut into inflorescences, dry freeze.
Broccoli (see above)
Carrots, wash, clean, and grate.
Wash the beans, cut off the ends, dry them.
About meat:
Any meat (regardless of variety) Rinse, cut into cubes, crank 5-6 times through a meat grinder. Dump small meatballs. Plastic tray, cover with foil and put meatballs on a tray. put in an instant freezer. After freezing, arrange in sachets.
I either store it in freezer bags, or immediately mix it for 1 time. He took it out and rinsed it with warm water and put it in a double boiler.

The beginning of complementary foods for GV-schnicks - from 6 months, for artisans - opinions are different, you can wait from 4, you can wait until 6, you need to look at the child. In this version, the first is fruit puree, more for acquaintance with new food and in micro doses.

amounts of complementary foods (vegetable puree). Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. Child from birth to the amount of complementary foods (vegetable puree). We started a few days ago at the insistence of the pediatrician. The norm for fruit puree in grams - age X 10, vegetable X 20, start with 1 tsp ...

The norm for fruit puree in grams is age X 10, vegetable puree X 20, start with 1 tsp, increasing to the norm a week. But if he doesn’t want to, don’t force, and I wouldn’t give more.

Is it possible to add fruit and vegetable puree to complementary foods at the same time? Now konevcho can do everything in a new way, people are buying all the jars, and there is so much else. but usually they always started with what was in the area at that time. first of all apples, then ...


Some horseradish - even vegetables or fruits - it's fiber. only that grows on a tree. and then on the bush. Now konevcho can do everything in a new way, people are buying all the jars, and there is so much else. but usually they always started with what was in the area at that time. first of all apples, then carrots. card. pumpkin. that is, it turns out mixed. By the way, in jars, carrots and pumpkins are often mixed with various fruits and berries. And if, as in books, it is sometimes advised, to accustom to each new product for at least 2 weeks. then the child will try all the fruits and vegetables in time for school.