Aquamarine stone description. An overview of the amazing properties of aquamarine stone. special offers for you

Aquamarine has been valued for centuries. People prefer this stone for its crystal clarity, blue hue and unique properties. Even the ancient Greeks said that a piece of the sea is stored in aquamarine. The French, however, disagreed with them, stating that the stone is the embodiment true love. But modern people more appreciate it for its beauty, magical and healing properties.

The word "aquamarine" itself comes from the fusion of two Latin "aqua", which translates as "water", and "marinus", or "sea". In other words, this mineral can be called "sea water".

Historical facts

At first, aquamarine was used by the ancient sailors of Rome and Greece, who believed that the stone was a gift from Poseidon. He was an indispensable companion for sailors when they set off on a long journey.

Naturally, the ancient jewelers also appreciated the beauty of aquamarine. Modern archaeological excavations indicate that the stone was used to create not only various animals, but also imperial figurines.

Over time, interest in aquamarine has not disappeared. For example, it could be found in the headdress of Julius ll, the Pope. In the Armory, which is located on the territory of the Kremlin, there is a scepter, completely created from aquamarine. And the famous Russian master Faberge did not bypass him. The famous Easter egg, framed in gold and platinum, was a gift from the jeweler to Emperor Alexander lll.

Monarchs are still interested in aquamarine today. So, Elizabeth ll, Queen of Great Britain, owns a parure, one of the main elements of which is an azure stone.

Description of the stone

Problem solver

If the owner of an aquamarine holds a letter in front of him, which contains accusations against him, then before opening it, a stone must be placed on top. Or wear it when the headmaster is about to chastise this man for bad behavior his child. The magical properties of the crystal themselves resolve the conflicts that have arisen. That's why some lawyers wear it when going to court hearings.

An indispensable gem is also in love affairs. It helps to return a departed man or girl, to reconcile spouses or just loved ones. His magical aura aquamarine creates such conditions in the house under which two personalities easily coexist, having completely opposite views on the same things, different interests and life goals.

Since ancient times, it is believed that the crystal is a symbol of love and fidelity. Rings with it are given to those who are at a distance. It maintains feelings at the same level, no matter how far away its owner turned out to be.

Aquamarine will help get rid of the fear of water. Its ancient Greeks took it with them to protect themselves from impending storms. Also, the crystal can replace the means of seasickness. It is recommended to carry with them to those who are going to learn to swim.

Secret knowledge

Aquamarine is perhaps one of the most necessary funds for meditation. It allows you to focus on a specific thought, creating an invisible barrier to extraneous sounds and smells. With its help, with proper skill, you can discover in yourself paranormal abilities. Some spiritual people claim that if you point a stone towards the north and look through it, then a guardian angel will appear.

If a person has planned to deceive someone, then it is better for him to take off his aquamarine, because the crystal is often used to find answers to secret questions. He can return to the path of industriousness even an inveterate sloth. To do this, just draw a lizard or a toad on a stone.

Despite all the above, there is also a negative side. So, aquamarine must be periodically washed under running water. Its magical properties are then enhanced. You can't wear a crystal either. long time. The person may fall into a melancholy state. Illusions will begin to control his mind. Similar properties are characteristic of stones with green tint. True, such stones are one of the the best means to create a protective barrier against the evil eye and damage.

Accordingly, than lighter shade aquamarine, themes less time it inflicts from prolonged wear.

Medicinal properties

IN Ancient Rome it was believed that aquamarine relieves diseases that affected the stomach, liver and throat.

This crystal has a close relationship with the respiratory organs. In infectious diseases such as SARS, it frees the sinuses, cures cough. It is worn when it is necessary to cope with the symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions, such as hives, skin redness, eczema and others.

Aquamarine can shoot high temperature and treat a sore throat. In addition, the stone effectively affects the function thyroid gland and leads hormonal background person back to normal.

As additional funds Aquamarine can also be used to treat shingles. And by holding the stone for 20 minutes in front of your eyes, you can get rid of vision problems. By moving it to the area of ​​the solar plexus, he relieves a person of internal spasms.

Green aquamarine is recommended for the elderly as it cures heart related problems. Another of its useful properties is the ability to normalize the water balance of the body. IN winter period the crystal becomes simply indispensable, as it strengthens immune system.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

There is a known relationship between aquamarine and several zodiac signs.

All astrologers agree that the stone is the talisman of Scorpio. After all, people of this sign often go on about own emotions and can not soberly assess the situation, once necessary. The crystal, in turn, reduces the degree of influence of these qualities on its owner, reducing his level of anger in a confrontation. On the other hand, for the sake of justice, Aquamarine often forces Scorpios to speak exclusively the truth, so they can get into an awkward situation because of their speeches.

In addition, since the crystal is close to water, it is suitable for Aquarius and Pisces. The first of these, it helps to improve and strengthen love relationships. For Pisces, it allows you to reduce the number of manifestations of negative character traits, strengthening positive ones. The stone gives them understanding. That is, Pisces will stop giving themselves completely to people who use their kindness for their own purposes.

There is an assumption that aquamarine relieves Gemini of their inherent internal contradictions, smoothing or warning possible conflicts. And for Libra, it is suitable as a talisman, signaling the approach of danger.

Also, aquamarine helps in difficult cases and Taurus. This is due to the fact that in nature it is often found in the form of a six-sided prism, and the number six, as you know, is associated with Venus, which is the patron saint of people who were born under this zodiac sign.

Areas of use

For centuries, aquamarine has been used as a biostimulant. It is believed that it allows you to protect a person from exposure infectious diseases by strengthening the immune system.

The crystal is valued and in jewelry business for its unique transparency and beautiful shades. Craftsmen use this stone to encrust a variety of wheels, tiaras and other jewelry, giving such products a unique splendor and sophistication. But best of all, it manifests itself in the form of a brooch or pendant, as it favorably sets off its wearer against the background of the rest.

Aquamarine - ancient stone. The gem is transparent and resembles at the same time pure blue sky and the emerald sea. For this, he is very popular with jewelers. Aquamarine jewelry amaze the minds of even the most sophisticated ladies. Therefore, you can buy an aquamarine in a decent cut and present it to a woman as a gift even on the occasion of her anniversary.

Talisman and amulet

As a talisman, aquamarine is ideal for sailors, travelers and people involved in scientific work. Sailors always took him on trips, considering him a protector on campaigns. This stone helps with bouts of seasickness. Aquamarine is a symbol of friendship and love. It will help to maintain purity in relationships, as well as fidelity in love. will give more strength to fix family ties. It is advisable to purchase a stone for single people. With it, they will find friends or a soulmate. It is believed that aquamarine as an amulet protects against damage and envious people.

The magical properties of the stone

Aquamarine has the ability to change its color. If it becomes cloudy or turns green, then there will be bad weather. Very responsive to the condition of the person who wears it. If the owner is ill or suffers from unrequited love, then the aquamarine darkens. In ancient times, people believed that this stone could only be worn fair man. Liars and deceivers did not like the gem, because with them it immediately lost its attractiveness and remained forever dark. If something bad was planned against the owner of the stone, then he helped to uncover evil intrigues.

Healing properties

Aquamarine is considered a stone for eye diseases. Helps relieve pressure and fatigue after labor day. To do this, you need to look at a transparent crystal for some time. Treats thyroid disorders. Necklace with aquamarine pendant removes inflammatory diseases in the throat, and earrings with this stone are great for headaches. A ring with an insert "drops of the sea" heals well skin diseases. Lithotherapists recommend purchasing it for people with weak immunity. The stone is considered “water”, therefore it helps to relieve swelling and normalizes the salt balance of the body.

Who is aquamarine for?

Suitable for people who were born under the sign and. First, he helps to overcome his indecision and control emotions. Libra, thanks to aquamarine, will become calm and reasonable. The stone will help smooth out mood swings.

Care and wearing

It should be kept separate from others. jewelry wrapped in velvet. Aquamarine is a fragile stone, so it is afraid of strong blows and scratches. Avoid exposure to detergents, cosmetics. Burns out when hit by direct sun rays. Wash with a soft cloth.

Among precious stones, aquamarine is considered one of the most noble and aristocratic minerals. Its pure sky blue hue captivates even the most sophisticated connoisseurs. The color of the stone can vary from bright blue to blue-green, similar to sea waves in calm and calm weather or in the midst of a storm.

Aquamarine is often credited with healing and. In the history of mankind, the owners of the most striking and remarkable representatives of this stone were royal and privileged persons.


The name of the mineral Latin translates as sea water, which is directly related to its appearance. Aquamarine is one of the varieties of the natural mineral beryl. Its closest relatives are such precious stones as emerald, ruby ​​or sapphire.

Mostly this stone is loved by the female representatives. It harmonizes perfectly with any skin and eye color, emphasizing their natural beauty. natural beauty . The largest mineral deposits are located in Brazil. This country produces the highest quality and clean stones, which after correct jewelry processing are very popular in the market.

Aquamarine has long been considered the stone of sailors., he was taken on a voyage, as, which was supposed to protect against the unpredictability of the elements and make the journey quick and easy. Until the 20th century, this stone symbolized the captain's power on the ship, and it did not matter whether it was a pirate ship or a member of the Royal Navy.

The captain had to carry a ring decorated with aquamarine, which at times he could replace any royal charter or trade permit. Following this tradition, aquamarine jewelry of the time often depicted the sea god Neptune or Poseidon holding a trident.

Photo and meaning for a person

Aquamarine is considered a very durable stone, you need to work hard to leave a scratch on it. Its color can vary from bright blue to completely colorless, depending on the iron content of the mineral. The more this element, the deeper and more saturated the color will be.

Aquamarine has 5 primary colors:

  • Transparent.
  • Light blue.
  • Greenish blue.
  • Dark blue.
  • Blue-green.

Only the depth of color and shades can differ, but the distinctive feature of aquamarine - a slight bluish color, is preserved in each stone. The most valuable in the world jewelry market are aquamarines of saturated dark blue . They are rarely found in nature and always have a rather impressive size.

Similar specimens can be found in the royal crown of Great Britain, the Louvre houses a bust of Napoleon weighing almost 6 kilograms, made of solid aquamarine, and another notable example is located in the Kremlin Armory, where an aquamarine scepter 30 centimeters long is located, which at one time belonged to the last king of Poland.

Medicinal properties

Quite extensive healing properties are attributed to this stone. In the old days, it was believed that he was able to cure a traveler suffering from seasickness. It was also used to relieve toothaches, in diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Some have argued that this mineral has a restorative effect on human vision. The stone was placed on the eyes of the sleeping person in order to restore their former vigilance.

Aquamarine was recommended to be worn by people suffering from various allergic reactions or subject to frequent systemic diseases. It has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, helps to strengthen the immune system and helps to restore spiritual balance.

Jewelry with this mineral advised to wear to people suffering from mental illness . It is believed that it has a positive effect not only on the physical, but also state of mind person.

magical influence

In addition to the ability to heal, the mineral was credited with strong magical possibilities. This is one of the most sought after gems used for crafting and talismans.

  • To a colorless stone attribute the ability to cool too violent passions between lovers, helping them avoid quarrels and open conflicts. The lighter the stone, the more stability and tranquility it will bring to the life of its owner.
  • Aquamarine with a green tint helps a person to concentrate on the tasks at hand, teaches to see the mystical intervention of Providence in everyday life. He is able to direct the energy of the carrier to fulfill his most cherished desires, helps to establish ties with others and make new acquaintances.
  • Blue Gem protects a person from rash acts. Many believe that such a stone is able to recognize lies and negativity from the interlocutor. Next to someone who wants to harm the owner of the jewelry or just fools him, the naturally transparent mineral begins to become cloudy.

It is believed that aquamarine can indicate changes in the weather and a person's mood. Shades from transparent to bright blue indicate goodwill and disposition to communicate with others, and in meteorological terms - a clear good weather. And if the stone has changed its color to a more greenish one, the person is angry or upset, and the weather forecast will not be the most rosy.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

  • For Aries Aquamarine is considered an auspicious stone. He will help a man of this sign become an exemplary family man, make him more romantic and caring towards his beloved. And for the Aries woman, the mineral will become an excellent talisman for bringing wealth and monetary luck to life.
  • On passionate and sensual Taurus the stone has a cooling and balancing effect. He helps women curb too violent manifestation of feelings, makes them more reasonable and calm. And for a man, aquamarine will become a reliable amulet against interference in his life by alien negative energy.
  • Aquamarine for Gemini may turn out to be the same double amulet as the zodiac itself. In some cases, it will help them become more open and liberated in communicating with others, and in others, it will make them less impulsive, teach them to correctly assess their life priorities and compare desires with opportunities.
  • For crayfish whose life is filled with mystical events, this gem will help to come to peace of mind. Cancer women wearing jewelry with this stone will get rid of depression and feelings of fatigue. And for men, it will help stabilize their mood and avoid conflicts in communication with loved ones.
  • lions they do not like aquamarine, and the mineral is not too favorable to them. The stone and the zodiac have completely different energies that do not fit well with each other. The gem will make the Leo even more self-centered, which will hinder their development as a person.
  • But for Libra this stone is strongly recommended by the astrological horoscope. For women who are constantly unable to make a choice, he will help to quickly make the right decision. And it will allow men to avoid unnecessary energy costs, teach them how to correctly calculate their strength.
  • Virgins aquamarine will help to become more self-confident, will feed their energy life balance. For men, an amulet with this gem will contribute to achieving success in work, and women will be kinder to others, help them stop obsessing over other people's shortcomings.
  • In life scorpions the stone will minimize their constant throwing from deaf depression to too bright and impulsive behavior. This crystal will make an excellent love amulet for a Scorpio woman, and a male representative of this sign with this stone will become more circumspect in his relationships with the opposite sex.
  • For Sagittarius aquamarine is neutral. The stone does not have enough energy to influence the character and temperament of the fiery Sagittarius. In rare cases, it can make the representatives of this zodiac softer and more sincere, but everything will depend directly on the person.
  • Capricorn, like Libra, the stone is recommended according to the horoscope. He helps them to succeed in all areas of life, whether it is work, study or love. It will be easier for a Capricorn woman with an aquamarine talisman to come to an understanding with others, and for men, a stone is shown to improve health.
  • For Aquarius aquamarine will become a stone of inspiration. It will strengthen their desire for self-realization in life, will positively affect their Creative skills and help to avoid conflicts in relationships with loved ones. For those who do not know how to properly handle money, the stone will help to become more economical and save them from ruin.
  • Fish Aquamarine love immensely. This mineral is a real medicine for their soul. He helps them in absolutely everything: relieves stress, makes them less irritable, instills positive attitude to life. A stone will teach a Pisces woman to listen to intuition, and a man will help in the fulfillment of desires.

The stone of the sky and sea water has fascinated entire nations since the ancient world. Later, aquamarine fell in love with the people of the Middle Ages. Today, this mineral is no less popular. The beauty of the stone makes it a favorite gem for jewelers. Aquamarine combines the coldness of ice and the warmth of the tropical sky, it can change colors, acting as an indicator of human mood.

History and origins

Despite its earthly origin, aquamarine is considered the stone of the sea. This is because the mineral is endowed with an unusual greenish-blue color, reminiscent of sea ​​water. Sometimes the shade of the stone is identified with the color of a clear tropical sky. The name of the gem, given to it by the ancient Roman sage Pliny the Elder, perfectly reflects the appearance of the nugget and the legends associated with it. The name "aquamarine" literally translates from Latin as "sea water".

Ancient peoples considered aquamarine a gift from the god of the seas, Poseidon. According to one legend, sailors discovered the first stone. He was in a mermaid treasure chest, which the travelers raised from the bottom of the sea. At the same time, the beautiful nymph did not get angry, becoming the patroness of the discoverers. Since that time, the gem served as a talisman for Greek and Roman sailors - they took it with them on voyages so that the sailors would bypass the storm.

This is interesting! People of antiquity knew about aquamarine, but jewelry of that time inlaid with stone cannot be found. The fact is that despite the development of the Greeks and Romans in the field of metalworking, precious stones were not yet able to be cut. Therefore, all the beauty of minerals remained in the shadows until the era of scientific progress. Some rare items included cabochon inserts. Gems were popular - carvings made of solid stone, depicting heroes, gods, scenes from myths.

In the Middle Ages, bright, saturated minerals were popular - sapphire, and. Stones were still cut in the form of a cabochon. But the 18th century brought with it the Rococo style, the essence of which was reflected in the preference for calm, pastel colors. It was then that aquamarine became a famous and sought-after stone along with topazes. different shades. The art of cutting minerals was improved, fashion came to Europe.

But the peak of demand for the nugget came at the beginning of the last century, along with the advent of the Art Deco style. Jewelers fell in love with the gem for the cold transparency of ice. Laconic jewelry was complemented by white or black diamonds, emphasizing the icy nature of aquamarine. The mineral was cut into a rectangle - this form of processing was fashionable in those years.

A lot of jewelry is decorated with aquamarines. Among them is the tiara of Julius II - the Pope, one of Easter eggs Faberge, the scepter of Stanislav - the lord of the Commonwealth. The Smithsonian Institution of America, the British Museum, museums in Russia, Turkey, Iran keep amazing collections of aquamarines.

Did you know that the largest faceted aquamarine in history weighs 519 grams (2594 carats), and a stone weighing 920 carats, originally from India, flaunts on the crown of the Queen of England. In addition, the British ruler owns a set of aquamarine jewelry.

It is also known that aquamarine was once used in a peculiar way, making lenses for glasses from the mineral. The first such products date back to 1300 AD.

Place of Birth

Aquamarine occurs in pegmatites, often found among coarse-grained granites. The gem is found everywhere. Significant deposits are:

  • Madagascar island.
  • Brazil.
  • Russia.

Russian mineral deposits - Transbaikalia, Ural Mountains.

Interesting fact! In 1910, the Brazilians discovered the largest solid aquamarine crystal in history, weighing 110.5 kg. Subsequently, 220 thousand carats of cut jewelry stones came out of the nugget. Earlier, an 18-kilogram crystal was found at the same deposit, which was given the name "Jacketo". The nugget gave the jewelry industry 30,000 carats of processed gem. The Trans-Baikal stone, mined in the 17th century, weighed 82 kg.

Aquamarines are also mined in the territories:

  • Kenya.
  • Myanmar.
  • Australia.
  • Mozambique.
  • India.
  • Islands of Sri Lanka.
  • Namibia.
  • Ukraine.
  • Tanzania.

Here, crystals are mined on a smaller scale than in the top three countries.

Physical properties

Aquamarine is a type of mineral. The structure of hexagonal rings is such that hollow channels are formed inside the crystal. The characteristic color of aquamarine is blue. Iron impurities make the stone green.

The uniqueness of the mineral is that nature creates very large crystals gem quality. The stone is quite hard, but at the same time light and fragile. From a different angle of view, the mineral is able to change shades. Rare examples are endowed with asterism or "eye" effect. Sunlight adversely affects the crystals - they turn pale and lose color.

Density2.67-2.71 g/cm³
Refractive index1,577-1,583
kinkShelly, uneven and brittle.
TransparencyFrom transparent to opaque.
ColorLight blue, bluish green, greenish blue or gray blue.

Color varieties

Aquamarine classification includes the following colors:

  • Green. Stone from the southern part of the Urals.
  • Blue. South American mineral.
  • Blue. Produced in Russian deposits.

Once a nugget of rich sapphire color was also found, called maxis-aquamarine. Unfortunately, in the bright sun, the crystals lost their color. The event is dated 1917.

Healing Possibilities

Aquamarine was popular with ancient healers, being considered a deliverer from many ailments. Modern lithotherapists have adopted the knowledge of the ancients, using the gem everywhere to treat many diseases, including:

  • Colds, accompanied by inflammation of the throat, fever.
  • Joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis).
  • Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Dermatitis of various nature, including allergic rashes.
  • Vascular problems, such as varicose veins.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • pathology of vision.
  • Malfunctions of the immune system.

And also a water-colored stone acts as an excellent antispasmodic. If spasms occur, it is recommended to wear or hold a stone in the solar plexus area. At colds helps jewelry in the form of a pendant, and in diseases of the thyroid gland - beads. Earrings will help improve vision, and the ring will cope with dermatitis.

This is interesting! To improve the whole body and provide healthy sleep, you can take an aquamarine bath. Just put the gem in hot water for 30 minutes, then take it out and add more hot water. Relaxation for 15 minutes normalizes all vital processes and gives you a sound, restful sleep.

Aquamarine is useful in cleansing the body of toxins or toxins. The mineral copes with migraines, problems of the liver, stomach. Another useful property gem - the ability to rid the owner of harmful addictions (drugs, tobacco, alcohol). And, of course, the Gift of the god of the seas suppresses the fear of water in a person, protects against seasickness.

Mineral Magic

The gem has no less magical properties than healing ones. The most mysterious of them is the change in color. It's not about physical property stone, but about magic. When a person has happiness, harmony in his soul, and sunny weather outside the window - a light blue stone, the color of a clear spring sky. If the owner is overcome by sadness, and the weather is inclement, the mineral will be green. In addition, aquamarine becomes noticeably cloudy when a person is in danger or lies accumulate around the owner.

So, Poseidon's stone has protective properties, protecting a person not only from lies, but also from energy bloodsuckers, damage, evil eye and other negatives. Best for this task green gem. However, wearing such a stone all the time is dangerous.

And here are the bright ones pale shades more safely. Such samples also help to get rid of obsessive, unpleasant relationships. Any of the aquamarines will protect not only from negativity from the outside, but also from oneself - a person will not go to extremes, especially when making important decisions.

The mineral makes a person more resilient, physically stronger. The self-esteem of the one who possesses the stone rises noticeably, the person becomes a speaker capable of defeating an opponent during a discussion. Thanks to such a talisman, a person is constantly improving, both spiritually and physically. Aquamarine is able to resolve any disputes, neutralize conflicts. When to trial or the authorities call “on the carpet”, take an aquamarine with you. The stone will help to come to a compromise in any situation.

Sea nugget performing family amulet supporting the feelings sexual attraction reconciling even the diverse interests of the spouses.

Did you know that in the old days young couples were given aquamarine jewelry. It was believed that thanks to the talisman, the newlyweds would be able to get used to each other, accept the interests of everyone, and protect themselves from divorce.

Today, people also believe in the special love power of the stone. Lovers exchange rings adorned with a gem when they are separated. Each of them knows that the amulet will save love, help to return to each other, protect from betrayal.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that aquamarine was able to neutralize poisons. High-ranking personalities wore a mineral to protect against poisoning. Today the stone is used for meditation. Modern magicians believe that a nugget awakens supernatural abilities in a person.

This is interesting! There is a belief that if an aquamarine crystal is directed towards the north, with careful contemplation, you will see a guardian angel through the stone.

It should be remembered that aquamarine does not serve lies. A wicked person should not make friends with a gem. But for lazy individuals, it does not hurt to get an aquamarine little thing in the shape of a lizard or a frog. Such an object will make a person industrious.

Compatibility with other stones

Aquamarine is a water stone. Belonging to the element makes it compatible with other water minerals:

With stones of Fire (Grossular, Ruby) there is a process of mutual destruction. The combination with the minerals of Air ( , and ) is also unsuccessful due to the creation of uncomfortable vibrations.

Jewelry with a mineral

Aquamarine refers to precious stones second level. The natural feature of occurrence in the form of large crystals makes large stones over 10 carats popular. A nugget is processed, often with an emerald cut. Color palette stone makes it possible to create jewelry from multi-colored metals.

Aquamarine prices vary depending on the clarity, color and size of the stone. Typically, this ranges from $10 to $100 per carat. clean, rich in color, large specimens are estimated at about 250 dollars / carat. Inclusions and microcracks reduce the cost of the stone by up to 70%. But unusual, rare blotches, reminiscent of patterns of snowflakes or flowers, are welcome.

Domestic jewelry market offers both luxury and public aquamarine jewelry in different price categories:

  • Rings. From 5 thousand rubles for silver, from 20 thousand for gold.
  • Earrings. Gold is estimated at 16-17 thousand, silver - about 4-5 thousand.
  • Rimless bracelet - from 500 rubles.
  • Beads - from 1000 rubles. A scattering of stones (combination of aquamarine with rock crystal, pearls) - from 3500 thousand.

They also make inexpensive alloy jewelry. Such products are purchased for 300-500 rubles. Author's works are valued more than standard serial jewelry.

How to distinguish a fake

Although aquamarine is semi-precious stones However, fakes still exist. Often, these are artificial or glass, as well as cheap minerals of external similarity. Synthetic aquamarine exists, but is not produced due to unprofitability.

It is difficult to distinguish natural aquamarine from artificial spinel, topaz, but it is possible on the following grounds:

  • Quartz stones are not endowed with the color of the sea wave.
  • Spinel has bubbles inside.
  • Glass is always perfect. Natural minerals are always with inclusions.
  • Topaz shimmers brighter, but is not endowed with a silvery sheen of aquamarine.
  • Natural aquamarine is endowed with dichroism - a change in color depending on lighting and environmental conditions.
  • Glass or plastic will quickly heat up in the palms, natural mineral stay cool.

Saturated blue stones are valued the most. This is not always natural color aquamarine. More often, a cheaper pale aquamarine, calcined by temperature, is given out for it, due to which the density and tone of the color increase. An uneven color will give such an imitation.

How to wear

Products with aquamarine are universal, suitable for everyone, without exception, by age, gender and type of appearance. Green-eyed or blue-eyed blondes are preferable to wear light stones in silver or any other white frame. Products with colored gold frames, complemented by more saturated specimens, are designed for brown-eyed brunettes.

  • Young girls choose jewelry made of silver or gold, which combines several varieties of aquamarine. Necklaces are also relevant, where small aquamarines are intertwined with pearls, topazes and.
  • For women of the older generation, bracelets or beads from large stones. Platinum and gold jewelry with large solo stones look good.
  • small and young princesses light, neat jewelry made of alloys or silver, complemented by small light aquamarines, is recommended.
  • Men's accessories are frames strict forms with dark stone specimens.

Regarding the wardrobe best solution for aquamarine jewelry, clothes of light, pastel colors are used, against which the gem will not be lost.

Aquamarine should be bought according to lunar calendar. For blue stone ideal acquisition day - 3rd lunar day, and for green - 14th. It is advised to use any kind of aquamarine no earlier than 14 days later. At the same time, for 2 weeks, the stone should not just lie and wait in the wings - you need to talk with it so that the mineral gets used to the owner.

Aquamarine is one of the hardest stones. However, it is fragile, so its care should be appropriate, consisting of a few simple tips:

  1. The mineral is harmful sunlight, from which the stone turns pale, loses its shade. Therefore, jewelry with aquamarine is not worn in hot sunny weather, but stored in a tightly closed box.
  2. Cleaning the stone with soap solution and soft napkins. Ultrasound is excluded, otherwise the gem will crumble or crack.
  3. During household work or applying makeup, the gem is not worn - chemistry and cosmetics are harmful to the stone no less than the sun.

Avoid heavy build-up of dirt where the setting and stone meet, especially rings, rings, or any jewelry with intricate openwork designs.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

The stone that came to people from the bottom of the sea depths has “wards”, like other minerals. People with certain names can draw from the talisman something of their own, personal, in addition to general magical abilities gem. These names are:

  • Mark. Aquamarine will make such a man reasonable, cool his ardor, protect him from deceit.
  • Faith. For her, the stone of the seas is a talisman of fortitude, family warmth, exposing lies.
  • Michael. The nugget will become a motivator for him, prompting him to take action. Thanks to the amulet, Mikhail will be able to clearly comprehend the situation, assessing mistakes, exposing lies.
  • Snezhana. Aquamarine prepared her the ability to clairvoyance. The prophetic gem will help Snezhana learn about dangers or ailments in a timely manner.
  • Rodion. The talisman will bring prosperity to the Rodion family, help to maintain positive attitude, do not succumb to human deceit.

Even if the gem does not patronize by name, everyone will discover something good for themselves from friendship with this amazing mineral. After all, there are no astrological contraindications to wearing aquamarine. This means that the gift of Poseidon suits all signs of the Zodiac without exception!

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

The most ideal compatibility of the mineral with the sign of Scorpio. Since Scorpios are inherently aggressive, impulsive individuals, they often suffer from this. After all, to accept important, and most importantly, right decisions difficult when overwhelmed by outbursts of inappropriate emotions. Aquamarine will make the representatives of this family calmer, more balanced and helping to look at the world more objectively.

Other Zodiacs will also feel the goodness coming from the gem:

  • Aries will increase responsiveness and kindness.
  • Aquarians will be able to manage their finances more rationally.
  • Libra will find the missing balance.
  • Virgos will get rid of the habit of demanding too much from themselves, from the environment.
  • Gemini will come closer to spiritual self-knowledge and development.
  • Pisces will embark on the path of success by correctly setting life priorities.
  • Lions and Cancers will stop tormenting themselves with causeless worries.

Only in Taurus and Sagittarius, the gem will cause unequal feelings. Someone will truly believe in the power of the mineral, and someone will be rather skeptical about this, bypassing aquamarine.

Is this stone right for you?

Jewelry and talismans from natural stones never lost popularity. Since ancient times, people around the world have been making exquisite jewelry from them, studying their healing and magical properties. In the article you will learn about the features of the mineral aquamarine, as well as those qualities that are known to man and applicable in life.

Description and characteristics of aquamarine stone

The natural stone aquamarine, whose magical and healing properties are known and recognized throughout the world, is mined not only in Russia, but also in Brazil, China, Argentina and other countries. Minerals of unusual color and size are found on different continents.

What does an aquamarine stone look like?

Aquamarine is easily confused in color with topaz. It also looks like a pale sapphire. However, from different angles, you can see two-tone - its distinguishing feature. The stone itself is one of the types of beryl, has a mineral origin and a uniform color. Shades of its color range from light sky blue to deep blue. It depends on the place of origin.

The meaning of the name of the stone

The name "aquamarine" stone received due to its unusual shade, similar to the greenery and transparency of the sea, and was the embodiment of his soul, and according to ancient beliefs, the soul was equated with blood. Nowadays, people also believe in the magical properties of aquamarine. In India, for example, he is given a very great importance, as strengthening the strength of the spirit, capable of revealing skillful deceit, preserving the family, giving courage.

endowed with a whole range of healing and magical qualities

The value of stone in antiquity and the Middle Ages

Aquamarine has been known to people since ancient times. Even then, all kinds of decorations and crafts were made from it, as far as the available tools allowed. The peak of the popularity of the mineral came in the Middle Ages. Sailors wore bracelets from it everywhere, believing that the stone is related to the water element (due to its color), which means that it is able to come into contact with it and protect it from it.

Many centuries ago, the stone was used as a barometer to determine the change in weather: cloudy and green - the approach of a storm, a storm.

Aquamarine was used to adorn jewelry, including precious metals. The soul of the sea, contained in it, shared with the bearer the confidence and power of nature. In a duet with a diamond, the mineral represented the unity of air and water elements, a symbol of eternity.

looks interesting and aesthetically pleasing in women's jewelry

The healing properties of the mineral

The aquamarine stone, whose magical properties are widely known, also has a healing effect. It is mentioned in many works of ancient healers, and has not lost its significance in this direction today.

Natural mineral has recognized traditional medicine medicinal properties, among which:

  1. relief of toothache;
  2. getting rid of stomach pains;
  3. help with nervous diseases;
  4. sedative effect during emotional arousal;
  5. promoting the removal of slags and liquids;
  6. improvement of vision;
  7. motion sickness treatment.

For medical problems with endocrine system it is best to choose aquamarine in the form of a pendant or pendant. Rings will help to cope with skin diseases. Earrings with mineral eliminate headache, insomnia, and fears.

able to change color

Aquamarine and magic

Aquamarine - strong and influential natural mineral. It has retained its importance even today. Its main property is the ability to see astral deception. Amulets with this mineral help the wearer to open the vision within themselves, cool emotional outbursts, and calm the hurricane. In any ordinary event, a stone allows you to understand the signs from above, its mysterious meaning. He directs any energy for the common good.

The natural aquamarine stone also shows magical properties in its wisdom and justice, as it is able to change a person in intentions and deeds for the better, even to stop offenses.

Meaning of stone color change

Due to the fact that the stone changed with different angles falling light and sight, in ancient beliefs it was believed that this indicates changes in the weather or a change in the mood of the person to whom it belonged. The weather and mood deteriorate - the greenish-blue color of the mineral, if love is lost and sadness comes - muddy. A deceitful and dishonest man could not wear aquamarine, otherwise his deceit was easily exposed. In order to bring stability to life in the emotional and mental spheres, aquamarine was considered the most suitable stone to wear. Homogeneous pure minerals have always been most highly valued.

a useful amulet and at the same time a chic accessory

Aquamarine and zodiac signs

Aquamarine is most suitable for people under the signs of Cancer and Pisces. For Sagittarius, wearing it is extremely unfavorable, because it will attract endless misfortunes, just like Gemini. For other signs of the zodiac, its use is possible, just be aware that if the owner is too active, the stone will close and lose its properties.

Talismans with mineral

Aquamarine talismans have always been popular with sailors, travelers and scientists. They are also recommended for people who want to get rid of bad habits- alcohol abuse, smoking. In addition, this natural mineral is able to protect against unreasonable fears.