Forgiving wrongs are the best forgiving techniques. Forgiveness is reasonable selfishness, if you will.

Resentment- This is a negative experience that arises after you have been treated unfairly, humiliated, betrayed, or hurt in any other way. Resentment is a very destructive emotion that, with prolonged exposure to your body, can cause huge harm.

Offended, you are on subconscious level, and sometimes consciously, you wish death to those people who hurt you, and these negative thoughts come back to you. And as a result, all kinds of problems with health and other areas in life begin. And it is very important to learn ability to forgive.

Need to be freed from negative thought forms that accumulate in your bodies. And letting go of all repressed emotions free. This will have a beneficial effect both on your well-being and on other areas of your life. It will become easy and joyful for you to walk the path of being. By freeing yourself from negative experiences, you will clear a place for more positive emotions that will attract into your life happiness, luck and success.

In order to forgive, one must understand some of the laws of the universe. One of them, which is associated with negative thoughts, this is law of attraction... It turns out that in our life nothing happens just like that. Human myself attracts certain events. And if you were offended, it means that you yourself attracted this person. So this is your LESSON. And instead of getting angry with the offender, you should understand this situation and change something in yourself. You should open your heart for unconditional love and understanding, forgive and move on, towards joy and great happiness.

How to forgive?

There are many different techniques release from offenses, and on our website you can choose the one that suits you best. Try different ways forgiveness and cleanse yourself of the burden of negative experiences that interfere with your happiness and health. I would also like to tell you that forgiveness is not a quick job. It takes time and effort. And you will have to relive the pain that you wanted to forget. You need to be ready for this. Set yourself up for resentment exercises. I know it’s not so pleasant, but this holy work is worth it. Forgiveness will lead you to success and well-being.

Forgiveness Technique by Margarita Murakhovskaya

Imagine you are walking along a country road. Around the flower meadow. The road divides a huge field, showered with beautiful wildflowers. You hear the buzzing of insects, the singing of a lark in the high sky. You breathe easily and calmly. You move slowly along the road.

A man is walking towards you. And the closer he gets to you, the more you begin to understand that this is your father. This is your dad, only in his youth.

You go up to him, take his hands and say: “Hello, daddy. Please forgive me for not being what you wanted me to be. Thank you for everything, for what was and what was not. Daddy, I love you very much. I forgive you for everything. I forgive you for not being there when I missed you so much. I forgive you. You owe me nothing. You are free".

You start to notice how your father is turning into little child... He is about 3 years old. You look at this baby, and you want to take him in your arms, hug him gently and say: “I love you. I love you very much". Small child turns into tiny, it fits in the palm of your hand. With tenderness and love you place it in your heart, in your soul. Where he will be comfortable and calm.

You take a deep breath in and out and move on. A man is walking towards you. And the closer he gets to you, the more you begin to understand that this is your mother, only in your youth. She is now as old as she gave birth to you. You come up to her and take her hands and say: “Hello, mommy. Forgive me, please, for everything, for the fact that sometimes hurt you. Sorry for not living up to your expectations. And I forgive you for everything. For what was and what was not. Forgive me for not being there when I needed your support so badly. I forgive you with love. Now you are free. Thank you for everything, for the fact that thanks to you, I was born. Thank you for your tenderness and care "

You start to notice how your mom is transforming into a little girl of 3 years old. She stands in front of you. You take her on handles, hold her tenderly to you and say: “I love you very much. You are the closest and dearest. " It becomes so tiny that it fits in the palm of your hand. You plant it in your heart, in your soul. Where she will be warm and comfortable.

You take a deep breath in and out and move on. In the distance you see the figure of a person. And the closer you get, the more you begin to understand that it is you yourself. You look at yourself and say, “Well, hello. Please forgive me for everything. For always evaluating you. I really love you very much. You are the closest and dearest person to me ”.

You begin to notice how the person in front of you becomes three year old baby... You take him on handles, hold him to you, say: “you know, I love you, I love you very much”. This wonderful child becomes very small, it fits in your palm. You place it in your heart, in your soul, in your inner world.

Now your inner child, inner parent, inner adult is with you. These parts help you live and function effectively.

You are walking down the country road again. You breathe easily and freely. Your soul is calm. And now everything will be different in your life, because you are different, you are filled with love for yourself and your parts are harmonious. Take a deep breath in and out and open your eyes.

Forgiveness Meditation by Louise Hay

After you are completely relaxed, imagine that you are in a darkened theater hall. There is a small scene in front of you. You see in this scene a person who has hurt you. This person can be from your present or past. He can be alive or dead. See him in front of you and imagine that something wonderful happened to him, a very pleasant and important event for him. He is happy. He smiles.

Watch him for a few minutes and then take his place on stage. And see yourself, too, happy and joyful. As if something pleasant happened to you. Introduce yourself to great mood... You are the most happy man in the world!

Do this exercise for one month, once a day, and you will notice that you will become more benevolent and calm. You will find lightness and freedom from resentment.

Exercise Revenge of the offender

It happens that your inner kid wants to satisfy his thirst for revenge before forgiving; then this exercise should be tried. Just do not abuse it, once will be enough.

Accept comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax. Imagine those people who have seriously offended you. What do you want to do with these people? How to take revenge on them? What should they do to make you forgive them? Imagine this picture in every detail. How long do you want to see your offenders punished and suffering?

Then forgive them and feel fulfilled as you have given people peace and goodness.

Exercise Forgiveness

This exercise is very effective and should be done for 5-10 minutes at least once a week, preferably with a partner. But you can do it alone, you just have to say positive attitudes loudly, emotionally and repeatedly. By adopting comfortable posture and closing your eyes, say: "The person I want to forgive ..." and "I forgive you for ..."

If you do this exercise with your partner, then let him say thanks to you and that he sets you free. If you are doing the exercise alone, imagine that the person you want to forgive is speaking to you.

After you have freed yourself from the resentment, tell yourself: "I forgive myself for ..."


In order for a woman to be able to create, be a muse, delight and attract whatever she wants, she must be happy. But in life, events constantly occur that hurt and make us beautiful creatures unhappy.

And we do not radiate love, light, joy.

It can be very difficult to be guided at times, especially when someone hurts us.

Regardless of whether you have been badly offended or not, you cannot feel real happiness until you forgive the person.

No one will deny that sometimes people do terrible things or behave cruelly and unfairly. All the same, even in such cases it is possible to forgive. Learn to forgive ...

“Forgiveness is the highest and most beautiful shape love. In turn, you get endless peace and happiness. " Robert Mueller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Many people think that feelings of hatred, anger, or resentment towards the person who treated them meanly can punish them. ALL the opposite! Holding on to these emotions is like taking a poison and expecting it to act on another person. Only you will suffer from this. When you forgive, you both resent and continue to be guided by love. What is it like " spring-cleaning"For your heart. Learn to forgive.

We women are by nature very emotional and impulsive. Therefore, it is so easy to offend and hurt us. But in our emotions, our strength! And if they are negative (resentment, anger, hatred), then we lose our energy. Therefore, it is so important to be on time. Learn to forgive. Forgiveness gives strength.

When you see other people's suffering, it is miraculously turns yours into compassion and sets the stage for forgiveness.
If this idea is close to you, but you do not know how to let go of feelings from yourself and forgive, you have already dealt with a great difficulty. Just wanting to acknowledge the need for forgiveness is sometimes the biggest problem.

Here is a powerful exercise from Marcy Shimoff that can guide you in this endeavor.

Exercise Forgiveness

1. Sit somewhere in a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

2. Close your eyes and think of someone you are angry with, resentful of, or hate with all your heart.

3. Take a deep breath a couple of times and observe your feelings. Don't do anything with them, just watch.

4. Now understand that a person’s abusive behavior cannot be changed. He remained in the past, and there is absolutely no way to influence him now. Feel the completeness of the action.

5. Understand that this person may never change again. He is what he is. Take a few more deep breaths and face the truth.

6. People are who they are, and they do what they do, because they themselves are unhappy, in need or in pain. They may not even be aware of it themselves, but they are. People offend others only because they themselves are offended. Look at them through the lens of empathy for their own suffering. Imagine that they are like children who try to hurt others, attacking them because of their own pain. Do you feel compassion for them?

7. Sit quietly for a minute or two, feeling the expansion of energy that has brought compassion to your heart.

NOTE. It's okay if you're still angry. The goal of this exercise is to start getting rid of the pain in your heart, not just forgiving others. Continue this exercise until you feel at least a small shift. Your ability to forgive will grow as you experience more compassion.

December 12th, 2015

On the eve of the New Year, there is a proposal to let go of all grievances)

Agree after you forgive someone, it becomes easy on your soul and many pains and spasms go away. Life becomes calmer and more joyful.
But it is not always possible to forgive and let go. Although you understand everything with your head, a small wormhole remains in your soul. At my trainings, I have observed many times how some of the training participants manage to truly forgive, while others need to return to the issue of forgiveness over and over again, because the offense does not go away. And not just return, but use different techniques... There is no one-size-fits-all forgiveness technique that helps everyone equally.Choose the right practice to your liking, which will help you to get rid of resentment, guilt and heaviness.

10 practices of forgiveness

1 practice - Visualizations for forgiving grievances

Tune in to mental work, sit comfortably, turn off extraneous sounds and stay in silence for 2-3 minutes.

Imagine that you are near an ancient temple. The gates are open and you enter this fabulous temple and meet your offender.

Imagine he is about three to five years old. The child's face shows that he is scared and realizes that he has made a mistake. He addresses you by name and asks for forgiveness. Imagine that as a child he asks for forgiveness for all the wrongs he committed against you.

You can mentally express all the negative emotions that have accumulated.

After that, ask for forgiveness from this child and chat with him.

After communication, we mentally say goodbye and leave this temple.

Practice 2 - Forgiveness of resentment in three letters.

This practice is done in several stages.

  • In the first letter, write all your negative experiences and emotions. Everything that has been kept deep in itself for a long time. Don't hold yourself back (feelings and memories flooding back).

  • The next day, rewrite your remaining negative emotions... Spill out whatever might be left on the paper.

  • On the third day, write in a letter how your life has improved because of that situation.

  • Finally, it is advisable to burn the data of the letters you have written. This is an excellent cleansing ritual. And our subconscious mind is very fond of symbolic actions.

Practice 3 - Letter to the offender

Another technique for forgiveness is writing by letter. For many, writing a letter is the best way get rid of negative emotions.

We begin the letter with the words: “Now I’ll tell you something that I have never said before”.

We write according to this scheme:

  1. This is what you did to me;

  2. This is what I went through;

  3. This is how it affected my life;

  4. This is what I expect from you now.

Point 4 gives us the opportunity to understand ourselves, what exactly we need and can try to get it elsewhere.

Practice 4 - Giving flowers to the offender

Perhaps the most original and good practice breaking the pattern of thinking is giving flowers to the offender and changing memories.

Close your eyes and remember the situation that preceded your offense. Present it in every detail. Remember the details and at the moment when resentment begins to appear inside you, mentally imagine that you are reaching huge bouquet flowers and hand over to your abuser. Imagine what bewilderment will appear on a person's face. Thus, we break the patterns of memories. And you can talk and ask for forgiveness and forgiveness.

Be sure to try to mentally act out such a situation and communicate, for sure you will feel how non-standard behavior can shock the interlocutor and you will be able to turn the conversation into the direction of forgiveness and understanding that you need.

5 Practice-Meditative Forgiveness

This practice is more suitable for those people who have already passed acute period resentment and is ready to get rid of negative emotions in a planned manner.

It is more like an affirmation, repeated repetition of a pre-written text in a meditative state.

Sample text:

“I completely forgive (abuser's name). I forgive him without any conditions or restrictions, regardless of whether he wants me to forgive him. I forgive him because I free man and refuse to carry the burden of resentment in my heart. I let go of all negative thoughts towards (abuser's name). I feel that as the resentment leaves my heart, it becomes easy and joyful for me. I am completely free from bitterness. I wish (name of the offender) physical and spiritual health "

It is important to repeat the text in a meditative state, when the consciousness is slightly weakened and you have a great opportunity to penetrate into your subconscious and cleanse it.

6 practice of forgiveness Empty chair

Place an empty chair in the room and imagine that the same person is sitting on the chair.

Express everything that you want to say, all claims, all your resentment. You can use any words and expressions, you can shout and yell, pour out all your emotions, and this must be done.

Allow yourself any manifestations physical activity you can stomp your feet, throw objects at him. The main thing is to let go of all the aggression accumulated over a long time.

Stop according to your feelings, you will feel great emptiness and fatigue. This means that today you have done a good job and got rid of some portion of the negativity.

You can repeat this action as much as you need, you yourself will understand and feel when there is enough.

7 Forgiveness Practice - Louise Hay's Meditation

Close your eyes. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Then imagine that you are in the cinema where the documentary... And the person with whom you are connected with negative emotions appears on the screen.

This person may be alive or have already left this world. When you clearly consider this person, imagine that something good happens to him that has great importance for that person.

Imagine him happy and smiling. Try to hold on to this image for a couple of minutes.

Then, when the image of the person disappears, imagine that they begin to show you in this film. And something good is happening to you. You are happy and content.

This practice requires multiple repetitions.

8 practice forgiveness - Sviyash meditation

Choose a person in relation to whom you will work with the thought form of your negative experiences. For example, let it be your father.

Start mentally repeating the phrase many times in a row: With love and gratitude, I forgive my father and accept him as God created him (or: and accept him as he is). I apologize to my father for my negative thoughts, emotions and actions in relation to him. My father forgives me for my thoughts, emotions and actions towards him.

This formula works most effectively for erasing negative emotions in relation to living people with whom you periodically meet and experience discomfort, but can also be used for deceased people. The same form is used when working with events, any phenomena, and even with Life.

With love and gratitude, I forgive my Life and accept it in all its manifestations as God created it (or: and accept it as it is). I apologize to my Life for my negative thoughts, emotions and actions in relation to it. My Life forgives me for my thoughts, emotions and actions in relation to it. This technique should be performed for each person to whom you have experienced negative emotions for at least 3 -4 hours in total. And for those whom you barely remember, you can get by with 20-40 minutes. When you feel warmth in the center of your chest, in most cases this will mean that in relation to this person you have no negative emotions left in your body. And try to remember all the people with whom you could have any negative experiences.

9 practice of forgiveness - S. Gawain.

Step 1. Forgive and free others. Write on a piece of paper the names of all those people who you think have ever hurt you, done wrong or unfairly to you. Or / and those towards whom you still feel (or have experienced before) resentment, anger and other negative feelings. Next to each person's name, write what they did to you. And what you are offended at.

Then close your eyes, relax, and one by one visualize or imagine each person. Have a short conversation with each of them and explain to him or her that in the past you felt anger or resentment towards him or her, but now you intend to do everything in your power to forgive them for everything.

Give them your blessing and say, “I forgive you and set you free. Go your own way and be happy. " When you are done with this process, write on your piece of paper, “Now I forgive and set you free,” and throw it away or burn it as a symbol that you have freed yourself from these past experiences.

The great advantage of the technique proposed by S. Gawain is that you forgive not only others, but also yourself. That is, you get rid not only of anger and resentment, but also of guilt and the shame associated with it.

Step 2. Forgive and free yourself. Now write down the names of everyone you think you've ever hurt or been unfair to. Write down exactly what you did with each of them. Then close your eyes again, relax and imagine each of these people in turn.

Tell him or her what you did and ask them to forgive you for it and give you their blessings. Then imagine them doing this - i.e. forgiving you.

When you are done, write down or across your sheet of paper, "I forgive myself and absolve myself of all the blame here, now and forever!" Then tear the paper and throw it away (or burn it again).

10 practice - Emotional-corrective experience J. Rainwater

Record the disturbing or offending episode as little story written in present tense and in the first person. Recover all the events as accurately as possible (unless, of course, they became a serious psychological trauma for you). Recover all the dialogues and describe your feelings. Now rewrite the story the way you would like it to happen. Slap the offender, go to meet the pursuer and defeat him. At least somehow, but take revenge on the tormentor. Or fall in love with the person you hate. Do whatever you want. Create new dialogs. Describe your other feelings. And come up with your own ending and ending.

7 effective exercise forgiving grievances: FORGIVING yourself and others

A) Forgiving others

If lives in us resentment against other people, we cannot communicate with them normally, any contact develops into a conflict, and we live in constant stress, expecting only regular troubles from the outside world.

When we forgive surrounding, we are freed from the burden of pain and negative emotions that we drag with us through life and regain the ability to normally interact with the world around us and have a harmonious relationship with it.

Use this exercise and try forgive a person offending you. Perhaps the following questions will help you with this:

1. Why did this man do this to me, what moved him, what did he think, what did he feel?

2. What were his intentions, how did he explain his actions to himself?

3.Could he have acted differently then due to his education, upbringing, environment and living conditions?

4. How do you think / feel about this situation now?

5. What did I myself / a unconsciously provoke him to such behavior and attitude towards me?

6. What is my lesson in this situation?

7. What is positive, good in this situation? / What is the use of this situation?

8. How can I justify myself and others in this situation?

9. What do I need to be grateful for in this situation?

B) Forgiving yourself

If you are haunted guilt for some past events, then, feeling guilty, you will most likely have low self-esteem and unconsciously strive to atone for your guilt. The burden of past mistakes will trigger a self-destructive program in your body. Perhaps. You will be haunted feeling unwell, weakness, lethargy, apathy for life and lack of vitality.

The healing process begins with forgive yourself... To get rid of all the accumulated burden of the past, do the work of forgiving yourself.

Perhaps the following questions will help you with this:

1. Why did I do this in that situation, what were the motives of my action, what did I think, what did I feel?

2. What intentions did I have, how did I explain my actions to myself, did they seem correct to me at that moment?

3.Could I have acted differently then due to my education, upbringing, ideas about the world, environment and living conditions?

4. What do I think / feel about this situation now?

5. What's my lesson in this situation?

6. What is positive, good in this situation? / What is the use of this situation?

7 What do we need to be grateful for in this situation?

You have atoned enough for your mistakes and now it's come let go of guilt and forgive yourself... Take a mirror, look into your eyes and repeat several times: "I forgive myself for everything, completely liberate and accept as / as I am"... Repeat this magic formula until you feel lightness and liberation.

C) Correction: I feel resentment ... / I am peace and forgiveness ...

Often, despite the fact that a person understands everything intellectually and makes conscious attempts to reconcile with the offender and get rid of the burden of grievances emotional pain can be so severe that these attempts at best case do not lead to any result.

In this case, first of all, you should discharge the emotional charge of pain and resentment that is stored in your soul.

For this, according to the principle of correction emotional sphere I feel ... / I am ... say that many times resentment, pain and all the emotions that rise in your soul, investing in them the energy and emotion that you feel in relation to this situation.

Try to speak brightly, emotionally, pouring out and freeing from all the emotions that poison you from the inside.

Discuss the situation with your correction partner. Perhaps, a fresh look from the outside will help you correctly, in the true light, understand and assess the situation and come to terms with your offender.

When you calm down and feel peace, liberation and cleansing within yourself, fill the vacated inner space with the emotions of peace, calmness and friendliness.

After the correction, you will have the feeling that you have been reborn, rejuvenated by many years and have dropped a heavy burden from your shoulders. Your psychological and physical well-being will now improve every day.

D)) Fitting with those who are offended at you

If you want to be a healthy, successful, prosperous person, first of all you need make peace with those who are offended at you... Why is it so important? The fact is that all people make up a single living organism. And if you have enemies or people who are offended at you, their offense will subconsciously smooth you out. For example, if you are unlucky in personal life, then, it is quite possible that there are people who are offended at you for your refusal, or treason, or dislike. If you are unlucky professionally, perhaps someone is jealous of you and your career success, or someone offended on you for not helping him in this area. If you are unlucky in material terms, perhaps someone cannot forgive you old debts, or you are not providing sufficient material support to someone. The same can be said for health. Any resentment, both ours and in relation to us, closes energy channels, destroys us and blocks the paths in our lives.

Practical exercises:

If you want to come to terms with those who are resentful and unfriendly towards you, start by making a list of these people. Write the name of the person, the reason he is offended at you and what he wants or expects from you. So write a list of all the people who are offended by you. Trust your heart and your intuition. Inside yourself, you always feel who is unfriendly to you and who holds a grudge against you.

Make your own list:

Now take a piece of paper and write a letter to each of these people. Start with the person with whom you would most like to be reconciled. Greet him and tell him about everything that happened to you in that situation. Tell us how you felt, why you did this, what happened to you. Ask him to understand you and explain what happened.

Write until you feel that this person understood and forgave you... What you write will come to him at this moment in the form of inner realizations. He will understand you with his soul and calm down.

Then ask him for forgiveness, tell me how sorry you are. Try to understand him too - what he felt, thought, experienced. Then make peace with him.

If you have offended or cheated him with something, try to compensate him for this. If it is difficult for you to do this physically - in any case, wish him peace, kindness, fulfillment of all his desires, a kind and good life on Earth.

Fill it with the positive energy of your bright feelings and wishes until you feel that the situation has already been resolved inside this person and he is calm and good about you.

If at one time you have failed to untie the knot of resentment with someone on your list, do not be discouraged. Just keep sending him bright thoughts and feelings, good wishes, your love, support and positive energy... You can light candles or incense sticks for the health and well-being of this person, say a blessing for him, continue to write letters or help at a distance or in person by any means available to you. You can go for a consultation with a psychologist or discuss this situation with good friend... Sooner or later, it will definitely be resolved and you can move on to reconciliation with other people on your list.

E) If you find it difficult to forgive ...

There are many forgiveness technician, but not all of them work in practice, and some are suitable, while others do not. Why is this happening?

Highly often forgiveness techniques turn out to be ineffective because we are trying to forgive and resolve this situation as if “from the inside”, while “cooking” in the cauldron of our pain and negative emotions.

As you know, getting out of pain, being in it, is quite difficult. In order to be successful deal with pain and resentment, try to distance yourself from them. One of the ways is to destroy first all the negative energy associated with this situation, and then in calm state it is easy to forgive the abuser.

To do this, sit or lie down more comfortably, making sure that no one bothers you for the next half hour. Calm your breathing and thoughts. Relax completely.

Imagine in your mind your abuser and the unpleasant scene that happened to you. Look at her as if from the side. Imagine that this scene is being played out on the screen, and you are sitting in the auditorium. Try to feel and intensify the negative emotions that you are experiencing as much as possible, and give them a way out. You can tell your abuser what you think of him, or yell, or beat the pillows. In general, do whatever helps you in these cases.

When all the negative energy has left you and you calm down, imagine dark energy threads connecting you and your offender. With an effort of will, mentally break these threads or do whatever you want with them. You can cut them with scissors, burn them with fire, wash them out with water, etc., or simply untie the knots and let these threads, along with your offender, disappear from your field of vision.

Imagine that these threads are no longer there, and nothing more binds you to your abuser. Now you can mentally tell him that you forgive him. If you feel that these words come easily to you and they are sincere, it means forgiveness went well and can be completed.

If you cannot completely get rid of the negativity, it is easy to forgive and let go of the offender - repeat everything from the beginning. You can try other tricks to get rid of emotional pain and the elimination of the negative energy that binds you.

When you succeed, imagine how your abuser gradually decreases in size and is completely removed from your field of vision forever. Say you have completely forgiven him and let him out of your life forever.

And now forgive yourself too too. First, maximize resentment towards yourself, and when emotional reaction subsides - mentally burn or dissolve all the energy of resentment. Tell yourself that you love and forgive yourself for who you are, fully justify and accept yourself.

Repeat this procedure until you feel complete relief and release.

F) Forgiveness through healing with love and positive ...

And now you have done all the exercises, but pain of resentment still does not leave you. You have lost too much, your suffering has been too great. In this case, leave the techniques of forgiveness and try to heal yourself with a positive. Compensate for your own suffering and pain with positive emotions, give yourself joy and pleasure from life, heal your wounds with love for yourself. Give yourself what others have stolen from you ...

The world around you.

His descendants.

The person we are forgiving.

Peace. Divine nature.

Divine superiority.

When we DO NOT forgive. We:

- we create chains between ourselves and those whom we do not forgive. These chains will last not one, not two or three lives. As long as you do not forgive the person.

- we trigger reactions in the body that will remind us every fraction of a second that there is someone who is hostile towards us (because we are hostile). This means that the body will be in a state of war all the time.
- we find ourselves in such situations, we attract such people who respond to our vibrations: deceived and deceivers, suffering and causing suffering.

Practice of Forgiveness- one of the most powerful and most important for spiritual development... Through Forgiveness, you can work with images, with problems, and with reality. We always have someone to forgive, there is something to forgive and something to ask for forgiveness for. We have something to forgive ourselves, parents, partners, God and the Universe for. Forgiveness makes you free, because when you forgive someone, you let them go. When you ask for forgiveness, you are liberated yourself.

This is the hygiene of the soul. Since childhood, we are taught to wash our hands before eating and brush our teeth in the morning, but they are not taught at all how to ask for forgiveness so that it really works - without humiliation and guilt. The practice of Forgiveness provides liberation on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to personally communicate with the person whom you want to forgive. This can be done through meditation. And this does not mean at all that this the person will leave from your life forever. You just let go emotional burden, negative beliefs about the relationship that you are pulling with you.

It is difficult for us to live here and now, we often dwell in memories of the days of the past, of the past negative experience, or making plans for the future. This is how we perceive a specific person... We pull his image from the past with us, not giving this person a chance to manifest for us in a different way. We perceive it "there and then." And you can learn to see a person in a new way - this is a task that reveals two partners. Practicing Forgiveness will cleanse those past relationships.

Forgiveness gives freedom, joy, strength and happiness, helps to restore the field of love between people, as it allows you to see a person at the level of the soul, where all are equal and are one.

Another plus of Forgiveness is that this practice can be carried out everywhere and always, an unlimited number of times with the same person - close or barely familiar, for example, with the one who stepped on his foot in the subway. It can be not only a person you are angry with or harbor a grudge, but also just someone you do not accept or condemn.

Forgiveness- it is a great healer, it can free us from past wounds, resentments and misunderstandings. But sometimes it is beneficial for us to be offended. Sometimes it is difficult for us to forgive those near or far. Why? Because this is how we unconsciously protect ourselves. With Forgiveness, we can change painful situations in our past by simply changing our attitude towards them. Through the practice of Forgiveness, you can come to terms with yourself - forgive yourself, your past, your parents. Forgiveness can heal not only your life, but the planet as a whole. It will be great if all people get rid of old grievances, anger, claims to each other. Forgiveness can even heal many physical illness and ailments, since it has long been proven that every illness is an unconscious, unmanifest and unprocessed emotion. And with Forgiveness, we can let go of the situation or emotion that led to this disease... Lack of Forgiveness not only makes life difficult, but also destroys body and soul. And if you use this practice, you can make life easier and more joyful.

How and whom to forgive?

Make a list of the people you want to forgive.

Make a list of people you don't want or cannot forgive.

Forgive your parents.

Forgive yourself, your childhood and your inner child.

Forgive your feelings, emotions and worries. (This is perhaps the most difficult task because we are often angry with ourselves and do not accept our feelings - anger, anger, resentment. Make up separate list: for which you cannot forgive yourself).

Forgive your kind.

Forgive your ex-partners. Write down a list of the most significant partners you have been with serious relationship, or deep feeling on your part, even if it was unrequited. Asking for “exes” helps free yourself and prepare space for new, happy relationships.

Forgive your colleagues and superiors (or subordinates if you are the boss). In any team there are conflicts, this is reality. It is important not to get stuck in them. By mentally forgiving your coworkers, subordinates and boss, you can easily resolve even the most explosive conflicts at work. At the same time, your efficiency will increase many times!

Forgive all the so-called "third parties". These are the people with whom you contact every day - in transport, in a bank or in a store. These are people who seem to accidentally hurt or insult you. But in fact, all accidents are not accidental, if we talk about the spiritual plan. Each person comes into your life to help you free yourself. It is precisely the Forgiveness technique that gives this liberation. Having spent a Forgiveness with this seemingly random person. You can pay back your karmic debt or just clean up the relationship with your loved ones.

Forgiveness to professionals. These are situations related to specialists - lawyers, doctors, tax service, traffic police, etc. When you sit in line for a lawyer or doctor and you get nervous: “Will he accept it or not? Are all the papers in order? ”, Then, mentally conducting Forgiveness with him, you energetically prepare the field of love with this person. As a result, any issue is resolved quickly and easily.

Forgiveness Higher Forces... We all take offense sometimes at God, at fate, at love and exclaim: "Why do I need these troubles and punishments?" By tuning in to Forgiveness, we receive powerful support from the Universe and the Cosmos.

Forgiving tragic situations: accidents, attacks, gross insults, robberies, etc. Forgiveness in this case allows you to open your heart - your spiritual center and protect yourself from such situations in the future.

What are the obstacles to Forgiveness?

Fear # 1:“What if I forgive him and this person leaves my life forever?” But to forgive is not to say goodbye.

Fear # 2:“What if I forgive him and this person returns to my life? I need it ?! " If you are from pure heart you let go of a person and do not want to cling to this relationship, then they will stop - for the common good.

I can forgive, but I don't want to.

We always have a choice: either continue to be victims, want revenge, feel resentment, anger, pain, or forgive and choose love. What do you choose for yourself?

The essence of our being is Love. Forgiveness teaches us to choose love over pain, hurt, fear, and suffering. Forgiveness - universal technique that anyone can learn, regardless of age, gender, experience, religion. Try it and your life will become much brighter!

Prayer of Transfiguration

You, me and all the world- is the essence of one whole. You came into my life with your pain and suffering for a reason. You show me, as in a mirror, that pain and suffering exist deep in my soul, in my subconscious.

And I am fully aware that I am involved in your problems, because I know that everything that happens in my life is the result of my thoughts and actions in the past.
I regret what I have done.
And by my free Will, I cancel all my destructive programs in relation to you, your ancestors and your entire Family.

I forgive you and your ancestors for all their wrong thoughts and actions, committed intentionally or unintentionally in relation to my ancestors from the Creation of the world to the present day.
Forgive me and my whole family, for we did not know what we were doing.

I thank you for coming into my life and helping me to clear my mind and get rid of everything old and unnecessary, become truly free, transform and be happy, living according to Truth and Conscience.

I love you and bless all your family with love. I wish you, your loved ones and your descendants happiness and good.

And may all my wrong thoughts, words and actions that led to your pain and suffering, by force Divine Love will be transformed into righteous thoughts and deeds, and may they bring happiness to our families and the whole world around us.
May Love, Peace and General Prosperity reign on Earth.

May it be so!

I accept you with love in my heart!
Forgive me and all my Rod!
I thank you!
I forgive you and all your family and bless you with love!
I wish you happiness and good!

Forgiveness Meditation

Sit down, relax, take a deep breath and exhale, and again - a deep breath, and with an exhalation release all the tension in the body, all the heaviness, swing on the waves of your breathing.

Bring up the image of the person with whom you would like to perform the ritual of forgiveness. It could be close or distant relative, a friend, a boss, a person who has offended you or whom you have offended.

Imagine that he is standing in front of you. Take a closer look at his image: how he looks, what he is wearing, whether you see him clearly or the image is vague. What do you want to say to him: "Forgive" or "Goodbye"? The first thing that comes to mind will be the most correct one.

Now tell this person: “Forgive me, and I forgive you, and I forgive myself in my relationship with you. And I forgive and let go of all that dark that was between us, I forgive myself all the feelings, emotions, experiences in relations with you. I forgive and let go of everything that is not love in our relationship. "

Imagine how in your body and the violet flame enters the image of this person. “I ask the violet fire to clear all feelings, emotions in relations with you, I ask to clear pain, resentment, envy, hatred, jealousy - everything that is not love in our relationship. I forgive and let go of all this, everything that interferes with my disclosure, freedom, love. "

Now imagine how golden and pink rays of light enter your crown and fill you with those qualities that you lacked in your relationship with this person. I give myself as much light, love, support, freedom, attention, value as I lacked in relationships with you in all genera and incarnations. Let the golden ray fill every cell of your body with love, light, warmth.

And now imagine how the same ray of light enters the crown of this person. I give you so much light, love, warmth, forgiveness, acceptance, support, as you lacked in your relationship with me in all genera and incarnations. Let the golden ray fill this person's body with love, freedom, forgiveness, light.

I ask the Universe to restore the field of love between us in all genera and incarnations.

Tell this person: “I thank you for what was between us, and for what was not between us, for who you were for me, and who you were not for me, and for the lessons of love that you gave me. " Bow down in your mind.

Now take a deep breath and, as you exhale, return to the here and now.

Louise Hay's Forgiveness Technique.

The topic of Forgiveness is the most important today. The ability to forgive removes limitations, heals space, gives a person Divine qualities and opportunities. Forgiving, we become stronger in spirit.
The offended person is bound by the chains of enslavement own emotions and karmic knots with offenders, and almost all energy is spent only on maintaining these chains.

Forgiveness Technique:

1. Introducing the Golden Triangle

2. inside we put the image of a person with whom you need to balance relations

3. looking at this image mentally (you can also out loud) say ...

a. imagine left side triangle - forgive me
b. right - forgive him (her)
v. bottom of the triangle - forgive us

4. then ...

a. we take very close people into our hearts
b. if people are more distant and it is difficult to place them in the heart, we embrace them
v. the deceased - we send them to God.

If we do not know the names of those who need to be forgiven or from whom we need to ask for Forgiveness, we light a church candle, you can make a homemade one, but it should be made of light wax and say this:

Lord, you know all the names, may those forgive me, forgive my family, who are offended by me, by us, willingly or unwillingly. I forgive all those whom I have offended with Love

The art of forgiveness

Forgiveness is perhaps the hardest thing to do. But without forgiveness, there is no health, no luck. “Unforgiveness” means negative emotions and low vibrations, which greatly impedes the fulfillment of desires.

What is unforgiveness? It is an ingrained resentment, claim, and accusation from another person. Do you think that someone is to blame for your troubles? No, my dears. The outside is only a projection of what is inside. And each unpleasant situation Is the task of accepting and forgiving, including yourself. And if there is another person's fault, then the punishment will find him according to the Law of Attraction.

Forgiveness is intelligent selfishness, if you will.

We devote to the process of forgiveness Special attention at the training "Success Code": we harmonize relationships with parents and other close people. This is especially important for someone who is working to improve his life, is engaged in visualization and manifestation of their goals and desires. As one good friend of mine said: “If there is no forgiveness in your heart, you should not expect a change for the better! At least visualize! " She knew the Bible very well, and it says there: “… whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive, and it will be for you. And when you stand in prayer, forgive what you have against anyone, so that your Heavenly Father may forgive you your sins. If you do not forgive, then your heavenly Father will not forgive you your sins. " (Mark 11: 24-25)

There were many cases in my practice when sincere forgiveness gave a person health, ease, joy and opened the way to cherished desires.

I have seen many methods of forgiveness. But most of all, the alignment and special exercises that we do at the training. And for self-study i will recommend the following:

1). Enter the alpha level. Invite the troubled person to your ideal vacation spot or laboratory, have a heart-to-heart talk, invite him to agreement and mutual forgiveness. Finally, surround him with a field of light, love and goodness.

2). Read Joe Vitale's book Life Without Limits and use the wonderful formula for forgiveness from it.

3). Sit comfortably, relax, take a few gentle breaths in and out. After that, slowly say the phrase: “I turn to God the Creator. Please. Teach me to forgive. I forgive (name) ________________ here and now! I forgive everyone who ever hurt me, who hurt me, who mocked me. I forgive those whom I remember and who I do not remember. From this day on, I begin to live without offense. From that day on, my Divine Self can merge with me even more, and I feel the presence of Divine Grace, a warm wave flooding my heart, my mind and my whole body. "

Repeat this appeal as often as possible until you feel you can thank the abuser for the lesson and mentally present valuable gift, with love and respect, surrounding it with light and warmth. After that, miracles can happen.

4) And here is the magnetic-energy affirmation from Vilma for forgiving yourself:

I forgive ---– (my fear, my guilt, etc.).

I forgive myself for letting in this - (my fear, guilt, etc.)

I ask you, my dear body, forgive me that I let you in - (this fear, guilt, etc.) and thereby caused you pain and evil.

Forgiveness technique from Liz Burbo's book:

Here are the stages of true forgiveness that thousands of people have already walked and rewarded with miraculous results:

1. Define your emotions (there are often several of them). Become aware of what you are blaming yourself or another person for, and determine what feelings this causes you.

2. Take responsibility. Being responsible means realizing that you always have a choice - to react with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now realize that you may be afraid of being blamed for the same things that you blame the other person for.

3. Understand the other person and relieve tension. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and feel his intentions. Think about the fact that he may blame both himself and you for the same thing for which you blame him. He's afraid, just like you.

HERE ARE A FEW TIPS. THEY MEET IN MY other books but are so important that I decided to complete this book with them.

Give yourself the time it takes to go through all the stages of forgiveness. At one stage you may need a day, at another - a year is the most important thing to your desire going through these stages was sincere. The stronger psychological trauma and the resistance of the ego, the longer it will take.

If Step 6 turns out to be very difficult, know that your ego is resisting it. If you think: “Why on earth should I ask this person for forgiveness, if not I offended him, but he me? I had every reason to be angry with him! " - this is your ego speaking, not your heart... The most important desire of your heart is to live in peace and compassion for others.

Don't worry if the person you are asking for forgiveness doesn't react the way you expected. Some things are almost impossible to predict. He may not say anything, change the subject of the conversation, be surprised, refuse to talk about it, cry, ask for forgiveness from you, throw himself into your arms, etc. Try to treat with understanding the feelings of the other person - as well as your own.

As I noted in the description of the sixth stage of forgiveness, you should not tell the person who offended you that you have forgiven him. There are three reasons for this:

1. It may turn out that the person you are angry with had no intention of offending you. Reality is very often different from our perception. Maybe this person did not even suspect that you were offended.

2. You must understand that you need forgiveness in order to free yourself. Forgiving another person means taking the necessary step towards forgiving yourself.

3. You must also realize that it is not in your power to truly forgive another person. Only he can forgive himself,

4. Forgive yourself. This is the most important stage forgiveness. In order to forgive yourself, give yourself the right to fear, be weak, be delusional, have shortcomings, suffer and be angry. Accept yourself as you are at the present moment, knowing that this is a temporary state.

5. Feel the urge to ask for forgiveness. As you prepare for the stage, imagine that you are asking for forgiveness from a person whom you have condemned, criticized, or accused of something. If this image makes you feel happy and free, you are ready for the next stage.

6. Meet with the person you want to ask for forgiveness. Tell him about your experiences and ask for forgiveness for judging, criticizing or hating him. That you yourself forgave him, mention only if he talks about it.

7. Make a connection or make a decision about a parent.

Remember a similar situation in the past, with a person who represented power and authority for you - with your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, teacher, etc. This person must be of the same gender as the one you just forgiven. Repeat all the steps of forgiveness with him.

If the emotions you are experiencing are directed against yourself, go through steps 1, 2, 4 and 7.

If a person does not want to accept your request for forgiveness, it means that he cannot forgive himself. You can forgive him, but that's not enough.

If you tell another person about your experiences, and he begins to justify himself out of surprise, he may have thought that you were blaming him. If so, then you have not yet forgiven this person and hope that he will change.

If, when you are going to meet this person, you hope that he will understand the depth of your suffering and ask you for forgiveness, you still have not forgiven him. In any case, you should not be angry with yourself; you just need a little more time to move on to stages 2 and 3. You have probably already forgiven this person with your mind, but have not yet had time to forgive him with your heart. To forgive a person with the mind means to understand the motives of his actions, but this does not bring either relief or inner liberation. This happens a lot. Forgiveness with the mind - a good start since it at least indicates goodwill.

Remember, forgiving someone doesn't mean you agree with their accusations. Forgiving someone, you seem to say that you look with the eyes of your heart and see something more important in the depths of this person's soul than his accusations.

This forgiveness will make it easier for you to empower yourself to be yourself and express your human feelings.

Now let's look at the three emotions that people experience the hardest: fear, anger, and sadness. A person usually suppresses, controls, hides these emotions - in a word, he does everything so as not to experience them, since they reignite the emotional wounds received in childhood and adolescence. These wounds are caused by five negative psychological factors: trauma of the rejected, trauma of the abandoned, trauma of humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

Instead of giving yourself the right to be imperfect and suffer from mental wounds Most people continue to blame others for their fear, anger, and sadness. That is why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, in turn, cause all kinds of illnesses.

But these emotions can be used for good:

Fear helps you understand that you need protection and are looking for it. He also reminds that real protection should be sought in oneself.

Anger is useful in helping you discover your need for self-affirmation, articulate your requirements, and listen more closely to your needs.

Sadness helps you realize that you are suffering from a sense of loss or from a fear of losing. Sadness teaches a person not to get attached.

LOVE YOURSELF- means to be responsible for your own life and give yourself the right to show this responsibility. If you love yourself, you will have a healthy and full of energy a body that will allow you to fulfill all your dreams.

I hope this book more than once will help you to gain deeper awareness, more fulfilling and happy life filled with love. Never forget that your inner GOD uses all possible means and through your body speaks, reminds you:



Greetings, beloved brothers and sisters! I am Hilarion. And now we will talk about very important manifestations of human existence.

Resentment is the essence of a state of insufficient energy in bodies (physical and subtle).

If a person is offended, he is an instrument of the astral plane, which timely pressed the “buttons of weakness” of the human ego.

Resentment is one of the methods energy vampirism, which, however, has a karmic working off, the essence of which is in the separation from the Energy of Love - the endless stream of the Universe coming from the Higher Self.
A man himself must unlearn his dependence on the astral plane.

When a person is offended, he lets out low-vibration energy emanations to the alleged “offender”. He experiences an unconscious (or conscious) feeling of guilt. And this allows you to use the energy of a given person, since the feeling of guilt opens the way to a person's energy flow.

There is no point in being offended - it makes sense to act, talk to each other, solve problems.
What happens when you get hurt?

First, the imbalance of yin-yang, which is the Divine basis of the Energy of Love. This energy flows out through the crown chakra. From this moment, the flow of the Energy of Love is stopped.

Second, the ego is out of control. Since you are energetically weakened, your vibrations are understated, the colors of the aura are weaker and less saturated, you become accessible to the astral plane. Astral is not able to influence you through your Soul. Astral is not able to influence you through your Body. He is able to influence you ONLY THROUGH the EGO, which is out of control. Previously, before the state of imbalance, the Energy of Love helped to keep the ego "in check."

Astral subjugates your ego, because it knows its "weak points", and begins to influence it.

The following happens:

1) Siphoning off the energy you need for your health and vitality.
Notice how you become during the resentment (exhausted, gloomy, resentment, etc.);

2) "Sucker" certain types astral projection to weaker, unprotected organs. also in this choice the cause of the offense can "help". If she is on a man from a woman, then weak point are reproductive organs... For men, respectively.

If you are offended by the realities of life, then your eyes suffer.
If you are offended by what others are telling you, your ears can be hurt.
If you have lingering grudges against close relatives, your teeth will start to ache and crumble.
If you have a grudge against someone about your, in your opinion, "uncomplicated" life, then the organs of the solar plexus chakra (the location of the ego) suffer: gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas.
If the resentment has lived in you for years, and you could not forgive yourself or your neighbors, then oncology begins.

3) Since you have little energy, the astral is interested (if possible) in influencing other people through your ego. This is how your ego provokes others to feel guilty by seeing and feeling your "resentment." Thus, they (people) give up their energy. But it goes, in the end, not to you, but to the astral. And you remain with your resentment in complete energy impotence. But ... until you stop this activity.

It is necessary, absolutely essential, to learn to forgive.
What Happens During Forgiveness?
This state has a color - purple.

As you forgive, a cloud of violet flame envelops you. It helps you understand the essence of the lesson. Allows you to free yourself from the power of the astral over the ego. Allows your ego to find its "place". And, most importantly, it opens your crown chakra to restore the flow of the Energy of Love in you. At this moment, you feel the rain, the energetic rain of Love, which irrigates your Soul, subtle bodies, the Temple of the Soul - Body. At this moment, you have a yin-yang balance. At the same time, you are covered by the Wave of the Holy Trinity - Peace, Joy and Love. You are free. You are calm. You are loved.

May it be so from now on. We love you. And we hug you heartily.
I am Hilarion.



So what is the essence of resentment?


Loved ones, you have lived great amount lives, gaining this or that invaluable experience for the Soul. As Disciples, you sometimes did things due to karma (acts of violence, disrespect, participation in wars, murders, etc.).

In this incarnation, you bring in your precious DNA a "suitcase of unlearned lessons."

Before incarnation, you "negotiate" with your Beloved Soul Mates to help you catalyze the corresponding Lesson (for example, a lesson on accepting masculinity or femininity, etc.). And this is all so that you, having accepted this exactly as a Lesson, could transform the experience of low vibrations received in past lives into Love and Awareness through the act of Forgiveness and Acceptance.

At the same time, you agree on what Lessons you, exactly you, can teach as Karmic Teachers!

And here you, beloved ones, and your Karmic Partner-Teachers come to this World!

Karmic Teachers appear in your Life at the previously agreed synchronic moment and ... teach the Lesson!

If you did not accept this as a LESSON, then you have a deep denial of Spiritual Teaching - Resentment!

A simple hint: if one side is offended, it means that the Lesson was meant for ONE!

If two parties are offended - A LESSON IS INTERACTIVE! In this case, both of you are both karmic disciples and karmic Teachers!

If the two sides were "offended" and did not accept the Lessons, then the most aggressive thing that can happen on Gaia is war!

All wars are a fact of not accepting the Lessons!

What is resentment? How is it reflected at all deep levels of a person? How can you transform resentment quickly, painlessly and consciously? What is the help from the Higher Self? What Gift is hidden behind the Lessons that cause resentment in a person?



Greetings, beloved family! I Am Mary Magdalene. We Are Your Family At Home. Gently, with all the Energies of Our Love, embracing you, We will begin the next friendly conversation!

So what is the essence of resentment?


And at the same time, those people who are on you in this moment Now "offended" - these are also Souls who did not want to accept the Karmic Lesson of Soul Perfection, presented with Love and Compassion by You!

Thus, from infancy to the end of your incarnation (or to Collective Enlightenment), you are both a Karmic Disciple and a Karmic Teacher for someone at the same time!

Thus, resentment is a karmic knot, “tied” as a result of the Freedom of Your Choice, to react in this way to the Lesson in this way!

How is this karmic knot of resentment "tied"?

How to transform resentment and at the same time learn the Lesson?

- You need to ACCEPT (as always, everything is universal and simple!) The fact that you have a specific grudge against a Person, People, Situation, etc.

- Observe (remember) how resentment affects you on:

- physical level (possibly an imbalance blood pressure, pain in the heart, stomach, liver, body tremors, insomnia, headaches, etc.);

emotional level... Feel what emotions this particular hurt (anger, fear, frustration, etc.) evokes in you. It is advisable to work with one "resentment" at one sitting - Lessons in different cases may be different. Emphasize, dear ones, on quality, and not on a one-time amount of transformations of grievances!

- on the mental level. Each offense carries in itself the conviction of your "rightness" and the illusory "wrongness" of your Karmic Teacher. How is this belief expressed in your case? For example, "They (the offenders) have offended me for nothing, because ... (and then there are your arguments proving the validity of your position at the moment of Now)."

- on energy level(overall). Observe, beloved, and try to the best of your strength, readiness and desire to remember what vibrations are characteristic of your particular offense. What multidimensional Image (sound, melody, song, drawing, taste, sensation, smell, etc.) evokes in you associations with resentment? This is a deep connection of resentment fixed by the main senses at the level of vibrations and memory of cells.

For example, it can be such an association of resentment: The image of a formidable, foul-smelling, loudly roaring lion, tearing you to painful parts. Or the image of a sacrificial lamb. Everything is individual, dear!

Why do you need to call these associative links?

First, so that you can be an OBSERVER in transformation, NOT a PARTICIPANT of events. You work with deep internally, rather than replaying painful memories over and over again, living deep and sharp pain, which can harm your physiology and psyche again. The immersion experience is good if you already understand the lesson! Otherwise, you, totally immersing yourself in the Lesson that caused the offense, risk getting a lot of new injuries until you understand the Lesson. And physiological recovery can get complicated! Tears of past resentment, angry thoughts and screams, pain in the body may arise! Think: Is this your method? Be careful, loved ones! Returning to a painful past can be an ineffective way to abuse yourself. Be gentle and careful in the experience of this awareness with your Body, with your Psyche, with your Energy!

Secondly, working with the Sensual Image-Association is how your ego-mind "sees" the block of resentment. Through this block-image and goes to astral world Your priceless Vital energy... This image carries the essence of the "clue" for the importance of this offense!

So, in your DNA this insult fixed and waiting ... for the transformation to begin!

Beloved, now after you have accepted that you have a grudge, you have observed its traps and actions on you, you are ready for a further Important Step.

- If you feel that the Moment of Truth has come, then with Love call on your Higher Self. Express your intention about your readiness for deep, multidimensional work with this episode of resentment.

- Accept the position of the Observer again, and, calling the facts (not EMOTIONS!) Of memory at your service, track step by step how the Participants' events are developing at that moment "now" (one of them, that past "You", is not identify yourself with Him!).

- Feel with all your Soul every word and deed and remember: Soul is wise, it does not "know" to evaluate!) Maintain awareness. It will be easy for you if you are out of ratings!

- The next stage of the Transformation is called INSULATION. This is a Gift from your Higher Self! After you have managed to consciously view the entire event outside of emotions and assessments, you begin to BE AWARE of the cause-and-effect relationships of this episode!


This is the position of an Angel watching people!

And this Angel-Man is you, your Higher Self!

So, in a state of INSPECTION, the Higher Self shows you what this LESSON was in reality, synchronicity and relevance!


Having realized, you will see Wisdom and Love, moreover, Compassion with which this Lesson is presented!

Forgiveness is complete and this Lesson will not return to you if you feel the Transformation at all multidimensional levels:

- On physical Level You feel a surge of strength, free breathing with the whole body, Joy enters your cells, awakening potential, hitherto dormant vitality... You feel great! You feel the rise of all Life Forces!

- At the level of sensuality, instead of pendulum exhausting emotions, the Feelings of Eternity came to you: Peace, Joy and Love! The Song of your Liberation and Gratitude to all (including yourself and all others!) Participants of these Lesson events sounds!

- At the mental level, you have realized the whole essence of the Lesson. Now you can easily and painlessly, without evaluations and emotions, be able to tell this story at any moment of your life, if it is appropriate and synchronistic!

- at the DNA level ( general condition energy) You feel a wonderful New Height of Vibrations of Love!

So, after the transformation, what you call a Miracle or a Gift from the Higher Self happens!

So what is this Gift?

Let's get back to DNA.

So, each of your Karmic Lessons is contained in your precious DNA.

At the moment of Transformation, the low-vibration shell of the block called "Resentment" dissolves, releasing the Essence of the Lesson with which you were born into this World. This is the sensation of a birth, a new birth!

At the same time, you become aware of this naked Lesson, and the participants in the events, including you, forgive with their whole Soul.

Therefore, the energy of the Lesson is also transformed, but into what?

There is a saying in your culture - "A holy place is never empty." We will use this phrase to explain.

So, to replace the block of grievances as a result of complete forgiveness, and, therefore, Acceptance and Awareness of the essence of the Lesson, comes not only Liberation from astral influence (loss of energies), not only high vibrations, but also AWAKENED THE GIFT Lying UNDER THE COVER OF THE LESSON!

Under the Light of Your multidimensional Awareness, the Petals of this Gift open. And there ... the Power of Creativity, leading you along the road of Destination! You are free from this Lesson, and you have advanced to the Essence of incarnation!

Your resentment before that took away your vitality. Forgiveness has patched energy holes.

Your overall energy vibrations were low prior to Forgiveness and Realization.

After the Transformation, you soar. it fresh influx The Highest Vibration of Love embraces you so much!

This Higher Self has merged even more with your Consciousness!

Resentment tied you hand and foot and slowed down your Path.

And now you can easily call the one you were "offended" with!

And, having met, you will naturally smile at him! You will naturally thank him to the extent that it will be synchronic!

Perhaps "he" (the one you were "offended" with) will at first be surprised and bewildered: "What happened to you? Why have you changed SO? "

But on the energetic level, with his priceless Soul, He will feel this Information of Liberation and Gratitude, Liberation from the Karmic Knot that binds you.

He - Your Karmic Teacher is also free!

And now, if you both want to, you can become Close Friends, humorously remembering your past "exploits"! Here it is - Benevolence! Here it is - Wisdom! Here it is - Awareness! Here it is - Love!

All Karmic Teachers are Soul mates who came to Gaia with Love and Compassion also in order to catalyze your Gift hidden under the mask of your Lesson! They liberated you from certain karmic layers that originate in many incarnations.

And now you are all free! For the World. Love, for the New Creative Ideas and transforming them into Being! For Good and Wisdom!

You are the God-Goddess, you are the Creator, you are a free Artist painting his Life with his own hand!

And this is wonderful, Darling!

With Love, Mary Magdalene. Family Light

Prayer for forgiveness.

These prayers should be said sincerely. Listen to yourself to see if the forgiveness has really happened. Practice as much as necessary. With someone it will be possible to resolve a karmic situation in one go, for others it may take weeks or even months.


I apologize to the Divine soul ... (name) for all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, states, words and actions manifested in relation to its embodied personality from the side of the subjective consciousness of my human being.


I forgive a human being ... (name) for all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, states, words and deeds manifested by him in relation to the embodied personality of my Divine soul.


I AM the Divine soul ... (name) as the Presence of the Living and Eternal God, in the name and name of the fulfillment of the Laws of Love, Sacrifice and Mercy, I ask the Lord for forgiveness for all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, states, words and actions manifested by my real human being by relation to the embodied person ... (name)


I AM the Divine soul ... (name) as the Presence of the Living and Eternal God, in the name and name of the fulfillment of the Laws of Love, Sacrifice and Mercy, I forgive my embodied personality for all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, states, words and actions manifested in relation to a human being …(name).


For forgiveness meditation, sit comfortably, allow your eyes to close and your body and breath to become natural and light. Let your body and mind relax. Breathe slowly in the area of ​​your heart, allow yourself to feel all the obstacles and accumulations that you carried with you, because you did not forgive - did not forgive yourself, did not forgive others. Feel the pain of your incessantly closed heart. Then, after breathing gently through your heart for some time, begin asking for forgiveness and spreading it by repeating the words below and allowing them to open your forgiving heart. Let the words, images, and feelings deepen as you repeat them.


Feel your own precious body and life, tell me: there are many ways in which I betrayed myself or hurt myself, abandoned myself by thought, word or action, knowing it or not knowing it. Allow yourself to see the ways in which you have hurt yourself or hurt yourself. Outline them, remember them, visualize them. Feel the sadness that you have borne because of all these actions, feel that you can free yourself from these burdens, extend to them, one by one, forgiveness.


There are many paths in which I have been injured, where I have been harmed, where I have been hurt and abandoned by others in thought, word, action, knowing it or not. Outline them, remember them, visualize these many paths.

Feel the sadness that you brought from this past and feel the ability to release this burden by spreading forgiveness if your heart is ready for it.

Now tell yourself:


Allow yourself to quietly repeat these instructions for forgiveness until you can feel relief in your heart. Maybe you will not feel relief from some of the severe pains, but only free yourself from the heaviness, longing and anger that you have kept in yourself. Touch them gently, forgive yourself for that too. Forgiveness cannot be forced, it cannot be artificial. Just keep practicing: let the words and images gradually work their way. Over time, you will be able to make forgiveness meditation a part of yours. regular practice, freeing from the past and opening the heart to every new moment, approaching it with the wisdom of loving kindness.