Money karma and financial wealth. The family's money karma. If the action is committed, then the consequences cannot be avoided

The law of monetary karma ...

We all know the game from childhood when we had to answer the question: What would you do if you had a million? The children replied that they would spend a million on pleasure. As adults, we strive to put this fundamental desire into practice. However, having received one pleasure, we are chasing after another. So life goes by in the bustle of vanity, and we, not quite understanding why we need to chase after pleasures, do not stop thinking about where to get money so that we can spend it later on something. So, the question "How to make a million?" is still relevant, it remains to find out if you can make big money?


We all know the proverb “A penny protects the ruble”. But one of the monetary paradoxes is: too much big savings lead to loss of money. In most cases, this fact is confirmed: strenuous savings always lead to new costs. We are fiercely bargaining for pennies in the bazaar, but suddenly we urgently need to invest money in unforeseen repairs or in transport we will have a wallet with a monthly salary. The law of “counting kopecks” is always the same.

When it comes to a large amount, it makes no sense to count the hryvnia. It will be more correct to round them. And then in our food consciousness money will be something whole. Many now do not take a penny in large stores, and the sellers often say that “it is not necessary”. If you tensely count the pennies, then the subconscious mind gets hung up on trifles and lets big money pass by. When saving, the spring of the subconscious is tightly clamped, but one fine day a person “breaks down” and spends money on everything until he empties his wallet. Nobody calls for wasting money, you just need to handle it correctly.

Sometimes the wrong emotion can push money away from a person. For example, one of these days we should receive money in a large number and already the day before we rejoice, anticipating that we will put the money in our pocket. But since too much premature joy is one of the hidden forms aggression, then it "pushes" the money that has come very close to him from the person. Until we receive the money physically, we cannot be sure that we have it. We can only be sure that tomorrow the Lord will feed us and give us everything we need.

Money is energy. When a person's energy weakens, money goes away. What weakens the energy? Negative thoughts and emotions. Grievances, stress, resentment turn in our subconscious into layers of aggression, which, being compressed, suppress the energy of a person. To get rid of this negative energy substrate, the subconscious mind organizes an equivalent loss of money in its size. At the same time, the compressed negative emotions are removed from the aura, and the loss of money saves a person from illness or even death. Thus, money, above all, is a measure of a person's negative energy. The more negative energy, the more money flows away, or their receipt is blocked. We pay with money for conscious and subconscious aggression, as well as for bad karma accumulated in past incarnations.

Imagine a situation: a wife is offended by her husband. Her thoughts run in circles and she experiences a bitter feeling every time, but she cannot get rid of it. And suddenly - an unexpected loss of money. The woman begins to worry about the loss and resentment, not supported by emotions, begins to fade. Unexpected difficulties enable a person to adapt to a difficult situation. V physical life when a person cannot carry one bag, he is allowed to carry half. In the subconscious, the opposite is true: those who do not want to carry one bag will carry two; if they do not want to carry two, they will carry three. And so on until there is an understanding: I am doing something wrong.

Sometimes the lack of money can be explained by the fact that today's financial problems are treating future possible pride or selfishness. A person cannot imagine this, but his Soul knows about it, and so that a person does not become worse, it carefully protects him from money. This is the law of earthly life: any possession increases pride and aggression. That is why people desiring spiritual advancement renounced everything material. They wanted to avoid this increase in subconscious aggression. But the method of abandoning the material worked in the era of Pisces. Now, in the era of Aquarius, it is unusable. In a new state of consciousness, a person must learn to own earthly goods without aggression. So Heavenly forces we are being trained now to have. Will everyone be able to have benefits, but not have pride and aggression? By acquiring, we train to have. By losing, we learn detachment. And this happens until a person becomes almost indifferent to whether he has good or not.

People often complain that it is difficult for them to save money. No sooner had the money appeared than it immediately disappeared. And so it is constantly. And the reason is that as soon as money appears, subconscious pride and aggression increase. Like, I'm so smart, entrepreneurial. (With money, a person feels stronger and cooler). And increased aggression repels the money received. It is advisable to remember that all the money we receive is not due to our power of mind, but to the power of God. And maybe understanding this will help you learn to own detachedly. Then you can do without losses. This will mean that we have managed to improve our karma.


Karmic debts are often the reason for the lack of money. And the most severe obstacle to the arrival of money is the consequences of crimes accumulated in past lives because of money. If this happens, a person is born into a poor family, or poverty haunts him all his life. Today's material well-being, like so much else, is the exact total equivalent of everything that has been created by us before. So it is very important to remove envy of others, resentment and feelings of injustice.

It turns out that our karma has a strict gold monetary equivalent and is expressed in how much money we have. Everything in the Universe is weighed to the milligram.

If there are good and kind people in our environment who cannot improve financial position, do not feel sorry for them, you just need to help them. Helping those people who live in need contributes to the accumulation positive energy and creating good karma.

Very often we meet with bad, undeveloped, selfish people, but who have a lot of money. This fact often causes indignation and resentment against God and fate in those who find it difficult to make money. From false feeling justice, a subconscious thought arises: "Why do they have the money and not me?" And as a result of this thought, a subconscious desire arises: “Take the money away from them! And then give it to me! " It is very important to track down such a thought and understand that such people got money because they worked out their bad karma in past lives, earning money by hard work or having spent a forced life in a monastery. Such people are either embodied in rich family, but do not know how to properly handle money, or become swindlers, to whom money flows like a river. In any case, money comes from positive material karma in the past. As they say, to each his own.

In most cases, the reason for the money problem is either a reluctance to work or a person is depressed by feelings of guilt, or filled with extreme pessimism, or in a state of depression, apathy towards everything. But all of these external reasons have one and only true - such a person has bad karma. It also gives rise to fears and pessimism, apathy and bad inclinations. If we try to “stir up” such a person and beg him to work, he will not budge, precisely because bad karma holds him back. The most important thing for him is to start fighting the negative thoughts and feelings that he has in abundance. Energy positive thoughts will accumulate slowly, so will not outweigh the negative baggage immediately. The process can drag on for years, but every effort will bring you closer to the moment when a person will finally throw off this baggage. Thus, through desire and knowledge, any bad karma can be transformed. To set this process in motion, the first step must be taken, which is to do at least something. And then the energy of God will work through you.

Another subconscious cause of money problems is the implicit human selfishness about money and work. People are busy looking for a job that would require a minimum of effort and would bring the maximum money. This approach to work completely contradicts the law of the Universe, which says: "If a person works for the Lord, then he receives everything from the Lord." If a person does not want to work, because he is convinced that money is evil, then he will never have it. The accumulation of negative energy prevents money from coming in. There are other obstacles as well. When a person has a great desire to get something, it “drains out” mental and nerve forces... And then the subconscious mind arranges protection in the form of a sharp repulsion of what the person wants badly.

What attitudes will be correct for our subconscious mind? Only the thirst for too much is contraindicated, and the need (for food, comfortable environment, learning) is always legal in the Universe. And first of all, developing evolutionary needs are fulfilled. Heaven itself allocates funds for them, and the excess will be wisely limited by nature. Wrong desires are not true needs, but they are fulfilled too, bringing pain, illness and problems to a person. The conclusion is this: if you want wealth, then even the money that you could actually get is blocked. If you want to satisfy your urgent needs, then, on the contrary, money easily and naturally comes from the Universe.

What kind of work will not be good and will not bring money? If someone's soul hurts, as they say, it's sure sign the fact that he is not doing his own business (the soul knows everything and about everything), that is, he does not fulfill his karmic task. If you are burdened by some kind of relationship, feel free to break the burdening ties. If you go to work as hard labor, quit this job. If you make money with great effort wearing out physically, psychologically and spiritually is clear sign that you are earning the wrong money and in the wrong way.

The law of monetary karma says: "Do what you do the easiest and best, but do it diligently and with all your might." In this case, money is earned easily and joyfully, they literally find a person. If it is necessary for the realization of karmic goals - Subtle World will provide wealth.

It is difficult to find an adult who is not interested in the question of his own money or personal income. How to make more money? Why is there not enough money? How much money is needed for full of happiness? Many people are looking for answers to such questions, and the questions themselves are already considered trivial (that is, they do not have an unambiguous answer). So why, then, millions of people for many years and decades have been looking for an answer to the same question and do not find this answer? Maybe they are looking for something wrong, or not there?

In a series of articles, the first of which you are reading, we plan to consider in detail a full range of all issues directly or indirectly related to money and its amount.
So we will talk about money and karma. Each of these words contains a very broad and multifaceted meaning. Therefore, we will clarify what kind of money and what karma we will talk about.


In society, it is customary to divide money into big money and just money. It's just that money is considered to be insufficient (or small). If we use the generally accepted approach, it turns out that money is simply not interesting, since there is still little or not enough of it. Therefore, you should only show interest in big money. Is it so?

We will not divide money into big and not very big, we will not find out exactly how much money is meant by a person who says the phrase: "I want a lot of money."

Within the framework of this publication, we will only talk about the money that a person uses directly for himself, his comfort and the well-being of his family. Such money usually covers a wide range of expenses - from the trivial payment for food, clothes and utilities, before paying for holidays, travel, teaching children abroad and buying a car or yacht. Call them "household money", "money for living" or something else, now it will not have essential... It will be about this kind of money.

Money, in addition to those mentioned above, can perform other very diverse functions or play different roles:

  • money as initial capital
  • money as a means of production
  • money as working capital
  • money as an investment
  • money as a financial instrument
  • money as a means of control and power

Specialists in the field of finance, probably, could add many more points to this list, but we are not considering all these hypostases of money in this publication.


A lot has already been written about karma - from ancient manuscripts to the publications of modern astrologers, healers and followers of various ancient teachings. We do not set ourselves the goal of carefully understanding all the intricacies and intricacies of such complex concept like karma. But we want to solve the problem of increasing personal income. If a person solves the problem of money without taking into account the action of karmic mechanisms, then karma can "slip" a rather unexpected end result. Against the background of such a result, the lack of money may not seem big problem, but just a minor misunderstanding, not worthy of attention.

By karma we mean the individual task with which each person comes into this world. And not even the task itself, but that individual set of qualities, inclinations, abilities and talents that is given to a person from above to solve this task.

The phrase: "Each person has his own karma" may not be convincing for everyone. And if it is paraphrased as follows: "Each person has his own individual characteristics that distinguish him from other people"? If not all, then the overwhelming majority of people will be ready to agree with such a formulation of the question.

Speaking about karma, we are just talking about the fact that there are individual characteristics of a person. Considering the karmic task, we will not try to understand the content and general meaning of this task, but just try to determine what aspirations and actions of a person can come into clear conflict with his individual characteristics(with his karma). For example, consider a fictional character. A certain young man, let's call him Ivan Petrov, dreams of becoming a famous musician, gaining recognition, fame and good financial situation in society. To realize his dream, he is ready to work hard and hard. Laudable, in general, aspiration, but does Ivan Petrov have an ear for music? If Ivan does not have such a hearing, then we will make an assumption that his aspirations and actions may contradict his karmic task. To put it simply, Ivan is most likely not supposed to be a musician due to his karma. At the same time, we are not trying to establish by whom Ivan is supposed to become and what the way to do it. That is, we are not trying to interfere with his karma.

We do not consider deeply esoteric aspects of karma, karmic task and incarnations of the human soul within the framework of this series of articles.

Now let's summarize.

We are going to describe a method for increasing a person's personal income. main feature our method - application individual approach to the person. To ensure the individuality of the approach, we suggest using astrological methods. When finding effective ways increase in income, Special attention will address the peculiarities of a person's individual karma.

A direct description of the method is planned in the next publications.

If you study in detail genealogical tree of each person, in the family, with equal probability one can see both scammers and benefactors.

It is from the interaction of the individual with financial energy that the monetary karma of the family is formed, which determines karmic debts or gifts for descendants. In addition to the blood karmic channel, there is the financial karma of the reproductive family - a community karmic debts men and women who are married.

Generic financial karma: occurrence:

What is the karma of money with which a person has already been born? First, from his actions and relationships with finances in past reincarnations. Secondly, from the money deeds of his ancestors. Many people do not think about the consequences of their behavior, and after all, the karma of bad thoughts, words and actions towards the financial flow is passed on to the next generation if a person has not managed to work off the debt for these mistakes in the current incarnation.

The individual karma of the personality is closely related to the generic, because before the new earthly incarnation a person is given the choice of a family to achieve specific karmic goals. Therefore, in a sense, even a heavy financial ancestral karma is a necessity, because allows you to learn a lesson, to speed up the implementation of the current karmic mission. But more often it happens that money karma is an unpleasant makeweight, an unexpected bonus that accompanies a family most suitable for the current reincarnation.

Generic energies, carrying information about money karma, too, are absorbed by the child while still in the womb.

The life scenario immediately begins to build in accordance with these data and is recorded in the subconscious. However, in the case of not the first reincarnation, the programming of generic financial karma may not even occur. This can also be avoided when a person's strong monetary individual karma overpowers family karma. In other words, if in past lives a person has built ideal relationships with finances, generic monetary karma will not greatly affect the gifts of fate.

Like any karma of the family, generic karma passes to a person both along the male and female lines. Usually, the principle of sexual conformity is preserved, when karma passes to the daughter from the mother and her relatives, and to the son - from the father and his family. But in some cases this rule is not respected, and if the children in the family are same-sex, then the parents' karma is distributed evenly between them.

Large families are lucky in the sense that some children have bad financial karma or karmic debt do not apply at all.

Bad financial karma is created in the clan as a result different situations... The piggy bank of mistakes, which will then have to be worked out, includes the circumstances of monetary deception, fraud, theft, theft, robbery. It is possible that the person was very stingy or, conversely, a spender.

If someone in the family constantly complained about poverty, envied the rich, mishandled their income, this is also considered to be the cause of the formation of karmic debt and bad monetary karma. In turn, positive karma is created by charitable activities, the ability to competently use money, timely repayment of loans, financial assistance to the elderly generation and their descendants.

How older genus, the stronger his karma, and the more negativity is inherited. Negative energy ultimately repels money opportunities from a person, moreover, he is forced to drag out his existence in poverty or constantly becomes a victim of financial fraud. This happens because only a series of sufferings and sacrifices makes it possible to nullify karma and work off a debt.

But if a person could not understand the meaning of such a karmic lesson, did not radically change his views on money, financial karma will still remain bad, and this will be passed on to the future generation.

Karmic money debt kind: how is it manifested:

If family tree a person includes people who have performed poorly in monetary relations, the descendant does not always get off with simple financial difficulties... Sometimes money karma spreads much further, it affects related areas of life: career growth, interpersonal relationships, health status. But to one degree or another, everything revolves around money.

Besides external manifestations bad monetary karma of the kind, there are also internal negative changes in a person who is forced to answer for the financial misdeeds of their ancestors. Usually descendants are faced with self-doubt, inertness of their own views, narrow ideological thinking. Such a person needs to exert a lot of effort to overcome his complexes and vices.

Otherwise, there will be neither well-deserved successes, nor accidental successes. A person with bad karma of money for the tree of the clan is distinguished by low ambitions, because he has little positive energy, which his ancestors could have accumulated in advance.

Heavy family karma constantly deprives aspirations, desires, social activity.

The most offensive thing about the negative karma of money for the whole family is, perhaps, that a person misses even those opportunities that were originally bestowed upon him by fate. The personality simply cannot be in the right place v the right time, due to which a whole alternative series of favorable events is destroyed.

Family financial karma:

As you know, each person has their own financial ceiling - the amount most suitable for a comfortable responsibility and an optimal life. This ceiling is formed, of course, taking into account ancestral karma and individual karma in all incarnations on earth. When a man and a woman create new family, they average this amount of money, and this is how the financial ceiling of the family budget is formed.

This amount remains even in the event of unfavorable fateful events, but in order to increase it, it is necessary to influence the individual financial ceiling of each partner. It is quite difficult to do this, but it is possible. To do this, you need to change your personal monetary karma, as described in the article on our portal on the relevant topic.

Actually, just because of different financial ceilings, there are situations when families break up due to poverty, and ex-husbands they suddenly begin to earn more (sometimes this happens and, conversely, with women who were leaders in relationships). It's just that one of the partners initially had more vitality and responsibility for large sums money, and besides, there were no heavy karmic debts.

Thus, in young families, spouses often limit each other's earning opportunities. This can be avoided only through mutual spiritual growth, so that partners are on the same level of self-improvement.

It should also be borne in mind that the created family has a common financial karma, which means that the energy karmic channel contains those karmic money that was originally intended for both the wife and husband, and for each child. Therefore, it is extremely unfair to believe that if only one person earns in a relationship, then this is only his wealth. By no means, pure strong karmas of babies, whose souls were exemplary excellent students in past reincarnations, can help here.

Even on psychological level This situation can be explained quite simply: the appearance of children in our life encourages us to change, to search for new financial opportunities, as well as to form specific money requests to the Universe. It also affects the state of the family and the karma of the second partner, because he was also supposed to have money to achieve various karmic goals. However, if the monetary karma of someone in the newly formed family is weak, even double earnings may not correct the situation. Finances will still be chronically lacking.

Getting rid of bad karma of money in the family:

It is impossible to get rid of the bad monetary karma of your ancestors just by cutting off all ties with older generations. The fact is that part of karma penetrates with genes, and part is imposed in childhood through various statements, as well as imitation.

Thus, the first stage in eliminating bad monetary karma is the removal of negative attitudes and programs inherited from parents. First of all, it is necessary to change the attitude towards rich people, towards their poverty and towards money in general. Many esotericists also advise pouring your individual energy into the karmic channel to build up monetary generic karma.

Remember that it is impossible to return to the past and prevent mistakes of the kind, but it is possible in the present to influence the days to come.

To rebuild generic monetary karma, some experts recommend doing the practice of positive transformation seven times in a row every month. To begin with, it is necessary to diagnose who was the main culprit of the bad karma of money in the family, to localize the soul. Then you need to find those who can help change such karma. We are talking about representatives of the clan of the past, present and future.

An etheric observer is installed behind the monetary karma, protection is placed on finances, and a program for clearing karma at the etheric level is launched. Then it is already necessary to work off financial karma with blank slate at the expense of an honest life.

Sometimes the negative generic karma of money is formed due to the generic curse, damage, evil eye:

* Women have this magical effect disappears after one generation. To get rid of the traces of this curse and improve the karma of the clan, sometimes it is enough to tie your hair on the right wrist. For this, it is enough to weave long braid or pull out a small piece of strands.

* In men, the curse of the clan persists for 2-3 generations, but bad financial karma is transmitted only through the first son and always only to males. It is better to get rid of such a negative trace with the help of a professional psychic, but you can also use some tricks. These include a decrease in contacts with paper money, the absence of direct financial relations between men of the same genus, and a ban on gambling.

Some psychics advise such a ritual., how to name money:

It is necessary to give away 9 coins of any kind every day twice a day. close woman from the environment. This money must be named in a special way. Each coin is one of your life problems. You can call finance those negative feelings that make you money. The lady buries all the received coins in the soil at the time of the waning of the moon.

As for the negative monetary karma in the newly formed family, here it is necessary to work with the individual desires of the partners. It is impossible to establish a high financial income if one of the spouses lacks aspiration, ambition.

How to raise your wife's or husband's money ceiling:

* Work daily with visualization. Present your objects of dreams, write them in a jar with desires, make collages.

* Learn not to be limited always and in everything, allowing yourself welcome gifts... You need to be able to spend money on yourself and not worry, but rejoice. Remember that it is not always important to look only at the price of an item when making a purchase, because this is how you push away abundance.

* Fulfill your dreams. Don't be afraid to raise the bar of your desires and gradually align yourself with a more successful lifestyle.

* Eliminate thoughts in your head that money is troublesome, and that being rich is dangerous or embarrassing.

Family money karma - the most important factor well-being of relationships and a frequent subject of contention among partners.

Sometimes the reasons for financial problems can lie in individual mistakes of this and past reincarnation, and sometimes it is necessary to dig into misdeeds of some kind. In any case, you should never despair, because you can always change the karma of money of the whole family or only your family, if only a person has enough for this. sincere desire and patience, because you will have to work on yourself and your own environment every day.

Most people tend to blame anyone for their monetary failures. Many justify their low level income problems of the country, government, high prices or induced monetary damage. And other people, looking for all sorts of ways to make more money, use all their inner resources, willpower, mind and never complain. Who do you think is more likely to monetary success? The answer suggests itself. What happens in your life regarding material and financial success is your money karma. It is karma that determines the monetary balance that will accompany you in life. But what is meant by the concept of money karma?

The article "What is White Karma" you can familiarize yourself in detail with the concept of karma, its types and how to change it for the better.

Money karma consists of two components: your generic karma in relation to money and the karma that you have earned during your life.

Generic karma affects your level and source of income. For example, if your parents or other relatives were unsuccessful in money and did not treat them correctly, then most likely this mental program will be transferred to you. But, the plus of money karma is that it can be corrected, and that, in general, it develops and is accumulated by you personally during your life.


Why does a monetary karmic problem appear?:

If you grew up in a poor family and do not try to change this situation, allowing yourself to live the same way as your parents did, coming up with various excuses for your laziness.

If you have constantly heard from childhood negative attitudes type “We cannot afford it, we have no money”, “All rich people are thieves and criminals”, “Poverty is not a vice”, “The rich they are, so they are happy” etc.

If you do not respect and value money, considering it dirt and something unworthy of attention.

If you are jealous of rich and successful people.

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If you are avoiding, be lazy and do not use the chances sent by fate to make money.

If you consider yourself undeserving big money and do not believe in your strengths and capabilities.

This list can be continued for a very long time. Negative monetary karma, as already mentioned, is formed precisely from wrong attitude to money.

How to get a cash income correcting the karma of money:

Treat successful and wealthy people with joy and friendliness. Do not envy someone else's luck, but on the contrary, be happy for others, then monetary luck will knock on you.

Do not judge other people or gossip in any way.

Don't talk bad about money. Do not apply negative attitudes and definitions to them, such as “ Money is evil "," Money is not happiness. "

Think positively about people with impressive wealth. Don't think of them as crooks and thieves. All these are stereotypes that block cash flows to you.

Treat your money with respect, do not throw it away or wrinkle it. Buy a nice, expensive wallet and count them often so you know how much money you have at your disposal.

Money karma is tied to the fulfillment of the basic laws of the Universe, so it behaves capriciously even with those who have no karmic debts.

Financial problems overtook everyone, and the question of how to clear karma from lack of money is always relevant, therefore esotericists and karmpsychologists create different methods. Today you can work on bad monetary karma both in the direction of internal development and by eliminating external negative factors.

How to change money karma: transforming emotions

In most cases, a person himself is guilty of forcing his negative karmic essence. The fact is that any powerful emotions(whether purely negative or unjustified euphoria) represent severe stress for the body. In such situations, the aura of the personality is severely depleted, and cash flow is automatically torn away from weak energy sheaths.

Therefore, a conscious change in financial karma is, first of all, a change in one's own frequent feelings and unpleasant conditions:

  • Don't waste your time constant feelings in relation to myself if they have nothing to do with healthy love and respecting your capabilities and talents. We are talking about pity, selfishness, pride, self-flagellation, insecurity, etc.
  • Do not rush to rejoice in money that is not yet physically in your control. Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear usually leads to the rejection of the desired one. And in general, a strong thirst for something abstract (i.e. just wealth) rarely leads to a positive response from the Universe. So it's better to take everything calmly and project serious desires only on specific things that you really need.
  • Negative feelings about others generally return negative flows back to you and prevent you from realizing your current financial opportunities, because you are focused not on yourself and your life, but on judging others. Do not gossip, criticize, envy.
  • Don't be greedy about other people.... If you are thinking about the topic of how to improve karma and attract money, analyze the feelings that you usually have for people in difficult situations... Never be stingy with those who are really in need, be generous to your relatives, the elderly generation, descendants. Accept any people with joy, be open to communication with both the rich and the poor. At the same time, do not forget to feel and voice gratitude to those who help you out in financial difficulty.

How to improve money karma: change consciousness

Don't talk bad about money even in vain

Expressions like “money is evil” or “happiness is not in wealth” negatively affect the money karmic channel, as they push financial energy away from a person's aura. Likewise, there is no need to constantly speculate with phrases about poverty, for example, “poverty is not a vice”. These phrases create negative attitudes of consciousness that prevent you from starting life anew.

Remember that even if your whole family lived in poverty, then you still have the opportunity to get rich by fulfilling your karmic debt.

Do not take badly also those people who earn big money.

Assuming that every millionaire is a fraud or a robber, you subconsciously push yourself out of their ranks. At the same time, you should realize that money is always a responsibility, but you should not worry about it or be afraid of large financial income.

The inherent fear does not allow us to see the possibilities that fate throws up.

Any intention sooner or later has to be confirmed by action.

No matter how much you say “I want to fix money karma,” no matter how much you say that you treat money with respect and friendly with people, the Universe may simply not see your readiness to own significant financial sums.

At a minimum, you need to purchase a piggy bank and get rid of unnecessary things in the workplace and in the apartment.

Remember that junk repels money energy.

It's not enough to be good about money, you also need to use it respectfully.

You cannot throw bills anywhere, throw them in a person's face, bury, store dirty, wrinkled or torn money in a wallet or piggy bank. At the same time, it is important to monitor the condition of your wallet or purse so that a positive energetic attitude is always maintained there.

In addition, respect should not be confused with stinginess and pettiness. If you get hung up on trivia of money, you might miss out on a big financial fortune.

How to work off the karma of money: a different way of life

Do not resist the karma of your gender

Our personal karma of gender is very closely related to the flow of money, because every woman and every man has their own karmic mission. If you go to its fulfillment, the unhappy karma of past incarnations is worked out faster and the Universe gives you another chance to quickly reach your current goal.

In other words, never forget that a girl should be feminine and homely, and a man should be strong and courageous. But at the same time, it should not impose stereotyped labels on you. V modern world, for example, you can successfully be a business woman looking after home comfort.

Work differently with money

Correcting your money karma won't help if you don't know how to save. Make it a rule to set aside a tenth of your income once every month and a half or every day for 100 rubles. Keep in mind that it is not money that comes to people, but on the contrary, so unexpected gains, as a rule, cannot change the standard of living for a long time, because a person does not change as a person in the process of having money.

This is important because the goal of any karma is self-improvement. This also implies such a moment as spending part of the money received on spiritual development.

Make financial plans, record income and expenses

Other (non-conflict) methods of interacting with finances include the creation of a monetary airbag in case of loss of income, the development of additional skills for the development of fresh financial sources.

It is also useful to increase the money comfort zone: you need the amount with which you can walk without increased responsibility and fears, gradually increased. And you also need to develop money thinking, i.e. collect different go to increase income.

Earn money in an honest and clean way

It is foolish to think about how to remove the karma of lack of money, if before that you received income in a fraudulent way. This is just working off karmic debt. Your job should bring you a legitimate income, but you also need to remember about the joy of work.

According to the laws of karma, in an ideal situation, a person does what he loves, but does not philonite, and for this fate rewards him with financial gifts.

Love yourself

You should not be limited in finances constantly and deprive yourself of gifts and joys. Otherwise, you drain your energy balance and the money will not come anyway. You have to be an enthusiastic person to get rich.

Appreciate your successes, but do not live in the captivity of illusions.

Stop sorting out monetary relationships in the family.

If, for example, you are very interested in how to clear the karma of your husband's lack of money, you are probably unhappy with something. However, practice shows that wealth goes only to a peaceful and harmonious home, where there are no scandals and shifting responsibility for finances onto other people.

How to change the karma of poverty: active practices

Try to apologize to money energy.

To do this, you need to sit in a secluded place and try to remember possible situations financial conflicts with you or your family. Then visualize the circumstances. days gone by in front of your inner eye, apologize to the riches and replay the course of events for the scenario that really will be optimal.

Harness the power of conspiracies

To do this, write on one half of the paper everything that prevents you from gaining financial stability. On another part of the sheet, indicate substitutes - what usually leads to wealth. Then tear the halves apart and start reading negative statements line by line. At the moment of pronouncing, try to feel the negative in yourself in the form of clots.

Remove the lumps of energy one by one and leave them on paper where they are described. Close your eyes, say each line one more time. Now we need to extract from the dark corners of the soul a certain energy structure... Also fold it on a sheet.

Then you need to light a candle flame and say:

“A hot candle flame burns, and my settings and programs burn with it. Get out of your head dark thoughts, leave forever, burn in fire. Amen".

Then it is necessary to burn the paper with the negative using a candle, and it is better to throw the ash from the sheet down the drain or bury it, but not near the house. Practice is also carried out with the second half of the paper.

Positive affirmations are read three times and said:

“From now on and forever in my head these thoughts take root, they remain in my heart, and my word is iron. So be it, amen! ”

At the end of the ritual, it is important to pump up this leaf with your energy. Imagine a ray coming out of the third eye directly onto the paper. Then hang this list in front of you and review regularly.

How to fix karma of lack of money if you have a rich imagination?

Take advantage of the Money Suitcase visualization, which takes only 10 minutes. Start by taking a closer look at the largest bill you have. Lower your eyelids, imagine this money in front of you. Being completely relaxed, multiply this bill. There are already two, three of them, and here is a whole pack. Multiply the packs until you get to the suitcase. There are also a lot of suitcases, and you can imagine what can be purchased with these finances: housing, a car, gifts, travel.

Create a sense of abundance within yourself. Take this suitcase of money and mentally place it in your house. Think that the amount you need will always be within walking distance. You can even hang a picture with a suitcase on the wall and pump it up with your life positive energy.

Exercise "Gift"

The short exercise "Gift" is aimed at a person's ability to notice new fateful opportunities and respond to them promptly. You need to imagine how you receive gifts. It can be absolutely any thing (or just a wad of money).

The main thing is that completely unfamiliar individuals are giving you a gift.

Practice "Unexpected income"

If you are wondering how to clean the karma of money in your personal life, use a cash flow transformation practice called Surprise Income. Take one bill in the palm of your hand. Imagine a golden sphere above your crown. Slowly, this ball descends in the body, to the solar plexus zone.

This area contains the Manipura chakra. It begins to exude energy, which you transfer to the bill. The money starts to glow. Imagine sending a bill to the surrounding area: tie it to balloon and release it to free flight. After a while, the cash flow returns to you.

After completing the practice, be sure to spend the processed bill for the current day.

Psychological exercises

A common question asked by people with conflicting monetary karma is: “How to fix the situation at the expense of psychological exercises? " Take paper sheet and indicate on it in detail the two pairs of the most difficult situations in life.

After describing all the details, write down on a piece of paper what you did after these difficulties, what plans you made to solve the problem and how you actually solved the situation. Also write what consequences then came and what experience came to you as a result of the circumstances. During such work, try not to describe one-time events, but to proceed precisely from long-term adverse conditions.

Meaning of this exercise is to remember help from unexpected sources, Heaven's support in difficult situation... As soon as you realize something like this, you should thank karma and the guardian angel, express aloud the words of trust in your own fate, even in disastrous moments when you should not despair.

The question "How to clear karma from lack of money?" it is impossible to disassemble completely without touching other areas of a person's life. You need to understand that finances appear in those individuals who can and want to do something useful for society, the Universe, or, at least, for their growth and cognition. inner peace... Therefore, it is so important, when working out monetary karma, not only to turn to esoteric techniques, but also to gradually change your emotions, thoughts, actions.