How to dry leather gloves. Caring for leather gloves. How to update the color of leather gloves

Caring for gloves outside

Before you start caring for leather gloves you need to make sure they are made of quality material. Otherwise, even the most gentle cleaning will damage natural leather. It is also worth considering the degree of their pollution and skin tone.

Universal recipe

This recipe is suitable for products made from any type of leather:

  • Put a glove on your hand... After cleaning, you can take it off and then put on another one.
  • Prepare a mild soap solution and dampen a soft foam sponge in it.
  • Wipe the surface of the product. Too much rubbing is not worth it, from this the material will quickly deteriorate.
  • Remove dirt and soap residueswarm water... Simply wipe your leather gloves with a damp cloth or sponge.

In no case should you dry your gloves on a radiator. This will deteriorate the material.

Cleaning gloves from different leather: 6 recipes

Caring for leather gloves at home can be dry (everyday) and wet (to remove more heavy pollution). The first is carried out with a dry cloth or a special brush.

For the second method, use one of the following recipes:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Vinegar
  • Dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in one liter of water.
  • Moisten cotton pad in the solution and treat the contamination with it until it disappears completely.
  • Wipe the material with a damp cloth to remove any remaining vinegar solution.
  • Dry your gloves thoroughly.

This option should be used to treat gloves made of dark skin.

Method 2. Egg white

If you need to carry out delicate care of light-skin gloves, but the price of dry cleaning does not suit you, use the usual egg white.

  • Whisk until thick foam forms.
  • Spread the resulting mass over the surface of the product.
  • Wait 15 minutes.
  • Remove the remaining egg with a damp cloth.

Method 3. Bread crumb
  • Knead the crumb and soak it in water.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the dirt.
  • Wait 10 minutes and remove the remaining bread with a clean cloth.

This option will help clean colored leather items.

Method 4. Baby soap

Wet gloves in warm water by putting them on your hands. Then dip them in the soapy water as if you were washing your hands.

Method 5. Ammonia and vinegar
  • Mix 1 part rubbing alcohol with 4 parts water.
  • Soak a cotton swab in the solution and treat the surface with it.
  • Replace the disc as soon as it becomes dirty.
  • Wipe the gloves with a vinegar solution (a teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water).

Method 6. Low-fat milk and soda

Suitable for DIY cleaning of light or white products:

  • Pour one teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of milk.
  • Stir the composition.
  • Treat the gloves with the resulting solution and enjoy their snow-white appearance.

Cleaning the inside of the gloves: 3 ways

The washing of the gloves will not be complete without cleaning the inside of the gloves. To do this, use the following recipes:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Use this option for unlined items.

  • Mix both products in equal proportions (just a few drops are enough).
  • Turn the gloves outward.
  • Soak a cotton swab in the solution and process seamy side products.

Method 2. Soap solution

They are treated with a fabric lining. Try not to use too much water - it will negatively affect the condition of the product.

Method 3. Talc or starch

One of these ingredients should be used to dry clean the fur lining. Apply powder to the pile and brush it.

Removing stains from the surface is only part of the procedure for caring for them. Here are some additional tips on how to care for your gloves that will help you maintain a refined appearance products:

Image Treatment type
Making the skin soft

To prevent the skin on the product from drying out, use glycerin.

After the material has dried, apply a couple of drops of the substance to it and spread the oil over the entire surface.

Additional processing.

After processing the skin castor oil, you will make it smoother and shinier.

The main thing is to quickly remove the remaining oil so that there are no stains left after it.

Correct storage.

How to store gloves so that they do not lose their shape and do not crack?

For a warm period, carefully fold it in a box as in the photo or in a rag bag.


I told you about effective ways cleaning leather gloves and shared recommendations for their care. Choose the option that suits you best and try it out in practice.

You will find more visual care instructions in the video in this article. About your successes or own secrets cleaning write in the comments.

Leather gloves are a stylish and expensive piece of clothing that reliably protects our hands from bad weather. How can you keep them attractive? The service life will help to extend correct operation products, including cleaning, storage and care. Caring for leather gloves also means handling them wisely.

What to watch out for?

Leather gloves, despite their waterproofness, are afraid of water. High humidity conditions, direct contact with water, playing snowballs have a destructive effect on such material. Do not immerse the product in water, leave it in the sauna, swimming pool. As for the conditions of bad weather (wet snow, rain), the composition with which the leather is impregnated will provide a water-repellent effect for a short period of time.

If the gloves have been in cool water, they must be put on and blotted on top with a well-absorbing napkin, then dried - in a ventilated room with a low temperature. Do not use a hairdryer and iron for drying, avoid sunlight, do not put on a battery! Genuine leather contains protein and deforms under the influence high temperatures... For this reason, gloves immersed in boiling water cannot be restored.

Seriously damages leather material cosmetics. Shadows, Eau de Toilette, lipstick - these products penetrate deeply, leaving behind stains, which cannot be eliminated either at home or in dry cleaning. Put on gloves - move the cosmetic bag further. And avoid mechanical damage to the product - cuts, tears and other defects quickly appear on the skin, which cannot be eliminated and masked.

Attention: when cleaning with household products, use gasoline. If the skin is too thin, gasoline mixtures can damage it. Therefore, first check the prepared composition on a small, not conspicuous area of ​​the glove. The same goes for store-bought sprays and creams.

Basic care

How to care for leather gloves? Leather accessories get dirty quickly, so once a week brush your gloves with a soft brush or tissue to remove accumulated dirt and dust. Otherwise, the skin becomes greasy - then the product will have to be thoroughly cleaned, which threatens its deformation. This will make the material brittle and tough.

If this happens, apply castor oil to the garment and let it sit for half an hour. Then put on and remove excess oil with a soft cloth napkin... This manipulation is advised to be performed every three to four weeks, regardless of the condition of the gloves, having previously cleaned them of dust. Fat cream applied on top will help stretch the warped skin.

High-end leathers have a thin outer layer of paint and are prone to damage. When caring for such material (boxing, nappa), they do not use a lot nutrients... Full cleaning is done every six months. Care products must have high quality.

Remember: a pungent chemical smell is inherent in creams and mousses, which are based on organic solvents. Buy beeswax formulations. If you remove the lid and smell a strong honey aroma, it means that the composition contains a fragrance instead of wax. Everyday care for expensive leather is easy cleaning with a damp soft cloth.

Completely excluded machine method washing, soaking. For gloves with a textile lining that is easy to pull out, wash the inner fabric separately by pulling it out and drying it. Hand "washing" should be quick: the product is wiped with a piece of flannel dipped in a solution mild soap, then use a damp foam rubber sponge to remove the residues soap foam... To make the skin elastic after "washing", add a few drops of vinegar to the water.

Cleaning leather gloves of different colors

Black skin is cleaned with a cotton pad dipped in a solution ammonia... For stubborn stains, use gasoline mixed with turpentine in a two to one ratio. Colored gloves are treated with bread crumb soaked in water or cleaned with whipped protein chicken eggs... At the end of the work, wipe the product with a damp, cool cloth.

For colored skin, buy sprays restoring structures, and constantly treat the microcracks that appear.

For cleaning white leather gloves in company stores are sold special shampoos with foamy detergents. It will also help to preserve color and restore its former shine. onion... Rub the gloves with cut onion halves, then process with egg white and let sit for ten minutes. Remove excess damp foam sponge.

If a stain appears on white skin, clean it with water mixed with a spoonful of baking soda. Use a mixture of magnesium carbonate and gasoline. Apply it on the stain, wait for the gruel to dry and remove with a brush. Never add hydrogen peroxide to the composition!

Not advised: for skin care, especially colored and white skin, use glycerin and sunflower oil... These substances contribute to the loss of color, the appearance of streaks, greasy stains... Under the influence of these means, the material will subsequently become coarse, and you will no longer be able to restore it. These compositions enhance aggressive impact external environment on the product.


Spring is over and you have no plans to wear this stylish accessory coming months? To pack leather gloves for the summer, the following manipulations must be performed with them:

  1. clean;
  2. soften;
  3. wrap up for storage.

Surface dirt is removed with a hard bristle brush. Deep cleaning carried out chemical compositions or using a soap solution: gloves are put on and perform the movements typical for washing hands. Lemon juice with the addition of milk is processed old stains... After that, the product is cleaned with a damp cloth and dried.

Soften the skin with creams, sprays and mousses, which are sold in the leather goods care department. If you are not satisfied with the price of branded products, use petroleum jelly or olive oil... You can soften the leather material with a colorless, wax-based shoe cream. Pour inside a small amount of talcum powder, spread over the entire surface, the excess is removed by shaking out. A cardboard stencil is placed in each finger.

Then the gloves are wrapped in paper and put in a box. Close the top tightly with a lid. If the lining is wool or the gloves have fur trim, add moth repellent to the box. Otherwise, in the spring you will be left without your favorite item of clothing - a harmful insect penetrates into the most inaccessible places.

You will receive the product in the same form in which it was packed before the summer season, if you complete following conditions storage:

  1. the room temperature is not higher than 22 degrees;
  2. low air humidity.

Storage is prohibited:

  1. outdoors (in a closet at the dacha);
  2. dirty or wet;
  3. in plastic bags;
  4. in direct sunlight;
  5. next to heating appliances.

How to stretch gloves and not damage them?

When they accidentally buy tight leather gloves and try to stretch them, it ends up with micro tears, deformation of the skin due to the use of inappropriate products. The skin becomes thinner and tears at the seams, in the places where the needle is punctured. Therefore, when buying, remember that gloves can be stretched mainly in the transverse direction. Therefore, if the fingers are short, the chances of lengthening them are minimal. And without loss external attractiveness stretching is possible no more than one size.

To increase the size, the leather gloves are wrapped in a wet cloth for two hours. Then on inner surface put on a little cologne, put on the product and wear until it dries completely. Remember: if you wet your gloves too much, they will "shrink" even more.

Therefore, do not overuse this method - overstretched skin loses much in appearance.

In shoe stores you can buy special composition for stretching new shoes. Apply the product inside leather gloves and wear them for fifteen minutes. Do not overdo it, watch carefully so that the skin does not become covered with micro tears. The composition effectively softens the material and improves its elasticity.

There are many recommendations on the Internet for stretching baby cream gloves. It is also advised to wet the gloves or hold them over the steam. Needless to say, after water or steam, the skin, when dry, is strongly deformed. Baby cream will soften the gloves, but not enough to give the desired effect.

Gloves that are stretched to fit require special care... Once a week, after cleansing, lubricate the skin on top with castor oil or containing beeswax means, otherwise the gloves may re-sit. Special attention devote to the stage of softening such a thing when you carry out packaging on summer season... If the gloves are poorly handled, they will become even tighter when you take them out of the box in the fall.

Video: Caring for smooth leather gloves

Moreover, high-quality leather gloves can last for years, acquiring a particularly noble look over time. To do this, it is enough to understand the question of how to care for leather gloves.

Of course, you can go to the dry cleaner. But not all of them will take up accessories, in addition, the result of such cleaning can be unpredictable. In order not to risk it, it is worth remembering the simple, time-tested "home" methods that our grandmothers still used. The products necessary to care for leather gloves can be found in any home, they are inexpensive and, importantly, safe.

The main source of pollution is street dust and dirt, which form stains on the skin, they are especially noticeable on the palms and seams. If such stains are not removed in time, they begin to shine and the gloves take on an untidy worn look.

How to clean leather gloves at home to get rid of these stains?

We need warm, room temperature water and soap, preferably neutral - any "children's" varieties are perfect. Make a strong soapy solution, soak a cotton swab or cloth in it, put a glove on your hand, and gently scrub the entire surface. In no case should you wet your skin too much, let alone let it get wet. Light moisturizing- the maximum that is needed to properly clean the gloves from genuine leather from ordinary dirt.

Carefully remove the leftovers soap solution with a napkin dipped in clean water room temperature, and wipe dry, any moisture may ruin the skin. In this way, almost all light dirt is removed, and if you repeat this procedure regularly, you will be insured against the appearance of more "serious" stains.

Home care for natural leather gloves

If stains do appear, then ordinary onions will help to clean leather gloves from dirt as efficiently as possible. Treat the accessory with soapy water, dry with a napkin and cut the entire surface with a cut onion, giving Special attention seams, fingertips and top hem. Fear bad smell not worth it, it is enough to process the accessory again wet wipe and dry, the smell can be felt for some time, but it completely disappears, after 12 hours, it is enough to leave the gloves at room temperature.

Oily stains, unfortunately, become a real "magnet" for serious pollution.

How to clean leather gloves, if they appear?

You will need a strong soapy solution at room temperature, to it in the same volume you need to add hydrogen peroxide and quite a bit of ammonia. Apply the solution to previously cleansed skin with gentle movements, paying special attention problem areas, remove its remnants with a damp cloth and dry.

How to clean red and brown leather gloves at home

The least whimsical models of black and brown skin, all of the above methods work for them flawlessly. In the same way, you can clean red leather gloves, as a rule, a factory high-quality dyeing is a guarantee that the color with a delicate home cleaning will not suffer.

When planning to properly clean leather gloves at home, you should never forget about the temperature of the water, in no case should it be hot, and cold - it simply cannot cope with heavy dirt. Room temperature water and correct mode dryers will help give accessories an updated look. In no case should you dry them near heating appliances, radiators or in the sun. Even if you are in doubt whether there will be traces of smell and are going to ventilate the gloves, especially when sub-zero temperature- you shouldn't do it either. Room temperature and a few hours of natural drying will do this best.

To prevent impurities and give the skin a glossy soft shine, carefully cleaned accessories should be lightly remembered with your hands, straightening all the seams. Then, take regular glycerin and a cotton swab and process the entire surface, very little glycerin is needed. Let it dry and remove the residue with a dry cloth, lightly polishing the surface. Glycerin forms a thin and plastic protective film that literally repels dust, and accessories can be cleaned simply by wiping them with a dry cloth.

How to clean white and light-colored leather gloves

It is somewhat more difficult to care for accessories light shades, and even more so - white. But even in this case, time-tested methods will tell you how to clean leather gloves at home. When choosing how to clean light-colored leather gloves, do not forget what exactly is on fair skin even the most delicate products can leave marks. The same hydrogen peroxide can give the material an unpleasant yellowish tint. Therefore, when starting to clean light-colored gloves, it is worth first cleaning them of dust and dirt using ordinary soapy solution at room temperature. In no case do not use washing powder, let alone bleach for clothes - this is too aggressive means able to spoil the accessory.

White leather gloves are notoriously the hardest to clean, but the same simple home remedies will work. After removing dirt with a soapy solution and rinsing it off, thoroughly blot the remaining moisture. Also, cut the onion to remove the “hard” stains. Rinse off the leftovers onion juice water at room temperature. Are you satisfied with the result? If not, then you need to prepare a mixture of one protein and half a glass of low-fat milk. Mix these ingredients, but do not beat, soak a napkin in the mixture and treat the entire surface with it.

Let the mixture soak, it will take no more than five minutes, but do not let it dry out. Remove the residue with a damp cloth and dry the accessory at room temperature. This mixture removes not only strong impurities, but also gives light and white skin shine and noble gloss.

How to clean suede gloves at home: dry cleaning at home

Suede accessories require much more attention than leather accessories. But even at home it is possible to clean suede gloves, as practice shows, no narrower than in dry cleaning. One has only to remember that water and any solutions based on it are categorically contraindicated for them. Dry clean only!

The suede pile crumples and, with insufficient care, quickly begins to look untidy and literally attract dirt. Therefore, as a preventive measure and as the first stage of cleaning, it is necessary to "comb" it. You can do this with any soft-bristled brush, lifting the bristles upward - this way you get rid of dust from the surface.

For the cleaning difficult spots use an ordinary school eraser - rub the entire surface of the accessory with it and simply shake it off. Is there any pollution left? Then gasoline will help to clean the suede gloves at home properly, the one that is used to refuel lighters is best suited - it is the most delicate. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in the gasoline and wipe the stain - let the gasoline dry at room temperature. In no case should you wash it off, and worry about the smell - it will fade away within 12 hours by itself. After drying, comb the suede again against the lint - this method removes stains even from light and white accessories.

How to clean the inside of leather gloves

Unfortunately, it's not just the outside that gets dirty. How and how to clean leather gloves from the inside depends only on the material from which their lining is sewn. Any synthetic fabrics, which are used for demi-season models, can be easily cleaned with a weak solution of ammonia: a teaspoon in a glass of warm water. Turn out the glove and wipe the lining, blot with a cloth and let it dry at room temperature, during which time the smell of ammonia will disappear.

Caring for gloves made of genuine leather with woolen, and even more so fur lining, is somewhat more difficult. These materials should never be wetted and strong “aggressive” chemicals should be used for cleaning. But they can be dry cleaned. Dirt usually comes from street dust and hand cream residues - these can be easily removed with regular starch, a leather glove care product found in literally every kitchen. Pour two tablespoons of starch inside the accessory and remember it carefully for a few minutes, turn out the seal and thoroughly clean the inside of the starch with a brush.

Caring for leather gloves at home is not as difficult as it sounds. The only rule under which it will be effective is regularity. Do not wait for serious dirt or stains on them. It is enough to clean them once a month in any of the gentle ways suggested above, so that they always look like new.

Leather gloves are not just stylish and fashion accessory, it is a product that protects your hands from dampness, cold and frost. Before going on sale, they are treated with water-repellent and emollients, but with time protective layer washed off from gloves. Renewing it, as well as gently cleaning the products is the task of every conscious owner.

Gloves, like any other seasonal accessory, need to be thoroughly cleaned in the spring before storage and as they become dirty during wear. The cleaning itself can be done in two ways: dry or wet.

All you need for dry cleaning is a soft brush or a piece of fleece cloth. This method helps to get rid of light dirt and is suitable for daily use.

Wet cleaning involves more thorough handling and application additional funds... Despite the fact that the products are water-repellent, try to keep the gloves in contact with water as little as possible. This will extend the service life and protect them from deformation.

How to clean leather gloves using the tools at hand

Gloves can be restored to water repellency and gently cleaned with shoe care products (if approved by the manufacturer). To get rid of greasy or other strong contaminants will help aqueous solutions using improvised means.

Perform all manipulations very carefully, start processing from the least visible places to make sure that cleaning does not spoil the color of the gloves. If in doubt, take the items to a dry cleaner!


This method is suitable for treating greasy areas. Prepare the solution: 4 tsp. water and 1 tsp. ammonia. Dampen a cotton pad and gently sweep over the dirty areas. To rinse off the detergent from your gloves, dampen a piece of flannel cloth (or cotton pad) in clean water and gently wipe the treated area.

Powder and hydrogen peroxide

For processing, prepare a cleaning gruel from 5 tsp. peroxide, 5 tsp. washing powder, 1 tsp. ammonia and warm water. Apply the resulting mixture to dirty areas and leave for 5 minutes. Then remove the detergent from the gloves and wipe with a clean, damp piece of cloth.

Soap solution

This method can be called the simplest: put on gloves, lather them with baby soap as if you were washing your hands. Rinse well. Do all the manipulations as quickly as possible. Remove gloves, lay on a towel and let dry slightly. Put the gloves back on while still wet - this will give them the desired shape.

Gasoline and turpentine

Prepare a mixture of 2 parts gasoline (you can take from a lighter) and 1 part turpentine. Dampen a piece of cloth and treat soiled areas or all gloves (if necessary). Then wipe with a damp cloth and hang out to air and dry in fresh air.

Folk recipes for the care of accessories


Suitable for the care of gloves and vinegar solution: 3 tablespoons vinegar in 1 liter of water. The resulting liquid should be well wiped off dirty places and left gloves to dry completely. To restore softness and elasticity, you can lubricate products with castor oil.

Egg white

Whipped egg white perfectly cleanses and restores shine. Separate the yolk carefully for a successful process. Cool the protein itself to obtain a fluffy foam and then whisk. After the protein has been absorbed into the gloves, wipe off the rest with a damp piece of cloth.


The bow is suitable for pretreating gloves. Then the dirty places need to be moistened with a mixture of milk (non-fat) and whipped egg white... After 10-15 minutes, the product must be cleaned with a damp piece of cloth. This method is also suitable for patent leather.

Bread crumb

To cleanse gloves, the pulp of bread must first be softened in water (or milk). Apply the resulting gruel to dirty places and leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove residues and wipe the gloves with a damp cotton pad.


Cleansing with milk perfectly softens the skin. Pour in 1 tsp. soda in a glass of milk, stir well and treat gloves.

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice will help get rid of ink stains on light gloves.

How to clean leather gloves: video

A few tips from the pros for cleaning and storing gloves:

Features of cleaning dark leather products

The main task when cleaning dark leather gloves is not to damage the staining and, if possible, restore shine and softness. For such purposes, suitable universal remedies for skin care, as well as prepared mixtures with vinegar, ammonia or gasoline with turpentine.

After processing, the product must be well ventilated to eliminate extraneous odors. Camphor oil will help restore shine.

We clean white gloves

Gloves with white leather - luxury products. For their production, only high-quality leather is used, therefore, their care is special. To clean white gloves, you can use:

  • A mixture of water, ammonia and liquid soap in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. After the skin has absorbed the liquid, the product should be gently wiped with warm water and patted dry with a paper towel.
  • Whipped protein.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Milk and chicken protein, whipped into a thick foam.
  • A mixture of ammonia and water.

How to clean colored gloves

Check the color fastness before applying any product to colored gloves. Only use products with a mild cleansing action, such as bread crumb or a mixture of milk and soda.

If after processing the gloves have lost their elasticity and softness, available tools will help to renew them:

  • Castor oil;
  • nourishing face cream;
  • universal product for leather treatment (colorless or tone-on-tone).

Gloves need time to dry after any treatment. But this process cannot be accelerated with the help of heating devices or a hair dryer. Also, it is not advisable to get on the product of direct sunlight. Optimal conditions for drying - partial shade with an average temperature of 20-25 degrees.

Do not use the drying function in washing machine... To restore shape, always wear slightly damp gloves on your hands and, if possible, do not take them off until they are completely dry!

How to clean the lining

The inside of the gloves during wearing can be contaminated no less than the outside. If the skin is not covered with anything inside, it can be treated with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (in equal proportions). To do this, turn out the gloves and wipe the dirty areas with the resulting liquid.

It is much more difficult to clean the lining on the gloves, since it is impossible to separate it for washing, and it gets dirty very quickly during wear. To minimize water-to-skin contact, brush the pad with a soap and water solution.

Then, also gently rinse off the residue using a brush and water. Dry the gloves and use to restore water repellency. special means for processing.

You can use starch or talcum powder to clean the fur. These funds are poured onto the fur and rubbed, crumbled and changed until a new portion stops darkening. This will indicate that there is no dirt left on the fur. At the end of these manipulations, the gloves must be well shaken out.

Gloves are often referred to as second skin by manufacturers and retailers. They, like hands, can give out sloppiness. Do not leave them cleaning for later, as soft and well-groomed gloves will create not only good mood, but also the image of a successful person.

Natural leather for the manufacture of clothing and footwear, mankind has always used. Millennia have passed, living conditions have radically changed, a lot of new materials have appeared, but Leather Products are invariably in demand among consumers. Clothes, footwear, accessories made from it are an example of style and elegance, while the material itself is practical, comfortable to wear, strong and durable.

One of the elements of care leather things designed to extend their service life - correct storage both everyday and seasonal. Requirements for it are based on natural and mechanical properties skin... Having understood them, it is easy to build your own care system.

Main characteristics, pros and cons of genuine leather

The basis of the skin, its building block is natural protein collagen... Due to its properties, modern technologies processing source material, leather items have a durable, elastic, soft-touch texture. Collagen fibers connected into bundles form a porous cover that allows air to pass through well and absorbs vaporous secretions.

From a hygienic point of view, these characteristics indicate undoubted pluses of leather things... They cause pleasant tactile sensations, retain heat well, hygroscopic properties allow to regulate perspiration processes, through pores provide free air circulation.

But with improper care the above advantages easily translate into minuses... After all, natural protein needs constant softening and moisturizing, it is unstable to mechanical damage, therefore, scratches and creases easily appear on it. When the external conditions change, for example, an increase in the outside temperature, drying out, the mechanism of protein denaturation is triggered, i.e., its modification. The most striking manifestation of this process is the loss of elasticity of the product.

Storage conditions for leather products

1. Air access- one of essential conditions... Seasonal items must be reliably protected from dust, but at the same time "breathe", so any sealed material for packaging is unacceptable.

2. Skin is negatively affected by ultraviolet radiation... To avoid drying out, discoloration, outerwear better to store in a shaded place or special covers, shoes and bags - in fabric or cardboard packaging.

3. Negative side elasticity - tendency to stretch... An improperly selected hanger, rolled-up storage, contact of the front parts of clothing or shoes can deform the product.

4. Leather does not like sharp temperature fluctuations, its increase is too high. For things made from this sensitive material avoid places near radiators, convectors and other heating devices.

If leather products are laid for long-term storage, for example, seasonal storage, they are necessary for this. to prepare... The procedure includes such mandatory measures as:

Cleaning from dust, dirt, if necessary, repair;

Softening and moisturizing;

Anti-moth and antifungal treatment (for fur and shoes).


Outerwear after the end of the season should be carefully inspected, especially the cuffs and hem. Sew open seams, clean small spots with a mixture of chalk and ammonia. If the contamination is serious, and the skin is glazed in places, it is better to hand over things to dry cleaning.

After cleaning, let the wardrobe items air for a few days. fresh air but not in direct sunlight. Fur-lined coats and jackets must be protected from moths. To do this, put bags with deterrent agents in the pockets, the hood, behind the cuffs. Special aromatic sachets are now produced.

Bags of lavender, geranium leaves, or pine nuts will do the job well.

Hanger it is also necessary to choose correctly. It must be strong, with a sufficient size and shoulder width so that the sleeves do not sag and the clothing does not deform or rip under its own weight.

The straightened, buttoned-up product is placed in a spacious cover made of non-woven material or canvas, which allows air to pass through well, while retaining dust, light and foreign odors. For jackets and blazers, choose short covers up to 100 cm, for coats and sheepskin coats - up to 140 cm.


Before storing, shoes must be thoroughly washed and dried. All minor repairs - replacement of locks, heels, gluing, do after the end of the old one, and not before the start of the next season.

Clean dry leather shoes it is necessary to soak well with castor oil, diluted with a few drops of ammonia, and other emollients. After absorbing, cover with cream and polish. To protect against fungus, use a special antiseptic or silica gel sachets - these dried granules always come with new couple... V winter boots with fur, do not forget to put in moth control products.

An important pointfixing the shape of the shoe so that ugly folds and cracks do not form on it. You can purchase special pads suitable for this purpose internal inserts-frames. As a last resort, stuff it tightly with paper. Wrap each half-pair in a cloth, or use a special pad to protect the contact of leather surfaces.

Leather shoes prepared in this way are stored in plastic or cardboard shoe boxes with special openings for air circulation. Comfortable roomy for several pairs with hard sides or soft breathable walls.


The bag is a favorite accessory for the vast majority of women. Some we wear constantly, others from time to time, and we save some expensive models for special occasions.

Everyday has its own characteristics. Their undesirable to keep on weight- this will lead to stretching, crinkling of the leather, cracks and abrasions on the strap. good quality- perfect solution. In dense fabric pockets, the leather product does not undergo deformation, breathes, and is protected from dust and sunlight.

The ideal solution, if space permits, would be to store each leather bag in its separate case, it will preserve the quality of the leather for a long time.

If you rarely use your bag, fill it with paper or newspapers to preserve its shape, put it in a fabric bag that protects the product from dust, and only then place it in a box, hanging case or case. The best thing for a bag is a canvas cover.

Other accessories

A few words about leather gloves... As a rule, this accessory is made of soft and thin huskies, which are especially demanding for careful handling. Before you hide the gloves before next winter, wipe them with a swab dipped in warm soapy water with the addition of a few drops of any vegetable oil dry at room temperature. In each glove put cardboard stencil hands without thumb, place them in a linen or linen bag. Store gloves can be in a closet on a shelf, in a wardrobe trunk, for bags or various little things.

Leather belts not so whimsical to storage conditions. They can be hung in the closet or rolled up in a loose ring and hidden in the dresser. Be careful not to hit the belt Sun rays, avoid plastic and other sealed packaging.

The effort you put into organizing correct storage clothes and accessories made of genuine leather will pay off handsomely. You will keep the attractive appearance of your favorite things for a long time, significantly extend their service life.