Wedding ceremonies. Wedding rituals and ceremonies. It is simply impossible to list all of them at once, so we suggest you choose from those that are the most common, significant and beautiful.

Nowadays, the wedding does not contain many of the complex rituals that were necessarily performed in the past. A wedding is an important event, which is a turning point in life for young people, a transition to a new period of life associated with caring for the family hearth.

Therefore there is a large number of traditions, customs and will take wedding ceremony... They contained for our ancestors deep meaning and value. Their careful observance guaranteed, according to tradition, a long, happy family life.

Time and fashion make their own changes and adjustments in the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe wedding ceremony. However, many wedding traditions still survived, albeit in a slightly modernized form. Modern scripts weddings necessarily contain elements of the cultural traditions of the Russian people in a form adapted to modern times.

Modern Russian weddings contain a wonderful interweaving of ancient rituals and modern innovations.

Let's take a look at some of them ...

The custom of getting acquainted with parents (future matchmakers) before the wedding has survived to this day. Then, if they liked the choice of the boy and the girl (bride and matchmaking), the details of the ceremony and its material side are discussed at the festive table.

It is now customary for the groom's side to acquire wedding rings, a wedding dress and shoes for the bride, and the bride's parents prepare her a dowry for family life which includes linens, towels, dishes, furniture, appliances, etc. Housing, according to tradition, provides future family groom. But in our time this is of course a convention, because financial situation should not become a hindrance to the connection of lovers. So to see a bride in a wedding dress before the wedding - Bad sign, the girl can bear the cost of it. In the old days, the bride bought wedding shoes with her savings, which was a sign of her economy and thrift.

The white color of a wedding dress became mandatory for a wedding relatively recently, about two hundred years ago, by order of Catherine. It used to be red. But modern brides order the dresses of the most different colors and shade, although it remains traditional White color... A veil is put on the bride's head, which, according to ancient beliefs, is not only a sign of purity and purity, but also a talisman against evil spells. Only the groom has the right to lift the veil.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride spends a bachelorette party - a farewell evening with close friends, which symbolizes parting with the former free girlish life.

The groom also organizes a goodbye evening with friends - a bachelor party. Bachelor and bachelorette parties are not held in the same place.

Earlier in Russia there was a seemingly wild tradition of bride kidnapping. Now its echoes have survived in the form of a comic and fun rite. Stealing a bride, of course, is not accepted, but the custom of ransom has been preserved. Historically, it has an economic background, as the girl went to another farm. In this ceremony, the groom will have to overcome a number of trials, show his intellect, strength and resourcefulness in order to obtain the right to possess the bride. Before he is allowed to see the bride, he must complete several tasks invented by the newlywed girlfriends, or, with the help of friends, force his way to his beloved. Girlfriends, taking a symbolic amount from the groom, let him in.

Now the custom of church weddings is returning everywhere. The church wedding ceremony has remained practically unchanged. In the old days, after the wedding, the newlyweds were showered with grain. This was a wish for prosperity, strength of marriage. Instead of grain, rice, raisins, sweets, trifles, and rose petals are now often used.

The custom of exchanging rings has centuries-old history and symbolizes endless happiness and love between husband and wife.

After registering a marriage at the registry office, the newlyweds with friends take a wedding walk around their city. Although sometimes the registry office employees are invited to a wedding evening.

After that, the newlyweds, according to the established tradition, are greeted by the groom's parents (father-in-law and mother-in-law) at the doorstep of the house or at the entrance to the cafe with bread and salt, offered on an embroidered towel, which should be long, symbolizing a long and happy married life. The mother-in-law congratulates the young and offers to taste the loaf. According to a joking omen - who of them bites off the most, he will be the master of the family.

And even today, newlyweds love to release two pigeons into the sky, on whose paws I tie pink and blue ribbons. The bride and groom release pigeons in front of the house or cafe.

Pigeons also predict the sex of the first child. If a pigeon with a pink ribbon on its leg breaks out, a girl will be born first, if with a blue one - a boy. If pigeons fly nearby, this suggests that there will always be harmony in a young family.

There is one custom that has survived to this day - when the bride, turning her back to her friends, throws her bridal bouquet... It is believed that the one who catches the bouquet will soon also have a wedding. Likewise, the groom, having removed the garter from the bride's leg, throws it to single friends. Whoever catches her will soon marry.

The kiss of the newlyweds in front of guests contains a special meaning of uniting the souls of the young into a single whole. The kiss of the bride and groom informs those present at this action about their unification into one family.

There is a preserved tradition of breaking dishes at a wedding celebration. This is usually done for good luck. Today the glasses of the groom or the bride are beaten, usually these are plates, but more often the glasses of the bride and groom are broken. If there are more large fragments, a guy will be born first, if there are many small ones, a girl will be born.

The young witnesses take two bottles of champagne, tie them together and hand them over to the newlyweds for safekeeping. One bottle per anniversary married life, the second -> for the birth of the first child.

There is another modern wedding ceremony, when the bride at midnight, standing among the dancing girlfriends blindfolded, puts her veil on the head of one of them. The girl will be lucky enough to get married soon.

A very beautiful and romantic tradition, which is followed by almost all newlyweds, is the tradition of bringing the bride into the house in her arms. Our ancestors believed that in this way the groom protects the young bride from damage and evil spirits.

There are many other new wedding customs: hanging locks with the names of the bride and groom on a tree or the railing of a bridge, which they themselves fasten and close, smashing a bottle of champagne on a bridge, peeling potatoes at speed, or symbolically sweeping the floor by young people at a wedding banquet.

Another interesting and a fun tradition at weddings are gifts for newlyweds. Parents, witnesses and guests, as a rule, give the things necessary in a new family, accompanying it with interesting jokes, jokes and wishes.

According to tradition, the newlyweds after the wedding go on a honeymoon trip to spend Honeymoon v romantic setting, in places where both of them have always dreamed of visiting.

Despite the generally accepted rituals and customs, only the newlyweds have the right to decide whether or not to follow them at their wedding. The main thing is that the wedding retains its important, sacred role - a symbol of the transition of young people from a free single life to family ties, with their joys and difficulties.

Folk rituals have long accompanied the most significant events in human life in Russia. They were sacredly revered, carefully passing on from generation to generation. Many old customs survived to this day. A rare wedding is complete without traditional ceremonies. They give the first family holiday young people have a special solemnity, make it bright and memorable. Wedding ceremonies not only symbolically unite the destinies of lovers, but also invisible thread link many generations of their families.

Traditional pre-wedding customs

Wedding ceremonies in Russia begin long before the joyous event. The most common customs preceding marriage:

  • matchmaking;
  • bride;
  • hen-party;
  • bachelor party.

Long gone are the days when parents chose suitable pair for their children. Modern lovers usually decide on their own to start a family, and matchmaking involves a solemn marriage proposal in the presence of the father and mother of the bride.

And yet, paying tribute to traditions, many arrange matchmaking according to all the rules. This is a fascinating and beautiful ceremony that takes place in the bride's house. Having received the consent and blessing of her parents, they begin preparations for the wedding.

A return visit to the groom's house - a bride, in the old days was made with the aim of inspecting the farm, assessing the family's wealth and making sure that the bride will get into good conditions after the wedding.

Modern bride shows are more likely symbolic meaning... Arriving at the house of future relatives, the bride's parents get to know them better and once again confirm their consent to the marriage. At the bridegroom, they begin to discuss the preparation for the upcoming holiday.

Shortly before the wedding, a bachelorette party is traditionally held. The bride gathers her friends, says goodbye to her former unmarried life. The girls exchange small gifts, have fun and amuse themselves heartily.

The bachelor party is a similar holiday for the friends of the future newlywed. Conduct interesting party v narrow circle close friends or to celebrate an event on a grand scale - everyone decides for himself, based on his preferences and capabilities.

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Carrying out ceremonies on the day of the wedding

In order for the long-awaited celebration to go beautifully, it is advisable to prepare for the wedding rituals in advance. If the toastmaster is invited to the wedding, he will propose ready scripts conduct them and advise on what wedding attributes must be purchased. Selected ceremonies except Orthodox wedding, easy to organize and independently.

Traditional rites at a wedding in Russia:

  • ransom of the bride;
  • Orthodox wedding;
  • blessing with bread and salt;
  • gifting the newlyweds;
  • twinning of families;
  • withdrawal wedding veil;
  • broadcast family hearth.
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Before the marriage is concluded, the last pre-wedding ceremony is performed - the ransom of the bride.

If in the past, a girl was redeemed in the literal sense of the word, giving her parents money and other material values ​​as a sign that future husband able to support his wife, the modern rite is carried out in a simplified and often playful form.

The witness and the bridesmaids arrange a number of "obstacles" for the groom in the form of various contests, which he must overcome in order to present the bride with a wedding bouquet. Demonstrating his quick wit, endurance, sense of humor, the guy gets the right to take his beloved and become her husband. The groom and the witness prepare small gifts for girls: champagne, sweets and funny souvenirs. Sometimes the bride is bought for money.

A cheerful custom will entertain guests and heroes of the upcoming celebration, cheer up and serve as a good start happy day... It is worth calculating in advance the time required for the ceremony of redemption of the bride, so as not to be late for marriage registration or wedding ceremony.

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Orthodox wedding ceremony

Many young couples not only get married officially, but also want to take an oath of love and fidelity before God, having received a church blessing. In this case, the wedding ritual in the temple is the most important and significant ceremony of the wedding celebration.

The decision is important to make consciously. A wedding requires a certain spiritual preparation: future newlyweds need to talk with a priest, confess, receive Holy Communion and withstand a short fast. The sacrament of church blessing new family invite to share only the closest and closest people.

For the solemn ritual, two wedding candles, a white towel under the feet of the newlyweds, wedding rings and wedding icons of the Savior and the Mother of God are purchased. It should be noted that in Russia the church crowns only those newlyweds who have officially registered their marriage.

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Blessing with bread and salt

At a wedding, the ritual with a loaf is traditionally carried out in the groom's house. Parents meet the happy newlyweds at the entrance with an icon and bread and salt on an embroidered towel and bless them. On the way, guests shower the young spouses with rose petals, and coins and grains of wheat or rice are thrown at their feet - symbols family happiness, prosperity and fertility.

The ceremony of bread and salt at a wedding is often organized at a restaurant or cafe before the start of a festive banquet. The solemn custom means the acceptance of the daughter-in-law into the house of the husband's parents. According to tradition, the bride and groom must simultaneously bite off the loaf without the help of their hands. It is believed that the one whose piece is larger will dominate the family.

Sometimes guests are treated to a wedding loaf. But more often it is hidden by the groom's mother, so that after the wedding she can be taken to the temple and left on the table for donations. According to some beliefs, this guarantees harmony and well-being in the newlyweds' family.

For the ceremony, they buy or bake an elegant butter loaf. Also cook embroidered towel and an icon for the blessing of the young. A small salt shaker is placed in the center of the holiday bread.

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Gift giving by guests

After parental blessing the groom in his arms brings the bride into banqueting hall... Before the start of the wedding feast, guests present gifts to the young spouses. At the same time, it is not customary to pronounce long congratulatory speeches so as not to tire the newlyweds and others present. However, a few sincere sincere words parting the newlyweds in life together, will successfully complement the ceremony of giving gifts at the wedding.

If an impressive number of guests are invited to the celebration, and the ceremony of gifting the newlyweds runs the risk of dragging on for a long time, then it is carried out in several stages: first, the parents and closest relatives congratulate the young, and after the first part of the wedding feast, it is the turn of friends, neighbors and work colleagues.

Witnesses and toastmaster make sure that all gifts are collected in one place, and the flowers are placed in vases or other containers with water. For cash gifts, you can prepare an elegant chest in advance or bright box with a slot.

Good idea- invite those present to write congratulatory words for the newlyweds in a specially prepared album. You can also put on separate table a white tablecloth, which friends and family of the newlyweds will gladly paint sincere wishes kindness, happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

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Breeding families of newlyweds

At the wedding, the ceremony for the parents of the newlyweds is carried out in the second part festive feast... On this solemn day, not only the hearts of lovers unite, but also become related to their families.

You can start the marriage ceremony with a beautiful ceremony. To do this, prepare a figured bottle decorated with lace or bright ribbons, a small funnel and coarse salt of two colors. The salt is pre-stained with undiluted gouache and dried.

After solemn words the host of the wedding about the unification of two families and good wishes, the newlyweds pour colored salt from two glasses into one bottle. The ceremony symbolizes the fusion of the destinies of the newlyweds into one and the twinning of their families.

Then the son-in-law with the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, and the parents of the bride and groom among themselves kiss (or just hug). After the ceremony, new relatives take turns dancing with each other.

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Removing the bride's veil

Modern rite removing the veil at a wedding is done differently. A pillow is placed on the chair in the center of the hall and the bride is seated. This symbolically means that the daughter-in-law now has her own cozy place in the groom's house. The mother-in-law takes off the bridal veil and good wishes ties an elegant shawl or scarf on her head.

Then the bride takes turns dancing with everyone unmarried girlfriends lifting the veil over their heads. Other girls are not allowed to try on the bride's veil. By folk beliefs, this - to a long marriage. In some scenarios, girlfriends do not dance with the bride, but pass to beautiful music under the veil that the young wife holds in her hands. The dance can be different: the newlyweds raise the veil by the wreath, and the girlfriends dance around.

Sometimes the veil is removed by the bride's mother or the groom, and the mother-in-law puts on the headscarf. The wedding headdress is kept in the home of a young family. It will serve as a reliable amulet for future daughter spouses.

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Hearth transfer

One of the most touching and spectacular wedding customs is the ceremony of handing over the family hearth. It is held at the very end of the celebration and helps to finish it beautifully. The mother of the newlywed lights a large candle and carefully passes it on to her daughter as a particle home warmth, comfort and happiness, which from now on should reign in the home of a young family.

Sometimes the ceremony with candles at a wedding is different: from two small candles held by the mother of the bride and groom, the newlyweds light the symbolic fire of their family. The ceremony looks very beautiful in a semi-dark hall. To gentle music, the newlyweds slowly circle in the last wedding dance, completing the holiday and saying goodbye to the guests.

Wedding candle- a symbol of warmth and well-being parental home

A year will fly by, and the young spouses will carry out the ceremony of tying knots on gingham wedding- the first family anniversary... In twenty-five years, they will tenderly give each other silver. Having lived in harmony for half a century, they will again exchange gold rings with love and gratitude. But the most precious will forever be memories of an amazing wedding celebration.

Many have come down to our time wedding ceremonies Russia, who accompany the wedding ceremony. All of them have changed, most of them today are more entertainment in nature. If you want to pay tribute to a rich cultural past by embodying it in your celebration, explore wedding customs and traditions that originated many centuries ago, but have not lost their charm today.

Blessing the young

"God bless!" - with these words in the old days in Russia, parents gave their consent to the marriage of the young. This is a church custom, which assumes that parents cross their future spouses with icons wrapped in a towel. Only the baptized were allowed to conduct it, but now even those who have not been baptized are present at the beautiful wedding ceremony / custom of Russia, but this is not a blessing in the literal sense.


The Russian wedding of previous centuries, according to tradition, did not take place without a sorcerer who provided protection for the newlyweds from evil forces, performed rituals to protect them from the evil eye. The modern sorcerer is a friend of the groom and the toastmaster at the same time. He takes care of a pleasant, interesting wedding atmosphere throughout the entire celebration.


V old days the groom's parents came to marry. They gave their children down the aisle early, so all issues were resolved between adult family members - dowry, expenses, deposit. Over time, this Russian tradition has changed, because people marry for love. But it is considered a gesture of respect, as well as upholding customs on the part of the groom, to visit the parents of the bridegroom to ask for her hand in marriage.


Previously, the ransom was purely financial in nature - the groom had to prove his worth. Now this Russian custom has turned into a game where girlfriends prepare a lot of tasks, puzzles, contests for the betrothed. If he does not cope with them, he pays off them with money, sweets - such is the custom.


The collusion traditionally took place after matchmaking and was the monetary part of the wedding tradition. The groom's side together with the bride's side discussed organizational, financial questions about dowry, deposit, wedding expenses of families. An analogue, or rather, a continuation of this custom ancient Russia can be called modern contract, which the spouses enter into at the time of marriage, "conspiring" about the rules of family life after the wedding.


The former Russian feast is a demonstration of the generosity of the parents. Wedding menu was extensive, each dish had its own meaning, but all together allowed the guests to be fed and watered from the heart so that not a single hungry person remained. The young were to be treated with bread and salt - according to tradition, it was a loaf. Now all these traditional stages are carried out during a banquet, where the tables are always full of festive snacks. An abundance of meat, fish dishes replaced by vegetables, there is always bread on the tables, and the crown of the feast is cake.

"Bitterly!" - this is the word the guests shout at the wedding feast in Russia - before it was not a call to a kiss, but had a different meaning. From the tray that the bride was carrying, the guests took a glass of vodka, leaving money, gifts in return, and then shouted: "Bitter!" By this they confirmed that they had drunk an intoxicating bitter drink.

Another tradition of a wedding feast is the tying of two bottles of champagne by witnesses, one of which, according to the Russian tradition, will be opened by the spouses on the anniversary, the second - when the child is born.

The last stage of the official part of the wedding feast in Russia, which has already become a tradition, is the first a wedding dance... The couple go out to dance together, later other couples join them. This moment marks the transition of the wedding celebration into a dance, music, and competition program.


The church wedding ceremony confirms the marriage between a woman and a man before God. After him, the spouses go on a wedding walk, having time to visit several places before the banquet, to take memorable photos. Nowadays it is not always customary to get married, so the cortege picks up the newlyweds immediately after the wedding registration. And before the wedding was the main part of the wedding celebration, so not only the church itself was carefully selected, but also the outfits for the bride and groom.

When the newlyweds are walking, another custom occurs - fortune-telling: they tie pink and pink ribbons on the paws of two pigeons. blue, then together they let the birds go, determining by tradition what gender the future firstborn will be - male or female.

Bachelorette and bachelor parties

The tradition of holding a bachelorette party before the wedding has come for a long time: in Russia, girlfriends gathered at the girl's, combed her braid, took bath procedures, along the way telling her the dark details of her future life. This was done in order to protect young girl from damage. The bachelor party, as a tradition, appeared not so long ago - before the wedding, the groom had to go to the bath alone.

Wedding rings

Wedding rings are a symbol of loyalty, love and devotion. They first appeared among the Egyptians, who believed that such gifts for a wedding to each other would help keep the spark of the relationship between two people. Familiar to us today, they came to us in Russia not so long ago from European countries, becoming a well-established tradition.

The bride's bouquet

In Russian traditions, it was like this: a girl passed her bouquet to a friend. It is interesting that a traditional Russian round dance was used here: while spinning and dancing, the bride (blindfolded) chose the one who would be the owner of the bouquet. The tradition of throwing a bouquet into the crowd unmarried girls appeared later and came to us from Europe - the girl who was lucky enough to catch him was destined to marry next.

Men, too, will not be left without a kind of tradition at the wedding: before throwing the bouquet, the girl takes off the garter, which will soon be caught by the men. It also determines who will marry successfully next.

Bride kidnapping

Now the kidnapping is of entertainment nature, but during the time of serfdom in Russia it was an unpleasant peasant custom. The girl who was given in marriage could take on the first wedding night pan or master. If the groom resisted this, his assistants stole the bride from the celebration and brought her by force, but rich men managed to pay off this.

Bride's shoe

But stealing a shoe was not accepted in Russia. On the contrary, the betrothed herself gave her to her girlfriends who were just waiting for their happiness. The one for which the shoes fit demanded a ransom from the future husband. This custom of Russia also made it possible to determine the well-being of the groom, to appreciate his generosity.


A towel independently embroidered by a bride was considered one of the main attributes of a wedding celebration; it remained with the spouses forever after the wedding, and was part of the girl's dowry. At the wedding, the spouses stand on one towel, and with the second they tie the hands of the newly-made spouses, forever fastening them together. This attribute is still used to this day when blessing and offering a festive loaf in Russia.

According to Russian custom, it was believed that the groom's shirt should also be embroidered by the bride.

Wedding loaf

At the doorstep, the parents presented to the newly-made spouses wedding loaf with bread and salt: they must take turns taking a bite, such is the custom of Russia. Previously, he meant a kind of fortune-telling - what gender the baby will be, where the family's expenses will go. However, modern newlyweds are wondering who will be the “leader” in the family and who will be the “led”, depending on which piece is larger. In Russia, such fortune-telling was unthinkable, because the only possible head of the family, according to tradition, was a man.

Wedding night

After all the observed traditions of Russia, the customs carried out, comes the last, main part wedding day- the first wedding night of lovers. This is an important event for innocent girl... The spouse brings the bride through the threshold in his arms so that the evil demons think that this is a baby and not a stranger. Often the newlyweds were chosen for their wedding night unusual place so that "the spirits do not find them" - the hayloft, shed, bedchamber of a familiar couple.

Even modern people strive to spend it not at home - in a luxurious hotel room, rented apartment. V last years when attention to tradition made them popular again, the wedding in rustic style implies the wedding night in a stack of fragrant hay, and lovers of romance do not refuse this.

After this event, the second day of the wedding celebration may take place, but this depends on the financial viability of the organizers of the wedding celebration. Usually, according to tradition, it ends with a honeymoon - the travel of the spouses. But before the honeymoon meant easy alcoholic beverage, which was prepared for the wedding and drank not only during the celebration, but also whole month after him. Interestingly, the weight of the barrel was no less than 10 kilograms, and it was forbidden to drink anything other than this invigorating sweet drink.

For wedding ceremonies and traditions in Russia, see an interesting video:

Traditions, customs and people have changed, only one thing has remained unchanged - solemnity wedding ceremony that will forever be remembered loving couple... For this day to be perfect, a traditional Russian wedding requires serious and responsible preparation.

Will you use these customs and traditions at your celebration? Let us know in the comments.

Today, a wedding is no longer a complex of complex rituals, as it was in the days of our ancestors. Fashion and time change the way we think about the wedding ceremony and make their own adjustments. However, some wedding ceremonies are still preserved, albeit in a somewhat "modernized" version.

A wedding is a kind of magical sacrament that appears for each of us important event in life. It testifies to the acquisition of a family hearth. In this regard, there is a huge number of rituals, traditions and signs. Any wedding ceremony has its own history and carries a deep meaning. Careful observance of wedding traditions was for our ancestors to some extent an opportunity to "influence" future life... Modern wedding ceremonies are just an addition to wedding feast, most of us do not even know or think about their meaning. Nowadays, the wedding is festive event organized according to the possibilities, ideas and knowledge of the organizers of this event.

The tradition of parents getting to know each other before the wedding has survived to this day. Usually on this day, at a festively laid table, parents discuss the organization of the wedding and material side question.

Also in our time, the tradition has been preserved on the eve of the wedding to hold stag and hen parties. As a rule, this is a party-farewell to a free girlish (single) life, which is attended by close bridesmaids (friends) of the bride (groom). Bachelor and bachelorette parties are held in different places... This tradition is not as old as, for example, the custom of covering the bride's head with a veil. This rite is already several thousand years old. The head and face of the bride was covered with a veil, first of all, to protect from damage and the evil eye. In addition, the veil symbolizes the purity, innocence, modesty and integrity of the newlywed. After the marriage ceremony, only the husband is allowed to lift the veil.

The ceremony of redemption of the bride from bridesmaids and parents is also observed today. Today it is the most fun, beautiful and spectacular part of the wedding. The groom will have to overcome a number of trials, show off intellect, strength and erudition in order to obtain the right to possess the lady of his heart.

Rite church wedding is reborn again today. Increasingly, lovers want to unite their love not only in front of the public, but also in the face of God. Earlier, after the wedding of the newlyweds, it was customary to shower with grain. This action acted as a wish for wealth, strength of relations, and to have many children. Instead of grains, many countries today use rice, raisins, candy, money, rose petals, grains, or nuts. The meaning of this ceremony has been preserved. Today, the newlyweds can only shower at the exit from the registry office (if a wedding in the church is not provided). It was customary to sprinkle flowers on the way from the church to the house of the young. This rite is somewhat reminiscent of a pagan one. Nowadays, this tradition is observed more because of its beauty and solemnity of the moment.

Wedding tradition to wear White dress appeared relatively recently, about two hundred years ago, during the reign of Catherine. Initially, the bride's wedding dress in Russia was supposed to be red. White color symbolizes purity and purity, so a white wedding dress began to mean the entry of a girl into new life... It was the white color that became the obligatory symbol of the wedding.

The ceremony of exchanging newlywed rings appeared in Ancient egypt... The circle was considered a symbol of eternity, so the round ring began to symbolize endless happiness and love between husband and wife.

Today it is customary for the groom to buy wedding rings, wedding dress and shoes for the bride, and the bride's parents prepare her “dowry” (bed linen, towels, dishes, furniture). Of course, today it also happens that collecting a dowry, in general, is not necessary, since the bride already has everything (an apartment with furniture and appliances, etc.). Since to see the bride before the wedding in wedding dress- bad omen, the bride can take over the purchase of the dress. Previously, the bride herself prepared a dowry for herself: she sewed, embroidered, prepared jewelry. Wedding Shoes the bride also bought with the savings, which demonstrated to her relatives her thrift and thrift.

Having registered their marriage, the newlyweds with their guests go on a wedding walk through the memorable places of their city or village.

After the registration of the marriage of the newlyweds, according to the preserved tradition, the parents of the groom are greeted with bread and salt. The newlyweds take turns biting off or breaking off a piece of bread. Whoever has a larger broken piece will be the master of the family.

The kiss of the newlyweds contains a sacramental meaning, it unites the souls of a young couple into a single whole. A public kiss between the bride and groom informs those present at this action about their unification into one family. Relationships between young people before marriage were chaste, so it is very important that the kiss is carried out in the presence of parents and relatives.

The tradition of stealing a bride already existed among the Russian Slavs. For example, among the Vyatichi and northerners there were games called "the borders of the village", where during games, songs and dances, men chose their brides and took them to their homes. From here came the tradition of kidnapping brides, which symbolized farewell to parents and father's house and the transition to the groom's house, in new family... Usually the bridegroom's groomsmen were involved in the theft of the bride. The groom needed either the betrothed or a ransom for her. Modern weddings have kept this fun tradition alive.

The tradition of throwing a wedding bouquet came to us quite recently from European countries. All unmarried bridesmaids gather in a heap, and the bride, with her back to them, throws a bouquet. It is believed that the one who catches the bouquet will soon get married. A similar ceremony exists for the groom's friends, who, having removed the garter from the bride's leg, throws it to single friends. The one who catches first, he will marry in the near future.

Today there is a tradition of breaking dishes at a wedding celebration. This is usually done for good luck. Today they beat the bridegroom's or the bride's glass, as well as the plates. According to the resulting fragments, it is determined who the couple will have first: if the fragments are large, then a boy, if small, a girl.

A new wedding tradition is to tie bottles of champagne for luck. Witnesses can carry out this action either at the beginning or at the end of the wedding feast. The young drink the first bottle on the first anniversary of family life, and the second on the birthday of their first child.

No wedding is complete without a wedding cake (pie, loaf), which symbolizes abundance, joy and good luck in family life. Its height can be very different, but the shape is usually round.

There is another modern wedding ceremony, according to which at midnight the bride, standing in a circle of dancing girlfriends with closed eyes, puts his veil on the head of one of them. A lucky girl will be lucky enough to get married soon.

A very beautiful and romantic tradition, which is increasingly observed by newlyweds, is the tradition of bringing the bride into the house in her arms. Our ancestors believed that such an action would protect the bride from damage and evil spirits.

And even today, newlyweds love to release two pigeons into the sky, on whose paws I tie pink and blue ribbons. According to them, they determine who will be born to the couple first. This is usually done on a wedding walk or in front of a building where a wedding feast is scheduled. In addition, there are many other new wedding traditions: hanging locks with the names of the bride and groom on a tree or the railing of a bridge, smashing a bottle of champagne on a bridge, etc.

Another interesting and fun tradition at weddings is giving gifts to newlyweds. Parents, witnesses and guests give young people valuable and necessary things in everyday life (appliances, dishes, furniture, etc.). At the same time, the donation process is accompanied by interesting jokes, jokes and wishes.

Traditionally, the newlyweds after the wedding go on a honeymoon trip to spend their honeymoon in a romantic setting.

Despite the existing rituals and traditions, only the young have the right to decide, they are not observed for own wedding... The main thing is that the wedding has retained an important, sacred meaning - the transition from free bachelorhood to family life, with its own joys and responsibilities.

Wedding ceremonies

Andrey Ryabushkin. "Peasant wedding in the Tambov province." 1880

Russian wedding ceremony is one of the most important family rituals.

A wedding ceremony consists of many elements, among them: ritual songs, worship, obligatory ritual actions of the bride, boyfriends and other participants.

The Russian wedding ceremony is very different in different regions... So, in the north of Russia, the "musical" part consists almost entirely of habits, and in the south - almost entirely of happy songs, the role of the priest is more formal there. At the same time, the rite is always not an arbitrary set of songs and ritual actions, but integrity, very harmoniously and logically organized.

The time of the formation of the wedding ceremony is considered to be the XIII-XIV century. At the same time, in some regional traditions in the structure and in some details of the rite, pre-Christian origins are felt, there are elements of magic.

With all the variability of his rite general structure remains unchanged, including the following main components:

  • This is followed by the sacrament of the wedding
  • Partying

The ceremonies originally symbolized the transition of a girl from the clan of her father to the clan of her husband. This entails the transition to the protection of the masculine spirits. Such a transition was akin to death in one's own and being born in a different family. For example, lamentation is the same as lamentation for the dead. At a bachelorette party, a trip to the bathhouse is the washing of the dead. The bride is often taken to church by the arms, thus symbolizing the lack of strength, lifelessness. The young woman leaves the church by herself. The groom brings the bride into the house in his arms in order to deceive the brownie, to force him to accept the girl as a newborn family member who did not enter the house, but ended up in the house.


The matchmakers were usually the groom's relatives - father, brother, etc., less often - the mother, although the matchmaker could not be a relative. The matchmaking was preceded by a certain agreement between the parents of the bride and groom.

The matchmaker, entering the bride's house, performed some ritual actions that determine his role. For example, in the Ulyanovsk region, the matchmaker sits under the mat, in the Vologda region, the stove flap should have rattled, etc.

Often the matchmaker did not speak directly about the purpose of his arrival, but pronounced some ritual text. The bride's parents answered him in the same manner. This was done in order to protect the ceremony from the actions of evil spirits. The text could be like this:

You have a flower, and we have a garden. Is it possible for us to transplant this flower into our garden? - A young gander is looking for a goose. Is there a goose lurking in your house? - We have a goose, but she is still young.

The bride's parents had to refuse for the first time, even if they are happy with the wedding. The matchmaker had to persuade them.

After the matchmaking, the parents gave the matchmaker an answer. The girl's consent was not required (if asked, it was a formality), sometimes even matchmaking could take place in the absence of the girl.

"Look at the place"

A few days after the matchmaking, the bride's parents (or relatives, if the bride is an orphan) came to the groom's house to look at his household. This part of the wedding was more "utilitarian" than all the others, and did not involve special ceremonies.

They demanded guarantees of prosperity from the groom future wife... Therefore, her parents examined the farm very carefully. The main requirements for the economy were an abundance of cattle and bread, clothes, dishes.

Often, after inspecting the household, the bride's parents refused the groom.

Announcement of the decision about the wedding

If, after inspecting the groom's household, the bride's parents did not refuse him, the day was set for the public announcement of the decision on the wedding. V different traditions this rite was called in different ways ("vaults", "conspiracy", "binge", "sing" - from the word "sing", "zaruchiny", "constipation" - from the words "hit the hands", "get married", " vaults "and many other names), but in any tradition, the wedding itself began from that day. After the public announcement, only exceptional circumstances could upset the wedding (such as the escape of the bride).

Usually the "collusion" takes place about two weeks after the matchmaking.

The "conspiracy" took place in the bride's house. Most of the villagers usually gathered for it, since the day of the "conspiracy" was determined after inspecting the groom's household, and a few days before the "conspiracy" itself, this news spread throughout the village.

The "conspiracy" was supposed to be a treat for the guests. The parents of the bride and groom had to agree on the wedding day, who would be the boyfriend, etc.

Features in northern traditions

In the north, this rite is usually called "zaporuki", "zaruchin". In this ceremony, the groom and the matchmaker are present.

In the north, the rite of entrusting the bride was one of the most dramatic of all the rites of the wedding cycle. Even if the bride was glad to be married, she was supposed to lament. In addition, the bride performed a number of ritual actions. So, she had to put out the candle in front of the icons. Sometimes the bride hid, ran away from home. When they tried to lead her to her father, she struggled. The bridesmaids were supposed to catch her and lead her to her father.

After that, the key action of the whole day was performed - “hanging” the bride. The father covered the bride's face with a handkerchief. After that, the bride stopped struggling. The place of "hanging" varies (in different places of the hut or outside the hut).

Preparing for the wedding day

The next period in some traditions was called a "week" (although it did not necessarily last exactly a week, sometimes up to two weeks). At this time the dowry was being prepared. In northern traditions, the bride was constantly lamenting. In the south, every evening the groom and his friends came to the bride's house (this was called "gatherings", "vechorki", etc.), sang and danced.

During the "week" the groom was supposed to come with gifts. If we are talking about northern tradition, all actions during the "week" are accompanied by the lamentations of the bride, including the arrival of the groom.


The bride, with the help of her friends, had to prepare a large amount of dowry for the wedding. Most of the dowry included things made by the bride. with my own hands previously.

The dowry usually included a bed (feather bed, pillow, blanket) and gifts to the groom and relatives: shirts, scarves, belts, patterned towels.

Rituals on the eve of the wedding day

On the eve and in the morning of the wedding day, the bride had to perform a number of ritual actions. Their set is not fixed (for example, in some regions the bride had to visit the cemetery), but there are obligatory rituals inherent in most regional traditions.


Arrival at the groom's house

Andrey Ryabushkin "Wedding train in Moscow (XVII century)". 1901.

After the wedding, the groom takes the bride to his home. Here they are to be blessed by their parents. There is also a combination of Christian and pagan elements. In many traditions, the bride and groom were put on a fur coat. The skin of an animal serves as a talisman. Bread in one form or another is required in the rite of blessing. Usually, during the blessing, he is next to the icon. In some traditions, both the groom and the bride are supposed to bite off the bread. This bread also has magical actions... In some regions, it was then fed to a cow so that she gave more offspring.

Wedding feast

Andrey Ryabushkin. "Expectation of the newlyweds from a crown in the Novgorod province." 1890-1891

After the wedding, the bride never laments. From this moment, the joyful and cheerful part of the ceremony begins.

The groom brings the bride to his house. There should already be a generous meal for the guests. The wedding feast begins.

During the feast, great songs are sung. In addition to the bride and groom, they called parents and boyfriend.

The feast could last two or three days. On the second day, everyone must move to the bride's house, the feast continues there. If they feast for three days, on the third they return to the groom again.

"Laying down" and "waking up" the young

In the evening (or at night), the "laying down of the young" was carried out - the matchmaker or the bed-woman prepared the marriage bed, which the groom was supposed to redeem. The feast at this time often continued. On next morning(sometimes - after only a few hours) a friend, matchmaker or mother-in-law "woke up" the young. Often after the "wake up" guests were shown the "honor" of the bride - a shirt or a sheet with traces of blood. In other places, the groom testified about the bride's “honor” by eating eggs, pancake or pie from the middle or from the edge, or answering ritual questions like “Did you break ice or trampled mud?”. If the bride turned out to be “dishonest,” her parents could be ridiculed, a collar hung around her neck, the gate was covered with tar, etc.

Second wedding day

On the second day of the wedding, the bride usually performed some ritualistic activities. One of the most widespread rituals is the "search for a bright".

This rite consists in the fact that the "yarochka" (that is, the lamb, the bride) is hiding somewhere in the house, and the "shepherd" (one of her relatives or all the guests) must find her.

It was also common for a "young woman" to fetch water with two oars on a yoke, scattering garbage, money, grain in the room - the young wife had to thoroughly sweep the floor, which was checked by the guests.

The arrival of the groom to the mother-in-law is important. This rite has many different names in different regions ("khlibins", "yishnya", etc.). It consists in the fact that the mother-in-law gave the groom cooked food (pancakes, eggs, etc.). The plate was covered with a handkerchief. The son-in-law was supposed to redeem it by putting money on (or wrapping it in) a handkerchief.

Musical content of the ceremony


  • Balashov D. M., Marchenko Yu. I., Kalmykova N. I. Russian wedding. Moscow: 1985