Mask for growing fat hair. Masks for oily hair at home. Bread for oily hair

Mask against oily shine: Protein and lemon

Squirrel and Lemon Mask - Celebration Wand in summer period. It not only reduces the fatty skin, but also perfectly cleans it. This mask can be safely used 2 times a week instead of a person scrub. Already after the first application, you will notice the real result.

To prepare a mask you need one squirrel and a teaspoon lemon juice. Mix the squirrel with juice and beat to the foamy state. Then apply on the cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Remove cool water.

Because of the lemon juice in the composition, the mask should be made in the evening.

Mask against oily shine: Carrot and tea tree

If you have black dots or extended pores, it will be perfect from a grated carrot and essential oil. tea tree. Sattail carrots on a shallow grater, you will need half a small root corner, add 2 drops of tea tree ether. Apply to the face for 15 minutes, wash cold water. After that, use tonic and face cream.

Mask against oily shine: Black clay

Black clay perfectly cleans the skin, and also reduces its fat. To prepare such a mask you will need, in fact, clay and some water to dissolve the mask to the consistency of the thick sour cream. You can also add 2 drops of rosemary oil.

Apply a remedy for a face for 15 minutes, after which you smash thoroughly.

If you have oily skin, do clay mask 4 times a week in the summer, owners normal skin enough 2nd times.

Mask against oily shine: KEFIR

Apply kefir with your waddling on the skin of the face and neck after washing and wash in 15 minutes. This summer procedure can be done daily.

Mask against oily shine: GREEN TEA

Another available and simple method Fatty gloss is. Take a teaspoon of tea, pour 200 ml of boiling water and give it. When tea completely cools, wet the napkin in it and put it for 30 minutes on the purified face. Such a procedure for moisturizing skin will stop the action free radicals and reduce fat. In summer, such compresses can be done every other day.

Watch online video mask against fatty skin

5 420 0 Hello, dear readers! Remember, I recently wrote about? Today, we will continue this topic, only let's talk about what masks it is better to do for such problem skin and how to use them correctly. Especially for you we collected 30 best recipes Masks for face, easy to prepare and very effective.

Oily skin: reasons

Fatty skin face becomes a problem when the pores skin cover Cock-up traffic jams due to overwhelmed vital activity song hardware. What do we have in the end? Black dots, inflammation in separate sites, redness, acne. There are a lot of reasons for such skin behavior. It may be:

By the way, with the last three reasons, we can completely cope with your own!

How to apply masks?

Of course, any of us want to have healthy skin, because face and figure - the basis of the beauty of a woman, all talk about inner world - This is another. Here, as a care, the face masks are perfectly suitable, many of which can be made home from the products that are available in the kitchen! But so that the masks for oily skin give effect, they need to be correctly applied! Here are the main tips:

Tip number 1: Before applying the mask, clean the skin - first breathe, then wipe your face with Tonic!

Tip number 2: Fatty skin is easy to damage, so the mask must be applied very carefully. Do not rub it into the skin - you can injure her! Apply a cooked mixture with soft movements !

Tip number 3: Keep the mask on the face of 15 minutes - this is a standard period of time. A smaller period will not bring the result, and the greater will go to harm!

Tip №4: Wash the mixture from the face warm water - Not hot, namely warm! After washing the face, wipe the tonic and apply the cream.

Using face masks, we treat our skin. And any medication has its own precautions when applied! When cooking masks, it is very important to take into account the following:

  • for their manufacture, take only fresh products;
  • do not take products causing you allergies;
  • do not hold the mask for too long - the effect of this will not be better.

Well, additionally, I will say that no masks will help in the fight against bold leatherth if you do not set proper nutrition And do not refuse bad habits!

Homemade Mask Recipes for Fat Leather Face

Home Recipes Masks for Oily Skin There is a huge amount! I think that our moms and grandmothers will tell us not one recipe for such masks from the primary materials - besides, these recipes are certainly tested by time. Yes, and each of us already has its own corporate recipe! We will be glad if you divide them in the comments.

Standard Mask Recipes are based on the use of kefir, honey, eggs, vegetables, herbal infusions. What recipes are suitable for oily skin?

Masks based on eggs and dairy products

Softening mask for the closure: One egg yolk with a pair of tea spoons kefir, drip a little bit of lemon juice. The resulting mixture we impose on the face, keep 15 minutes - maximum, then wash the warm water and wipe the skin with the infusion of calendula. Instead of the latter, the chamomile is suitable (by the way, a universal cosmetics!) Or Sage, as well as ordinary tea welding (just not very strong).

Mask from cottage cheese: Two cummy teaspoons rub with lemon juice and a small pinch sea salt (Salt pre-grind in a coffee grinder). We apply the mixture as follows: First we make one layer and wait for 5 minutes so that it is back. Then we appline a layer and wait for another 10 minutes. As a result, you must feel the lightweight skin.

Mask out egg protein: The protein is whipped to a homogeneous mass, add a teaspoon of citrus juice (a lemon or orange is suitable - depending on what is at hand). We apply a mixture with layers as in the previous recipe. After the last layer we are waiting for 10 minutes and go wash.

Mask with the addition of oatmeal: Mix the egg, lemon zest and a tablespoon of oatmeal. To the mixture add a little lemon juice and begin to mix up to a homogeneous mass. The resulting mass is applied to the dermis for 15-20 minutes.

Yogurt mask: Jogurt mix with bread yeast. The mixture must have a casoo-like appearance. We apply this pounding a rather thick layer on the dermis and wait for 15 minutes. Another option of this mask is such: yogurt, a spoon of milk and potato starch. Starch can also be replaced with wheat flour. Choose one of three options: yeast are available in the kitchen not at all, and the starch too, but the flour will be extended almost always!

Mask from cottage cheese and kefir: Cottage cheese and kefir are taken in a 1: 3 ratio and are thoroughly mixed. The mask should be kept for 15-20 minutes, then wash.

Bread mask and sour milk: A piece of black bread is placed in sour milk and softened into the kashitz. The mixture is superimposed on the dermis with a rather thick layer. Instead of milk, it is just water.

Yeast masks

Toning mask with yeast: a couple of teaspoons of dry yeast wept in warm water, then
they must be left so that they are swollen and began to wander. To start the fermentation process, place a container with a mixture in warm place. Add the following components to yeast:

  • a teaspoon of orange juice (you can grapefruit;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E;
  • 10 drops of camphor oil.

The resulting composition is smeared on the skin, we are waiting for 20 minutes and go wash: first warm, then cool water.

Mask with yeast for cleaning pores: Preparing yeast as in the first recipe. But in quality additional components We add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%). The mask is applied to the plots where there are inflammations, but it can be done on the whole face. Hold the mask can be a maximum of 5 minutes! Then the mixture must be washed away from the face, and the skin wipe the tonic.

Yeast mask with lemon and grenade: The lemon and grenade juice, the ratio of components 1: 3: 1 is added to the spoonful yeast. The mixture holds 20 minutes and has a clarifying effect.

Masks with the addition of essential oils and pharmacy

Kefir-curd masks will have a greater effect if they add ethereal Oil. What oils will fit? So, on a teaspoon of the cooked basis, you can add oils of the following plants:

  • Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon - These oils can be added 4 drops
  • Rosemary, Melissa - these oils are enough 3 drops.

FROM problem skin Cleandula and rosehip copes perfectly, and use them better together! In proportion of 1: 1, we mix the calendula and decoction of rose hips, the resulting liquid is applied to the face, we go only in a couple of hours. Effect: reduction of inflammation, normalization of fat isolating.

Mask with streptocide: Several pills of strepticide grind and mix with tain oil. We apply to the skin point! Only on the plots of inflammation and redness!

Mask with hydrogen peroxide: Cottage cheese is mixed with hydrogen peroxide and rose essential oil. Such a composition helps to fight aging oily skin, gives an additional whitening effect.

Masks with vegetables and fruits

A apricot mask: Apricot is rubbed into Cashitz, acidic milk is added to it, everything is fine mixed.

Aloe Mask: On a spoon, aloe and lemon juice are mixed with an egg.

Aloe, by the way, a very useful plant that can come to the rescue not only in the case of inflammation on oily skin, but also with other problems. Therefore, who has no such plants at home on the windowsill - be sure to get it!

With Aloe, you can make a rejuvenating mask: Aloe juice with juice sauerkraut And a spoonful of sea buckthorn. Then in this composition add olive oil And we apply to the dermis half an hour.

Mask with sorrel: For a mask, the egg is mixed with two spoons of crushed sorrel. Mask must be held 20 minutes.

If aloe and sorrel can not always be found at home, then there are no problems with cucumber and carrots!

Cucumber mask: Fresh cucumber to three on a grater and mix with a protein, let's give a mixture for a couple of minutes to stand and everything can be used! Just remember that this mask gives a whitening effect.

Mask with carrots: Carrots rubbed to the state of the puree, the spoon is added to it. Unlike cucumber mask, Mask with carrots has a reverse effect - it does not whiten, but gives the skin the tank.

Avocado mask: The pulp of the fetus is smelting, add flour spoon, mix and hold 15 minutes on the dermis. Mask is very nutritious and vitamin, however, like avocado himself! About others beneficial features Avocado, you can read in our article:

Mask with banana and kiwi: Fruits are smeared in mashed potatoes and mix. The mixture must be kept 20 minutes. This tool perfectly feeds fading skin and eliminates wrinkles.

Vegetable mask with blue clay: Tomato and radishes finely three on the grater, add a spoon of blue cosmetic clay and mix. The mask tightly stacked the dermis. This recipe is indispensable when it is necessary to remove the peeling and run the regeneration of the dermis.

Mask with garlic: Cover of garlic shred, add aloe juice and green cosmetic clay. Mask is effective porous skin and inflammation.

Fruit mask: Half of apple mix with lingonberries and grapes. Kashitsa is applied for half an hour. Such fruit mask - Find for dehydrated skin!

Mask with decoction of dill: Dill boiled to a saturated state, protein is added to the cold decoction. The mixture is whipped and applied to the dermis layer layer, a single layer is treated - we apply the following.

Mask with persimmon: The persimmon is warm up to Cashitz and stirred with honey. A mixture of a dense layer is applied to the dermis for half an hour. The mask is so fragrant that it doesn't just treat the skin, but also raises the mood!

Mask with onions: onion Mixed 1: 1 with honey. Mask is made exclusively for problem areas for a quarter of an hour - no more!

Masks with the effect of peeling

Piling masks should be used carefully that the solid particles do not cause herbs to the skin.

For fatty dermis, the following options will be suitable:

Mummy, coffee and salt mask: All three components mix in equal parts. We apply to the skin with soft movements, we are waiting for 15 minutes. Mask returns skin elasticity.

Mask with almonds: almond kernels shred in a coffee grinder in flour, they add oatmeal in them (they are also pre-grind, but not to flour, and so that they are just smaller) and powdered milk. Fill into a mixture a little boiled cold water and place it to the state of the casher. With this cassea, massaging the face is a maximum of 5 minutes, then you will be cleaned with cool water.

Which of the prescriptions came to you like most? Standard yogurt and yeast mask, fragrant mask with apricot or persimmon unusual mask From tomato, radish and blue clay? I think that each of you will choose your favorite option.

In conclusion, I want to bring some of the advice of cosmetologists:

  • In domestic masks, many products are interchangeable, for example: cottage cheese can be replaced with carrots, and herbal decoction - bark.
  • If your capillaries are very close to the surface of the skin, then give up masks with a tightener effect - you can damage yourself! Prefer the standard and well-proven safe recipes - For example, cucumber mask.
  • If you do not want to use homemade masks, there is always another option - Special cosmetics. Among them, they are especially celebrated: Mud Anti-ToxinesMask, Doctor Doctor Nona, Lacrima Cream, SalermMascarillaespeciFicAgraasa, Mask with diatomite and calendula Green Mama.

If your hair after 1-2 days after washing lost pure and fresh species, intensively staring at the roots, then you can cope with this problem by comprehensive treatmentwhich will allow to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Along with such treatment you may be useful mask For hair from fatness in the roots, which is not difficult to prepare from the primary means in minutes.

Usually with the problem of rapid hair pollution, literally in 1-2 days, facing skin holders, prone to fatty. Excessively intensive work of the sebaceous glands to the fact that it is already literally the next day after washing the hair, it will noticeably dumps the roots, covering the skin of the skin, and the curls remain surprisingly clean. Increasing the frequency of hair washing in this situation can adversely affect their condition, provoking the appearance of fragility and sequential ends.

A variety of masks used in this problem

In the formulation of masks that contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, such components are very often included:

  • fermented milk products (kefir, prostrochash, serum);
  • white and blue pharmacy clay;
  • alcohol-containing compositions and medicinal tinctures;
  • natural agents containing acids;
  • cooks of medicinal herbs.

Masks based on different oils Also can also be applied to solve this problem, however, it is desirable to consistently consistent with the observing physician, since their imprudent use can provoke a number of unpleasant consequences.

Popular recipes that are able to assist in combating the problem

  1. Mask based on potato juice. To prepare this fund, you will need to press fresh juice from 1 grated potatoes and pour it into a thick kefir. The mixture is whipped with a fork and cotton disc Apply on the skin of the head, after which, massaging, rub it into the roots. After half an hour, the hair can be flushed as usual using shampoo, it is best sebulating.
  2. Mask with sour milk. Not bad reduces the manifestation of this problem, the use of acidic milk, namely, the prostow. Slightly heated Prostokow is used in pure form For masks, making them a course for a month before the next washing of the head. A serum is allowed to be used as a rinse for curls to be used, which some elbow experimenters are often not even wash off hair.
  3. Clay-based regulating masks. Pharmacy clay - unique product, Ideal for the treatment of all kinds of problems, which delivers its owner of a fatty skin. Highly good reviews The mask against the fat content of hair roots, which is prepared from the blue pharmacy clay, castor Oil, honey, lemon juice (all components are taken in the amount of 1 h. spoons) and 1 whipped yolk. After applying this composition Take time and after 2 hours thoroughly wash the head with moderately warm water. It is desirable to resort to such a procedure before each other head wash, adhering to the recommended course duration of 1 month. According to those who have already managed to make effective this methodHair after the course of such events is beginning to get dumping much slower and significantly improved visual, acquiring shine, elasticity and healthy appearance.

Useful compounds

One of the effective home remedies that helps with an overlooking head of the head is infusion tea mushroom. To prepare the composition, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, it will be necessary to mix in equal proportions. This unique home product with decoction of nettle leaves. The resulting mixture is rubbed in the roots of the hair (it is allowed to make hair and throughout the length), after which the head is insulated with a cap from a warm towel and stretch 40-60 minutes. Locks after the procedure can be washed ordinary water Without a shampoo, if the hair has not yet gotten too much.

In addition to infusion of tea mushroom nice results gives the use of natural apple vinegar. Most often it is used slightly diluted as a peeling of the chapels after washing. In addition, it can also be applied by analogy with the previous recipe. However, it is important to clarify that in the fight against the fatness of the hair roots, only 100% natural product should be used, which should be stated on the package. The synthetic analogues of the apple vinegar are categorically not suitable for these purposes.

Fat from the roots, dry on the tips hair + super mask for fat hair!

How I got rid of oily hair / Lifehak for 3 kopecks

Mask for oily hair

How to get rid of oily hair? ✅5 ways to treat bold hair at home

Mask for oily hair at roots and dry on tips / OS

Shock !!! This mask helped me get rid of grease hair

How to get rid of hair fatty

Soda from fat hair. Hair fat mask.

Increased fatty scalp - phenomenon is quite frequent. To eliminate untidy fat hair glitter, we start to wash your hair more and more often. First we do it every other day, and then every day. However, this only aggravates the situation. The more often we wash the skin fat, the more we enhance the secretion of the sebaceous glands. No matter how paradoxically, you need to abandon the frequent washing of the head, so as not to exacerbate the selection of sebum fat. But how to go to people with such a head, are they really humble and look like stuffed? Well, I do not! We will not leave you with this misfortune one on one and help return the purity, freshness and radiance of your curls with home masses from natural components. But first try to figure out what the reasons for the increased fatty skin of the head are the causes of the head?

  • As already mentioned, the main reason is frequent washing. To get rid of fatness, you need to remember that the head should be washed 2 (rarely - 3) times a week.
  • Drying hot air. When you dry the head with a hairdryer in hot air mode, the head of the head is experiencing a large stress. To protect your covers, it enhances the work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the fat content of the roots.
  • Hormonal changes. Period of teenage formation, pregnancy, lactation, climax - all this can cause a hormonally splash and increased selection Salant not only on the skin of the head, but also on the face.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics. It happens that the shampoo or hair balm high-quality, brand and girlfriend uses them, but the hair is hone from it. It is just individual intolerance, that's all. Find your hair care products that will not deliver you discomfort.
  • Incorrect food, lack of vitamins too frequent reasons Increased fat. You need to eat more dairy products, fruits and vegetables, less than fast food, oily and fried food, sharp seasonings.

If you eliminated all sorts of causes of the scalp, and the hair is still empty, do not despair. Here are some effective, useful and truly active recipes Getting rid of this attack. Most masks cause a dry effect, so if you have dry tips, a mask should be applied only on the roots of the hair.

Kefir-lemon mask

Mask components:

  • glass of home kefir;
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  • From lemon squeeze juice.
  • Mix a glass of kefir with a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Mask need to be applied on dirty hair Before washing the head. Tilt the head above the bathroom and tassel moisten the roots of the hair with a cooked agent. Make a small massage with finger pads. Then dispense the residues of the mask along the entire length of the hair, collect curls into a bundle. Cover your head with a plastic cap and wrap a towel. Leave for an hour. Wash the mask as you usually wash your head. If you constantly do such a mask before washing your head, you can forever get rid of oily hair.

Egg mask

Mask components:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 3 tablespoons brandy;
  • fullack of black milk.

Cooking method:

  • For cosmetic masks We must take organic products. If the recipe you need to use eggs, they should be homely, and milk from under the cow, and not from the pack.
  • Natural milk leave in a warm place for the night.
  • Separate yolks from proteins and beat 3 squirrel with a mixer or blender. There should be a homogeneous mixture, no drum substances. Before the foam you should not beat.
  • Mix whipped proteins with brandy and proced milk.

The homogeneous mass must be launched into the skin of the head and leave for half an hour. The mask can not be washed off hot waterOtherwise, proteins curl and wash them out of hair will be quite problematic. Cognac gently dries the skin of the head, the protein normalizes secretion, and the milk restores the natural balance of trace elements in the roots of the hair.

Aloe leaf tincture on alcohol

Mask components:

  • 6-7 large aloe leaves;
  • 100 ml of vodka or alcohol.

Cooking method:

  • For this mask, you need to take a mature plant, which is at least three years old.
  • Wash leaflets, dry and chop finely. Put in the container of opaque glass.
  • Pour aloe alcohol, close tightly with a lid.
  • Put the tincture in the refrigerator for 10 days. Periodically shake the container.
  • After the specified time, the tincture is strain.

This is a very popular remedy will save you even from launched form Breased hair. Mask has another action: it eliminates dandruff. This tincture must be lying in the roots of the hair every other day. An hour after rubbing your head should be rinsed with clean water.

Bread mask on herbal brave

Mask components:

  • chamomile tablespoon;
  • tablespoon calendula;
  • some pieces rye bread.

Cooking method:

  • Pour herbs glass boiling water. Cook on slow fire about 15 minutes. After that, give the decoction to be in a closed form to a complete cooling. Strain.
  • Rye bread chopped into small pieces and give it to curb outdoors.
  • Soak a stale bread in the cooked brave. Leave per hour.
  • Skip the mixture through the gauze.

This liquid is full of vitamins and microelements that restore the normal activity of the sebaceous glands. Mask not only saves from excessive fatness, but also makes hair more crumbly, flowing and shiny.

Mask with green onions and cucumber

Mask components:

  • medium sized cucumber;
  • green bow bunch;
  • 3 tablespoons of kefir;
  • tablespoon vinegar.

Cooking method:

  • Cucumber and onions crushed in a blender. It turns out a homogeneous green mixture.
  • Mix a mass with kefir.
  • Dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of pure water.

Apply a mask on the scalp and hair roots. Thoroughly rub mass massage movements. Wrap and leave for an hour. Then you need to wash your head shampoo without various additives. Best if it will be children's shampoo. Then rinse your head cooked acetate solution - It will eliminate the unpleasant onion smell, secure the effect of the mask and give hair elasticity.

Mustard fatness mask

Mask components:

  • 2 teaspoons of mustard powder;
  • propolis;
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt without additives.

Cooking method:

  • From propolis you need to cook a decoction. Pour small piece propolis and cook in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Let laugh and strain.
  • Mix the decoction of propolis with mustard so that it turned out a homogeneous creamy mixture.
  • Add yogurt, mix.

This means It is necessary to apply only on dirty hair when there is a natural fatty film on the head. She will protect the skin from aggressive impact Ingredients mask. Mustard gently dries the skin, propolis feeds it with vitamins, yogurt restores healthy structure Hair. The mask cannot be kept for longer than 20 minutes. Before use, you need to make sure that there are no wounds, cuts or microcracks, otherwise you will feel unbearable burning. If it happened, urgently rinse the mask from the head. This agent has one bonus - the components of the mask are not only struggling with increased fat, but also significantly accelerate hair growth.

Oatmeal mask on the brave of medicinal herbs

Mask components:

  • crushed plantain leaves - tablespoon;
  • st. Justice - a tablespoon;
  • 2 tablespoons of oat cereals;
  • tablespoon of honey.

Cooking method:

  • Herbs can be both dry and fresh.
  • Plants pour boiling water with a glass, cover tightly with a lid and let it stand.
  • Croup grind to flour condition.
  • Honey warm in a water bath.
  • Mix oatmeal from small quantity Herbal beam, add honey. Mask's density should be like a liquid sour cream.

This mask does not have drying components, so it can be applied not only on the roots of the hair, but also on the tips. Oatmeal perfectly absorbs excess skin fat, herbs treat the scalp skin from fatty, and honey gives additional food Vitamins. The mask is good for weekly use.

Masks against fatty hair need to be 2-3 times a week. However, after you got rid of this trouble, do not forget to spend once a week prophylactic sessions to this cosmetic problem You did not return to you. After all, what could be better than fresh curls?

Many of us have skin skin with excessive fatty, while the hair tips are characterized by increased dryness and fragility. In this situation you need different care: cleansing and degreasing the scalp, and nutrition, moisturizing and recovery of tips. Hair care will not be complete, if not included in comprehensive program Masks.

Especially requires masks fat type hair. The owner of this type of hair will understand me, because the hair lose freshness and attractiveness after a short period of time after washing. Allow this unpleasant problem only by applying a conventional shampoo and air conditioner is impossible, and too frequent washing only aggravates the situation. But masks for fatty hair help not only degrease the hair and scalp, but also control the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing their secretion. That is why, most of it, in the compositions of oily hair masks include alcohol-containing and acid-containing components.

The effectiveness of any hair mask depends on the correctness and accuracy of its use.

The procedure for using masks for oily hair.
Hair masks thoroughly rub into the skin of the head and hair roots for five to seven minutes, then the composition is distributed over the entire length, the head is turned on with polyethylene, and for additional effect Heat - thick scarf or towel.

With the fat skin of the head and dry tips, the mask should be applied only on the scalp, and to power the tips to use any cosmetic or vegetable oil, pre-warmed in a water bath.

To remove the mask, it is important to use exclusively warm water (closer to the cool), hot water Enhances the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The course of hair treatment lasts a month (1-2 times in 7 days). Next, the procedure is to do only in preventive purposes One or twice already in 14 days. Following it uncomplicated rules, you will already celebrate the improvement very soon general view and hair status and their stripping transformation.

Recipes of homemade masks for oily hair.
Cosmetic clay is the perfect component of masks for oily hair. Remember if there are presents in the composition of masks cosmetic clay (No matter what), when it is breeding it is necessary to use exclusively non-metallic dishes and devices.

Here is a prescription simple mask with clay. Take two or four tablespoons of any clay (you can connect several species in the same ratio), add warm water (you can use the procroble, kefir, herbal Infusion) So that there is a sour cream-like mass. The composition to withstand on the hair from twenty minutes to half an hour. In a mask for greater efficiency, you can add a baked egg yolk tea with a teaspoon.

For the preparation of another, not less effective mask For fatty hair, it is necessary to destroy two slices of garlic with a tablespoon of freshly prepared lemon juice, then pour into the mixture two tablespoons of blue clay and diluted with warm water to the cream-like state. The composition is withstanding on his hair from twenty to forty minutes.

Essential oils perfectly help to solve many of the problems of oily hair. They can be added to a few drops with every head wash, and you can enrich them masks. With this type of hair, the basil oil, burdula, burdula, bergamot, geranium, calendula, cedar, juniper, chamomiles, eucalyptus, mint, roses, rosemary, sage, orange, cypress, thyme, lavender, Ylang-Ilanga, Lavender, Ylang Ilaning.

For cleansing fatty hair, giving volume and gloss perfectly helps mask from kefir enriched essential oils. At half a glass of kefir small fatty, take two drops of orange and four drops of oils of Bergamot and chamomile. The composition to withstand half an hour.

To power and restore the scalp, hair strengthening is perfect for a chamomile mask. Among other things, this composition has a clarifying effect. For a mask, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bWith a coffee grinder, grind 10 tablespoons of chamomile flowers in a dry form or grass to brew 50 ml of boiling water. After two or three hours (until the mixture insisters), beat the eggs of the eggs in the foam and add to the chamomile. Mixture to distribute on dry and clean hair And leave to complete drying, after which it was washed away in the usual way.

Eliminate the fat shine, and at the same time will improve the condition of the hair. Ordinary cottage cheese and lemon juice. For this, three or four tablespoons of skimmed curds are stirred with two tablespoons of lemon juice. The resulting paste to distribute hair into moistened with water (not too wet) and keep fifteen minutes.

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and additional vitaminization, it is useful to make such a mask for oily hair: to combine olive, rapid, almond, linen, peach oil, add to the mixture one and a half tablespoons of the juice of any citrus. The composition is thoroughly stirring, apply on the hair and skin of the head and withstand forty minutes.

For fatty, brittle and inclined to losing hair, it is useful to make such a strengthening mask: two tablespoons of honey melt in a water bath, mix with a tablespoon of fresh aloe juice, introduce a teaspoon of lemon juice and laid out one large garlic clove. The composition is only on the scalp and keep half an hour.

To stimulate the blood flow of the skin of the head, strengthening the roots of the hair and reducing the secrets of the sebaceous glands effectively apply a tincture of aloe. Grind aloe leaves (pre-keep them in the refrigerator for ten days), you will need a handful of leaves in crushed form. Pour 100 g of vodka, leave the mixture in a dark place for seven days. The finished tincture is daily rubbed into the skin of the head, as well as include in the compositions of masks for oily hair.

But another recipe for fat roots Hair: In whipped eggs (2 pcs.) Add a teaspoon of water and as much vodka (better medical alcohol). Stir and immediately apply on pure and dry roots for half an hour.

Despite fatness, hair is important to moisturize. Successfully copes with the simultaneous cleansing and moisturizing of oily hair. oat mask. In two tablespoons of grinding in a coffee grinder oatmeal Add half a glass of boiling water and leave swell for ten minutes. Then enter the glycerol tablespoon and a teaspoon of honey to the resulting cleaner. A few minutes to prevent and apply the head of the head and the entire length of the hair. Thirty and forty minutes to wash.

Herbs are perfectly "friends" with masks for fatty hair, they contribute to the normalization of the production of sebaceous glands, strengthening hair and return to them lost glitter. With greasy hair, it is effectively used by champs of herbs such as: plantain, mint, St. John's wort, sage, birch leaves, nettle. Take two tablespoons of any of the listed herbs, you can prepare the mixture (connect all the specified herbs in an equal ratio), add half-liter boiling water in them and leave for insteading for an hour. IN finished video The decoction can be used as a rinse after washing, you can rub the scalp, and you can dilute the masks, for example with clay.

Strengthen hair, give shine and reduce the selection skin Sala It will help simple, but proven by the years method: in 0.5 l boiled water Add juice of one lemon. Such a lemon water rinse the hair after each washing.

To reanimate the hair structure, control the work of the sebaceous glands and significantly improve their appearance will help conventional tomatoes. This is due to the content in them. huge number Useful acids. So, lose two major tomatoes, pre-removing the skin to the liquid mass. This mass is distributed on dry motted hair From the roots to the most tips. To withstand forty minutes for all the rules, flush using shampoo.

Add 100 ml of boiling water to the bank, put 200 g of rusty bread crusts and leave for an hour under a tightly closed lid. When the water cools, the crusts will be confused to the cleaner and impose on the hair, paying attention to the skin of the head. Wash out a mask from the hair after forty minutes without using a shampoo.

Water through a fine grater two potatoes (can be replaced with a pumpkin or cucumber) middle size (pre-washed and purified). Squeeze the juice and connect it with a glass of kefir. The composition is imposed on the length of the hair and leave half an hour. Such a mask successfully copes with hair fatty.

Two egg yolk Stir with two tablespoons of honey in liquid form. The mask to withstand two hours, if there is an opportunity, you can leave for the whole night, and washed in the morning.