Become the perfect girlfriend for a man. Education and literacy. The ideal girl is independent

You've probably heard more than once that a man needs to be held tight, because otherwise, having received a sip of freedom, he will leave, and this will end your great love... Meanwhile, everything is completely different. If you want keep a man with you forever, become perfect girl for a guy, remember the following five principles.

  1. Do not run to him at the first call

You and your friend go to the pool at 17:00 on Tuesday, and he can only meet with you at 17:00 on Tuesday? You promised your parents that you would spend Saturday with them, and he can only meet on this day? It doesn't matter what your plans are. If they are, don't give them up just for his sake. As the saying goes: “If he loves, he will wait,” and you should adhere to this policy. The guy who cares about you will adjust his plans. Everything.

  1. Don't be in a bad mood

Late? Resentment. He couldn't meet? Resentment. Didn't you throw out the trash? Resentment. Didn't get a gift? Resentment. And you want to hold him? And why does he need a woman who every time makes an elephant out of a fly? That's it. So tie up with constant insults, everyone. He is only human.

  1. Do not blackmail

There are also more radical methods than just being out of sorts. This is, of course, about blackmail. If you don’t do A, I don’t do B. Maybe once, maybe twice it will pass, but the third guy will not stand it and you will not see him again.

  1. Be patient

Patience is rewarded. Of course, you've heard about this more than once. But it is important to understand this word correctly. Patience is not about accepting the worst without blinking an eye. When we talk about being patient, we usually mean that you don't need to react too emotionally and under the influence of the moment. Some questions need to wait out (until the time) or not notice (also for a while).

So, if already at the beginning of your acquaintance you expect great confessions from him, if you cannot wait wedding ring in a glass or would like to start a family as soon as possible (after all The biological clock ticking), be patient. You should not put pressure on a man in such matters. You'd rather lose him than drag him to the altar by force.

  1. Give him some freedom

A man will not be left with a woman who wants him to belong to her alone. Perhaps you thought you could tie him to yourself, but of course you know very well that the plan fell to pieces. Unless you have it under your thumb, then it's another matter.

A little bit of freedom is needed in a relationship. Otherwise, we would die of boredom, or go crazy. Don't force your loved one to choose between you and his passion, his friends, or his favorite team. And also remember this, so that after joining the union, you do not give up your previous interests and habits. He really won't mind if you go out to workout or meet a friend. Provided that you also will not forbid him to do so.

If a woman is patient and understanding, she will be the one who understands all his crazy ideas and herself, without hesitation, can participate in some of them with him.

There will be one that appreciates him and, in addition to a partner, there will also be him best friend, then a man will not give it up so easily. He will love her, respect her and make sure that she is happy with him too. Like these ones simple rules how to be the perfect girlfriend for a guy.

Becoming perfect is not the ultimate dream of any girl. To be the only one, the most beautiful and desired, a dream come true - after all, this is real happiness. However, it should be understood that the ideal is not born. A little effort on your part can move you towards your cherished goal. So how to become the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend?

How to be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend

First of all, you need to look not at others, but at yourself.

For a start, try to look at yourself from the outside with maximum objectivity. Without excessive criticism and self-criticism, but without closing your eyes to the shortcomings, as well as the merits, which you, perhaps, until recently, did not even notice in yourself. Is the list of external and internal qualities in need of adjustment ready? Move on.

By choosing right moment in order not to cause a storm in a glass, ask your loved one what exactly bothers him about you. Compare it and your "list". It is possible that there are many common points. If you clearly understand that it is not your shortcomings, but a crisis of feelings, then we say: "Stop!"

And we are trying to understand how long your relationship will last. If a guy gave delicate and helpful advice- we begin to fulfill them.

Many guys like it when girls change their image: hair color and length, dress style, makeup, get tattoos or adorn themselves with piercings. The taste and color, as they say ... So men unconsciously realize their dream of a "little harem". If the proposed changes suit you - a hairdresser, a gym and a company store and your services. True, you should not give up things that are dear to your heart. Vintage in clothes, and in love, is always in vogue.

The way to a man's heart lies ... The grandmothers knew what they were talking about. We prepare new dishes, arrange romantic dinner for two. Works flawlessly.

In search of an answer to the question: "How to be the perfect girl for a guy"? - sometimes, most importantly, not the end result, but the process itself. Improving yourself, you improve your love, prolong it. Athe representatives of a beautiful ox who perform this real "feminine feat" have the right to small weaknesses and touching cute flaws.

People will always talk. And very rarely will they say good things. If you are worried about how to be the perfect girlfriend for a guy, do not forget that only his opinion is important to you.

Nobody else should worry you. Of course, your boyfriend should help you and support you - no girl will become perfect without the support of her beloved man;

Don't go overboard. In everything. In conversations, in errands, in helping, in the time spent on you. Otherwise, the guy will have the feeling that he is needed only for trips to the supermarket or trips to the dacha with your parents;

Don't forget the most important thing: you love each other. This means that they are already ideal for each other. All it takes to be the perfect girlfriend for a guy is to remember the little things, make time for each other, and take care of each other. After all, you are still so young, your whole life is ahead;

Become everything to him. Hope, support, air and happiness. If a girl is loved and loved, she always turns into beautiful swan, in the very one, in the only one.

If you want to be the perfect girl for a guy, the one he adores, do not forget to take care of yourself. Today well-groomed girl- this is, first of all, a natural girl.

In an age when Hollywood is replete with glamorous dolls, the era has finally come when naturalness and natural beauty... Therefore, it should not be neglected. Every beauty is different, but beautiful in its own way.

Appreciate yourself and never change for the sake of someone who is not worth it. There can be many guys, but you have one and only one. Keep this in mind and everything in your relationship will always be great.

Do there exist at all ideal women? Probably not, if only for the reason that every person has a different idea of ​​ideals. Opinions may not even completely coincide - for someone beauty is important, for someone - intelligence.

But, nevertheless, there are some factors, the views on which differ. general nature and most people agree. So what does the perfect girl look like?

A woman is a beautiful and incomprehensible creature, poets and writers have always portrayed her as mysterious, magnificent, tender, loving, alluring, passionate, interesting, changeable and unusual. But the greatest merit of a woman is to remain the same in life.

But, unfortunately, not every girl can be called ideal. And it's not about dazzling beauty - you just always need to remember about your belonging to female sex and always look and behave accordingly.

Always be well groomed

Very often you have to see how girls, who always looked imperceptible, at the holiday simply manage to amaze with their appearance. But is it possible to do makeup, hair and dress fashionably only on holidays?

Such an attitude towards oneself testifies to low self-esteem, and men are primarily attracted by women who know their own worth. To be the perfect girl for a guy Everyday life you also need to be well-groomed - light makeup, clean and beautiful clothes washed and tidy collected hair... Holidays should only emphasize the possibility of being even more beautiful.

Don't be vulgar

There is no need to explain much here. Men want to see in a girl a gentle and defenseless creature (as a rule), and real woman must be cunning enough to hide her strength. Therefore, you do not need to swear, wear too loud and revealing outfits and flirt with everyone around you.

Get rid of bad habits

Do not smoke like a locomotive in front of a man and do not get drunk - he is unlikely to want to see such a person as the mother of his children. And if you are already drinking with him - let it be a glass of wine or champagne!

Don't be materialistic

Men are discouraged by women who openly encroach on their money. Besides, it’s just indecent. If a man is "real", he will independently make sure that his girlfriend does not need anything.

Of course, there can be a lot of similar tips on what an ideal girl looks like. But the main thing is to feel unique and beautiful!

What a perfectly groomed girl looks like

Looking beautiful is a rather difficult science, because you always have to take care of yourself. You can often hear that men are attracted to well-groomed girls. In this regard, the question may arise "What does a well-groomed girl look like?"

Every woman can be well-groomed and irresistible. And this has practically nothing to do with beauty - to take care of yourself and look well-groomed is female duty.

First, you need to understand that you cannot look well-groomed if you do everything in a hurry. What clothes you will wear, what color your hair will be dyed is a private matter for everyone. But some rules must be followed unquestioningly. Looking well-groomed doesn't mean spending a lot of money - you just need to groom yourself regularly to become the perfect girlfriend for a guy.

Rarely is it possible for short term to bring yourself back to normal, if you do not deal with your appearance at all. But if you take care of your figure, face, hair and nails when you unexpectedly need to go to a holiday, your appearance will not let you down. So what does a well-groomed girl look like?


No deodorant can hide the smell of sweat if you don't shower every day. It is impossible to look well-groomed even when the hair has not been washed for several days - therefore water treatments required. In addition, before applying any cosmetic product, you first need to cleanse the skin, otherwise the result will be zero.

2. Clear lines

Nails different lengths, hairs knocked out of the eyebrow line, split ends give an unkempt look. Therefore, a nail file should always be in your purse. Make sure to visit your hairdresser once a month, even if you are growing your hair.

3. Color

Many women dye their hair. If you have already decided on this, then tint the roots once a month - regrown hair of a different color will give you untidiness. If you decide to return to yourself natural color, then dye your hair in the color that is as close as possible to your natural color.

4. Leather

Cleanse your face regularly, fight wrinkles, acne, use scrubs to become the perfect girlfriend for a guy. Don't forget about depilation - no matter what you choose (laser, epilator, razor) you shouldn't have a single hair at any time of the year!

5. Nails

Do not forget to do your manicure and pedicure on time. Regardless of whether your nails are natural or extended, they should always look well-groomed, not flake, be clean and of the same length. The peeled varnish looks very untidy.

6. Aroma

Try to pick up cosmetical tools from one series - the variety of aromas will turn you into a perfume factory. You also don't need to douse yourself with perfume - the smell should be light and unobtrusive, and not leave behind a trail of a suffocating odor.

5 signs of a perfect girlfriend for a boyfriend

1. The ideal girl is independent

The ideal girl should have her own interests and hobbies. She does not live only the life of her man. A girl needs to have her own hobby, communicate with friends, work or study, or it is possible to combine both activities. If you are not yet married, then you can even disappear for a while to make the man feel how he misses you.

2. Beautiful

Everyone knows that men love with their eyes, take care of yourself, emphasize your dignity favorably with makeup, hairstyles and clothes. However, do not forget that behind the outer gloss, the ideal girl should hide inner beauty.

3. Sexy

The main thing here is to know and feel what exactly your man wants, and to correspond to his ideas about sexuality. After all, someone is driven crazy by revealing outfits, and someone, on the contrary, is a modest attraction. The ideal lover should know how to become the perfect girlfriend for a guy in bed, and therefore about the innermost dreams of her man.

4. Intelligent and tactful

Whatever beauty you have, tactlessness, and empty talk will nullify all your efforts. A man's dream is to be able to maintain a conversation and know about demeanor, it should not be boring with her.

Most annoying trait female character- grumpiness. To become the ideal girl for a guy, do not be too grumpy and picky, no one will listen to your whining and sawing for a long time. With such behavior, you will only provoke aggression from the chosen one.

As you can see, this is very simple rules, following which every day, you can become for your chosen one, and maybe not only for him, an ideal girl, a real dream of men.

5. The ideal girl respects her boyfriend.

An ideal girl will not insult her man, belittle his dignity, even if he is wrong. A woman must listen and understand her chosen one.

An ideal girl should appreciate and respect her man, which means that she should not require constant presence around her and give the man time to realize his hobbies and habits.

The further humanity goes, the more demanding we become of our future partners. Yes, in some ways it is possible and wrong, but this process is irreversible. If a couple of decades ago we were worried about the spiritual world your partner, now appearances are added to this, social status and so on, so on, so on.

Disadvantages and advantages

Of course, any girl meets a wave of criticism in social networks and on the streets. Among friends who have long openly expressed their dissatisfaction with everything that they may like and dislike.

And here begins the search and questions: what is wrong with me? Why am I worse than others? Why don't you like me? Becoming the perfect girlfriend for a guy means being yourself, not copying others.

How to become the best, today we'll talk to you on the website. So, you set yourself a goal not just to be an ideal, but to become the best in the life of your loved one. Someone about which he does not want to forget, whom he will not exchange for others.

First, objectively assess all your qualities. Only here do not begin to engage in self-flagellation.

More self-confidence. By the way, the very first step towards being the best is to increase your own self-esteem.

Now let's move on to some practical advice.

How to become the best in human life: be able to listen

Perhaps this is one of the most valuable qualities for woman. There are many beautiful and cute, but it's great if a plus to your attractive appearance will be how you listen. For many, especially men, it is important that there is a woman nearby who would listen, share plans and dreams, understand and advise something in difficult moment... But before giving advice, listen. Sometimes this is exactly what you need.

There is a very important trick here - not just to sit by and be silent. Show that you are listening to him, try to understand him on an emotional level.

How to be the best for your loved one: be merciful

Now it is sometimes "not fashionable" to be "vanilla". And therefore, some girls behave rather rudely, try to demonstrate strength of character, but seem angry. Anger will not help you win a place in the heart of your loved one.

But if you try to bring good to all the people around you, then you will surely evoke only pleasant thoughts. At the same time, there is no need to "play" here. For example, to lisp with your beloved man, and growl at others. Be sweet and feminine. By the way, about femininity ...

Become yourself the best woman can only be a girl who knows how to behave with dignity and talk beautifully. Swearing, swearing, harsh statements will not decorate you. Be fluid and flexible in your judgment. Do not throw tantrums for the slightest trifle. And even if there is a reason to be offended, take offense like a woman. Quiet and calm, not nervous. He will remember the scandalous bitch, yes, but not as the best thing in his life. Believe it.

At the same time, your role as a woman does not need to be treated as something static. Changeability and constant development are your indispensable duties if you want a man to admire you throughout your life together.

Many, thinking about how to become the best wife, go headlong into everyday life and household. And sometimes they do their household chores with some kind of frenzy. Not just in jokes, but also in real life in women it slips: “I spent on you best years! ". Or: "Every day I fiddle with these plates, cleaning, cooking." All your household chores should be done with love. After all, a man comes home not to fight, but to rest. And if you start to "download the rights" and present him in a formidable way your claims that you are a woman and not a dishwasher, for example, nothing good will come of it.

And do not abandon household chores, and do not stop in their development as a person.

Read more books, start learning your favorite foreign language. Is not simple tips... It will allow you to become interesting companion... Getting to know the world, you will expand your inner world... You will want to solve. Believe me, men are attracted by looks, but not forever. Of course, it's good if you take care of yourself. But don't place all your bets on attractiveness.

External has great value, therefore:

  • your hair, skin and nails should always be clean and well-groomed;
  • clothes and shoes - neat, clean, tidy;
  • a smile is a decoration, your personal treasure.

It would seem that this is only external. But the ability to maintain yourself beautiful and well-groomed, to smile - not only with your lips, but also with your eyes ... And even a liver, as he said a wise man from the book "Eat, Pray, Love" - ​​signs of inner qualities that are important for every girl. This is discipline, accuracy, the ability to see and feel beauty, kindness, good upbringing.

How to become the best for him - to be truly feminine!

How to become the best for your loved one: take offense correctly

Now let's talk a little about the manner of communication. It is in vain that some think that the most best wife- the one who is never offended, always happy. Firstly, it is a great rarity, because a man and a woman are originally arranged in different ways. Yes, and all people, in principle different views on the same things, situations. And a clash of interests is inevitable.

Secondly, if you are not you will become the best, but you will diligently play such a role so that only he does not leave you, this is fraught with health problems for you and emotional background... As a result, often women then bite their elbows. They say that they strove to be perfect, but he did not appreciate it.

Sometimes it's better to remain silent and just sit with a sad face than to fiercely defend your point of view. A loving and respectful man will do anything to raise your mood... But with the shrew, he will try to end all contacts as soon as possible.

Eva Raduga - specially for - a site for those in love ... with yourself!

Exists beautiful legend about ancient times, when all people had four legs, four arms and two heads. One side of the man was masculine, the other feminine. These people lived happily until one day they were angry higher power... Lightning rained down from heaven with spears. Getting into people, they divided everyone in two - a man and a woman. From fear of the elements, the halves scattered in all directions, and after that they could not find each other. Since then, each person has been looking for his soul mate, once destined for him by fate. The two parts are attracted to each other by invisible forces. But now, even if the halves are reunited, each of them has to re-learn to be with its own part in order to become one.

If the process of "learning" is paired with a person who is really "yours" - you will get real pleasure. At the same time, you will not have to strain yourself and the addiction of the “halves” will go smoothly. But the half may not be found. It could also be a pygmy. But someone else's "half" suddenly seems close and dear, and you want to stay with her for life. What is the best course of action in in this case? And you just need to become an "ideal piece" for your chosen one, and good will always return a hundredfold.

The concept of "ideal" cannot exist by itself. Ideal means corresponding to something specific. The most simple example ideal behavior can become the fulfillment of the laws of God. And “to create an idol for oneself” as an ideal is a false path. Even if the designated person behaves correctly in all respects, it is not worthwhile to blindly inherit such a style of behavior. It would be reasonable to find out if there are any "pitfalls" in the motives of a person's actions. You look - and they show up.

A man is dating you - it means he has sympathy for you. Unless he's stalking under the pretext of a relationship best goals... Since the gentleman already likes you, it will not be difficult to become ideal, there would be a desire.

The main mistakes women make are checks like "Have I recovered?", "Am I really stupid?" What do you want to hear in response: truth or lie? You already know the truth, so don't make your beloved lie to you. And he meets you not only because of beautiful figure, therefore, do not focus on your physical disabilities.

You shouldn't turn into a "mommy". This method was recommended in the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. The cavalier loves your culinary delights - arrange a romantic dinner. But cooking pies and cutlets for your beloved, and even taking them with you to work, is not the best option.

Don't forget about yourself. Married lady should not stand out especially, seducing all the surrounding men, but for her man a girl should always be the most desirable. Therefore, do not hesitate to engage in fitness, especially since sport is in any case useful and improves mental abilities.

An important factor good relationship- trust in each other. If you had no cause for concern, and suddenly the guy is delayed at work - so it is and there is nothing to torment him with suspicions. At the same time, do not lie to him yourself: you are walking with your friends - tell me about it directly. If you walk with a friend, don't hide it either. And don't look at his personal notes and phone list.

Surprises like love messages during the working day are always appropriate. The opinion that such trifles are pleasing only to ladies is wrong. But don't use them too often. Do not demand such actions from a guy “three times a day” either. Invite him on a date yourself and make this meeting unforgettable. The perfect choice there will be that point in the city where fate brought you together for the first time.

If something does not suit you in a relationship, be direct about it. Men are arranged differently, and often cannot grasp all the nuances. But you shouldn't occupy the "observation post", expecting that he himself will guess. To conceal a grudge in such cases is a universal evil. The troubles that have arisen need to be resolved here and now.

Women like not to keep promises or "forget" about them according to the principle "Did I say that?" If you promised, do it. If you are not going to fulfill - don't promise. She said - it means she signed up. Changing your mind later is unacceptable in a relationship. A man is counting on something because of your promise, and you can ruin everything for him. Explanations like "Well, I'm a woman" don't work here.

The sage said: all people love freedom. The just demand it for everyone, the unjust demand it exclusively for themselves. Don't fall into the second category of people. If you forbid a lot to your beloved, you will lead to a break. The man will conclude that before you he had more freedom, and it may be better to exchange you for her. Form in a man desired opinion(about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, for example). Let him make his own decision.

Mom for any person is the most dear woman in the world. You are in second place, and deal with it. Make friends with her, and you will learn many things about your chosen one that will help you in the future. Only own mother can know exactly what her son loves and what does not. Criticism against her will turn the man against you. And if he also unites with his mother, then it's all gone.

Find out what your loved one is interested in. His interests should be respected. You love a certain genre of music - he does too. Discuss the sides of both genres together, but don't force him to listen to the same thing. This applies to all areas of life. Remember Golden Rule: tastes could not be discussed.

With all of the above, be yourself. Don't trade your beliefs for those of your soul mate. Make sure they don't bother anyone. Continue to achieve your goals and do not deviate from the principles absorbed with mother's milk. Build a relationship together, lay the "bricks" together. And let no one try to enter "a strange monastery with its own charter."

Most girls want to understand, for their boyfriend or man, so that they love them, understand. You don't need to know a lot for this, you just need to follow the correct and working advice given in this article. Just reading the information without putting it into practice will not do you any good. Psychologists will give you advice on how to become the perfect girl for your boyfriend, man, to create a happy and perfect relationship... After all, strong guys and men love worthy and ideal girls.

How to be the perfect girlfriend

To become the perfect girlfriend, you first need to study yourself and understand who you really are. The deception will be immediately noticed by the guy, but often girls deceive themselves, because they do not know who they really are. Engage in self-development, think about yourself, your career, study, appearance, character. Develop and then, the guy himself will notice and love you.

Find out what a guy likes and appreciates

To be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend, you need to understand what your boyfriend values ​​and loves. But if you don’t like it and don’t want to, then you don’t have to do it. If your interests and views converge, then they just need to be supported by actions and develop what your boyfriend loves and is interesting to you. For example, if looks are important to a guy and you want to look a little better yourself, then you just need to act to improve your appearance. Then you and the guy will be satisfied. Find out if you are a guy or a man: how to fall in love with a woman, since you don't need to know a lot, you need to do it.

Find your virtues

To become an ideal girl, it is enough to reveal your natural talents and properties and start developing them. If a girl, for example, is kind and honest by nature, but tries to destroy this dignity, then it will not work to become an ideal girl. Write down and write down in the future your new properties that you could find in yourself and your dignity. In the future, develop them and then, your boyfriend and everyone else will love and appreciate you simply for being who you really are.

How to be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend

Be worthy and strong, not approachable and weak

Many girls make a mistake, they become easily accessible, so that ladies begin to get to know them even more often. Most of these guys are weak and afraid to approach worthy and strong girls so as not to get rejected. They love easily accessible girls and because of this, most have become weak and easily accessible girls and as a result unhappy.

Keep faith in yourself and be worthy, even if no one comes up to meet you, just weak guys be afraid of being rejected. A strong and dignified guy will find you, and will try to win your heart, and not look for easily accessible girls like other guys.

Start with looks

If you want to be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend and want to be prettier yourself, go for your looks. Develop a plan and schedule for yourself so that you can do everything and become more beautiful.

Since you want to achieve the ideal, pay attention to everything - the condition of your nails, elbows, lips, hair and skin, even more so.

Hair. Visit the hairdresser regularly, even if you do not have a special haircut, and you are growing your hair - the ends need to be trimmed every two to three months, as they split, no matter how you care for them. Split ends need to be cut off in order for the hair to continue to grow healthy. By the way, the more often you trim the ends, the faster your hair will grow. In addition to salon care, do not forget about homework.

Set up a salon at home once a week. Choose a mask for your hair depending on your scalp type and do not forget to do it constantly for two to three months, then take a break. Try to rarely use a hairdryer, irons and curling irons - heat is very harmful to the condition of your hair.

How to become the perfect girlfriend in a month

Brows. Shape your brows neatly. You should not rush to the extreme and sign up for an eyebrow tattoo, no matter what your fashionable girlfriends tell you. Naturalness has always been and will be in fashion. Define your perfect shape, match eyebrow pencil color and highlight natural eyebrows pencil.

Eyes. In no case should you make false long eyelashes or, even worse, artificially extend them. Fake long eyelashes will last two weeks, after which your eyelashes will suffer. You better strengthen them castor oil lubricating at night. Rest your eyes. Prefer paper book electronic and do not sit at the computer more than an hour in the afternoon, and you will see how the redness in your eyes subside.

Oral cavity. Remember to brush your teeth at least once a day. After brushing your teeth, brush your lips a couple of times - this is best scrub which will help make your lips softer.

Do your manicure and pedicure systematically, and take good care of your personal hygiene. You won't be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend if you walk around unkempt and grubby.

Exercise to be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend.

Sports will allow you to quickly become a beautiful and attractive, ideal girl. Sports girls if they behave with dignity, they will always be better than easily accessible girls.

Support your boyfriend

Sometimes guys fail in life and all they need at such a moment is support and understanding from the girl. Recharge him with new energy so that your boyfriend doesn't lose faith in himself and continues to achieve success. Since it depends on the girl whether the guy will be successful and happy or a failure.

Do everything sincerely

When you, for example, cook for a meal, be sincere and heartily cook for yourself and your boyfriend, it will be appreciated and you will receive the same attention and respect for yourself.

Learn to love a guy

Some girls show no love for their boyfriends and this is considered disrespectful. Behave with dignity, but don't be selfish. Find out: is it worth looking for your love on the Internet, as many are disappointed because of such love.

How to be the perfect girlfriend for a guy

Be perfect for just your boyfriend.

Some girls cannot be understood, they date guys, but they do everything to please not their only one, but all the guys around them. To be the perfect girlfriend, be the one guy you love, value, and respect.

Show femininity

Be real girl, show affection and femininity to the guy. There is no need to become rude, as many do, it looks ugly from the outside when a girl swears, shouts and says bad words.

Quit drinking and smoking

To be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend, you need to quit drinking and smoking. Even if you don't have a boyfriend, a decent and strong guy... Look at yourself from the side, is it beautiful to look at a girl who drinks alcohol and smokes. With this kind of character, you can only find a weak guy.

Find common interests

Take the initiative and try to find common interests and hobbies with your boyfriend. This will give you the opportunity to be together more often and then your love will become even stronger.

Walk together and chat more often

Learn to be who you are, you don’t need to make yourself up for the guy who you are not and you don’t want to be. Stay the way you like yourself. Walk with the guy more often and communicate with him sincerely and freely.

Be kind, honest and humble

Save your natural qualities girls, then you can be the perfect girlfriend for your boyfriend. These are kindness, honesty, modesty, happiness, laughter, smile, joy and intelligence.

Get smarter and wiser

Decent guys want to date smart and educated girls who will continue to raise children, love and respect them. Read books, develop in what interests you. Learn and get educated. A rich and worthy guy is looking for just such a girl, and not an easily accessible one, with whom there is not even anything to talk about.

How to Become the Perfect Girl Outwardly

Do not complain

The ideal girl will never cry into a guy's waistcoat that her friend is the worst in the world. Keep your emotions to yourself. Tomorrow you and your friend will make up, and the guy will have the impression that you do not know how to control your emotions. Also, the guy does not need to know that you are very sorry to cut the rest of your nails because of one broken this morning. Don't give a guy a tantrum about his weekend get-togethers with friends or his interactions with girls.

Chatting with other girls is quite normal. Constant control over his communication and acquaintances depresses the guy. He begins to get angry that you are breaking into his personal space. You should not forbid a guy to walk with friends without you. Sometimes you need to take a break from each other, paying attention to other participants in your lives - friends, family, work colleagues or classmates. It is impossible to be exclusively with one person all your life.

In addition, in our time, the tendency of free relationships has been revealed. The framework of such a relationship is determined by the couple themselves. Such a relationship can consist in walking without your other half once a week with friends, going to a club without a partner, or even at all free relationship, up to a change of sexual partner.

The level of your relationship is determined by you. And, if you have established principles about how it should be between a man and a woman, do not abandon them for the sake of trends and incitements of modern youth. Remain the only ones with each other - this has always been appreciated, but do not forget that each of you has the right to be alone at least once a month.

Don't get ahead of yourself. Guys are scared fast girls... Only two months have passed, and you already dream of a family and twins? Not worth it. Moreover, you shouldn't even hint about it to your partner. It will be stressful for the guy, because for guys this is a very demanding decision that takes time.

How to be the perfect girlfriend. Video